Arguments against vaccinations. Should my child be vaccinated? Routine vaccination is not carried out if the child has

Dr. medical sciences Professor of the Department of Children's Diseases, MMA named after THEM. Sechenov Alexander Malakhov and MMA graduate, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, author of the books "Merciless Immunization" (2004, 2006) and "Vaccinations in Questions and Answers for Thinking Parents" (2006), homeopathic practitioner Alexander Kotok.

Vaccination has been practiced for more than two centuries. What is the opinion of modern doctors, what is more in vaccinations - pluses or minuses?

Even before the widespread use of vaccinations, morbidity and especially mortality from infectious diseases decreased many times over, which was primarily due to the progress of medicine and changes in sanitary and hygienic living conditions - the appearance of water supply and sewerage, chlorination of water and pasteurization of milk, and improvement in the quality of products delivered to the population Agriculture. Pay attention to the virtual disappearance of diseases against which mass prophylactic vaccinations have never been made in European countries - cholera, plague, typhoid fever, anthrax, dysentery ... At the same time, diphtheria, which had been desperately fought with vaccinations for almost half a century, quickly reminded us of itself when the population became impoverished, crowds of vagrants and refugees appeared, and the sanitary control system fell into decay. Smallpox disappeared not at all when millions of vaccinations were brought down on people, but when, having become convinced of the actual futility of this event, the authorities introduced strict sanitary measures - early isolation of the sick and careful monitoring of those who communicated with them. I write about this in detail in my book.

Infectious diseases were, are and will be. They are constant and natural companions of man. To fight them with vaccines is to fight against human nature itself. Even if we eradicate certain diseases by brutal violence against nature, in return for them we will get new, often much more dangerous ones. Take a look around. Where did so much diabetes in children, arthritis come from, where did so many multiple sclerosis, why so many autistic people, why are children's oncology dispensaries overcrowded, why is a rare child growing up without atopic dermatitis, asthma, or endless otitis media? Isn't it time to stop throwing money at vaccine programs that bring nothing but new diseases to the population, but enrich the vaccine manufacturers and distributors, as well as their pocket "scientists"? Why do we need these “influenza institutes” growing like mushrooms after the rain and all sorts of vaccine-serum-epidemiological research institutes that waste people's money and each time invent an excuse for the next failure of vaccinations? That money could very well be put to better use.

Homeopathy does not oppose vaccination and has never considered such opposition an end in itself. This is a holistic and completely self-sufficient method, for which the very idea of ​​​​a deliberate (and at the same time unpredictable) deterioration in health at its most intimate and subtle levels for the sake of the alleged benefit is absurd by definition. Panacea in medicine cannot exist at all, it is contrary to biological laws.

I know that some parents deliberately bring their children to sick peers - so that, they say, natural immunity is formed. How justified is this medical point vision?

This is a great practice, which is far from one hundred years old. Indeed, much better for the child at the age prepared for it by nature and with an appropriate state of health, give the opportunity to transfer mumps, measles, rubella or chickenpox and thereby acquire lifelong immunity to these diseases, and not put it on vaccination “crutches” that require constant renewal, while at first risking the consequences of the disease itself. vaccinations, and then - the danger of childhood diseases in adulthood, when they are immeasurably more dangerous. The recent outbreak of measles in Kyiv, when young adults who were vaccinated in childhood and did not acquire strong immunity were seriously affected (there were a lot of cases of encephalitis and pneumonia), - the best illustration.

I will add that I am categorically against mass preventive vaccinations. The rabies vaccine is not safe and cases where it has led to serious illnesses and death abound. But when a person is bitten by a known rabid animal, the risk of contracting rabies and dying from it outweighs the risk of being vaccinated. There are therapeutic vaccinations, when a vaccine is given to treat an already existing disease. Vaccinations of this kind may still be considered beneficial. However, scheduled preventive vaccinations, by definition, cannot improve the health of those vaccinated, they can only worsen it, which we see all the time. I believe that the practice of putting a person's health at real risk to protect against a disease that does not exist, and quite likely never will, is contrary to both common sense and the supreme law. medical practice"First of all, do no harm!"

- According to our vaccination schedule, vaccination begins literally from the first days of a baby's life. Why so early? And in general, why are there so many vaccinations in the first year of a child's life?

The explanation is simple - it is more convenient from the point of view of the coveted "mass vaccination coverage." While the child is in the maternity hospital and in the full control of the medical staff, and the mother has not yet departed from childbirth - how convenient it is to get vaccinated immediately! Modern medicine makes every effort to ensure that the child grows up chronically ill and the onset of diseases is laid already in the maternity hospital. Infants born 12 hours ago are vaccinated against hepatitis B. With the advent of this vaccine, the number of newborn jaundice, sudden and unexplained cases of worsening of their condition, often requiring treatment in intensive care, has increased dramatically in the vaccination calendar. Even before the mother and child leave the maternity hospital, the baby will also receive the BCG vaccine, the complete uselessness of which in protecting against tuberculosis, as well as the huge number of complications following it (osteitis, osteomyelitis, lymphadenitis, etc.) are well documented in the scientific literature. And in three months - welcome to the next vaccinations ...

Indeed, if almost all the kids are not completely healthy now, then maybe it’s worth waiting with vaccinations until the time when they get stronger?

Vaccinating sick children is a crime that cannot be justified. They already have problems with their immunity, and they still beat it with vaccinations so that they certainly do not recover from chronic diseases. Long-term post-vaccination immunosuppression, i.e. immune suppression is a well-known and repeatedly described fact in the scientific literature. Often, parents report that vaccinations seem to “open the tap” - the child begins to constantly get sick with otitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis, tracheitis, stops sitting, walking, losing previously acquired speech skills ... Only those who make money on vaccinations do not want to see this.

Which children should not be vaccinated?

Anyone whose parents want to raise healthy children, not chronically ill children. I recently saw an interesting Australian film in which, among others, an elderly local pediatrician acted. He said that in his practice he saw the next change in the standards of the first years of life for babies. Once upon a time, a child suffering from otitis every few months was sent for a consultation with an immunologist, believing that something was wrong with him. However, soon there were so many such children that they decided not to consider otitis media every two months as “something wrong”. Today it has already been decided that 24 (!) otitis media in the first two years of life is quite normal. The pediatrician, commenting on this, added that the diseases against which they are vaccinated may have become less, but it is impossible to dispute the fact that our children are chronically ill, and this is considered the norm!

Many parents are afraid of the consequences of vaccination - fever, allergies, colds? What is it, complications after vaccination?

Since vaccination, as I said, leads to suppression of immunity, it is quite natural that a child after vaccination becomes susceptible to diseases that he would not have contracted if he had not received vaccinations. And it’s good if the case is limited only to respiratory viruses.

How can you prepare for vaccination?

The best inoculation- one that is not done. Parents will not have to worry about its consequences and will not need to give the child harmless (and often completely useless) drugs. I note by the way that the widespread practice of the so-called. pre-vaccination preparation, when a child is fed with drugs, primarily antihistamines, is not aimed at preventing truly dangerous complications (such drugs and methods do not exist at all), but at ensuring that in the first days after vaccination there is no acute reaction on her and, thus, the pediatrician did not have to register a post-vaccination complication. The disease that appeared not on the second, but on the seventh day, will become much easier to write off as a “coincidence”, “attached” or “latent” disorder and avoid responsibility.

- Which vaccines are better - ours or imported ones?

Radish horseradish is not sweeter. Parents, especially young ones, fooled by vaccine propaganda and intimidated by horror stories about terrible diseases, guarding their beloved crumbs everywhere, instead of saying to both vaccines “Plague on both your houses!” and once and for all to refuse preventive vaccinations in order to calmly raise healthy children, rush about in search of the “right” vaccines and the “right” vaccination centers, in which they are supported (often disinterestedly) by some doctors. There is no fundamental difference between Russian and imported vaccines. Mercury, aluminum, phenol, formaldehyde, mycoplasmas, protozoa, animal viruses and everything else contained in vaccines will harm a child, regardless of which country's seal is on the packaging of vaccine ampoules. A recent feeder is the immunological research that feeds immunologists and other “vaccine experts.” This is another heavily advertised scam. None of the most advanced immunological tests can predict how a child will respond to a vaccine.

