Tatyana Yaroshevskaya. The initiator of loud statements about the Yaroshevskaya family business told why he did it. Interview. Sanctions got winemakers

The former director of the Central Park of Culture and Culture Vladimir Chermeninov, who wrote a statement of his own free will after checking the control and audit department of the city administration at the end of 2015, accused his former leadership - the head of the culture department of the administration of Yekaterinburg Tatyana Yaroshevskaya - of corruption.

Vladimir Chermeninov claims that every month since 2011 (and up to the present time) the mayor's office transfers up to a million budget funds to the account of the Kultur-Multur Internet portal. At the same time, he calls Tatyana Lvovna's husband, Alexander Yaroshevsky, the founder of the portal.

Although officially Yaroshevsky has nothing to do with Kultur-Multur, there is still a connection between him and the media close to the mayor's office. Last summer, his news agency European-Asian News was bought by the founder and director of the company Development Technologies LLC, which owns Kultur-Multur. It should be noted that it was precisely at the time when Yaroshevsky was listed as the general director of the EAN that the agency began to win city hall contracts for information support one after another.

Unfortunately, at the time of publication of this material, Alexander Yaroshevsky was not answering calls.

Chermeninov also asks to check the donations that came to the account of the public organization "Pro. Dobro" from the subordinates of Yaroshevskaya - directors and employees of city cultural centers. Chermeninov is sure that they are doing this not of their own free will, but on the urgent recommendation of their boss. The fact is that a relative of Yaroshevskaya works in the organization.

One of the founders of the charitable organization is indeed Alexander Yaroshevsky's cousin.

Yulia Yaroshevskaya, founder of the Pro.Dobro organization:

In autumn, we gathered a large team (more than 40 people): there were directors of theaters, museums ... We gave them a tour of the orphanages, which are supervised by our public organization. They saw with their own eyes what we do, our projects, and wanted to help. Now we have tickets for all cultural events for a certain number of children, playgrounds for wheelchair users. All this is free. No funds were allocated from the city budget. We have a lot of partners, about 50 organizations, and all of them help us as far as possible - in whatever way they can.

In addition, the staff of the recreation center donated funds to support children from the orphanage. According to Yulia Yaroshevskaya, these were their personal funds. There were no transfers from DC accounts. According to our information, we are talking about a rather modest amount - 40 thousand rubles.

Yulia Yaroshevskaya noted that her relationship with the head of the education department did not bring her any dividends, except for acquaintance with the directors of city museums and cultural centers.

Julia Yaroshevskaya:

Yulia Yaroshevskaya noted that thanks to friendly relations with the directors of museums and concert venues, her organization was able to carry out many charitable projects.

One of the latest is the Christmas meetings, the site for which was provided by the Central Committee "Ural" free of charge. Then the orphans took to the big stage, where together with professional artists - acrobats, musicians, dancers, theater troupe actors - they showed performances based on the most famous Christmas stories. The collected funds went to the organization of a summer camp for difficult teenagers.

From June 1, PJSC Rostelecom will cancel the fee for telephone connections made from universal payphones to any fixed phones throughout the Russian Federation, said the head of the state operator M. Oseevsky at an expanded meeting of the board of Rossvyaz. In total, 148,000 payphones operate throughout the country. “We think it's right. We see the interest of people, we see the need. Not all of these areas have cell service. Therefore, payphones are alive, they are alive and will live for a long time,” Rostelecom believes.

Fugitives from the scene of an accident will be punished more severely

Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law that toughens the punishment for drivers who fled the scene of an accident with injuries and deaths. Now fugitives will by default bear the same responsibility as drunks: up to 4 years in prison if there are victims with severe injuries in the accident; up to 7 years - if one person died in an accident; up to 9 years - if the accident resulted in the death of two or more people. Corresponding changes were also made to Article 12.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses - its new version states that a driver who left the scene of an accident in which no one was killed or injured faces an administrative arrest of up to 15 days or deprivation of rights.

