How to drink stone oil for prevention. Stone oil is a gift of life from the heart of the mountains. Internal use of stone oil

stone oil is a mineral substance, has a whitish-yellow color and is formed during the leaching of rocks. It is widespread in the Eastern and Western Sayans, other mountainous regions of Eastern Siberia, Mongolia and China.

Stone oil is widely used in folk medicine in Eastern Siberia, Mongolia, China, Tibet, Burma for the treatment of inflammatory processes, bleeding, burns, gastrointestinal disorders and bone fractures.

Tibetan lamas harvested and used to treat stomach ailments. In Chinese mythology, stone oil is the food of the immortals. In China, there is a village located at the foot of a large mountain, where white stone is mined for food. In this village average duration life of 83 years, which is above the average for China, the residents are famous for good health.

The collection of stone oil consists in scraping off the healing substance from the rocks, therefore, pieces of stones, limestone and other rocks often turn out to be in the medicine. Therefore, the collected product must be cleaned without fail.

The very collection of stone oil is very difficult due to the fact that it is still unknown how and why it is formed in this particular place. There are very few exit points and they are dispersed over a huge sparsely populated mountainous territory without any visible system. There it is found in hard-to-reach grottoes and crevices of rocks in the form of a thin film, less often growths on rock and in small quantities.

Depending on the place and time of collection, stone oil can be very heterogeneous in its qualitative and quantitative composition.

By the way, wild animals and birds eat stone oil with great pleasure.

Stone Oil Purification

Both refined and unrefined stone oil are on sale. Purified has a color from white-yellow to green and is sold in the form of amorphous pieces, small pebbles or powder.

The operation for cleaning stone oil cannot be called simple, especially at home, so it is better to purchase an already purified product.

Those who bought unrefined stone oil can use the following method to purify it.

Stone oil is readily soluble in water and moderately or slightly soluble in other liquids. The cleaning method is based on good solubility in water.

The collected raw materials are poured into enameled dishes and poured with warm (up to 60 C) water. Then it is insisted for 10-20 hours, stirring occasionally. Next, the first portion of the solution is poured through a sieve into a glass or enameled container, and water is again added to the rest of the thick, which is drained in the same way after 10 hours.

The first and second solutions differ only in the concentration of stone oil and the content of lime dust: in the second solution it is more. You can pour the thick for the third time, but do not stretch the dissolution process in time: the "waste rock" quickly ferments, spreading an unpleasant odor.

The next stage of purification is the separation of the solution from insoluble impurities. For this, filtering is used. The simplest, but longest way is settling. Cleaning solution settling can take up to a month. When the solution is purified, it is evaporated.

The water from the solution is evaporated as follows. Take two basins, one smaller than the other. Pour water into a large basin, a solution of stone oil into a smaller one. This design is placed on a slow fire and a fan is placed next to it. It is important that the air stream is directed to the surface of the solution. The heated solution must be stirred all the time and the temperature checked - stone oil loses its qualities when heated to temperatures above 60 C.

The most tedious stage of dehydrating stone oil begins from the moment when it acquires the consistency of sour cream. At this time, there is a danger of overheating of the extract, it is necessary to mix the contents constantly and quite intensively, because a layer of a thicker extract is formed on the surface, which prevents the evaporation of moisture. When the solution begins to resemble a thick syrup, the heating stops, and the stone oil is poured onto durable polyethylene, laid in bowl-shaped forms. Now your task is to protect the stone oil from moisture so that the final drying continues.

Stone oil can be stored indefinitely. It is best to store it in a container wrapped in foil.

Application in medicine

  • Liver diseases (including viral and intoxication cirrhosis);
  • Gastrointestinal diseases (colitis, gastritis, peptic ulcer);
  • Burn and wound therapy;
  • Trophic and purulent ulcers;
  • Prevents metastasis;
  • Stops tumor growth (by forming a connective tissue capsule), with direct contact destroys the tumor
  • Endocrinology (in particular diseases of the pancreas);
  • Gerontology (prolongation of physiological activity in general and sexual activity in particular).

It has been approved for use in Russia since 1971.

Clinical Application

Clinical studies have shown amazing results. In one of the Siberian regional hospitals (in the surgical department), a group of 12 people was selected with especially complex fractures of tubular bones and damage to the tissues of blood vessels and nerves. Each of the patients was given an elixir of stone oil 3 times a day. Soon the X-ray showed that in all patients, without exception, there is a powerful increase in bone tissue. They recovered three weeks earlier than the control group, which was treated traditional methods. None side effects did not have.

