Is jerking useful? Damage to the central nervous system. Harm and influence of onanism on thinking

Once upon a time, masturbation was considered a sin, and people involved in masturbation were equated with psychopaths. Today, manic dependence on self-satisfaction is extremely rare. The process of masturbation is now considered quite natural. Many experts recommend getting to know your body in order to learn how to be more relaxed in bed with real person. One way or another, everyone is interested in whether it is normal to masturbate every day and whether this can lead to negative consequences. To understand this issue, it is worth considering all points of view.

How often can you masturbate?

As already said, this process is not something prohibited. However, many are interested in what will happen if you masturbate every day. There are several theories on this issue. Some people assume that it is necessary to satisfy their desires exclusively naturally i.e. with another person. Other experts, on the contrary, argue that only masturbation is the safest and most in an efficient way, which will help to get the necessary discharge.

To figure out once and for all whether it is possible to masturbate every day, it is worth contacting scientists who deal with this issue in more detail. In their opinion, engage in self-satisfaction as many times as the body requires. Very often, a person begins to experience sexual arousal, but at the same time he does not have a relationship with a member of the opposite sex. In this situation, masturbation becomes the only way out. There is nothing shameful in this.

In this case, each person decides for himself whether you can masturbate every day or once a week. All people have different temperaments, and some show no interest in sexual life. Others, on the contrary, cannot live without the satisfaction of their desires. This is what you should be guided by when deciding whether you can masturbate every day.

By the way, scientists have proven that self-satisfaction in some cases has the same effect. positive effect on the human body, as well as making love with a member of the opposite sex. Moreover, it is much more harmful to abstain from masturbation. The fact is that a person experiencing sexual tension becomes very irritable. This leads to negative consequences.

Is it harmful to masturbate?

By and large, masturbation is almost a complete replacement for the sexual act itself. However, many myths have been created around self-satisfaction. There are several theories about what will happen if you masturbate every day. Some believe that from frequent self-satisfaction, the palms of the hands can grow Thick hair. Of course, such a theory is absurd, if only because in these places a person simply lacks hair follicles. It is easy to guess that it is impossible to go blind from onanism. There is absolutely no logic to this either.

However, speaking about whether it is harmful to masturbate every day, it is worth paying attention to the fact that it is recommended to engage in self-satisfaction only when you really want to. It’s not worth torturing yourself and doing it on a schedule.

Masturbation and going to the gynecologist

Young boys and girls are interested not only in what will happen if they masturbate every day, but also in the possibility of determining that a person likes to engage in self-gratification. They are especially worried that the gynecologist will not guess about this during a standard examination.

In this matter, everything is very simple. A gynecologist can voice such a theory only according to his experience. Indeed, according to anonymous studies, it was possible to find out that 89% of all people like to “play pranks” in this way.

Determine if a person is engaged in masturbation, by outward signs impossible. This once again proves that there is nothing wrong with reasonable self-satisfaction. From this, they do not deform, their structure does not change, etc.

Is masturbation immoral?

Some young people are scared from childhood harmful effects self-satisfaction. Some even believe that the study of one's body is something between sin and killing a person.

It must be understood that in the 21st century such actions are not immoral. If a person does not demonstrate his genitals to others in the park, but just wants to “let off steam” while in his apartment in all alone he has every right to do so.

Harm to health

Speaking about what will happen if you masturbate every day, it is worth considering some aspects that can be attributed to

The mucous membranes of the genital organs are very sensitive, so if you engage in self-gratification too often, this can lead to pain. Therefore, it is recommended to always use a lubricant (grease) during masturbation.

Also, some experts have shown that active sperm limited in men. If the representative of the stronger sex will violently get rid of them for a long time, then this may affect his reproductive function.

Psychological harm

What happens if you masturbate every day? This can lead to the fact that a person will completely stop seeing people as sexual partners. In medical practice, there were cases when husbands were so addicted to self-satisfaction that they stopped having sex with their wives.

