Circumcision in men: reviews after surgery, why is it needed. Circumcised or uncircumcised: is there a difference for a woman? What is the difference between circumcised and uncircumcised men?

Now circumcision is popular in all European countries. In Russia, so far, surgery is performed only for medical reasons. Rarely does anyone resort to it for aesthetic reasons. Male circumcision is a simple surgical procedure in which the foreskin of the penis is removed.

Today we will tell you why manipulation has many positive aspects when it is better not to do it. How to properly prepare, what you need to know about the rehabilitation period in order to avoid complications.


Surgical intervention to remove the foreskin of the penis is called circumcision. Produced for several reasons:

  1. religious. Babies of some nationalities are excised. Muslims on the 8th day after birth. Jews at 13.
  2. Medical. Regular infections of the genital area, urinary system, penis, abnormal development of the frenulum (shortened). Balanitis, papillomas, tumors, phimosis.
  3. aesthetic. For many men who love to travel, circumcision is a great way to keep the penis clean all the time. Work related to flights, lack of timely hygiene procedures.
  4. Intimate nature. Improving appearance, preventing early ejaculation, prolonging sexual contacts.

Uninformed men believe that after the removal of the foreskin, there will be protection against sexually transmitted, dangerous latent infections such as HIV. But it's not! Use a condom for all questionable sexual contact.

Pros and cons

The advantages of the procedure, perhaps, include the elimination of serious diseases of an intimate nature. After her, the man returns to a full life.

Positive sides:

  1. Reduces the risk of cancer.
  2. Prolonged sexual intercourse.
  3. The appearance of the organ becomes more attractive.
  4. Pathologies that worsen the quality of life, threaten the general condition and health are eliminated.

Negative points:

  • Postoperative complications.
  • Difficulties with hygiene in a boy. Nature has made it so that the penis cleans itself when the head is closed, there is no entry for bacteria. And with the excised foreskin, the need for water procedures increases until the child reaches an older age.
  • Does not prevent infection with sexually transmitted diseases, latent infections.
  • Pain during the procedure, collapse. This condition occurs in countries where anesthetics are not used to this day.

The decision to circumcise must be justified, deliberate. It is desirable to give the boy the opportunity to independently come to this, even if it is from religious motives, national customs and rituals. Only in this way the future man will not have psychological discomfort in the future.


The pagan ceremony through circumcision is a kind of sacrifice that has been around for a long time in Judaism. Many peoples put such a ritual at the level of tradition, after which the young man becomes a man.

Israel still circumcise boys as young as eight days old. Saturday is considered sacred by the Jewish people, so this period is given to the baby to see if he lives 7 days and 1 Saturday. The boy, according to custom, only after the procedure belongs to the Jewish people, is rightfully considered full-fledged.


Muslims find the foreskin a vice. A person follows the path of the prophets Muhammad, Ibrahim and Abraham. Boys in these countries are manipulated at the age of 8-14.

Here the guy himself can make a decision or his parents. Circumcision is not considered mandatory here. Some young men may perform the ceremony at the age of majority.

Circumcision history:

  • The Herodotus book of Euterpe tells about the peoples of Egypt, who successfully used manipulation with the excision of the foreskin in pagan rites.
  • The Egyptians are considered the progenitors of circumcision.
  • Some wild tribes performed circumcision to get closer to their gods and ward off evil spirits through sacrifice.
  • Only after the manipulation, the man had the right to start a family.

Muslims are allowed to perform circumcision at will. It is recommended to do excision of the foreskin at a tender age, then it can be dangerous both from the point of view of physiology and psychology.

How to perform:

  1. Using special tools to grasp the skin, after which the flesh is excised along the edge.
  2. The clamps are not removed until the bleeding stops.
  3. Guillotine. Pulling the skin of the penis, placed in a special device, excision occurs.
  4. The wound surface completely heals for 10-11 days.


Circumcision is considered a simple surgical procedure. The patient can return home on the same day. Be sure to use local anesthesia, infants in the first weeks of life may not use anesthesia.

Boys aged 4-14 are given general anesthesia. Therefore, it is very important to choose a qualified surgeon, an anesthesiologist and a clinic that has proven itself well and has performed more than one such procedure.

The circumcision zone before manipulation is indicated by a special medical marker. The operation has several techniques for excising the foreskin - minimum, partial, maximum (tight) and moderate.

