How to use saffron for medicinal purposes. Useful properties, effect on the body. How to distinguish it from Indian saffron - turmeric

In the article we tell how useful saffron is, we talk about its medicinal properties and contraindications for use. You will learn how to use saffron in cooking, cosmetology and folk medicine Is it possible to use the spice for pregnant and lactating women.

Saffron is an orange spice and food coloring.. Dried stigmas of saffron (crocus) are used as spices. This is the most expensive condiment. The cost of saffron is due to the labor intensity of production - 1 crocus gives only 3 stigmas, and 200 thousand flowers are needed to obtain 1 kilogram of spice. For this reason, saffron is often counterfeited, selling marigold petals instead of crocus stigmas.

Appearance (photo) of saffron

Common saffron (lat. Crocus Sativus) is a bulbous perennial herbaceous plant of the genus Saffron of the family Irisaceae or Kasatikovye. It does not grow in the wild, because it cannot reproduce without human intervention. Now you know what saffron looks like and what it is. The plant can be grown at home, read more in.

Saffron has a strong peculiar aroma and a bitter spicy taste. Although saffron grass also has useful properties, the stigmas of the plant are used in medicine and cooking. The spice is also used to color and flavor food.

The chemical composition and calorie content of saffron

The chemical composition of the spice:

  • essential oil;
  • crocin;
  • beta-crocetin;
  • glycosides;
  • vitamin B1;
  • vitamin B2;
  • flavonoids;
  • Sahara;
  • calcium salts;
  • fatty oil.

Calorie content of 100 g of saffron is 310 kcal. In 1 teaspoon, approximately 2 grams of saffron - 6.2 kcal.

Beneficial features

Therapeutic properties of saffron:

  • antispasmodic;
  • painkiller;
  • stimulating;
  • secretory;
  • diuretic;
  • antitussive;
  • anticancer.

The benefits of saffron are beneficial effects on the digestive tract. The spice improves digestion, metabolism and removes toxins from the body.

The properties of saffron allow it to be used for nervous system. Spice stops headache and relieves stress, activates brain activity improves memory and improves concentration. The spice helps with insomnia and depression.

Saffron is beneficial for of cardio-vascular system. Regular use of spices helps to strengthen the myocardium and normalize heart rate. Saffron strengthens the walls of blood vessels, lowers arterial pressure.

Useful saffron for women. The spice improves the functioning of the reproductive system, increases libido, activates blood circulation in the genitals, normalizes menstrual cycle and hormonal background. In the East, spice is used in the treatment of infertility.

Saffron was also used in the treatment male diseases. The spice enhances attraction and increases potency, it is recommended in the treatment of prostatitis.

The use of saffron in cooking

AT Food Industry spice saffron has been used for coloring and flavoring products. Seasoning stain cheeses, sausages, and liquors.

How to use saffron? To give dishes a characteristic taste and aroma, spices are added to a small amount during the cooking process. Most often, saffron is seasoned with rice, legumes, and potatoes. Add to meat and fish. Read more about saffron seasoning.

The use of saffron in cosmetology

Saffron is used not only in cooking, it is used in cosmetology and traditional medicine.

Seasoning saffron has also been used in cosmetology. It is used to improve the condition of the skin of the face and body, saffron is used for hair.

Purifying face mask

Saffron cleanses the skin of the face, nourishes and moisturizes it. Spice fights age-related changes, improves skin elasticity.


  1. Saffron - ¼ teaspoon.
  2. Cosmetic clay - 2 tablespoons.
  3. Lavender essential oil - 6 drops.

How to cook: Mix the ingredients until smooth, dilute with a small amount warm water to the consistency of thick cream.

How to use: Apply the mask on the face for 15 minutes, rinse warm water.

Result: Cleans and moisturizes the skin, evens out complexion.

Moisturizing hair mask

AT home cosmetology saffron is added to hair masks. Regardless of the type, hair needs moisture. Saffron is mixed with honey and sour cream.


  1. Honey - 2 tablespoons.
  2. Sour cream - 2 tablespoons.
  3. Saffron - 1 teaspoon.

How to cook: Mix the ingredients.

How to use: Apply the mask from the roots to the ends of the hair, put on a shower cap and wrap your head with a warm towel. Keep the mask on for 30 minutes. Wash off with warm water using shampoo.

Result: The mask moisturizes and restores damaged hair.

AT cosmetic purposes they use not only dried crocus stigmas, but also saffron oil - the product retains its properties to the fullest.

