How to properly bury a cat signs. Where and how to properly bury a cat (delicate topic). Video: signs that the cat is dying

Cats often become real family members. Unfortunately, the age of these domestic animals is relatively short: they can leave the earth due to old age, illness, or as a result of an accident. Many do not know what to do in the event of the death of a pet with the body of an animal: how to properly conduct a ritual, where to make a grave and how to bury a cat. There are no clear rules in this regard, but a caring owner always wants to arrange everything properly and say goodbye to a four-legged friend with dignity.

How to bury a deceased pet

At the moment, not all settlements have cemeteries for animals. Only residents of large cities and metropolitan areas can consider this option. Specialized organizations prepare a pet for the ritual: they find a suitable coffin, dig a grave, and even erect a monument. Having paid for the service, the owner does not have to worry about the place and procedure of burial.

Some companies, at the request of the owners, provide services related to the cremation of the cat. After the procedure is completed, the ashes are given to the owner, and he has the opportunity to independently bury the urn with the remains of the animal in a specially designated place.

Only cremated cats are buried in pet cemeteries; it is strictly forbidden to bury the bodies of pets in the ground. This does not meet the established sanitary standards.

You can officially hold a funeral with the help of companies that have licenses and appropriate permission. For lack of time or opportunity, many owners conduct the ceremony on their own, burying pets in the forest or in their garden plot.

You should know that you can not bury animals in parks and in the yards of apartment buildings - this is prohibited by law. According to the veterinary and sanitary rules, animal corpses are not allowed to be buried in the ground, since when they decompose, they release substances hazardous to human health into the soil, and from it into the water and atmosphere. The best option is to burn the cat's corpse in a specially designated place.

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Conducting a ritual

How to properly bury a cat:

  1. 1. When burying on your site, it is necessary to allocate a separate piece of land on which vegetables and fruits will not be grown. The body is recommended to be placed in a cardboard box or box.
  2. 2. The hole must be dug at least one meter deep.
  3. 3. Immerse the box with the cat's body into a pit and cover it with earth.
  4. 4. To prevent the corpse from releasing hazardous substances into the air during decomposition, bleach should be poured onto the bottom.

If the owner wants to conduct the ceremony in accordance with all the rules and according to the law, then the first thing he must do is to inform the Veterinary Administration. Specialists perform an autopsy and issue a permit for the ritual. However, this process is quite lengthy and has not yet been fully established.

Under no circumstances should animals be buried in a human cemetery. This is prohibited not only by law, but also by church services.

How to bury a cat in the cold season

In winter, burying a pet becomes much more difficult. The ground freezes, and it is very difficult to dig a hole with a conventional shovel. If the owner of the animal is categorically against cremation, then the grave is prepared as follows:

  • the place of the future burial is cleared of snow;
  • cut the frozen ground with a chainsaw;
  • deepen the hole with a shovel, breaking the frozen lumps of soil with a crowbar.

Unfortunately, pets cannot live with us all their lives. There comes a time when they need to be buried. Therefore, every owner needs to know how to bury a cat right. There are several ways to bury pets.

Don't panic

The most important thing when you find an unconscious cat is not to panic. Perhaps not all is lost and the cat can be saved. Here it is necessary to contact the veterinarian as soon as possible. There are times when a cat only appears to be dead. The main sign that the cat has died is a cold tongue.

Improvised coffin

To bury the cat you need a sturdy box, the right size. It is desirable that there is a distance of several centimeters between the cat's body and the walls of the box. You also need to take care of the lid. The box does not have to be cardboard. It can be either plastic or wood. Some pet owners put their pet's favorite toy in the body box. The box must be tied with a rope.

Choose a seat

Often people bury cats right in the yard of the house. On the one hand, it's convenient. There is always the opportunity to take care of the grave. On the other hand, it is contrary to the rules of moral ethics. In addition, decomposing, the corpse of an animal can harm the soil. Especially if the animal died due to infection. If it is possible to get to the forest, then you can arrange a burial in it. The hole must be dug at least 2 meters. This is necessary so that wild animals cannot get to the body of the cat. Also for these purposes, you can spray the grave with lime, which will scare away a wild animal.


