How to cook a delicious and light broth. How to make the broth clear? homemade recipes

Boil chicken broth from store-bought chicken for 1 hour.
Boil chicken broth from homemade chicken for 2-3 hours.
Boil the chicken broth from the soup set for 1 hour.
Boil chicken broth from offal for 1 hour.

How to cook chicken broth

6 liters per pot
Chicken - 1 piece
Carrot - 1 large
Onion - 1 head
Greens (dill, parsley) - half a bunch
Bay leaf - 2 leaves
Black peppercorns - 10-15 pieces
Salt - 1 tablespoon

How to cook chicken broth
1. Put the chicken in the pan - it must be thawed and washed. If the chicken is large (from 1.5 kg) - you should cut it into pieces weighing 300-400 grams. It is easier to do this by cutting the chicken at the joints. In our case, half a chicken weighing 750 grams does not need to be cut.

2. Pour water - the future broth, and put the pan on a strong fire.
3. Close the pan with a lid, wait for the water to boil (about 15 minutes), follow the resulting foam for 10 minutes, removing it with a slotted spoon or a tablespoon.

4. Peel the carrots, cut off the rhizome from the onion (leave the husk if you want to get a golden broth), put the onion and carrots in a saucepan.
5. After removing the foam, 10 minutes after boiling the broth, add salt and pepper.
6. Add lavrushka and herbs.
7. Close the broth simmering over low heat with a lid and cook for 1 hour.

8. Take out the chicken, remove carrots and onions.
9. Strain the broth through a sieve or colander.
10. Your chicken broth is cooked!

Add greens to boiled chicken broth and use in recipes, or serve as is with crackers or croutons. Serve the meat alone or use it in soups and salads.

Second chicken broth

Chicken broth on the second water is boiled in order to make it more dietary and healthy, especially for the sick and children. All harmful substances merge with the first broth (chemicals and antibiotics, which are often treated with chicken).
Step by step:
1. When the first bubbles appear in a pot of water and chicken, mark for 10 minutes for cooking.
2. Drain the first broth along with the foam, wash the pan and boil the broth in new water. And to save time, put 2 pots of water - and just transfer the chicken from one pot to another after 10 minutes of cooking.
On the second broth, bright vegetable soups are obtained, it can be served as a drink or cooked for jelly - the procedure for changing water neutralizes the dish, but leaves the benefits and connective substances necessary for solidification.

How to cook broth for future use

Chicken, chicken parts or soup set - 1 kilogram
Water - 4 liters
Salt - 2 tablespoons
Onion - 1 head
Black peppercorns - 1 teaspoon
Bay leaf - 5 sheets
Parsley stalks - a small handful

How to cook chicken broth
1. Put the chicken in a saucepan, pour cold water over it.
2. Bring the water to a boil, monitor the foam for the next 10 minutes, removing it with a slotted spoon.
3. Add salt and spices, peeled onion.
4. Cover and cook for 1 hour.
5. Strain the broth, remove the chicken parts (use in other dishes). 6. Return the broth to the pan and boil over low heat for another 1.5-2 hours over low heat until 400 milliliters of broth is obtained.
7. Pour the broth into storage containers (containers, bags or ice cubes), refrigerate and freeze. In each container should be approximately equal in fat and broth. If the fat is not needed, then remove it.
When defrosting the broth, use the following proportions: 1-1.5 liters of finished broth will be obtained from 100 milliliters of the workpiece.
The broth prepared for the future will be stored for up to six months.


- The proportions of chicken and water - 750 grams of chicken is enough for a 5-liter pan. This will make a simple broth, not too fatty and not dietary.

- Is chicken broth good for you?
Chicken broth is very useful for flu, SARS and colds. Light chicken broth promotes the removal of viruses from the body, minimally loading it and easily absorbed by it.

- Shelf life chicken broth at room temperature - 1.5 days. Store chicken broth in the refrigerator for 5 days.

- condiments for chicken broth - rosemary, dill, parsley, black peppercorns, bay leaf, celery.

Define chicken broth ready you can pierce the chicken with a knife - if the knife enters the chicken meat easily - the broth is ready.

- How to use chicken broth?
Chicken broth is used to make soups ( chicken, onion, minestrone, buckwheat, avocado soup and others), salads, sauces ( chicken sauce).