There is good clinical experience in the treatment of gastric ulcers with stone oil. Washing the ulcer gives healing in 6-16 days, instead of 40.


The time required to evaluate the effectiveness is from 30 to 95 days. Efficiency (analysis 237 clinical cases) exceeds 85%.


Contraindicated in obstructive jaundice, tk. has a pronounced choleretic activity.

Possible Complications

The drug requires the gastrointestinal tract to work regularly, i. daily, otherwise the detoxifying function of the drug will be wasted due to reverse suction. The use of stone oil in persons suffering from constipation can aggravate these constipations. In this case, it is necessary to take appropriate measures (diet + laxatives, enemas) to still ensure the daily stool.

Healing properties of stone oil solution

AT pure form this substance is rarely used, mainly in the form of solutions of various concentrations. Sometimes infusions or decoctions of herbs are added to such a solution.

Solutions of stone oil, by their physicochemical nature, are such that they allow each tissue to take as many microelements from the tissue fluid and blood as is required to saturate the active centers of the corresponding enzymes. Nature itself took care of people by creating a compound containing a significant part of the elements known on Earth and the vast majority of vital macro- and microelements, which, which is very important, are easily dissolved in water.

Dissolving in water, the trace elements of stone oil acquire special qualities, as they are in an ionic form, that is, an active form, ready for use by the body as cations, they enter the enzymatic systems, where they show their effect. When used internally in certain amounts, absorption occurs in the oral cavity instantly. In other words, trace element ions are directed along the shortest way to the point of its application, bypassing complex and lengthy transformations into gastrointestinal tract that undergo micronutrients in foods and supplements.

Furthermore, ionic forms trace elements in aqueous solutions of stone oil are incomparably more active in their microdoses (mcg) than the same metals found in food products in many times large quantities (mg).

Any pathological process in the body is very diverse and for its treatment requires the simultaneous use of several microelements of selective action in biotic doses. Medical advances have been made in the treatment of certain diseases using aqueous solutions of salts of several metals at once. When a person suffers from a whole "bouquet" of diseases, then when implementing this approach, it is necessary to create and apply for treatment much more complex microelement solutions that act according to the biotic principle. Science is not yet ready to create such compositions. The reason is that the phenomena of antagonism and synergism (friendliness) of microelements in the sense of their regulatory influence on normal physiological functions organisms have not been studied enough.

The main internal force that drives the multifaceted and complex mechanism human body, resides in its biochemical cauldron, where metabolic processes, which give energy to the body and predetermine the course of further chemical transformations that underlie its functions. This activity is based on enzymatic processes, in which negligible amounts of a microelement-biocatalyst produce an enormous amount of work.

Trace elements introduced in biotic doses in stone oil solutions in qualitative and quantitative terms are natural agents for the body, increase general level its bioenergetic processes and enhance the activity of protective mechanisms.

Preparation and use of preparations from stone oil

As a rule, refined stone oil is poured boiled water room temperature. After 2-3 days, the liquid is drained. The sediment can be used for compresses and lotions. The solution is made at the rate of 3 g of the product per 3 liters of water, taking into account the patient's well-being.

Before treatment, it is necessary to find out the body's reaction to stone oil (for any disease), for which at the beginning of treatment it is better to use it in small doses (1 glass during the day) and low concentration (1 g per 3 liters of water) for several days in a row after meals. Then before meals, constantly increasing the dose and concentration of the solution. Procedures such as compresses, plugging, microclysters, and douching speed up the treatment and save the consumption of stone oil.

People with cancer in this case form special group patients. They can immediately prescribe the drug in more high concentration, but not higher than 3 g per 500 ml of water.

Rarely during treatment chronic diseases there is a strong effect of stone oil biotics on the body: for example, the inflammatory process increases, joint pain, discharge from the lungs and other organs (for example, female genital organs). This phenomenon is indicative of positive action biotics, reflects the body's struggle with the disease. Sometimes such a struggle (reaction of the body) is too violent and painful for the patient, in these cases the dosage of the stone oil solution can be reduced or taken less frequently - after 1, sometimes 2-3 days. With increased discharge, not accompanied by severe pain, the course should not be changed.

Treatment for various diseases

Injury, surgery

3 g. Dissolve stone oil in 300 ml of boiled water. Moisten a rag or gauze and apply to the wound, instead of all the ointments that exist. If you still give it inside, then the treatment will proceed faster, it will speed up healing two to three times.


