Treatment of scabies in an infant. Everything itches! How to recognize and treat scabies in children. External signs of the disease

Skin diseases affect many people, and this can be caused not only by the abuse of personal hygiene, but also by other factors. One of unpleasant ailments, causing itching, rash and other phenomena, acts scabies. Symptoms, photos, first signs diseases will be discussed in this article. Despite the relative safety, the disease has all the right to progress and aggravate overall picture health and condition of the patient. Therefore, it is necessary to strictly monitor the manifestation and make timely diagnostic and therapeutic decisions.

Scabies symptoms photo signs

The first signs and manifestations

The formation of the disease is not accompanied by binding to a certain period of time. Sometimes everything depends on the stage of infection and on age features worms that infect humans.

If an adult is the damaging link, after a few hours it can form. In other situational phenomena, infection with a latent character can be observed, then for incubation period a time period of 10-12 days is required. Often, the formation of rashes is differentiated with pruritus - another similar disease, therefore the main task lies in the diagnosis and treatment methods.

General symptoms and signs of the disease

The most common symptoms of a contagious disease can literally be counted on the fingers.

  • and children, localized in different areas and aggravated at night. This is due to the fact that it is at night that females are active in terms of their life activity.
  • The formation of noticeable moves of a scabious nature, they can be detected simply.
  • Polymorphism is characterized by the formation of papules and vesicles, which are covered with a hemorrhagic crust. Against the background of the phenomenon, frequent elements are excoriations, erosions, vesicles.
  • Favorite places of infection - the stomach, folds between the fingers, side areas, thighs and gluteal muscles, in women - on the chest, in men - in the groin. becomes especially noticeable.
  • On the body with a disease, red spots form, always itchy, they are “covered”, “surrounded” by lines that have an unattractive gray tone.

It's important to know!

After the disease is eliminated, a person does not develop immunity against it, so it is necessary to disinfect all personal belongings. It is necessary to take into account all the doctor's advice regarding personal hygiene.

Localization of the manifestation of scabies

Scabies in children photo

General manifestations of the disease are described in the paragraph "symptoms of scabies". Consider the appearance of the rash again so that a person with a suspected illness can easily identify it again. So, what does scabies look like in children?

  • Pinkish or reddish spots all over the body (may be localized in certain places).

  • quickly moved from one place to another. That is, if today characteristic spots were found on the hands, then tomorrow you can see them on the torso in the abdomen, hips, back, limbs.

After looking at the photo of the rashes, you can see their appearance and determine the disease in time.

This approach contributes to the timely diagnosis and acceptance of preventive measures against further spread. Apart from appearance diseases, and how the disease manifests itself. Does scabies itch or not? Yes, she itches. What sensations does the disease cause, besides this?

  • severe itching;
  • constant desire to scratch the skin;
  • feeling that something is moving on the body;
  • mild discomfort.

Significant manifestations in the form of an increase temperature regime and damage internal organs not observed, but there are factors that indicate the special nature of the disease.

Scabies photo in adults

Considering such a disease as, it can be noted that in adults and children, the manifestations are similar. Only children's delicate skin can become more red and bright, unlike the skin of adults, although it all depends on its thickness.

A rash on the skin in the form of red spots is the main characteristic symptom.

Several varieties of this disease are also classified.

  • A typical disease has become widespread. The manifestation of all signs is characteristic of the disease.

  • Scabies without moves is an ailment that manifests itself with the same symptoms, only with missing moves.
  • Scabies in "clean" people - it may not have symptoms at all and proceed without signs.
  • The Norwegian form of the disease often manifests itself in people who have a weak immune system.
  • Pseudo scabies condition occurs in people who are infected from animals.
  • The complicated form is equal to the progression of the main signs, to which the infectious process joins.

Disease prevention is a serious undertaking that requires a serious approach.

scabies treatment drugs

If it is necessary to eliminate, as well as remove manifestations from the limbs, torso and head, it is worth giving preference the latest drugs for elimination this disease. Usually used externally. The advantages of treatment with them are that they are odorless, effective and provide prompt results. All means stop the moves for the tick and create unbearable conditions for its existence, during which death occurs. The funds are available in the form of creams, special gels, ointments, emulsions, sprays. Consider a list of the most effective methods elimination of the disease, including suitable for kids.

Treating the disease scabies (symptoms, photos, first signs), it can be noted that all the above means are effective and of high quality.

