True love: quotes from books. The nature of real, true love. Basic feelings that show love What true love should be

In real life, not everyone is lucky enough to meet a handsome prince, fall in love, and even more so, maintain a deep feeling for many years. Why is this happening?

Every girl dreams of attracting love into her life, waiting for her with bated breath, trying to see her betrothed in all men. But finally, they meet - He and She. A spark runs between them, or, as they say now, chemistry arises. All thoughts are occupied by him, the only and most beautiful man in the world. It is already impossible to imagine your life without him. I want to sing and laugh. Feelings are overflowing. And the beloved reciprocates! What is this if not love? But in a state of euphoria, it is very difficult to distinguish a genuine feeling from unconscious love, physical attraction, or fleeting passion.

How to distinguish love from falling in love?

True love settled in the heart or not, only time can show. That is why it is so important not to rush, but to try to get to know your beloved better and meaningfully understand your attitude towards him. After all, often a girl falls in love with a person with whom she has nothing in common. A sudden outbreak of love, in its essence, is the very beginning of love. How to distinguish love from falling in love? The line between them is very thin, barely visible. It is difficult to predict the further transformation of this unusually bright, but quickly passing feeling. Although there are several signs that allow, at the beginning of a relationship, to distinguish true love from a simple romantic hobby.

Confidence in the Beloved

True love is impossible without reciprocity and full confidence in the feelings of another person. Relationships will last long only when they are based on mutual trust. If there are doubts about the fidelity or sincerity of the chosen one, then this will inevitably lead to difficulties in relationships, scandals and quarrels in the future. True love implies the ability to freely talk with a partner on any topic, without fear of being ridiculed or misunderstood. Love will always help loved ones to always understand each other. Knowing that you are loved is the best guarantee of a reliable and lasting relationship. Distance is a kind of relationship indicator. Love in separation passes, and love only becomes stronger, for her distance is not a hindrance.

Best friend

Support and mutual assistance

If the chosen one is fixated only on himself and does not want to delve into the difficulties of his woman, then this is not the right person. True love completely excludes selfishness; it is impossible without mutual assistance. A loving person is ready to do everything in order to see his soul mate happy, even sacrificing his own interests for this. Close people cope with all difficult situations together, helping each other and supporting.

Honesty in relationships

Finding love is not enough. Lies and even reticence can destroy relationships, undermine trust in a lover. True love is impossible without sincerity and honesty. It is very important to speak frankly with each other, discussing various issues. Even if you know that the beloved may not share your point of view or condemn you. Sooner or later, the truth will come out, and this will lead to complications. A lie is a manifestation of disrespect for a loved one, which can offend and offend. Loving people accept each other for who they are, without trying to remake. They try to understand each other's motives and support in any situation.

The ability to compromise

It is extremely rare to meet a man and a woman with exactly the same characters and habits. We are all different. And if at first everything admires in a lover, then after a while, eyes begin to open to the existing shortcomings. And everyone has them, even the most beautiful people. The attitude to the shortcomings of the chosen one helps to check your feelings. If a girl is able to accept not the best character traits of a loved one, without trying to change him, then this is a sure sign of a genuine feeling. When two people are able to compromise so as not to upset each other, then this is an indicator that love is real. Loving people are able to forgive a lot in order to keep it.

Is there a love that time has no power over

Real feelings don't go away with time. They just transform, becoming more mature. Romantic love is replaced by sensual attraction, which is then replaced by friendship and mutual respect. Loving people become close and dear. True love is able to overcome all everyday troubles, life's difficulties and trials. It is time that will help to evaluate the constancy and strength of feelings.

And while some people are thinking about how to attract love into their lives, others who have already found it know that true love is a great happiness, the greatest gift. And if you were able to find love, then you need to carefully store it, protect it from the destructive effects of life's adversities and annoying little things.

What is true love and how to recognize it?

Genuine love implies respect for the individuality of each of the partners. This kind of love helps self-expression and has a continuation.

Many couples break up only because they love not the person himself, but the visual “prince”, in connection with which they try to remake their partner. If you sincerely love, then you perceive your loved one as he is, without any conditions. Of course, accepting another person and his features is quite difficult. But do not forget that love is not a simple feeling. Love It is a state of mind, an inner state of a person.