To keep the price of petrol down

The government of the Russian Federation and oil companies have agreed on the parameters for extending the deal to stabilize prices for gasoline and diesel fuel. It was decided that the adjustment of the damping mechanism (it compensates oil companies for part of the lost profits from the sale of fuel on the Russian market instead of exports) will be carried out by introducing excise taxes on all non-excisable liquid petroleum products (except for a number of exceptions) and a surcharge on the mineral extraction tax linked to the price of oil, the statement says. message on the government website. At the same time, companies operating in Russia under production sharing agreements will be exempted from the need to pay increased MET. In turn, the oil companies pledged to reduce the price of diesel fuel to the level of October 2018, taking into account the increase in VAT at the beginning of this year. and seasonal adjustment of the price of diesel fuel (the price of winter and summer "diesel" traditionally differs by about 2 rubles per liter). Meanwhile, the head of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation, I. Artemyev, told what makes up the price of auto fuel in Crimea, which is still being transported to the peninsula by rail, ferrying fuel tanks through the Kerch ferry crossing. The cost of crossing services, approved by the Federal Antimonopoly Service, is 2.4 rubles per liter of fuel. In addition, fuel has to be transported from remote regions of the Russian Federation, so its cost also includes the cost of delivering cargo by rail to the crossing and returning empty tanks to the refinery by shippers. The second reason for the high cost of fuel is the lack of wholesale fuel vertically integrated companies in Crimea, and hence the weak level of competition, because small wholesale is always more expensive. Those. there should be not one wholesale company, but several.

The most dangerous job

The most dangerous area of ​​activity in Russia in 2018 is construction. It accounts for 21% of all deaths at work, according to Rostrud. On the 2nd place in terms of deaths are manufacturing industries (17%), agriculture and forestry, hunting, fishing and fish farming (13%). They are followed by transportation and storage (12%) and mining (8%). In total, 5,400 industrial accidents with serious consequences were recorded last year, which is 13% less than a year earlier (6,100). The most common cause of death is a fall from a height (34%). From the impact of moving objects and parts of mechanisms, 23% died, 13% of incidents are associated with falling, collapsing or collapsing materials and objects, and 12% with transport. In 55%, poor organization of work, violation of order and discipline, and insufficient training led to an emergency.

Sanctions got winemakers

Wine-making enterprises of the Crimea were under the threat of stopping production due to the cessation of supplies of glass containers from "mainland" producers. This was stated by the chairman of the association of winegrowers and winemakers "Sevastopol" A. Lipko. The association includes large wineries in Crimea, such as Sevvinzavod, Zolotaya Balka and Belbek. The deliveries of glass bottles to the Crimea after the stoppage of the import of Ukrainian glass containers were carried out by Rusjam and Kavminsteklo JSC. According to Lipko, they are actually monopolists in the region. Problems with supplies began after the change of ownership and management of Kavminstekla. “As a result of the transaction for the sale of a group of companies, control passed to American shareholders. The change of shareholders was followed by the change of the general director of the company,” says A. Lipko. According to the association, the new top manager announced plans to follow US economic sanctions and stop cooperation with Crimean consumers. Rusjama, the second supplier of glass bottles to the Crimea, will not be able to make up for the lost volume of glass containers due to a significant load. As a result, wine producers may suffer "colossal losses" due to the stoppage of production in the peak of the tourist season in the Crimea, A. Lipko notes.

Pyramid regions

The highest concentration of financial pyramids was recorded in the central part of Russia and the Urals, according to the director of the Central Bank's department for combating unfair practices V. Lyakh. In total, according to him, in the I quarter. 2019 revealed 61 finpyramids. Of these, 31 are LLCs, 10 are Internet projects, incl. 3 foreign, 9 more worked as microfinance organizations. As Lyakh said, offenders are now migrating to the Urals and further to Siberia. Then they spread their "experience" to other regions, where people, relatively speaking, are not "spoiled" by the attention of scammers, Lyakh said.

In the footsteps of Miklouho-Maclay

Odnoklassniki will broadcast broadcasts from the new expedition of the great-great-grandson and namesake of the traveler Nikolai Miklukho-Maklay to Papua New Guinea on his social network page. During the 20 days of the expedition, the Miklukho-Maclay team will visit several Papuan villages, where traditional pig hunting, fishing, the secrets of the process of initiation into a man, etc. will await them. The expedition members will also prepare and coordinate the opening of the Russian Cabinet in Port Moresby, replenish exhibits Museum of Madanga, will organize and hold screenings of the Russian short film "Man from the Moon" about the first trip to the Maclay Coast in the 21st century, will create a documentary film "The Return of Maclay" and organize the first business mission "Russia-Papua New Guinea".

Karamzin Kantemir Feliksovich Artur Kokoev

compromising- natural@ protonmail. com

At this place there was an article under the heading "Gold dissuaded Summa, or Why the forecast of the Kompromat-Ural editorial board regarding Ziya (v) udin Magomedov comes true." The text of the article dated 04/04/2018 consisted of five paragraphs. Only one of them mentioned Mikhail Kiyko. Mikhail Yuryevich is now the former general director of JSC United Grain Company (OZK). Kiyko stayed in this position for barely a year and a half, and was fired in November 2018. OZK JSC is half owned by a businessman Ziyavudin Magomedov.

