Crocus useful properties and contraindications. Saffron - useful properties, use in cosmetology and traditional medicine, contraindications. Where and how to add

Saffron is a member of the genus of perennial herbaceous plants of the iris family. This plant is often called crocus. Its fruits are represented by angular small seeds. The leaves are linear and basal. They appear only during the flowering period of the plant or after that. The stem does not develop, but the column is endowed with 3 stigmas. The flowers of the plant are solitary and surrounded by scales. The diameter of the corms is about 3 cm. They are also covered with scales, and their shape is flattened or rounded. Note that both the structure and color of corms directly depend on the type of plant. The perianth of the crocus is quite large and stamens are attached to its throat, the threads of which are very short. Anthers linear and erect. You can see the plant blooming in spring or autumn. Due to the color of the flowers, the species were divided into 2 groups. The first group includes species with yellow flowers, but the second - with blue flowers.

Distribution and ecology

Saffron is unique plant and the most expensive spice, which grows mainly in Central Europe, Central Asia, the Mediterranean, Asia Minor, and also in the Middle East. This plant can be found both in forests and in the steppes, as well as in meadows, including alpine ones. A favorite place for its growth are permeable soils that are open to direct sunlight. To date, about 80 species of this plant are known. Among them are spring saffron, Adams, Pallas, narrow-leaved, reticulated, beautiful, light yellow, etc.

A few words from history

The word "saffron" comes from the word " Azafran", which is translated from Arabic means " yellow". The first information about this plant is found in Mesopotamia in 3000 BC. During the Middle Ages, the price of one pound of this spice was equal to the price of an Arabian horse. The spice was originally used as a dye. In the 10th century BC, the Persians used saffron threads to make fabrics, aromatic oils and spirits. The Chinese and Romans saw the healing properties in this plant and began to use it as a medicine. Europeans considered it a sign of a high position in society and wealth. As for the Spaniards, they became the first nation that guessed to start growing and producing this spice for export. Crocus is the only spice whose price is the same as it was in the Middle Ages. High price spices due to two reasons - very labor-intensive production and a huge number of useful properties. To get just 1 gram of this spice, about 100 flowers are needed, which must be picked strictly from 10 to 11 am, manually and in dry weather. The complexity of the collection lies in the fact that the flowers of this plant bloom only 2 - 3 days a year. Today, this spice is widely used both in cooking and in cosmetology, medicine, and perfumery.

Legends and myths

There are many interesting legends and myths about the crocus. One of the myths is dedicated to Crocus and the Nymph, who loved each other so much that they could not part for a second. The time has come and the Gods are tired of looking at such a strong passion. This prompted them to turn the Nymph into a bush, but the young man into a crocus flower. According to the legend, which was composed in Ancient Greece, Hermes, who is the winged messenger of the Olympian gods, threw a disk and accidentally killed his friend named Crocus. In the place where his blood was spilled, very beautiful flowers with yellow-orange pistils appeared. It was the crocus.

Stigma or powder - what to choose?

Experts are of the opinion that a more complete spice is not powder, but dried stigmas ( threads) and all because they have a more pronounced aroma that persists for a long time ( up to 24 months). The stigmas of this plant are soft and endowed with a dark red or red-brown color with yellow patches. To give the dish a sweet-sharp-bitter taste and a delicate aroma, one such thread will be enough. The aroma of the spice resembles a metallic honey aroma with hints of fresh hay.

Healing composition

The composition of the crocus includes numerous useful components. Among them are fatty and essential oils, dyes, glycosides, nitrogenous substances, calcium and potassium, pinene and cineole, carotenoids. Contained in this spice and flavonoids, water, sugar, and vitamins IN 1 , IN 2 , AT 6 , R and RR .

medicinal properties

Saffron has numerous medicinal properties, with which you can get rid of more than 100 pathologies, namely:
  • Tonic action;
  • Powerful antioxidant action;
  • Choleretic and diuretic action;
  • Purification of the blood;
  • Improving erection;
  • Therapy of allergic diseases;
  • Antispasmodic and carminative properties;
  • Strengthening effect on the cardiovascular system;
  • Treatment of anemia and neuroses;
  • Getting rid of insomnia and migraine;
  • Restoration of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Treatment of alcohol dependence;
  • Prevention of oncological diseases;
  • Improving brain activity;
  • Treatment of various forms of tumors and burns;
  • Accelerating the dissolution of stones in the kidneys and bladder;
  • Memory improvement;
  • Pain relieving and rejuvenating effect;
  • Restoration of vision and retinal therapy;
  • Reducing to a minimum the level of radiation in the body.

Treatment with saffron

Crocus is used in both folk and traditional medicine. It is used to treat various blood pathologies, functional heart diseases, cystitis, urethritis, urolithiasis, as well as inflammatory diseases eyes and purulent wounds on the skin. Often, this spice is also prescribed to patients with epilepsy in order to prevent and relieve convulsive conditions.

Since ancient times, this spice has been famous for its ability to relieve melancholy, pain, depressive states, and all because it tends to enhance the synthesis of serotonin, i.e. happy hormone. It follows that saffron is light psychotropic drug which is not addictive. Influencing the body, this seasoning helps to remove blood stasis in the vessels, cleanse the lymph, restore the digestion process, strengthen the respiratory and sensory organs, and also significantly improve the functioning of the kidneys and liver. With its help, you can increase potency, maintain youthful skin and improve complexion. In pharmacies you can also buy special eye drops, which include crocus.