When meeting a person, you see in him those qualities that suit you, but as you get closer, you begin to be disappointed, because you wanted to love another and are trying to assign certain qualities to your chosen one. Each person is unique. It is by understanding this uniqueness in your partner that you can fall in love with him. Trying to change another person is not love, it is just a manifestation of your selfishness. True love is hard to come by for all of us.

Real feeling means love to the person from head to toe. There is nothing you don't love about your partner. The feeling of love is an activity of the soul, body and mind. A man and a woman experience such sensations as the desire for harmony, strong emotional experiences. Genuine love - this is responsibility, as well as the natural depth of the connection between a man and a woman. Such love has no boundaries. She is unconditional, overcomes all barriers, both emotional and psychological. Life tries to teach us to love. This is the meaning of what is happening to us.

real love develops slowly. We need to get to know each other. First, a state of falling in love arises, which over time either fades away or becomes a deeper feeling, that is, it turns into love. This new feeling, perhaps not so bright, but much more viable. At the same time, partners become close people, a single whole that cannot be broken. It must also not be forgotten that love- a fragile creature that needs to be protected. But at the same time, love is a feeling ready to overcome death. To truly love must be learned.

Reflections on the theme of love

Love is one of the most important human feelings. It is mysterious and incomprehensible, there are so many contradictions and subtexts in it that all attempts to unravel the "formula of love", deduce its laws or give out its chemical composition

looks kind of silly and pathetic...
Just yesterday, you lived quietly, thought about expenses, watched talk shows and planned to wash all the curtains in the apartment. And today - accidentally met eyes with Him and ... What are these curtains? Ah, these ... Yes, well, them! Now, if words could convey what an inexplicable color of his eyes ...

Nevertheless, brainstorming continues: scientists are persistently looking for causes and effects, the laws of development and extinction of our feelings. American anthropologist Helen Fisher has been studying love for thirty years. The result of many years of work were books in which everything is laid out on the shelves. Namely:

Love is just a biochemical process;

Feeling goes away after thirty months- when the "hormonal fire" goes out;

Love is very similar in its symptoms and course to mild insanity. with elements of an obsession (“only he, he alone!”);

Feelings of love stimulate the formation of a special substance in the body - oxytocin., to which there is a narcotic attachment (“I can’t live without it!”).

In addition to meticulous researchers, love has a new enemy - commercialism. For some reason, we believe that right now, in our days, it is impossible to arrange paradise in a cold hut without amenities. That the unemployed Fedya, who lost his home after a divorce, cannot love you solely for the beauty of his soul and body, but only for the opportunity to chop off half of the living space. As the poet said, “whom do you love? Whom to believe? But didn't these problems exist before? Maybe someone deliberately inspires us that love is an unfashionable feeling today?...

We decided to conduct a survey among the readers of "Women's Passions" and finally find out the truth: is there a place for love in our world?

A variety of women participated in the survey: happy and not so, in love and out of love, young (from 14 years old) and mature (up to 53). Your activity was a very pleasant surprise: the number of submitted questionnaires has been growing all week. And this is another confirmation that love plays a huge role in our lives. It is no coincidence that psychologists consider the emotional need for love one of the basic human needs.

Answers to the question “Does love exist in our world, or has it been supplanted by prudence?”

distributed like this:

About 70% our readers are sure that love is alive and will live in the hearts of people no matter what!

10% - believe that "there is no love, only calculation"

1% - met love "extremely rare"

1% - believe - "it all depends on the person"

1% - indicated the ratio "love and calculation: 50 x 50"

1% - We are convinced that "love goes well with calculation"

16% - recognized - "of course love exists, but ..."

Among the "buts" were the following reasons:

“I believe that these sincere feelings are preserved, but somewhere far, far away”

“Love, of course, still exists, of this I am convinced. But prudence in relationships dominates. After all, in most cases they marry not for love, but for convenience. And it's very sad."

“Alive, but, as always, a rarity. The calculation is clearer and more pleasant to the majority "

“I think love was and is, but, unfortunately, it is so rare to find it.”