To make the chicken broth transparent, it is necessary to drain the first water after boiling, and when cooking, remove the resulting foam. If you want a light color of the broth - when cooking, you should put the onion peeled from the husk.

- Salt chicken broth follows at the beginning of cooking - then the broth will be rich. If the chicken is cooked for salad, then the broth should be salted 20 minutes before the end of cooking, in which case the chicken meat will be salty.

- What kind of chicken to take for broth
If you want a rich fatty broth, a whole chicken (or half), or individual fatty parts of the chicken (legs, wings, thighs) will do. For a medium-rich broth, a soup set is great. For dietary chicken broth, offal and chicken bones from legs, thighs, breasts and fillets are suitable.

See how easy to cook chicken jelly, boiled chicken salads and boiled chicken snacks!

The price of products for cooking a 5 liter pot of chicken broth from half a chicken is 150 rubles. (on average in Moscow as of June 2017). Chicken broth can also be cooked from chicken bones, from a soup set with the addition of chicken offal.

Before adding to the broth, carrots and onions can be cut into several pieces and fried in a dry frying pan - then the broth will be more fragrant. You can fry without oil and chicken parts - then the broth will be more saturated.

How to cook chicken breast broth?

Chicken breast with skin - 350-450 grams
Water - 2.5 liters
Onion - 1 piece
Carrot - 1 medium size
Salt - 1 tablespoon
Peppercorns - 10 peas

How to cook chicken breast broth
1. Wash the breast, inspect the skin for feather residue, remove feathers if present. Or, to cook diet broth, remove the skin of the chicken.
2. Put the breast in a saucepan, pour water - the water should be cold to make the broth rich.
3. Put the pan on a strong fire, after boiling, reduce the fire and remove the foam with a slotted spoon.
4. Put peeled onions and carrots, salt and pepper into the broth.
5. Cook diet broth for 20 minutes, and for high richness of broth - 40 minutes.

How to cook breast broth in the microwave
1. Put the breast in a large microwave-safe dish, put salt and pepper, onions and carrots.
2. Fill the breast with water.
3. Cover the dishes with a lid and put in the microwave.
4. Cook the broth at 800 W for 25 minutes.

How to cook chicken wing broth?

How to cook chicken wing broth? Products
Chicken wings - 5 pieces
Water - 2.5 liters
Carrot - 1 piece
Onion - 1 piece
Peppercorns - 10 peas
Salt - 1 tablespoon

How to cook wing broth
1. Wash the wings, put in a saucepan and cover with cold water.
2. Add salt, pepper, peeled onion and carrots.
3. Put the pan on a strong fire, after boiling, reduce the fire and cook for 40 minutes. The broth from the wings turns out to be very fatty, there is practically no meat in such chicken parts.

How to cook fillet broth?

Chicken fillet - 2 pieces
Water - 2 liters
Sunflower oil - 3 tablespoons

How to cook fillet broth
1. Defrost the chicken fillet, remove the bones if necessary, put the meat in a saucepan.
2. Peel onions and put in a saucepan.
3. Fill the pan with water and put on heat.
4. Pour in vegetable oil to give the broth flavor and nutrition.
5. Add salt and spices to taste.
6. Boil the broth for half an hour over low heat, covered with a lid.
7. Infuse the broth for 1 hour.

How to make broth from a chicken soup set

Soup set (wings, cartilage, skin, backs, necks, etc.) - half a kilo
Water - 2.5 liters
Salt - 1 tablespoon
Black peppercorns - 10 pieces

How to cook broth from a soup set
1. Put the soup set into a saucepan, pour in water.
2. Put the pan on the fire, after boiling, drain the first water, pour in fresh water.
3. In the second water, boil the broth after boiling over medium heat for 10 minutes, removing the foam.
4. Reduce the heat and simmer the broth for 40 minutes.

Appetizing, fragrant, rich or, on the contrary, dietary - any chicken broth is indispensable! Soups and main dishes are cooked from it, served in its pure form with unsweetened pastries, it is recommended by nutritionists, and also strongly advised by doctors.

Chicken broth: benefits and harms

The benefits of the broth have long been overgrown with legends, and many of them are quite true.

