The best folk recipes of Chinese medicine. Treatment of stomach cancer. Treatment of gastrointestinal diseases

How to take homemade herbal medicine for maximum effect

If the disease is in the upper part of the body - head, throat, chest, then the medicine should be taken in small portions. With this intake, the medicine is quickly absorbed in the esophagus and enters the blood faster.
- If the disease affects the lower and middle parts of the body, then the medicine should be taken in large portions with small intervals, so that the medicine can quickly reach the stomach.
- In diseases that manifest themselves in the upper and middle parts trunk - shortness of breath, pallor, medicines should be taken after eating.
- In diseases of the lower part - swelling of the legs, the medicine is taken before meals.
- In diseases of the limbs, one day of fasting per week will be very useful.
- Necessary for diseases of the bone marrow copious reception food for the night.

The 5 Most Common Eating Abuses to Avoid

Eating a lot of salty foods leads to loss of elasticity blood vessels, the complexion changes, the eyes begin to water and may become cloudy.
- The use of bitter food in large quantities can lead to peeling and dryness of the skin, hair loss increases.
- A large amount of spicy food has a bad effect on the condition of the tendons, the nails become brittle and brittle.
- Sour food leads to muscle soreness and chapped lips.
- A lot of sweet food manifests itself in pain in the joints and bones, leads to an increase in hair loss.

Five Food Do's and Don'ts to Follow

In diseases associated with the blood and the condition of the blood vessels, you can not take a large number of salty food.
- In case of bone diseases, one should not take an excessive amount of bitter food.
- In case of weakening of the body, do not overly lean on spicy food.
- With diseased tendons, it is necessary to reduce the amount of acidic food.
- Muscle diseases lead to the restriction of sweet foods in the diet.

Diseases of the blood vessels of the heart

Lowers blood pressure, cleanses the heart and blood vessels, improves intestinal patency

Recipe 1. Take 50g of peeled banana, rub it on a grater, place in a mug, pour warm tea add a couple of spoons bee honey. Consume as a fruit puree in the morning and in the evening as a dessert.

Strengthens heart arteries, heart muscles, blood vessels, treats liver damage

Recipe 2. Take 2 tablespoons of honey every day after meals.

Strengthens the work of the brain, heart, kidneys, warms

Recipe 3. Mix wheat flour with vegetable oil in any amount, fry the mixture until yellowish color in a frying pan. Add 10 grams walnut and 25 grams of sesame seeds.

High blood pressure, stroke, pre-stroke condition

Stops bleeding, lowers blood pressure, resolves eye hemorrhages, reduces temperature

Recipe 8. fresh tomatoes should be cut into slices and sprinkled with sugar. Take every morning on an empty stomach. Sugar can be replaced with bee honey.

Reduces blood pressure, diuretic

Recipe 9. Dry one bunch of corn stigmas on outdoors. Cook in a saucepan for 10-15 minutes over low heat. After the broth, strain and cool. Take 3 tablespoons 3 times a day, preferably before meals.

Reduces blood pressure, blood cholesterol levels, cleanses the blood and reduces fever

Recipe 10. Leaves, stem and flowers of peanuts should be thoroughly washed with water, finely chopped, placed in a container, add a glass of water and cook for 10 - 20 minutes. Strain the resulting broth and cool. Take 1 time per day as a tea. The pressure should quickly return to normal.

Restores the walls of blood vessels, liquefies the blood, relieves fever, reduces pressure

Recipe 11. Half a glass of peanuts (raw with husks) must be poured with vinegar, insisted for 7 days, the lid must be closed tightly. Eat 10 nuts in the morning and evening every day. The pressure will soon return to normal.

Diuretic, lowers fever and blood pressure

Recipe 12. Rinse the cucumber stem along with flowers and leaves. clean water, grind thoroughly, add water and cook slowly for 10 minutes. Chilled and filtered broth take a glass 2 times a day.

Lowers cholesterol, restores liver function, lowers blood pressure and fever

Recipe 13. Fresh celery must be carefully chopped and squeezed out, then add bee honey. Stir well over low heat, but do not bring to a boil. Take after every meal.

Reduces blood pressure, relieves fever, eliminates heaviness in the liver

Recipe 14. Half a kilogram of celery, along with leaves and roots, must be washed, grated. Add water and simmer for 30 minutes over low heat. Divide the filtered and cooled broth into 2 parts, add 50 grams of sugar and mix. Take after meals 2 times a day.

Getting rid of dizziness and blackouts in the eyes with high pressure

Recipe 15. You need to take the flowers of 50 grams of horse beans, brew with boiling water and insist for 5 minutes. Drink like tea. Regular use of this tea will have an effect in a few days.

Reduces blood pressure, temperature, risk of fainting with high blood pressure

Recipe 16. 50g raw fresh sunflower seeds, peeled and eaten at a time. Then take 100g of celery roots, squeeze the juice out of them and drink. As a condition, you can take this procedure once or twice a day.

Relieves dizziness, ripples in the eyes, treats hypertension

Recipe 17. Take 120g of sunflower leaves, rinse well, chop and cook slowly for 15 minutes. Cool the broth, strain and divide into three doses. Take as tea 3 times a day. After 10 days of taking the infusion, a strong improvement in well-being will come.

Increases immunity, vitality and reduces blood pressure

Recipe 18. Take onion any amount, peel and fry a little to a characteristic yellow color in vegetable oil. Eat with meals with vegetables. The amount of onion is calculated per dose.

Strengthens the liver, spleen, lowers cholesterol, blood pressure, strengthens capillaries and blood vessels

Recipe 19. Take equal parts of jujube and celery root, boil in water for 30 minutes over low heat. Take as compote without restrictions 3 times a day with meals. The jujube berries can also be eaten.

Regulates blood flow, lowers blood pressure

Recipe 20. Take hawthorn berries in the amount of 10 pieces, add 30 g of sugar, cook for 15 minutes over low heat. Decoction drink as compote, eat berries and drink. Leaves and flowers of hawthorn 10g cook 10 over low heat. Cool the broth, take as tea in the morning.

Reduces pressure, fever, taken with strong pressure

Take 1 glass of cow's milk, boil and cool. Add persimmon juice to the milk of 2 - 3 fruits. Take three times a day before meals.

Restoration of the motor apparatus, treatment of speech disorders, salivation and protrusion of the tongue

Recipe 22. Take white mulberry leaves - 6g dry or 12g fresh, rinse thoroughly, pour clean water and cook for 10 minutes over low heat. Strain the broth, cool and divide into 2 parts. Drink a decoction after meals in the morning and evening.

Stroke Recovery, Collapsing and Swollen Tongue

Recipe 23. Take garlic 2 cloves, peel and rinse them, crush and put the patient on the molars. Clench the jaws and hold the garlic until the taste of garlic is lost, saliva can be spit out.

Expands veins and capillaries, treats spasms of the corners of the mouth

Recipe 24. It is necessary to slaughter a rooster and immediately collect fresh blood, do not allow the blood to cool and rub the part of the face affected by the prolapse. Keep the blood until dry, after which it must be thoroughly washed off.

Treats bleeding, lowers blood pressure, prevents stroke

Recipe 25. Take leaves and stalks of buckwheat 60g dry or 120g fresh. Simmer for 15 minutes over low heat, strain, cool and divide into 3 servings. Take after meals 3 times a day.