Ointment for scabies

The disease can be easily cured by using special ointments, which are applied to skin covering, according to current instruction. Consider which ointments are best suited for solving the problem.

Treatment of scabies at home folk remedies

Treating the disease scabies, symptoms, photos, first signs, it can be noted that the disease is treated quite simply. For example, it has proven itself ethnoscience in the form of treatment with vinegar, other acids, herbal infusions. Consider the most effective compositions used to wipe the skin. The number of times a day and the duration of the course is determined by the decrease in symptoms.

Scabies (symptoms, photos, first signs) is serious illness, but if healing process will start on time, the situation can be improved. Folk remedies will be excellent auxiliary options for eliminating the disease. With a competent approach, after a few days, you can noticeably improve the situation by eliminating the symptoms and eliminating the causative factors.

Have you experienced disease scabies? Did the symptoms, photo, first signs match? Share your opinion and leave a review for everyone on the forum!

One type of contagious skin disease in children is scabies, caused by a tiny mite (about 0.25 mm in size) that is not visible to the naked eye.

Scabies is a skin disease that is transmitted through household contact. It occurs immediately after the appearance of the scabies mite. At the tick high sensitivity to climate conditions environment. It can die both in dry conditions and in hot ones. Moreover, the death of the tick occurs in quite short term. (65 ° C - the tick dies in 50–60 minutes; with a water vapor content in the air below 30% - per day).

Once on the skin, it moves, finding thin places (interdigital spaces, wrists), bites, moves under it, making moves, releasing a specific substance that loosens it, which, in turn, causes a burning sensation and a desire to comb this place. More dangerous are females that live for more than 1.5 months, are active at night and lay eggs, from which new ticks appear.

You can “catch” scabies a child anywhere, for example, stroke a cat / dog on the street, bring pets into the house on the wool. But most often you can get infected from an already sick person in public transport when visiting shops, etc.

Scabies in children is difficult to distinguish from other diseases. There is similar diseases- eczema, urticaria, allergic reactions (rashes) and others. Therefore, you need to visit a dermatologist regularly, who can identify problems and prescribe prophylaxis.

Depending on the number of ticks and the state of the human immune system, the disease may appear within 1-2 weeks after contact.

Accelerates the growth of scabies large cluster people in one place, not cleanliness of the population, pollution of places of residence, dirty linen, rare methods of water procedures.

The mites that cause scabies eat the horny scales of the epidermis. The female is fertilized by the male on the surface of human skin, after which the male dies.

After fertilization, the female tick with its front paws and small, but enough strong jaw. Then she breaks through deepenings similar to wells (they are barely noticeable), then along the skin she begins to dig passages similar to a zigzag, they are usually called scabies. The length of such moves can be approximately from one to four centimeters.

The incubation period (the time that passes from the moment the tick hits the skin until the onset of the disease) lasts approximately, about six weeks, and maybe faster in one, two weeks, or even less.

From the moment when the female was able to penetrate the skin, patients begin to experience under pruritus. The tick is more active at night, and therefore the itching during this period becomes excruciating.

On the skin, itchy tick passages appear, similar to thin, tortuous, white with gray tint strips, along the length of which there may be small blackish dots - these are not large remains of dirt, tick waste and eggs laid by it. One of the sides of the tunnel is always open, and the other is closed, because the female moves in that direction. Just at this end, you can find a small bubble, in which the female tick is located. The tick usually digs its scabies tunnels where upper layer the skin is very soft and tender (the space between the fingers, penis, thigh and surface of the abdomen).


  • Typical scabies. It is accompanied by all of the above symptoms.
  • Nodular. Appears after the cure of the disease as an allergic reaction. Itchy nodules rise on the skin in large numbers.
  • Discrete. Itching and inflammation are absent, but small areas of scabies are clearly visible on the skin.
  • Pseudo scabies. Caused by ticks that live on animals. It is expressed in a strong incessant itching and redness on the skin.

Symptoms and signs

It is known that the skin of children (especially infants) is very thin and delicate, so mites easily penetrate and quickly spread throughout the body, penetrating not only between the fingers, but also into the skin of the palms and soles of the legs, chest and back, under the hairs.

Evening bathing your baby can contribute to the spread of scabies. In a dream, the child combs the skin (any infection can get into the places of scratching), sleeps poorly and therefore is lethargic in the morning, very capricious. And since by morning the itching is reduced, the children stop complaining, the parents can for a long time not to understand that the child is sick.