3 g. Dissolve stone oil in boiled water (200 ml) and add 2 tbsp. spoons of honey, moisten a rag or gauze, wring it out well and put it on the site of the bruise.


3 g. Dissolve stone oil in 300 ml of boiled water, moisten gauze swab and irrigate the burn.

Salt deposits

3 g. Dissolve stone oil in two liters of boiled water (cooled down). Drink one glass three times a day before meals for 20-30 minutes. If increased acidity, then in one hour. The course of treatment is from three months to one year.


Take a warm bath. After the bath, dissolve 3 g of stone oil in 300 ml of boiled water, moisten gauze and put on the bridge of the nose for 2-3 hours. Do this in a day. The course of treatment is 12 treatments.


3 g. Dissolve stone oil in 200 ml of boiled water. Add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey and instill into the nose 3-4 times a day.

Purulent endobronchitis

3 g. Dissolve stone oil in boiled water (1 l). Drink one glass three times a day before meals for 20-30 minutes.

Inhalation: 3 g. Dissolve stone oil in 300 ml of boiled water. Do inhalation 3-4 times a day.

Compresses: 3 g. Dissolve stone oil in 200 ml of boiled water, moisten a rag or gauze, squeeze well and apply to the bronchus area, alternating back and chest.


3 g. Dissolve stone oil in one liter of boiled cooled water. Drink one glass three times a day for 20-30 minutes. before meals. If hyperacidity - one hour before meals.

Make compresses: dissolve 3 g of stone oil in 200 ml of boiled water, add one tablespoon of honey, moisten gauze, squeeze well and apply alternating back and chest.

Bronchial asthma

Inhalation: dissolve 3 g of stone oil in 300 ml of boiled water. Do inhalation 20-30 minutes before meals, if high acidity, then an hour before meals.

Compresses: Dissolve 3 g of stone oil in 200 ml of boiled water, add one tablespoon of honey, moisten gauze, squeeze well and apply.

The cost is 60 rubles per 1 gr.

Nature often gives man amazing opportunities and means for the treatment of many diseases. Stone oil has different names and known for thousands of years. What properties do the bitter tears of stones have and what ailments can you get rid of with their help. But apparently it is possible, because the ancient emperors treated the oil as if it were divine power.

History of the healing potion

The first mention of stone oil was 4 centuries ago. The Chinese rulers used it alone and did not allow even their children and wives to touch the oil. Anyone who violated the ban was threatened with imminent death.

The benefits of stone oil were considered invaluable. It was used for healing and rejuvenation. Many traditional medicine recipes included a precious and rare ingredient.
Stone oil was called tears of mountains and stones, brakshun and white stone. Under different names hidden meaning. People believed that oil can give immortality. Of course, this is nothing more than a legend. A person needs a beautiful fairy tale, but emperors and high-ranking officials are not our contemporaries, which means that eternal life is just an invention. However wide application stone oil in folk medicine proves the popularity of the elixir of health.
The path of white stone in Russia began in the time of Peter. He ordered to extract the oil in Siberia and deliver it to the counters of drugstores.
Since then, the mysterious medicine has been haunting and the controversy around it is still going on.

What is stone oil?

Stone oil - what is it? This mineral substance is formed on the surface of mountains and boulders. It looks like a kind of growth or powder, which is mined in gorges or hard-to-reach highlands. Fixed and frozen drops are collected with great difficulty.
What does stone oil look like? After purification, it is a powder or even dust of a very fine fraction. The taste of the oil varies from sour to bitter. The color palette is also different, it can be red, yellow or white shades.
Due to the lack of accuracy of information, stone oil is often confused with mummy. But the two substances have significant differences. Firstly, the mummy is almost completely composed of organic matter, which cannot be said about the white stone of the emperors. Secondly, the two products have a different range of effects on the body. The only similarity can be called difficult prey. Both mummy and stone oil are mined on high slopes or in deep gorges of mountainous areas.

Chemical composition of stone oil

More than 30 trace elements and compounds useful for human health have been found in the composition of the oil. Speaking of the most famous components, we can name magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, copper, manganese, iodine and chromium.

This is not a complete list, but only a small part of the components healing product.
Anyone interested detailed information about stone oil: its medicinal properties, reviews and price. But the first thing you should pay attention to is that stone oil has benefits and harms. Whatever the magical idea of ​​​​the elixir, it is worth considering the nuances of its effects.