Before circumcision, you must definitely clarify this point with your doctor, see a photo of the penis before and after the manipulation. Be sure to follow the rehabilitation period, the rules for the restoration and treatment of the wound surface, the seam.

Operation execution:

  • Anesthesia - local, general.
  • The cropping area is marked.
  • Antiseptic treatment of the intimate area, genitals.
  • Removal.
  • Cauterization of the wound surface, a suture is applied.
  • A bandage that cannot be removed on the first day.

The duration of the operation takes no more than an hour. Working men take a vacation of 3-7 days, boys attending a kindergarten or school must be released for this time.

After excision, the patient is still in the hospital for several hours, this is necessary to provide assistance in case of bleeding and other unforeseen circumstances.

It is advisable to observe bed rest on the first day. Intimate contacts are prohibited until the wound is completely healed. Pain in the penis should be present in the first days, then subside.

Laser surgery is an alternative to strip surgery. Local anesthesia, epidural anesthesia is used. The procedure lasts half an hour.

What is the price? The price varies from 16,000-30,000 rubles, this includes the operation itself, local anesthetics, one day of hospitalization, repeated consultation and examination by a doctor, dressings during the rehabilitation period.

Photo of a penis, male circumcision before and after surgery.


  • Inflammatory processes of the genitals, urinary system.
  • Acute phase of the prostate.
  • Venereal diseases: gardnerella, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, etc.
  • Member anomalies.
  • Diseases of the blood, lack of coagulability.
  • Urological abnormalities, accompanied by secretions of a different nature.
  • Organ tumors.

Before the operation is performed, the man (boy) must undergo a complete examination, pass the necessary tests. History taking, face-to-face examination, psychological state and readiness for the procedure.

The doctor must tell and show what a circumcised penis looks like, what complications may arise in case of poor hygiene.


If you neglect the rules for the care and treatment of the wound surface, you will not be able to avoid negative aspects.

  • An increase in temperature to 38.0-38.5 ° C is considered normal up to 37.0-37.1 ° C on the first day.
  • Isolation of uncharacteristic etiology, unpleasant odor.
  • Erectile dysfunction for a long time, lack of sensitivity of the penis and sexual desire.
  • Blood sepsis.
  • A wound may not heal for a long time, bleed, fester.
  • Scar, scars, deformation, necrosis.

Sensations that are considered normal in the early days:

  1. Pain, discomfort.
  2. Isolation of a small amount of ichor.
  3. Edema around the excision, ice can be put on the swelling to alleviate the condition.
  4. When it heals, the penis may itch.

All this is reduced daily to a minimum, and not vice versa.

Recovery period

Rehabilitation after surgery with proper care of the sutures, the wound will not be protracted and with consequences.

  • On the first day, it is forbidden to remove the bandage.
  • For the second, pre-moisten, after a few minutes, carefully remove.
  • Treat the wound surface, before that, wash the penis with purified warm water without antibacterial agents.
  • Use antiseptic preparations, ointments (Methyluracil, Levomekol), a weak solution of potassium permanganate, baths of soda, iodine. All these manipulations should be done at least 4-5 times a day.
  • It is recommended to wash after 3-4 days, change linen daily.
  • The sutures are removed on the 10th day. Now more often they are sewn with a thread, which itself resolves.
  • Sex is forbidden until full recovery.

By following all the rules, complications can be avoided. Before deciding on the procedure, a man or the parents of a little boy should first watch a thematic video, weigh the pros and cons.

If it is for religious reasons, it is best to circumcise in infancy. Medical indications, unfortunately, can occur at any age. Subscribe to our site. Lots of useful information ahead.

A circumcised penis in men - what is it: a necessary hygienic operation, the achievement of a religious goal, or the prevention of various diseases? What is the difference between a circumcised male penis and an uncircumcised one, and what do experts say about circumcision? Statistics show that every sixth boy on the planet undergoes this procedure, which undoubtedly has its pros and cons.

conscious step

Experts advise a conscious approach to circumcision, if this is not provided for by family foundations or religion. As a rule, in these cases, the boy is initially aware of the procedure and accepts it as a necessary act in his life. In the event that none of the close male relatives has been circumcised before, a doctor's consultation is necessary in order to know all the pros and cons of a circumcised member. Uncircumcised and circumcised penis are two different things.