Strengthens the liver, intestines, relieves fever and blood pressure

Recipe 26. Take 3 bananas, peel, add dry watermelon peel 120g and corn stigmas 60g. Boil the mixture in water for 30 minutes, add sugar to taste. Strain the mixture, cool and divide into two portions. Take a decoction after meals in the morning and evening.

Blood diseases

Restoration of blood circulation, treatment of iron deficiency anemia

Recipe 27. Take raw eggs 2 pieces and separate the yolks, salt and add water. Prepare the mixture like an omelet, beat first, fry only slightly. Take morning and evening with meals.

Strengthens blood vessels, treats anemia, improves performance

Recipe 28. Take pork stomach, rinse thoroughly in salt water, separate the fat, grind into pieces and immerse in a ceramic vessel. Dry the stomach completely in the oven. The dried stomach must be ground into powder, in this state it can be stored. Take morning and evening 15 grams of powder for a month.

Treatment of blood clotting and anemia

Recipe 35. Take half a kilo of sheep's shank - meat on the bone, rinse and cut into three parts. Boil in water for 2 hours over low heat, add 150 grams of jujube berries to the broth and continue to cook for about 30 minutes. Cool the broth and take with meals 3 times a day, eating meat and drinking broth. Treatment lasts 10 days.

Treatment of blood incoagulability due to poisoning

Recipe 36. Take rabbit meat 500 grams, wash and divide into 3 parts, add jujube berries 100 grams and cook for 2 hours. At the end, add 2 tablespoons of brown sugar. Divide the result into three equal parts. Take 3 times a day, one piece of meat, washed down with cooked broth during a meal.

Improves the skin, treats blood vessels, hemophilia, purpura, stops bleeding gums and nose

Recipe 37. Take jujube 20 berries and a pork leg, cook everything until the leg is completely boiled. Cool the resulting broth. Eat once a day both the broth and the leg meat.

Cancer treatment

Esophageal cancer treatment

Recipe 38. Take a small amount of leek stems, rinse and cut off the roots, place in a vessel with water for 12 hours. Remove the roots, finely chop and squeeze the juice. Drink this juice in half a glass 3 times a day.

Recipe 39. Take the roots of the actinidia plant spicy 250 grams, rinse in clean water, immerse in a jar, pour vodka and leave for one week. Once a day, you need to mix the tincture. Take tincture 1 or 2 tablespoons 3 times a day with meals.

Recipe 40. Drink goose blood 1 tablespoon a day.

Breast Cancer Treatment

Recipe 41. Take a tangerine green peel 20 grams, pour one and a half glasses of water and slowly cook until half a glass has evaporated. Strain the resulting glass of broth and cool, drink 1 glass a day after meals.

Treatment of stomach cancer

Recipe 42. Take a walnut branch as thick as a finger and 30 centimeters long, rinse, chop into small pieces, cook for 3 hours. Strain the broth, add 2 chicken eggs and cook for another 5 minutes. After you need to get the eggs, peel them and cook for another 15 minutes. The broth should cool naturally, then you need to get the eggs. Eat 2 times a day, one egg until your health improves.

Recipe 43. Take a sunflower stalk and extract the white core. Pour 5 grams of water and cook for 20 minutes, cool the broth and strain. Drink a decoction every day, one glass before meals. The core can be well prepared for the winter, dried and stored in a cloth bag.

Treatment of uterine and stomach cancer

Recipe 44. Take a water chestnut 30 grams of pulp, pour water and cook until the color becomes thick and black. Divide the decoction into 3 parts and take regularly before meals.

Treatment of gastrointestinal diseases

Strengthening the intestines, treatment of 12 - duodenal ulcer and stomach ulcers

Recipe 45. Take a head of cabbage, cut and squeeze the juice on a juicer. Drink juice constantly half a glass half an hour before meals. Very simple, good and effective recipe, remarkably relieves pain in the stomach for 2 to 7 days.

Recipe 46. For 2 months in a row, eat a spoonful of bee honey after meals after 3 hours and half an hour before meals.

Recipe 47. Rinse 2 kilograms of potatoes, cut out the eyes, pass through a meat grinder and pour a liter of water. Shake the mixture well and wash the starch, then strain through a sieve, separate the potatoes. The water must be defended and carefully drained so that starch remains at the bottom. Evaporate the rest of the water. Starch must be fried over a fire until it darkens and melts. The starch should form a black film. One month, take 1 gram before meals 3 times a day. The film can be stored in a cool dry place.

Recipe 48. Take wrinkled rosehip 10 flowers, pour boiling water over it, insist and drink it like tea in the morning.

Treatment of gastritis

Recipe 49. Take 10 g of silkworm cocoons, dry in the oven and make a powder. Take half an hour before meals in the morning and evening with warm water.

Recipe 50. Take half a glass of milk, boil, pour quail egg, stir and refrigerate. Take once daily in the morning on an empty stomach.

Stomach pain, stomach upset

Recipe 51. Take pork liver 250 grams, rinse and cut into pieces. Pour in water and add 15 grams of black pepper, cook for 2 hours. Take out the cookie pieces and refrigerate. Eat the entire portion of the liver at one time.

constipation treatment

Restores the intestinal mucosa, gastrointestinal tract, treats constipation

Recipe 52. Put spinach leaves with a stem of 250 grams in a container, pour a glass of fresh pork blood, boil and salt to taste. Eat spinach 1 time before meals per day.

Recipe 53. Peel half a kilogram of bananas, divide into 3 doses and eat throughout the day. When eating bananas, dip them in slightly toasted sesame seeds.

Restores the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and normalizes stools

Recipe 54. Bring 1 cup of cow's milk to a boil, stir with 50 grams of bee honey, cool to room temperature. Drink the entire serving before meals.

Treats chronic constipation, restores strength

Recipe 55. Mix one glass of fresh cow's milk with 100 grams of fresh bee honey and boil. Then take batun 100 grams of stems, pass through a meat grinder, squeeze out the juice and add to milk with honey, then boil again. The broth should be slightly cooled, take the broth on an empty stomach in the morning, while always preparing a fresh broth.

Recipe 56. Take one stalk as thick as a little finger, cut off the root, rinse in water. Put 2 tablespoons of honey into a small jar. Dip an onion stalk in honey and insert about 5 centimeters into the anus. Do this procedure 2-3 times. After 20 minutes, the urge to defecate should be caused.

Treatment of diseases of the liver and gallbladder

Recipe 57. Get bile from the gallbladder of a pig, place in a saucepan, add 100 grams of bee honey. Mix everything well and cook for 20 minutes. Cool the broth and divide into three doses. Take 15 minutes before meals 3 times a day. Should be prepared this medicine for the future, it can last up to a year.

Treatment of jaundice, removal of excess fluid from the body

Recipe 58. Dried corn silk 15 grams, pour a glass of water, boil for 10 minutes, strain and cool the broth. Drink in the morning as tea until the condition improves.

Treatment of jaundice with enlarged liver and hepatitis, bowel cleansing

Recipe 59. Pork fresh salted bacon 90 grams cut into pieces, place in a bowl and melt the fat over low heat. Remove the rest of the fat, cool the fat. Eat fat at a time along with vegetables such as zucchini, cabbage and beets.

Treatment of chronic and acute hepatitis, the first stage of liver cirrhosis

Recipe 60. Add 50 grams of peanuts, 50 grams of jujube and 50 grams of sugar to boiling water. Cook slowly for 30 minutes, then cool. Take at bedtime once a day, eating berries and nuts. This treatment takes 1 month.