This plant is found in a wide variety of medicinal tinctures, which are endowed with a general strengthening effect. Saffron along with milk enhances the growth of brain tissue. The same combination of components improves memory. To date, scientists know that this spice is a strong antioxidant, which tends to destroy all harmful substances produced in human body. Their destruction is carried out by carotenoids, which are abundant in the spice. If you need to get rid of hangover syndrome, reduce hunger or cure ear inflammation, then you should also seek help from this spice. The same spice helps to increase secretion by the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract. It is considered to be the strongest stimulant of the immune system.

With cardiovascular pathologies

Used in the fight against these diseases water infusion crocus, which is prepared according to the following recipe: in one glass of boiled water, steam for 15 - 20 minutes 1 tsp. stigma. Then we filter the infusion through 2 - 3 layers of gauze, let it cool, and take 1 tbsp. l. three times a day before meals. This remedy can treat both angina pectoris and any functional pathologies of the cardiovascular vascular system.

With inflammation of the bladder

If your bladder is inflamed, then prepare the following water infusion: take 1 tbsp. l. mixtures of the same number of crocus flowers, daisies and cornflowers and pour raw materials with 2 cups of boiling water. Cover the infusion with a blanket and let it brew for half an hour. Strain and take 1 tbsp. l. every 90 - 120 minutes. During such treatment, it is strictly forbidden to eat any spicy dishes.

For headache

To get rid of a headache, you need to take the white of a fresh egg and put it in a cup. Then add some crocus and rose water to it. We beat everything, after which we moisten a piece of red material as wide as the forehead in the resulting mixture. We put the moistened material on the forehead and hold until it dries. This procedure repeat 3-4 times.

As a tonic and aphrodisiac

All these properties are inherent in the water infusion of the stigmas of this plant in combination with black pepper or ginger.

With conjunctivitis

We mix in equal quantities rose flowers, cornflower, saffron and calendula, as well as snapdragon grass. 1 st. l. The resulting mixture of herbs is brewed in 1 cup boiling water. Once the decoction has cooled, use it to apply lotions.

With purulent non-healing wounds

1 st. l. a mixture of an equal amount of lilac and violet leaves, as well as crocus and calendula flowers, pour 300 ml of boiling water and cook over low heat for 15 minutes. Leave the decoction to infuse for 20 minutes, filter it and use it to wash wounds or apply lotions. Such lotions can be kept on the affected areas for 20 to 30 minutes.

Other recipes from the people

Recipe #1: we make a mixture of an equal amount of crocus and rose flowers, lilac and ivy leaves, as well as any part of fragrant violets. 2 tbsp. l. the resulting mixture is brewed for 15 minutes in 2 liters of boiling water. The decoction is insisted, filtered and drunk during the day in the fight against kidney stones.

Recipe #2: preparing an aqueous infusion of crocus stigmas ( his recipe is above). For 1 reception, we take a quarter cup of infusion and add a quarter of a teaspoon to it. lemon juice. This remedy must be drunk with angina attacks every 2 to 3 hours for one day.

Recipe #3: to cure bronchitis, you need to steam for a quarter of an hour 2 tsp. stigmas in 1 cup of boiled water. The resulting product is filtered and taken orally 2 tbsp. l. 3 times a day.

Recipe #4: put in warm milk 5 - 7 threads of the plant and drink it. This remedy will help stop internal bleeding.

Recipe number 5: at risk of miscarriage in 1 glass warm milk you should put 2 - 3 spice veins and drink it.

Recipe number 6: 3 - 4 veins and 10 berries of the plant pour half a glass plain water. After 8 hours, filter the infusion and take it a quarter cup 2 times a day. The course of treatment is 1 - 2 months. Used infusion for treatment various pathologies liver and blood.

Recipe number 7: put 5-10 veins in 1 glass of milk and drink it. With help this tool you can adjust the menstrual cycle, reduce to a minimum pain during menstruation, as well as get rid of depression and dairymaids.

Saffron Can Help Cure Liver Cancer!

Scientists from Cairo University and the United United Arab Emirates a study was conducted, the results of which confirmed that this spice has quite powerful anti-cancer properties against liver cancer. Liver cancer is a fairly common form malignant neoplasms, which is the third leading cause of death in cancer patients.

There are many reasons for the development of this disease. This and external factors, and hepatitis, and the use of a large amount of alcoholic beverages, etc. All experiments during the study were carried out on rats with liver cancer. After the introduction of saffron for 22 weeks, experts noted a significant slowdown in the process of reproduction of cancer cells. In addition, a decrease in inflammatory processes was also noted. This spice will be explored further, but it is already clear to everyone that it is not capable of destroying healthy cells of the body, which is already important.


Since saffron belongs to the category of very strong spices, experts do not recommend using this spice in the presence of diabetes and hypertension. All expectant mothers should also refuse to use it. Do not give this spice to very young children.

Attention! A large number of spices can cause a very strong overstrain of the senses, as well as nervous tension. If you take it with wine, there is a significant increase in intoxication. An excessive amount of spice causes severe poisoning, which can lead to death of a person, so be careful and use saffron rationally.