Purpose of circumcision of the foreskin of the penis:

  • Social (sexuality).
  • Religious (brit-mila).
  • Medical (disease prevention or treatment).
  • Hygienic.
  • National.

Doctors know for sure that the circumcised penis is less attacked by harmful microorganisms, it is easier for a man to maintain hygiene, and sexual intercourse increases significantly in time.

And although circumcision is a very unpleasant and painful procedure, there are much more pluses in it than minuses. And of course, circumcision is carried out strictly in a hospital, independent performance of this complex procedure is unacceptable: damage to the nerve endings in the penis leads to irreversible consequences.

When is it desirable and when is it not?


Any external intervention in nature must be explained and justified. For men who want to be circumcised on the spur of the moment, this intervention can be both rewarding and a nuisance, especially in areas where a circumcised male penis is not natural.

From a medical point of view, the removal of prepuce in men is necessary for the following problems:

  • Pointed warts. After the head of the penis is affected by a viral disease, genital warts grow in the form of a flower or crown.
  • Phimosis. Too much narrowing of the foreskin, leading to the development of inflammatory processes, difficulty in urination or sexual intercourse.
  • Injuries. After a severe injury to the foreskin, it must be removed.
  • premature ejaculation. A circumcised penis in men is able to have sexual intercourse for a longer time.

After circumcision in men, hygiene procedures are facilitated; in the absence of a foreskin, the penis looks cleaner and tidy.

For boys, the following points may be indications for surgery:

  • Launched phimosis and inflammatory processes in the head of the penis.
  • Lack of normal urination.
  • Paraphimosis.

In some countries where religious laws are respected, suggesting that it is unacceptable for men to have an uncircumcised sexual organ, circumcision is performed on boys at an early age (brit-mila).

For many men or parents of a boy who decide to have a circumcision, it is important to explore not only the positives but also the negatives. After consulting with a doctor, many men often change their minds about having their penis circumcised as they become aware of the following cons:

  1. A strong pain shock was previously experienced by many infants, since local anesthesia began to be carried out only in recent decades.
  2. After the operation, more careful care of the glans penis, and especially in the frenulum area, is required.
  3. The risk of infection of the penis during surgery in the absence of proper competence of the surgeon. A blunder can lead to damage to the penis, scarring, deformity of the urethra and infections.
  4. After circumcision, the risk of injury to the glans penis increases.
  5. Men may experience discomfort and pain from rubbing the delicate skin of the head against the tissue.
  6. For some men, a big minus after the circumcision procedure is a loss of sensitivity and a decrease in the severity of sensations during intercourse.
  7. Sometimes such a situation as the absence of the foreskin looks unnatural or contrary to ethical standards.

That is why it is important to weigh the pros and cons, especially for those men who live in regions where the presence of a circumcised member is considered unnatural.

Medical contraindications

As with any surgery, the circumcision procedure must be approved by a physician. There are a number of factors in which the removal of the foreskin is not only not indicated, but also extremely dangerous.

When the doctor does not approve circumcision:

  • Anatomical (physiological) anomalies.
  • Launched paraphimosis.
  • Ulcers, violation of the integrity of the skin of the head of the penis.
  • Urine discharge, which is systemic in nature.
  • Oncology and hemophilia.
  • Filariasis (a disease of a fungal nature, leads to pathology of the lymphatic system and blockage of lymphatic drainage).

As other points, it can be noted that male circumcision is not a complicated procedure, although it is a surgical intervention, and, like any operation, is carried out only in a hospital and in complete sterility. In general, circumcision can be attributed to plastic surgery, and it comes in the following variations:

  1. Partial (after removal, the foreskin partially remains).
  2. Minimal (a small piece of the foreskin is excised).
  3. Free (completely bare head).
  4. Tight (the entire foreskin is cut off).
  5. High (after the operation, a circular seam remains).
  6. Low (the seam passes in the coronal sulcus).

The presence of a circumcised penis in older men does not always indicate their religion. Indications can also be overweight, diabetes mellitus, low immunity, followed by the development of chronic inflammation in the head area and narrowing of the foreskin, when an uncircumcised organ causes a lot of problems. In the absence of direct medical indications for the operation, each man is free to decide for himself whether to have a circumcised penis or keep the prepuce intact.