Bury a cat in Kyiv can be at the cemetery for pets. In many large cities there are special cemeteries where you can bury the cat. To find out the address of the cemetery, you can contact the veterinarians. They usually know the location of these places. As a rule, everything is arranged there as it should be. There are fences and tombstones. Often people leave touching inscriptions on monuments. On some graves you can even see a small cross. Fresh flowers are left near the grave or small perennials are planted.


Unfortunately, not all cities have specially designated places for the burial of pets. Then you can resort to another way to say goodbye to your pet. Many veterinary clinics offer this type of burial, such as cremation. Unfortunately, this service is not very cheap. Not everyone will be able to afford it. In municipal clinics, as a rule, several corpses of cats are burned at once. But in a private clinic, you can cremate your pet on an individual basis. If the owner of the animal has a desire, he can be present at the cremation procedure. Then take the urn with the ashes home. Ashes can also be left at the clinic.

The death of a beloved pet is grief for the whole family, however, since this has happened, you should think about where your cat will find peace. As a rule, a place is chosen that would be convenient for the owners to get to, so that later, if necessary, visit there again. In such a situation, they act differently: someone wants to visit the burial place again, someone, on the contrary, wants to find a place for burial away from home so that painful memories do not overcome again and again.

In the warm season, such a choice is not difficult to make, because a cat is a medium-sized animal, and you can bury it yourself - just have a shovel with a well-ground bayonet on hand. You won’t have to dig a big hole, and the choice of a place depends entirely on the priorities of the owners.

Another thing is if the death of your pet occurred in the cold season. The question of how to bury a cat in winter is quite difficult. This problem has been discussed in various forums of pet owners for many years. People ask for advice, and those who have encountered such a situation try to help in every possible way, telling how it happened for them.

If we analyze all the messages on this topic, we can distinguish several main options:

  • bury yourself;
  • appeal to people with the skills of digging graves in frozen ground;
  • resort to the services of veterinary clinics, some of which offer cremation.

As a rule, people try to make a burial on their own. However, for obvious reasons, this is not easy to do. Those who have already gone through such a situation give diverse advice. For example, people often write that in one way or another the corpse of an animal is preserved until the onset of a thaw, in particular, it is stored in snowdrifts, in unheated garages. Morally and psychologically, this is the most difficult way, because after some time you will again see the body of a dead animal before burying it.

Nevertheless, practice shows that technically this is the simplest solution to a painful problem. Indeed, with the onset of spring, the soil thaws, and digging a grave is not very difficult. However, and this is obvious, not everyone will decide on this.

Some prefer to solve the problem quickly, but this will require additional steps. So, at the place chosen for burial, you can make a fire or put a barbecue with firewood on the ground. After some time, the soil thaws and warms up, which allows you to dig a hole.

Those animal lovers who, for their own reasons, are not ready for the above actions, can resort to the services of specialists from ritual offices who carry out burials of people all year round. They have specific skills and the necessary tools to quickly dig a hole for your cat's grave. As a rule, in such cases, the search occurs through ads or through personal acquaintance. However, this procedure is quite expensive.

You can also contact the veterinary clinic. Currently, many clinics offer a pet burial service, including at specialized cemeteries (if any in the locality of residence). The owner of the animal only transfers the body of the deceased pet and pays for the service, and the rest is the care of the institution's specialists. In addition, a certificate is issued to the owner, which indicates the place of burial in the pet cemetery. Everything is cultural and civilized. However, this is a rather expensive service, its cost in Moscow and other large cities is up to 10 thousand rubles, and sometimes more, so not everyone dares to resort to it.

Summing up, it is worth noting that burying a cat in winter is a serious problem both in a moral and technical sense, and everyone has the right to choose the way to do it on their own, or pay for the procedure, which will be carried out by specialists.