It's believed that properly brewed broth can lift even the most seriously ill patients to their feet.

And in America in the last century, this liquid dish was even nicknamed “Jewish penicillin”, its healing power is so amazing.

Chicken broth is indispensable for poisoning (this also includes a hangover), after surgery, for colds or flu, as well as for gastritis and some other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

It is worth introducing this dish to a nursing mother on the menu, you can also give it to a small child. What is the secret of its healing power? And is chicken broth really healthy?

Modern doctors believe that chicken broth is an excellent restorative remedy, since all the beneficial substances contained in meat and bones (and there are a lot of them in chicken) are transferred by 60% to the broth itself. And for any organism, especially a weakened one, it is much easier to get proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals from liquid, easily digestible food.

Its benefit is also that it stimulates the digestive tract, stimulates appetite, and is also almost completely absorbed.

But not everything is so rosy.

Chicken meat today is significantly different in chemical composition from what it was even a few decades ago.

Modern chickens are fattened with artificial feed, the purpose of which is to make a quick profit.

Therefore, there are also growth hormones so that the chicken gains weight faster, and antibiotics so that the bird does not get sick and does not die.

These substances dangerous to humans accumulate in meat, and from there they pass into a decoction. This is the main harm of a seemingly healing dish.

How to cook chicken broth so that you get only the benefits? There are a couple of secrets:

  • drain the first water 10 minutes after boiling;
  • try to buy chickens in the villages (the average villager simply does not have money for all these nutritional supplements).

But even if you have correctly cooked the broth from chicken meat grown in the most environmentally friendly conditions, you should not give it to those who have been diagnosed with obvious liver problems, as well as people with low acidity of gastric juice. It is harmful in pancreatitis, especially in acute form, with a stomach ulcer.

Be careful with children's food. Many pediatricians, due to the ambiguity of benefits and harms, are still arguing from what point chicken broth can be given to a child. Many advise not to introduce it into the diet earlier than a year and a half.

How to choose a chicken

It all depends on your tastes:

  • from the back with a tail and legs, a rich fatty broth is obtained;
  • the same will come out if you take the front part with wings without fillets;
  • chicken breast broth - a dish for those who are on a diet;
  • if you need to cook a decoction with meat, then take the legs;
  • the back will make an excellent basis for light first courses - without excess fat, but with a rich taste.

By the way, it is better to buy not broilers, but laying hens - although their meat requires longer cooking, the taste and smell are much brighter as a result.

Chickens are also a good option, especially for baby food - they have less fat and are less likely to be high in harmful substances.

Recipes for every taste

There are actually quite a few ways to make chicken broth. You can make the usual classic, on the basis of which soups and cabbage soup are then cooked. And you can cook one that will be an independent dish in itself. There are also quick cooking options when time is running out, and there are also special recipes, for example, a real healing broth. It is better to master several at once.

The most delicious chicken broth

First of all, I offer this detailed recipe with tips and subtleties of cooking, the most appetizing first course.

Ready-made chicken broth can be used for sauces, second and first courses.

Recipe Information

  • Cuisine:French
  • Type of dish: first courses
  • Cooking method: boiling
  • Servings:4
  • 1 h 30 min
  • Nutritional value per 100 g:
    • Calories: 40 kcal
    • Fat: 2.1 g
    • Proteins: 5 g
    • Carbohydrates: 2 g


  • chicken leg - 1 pc.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • celery root - 80 g
  • water - 1.5 l
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.
  • black peppercorns - 5 pcs.
  • sweet pea pepper - 5 pcs.
  • cloves - 2-3 pcs.
  • coriander seeds - 0.5 tsp
  • greens - for serving.

Cooking method:

You can use a whole gutted chicken or parts of the carcass. In this recipe, I suggest buying chilled chicken legs. Rinse the legs thoroughly in running cold water. Dip in a saucepan, about 2 liters in volume. Fill with cold water and send to a strong fire. Bring to a boil. Drain the first decoction. Rinse the chicken thigh and put it back into the pot. Pour the right amount of water to cover the meat and send to the fire. Bring to a boil. Reduce the flame of the burner and simmer for about 20-30 minutes.