The use of saffron in folk medicine

In folk medicine, decoctions and infusions are made on the basis of saffron.

Saffron is used in medicine to strengthen the immune system, prevent and treat various diseases. Below we have given recipes for effective medicines with this spice.

Infusion for immunity

If you want to improve immunity and reduce the risk of developing colds, accept water infusion saffron.


  1. Saffron stigmas - 2-3 pcs.
  2. Boiling water - 200 ml.

How to cook: Pour a glass of boiling water over saffron, leave the medicine for 30 minutes. Strain the drink before use.

How to use: Drink an infusion of saffron stigmas 3-4 times a day half an hour before a meal or 1 hour after a meal.

Result: Increases immunity.

Compresses for the eyes

Saffron increases visual acuity, improves the condition of the eyes with conjunctivitis and barley. For these purposes, use compresses with saffron.


  1. Saffron stigmas - 5 pcs.
  2. Infusion rose water- ½ teaspoon.

How to cook: Powder saffron stigmas and mix with rose water infusion.

How to use: Soak cotton pads and apply for 15 minutes.

Result: Relieves fatigue and irritation, improves eyesight.

Lotions for headaches

To eliminate headaches, saffron is used in the form of lotions, mixing seasoning with ghee. The medicine also helps with insomnia.


  1. Saffron stigmas - 3-4 pcs.
  2. Melted butter - 3 drops.

How to cook: Grind stigmas into powder and mix with ghee.

How to use: Rub the resulting slurry into the nostrils for headaches.

Result: Remedy stops pain, soothes nervous system, normalizes sleep.

Saffron for women

Tea to increase potency in men

Men can get the benefits of saffron for the body by using an infusion to increase potency.


  1. Saffron stigmas - 4-5 pcs.
  2. Fresh ginger - 25 g.
  3. Black pepper - 4 pcs.
  4. Black tea - 1 teaspoon.
  5. Water - 1.5 cups.

How to cook: Grind all the spices in a mortar or coffee grinder to a powder consistency. Pour into a saucepan along with black tea. Fill with water and put on a slow fire. Bring the broth to a boil, remove from heat and strain.

How to use: Drink tea immediately after preparation.

Result: Tea with saffron increases potency.

Now you know how to take saffron - the spice retains its beneficial properties in the form of tea, decoctions and infusions.

Can saffron be used by pregnant and lactating women?

Saffron can benefit and harm in the same way - medicinal spice harmful to health if used incorrectly. Pregnant women need to be especially careful. During pregnancy, saffron can only be used immediately before childbirth - the seasoning stimulates uterine contractions and provokes contractions. On the early dates the use of saffron can lead to miscarriage, and in the later - to premature birth.

Do not use saffron while breastfeeding breast milk. Saffron can cause overexcitation and even poisoning in a child.


Now you know what saffron has medicinal properties, contraindications to the use of spices:

  • hypertension;
  • diabetes;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period.

Knowing about saffron - useful properties and contraindications to its use, also do not use the spice in large quantities, large dosages of seasoning can provoke food poisoning.

What to remember

  1. Saffron - the most expensive spice, is the dried stigmas of saffron (crocus).
  2. Saffron is used in cooking, cosmetology and traditional medicine.
  3. It is forbidden to use seasoning for pregnant and lactating women.

Many have heard about the saffron spice, but not everyone had a chance to try it - the prices are painfully biting. It is this spice that is rightfully considered the most expensive in the world, which is even confirmed by the corresponding entry in the Guinness Book of Records. The exorbitant cost of saffron is explained by a very laborious manufacturing technology: it has to be collected manually, moreover, the yield from raw materials is very small (10 kg per 1 ha). To have an idea of ​​how expensive it is to buy seasoning, here are a few numbers. Iranian saffron is considered the cheapest - $460 per kilogram. The most expensive are Spanish saffron ($15,000/kg) and Kashmiri ($30,000/kg).

Like most spices, saffron is endowed not only with peculiar taste and aroma, but also with a number of useful properties. We offer you to get acquainted with this seasoning closer and learn about the features of its use.

Saffron (crocus): a description of a useful seasoning

grassy perennial saffron (Arabic Zafaran) comes from the Middle East, India and Asia Minor. Belongs to the iris family. Its other name is crocus(lat. Crocus sativus), in Europe it bears the name "plant of the sun." It is recognizable by its long, erect, narrow, linear leaves growing from its root, and its beautiful funnel-shaped purple flowers. The duration of flowering in crocus is very short - within seven days.