Treatment of dropsy, restoration of sexual and physical strength

Recipe 61. Take 200 grams of drake meat, rinse and cook for 2 - 3 hours, then add 200 grams of rice and cook until the rice is ready. Salt the boiled porridge to taste, eat during lunch and dinner.

Recipe 62. Take a pork stomach, rinse and throw in water, add 120 grams of barley chopped, previously placed in cheesecloth, add 50 grams of brown sugar. Cook for an hour over low heat. Remove the stomach, strain and cool the broth, divide into 2 parts. Eat in two doses, washed down with a decoction.

Treatment of inflammation of the kidneys, diseases of the spleen, dropsy of the abdomen

Recipe 63. Take a ripe watermelon, cut off the top and pull out the pulp with a spoon - it is not used. In the resulting container, place peeled apricot kernels 120 grams and well-washed and peeled garlic 250 grams. Close the watermelon with the top crown and coat thoroughly with clay solution on all sides. Watermelon should be taken out to fresh air and dried. After drying, cover the watermelon with firewood on all sides and burn it on fire. After the firewood burns out, it is necessary to beat off the clay, and grind the rest of the watermelon and contents into powder, store in a well-closed container. Take a powder of one and a half grams twice a day. With this treatment, the use of watermelons and salt is prohibited.

Treatment of swelling of the hands and feet in heart disease and dizziness

Recipe 64. Take an old chicken, rinse it and remove all the insides, rinse a second time. Then chop into small pieces, pour a liter of vodka and cook for an hour. Remove the cooked meat and divide into three portions. Eat at 3 meals.

Treatment of dropsy, edema in inflammation of the kidneys, antiemetic in gastric diseases

Recipe 65. Half a liter cow's milk pour into a container and boil, add 20 grams of sugar, mix and cool. Drink the mixture on an empty stomach, you need to be treated for 5 weeks.

Elimination of toxins, poisons and urine, treatment of uremia in jaundice

Recipe 66. Grind 150 grams of watermelon peel, add water and boil for 30 minutes, then cool. Take half a glass 2 times a day before meals. This treatment lasts 5 to 7 weeks.

Recipe 67. Open a ripe watermelon on top and remove the pulp. Inside, lower 200 grams of garlic, close the watermelon and coat with clay mass. Then dry in the sun, overlay with firewood and burn. After firing and removing the clay, grind the contents into powder. Take powder 1 teaspoon 2 times a day with a glass of enough water.

Treatment of dropsy and edema

Recipe 68. Take 200 grams of horse beans, boil until almost cooked. Peel the beans from the skin, add 200 grams of sugar and cook until completely boiled. Divide the cooked porridge into 2 doses, take with meals in the morning and evening.

Treatment of dropsy in diseases of the blood

Recipe 69. Take dried peach flowers 3 - 6 grams, pour boiling water and leave for 7 minutes. Drink the infusion every morning instead of tea.

Diuretic, antipyretic, treatment of kidney edema

Recipe 70. Take very young ovaries of zucchini, finely chop, dry and grind until a powder is obtained. Take 5 grams every day with plenty of water. A week of application of the powder clears urine, relieves swelling. It is good to prepare for the future and store such ovaries in powder.

Treatment of body edema with inflammation of the kidneys

Recipe 71. Take dried corn stigmas 50 grams, pour three glasses of water, cook for 30 minutes until the rest is one and a half glasses of broth. Boil, cool and strain, divide into 2 doses. Drink 15 minutes before meals in the morning and evening.

Treatment of diabetes

Recipe 72. Chicken navel must be cut and immediately removed thick the inner layer skin, it is not recommended to remove the contents of the stomach, otherwise the skin will be difficult to separate and easily torn. The skin must be thoroughly washed and dried in an oven at 40 degrees, or in the sun. The resulting dry skin must be crushed and fried over low heat until yellow. After cooling in a ventilated place. In China, such ingredients are called golden chicken entrails.

After that, you need to take 250 grams of celery roots, rinse and chop, add 10 grams of chicken navel powder obtained from them and cook it all for 30 minutes over low heat. Then you need to add washed rice 50 grams and cook until the rice is fully cooked. The resulting meal is divided into morning and evening meals, it is recommended to eat it together with fresh vegetables.

Recipe 73. Take 20 grams of gum from peach branches, add 50 grams of corn silk, fill with two full glasses of water and cook for 15 minutes. Cool the resulting broth and strain, take 15 minutes before meals 2 times a day.

Recipe 74. Take corn grains 500 grams, rinse and cook until the grains are completely boiled. Then divide into 4 equal parts. Take 4 times a day for a serving of 100 grams.

Recipe 75. Take the pancreas of a cow, sheep or pig, rinse and cut into pieces. The pieces must be dried over a fire or in an oven, ground into powder. Pour into a convenient container to carry around. Take the powder should be 5 grams before meals 3 times a day.

Recipe 76. Take the pork pancreas 200 grams, rinse and put in a saucepan, add corn stigmas 30 grams, cook for 2 hours. Reply

Arrhythmias are called violations of cardiac activity, which are different in their origin and nature, deviations in the rhythm of contractions. When the heart is healthy, we usually do not feel how it beats, and we absolutely do not understand what its rhythm is. But if an arrhythmia occurs, the person clearly feels interruptions - a sharp chaotic heartbeat, or even fading. So, arrhythmia is a violation of the rhythm, sequence and frequency of heart contractions. It is based on a change in the conditions for the formation of excitation of the heart muscle or an anomaly in the ways of its distribution. Moreover, the severity of the disease does not always correspond to the severity of the underlying heart disease.

The main symptoms of an arrhythmia are dizziness and weakness, chest pressure or pain, rapid breathing or shortness of breath, palpitations, and in some cases, fainting. It should also be noted that patients often do not experience any inconvenience associated with this disease for a very long time, and therefore seek medical help too late.

The reasons

Interruptions in the work of the heart, even in a perfectly healthy person, can provoke frequent constipation, abundant food, tight clothing, insect bites, certain medications and stress. Enough high risk arrhythmias are also observed in people suffering from diabetes, especially if this disease is combined with high blood pressure and obesity. But arrhythmias can also develop for completely harmless reasons: for example, in women - due to premenstrual syndrome. This disease can be caused by both severe organic lesions heart and functional disorders. Sometimes the cause of violations heart rate become congenital features conducting system, but it has been proven that the state of the human nervous system also plays a certain role in the appearance of arrhythmia.

So, emotional, mental stress invariably cause changes in the pace, and often in the rhythm of heart contractions, and in healthy people including. Arrhythmia is often diagnosed in people with diseases of the autonomic and central nervous system. Various diseases, which are accompanied by violations of the anatomical structure of the heart or the metabolic processes occurring in it, provoke different types of arrhythmia in nature and duration, and to establish accurate diagnosis only a doctor can, based on clinical and electrocardiographic data.

Atrial fibrillation

The most common heart rhythm disorder is atrial fibrillation. Moreover, its prevalence increases as the age of the population increases. Often this type of arrhythmia is associated with organic myocardial diseases, but it is not possible to detect signs of its pathology in a significant proportion of patients. It should be noted that thromboembolic complications and hemodynamic disorders associated with atrial fibrillation entail a significant increase in morbidity and mortality. About 1/3 of hospitalizations with cardiac arrhythmias are patients with this diagnosis. At the same time, according to the results of population studies, the prevalence atrial fibrillation is more than six percent in people over 60 and less than one percent in those younger.

