Stump tab under the crown on the front teeth. Cult tab. Ceramic inlays in the tooth

Human teeth during life are subjected to heavy stress and further damage. However, modern dentists can restore even the most significant damage to the teeth. Dental inlays under the crown will be able to restore the aesthetic and functional abilities of the teeth. In this article, you will learn about the insert into the tooth under the crown, what it is and see examples in the photo.

With the help of tabs, it is possible to restore a severely affected tooth, if the situation is very neglected. To restore the configuration and functional ability, and in the future to protect against diseases - this is the goal of these devices. Today, dental practice uses reliable orthopedic and aesthetically attractive devices that meet the highest demands.

Stump tab before installing the crown

The design is an inseparable micro-prosthesis, which is made to order in special laboratories. This is how a certain component is replaced when it is severely affected, absent, or has aesthetic flaws. They are installed not only on healthy teeth, but also on implants.

This issue becomes relevant when the affected area is destroyed by about seventy percent. At the same time, there is no chance of filling or prosthetics, since they will not give the proper load on the chewing function. In the future, this will be fraught with a break and inevitable removal. Therefore, the selection of fillings, inlays and crowns is based on individual indications.

According to external data, the tab is much more beautiful than a regular filling. It looks like a piece of a molar tooth with the same grooves and grooves, configuration and shade. The manufacturing process itself is a very long and painstaking work. Finally, the inlay should fit perfectly into the prepared cavity.

What are tabs for? The main indication for the installation of the structure is a serious lesion with caries. Sometimes the disease is so striking that after several caries removal procedures, it is simply impossible to install a filling on the tooth. This is the most ideal filling method.

How to install

Designs for one tooth are introduced in several steps. At the beginning, the doctor examines visually, an x-ray is taken. Further, the necessary treatment is carried out.

After completing all the necessary measures, the patient is given casts, which are sent to a special laboratory. Next, you need to try on all the ready-made fixtures and install them. It can take from one to two weeks to create all the necessary structures. A non-permanent tab is temporarily placed. The dentist removes it during a second visit, and adjusts the fabricated structure to fit the tooth. It must match the color, bite, match in size.

Installing an inlay in a tooth

During installation, local anesthesia is used.

Many people ask: “What are the tabs installed on?”. Orthopedic devices are installed on a special mixture that allows the mount to serve for a long time. All these actions cannot be performed in one session. Creating a prosthesis in just a few hours is quite realistic, provided that the doctor has everything that is needed for this design.

Inlay or crown: which is better? Many people are concerned about this issue. The decisive choice is always made by the dentist after an individual thorough examination of the patient. The specialist determines the condition of the teeth and related tissues.

Which is better: an inlay or a filling? An inlay is almost always better than a filling. It is wear resistant and durable. Its material does not darken over time. The device not only compensates for a slight lack of dental tissues, but also renews about fifty percent of the tooth.

The tab is not appropriate in the treatment of caries of milk teeth. The operational period of the structure is much longer than milk teeth.

The life of the fixtures is approximately ten years, depending on the material used. If a person follows all the doctor's recommendations, then this period can be easily increased.

When the tab helps:

  1. If the tissues in the oral cavity are good, a ceramic inlay without “coronation” will be the best solution. This helps to prevent preparation, to install a crown on a pulpless tooth.

When will a crown help?

  1. If the surfaces of the patient's teeth are thinned, then it is better to put a crown. It is the crown that will provide the highest quality restoration, the tooth on it will not be completely sealed, but restored by means of an inlay.

Varieties of tabs

Devices can be made from different materials. Their choice is reflected in both cost and quality. In total, all types of structures can be conditionally classified into:

Designs are also divided into stump and restoration. The latter serve to restore the color and configuration of the affected tooth.

Stump dental tab under the crown: what is it

If the patient's teeth are in very poor condition, the stump tab will become an indispensable assistant. It happens that a person visits a doctor already in such a neglected case, when it is easier to completely remove his tooth and place an implant. But modern dentistry has stepped far ahead and if a person wants to restore a very affected tooth, then his desire can be fulfilled with the help of a stump device.

This is a special device that is installed by means of a special cemented composition in the treated areas, where the doctor builds walls in the future.

