Marma - acupressure. Marma massage: energy point treatment

Marmas are points where important nerves connect to other structures such as muscles, tendons, joints, etc. that the Places which are painful, vulnerable and show unusual pulsations are regarded as marmas or vital points. According to the Vagbhatacharya, damage to these highly sensitive vital points of the body can cause death. These are places where not only the three doshas (vata, pitta and kapha) are represented, but also their subtle shapes prana, ojas and tejas. That is, these are areas of the body connected through pranic channels with various internal organs. An important difference between marmas and acupuncture points is that marmas are measured in angulas or fingers, they are larger in size and differ in different people. Also, they are not related to the meridians.

Marmavidya or Marma Shastra is the science of marmas, vital points human body. Science, which is extremely important especially in surgical interventions, since marmas are especially vulnerable places, localized in small areas of the body. They are physiologically more sensitive to damage than other parts of the body, since it is in them, as nowhere else, that vitality person. Any damage to these vital points is fraught with danger. The manifestations of psychosomatic symptoms, as well as the loss of sensory functions, depend on which particular marma was involved.

The earliest mention of marmas goes back to the Rigveda, which describes the battle between Indra and the demon Vritra. Indra crushed the demon by striking his marmas with his weapon (vajra). In the Vedas and other epics there are many references to the fact that experienced warriors knew the importance of vital points called marmas. The initial information about marmas contained in the Vedas and epic tales was summarized and developed in the descriptive anatomy of classical medical works, especially in the treatise Sushruta. He identified 107 marmas and warned that direct damage to these vital points could be fatal. He classified marmas depending on their nature, structure, reaction to damage, anatomical location, etc. Marma theory provided big influence on the development of yoga, Ayurveda, astrology and Indian martial arts.

Traditionally, two branches of Marmavidya are distinguished - Tamil, the founder of which is considered to be the legendary siddha Agastya Muni (it is indicated that it was he who first developed and systematized this science, along with panchakarma), and Kerala, based on the heritage of Sushruta, Vagbhata and other sages of ancient India.


The Tamil branch developed into Siddha medicine, based on the Sittar school. The classical definition of this school is given by the sage Tirumular:

"Only one who lives by yoga, and through it sees the Divine Light and Power (shakti) - only that sittar."

In addition, the Tamil school found its expression in one of the forms of Indian martial arts, marma-ati, which later became the basis of various wu-shu styles in China, as well as ju-do, karate-do and ken-do in Japan.

As mentioned above, the founder of the Tamil branch is considered to be Siddha Agastyara. The name of this rishi is mentioned in the Rigveda. Since Marmavidya dealt exclusively with vital points of the human body, one malevolent or inept irresponsible touch to which could lead to the death of a person, it is natural that knowledge in it was transmitted strictly from teacher to student. This is stated in the ancient treatise "Agastyar Kutiram":

“This (knowledge of marmas) was not created for everyone in this world. You must understand this. People may come and praising you and try to take possession of it, but don't let it happen. Observe and prepare a student for 12 years, and only then can you reveal this teaching to him.

The texts of the canons were traditionally created in verse form. This contributed to their memorization and memorization. They vary greatly in size, from 146 slokas in Marma Kutiram to over 1,000 in Marma Oti Murivu Kara Kutiram.

The Tamil tradition describes 108 vital points called marmas. However, 108 is not total number points, but the number of titles. The canon “Marma Oti Murivu Kara Kutiram” says that 46 out of 108 are single, and 62 are paired. Of the 108 points, 96 are classified as minor points (todu marma), and 12 are classified as major vital points (padu marma), damage to which can lead to death. Although the secondary points are less dangerous, however, even if they are damaged, strong pain. From this it is clear why these points carry in their name the definition - vital, and why in the Sittar tradition this knowledge and texts are a treasury closed to the ignorant. Only the practice of Siddha Yoga can open the door to this treasure trove. In confirmation of the old Tamil proverb “He who does not know himself, cannot know others”, the author of “Marma Oti Murivu Kara Kutiram” writes:

“Only by practicing the five steps (yogi kantam) in the six atarams (subtle body centers) will you get a clear understanding of the 108 marmas.”