In the meantime, prepare the roots. Take celery root, carrots and onions. If desired, you can use the root of parsley, parsnip. Peel the vegetables and rinse, dry with a towel, cut into large pieces. Heat a frying pan without oil, put the vegetables and fry until browned. This will give the finished soup a richer color.

While the chicken is cooking, constantly remove the foam.

After about 30 minutes, add the fried vegetables and continue to simmer over low heat for about half an hour.

Add bay leaf, black and allspice, cloves and coriander. Boil for 15-20 minutes.

Season with salt to your taste. Cook for another 5-10 minutes and turn off the heat.

Before serving, remove the vegetables and strain the broth. Sprinkle with chopped herbs.

Enjoy your meal!

Classic cooking recipe

How to cook chicken broth, my grandmother taught me in childhood.

This recipe is the classic one.

I usually prepare a large pot and freeze some of it - then use it for anything.

You can, for example, cook. It is very tasty to cook meatballs from minced chicken in the finished broth and serve everything with a boiled egg and herbs.

What you need:

  • domestic chicken - 1 medium
  • onion - 2 pcs.
  • carrots - 2 pcs.
  • salt - to taste.

How to cook:

  1. We divide the chicken (gutted, plucked) into parts - you can cook and from a whole chicken, if the pan allows, but then increase the cooking time by 30 minutes. Wash well.
  2. Fill with cold water and wait for it to boil. After 10 minutes, this water is poured out, poured with new cold water.
  3. Immediately put a whole peeled carrot and washed, but not peeled onion - the onion peel will give a pleasant golden hue to the dish.
  4. After boiling, reduce the heat and, removing the foam, cook for 20 minutes.
  5. Then we throw out the vegetables, and cook the meat for another hour.
  6. At the end, salt, wait 5 minutes and turn off.
  7. When everything has cooled, filter through a sieve or cheesecloth. We separate the meat from the bones and either send it back to the pan, or use it for something else, for example, for some delicious food.

In this case, spices are not added so as not to interrupt the pure taste and aroma of chicken. In addition, such a blank can be used to prepare a wide variety of food, which has its own set of seasonings.

Chicken broth in a slow cooker “Golden”

Delicious chicken broth in a slow cooker is a recipe for those who do not have time to mess around in the kitchen for a long time.

Absolutely any device is suitable for cooking - Redmond, Panasonic.

What you need:

  • chicken back, wings - 500 g
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • salt - to taste
  • peppercorns and other spices to choose from.

How to cook

  1. We rinse the back and wings well, put them in a slow cooker. Turn on the “Frying” mode and fry for 2-3 minutes on each side with the lid open. If your multi is non-stick, add a little vegetable oil .
  2. There we also send peeled vegetables, cut into 2-4 pieces.
  3. Pour hot (so that there is no temperature difference that is dangerous for the internal coating of the bowl) water by ⅔ of the volume and set the “Extinguishing” mode, cover with a lid.
  4. After half an hour, remove the scale with a slotted spoon and continue to cook. If you have a pressure cooker, skip this step and don't forget to halve the cooking time as well.
  5. After the end signal, add salt, spices and close the lid for another half hour. The first dish will get just a magical smell!
  6. And then, as usual, we filter, if necessary, meat, separate it from the bones and send it to the liquid. Serve delicious with or croutons.

Healing chicken broth

As we already know, for those who, after surgery or suffering from complex viral diseases, chicken broth is a food that also heals.

Therefore, it is very important to properly cook chicken broth for the patient - although the recipe is simple, the time and steps must be strictly observed.


  • homemade chicken - drumsticks, breast
  • 1 bulb
  • 1 carrot
  • greens - bunch

How to weld:

  1. For the patient, the broth must be boiled not on the second water, but on the third. Therefore, boil for 5 minutes 2 times.
  2. After that, we wash the meat well, fill it with fresh water, add peeled whole vegetables and cook for 20 minutes after boiling over low heat.
  3. Throw away the onions and carrots, cook for another 30 minutes and salt just a little - for the patient, extra salt is useless.
  4. We rinse the greens and tie them well with a thread - we need it for smell and additional nutrients. Add to the pan, and after 10 minutes we take it out and throw it away.
  5. Turn off the burner, filter the liquid twice. If the patient can have meat, we separate it from the bone and send it, chopped, to the pan (it is better to pass through a meat grinder). But usually only the broth itself is carried to the hospital. It is better to drink it warm.