Oddly enough, it women between the ages of 18 and 29 believe that love is no longer in our society. But their older friends are sure of the opposite ... And some admitted that love has always had strong opponents. Which she skillfully turned into allies ...

“If love lives in the soul of a person, then the calculation will always be in its favor. Wars, persecutions, betrayals, eternal prohibitions… love has survived so much that it will survive the problems of our modern society all the more!”

Perhaps everything is much simpler. Each of us can remember a lot of examples from life on the topic "they went through many obstacles and kept their love." As well as directly opposite ones: “but how beautifully everything began ...”. We can always find confirmation of the correctness of both sides. And the rights, rather, will be the third:

“A person who does not expect “nothing good” constantly receives confirmation of his pessimistic forecasts and statements. Those who say there is no love are much less likely to have it than those who believe in love.”

Once in love...

How many times can a person love? There is an opinion that this feeling can visit us only once. And everything else is "perishable" love ...
47% of respondents agreed with this statement.

“True love, like the masterpieces of ancient masters, is one and only”

“I believe that you can only fall in love once. Love is the readiness to give everything for the sake of this person (maybe even life), but how can you give your life for two people?! If you loved someone, then this person occupies all the heart, all thoughts. It can't happen twice!"

“You can love once, but you can fall in love thousands. It is good when love and falling in love with one person coincide in time. And it’s also good when you fall in love with the one you love again and again. ”

37% are sure that you can love repeatedly, and each time you experience strong feelings.

“Love can visit us several times in a lifetime. For various reasons, we part with our loved ones and continue to live. And a new meeting with someone who will become the meaning of life is quite possible.

“You can repeatedly, but each time the feeling is a little different. Is it possible to compare the love of a sixteen-year-old girl and a forty-year-old woman?

“If, after losses and pain, the heart is able to bloom again, this is a great holiday. The ability to love again is measured by comparing the bitterness of loss and the optimism of a person - as long as there is at least a little more optimism, there is every chance to love again.

16% believe that the ability to love is very individual.

“Everyone is different. And even the person himself does not know how many times he will meet love on his life path, and which of them is the real one ... "

“It all depends on the individual characteristics of the person. There are really monogamous people. And there are those who each time believe in the sincerity of their feelings. Sincere love, pure and unselfish, visited me for the second time.

“I believe that she can never come to a person, or several times. It all depends on the person himself, whether he knows how to sincerely and faithfully love.
As for once, this ideal variant from the fairy tale “they lived a long time and died on the same day” very rarely happens in life.

It seems to me that it would be very sad to live, being sure that love comes only once. Is there really no more chance if love has already “happened” and stayed there, behind, in the ninth grade or in the third year?! Somehow, this thought is not very fun ... Maybe you should still believe in the best?

Madness, passion and rash acts ...

… we think it's so romantic! Whether this is necessary is, of course, a difficult question. But there are love stories, from which it is quite clear: if it were not for a bold and absolutely illogical act, a happy end would not have happened ... And it is difficult to call it madness. What if, on the contrary, this act is the most logical for a person in love? But how many of us can take risks for love? As our survey showed -

25% of respondents did not commit any crazy things for the sake of love - they never had to.

And 75% of the respondents succumbed to spiritual impulses and ...

“It happened! This whole story led to the fact that, having not seen my beloved for six months, I left everything and went to him for 1500 km. I was driving, not knowing where and why ... Afraid that I had done something wrong. But the meeting went great. We had a wonderful time, returned to our homeland and since then we have been together (more than 2 years). Now we are spouses and dream that next year the result of our great and pure love will be a child.

“Last spring, I met a man who is much older than me. We live with him in different cities located quite far from each other. It so happened that he came to me. We met with him. And they realized that they loved each other. We met only once. He left.
A month later he said that he was going to Sochi and wanted to see me there. Without thinking twice, I packed my things and hit the road. She did not expect this from herself. We spent five wonderful days at sea and parted at the station. Our trains were leaving in different directions. We are still in touch. We are even thinking about getting married.”

“It was… and continues to be. Two weeks of virtual communication. Short calls two or three times a week. Tears and grief if it was not possible to talk. Spread wings and the desire to embrace the whole world, if you heard your native voice ...