- And yet, how often do not reactions occur, but complications after vaccination?

I deal with post-vaccination complications all the time. I think, and an attentive parent sees that very often otitis media, colds, sore throats, bronchitis, furunculosis and other diseases that indicate immune suppression appeared almost immediately after vaccinations or the Mantoux test. There are diseases, especially of an autoimmune nature, also associated with vaccinations, but they appear after a few months. Therefore, parents do not even think about the role played by vaccines. AT recent times there has been a sharp increase in the number of children suffering from attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, which makes it difficult (and sometimes even impossible) to study at school. According to some reports, up to 28% of all Russian children suffer from this. This disease may well be associated with sluggish encephalitis that occurs after brain damage with pertussis vaccine, which is part of the complex DTP vaccines. Analyzing the relationship of this post-vaccination encephalitis with various diseases and behavioral disorders, American researcher Dr. Harris L. Coulter wrote in his book: “If an outside enemy did such damage to our children, we would declare war on him. But… we are waging this war on ourselves… Every day that this [vaccination] program continues, hundreds of healthy children become mentally retarded, blind, deaf, autistic, epileptic, learning disabilities, emotionally unstable, future juvenile delinquents. and later criminals. Now I am corresponding with one mother, whose child became deaf after DTP vaccinations, and this case does not belong to the field of casuistry. Go to special schools, talk to your parents, ask them questions. It is not uncommon for you to find out that deafness or autism followed one or another vaccination, most often DPT. Why recently there are more and more oncological and neurodegenerative diseases in children, which used to be extremely rare? Unfortunately, the registration system post-vaccination complications in Russia is such that it takes great courage, not to say desperate courage, from a doctor to try to register a complication. According to official data, about 400 cases of post-vaccination complications are registered annually in Russia. I think that this figure is hardly even a few percent of their true number. Hushing up complications and unrestrained praise of vaccinations are standard methods of vaccination propaganda.

- Are there many refusals to vaccinate in Russia now?

There are more of them and I'm happy about it. federal law RF on the Immunization of Infectious Diseases of 1998 (p. 5) established that Russian parents have every right to refuse vaccinations without any loss of rights - their unvaccinated children must be admitted to kindergartens and schools. A few years ago, pediatricians in clinics opened their mouths in amazement when parents announced their refusal to vaccinate, and today many clinics, especially in metropolitan areas, have already prepared refusal forms. If back in the early 2000s. newborns throughout Russia were vaccinated without any interest in the opinion of their parents, today in many maternity hospitals a neonatologist or nurse will not only ask for parental permission, but will also be asked to sign their decision. The growth in the number of refusals is evidence of the growing legal literacy of the population; the fact that parents refuse to blindly obey the “plans of vaccination coverage on the site” descended from above, for the implementation of which the medical staff often receives bonuses, and for non-compliance they are subjected to sanctions, carefully study the topic of vaccinations and take the health of children into their own hands. There are more and more parents who do not hesitate to apply to the prosecutor's office, and even to the court, in order to protect their legal rights from vaccinators. A few years ago, studies were conducted that showed an inverse relationship between the level of education of people and the number of vaccinations they or their children receive. The more educated parents are, the less vaccinations children receive. It was also found, for example, that one in five Israelis who refused hepatitis B vaccination for their baby...worked in the healthcare system. In general, the number of vaccinated medical children is many times less than the average number of vaccinated children in the general population. Thanks to media freedom and the Internet, more parents are becoming aware of the true cost of vaccinations. I believe that the process that has begun is irreversible and will continue until we begin to remember about vaccinations with the same shame and bewilderment with which today we remember bloodletting, which was once widespread and promoted on behalf of medical science in the same way as vaccinations today...

Barely born, the child receives the first vaccinations in his life. His immunity begins to work hard, not yet having time to get stronger. There are many more vaccinations to come. And no wonder: after all, dangerous infections await the baby at every step in our large and colorful, but so “rich” pathogenic microorganisms the world. How to protect him from serious diseases that can end fatally or lead to irreversible consequences and disability?

The solution is clear: there are vaccinations for this. But are they as safe as doctors and medical sources claim? Many parents do just that, which sometimes negatively affects the health of the child. How to protect your child from serious ailments? Are we risking, or, conversely, by vaccinating him? Let's deal with experts in this field.

What is the purpose of vaccination and is it mandatory for everyone?

Immunity - defensive reaction the human body to the introduction of a pathogenic virus, bacterial or other infection. It is congenital and acquired.

  1. Congenital protection is transmitted from mother to fetus and is responsible for immunity to a particular type of pathogen.
  2. Acquired or adaptive, formed in the course of life as a result of past illness or after being vaccinated against it.

The mechanism of development of protective cells in humans can be expressed as follows: when a virus enters the body, specific agents are produced on it - antibodies that multiply intensively and “come into combat” with it. The antigen-antibody system is switched on, the pathogen (virus) acts as a foreign agent.

After healing, a certain amount of these immune components is stored as "memory cells". Thanks to them, the protective system stores information about the pathogen and, if necessary, re-enables defense mechanisms. As a result, the disease does not develop or passes easily, leaving no complications.

As a result, a person also develops immunity, only the antigens here are modified and weakened live cultures of viruses or cell-free products of their processing. Accordingly, vaccines are divided into "live" and "dead".

If a killed virus is introduced, then the occurrence of pathology is completely excluded, there are only some side effects. In the case of a viable preparation, a slight manifestation of the disease is allowed.

This is much better than the development of a complete clinical picture of pathology with severe complications.

The duration of the formed immunity to various pathogens is not the same and varies from several months to tens of years. Some have lifelong immunity.

Previously, mandatory vaccinations were given to every child. Not to which doctors gave for any reason.

Today, you have the right to refuse to vaccinate your child. But then they take responsibility for the risk of dangerous illnesses after infection. They may have great difficulties with the registration of an unvaccinated child in a kindergarten, camp or school.

What vaccinations are necessary for children, taking into account age

On the territory of Russia, a vaccination calendar has been introduced and is in effect, which lists these procedures depending on the age of the child. There are vaccinations against diseases endemic in specific regions.

You can note the vaccination against influenza, which usually occurs seasonally. Sometimes it takes on the character of epidemics, after which preschool, school and other institutions are forced to close for quarantine.

Vaccination of a child is not mandatory and is done at will. It will save you from a lot of complications. This should be taken care of in advance, since in the midst of an epidemic, it will no longer help and even probably harm. It is worth vaccinating 30 days before the expected outbreak of the disease.

Below is a list of vaccinations recorded in the National Calendar.

  1. On the first day of life is put.
  2. On the third - seventh day - from BCG tuberculosis.
  3. At the age of three months, DPT and polio are the first vaccinations.
  4. At four to five months: the second.
  5. Six months: third and DTP, hepatitis B.
  6. One year old: measles-rubella-mumps.
  7. One and a half years: 1st revaccination with polio and DTP vaccines.
  8. At 1 year 8 months: 2nd revaccination against polio.
  9. measles-mumps-rubella.
  10. 7 years: repeated from tetanus, diphtheria, mycobacterium tuberculosis.
  11. 13 years: against rubella and hepatitis B.
  12. 14 years: repeated , tuberculosis, tetanus coli, polio.

Protection from disease and justified risk?

Is it better to cope with the likely side effects of the vaccine or (in the case of a “live” vaccine) to endure the disease in its mild manifestation? In the near future, forget about the injection or treat a child who has not received a vaccine for a long time from an illness that has befallen and then suffer from its consequences? After all, immunization is the only sure way to avoid defeat by pathogens such as tetanus or polio.