The mention in the above-mentioned article of the "relationship of financial dependence" between Magomedov and Kiyko caused displeasure of the latter. Mr. Kiyko's application to remove the disputed article (all five paragraphs, and not just about Kiyko) was considered by a judge of the Arbitration Court of the Sverdlovsk Region Elena Seliverstova. She fully satisfied the far-fetched, in our opinion, claim.

On January 9, 2019, the decision came into force. Following the letter of the law, the editors of Kompromat-Ural removed the text within the prescribed period. Nevertheless, we will continue to appeal against the illegal and absurd, in our opinion, judicial act and we thank all readers who assist in this.

We remind you of the feedback address:compromising- natural@ protonmail. com

The May holidays turned out to be hot for the correspondents of the Kompromat-Ural portal. We have new information at our disposal to continue the anti-corruption investigation against the deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Nikolai Brykin. This is a former general of the tax police and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and now a representative of the lower house of parliament in the Supreme Court (Brykin was delegated to the State Duma in 2016 on the list of United Russia from Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, YaNAO and the Tyumen Region).

The scandals around Brykin are caused by the fact that the Ugra businessman from the “list Titov» Konstantin Dyulgerov, forced to flee Russia from the pressure of the security forces, openly accused the retired general of organizing a custom-made criminal prosecution. Dyulgerov revealed the details of his misadventures in detail in an up-to-date interview with Novaya Gazeta. The victim in the dubious case of Dyulgerov is Brykin's son-in-law Sergey Kiryanov, and the hero of the scandal, as the editors of Kompromat-Ural found out, before being nominated to the State Duma, re-registered multimillion-dollar development assets on the Black Sea coast to his daughter Valentin Kiryanov(in 2016, Breeze LLC, rewritten to it, had property worth almost half a billion rubles on its balance sheet!). Brykin went to the deputies already as a modest representative of the "patriotic fund" (legally, this was a fiction).

The other day, the editorial office of Kompromat-Ural received a response from the Assistant Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation Valeria Volkova(Valery Georgievich came from the leadership of the Office of the Prosecutor General for Supervision of the Implementation of Anti-Corruption Legislation). We turned to Yuri Seagull on the issue of verifying the reliability of declaration information about the personal wealth of Mr. Brykin. Does the people's servant live within his means, who in the shortest possible time after his dismissal from the Ministry of Internal Affairs turned into a dollar millionaire, and then also quickly got rid of his "deserved" wealth before the elections to the State Duma?

In a recent publication by our colleagues from the Tyumen publication 72.ru, it was noted that, according to formal declarations, Nikolai Brykin dangles at the bottom of the deputy rating: “in 2017, his income amounted to“ only ”4.8 million rubles. Less than the rest, but do not rush to conclusions. He owns two huge plots of land, a couple of spacious country houses and a modest apartment of 76 squares. His wife has a bigger apartment: 116 square meters. It also recorded four residential country houses and two land plots. And all their family vehicles are registered to Brykin's wife - Toyota Land Cruiser, Shore Land SRV31B trailer and Sea Ray 185S boat. How the lady managed to buy it all herself, earning 2.9 million a year, one can only guess.

Yury Chaika's assistant told the Kompromat-Ural editors that the Duma commission for monitoring the reliability of income information, headed by Natalia Poklonskaya(She is also Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Security and Anti-Corruption). Therefore, according to the answer of Valery Volkov, the appeal about Brykin was sent to the lower house. The editors of Kompromat-Ural will follow the answers of the apparatus of the speaker of the State Duma Viacheslav Volodin and profile committee. In mid-April, Mrs. Poklonskaya confirmed to reporters that Brykin was indeed one of the five defendants in the anti-corruption checks conducted by the commission she leads. By the way, in this list, Brykin is next to the “pubic” deputy from the Liberal Democratic Party, the hero of immoral sex scandals Leonid Slutsky.

Current Publications

11,000 deceived shareholders of the bankrupt investment fund Yamal can join the depositors of the bank Yugra, whose claims are directed to the banker arrested the other day Alexey Khotyn. As follows from the published documents studied by the editors of Kompromat-Ural, more than a billion rubles from the assets of Yamal were directed to the purchase of obviously illiquid bills of the Krasny Bogatyr company, controlled by Khotin. It is obvious that the banker could pull off such a large-scale scam only in collusion with the former leaders of Yamal and the fund's property management company.

