What to say when you drink holy water. How to collect holy water in the church? The great power of holy water, healing and beneficial properties: a scientific explanation. About the use of holy water. Boiling and freezing

Holy water is water that outwardly does not differ from ordinary water, but internally it contains the grace of God. Thanks to this presence, holy water has healing properties. Holy water also protects us from the actions of dark forces.

Note that in Orthodoxy, by holy water, we mean exactly that holy water that is consecrated on the feast of the Baptism of the Lord. It is also called Epiphany water, or Great Agiasma, which in Greek means the Great Shrine. In addition to baptismal water, there is also holy water, which we receive during the celebration of water-blessing festive prayers in the temple on holidays. All holy water baptized and consecrated during festive prayers contains God's grace. But baptismal water, as mentioned above, has the greatest power. During the year, the water does not deteriorate and retains its healing properties due to the presence of grace. True, under the only condition - a person must treat it with reverence.

How to take holy water?

First of all, water should be consumed daily. In this way we strengthen our own bodily and spiritual powers. There are a lot of cases when people using holy water received healing and recovery. It is known from history that St. Ambrose of Optina once gave a bottle of holy water to a seriously ill person. After taking the blessed water, the patient became completely healthy. All the doctors wondered how this hopelessly ill man got cured.

Ascetics of piety have always reminded believers of the need to drink holy water. So, Hieroschemamonk Seraphim Vyrlitsky recommended that sick people take a tablespoon of holy water every hour. After all, there is no stronger medicine in the world than holy water. The elder said that before putting food on the table, they should be sprinkled with baptismal water.

When we talk about baptismal water, we remember that there is a church custom of sprinkling all dwellings on the feast of Epiphany with the Great Agiasma.

Some people claim that bathing, or full immersion in the river on the feast of the Epiphany of the Lord, washes away sins. In fact, such bathing is nothing more than an ancient pious custom. For cleansing from sins in the Church, the Lord Jesus Christ established the Sacrament of Confession.

Prayer for the adoption of Prosphora and holy water

Every person, when he wakes up in the morning, tries to put himself in order. He does exercises, brushes his teeth and has breakfast. Thus he prepares himself for work. In the same way, a person should prepare himself for spiritual work in the morning. So to speak, strengthen your “internal muscles”. That is why every Orthodox Christian makes a morning prayer to God in the morning. After prayer, he uses holy water and prosphora. Please note that you need to use shrines on an empty stomach. Drinking holy water after meals is allowed only in case of illness.

First we drink holy water, and then we eat prosphora. Shrines should be stored in a place specially designated for them. Mostly this is a prayer corner on which vessels for shrines are located.

Before drinking holy water and prosphora, we say the following prayer:

“Lord my God, may Your holy gift and Your holy water be for the Forgiveness of my sins, for the enlightenment of my mind, for the strengthening of my spiritual and bodily strength, for the health of my soul and body, for the subjugation of my passions and infirmities through Your infinite mercy through prayers Your Most Pure Mother and all Your saints. Amen".

Can you boil holy water?

Sometimes people ask if it is possible to boil baptismal water. There is no such need. Epiphany water during the year not only does not deteriorate, it has an antibacterial effect, that is, it destroys bacteria that are harmful to health. So there is no need to worry about the fact that the water is standing for a long time.

Can holy water be diluted?

There are times when supplies of holy water run out. Then ordinary water is added to baptismal water. Ordinary water, mixing with baptismal water, takes on its properties. In other words, there is more baptismal water.

Watch a video about holy water

First, don't worry. Often an Orthodox Christian takes prosaic and everyday things as bad or good signs. For example, the priest accidentally dropped an engagement ring at a wedding - the young will not live. Or: when he prayed to the Most Holy Theotokos for something to come true, he saw how a ray of sunshine fell on his face and the image seemed to smile, which means that the desired will come true; Epiphany water has deteriorated - the grace of God has departed from home, expect trouble. This, of course, is superstition, that is, a vain belief. The Holy Fathers unequivocally say: do not look for signs, do not indulge in superstitions and do not inflame either positive or negative thought-emotional attitudes in this regard. Everything should be accepted with indifference, as if it never happened.