Circumcised and uncircumcised man... what's the difference for us women? For experienced ladies, this question is not secretly sealed, but if you did not have the opportunity to appreciate this feature and you are afraid of the prospect of intimacy with a guy who has undergone this procedure, then our article will help you figure out a little what and why in this topic .

Circumcision operation: why is it done and how?

The ancient tradition of removing the foreskin from boys has survived and is common in many countries around the world. Contrary to popular belief among the ignorant population, any man can be circumcised, not only for religious beliefs - a Jew, a Muslim, etc.

In the USA, for example, this practice, which is unusual for us, has already become widespread, especially in large cities, despite the fact that most of those living there are Christians.

Attitudes towards circumcision over the past decades have been shaped by many factors:

  • medical indications;
  • hygiene considerations, especially in hot climates;
  • the desire for an aesthetic appearance (an independent decision of an adult man or the boy's parents);
  • a tribute to the religion in which the child is born;
  • initiation traditions in some tribes.

Let us recall at least the cult TV series of the past “Sex and the City”, where the heroine Charlotte had a chance to meet with an uncircumcised guy, and what feelings she had at the same time - unusual, strange, not aesthetically pleasing ... And not a word about faith or tradition. In our country, an uncircumcised man is normal and does not cause confusion in any girl.

But having undergone the removal of the foreskin is a real exotic, an unknown and strange phenomenon. Hence the question that arises among girls - which is better? As with humor, but quite reasonably, another heroine of the same series remarked: “ I don't care what a man's penis is, as long as he has one!».

As for the procedure itself, the Jews traditionally perform the operation on boys on the eighth day of life, among Muslims at 3-4 years of age (depending on the region of residence - at 8-9 or 13-14 years old). That is, the decision is made by the parents.

In addition, the transition of any adult male to Islam according to the canons must be accompanied by a complete shaving of the head and dissection of the foreskin - at any age, so this is a completely conscious choice of a newly converted Muslim.

The medical indication for the procedure is the so-called phimosis - a congenital narrowing of the foreskin. It is easy to notice it, it is easy to eliminate it, the consequences are not terrible, except that careful care of the wound is required from the mother.

The operation itself is done under local anesthesia and consists of several surgical incisions: along the frenulum on the penis, then around the head, to completely remove the foreskin. After proper care, the skin at the site of the operation heals, and the penis takes on a characteristic appearance forever.

What is the difference between a circumcised penis and an uncircumcised one?

At rest, the glans penis is covered by a thin fold of skin that stretches and recedes during erection. Usually men do not experience any problems with the foreskin, except that due to insufficient hygiene, it happens that secretions accumulate under the skin, and the breeding bacteria give off a specific smell.

Normal daily washing solves this issue as easy as shelling pears. On the other hand, circumcised men are practically not concerned about the cleanliness of their intimate place, even in extreme heat everything is clean and fresh there, which their sexual partners do not get tired of celebrating as a plus.

When the penis is tense, the difference is very clearly defined visually - a circumcised man does not have a frenulum (a thin strip, a cord extending from the head by 1-2 cm), because, in fact, it is no longer there.

In our territory, there are probably few men who decide on a painful procedure without good reasons. There is no fashion for circumcision, and all arguments regarding the quality of sexual life are either exaggerated or are pure fiction.

However, there are women who glorify the beauty and purity of the penis without foreskin. What are their reasons for that? There have always been and will be ladies in whom the sight of a penis (in fact, not erect) causes a slight disgust, in particular, because of that very strip of skin that does not hang down too pretty or requires special handling during foreplay.

It is these mistresses who promote the idea, they say, circumcised is much better, they attribute to such men special abilities to satisfy them in bed, stamina in sex, and so on.

However, such arguments are fiction, most likely born from individual experiences in bed. As they say, to each his own, whichever you like best. There is no reliable evidence that a circumcised guy is the best lover, and probably will not be. Because there are no purely physical indicators for such a conclusion.

Orgasm in men with circumcised and uncircumcised penis

The only topic for discussion that makes sense in practice is a longer sexual intercourse for those lovers who at one time underwent this unusual procedure in our area.