A number of vaccines form antibodies and keep them for high level within three to five years. Then their strength decreases. This happens, for example, with . But the thing is that the disease itself is extremely dangerous for the first four years of life, when the defense system is still weak.

The resulting pathological processes turn into general intoxication, lead to a rupture blood vessels, and sometimes end in severe pneumonia. Conclusion: timely vaccination will save you from a deadly disease.

The following points are in favor:

  • antibodies formed in this way will avoid dangerous diseases;
  • immunization of the population on a massive scale will prevent outbreaks of epidemics: tuberculosis, mumps, hepatitis B;
  • parents of a vaccinated child will not have difficulties with registration in institutions;
  • vaccination is considered effective and safe, post-vaccination complications arise due to insufficient examination, late diagnosis, colds during the vaccination period.

Important! If the child has had an acute respiratory illness, then the procedures should be started no earlier than two weeks after recovery.

Try to carry out injections within the time limits set by the calendar, do not miss the time of revaccinations. Correctly and on time delivered vaccinations to the child will be the key effective protection it in the future and get rid of negative effects.

Arguments "against": illusion or reality?

All more people refuse to be vaccinated. On television and on the radio there are reports of the fatal results of a particular vaccine. True, these are isolated cases. Of great importance are the expiration dates of drugs, the conditions of their transportation and storage, the tightness of the packaging, individual characteristics (discoloration, the appearance of flakes), etc., which could not be taken into account during the manipulation process.

Some fathers and mothers believe that their child already has congenital immunoglobulins. Artificially introduced drugs will destroy it. Yes, indeed, a child is born with initial protection received from the mother. Then he receives immunoglobulins with mother's milk. But this is not enough to counter these diseases.

Opponents of vaccinations tend to believe that the introduction of vaccines has a lot of negative effects: swelling and redness, skin rashes and itching, sometimes peeling, even suppuration. In severe cases, possible development anaphylactic shock. Such options are usually associated with an underestimation of the patient's allergic mood, improper injection, low-quality drug, violation of the terms of use.

Attention! Irreparable harm to health, which can be caused by individual intolerance not taken into account before the injection. To avoid such complications, you should carefully study allergic history and test for vaccine tolerance.

Parents refuse vaccination, citing the following arguments:

  • not all vaccines have been proven effective;
  • the body of the newborn is too weak;
  • infections at an early age are more easily tolerated than by adults (this is far from always the case, measles and rubella leave behind severe side effects);
  • some vaccines contain live pathogens that can cause disease;
  • there is no individual approach to small patients;
  • medical carelessness.

Social networks are still discussing the letter of the famous onco-immunologist, deputy director of the Moscow Research Institute of Oncology Vera Vladimirovna Gorodilova. Although she passed away back in 1996, her opinion and findings about side effects still worry the scientific world.

According to her data, as a result of vaccination, an unbalanced overexpenditure of the body's immune forces occurs with its subsequent decrease. So, on the fifth - seventh day after birth, it can lead to a rearrangement of protein compounds in blood plasma. The protective function of the baby is not able to cope with the colossal load. The result is a loss of immune abilities.

How does this happen? Excessive accumulation of antibodies will lead to a "overuse" of white blood cells and changes in the process of hematopoiesis. V. V. Gorodilova connected all these “perestroikas” with the danger of oncopathologies and autoimmune processes.

Infectious disease doctor, lecturer at NSU P. Gladkiy questioned these arguments, acting as an opponent complete failure from vaccinations. He cited the facts that as a result of the introduction of vaccinations, the morbidity and mortality of the population has sharply decreased. And all this happened not because the vaccines in those days were safe (they were not purified), they showed their impeccable effectiveness. To a large extent, the incidence decreased, and at the beginning of the twentieth century it was completely eliminated.

The author admits that in our time one should not carry out "universal" vaccinations, the issue should be approached individually. It is necessary to take into account the characteristics of each small citizen, the presence of concomitant diseases and contraindications in order to prevent complications.

Commented on his positive approach to paid vaccination rooms using, more adapted to the characteristics of immunity. In conclusion, the author expressed the hope that supporters and opponents of vaccines will finally come to an agreement and reach a consensus.

Pediatrician E. O. Komarovsky, known to a wide audience for his programs on health problems with in-depth disclosure of topics, convinces caring mothers of high efficiency vaccination.

According to him, any immunization that leaves behind a minimal, but still, risk of getting sick. Another thing is that the child will endure the disease in a milder form and without complications.

Another factor that encourages relatives to refuse vaccination is a reaction on the part of the child's body in the form of a skin rash, fever, and lethargy. Dr. Komarovsky draws attention to three main factors that are "guilty" in this process:

  • the condition of the baby himself, the absence of signs of a cold, etc .;
  • type of vaccine, as well as its properties and quality;
  • actions of medical staff.

The main thing, the pediatrician urges, is to stick to the vaccination schedule. In order for the child to adequately respond to the injection, he advises:

  • Do not drink during the day allergenic products, sweets, and also try not to overfeed him.
  • Infants do not introduce complementary foods on the eve of vaccination.
  • Do not feed one hour before vaccination and after 60 minutes.
  • stick to the optimal drinking regime(one - one and a half liters per day, depending on age).
  • Avoid drafts and large cluster of people.

After some vaccinations, the child is not recommended to be taken to kindergarten for several days. Try not to get sick during this time. In conclusion, the specialist focuses on the features of care and upbringing.

What happens if you refuse vaccinations

Refusal of parents from vaccinations can turn into an irreparable disaster. If mothers complain about the low level of antibodies in their child and, therefore, do not want to vaccinate him, then when meeting with a real infectious agent, the baby will not cope with the disease!

As he grows older, a garden awaits him, a school where there are many children. Among them may be carriers of infections. These children will not get sick because they have been vaccinated. And for an unvaccinated child, a meeting with a pathogen can turn into a tragedy.

Past diseases often leave complications in the cardiovascular, nervous and other systems, sometimes ending in death.

If the child has not been vaccinated, then there is a risk of contracting a dangerous disease. On the other hand, vaccines are also not always safe and sometimes leave consequences.

The law on immunoprophylaxis states: citizens have the right to receive the full, the need for each of them, possible complications and consequences of failure. In other words, the doctor must give complete and comprehensive information about immunoprophylaxis.

Science and medicine have made great strides in recent decades, but problems remain. New progressive vaccines are being created and improved. Approaching the question of whether to vaccinate or not, it should be noted that parents are given the right to choose. If they refuse, they will only have to sign the documents proposed to them.

Do not rush: they themselves need to properly understand this issue. The effect of vaccines on each individual child is sometimes unpredictable. It is impossible to fully predict all outcomes. Like all medicines, vaccines have their contraindications. Study them.

If you agree, they must strictly follow the rules for preparing for the injection and careful care after the manipulation.

In conclusion, one piece of advice: try to use only high quality vaccines. Many of their analogues, unfortunately, are sold on the territory of Russia for a fee at the expense of their parents. But you must admit: the health of the child is the most precious thing. When making a choice, make the best decision. And after taking it, choose the highest quality vaccine, which will undoubtedly help, and will not harm!

Doctors are seriously concerned about the new trend: every year the number of parents signing a refusal to vaccinate their child is growing. What is it - a tribute to fashion or an informed decision? Is the devil called “vaccination” really that scary? On television, on the pages of newspapers and magazines to this day there are heated discussions on this subject, and the opinions of the parties are so contradictory that it becomes not so easy for unlucky fathers and mothers to make a choice. Do children need vaccinations? All the pros and cons of this method of immunization - in our article.

Should my child be vaccinated?