This disease is a type of supraventricular tachyarrhythmia and is characterized by uncoordinated electrical activity atria, with further deterioration of their contractile function. Characteristic features on the electrocardiogram are the replacement of normal P waves by fibrillation waves or fast oscillations. The frequency of ventricular contractions in atrial fibrillation depends on the level of activity of the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system, on the electrophysiological properties of the atrioventricular node, and also directly on the effect that medications have.

Treatment of atrial fibrillation

In general, arrhythmia is most often a consequence of other diseases, for which it exacerbates. Far from all arrhythmias lead to dangerous complications, but only a cardiologist can clearly say this, and after a complete examination. Note that one of the complications of this common disease is the formation of blood clots, because, as you know, their separation can lead to very serious consequences for the patient. In order to prevent or stop thrombosis, patients with a permanent form of atrial fibrillation are prescribed drugs that prevent these processes and reduce blood clotting. When choosing the tactics of antithrombotic therapy for atrial fibrillation, it is very important to determine the degree of risk of complications for each patient. Modern medicine distinguishes between several methods of treating atrial fibrillation.

Medical way. Mostly, treatment begins with antiarrhythmic drugs. In some cases, this can significantly reduce the manifestations of the disease. Important: only a doctor should prescribe drugs, since almost all of them have the so-called proarrhythmic activity. In other words, medications can cause arrhythmia attacks, sometimes even those that the patient did not have before.

Also apply radiofrequency ablation of the atrioventricular node- a minimally invasive procedure that allows you to completely cure the patient with the help of small punctures. The essence of the technique is to restore a normal rhythm by cauterizing a small but carefully calibrated area in the heart with a special catheter.

Another way to treat atrial fibrillation is pacemaker implantation. This medical device, designed to maintain the rhythm of the heart, is called an artificial pacemaker or EKS, and its main task is to impose or maintain a heart rate on a person whose heart does not beat often enough. By the way, we are talking about bradycardia. In addition, a pacemaker is also used in cases where there is a blockade of conduction between the ventricles and atria.

Mostly the pacemaker is implanted in the left subclavian region, mainly under the pectoralis major muscle. Through a puncture in the subclavian vein, the electrodes are passed to the chambers of the heart, and after checking all the parameters, they are fixed in the surrounding tissues. It is noteworthy that after implantation, the parameters of the pacemaker can be changed repeatedly. This is done using a special programmer that sends pulses to the device. 98% of the effectiveness in the treatment of atrial fibrillation gives hybrid therapy. This technique involves a combination different methods treatment in one patient, which allows quite a good influence on various pathophysiological mechanisms of the development and course of the disease. It has been proven that with the simultaneous use of each of these methods, it eliminates the shortcomings of the other.

For example, the implantation of a pacemaker, as it were, "frees the hands" of the doctor regarding the appointment of antiarrhythmic therapy, allowing the use of antitachymodes in the settings of the pacemaker. In addition, there is another "plus" - both the patient and the doctor get the opportunity to monitor the state of the electrophysiological activity of the heart around the clock, which allows you to optimize the therapy as much as possible based on objective and reliable indicators of the "electrics of the heart" without fear that drug therapy will give side effects.

sinus arrhythmia

Sinus arrhythmia is considered to be one of the most interesting phenomena in cardiology. This disease is expressed in unequal intervals between heart contractions. The increase or slowdown of its activity, associated with the work of the respiratory system, is an absolutely normal process that is observed in healthy people, especially young people. Meanwhile, a pronounced pathological uneven nature of contractions is often associated with diseases of the cardiovascular system, for example, with cardiosclerosis, ischemia, heart attack or rheumatism, and can be caused by neurosis and intoxication as a result of excessive use of drugs.

There is a sinus arrhythmia and due to violations of the electrolyte composition of the blood, in particular, from a lack of calcium, potassium and magnesium. With a lack of these elements, the heart muscle begins to relax poorly, and when it is in a state of spasm, it is difficult for it to receive oxygen and all the necessary nutrients that the blood supplies. In the case when there is not enough potassium, an excess of water and sodium is observed in the heart cell, it swells and is not able to fully function. Do not forget that any violation of the contractile function of the heart will inevitably lead to heart rhythm failures, and in the future - to heart failure.

Treatment of sinus arrhythmia

The technique is based on determining the form of the disease and electrocardiography data. The most common type among young people is the so-called respiratory fibrillation, when the heart rate increases on inhalation and decreases on exhalation. Sinus arrhythmia often occurs in patients during the period of convalescence after infectious diseases, as well as in patients diagnosed with neurocirculatory dystonia. But heart rhythm disturbances not related to breathing may indicate the presence of cardiac disease. In all other cases, sinus arrhythmia does not need any specific technique.

Treatment is aimed primarily at eliminating the pathologies that provoked heart rhythm disturbances, for example, thyrotoxicosis, cardiosclerosis, or heart failure. Therapies, as in the treatment of atrial fibrillation, range from antiarrhythmic medications before surgery. In a severe form of the disease, the doctor prescribes the installation of a pacemaker. However, it is also necessary to strictly observe proper diet, suggesting the minimum consumption of tea, coffee, fats and complete failure from alcohol. Patients should eat low-fat plant foods, rich in magnesium and potassium - zucchini, honey, nuts, dried fruits and pumpkin. At sinus arrhythmia overeating and consumption should be avoided large portions at bedtime, as a full stomach significantly increases the risk of sinoatrial node dysfunction.


General prevention of cardiac arrhythmias is reduced to the management healthy lifestyle life. Physical exercise - hiking, swimming and light exercise - should be very moderate. Exercise extreme caution when engaging in active sports, including skiing, running, and cycling.

Remember: a disease such as sinus arrhythmia tends to worsen with alcohol and smoking, as well as with high level blood sugar or cholesterol and overweight body. In this regard, nutrition should not be high-calorie; sweets are excluded from the diet as much as possible.

It is very important to minimize stress and complete deep dream and timely removal nervous tension and relaxation. Excellent prevention is considered to be control, timely treatment of chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system and regular medical examinations with an electrocardiogram, which is the main method for diagnosing arrhythmias.

Treatment of arrhythmia in China

So, in modern medicine, the approach to the general is reduced to laboratory data, more precisely, to their mechanical sum, and directly healing process- to a standard set of disparate medical procedures. Moreover, treatment methods, as well as the very idea of ​​the principles of the development of patients' conditions, can change radically every five years. Often, the disease worsens more and more, and, in the end, the patient is implanted with a pacemaker or other surgical intervention is prescribed. But, fortunately, the situation has changed. Traditional Chinese medicine has won wide recognition in the world, as it applies its own, proven for thousands of years, the theory of the occurrence of the disease and its development. Oriental healers have developed their own approaches to treatment based on this centuries-old theory.

Chinese medicine follows a comprehensive, holistic approach to man, taking into account the fact that he lives in harmony with nature. Arrhythmia, according to the theoretical provisions of Chinese doctors, belongs to the categories of "significantly rapid heartbeat", "rapid heartbeat", etc. In the East, vascular rhythm disorders include "weakness syndrome sinus node”, manifested by a pronounced slow pulse. It is considered in the categories of "dizziness", "slow pulse", "low temperature of the limbs" and "blockage of qi energy in the chest". Such a cardiological symptom as "palpitations" is manifested by paroxysmal attacks of palpitations due to emotional disorder or overexertion and is accompanied by anxiety and excitement.