The indisputable fact is, perhaps, only that over time, the skin on the head of the penis, not protected by the foreskin, becomes a little rougher. Affects friction on the fabric of linen. The first conclusion that suggests itself is that the penis becomes less sensitive, which means that its owner will last longer in sexual intercourse. Selfish or not, many women are drawn to this prospect in bed as well.

Of course, the sensitivity of the lover's organ and the onset of his orgasm are closely related, you can not argue here. But any sexologist, and even a more or less experienced person in love affairs, will definitely tell you that for male orgasms (and not just for female ones), temperament, the state of the body and the nervous system at the moment are important for their quality and onset time.

Not a small role is played by psychological preparation and even how suitable and exciting the partner is. Needless to say, an orgasm is both a psychological and a physiological discharge, and bodily sensations alone are not enough.

Does the circumcised man have some fantastic skills in bed? It's ridiculous even to think about it, the question is reminiscent of the debate about the size of manhood and its relationship with the ability to satisfy a woman in bed. The situation is the same: sex becomes good or bad for completely different reasons. Girls who expect enchanting sensations from a circumcised lover should probably slow down with fantasies.

A common myth must have come from those hot guys who themselves have made their circumcision a kind of seduction fetish, and their special skills in sex are the result of experience and efforts aimed at satisfying their mistresses. Those of the men who do not make noise from their own characteristics, for sure, can be average and even bad partners.

There are many myths among women and men about male circumcision and the condition of the penis after the procedure. The opinion has long been rooted in society that sex with men who have a circumcised penis is the longest and unsurpassed, and there is no woman who would be left without an orgasm. Today we will try to tell in detail and in an accessible way what a circumcised member is and why circumcision is performed. Let's analyze how an uncircumcised penis differs from a circumcised one, what an uncircumcised and circumcised penis looks like. We will dispel all myths and doubts.

Under the pressure of public opinion today, among men, regardless of religious denomination, there are more and more people who want to have a circumcised penis. This is a kind of sexy fashion. Is this an advantage as it is positioned?

Circumcision has its roots in ancient Egypt, where boys, upon reaching a certain age, were subjected to a circumcision ritual. Later Muslims picked up this tradition. Circumcision for religious reasons is performed either on the eighth day of life or in adolescence, pursuing specific goals, but the process and result are approximately the same. A synonym for circumcision is circumcision, it is used in medicine.

Often the reasons for circumcision are not for religious reasons, but for medical reasons. Anatomically, the skin of the penis is arranged in such a way that the skin of the penis has a fold at the top of the phallus, which covers the glans penis. The skin fold is called the foreskin, it has a direct connection with the head through the frenulum of the penis. In a non-erect state, the skin fold completely or partially closes the head of the penis, and a so-called prepuce sac is formed, where secretions and secretions from the sex and sebaceous glands accumulate, resulting in the formation of smegma. With insufficient hygiene, smegma can cause inflammation and contribute to a partial increment of the skin fold to the head - this condition is an indication for circumcision. Circumcision is also performed for those diagnosed with phimosis - narrowing of the foreskin and paraphimosis - infringement of the glans penis as a result of phimosis. The first symptom of phimosis is a painful erection, and often boys can find this disease in themselves after the onset of puberty, while this pathology can be detected earlier if parents are more attentive and enlightened.

The essence of circumcision is to remove the skin fold in whole or in part, after which the head of the penis is released. Today, this procedure is performed under local or general anesthesia.

Thus, the phallus after circumcision looks like this: the head is open, there is no overhanging skin fold. Modern surgeons also perform penile frenuloplasty during circumcision, which has a purely cosmetic effect on the penis after this procedure. You can simulate the condition of a circumcised penis: pull the foreskin to the base so that the head is completely exposed, and fix it in this position.

And yet, after circumcision, the phallus does not look the same for everyone. The whole difference is in the skin fold: if the difference in the size of the erect and non-erect penis is significant, then in order to avoid unpleasant tension of the penis during erection, you have to leave part of the skin fold. If the difference is small, the foreskin can be removed entirely. It turns out that in the first version, the head of the circumcised member remains slightly covered.

Is there a noticeable difference?