Eco saffron oil in soft capsules

The soft capsules of this drug contain an extract of Tibetan crocus oil, which has an amazing healing effect. Conducted clinical researches proved that this drug improves immunity, fights breast, prostate, lung, liver, ovarian and colon cancer, eliminates fat in the blood, eliminates bad mood and cleanses the blood vessels.

There are others beneficial features of this medication, namely:

Essential oil of saffron seed

The oil of this plant is obtained by hydrodistillation of its leaves. It contains numerous useful substances in the form of cineole, pinene, etc. The oil is endowed with both astringent and anti-inflammatory, as well as a calming effect. It can be used as a sleeping pill, and in the treatment of gingivitis, stomatitis, and liver disease. Often found in the composition and various cosmetics.

Use in cosmetology

Crocus found wide application and in cosmetology. This plant is used to make huge amount cosmetic products, mainly creams for the body and face. In addition, crocus is part of shampoos, balms, masks, gels and other products. Note that this spice is included in the composition of both decorative and medical cosmetics, and all because it is enriched with numerous healing components. The use of creams containing this spice can improve complexion, soften, moisturize and rejuvenate the skin, get rid of spots, scars, acne, wrinkles and other irregularities. The components that make up the crocus have a beneficial effect on the metabolic processes that occur inside the cells. They also have anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effects. Such cosmetics, of course, are not cheap, but they are worth it.

You can prepare a healing potion for the skin at home. To do this, mix thoroughly 1 tsp. spices with 1 tsp. sour cream and the same amount of honey. The resulting mixture is applied to the face and after 20-30 minutes, wash it off with warm water. This mask will have an amazing rejuvenating effect on the skin.

Application in cooking

In different parts of the world, this spice is added to a wide variety of dishes. So, for example, Americans and Europeans use it to flavor confectionery products, namely buns, fruit creams, muffins, mousses, etc. The inhabitants of the East use it for cooking meat, vegetable and rice dishes. In Azerbaijan, this spice is added to all bean and eggplant dishes.

In all cases, dishes acquire a spicy taste, golden color and delicate aroma. The spice can also be added to various drinks to give them a tonic effect. The spice goes well with various dairy products, while enhancing the absorption of the latter. The main thing to remember is that you can eat about 1 gram of this spice per year, as it is strong and in large quantities can harm your health. 1. When choosing stigmas, make sure that they are soft and dark red or red-brown;
2. Do not opt ​​for powdered spices, as they may be counterfeit;
3. Do not buy a lot of spice at a time, as it dries out with aging, and also loses its aroma and pleasant color;
4. Spice should be added to all hot dishes 5 minutes before they are ready;
5. It is best to put saffron in the dough when kneading it;
6. If the spice has a sweetish taste, then it is best not to buy it. This taste is most often due to the presence of glycerin, which covers the stigmas to increase them.

Cooking recipes

1. Saffron tincture: mix 1 tbsp. l. saffron powder in a small jar or bottle and pour 200 gr. vodka. Close the container tightly with a lid and leave it in a dark place. After a month, the tincture is thoroughly shaken and left for another 7 days. Pour the tincture into another container so that the powder that has settled to the bottom does not get into it. Natural dye is ready. It can be added both to confectionery and to cream, potatoes, meat and other dishes.

2. Ear in Marseilles: fry 1 finely chopped onion and lower it into a pan with warmed olive or vegetable oil in the amount of 6 tbsp. l. We also put 2 - 3 cloves of finely chopped garlic, 6 pieces of chopped tomatoes and 2 tbsp. l. dill mixtures, bay leaf, saffron, parsley and thyme. We stew everything together with small slices of potatoes in the amount of 6 pieces. After that, pour it into a bowl. boiled water, bring everything to a boil and boil for 15 - 20 minutes. We put in a pan 1.5 kilograms sea ​​fish, fried flour and broth. We spread the fish on a plate, add the potatoes and a slice of bread grated with garlic. Everything remaining in the pan must be crushed and pour the fish over it.

3. Meat with saffron in sour cream sauce: to prepare this dish you will need lean pork, 1 tsp. spices, a little pepper and salt, 2 large onions and pepper, and salt to taste. Sliced ​​onion fried in vegetable oil. Moderate meat in small pieces and fry it together with onions for no more than 2 minutes. Add sour cream, pepper and salt to the dish and simmer everything for about half an hour. Serve such meat is best with buckwheat or rice. Crocus should be added at the very end.

4. sausages , 1 tbsp. l. olive oil, 2 - 3 saffron threads, 1 clove of garlic, 50 gr. green peas. In addition, 2 potatoes, 200 gr. chicken broth, 100 gr. onions and some salt and pepper. Soak saffron threads in 1 tbsp. l. warm water. Sausage mode and fry over low heat. We shift them to a plate, after which we fry the onion for 2 - 3 minutes and the garlic for 1 minute. Fry the potatoes for no more than 5 minutes, then add the broth and saffron infusion to everything. Bring everything to a boil and simmer over low heat for 10-15 minutes. Add sausages, salt, pepper, peas to the dish and simmer for another 2 minutes.

Before use, you should consult with a specialist.

The noble name "saffron" immediately evokes thoughts of something oriental, mysterious and very beautiful. Saffron seasoning is probably known to everyone, but not everyone has tried it, because it is the most expensive spice in the world. And - without exaggeration - the most legendary.

