How to understand circumcised. Which circumcision is better full or tight? The main disadvantages of the procedure

Circumcision is a surgical operation that is performed on the male genital organ. It was performed in ancient times in many countries and has not lost its relevance in modern times.

This operation is only of a religious nature and most often it is performed in infancy. Its essence lies in cutting and removing a separate section skin tissue(foreskin) on the penis.

AT modern world there is a certain trend that indicates that circumcision can be performed not only for religious, but also for personal purposes according to own will or the wishes of the parents.

This operation takes its initial beginning and the first traditions and foundations of Orthodoxy. Moreover, the Bible states that the “Circumcision of the Lord” is one of the greatest Orthodox holidays for believers. But at the same time, in many other ancient countries, for example in Egypt or Africa, there are also hints of a similar rite.

Even before the onset of the twentieth century, approximately 80% of the entire male population, which adhered to a certain Muslim faith, had to carry out this ceremony.

Circumcision is a surgical procedure to remove an area of ​​skin from the penis.

In accordance with this, there are a number of countries where the rite of circumcision is still relevant:

  • In all Muslim countries. This procession is an obligatory adherence to the faith and it is performed even in childhood, until the child has reached one year old. Since the child is small, this decision is made by his parents for him.
  • However, it is worth noting that modern views circumcision made their own adjustments and many Muslim countries in which the Arab male population predominates, Prefer to have boys circumcised after the age of twelve
  • Only some parents who adhere to the Muslim faith prefer that their child be able to make an independent decision about whether he needs to be circumcised or not. He makes such a decision only when he reaches his full age. Such an opinion is partly considered correct, because only in this way can a person go through the path of torment and doubt, similar to the one that fell to the lot of the prophet

circumcision in Muslim countries

However, Muslim countries are not the only ones in which male circumcision. It is also carried out in Jewish countries and in some African communities.

  • When comparing Muslim and Jewish customs, then we can say with confidence that the Jews have a stricter attitude towards circumcision and are subject to clear canons. So, this surgical operation is performed on newborn babies who survive only their eighth day of life.
  • It is practically impossible to transfer childhood circumcision among Jews, the only exception can be serious illness baby, which will cause poor wound healing. In such cases, this event can be rescheduled as much as eighth year of birth. Only after circumcision does a Jewish boy acquire his status in society and can be considered a full-fledged man.
  • And if we talk about the procedure circumcision in some African communities, then it is worth noting that more than half of the male population is exposed to this action. AT this case the religious beliefs of a person also remain relevant. However, not every settlement can boast of advanced medicine and civilization. For this reason, such circumcision often “gives” a person a lot of infectious diseases, tissue infections, and there are cases lethal outcome in men from circumcision

ceremony of Jewish circumcision of the foreskin of an infant

What is the purpose of male circumcision?

Having learned about where the circumcision ceremony is performed, it is also worth understanding numerous reasons its commission:

  • Religious canons - these are the very beliefs that their religion dictates to society. Such canons are strictly adhered to by Jews and Muslims, where the procession is carried out even in unconscious infancy by the decision of the parents (most often before the child is one year old)
  • Aesthetic beliefs - such a decision to perform the operation is only aesthetic and cosmetic in nature. Such an intervention is often performed in adult male age for the reason that such an operation seems to him beautiful, able to open and demonstratively show all the advantages of the penis. Attractive or not - each person decides individually
  • Sexual beliefs - many couples are convinced that such a surgical intervention can make adjustments to their sexual relations. So, some scientific studies have shown that women experience large quantity the pleasures of having intercourse with a circumcised man
  • Medical advice - in some cases, the doctor himself is able to convince the man that he needs circumcision. This happens because the same foreskin, which is represented by a small fold of skin, is a place of accumulation of many unpleasant and harmful infections. These infections often lead to multiple inflammatory diseases male reproductive organs and even venereal diseases, as a result of which the urinary-genital system suffers

These reasons are the most decisive in the implementation of this operation. It is worth noting that over time, such a surgical intervention has acquired its perfect form with high-quality disinfection and the availability of all necessary tools.

If earlier this action was carried out in religious institutions, now it can be professionally carried out in a medical clinic quickly and efficiently.