Healing properties of stone oil

Medicinal properties stone oils apply to almost all departments human body. Such a scale is really surprising and amazing.
Indications for the use of stone oil are based on failures in the cardiovascular system. It could be high blood pressure or weak vessels.
Stone oil can be helpful in kidney disorders. Inflammatory processes or stones in them can be cured with the help of oil.
It is often used as an external remedy for joint ailmentswhen there is not enough natural lubrication and cartilage partitions are erased.
Stone oil will help to cope with diseases of the stomach and intestines. It has a beneficial effect on the flow female diseases genitourinary system. This applies to inflammation of the uterus and ovaries. Men also use stone oil to treat prostatitis and reduce libido.
Stone oil will strengthen the immune system and help with frequent colds and problems with tonsillitis and tonsillitis.
Surprisingly, when treated with oil, a certain and right amount useful substances.

The product cannot be regarded as a momentary remedy. This is a method of treatment that involves a certain scheme for the use and contraindications of stone oil, as well as the timing of a phased recovery.

Indications and contraindications

Any disease associated with the above list of body parts can serve as an indication for use.
Stone oil contraindications apply to the following cases:

Before using the oil, you should consult your doctor. The point is that, like any remedy stone oil has a number of restrictions for reception.
Do not eat heavy meals while taking alcoholic drinks. The healing properties of stone oil border on negative reviews due to violation of the admission rules.

Side effects

Stone oil may cause side effects. They may start due to irregular stools. It is very important to monitor the condition of the intestines during the reception. Otherwise, constipation can cause the opposite effect of stone oil absorption.
Well, in general, you should observe and control general well-being, to avoid allergic reactions. Still, the product is complex and ambiguous, so extra care will not hurt.

The use of stone oil in folk medicine has its own certain rules and dosages.
Harm from stone oil can be caused by a violation of the recommendations for admission.
How to take stone oil? It all depends on how it will be used: externally or for oral administration.
Instructions for the use of stone oil says that 3 gr. the product is dissolved in 3 liters of water.
This dosage refers to internal use. The resulting solution must be infused for several years. The output will be a liquid with a precipitate. The liquid must be poured into a clean container, and the cake should be discarded.
At the beginning of therapy, the solution should be taken in small portions and after meals. Further, the scheme changes and you need to drink a glass before eating. In the early stages, you need to listen to the body and observe its reaction.
Stone oil is not always used to treat a specific disease. For prevention, stone oil is drunk in an amount of 1 g. per liter of water. You need to drink half a glass. In this case, the course can be a month or a little more.
Ready solution can be stored for no more than 10 days at room light and temperature.
For external use, completely different dosages are provided. 3 gr. oils are dissolved in 300 ml. water. A cloth or gauze is moistened in the resulting solution and applied to the skin. Thus wounds and burns.
For a rejuvenating effect, stone oil powder is added to your favorite creams and serums.

The subtleties of acquiring stone oil

Having dealt with the instructions for the use of stone oil, the price is the second most popular issue.
The cost of oil starts from 200 rubles. for a few grams of the product. It's not cheap, but considering wide range impact, it turns out not more expensive than drugs.
A photo of stone oil will help to avoid fakes from unscrupulous sellers who pass off incomprehensible mixtures of strange origin as a valuable product.

Stone oil cannot be bought in a regular pharmacy. It can be found in stores healthy eating and non-traditional means treatment.

Stone oil is a strange and at the same time amazing remedy. Centuries-old history and a list of subservient diseases, which is striking in scale. A medicine from folk practice worthy of attention.

Rock oil is a solid mineral substance that forms in caves. It can be white, yellow, cream and green. Its second name "brakshun" came from Tibet and in translation means "tears of the mountains" or "juice of stones".

Stone oil was discovered in Tibet.

"Stone oil" is a very unusual combination, but still there is such a product. About its healing properties used for treatment huge amount diseases and health promotion in general is already known quite a lot. About how to use it correctly, and how this can help us unique product, we will talk in our today's article.

The use of stone oil in our area can be noted since the 70s.

Origin of stone oil

The extraction of such a product is carried out in hard-to-reach mountainous and rocky places. As it is also called - white mumiyo, is collected from the walls of the mountains, or from rocky crevices, scraped off in small parts. In Russia, mining takes place in the Altai Mountains, in addition, stone oil is mined in Mongolia, China and other Asian countries.

According to its structure, the bracshun is a lump or powder structure (when sold), and has a yellowish tint, in some cases it can also be with a brownish and pinkish tint, depending on the rock.