To cope with such a problem, you will have to start visiting a psychologist and a sex therapist.

The benefits of masturbation

Self-satisfaction is useful for several reasons:

  • From masturbation, it is impossible to become pregnant or contract sexually transmitted diseases.
  • Masturbation allows you to quickly relax.
  • The process of self-satisfaction allows a person to know his body. Thanks to this, he can get more pleasure from having sex.
  • If a person suffers from the fact that he cannot get an orgasm, masturbation is an excellent prevention.
  • After self-satisfaction, it is much easier to fall asleep.

Harm of frequent masturbation

Due to excessive self-satisfaction, a person may begin to suffer from:

  • Weaknesses. The process of self-satisfaction requires a large number forces.
  • Dependencies.
  • Involuntary ejaculations. If you engage in masturbation too often, then this can lead to the fact that the genitals begin to "live their own lives."

What can lead to the early onset of sexual activity through masturbation?

Having dealt with the question of what will happen if you masturbate every day, it is also worth considering the topic of too early onanism. The fact is that schoolchildren who begin to know their body do not feel the measure. They begin to masturbate too often. It's easy to determine. The boy or girl begins to suffer from fatigue, becomes more withdrawn and does not want to spend time with friends. At the same time, the student's speech may even change.

In this case, it is necessary to have a conversation with the teenager and explain to him that zeal in that matter is unnecessary. It is worth trying to convey to him the idea of ​​​​the benefits and harms of onanism. However, you do not need to use "horror stories" for this. It is better to show the teenager a movie or take him to a consultation with a specialist.

Do not deny that masturbation is something alien. Surveys of specialists and studies of scientists confirm that most of The population of the planet is engaged in this process and does not see anything harmful in it. However, not all specialists in the field of medicine and sexology approve of masturbation. Why? According to them, it harms the body.

So what are the Negative consequences masturbation? Let's consider this further.

What is masturbation

Masturbation, or onanism, is a process that is an independent stimulation of the genital organs. Similar actions not alien to both men and women. In addition, representatives of various age groups population: young, mature, it is often observed in children.

Many experts in the field of medicine consider such a process to be an unnatural method of self-gratification of feelings that arise on the basis of normal sexual instincts. A person, performing masturbation, independently excites his sensitive zones in the genital area, stimulates them and experiences pleasure from this feeling. As a rule, this process is accompanied by the presence of fantasies of a sexual nature.

So, what harm does masturbation do to the body?

About masturbation from history

Before understanding exactly how masturbation affects the human body, we must turn to historical sources. In fact, they say a lot about such an occupation.

First of all, you should pay attention to the fact that this occupation was not favored back in the days ancient world. So, even our ancestors knew that boys who were fond of masturbation grew up very weak and could not quickly navigate in dangerous situations. Because of this, they had difficulty passing the test for the right to be called a hunter, as a result of the failure of which he could not have the right to start a family or even just be called a man.

ABOUT this concept Jews also knew who circumcised boys from ancient times. By the way, this tradition has been preserved to this day. True reason the appearance of such a rite is to prevent the manifestation of masturbation at a young age, which is associated with the difficulty of such a process on a penis with circumcised flesh. It is no secret that Jewish boys from families where this tradition is honored to this day grow up very smart and bright. This is related to the fact that intellectual development the child is directly related to the volume of unused sex hormones.

Richard Kraft-Ebing, who in one of his literary works made loud statement that this process in the representatives of the stronger sex (especially in adolescents) causes an irresistible desire for various deviations. In addition, it is the cause of early impotence and loss of sexual attraction to women. Moreover, masturbation, according to this specialist, in most cases is the main reason for the desire to change sexual orientation.

Harm to the nervous system

In order to understand what negative consequences the process of masturbation has for nervous system the human body, it is necessary to determine exactly how the excitation occurs.