Each saffron flower contains three burgundy stamens with light patches. Crushed dried stigmas are a world-famous condiment that has a strong aroma and a spicy bitter honey taste. In addition, they are used as food coloring, in perfumery and medicine. It is the stigmas of saffron that, due to the content of vitamins, minerals and essential oils, have beneficial properties for human health. Outwardly, the spice looks like thin threads or veins of red-brown or dark red color.

Did you know? Saffron is such a famous and ancient plant (first mentioned in 1489) that information about it is contained in many ancient medical and literary sources. So, in the Song of Songs, the beauty of the bride is compared with saffron. The medicinal properties of the plant are described in Chinese treatises on medicine and in Egyptian manuscripts. Found and old drawings depicting the process of collecting crocuses.

300 tons of spices are harvested annually in the world. Most of the world harvest (90%) falls on Iran. Also, the production of saffron is widespread in Spain, Greece, France, the USA, China, Azerbaijan, Japan and other countries.

Chemical composition and nutritional value of saffron

To understand why this seasoning is so useful and what are healing properties saffron , consider it chemical composition. The spice contains vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B9, C, A, PP), minerals(iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, zinc, manganese, copper), carotene, nitrogenous substances, essential oils (saffronol, limonene, geraniol, cineole, pinene, linalool, terpinene, etc.).

The nutritional composition of saffron is as follows:

  • proteins - 11.43 g / 100 g of product;
  • fats - 5.85 g;
  • carbohydrates - 61.47 g.
The energy value of the product is 310 kcal.

Medicinal properties of saffron: what is the use of the plant

The properties of saffron were studied in antiquity, the seasoning was used to make healing ointments, skin care products, infusions for women's health. Per long years food and medicinal purposes It revealed beneficial effect saffron on:

  • nervous system;
  • brain activity;
  • the work of the digestive system;
  • genitourinary system among women;
  • erection improvement;
  • strengthening the cardiovascular system;
  • restoration of vision;
  • increased sexual desire.

Did you know? Today, saffron-based products are used as additional treatment about 100 diseases.

Saffron is used as an antioxidant - it is able to cleanse the body of toxins. Particularly well proven in alcohol intoxication. Saffron is also used to cleanse the kidneys and bladder. Used as a carminative, choleretic, diuretic and antispasmodic agent.

Saffron - good antidepressant, an effective analgesic and aphrodisiac.

Latest research in the field oncological diseases use this herb to stop growth cancer cells particularly in liver cancer.

The use of saffron is advised to people working in polluted factories, as this spice has anti-carcinogenic and anti-mutagenic properties.

How to use saffron: traditional medicine recipes

AT official medicine crocus is part of eye drops and general strengthening tinctures. Traditional medicine also uses saffron in many recipes for a variety of diseases.

The most common way to use saffron is daily use infusion of saffron stigmas. For its preparation, it is necessary to dissolve 1-2 frayed veins in 100-250 g warm milk or water. Such an infusion can have a beneficial effect on the human body as a whole, improve memory, stimulate the brain.

One more recipe universal infusion: 15 veins pour 200 ml of boiling water for 3-5 minutes, heat over a fire, add 300 ml of water, remove before boiling. After the veins settle to the bottom, the infusion can be taken 200 ml before meals.

Important! Since saffron herb has both beneficial properties and can be harmful, it is necessary to consult a doctor before using it for medicinal purposes.

They also make a tincture of stigmas: insist 1 teaspoon of stigmas in a glass of boiling water for half an hour, strain and cool. Take 1 tbsp. spoon three times a day before meals.

Infusion with honey (1 tablespoon of honey, 1 teaspoon of saffron powder) is used to crush kidney stones and bladder and as a means to remove bile. Dose for a single dose - 25 g before meals. Also, with this disease, a decoction of a mixture of saffron, ivy, tea rose petals, fragrant violet and lilac leaves is taken throughout the day. 2 tbsp. spoons of ingredients in equal proportions are brewed in 2 liters of boiling water.

With cystitis, it is advised to add saffron veins to lingonberry, cranberry juice or drink an infusion of 2-3 veins, 100 ml of fresh cranberry juice diluted in a glass of warm water. Infusion drink three times a day, 100 ml before meals, be sure to combine with the use a large number water.

Beneficial features saffron for the genitourinary system in women - normalization of the menstrual cycle, analgesic during menstruation. For pain in the lower abdomen, it is recommended to chew saffron veins (5 pieces) with water. For problems with the cycle, you can try a decoction of herbs: upland uterus(25 g), saffron (25 g), water (500 g). Take on an empty stomach 100 ml.