Recipe for cooking with noodles

Chicken broth with vermicelli (pasta, pasta, noodles) is an independent first course.

And it turns out especially tasty if there is a lot of meat, so we take the thighs or drumsticks.


  • chicken drumsticks or thighs - 4-5 pcs.
  • 1 bulb
  • 2 carrots
  • greens - to taste
  • spices, salt - to taste
  • thin gossamer vermicelli - 200 g

Cooking steps:

  1. From the thighs (shins), onions and 1 carrot, cook the broth according to one of the recipes described above (I recommend a step-by-step recipe with a photo of “The Most Delicious”).
  2. When the vegetables are thrown out, the liquid is filtered, we separate the meat from the bones, cut it into small pieces and put it back in the pan.
  3. We also send diced carrots there, salt, add spices and boil for 10 minutes.
  4. Throw out the vermicelli. If you have homemade noodles, then it will turn out even tastier! Cook for 5 minutes, throw chopped greens and turn off. After 5 minutes, chicken broth with vermicelli
  5. we serve.

You can replace vermicelli with any cereal in the recipe - buckwheat, rice, pearl barley. It turns out no less tasty liquid first course. Only then cook the cereal not for 5 minutes, but for 15-20.

Diet option with egg

This option is for losing weight, that is, for those who need to know how many calories are in chicken broth, what is its nutritional value. I'll say right away: in 100 g no more than 20 kcal! That is, in a serving - a maximum of 60 kcal.


  • 2 chicken breasts on the bone
  • paws - 4-5 pcs.
  • 1 bulb
  • 1 carrot
  • dill, parsley - to taste
  • salt, ground pepper, bay leaf - to taste
  • eggs - 2 pcs.

How to do:

  1. Remove the skin from the breast, cut off excess fat. We divide it into parts.
  2. We wash the paws well - with them the dish will become tastier, while its calorie content will not increase.
  3. Onions, chicken, carrots pour 2 liters of cold water, boil.
  4. We drain the first boiled water, and now we cook for 30 minutes, removing the foam with a spoon.
  5. We throw away the vegetables, the bone and paws, too. We cut the fillet finely, send it back and let the broth boil again.
  6. Beat raw eggs slightly with a fork and a thin stream, constantly stirring, pour into the pan. 2 minutes and turn off.
  7. Serve with greens.

Secrets of the perfect chicken broth

Properly brewed chicken broth is a fragrant clear liquid with a delicious taste!

Taste and smell depend not only on meat - spices and vegetables also play a big role.

In addition to standard carrots and onions, celery, parsley roots and leaves, bell peppers, and garlic can be sent to the pan.

The most popular vegetable - potatoes - is no longer added for smell, but for taste, when you need to cook a light, nutritious soup.

The choice of spices is almost unlimited, then focus on your own preferences. Chicken goes well with dill, turmeric, paprika, different types of pepper.

The transparency of the broth does not depend on vegetables and spices, but it completely depends on the correct preparation and cooking of meat. Basic rules on how to cook a transparent first course:

  • use only bones and meat, no offal (especially carefully when cooking the carcass - there are almost always lungs and kidneys on the inside of the back). You can cook chicken hearts and ventricles separately, and then add to the already prepared broth;
  • how much to cook chicken broth also plays a role - the longer, the more likely it is to get a cloudy liquid;
  • do not interfere while it is cooking, just remove the scale (noise, foam);
  • after boiling, the fire should be minimal;
  • put the meat in cold water.


For transparency, it does not matter when you salt the broth. The addition of salt only affects the taste and content of nutrients. If you need to make meat more tasty and healthy, then salt at the end, if the fat itself is at the beginning.

It is difficult to say why the soup turns cloudy even if all the rules are followed. You can make it transparent again either by straining 2-3 times through several layers of gauze, or by introducing whipped chicken protein into the liquid. After that, boil and filter again. However, transparency is purely aesthetic.

Chicken Broth KBJU: Calories, Proteins, Fats, and Carbs

The nutritional value of chicken broth differs in many sources: someone insists that this is a very nutritious dish, someone claims that they even lost weight on the broth, it is so low in calories.