Thus, a kind of impulse occurs in the cerebral cortex, which, through spinal cord is transmitted to the nerve endings located in the genital area of ​​a person. Speaking specifically about men, this moment nerve points that are located on the head of the penis begin to become activated and transmit certain impulses blood vessels whose walls begin to expand. This process contributes to a sharp rush of blood to the penis, resulting in an erection.

In the event that masturbation occurs during spontaneous erection, it is certainly accompanied by strong pressure on the nerve endings located on the head of the penis. As a result of this process, through certain time a violation of the transmission process of the same nerve impulse. As a result of all this, as a rule, the activity cervical regions the spine of a person becomes very weak and he begins to experience sudden headaches.

Such disorders can also adversely affect lung function. The breathing of a person with lung problems may become weak, in some cases accompanied by shortness of breath.

Harm to the reproductive system

Why is masturbation harmful? This process has a strong effect on reproductive system human body. Especially affects it's on men. The practice of specialists in the field of medicine shows that in men who masturbate frequently, the harm manifests itself in the form of a violation of the quality of bodily contact during sex. The representative of the stronger sex becomes colder, distant from his partner, he may also manifest erectile dysfunction, which subsequently causes psychological problems in the form of isolation, feelings of inferiority.

Erectile dysfunction occurs as a result of exposure to one minor, but very significant factor - unregulated pressure on the genitals. In the process of masturbation, the man is not able to properly distribute the force of pressure on the penis, resulting in compression of the ejaculatory ducts that are connected to upper division urethra. As a result of this, there is a natural compression of the vessels, the action of which is aimed at providing a paired gland normal amount blood. As a result of the fact that this function of the body is disturbed, very often a man who abuses onanism has a normal erection.

Scientists have also found that frequent masturbation significantly impairs the quality of sperm in a man's testicles.

Harm to the genitourinary system

Harm of male masturbation for organs genitourinary system is also obvious. Many experts argue that in the process of onanism, very often the stronger sex introduces some kind of infection into the urethra, which subsequently has to be treated with debilitating procedures and medications. Where do they come from harmful microorganisms? It should be noted that they are everywhere. At a minimum, most of them are in the hands of men with whom the member has direct contact during this process. The basis of the nutrition of such bacteria is the tissues of the body, which turn into inflammation when damaged. You need to understand that, having damaged certain parts of the body or organ, the bacteria do not stop on their way - they begin to penetrate further, deep into the whole organism.

A significant harm of masturbation lies in the fact that as a result of the frequent repetition of such a process, blood circulation in the pelvis is sharply reduced. As a result of this phenomenon, a man may develop antibacterial prostatitis. It appears in the form unpleasant symptoms, which are expressed frequent urination, small portions of urine, as well as constant sleep disturbances. As a result, there may be problems with the inguinal vein associated with accumulations of blood in the area of ​​​​its location.

Loss of sensation

It is no secret that as a result of strong friction against the palm, which occurs during masturbation, the glans penis can become less sensitive. This is due to the fact that on its surface is great amount nerve endings, the main purpose of which is the transmission of impulses to the brain. As a result strong pressure they lose sensitivity, which subsequently affects the erection. In some cases, this leads to the fact that a man simply stops experiencing any sensations during sex. This phenomenon is especially dangerous for the emotional state of the stronger sex.

It is possible to eliminate such an established phenomenon, but this will require the help of a specialist and long-term treatment.

Teen Masturbation

Experts say that the desire to masturbate can occur even in childhood. What measures should parents take in order to protect their child from the consequences that such actions may entail? After all, it is easy to guess that the harm of teenage masturbation is no less than that which an adult can inflict on himself.

First of all, parents need to pay attention to what TV channels their child likes to watch. If there are those who broadcast porn among them, you should block them or set a password - this way you can limit the teenager's access to inappropriate content. The same applies to Internet sites.

If the child shows active attention to erotic scenes that are shown in films, it is urgent to switch his attention to other actions at such moments.