All the will of God. And trust her, based primarily on the commandments of the Lord and the advice of the holy fathers. It is necessary, as they say, not to get confused and not to panic, but to clearly and soberly realize that our salvation depends on the will of God and on how zealously we work on ourselves to eradicate sin and purify and sanctify our inner man.

It is very easy to dispose of holy water that has gone bad. Pour it somewhere under a bush or tree, on grass or the ground in a clean place where there is no garbage. If this is an apartment, then pour it into a flowerpot, but not into the sewer, so that the shrine does not interfere with sewage. If the holy water was stored in a plastic bottle, then it is better to burn it in a clean place, and if in a glass container, it can be rinsed well several times and also poured into a clean place.

It is better to store holy water not on the window and not in a place where direct sunlight falls on it. This can also ruin it. On the other hand, you need to understand that initially in the consecrated water there may be seeds of aquatic plants, from which the water can “bloom”. There are many natural options when holy water can go bad.

When holy water becomes unfit for drinking, you can sprinkle your home, children, relatives with it from the palm of your hand. And in this way, use the shrine for its spiritual purpose, so that the baptismal water, by the power of the Lord and God and our Savior Jesus Christ, sanctifies, cleanses our home, and our souls and bodies receive the saving and life-giving power of God's grace.

You can replenish the stocks of baptismal or other holy water (from prayer services) in the temple. You can store it all year round, adding plain water to the shrine according to the principle "a drop of holy water sanctifies the sea." In a similar way, baptismal water is stored in the temple.

It is pleasant to watch when you enter a different house and see holy water and a cup standing next to it, and a bag of prosphora. And you already know that this person regularly eats holy water and prosphora. And sometimes you can see that a person has baptismal water brought into the house on the feast of the Epiphany of the Lord, put it closed in a closet and gets out of there only the next year on January 19th. It is poured out or replenished with fresh Epiphany water. This, of course, is sad. Because baptismal water should serve us for good. It can and should support our spiritual and bodily strength if used properly every day. It is a means of sanctifying our spiritual and bodily nature. And therefore it is desirable that the day of an Orthodox Christian begins with her. After all, water, among other means consecrated by the Church, helps us fight sin and draw closer to God. The great shrine-aghiasma is a symbol of the feast of the Epiphany of the Lord. God has appeared to His people and remains among them forever... Therefore, the consumption of prosphora and holy water on an empty stomach after the morning rule with a certain prayer is a kind of echo-symbol of the Liturgy, a kind of very important moment of our personal home worship, in which God sanctifies both us and the coming day, teaching us His blessing in it.

There are many cases of getting rid of ailments with the help of holy water. Its healing properties are not denied by medicine. But how to use holy water in everyday life?

  • Holy water should be drunk in the morning on an empty stomach or in the evening before going to bed (but not from a common container).
  • With a very serious illness or if a person is in a state of intense spiritual struggle, despondency, it can be drunk in unlimited quantities, regardless of food intake.
  • After drinking, you need to pray for healing.
  • For pain or just a sore spot, you can apply a compress moistened with holy water.
  • It is customary to use holy water with prayer:

“Lord, my God, may Your holy gift and Your holy water be for the remission of my sins, for the enlightenment of my mind, for the strengthening of my spiritual and bodily strength, for the health of my soul and body, for the subjugation of my passions and infirmities through Your boundless mercy the prayers of Your Most Pure Mother and all Your saints. Amen.»

  • Holy water has tremendous healing power. There are cases when a few drops of such water, poured into the mouth of an unconscious patient, brought him to his senses and changed the course of the disease. But that doesn't mean you don't need to see a doctor. A special property of holy water is that, added even in a small amount to ordinary water, it imparts beneficial properties to it.
  • It is necessary to store holy water at the icon or behind the icon. Just please label the bottle or stick a proper label on it. Be careful that your loved ones inadvertently do not pour out holy water, or do not use it reverently. You can not store such water in the refrigerator. Do not keep it near food.
  • This water is not given to animals.
  • You can only sprinkle it with your home (while reading a prayer), a car, or some other thing, also clothes, and even pets.
  • If the water has deteriorated, it must be poured into a river or other natural source. Holy water must not be poured down the sink or drain. holy water do not splash on the ground. It is poured into an “untrampled” place, that is, into a place where people do not walk (they do not trample underfoot) and dogs do not run. You can pour water into the river, you can into a flower pot, you can into a clean place under a tree.