You can also order an urn for the ashes of your beloved cat or cat.

What to do when a cat dies?

When cat is dying of old age, of course, a terrible weight hangs on the soul, which does not pass, for quite a long time. We love four-legged creatures that are constantly nearby throughout their short lives. After this tragedy, thoughts begin to arise where to bury a cat? There are special organizations that help resolve this issue even in the process, so far only the cat dies and you can think about how best to send your pet on its last journey.

Cat's funeral

When the cat died, burying him is not as easy as it seems, places in pet cemeteries are very limited. death of a cat this, of course, is a big loss and people go into a deep depression that can last quite a long time, and will the body really lie at home and wait for you to return to normal again? Of course not, then such an optimal option as comes to the rescue. The service is not very expensive, you can afford it to properly honor the memory of the baby, and not just throw it in the trash. You can also help your friends who have recently the cat died and they are trying to calm down themselves and balance their children asking where their Ryzhik or Barsik went, but they have no idea what to answer them. It is not always possible, most often you want to have not only the memory of him, but also some kind of symbolic reminder of a departed friend. That is why some leave the urn with the ashes.

Loss of a four-legged friend

Cats are one of the most popular pets. They become best friends for children, treat illnesses for the elderly, delight adults with their caress. But the years of cats run even faster than those of people. Our furry pets age seven times faster. First they grow, mature, then grow old and, unfortunately, die. death of a cat can also occur due to illness, a tragic event. In any case, every responsible animal owner should be prepared for such a turn of events.

What to do if a cat dies

Of course, pets become members of the family, and it is very difficult to say goodbye to them forever morally. Especially if the cat died in front of the owner or in the house. Most often, cats try to get out of the house whenever possible before they die. Many believe that a cat suffers death very painfully, and instinctively leaves the house, trying to get away from the pain. Regardless of where the cat is dying, at home or outside, you need to know how to properly deal with the animal's body.

The most humane at first glance seems to be the burial of a deceased pet. Everything seems to be clear in the question how to bury a cat: you need to find a secluded place and bury the body of the animal. But it is important to know that the burial of animals within the city is prohibited by law. Traveling out of town or burying a pet in your country house is also not the best choice. This is due to the spread of infection. Either the one from which the animal died, or the one that may arise due to ongoing processes after death. Yes, and a trip outside the city of a suddenly deceased cat, the search for inventory (shovels, picks, crowbars) can be problematic. Another big problem is how bury a cat in winter, because the frozen ground is not so easy to dig. And if you do a burial, then it should be deep enough so that other wild animals cannot smell and dig up the corpse in order to protect the ashes from vandalism.

Cremation is the best alternative to burial

« My cat died, I don’t know what to do, I can’t bury my pet” - these and other questions have to be asked by the owners of a deceased animal. Cremation (burning of a corpse) will solve the problem of saying goodbye to a pet, will allow him to go on his last journey with dignity, and will avoid environmental problems.

Loss of a pet:

Cats live and delight their owners for about 12-15 years. In terms of human years, this is 84-105 years. Life expectancy is affected by living conditions and the absence of disease. But still there comes a time when we have to say goodbye to our pet. How to behave when a cat or a cat dies?

The answer to the question where to bury a cat everyone has their own. Someone will find a picturesque corner outside the city in the forest, someone will allocate a place in their front garden so that they can visit the burial place more often. Abroad, special cemeteries for animals are popular, which is not yet very developed in our country. When cat is dying of old age or illness, you can resort to burial on your own. It won't cost any money, but it will harm the environment and is against the law. At the same time, there is not always time for the entire burial procedure and the moral strength to do it on your own. Therefore, more and more people who face the task are turning to specialized services that deal with cremation. Cremation is the burning of a dead animal in a special furnace. The whole process lasts from an hour to four, depending on the size and weight of the animal. This method is safer for the environment and for the corpse of a deceased pet, since other animals will definitely not dig it out of the grave and eat its remains. After burning, the ashes remain, which can either be buried in a place convenient for you, or stored at home, or scattered where your pet liked to walk.