Stories, legends and stories about saffron are countless. Homer and Hippocrates wrote about it, saffron is mentioned in Egyptian papyri and one of the most sensual works of antiquity - the biblical Song of Songs. The collection of saffron is captured on the walls of an ancient palace in Crete, and the myths of different countries tell their version of the origin of this magical plant.

Saffron is from the genus of crocus flowers, a long-standing decoration of gardens and household plots. Although saffron quickly spread throughout the world, the Middle East, India and Asia Minor are considered to be the birthplace of spices - it was there, even before our era, that saffron was appreciated and started to grow - its beneficial properties are mentioned in ancient Chinese medical treatises and Egyptian manuscripts.

How is saffron used?

Since ancient times, crocus-saffron has been known as practically universal plant and used:

  • as an excellent natural dye;
  • as an expensive seasoning with a delicate unusual taste;
  • as an effective medicine;
  • as a source of beauty for the face and body.

In ancient times, people learned to get excellent yellow and orange paint from saffron - they dyed the outfits of kings and expensive bedspreads, many mythical heroes wore saffron-colored clothes. Today, the possibilities of natural saffron dye are used mainly in cooking, as well as in very expensive hair dyes.

In culinary business, saffron seasoning has also been used for a long time, giving dishes an unusual shade and delicate aroma. The range of its use is simply amazing - from pies and ice cream to traditional oriental pilaf ... At the same time, exquisite saffron practically does not tolerate neighborhood with other spices - remember this and better not mix it in dishes with other seasonings.

In medicine, the legendary saffron was also appreciated - its use is useful for both men's and women's health, and for the brain, and how tonic, and much more. And today saffron is used in elite cosmetic lines for hair, body and face!

A little about culinary...

The main thing when using saffron in the kitchen is to choose it correctly. The risk of counterfeiting any expensive spice is quite high, so try to buy dried saffron stigmas - dark red or brownish. Too voluminous stigmas should also alert - sometimes glycerin is added to them to increase the mass.

Saffron threads are placed in food 5 minutes before readiness, in the dough - in the process of kneading.

Noble saffron will play well in any rice dishes, from risotto to pilaf, as well as hot meat dishes. It is equally tasty in Italian cuisine, with tomatoes and cheese, and in European meat sauces, and in vegetable stew. Ear stigmas of saffron will give a beautiful shade and an unusual flavor, and bright and flavorful pastries with this seasoning will pleasantly amaze your family.

Preserves, jams and other homemade preparations with saffron will get a spectacular color and an unearthly oriental aroma, and they will also be stored longer.

A great option for using saffron in home cooking is as a natural dye. All the usual recipes with saffron will become new and bright, and young mothers can be advised to paint children's dishes with saffron - a plate with fragrant yellow porridge or soup will happily eat any little picky.

Saffron dye can also be prepared for future use - recipes for coloring saffron tincture can be easily found on the net.

And medicine...

O healing properties ah crocus-saffron say not only treatises, but also one of the most romantic legends of antiquity. It was the crocus flower that became the farewell gift of Valentine, who, for some reason, was later recorded as a saint and made the patron of couples in love, his beloved. And supposedly this flower, after the death of Valentine, helped the sick girl to gain sight.

The benefits of crocus for the eyes are also confirmed by modern scientists - saffron literally rejuvenates eye cells, so it is especially useful for age problems with vision.

Decoctions of saffron stigmas and crocus flowers also restore brain cells and improve memory, strengthen nerves and save from neuroses. Saffron is an excellent antidepressant and source of good mood, at the same time - completely harmless and does not cause addiction.

For vascular diseases, initial stages atherosclerosis and hypertension also recommend saffron. It is also useful in many diseases of the kidneys and genitourinary system, for example, with inflammation of the bladder, a decoction of crocus, daisy and cornflower is recommended.

Crocus has long stood guard over women's health: it normalizes the menstrual cycle, treats the female genitourinary system, and even strengthens sex drive. By the way, saffron also has the last effect on the male body - this is a kind of.

Remember, when buying saffron for your table, its beneficial properties extend to the whole organism as a whole. It is an excellent tonic and analgesic, antiseptic, and the infusion of stigmas with black pepper or perfectly invigorates and tones.

A special essential oil in the ancient seasoning - saffronal - helps fight cancer cells, recent studies in the homeland of saffron have shown that it works successfully as part of a therapy for liver cancer.

About cosmetology...

In expensive cosmetic lines today, saffron essential oil is used. It miraculously acts on the skin, rejuvenating and refreshing the complexion, removes spots, acne and wrinkles. Saffron improves metabolic processes in the skin, relieves inflammation and heals wounds.

Saffron cosmetics is not a cheap pleasure and it is not easy to find it, but the result is worth it. For those who can't wait to try the anti-aging effect of saffron, you can advise this homemade recipe:

A teaspoon of crushed stigmas (or powder) + a teaspoon of liquid honey and sour cream. Keep on face for 20 minutes, rinse with warm water. This fragrant mask perfectly refreshes, moisturizes and improves the condition of the skin.

When is saffron banned?

For several millennia, saffron has been grown and used in the world - its beneficial properties and contraindications, obviously, have long been studied.

The main rule for saffron is moderation! This is one of the strongest spices, and you need to use it very little, otherwise there is a risk nervous strain and even poisoning. Do not serve dishes with saffron during a romantic dinner.

For hypertension and diabetes also do not get carried away with saffron, and during pregnancy it is better to refuse it altogether.