The main symptoms of a “heart-mind disorder” are sleep disturbance, nightmares, restlessness, palpitations, a thin white coating on the tongue, poor appetite, and a fast, thready pulse. The therapeutic approach of Chinese healers is primarily to overcome fearfulness, after which they calm the heart and mind. "Mucus-Fire Disorder" is an Oriental word for anxiety, fearfulness, palpitations, rapid elusive pulse, dizziness, chest fullness, sleep disturbance and nightmares, cough with sticky sputum, bitter taste in mouth, dry stools and yellow urine. , yellow greasy coating on the tongue. Therapeutic approach: expelling mucus, eliminating fire, calming the mind and heart.

"Hemostasis" is defined in China as asthmatic breathing on exertion, progressive heart palpitations, a thready pulse, occasional pain in the region of the heart, and a pale yellowish complexion. In more severe cases, patients experience swelling, cold sweats, low temperature in the extremities, and asthmatic breathing when lying down. The oriental healer will direct all his efforts to eliminate blood stasis, stimulate blood circulation, reduce the heart rate and strengthen the heart. A condition characterized by anxiety, lethargy, shortness of breath, dizziness, a weak, thready or sharp pulse, as well as a rapid heartbeat is called in China "Lack of Qi energy blood." In this case, this energy will be strengthened in every way for you, blood - saturate, heartbeat - soothe.

Thoughtfulness and disturbed sleep, night sweats, congestion of the malar region, dry dark red tongue, dry throat and mouth, pustules on the tongue and lips, hectic fever, thready fast pulse, feeling of heat in the soles and palms and again heart palpitations are signs of so-called "Yin Deficiency". The therapeutic approach of the Chinese is, first of all, to stimulate blood circulation in order to relieve neuropsychic stress and eliminate pain. At the same time, the appointment of treatment based on symptoms and signs is the main plus and main advantage of traditional Chinese medicine, full information about the organization of treatment in China, is presented in the Treatment in China section. And it is recognized all over the world.

Or book an appointment online

What kind of means does not offer traditional and ethnoscience to relieve pain in the region of the heart. This and medications, and healing herbs in the form of infusions and decoctions, tinctures and elixirs. Foot baths and breathing, peace and fresh air, light gymnastics and massages.

As you remember, dear readers, Chinese massage lies the mechanical effect of the fingers on reflex points, which relieves pain, activates the work of all organs, eliminates stagnation in energy channels and allows vital energy move freely within the body.

Our conversation is about whether it is possible to relieve pain in the heart with acupressure? You will find the answer to this question in this article:

  1. Acupressure for pain in the heart.
  2. What is the benefit of acupressure for the heart?
  3. How to reduce and how to increase pressure with massage?
  4. What types of massage can be used for heart pain?
  5. Folk remedies and herbs for pain in the heart.

Acupressure for pain in the heart

Acupressure for pain in the heart has been used by Chinese medicine since ancient times. It greatly alleviates the condition with atherosclerosis of blood vessels, hypotension and hypertension, angina pectoris and ischemic disease heart, it is also used in the recovery period after a heart attack.

Benefits of massage for the heart

  • Numerous observations of specialists for patients with heart disease have revealed that:
  • Massage well accelerates the blood and eliminates congestion.
  • Increases the tone of muscle fibers, the walls of blood vessels, including the heart muscle.
  • Helps restore normal blood pressure where low pressure increases and high pressure decreases.
  • Relaxes muscles, relieves pain, feeling of pinching and pressure behind the sternum.
  • It balances emotions and worries, normalizes the state of mind, eliminating tension.

Warning. Never tolerate heartache. If persistent pain occurs: take medicine and call a doctor, ventilate the room, remove tight clothing, if you feel that the pain is slowly receding, then do acupressure for the heart or self-massage.

When pain in the heart overtakes outside the home and there are no pills at hand, you can apply acupressure of such points:

Point on the nail plate of the ring finger is located almost in the middle of the nail, a little closer to the base of the bed. You can massage the entire nail with a fingertip with massage movements, but it is better to massage this point with a nail (sticking movement) or some sharp object(with a stick or a pen with a rod).

You can easily find this point by pain. Press on it and hold the pressure for 5-6 seconds. Let go. Press the dot again. Such pressure should be 8-10 times. If relief does not come, take a break and repeat the massage again. But usually, relief comes very quickly.

Dot on the palm. Squeeze your hand into a fist, look at where your little finger touches your palm, it seems to point to the point we need. This point on the palm is massaged with a heartbeat.

y point nail bed little finger. The point is located at the nail bed with outer side little finger. It is necessary to massage the little finger of the left hand, it is closer to the heart. For convenience, you can squeeze the little finger on both sides (from the sides) at the level of the nail bed, first with the fingertips. If it doesn’t help, use another technique - squeeze your nails with force, just stick your nails into your finger. In the most emergency cases, you can bite your teeth.

Point Shao-hai. If you bend your elbow at a right angle, you will find it between the edge of the crease of the elbow and the epicondyle humerus(in the recess). Watch the video:

This point is used to treat heart disease, normalize blood pressure, insomnia, pain in the shoulder and elbow joints.

Point Da-ling. The point is in the middle of the wrist crease, from the side of the palm. It is necessary to act on the point with the pad of your finger, pressing on it and relieving pressure. Impact on the point helps in the event of cardiac arrhythmia, cardioneurosis, insomnia, causeless mood swings. In addition, intestinal motility improves, well-being improves with headaches, and immunity is strengthened.

Jian-shi point. In Chinese medicine, it is considered a soothing point for the outer lining of the heart. Located above the crook of the wrist. The point is used for heart disease and neurosis, to eliminate palpitations, pain in the heart, sleep disturbance and in a depressed mental state.

How to reduce and how to increase pressure with acupressure

How to reduce pressure with massage? Look at Figure 1. The dot is in a depression at the base of the earlobe. Points are massaged simultaneously from two sides.

If you go down from point 1 in a straight line, then right above the collarbone you will find a very painful point 2, from its pressure it simply pierces with current. With light movements of the fingers, it is necessary to massage the line shown in the figure, up and down and vice versa: 10 movements down and 10 up.

How to increase pressure with massage? The desired points are located at the base of the skull (see Fig. 2), on 2 sides of the spine. Massage the points with pressure, vibration, tapping.

To increase pressure, there is another point on the stomach, measure the width of 4 of your fingers from the navel along the midline of the abdomen. Here is the desired point. Also act on this point by pressing, stroking, vibration.

What types of massage can be used for heart pain

In addition to acupressure for pain in the heart, you can use chest and back massage. How to do self-massage?

Use of self-massage . Self-massage should begin with stroking the area of ​​​​the heart and the upper part of the sternum. Slow and smooth, rubbing movements, it is necessary to move from the bottom up to the neck. Rubbing first with the palm of your hand, then with your fingertips.

If you are doing self-massage for the purpose of prevention, in a relatively healthy state of health, then the massage can be done more intensely, with slight tingling. Then, as far as the hands allow, it is necessary to move on to stroking and rubbing the shoulder blades, also moving from the shoulder blades to the neck area.

Having worked well on the shoulder blades and neck, go back to the sternum. A good addition to this self-massage is rubbing the hands and feet. Such a massage brings tangible benefits when pain attacks occur due to emotional overstrain, stress, and strong excitement.