In November last year, the inglorious history of OAO Fund Yamal, which was dubbed the Yamal MMM in the press, ended with the decision of the arbitration court to liquidate the enterprise. Almost 11,000 residents of the Autonomous Okrug, including representatives of the small peoples of the North, whose small incomes were skillfully used by swindlers, remained deceived by the fund's investors.

In a letter to the Governor of YaNAO Dmitry Kobylkin dated 2010, minority shareholders told how in the early 90s the former CEO of the Fund Eugene Sklyarov He actively traveled around the cities and towns of the Okrug, not ignoring even the temporary camps of reindeer herders, met with people and persistently offered them to exchange the recently received privatization checks for the Fund's shares.

At first, the investors who responded to this offer felt confident: the fund converted the collected vouchers into Gazprom shares, which until 2008 accounted for 90% of its investment portfolio. And then events began, which can only be explained by the selfish interests of people authorized to make decisions ...

Perm security officials hope sooner or later to detain the former chairman of the board of JSCB "Ekoprombank" Andrew Tueva(TIN 590301312244), who has been in Cyprus for several years, evading extradition to Russia in every possible way. According to investigators, Tuev's machinations to withdraw assets brought the bank to a financial collapse, sources from the Kompromat-Ural editors say. Today this is perceived as satirical, but the accused New Cypriot himself was a member of the organization “Public Commission for Combating Corruption in the Perm Region” several years ago.

By August 1, 2012, the obligations of Ecoprombank to creditors exceeded the financial capabilities of the institution by 847 million rubles! And by the time the license was revoked on August 18, 2014, this amount had increased to 3.1 billion rubles. Ecoprombank was established in 1992 and ranked 252nd in the TOP-300 banks. It is believed that 53% of the bank's shares belonged to the structures of the ex-general director of Silvinit Petra Kondrasheva, the rest - to the deputy Vladimir Nelyubin(also in the dock, his criminal case is being considered in the Leninsky District Court of Perm) and his companions.

The former chairman of the board of JSCB Ecoprombank Andrey Tuev fled Russia shortly after the bank's bankruptcy - on December 8, 2015. According to Interpol, Tuev, his wife Tatiana Mazuka, their son has been registered in Germany since 2011. The German identification cards issued by him, which were valid until the end of 2016, gave the defendants the right to permanent residence in Germany and to free movement in 26 countries that are members of the Schengen Agreement, as well as in the Republic of Cyprus and more than ten other states that are not part of this agreement.

On June 2, 2016, Tuev's wife flew from Moscow's Sheremetyevo to the Munich airport and never returned to Russia. In the bankrupt Ecoprombank, she worked as a member of the board, head of the treasury, deputy chief accountant - and became suspected of complicity in the fraud imputed to Tuev.

Do you know about financial abuse? Write to the editorial office of Kompromat-Ural:compromising- natural@ protonmail. com

After sending numerous appeals to the Presidential Administration, the Prosecutor General's Office, the FSB, the Investigative Committee and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Kompromat-Ural editors became aware of the arrest of the scandalous lawyer involved in numerous frauds with large property assets. Prisoner - 48-year-old Karamzin Kantemir Feliksovich(TIN 773373042820, before the change of passport was Artur Kokoev). In the registers of the Federal Tax Service, he is a director of Nobel Technologies LLC, a co-owner of Lie Detector CJSC and Kamchatsky Medved LLC (a legal entity of one employee) and a former co-founder of International Lottery Company LLC (liquidated by the tax authorities as inactive). Judging by the abundance of the same type of sugary-laudatory links issued by Internet search engines in the first positions, Karamzin tried to hide from the public the unpleasant, with a criminal smell, facts of his biography.

Readers and correspondents of the Kompromat-Ural publication are interested in Mr. Karamzin (Kokaev) in connection with information about his corrupt relations with government officials and involvement in raider attacks. Now Karamzin is in a pre-trial detention center on suspicion of a particularly large-scale fraud. He was detained upon his return to Moscow from the United States, where he ignored the requests of Russian law enforcement officers for a long time. According to Pravo.Ru, the arrest took place at the entrance to the Moscow Arbitration Court. At the same time, Karamzin “became ill”, but the ambulance doctors who arrived in time did not find any reason for his hospitalization. Artistic abilities did not help this time?

The circumstances of the arrest indirectly confirm the exaggerated version of the close acquaintances of the suspect with "werewolves in robes." According to media reports, the measure of restraint for Karamzin was specially chosen not in the capital, but in the Moscow region - in the city court of Balashikha, "because of his connections in the Moscow judicial system."