I quit everything: work - I urgently go on vacation; I leave my sons; find money; I organize a tourist tour; urgently draw up and make a passport; I visit the embassy and in three weeks I fly to him in London.

On the day of my arrival at 20-30 I am waiting for him at Charlene Cross station, where he goes from Hasting. His train arrives at 21-15. I'm waiting ... In my head, thoughts are different, from iridescent to gloomy.

Time 21-20. The train has already arrived. He is not.

21-22. Still no.

Did not come? Did not recognize? I saw only in the photo. I didn't recognize? It's just a photo...

21-23. I wait until 21-30 and I'm leaving!

21-24. Why did you come, you fool... I went so far... Well, at least a tourist voucher...

21-25. Tears on eyes. Here comes someone. Not him! Again, not him...

Making my way to the exit, I notice a tall man. He stops, looks around, looks in my direction, looks back again. I lift my head and look at him questioningly...

Oh my God! He!

And we fly to each other! Squeezed and relieved, we say at the same time: “It's you!”.

Then there were seven happiest days. Our days in London.

And love grew into a deep feeling. Into love…”

“I fell in love with my life two years ago, followed a man almost to the ends of the earth, but this cannot be called a rash act! After all, I was going to my beloved man! To love is a great happiness that gives a sparkle to my eyes, a smile to my lips and a crazy feeling in my heart!”

To commit or not to commit madness for the sake of love - each person decides for himself. The main thing is that those for whom this is done are worthy of our love. And in order not to attract the “wrong” candidates, you need to ... believe in love, and not in self-interest, envy or cold calculation. Well-known psychologist Louise Hay has some great advice on this: “When you choose to have happy thoughts, you are happy; when you are happy, people are drawn to you. A happy person is very attractive to others. If you want to be loved more, start loving yourself more."

No one knows how love arises between a man and a woman, where it comes from and what it brings with it ... But one day it comes.

I don't mean the flirtatious act of pretending to be "a little in love" when they know they're not and are content to be satisfied with the same "guilty" playful, easy feign on the other side. Here, everyone secretly knows that he does not take this “love game” seriously, and that he himself is not taken seriously, that he can play “differently”, he can play with others, he can do without his current “partner” ... This is called a pastime tuned to nothing more than lust, and as a result, everything is vulgar, the same fleeting chirping of two irresponsible dragonflies ... Far from love, like heaven from earth!

If true love comes, a person loses the feeling of free recklessness, free play. He suddenly feels bound, as if he was pierced by necessity or he fell under the influence of some law: now he cannot do otherwise, he is, as it were, under a spell.

By this they recognize true love: whoever “can do it differently” and “can with others”, he still knows nothing about love. Love is chosenness, in which often nothing is felt from being chosen. You see yourself determined, and the beloved being is the only and irreplaceable.

With this chosen being, the lover wants to be together, enjoy his presence without interference from others, no longer play, reject restraint, become completely sincere with him and give this sincerity an integral form. The decisive moment is approaching: the beloved must know that he is loved - a terrible moment ... What if he does not respond to love ?! Then everything ends, the world and life become a pile of ruins ...

By this one recognizes true love - it is not only concentrated and exclusive, but also "totalitarian", it requires a person of everything, it is absorbing, ordained by fate. True love wants everything in a person: not only externally human, but also the soul and its inner content - the essence of man, the holy secret of personal spirituality, the ancient source of Divine breath in him, in order to become one in life, desires and prayers. And who knows nothing about this, he does not know anything about true love.

At the same time, they do not always think about “marriage”. This "result" is summed up as if by itself. For if a man and a woman are embraced by true love and can no longer live without each other, then they form a creative life community, as a new, magnificent life value that strives to be recognized by God and people - approved, sanctified, respected, protected ... We, Of course, we know: many people marry without love (poor people!); but if it is love, then it seeks victory and marriage, just as a rose bush seeks a rose. It's not worth talking about "eternal love" at all. True love is perceived, however, as the only and eternal - continuing forever, binding forever and leading to blissful eternity. And someone who has never experienced it probably doesn't know much about love.