Such devices are not implemented in one visit and many dentists do not really like this option. However, the use of such structures serves as a reliable guarantee that the tooth will not collapse in the future. Such teeth can serve a person for the rest of his life.

Such advantages of the method are due to the fact that the insert evenly distributes the load, since it serves as a support for the entire surface and is installed in each channel. The installation provides a reliable density, due to which the formation of microcracks into which food or liquid has entered is excluded.

What if a tooth hurts under the tab

Innovative materials make it possible to produce fixtures that adhere as tightly as possible to dental tissues. However, if a person has hypersensitivity, soreness may occur. If this happens, get ready to go to the dentist. Otherwise, the tooth may completely collapse, which will serve as its further loss.

Sometimes an inexperienced doctor or technician can violate the rules for making or installing an inlay. So, if the structure does not fit tightly, caries may form. However, most often, patients simply forget that everything has its own lifespan and tabs are no exception.

After 10 years after the installation of the tab, you should visit the dentist again

You must return to the dentist after ten years to change the design to another one. It is worth emphasizing that the materials are absolutely harmless and do not pose any threat to the patient.

How to care

Oral care with tabs is absolutely no different from standard procedures. The most important thing: regularity, literacy, duration. With professional cleaning twice a year, you need to clean and polish the fillings. The tabs do not require any polishing.

An inlay is an artificial restoration that eliminates a defect in a tooth formed during carious formation. In other words, this is a filling, the manufacture of which does not require the oral cavity, but a special laboratory.


This is a synthetic miniature prosthesis that is fixed in place of the removed lesions to reproduce the original anatomical shape. In fact, these are a kind of fillings that are made according to a pre-made cast in the laboratory. This technology is referred to as a type of fixed prosthetics. As a result of long manual work, a finished tab comes out, which will be ideally placed in a pre-prepared cavity.

Most often, such elements are installed by dentists on the back teeth. These devices are sometimes used in the process of prosthetics as support structures for bridge prostheses.

Types of tabs in the teeth

First of all, the following types are distinguished:

Stump, it is installed in place of the lost fragment, after which a crown is placed on it;
- restorative, used to completely restore the shape and color of teeth.

And also they can be divided according to the materials used for manufacturing:

- metal;
- plastic
- composite;
- cermet.

There is also a cast tab in the tooth, which can be of two different types. The difference between them is only in the materials used for manufacturing. It can be zirconia or simple pressed ceramic.

Why is an inlay better than a filling?

Public dissatisfaction with modern filling materials is due to many attempts to find new technologies for replacing hard dental tissues. A multifunctional material could completely solve the problems presented, if it met the existing requirements as much as possible.

But today such a tool has not yet been developed, so modern dentistry offers a huge number of filling compositions, choosing the best one for a particular client.

The main negative quality of all means is poor sealing. A material such as a filling tends to shrink during the polymerization process. As a result, it exfoliates, and microcracks form. If the replacement is carried out very often, then there is a serious risk of deepening and expanding the carious cavity and, as a result, complete destruction. Therefore, today specialists have invented an inlay in the tooth. What kind of construction it is is already known, and it has a number of advantages that make it the material of the future.

  1. Durability and reliability. To create, very solid compositions are used, which are similar in their characteristics to enamel.
  2. There is no shrinkage process after time.
  3. Durability. The service life is much higher than that of a conventional filling. The average service life varies from 7 to 10 years when installed even on damaged very large
  4. Comfort and convenience. At the time of attaching such a device, there is no need to constantly keep your mouth open so that saliva does not get into the treated area. The stump tab is fixed for several minutes.
  5. Accuracy. Caries never reappears due to the use of a high quality installation, as a result, the design adheres very firmly to the dental tissues.
  6. Persistent color. After the time has elapsed, the element does not change its tone and does not darken. Completely retains its originality until the end of its service life.


In dentistry, a huge number of methods for the complete or partial restoration of lost teeth are used. One of the quality options is a tab in the tooth. Few people know that this is such a wonderful method, so it must be indicated that it belongs to the category of fixed prosthetics and is used when a classic filling is no longer suitable for restoration, but the time for removal has not yet come. The chosen method is characterized by high efficiency and affordability.