Buy saffron in small portions and use little by little - dishes with this king of spices will create a holiday feeling on your table without any hassle, are guaranteed to improve your mood and bring benefits.

In the article we tell how useful saffron is, we talk about its medicinal properties and contraindications for use. You will learn how to use saffron in cooking, cosmetology and traditional medicine, whether pregnant and lactating women can use the spice.

Saffron is an orange spice and food coloring.. Dried stigmas of saffron (crocus) are used as spices. This is the most expensive condiment. The cost of saffron is due to the labor intensity of production - 1 crocus gives only 3 stigmas, and 200 thousand flowers are needed to obtain 1 kilogram of spice. For this reason, saffron is often counterfeited, selling marigold petals instead of crocus stigmas.

Appearance (photo) of saffron

Saffron sowing (lat. Crocus Sativus) - bulbous perennial herbaceous plant genus Saffron of the family Iris or Kasatikovye. It does not grow in the wild, because it cannot reproduce without human intervention. Now you know what saffron looks like and what it is. The plant can be grown at home, read more in.

Saffron has a strong peculiar aroma and a bitter spicy taste. Although saffron grass also has useful properties, the stigmas of the plant are used in medicine and cooking. The spice is also used to color and flavor food.

The chemical composition and calorie content of saffron

The chemical composition of the spice:

  • essential oil;
  • crocin;
  • beta-crocetin;
  • glycosides;
  • vitamin B1;
  • vitamin B2;
  • flavonoids;
  • Sahara;
  • calcium salts;
  • fatty oil.

Calorie content of 100 g of saffron is 310 kcal. In 1 teaspoon, approximately 2 grams of saffron - 6.2 kcal.

Beneficial features

Medicinal properties of saffron:

  • antispasmodic;
  • painkiller;
  • stimulating;
  • secretory;
  • diuretic;
  • antitussive;
  • anticancer.

The benefits of saffron are beneficial effects on the digestive tract. The spice improves digestion, metabolism and removes toxins from the body.

The properties of saffron allow it to be used for the nervous system. Spice stops headache and relieves stress, activates brain activity improves memory and improves concentration. The spice helps with insomnia and depression.

Saffron benefits the cardiovascular system. Regular use of spices helps to strengthen the myocardium and normalize heart rate. Saffron strengthens the walls of blood vessels, lowers blood pressure.

Useful saffron for women. Spice improves performance reproductive system, increases libido, activates blood circulation in the genitals, normalizes the menstrual cycle and hormonal background. In the East, spice is used in the treatment of infertility.

Saffron has also been used in the treatment of male diseases. The spice enhances attraction and increases potency, it is recommended in the treatment of prostatitis.

The use of saffron in cooking

AT Food Industry spice saffron has been used for coloring and flavoring products. Seasoning stain cheeses, sausages, and liquors.

How to use saffron? To give the dishes a characteristic taste and aroma, the spice is added in a small amount during the cooking process. Most often, saffron is seasoned with rice, legumes, and potatoes. Add to meat and fish. Read more about saffron seasoning.

The use of saffron in cosmetology

Saffron is used not only in cooking, it is used in cosmetology and traditional medicine.

Seasoning saffron has also been used in cosmetology. It is used to improve the condition of the skin of the face and body, saffron is used for hair.

Purifying face mask

Saffron cleanses the skin of the face, nourishes and moisturizes it. The spice fights age-related changes, improves skin elasticity.


  1. Saffron - ¼ teaspoon.
  2. Cosmetic clay - 2 tablespoons.
  3. Lavender essential oil - 6 drops.

How to cook: Mix the ingredients until smooth, dilute with a small amount of warm water to the consistency of thick sour cream.

How to use: Apply the mask on the face for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.

Result: Cleans and moisturizes the skin, evens out complexion.

Moisturizing hair mask

In home cosmetology, saffron is added to hair masks. Regardless of the type, hair needs moisture. Saffron is mixed with honey and sour cream.


  1. Honey - 2 tablespoons.
  2. Sour cream - 2 tablespoons.
  3. Saffron - 1 teaspoon.

How to cook: Mix the ingredients.

How to use: Apply the mask from the roots to the ends of the hair, put on a shower cap and wrap your head with a warm towel. Keep the mask on for 30 minutes. Wash off with warm water using shampoo.

Result: The mask moisturizes and restores damaged hair.

AT cosmetic purposes they use not only dried crocus stigmas, but also saffron oil - the product retains its properties to the fullest.

The use of saffron in folk medicine

In folk medicine, decoctions and infusions are made on the basis of saffron.

Saffron is used in medicine to strengthen the immune system, prevent and treat various diseases. Below we have given recipes for effective medicines with this spice.

Infusion for immunity

If you want to increase immunity and reduce the risk of developing colds, take an aqueous saffron infusion.


  1. Saffron stigmas - 2-3 pcs.
  2. Boiling water - 200 ml.

How to cook: Pour a glass of boiling water over saffron, leave the medicine for 30 minutes. Strain the drink before use.

How to use: Drink an infusion of saffron stigmas 3-4 times a day half an hour before a meal or 1 hour after a meal.

Result: Increases immunity.

Compresses for the eyes

Saffron increases visual acuity, improves the condition of the eyes with conjunctivitis and barley. For these purposes, use compresses with saffron.