Since ancient times, the healing properties of stone oil have been known. It can be applied both externally and internally. And the list of diseases that it treats can be listed for quite a long time, these are liver diseases, and oncology, inflammatory processes, many chronic diseases, musculoskeletal system, metabolic processes, vascular diseases, and so on.

If you want to experience the healing properties of stone oil, you can take it just for prevention. To cleanse your body and strengthen your immune system. The recipe for making stone oil is quite simple. It is necessary to dilute half a small spoonful of powder or crumbs in 3 liters of water, and take 1 tablespoon each time before meals. If you want a stronger concentration, then dilute in 2 liters of water. We will talk about other ways to use bracshun a little lower.

Useful properties of stone oil do not have any clear boundaries. This is a completely natural element, which is usually further refined for sale.

Reviews of stone oil

Since we are considering a completely natural product, and which has been tested over the years, of course, reviews of stone oil are mostly positive, both from doctors and from ordinary people. The most important thing is not to stumble upon a fake, and purchase the product only in trusted places. Doctors note a good effect on health in the field of cardiovascular treatment. vascular diseases, tissue healing and immunity strengthening.

Judging by the reviews, stone oil strengthens the immune system, relieves insomnia and has positive impact on hair.

Stone oil also perfectly stabilizes pressure, as reviews show. After the cycle, you will notice significant improvements in terms of health. To maximize the effect, use high-quality stone oil and follow the cooking recipe, which we will also describe.

Application and recipes

How to use and apply stone oil will depend on what goal you want to achieve, based on this, several directions of treatment can be distinguished.

Let us immediately pay attention to the fact that the dosages described in the recipes may be different for everyone, and it is best to rely on the information indicated on the package. Or consult with a specialist.

Application of stone oil:

  • Prevention - If you use stone oil for prevention, then classical scheme consumption - 3 grams per 3 liters of water, this is about half a teaspoon. In this case, after diluting the substance, you need to let it brew, and drain the sediment and drink only the water itself. Usually you need to drink before eating for 20-30 minutes, a tablespoon, but you can also take a third of a glass. At the same time, it is not recommended to take more than 1 glass per day. Full course treatment is 1 month, then you need to take a break for at least a month, and do no more than 4 such courses per year.
  • Treatment oncological diseases- In this case, the concentrate is prepared more saturated and usually 3 grams of stone oil is diluted in 500 ml. water and take the same portions. In this case, the course will be shorter, only 10 days.
  • Chronic diseases should be treated at a concentration of about 3 grams. for 2 liters. The course is 30 days. When observing some side effects should be reduced by a factor of 2.
  • External use of stone oil is used as follows: dilute 3 grams of the product in a glass of water, then soak a piece of cloth or gauze with the composition and make a compress on the surface of the skin. You can treat damaged areas, wounds, stretch marks, burns and other defects. Application time can be several hours depending on the degree of damage and your free time.

There are other methods of treatment, but it all comes down to one thing - these are either compresses, or you need to dilute the solution and take it inside.

As we have already said, stone oil in itself is not harmful, since it is an exclusively natural product. But there are some contraindications that should still be followed. Firstly, you should refrain from using the product during pregnancy and lactation, but this is normal, because it is better for pregnant women not to experiment with different kind drugs, even natural ones.

a) pregnancy; b) lactation period

In addition to this, people with obstructive jaundice should also be avoided. There are also restrictions, these are: heart defects, arterial hypertension, thrombosis. In any case, if there are any serious illnesses you need to consult with your doctor first.

Where can you buy stone oil and how much does it cost?

It will not be difficult to find and buy stone oil; you can also do it both in a pharmacy and in stores with traditional medicine products. As a rule, it is sold in small dosages, starting from 3 grams. The price will depend on the volume and the manufacturer, but as practice has shown, you can find from 100-something rubles. Of course, you can buy for 500 and 1000 and more, but make sure that you are not deceived and you do not overpay 10 times.

This is where we end, we wish you all good health.

Brakshun, or Chinese stone oil - a substance that was revered as magical in ancient times, was used in oriental medicine back in time immemorial. Then it was believed that only immortal deities living on mountain peaks inaccessible to ordinary people feed on it. This oil was extremely mythologized and deified, had a fabulous price and was available only to the top of the then society and emperors. A small bottle of such a product in a precious bottle was a very valuable gift and was presented as a symbol of the highest respect.

Today, the properties of stone oil have been studied and are no longer a complete mystery. Nevertheless, this drug remains in demand and popular due to its naturalness and effectiveness. It no longer costs a fortune, and to acquire it you do not need to go to the remote mountainous regions of China and Mongolia.