Folk remedies and herbs for heart pain

Birch catkin tincture. In one of the old medical books I read that in case of heart disease they drank tincture from birch catkins. Right now, the time is coming when it will be possible to prepare earrings. Two types of catkins grow on a birch: staminate and pistillate. We only need stamen catkins, it is easy to distinguish them, they are always larger, more elegant and usually hang in plain sight, so that it is more convenient for insects to collect pollen from them. Choose any glass container, fill two parts of which with stamen catkins, and pour vodka into the remaining one part.

The medicine needs time to infuse, usually it takes two weeks. The tincture is ready, it can be filtered. Drink this tincture 20 drops three times a day. The course of treatment is from four weeks to two months.

Cornflower oil. I want to give you verbatim another old recipe, taken from an old medical book.

“Cornflower oil is made up like this: take green cornflowers 26 spools and pour a hryvnia of wood oil on them, and put it in a glass vessel, and seal it firmly, and put it in the sun for 20 days, and, after straining, save ... And that oil is accepted inside, it will drive away weakness of the heart, and strengthen the heart, and take away fear from a person, and give courage.

Having understood it, I realized that what is taken in this recipe is not cornflower flowers, but all greens, and the early greens of cornflowers, when there are no flowers yet. Leaves and stems of cornflowers should be taken freshly picked.

The spool is an old Russian measure: 1 spool = 4266 g, and 1 hryvnia = 204.75 g. Wood oil - olive oil. Take this medicine on an empty stomach, 1 teaspoon, it drives away the infirmity of the senile heart, strengthens the heart, relieves pain and relieves the feeling of fear that occurs in people during heart attacks.

Rosehip juice with honey. And I also like this potion: rosehip juice with honey: peel one kilogram of rosehip berries from seeds and rub through a sieve into a puree. Put rosehip puree into boiling water (2 liters), boil for 3 minutes, let it cool down and add two cups of honey. It is necessary to store the drug in a sterile container in a cool place, and take 250-300 ml before meals.

Do acupressure for pain in the heart, prepare tinctures and decoctions according to old recipes, take them for your benefit and be cheerful and healthy!

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The system of traditional Chinese medicine is about three thousand years old. Its figurative language and diagnostics, based on syndromes of dampness or heat, fullness or emptiness, do not resemble the terminology used by modern doctors.

You won’t hear a diagnosis from a Chinese doctor ischemic disease hearts." The same malaise can be the result of various syndromes. But the Chinese doctor will say that the heart is the abode of the spirit, the ruler of the blood and the ancestor of the vessels.

The state of the heart is reflected in the eyes

The heart from the standpoint of Chinese medicine and the theory of the five elements as the basis of everything that exists (including human body) refers to the element of Fire. The emotion of the heart is joy, the color is red.

The heart controls the activities of all organs, and therefore in Chinese medicine it is called "the official who leads the rulers." If the Spirit of the Heart is disturbed, then the person becomes restless, he suffers from insomnia or heavy dreams, he develops forgetfulness, inattention, up to a disturbance of consciousness.

Pathologies in any organ can lead to heart disease. The most common disorder syndrome in cardiovascular system- "heat in the liver and congestion of the blood of the liver." This heat rises, the Chinese doctor will say, and this, in turn, leads to an increase in blood pressure, to tachycardia - he will translate into a language of diagnoses that we understand.

Diagnosis in Chinese medicine is based on a careful examination of the patient, observation of the state of his tongue and skin. Patients with "heat of the liver and congestion of the blood of the liver" have inflamed red eyes and a red complexion.

When the water of the kidneys cannot fill the fire of the heart

Another common syndrome in heart disease is related to the kidneys. Hypertension caused by kidney pathology is also known in European medicine. AT Eastern tradition this syndrome is called "Empty of Kidney Qi".

Qi is one of the key concepts in the system of traditional Chinese medicine. It, like many other terms of the Chinese system of healing, has no direct analogy in our medical science and practice.

You can call Qi the energy of life, circulating through the channels of the body. Syndromes of fullness and emptiness of Qi indicate a violation of the harmony of human life and, therefore, a disease.

The syndrome of "Emptiness of Qi energy of the kidneys" has a second figurative name - "the water of the kidneys does not flood the fire of the heart." The kidneys, which in the system of Chinese medicine are considered the “first mother of the body”, lack energy, and the harmony of life is disturbed. The result is tachycardia, cardiac arrhythmias, increased blood pressure.

How many causes of the disease, so many methods of treatment

Another common syndrome of heart disease is associated with pathology of the spleen. At malnutrition, addiction to fatty, sweet, raw and cold food, addiction to alcohol, the spleen and stomach are damaged, dampness accumulates. “The mucus that the spleen produces clogs the heart and brain,” a Chinese doctor will explain in this case.

In addition to other cardiological manifestations of the syndrome, in this case, “the window of the brain closes”, the person’s consciousness is confused, severe cases- to the point of delirium. There is a special drug that "removes dampness" and returns the patient to consciousness.

You can give a long list of syndromes that describe the pathology of cardiac activity. For example, the "blood emptiness" syndrome is close to the European diagnosis " Iron-deficiency anemia". In each case, the doctor of traditional Chinese medicine individually selects the treatment. Acupuncture recipes (method of influencing certain active points) are called in some cases to “eliminate stagnation”, in others “to remove dampness”, in others “to calm the excitement of the Spirit of the Heart”, etc.

The same can be said about naturopathic preparations of traditional Chinese medicine. The base preparation most often used for heart diseases is Fu Fang Dan Shen Pian, its main component is polyrhizome sage. In Chinese medicine, this plant is the number one preparation for nourishing the heart muscle.

Syndromes of heart disease in Chinese medicine

Emptiness Syndrome

Emptiness of qi of the heart and emptiness of the yang of the heart

Both states, emptiness of the heart qi and emptiness of the yang of the heart, appear first of all in old age, when the qi of the dense organs gradually weakens. They can also occur as a result of other diseases, for example, after severe and frequent bouts of excessive sweating or other debilitating disease processes that damage the qi and blood.
Common symptoms of emptiness of qi and yin of the heart are as follows:
palpitations, shortened breathing, tendency to bouts of sweating, especially after physical work and other loads.
The main symptoms of the emptiness of the qi of the heart, in addition to the symptoms mentioned above, are pallor of the face, a feeling of fatigue and loss of strength, light
the body of the tongue, which has a swollen appearance and tender texture (pan-nen), white coating on the tongue, empty (xy) pulse.
The main symptoms of yang emptiness of the heart, along with those mentioned above common symptoms is chills all over the body, cold hands and
legs, congestion and pressure in the heart and chest, pallor of the face, light body of the tongue or dark purple tongue, thin, weak
(chi-chuo) pulse or replacement and nodular (tsai-ze) pulse.
The main symptoms of complete emptiness of the yang of the heart (xing-yang hu-duo), in this case, in addition to the symptoms of yang of the heart, bouts of intense sweating occur in combination with cold and stiff hands and feet, purple lips, weak breathing, thready pulse (wei-mai), which at times completely disappears
Explanation. In Chinese medicine, the heart is in charge of the blood vessels (hsing zhu hui mai), and qi is the “commander” of the blood (qi wei hui shuai). With a lack of qi of the heart, the driving force of not only the heart, but the whole organism is weakened; the normal movement of qi and blood throughout the body is disturbed, as a result of which a heartbeat and shortened breathing appear. When yang qi is empty, the heart loses its ability to take in liquid (e), resulting in bouts of increased sweating.
The tongue can be used to determine the condition of the heart. The tongue in this case (lack of yang qi) swells up, has a light color and a delicate texture with a white coating. "The brilliance of the heart is reflected in the face," therefore, in the state of emptiness, a white complexion and a tired look are observed.
The heart is closely connected with the blood vessels and the pulse, so the state of emptiness of the heart is accompanied by an empty pulse. When the yang of the heart is empty, the yang of the entire chest area is weakened, the vessels of the heart are in a state of blockage, the patient is restless, shows signs of nervousness and feels a feeling of tightness in the chest. There is a replacing nodular pulse or a thin and weak pulse. With the sudden complete disappearance of the yang of the heart, and at the same time there is a significant decrease in respiratory qi, there is a strong sweating in combination with cold, stiff hands and feet, a threadlike pulse is established, which is barely palpable or completely absent. In this case, the heart is no longer able to move qi and blood, so the patient's lips turn purple.
Therapy. When heart qi is empty, the doctor's first priority is to replenish the heart qi or to tone and maintain it. When the yang of the heart is empty, he must take measures to warm it up and ensure its free passage. When a state of complete emptiness of the yang of the heart suddenly arises, it is necessary to bring the yang back and eliminate the existing movement in the opposite direction or restore the broken unity.
When the yang of the heart is empty, in addition, one more pathological condition, which Chinese medicine characterizes
as follows: “Water qi rises and oppresses the heart” (shui-di ping-xin).