In the comments of the readers of the Rosbalt news agency, it is reported (literally): "the corrupt judges with whom he was cranking out have long been reassigned and went on promotion ...". Sources from the editorial board of Kompromat-Ural believe that the FSB operatives will be interested in the arrestee's revelations about his connections in the justice system and the actions of the "judicial mafia" (unless, of course, there is one in our impeccable legal state). In the future, the recorded testimony may be useful for the Investigative Committee of Russia and the High Qualifications Board of Judges. Our correspondents, in turn, are also ready to receive interesting information and make it available to the competent authorities. Write:compromising- natural@ protonmail. com

The editors of Kompromat-Ural keep under control information about the schemes and scandals around the Naftagaz company. Recent reports from corporate and law enforcement sources suggest that Tokay Kerimov, the beneficiary of Naftagaz, which includes Naftagaz-Drilling, plans to introduce enterprises into the so-called "controlled bankruptcy". “The scheme may be as follows,” says an employee of law enforcement agencies, “not without the knowledge of Tokay Kerimov and the General Director of Naftagaz-Drilling” Islam Nazaraliyev LLCs are registered for third parties, where machinery and equipment are purchased with the money of creditors. Then all this is leased to NG-Bureniy at prices with all signs that they are obviously higher than market prices. Thus, Kerimov has two dead birds with one stone. Firstly, money is flowing for cash, and, secondly, creditors are increasing in front of the same friendly companies.”

The editors of Kompromat-Ural are collecting new information from knowledgeable experts to evaluate the version presented. According to the economist Andrey Weber, “such a scheme is used, as a rule, when a deliberate bankruptcy is planned. In the situation with Naftagaz-Drilling, the owner Tokay Kerimov and the company's management are acting according to a well-known scenario - they are doing everything to ensure that debts to friendly firms are higher than to other creditors. Then friendly firms will file for bankruptcy of NG-Burenia, Kerimov will appoint his own person as bankruptcy trustee and bankrupt the company as he pleases, most likely, he will transfer all property to newly created legal entities with front owners. Thus, Tokay Kerimov will be able to bring NG-Bureniye into controlled bankruptcy,” the expert sums up his opinion.

It is worth noting that to date, Naftagaz-Drilling owes over 3 billion rubles to real creditors, and a debt to “sham” ones is likely to be approximately the same amount.

The largest operator of the waste reform, Municipal Unitary Enterprise of Yekaterinburg "Spetsavtobaza", for which the mayor is responsible Alexander Vysokinsky, under the onslaught of public protest and the actions of inspection bodies, was forced to admit the exorbitance of their financial appetites. The day before, correspondents of the Kompromat-Ural project learned that Spetsavtobaza had changed its mind about getting an increase in its tariffs through the courts. Recall that the consideration of the claim in the Sverdlovsk Regional Court ended in failure for the scandalous enterprise: Themis sided with the prosecutor's office.

The resonance from the tricks of the new leadership of the "Spetsatobaza", which appeared in the MUP after the "accession" of Vysokinsky in the mayor's office, has already reached Moscow. So far - to the federal government, but soon Vysokinsky may "fly in" from the Presidential Administration, with which, as any official knows, jokes are bad. Head of the Federal Antimonopoly Service Igor Artemiev took personal control over the money "Wishlist" of EMUP "Spetsavtobaza". The head of the Regional Energy Commission (REC) of the Sverdlovsk Region can get from Artemiev Andrew Grishanov. This governor's appointee Evgenia Kuyvashev coordinated tariffs for the waste operator together with his subordinates.

The main Russian anti-monopoly officer officially confirmed the fact of an inspection in relation to the regional REC "in order to determine the reliability and economic feasibility of tariffs" of EMUP "Spetsavtobaza". According to the editors of Kompromat-Ural, the inspection of the FAS Russia has already pointed out signs of violations of the law committed by the RECs. Now Andrei Grishanov's department has the right to submit objections to the central office of the FAS, but has not yet done so, Artemiev specified. In any case, he promises to hold a special meeting of the commission in Moscow on the problem of the inflated tariffs of the Yekaterinburg Spetsavtobaza. Our correspondents will follow developments.

Meanwhile, the forecast made by the analysts of the Kompromat-Ural portal in one of the previous publications is confirmed. We reported that this Klondike for law enforcement (not only the prosecutor's office, but, for example, the FSB and the Investigative Committee) and supervisory authorities (primarily the regional OFAS under the leadership Dmitry Shalabodova) may become the procurement activity of EMUP Spetsavtobaza. In other words, where are the billions collected from citizens and businesses under the enslaving "garbage reform" flowing from the municipal enterprise? Particularly interesting are the facts of ignoring the requirements of transparency and manipulation with procurement procedures ...