Let's clarify how the circumcised penis visually differs in men in a non-erect state:

After circumcision, the glans penis is always visible, so it looks like an erect penis.
There is no overhanging skin fold at the top of the penis (or partially preserved if the difference in size between erect and non-erect penis is significant).
There is no penile frenulum in men who have been operated on by modern surgeons.
In an erect state in men after circumcision, scars and traces of stitches on the penis can be found. If frenuloplasty was performed, then you will not find it. Everything described above refers to a professionally performed operation technique. If the circumcision was not performed by a doctor, or the quality of the technique and skills used leave much to be desired, then the picture of the circumcised penis may not look very aesthetically pleasing, sometimes resembling a “rose” - when the head of the phallus is surrounded by remnants of the foreskin with jagged edges. Plus, pain and discomfort during erection can be disturbing.

The procedure affects sensation and function. In men whose penis is circumcised, the head of the phallus is always in contact with the environment, as a result of which the initially delicate skin becomes a little rough and loses its sensitivity. As a result, the erection may be longer, which is often noted by women. But because of this, they do not become more skillful lovers!

Circumcision does not affect the erection process itself, and if there were any violations, this cannot be corrected.

Facts and their reliability

There are stereotypes that science debunks:

  • It is easier to monitor hygiene if the phallus is circumcised - smegma no longer accumulates under the foreskin. This is often noted as an advantage for circumcised men. Therefore, circumcision is more common in countries with a hot climate and lack of water.
  • There is also a claim that the incidence of penile cancer in circumcised men is significantly lower. Given the fact that penile cancer is already rare, circumcision does not significantly affect the statistics.
  • During sexual contact, the foreskin is more often injured and HIV can freely penetrate through microcracks and cause disease. Men whose phallus is circumcised are less likely to get this disease through unprotected sexual contact. Together with smegma, various microbes can accumulate in the preputial sac in uncircumcised men, causing sexual infections. Thus, the risk of infection in circumcised people is less.
  • It is noticed that cervical cancer in women whose sexual partners were circumcised is less. However, this is not scientifically proven opinion.
    Some women are delighted and instant sexual arousal only after the sight of a circumcised penis. It depends on culture and upbringing.
  • On the inner surface of the foreskin are sensitive receptors, also involved in the process of arousal of men. By removing the skin fold, you also lose them, which can affect the quality of orgasm in men. Many who are circumcised at their own will at an already mature age “cry bitter tears” because they have lost any sensitivity during sex. It is difficult to argue with this fact, since the sensations of each person are individual, and men who were circumcised in childhood do not know another option.
  • Many women claim that oral sex is more pleasant for them with men who have a circumcised penis: everything is simple and there are no unpleasant odors. However, observance of elementary rules of hygiene by uncircumcised men - and smells will not confuse anyone.
  • After a circumcision operation, as with any medical manipulation, complications are possible: injuries to the head of the penis, hematoma formation, suture divergence, and others.
  • Pain shock during surgery can leave a negative imprint on the child's psyche if the circumcision took place in childhood.

Circumcision has long been rooted in the culture of many nations. An uncircumcised man is considered inferior in such societies. However, the big question is: do all men need circumcision, especially in adulthood? After all, many claims about the superiority of circumcised men are just myths and isolated observations. Another thing is if the circumcision is performed for medical reasons, there is little choice. If you are faced with the question of whether to circumcise or not, you should thoroughly weigh all the pros and cons and not chase after a ghostly fashion that can harm your health.

Circumcision of the penis in medicine is called circumcision, and it is carried out in the form of its complete surgical removal. This procedure dates back to the time of the ancient Jews and who performed it as a religious ritual, circumcising male children at an early age.

Today, not every man agrees to conduct a circumcision. According to some studies, about 20% of the male population of the whole world decide to be circumcised, following the lead of their partners, dissatisfied with the unattractive look of wrinkled skin on.

However, the meaning should not be seen only in the aesthetic aspect. One of the medical indications when circumcision becomes a necessity is a disease that prevents the normal exposure of the head in a calm state and during intercourse. Since there is no medical and alternative treatment for such a pathology, there is only one way out - circumcision.

Reasons for circumcision

As you know, smegma accumulates under the foreskin - a kind of lubricant, the accumulation of which, if the rules of personal hygiene are not observed, turns into a breeding ground for pathogenic microbes. Circumcision solves this problem by promoting cleanliness.

According to the observations of venereologists, men with circumcised flesh rarely become infected with gonorrhea and syphilis. And although there is no direct connection between infection with these diseases and the absence or presence of flesh, both doctors and their patients understand only one thing - facilitating hygiene has become a kind of prevention of STDs.