To cleanse the body on an empty stomach, drink an infusion of 10 stigmas of saffron (3 veins), 10 pieces light raisins and half a glass of cold boiled water, defended during the night. Reception schedule - twice a day for two months.

Among the beneficial properties of saffron for men, it can be noted that the seasoning is a natural aphrodisiac without side effects.To increase potency, add saffron, ginger and black pepper to vegetable, meat and fish dishes.

Important! Folk remedies with saffron in the composition are not an alternative to medicines and do not replace the main treatment. It's just complementary therapy.

Saffron essential oil is used to treat asthma and upper respiratory infections.

Saffron renders healing effect and for external use. It is used as a lotion for headaches and insomnia. With the same problems, it is advised to inhale the aroma of a powder tied in a cloth bag. Or rub a gruel of 3-4 veins mixed with three drops of ghee into the nostrils.

For the treatment of purulent wounds and wiping skin rashes use a decoction of crocus leaves: 2 tbsp. spoons / 500 ml of water.

Saffron is very useful for the eyes, its healing properties have been proven in conjunctivitis, barley. In the event of these diseases, 15-minute compresses are used with a gruel of 5 ground veins, combined with an infusion of rose water (in equal amounts).

Saffron has found application in cosmetology. A 20-minute mask of 1 teaspoon of saffron, 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of sour cream has a rejuvenating and refreshing effect. A decoction of saffron is rinsed with hair.

How is saffron used in cooking?

Saffron is able to give a special, unique taste and a beautiful golden hue to almost any dish. In cooking, it is often called the "king of spices" or "spice No. 1". It goes well with meat, fish and vegetable dishes. A spice for color and aroma is added to the recipe of cheeses, sausages, oils, drinks, confectionery and bakery products, creams, desserts. Not without saffron traditional dishes Indian and Spanish cuisine. First of all, this applies to rice dishes. The spice is also used in the preparation of liqueurs and cocktails.

The spice is made from dried saffron stamens. When collecting, only manual labor is used - the plucking method. For 1 kg of spice, 200 thousand inflorescences are used. Saffron stigmas are harvested in autumn (September-November). Produced in the Caucasus, in China, Portugal, on the world market 90% of the crop belongs to Iran.

Useful properties of saffron

The chemical composition of saffron includes water-soluble crocins (digentibioside), essential oil crocetin, crocetin, saffranal, crocin glycosides. A peculiar taste is given by the substances pyrocrocin, safranal. Antioxidants: lycopene, α- and β-carotene, zeaxanthin.

The nutritional value of saffron is represented by fats (5.9 g), proteins (12.2 g), carbohydrates (62.4 g). There are ash compounds (5.5 g), alimentary fiber(4.1 g). Vitamins: PP, A, B1, B2, B6, B9, C. Mineral compounds: magnesium, iron, phosphorus, calcium, selenium, sodium, copper, zinc. Saffron leads among spices in terms of potassium content (1824 mg).

How saffron affects the body

There are few spices containing such a large list of useful properties. Saffron has antiseptic, antispasmodic, antipyretic, carminative, diuretic, regenerating, vasodilating, diaphoretic action. With regular use, the liver, blood vessels are cleansed, the composition of the blood is balanced, and the production of red blood cells increases. Since ancient times, the ability to calm nerves, relieve tension, improve mood has been noted.

Saffron normalizes blood pressure, tones up the work of the brain and heart. It has a positive effect on the genital area, the genitourinary system, increases potency. It has been proven that the essential oil "saffranal" inhibits the development of cancer cells. With a systematic intake, vision is restored, the menstrual cycle normalizes, the work of the ovaries and kidneys stabilizes, and the aging process slows down. It is the prevention of ischemia, hypertension, atherosclerosis, cataracts, glaucoma.

Saffron is useful for those who want to lose weight: it regulates lipid metabolism, restores metabolic processes, accelerates metabolism, helps to reduce fat cells. The presence of antioxidants stimulates immune system, protects against free radicals. Glycosides activate the heart muscle, improve blood flow, prevent the occurrence of arrhythmia, and restore the pulse rate.