Despite the fact that pediatricians and nurses will call, demand, and even intimidate that an unvaccinated child will not be taken to kindergarten, parents, according to current legislation, have the right to postpone vaccination or completely refuse it. Some believe that it is better for children to be vaccinated after a year or closer to kindergarten, when the body gets stronger; others do not trust domestic vaccines and wait for imported ones, believing that they have fewer side effects and are easier to tolerate. Some families generally unshakably believe that vaccination only harms health, and are trying to create immunity in the child. naturally. In a word, there are enough motives.

But be that as it may, the fact remains that the victory over many dangerous diseases is the merit of the mass vaccination of children. According to the World Health Organization, vaccination saves the lives of more than 3 million children every year. We cannot discount the fact that we live surrounded by microorganisms, we are often forced to visit crowded places, among which there are many more carriers of infections than it seems at first glance.

Unfortunately, infant mortality from complications of whooping cough, diphtheria, hepatitis B and paralytic poliomyelitis remains high, and against some infectious diseases(tetanus, rabies) still does not exist effective drugs. It turns out that vaccinations remain the only way to protect the child, but here, too, their pitfalls are hidden.

Arguments against vaccinating children

  1. Vaccinations given to children do not guarantee 100% immunity. It is impossible to verify and prove the fact of the formation of the body's complete resistance to the causative agent of any disease by vaccination, however, whooping cough, mumps, diphtheria and other infectious diseases occur even in vaccinated babies. Moreover, there is an opinion that vaccinations destroy the natural protective barrier;
  2. The question of the quality, conditions of storage and transportation of vaccines remains open, and the effect of some new drugs on the human body has not been sufficiently studied;
  3. Adverse reactions to vaccinations in children (post-vaccination complications), although rare, do occur;
  4. It is reliably known that highly toxic substances are present in vaccines, namely: formaldehyde, phenol, acetone, a mercury compound (known as thiomersal, thimerosal or metriolate), aluminum phosphate, etc.;
  5. Some diseases that children are vaccinated against are actually not dangerous and are easily tolerated or practically do not occur in developed countries.

Arguments for vaccinating children

  1. The lack of vaccinations in children is associated with a number of inconveniences: it creates difficulties in getting into a kindergarten, and at an older age it can lead to a ban on travel to some countries;
  2. Most experts agree that overall effect vaccination is worth the risk of side effects;
  3. The statistics of adverse outcomes cited by opponents of vaccines are unreliable or taken from history. The safety of new generation drugs is ensured by a thorough genetic analysis of vaccine strains, multi-stage filtration, the complete exclusion of antibiotics and other methods that were not available in the last century;
  4. Immunization is a problem for the whole society, not for a single family. The more vaccinated people, the lower the risk of epidemics. By signing a refusal to vaccinate a child, we increase the likelihood of the spread of dangerous diseases;
  5. Effects viral infections suffered in childhood can be more serious than it seems. In particular, after measles, the likelihood of developing type 1 diabetes mellitus, which is a disabling disease, increases; and harmless, according to many, rubella can occur in severe form with encephalitis (inflammation of the brain).

Summing up

The main conclusion that can be drawn from the above is that it is impossible to unambiguously answer the question of whether a child should be vaccinated. It seems that the principle of the golden mean works here too: it is impossible to completely refuse vaccination, but it is also inexpedient to carry it out for everyone without exception. In fact, only certain regions and people whose natural immunity is not sufficiently developed need to be vaccinated. Ideally, the decision to vaccinate a child should be based on the results of a complete examination (immunological, genetic, etc.), which is impossible to ensure in practice. Unfortunately, the choice depends entirely on the intuition of the parents, which does not always suggest the correct answer. 5 out of 5 (2 votes)

The law "On the Immunoprophylaxis of Infectious Diseases" and the order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development speak of vaccinations only with the consent of the parents. The question whether to give this consent or not worries almost every family. The proposed polemical materials will help to weigh all the pros and cons.

Opinion "for"

Let's first deal with the vaccination calendar. In the first hours of life, the child is vaccinated against hepatitis B. Then, during the first week, vaccination against BCG tuberculosis follows, at three months - against diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus and poliomyelitis; at 12 - from measles, rubella, mumps. A mother can refuse any vaccination: according to some reports, up to 10% of such non-medical refusals occur in the capital.

From hepatitis

So, the hepatitis B vaccine is given on the first day. To do it or not, you can decide on the state of the child at the time of birth. The doctor suggests vaccinating only if the child is doing well (good is 8–9, even 7–9 points on the Apgar scale). If the child's condition is not satisfactory, the doctors will not offer a vaccination or will offer to do it later when the baby's condition improves.

What is Hepatitis B? This is a viral inflammation of the liver that is transmitted through the blood: not always modern methods studies can determine the presence of hepatitis "B" in the donor. Hepatitis "B" - very contagious disease, they can be infected in a manicure room and when visiting a dentist, not to mention a blood transfusion - this is despite the fact that all instruments at dentists or surgeons are seriously sterilized (hundredths of milliliters of blood are enough - an amount not determined by the eye).

The hepatitis B vaccine is a genetically engineered molecule that exactly repeats one of the hepatitis B antigens, so there is no need to be afraid that the child will become infected with hepatitis B.
This vaccine is very necessary, it is necessary to be vaccinated against hepatitis B. The vaccination is given according to the 0-1-6 scheme: today, one month from today, and six months from today.

There are other types of hepatitis, for example, hepatitis "A", which is not prone to chronicity and is transmitted only as a food poisoning: with water and food. Very often it passes under the guise of acute respiratory infections or poisoning without severe jaundice. I do not see the need for mandatory vaccination to prevent hepatitis A, although there is such a vaccine. It is important for people living in countries with poor water supply, for example, in Central Asia. If we are talking about the need to reduce the vaccination load, then you should not try to get vaccinated against hepatitis A.
Nothing will protect against hepatitis C - there is no vaccine, and fortunately, it is not so contagious.

From tuberculosis

On the 3-7th day of life, the newborn, also at the request of the parents, is vaccinated against BCG tuberculosis (BCG is an abbreviation for the French "Bacillus Calmette - Guerin"). it live vaccine- that is, a live, but greatly weakened microorganism of the BCG strain. It is believed that exposure of the child to such a weakened microbe makes it safer and easier to become familiar with the true microbacterium of tuberculosis. There are strict indications and contraindications for this vaccination.

To whom it is not done in the maternity hospital: premature, weakened children, children with identified congenital heart disease and a number of other contraindications.
But if the state of health of the child does not cause concern, it seems unreasonable to me to refuse BCG - and here's why. Tuberculosis is a very dangerous disease, it is transmitted by airborne droplets. The sooner you get vaccinated, the better: we have immunity to tuberculosis only if we have the pathogen.

It is important to understand that tuberculosis is widespread in our country - a little more than in many European countries. And this is due to the fact that there is a different sensitivity to diseases in different ethnic groups. It is believed that our ethnically diverse population is highly susceptible to tuberculosis. As, for example, the population of the Indians of North and South America at the time of the conquest, unlike the Europeans, was exceptionally sensitive to childhood infections - measles and chicken pox.

In the absence of contraindications, I would still recommend it. Another thing with the Mantoux reaction. This is not vaccination, but only a test of the reactivity of immunity to tuberculosis microbacteria. AT this case a foreign protein is introduced - tuberculin, close to that produced in tuberculosis. For some reason, everyone is very afraid of a positive Mantoux reaction, and such a fear reaction in a pediatrician is excessive. Appointment in further prevention tuberculosis treatment is sometimes also unnecessary: ​​if the child is healthy, if no one in the family has tuberculosis, it is absolutely not necessary to support the child with chemotherapy drugs at the first contact with tuberculosis microbacteria. In addition, a positive Mantoux reaction also occurs with helminthic invasion(infection) or when the child is prone to allergic reactions.

From the point of view of reducing the load on the child with foreign vaccines or vaccine-like drugs, the reaction of some parents who refrain from the Mantoux reaction may be justified.