Observers of the publication "Kompromat-Ural" are working on the development of a public investigation into the activities of EMUP "Spetsavtobaza". We are grateful to readers for interesting messages on a topical topic:compromising- natural@ protonmail. com


“Tungusov invited me ... They treated me like a pig”

The initiator of loud statements about the Yaroshevskaya family business told why he did it. Interview

Vladimir Chermeninov

Deputy of the Sverdlovsk Legislative Assembly Alexei Korobeinikov provoked a high-profile corruption scandal today. On his Facebook page, he published an appeal addressed to the Sverdlovsk prosecutor Sergei Okhlopkov with a story about the family business of the head of the culture department of the administration of Yekaterinburg, Tatiana Yaroshevskaya. In it, Korobeinikov refers to another letter that he received from the ex-director of the TsPKiO im. Mayakovsky Vladimir Chermeninov. This man headed the administration of the main park of the Ural capital for 11 years, was considered a trusted member of the city administration team, and now he suddenly spoke. Correspondents of the site contacted him and found out why he decided to make such revelations.

- Vladimir Ivanovich, they say that in the letter that you sent to Deputy Korobeinikov nine pages with a story about Yaroshevskaya, can you tell us more about this?

- I sent all this to law enforcement agencies, and now the investigation should deal with this. Today, Tatyana Lvovna [Yaroshevskaya] is an honest person who works for a salary. Then I ask the question - where does she get the money from? With an annual income with her husband, she has 2 million, and expenses are 10, 15, 20 million.

- Where do you get such sums from?

- I can say about it. Well, for example, now she bought an apartment, paid 25 million. Yes, she can say that this is from her grandparents. But I know that she has no one. When she came to the Department of Culture, she drove a small pedal car. If she says that her husband [Alexander Yaroshevsky] is a businessman, then look at the declarations that he submits to the tax office. There are 100,000 a year, which is 8,000 a month. The income part does not fit in any way. A couple of years ago, she built a dacha in Kashino, in my opinion, for 15 million. She travels abroad 4-5 times a year, only to five-star hotels. She travels with the whole family, takes her mother-in-law, mother, even took a nanny when her son was younger. Her daughter lives in the USA, she pays for everything there. Expensive salons visits, shops, hairstyles. She is not shy, with this money she shows her superiority. Her one suit can cost as much as a month's salary. She has Elena Nikolaevna Bazhenova as her chief accountant; in a few years she bought three or four apartments for herself. There is such an EASI (Ekaterinburg Academy of Contemporary Art - ed.) - this is an institution subordinate to it. Yaroshevskaya is employed there as the head of the department, writes manuals. She is given three hours of working time there, receives 20 thousand a month. How does this official manage to be in another leadership position?

- Wait, Korobeinikov's letter refers to the Yaroshevsky family business, let's talk about it.

- Let me give you an example, in October 2015, Yaroshevskaya gathered the directors of cultural institutions. She stated that she has a relative - Yulia Yaroshevskaya, and she has such a public organization "About Good". Then she said that now it is necessary to conclude an agreement and transfer money there. Isn't that a malpractice? After that, three telegrams are sent to the directors, where her staff member writes: Yaroshevskaya asked me to remind you about this, and we are sending a staff contract. What is it?

- Some amount was indicated in the contracts, did the TsPKiO transfer there or not?

— I don’t know, in October I already left [as director of the Central Park of Culture and Culture]. But I know that it was not just at the level of conversation. I only have a telegram. Now I’ll read it to you: “Dear colleagues, the Department of Culture of the Administration of Yekaterinburg invites you to familiarize yourself with the appeal of the Sverdlovsk regional volunteer organization “Pro Good” and show social responsibility, personal disinterestedness, initiative and transfer donations under an agreement to such and such.” Excuse me, what does the department of culture have to do with it? But try not to do it! All directors work under effective contracts, which involves dismissal without explanation. Before Pro Good, 30 directors had transferred money to the Kultmult website before last year (KulturMultur - ed.). It belongs to Yaroshevsky Alexander. Here I can definitely say that I was given the command to transfer such and such an amount ...

- How many?

- 25-30 thousand per month.

- Did the money come from the account of the Central Park of Culture and Culture?

- Certainly.

- For what?

- A formal act of work performed was drawn up, legally nothing can be presented.

- Did the work get done?

- Well, the photographer will come there, take something off, write something. I mean it's not worth it.

- In addition to you, who else was offered to pay?

“The directors of all the major institutions [of culture] transferred money. The instruction was given and I have the original. If the payment was delayed even for a day, then Bazhenova called and asked why. If this is a commercial structure, then what does it have to do with it or Yaroshevskaya?