What kind of circumcision is done for men?

It is worth noting that there are two types of circumcision. Distinguish:

  • full circumcision
  • partial circumcision

What kind of circumcision should take place is decided only by the physiological predisposition of the man and the size of the skin fold and the amount of flesh to be removed.

Most often, it is a partial, not complete circumcision of the flesh. It is worth noting that there is no clear certainty or rigor in the amount of cut off flesh. The main thing is to excise the tissues so that the head of the penis in a calm position always has its open position.

Increasingly, circumcision is becoming quite popular and in demand. surgical operation in regardless of what religion a man adheres to.

In some civilized countries, already in the maternity ward of the hospital, the baby is offered such an operation in the first days of his life.

In adulthood, such an operation is extremely rare, because circumcision is best done when the boy has not yet formed into a man. In adulthood, a man can be pushed into an operation by aesthetic and medical beliefs about beauty or the need for health.

Anyway, this operation should be carried out only by a person who has a high medical qualification. So you can be sure that the procession will be successful, without infection, blood loss, disruption of the urinary-genital system, and the left wound will heal quickly.

schematic representation of the consequences of the operation performed to cut off the foreskin in men

Where to get circumcised for men?

Every adult who goes to this operation or parents who give their child to circumcision should know that it should be performed only by a professional in their field with medical education and only in best conditions. Many modern private and public clinics offer this operation at any age.

Before performing the operation, you should carefully study the selected medical institution:

  • Each modern medical clinic must have his own website on the Internet. It is recommended to visit the page of the clinic of your choice in order to get acquainted with the services it provides, study all the prices and possibilities, “get acquainted” with the staff and get acquainted with copies of all documents of the medical institution
  • You can always sign up for an additional and often completely free consultation to a leading surgeon who will talk about all the advantages and disadvantages of circumcision, dispel fears and give recommendations
  • The questionable reputation or insufficient funding of the clinic can lead to the fact that the staff is not attentive enough to the operation or processing of medical instruments, which in turn will lead to consequences and infections.

before performing an operation to circumcise the foreskin, you should carefully study the reputation of the clinic and staff

Circumcision for men with a laser, modern laser excision

Modern medicine opens up many possibilities for performing operations with minimal complications, pain and time costs. So the process of circumcision in men has become faster and more practical. painless form. Laser removal of the foreskin helps to perform the operation accurately and quickly and leads to the fact that all the consequences of the operation remain insignificant, and the wound heals very quickly.

Laser cutting makes it possible to make an accurate incision of the skin fold clearly in a circle. This method is considered the best and has many positive aspects.

pros laser surgery:

  • Laser surgery contributes to the fact that when cut, everything blood vessels literally "get drunk". This phenomenon contributes to minimal blood loss and most often does not allow blood vessels to bleed at all.
  • Laser surgery contributes to the fact that the patient completely avoids any swelling of the surrounding tissues. Healing is very fast
  • During such an intervention, only local minimal anesthesia is used, and the operation itself is painless and almost imperceptible.
  • Such an intervention takes place with all the observance of the norms of sterility, which in turn favors a calm and rapid healing and the absence of inflammatory processes after surgery
  • This method of operation is quite fast and the circumcision itself does not take more than twenty minutes (in contrast to the traditional operation, which takes about an hour)

Tissue healing after laser surgery is much faster than from traditional surgery, and therefore this method of circumcision is a favorite in the modern world. The only disadvantage of such an intervention is its tangible cost in private and professional clinics.

laser circumcision of the foreskin

Circumcision in men, photos before and after surgery

The circumcision of the foreskin in men is becoming increasingly popular and is carried out regardless of the age of the man. However, it is most often done in childhood from one to fourteen years of age.

The operation is quite simple:

  • first, a complete and thorough disinfection of the male genital organ is carried out
  • with the help of a special clamp and tourniquet, the penis is fixed
  • a special anesthetic is injected into the base of the penis (local anesthesia)
  • the skin fold is pulled back and at this moment it is cut off
  • the tissue is sutured and the penis is ligated

photo before and after cutting

Circumcision of the foreskin in men, the duration of healing, care

Simply put, this disease is characterized by too narrow foreskin, through which the glans penis cannot be fully released.