In old age, circumcision can be useful when the extreme one has grown together with the head due to a long absence of sexual activity. Given that such a problem makes it difficult to urinate and complicates hygiene care, it can be concluded that circumcision is becoming an important necessity.

Trim or not?

If we ignore the problems of hygiene and health, then the following can be said in defense of the foreskin. Having endowed the head with many nerve endings, nature made sure that the purpose of the couple's intimate life was not only procreation, but also pleasure. Men who were circumcised for various indications subsequently complained of dryness of the skin of the head of the penis, lack of lubrication and vivid sexual sensations. And the constant friction of the bare member on the underwear at first after the operation caused pain to some of them. Therefore, deciding on circumcision only for cosmetic reasons, it is worth considering whether it is really needed. If your significant other truly loves you, she won't care, dick. Remember that in sexual life it is not the appearance and solid size of the penis that is important, but the ability to use it.


  • Pros and cons of circumcision
  • Male circumcision: why, technique, pros and cons
  • Why is male circumcision necessary?

Circumcision is a surgical procedure to remove the foreskin of the penis, leaving the glans permanently exposed. Circumcision is performed, depending on local customs, on both newborn babies and adolescents, and on adult men.


The tradition goes back several millennia. The removal of the extreme can be considered as a rite of initiation (initiation into), an echo of human ritual sacrifice, a religious rite, or an operation for medical reasons. In ancient Egypt and neighboring states, it was carried out among teenagers and symbolized growing up, meaning, among other things, permission to marry.

Some scholars view circumcision in the ancient East as a milder form of human sacrifice, where a piece of flesh is given to a ferocious deity to keep the child alive. Given the age of the tradition and the beliefs of the peoples who adhered to it (the Phoenicians, Moabites, Ammomites revered Moloch and practiced sacrificing children to an idol), this hypothesis seems quite convincing.

Two world religions, Judaism and Islam, prescribe obligatory circumcision, respectively, on the 8th and 7th day of life. The Old Testament says that Abraham received the covenant of circumcision from the Lord, and since then this tradition has been sacredly observed by the faithful. honor the Old Testament, and the prophet Muhammad confirmed the need for circumcision by personally circumcising his grandsons Hassan and Hussein. Of course, these religions categorically forbid human sacrifices and consider circumcision as a voluntary sacrifice in the name of the merciful Lord, who created the world and people.

Points for and against"

It is now widely believed that this procedure has a positive effect on men's health. A medical indication for circumcision may be phimosis - narrowing, which makes it difficult and painful to have sexual intercourse, or difficulty urinating if the external openings of the urethra and foreskin do not match.

Circumcision apologists claim that under the folds of the foreskin, mucous accumulates - smegma, which can become a breeding ground for pathogenic bacteria. However, daily washing of the penis with soap completely solves the problem. Moreover, circumcision removes a natural barrier to microbes that can multiply in the folds of the skin of the frenulum and corolla.

Difficulties with water for washing may explain the historical roots of the tradition of circumcision among peoples living in dry, hot countries.

Another advantage of circumcision is the coarsening of the glans penis due to constant friction against the underwear. It can help with too fast ejaculation. Due to the decrease in sensitivity, sexual intercourse is lengthened without taking special drugs. However, not all men perceive this as a boon, as they are deprived of the pleasure of a full-fledged orgasm. In this case, it is no longer possible to correct the situation with any medicines.

There is an assumption that circumcision reduces the risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases and HIV. The rough skin of the head is less susceptible to injury, and microcracks do not form on it, through which the infection can penetrate into the blood. In addition, according to some data, circumcision reduces the risk of developing head cancer. However, skeptics believe that the analysis of statistics is carried out incorrectly, and there is not enough reason to practice circumcision as one of the measures to prevent STDs or cancer.

Opponents of circumcision believe that performing this procedure for preventive purposes, especially in children, is fraught with serious complications: varicose veins, adhesions, thrombosis, fistulas, accidental head injuries, etc.

Medical associations in many countries do not consider circumcision to be a proven benefit and advise its use as a medical procedure only in the absence of an alternative.
. In any case, circumcision should be carried out by a qualified specialist in order to exclude infection of the wound and bleeding as a result of inept manipulations.