The vaccination schedule also includes DTP - vaccination against diphtheria, whooping cough and tetanus. Parents often object to these vaccinations, saying that there are no such infections anymore and there is no need to be vaccinated, which is a big misconception. These diseases are quite common, for example, whooping cough can be transmitted from parent to child. DTP vaccination(Tetrakok, Infanrix) - three times and is carried out at 3, 4, 5 and 6 months. This is followed by one revaccination - at 18 months. If the child begins to be vaccinated not at 3 months, but later, then the vaccines containing the pertussis component are administered to him three times with an interval of 1.5 months, and the fourth time - a year after the third injection. Subsequent age-related revaccinations in our country are provided only against diphtheria and tetanus and are carried out at 7, 14 and then every 10 years throughout life.

I note that the current vaccination schedule was planned many years ago, when there were no antibiotics against diphtheria and whooping cough that are available today, and in order to get tetanus, you need a very serious rotting wound surface, and if someone gets a massive injury, then enter tetanus antoxin anyway! So if the child has an allergic attitude, poor health indicators, or parents are generally worried about vaccination, then you can safely refuse DTP!

But if people live in such conditions when there is no constant supervision of the child by a pediatrician, if there is no clinic nearby, then it is better to vaccinate the child!
As for the dangers of the preservatives present in this vaccine, I can say that they are, of course, present, and not to say that this is good. I don't presume to judge the quality. domestic vaccines, although I myself prefer foreign vaccines: it is believed that they contain fewer preservatives and other additional substances, respectively, they are better tolerated by the child, causing fewer post-vaccination complications.

From polio

It is a must to vaccinate against polio! Previously, a live vaccine was administered in the form of drops through the mouth. And in extremely weakened children, if vaccination was done without taking into account contraindications, vaccine-associated poliomyelitis could happen. It was because of this that this vaccine was replaced with a different type. Now polio is vaccinated by intramuscular injection, in which there are no longer living components of the virus, and immunity against this disease is not formed due to the live virus. And if earlier unvaccinated child received, sooner or later, contact with a weakened virus: after all, if half a group of children in the kindergarten, for example, were vaccinated, everyone received this contact due to non-observance of personal hygiene rules, but now this is not the case. The intramuscular vaccine gives immunity against the virus, but children do not get contact with the virus itself. Many mistakenly believe that polio is a legacy of the past, but this is not the case. It is, for example, in Tajikistan, but it is transmitted as a food poisoning - this implies the possibility of infection through products purchased, for example, on the market.

In no case should one refuse this vaccination: it is vital, because having been ill with polio means disability for life. Poliomyelitis is vaccinated three times during the first year of life, the first vaccination at 3 months.

From measles, rubella, mumps

In the year of life, the child is given a triple live vaccine against measles, rubella, mumps. And leave this vaccine, even if you decide to refuse vaccination. Measles is such a severe childhood disease that it was figuratively called infantile plague in the past. This disease has a very high mortality rate. In addition, measles extremely weakens the immune system: after a year or two, the child is out of shape, all sorts of rubbish clings to him, for example, after measles, the percentage of non-obstructive bronchitis and pneumonia is extremely high.

Parotitis (mumps) too terrible disease: a complication of parotitis is inflammation of many glands, in particular, the ovaries and testes. In boys, as a result of the transfer of the disease, infertility may occur. This is less pronounced in girls, but they may also have inflammation of the ovaries, which is further associated with the fact that the follicular reservoir is depleted early and the ovaries do not work as long as they should.

Rubella. Although it is extremely mild in children, it is important to be immune from it before childbearing age, because rubella during pregnancy can cause fetal malformation. This may seem irrelevant at first glance for boys, but if a man gets rubella during his wife's pregnancy, he can infect her with rubella, so it is necessary that both husband and wife are immune to this disease. Previously, when there was no vaccine, in many European countries, I don’t know how it was with us, they organized rubella parties for children. If in the district a child fell ill with rubella, then they called everyone together, made refreshments, games - so that everyone would get sick. The chance that a child will encounter rubella throughout his life is very high, and according to the law of meanness, this happens to women during pregnancy. To prevent this from happening, they came up with a triple vaccine - against measles, rubella and mumps.

The question remains how persistent immunity after vaccination is - some experts argue that by vaccinating a child at the age of one, we leave him defenseless against rubella at an older age. Revaccination is usually carried out at school at the age of 15 years.

Children with any chronic diseases, allergies or weakened immune systems need an individual approach. For them, consultation with an immunologist or a specialist doctor is recommended, but, in any case, vaccination is also necessary for such children.

Of course, it would be better to look at a clinical blood test, which, by the way, almost no one does, they vaccinate everyone with chokh! - and this is still a live vaccine, but if there is no opportunity to be tested, then in the absence of contraindications - the child is healthy and has not been sick for last month, does not have an exacerbation of chronic diseases at the time of injection, you can safely vaccinate children 13–15 years old. Years will pass unnoticed, and childbearing age will come very soon, it is better to take care of this before the age of 15. After that, immunity is maintained, as it is believed, for life, there is a lot of evidence for this.

I understand that sometimes a vaccine is what the companies that make it want to capitalize on. A fire is fanned around an absolutely insignificant reason. It is impossible to vaccinate a child against everything for which there are vaccines without harming his health. In addition, there are no contraindications to get sick healthy child, for example, influenza: in ten to twenty years the same virus will return, and a person will already have immunity to it. Let the child get sick, because during the illness he grows as a person, he begins to understand a lot about himself.

Some parents try to vaccinate their child against everything, for some reason it seems to them that then everything will be fine with their child. Yes, we have no such guarantee! As the Lord decides, so it will be: if this is His plan, what should happen will happen, and in general, if you want to make God laugh, tell Him about your plans. Well, you can’t lay straws everywhere!

There is a widespread opinion about the general weakening of immunity due to vaccinations. I would say that it is possible to associate a decrease in immunity with vaccination only at the level of intuition. In fact, there are no such studies - they cannot be organized: there are no comparable groups of children with the same health indicators living in same conditions, with the same eating style, etc. You can find many explanations for the decline in immunity in subsequent generations, and when there are many, as a rule, the true cause is not known.

So, for example, in the old days, many children were born in families, and the population did not particularly grow: there was a high infant mortality rate, and whoever experienced both childbirth (then it was a huge risk) and childhood infection was strong. Now everyone survives in our country - and this is the happiness of a particular family at the expense of the health of the entire population. For better or worse, we cannot afford not to treat children for scarlet fever. Does not work natural selection in the population beyond the first trimester: in the first trimester there are pregnancy losses, in the second there are already few, and in the third, in childbirth - almost none, this rare case mortality in childbirth.

Next, the style of eating has changed. I must say that there are a lot of different bacteria in our intestines, and we do not live with them separately, but in symbiosis, like a tree and a mushroom: what bacteria we feed, these live there. And if we eat a lot of sweets, we weaken good bacteria, dysbiosis develops in the intestines, due to which many links of our immunity are closed. So, in terms of sweet consumption, the style of eating has changed dramatically: if a hundred years ago, sweetness was a holiday food, and the average European ate 3.5 - 4 kg of sugar per year, now it is almost 20 times more: somewhere around 60 kg of sugar, including sugar-sweetened drinks, sweet dairy products, etc. Sugar everywhere! AT daily nutrition many people now have entertainment food: we are not hungry, but we have fun by eating sweets, eating has become a pleasure.

And the fact that the diet has become many times more sweet, affects the condition of the gastrointestinal tract, the condition of the skin, for example, acne has “aged”. If earlier it was a pathology of 12–17 years old, now we are offered a lot of cosmetics for aging skin prone to acne - acne occurs in women of fifty years. This is not due to a change in hormonal status - cancel sweets, treat intestinal dysbiosis, the skin will become better.

And this also applies to immunity.