In fact, everyone is right - and there are such diets for weight loss, and you can get better from it.

It all depends on which parts of the chicken to use and what you will add besides it.

The calorie content of the broth on a breast without skin is about 20 kcal, but for cooked from a whole carcass it is 40-50 kcal. And if you add vermicelli to this, then the calorie content increases by another 30-40 kcal.

BJU (that is, the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates) usually differs only in fat content.

All about storage

It is important not only to know the secrets of cooking, but also how to store chicken broth. The easiest way is to send it to the freezer by pouring it into a plastic bottle. And after 3 months you can get it and apply it, for example, for kharcho or okroshka.

Another option is to freeze in ice cube trays. Cubes are convenient to use when you need a little broth.

But the shelf life in the refrigerator of chicken broth is only 2-3 days.

Useful video

The basis of a clear broth should be laid at the very beginning of cooking. The most delicious and rich broths are obtained from meat "on the bone", that is, from a combination of meat and bone components. Well-thawed and thoroughly washed meat should only be poured with cold water.

If fatty meat is used, after boiling, the cloudy water must be drained, topped up with clean water and continue cooking. At the same time, immediately reduce the heat under the pan to a minimum.

To obtain a fragrant and clean broth during cooking, you need to put a whole peeled onion in it, which should be removed at the end of cooking, and foam should be periodically removed from the surface of the liquid. To do this, you need a slotted spoon - a special flat spoon with holes.

It is necessary to make a reservation and mention the nuances associated with fish and chicken broths. When cooking, you need to salt it before laying the vegetables in the pan - this will keep it transparent. And fish broths should be boiled only from pike perch - all other types of fish will make the broth cloudy. And it can't be fixed.

During the entire preparation of the dish, do not cover the pan with a lid, because when the lid is closed, the foam that appears does not rise up, but immediately settles to the bottom.

As for some types of vegetables, it should be mentioned separately. It is better not to grate it, but just cut it. Otherwise, it will give additional yellowish foam.

If, despite all efforts, the broth still turned out to be cloudy, you can resort to emergency measures, namely, to clarify it with absorbents.

First, the meat must be removed from the liquid. Then you can start straining the broth. For these purposes, a fine sieve or gauze folded in 3-4 layers is suitable. Strained broth is suitable for soups, but if it was conceived as an independent dish, it is also necessary to carry out clarification.

To do this, you need the protein of one egg - the yolk will not take part in cleaning. One protein is able to lighten two liters of broth. Well-whipped protein is excellent absorbent.

The resulting mixture should be poured into a slightly cooled broth in a thin stream, stirring it constantly so that the protein is evenly distributed throughout the contents of the pan. After that, you need to let the broth boil over low heat, continuing to stir it.

A five-minute simmer is more than enough for the egg white to coagulate and settle to the bottom. It is not necessary to take it out with a slotted spoon. The broth can simply be re-strained.

In addition to the absorbent described above, the so-called "drawback" can be used. It is also prepared on the basis of egg whites, but 100 grams of minced meat and two or three tablespoons of broth should be added to it. Such an absorbent will not only cleanse and clarify the broth, but also add nutrients to it.

The recipe of some dishes, such as jellied or clear soups, involves the use of absolutely pure, light broth.

Broth is a decoction made from meat, fish, vegetables, mushrooms. And more often than not, it turns out to be muddy. To prevent this from happening, you need to adhere to a certain technology that will provide the dish with the necessary richness and transparency.

How to make clear broth

The key to a successful broth lies in the preparation for its preparation. Properly selected ingredients and temperature regime will provide an excellent result.

The most delicious and rich broth will not come from a whole piece of meat, but from a combination of meat and bones. It is thanks to the bones that the decoction acquires a characteristic gelatinousness. By the way, the bones of young animals contain more gelatin than adults. It is better not to use frozen meat for broth, as it loses some of the juices when defrosted.

There are no strict recommendations on the ratio of bones, meat and water. Consider the basic culinary rule: the more bones, the more rich and gelatinous the broth will be. Pour thoroughly washed raw materials with cold water, hot immediately seals the outer layer of meat, which will prevent the release of juices. Adjust for boiling and pour in enough water, since it is strongly not recommended to add water (neither cold nor hot) during the cooking process.