Such a disease often gives a man a lot of discomfort and pain both in normal everyday life and in sexual life.

During the operation, a special anesthetic is injected into the man, which allows him not to feel pain during the intervention.

However, in postoperative period the doctor prescribes the intake of certain drugs that allow you not to feel discomfort during the healing period.

If you have carried out traditional operation(not laser), then most likely, rehabilitation period will drag on for two weeks. Within a month after the operation, you should limit yourself from sex, so as not to harm the scarring process.

If after this time you observe healing and do not feel any discomfort, you can have sexual intercourse, but only with a condom (at least two months).

postoperative circumcision of the foreskin

Care of the penis after surgery:

  • After the intervention, the next day the doctor will independently bandage, in the future you will need to do it yourself
  • The sutures should be treated daily after the operation during the entire time of their healing.
  • If after the operation the place has a small inflammatory process, the penis should be treated a small amount antiseptic ointment

Depending on the method of operation, there may be such consequences as:

  • puffiness
  • soreness
  • oversensitivity

The consequences of circumcision in men, how to understand what are the complications?

Slight swelling and feeling of pain after surgery is the norm, which cannot be avoided in any way. However, you should pay attention to excessive redness of the penis or its large swelling. If the situation does not decrease in any way and does not weaken every day, one should urgently contact a doctor for help.

A huge deviation is the presence of a temperature in a person after the operation. This indicates that an infection or an inflammatory disease is present in the body.

To avoid the consequences, you need:

  • do not violate the regimen prescribed by the doctor
  • avoid any pressure on your sexual organ
  • do not wear tight underwear, prefer loose
  • change linens regularly
  • after the operation, avoid any exertion for one to two months

Consequences of an incorrect operation:

  • inflammatory diseases
  • infectious diseases
  • blood poisoning
  • erectile dysfunction
  • diseases of the urinary system
  • loss of organ sensitivity
  • venereal diseases
  • unaesthetic appearance
  • fatal outcome

consequences of an incorrect operation to remove the foreskin

The essence of the operation is to shorten the skin that covers the penis of a man. Depending on what the patient's goal is, as well as what the urologist's verdict is, the question of which part of the skin needs to be removed during the surgical exposure is decided.

FROM medical point vision, it is believed that you need to remove only the necessary area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin, which directly interferes with necessary processes vital activity.

If we talk about aesthetics, here it is necessary to listen to the opinion of the patient. A tight circumcision is one of many types of foreskin circumcision surgery. A significant difference from the usual classical circumcision lies in the style of such an operation.

AT medical practice there is no such thing as tight circumcision foreskin. It was bred by doctors who performed a surgical operation in order to give the penis an aesthetic appearance. Let's look at what this type of intervention is.

We have already said that such a procedure is performed only at the request of the patient, and cannot be the result of a doctor's verdict. The bottom line is that the skin fold is removed in such a way that it disappears altogether.

Unfortunately, sometimes this type of cropping contributes to the visual size manhood gets a little shorter. Therefore, owners of not so impressive sizes should think several times before agreeing to such an intervention.

IMPORTANT! Another nuance of this operation is that during the procedure of ejaculation, as well as erection, the skin on the penis is very much stretched, which can lead to some discomfort in the initial stages.

This is the peculiarity of such a circumcision, however, there are a lot of nuances that can accompany such an operation, and also, are its consequences.

How is the circumcision operation in this video:

Indications for the procedure

Let us remind you that does not exist medical indications, which would be the reason for tight circumcision. This type of surgical intervention depends entirely on the desire of the patient. Tight circumcision is also called complete, and, according to men, their sexual dignity will look somewhat more aesthetic.

Usually, this type of operation is done for religious reasons, in families in which traditions are revered. If a man is greatly disturbed by the hanging skin from the penis, and he believes that a moderate circumcision will not be able to help him in this problem, then he can do a complete one.

The advantage of this circumcision is the fact that the skin does not cover the head of the penis even in a position when it is relaxed. For many, this turns out to be a significant plus, since this position prevents infections from accumulating inside, under the skin.