Prosthetics with such elements is used in cases where the tooth is more than half destroyed, and the installation involves the formation of a stump tab directly under the root. It is modeled in such a way that in the future it would be possible to apply a crown on top, which should lie as firmly on the tooth as possible. Such an element is formed according to an individual sketch, coming out of the problems of a particular client.

Manufacturing methods

To form such an exact copy of the patient's tooth, only laboratory conditions are used, in which several methods are used.

1. Direct, an impression is made from the patient's damaged tooth, and then a prosthesis is made from it. For this procedure, a special wax is used. This option is chosen most often. The main disadvantage of the technology is that the patient's bite is not taken into account.
2. Indirect, for this case, a more extensive cast is performed, which is made immediately on two jaws. This is necessary in order to take into account all the features of a particular patient. From a financial point of view, the client will pay more. Since more efforts and time of a specialist are spent, but such an insert in a tooth under a crown is worth the money and effort spent. It is important that during the manufacture the master will fully take into account all the structural features of the dentition and jaw of a particular patient. This means that after prosthetics, the client will not feel even the slightest discomfort. There is another indisputable advantage, it is that all stages of fitting and fitting are performed without the direct presence of a person, thereby saving him time. After all, the doctor has a complete cast, which helps to solve such a problem. If the ceramic or metal inlay does not fit the tooth, then it can also be changed without the presence of the patient.
3. Computer modeling in 3D format. This option has been used relatively recently. It is the most correct, since the program is responsible for the accuracy. With its help, a model for the future tab is formed, and after that, specialists are engaged in its manufacture.

Material selection

It should be noted that the installation of an inlay in a tooth is a very serious event, and its composition must also be taken with full responsibility. The patient should deal with this issue directly with his doctor. It is also necessary to choose the material from which the crown will be made, which further beautifully shapes the oral cavity.

1. An alloy of chromium and cobalt is perfect for metal-ceramic or metal prosthetics.
2. The titanium inlay becomes very high quality. This alloy is considered ideal in terms of performance and biocompatibility. But he also has a significant minus, he is quite fragile.
3. For ceramics, compositions made from precious metals are ideal. The most commonly used is platinum or gold. They can also be coated with zirconium dioxide.
4. The plastic inlay is temporary and is placed for the comfort of patients while they are waiting for a permanent one to be made.
5. Silver and palladium have good bactericidal performance. But there are also disadvantages, such compounds can stain the gums.
6. Chrome and cobalt together with nickel do not shrink and have high strength.


In order to qualitatively form a new tooth for the patient, it is necessary to correctly install the tab in the tooth. What kind of method it is is already clear from the material above, and every dentist will confirm: this option is considered very effective.

To prepare one or more elements, you must complete the following steps:

Pass an examination with a doctor who will determine the condition of the cavity, and then prescribe a treatment plan;
- pre-processing;
- make a cast;
- place a temporary crown.


The procedure practically does not differ from conventional prosthetics, but it also has at least small, but its own nuances.

1. Initially, a specialist conducts a thorough examination of the entire oral cavity. Then he will give recommendations and advice on sanitation and how to make an inlay in the teeth during prosthetics specifically for a specific client.
2. A qualified dentist can perform the necessary procedures to remove dental tissues if they were originally affected by carious formations. Since if this is not done, then the infection in the future will move to
3. Then the doctor takes an impression of the entire place where the material will be inserted, and then sends it to the laboratory for further shaping and processing.
4. For the manufacture of inlays, only the composition that was previously agreed upon by the doctor and the patient is used.
5. Then the client is invited to the clinic, and the already made model is tried on. This is done so that you can make sure that it exactly repeats the required size and color of the remaining teeth.
6. If everything fits, then the dentist fixes it using a specially designed adhesive.
7. At the final stage, the formed prosthesis is polished to remove all irregularities and equalize the differences between natural tissues and an artificial product.

Pain under the tab

To date, with the help of innovative materials, it is possible to manufacture structures that will fit tightly and qualitatively to the gums. However, all people are individual, and some people experience increased sensitivity, and if so, then there is pain, which can also be caused by a tab in the tooth. High-quality prosthetics performed with this design will be appreciated by many satisfied customers, but all people are different, and the materials used are not always ideal for them.