What is stone oil and its composition

Another name for stone oil is “white mummy”. It once again points us to the origin of this substance. Like mummy, stone oil is formed high in the mountains under the influence of weather conditions. It is a variant of potassium alum enriched with various mineral "additives" depending on the locality in which the oil is harvested.

The product contains magnesium sulfate and various mineral salts, soluble in water. It is formed under the influence of weather conditions and precipitation, when leaching leads to leaching of useful substances from rocks. Gradually, century after century, deposits accumulate, which can then be collected and used as a healing natural medicine.

Even the ancient Chinese were well aware of the benefits of stone oil. They collected and used it, comparing its properties with the famous mummy. Stone oil can have different shades of white or cream color due to different mineral content, mainly zinc. In most cases, it is a whitish substance with tones of cream, yellowish, greyish, reddish, and brown.

Although this remedy is called an oil, in fact it is a mineral preparation in the form of a powder, soluble in water and having a characteristic sourish taste. astringent taste. For people who are sensitive to tastes, stone oil is sold in capsules.

Important! The substance was called oil because it protrudes from the cracks of the rocks, as if “squeezed” outward under the influence of natural elements. In the same way, mummy is formed on the rocks, which often leads to misunderstandings and confusion. Stone oil and mummy - different substances. Stone oil is a mineral product that goes on sale cleaned of dirt and pieces of neighboring rock. Shilajit is a substance of complex organic origin with a large number of mineral inclusions. The similarity lies only in the fact that both funds are mined in high-mountainous regions, in hard-to-reach places.

On the this moment the most famous brakshuna deposits are located in the mountains of Mongolia, China, Altai and in the Sayan Mountains. In the same places there is also the most ancient and developed practice of using stone oil as a medicine.

The excellent properties of this substance are due to its excellent composition. It contains up to 50 macro and microelements that are extremely important for human health and life, including potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, iron, phosphorus, copper, zinc, silicon, manganese, selenium, cobalt, chromium, iodine, nickel - in a word, almost the entire periodic table. The concentration of trace elements and the composition of stone oil varies depending on the age of the deposit and the minerals that make up the surrounding rocks.

In Siberia, it is often used as a medicinal and prophylactic cedar resin with stone oil. This preparation combines the healing properties of the organic resin of a coniferous tree - cedar, which has a high antibacterial and antiviral activity, and stone oil rich in minerals.

Medicinal properties and uses of stone oil

And today, stone oil is widely used in modern medicine and cosmetology. It has pronounced adaptogenic properties, helps the human body to adapt to adverse environmental conditions.

When taken orally, the drug improves and stabilizes metabolism, activates the restoration of tissues and skin.

Stone oil has immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anti-allergic, bactericidal and antiviral action, relieves spasms and promotes the separation of bile. It is also believed that this substance has an antitumor effect, which makes it possible to use it for the prevention and treatment of various benign and even malignant neoplasms.

The features of the drug make it possible to use stone oil for weight loss. To do this, it is used inside and applied as a body balm. With complex use, not only weight loss is noted, but also a significant improvement in the condition of the skin, their cleansing and refreshment. A person loses weight and heals at the same time, his skin tightens, becomes clean, dense and elastic.

Stone oil is used for the following diseases:

  • Diseases of organs digestive system human, including gastritis, peptic ulcer, colitis and cholelithiasis(oil can prevent the formation of gallstones), cleanses and stimulates, heals the liver.
  • A variety of skin problems, wounds, injuries, burns, eczema, psoriasis, acne and furunculosis, trophic ulcers and bedsores, and many other diseases. Stone oil quickly heals damaged areas of the skin, relieves pain, inflammation, itching, evens out the surface and stimulates skin cleansing from purulent rashes. This is great aid for the treatment of juvenile acne, especially when they are many and they are "volcanic" purulent abscesses. The high content of zinc, selenium and sulfur in the oil helps to quickly cleanse skin.
  • Injuries and various diseases joints and the human musculoskeletal system. richest mineral composition means helps to cope with various manifestations of osteochondrosis, arthrosis, arthritis, sciatica, and also contributes to the fastest recovery from various injuries, dislocations and fractures.
  • Diseases of the genitourinary and urinary system.
  • Defeats of cardio-vascular system.
  • Problems with the functioning of the thyroid gland.
  • Diseases of the respiratory and ENT organs.
  • Problems with the organs of vision.
  • Dental diseases, injuries, consequences of surgery.
  • Iron-deficiency anemia.
  • Diseases of the peripheral and central nervous system.
  • A variety of neoplasms: from benign (adenoma and other types of tumors) to malignant.
  • Various problems of the female genital area.
  • Damage to the male reproductive system.
  • Proctology, including rectal fissures and hemorrhoids.
  • Since this substance has the ability to regulate metabolism, stone oil in diabetes can be used as an additional way to cope with this serious disease.