How to choose

Saffron is an expensive spice that is often counterfeited in order to sell a cheaper orange-colored product, such as safrole, marigold, turmeric, thistle flowers. In ground form, a fake is difficult to recognize. To buy natural saffron, you need to know that the thread fiber must be red-brown or dark red with yellow dots. The smell is metallic-honey with an admixture of fresh hay. An experiment with water gives a complete picture of the naturalness of the product: in 5 minutes, 2 threads stain 3 liters in a bright yellow color, and a saturated solution is always red-orange.

Storage methods

Saffron does not lose quality for about two years if it is kept in a dry place in an airtight container or wooden container. In the light it quickly deteriorates: it loses color, aroma. The quality is checked during soaking, old threads do not stain water and swell for a long time.

What is combined with in cooking

Saffron is not only useful, but also gives the dishes sophistication, a pleasant bitter-spicy taste. Gourmets highly appreciate this spice. The range of use is quite wide. Saffron is added to clear broths, soups, ear. With this spice you get great dishes from cauliflower, rice, fish, lamb, turkey, chicken. Used for stuffing bell peppers, zucchini, carp, goose, duck.

Saffron is used by confectioners and bakers as a natural dye for Easter cakes, gingerbread, muffins, cakes. Pilaf, tea, coffee are prepared with it. Seafood, pasta, fish, mushrooms, vegetable dishes saffron sauce is served, which is prepared with fried onions, cream, black pepper.

Useful food combination

You do not know how to lose weight - this problem can be solved with the help of regular use of saffron extract in dishes. The property of this spice has been scientifically proven to suppress appetite. Scientists claim that this product affects the centers of the brain, affects the production of the hormone "serotonin", which, in response to satiety, blocks the fact of overeating, improves mood. During the study, people's appetite decreased, without following special diets and stress, the participants in the experiments quickly began to lose weight. Now work is underway to include saffron in dietary supplements and means to combat obesity.

In dishes, saffron is useful to combine with seafood, basmati rice, carrots, cabbage and cauliflower, add to soups and vegetable side dishes. A popular recipe for universal action: "Saffron drink". In the evening, 10 threads are soaked in half a glass of water, 10 pcs. light raisins, take on an empty stomach in the morning. For a complete cleansing of the body, restoration of metabolism, a course of 2 months is recommended.


Application in medicine and cosmetology

The healing effect of saffron has been tested and confirmed by thousands of years of use. Today it is used in various medicines, is a part of eye drops, extracts. In folk medicine, combined with various herbs. Recommended as a remedy for cough, insomnia, intestinal disorders, flatulence, baldness. Compresses, lotions from the infusion relieve inflammation of the eyes, cleanse festering wounds. Drinks with saffron are prescribed for depression, diseases of the cardiovascular system, and brain dysfunction. In the form of rinses, they are used for stomatitis, tonsillitis, periodontal disease.

Saffron is prescribed to reduce pressure, restore vision, improve lipid metabolism, treat angina pectoris, atherosclerosis, arrhythmias, and kidneys. Used to facilitate childbirth.

Saffron is popular in cosmetology, is a component of creams and products for hair and skin. Promotes rejuvenation, improves complexion, eliminates age spots, stimulates metabolic processes at the cellular level. Infusion applications replenish the mineral-vitamin level of the skin. Taking the tincture increases susceptibility to ultraviolet radiation, accelerates tanning, and prevents sunburn.

Saffron - golden pistils, which are used as a spice and dye. It has a strong aroma and bitter taste. The spice is used in Mediterranean and Oriental cuisine. Most often, saffron is added to rice and fish.

The name of the spice comes from the Arabic word “za-faran”, meaning “to be yellow”. The history of saffron is culinary, although the ancient Romans tried to prevent hangovers by adding saffron to wine. It has also been used as an antidepressant in traditional Persian medicine.

In the works of Galen and Hippocrates, saffron was mentioned as a remedy for colds, stomach diseases, insomnia, uterine bleeding, scarlet fever, heart problems and flatulence.

Saffron regulates blood sugar levels, is involved in the synthesis of tissues, bones and sex hormones. It fights infections and purifies the blood.

What is saffron

Saffron is the dry stigmas of the pistils of the Crocus sativus flower. Saffron is used as a spice that has an antidepressant effect.

To get 190 kg. saffron per year requires 150-200 thousand flowers. This is why saffron is the most expensive spice in the world.

The composition and calorie content of saffron

Seasoning saffron is added to dishes in small quantities - no more than 1 teaspoon. In 1 tbsp. product manganese content exceeds 400% of the recommended daily intake.

The rest of the composition 1 tbsp. impresses too:

  • vitamin C - 38%;
  • magnesium - 18%;
  • iron - 17%;
  • potassium -14%.