When, after the installation of an artificial product, unpleasant sensations are observed, then you definitely need to contact a dentist. If this is not done, then there is a chance that the tooth will completely collapse and will simply fall out in the future.

It happens that an inexperienced doctor or technician can violate the rules for installing or manufacturing an inlay. Therefore, if the manufactured structure does not fit tightly, then caries can form under it. Although often patients forget that everything has its own life, and the tab is no exception. There is a possibility that it simply requires replacement, as it has become unusable. It is necessary to come to the dentist after the expiration of 10 years, so that he can replace the structure with another one. It should be noted that the materials for manufacturing are absolutely harmless and do not pose any danger to the patient.


The material from which it is made;
- required form;
- the status of the medical institution in which the client is served.

The first points are decisive for determining the final cost. The following is the approximate price of the service in rubles using the same fairly inexpensive materials:

1 root - from 2500;
- 2 roots - from 3500;
- 3 roots - from 4500.

If the client chooses better materials, then the cost, of course, will increase. For example, if a decision is made to use zirconium inlays, then for 1 product it will be necessary to pay at least 8,000. In a clinic with a good name, up to 25,000 will be requested for such services. If the client chooses ceramics, then you will need to pay at least 20,000.


In order for the installed structures to last as long as possible, the following simple rules must be observed.

1. Regularly brush your teeth and rinse your mouth after every meal.
2. Give up complex loads (food should be more gentle).
3. Be sure to visit the dentist several times a year to carry out preventive measures. Only he can accurately determine the condition of the tooth under the tab. If you notice the processes of destruction in time, you can protect yourself from a large number of problems. If the prosthesis is damaged, harmful bacteria will begin to penetrate inside, deforming and destroying it. Therefore, examinations are required to pass, this will keep the oral cavity in order.

Indications and contraindications

There are conditions in which doctors recommend installing a dental tab:

Severe caries, which affected more than 60% of the tissues;
- increased size of the cavity;
- injuries after trauma;
- congenital pathologies (dysplasia, hyperplasia);
- existing clinical ailments;
- for wear protection of very sensitive surfaces and opposed units;
- when installing bridge prostheses;
- modeling together with root designs;
- closure using a crown;
- mechanical damage.

There are also cases when the installation of tabs is strictly prohibited:

Small depth of the tooth cavity;
- increased activity of the appearance of carious processes;
- Poor oral hygiene.

What to do next?

After the patient got up from the dentist's chair, he must understand that now he needs to follow all the advice of the attending doctor. For example, use brushes with soft bristles, properly clean the interdental spaces and visit the doctor twice a year. At this time, check not only the health of the teeth, but also the condition of the tabs.

Human dental tissue is subjected to a large amount of stress throughout life, so it often collapses. Modern dental clinics have a wide range of options and are ready to help in the restoration of damaged teeth.

The functional and visual properties of the teeth can be restored in the shortest possible time. For high-quality restoration work, dentists use special tabs for a dental crown. Often, caries affects the walls of the teeth, expanding and deepening every day.

Such carious formations create difficulties in the filling procedure, and there is no guarantee that the tooth will function normally in the future. In such situations, specialists practice the use of dental inlays. Stump tabs today are considered the most popular among patients.

What is a stump tab?

The stump tab is made according to the model of a dental cast. The resulting design is intended for further fixation of the crown on it. With the help of a stump tab, heavily damaged teeth are restored.

Whole dental inlay design includes two parts. The upper part looks like a stump, which is grinded in advance to install a crown. It is for this reason that it is called a cult. The lower part resembles a rod. The function of the lower or root part is to simulate a pin. crown part made according to individual molds, with the help of their dental technician forms the necessary geometry of the crown. You can make it so that the crown part will have a similarity with the original shape of the tooth. Options are being considered when it is used independently, separately from the crown. The lower part is made, starting from the structural features of the tooth, so it can even be double or triple. In such a situation, it is advisable to use a collapsible design, rather than a solid one.