In the rest, everyone chooses for himself the pros and cons of this procedure, and he comes to a decision about whether to agree to this type of impact or not.

The following video describes the indications for removal of the foreskin and the types of procedures, including high tight circumcision:

What is affected?

With such an operation, many men are interested in the question of what part of the skin will be affected during circumcision. It is very important to prepare in advance in order to predetermine the outcome of the operation.

With tight circumcision, surgeons deviate somewhat from the rules of moderate circumcision, capturing the skin, which is concentrated not only in the foreskin region, but also in the region of the penis shaft. That is why the head after the operation is not covered by the skin.

REFERENCE! It turns out that a lot of tissue is taken, and this is what contributes to the above effect.

Tight circumcision got its name due to the fact that if a man still wants to at least partially stretch the skin over the head of the penis, it will be very difficult to do this, due to the fact that the bodily tissue is quite dense, or rather, even tightly wraps around the shaft, preventing it move.

Which circumcision is better full or tight?

Some are trying to figure out what is the difference between a full circumcision and a tight one. Let's understand these concepts.

As we have already explained above, tight circumcision is a type of surgical intervention in genitourinary system men, in which the skin covering the glans penis is removed, with the capture of a small part of the skin on the trunk.

Thus, upon the fact of the operation, the man can observe that skin covering stretched, or partially stretched over the head. This is the specificity of tight circumcision.

So what is a complete education? After all, it is he who is carried out in religious families, occasionally, at the request of the man himself, replacing it with a tight one.

As well as tight, full circumcision is surgical intervention in which the foreskin that crowns the penis is removed.

The essence of such an operation is that the leaf inside the foreskin is shortened. Because of this intervention, the glans penis is constantly open, while it is completely impossible to pull the skin over it.

Making a tight cut is not at all difficult. According to statistics, almost a fifth of the male population that fills our planet has undergone this type of operation.

It is more likely to be attributed to plastic than to medical, in view of the fact that the reasons for such an intervention are religious views, as well as aesthetic appearance that men want to give to their sexual organ. Therefore, we can conclude that these two types of operations have more in common than differences.

Therefore, before deciding on one or another type, be sure to weigh the pros and cons, because it is quite possible that a small nuance, which is a difference, will matter to you.

Process types

Tight circumcision has its own classifications, due to the fact that it can be performed by various techniques.

This or that doctor performing the intervention has his own opinion on how the operation should be carried out. Consider the main types of tight circumcision.

Depending on where this or that suture is located, the level of intervention also depends, namely, what level of the inner or outer leaf of the foreskin was excised.

If we talk about low tight circumcision, then during this type of intervention, the inner leaf belonging to the foreskin is removed. If we talk about the place, then the circular suture will be located in close proximity to the venous sulcus.

This means that the patient may experience pain and discomfort, discomfort in the first few days after surgery. However, do not think that you will endure severe pain. This is not true.

Detailed description of the procedure

  1. A tight circumcision is rarely performed under local anesthesia. This is explained by the fact that the operation is quite long, and in this case it is better for the patient to sleep, so as not to experience the painful waiting time. Therefore, most likely, you will be offered full anesthesia.
  2. Next, the doctors will once again talk with the patient about how he would like to see his genitals after the intervention. They consider how open the head of the penis should be, whether the skin will go on it or not. After that, the operation begins.
  3. After the patient has fallen asleep, the foreskin is excised to the desired size. Depending on the selected type of tight circumcision, a seam is left. It can be at the base of the head, in the middle, and also at the base of the root of the penis.
  4. As a result of the operation, the penis will look like it would be in an unexcited state. The doctor applies a special cooling bandage to the site of intervention, puts on a suspensorium.
  5. After that, the patient is transferred to the ward, where he comes to his senses, and also spends several days until full recovery. As you can see, there is nothing complicated in the procedure, doctors make only a few incisions and suture.

    It is very important to choose a competent doctor, because the imposition of a circular suture is a piece of jewelry work that should be carried out only by a proven professional with great experience. Then your penis will definitely look attractive, while it will not bring you any pain.

