Tomato juice: benefits and harms. We make the most useful juice at home. Variants of tomato diets

The beneficial properties of a tomato have been known for a long time, while all trace elements are preserved even after processing the fruits, so tomato juice is rightfully considered one of the most useful.

The value of a fragrant thick drink is due to its rich composition, which includes such useful substances as:

  • vitamins of groups A, B and E;
  • vitamin C;
  • magnesium;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • iron;
  • zinc and many other minerals.

Juice for disease prevention

Due to the presence of calcium in tomato juice, it is recommended to take it to prevent diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Regular consumption of juice prolongs the youth of the body, saturating it with lycopene. The important value of fragrant drink and in the field of prevention of cancer.

Another sweet and sour drink prevents blood clots from forming and minimizes the risk of congestion in the vessels. To this end, it is recommended to people leading sedentary image life.

After consumption human body begins to intensively produce serotonin, improving general well-being and giving a state of peace and joy. Maybe that's why kids love him so much.

Juice in the complex treatment of diseases

It has been observed that during oppressed activity digestive system juice from tomato frequent use restores her work. It is especially important for problems with bladder- having a slight diuretic effect, prevents the accumulation of fluid in the body and the appearance of edema.

Juice as part of the diet

Tomato juice not only heals, but also helps to get rid of excess weight. You can lose a few kilograms by periodically arranging fasting days. If you need a more serious approach, you can use special diets in which juice is the main component.

Tomato juice is the only one of all juices that is recommended for inclusion in the diet of diabetics, because it has a low glycemic index. This means that a similar increase in blood sugar occurs as after drinking 300 ml tomato juice, and after 70 ml of grape.

Juice Restrictions

Despite the huge benefits, tomato juice should be used with caution by nursing mothers, because red tomatoes can play an evil role and cause allergic rash at the breast.

Tomatoes are an allergen, so people, including children, who are prone to food allergies, you should treat the intake of juice very responsibly.

When should you not drink juice?

Unfortunately, not everyone can consume this nutritious drink. It is better to refuse it for patients with ulcers and gastritis, and also if there is increased acidity.

This drink can be considered healing vitamin cocktail, because in its composition there is nothing but the pulp of tomatoes. Ripe tomatoes have an excellent taste and are distinguished by a unique combination of valuable substances. Tomato juice is famous for its low nutritional value - 100 g of fresh drink contains only 18 kcal. This feature allows you to include it in the diet of people who want to lose weight.

The benefits of tomato juice lie in its rich composition. It contains substances that contribute to the production of serotonin in the body, which is responsible for normal work nervous systems s. Also, tomato juice has diuretic, antimicrobial, choleretic properties and regulates the pH balance of the body.

The drink combines in its composition:

  • fiber
  • Vitamins of groups B, C, H, E, A, PP
  • Macro and microelements (K, P, Cl, S, Fe, Ca, Mg, Zn, Cu, I)
  • Organic acids (citric, succinic, malic, tartaric)
  • Proteins, starches, fats, carbohydrates
  • Sahara
  • Pectins
  • Phytoncides
  • Antioxidant lycopene
  • Carotenoids

To make juice, ripe, fleshy tomatoes are plucked - in this case, the benefits of tomato juice and its taste qualities will be top notch. best drink obtained from varieties "Sumoist", "Fatima", "Pink Flamingo", as these tomatoes are famous for their delicate sweet and sour taste and guarantee the juice a good density. Despite the fact that the juice lends itself to a long heat treatment, mass fraction useful substances it is completely preserved.


Harm of tomato juice

Such healthy drink, like tomato juice, if used improperly, can harm the body. You should know that it is undesirable to combine it with protein and starch-containing products (fish, cottage cheese, meat, bread, eggs, potatoes), since they simultaneous reception may be fraught with the deposition of stones in the urinary system.

The harm of tomato juice cannot be excluded if it was made from low-quality tomatoes processed by various chemicals to accelerate growth. A drink made from unripe tomatoes will not do any good, as they contain solanine, a substance that is very harmful to humans.

Tomato juice is contraindicated for people who are diagnosed with:

  • Diseases of the digestive system (pancreatitis, gastritis, ulcer, cholecystitis)
  • Stones in urinary tract
  • Individual intolerance to tomatoes, including allergic reaction on tomatoes in children

If you suspect an allergy, this drink should be administered in small portions, observing the reaction of the body.