Put the pan on high heat, after boiling, remove the foam, then reduce the heat to a minimum and continue to cook, periodically removing fat and foam. It is with slow cooking that more juices are released from the meat than with intense boiling. What will definitely make your broth cloudy is the bubbling.

The time of cooking the broth is determined by the bones laid in the base, and the amount of water (an average of 3 liters). Beef cooks the longest (8–10 hours), veal (6–8 hours) a little less, pork (4–6 hours) even less, and chicken boils the fastest (about 3 hours). In the kitchens of some restaurants, the broth is cooked for 36 hours in a row!

To make the broth more fragrant and acquire a beautiful color, use a whole onion, root vegetables (carrots, parsnips, celery) at the rate of 1 kg of vegetables per 3 kg of bones and meat. Professional chefs use bouquet garni to flavor the broth. These are parsley sprigs, celery stalks, bay leaves, and spicy herbs gathered in a bunch and tied with kitchen thread. Lay a fragrant bouquet 15 minutes before the end of cooking.

If, with all the efforts made, the broth turned out to be cloudy, you can try to fix it with the help of a proven cooking technique.

How to make the broth clear

  1. Remove all bones, meat and roots from the liquid, strain the broth through a fine sieve.
  2. To clarify 2 liters of broth, you need to take the protein of 1 egg.
  3. Beat the egg white thoroughly and pour in a thin stream, stirring constantly, into the slightly cooled broth. Return the saucepan to the heat and, continuing to stir, let the contents come to a boil.
  4. After 5 minutes of boiling, the protein will curl up and collect all the meat suspension. Turn off the heat and leave the pot for 15-20 minutes so that all the flakes settle to the bottom. Gently strain the broth again and enjoy the amber beauty!


Post Views: 187

The broth is a decoction that is obtained by stewing meat, mushrooms, vegetables or poultry in water. The finished first course is consumed on its own or in combination with croutons. The broth is indicated for people who have recently suffered a serious illness or a complex operation. It restores strength faster and is easily digested. For this reason, housewives are interested in how to cook a delicious clear broth on meat.

Classic meat broth

  • meat or poultry - 600 gr.
  • greens (any, fresh) - 30 gr.
  • Provencal herbs - to your taste
  • carrots (cut into pieces) - 1 pc.
  • onion (chopped into 4 parts) - 1 pc.
  • filtered water - 2 l.
  1. Wash greens with vegetables and meat, dry. Meat for making broth should not be cut, because during the cooking process it should release juices gradually. Only in this case you will get a completely transparent dish. If the broth is made from poultry, remove the skin beforehand so that the potion does not turn out to be greasy.
  2. Send the washed and dried meat to the pan, add water according to the recipe (chilled). Put it on the stove, wait for it to boil. Your main task is to boil the meat broth, and not bring all the ingredients to readiness. Use only cold water so that the juices come out of the meat when heated slowly.
  3. If you send the main component into a hot liquid, the piece will "crust" and seal. As a result, the broth will turn out to be of low nutritional value and without special taste qualities. Cover the container and wait for the start of bubbling (medium heat).
  4. When this happens, reduce the power of the stove to a minimum and immediately remove the lid. Condensation should not get into the broth, so as not to spoil the taste and texture. After boiling, a foam cap forms on the surface, remove it with a slotted spoon.
  5. Foam that has adhered to the sides of fireproof cookware should be removed with a damp cloth. Otherwise, these "flakes" will end up in the broth and ruin its appearance when served. Also, a greasy film may form on the surface, which must be disposed of with a dry paper towel.
  6. Half an hour before the end of cooking, add chopped carrots and onions, sprinkle with herbs. So the broth will come out fragrant. If desired, add a little onion peel to the composition to make the broth golden.
  7. The duration of cooking the dish depends on the initial size of the meat piece, its rigidity and age category. As a rule, the broth is boiled in 1.5 hours (chicken), 2.5 hours (beef), 2 hours (veal), 2.5 hours (pork). The report goes from the moment of boiling.
  8. After the specified interval comes to an end, remove the broth from the stove. Build a filter from a colander and gauze, strain the first course. Serve the broth garnished with chopped dill or parsley.