- Korobeinikov's letter also mentions the relationship with the zoo.

- This should be checked by law enforcement agencies now. There is talk that the whole business there belongs to Yaroshevskaya's husband: trade, parking, attractions are standing. The same information is that the entire purchase goes through an affiliated company. And the amounts are big. The zoo should receive 30 million a year only from a commercial structure [for renting grounds]. Do they get that kind of money?

- Korobeinikov, however, did not write about this, but about legal services.

- Yes! There is such a deputy - [Alexander] Motovilov, this is the former driver of Yaroshevsky, then he was in the Central Park of Culture and Culture. Tatyana Lvovna gave me a command, and they sold popcorn, they didn’t pay anything. I was even punished for it. Then Motovilov was the director of "Kultmult" and then here - to the zoo. This is not a random person, the chain is being built.

What's the deal with the lawyers anyway?

- There is a certain Bezversky. This is the ex-husband of sister Bazhenova. He now fully helps Yaroshevskaya, solves all cases, goes to law enforcement agencies. They sued over employees who were fired from the zoo. And although the department of culture has its own lawyer, this office was engaged in business. The funny thing is that they lost the case, but received money, about 400 thousand.

Let's be honest, why did you decide to talk about it now?

- I'll tell you. He worked for 11 years, started with an annual income of the park of 4 million rubles, finished with an income of 90 million, an increase of 25 times! And this despite the fact that the city administration did not give a penny for development. He worked honestly, did not get into any politics, did not belong to any team. I didn’t buy a summer house, an apartment, or a car. And I was invited by [deputy head of administration of Yekaterinburg Vladimir] Tungusov and said that circumstances had changed. Now they have appointed Deputy [Roman] Shadrin there. They simply offered me to leave of my own free will, they promised, however, that in March I would become a deputy of the Legislative Assembly. I refused, and I was fired under an article signed by Yaroshevskaya. I just felt embarrassed. I was not treated like a human being, they treated me like a pig.

Today is International Women's Day!
There are Women who, in addition to numerous exceptional achievements, were also born on March 8!
In the Circle of Exceptional Women, which is especially dear to me, is Tatiana Lvovna Yaroshevskaya, Head of the Department of Culture of the Yekaterinburg City Administration!
Dear Tatyana Lvovna, I congratulate you on your birthday and International Women's Day!
I am lucky to cooperate with you and I am happy to keep business relations with you!
Listing your Merits and Successes is a grateful thing: you will get a spectacular story!
You are Grand Effective!
I wish you all the best and continued success!
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March 8, 2017 Sochi. Winter theater