Upon detection similar symptoms you should consult a pediatric dermatologist.

staging correct diagnosis promotes:

  1. identification of visual symptoms (itching, scabies, specific rash);
  2. laboratory studies (scraping in places of scabies and scratching and viewing it under a microscope);
  3. if the child is allergic, then the lack of effect from treatment with antiallergic drugs;
  4. with whom the child is in contact.

So, we can distinguish the main ways to detect scabies in children and adults:

  • Severe itching in the evening/night.
  • The rash appears on the arms, legs, feet, mammary glands, buttocks, thighs.
  • Collective itching.

Symptoms of scabies can also include:

  • Damage to the skin: small red bumps and pimples, pinkish blisters;
  • flaky skin;
  • Rashes may appear on the neck and face;
  • The appearance of bubbles filled with moisture.

Treatment of scabies in children

Chief and effective way is personal hygiene. From the first days of the onset of rash and itching, you should start using drugs that contain hyposensitizing and antihistamines. Can be used medications that contain sulfur. For example:
- Sulfuric ointment. It is rubbed at night, for a week on the entire affected area of ​​the skin. On the eighth day, it is desirable that the patient wash himself and change his underwear, as well as bed linen.
- sulfodecortem. This is what is applied by rubbing a little on the affected part of the body. The course lasts about 7-14 days. The drug is contraindicated in pregnant women, children and hypersensitive people.

In addition to preparations containing sulfur, benzyl benzoate preparations can be used. (Ascabiol, benzoseptol, novoscabiol). You can process the skin according to the Demyanovich method. This will require two solutions - sodium and thiosulfate 60%. It should not be used with other drugs. side effects did not appear.

Usually, children are treated at home with drugs that destroy both adult ticks and their larvae, and do not harm the child. It's not just the choice that counts necessary funds, but also his correct application. The most common and effective medical preparations are:

  • Benzyl benzoate - in the form of an emulsion (10%) or ointment, which is applied according to a certain scheme on the 1st and 4th day of treatment;
  • Spregal (France) - an aerosol is sprayed over the entire surface of the body of the skin (avoiding contact with eyes and mouth) and left for 12 hours;
  • Permethrin (used for children from the age of 2 months) - dissolved in a certain amount of water and applied to the skin 1 time per day for 3 days.


The following procedures will help speed up the treatment of scabies:

  • cut your nails, under them there may be eggs of ticks;
  • as often as possible, disinfect clothing, underwear and bed linen. The tick dies when boiled for about 10-15 minutes with washing powder. All tissue that is in any way in contact with the patient's body should be treated;
  • Do not rub the drug with bare hands, since scabies in children can go to the hands.

So, the treatment of scabies consists of the following steps:

And, of course, you should prepare for new sleepless nights, since the "dying" ticks also "do not give up without a fight", causing new suffering to the children, making them cry.

A child can go back to a nursery / kindergarten only after the decision of a dermatologist.

Treatment of scabies in children under one year of folk remedies

In addition to the application medical preparations you can use folk remedies:

Also use:

Treatment may not bring the desired effect for several reasons:

  • if the prescribed remedy was used in the wrong way;
  • if not the entire affected skin surface was treated;
  • there is a possibility of getting infected from their own things.
Consequences after scabies in children

Severe incessant itching brings great discomfort to the child. Sleep is disturbed, nervous excitability increases. Strong combing of areas affected by scabies can lead to pyoderma, furunculosis.

In extremely severe cases enlarged lymph nodes. Scabies in infants can lead to blood poisoning. Therefore, it is necessary to take the treatment of the child from this disease very seriously.

Disease prevention

In order to avoid recurrence (repetition) of the disease, it is necessary to take next steps.
A) disinfection:

B) prevention:

conduct control observations of the child for 1-1.5 months;

  • identify and exclude contacts with patients, send them for examination;
  • if in a manger or kindergarten appeared sick with scabies, then it is better to leave your child at home for the duration of the prophylaxis (in isolated cases, quarantine is not established).

Be careful! Pay attention to any skin changes and your child's behavior!

Scabies in children- damage to the skin by scabies mites. The disease is contagious and therefore requires timely treatment and prevention of relapses. The first signs and symptoms may appear within a month. Pathology is most common in adolescents, since at this age most contacts occur and hygiene is not always observed. And babies under 1 year old, children 2, 3, 4 or 5 years old - get infected with scabies only from their close environment.