During puberty, which in boys begins at about 13-14 years old, and in girls at 11-12 years old, parents must definitely lead with their child preventive talks on the topic of sex. During their conduct, it is necessary to explain in an accessible way that masturbation can lead to health problems.

The harm of masturbation in adolescents also lies in the fact that the child begins to change outwardly. This is expressed in the fact that he becomes more withdrawn, irritable, moves away from his peers. In some cases, a teenager may even change speech.

Masturbation after 50

How to relate to masturbation after 50? Is such a process beneficial or harmful for a man? According to scientists and experts in the field of medicine, the constant occupation of masturbation by men who are in age category older than 45-50 years, significantly reduces the risk of developing a disease such as prostate cancer. Practice shows that this phenomenon is confirmed by a certain number of studies and surveys among patients with such an ailment.

However, practice shows that older men who masturbate are also subject to the same risks as younger men. That is why they should not abuse such a process.

About female masturbation

It is no secret that women often engage in the process of masturbation. Studies show that only 50% of the female population of the planet is engaged in this activity. Many sexologists claim that such a process helps the fair sex to open up, to feel her erogenous zones, relax and become more liberated with a man during sexual intercourse. However, in fact, there are also opinions of experts about the dangers of female masturbation. What is it?

Some experts in the field of sexology claim that in some cases, constant self-satisfaction can lead to the fact that a woman simply ceases to experience the necessary emotions during sex. This phenomenon, as a rule, is due to the fact that a woman begins to experience a moral dependence on the process of self-stimulation of the clitoris, vaginal area or labia.

Nothing is said about the dangers of masturbation of the clitoris. On the contrary, doctors recommend doing it, but not very often. This action, according to most sexologists, develops a woman's harmony with her body, helps her better understand herself and experience the most vivid sensations during sexual contact with a partner.

According to doctors, the process of female masturbation should be carried out in compliance with all hygiene standards. Statistics medical practice shows that many of the fair sex neglect cleanliness, carrying out the process, due to which they often expose their body to various diseases genitals.

Expressing their opinion about the dangers of masturbation with water, many experts note that this process is almost safe. They do not recommend directing a stream of water into the vagina - in this way, you can significantly disrupt acid-base balance in this zone. If you want to have fun in the shower, a woman can gently direct the trickle to the clitoris - this procedure perfectly safe if you do not make the flow of water too strong.

Masturbating women can't get pregnant?

Among specialists in the field of sexology and medicine, there is an opinion about the dangers of female masturbation, which lies in the fact that a woman who abuses such a procedure too often, as a rule, cannot become pregnant. The essence of the theory is that in the process of normal orgasm, which occurs as a result of the end of sexual intercourse, the uterus begins to contract and better draw sperm into itself. In the process of self-satisfaction in the body of a woman, a slightly different process occurs, due to which the absorption of sperm does not occur.

This opinion has the right to exist, but to this day it is recognized as controversial.

Both sexes who choose to masturbate with a certain regularity may experience a number of common problems. A person who abuses acts of self-satisfaction abruptly begins to experience lethargy of the whole organism and fatigue. In addition, certain dependencies begin to become characteristic of him, at least from the process itself. Subsequently, such dependence can develop into the fact that a person ceases to perceive representatives of the opposite sex as sexual objects. As a rule, this becomes a problem that must be addressed immediately, because it directly affects whether a person will be satisfied during sex with his partner. Neurologists, sexologists and psychotherapists deal with such issues at a professional level.

Another by-effect excessive love for masturbation - these are sudden premature ejaculation. This is especially true for men, who may not be aware of possible harm masturbation, are actively engaged in such a process regularly, as a result of which they then cannot satisfy their partner. Sexologists also share their observations that some men who abuse this process begin to experience a problem in the form of involuntary ejaculations - this may indicate that his sexual organ begins to "take on a life of its own."

If parents begin to notice signs that their child is masturbating, it is necessary to very carefully conduct a conversation with him on a sexual topic, in which to explain about possible problems that this process may entail. In addition, he can also be taken to a specialist in the field of sexology or shown a film where all this is described in great detail.