To love and be loved by your beloved. What happiness, what a wealth of creative possibilities... In itself, it is a living song of praise to the Lord. Fulfillment of the best desires, soaring joy, rising morning dawn... In a person, the hidden powers of his distant ancestors awaken, with which he miraculously feels united... Everything wakes up for him, all living things call to him; and he feels whole and elated. He, alone, "the most magnificent of all" - can bloom ... She, the only, wonderful - praise, dare to serve, live by her! ..

Who, however, perceives this joy not as innocent and holy - for it comes from unrequited love, for it is desired by nature, for it is sanctified by the Lord! it wakes up with a premonition of coming love suffering, for the pinnacle of life has been reached, and the eternally transient wants to raise its voice!

And one more thing: the lover wants happiness for himself, the happiness of a creatively beautiful community, the future happiness among numerous children. If at the same time he does not want the happiness of the beloved being, if his heart does not think in its depths about sacrifices, if it does not put the happiness of the beloved being above its own, then his love is selfish and selfish: oh, then this is not true love ...

For true love is a spark of God in a person.

Your feedback

Love is truth, there is God, there is an absolute, there is infinity. She is either alone (for all life), or, as in 99%, has not yet met. Yes! What I read is exactly the same as in my understanding, acceptance of consciousness. Very often, love between two people is mistakenly called falling in love. Love that you meet one after another for the time being .. meetings with the immense. In truth! :-)

888 , age: 28 / 21.12.2016

Can love be killed? Can it disappear? That's it, love can disappear?

Anna, age: 19/03.11.2013

The article is extraordinary! Love is a gift, and unfortunately not everyone has known love.

Julia, age: 30 / 01/26/2013

I really liked it! I always thought and waited and wait for true love, but I made a mistake many times or took pity for my forehead, my kindness always prevents me from feeling love, I can’t distinguish what kind of person I want what kind of person I’m waiting for, I’m very cheerful and always try to make people around me also be happy and cheerful, I want to meet a person who will madly love me for who I am and whom I will love and who will please my close and dear people, I want him to be proud of me and respect me just like I want him to be an exemplary father of mine children, I want him to be a faithful and exemplary husband, I want him to love and appreciate me. I want him to be spiritually rich and rich in every sense. You wrote very beautifully and touching1!! but I want to ask you a question! what should I do or how should I step to find mutual love, that true love that you told! where can I find it! I don't want to make a mistake, I don't want others to get hurt because of me, but I don't want pain for myself either!

Aizat, age: 10/19/2011

Indeed, this is so, my life inscribed it to me, I felt what he said, I experienced these lines on myself. Only I am very young and I will not have a family soon. There is one beloved, and one native I live. I feel in love the truth alone, and in the power of the Providence of the Father, I will be happy to be with her to the end. And the philosopher is like a friend to us, he suddenly revealed a lot about the truth to me. Grateful, that's all.

Rassomahin Victor, age: 16/31.08.2011

I don't quite agree! In true love, a person does not remain under the spell, as it is written here, but on the contrary - RELEASE FROM ALL CHARMS, and he no longer feels "bound", but free !!! And it is absolutely not true - that if the beloved does not respond to feelings - "then everything is over - the world and life become a pile of ruins." I used to think that too, until I met my true love! This is unconditional pure happiness and harmony with the whole world, which cannot be described in words. I will say that I am not together with my beloved and I am unlikely to ever be together. But that doesn't make me less happy, less free. This miracle has transformed my life beyond recognition - it makes you develop, become better. And "life becomes a heap of ruins" - this is from the category of selfishness and self-love. True love is pure happiness and God's Grace in any case!!

Not everyone can answer the question of what love is, and sometimes they don’t even try to ask themselves this question.

What is true love

True love embodies:

  1. Mercy
  2. Empathy for others
  3. Patience
  4. Compliance
  5. The ability to forgive

The diseases that our body suffers from are the result of erroneous thoughts and actions, but love is the best remedy for ailments, it is a weapon that is able to defeat any evil, overcome any obstacles and make life better.

Real love- it is a source of energy, due to which everything lives and multiplies on earth. This is a powerful, positive energy of incredible strength.