What is this disease

The tick is quite small: about a millimeter. Females are larger in size than males. Most actively itching multiply in cool weather. Therefore, a surge in the disease is observed in autumn and winter. After mating, the male dies. The female is in a hurry to lay eggs. To do this, she makes tunnels under the skin of a person: and mainly at night, thereby causing severe itching. Breeding offspring brings even more discomfort. They also lay tunnels to reach the surface of the skin and new reproduction. Night is an active time for the tick, so itching reaches its peak. Ticks rest during the day.

Scabies mite disturbs mainly at night

How does scabies get infected?

The disease is transmitted only through close contact with the patient. What is needed is a tactile connection. For example: handshakes, hugs, touches. Through household items, the likelihood of infection is lower.

Scabies in children: symptoms and photos

On the initial stage it is difficult to detect scabies. The first signs are itchy skin, which intensifies at times at night. The cause of discomfort and scabies in children is not the tunneling itself, but the waste products of ticks. The proteins they secrete provoke the body. That is why the symptoms of the disease may not appear immediately. The immune system needs time to respond. Parents need to monitor the combed places on the child's body, as irritated areas are favorable place for the development of skin infections.

Consider what types of scabies are in children and how it manifests itself:

If itching gets on the skin, for example, from a dog. That insect can cause a small allergic reaction. But he can't get used to it.

How to treat scabies in children

The most important thing in therapy skin disease- be sure to follow all the recommendations prescribed by the doctor. Otherwise, re-infection cannot be avoided.

How to get rid of scabies:

  1. Do not self-medicate, use drugs prescribed by a dermatologist. Most often, sulfuric ointment or A-Par aerosol is prescribed.
  2. Not only the child should be treated, but also all family members. It is important to strictly observe this point, since infection does not appear immediately.
  3. The remedy for scabies is applied completely to the entire body, excluding the head. Children under three years of age are also treated with it.
  4. It is necessary to cut long nails, under them are formed favorable conditions for ticks.
  5. Therapy is carried out regularly, treatment is required in the evening.
  6. During treatment, it is forbidden to wash until the course is over.
  7. After recovery, bedding is changed, all clothes are also washed.

When scabies is treated in children, it is important to disinfect, treat the room by special means and ventilate the rooms. It is worth noting that damp conditions are favorable for ticks, so cleaning should be semi-dry.

Prevention of scabies in children

An important measure is the detection of the source of infection, as well as its isolation. Children in contact with the carrier are carefully examined every 10 days. This is especially true for kindergartens and schools.

What to look for to prevent relapse:

  1. Where the baby spends time, his social circle.
  2. If one of the family members falls ill, he needs to allocate a separate room, bed linen, dishes. Less contact with the infected.
  3. To process after treatment the things that the patient used.

Unfortunately, hygiene is not 100% effective measure in disease prevention. It is almost impossible to wash off a fixed tick with water even with soap.

Scabies is associated mainly with people in prison or antisocial individuals who neglect hygiene. However, everyone can get scabies, even newborns. You can easily meet the disease in a clinic or kindergarten. What is this pathology, what is dangerous and how to treat it?

The nature of the rash with scabies in infants

What is scabies?

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Despite the widespread belief that scabies occurs as a result of poor hygiene, this is not true. A tick cannot be born due to unsanitary conditions, this infection, and the source of infection is only an infected carrier.

They become infected with scabies in two ways - by direct contact with the patient or by using the same objects with him. In children's groups, both methods take place. In kindergartens and nurseries, kids are in close contact, play with the same toys, often violate the rules of hygiene, for example, drying themselves with one towel. Although the data latest research cast doubt on the route of infection through objects, but the fact remains that children in kindergartens become infected from each other.

At school, the likelihood of infection is reduced, but when erasing chalk from the board with the same rag that an infected child took, there is still a risk. Adults most often meet with pathogens in baths, hospitals and trains, although infection with an ordinary handshake is not excluded.

Symptoms of scabies in children

Description of the main signs of scabies:

  • itching has a group character;
  • aggravated in the evening and at night.

The child form is characterized by a pronounced severity of the symptoms of the disease.