It is not recommended to drink juice from tomatoes when food poisoning, diarrhea. It is better not to get carried away with a fresh drink on an empty stomach, as this can result in upset and pain in the stomach, because tomato juice contains acids. For the same reason, you do not need to drink juice with increased acidity of the stomach, and even more so with exacerbation of gastritis, ulcers.


The benefits of tomato juice

This delicious drink contains calcium and great amount potassium and is recommended for use by people with cardiovascular problems. Tomato juice is very useful for the elderly - it removes cholesterol, lowers blood pressure and helps with atherosclerosis. This juice cleanses the body of radionuclides. The lycopene found in tomatoes is a powerful antioxidant.

When drinking tomato juice, there is a slight diuretic effect, which favorably affects people who have problems with the bladder.

This drink is also one of the few that is allowed for diabetes, due to its ability to reduce blood sugar.

Tomato juice has the following effects on the body:

  • Cleanses the digestive organs from accumulated toxins, harmful toxins and compounds.
  • Improves metabolism.
  • It has a positive effect on potency in men, reduces the likelihood of developing oncological pathologies prostate.
  • Helps the nervous system cope with stress, depression, bad mood.
  • Satisfies the feeling of hunger and thirst.
  • Reduces the likelihood of cancer.
  • Useful for heavy smokers: drinking at least a glass of this amber juice a day can prevent such terrible disease like emphysema.
  • Prevents the development of blood clots in blood vessels.
  • Normalizes the work of the thyroid gland.
  • Due to the high content of iron and folic acid helps prevent anemia.

Tomato juice has found application in cosmetology. Due to the saturation of the drink with organic acids, fresh tomato pulp is often used as a peeling. Such a mask removes the keratinized layer of the epidermis, rejuvenates it, fights the problem of rashes and narrows pores.

Purchased tomato juice often contains increased content salt, as well as dyes, preservatives, in order to extend the shelf life of the product. But if you don't like to cook, then it's best to look for a quality store-bought tomato juice free of salt, sugar, and chemical additives.

Perfectly enrich the body with valuable substances natural juice without spices and salt. Instead of spices, it is better to add your favorite greens to the drink - then it will become a real vitamin cocktail with a new taste and a lot of useful properties. And if you add a little bit of any unrefined vegetable oil to this vegetable drink, then it will be absorbed even better, which will bring benefits from it “to the maximum”.

The recommended daily intake of this vegetable drink for an adult is 1 cup. It should be noted that heated tomato juice loses some of its valuable substances, which is important to consider when harvesting juice for future use. Therefore, when preserving, do not bring the workpiece to a boil - it will be sufficient to heat it to 85 ° C, pouring it into sterilized jars.

Tomato juice during pregnancy and lactation

Fresh juices are very beneficial during pregnancy, and purple tomato drink is no exception. It's low calorie, so expectant mother you can not be afraid to dial overweight while enjoying this juice.

Due to the significant iron content, tomato juice helps a pregnant woman cope with annoying anemia. There is also a lot of folic acid in the drink - a substance that is essential for normal and proper development fetus. High concentration in the juice of vitamins B, A, C and carotene has a positive effect on the heart, stimulates the secretion gastric juice, and regular consumption of the drink will help the pregnant woman cope with constipation.

In the lactation period, it is advisable to refrain from tomato juice for at least the first 6 months (tomato can sometimes be regarded as an allergen). Intense red pigment can cause allergic manifestations in a child, so it is better to give preference to compotes from dried fruits and fresh drinks from green fruits.

The harm of tomato juice during lactation is very likely, as it causes flatulence stomach and can cause colic in a child.

Tomato juice for weight loss

The undeniable benefit of tomato juice for weight loss is that it has a very low calorie content, but at the same time contains a huge amount of useful vitamins.

An important rule for those who want to lose weight: it is best to use homemade juice from fresh tomatoes, not a packaged drink from the store! Thick tomato juice, prepared by hand, does not contain preservatives, dyes, sugar and salt, and will only benefit the body, not harm.

In order for the long-awaited results of losing weight to be noticeable, the following rules should be observed during a diet on tomato juice:

  1. Complete rejection of fried, fatty, salty.
  2. Inclusion in the diet of protein foods, such as dietary boiled meat (chicken, fish, beef).
  3. Drink about 1.5.2 liters of tomato juice per day and do not forget about clean water.
  4. The drink must be taken only fresh, without salt, spices (possible with herbs) 20.30 minutes before meals.