True love and its basic feelings

The main components of the feeling of love are:

  • calmness
  • Harmony
  • Pleasure
  • Happiness
  • Inner freedom of man

This magnificent multifaceted feeling descended to people from God or, to put it differently, from the Universal Mind.

How to recognize true love and make a union for love

True love is manifested only in those moments when our feelings, thoughts and actions are united!

"You are my Love! Without you, my life is not sweet! – says a man to a woman in the morning… Unfortunately, in the evening he can forget about what was said and go to another. Words of love and true love are two different things.

Words that are not backed up by feelings and actions do not bring happiness or benefit to anyone..

Often unlucky for those who fall in love with lightning speed (love at first sight), because such love flares up like a match, and just like a match, it fades from the first breath of the breeze. Rapid love and sexual attraction are not able to create a stable long-term marriage.

Before marriage, a person must clearly understand why he is doing this: in order to be with a person together and enjoy it, or in order to give birth and raise children. It is rare when young spouses think about this. They get married, have children, and then get divorced because a man cannot become a good father or a woman does not suit a man as a mother of a child. In such a situation, spouses often look for the emotions they need on the side.

When concluding a marriage union, it is necessary to focus not only on mutual attraction, but also to use your mind. It is worth considering everything and realizing what this marriage is for, what good is in a partner, how long you can be with each other.

You can find out if this is the right person, if true love connects you, if you will feel good together, for example: go to the store with him and try to choose some thing together.

Sometimes it happens that a man initially marries without love, but realizing that a woman will be a good wife and mother. In such cases, very often love comes, as gratitude for mutual understanding and warm relations in the family. Just such love is long-term and real.

True parental love

The true love of parents for their baby involves accepting him for who he is.. Provided that we fully accept our child, we do not seek to protect him from everything in the world, trying to impose our opinion on everything, giving him unnecessary advice, telling him how to live.

We must value the child not as a continuation and realization of our plans and aspirations, but as an independent person with his own character, ideas, aspirations and the right to make mistakes and learn from life. You should only give small hints, but never force you to live by your own rules. Unfortunately, the child is often forced to do what is alien to him, for example, in choosing a profession. After such a born musician becomes a mediocre lawyer, which does not bring him happiness.

You should always remember that often children come to us for karmic work. And in a situation where we are angry with children, we express our dissatisfaction, trying to direct them in the right direction - this is purely our problem, which has nothing to do with the child, because he will always consider himself right, not you.

In fact, true love for a child is true happiness and pleasure, it is joy that knows no boundaries, peace and inner harmony. However, it is not so easy to achieve such feelings and love a child with all your heart.

Often parents are overly worried about the child, trying to lay straws – because the child, of course, will fall, and with straws the pain will not be so strong. By such actions, parents create a lot of problems for their children.

After all, if the baby does not agree with his parents, he resists them, gets angry and worries, and these unpleasant emotions lead to the fact that negative energy accumulates around him. In such a situation, the child may begin to serve the forces of evil. It is also possible that he is not on the path that was prepared for him and that his mother and father would have desired.

Often parents do such things, say such words that lead to the fact that the Higher Forces take the life of their child in order to let such parents understand that they are not Gods, but that there is someone above them who determines the life of everyone in this world.

How to achieve the love of others and comprehend true love

  • There is one important point that we often forget about: you should never be stingy to show love from yourself.
  • It is important, when experiencing feelings for a person, to think about him, and not about yourself. You need to understand what is best for him and do it. This is not only about the relationship between husband and wife, but also any human relationship, because only true love for others is a direct path to happiness and harmony.

Always remember this simple rule, and you will realize how much warmth and kindness to people can give you in return.

In any situation and at any time, the people around you will feel the positive energy emanating from you. They will see you as a real person, and feel those positive feelings that you "breathe" and share with everyone, radiating love for all living things that are around you.

The ability to hear and understand, to sympathize with another person is inherent in anyone on this planet. The ability to remove fear, anger, anxiety, envy, greed, rage from your soul, as well as the ability to fill your heart with true love for others and give it to everyone who needs it so much, without skimping on emotions, is in each of us.

But, unfortunately, not everyone is able to recognize these valuable qualities in themselves and bring the light and harmony of pure love into this world. To comprehend love, you must first of all fight with your shortcomings, becoming better and kinder to others.