Nutritional composition 100 gr. saffron according to the daily allowance:

Saffron contains carotenoids. These are fat-soluble compounds, but in the composition of saffron they are water-soluble.

Chemical analysis of the saffron extract revealed 150 different compounds.

1 tbsp. l.saffron contains:

The beneficial properties of saffron help to get rid of cramps, itching and reduce inflammation. Seasoning is useful for diabetics, for prevention respiratory diseases and eye diseases.

For muscles

Saffron eliminates muscle soreness due to its anti-inflammatory properties. The study showed that taking 300 mg. saffron for 10 days at maximum physical activity reduced muscle pain.

For the heart and blood vessels

Saffron lowers blood pressure. The study was conducted in men - the effect appeared after 26 weeks of daily intake of 60 mg. saffron.

For nerves and brain

Inhaling the aroma of saffron reduces anxiety by 10% 20 minutes after ingestion in women. The study noted that the aroma of saffron reduces anxiety, relaxes and helps fight depression. Repeated trials have proven that saffron is effective in treating depression. You need to take the standard dose - 30 mg. per day for 8 weeks. Its efficiency is comparable to several medicines prescription.

The use of saffron by Alzheimer's patients improved their condition.

For eyes

Saffron improves visual acuity in individuals with age-related macular degeneration and prevents the formation of cataracts.

For the lungs

Saffron relieves inflammation with signs of bronchial asthma.

For the gastrointestinal tract

Saffron helps reduce hunger and portion sizes. A Malaysian study examined the ability of saffron to induce satiety. Women 2 times a day took saffron without restrictions. After 2 months, they reported a decrease in appetite and weight loss. The researchers concluded that this spice can help cure obesity by curbing appetite and reducing weight.

For hormones

The aroma of saffron increases estrogen levels and lowers cortisol levels in women.

For the reproductive system

Saffron is important in combating sexual dysfunction and PMS symptoms.

In men, adding a small dose of saffron for 4 weeks improved erectile function and satisfaction with sexual intercourse. The study proved that the use of 50 mg. saffron with milk 3 times a week improved sperm motility.


What is saffron

What is saffron, useful properties and contraindications, how to take, what are the medicinal properties of this plant, all this is of great interest to those who lead healthy lifestyle life, looks after his health, and is interested in folk methods treatment, including medicinal herbs and spices. So we will try to answer these questions in the following article.

Saffron (lat. Crócus) is a genus of perennial corms herbaceous plants family Iris, or Kasatikovye (Iridaceae). In the literature on decorative floriculture there is a borrowed Latin name crocus.

Saffron is a unique spice that everyone has heard of. What's more, it's the most expensive spice in the world, and the most counterfeited. What is it connected with? And why does the title mention the usual flower - crocus? In fact, the connection here is the most direct. The spice saffron is made from the stigmas of the crocus seed. Moreover, in some areas even the flower is called saffron, not crocus.

Where saffron first appeared is not clear, but already in Mesopotamia for 3 thousand years BC. e. spice was known. The Arabs spread it all over the world, in fact, zafran is translated from Arabic as yellow, and now we are dealing mainly with Arabic saffron.

So, crocus (saffron) sowing is a bulbous perennial plant from the iris family. Its bulb is small, 5 cm in diameter, there is no stem, the leaves are basal, linear, the flowers grow directly from the bulb. According to the color of the flowers, saffron is yellow, orange, lilac or dark purple. It blooms in spring or autumn, depending on the specific species. The shape of the flower is funnel-shaped, with a corolla divided into 6 lobes. Stamens shorter than corolla, stigmas three, bright orange. The fruit is a capsule with small seeds.

The orange-yellow color is given to the stigmas by the so-called crocins, which are obtained from the water-soluble carotenoid crocetin. Pyrocrocin glycoside and its derivatives are responsible for the taste and aroma of saffron. In addition, saffron contains essential oil, which includes fractions such as saffronol, pineol, pinene, cineol, as well as B vitamins, carotene, flavonoids, gum, fixed oils, carbohydrates, salts of phosphorus and calcium. At present, saffron is cultivated and cultivated in India, Spain, Portugal, Pakistan, Iran, China, Japan, Greece, southern France, the Crimea and Transcaucasia.