High tight circumcision: before and after photos

Below are photos of tight circumcision:

Sexual life of a man after

Many men are afraid that after the intervention sex life will come to naught. Indeed, in the first week after the operation, it is recommended to refrain from sexual intercourse. This happens for a number of reasons:

  • Firstly, there is a great opportunity to inflict various sexual infections in the newly operated organ, which, due to the peculiarities of immunity, will immediately begin to multiply and settle in a weakened environment.
  • Secondly, there is a high risk that the stitches may come apart, which means that the operation will be carried out down the drain, and they are waiting for you. Negative consequences as reoperation and suturing. Therefore, in the first weeks after the procedure, you will be prescribed sexual rest.

Then, you can start having sex, while not bothering yourself too much, choosing only standard positions that are comfortable for you.

Over time, you will bounce back, and in a month your sex life will be full of different colors.

Another fear of men who decide on such an operation is that you will lose sensitivity.

Well, for the first time after the operation, you will really feel a little pain due to the fact that the nerve endings cut during the operation have not yet healed.

IMPORTANT! Sensitivity is not lost, but rather the opposite, due to the fact that the head will be open, you will only get new spectrum sensations.


If in the near future you are going to have a tight circumcision operation, then you should not be afraid of it. Tune in to the fact that after a couple of weeks you will return to the normal rhythm of life, and your male organ will completely suit you, and delight the fair half.

Therefore, do not be afraid of the operation itself and its consequences. It is plastic, which means that it will not carry any serious complications, the main thing is your attentiveness and fighting spirit.

Almost a sixth of the male population of our planet has undergone the operation "circumcision of the foreskin in men." Circumcision is especially common in countries where there are many Muslims and Jews who preach Islam and Judaism. Specialists, knowing all the "pros" and "cons", cannot come to a common opinion about the benefits and safety of the procedure.

A bit of history

male circumcision- an integral part of religions such as Islam and Judaism, found wide application in Egypt and Africa. Currently, male circumcision is widespread throughout the world. Why is it needed?

In certain countries, male circumcision has been an established practice for hundreds of years and is a key part of tradition, both religious and cultural. For example, among Jews, a child is circumcised on the 8th day after birth. It is very significant for Muslims to perform the procedure on the 7th day after the birth of a boy, as prescribed by the prophets and messengers of Allah. The Prophet Muhammad circumcised his grandchildren exactly on the 7th day after birth. That is why this day is so significant for Muslims. However, some Muslims, for example, those living in the urban area, circumcise boys at 5-7 years old, but among Muslims in Turkey it is established that the age of the boy should be in the range of 8-14 years. Adherents of circumcision in infancy explain their choice by the fact that the child is not yet aware of himself and then naturally perceives his sexual organ. Until the 1960s, Europe's attitude towards the procedure was skeptical. But the situation changed after the publication scientific research. In the process of research, it turned out that people who have been circumcised are less likely to have cancer of the genital organs. Such a statement so excited Western society that the circumcision of adult men, whose age was of the most diverse, was gaining popularity.

In the 1970s and 1980s, the circumcision boom subsided. After summing up, based on years of research by the American Academy of Pediatrics, that circumcision in infants has its “pros” from a medical point of view, but at the same time has its drawbacks and consequences. Due to lack single point opinion whether it is necessary to carry out circumcision, to this day there is a confrontation between adherents of two points of view. Some argue that whatever the benefits of the operation, it does not justify the pain and psychological trauma caused during the operation.

Why do circumcision of the foreskin of the penis

Why do people agree to the circumcision of a penis? Consider the main reasons for the operation.

  1. For those who confess islam or judaism, circumcision - compulsory procedure . For example, Jews believe that their people will have a special relationship with God. To refuse is to oppose society and religion. It doesn't matter what age, whether it's a baby or a teenager, but every man must go through circumcision. If a man converted to Islam or Judaism, the procedure should be carried out in the near future. Circumcision for Muslims is more of a holiday than an operation.
  2. Male circumcision is one of the most effective phimosis treatment options. Other medical indications - mechanical damage foreskin of the penis.
  3. It turns out that after circumcision woman's risk of getting sick infectious diseases declining.
  4. Sexual intercourse lasts longer. After circumcision, the foreskin ceases to cover the male organ, which causes the skin on the head of the penis to coarsen a little, which causes a decrease in sensitivity. That's why intercourse lasts longer. This operation is recommended for men who have problems with premature ejaculation.
  5. Aesthetic aspect. Whether the male organ becomes more aesthetically pleasing or not after circumcision is a matter of taste. You can see the difference between a circumcised member and an uncircumcised member in the photo.