Ways of self-satisfaction have been known since ancient times, and only now they are gaining popularity and are no longer a vice. However, frequent onanism can harm the body in some aspects. Many are interested in how much you can masturbate, and is it harmful?

What is masturbation?

It so happened that men are more familiar with the topic of masturbation. According to statistics, about 90% of men and 70% of women masturbate, and this is absolutely normal.

Guys usually get acquainted with the topic of onanism as early as adolescence. During this period there is abrupt change hormonal background, a surge of hormones in the body, which often causes masturbation. Perhaps, at this age, guys experience new sensations, which provokes such activities.

Interesting fact:

Most people get their first sexual experience through masturbation.

If a man masturbates in the absence of a regular sexual partner or in the case of a long abstinence for a number of reasons, and after the resumption sexual relations it passes, then it is the norm. Such onanism will definitely not bring any harm, rather the opposite.

Bad effect on potency and on erectile function masturbation renders in the case when a guy or an adult man tries to replace normal sexual intercourse with masturbation. This is especially true of those cases when masturbation comes to the fore already with adolescence and traceable throughout life.

Is it bad for a man to masturbate? If the situation is identical to the above, then yes, it is harmful. In such cases, it is better to consult a specialist who will help you stop engaging in masturbation and give preference to full-fledged sex with a permanent partner.

What is masturbation anyway? This is a method of self-satisfaction, which has many types. Masturbation can be practiced both simply with your hands and with the help of various sex toys. For these purposes, men can use rubber dolls, vaginas, and women - vibrators, various satisfaers, and so on.

Video "How often can you masturbate?"

An informational video with a detailed discussion of this issue: common myths and their refutation, the harm and benefits of masturbation.

Types of masturbation

To more accurately consider the benefits and harms of onanism, you should understand the main types of this lesson. There are three types: conscious, reflex and psychopathological masturbation.

The reflex appearance is absolutely normal and is not considered a disease. More often this species occurs in childhood, when the child pulls or pulls the penis with his hands, studying his body. The child makes these movements unconsciously, but it is better to prevent them, since if the stimulation is too strong, swelling of the penis is possible.

If a man at a conscious age has decided to engage in masturbation, then it is considered the norm when he tries to satisfy himself in this way in the absence of a sexual partner. The main thing is that this does not develop into a systematic practice.

Otherwise, masturbation will not bring any benefit, you need to get rid of it as soon as possible possible ways. This is especially true for those men who have a permanent partner, but they prefer masturbation rather than sex.

When is masturbation normal?

Many men are interested in the question: does masturbation affect erection and how often can you practice this kind of exercise?

If we compare the masturbation of men and women, we can see that in men, masturbation is more like a standard sexual intercourse. This is called adaptive masturbation. That is, a man, with the help of his hand or some kind of sex device, makes movements similar to movements during sex. The adaptive type of onanism allows you to train to get an orgasm, which then favorably affects the result of a standard sexual intercourse.

In the case of women who most often engage in maladaptive masturbation, that is, one that simply brings pleasure and does not bring any benefit, such activities can be harmful. This can lead to the fact that a woman will not be able to achieve orgasm with a sexual partner, as she gets used to her own rhythms and movements.

Onanism can be useful in cases where a man or woman does not have the opportunity certain period lead sexual life. Business trip, long trip, illness and even a period critical days- all this can become an occasion for masturbation. Sometimes masturbation is a great way to deal with a lot of stress.

By the way, some couples practice masturbation via Skype, especially on business trips, when there is no way to have full sex. At the same time, both partners are engaged in masturbation on camera at the same time, enjoying it as from a standard sexual intercourse.

Sometimes a man or woman, performing certain movements, as in masturbation, has a very exciting effect on his sexual partner. Therefore, such an activity can also be used as a prelude, to prepare for hot sex.

With regular and frequent masturbation, which applies mainly to men, it is possible serious complications up to swelling of the penis. In such situations, it is time to sound the alarm and seek help from a doctor.