A good hectare-sized plantation is capable of producing 20 kg of finished spice per year. Only fully bloomed flowers are harvested by hand, and the stigmas are also manually peeled from them. Moreover, during the collection period, the weather must be good, otherwise the raw materials may deteriorate. Then the drying process takes place. It is produced either in special dryers, or under the sun, or in heated ovens. Then the dry spice is crushed and packed in a sealed container. This is where the price comes from - 1 kg of dry saffron costs an average of about 3 thousand euros.

The best variety of real saffron is considered to be Kashmiri, but it is practically inaccessible to us because of its exorbitant price, and simply because it is not available in our stores. In second place is the Spanish variety Coupe, as well as Superior. For those who can afford to travel to Spain, it is better to buy spice there. And until recently, the most common was the Iranian variety, which was supplied to most countries of the world.

It must be borne in mind that in our markets most often not real saffron is sold, but the so-called Imeretian, made from dried marigold flower petals. Its taste and aroma have nothing to do with real saffron.

When buying saffron, pay attention to its color - it should be from dark red to red-brown. The texture of the spice resembles tangled thin threads, on which you can see thin flower stigmas. The easiest way to fake ground saffron is often given as turmeric. Therefore, ground saffron from unfamiliar sellers is not worth taking. And of course, Special attention you need to pay attention to the aroma - it should be strong, persistent, and if the smell is weak and the color is not saturated, most likely the spice is of poor quality or was stored incorrectly.

What is useful saffron

Saffron was used in antiquity as a medicine, having a powerful tonic effect on the entire body. They were treated with the digestive, and cardiovascular, and nervous systems, and were also used as the strongest aphrodisiac.

The aroma of saffron increases concentration and efficiency, tones and calms at the same time.

But we are more interested in saffron as a spice. It is very concentrated - just one dry stigma is enough to color a whole liter of water bright yellow. Therefore, it is very important, when adding saffron to your dishes, to observe moderation, otherwise an excess of spice will give a bitter taste. As a rule, saffron and other spices are not mixed, because its taste is self-sufficient. However, there are spices with which saffron goes well. These are thyme, cinnamon and basil.

Saffron is added to pastries, and in order for the aroma to fully reveal, it is better to let it stand for several hours before serving. In general, the taste and aroma of this spice are not lost after prolonged heat treatment, but, on the contrary, are better revealed. Therefore, it is better to add spice at the very beginning of cooking dishes from meat, poultry, fish, seafood, cereals.

Saffron goes very well with milk, so it is not without reason considered one of the best spices for milk jelly, creams and desserts. Milk sauce, in which several saffron stigmas were soaked for some time, can give a special piquancy to the dish. It is added at the end of cooking. If you want the saffron to give off its flavor and aroma faster, you can roast it in a dry frying pan for a few minutes, then add water or wine.

In the East, saffron is always put in pilaf so that it has that indescribable taste and golden hue. They flavor wine and other drinks (oriental sherbets), add to soups, broths, cheeses, tea, coffee and milk.

Saffron does not tolerate the presence of other spices, so it is not included in spice mixtures. In dishes, it is almost always used on its own. Saffron is a very strong spice, so it is used in microscopic doses. Even a small excess can spoil the dish, making it bitter. Therefore, in cooking, unlike many other spices, it is used not in dry form, but in the form of aqueous or alcoholic solutions.

Such solutions are prepared quite simply. Spice (several stigmas of flowers) 15-20 minutes before the time of its direct use is poured with warm water (in the ratio of 1 g of spice to 120 ml of water), and then used as needed. Alcohol tincture(i.e., stigmas dissolved in alcohol) are diluted with water before use, after which dishes are introduced during their preparation.

The norms and methods of laying this spice differ depending on the type of dishes, culinary traditions and tastes. The most common norms are as follows: saffron solutions are added to pastry during kneading or before baking, based on 0.1 g per 1–1.5 kg of baked products. In the second and sweet dishes - in 4-5 minutes in the same proportion.

Experiment, but remember: you can’t eat saffron with spoons, otherwise you will spoil the taste of the dish and waste the priceless spice in vain.

Saffron contraindications

Since saffron is a rather toxic plant, and its effect on the body is strong, it must be used with great care. Saffron tincture is not recommended for children under two years of age. It is sometimes said that it is generally better for children not to use this seasoning even with ordinary dishes. It is contraindicated to use any preparations from saffron, as well as spicy dishes during pregnancy. This can negatively affect both the pregnant woman and her child.

Saffron stimulates the tone of the uterus and can provoke a miscarriage. Just 2 grams of spice, taken once, can cause diarrhea and vomiting even in healthy person. In hypertension with an overdose of saffron, severe dizziness, convulsions, a person can fall into a coma.