There are a lot of myths in relation to vaccinations in the ranks of supporters and opponents of vaccinations. As soon as a complication arises, they shout that vaccinations are genocide, that officials want the population to be unhealthy. It doesn’t seem to me that someone deliberately vaccinates weakened children, but in our country, however, as in any other, there can be everything in the world: if the janitors on the street do not work well, then it is strange to expect that everything will be fine in other areas well, we have a mess everywhere! Problem modern doctor, his callousness, often hardness of heart, lack of an individual approach - the problem of society as a whole, which has lost Christian ideals, and not immunology and privilege.

The other side is shouting that everyone should be vaccinated. Arguments on both sides are both scientific and quasi-scientific.

Unconditional acceptance of all possible vaccines- one extreme: we cannot ensure that everything is good in a child's life by vaccination, there will always be a certain risk. There is another extreme: "Let's not vaccinate against anything, the whole world lives wrong, we need to return to nature."

Having heard about possible complications, some parents try to “save” their children from vaccinations, believing that the disease will bypass them: “Let others get vaccinated, and we will be marzipans who will skim the cream off this!” The position is a bit rotten: after all, vaccination works when everyone is vaccinated. It is one thing when children who have contraindications are not vaccinated, or when they do not trust vaccination, and another thing when they believe that a child will not encounter an infection. There is an old Gabrovo anecdote: in one village, for lack of money, a teacher agreed to pay rakia (vodka) for studies - two buckets from each yard. When everyone was poured into one barrel and tried - there was water there, everyone thought that his two buckets of water would not spoil good vodka! So that we don’t end up in this situation with vaccinations, we want our child to be protected from infection, but by proxy, let others get vaccinated, then the virus will not reach my child! Although there should be a moment of healthy suspicion: whether they approach my child individually enough, whether they thought that he might have complications, whether they thought about contraindications.

Parents, of course, need to read the literature, they need to be aware, but it is difficult to make a decision on their own - it requires medical education. First of all, I advise you to find a pediatrician and trust him: the specialist has specific knowledge that the patient does not have.

I do not undertake to criticize anyone: everyone has the right to their opinion, after all, this is not such a fundamental moment as giving birth at home or in a hospital. You can be vaccinated against nothing, you can be vaccinated against everything - God alone knows what will happen to you!

Opinion "against"

Medicine and the healthcare system in the 20th century experienced a real “revolution”. Scientists have managed to significantly reduce child and maternal mortality rates, achieve significant success in recognizing diseases, understanding pathogenesis, treatment, and prevention. However, despite the colossal successes and discoveries, doctors state that for last years the health of the population has deteriorated, today's children get sick more often than their peers fifty years ago. Some pediatricians even argue that having ARVI 8-10 times a year for a preschooler is the norm, and they call for protecting children through vaccination. And especially active officials and doctors insist on the introduction of mandatory universal vaccination. However, more and more often one can hear an alternative opinion of doctors that universal vaccination just contributes to the deterioration of the health of children and adults.

Full Coverage

Every autumn and spring, materials about important role vaccinations, there is an extensive campaign for vaccinations, and in particular against the flu. For these purposes, the state allocates impressive funds. Thus, in 2009 an additional 4 billion rubles were spent from the budget for the purchase of vaccines against swine flu.

They talk not only about the harmlessness of vaccinations, but their vital, vital necessity. Some Russian pediatricians advocate expanding National calendar vaccinations, for the inclusion of new vaccinations: against pneumococcal infection, against Hib infection (hemophilic type B) and chickenpox. At the same time, the list of contraindications is greatly narrowed. Many leading doctors are in favor of introducing mandatory vaccination for all citizens. The head of Rospotrebnadzor, Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation Gennady Onishchenko also shares the opinion on the expediency of active promotion of vaccinations. Most recently, in May 2010, Mr. Onishchenko went to the media to call for polio vaccinations for 5,526 Moscow children aged 3 months to 15 years whose parents had written a refusal to be vaccinated against own will or medical indications. Mr. Onishchenko backed up his opinion by asserting that parents greatly risk the life and health of their child by refusing to be vaccinated: “We need to fight this and urgently carry out explanatory work. It's irresponsible."

In another interview, the chief sanitary doctor recalled with nostalgia that “several decades ago, Soviet citizens did not need to be convinced of the need for vaccinations. It was obvious to everyone, since everyone remembered the sad examples of people dying from infectious diseases.”

Indeed, today more and more parents refuse vaccinations. Although sometimes it is not easy to defend one’s point of view and the unconditional right to refuse, enshrined in articles 5 and 11 in the law “On Immunoprophylaxis of Infectious Diseases” and the order of the Minister of Health and Social Development Tatyana Golikova of 2009 on vaccination only with the consent of parents. It is enough to read parental forums where moms and dads share what difficulties they had to face while refraining from vaccination, about the strong pressure from medical workers, about the difficulties of placing an unvaccinated child in a kindergarten and school.

Nevertheless, the number of parents signing the waiver is growing, which is what local pediatricians also complain about. About this on March 16, 2010 at the round table "Vaccination - free informed choice", held in Public Chamber, said the doctor of biological sciences, virologist Galina Petrovna Chervonskaya. The professor gave statistics on the growing wave of vaccine refusals. So, in the maternity hospital at the City Clinical Hospital No. 7 of Moscow in 2005, 56 written refusals from BCG and 88 from hepatitis B were registered, and in 2007 - already 108 and 270, respectively.

Often, refusals of parents encourage doctors of district clinics to act more persistently, to persuade, sometimes to intimidate. According to the doctor of medical sciences, professor, pediatrician Larisa Grigorievna Kuzmenko, the problem lies in the fact that “for violating the schedule for vaccination, for the refusal of parents, district doctors are punished financially: they are not paid bonuses, they are deprived of other material benefits.”

"little" troubles

It is generally not very common to talk about complications from vaccinations. And although the doctor is obliged to inform parents about possible side effects, to tell in detail about the composition of vaccines, in most cases, doctors do not go into details. Of course, when a district pediatrician has 800 people, it is not easy to work individually with each child, but vaccination is a serious, vital important question, sometimes determining the fate of the baby.

So, Larisa Kuzmenko, who worked for nineteen years in the Morozov children's city clinical hospital Moscow, in the department for young children, and now the head of the Department of Children's Diseases of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, noted that there are not only local and general negative reactions on vaccines that occur immediately after vaccination in the coming days and weeks, but also delayed complications, the consequences of which can be extremely severe. “Among the diseases in children, we know of acute leukemia, thrombocytopenic purpura, diffuse diseases connective tissue: systemic lupus erythematosus, systemic scleroderma, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, shared Larisa Kuzmenko. - When a patient comes to us with one of the listed diseases, we collect an anamnesis, and in a number of children we clearly identify indications that 2-8 weeks before the onset of a difficult-to-treat (and sometimes incurable) illness, he was given one or another vaccine ".

However, parents will not hear such sad facts from local doctors. But rather, they will be assured that the most terrible reaction to the vaccine will be a rise in temperature within one or two days, which, of course, cannot be compared with the danger of diseases against which vaccination is carried out. “It is no secret that vaccines sometimes cause adverse reactions,” writes the head. department of the polyclinic at the Moscow Children's Clinical Hospital No. N. F. Filatova Irina Zayanchkovskaya. - Some children develop redness, itching or soreness at the vaccination site, sometimes a fever. All this passes quickly, so parents should not be afraid of vaccination. So the vigilance of especially curious dads and moms is lulled, who are trying to delve into the situation and understand what an injection can threaten. Doctors do not provide data in their articles aimed at parents that after vaccination a child may develop severe diseases, they do not say that, according to Russian official statistics, about 400 cases of post-vaccination complications from vaccinations are registered annually. And this is only according to official data! Since it is extremely difficult to fix and prove that the disease is caused by vaccination.