Love, according to psychology, has no clear definition. The most common interpretations of the term are: the state of inspiration, the desire to give joy, the need to feel loved. The concept of "true love" refers to all of these states and is built on the basic concepts of intimacy, passion and commitment. But before experiencing true love, a couple goes through 7 stages that help not to confuse love with falling in love.

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What is true love

True love is love that doesn't suddenly appear. This is a well-formed feeling that appeared during the development of relationships. According to the works of American psychologist Robert Sternberg, true love is based on 3 components:

  • proximity;
  • passions;
  • obligation.

To reach the listed feelings in relation to another person, it takes time, during which you need to know the second half even more. Relationships develop in accordance with the following stages:

  1. 1. Love. Life and real problems make lovers move from a feeling of euphoria to the next step.
  2. 2. Satiation. At the stage of coexistence (when feelings are already fed up, hormones have receded), people either disperse or develop relationships further.
  3. 3. Rejection. Each of the partners becomes an egoist, tries to pull the blanket over himself.
  4. 4. Tolerance. The stage of humility with the shortcomings of the partner begins, the acceptance of the personality and the discovery of new traits of his / her character.
  5. 5. Service. A person taught by experience begins to show wisdom, as he has already managed to study all the positive and negative qualities of a partner. At this stage, everyone tries to support each other.
  6. 6. Friendship. The look at the second half is completely new, the acceptance of a partner as close, the second period of falling in love begins.
  7. 7. Love. The perception of another person as oneself, the absence of cunning tricks, mercantile thoughts.

How does the feeling

According to psychologist E. A. Borodaenko, the words “Love to the grave, feelings for life” are statements of people who are in co-dependent relationships. This is not a sign of true love. Deep feeling implies deeds and actions.

How true love manifests itself in deeds and actions:

  • Give gifts.
  • Put the interests of others before your own.
  • Feel safe next to a person, stability in feelings.
  • Learn to forgive.
  • To become better.
  • Be able to be silent and understand without words.
  • Act as one team.
  • Giving in a relationship is more than receiving.
  • Help the other half.
  • Let go to spend free time, not caring about your own person.

Is there true love

There is no ideal relationship between a guy and a girl, a man and a woman. The word "perfect" does not apply to people, because everyone has flaws. Therefore, we need to learn to accept and understand each other.

Does love really exist?

  1. 1. By the Internet. Nowadays, people often fall in love on the Internet, which is more of a hoax. People often impersonate others. "Love on the Internet" is an interest in the individual, the inaccessibility of the object, which makes it even more desirable. It has nothing to do with real feeling.
  2. 2. At first sight. There are couples who claim that they managed to fall in love at first sight. But it's just love. If people know each other a little longer, then they have a better chance of true love.
  3. 3. In childhood. An unformed person does not understand himself, those around him, therefore he does not experience true love. At 16, 14, or even at 12, it is necessary to tell the child how to recognize a real feeling.

You need to work on relationships, experience a strong desire to create a family, strong and long relationships. If two people show desire, then everything will work out.

How not to confuse with love

True love must go through all 7 stages. It's a lot of work on relationships. A warm feeling or attraction to someone is a common crush.

A couple of tips on how not to confuse a sincere, selfless feeling with falling in love:

  1. 1. Passion. Love is not always sexually oriented, unlike falling in love.
  2. 2. Time. Feelings develop at different speeds: you can start to love in months or years, and you can fall in love at first sight.
  3. 3. Selfishness. Feelings in love are directed towards the comfort of the other person.
  4. 4. Self-sacrifice. The lover will not show self-giving.
  5. 5. Depth. Falling in love passes faster, and love exists for a longer time.
  6. 6. Conditionality. A deep feeling is to perceive a person as a whole, and falling in love involves the emergence of a feeling of sympathy because of something (quality of character, appearance, etc.).
  7. 7. Manifestation. Various actions show the attitude towards the second half: breakfast in bed, care during illness, etc.
  8. 8. Adoption. A person who is in love sees only the positive aspects of character, and one who loves knows the negative qualities and accepts them.
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