It is contraindicated to abuse saffron when diabetes. For some cardiovascular diseases saffron is also not recommended. An overdose provokes an overstrain of the sense organs and the nervous system. We must remember that even the most wonderful medicines can both heal and harm health.

Doctor's indications, dosage and control - the necessary conditions the use of folk and recipes with saffron.

Medicinal properties of saffron, how to take

Significant amounts have been found in saffron stigmas. essential oil, whose main components are pinene and cineole. In addition to this, the stigmas contain vitamins (riboflavin, vitamin C, thiamine, etc.), flavonoids, gum, calcium, phosphorus, sugars.

In folk medicine, saffron preparations are traditionally used to treat diseases of the liver and eyes. They also have diuretic, anticonvulsant and analgesic effects. Saffron infusions and decoctions are indicated for whooping cough, neurosis, impotence and frigidity, loss of appetite.

In Russian folk medicine, both real saffron and its substitutes were used - wine saffron and simple saffron, or garden saffron, grown in gardens, flowers or their petals were taken from them. Water, sometimes wine infusion of all three plants was consumed by women after childbirth and "from stopping the monthly cleansing."

Indian traditional medicine characterizes saffron as pungent, bittersweet, cooling. It is believed that it affects all tissues - the elements, but especially the blood. The Indians refer to the systems of increased tropism the digestive, female reproductive, nervous, and circulatory systems. Saffron improves metabolism, has a monthly, rejuvenating, stimulating potency, carminative, antispasmodic effect. Saffron is a very strong, but very expensive remedy that "renews the blood, the circulatory system", and also has a beneficial effect on the female reproductive system and improves metabolism in general. This is one of best plants regulating the functions of the spleen and liver. According to sources referring to traditional Indian medicine, saffron is the best stimulant and aphrodisiac for women. Not being a classic tonic in itself, however, even in small amounts, it significantly enhances the tonic effect of other herbs and promotes the growth of tissues of both the genital organs and the entire body. It can be added to milk or taken along with other tonic herbs to enhance their effect. Saffron is also used to improve the nutrition of deep-lying body tissues.

AT Indian medicine saffron is prescribed for the following diseases: irregular and painful periods, menopause, impotence, infertility, anemia, liver enlargement, hysteria, depression, neuralgia, lumbago, rheumatism, cough, asthma, chronic diarrhea. Saffron is not recommended during pregnancy (may cause miscarriage). AT large doses exhibits narcotic properties (causes anesthesia). Dosage forms: water and oil infusion, milk decoction, powder (from 100 to 250 mg).

Saffron improves metabolism, has a monthly, rejuvenating, stimulating potency, carminative, antispasmodic effect.

Saffron, which has a warm, stimulating smell, is sniffed to calm the nervous system, to give strength and energy to the body, to awaken the mind and sharpen perception. Lotions of saffron are used for severe headaches, to eliminate insomnia.

Currently, an infusion of saffron stigmas is used for irregular and painful periods, impotence, infertility, anemia, liver enlargement, as a sedative for various nervous diseases especially for insomnia hysterical fits, depression, neuralgia, lumbago, various convulsions, convulsive cough, whooping cough, bronchial asthma used for indigestion, chronic diarrhea as a diuretic, diaphoretic and cardiac remedy.

Infusion. Pour 2 teaspoons of stigmas of saffron flowers with 1.5 cups of boiling water, insist, wrapped for an hour, strain. Take 1-2 tbsp. spoons 3-4 times a day.

It is believed that drunk infusion of saffron gives a person the ability to foresee the future, and saffron, added to food, drives away melancholy, melancholy, and despondency.

Saffron has a strong, peculiar aroma, bitter, spicy taste. As a spice, it is used in very small quantities in the preparation of dishes, primarily from rice, as well as for the preparation of lamb, lamb, fish and cauliflower soups and broths.

Saffron for weight loss

A special effect of saffron has been noted in weight loss. What is the reason for this? Many studies have shown that with regular use of saffron, appetite is significantly reduced. This in turn gives visible results in the fight against overweight. It's all about serotonin, which is present in the spice. It is a hormone that is responsible for the level of appetite. Therefore, the likelihood of overeating is reduced and frequent use food.

Thus, you can painlessly lose a few kilograms without resorting to strict diets and exhausting workouts. Moreover, the action of serotonin favorably affects emotional state organism, a person is less susceptible stressful situations that disrupt work internal organs and everything human body generally.

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