In many Western countries they stopped doing BCG a long time ago, but in our country they put it right in the maternity hospital, often without even asking the permission of the parents. Again, doctors assure that BCG is safe. At the same time, in April 2006, in St. Petersburg, at the State University of St. Petersburg Research Institute of Phthisiopulmonology, the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual Issues of Detection, Diagnosis and Treatment of extrapulmonary tuberculosis”, where in the report of the department of surgery of bone tuberculosis of the indicated institute, the case histories of 850 children who received osteoarticular tuberculosis after BCG vaccination were given.

Parents are also not told that, according to a study published in 1992 in The American Journal of Epidemiology, the mortality rate of children within 3 days after DPT vaccination is 8 times higher than that of children who have not been vaccinated. And according to a preliminary study from the US Centers for Disease Control (Center for Disease Control), children who receive the Hib vaccine are 5 times more likely to contract Hib infection than those who have not been vaccinated. Why, without informing the population about problems of this kind and about scientific data, do they want to introduce this vaccination in addition to the general calendar?

However, practice shows that even with negative results of vaccination, doctors still continue to fulfill the plan. It is enough to read an excerpt from the letter Federal Service on supervision in the field of consumer rights protection and human well-being dated 06.27.05 No. 0100 / 4853-05-32 "On the results of the mass immunization of the population of the Russian Federation against diphtheria in 2004", which says:
“... As in previous years, vaccinated people predominate among the sick. The percentage of vaccinated sick adults was 68.4%, children - 83.2% ... ”After this letter, vaccination against diphtheria, of course, did not stop.

Double punch

Parents are convinced that vaccination will help protect their children from terrible diseases, that vaccinations increase immunity. However, the facts and studies accumulated over the past decades convincingly show otherwise. Any vaccine causes negative impact, - says Galina Borisovna Kirillicheva, an immunologist, candidate of medical sciences, who has been researching for 30 years at the State Research Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology named after N.F. Gamaleya vaccines and immunomodulators. “It has been experimentally proven that vaccines reduce immune resistance to weak and medium effects and increase sensitivity to all harmful factors.” According to Galina Borisovna, vaccines cause both a specific effect and non-specific adaptive reactions, including a breakdown in adaptation. “American experts write that we have exchanged diphtheria and whooping cough for leukemia and oncology. There are domestic and American experimental data that there may be violations of both reproductive functions and mandatory changes. nervous system”, - Galina Borisovna noted in her report at the round table in the Public Chamber.

The impact of vaccinations on the reproductive function of vaccinated children has long been discussed by Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Raisa Sadykovna Amanjolova from Kazakhstan, who worked with women prone to pathological pregnancy and childbirth. After many years of observation of patients and the accumulated material, together with the staff of her scientific department, the professor conducted scientific experiments on rabbits that were injected with BCG, DTP, ATP, AS vaccines included in the mandatory vaccination calendar. In the fifth generation, not a single experimental animal survived to reproductive age. In the remaining four, 75% of the offspring died, which is seven times more than in the control group. Behavioral responses were disturbed among the survivors: young males injured each other, used to join mating games, and as adults, they lost the ability to cover rabbits. Almost half of the covered females did not become pregnant.

However, vaccinations, as it turns out, affect not only the reproductive function, but also the psyche. “Studies were carried out abroad that showed that almost the main regulators of neurotransmitter systems that play a major role in the pathogenesis mental disorders are violations of T-cell immunity. Cellular immunity suffers the most during vaccinations, since the virus, even weakened, crushes T cell immunity. Dramatically reduces the production of interferons, the activity of natural killers, reduces the level of phagocytosis. It turns out that nonspecific immunity factors are endogenous regulators of key neurotransmitter systems that underlie schizophrenia,” said a biochemist, candidate of biological sciences, head of the laboratory at the round table Science Center of Mental Health of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences Oleg Sergeevich Brusov.

And Galina Vyacheslavovna Kozlovskaya added that in recent years there has been a sharp increase in mental illness, primarily autism. The professor cited data showing that if before autism met in one or two cases per 10,000, today in 20-30 cases per 10,000. An increase in the number of autistic children is observed not only in our country, but also in other countries. Thus, in the United States, publications about a real “autism epidemic” in the world are increasingly appearing.

Autism was first described in 1942 and separated from schizotypal disorders in individual disease, and a few years before that, in 1938, teirosal (ethyl-mercury) appeared in vaccinations. Many American scientists - Woods, Heylin, Brastreet, Adamson - who studied the early childhood autism, found that the difference between mercury poisoning and symptoms of childhood autism are virtually non-existent.

The child is injected with mercury in the first 3 hours of life - it is contained in the hepatitis B vaccine. Once in the body, teirosal disrupts the synthesis of heme, which is responsible for the production of hemoglobin, and the production of bile. Interestingly, girls suffer from autism 4 times less often than boys, since estrogen helps to eliminate mercury from the body, and testosterone, on the contrary, increases intoxication many times over. It is possible to detect timirosal in the body only for a few weeks, after which it is pointless to do tests, so many parents are rebuffed when they refer to the vaccine.

According to Oleg Sergeevich Brusov, autism is not mental illness, a immune disorder. Works and studies by American scientists have been published about this for a long time, and treatment is being successfully carried out in the West, based on full recovery intestines and chelation therapy - cleansing the body of mercury.

The best protection

Today, many children suffer from poor health, most of the small townspeople can be classified as "frequently ill children." In Soviet times, this characteristic served as a reason for the medical withdrawal from vaccinations. However, today you can hear the opposite opinion that weakened children should first of all be vaccinated. However, according to Galina Petrovna Chervonskaya, such statements are a real crime, because children with reduced immunity almost always have negative reactions and complications. The child’s immunity is already lame, and vaccinations cause him even more damage.

Children of the first year of life deserve special attention, since even in children born at term, their own synthesis of class G protective immunoglobulins begins only from the age of 3 months. In addition, a number of children have a “late start”, therefore it is strictly not recommended to vaccinate before 12 months, since not only the risk is increased side effects, but the possibility of developing an adequate response to the vaccine is also significantly reduced.
However, whether or not to vaccinate a child is the decision of the parents. However, it should be recalled that often adults trust doctors without trying to understand the essence of ongoing medical manipulations, but it’s worth getting full information when it comes to health, especially - small child. So, for example, many parents are afraid of polio, because pediatricians in clinics insist that the disease almost always leads to paralysis. But it is enough to look through the medical literature to find out that 95% of those infected with the natural polio virus will not show any symptoms, even in an epidemic. Approximately 5% of those infected will develop mild symptoms: sore throat, neck stiffness, headache and fever, often mistaken for a cold or flu. These symptoms resolve without a trace within 72 hours. And only one out of 1000 patients (and this disease is rare) may experience paralysis, which almost always disappear without a trace.

Interestingly, according to studies, injections (of antibiotics or vaccines) increase susceptibility to polio. A 1992 study published in the Journal of Infectious Diseases found that children who received injections of the DPT (pertussis, diphtheria, tetanus) vaccine were significantly more susceptible than usual to paralytic polio for thirty consecutive days. According to the authors, "this study confirms that injections are one of the main risk factors for polio." Also in 1992, the Centers for Disease Control published an assumption that vaccine live virus had become the leading cause of polio in the United States. In fact, according to the Center, all polio cases in the US since 1979 have been the result of oral polio vaccine. An independent study of government vaccination databases over a recent period of less than five years uncovered 13,641 reports of adverse reactions to oral polio vaccine. Among them there were 6364 appeals to reception departments hospitals and 540 deaths.

Other diseases and vaccines can be subjected to similar analysis and study of data. And this is one of the important parenting tasks. After all, not doctors will subsequently be responsible for the health of the baby, but dad and mom. The choice should be responsible and thoughtful, since today everyone has access to information.

More and more parents refuse routine vaccination of their children, motivating this a high percentage complications. Are their fears exaggerated? Let's try to answer this question, evaluating all the pros and cons. We will also consider how children are vaccinated in Russia and what are the contraindications to this procedure.