Broth with beef and pork

  • beef tenderloin - 0.3 kg.
  • pork pulp - 0.3-0.4 kg.
  • favorite seasonings - to taste
  • purified water (drinking) - 2.8 l.
  • laurel - 4 pcs.
  • onion - 1 head
  • carrot - 1 pc.
  1. First, rinse the meat under the tap, free from skins and fatty streaks. Do not cut the beef and pork so that the pieces give off the juice evenly as they heat up.
  2. Put the main components in a saucepan, fill with purified water and put on the stove. Cover, wait for the start of boiling. When this happens, foam will begin to appear. Get rid of it, also catch fat from the surface.
  3. Send the peeled onion and carrot, chopping them into pieces. Add laurel and your favorite spices, note the time. After 5 minutes, reduce the heat to a minimum, wait 2.5-3 hours.
  4. When the broth boils, it is necessary to filter it using several layers of gauze and a colander. Serve a transparent first course, garnished with herbs.

Meat broth with eggs and herbs

  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • meat on the bone - 250 gr.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • beef (pulp) - 1 kg.
  • parsley (roots) - 10 gr.
  • boiled eggs - 4 pcs.
  • fresh herbs - 30 gr.
  1. Rinse the meat and send it to cook. Do not forget to systematically descale. Boil the product for about one hour, then put the pieces of beef. After 10 minutes, add the necessary spices to taste.
  2. Continue simmering the food until the meat is completely cooked. In parallel, chop the parsley roots and onions. Put the products on a greased baking sheet, send to bake in the oven.
  3. Ready vegetables must be added to the broth 25 minutes before the end of full cooking. Serve the finished dish in portions with half a boiled egg. Don't forget to add fresh herbs.

  • onion - 1 pc.
  • meat - in fact
  • bay leaves - 3 pcs.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  1. Wash the meat thoroughly under running water. Chop into pieces and send to the multibowl. Peel vegetables and wash well. Chop carrots into thin circles. Send the vegetables to the meat, place the whole onion.
  2. Add bay leaves and spices to taste. Pour the required amount of filtered water up to the maximum mark in the multi-bowl. Set the "Extinguishing" mode. Set a timer for 1.5 hours.
  3. Depending on the stiffness of the meat, the languishing time can be increased. At the end of the program, strain the finished broth from vegetables and spices. The result is a fairly rich broth.

Meat broth with vegetables

  • zucchini - 0.5 pcs.
  • tomato - 1 pc.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • lecho - 120 gr.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • garlic - 4 cloves
  • potatoes - 4 pcs.
  • greens - 25 gr.
  • meat broth - 1.5 l.
  1. Wash and clean vegetables. Pour boiling water over the fleshy tomato, get rid of the skin. Chop the onion into half rings. Chop the tomato and garlic into small pieces. Cut the rest of the vegetables into strips.
  2. In parallel, put the broth on the fire, wait for it to boil. After the appearance of the first bubbles, send the potatoes to the composition. After 3-5 minutes, add the rest of the vegetables. Boil for a while, add lecho, tomato and chopped greens.
  3. A few minutes before the dish is ready, add the necessary spices and mix thoroughly. Boil the products until they are fully cooked. Turn off the stove, leave the broth to infuse for a third of an hour. After that, you can serve.

Broth with meat on the bone

  • parboiled rice - in fact
  • meat on the bone - 1 kg.
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • potatoes - 4 pcs.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • animal fat - 40 gr.
  • swede - 75 gr.
  • allspice - to taste
  • parsley roots - 20 gr.
  • dill - 15 gr.
  • bay leaves - 4 pcs.
  • parsley - 25 gr.
  1. Rinse the rice thoroughly, you will need it after cooking the meat. Wash all vegetables, chop into strips. Send the products to the pan, add the required amount of vegetable oil, pepper and laurel.
  2. Pass until golden brown. In parallel, boil the meat broth on the bone. Then add prepared vegetables and rice. Stir, simmer for a while on low heat. Add greens, wait for the readiness of all products.

It's easy to make a delicious meat broth. Take the number of ingredients, based on the volume that you want to get at the output. Feel free to add your favorite ingredients. This will make the broth richer.

Video: how to cook meat broth

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