Important! Despite the natural origin of stone oil and its mineral nature, it can be dangerous to prescribe a course of treatment for yourself, especially in the presence of a number of serious acute or chronic diseases. It is best to first consult with an experienced specialist.

The positive effect of stone oil on metabolic processes has made it effective in overweight and in the treatment of obesity. beneficial action to the nervous system and hormonal balance determined the benefits of the remedy for menopause, as well as for severe physical and mental overload, overwork.

Stone oil is used with preventive purposes under the threat of mass epidemics viral diseases, when living in ecologically "dirty" regions, when staying in extreme weather conditions(for example, high in the mountains, in cold weather or in high humidity/dry air).

Stone oil is also often used for complex treatment and rehabilitation after severe injuries, past illnesses and major surgeries.

Treatment recipes with stone oil

For the treatment of the above diseases natural remedy most often used internally. To do this, you need to know how to breed stone oil. Usually this is done according to this scheme: they take 3 grams of powdered stone oil, dissolve it in 3 liters hot water(not higher than 60 degrees), stir thoroughly. The resulting solution is taken three times a day for half an hour before meals, 200 ml. The course of treatment takes a month, if necessary, it can be repeated after about 4 weeks. with prophylactic or therapeutic purpose stone oil is recommended to use 4 courses per year.

The finished solution is stored for a maximum of 10 days, it is not necessary to place it in the refrigerator.

Important! If stone oil is used for the first time and the reaction of the patient's body to it is unknown, it is better to start with low doses, that is, dilute 1 gram of powder in the recommended volume pure water. The single dose of the solution should also be reduced to 70 ml at a time. Only after the body has fully adapted, you can go to the standard dosage.

For the treatment of various wounds, trophic ulcers, burns and festering skin areas, you can make compresses with a solution of stone oil. Its healing properties accelerate granulation, cleanse wounds from pus, promote the rapid resumption of normal blood circulation, and antibacterial properties destroy pathogenic microflora. In addition, such applications significantly reduce pain, especially with a large area of ​​damage.

To prepare a solution for a compress, take 3 grams of stone oil, dissolve it in 150 ml of hot water, cool and add 100 ml of pure medical alcohol. The finished mixture is impregnated with gauze napkins folded several times, squeezed and applied to sore spot. Cover with cling film or a piece of cellophane on top, you can insulate or bandage if the compress is applied to the limb. You can leave it all night.

Attention! Compresses containing alcohol are never applied to damaged skin. They treat thrombophlebitis, bruises, sprains, that is internal damage tissues and vessels.

Another way to take rock oil is to use it as an effective cosmetic product. His active minerals help cleanse the skin from rashes, traces of allergic reactions, redness and inflammation, dissolve infiltrates and pigmented areas after acne.

Very effective stone oil and to combat skin aging. It helps smooth wrinkles and increase skin elasticity, tightens the oval and makes the complexion more vibrant and bright. If you combine the use of stone oil inside and out, the effect only intensifies.

You can use a weak solution of rock oil as a useful mineral tonic for pimply or aging facial skin. In the first case, it is very good to add decoctions to the solution. medicinal herbs- chamomile, calendula, celandine, witch hazel. Regular rubbing of the face with such a tonic will promote faster healing of acne, prevent their strong suppuration, and help avoid the appearance of acne.

With sluggish aging skin, a weak solution of stone oil can be used to make tonic and firming ice cubes. In that simple means the therapeutic effect of stone oil and the tonic and skin-tightening properties of cold will be combined.

Important! When using stone oil for the first time as a cosmetic product, a tolerance test must be done. If the skin reacts inadequately, perhaps the concentration active substances too large and you just need to make a weaker solution. Preventive measures will be able to protect against getting a negative result and premature disappointment in this healing substance.

Stone oil has been a well-known natural remedy for thousands of years.

It is actively practiced by healers, shamans and herbalists of Tibet, China, North-Eastern Siberia, Mongolia and all territories where this product can be found in wildlife.