HOLY WATER IS NECESSARY NOT ONLY TO KEEP CAREFULLY, BUT ALSO USE REGULARLY. Eternal storage of water "in reserve" is unacceptable if it was brought to their church once for Baptism according to the principle "to be in the house, because everyone has it." This is a kind of confinement of the shrine. The grace of holy water does not decrease, no matter how much it is stored, but people who do not turn to the shrine rob themselves.

Once blessed water is always like that. In the case when we have little holy water left, but we need some significant amount, we can add holy water to ordinary water. All water will be sanctified.

Finally, the most important:

Holy water will not bring us any benefit if we spend our lives away from God. If we want to feel God in our lives, to feel His help, His participation in our affairs, we must become Christians not only in name, but also in essence.
Being a Christian means:
Fulfill the commandments of God, love God and neighbors;
Participate in Church Sacraments and pray at home;
Work on fixing your soul.

May the Lord help us, no matter how far we are from our Heavenly Father's home, to return to Him.

In nature, there is a well-known and amazing substance - water. It is she who can carry both destruction and healing. There are many legends and tales about this, according to which the extraordinary power of this life-giving moisture works wonders. Is it really?

The miraculous properties of holy water

Water acquires its cleansing and healing properties only at certain times of the year. This phenomenon still remains a mystery to all scientists, since none of them can provide an intelligible and intelligible explanation for this fact. However, this is true. People who bathed in the hole on the feast of Epiphany, as a rule, do not catch a cold. And if you plunge into the water on the day, popularly referred to as "Clean Thursday", you can be cured of various diseases.

Our mothers and grandmothers know how to use it well. They are convinced that, for example, on such days as Epiphany and Maundy Thursday, even ordinary tap water will not deteriorate for many years. In addition, you can add a few drops of prepared holy water to plain water, due to which it will itself become sanctified.

Holy water secret

What to do with holy water - everyone needs to decide individually. Some simply keep it in the closet, others regularly spray their homes with it, and still others drink it daily. At the same time, people do not know about the main secret of holy water. It lies in the fact that in such a liquid there is a harmonious structure, in comparison with the randomness in plain water.

Conducting experiments characterized by observing changes in such a liquid, scientists found that the structure of Epiphany water is much more harmonious than on other days. This liquid has a very strong energy and is characterized by the presence of many unique properties.

Epiphany healing

According to numerous experiments, it is clear what an amazing effect the water, which was collected on the nineteenth of January in a church spring, can have on the human body. After taking it, all the people who participated in this experiment and were under the direct influence of such a liquid showed a significant increase in the level of biological and energy activity. And the water that was collected from the same source, but at the beginning of the month, had absolutely no effect on the human body.

Based on the results of the experiment, scientists came to the conclusion that the saint has a rather good effect on overall health, can help improve the level of energy circulation, and also enhance the energy functions of a person. Therefore, an understandable question arises: "How to use holy water?"

Miracle of Healing

Unfortunately, today many people do not know what to do with holy water and how to use it properly. But such a liquid is an extremely unusual phenomenon that has an unexplored nature. Indeed, thanks to holy water, you can be cured of various diseases and ailments.

Its miracle lies in the fact that it can transmit harmony to all people. Getting into the human body, holy water rebuilds its unhealthy organs in a new way, thus provoking their subsequent healing.

In addition, in the history of science there is another important factor that proves that after crossing ordinary water, you can remove the millions of microbes in it, and also change its optical characteristics and properties. The same applies to food. immediately cleanse the food.

The Powerful Influence of Prayer

Nowadays, many people have an idea how to use holy water. But not everyone knows how to make it from ordinary liquid. In one of the experiments conducted by scientists, it was established exactly how the well-known and cross signs affect negative bacteria in the water. During this experiment, samples from different reservoirs were used. At the same time, both church and unbelieving people read prayers for water. As a result, this experiment revealed that the number of bacteria was significantly reduced in all cases.

In addition, prayers and signs of the cross also have a rather favorable effect on the human body. As a result of experiments, it was proved that such methods can normalize blood pressure and improve blood levels. The surprising fact is that the pressure in the process of research changed according to the requirements of healing, for example, in hypertensive patients it decreased, and in hypotensive patients it increased.