During a diet on tomato juice, the body is cleansed of harmful toxins, metabolism is established, and extra pounds melt before our eyes. Moreover, a person practically does not feel hunger, and his body is replenished with vitamins and useful microelements.

One of the most important and unpleasant problems humanity has become overweight. Many do not know what a huge benefit our figure and health can bring an ordinary tomato, if made from it right juice. In our article, you will learn how to use tomato juice correctly in order to say goodbye to those extra pounds!

Tomato juice has long been recognized as an excellent remedy for those who have long been burning with the desire to lose a couple extra pounds. Plus, tomato juice is notable for its pleasant taste, usefulness and therefore does not cause people unpleasant taste sensations. You can drink tomato juice just for pleasure, or you can go on a diet that is completely based on this juice. tomato juice for proper weight loss simply an irreplaceable thing, since it contains a huge amount of useful trace elements, such as magnesium, calcium and sodium, manganese, potassium and phosphorus, vitamins such as E, C, A, B, fats and proteins, carbohydrates. Also in tomato juice are necessary for the body acids that help break down fats.

Many of you, most likely, did not even suspect how useful tomato juice is. It can safely be called a multivitamin. The composition of the tomato drink is simply amazing in its richness:

  • vitamins: A, B, C, E, H, PP;
  • minerals: potassium, calcium, magnesium, iodine, zinc, copper, manganese, iron, cobalt, selenium, nickel, molybdenum, rubidium, sulfur, fluorine, chromium, chlorine, fluorine, boron, phosphorus, iodine;
  • acids: malic, tartaric, lemon, oxalic, and overripe tomatoes contain even one of the rarest and most useful acids - succinic;
  • proteins, carbohydrates, fats, dietary fiber.

Not surprisingly, tomato juice is useful for many diseases: cancer, diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, stress and depression, constipation, and others. It is useful to drink it for the prevention of atherosclerosis and thrombophlebitis.

In general, tomato juice has a diuretic, choleretic, antioxidant, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory effect.

At the same time, tomato juice has practically no contraindications, but in some cases it will still have to be abandoned. It's about about the period of exacerbation of gastritis, stomach ulcers, pancreatitis, cholecystitis. You can not drink tomato juice and poisoning.

What is the benefit of tomato juice?

If we consider the benefits and harms of tomato juice, it turns out that it is useful natural version, but the store can do harm. What a pity, the vast majority of store-bought tomato juices are tomato paste diluted with water. You can verify this by simply diluting two tablespoons of tomato paste in a glass of water and adding some salt and pepper to it. Such homemade tomato juice will almost completely coincide with the taste of the usual purchased juice.

But natural tomato juice is incredibly useful for the human body. Its properties can be listed for a long time:

  • it contains vitamins A and C, which has a beneficial effect on the skin and immunity;
  • the juice contains lycopene, which prevents the development of cancer;
  • juice is very useful for those who are expecting a baby, as well as for nursing mothers;
  • if you drink tomato juice regularly, you are not afraid of depression: the juice contains substances that stimulate the body to create the "hormone of joy" - serotonin;
  • people who regularly drink this juice speed up their metabolism, so their rate of weight loss is much higher than that of those people who do not drink it.

Tomato juice for weight loss will help your body overcome excess weight and return to a healthy, lean state.

Harm of tomato juice

Tomato juice can only harm those who suffer from stomach ulcers, gastritis, pancreatitis or cholecystitis. In addition, the presence of individual intolerance is a contraindication.

weight loss with tomato juice

In addition to being incredibly healthy, tomato juice is also virtually calorie-free, making it an excellent weight loss product. Tomato juice also speeds up metabolic processes, which is especially important for overweight people.

Tomato juice is included in the menu of many diets for weight loss, and besides this, there is a diet based on tomato juice or, as it is also called, the tomato diet.

We drink tomato juice correctly

It would be superfluous to say that the greatest benefit can only be obtained from freshly squeezed natural juice without the addition of salt and sugar. If you want something to flavor the drink, add garlic or herbs to it.

Tomato juice from the store cannot be compared with homemade, but it can also be different: better and completely artificial. When choosing industrial tomato juice, pay attention to the composition, shelf life, packaging. Pay attention to when the juice was harvested (winter or summer). Keep in mind that TetraPak packs keep it much better and longer than regular packs.