This condition can have two manifestations.

1. Lack of activity or liveliness of the yang of the heart (xing yang buzhen), combined with a state of emptiness of the qi of the lungs and spleen on
destroys the distribution of water and juices in the body, there is an accumulation of mucus (ying) turning into stagnation, or water qi, which has overcome
vaya all obstacles, rises up.
Main symptoms: palpitations, shortened breathing, dizziness, feeling of fullness in epigastric region abdomen, raising inflated and gas to the chest area, tightness in the chest, cough with liquid, light mucus, white coating on the tongue, deep, tense (chen-xian) pulse.
Therapy. Ensuring the free passage of yang and the elimination of mucus (dong-yy hua-yin).

2. There is also no activity and strength of the yang of the heart, combined with the emptiness of the kidneys, as a result of which the lower heater is not able to overcome the water and cold, and this leads to the fact that the violation associated with water rises up (shui-he shang-fan).
Main symptoms: poor urine output, palpitations, dizziness, weakness of tendons and muscles, deep pulse, light tongue with a white slippery coating, pain and tension in the shoulders and back, in some cases abdominal pain with diarrhea or superficial swelling in the arms and legs.
Therapy. Support yang, drive away cold, remove excess water.

The emptiness of the blood of the heart and the emptiness of the yin of the heart

Both of these conditions occur when there is a lack of blood production in the body or due to a large loss of blood, for example, during childbirth in women, with bleeding due to external wounds, etc.
In addition, excessive overloading of the body, associated with a large consumption of nutrients and blood, can lead to a noticeable decrease in the amount of yin and substance, as a result of which emptiness of the blood of the heart and weakness of the yin of the heart can also occur.
Common symptoms of heart blood emptiness and heart yin emptiness: palpitations, restlessness, increased fearfulness and
weakening of memory.
The main symptoms of emptiness in the heart: in addition to general symptoms, there is an increase in temperature, bouts of increased sweating, hot surfaces of the palms and soles of the feet, a feeling of heat in the heart, dry mouth, red tongue with a small amount of saliva, thin and fast pulse.
Explanation. According to Chinese medicine, the heart controls the blood, and the blood refers to the yin of the body. With a lack of blood
the spiritual active principle accumulated in the heart remains neglected, so that the "sheng" is no longer able to be inside the body.
Main symptoms: insomnia, forgetfulness, mild excitability and increased fearfulness. If the blood cannot feed the heart, palpitations, a state of agitation and restlessness occur. If normal blood flow is disturbed, then dizziness occurs,
pallor of the face, lips and tongue to the absence of shine, with the emptiness of the blood of the heart there is no good filling of the vessels, therefore the pulse is thin, weak. When there is a lack of heart yin, this weak yin is not able to balance and limit yang, so a state of emptiness and heat arises inside the body, manifested by symptoms such as slight boost fever, bouts of increased sweating, restlessness and nervousness, red tongue and rapid pulse.
Therapy. If there is a state of emptiness of the blood of the heart, it is necessary to strengthen the nutrition of the blood of the heart and calm the "sheng" of the heart. When the yin of the heart is empty, it is necessary to strengthen the nutrition of the yin of the heart, calm the "shen" and strengthen the will, which can be achieved with the help of medicines that strengthen the heart.

Fullness syndromes

Extremely strong fire of the heart

This state occurs in most cases as a result of mental excitement, which causes fire within the body, or because the six afflictions, as a result of their blockage within the body, cause fire. However, too spicy food and the abuse of warming or strengthening medicines can also cause a strong heart fire.
Main symptoms: feelings of anxiety and excitement, nervousness, insomnia, painful, inflammatory rash in the mouth and tongue, dry mouth, red tongue, fast pulse. In a pronounced state of fire of the heart, vomiting of blood and bleeding from the nose can also occur.
Explanation. A strong inner fire of the heart leads to the appearance of excitement and heat of the heart. If the fire confuses the heart-related spiritual active, the shen of Chinese medicine, then the patient suffers and experiences anxiety. The state of the heart can be determined by the tongue. Therefore, when the fire of the heart rises, painful rash on the tongue and in the mouth. The fire of the heart damages the juices of the body, so the patient develops dry mouth.
In a state of intense fire, the side vessels of the yang meridians may be affected, in which case nosebleeds and hematemesis occur. A red tongue and a fast pulse are common symptoms of a heart fire disorder.
Therapy. Cooling down and releasing or eliminating the fire of the heart

Stagnation and blockage of the blood of the heart

Stagnation and blockage of the blood of the heart, although they are states of fullness, but primarily occur when the qi of the heart is empty and weak, or when the yang of the heart is empty. In this case, qi and yang are not able to move the blood intensively enough. But other causes, such as, for example, mental excitement, physical overload and colds, as well as the accumulation of cloudy, viscous mucus, can lead to blockage of blood in the vessels.

from the fundamental classical works of Chinese medicine, tells about the disease "Chest bi (xiang-bi)". In this case, we are talking about (bian-zheng) and instructions for therapy, a state of blocking qi and blood inside the chest, which is almost identical to the stagnation of the blood of the heart. Common to "chest bi" and the state of blockage of the blood of the heart is, as already noted, the stagnation of qi and blood inside the chest, and there is a violation of patency.
Note. The concept of "bi" does not mean in the case under consideration external disease caused by wind, cold and humidity, as is commonly the case in Chinese medicine, but refers to a state of blockage of qi and blood, which indicates the ambiguity of this term.
Main symptoms: heartbeat, stabbing pains in central parts hearts or dull pain in the heart, radiating to the inside of the arm, and this primarily applies to the left arm. When the pains in the heart reach considerable strength, a bluish-violet coloration of the face, lips and fingernails may appear. The patient has cold hands and feet, the body of the tongue is dark red or covered with purple spots, there is only a slight coating on the tongue, a thready and thin or irregular pulse.
Explanation. When the yang of the chest is blocked by stagnant, cloudy mucus (“yak is not able to flow more freely”), the normal circulation of qi and blood is disrupted, which leads to blockage of the vessels of the heart. the place is a strong blockage of the blood, and having a dull character when it comes to the accumulation of cloudy, thick mucus. In these states, according to the teachings of Chinese medicine, pains with inside hands, where the meridian of the heart passes. A bluish-purple discoloration of the face, lips, and fingernails, as well as a dark red or purple-spotted tongue, and an uneven pulse are typical signs of a blood blockage. Cold hands and feet, thready, thin pulses are due to blockage of blood vessels, which makes it impossible for the unhindered movement of yang qi.
Therapy. Ensuring the free passage of yang and removing blockages. In a severe case of emptiness and weakness of the yang of the heart, the doctor should apply as emergency method"yang return".