By adhering to a few of the following recommendations, you can avoid serious consequences:

  • during masturbation, it is better to use a special lubricant gel, thereby providing easy glide, dry friction can provoke swelling of the penis (in the absence of a lubricant, you can use petroleum jelly, baby cream or oil);
  • consult with your doctor about how often you can masturbate in the absence of a regular sexual partner;
  • having found even a slight swelling, it is necessary to suspend masturbation, especially if the penis has become worse to get up or the erection has disappeared altogether;
  • in the presence of discomfort or problems with erection, ejaculation, seek medical attention.

Sharp and rough movements to the penis can also harm this organ, so do not be too zealous in this matter. All movements should be smooth, soft, purposeful, which will help the penis to increase in size and eventually reach the final goal.

Negative aspects of onanism

On the question of how to quit masturbating, only a specialist can accurately answer. Sometimes masturbation can be beneficial, but it also has its downsides.

What is the harm of onanism? There are many negative sides, among which there are two main disadvantages:

  • excessive production of glucose in the blood due to the lack of a sufficient level of physical exertion;
  • high levels of residual adrenaline.

For men, masturbation is harmful by the risk of developing a pathology called varicocele. This is a disease in which swollen veins appear on the genitals of the stronger sex (variety). The penis can begin to swell as a result of private blood flow, and this, in turn, can provoke the development inflammatory processes in the area of ​​the prostate and nearby tissues, in the area of ​​the penis.

Because of masturbation, there is a depression of the spinal centers, which have a tremendous impact on erection and ejaculation. Therefore, with frequent masturbation, you should not complain that the penis does not get up.

In the absence of the opportunity to perform the ritual of masturbation, people become more irritable, nervous, and there may be problems with memory, attention and concentration.

In particular advanced cases swelling of the penis is possible, in which both the entire penis and the head can swell. In addition to aesthetic discomfort, this brings a lot of discomfort during urination and regardless of emptying Bladder causes severe pain.

If you do not use a moisturizer, then with regular and prolonged thorns, balanoposthitis may develop. What can we say that with constant masturbation, there is a deterioration in blood circulation in the penis, which leads to irreversible consequences.

Onanism leads to increased nervous excitability, which in due time can cause an inferior feeling of satisfaction, a feeling of weakness, depression, weakness. Self-esteem can drop significantly. And this applies to both men and women.

Of course, everything should be in moderation. This rule also applies to onanism. In certain cases, masturbation can be very useful, but do not be zealous. Agree, it is much more pleasant to receive pleasure together, sharing indescribable sensations with your partner.

Video "Is it possible to masturbate - harm and benefit"

Interesting information from historical facts about masturbation, about its positive and negative sides.

Many men satisfy their sex drive through masturbation. This phenomenon is normal, it is recorded in the animal kingdom. And if you masturbate often, is it possible to increase potency? Some people think so. But addicted to masturbation, you can harm your health. An article about this activity is available on our blog, but we will once again turn to the topic of self-satisfaction in order to clarify more about advising on how to increase sexual desire. You can do this if (attention! go to an online pharmacy), for example. The drug will always give a man great sex.

What can be useful masturbation for potency.

Not all men have the opportunity to enjoy sexual intercourse at any time. The reasons for this are different: for some, the beloved woman is far away, others have not yet found a partner for themselves. And everyone wants love, affection, intimacy. Of course, masturbation helps relieve tension, that's undeniable, but as for caress... It's already problematic here. But the main thing is that the possibility of stagnation of seminal fluid (sperm) is excluded. Doctors have found that a quarter of the middle-aged male population of the planet masturbates once or twice a week. Such a number of acts prevent the development of prostate diseases. It must be understood that sperm needs an outlet to ensure normal functioning genitals. It turns out that during the period of absence of sex, masturbation serves the purpose of satisfying the libido.

Danger of onanism.