However, the benefits of tomato juice do not end there. It also matters how you take it. For weight loss, tomato juice can be drunk not only as part of a certain diet, but simply as an addition to the diet, if you adhere to healthy lifestyle life and eat right. But you should know that in combination with starchy (bread, potatoes, legumes) and protein (cottage cheese, meat, eggs) products, the benefits of tomato juice are nullified: the digestion process is disturbed, kidney stones may even form and bladder. The same applies to canned tomatoes and juice.

In this regard, it is best to drink raw or fresh tomato juice (not subjected to heat treatment), you can combine it with garlic, herbs, olive oil, nuts. It can also be mixed in juice cocktails with other fresh juices: lemon, pumpkin, apple. It is recommended to store such juice as little as possible and only in glassware in a dark, cold place.

Diet on tomato juice

You can lose weight on tomato juice different ways. Consider the simplest and most effective.

Unloading day on tomato juice. After the holidays, or on a regular basis, twice a week, you can do a fasting day. You can’t eat during it, but you can freely drink up to 1.5 liters of tomato juice, a glass at each onset of hunger. In addition, do not forget about water - it is worth drinking at least 4 glasses.

Tomato juice in the menu of proper nutrition. Add to proper nutrition tomato juice and lose weight as long as you like without harm to health. Ration for the day:

  1. Breakfast. Fried eggs from 1-2 eggs, a slice of bread.
  2. Lunch: A glass of tomato juice.
  3. Dinner: a serving of any soup and a slice of bread.
  4. afternoon tea: fruit or vegetable or fruit salad.
  5. Dinner: meat/poultry/fish and vegetable side dish without potatoes.
  6. Before bedtime- if you are hungry, you can drink a little tomato juice - half a glass.

Whichever way you choose to lose weight on this juice, the results will not be long in coming, especially if you add a couple of hours of exercise a week to your schedule.

Making tomato juice

Take half a fairly large cucumber, three tomatoes and two stalks of celery and run them through a juicer. You can also take two hundred grams of tomatoes and carrots and chop them in a blender. Add a little ground black pepper to the tip of a knife as it helps boost calorie burning activity. Another recipe for tomato juice: take a tomato and cucumber juice and mix them with juice from bell pepper, you can add a large number of black pepper. You can also squeeze the juice from half a kilogram of tomatoes and add ten grams of chopped garlic to it, then mix it all thoroughly and strain.

Tomato juice for weight loss has been used for a very long time, as it gives excellent results. This is primarily due to the ideal composition of tomato juice, which contains a lot of beneficial to the body substances. It contains absolutely minimal amount calories. Tomato juice not only perfectly helps to cope with overweight, it also has choleretic, anti-inflammatory, diuretic and antimicrobial properties and excellently strengthens capillaries. It also helps to improve the functioning of the intestines and warns it against the processes of decay. This drink ideal remedy for those who suffer from constipation.

One glass of tomato juice a day fills our body with half daily allowance vitamins A, C and B. In no case, when preparing tomato juice, do not add salt or sugar to it, it is better to add finely chopped fresh herbs or garlic for taste. Tomato juice helps us to lose weight correctly and tasty, without harm and torment for ourselves and our beloved body, and keep ourselves in great and healthy shape!

Wonderful fragrant ripe tomatoes are one of the signs of summer. However, not all so simple. There are a number of cases when the use of tomatoes is strictly contraindicated and can cause the most unfortunate consequences.

This beautiful vegetable contains a lot of useful substances - vitamins A, B2, B6, K, E, and B12, it also has a high content of potassium, which is useful both for blood vessels and for the heart. The composition of this juicy scarlet fruit includes beneficial acids- wine, lemon, oxalic and apple.

However, unfortunately, these delicious fruits have a number of contraindications and hidden dangers for the human body.

And although there is little that can match the taste of our Ukrainian tomatoes, which have become almost a brand, today we will warn you about the cases in which they can be harmful.

Since it's the height of summer, and the stalls of sellers are littered with this "natural product", it's time to warn you of the danger.

In what cases can tomatoes harm the body

allergy to tomatoes

Allergy to tomatoes is quite common. The reason for the food allergy to tomatoes lies in the presence of certain antigens in them - anthocyanin and lycopene. Food allergy symptoms are:

Stomach ache;

Runny nose;



In some cases, allergies develop within hours of ingesting this beautiful allergen. Therefore, those who are allergic to tomatoes should stay away from them.