"Pros" and "cons" of circumcision

Whether it is necessary to do male circumcision is a personal choice for everyone. We will try to figure out what circumcision gives, and what consequences it can have.

First, consider why you need to do circumcision. So, the "pros" of circumcision are as follows:

  • Prevention of cancer of the reproductive system. For this reason, not only Muslims and Jews who preach Islam and Judaism circumcise children when they are very young.
  • The duration of sexual intercourse increases
  • The appearance of the penis improves
  • Australian scientists in their research claim that circumcision is - effective remedy against AIDS. Circumcised men are less likely to be affected by sexually transmitted infections.

There is a point of view that the "pluses" of circumcision are incomparable with what psychological consequences waiting for a circumcised man. So, The "cons" of the operation are as follows:

  • Pain shock. Circumcision is done to newborns without anesthesia, from which they experience severe pain.
  • hygiene problems. When the child's age is very small, the boys' sexual organ, or rather its head, is cleaned on its own. And after circumcision, you need to carefully care for the head of the penis, since skin folds in the region of the frenulum - the place most prone to development bacteria.
  • ethical controversy. In the 1990s, human rights organizations actively defended the rights of people. Since the baby cannot express his position, it means that circumcision in babies should be banned.

The operation to remove the foreskin from a religious ritual procedure has become a fashionable feature. Young mothers are in a hurry to "circumcise" their sons, and adult men make an appointment with a surgeon. Why chase fashion?

15:15 4.03.2013

Circumcision (circumcisio) is the excision (removal) of the foreskin (the fold of skin that covers and protects the glans penis from external influences). Separate the outer and inner surface(leaves) of the foreskin. The space bounded by the foreskin is called the preputial sac. Below on the head is a longitudinal narrow fold - the frenulum of the penis, which stretches from the external opening urethra to the coronal sulcus.

Medical indications

There are a number of diseases for which circumcision is necessary condition treatment. Phimosis with frequent inflammatory diseases and damage to the foreskin as a result of scarring and loss of its extensibility are considered medical indications.

Phimosis is a narrowing of the foreskin, the causes of which have not yet been elucidated. At mild degree phimosis the foreskin hardly exposes the head during erection, but easily opens it in calm state. In severe cases, during urination, urine first accumulates in the preputial sac, and then is excreted drop by drop.

Phimosis, as a rule, progresses, because with each sexual intercourse, minor tears and damage to the foreskin occur. They heal quickly and do not cause any concern, but the small scars that form in their place narrow it even more. foreskin.

Hygiene indications

As a result of the circumcision operation, the glans penis is always open. As a result, the smegma secreted by its glands does not accumulate in the preputial sac, which significantly reduces the risk of developing not only balanoposthitis, but also such unpleasant diseases, how dermal horn, erythroplasia and leukoplakia of the penis. Many urologists are of the opinion that circumcision reduces the risk of penile cancer. Besides, latest research have shown that the possibility of contracting AIDS and hepatitis C is reduced. The risk of contracting HIV infection in uncircumcised man increases 7 times - due to the high concentration of immune cells in the area of ​​the foreskin. It is these cells that the virus attacks first.

The essence of the operation

The urological surgeon partially or completely removes the foreskin. At complete removal the foreskin of the glans penis always remains open. With partial - half closed in a calm state of the penis.
Contrary to popular belief, the frenulum of the penis is not affected during circumcision. Small blood vessels pass through it. lymphatic vessels, branches of nerves, so excessive manipulation of the frenulum can lead to complications such as swelling and decreased sensitivity of the glans penis.
The technique of the circumcision procedure is relatively simple, and the risk of intraoperative complications (bleeding and infection of the wound) is reduced to almost zero - thanks to the experience of the surgeon and the availability of modern instruments and equipment. Usually the operation lasts about half an hour, and after 2 weeks the man can live full life, including sex.