The symptoms of scabies in children under three years of age are somewhat different from those in older children. This is due to weak immunity. Disease in children younger age accompanied by:

  • sleep disturbance;
  • anxiety and tearfulness;
  • an increase in body temperature;
  • refusal to eat;
  • rashes on the skin, which are of a different nature;
  • damage to the nail plate - delamination or thickening.

The first rash with scabies in babies under 3 years of age usually begins on the hands, scalp and feet. Eruptions on the face, buttocks and back are also characteristic. Urticaria is mainly manifested in infants, in older children the rash is small or similar to acute form eczema. AT advanced cases scabies causes a generalized lesion of the child's body.

Scabies in children after 3 years is usually not accompanied by fever. The most characteristic localization of the rash at this age:

  • on the hands, especially between the fingers;
  • in the armpits;
  • on the inner surface elbow and knee bends;
  • on the abdomen, lateral parts of the body, buttocks;
  • on the head, face.

The disease can affect any part of the body, but most often the rash is localized in the places shown in the photo.

Forms and varieties of the disease

In medicine, there are several types of diseases:

Any form of scabies can get worse bacterial infection. Young children are especially susceptible to this, for whom, due to their age, it is difficult not to comb the rashes. As a result, microbes enter the formed wounds.

The advanced stage of the disease is fraught with complications. Due to unstable immunity, children are at particular risk. Possible negative consequences:

  1. Eczema, furunculosis (we recommend reading:). The most common complication in children under 3, occurs in 80% of cases. The reason is the addition of a bacterial infection.
  2. Lymphadenitis (inflammation of the lymph nodes). Possible purulent form diseases.
  3. Lymphangitis. Inflammatory process affects the lymphatic vessels.
  4. Abscess. Inflammation of tissues with the formation of purulent cavities.
  5. Poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis. Kidney pathology.
  6. Rheumatism of the heart muscle.
  7. Sepsis (blood poisoning). Breasts are the most susceptible.

Diagnosis of the disease

Scabies - serious illness harming the body and lowering the immune system. The sooner treatment is started, the sooner positive result. However, for appointment correct therapy the disease must be identified.

If scabies is suspected, the places of alleged scabies are examined. If this is done at home, ordinary iodine is used. The drug is simply applied to the skin. If there are moves on it, they will become distinguishable in the form of more dark stripes on light brown skin.

In clinics, for these purposes, a video dermatoscope is used - a device with a 600x magnification. With its help, it is possible to distinguish scabies on the skin.

The doctor examines the child with a video dermatoscope

However, it happens that visual diagnostics fails. Then a scraping is taken, having previously treated the affected area with 40% lactic acid. The drug well loosens the upper layers of the skin, but at the same time prevents the sample from scattering during sampling. The resulting scraping is examined under a microscope. If the tick can be seen with the naked eye, then it is taken out with a needle and then also examined under a microscope.

Scabies treatment

The initial stage of the disease responds well to treatment. The choice of the method of therapy and drugs is carried out by the doctor. Self-medication, especially when it comes to a child, is unacceptable. Treatment of scabies in children is usually carried out with specialized medicines, although traditional medicine also has many effective remedies in its arsenal.


As the main therapy in the treatment of scabies, use various means local action - ointments, sprays, creams, emulsions. The most common ones are:

  1. Benzyl benzoate. Available in the form of an ointment and a 20% emulsion. If the affected areas are small, it is more convenient to apply ointment on them. When to process most body, it is more convenient to use an emulsion. The drug is used at bedtime. Before this, the child must be thoroughly washed with soap and then wiped dry. The medicine is rubbed with massaging movements and allowed to dry. After that, you need to put on the baby clean clothes and put to bed. The duration of treatment is 4 days. This is due to the fact that benzyl benzoate destroys only hatched individuals and does not pose a danger to eggs. For babies under three years of age, the drug is diluted with petroleum jelly to reduce the concentration. However, for infants, it is better to choose another remedy.
  2. Sulfuric ointment 5%. The method of application is the same as that of benzyl benzoate. It has a pronounced specific smell. Not intended for patients under three years of age.
  3. Permethrin. Featured in several dosage forms: as ointment, spray, cream and lotion. Age limit- up to 1 year.
  4. Spregal. Available in the form of a spray. Approved for use by pregnant women babies. Very effective against scabies mites - in more than 80% of cases, a single treatment is required for treatment.