But if self-satisfaction occurs for a long time, this can cause addiction. In this situation, a man completely ceases to perceive sex as a way to get pleasure. Or just sexual intercourse does not bring pleasure. A person eventually does not try to find a partner for sex, alienates from women, becoming unsociable. Men with different complexes suffer greatly, closed in their inner world. They are ashamed to admit to themselves that they are masturbating, but they have no other way out, because sexual desire is looking for a way out, no matter in what form: sex or masturbation. The main harm of "handmade" is that a man can completely refuse sexual intercourse.

How can potency be increased?

Doctors say: "Masturbation should replace sex temporarily, since the latter is the main source of pleasure." How often can you masturbate? The answer of experts: “4 times a week. And this is - maximum value". The main harm, as can be seen, is caused mental health no less important than physiological. If there are no problems with having sex, sexologists do not recommend giving up onanism. You can include this lesson in the foreplay program, for example.

But to increase the potency, masturbation is unlikely to fit. Unless only the blood circulation will increase, and with it the erection. To accomplish this task, you need to use other methods. It is desirable to work with hands, from the point of view of specialists, in extreme cases: when there is no one to go to bed with.

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Onanism in nature is common not only among people, it is also present in animals. Many men are interested in the question, like, if you masturbate often, can you increase potency? After all, masturbation and sexual ability are inextricably linked. This topic is reflected in one of the articles of our blog. But information is not superfluous, correct information. That is why today we will once again turn to the topic of self-satisfaction, find out what dangers it can be, how it helps health. To increase the potency at any time will help the drug Cialis. You can buy Cialis.

Masturbation can be a man's helper.

Survey results show that a quarter of middle-aged men get an orgasm through masturbation a couple of times a week. What is the use of this? It has been proven that 3-4 acts of masturbation per week have a positive effect on work prostate preventing the development of cancer. Often such sexual activity able to relieve tension, especially if there is no way to enter into intimacy with a woman. This is what main benefit"self made". Because the absence of sex does not mean that the sexual desire will weaken. Desire does not care how a man will satisfy him, libido exists regardless of our wishes, moods. He needs a way out, otherwise there will be nerves, depression, sperm stasis and impotence. Although, about impotence, it is probably said too seriously, however prolonged abstinence over time can lead to a decrease in potency. Doctors specifically recommend masturbation if there is temporarily no sex. But "manual work", which completely replaces sex, can be harmful.

Harm of self-satisfaction.

Absolute concentration on masturbation "kills" desire intimacy, a person simply ignores sex as a source of pleasure, or sex ceases to deliver this very pleasure. Many men who practice masturbation often find themselves unable to have relationships with women, they are withdrawn and indecisive. Often the reasons for such behavior are appropriate upbringing, when parents instill the idea of ​​​​the paramount importance of sex as a release of sexual tension. But finding a partner for this delicate and useful business is not always possible. You have to endure, using self-satisfaction, because, according to parents, it is an unacceptable occupation. The main danger of masturbation is the complete avoidance of sexual intercourse.

How can sexual abilities be enhanced?

According to the advice of doctors, masturbation can be used as a substitute for intimacy, which should still be the main way to satisfy libido. It is recommended to masturbate no more than four times a week. Doctors do not see the harm from such an activity in terms of the effect on the body, but the effect on the psychological component of health can be dangerous. " handmade” can be used as a prelude to sex. To increase the potency, if you masturbate, you can only in this way: the excitation manifested at this time improves the heartbeat and, accordingly, blood circulation. It is known that an erection manifests itself better if a man has good circulation blood. Only in this way can happen, not even an increase in potency, but simply its maintenance on high level. To achieve an increase in sexual desire, other methods should be used. For example, the drug Viagra will help, you can buy it in a pharmacy from us. These pills at any time will help a man satisfy his soul mate and strengthen relationships. Therefore, dear readers, an excessive passion for masturbation can lead to backfire. It is not intended to enhance libido, but to replace sexual intercourse.

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