The operation must be carried out by a highly qualified doctor - otherwise there is a threat of excessive removal of the foreskin, which leads to deformation of the penis. An unprofessional approach is fraught with other serious complications, in particular, difficult to stop bleeding and tissue necrosis.

Recent studies prove positive influence this operation on the health of not only men, but also women. Add to that the Americanization of our culture and you have a circumcision craze. Is this procedure really a panacea for many diseases?

Consultant: Yuri Zaseda, sexologist-andrologist

Women don't care if a man is circumcised or not!

Serious circumcision surgery today, unfortunately, has become simply fashionable. I am not talking about the religious aspect of this procedure. Young mothers ask their sons to be circumcised “just like that”, because a girlfriend or neighbor did it. They forget that they are depriving little men of the right to make a conscious choice. As an adult, a man must decide for himself whether he wants to do a circumcision or not. Passion for circumcision has transferred the operation from the category of purely medical, performed according to strict indications, to the category of plastic surgery. Now you can compare this procedure with a piercing or a tattoo.

The men of the most different ages come to clinics and ask them to cut them. It is believed that a circumcised member is the guarantor of prolonged sexual intercourse. Unfortunately, it is not. If there were no problems with sexual life, due to the coarsening of the delicate skin of the head, the act may be lengthened. But if a man suffered premature ejaculation- the problem will not disappear, but even get worse. In addition, in my practice as a sexologist there was no woman who would say that a circumcised man is somehow better. Keep in mind that after circumcision, the head becomes too dry, so a man often needs additional moisture in order to have sexual intercourse.

Yes, studies show that circumcised men are less likely to get papillomavirus. But the point here is just hygiene: if you regularly wash your penis, you can avoid many diseases. For example, in the United States, until recently, 90% of baby boys were circumcised, and this operation was considered a necessary hygienic measure. But the euphoria passed, it became clear that circumcision is not at all a panacea for all “male troubles”, the indisputability of many “pluses” began to be questioned. In 1999, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommended an end to the practice of circumcising all newborn boys.

Many health insurance companies have stopped including circumcision in the cost of childbirth.

Remember that circumcision is a real surgical operation with all its consequences: it hurts! It should only be performed by a qualified surgeon. In our clinic, a patient who wants to undergo a circumcision necessarily draws up a receipt in which he indicates that he understands what he is getting into and that no one will sew anything back on him.

Consultant: Oleg Degtyarev, urologist, Ph.D.

Positive effect tested for thousands of years!

When talking about circumcision, keep in mind that we are talking about one of the most ancient surgical operations. Everyone knows that the circumcisio is the most important attribute of the religious and ritual life of Jews and Muslims. But about the fact that it was widely practiced, say, in Ancient Egypt maybe not everyone knows. In the Cairo Museum, you can see a statue of a pharaoh with a circumcised foreskin. A papyrus depicting the circumcision of two adult Egyptian youths has been preserved. In many African cultures, circumcision was a central element of the initiation ritual, the initiation that turned a teenager into a man.

It is likely that the root cause of this rite, which originally arose in countries with a hot climate, was complications inflammatory nature common due to the difficulty of maintaining hygiene. In those regions where there is no water or it is difficult to access, only circumcision helped the man to maintain health. If you do not wash the head thoroughly, then smegma accumulates under the foreskin (fatty lubricant that is constantly released), which becomes a real nutrient medium for putrefactive bacteria and various viruses. Yes, there are studies stating that circumcision reduces men's risk of contracting AIDS. But it is impossible to assert this with full responsibility - there is not enough scientific evidence.

But it is indisputable that circumcised men practically do not have penile cancer. And the wives of these men almost do not suffer from inflammatory diseases of the genital area, as well as widespread cervical cancer. The preventive effect of circumcision in young boys has also been proven: only 0.3-0.15% of circumcised babies suffer from infectious diseases of the urogenital area.

There are also purely medical indications for circumcision:

  • pathological phimosis, or the complete impossibility of opening the glans penis in combination with inflammation of the glans penis and the associated discomfort in a child and an adult;
  • urinary disorders in a child caused by phimosis;
  • paraphimosis, or infringement of the head of the penis.