Tomatoes are contraindicated in cholelithiasis

Various organic acids in the composition of tomatoes are involved in the process of digestion. They also have the ability to activate the activity of the stomach, pancreas, and are able to enhance intestinal motility.

However, if you have stones in gallbladder, all these properties turn into harm when taking tomatoes. The reason is that tomatoes have a very active choleretic effect. And this can cause spasms in the gallbladder, the movement of stones and blockage of the bile ducts, the consequences of which can be very sad.

Kidney disease is a contraindication for eating tomatoes

In case you have a disease genitourinary system, tomatoes, if not categorically contraindicated for you, then at least they are not recommended. The fact is that tomatoes contain the so-called oxalic acid. Its large amount provides negative impact for water-salt exchange.

In addition, eating boiled and canned tomatoes causes the growth of kidney stones. Therefore, those who have a predisposition to their formation should not eat this vegetable.

Tomatoes are harmful for joint diseases

Due to the presence of the already mentioned oxalic acid, tomatoes have the ability to cause severe pain in human joints.

Therefore, those who suffer from diseases of the musculoskeletal system and have already had joint problems are also not recommended to eat tomatoes.

Tomatoes increase addiction to nicotine

As noted, some researchers are convinced that eating a tomato increases nicotine addiction. Therefore, if you want to quit smoking, then add to your plans a temporary refusal to eat this wonderful, but so dangerous vegetable for smokers.

Inflammation of the pancreas can strengthen the tomatoes

With inflammation of the pancreas (), you should not eat vegetables and fruits that contain a lot of acids, as they irritate its tender and inflamed mucosa.

Unripe and green tomatoes are especially contraindicated during this period.

Tomatoes are incompatible with stomach ulcers

With a stomach ulcer, as well as if you have gastritis with hyperacidity, you should not get carried away with tomatoes either.

If you have an acute phase of one of these diseases, then it is advisable to completely exclude them from your diet.

Arterial hypertension is a contraindication for eating tomatoes

Those of you who suffer from high blood pressure(hypertension), as well as those who have other diseases of cardio-vascular system should also be careful in their love for this fragrant vegetable.

In particular, with hypertension, the use of canned tomatoes is categorically contraindicated. At the same time, you should not use either pickled (barrel) or tomatoes that have been preserved with the use of vinegar (pickled).

What is the best way to consume tomatoes so as not to harm your health?

Tomatoes are wonderful and very healthy vegetable, but in order for it to bring benefits, not harm, you need to know how to use it correctly.

Of course, we like scrambled eggs with tomatoes, we also often add them when cooking meat, fish, in vegetable stew. However, this should not be abused. because of great content acid tomato can increase even normal acidity in the stomach, which can cause inflammation of its mucosa. So don't eat them too often.

In addition, it is better not to eat tomatoes at the same time as bread. This can cause increased gas production and bloating (flatulence). To avoid such problems, between the time you ate bread and a tomato, at least 2-3 hours should pass.

Also, for those who watch their diet, it is advisable to refrain from combining tomatoes on the same plate with meat, eggs and fish, as this has a hard effect on gastrointestinal tract especially on the pancreas.

Also, you should not drink food with tomato juice - it will dilute the substances released by the digestive organs, and this will become an obstacle to the healthy process of digesting food.

Keep in mind: tomato juice is a meal by itself. Therefore, if you want to enjoy tomato juice, at least half an hour must pass after the last meal.

Few people know that Chinese healers consider wild tomatoes to be fruits.

Familiar tomatoes can be found in many recipes, and they were added in order to make the taste of cooked food more pleasant, and the quality of a nutritious dish better, and at the same time, Chinese chefs did not think at all about the benefits of red fruits.

As you understand, in vain ...

But, the greatest benefit they do not even bring the fruits themselves, but a freshly squeezed drink from them - tomato juice. This issue should be examined in more detail.

Tomato juice - the main active ingredients

Nutritious tomato juice is made from tomato(s).

It is squeezed out according to technology, usually with the help of juicers, and bottled in packs or glass containers.

It has long been considered a beneficial drink, and many nutritionists include it as part of their healthful diets.

Juice contains a huge number of beneficial elements. In particular, it contains natural sugars.