Vaccination is the introduction into the body of a weakened pathogen of a disease in small quantities.

After that, the immune system produces antibodies that prevent infection. The method is effective against bacterial and viral infections.

Vaccinations carried out in accordance with the vaccination scheme for children are a reliable means of preventing such dangerous diseases as:

  • Hepatitis B;
  • tetanus;
  • mumps;
  • whooping cough;
  • diphtheria.

The vaccine is administered subcutaneously, intramuscularly, intranasally (as a spray) or orally (drip on the tongue). After vaccination, the disease does not occur. Although for some time there may be changes in the state - an increase in temperature, discomfort at the injection site (if an injection was performed).

Most vaccinations can be given at the same time. Some of them provide complex action and protect immediately from 2-3 diseases. Immunity lasts for several years, after which revaccination is carried out.

Vaccinations for children: pros and cons

To decide whether to vaccinate your baby or not, it is worth weighing the pros and cons of vaccinating children. Many parents believe that it is more useful for a child to endure some illnesses (,) at an early age.

Actually, due to mass failure From vaccinations, outbreaks of infections that can lead to disability or death are on the rise. But even relatively “safe” diseases have consequences.

Parotitis, popularly known as mumps, sometimes causes infertility in boys, and childhood rubella can cause arthritis.

Another argument cited by parents against vaccination is that in newborns and children under five years of age, immunity is not fully developed, and the interference of vaccinations can disrupt the mechanism of its formation, laid down by nature. There is some truth in this statement.

The body's defenses consist of nonspecific and specific immunity. In a small child, at the stage of formation, there is the first of them, which is responsible for the fight against opportunistic pathogenic bacteria. It affects the normal functioning of the intestines and the susceptibility of children to colds.

The second type of immunity (specific), which guarantees a successful fight against infections, has already been formed by the time of birth. Vaccination becomes an activator of its work and in no way prevents the further strengthening of the body's nonspecific defenses.

Faced with a dangerous infection, the child will be prepared for it.

Those who oppose vaccination argue that the vaccine contains dangerous substances - bacteria, viruses, preservatives. Indeed, these components are present in the composition.

But the bacteria and viruses in the vaccine are in an inactive or weakened state. They are enough to produce antibodies to a specific infection, but they are unable to provoke a disease.

Preservatives deserve special attention. In the production of the vaccine, merthiolate (an organic compound of mercury) and formaldehyde are used in very small doses.

It sounds scary, although every day we encounter these substances and do not even suspect it.

They are widely used in the pharmaceutical industry, as well as in the production of cosmetics and household chemicals (soaps, foams, shampoos). Once ingested with a vaccine, these preservatives do not cause any significant harm, but there is still a risk of allergies.

It is important to remember that in addition to an anaphylactic reaction, the introduction of a vaccine can be a "trigger" for some neurological diseases.

Such cases are extremely rare and are the result of incorrect or untimely administration of the drug. Therefore, children's routine vaccination, although necessary, is carried out only if the baby is absolutely healthy at the time of vaccination and this is confirmed by a pediatrician.

Vaccination schedule for children in Russia

Each country has its own vaccination calendar. It indicates the diseases against which the population should be vaccinated, as well as the timing of the initial and repeated procedures.

In Russia, minor changes are made to the routine vaccination calendar for children every year, but the main scheme, which is as close as possible to European standards, was installed in 2003.

The current calendar of routine vaccination of children in Russia

Name and purpose of the vaccine Timing of primary vaccination Re-vaccination period Special Notes
Against hepatitis B Within 12 hours of birth At 1 and 6 months If the mother had hepatitis B at the time of birth, the child is vaccinated according to a different scheme, adding an additional vaccination
BCG (for tuberculosis) 3-7 days of life Every 7 years Mantoux test is performed annually to monitor the work of antibodies to tuberculosis
OPV (against polio) At 3 months At 4.5, 6, 18 and 20 months, 6 and 14 years Conducted simultaneously with DTP
(complex vaccine against diphtheria, whooping cough and tetanus) At 3 months At 4.5, 6 and 18 months, 6-7 and 14 years The vaccine may not contain a pertussis component and be called ADS or ADS-M
from haemophilus influenzae At 3 months At 4.5 and 18 months
ZHKV (against measles) At 12 months At 6 years old
ZhPV (for mumps) At 12 months At 6 years old
Rubella At 12 months At 6 and 14 years old

All vaccinations are administered in accordance with the vaccination instructions for the listed age groups. The drugs used must be approved for use in Russia and have quality certificates.

The vaccination schedule can be adjusted depending on the needs and condition of the child. Children with congenital HIV infection, neurological disorders and other developmental pathologies are given an individual vaccination schedule.

Vaccinations for newborns and children up to a year

The vaccination schedule in different medical institutions is slightly different, but you should not worry about this. The main thing is to have time to do all the mandatory vaccinations before the year. The point of vaccinating newborns and infants is that by the time the child begins to walk and actively communicate with peers, he already has protection against infections.

To prevent such a dangerous disease as hepatitis B in babies under one year old, vaccinations that do not contain merthiolate are recommended.

If the child still has not received the vaccine by 12 months and is not at high risk for this disease, the 0-1-6 regimen is applied to it. This means that after the first, a month later, the second is performed, and after another six months, the third.

Many parents consider this vaccine optional, because they do not use drugs and the children grow up in a prosperous family.

But hepatitis insidious disease, which the baby can become infected with by picking up a used syringe or fighting with an infected child. In addition, no one is immune from the need for an urgent blood transfusion.

Vaccination before kindergarten

In Russia, it is problematic to send a child to kindergarten and school without a certificate of vaccination. Therefore, it is desirable that by that time he already had basic vaccinations. It is worth worrying about additional vaccinations that are not included in the mandatory calendar.

To dangerous diseases preventable include hepatitis A (jaundice or Botkin's disease) and influenza, which spread easily in the preschool setting.

After consulting with a pediatrician, vaccination against chickenpox and pneumococcal infection can be added to an individual calendar.

All vaccinations must be completed at least a couple of months before the child starts visiting kindergarten. Otherwise, the immune system will not have time to form, and the baby will often get sick. In addition, the risk of complications after vaccination increases if the child is already attending kindergarten.

Vaccination before school

Children's routine vaccinations before school are just as important as before kindergarten. The child will communicate with a large number of people every day. Meeting with dangerous infections during this period is inevitable, and vaccinations - The best way avoid serious consequences.

Of course, if you do not want to vaccinate your child, no one can force you. But then you need to be prepared for problems when entering school, because teachers and the management of the institution are afraid to take responsibility for unvaccinated children, which, in general, is understandable.

Another thing is medical contraindications to vaccination. They are not a hindrance to attending an educational institution.

Contraindications and refusal of vaccination

The question of the admissibility of vaccination of newborns and older children is always decided individually, after examining the child. There are few contraindications, but they exist.

Routine vaccination not performed if the child:

  1. There are severe neurological abnormalities.
  2. I've had an allergic reaction to a vaccine before.
  3. Feeling unwell, there are signs of a cold, or the child recently had one (less than 2 weeks ago).
  4. Exacerbated any chronic disease.

With the listed contraindications, the doctor may give a medical exemption from vaccinations for a while (3 months or more). After normalization of the condition, vaccination is continued according to the adjusted schedule.

If you change your mind about getting vaccinated, in accordance with Russian law , you have the right to revoke them in writing. But you need to understand that by this action you take full responsibility for the life and health of the child.

Vaccinations against diphtheria, tuberculosis, measles, hepatitis B, as well as vaccination of children against other infectious diseases - reliable way keep babies safe from complications. The procedure is completely safe if you carefully consider the contraindications and carry it out only in public clinics.

You should not thoughtlessly refuse vaccinations, it is better to discuss all the risks and the possibility of drawing up an individual vaccination schedule for your child with a pediatrician and an immunologist.

Useful video about reaction to vaccinations and complications


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