Since this is a loss, and most likely you will worry at first about the loss of a close friend who was constantly next to you, met you in the hallway, purred on his knees, try to follow some rules:

  1. It is necessary to remove the bed, toys, pet bowl so that they do not remind that he is no more. You should not throw them away, you can find a place for them in a closet or in the attic, as a keepsake;
  2. After a while, many get a new pet. Give him time, take care - this will allow you to be busy and not remember sad moments. If you are getting a new pet, do not call it by the same name. Choose another beautiful sonorous name, do not associate it with the previous animal;
  3. When you remember your furry friend who has gone to heaven, try to remember only positive moments, so that after that you will be filled with a bright memory of him.

Using individual cremation (the cat is burned separately from other animals), you are provided with the ashes of your pet. Ashes can be left as a keepsake at home in a special urn, you can put it in a pendant and always keep it with you. This will make you feel that your furry friend is always with you. This will make it easier to bear the loss.

Losing your beloved pet is very painful and difficult. But if this happened, you will have to deal with his burial. If the cat does not show signs of life, then it is still better to first contact the veterinarian to accurately determine the death of the pet.

After receiving confirmation from the veterinarian about the death of a pet, you can choose two options - either give it to cremation, or bury it yourself. Cremation will save you from such questions as “where to bury?”, “how to bury?”. Choosing a general cremation, the ashes of the animal will be given to the owner. You can not pick up the ashes, then the veterinary clinic will take him to the pet cemetery. If you know where such cemeteries are located, you can bury your pet there yourself. Places for burials are paid and they need to be “booked” in advance.

If you decide to bury the cat yourself, then before you bury it, you need to make sure that the pet did not die from an infectious disease. And certainly not from the plague or rabies. Because when the body begins to decompose, infections will spread over the next few kilometers and can harm not only the environment, but also people. According to the rules, it is forbidden to bury such animals - otherwise a fine will be imposed on the owner of the animal. The amount of the fine depends on the severity of the disease that the animal suffered from. If someone has already suffered from a gross violation, then the size of the fine can increase significantly. It is also forbidden to throw cats into reservoirs, lakes, swamps and in places where household waste is dumped. There are also penalties for this.

If the animal did not get sick with anything serious and dangerous, you can proceed to the next step - directly to the burial of the pet. If you have your own land, it is better to bury the cat there. Because burial in a common yard or in a park also entails a fine.

How to properly bury a cat

Having received permission to bury a cat on your land, you can safely proceed to the process itself. If it is a warm season outside and the ground is not frozen, then with a shovel you need to make a hole about 1 meter deep. The deeper the hole, the less likely it is that other animals will dig up the grave. The cat must be wrapped in cotton cloth and placed in a box in which the animal's body will fit comfortably. The width of the grave should be slightly wider than the depth of the box in which the body of the animal will be located. If possible, it is better to keep the dug hole empty for the night and only after that put your dead pet there. After the hole needs to be covered with earth. You can put pebbles around the cat's grave or put something like a monument.

It is more difficult to bury a cat in winter when the ground is frozen, it is hard to dig a hole. A weak woman is unlikely to cope with this task, so it is better to involve male power in this “operation”. First, you need to clear the intended place for the grave from snow with a shovel. After that, you need a chainsaw. With it, you should outline the contour of the grave. The outline should be slightly larger than the box in which the pet will lie. Using a chainsaw, go deep into the ground by 10-15 centimeters. A piece of land needs to be “cut” with a chainsaw into several parts. For the next step, you will need a crowbar - with the help of it, you need to crush the frozen earth and remove the resulting shovel. Repeat the process until the depth of the grave is 80-100 centimeters. Put a pet in the grave and bury it with earth. The process is not easy, so we still advise you to think about contacting a veterinary clinic for cremation of the animal.

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