"Confusion of the center of the heart under the influence of mucus" and disturbance of the activity of the heart by mucus fire

In the "confusion under the influence of mucus" of the center of the heart, the initial role is played in most cases mental factors such as worries or annoyances. They lead to blockage of qi, causing weakness and moisture in the body, which turns into viscous mucus and blocks the center of the heart. If, at the same time as the mucus rises, the liver qi also rises, the disease is more acute and severe. If, after some time, the blocked qi does not resolve and further accumulation of moisture stops, then mucus arises, and the stagnant qi turns into fire. Slime and stagnant fire combine to form slime fire. In the state of "oppression of the heart by mucous fire," the patient in most cases turns into a mentally deranged person, suffering from extreme anxiety and excitement.
The main symptoms of confusion of the heart under the influence of mucus: mental confusion, obscuration of consciousness, talking to oneself, humming to oneself. If the patient is alone, he stares blankly in front of him or makes abnormal movements. In more severe cases, loss of consciousness may occur, accompanied by a fall, and the patient wheezes, mucus accumulates in the heart. A deep, tense, sliding pulse is felt, a white and sticky coating on the tongue.
The main symptoms of the state of oppression of the heart by mucus fire:
agitation, palpitations, bitter taste in the mouth, insomnia or restless sleep with increased dream intensity. Often the patient sobs and laughs at the same time, is in an extremely excited state. In severe cases, he hits everything around him or swears. The patient has a tense, sliding, strong pulse and a yellow, sticky coating on the tongue.
Therapy. When the center of the heart is disturbed by the action of mucus, the doctor must first flush out the mucus. When the heart is oppressed by mucus fire, it is necessary first of all to cool the heart and bring the fire down, after which the mucus should be washed out.

Clinical acupuncture diagnostics

Meridian I (lungs)
Redundancy Failure
Pain in the back and shoulder area Pain in the collarbone and chest
Shoulder muscle tension Feeling numb and cold upper limb
Temperature rise Sensitization
ringing cough hoarse cough
a rush of blood to the Head Dizziness
Tonsillitis Dry throat
Bronchial asthma Skin disorders, itching
Hot to the touch palm, hot sweat Cold sweat
Meridian II (colon)
Redundancy Failure
Constipation Diarrhea
Abdominal pain, bloating Rumbling in the stomach, intestinal disorders
Headache, dizziness Emotional discomfort, feelings of anxiety
Pain in the fingers, in the forearm, shoulder and back Numbness of the forearm, shoulder
Muscle tension in the cervical region Weakness of the upper limb and feeling of weakness in the fingers
Chills Bronchial asthma, pharyngitis
Meridian III (stomach)
Redundancy Failure
Bloating, belching, constipation Rumbling in the stomach, vomiting, diarrhea
Hunger Lack of appetite
Muscle tension in the front of the neck Shoulder muscle tension
Chest pain Pain in the abdominal muscles
Pain in the front of the thigh, lower leg and knee Numbness and coldness in the thigh and lower leg
Pain and cramps in the stomach Slow digestion, feeling of fullness in the stomach
Excitation of a patient with a high temperature Mental depression, frequent yawning
Dry mouth, cracks in the oral mucosa Swelling of the mucous membrane of the throat
Pain and limitation of movement in the joints drooping corner of the mouth, swelling of the face
Meridian IV (spleen - pancreas)
Redundancy Failure
Bloating, feeling of fullness in the abdomen, constipation Poor digestion, feeling tired after eating, diarrhea
Pain and feeling of heaviness in the hypochondrium, chest Pain in the epigastric and epigastric regions
Pain in the joints of the legs Weakness and paresis of the lower limb
Nausea, belching Vomit
Pain in the foot, restriction of movement of the first finger Venous stasis in the legs
food intoxication Skin disorders
Meridian V (hearts)
Redundancy Failure
Pain in the region of the heart Palpitations and shortness of breath on exertion
hyperemic face Pale face
Sensation of heat in the palms, pain in the shoulder and forearm cooling inner surface shoulder
Feeling of heaviness in the limbs Dizziness due to circulatory failure
Feeling of fullness in the stomach Diseases of the organs of the lower part of the chest (heart, liver)
Mild euphoria, irritability Feelings of sadness, fear, longing
Meridian VII (bladder)
Redundancy Failure
Frequent urination Rare urination
Painful spasmodic phenomena from the genitourinary organs Puffiness and swelling of the genital area
Pain and muscle tension in the back (spine) Hypotonia of the muscles of the neck and spine, immobility of the thigh
Pain and spasms of the muscles of the lower limb Feeling of heaviness and weakness in the lower extremities
Headache in fronto-occipital region Dizziness
Bleeding from the nose Haemorrhoids
Excessive tearing and eye pain Weakness of the back and fifth toe
Meridian VIII (kidney)
Redundancy Failure
Urinary retention Urinary incontinence
Dryness of the mucous membrane of the mouth and tongue Profuse sweating
Feeling of heat in the legs Feeling cold in the legs
Feet are warm to the touch Feet feel cold
Pain in the sacrum, lower back, inner thigh Feeling of numbness and weakness in the lower extremities
Increasing sexual potency Decreased sexual potency
Nausea Bowel disorders
Feeling of inner excitement Feelings of fear, indecision
Meridian IX (pericardium)
Redundancy Failure
Feelings of shyness, anger, heart problems Depression, fatigue, palpitations
Upper limb pain and shoulder muscle tension Weakness of the upper limb
Headache with flushing sensation Dizziness with anemia
Chest pain Feeling of heaviness in the chest
Eye redness Yellowness of the sclera
Constipation Diarrhea
Meridian X (three parts of the torso)
Redundancy Failure
urinary incontinence, polyuria Respiratory disorders
heat intolerance cold intolerance
Pain in the scapula, neck and neck Numbness and weakness in the shoulder and neck
Noise, ringing in the ears Deafness
Hyperemia, sweating of the face Facial pallor
Fever with high temperature moderate fever
Irritability Mental and physical fatigue
Meridian XI (gall bladder)
Redundancy Failure
Bitterness in the mouth, nausea Vomiting bile
Headache, pain in the thigh and lower leg Dizziness, weakness in the lower extremities
Swelling of the neck and chin with reddening of the skin Swelling of the foot and popliteal fossa
Throat disease Eye diseases, yellowness of the sclera
Hyperexcitability, sleep disturbance Drowsiness
hot to the touch outside surface feet Sweating at night
Meridian XII (liver)
Redundancy Failure
Headache Dizziness
Pain on the inner surface of the lower leg and thigh, pain in the lower back Weakness of the lower limb
Yellowness of the skin Pale skin color
Menstrual irregularity Tendency to prolapse of the uterus, vagina
Feeling of anger Feeling of fear
Sleep disturbance Weakness, powerlessness
General emotional discomfort Depression
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