Photo tabs under the crown

Removable elements there are only pins, this is required to reduce the complexity of the installation, especially if the tooth has a complex multi-channel shape and a non-standard arrangement of channels. Mainly, stump inserts in the tooth are shown to those who do not have the opportunity to install a filling or a pin due to insufficient dental tissue. When installing the stump tab, a uniform load on the tooth is achieved, which cannot be achieved with a pin.

The pin, unlike the stump tab, is installed in one go, but its use does not guarantee that the masticatory organ will be intact and the tooth enamel will not collapse.

Tab fastened with special cement, which includes components that ensure a secure fit of the structure to the tooth. The cement composition provides complete tightness and does not allow cracks to form. The use of stump inlays is justified when only the root remains or there is no internal filling, and the tooth has thin walls prone to destruction. Such designs not subject to shrinkage over time. This allows you to install the crown qualitatively and prevent its loosening and breakage. Among other things, stump inlays allow you to completely remove tissues affected by caries, which excludes its secondary formation and the appearance of pain symptoms under the crown.

Varieties of stump tabs

Stump tabs, depending on the type of manufacture, are:

  1. Foldable. It is used in cases where teeth with multiple roots are damaged. This ability is provided by the ability to introduce and remove pins. The folding design is difficult to select and install, however, it is very reliable.
  2. Cast. Consists of two parts. One is designed to be fixed in the jaw, and the other is needed to restore the shape of the crown. They are made in dental workshops under the condition of high temperatures and pressure.

To materials of stump inlays There are many requirements, such as:

  • bioinertness stability. The materials used should not harm the surrounding tissues and the human body as a whole.
  • High mechanical strength.
  • Minimum shrinkage in the process of obtaining the finished product
  • Low thermal conductivity
  • Availability and reasonable price

By type of material, the following products are distinguished:

Pros and cons of stump tabs

Stump structures have many advantages before the previous restoration methods. Their main advantages:

  • the dental crown can be neatly fitted to the inlay
  • resistance to mechanical and chemical attack
  • the dentition is significantly less stressed
  • Can be installed on teeth with multiple roots
  • excellent reliability of the product, achieved due to the exact selection of shape and material
  • as a support for dentures, it creates the possibility of installing prosthetic bridges
  • high probability of restoring even the most decayed teeth
  • the specific structure of the structure creates a barrier to the penetration of pathogenic microbes into the cavity of the restored tooth
  • if there is damage to the crown, then there is no need to change the tab, as a new crown is created under it
  • adjacent teeth are not affected

Cons of stump tabs, as a rule, are associated with the complexity of the manufacturing mechanism:

Indications and contraindications for the installation of a stump structure

Stump tabs shown in the following cases:

  • Broken tooth crown
  • There are defects in the shape of the tooth
  • Misalignment of the tooth
  • Supragingival defects in the area of ​​the damaged tooth of various etiologies
  • Impossibility to restore a dental crown with fillings and other methods
  • If support is required to place a bridge
  • As a splinting construction if there are periodontal diseases


  • There are gum diseases at the site of insertion
  • Damaged tooth root
  • Pathological tooth mobility
  • Infected root canals
  • Allergic reactions to alloys used to make structures

Features of installing a stump tab under a dental crown

For all, without exception, patients are selected the most suitable types and shapes stump inlays, and then proceed to the step-by-step installation process. The doctor is required to strictly adhere to the technology so that the work is as efficient as possible, and the product lasts as long as possible.

As soon as the stump tab has been set requires meticulous oral hygiene. You should brush your teeth at least twice a day. After meals, use antibacterial rinses and anti-inflammatory solutions. It is best to clean the surface of the tooth inlay with a brush with soft bristles. Do not forget about preventive examinations and visit the dental office twice a year.

Given the fact that stump tabs are strong enough and surpass even modern fillings in reliability, their service life is limited. Made from the simplest materials, they will serve the patient for at least five years. It is possible to increase the service life if the orthopedist and the dentist conscientiously perform their work, then the design will last for 7-10 years.

If the root of the tooth is healthy and its crown is severely damaged, the best way to restore the chewing surface is microprosthetics. In the dental laboratory, a special tab is created from the impression, which then fills the entire cavity of the damaged tooth. It completely restores its appearance and functionality, prevents further destruction.