Remember that the choice is always yours! Decide what is easier for you - daily penis hygiene or surgery (which by no means excludes hygiene procedures)!

Circumcision of the foreskin (circumcision) is surgical removal foreskin. It is a very ancient religious rite to which all boys born in Jewish and Muslim families were subjected. Currently, this operation is performed by up to 20% of the male population of the world.

Sometimes the procedure is carried out in adulthood. Often men agree to it, following the wishes of their partner, who is not attracted by the sight of wrinkled skin covering the head of the penis. Some women ask a man to have a circumcision because they are afraid of infection due to the possible accumulation of germs under the foreskin.

But often it is carried out for purely medical reasons. These include, for example, phimosis (the foreskin grows together with the head of the penis, which prevents it from being exposed). Until the child has reached the age of puberty, there is hope for self-healing. You just need to be very careful about personal hygiene.

If self-healing does not occur, phimosis must be treated. Otherwise, kidney function may be impaired and Bladder. In addition, there may be sexual problems. Sexual intercourse is accompanied painful sensations, or it may not be possible at all. Therefore, surgical intervention is necessary.

The operation is called circumcision. It is performed in surgical department hospital using local anesthesia. The procedure is bloodless and virtually painless.

But if there is no medical indication for circumcision, should it be performed, or is it better to refrain from doing so? Let's discuss all the pros and cons with you. The decision, in any case, is up to you.

Male circumcision. Arguments for

Circumcision helps keep the penis clean. The fact is that under the foreskin male member smegma accumulates. This encourages the growth of microbes. This may subsequently lead to various inflammatory processes.

Just as many experts say, men with a given foreskin are less likely to become infected with gonorrhea and syphilis. But most doctors still believe that this has nothing to do with the presence or absence of the foreskin, but only with personal hygiene.

Older men may benefit from circumcision when the foreskin for a long time does not move away from the head, which leads to its growth. In this case, the operation will facilitate urination, as well as simplify hygiene care.

The arguments “for” circumcision also include the fact that after it the head of the penis becomes much less sensitive. This gives the man the opportunity to have longer sex. After all, if the sensitivity of the head is reduced, then the excitation grows more slowly.

But you need to keep in mind that the vast majority of these men no longer experience the pleasure of sex as they used to when using a condom. Therefore, you will have to choose another method of contraception.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that the most convincing argument "for" circumcision is keeping the head of the penis clean. Well, in addition to this, the arguments of some men and women who find the bare head of the penis more attractive.

Arguments against

Let's now look at this problem from the other side:

Why get rid artificially of what is bestowed on man by nature? Unless, of course, this applies to diseases and some pathologies. The head of the penis has a large number of nerve endings. It is thanks to them that a man gets pleasure during intercourse. After removal of the foreskin, the thin skin of the head becomes dry and loses lubrication. This deprives a man of vivid sensations. Plus, there is constant friction on underwear, which can generally cause pain.

Although the risks of complications from the operation are minimal, they are still there. Therefore, of course, a man must decide for himself whether to circumcise or not. The success of the procedure depends on the qualifications of the surgeon - after all, the penis of a man is a very vulnerable place and it is easy to cripple it.

How is circumcision performed?

The operation is performed with or without anesthesia. Infants less than 2 months old from birth, anesthesia is not done. If boys under 14 years of age are undergoing the procedure, then general anesthesia. Adult men are given local anesthesia.

Before performing the manipulation, an anesthetic injection (lidocaine, ubistezin, ultracaine) is injected into the penis. This injection is considered the most painful moment in the overall circumcision process. Through a short time the penis loses sensitivity, and the surgeon proceeds directly to the circumcision process.

He pulls and fixes the foreskin, after which he cuts it in a circle. The skin incision is sutured. Half an hour after the procedure, you can go home. The suture is removed after 7-10 days. During this time, daily and thorough care is necessary, after which a dressing is necessarily done.

After removing the sutures and finishing the dressings, usually there are discomfort from rubbing the naked head against the linen. This can also cause erections quite often. But then the body adapts to new conditions and inconvenience no longer occurs.

In general, whether to circumcise or not is up to you. However, if you do not have this urgent need, it is better, after all, not to do this.


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