Today, February 7, those who are not indifferent to the present and future of culture have gathered at the Ural Cultural Center. For three days, experts in the field of art, business and promotion, as well as government officials and citizens (more than 1,300 participants from 60 Russian cities) will discuss global trends, large-scale projects and global problems in the field of culture, learn how to generate and promote ideas, create complete cases. And we will be closely monitoring what is happening. Let us recall that the initiator and organizer of the II All-Russian Laboratory of Cultural Projects CULTURALICA is the Department of Culture of the Yekaterinburg City Administration. Arkady Mikhailovich Chernetsky, a member of the Federation Council from the Sverdlovsk region, a member of the Presidium of the Regional Political Council of the Sverdlovsk regional branch of the United Russia party, the head of Yekaterinburg from 1992 to 2010, was the first to congratulate and welcome the participants of the Culturalica forum: “Holding such all-Russian events in the forum format is not a rarity for Yekaterinburg. We willingly share our experience, accept it even more willingly and learn from professionals. Culture occupies an important place in the development of Yekaterinburg. This was reflected in the Strategic Plan for the development of the city: when we adopted it, there was a need to seriously consider the growth of the city, to determine in what directions we would develop. Then we realized that culture is one of the main elements of the development of the city. Culture is not only the satisfaction of the aesthetic needs of a narrow circle of Yekaterinburg residents, it is necessary to create a cultural atmosphere throughout the city in order to ensure the organic development of the city through the development of its inhabitants. We then prescribed a number of complex works in the field of culture together with the regional, federal authorities, and business. Today, this 15-year-old plan has its results, but a plan is required for the next stage of development. The laboratory is the right forum format, because the laboratory is a living experience, the exchange of results. And one thing is the experience of one region, and another thing is the experience of the whole big Russia. The next speaker was Dmitry Evgenyevich Baranov, Deputy Head of Yekaterinburg for Social Policy; he focused the forum participants on a specific task: “The second laboratory of cultural projects is an important event for the city. I would like to greet the forum participants and wish them successful work. 2018 was a very eventful year for Yekaterinburg, but the most important event awaits us in 2023 - the 300th anniversary of the city. I am sure that Culturalica will contribute to the celebration of this date. You will discuss new technologies at round tables, you will exchange experiences, and thanks to this, training will receive additional impetus and new directions.” In addition, Sergei Vladimirovich Radchenko, Deputy Minister of Culture of the Sverdlovsk Region, and Alexei Andreevich Vikharev, Chairman of the Commission on Local Self-Government, Cultural and Information Policy and Public Relations of the Yekaterinburg City Duma, delivered welcoming speeches. Tatyana Yaroshevskaya, Head of the Department of Culture, was the first to greet the participants of the laboratory and opened the day with the report “Culture of Modernity, Modernity in Culture: Strategy of Cultural Policy in the Context of Global Challenges”. Starting the report, Tatyana Lvovna first of all explained why the Laboratory is being held for the second year in Yekaterinburg: in a city that sets trends and tries to break patterns of thinking, culture has always been, is and will be addressed to people. It harmoniously combines an attentive attitude to current trends and upholding one's own position. Tatyana Yaroshevskaya spoke about the most important results of last year's Forum. It made it possible to discuss the problems and challenges facing the regional cultural communities; to diagnose the sphere of culture as the basis for the development and maintenance of national independence, regional self-determination and spiritual and moral improvement of the individual. The main practical result was the initiation of the culturological research “Ekaterinburg Pulse”, which on February 8, on the second day of the Laboratory, Eduard Boyakov, the head of the research, will tell in detail. Tatyana Lvovna invited those present to take part in this discussion, because the identified problems and recommendations of experts may be relevant for all subjects of the cultural environment, both in Yekaterinburg and in other cities of Russia. What will be discussed at the second Kulturalika? About the global challenges facing Russia today and worrying the professional community, an individual creator, a representative of the government, the business community, the viewer and the reader. Among them, Tatyana Lvovna noted the main ones: - the information revolution; - the process of forming a new person with a different system of values; – high level of social and political turbulence; - deprivation of modern culture of elitism; - involvement of the common man among the main actors of culture; - strengthening of social inequality and the growth of mass discontent of people concerned about the distribution of benefits in society; - environmental and energy problems. Tatyana Yaroshevskaya suggests that in these circumstances, national culture needs to be guided by the state policy, take into account the development of modern culture as a branch of the economy, know current technologies and practices, and take into account changes in society and people's behavior. “Reality has always challenged our country, created contexts in which there were no unambiguous answers,” said Tatyana Yaroshevskaya. “Ekaterinburg, which has a special mentality, looked for and often found unique technologies that allowed it not only to survive, but also to develop.” Such technologies are to be found in the culture of the city. Tatyana Lvovna defines the strategic vectors of its development as follows: 1. Preservation and enrichment of the human in culture. 2. Balanced interaction with digital and other modern technologies. 3. Deep analysis of the cultural environment of Yekaterinburg. 4. Following global, state and municipal trends in the formation of strategies, programs and models for the development of the culture of Yekaterinburg. CULTURALICA is the tool that its organizers see as effective in solving these strategic tasks. That is why, Tatyana Yaroshevskaya stressed, a modern forum format has been chosen, an interesting program has been prepared, and experienced speakers have been invited. “Everything else is our common work with you: connection, cooperation, advice ... Only by doing something, thinking, developing together, we will get the effect we expect. But our main expectation, our task is to make a person’s life happier… Isn’t it so?”, the Head of the Department of Culture concluded her speech. Immediately after Tatyana Yaroshevskaya's speech, the plenary session “Modern Culture. Co-creation, involvement, education of a new audience”. The moderator was the music and theater critic Larisa Barykina, the speakers were Alexei Badaev, General Director of the Sverdlovsk State Academic Drama Theater, Eduard Boyakov, Artistic Director of the Gorky Moscow Art Academic Theater, Alexander Vislov, Head of the Theater Studies Course at the Russian Institute of Theater Arts - GITIS, Head of the Creative Directions Service Novosibirsk Academic Youth Theater "Globus" Inna Kremer, Director of the Art Holding "Engagement" Tatyana Samoilova, General Director of the Sverdlovsk Academic Theater of Musical Comedy Mikhail Safronov, Head of the Department of Culture of the Yekaterinburg City Administration Tatyana Yaroshevskaya. We will tell you more about the plenary session, as well as a press briefing with speakers a little later - follow the new publications and stay up to date with all the events of the II Cultural Projects Laboratory CULTURALICA.

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