Science opinion

Do you know how to bless an apartment with holy water? Delving into such a pressing issue, many people do not even think about how this simple liquid acquired its miraculous power. In the modern world, many scientists consider reliable
the theory that water is charged exclusively from space. This can be explained by the fact that just on the nineteenth of January, the planet Earth is exposed to a special radiation, thanks to which the bioenergetics of all water then grows. Therefore, all living organisms on Earth receive additional charges of energy just before spring.

If we follow another theory, then before the Feast of the Epiphany, for many years, the strongest accumulations of neuron flows are observed, exceeding the background degrees by hundreds of times.

Astrologers about holy water

Astrologers believe that on the eighteenth and nineteenth of January, our planet is looking for a connection with the middle of the entire galaxy, due to which there is a general interaction. At the same time, the Earth is under the influence of energy channels that structure everything, including liquid. The result is holy water. Everyone knows where to get it these days, since any body of water in such a period has healing properties.

The miraculous characteristics of holy water are really not a fairy tale. However, one should not rely on a complete bodily and spiritual recovery with their help. The clergy say that even if you lie in holy water for days on end, holiness will not come from this. A righteous lifestyle and prayers can fully help cleanse the soul. At the same time, holy water is a blessing on this road.

Such a liquid is very useful for people who suffer from any disease. Therefore, many are interested in the pressing question: "How to drink holy water?" To do this, you can take from sixty to one hundred milliliters of it on an empty stomach daily. It is better to store it in glassware and in a place where daylight does not fall. In order for the action to be strengthened, you need to read a prayer.

Also, you can not use holy water in everyday life when doing any household chores. This can be washing dishes, and brewing tea, and cooking or bathing. In addition, water for consecration is not always only from the church, and ordinary tap water can be consecrated. To do this, you just need to dilute it with holy water, and the usual liquid will acquire its properties.

Based on the foregoing, it becomes extremely clear how to use holy water at home. By following such simple guidelines and preaching a righteous lifestyle, you can really get rid of some problems thanks to holy water.

Irina, Moscow

How to use holy water?

Every year the same question arises: how to use holy water correctly? How to consecrate housing correctly, is it possible to drink Epiphany water after eating, and how to properly dilute it with ordinary water if the holy one ends? Save Christ.

After the consecration of water, every Christian, having come home, should stand in front of the holy icons, praying three bows with a prayer "God, merciful...", then says: “For the prayers of the saints, our Father…”, “The Trisagion and Our Father” and a prayer to Jesus. Then with the singing of the troparion “They are baptized in the Jordan, O Lord, the Trinity appearing worship. For the voice of your parents testifies to You, calling Your beloved Son. And the Spirit in the vision of the dove told your words the affirmation. Appear, Christ God, and enlighten the world, glory to Thee" do the sprinkling of the whole house.

Great Agiasma, which is consecrated once on January 5/18, should be drunk by every Christian, regardless of their sins (including, for example, smokers who ate that day) within 3 hours after consecration. Next, you need to consecrate all the items in your house, barn and other places. Even “stingy places” are sprinkled with this water, i.e. toilets, barnyards, etc. If someone does not manage to get home within 3 hours, then, as an exception, he has the right to perform the above sacred rites within one hour after arriving home. After the expiration of the specified time, the Great Water must be kept with great reverence. In the event of its accidental spillage, this place, just as during the shedding of the Communion, is burned or cut down and put into “impassable places.”

In the daily life of an Orthodox Christian, holy water of small consecration is used with prayer on an empty stomach or after eating prosphora, in small quantities, as well as for consecrating dishes and other objects. Although it is desirable - out of reverence for the shrine - to take Epiphany water on an empty stomach, but due to a special need for God's help - in case of ailments or attacks by evil forces - you can and should drink it without hesitation, at any time.

Holy water is a church shrine with which the grace of God has come into contact and which requires a reverent attitude towards itself. It should be stored in a separate place, preferably next to the home iconostasis. It is undesirable to store holy water for a long time in a plastic container. In any case, old labels from soda, alcohol, or the like are unacceptable on bottles. It is pious to stick a special mark stating that holy water is stored in the vessel.

If necessary, holy water can always be “diluted” with fresh water, with the singing of the troparion “They are baptized in the Jordan, Lord…”. At the same time, it should be remembered that you need to pour the consecrated water into plain water crosswise, and not vice versa.

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