  1. Saffron stigmas - 5 pcs.
  2. Rose water infusion - ½ teaspoon.

How to cook: Powder saffron stigmas and mix with rose water infusion.

How to use: Soak cotton pads and apply for 15 minutes.

Result: Relieves fatigue and irritation, improves eyesight.

Lotions for headaches

To eliminate headaches, saffron is used in the form of lotions, mixing seasoning with ghee. The medicine also helps with insomnia.


  1. Saffron stigmas - 3-4 pcs.
  2. Melted butter - 3 drops.

How to cook: Grind stigmas into powder and mix with melted butter.

How to use: Rub the resulting slurry into the nostrils for headaches.

Result: The remedy relieves pain, soothes nervous system, normalizes sleep.

Saffron for women

Tea to increase potency in men

Men can get the benefits of saffron for the body by using an infusion to increase potency.


  1. Saffron stigmas - 4-5 pcs.
  2. Fresh ginger - 25 g.
  3. Black pepper - 4 pcs.
  4. Black tea - 1 teaspoon.
  5. Water - 1.5 cups.

How to cook: Grind all the spices in a mortar or coffee grinder to a powder consistency. Pour into a saucepan along with black tea. Fill with water and put on a slow fire. Bring the broth to a boil, remove from heat and strain.

How to use: Drink tea immediately after preparation.

Result: Tea with saffron increases potency.

Now you know how to take saffron - the spice retains its beneficial properties in the form of tea, decoctions and infusions.

Can saffron be used by pregnant and lactating women?

Saffron can benefit and harm in the same way - medicinal spice harmful to health if used incorrectly. Pregnant women need to be especially careful. During pregnancy, saffron can only be used immediately before childbirth - the seasoning stimulates uterine contractions and provokes contractions. On the early dates the use of saffron can lead to miscarriage, and in the later - to premature birth.

Do not use saffron while breastfeeding breast milk. Saffron can cause overexcitation and even poisoning in a child.


Now you know what saffron has medicinal properties, contraindications to the use of spices:

  • hypertension;
  • diabetes;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period.

Knowing about saffron - useful properties and contraindications to its use, also do not use spice in large quantities, large dosages of seasoning can provoke food poisoning.

What to remember

  1. Saffron - the most expensive spice, is the dried stigmas of saffron (crocus).
  2. Saffron is used in cooking, cosmetology and traditional medicine.
  3. It is forbidden to use seasoning for pregnant and lactating women.

The spicy spice saffron has been famous for its beneficial properties since ancient times. It not only gives dishes a unique aroma and taste, but also tones, rejuvenates the body, is used in many traditional medicine recipes, used in cosmetology, ophthalmology (plant extract is added to eye drops), recognized as a natural aphrodisiac, antidepressant. Features of its application are associated with chemical composition plants, and the high price of spices is due to the laborious processes of growing, collecting, manual processing of raw materials for its manufacture.

What is saffron

The spice saffron, famous all over the world because of its high cost, is made from the stigmas of flowers of the saffron plant, better known for its Latin name- crocus. This is a flower from the genus of perennial bulbous herbaceous Iris, low, with narrow leaves and tubular single flowers of yellow or of blue color. The flowering area includes the Mediterranean, the Middle East, Central and South Asia.

The richest history of this spice, wide range use, labor intensity of production contribute to an increase in demand and prices for this product. To obtain one kilogram of saffron, it is necessary to grow and manually process about 200 thousand plants, because one crocus flower produces only three stigmas, which are used to prepare the spice.

The historical homeland of the spice is the Middle East, the word "saffron" is of Arabic origin, translated as "yellow leaf". Oriental priests used the plant in religious ceremonies, in ancient Greece it was considered the strongest aphrodisiac, pistils of flowers were added to water before taking a bath, strewn with them on beds. The spice was originally brought to Europe by Italian and Swiss traders, for some time the Swiss Basel became the center for growing crocuses. Today, about 90% of the world's crop is grown in Iran.

Where is used

Saffron is not only an exquisite spice that gives dishes and drinks a rich bitter taste and strong unusual aroma, although cooking is its most famous area of ​​​​application. Crocus grass and flowers have been used since ancient times folk healers, since the plant has a unique chemical composition, which determines a number of its beneficial healing properties.

Since ancient times, methods have been known to obtain an orange dye from the stigmas of crocus flowers, which was first used to dye fabric, and in modern world used in food production and the manufacture of expensive hair dyes. Essential saffron oils are used in the preparation of skin masks, since the plant contains natural antioxidants with pronounced anti-aging properties.

Application in cooking

The most famous area of ​​​​application of spices is cooking. The spice is used in most cuisines of the peoples of the world in the preparation of a wide variety of dishes and drinks. In the East and Asia, these are pilaf or other dishes made from rice and peas, as well as milk-based drinks. In Europe, seasoning is added to meat dishes, broths, fish dishes, seafood, and vegetable snacks. The spice is used in the confectionery industry to give an interesting taste to sweet pastries and desserts, in the manufacture of cookies, pastries, and cakes.

Saffron in cooking is not only a way to give food an unusual original taste. The spice has the effect of a preservative - food cooked with its addition retains excellent taste and nutritional qualities for several days. The spice is also used in the production of alcoholic beverages, to give a variety of liqueurs and cocktails a subtle specific aroma and an original color shade.