Dental prosthetics with inlays is recommended if the damage to the crown part is 25-50%. Filling in such cases may be ineffective, often the filling simply does not hold, but it is too early to put a crown. Inlays allow you to quickly restore a partially destroyed tooth. They are distinguished by high wear resistance, evenly distribute the chewing load.

Advantages of inlays over filling:

  • Restore teeth with a significantly damaged crown (25-50%);
  • Do not shrink, the risk of secondary caries is minimal;
  • Accurately recreate the natural shape and color of the tooth.


  • The cost of restoration with tabs is higher than the installation of a seal;
  • You will need more than one dental clinic visit.

Dental prosthetics with tabs is performed in several stages. After examining the condition of the oral cavity, the orthopedic dentist takes an impression from the damaged tooth. An individual computer model is developed, on the basis of which a microprosthesis is created in the laboratory. At the second appointment, the doctor tries on and adjusts the tab so that it fits perfectly and does not disturb the bite. Then, with the help of dental glue or cement, it fixes it on the tooth, then polishing is performed.


  • volumetric carious cavities;
  • traumatic destruction of teeth;
  • the presence of a wedge-shaped defect;
  • partial destruction of supporting teeth during bridge prosthetics;
  • hypoplasia and dysplasia.


  • high activity of the carious process;
  • small size of the tooth cavity;
  • bruxism;
  • caries of proximal surfaces.

Types of dental inlays

Modern dentistry divides dental inlays according to their functional purpose into two main types - restorative and stump.

  • Recovery used independently - for the reconstruction of the chewing surface of the teeth, i.e. perform the same function as fillings. They are highly aesthetic, as they allow you to fully reproduce the anatomical shape and color of the tooth.
  • Stump tabs are used in case of severe tooth decay as a reliable basis for an artificial crown. These are solid or prefabricated structures with a root part in the form of fixing pins that fix the microprosthesis in the dental canals. The upper part is made in the form of a stump, and a crown is subsequently put on it. Post-stump tabs allow you to install a crown even if only the tooth root remains intact. They are extremely reliable and have an almost lifelong service life, and can be used as a support for bridge prosthetics.

The strength, durability and aesthetics of inlays directly depend on the material used. Micro prostheses are made of metal (mainly gold or special alloys), ceramics and ceramic composite.

Features of care

In the first days after prosthetics with inlays, increased loads on the restored tooth should be avoided. In the future, it is enough to follow daily hygiene procedures - rinse your mouth after each meal and brush your teeth at least twice a day.

Dental centers "" provide a full range of services for the restoration of damaged teeth using inlays. We perform restorative microprosthetics using modern ceramic composite and ceramic materials, install solid and collapsible stump inlays for the crown.

Dental inlays are micro-prostheses that replace parts of a natural tooth destroyed by caries, wedge-shaped defects or injury. Microprostheses are also used to replenish the integrity of teeth in congenital tissue hypoplasia, in the presence of large cavities, when installing bridges and individual crowns.

Features of the technique of manufacturing dental inlays

Tabs in the teeth- These are miniature fixed prostheses that completely repeat the anatomical pattern of a particular tooth. They are created artificially from casts and are visually identical to a natural tooth, representing its continuation.

Due to their geometric configuration, exactly corresponding to the inner surface of the tooth cavity, the inlays are firmly fixed in it.

In terms of quality, strength, stability and aesthetics, microprostheses compare favorably with traditional fillings.

Tabs differ in the raw materials from which they are made:

  1. Composite.
  2. All-ceramic.
  3. Metal.
  4. Metal-ceramic.
  • Composite tabs are made on laboratory equipment from polymeric, photosensitive materials that are used for conventional filling.

In terms of quality, they are similar to simple fillings - after a while they lose their glossiness, become dull and dark. At the same time, their creation is much more expensive than the usual fillings.

The photo below shows a composite tab and ordinary fillings from a substance of the same quality:

  • microprostheses, made entirely of ceramic components, are divided into products from:
  1. Pressed ceramics.
  2. Zirconia.

Pressed ceramic prostheses are made by high-temperature casting and simultaneous pressing of porcelain under high pressure.