Apart from local funds, individually, additionally use antihistamines(Zirtek, Zodak, Suprastin, Tavegil), which reduce itching. In complicated forms of the disease, antibacterial agents. They are prescribed by a doctor depending on the type of bacteria.

Folk remedies

The most effective folk remedies:

Prevention of the disease are general strengthening measures. These include: good nutrition, Fresh air, skin care.

Scabies is a contagious disease caused by the scabies mite. If scabies is found in children, then this is a signal for the announcement of quarantine in schools and kindergartens, as well as for the immediate start of treatment. Since the disease is contagious, all parents should look at the photo to see what scabies looks like. It is also necessary to get acquainted with the symptoms and find out how to treat the disease.

Symptoms and signs

The main symptoms are expressed in the form of an allergy to the results of the vital activity of pathogens and their eggs. With re-infection, symptoms can visually appear 24 hours after the pest has penetrated the skin.

In babies aged 1-2 years, the manifestation of itching is possible on remote skin areas that are not infected with ticks. The most significant discomfort is possible at night and with a long stay in a warm room. Often because of this, there is a sleep disturbance, which is converted into insomnia.

If scabies in a child is not treated on time, then the likelihood of a generalized lesion of the child's body increases.

Forms and types of disease

There are the following forms of scabies with different symptoms diseases:

  1. Typical. Its main symptoms are the appearance of itching, skin passages and rashes.
  2. Scabies of clean people - usually occurs in children who tend to take frequent baths using soap. But also the problem will be in babies with a weakened immune system. Parents should be aware of how scabies manifests itself in this case. Its symptoms are similar to urticaria and are expressed in the form of a rash, subtle passages and severe itching.
  3. Infant scabies is expressed in the form of skin lesions along with the appearance of blisters and pustules. At the same time, the rash has an uncharacteristic localization.
  4. Pseudosarcoptic mange is scabies that is spread by animals. It is characterized by the appearance of a large rash in the form of red blisters, crusts or spots.
  5. Norwegian scabies - different high level contagiousness, expressed by dermatitis, dry rashes and severe itching.

Treatment in babies

In order for the treatment of scabies in children to be effective, it is necessary to take the following measures:

Therapy consists in applying acaricidal preparations to the skin of the body. If signs of scabies in children are detected under the age of 3 years, then the drug should also be applied to the hair layer of the head and face.

For not infecting other children and more current treatment, it is necessary to process the room where the sick baby was.

For treatment, you can use:

  1. 10% benzyl benzoate ointment (rubbing for 4 days, taking a shower on the fifth day).
  2. Aerosol Spregal - suitable even for the smallest children. It is distributed before changing clothes and bed linen. You can bathe the child after 12 hours. After 7 days, prophylaxis is carried out.
  3. 10% Sulfur ointment - for children older than six months. Treatment is carried out within 5-7 days, after which it is possible water procedures and change of linen. There are contraindications (for example, an allergy is possible).
  4. Medifox - for children who are more than 2 months old. An emulsion of the drug and water is applied to the surface of the skin. The course lasts 3 days, after which you can swim.

If it appears severe allergy, then it is treated with antihistamines and desensitizing drugs. In order for the areas of inflammation to resolve faster, they need to be smeared with ointments (tar, ichthyol, naftalan) and moistened with baby creams.

If there are associated infectious skin problems, then scabies in children should be treated systemic antibiotics(penicillin) and antibacterial agents (tetracycline ointment) or antimycotics (lamizil). In difficult cases or when significant complications of the disease appear, the baby is placed in a hospital hospital.

Help of traditional medicine

Basic recipes:

  1. Sour kvass is used to create a bath for the affected part of the body. Allows you to destroy ticks and their eggs.
  2. Turpentine (1 tsp) is mixed with drying oil (2 tablespoons) to lubricate the affected area of ​​​​the baby's body.
  3. A mixture is made of melted lard (1 tbsp. L.), grated laundry soap(1 tbsp), sulfuric ointment (1 tsp) and tar (1 tsp). Lubricate the affected areas should be for 7 days.
  4. If severe itching occurs, it can be removed by rubbing the skin with freshly prepared tomato juice.

Therefore, parents need to treat scabies in their children with the appropriate medications with local action(ointment, cream, aerosol). If necessary, then additionally use drugs against inflammation and other related problems, as well as effective means folk medicine.

It is necessary to start the treatment procedure after visiting a dermatologist. Thus, it will be possible to cure the disease more quickly and avoid its reappearance.

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