Besides, great benefit is available organic acids, such as:

  1. Apple.
  2. Lemon.
  3. Wine.
  4. Sorrel.

Overripe fruits include rare succinic acid.

In tomatoes big number vitamins such as:

  1. B group vitamins.
  2. Vitamin C is very much 60%.

We must not forget about the presence of minerals - Ca, K, Mg, F, Cr, Cu, Co, Fe, Zn, Bo, Se, CI, I and some others.

The extraordinary benefits of tomato juice are indicated by the presence in the pulp of valuable dietary fiber or fiber.

Useful properties of tomato juice for human health

Due to the highest inclusion of vitamin K, we can directly say that tomatoes should be consumed by people who have problems with the heart and blood vessels, as well as CNS pathologies.

The health benefits are that tomatoes help improve metabolic processes and normalize the conductivity of the central nervous system.

Best for human health the use of tomato fruits, which have a bright red color. This color is characteristic of tomatoes, in which there is a lot of lycopene, which is the most effective antioxidant used for men and women in the treatment of malignant neoplasms. It must be remembered that a pasteurized drink is also useful for the body, in its also contains lycopene

Since the juice increases the level of serotinin in the blood, it promotes good emotions.

It is good to drink juice after have a hard day to relieve fatigue and the consequences of a stressful situation.

The healing drink helps in the treatment of gastrointestinal pathologies, is used as an antibacterial, diuretic, eliminates inflammatory processes and has a choleretic effect.

If you drink the drink daily, the capillaries will become stronger, which will reduce the likelihood of developing atherosclerosis.

The substances that make up the tomato drink help improve digestion. Juice is often recommended for patients with low colonic patency.

Scientists also found that the systematic intake of juice contributes to the fight against blood clots, which has a positive effect on health, because any pathology of the heart or blood vessels is harmful and can cause death.

Good to consume useful product for the prevention of varicose veins, for example, for people who move little, work at a computer or drive a car.

Tomato product is an excellent prevention of thrombosis. Also, the drink will benefit tobacco lovers.

Juice will help to remove toxic resins from the lungs. But to achieve this result, you need to drink 0.2 liters of tomato product every day. In addition, the juice will help with a hangover.

During pregnancy, it will only benefit, toxicosis will recede. The product is also useful for the liver, and will also help if it happens.

How to make tomato juice at home?

Unfortunately, in shopping malls natural juices are hard to find. Even if a bright label says that there is a natural product inside, then it is not a fact that this is true.

Besides, different kind preservatives and flavor enhancers adversely affect the quality of the juice.

The only way out is to do natural product on one's own.

How to cook good healthy juice, we will tell below.

  • Tomato juice recipe

In order to make juice at home, you need to prepare the following products:

  1. Fresh, ripe tomatoes. From one and a half kilograms of tomato you get 1 liter of drink.
  2. Granulated sugar.


  • Tomatoes should be washed well, peeled, cut into pieces and squeezed out the vegetable pulp using a juicer.
  • If there is no juicer, then a blender or meat grinder is perfect. Only in this case, after grinding the product, the pulp must be passed through a fine sieve.
  • If you use a meat grinder, the product yield will be greater than when using a juicer.

How to drink a drink correctly?

Tomato juice, like the tomatoes themselves, is best not processed: in boiled, stewed and canned tomatoes, everything beneficial features for the body are reborn into useless and even harmful

It is excellent to use tomatoes with cheese products, nuts, olive oil, garlic. This food is digested as quickly and efficiently as possible, benefiting the body.

250 ml of juice per day supplies the human body with all essential vitamins, normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract - but this applies exclusively to the product squeezed out at home.

For more good salt or granulated sugar is better to replace with chopped fresh herbs or garlic.

What is useful tomato juice - video

Tomato juice - contraindications for use

Can such healing product to harm?

I must say that there are no special contraindications to eating tomatoes, but with gastritis, with gout, pancreatitis, with diabetes, as well as with an ulcer, cholecystitis, it is undesirable to drink juice.

If you often drink non-natural juice or eat pickled tomatoes with potatoes, bread products, then stones may form.

Curd and meat products, as well as eggs, should also not be eaten with tomatoes. This negatively affects the digestive process.

All these moments must be remembered by connoisseurs delicious dishes, in the formulation of which there are many combinations described above.

In any case, before turning on tomato drink in the diet for every day, you need to consult a specialist.

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