Zirconia- are made from zirconium blanks by milling according to the following algorithm:

  1. The tooth cavity is treated with a drill in order to remove carious tissues.
  2. An impression of the patient's upper and lower jaws is made, according to which a plaster copy of the teeth is formed in the laboratory.
  3. The simulated copy is scanned.
  4. Based on the scanner data, a virtual model of the tooth cavity prepared for the inlay and an accurate model of the future prosthesis are built in a special computer program.
  5. The data of the three-dimensional matrix is ​​transmitted to an automatic machine, which cuts out a miniature copy of the required dimensions from the workpiece with a milling tool.
  6. A prosthesis cut from zirconium oxide is fired, then a layer of porcelain is deposited on it.
  7. A fully finished structure is inserted into the patient's tooth and fixed in it.

This is what a zirconia dental inlay looks like:

  • Metal tabs are made from alloys of silver and palladium, cobalt and chromium, as well as gold.

Gold inserts look like this in the photo:

  • Metal-ceramic version of tabs is a combination of ceramics with metal inclusions:

In addition to making inlays using a stencil of both jaws, dental prostheses are made according to a cast of one specific tooth or based on a 3D image of a dental cavity model on a computer.

When are dental inlays used?

The main indications for the use of dental microprostheses are:

  • Extensive caries covering over 60 percent of dental tissues.
  • Large cavity.
  • Traumatic destruction.
  • Congenital dysplasia and hypoplasia.
  • The presence of a wedge-shaped defect.
  • Protection against abrasion of sensitive surfaces of opposing teeth.
  • Bridge prosthetics.
  • Joint installation with root prostheses.
  • Closing the tooth with a crown.
  • Mechanical damage to teeth.

There are cases when tabs in the teeth are contraindicated.

Dental inserts should be avoided when:

  1. Small in depth of the tooth cavity.
  2. With high activity of the carious process.
  3. With poor oral hygiene.

Types of dental inlays

According to the functional purpose, artificial dental microprostheses are divided into:

  • Stump.
  • Recovery.

Stump tabs used as a solid base for a crown put on a tooth. The crown part of the tooth is first ground, giving it the appearance of a stump, a stump prosthesis is attached to it, and the tooth is covered with a crown from above.

Stump microprostheses are collapsible and cast:

  • cast made under pressure at high temperature. The main cast part of the tab is attached to the dental canals using pins.
  • Collapsible prostheses used for teeth with multiple canals. To accurately install the tab in the dental cavity, a part of the removable pins is used.

Due to fixation in several channels at once, the collapsible stump tab has an unlimited shelf life and cannot be removed!

The main indications for the installation of a stump tab are:

The stump tab is not installed when:

  • Damage to the tooth root.
  • Gum disease.
  • Congenital abnormal tooth mobility.
  • Allergies to the components from which it is made.
  • Untreated dental canals.

The device of the stump tab is possible only if the root of the tooth is preserved!

Recovery tabs designed to reproduce the natural shape of the teeth and their color.

They are placed as an independent micro-prosthesis in cavities that cannot be closed with a conventional filling, as well as as a support for removable or non-removable dentures.

These tabs perform the following functions:

Before placing a restoration insert inside the tooth, a thorough treatment of the dental cavity is mandatory!

When forming a cavity, the need to extract a microprosthesis from it in only one direction is taken into account.

The inlay is installed in such a way that it does not move in the tooth cavity, affecting both enamel and dentin.

Ceramic or metal dental inlays - which is better?

Tabs made from different components are designed to solve different problems.

  • In particular, metal tabs with are put in places that are not visible on the line of teeth when a person smiles.

Most often they are made of gold leaf, the sample of which is above 900 units. It is a softer material than traditional gold, and its strength surpasses other metal alloys used for microprosthetics.

Due to its softness, the gold prosthesis fits tightly in hard dental tissues.

Gold inlays are the most expensive type of microprostheses!

  • Ceramic inlays you can safely put on the front teeth, which are inevitably visible when smiling.

They are not conspicuous, merge with the natural shade of natural human enamel and adorn the common row of teeth, leveling the flawed fragments. There is practically no gap between the surface of the prosthesis and the tooth tissue.

The strength of the ceramic filling approaches that of metal microprostheses.

When installing dental ceramic inlays, you should regularly check with your dentist to prevent their possible wear and the appearance of microscopic cracks!

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