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Circumcision is a surgical operation in which the foreskin of the penis is cut off or completely removed. This procedure has been known since ancient times. Now they are doing the same. What is the use of this - doctors all over the world still cannot come to a consensus.


It has been a part of religion since antiquity. Different peoples had their own age, at which everyone was circumcised. It was believed that this contributes to communion with God and the purification of consciousness. The damage from this was not taken into account. Until now, in religions such as Islam and Judaism, circumcision is considered a tradition that is observed by many.

Medical indications for circumcision

Since circumcision (circumcision) is a full-fledged surgical operation, which is also performed in the modern world, it means that, in addition to religious preferences, there should be medical ones for it. Indeed, there are several indications.

Phimosis - narrowing of the extreme, can be expressed to varying degrees. This is not an independent disease, but can cause complications. If it is very difficult to expose the head, it can be injured, pinch the head and lead to inflammation or urination disorders.

Damage, as after healing, the scar can cause narrowing.

Hygiene. There is a lot of controversy about this. After that, the secret (smegma) does not accumulate in the preputial sac, thereby reducing the risk of inflammation and many other diseases.


There is much controversy regarding the usefulness of this procedure. What are the benefits of this procedure? Urologists believe that circumcision reduces the risk of developing penile cancer. It also reduces the incidence of STIs (sexually transmitted infections).

"Length" of sexual intercourse. Since the head of the penis becomes less sensitive, this allows you to delay orgasm. If a man often has premature ejaculation, only circumcision can solve this problem.


Circumcision is a surgical intervention, therefore, like any other operation, complications can occur after it. Since it is not complicated and there is a lot of the latest equipment, the risks of complications are minimized, the main thing is the professionalism of the surgeon.
Since the head is constantly exposed after the operation, its constant friction against the underwear greatly reduces sensitivity (although some agree to circumcision just for the sake of it), can lead to a decrease in erectile function and a delay in ejaculation.

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Circumcision is often associated with ethnic and religious reasons. But these are all stereotypes. For example, in the United States, more than half of the men are circumcised. The peak for circumcision was the 60s of the last century. But over the past 20-30 years, this procedure has become less popular.

Circumcision: the essence of the procedure

Circumcision is the removal of the edge of the skin covering the head of the penis. In different countries, the procedure is carried out in different ways and can even be regulated by legislative bodies.

The skin of the head emits a certain mass of whitish color. It is called smegma and accumulates under the foreskin. In some cases, the space filled with this mass becomes a hotbed of infection or irritation. If, however, the circumcision procedure is carried out, then, therefore, smegma will have nowhere to accumulate, and infection will not occur.

It is desirable to carry out circumcision at an early age so that it does not cause psychological trauma. If this operation is necessary for a person who has gone beyond the period of infancy, then discuss this with him in advance. Show him the skin covering the penis at the base of the glans. Make sure the child understands that his penis will remain intact. Explain that the penis will initially hurt, but will heal very quickly.

This procedure disturbs the boys' emotional state because it confirms children's notions that the penis can be cut off as punishment. The greatest danger of psychological trauma falls on the age of 1 to 6 years.

Circumcision does not affect sexual function, sensitivity during intercourse and satisfaction in any way. It is carried out under local anesthesia. This reduces the likelihood of complications.

Usually, after the operation, the skin near the stitches is reddened, sensitive and swollen. All this takes place on the third day. The dressing applied after the operation must be removed after a day. The penis is gently washed with water 3 times a day. After washing, Vaseline or antibiotic ointment is applied.

Pros and cons of circumcision

There are four most common benefits of circumcision. First and most important - the risk of infection with urinary tract infections is reduced by 10 times.

The risk of infection of the penis with the human papillomavirus will also be reduced. Partners of such men also have a reduced risk of these diseases.

There are also cultural and religious reasons. Some religions, such as Judaism and , require their believers to be circumcised. Family traditions also play an important role. For example, when a boy is circumcised because older male members of the family have also been circumcised.

But there are also counterarguments to circumcision. It is still a surgical intervention and it has probable risks. But they are infrequent. Most often, these are bleeding and infections, but the doctor can easily deal with them.

Medicine does not consider circumcision as a medical necessity, despite the reduced risk of infections. After all, the main thing is the observance of intimate hygiene. With proper observance of it, an uncircumcised penis will be no less clean.

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