Before adding to the cooking dish, saffron threads are lightly fried over high heat for 30-60 seconds, ground into powder, mixed with a teaspoon of water or milk. With this preparation, aromatic and taste properties spices are released more. It is not worth combining the spice with other spices; you need to add it to the roast, soup and other hot dishes a couple of minutes before the end of the heat treatment. Saffron powder is added to the dough at the kneading stage.

Natural saffron has a pronounced pungent odor, gives the finished dish or drink a slightly bitter aftertaste. It should be added carefully - exceeding the dosage indicated in the recipe can not only spoil pilaf or seafood soup and make it inedible. A single ingestion of more than 2 g of spice causes severe poisoning (if we are talking about real saffron).

Seasoning saffron

It is known that saffron (crocus ordinary) is cultivated in Iran, India, Turkey, Greece, Italy, Pakistan and the United States. The most expensive is Indian saffron called Kashmiri. Two types of Spanish crocus come close to its price, in third place is not so expensive, but no less popular Iranian type. Due to the high price of the spice obtained from the dried stigmas of the flowers of the plant, there are many fakes on the world spice market. Therefore, it is important to know what a real seasoning looks like, and not to overpay a lot of money for its analogues.

The dried stigmas of the pistils of the crocus flower are thin threads of maroon, closer to brown, in color. Imereti saffron, which is made from the stigmas of marigolds, and which is often sold under the guise of Kashmiri saffron, has an orange or orange closer to yellow color. Natural Indian spice in powder has a dark red color, so they often try to pass off turmeric for it.

AT recipes and healing decoctions only a few strands of real spice are used. They are enough for the appearance of a characteristic taste and rich color in a dish or infusion. You have purchased a fake if a very small amount of spice is not enough to get a tart specific flavor. An excess of natural Indian or Iranian seasoning will hopelessly spoil any culinary masterpiece, so it should be added carefully, quite a bit.

Beneficial features

Since time immemorial, spices have been credited with rejuvenating, stimulating, strengthening and restoring properties. Crocus stigma powder is used in cosmetology and folk healing. Regular addition of a small amount of seasoning to food contributes to:

  • rejuvenation of skin cells and the whole body;
  • activation of brain activity;
  • normalization of work digestive organs;
  • strengthening the vascular system, blood purification;
  • improving the work of the genitourinary system of a woman, regulation menstrual cycle;
  • increased libido;
  • restoration of a healthy erection;
  • restoration of vision;
  • normalization of the nervous system.

Thanks to the flavonoids contained in the plant, it has an antioxidant, rejuvenating effect. Reception of tinctures or decoctions with the addition of spices frees the body from toxins and toxins, has a beneficial effect on the liver, relieves general intoxication with food or alcohol poisoning. Infusions made on the basis of crocus stigmas cleanse the kidneys and bladder due to the diuretic, choleretic action. Helps infusion of saffron with cystitis, menstrual irregularities, strong menstrual pain among women.

Some medications for treatment eye diseases includes crocus flower extract. In folk medicine, lotions with a decoction and taking tinctures on the stigmas of a crocus flower inside are recommended in the treatment of about a hundred different diseases, including prevention and treatment. urolithiasis, malignant tumors. Regular intake of infusion of crocus stigmas helps to inhibit the growth of cancer cells, especially in liver cancer.

spice is natural antidepressant. Eating sweet dishes prepared with the addition of this spice improves mood, promotes a surge of energy, and increases the overall tone of all body systems. Doctors recommend brewing dried crocus stigmas with boiling water (1 teaspoon of powder per glass of water), drinking one teaspoon three times a day to prevent more than a hundred diseases.

Traditional healers recommend using an infusion of crocus stigmas in the treatment of conjunctivitis, styes and other inflammations of the eye conjunctiva. Five crushed saffron threads are combined with rose water until a homogeneous slurry is obtained and apply compresses with the mixture for 10 minutes twice a day to the sore eye. To prepare a rejuvenating mask for the skin of the face, hands and neck 1 tsp. spices are mixed in equal proportions with fatty sour cream, honey, applied to the skin for 20 minutes.

As a means of improvement male potency, enhance sexual desire saffron is added to meat, fish, vegetable dishes combined with ginger, black ground pepper. From bouts of insomnia or headaches, lotions are made with an alcohol infusion of stigmas, or they inhale the aroma of a powder tied in a canvas bag for several minutes. Broths with the addition of spices are rinsed with hair in case of problems with their growth or loss.

Chemical composition

Useful properties of spices are due to the chemical composition of the crocus plant. The original color is due to the content of crocins - water-soluble carotenoids of crocetin. The taste and smell of saffron is given by the flavonoid glycoside pyrocrocin and its hydrolysis products. The spice contains vitamins of groups B, A, C, PP, complex minerals(calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, potassium, manganese) and essential oils- saffranol, pinene, terpinene, limonene, cineole, geraniol, linalool. Calorie content of 100 g reaches 315 kcal due to high content carbohydrates (more than 60%).

Contraindications and harm

Saffron should be used for medicinal purposes with caution - the spice can have a strong effect on the body, when taken in large quantities it can cause severe poisoning (one-time use in an amount of 2 g or more). It is recommended to refrain from using this spice or decoctions based on it:

  • women during pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  • children under 2 years of age;
  • people with chronic cardiovascular diseases;
  • for violations blood pressure(especially with hypertension);
  • patients with diabetes mellitus.