Glory about miraculous power and healing abilities of stone oil has long spread over most of the globe.

Today, people are increasingly turning to alternative medicine, of which this product is a part, for the treatment of various ailments, including severe, chronic and very dangerous ones.

Butter, but you can’t spread it on bread

A substance with such a paradoxical name - stone oil, in fact, is not oil.

This is a unique fully mineral product that is formed in the process of alkalization (physical and chemical transformation of a metal or ore into liquid form, which occurs under the action of selective solvents) of rocks.

The substance literally stands out, oozes out of the stone and freezes in the air at the exit point in amorphous streaks.

Stone oil is also called "mountain tears", "mountain wax", brakshun ("mountain juice"), "geomalin".

The substance comes to the consumer in the form of pebbles or powder, it is perfectly soluble in water and almost insoluble in alcohol and other liquids.

How is stone oil extracted?

Human attention to stone oil was attracted by animals. They lingered for a long time at one or another stone and licked its rough surface.

Upon closer examination, it turned out that they were not just licking the rock, but licking off the resin that had hardened on the stones.

An interesting fact is that stone oil is always formed in the same place, no one knows how and why this happens, but if a person has found the “source” once, he can constantly come to him for raw materials.

However, it is reliably known that hardened wax can be collected on the same stone or ledge no more than once a year - its formation is very slow.

Layers of stone oil are thin as a film, firmly attached to the parent rock and have to be carefully scraped off, which requires serious physical effort from the collector.

The work is complicated by the inaccessibility of places where the rock "sheds tears" - these are either sheer cliffs or high ceilings of grottoes and caves.

In the process of collecting stone oil, along with healing resin, there is also associated garbage - pieces of soil, stones, etc., therefore, it is necessary to purchase only purified stone oil.

True, if you come across such a tool in its original form, you still shouldn’t miss it, there are several, albeit not quite simple, technologies for cleaning stone oil at home and you can always use one of them.

A bit of history

The history of the use of stone oil in medical purposes is about 5000 years old. Scientific studies of its properties have been actively carried out only for the last 200 years.

In ancient times in China, only the emperor had the right to use " stone of immortality”, all the rest, for trying to try its effect on themselves, inevitable death awaited.

The craft of extracting stone oil was passed down from generation to generation, fathers and grandfathers revealed to their sons the places where “rock tears” came out, which were kept in the strictest confidence.

Under pain of execution, it was impossible to even think about hiding part of the extracted substance.

In other countries - Burma, Mongolia, Russia, Tibet, where they practiced the extraction of this remedy, treatment with it was also the prerogative of the ruling classes, it was not available to mere mortals.

And only Peter the Great in 1777 ordered to extract stone oil and deliver it to all pharmacies for the treatment of "all kinds of ailments."

Since then, there has been widespread mountain wax for all segments of the population of Russia and its large-scale studies in the laboratory.

Chemical composition

As already mentioned, stone oil consists exclusively of mineral components, which fundamentally distinguish it from the mummy, which contains not only minerals, but also organic matter.

In total, there are about fifty minerals that play critical roles for the human body. And qualitative composition stone oil completely depends on the age of the stratification and the geological features of the rocks at the point of its exit.

It is said that stone oil cures absolutely all diseases, since its main action is aimed at strengthening cell membranes, which are always damaged by attacking agents when sick.

The tool is used for both treatment and prevention.

1. Thanks to potassium, it regulates water-salt metabolism and acid-base balance blood, improves the performance of the cardiovascular system, helps with hypertension, removes sodium.

2. Treats infertility.

3. Quickly heals wounds and injuries of any tissue - skin, bones, muscles, cartilage.

4. Used for fractures, osteochondrosis, burns, any arthritis, bedsores.

5. Restores the liver, kidneys, bile, stomach.

6. Helps with oncology of any location.

7. Magnesium has a beneficial effect on the nervous and reproductive systems.

8. Used to treat infertility, prostate, hemorrhoids.

9. Antihistamine.

10. An excellent anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic agent.

11. Zinc improves performance.

12. As a tonic antiviral and anti-cold.

13. Diseases of the thyroid gland.

14. Diabetes.

15. Gynecological and urological diseases.


However, there are several contraindications that must be taken into account before starting the use of this drug:

  • the presence of stones in the gallbladder;
  • pregnancy, lactation - only after agreement with the gynecologist;
  • chronic constipation.

At the time of treatment with stone oil (and possibly forever), it is necessary to give up antibiotics, coffee, alcohol, cigarettes. Be healthy.

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