How to replace saffron

The most common spice analogues are turmeric and safflower. Unscrupulous sellers try to pass off their powder as saffron, but they do not have enough aroma, they are characterized by a different shade of orange. Crushed turmeric, compared to crocus stigma powder, does not have a reddish tint, its orange color is closer to yellow. Safflower has a much less pronounced aroma. To check the authenticity of saffron threads, two pieces are dipped in three liters of water. The natural spice will color the liquid yellow.

How to store

The spice is sensitive to light, high humidity easily absorbs odors. Store saffron powder or stigmas in an airtight, opaque container. The storage temperature must not exceed 20 °C. Dry saffron quickly loses its aroma, so the threads must be ground into powder or cooked alcohol tincture in a ratio of 1 to 10. Subject to storage conditions, the spice retains its properties for two years, the loss of a specific smell indicates a loss of taste and healing qualities spices.

How much is saffron

The value of the spice and its high price associated with the peculiarities of the collection and preparation of plant materials. The most expensive spice in the world is made from hand-picked stigmas of flowers; to prepare 1 kg of spice, 170 to 200 kg of raw materials are required (approximately 10 kg per 1 ha). The cost of seasoning, depending on the variety of crocuses, ranges from 30 thousand dollars (for the most expensive, Kashmiri saffron) to 500 dollars for Iranian, more common, per kilogram.


Crocuses can often be found in household plots. However, to obtain spices, a different variety is needed. Saffron is grown mainly in Asia Minor. As the most expensive seasoning in the world, they talk about it for good reason: to collect 1 kg of edible columns, you need up to 150 thousand flowers! Its price can reach up to 10 thousand dollars.

The use of saffron in cooking

The seasoning is slightly metallic taste with hints of honey. It does an excellent job of adding a unique taste and color to soups, sauces and rice dishes. Rice cooked with saffron is a symbol of Spanish and Indian cuisine. It is also used by the French in, the Italians in, and even the Swedes in their famous saffron buns that are served at Christmas. Saffron also goes well with meat and vegetables. Hindus use seasoning in confectionery, and especially in dairy products such as kulfi or lassi. The high price of the spice leads many chefs to mix it with turmeric. There is no difference between them in color, but the tastes are completely different.

The difficult fate of saffron

Before saffron hits the store shelves, it has a long way to go. Iran is the largest producer of spices. It is believed that it accounts for 90 percent of world production. Afghanistan is the second largest producer. However, countries engulfed in military conflicts cannot freely dispose of spice stocks. In 1987, US President Ronald Reagan imposed a ban on the import of goods from Iran. There was a belief that the proceeds from the sale of the seasoning would be used by terrorists. The saffron trade is often illegal. It is taken out of the country in suitcases, like drugs. Due to US sanctions, Spain became an intermediary in the sale of saffron.

Symbol of fertility

Among the ancients, the crocus symbolized fertility. It was thought to help during menstruation. To this end, women attached flowers to a belt worn around their hips. The flower also had an effect on men: the use of saffron was called increase their sexual potency. In Minoan frescoes, crocuses decorate the chambers of the goddesses. AT Greek mythology a young man was turned into this flower, who, unfortunately, fell in love with the nymph Smilax.

Persian treasure

Saffron was actively used by the Persians. They used it as a dye for fabrics, an ingredient in perfumes, medicines, and bath liquids.

The spice was also considered excellent remedy for melancholy. For this purpose, saffron threads were laid out on the bed or tea was brewed from them. It was also used as an assistant in case of poisoning and was even treated with measles. Persian saffron served Alexander the Great during his Asian expeditions as bath additives and was called upon to heal battle wounds. It is believed that it was thanks to this ruler that saffron came to Greece.

Unusual medicine

According to some modern researchers, the carotenoids contained in saffron have anti-cancer effect. They are an antioxidant, which means that the seasoning can neutralize the effect free radicals. The spice helps to solve problems with gas formation in the intestines, stimulates blood circulation. In the past, saffron was used to treat not only external wounds, but also stomach problems, arthritis, menstrual disorders, and infantile colic.

How to choose and store

  • Quality products have a bright color of red or dark orange hues. The low cost of the spice should be alarming - the discounted price most often has low-quality products.
  • Store saffron in an airtight container in a cool, dry place. It's best if you use it within a year of purchase, because if stored for a long time, the taste and color may deteriorate over time.

  1. Grind and soak saffron in hot water or broth (15-30 minutes), then bring the liquid to the volume indicated in the recipe for the dish being prepared. The water should absorb the full taste of the saffron, and as a result, it will discolor, transferring its color to the liquid.
  1. You can also soak in warmed dry white wine for several hours before cooking.

  1. Saffron powder does not require soaking, it is more concentrated, and it costs less to add to dishes. However, the issue of soaking the powder is debatable and still depends on the dish, therefore, if you meet such an indication in the recipe, do not be surprised.
  1. An interesting option is the use of saffron in conjunction with almonds, apples, cheese, grain dishes. Saffron is harmoniously combined with cinnamon, rosemary, thyme. The main thing is not to overdo it with other spices, this distorts the unique flavor of saffron. For this reason, sharing saffron with pepper should be avoided.
  1. Try cashmere tea, which is made by boiling 4 cups of water and a dash of saffron. Sugar is added to taste.

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