The Kerala branch is more recent than the Tamil school. It developed actively thanks to the works of Sushruta, Vagbhata and other sages of India. Thanks to their labors, Ayurveda, some schools of yoga, as well as the martial art of Kalaripayat began to flourish. As one of the modern examples of the Kerala school, one can cite the practice of concentration technique on 16 points of the body (marmas) - “pratyahara Yajnavalkya”, which is described by Swami Sivananda.

The Kerala tradition is better known. This is partly due to the large number of surviving written sources, partly due to their more in plain language. The written sources of this tradition include both well-known Ayurvedic treatises, such as Sushruta Samhita, Ashtanga Hridaya Samhita and Somaraja, as well as less well-known ones - Marmarahasyangal, Marmanidanam, etc. These treatises deal with the location of marmas . Each vital point is given a name, its number, location, size, classification, signs of direct and complete damage, life time after such damage, and symptoms for its slight damage. An example of such a description is the passage from the Marmanidanam:

"In the center of the body, between the thick and small intestine Nabhi marma is located. It is the center of all nadis. This is the sira marma (the junction of the vessels, nerve plexuses, projection of the sthula and sukshma channels). When it is damaged, death occurs quickly. Symptoms are continuous heavy bleeding leading to anemia, thirst, confusion, difficulty breathing, hiccups. The lifetime is a maximum of 7 days. At the junction chest and abdominal cavity(center) is hridayam marma. This is sira marma. If it is damaged - a quick death.

The texts "Granthavarimarma chikitsa" and "Marmani chikitsa" are devoted to methods of treating damage to marmas:

“If talhridaya marma is damaged, you do dhara (continuous flow of any liquid on one or another part of the body) with gingelei oil and ghee in for three hours. After completing the dhara, mix the gingeleya oil with the ghee and rub the area. Place a mixture of jasmine flowers on top of your head. butter. Remove after three hours. Then, rub the whole body with a mixture of water, vegetable oil, ghee (clarified butter), aloe juice, or if this is not available, with the help of ghee, vegetable oil and coconut juice.

There are 107 vital points in the Kerala tradition. it total. Names of vital points - 43; some names are identical for hand and foot points. For example, urvi marma is both the middle of the thigh and the middle of the shoulder, and talhridaya marma is the center of the sole and the center of the palm.

According to the Sushruta Samhita, marma is a nodal point, a junction of several bodily and ethereal principles - mamsa (muscles), sira (vessels), sleep (ligaments), asthi (bones), sandhi (joints) and the projection of sthula sections ( information channels) and nadis (energy channels). The vital points of marma are called for the reason that the vital “wind” (prana-vayu) circulates through them. The closer this flow is to the surface of the body, the more dangerous is the damage to marmas.

Of the 107 marmas, 64 are considered the most important. They, in turn, are divided into kula marmas (the most important, the damage of which leads to death or to very serious consequences), cola marma (stopping, damage to which causes sharp pain) and abhyasa marmas (often used in medical practice points, the damage of which does not lead to serious consequences).

It is believed that marmas refer exclusively to the dense, physical body - sthula-sharira. However, some sources speak of 32 yoga marmas - vital points of the subtle body. They are not all described in the works of Sushruta, but appear to be fully present in the Tamil tradition. All of them are interconnected by subtle energy channels - nadis. 16 of yoga-marmas intersect with sthula-marmas - points of the physical body. The technique of concentration on them (marmasthanani), this is the famous "Pratyahara Yajnavalkya", described in the yogic "Kshurika Upanishad".

Ayurveda believes that there are 107 vital important points, 37 of which are on the neck and head, 22 on the arms, the same number on the legs.

It would seem, what do massage techniques and martial arts have in common? However, the doctrine of marmas, special “points of life” located on the body, originated precisely within the framework of the ancient Indian martial art Kalaripayattu.

Knowing the location of the points, the warriors could both kill the enemy with one right touch, and heal themselves, getting rid of pain and restoring strength. Knowledge about marmas today can be a valuable "weapon" in the hands of someone who is ready to help his body.

The exact location of the marmas and their functions are described by the Acharyas of Susrtat and Vagzbat. Ayurveda believes that there are 107 vital points on the human body, 37 of which are located on the neck and head, 22 on the arms, the same number on the legs, 14 on the back, 12 on the chest and abdomen. The key ones are khrudaya (heart), nabhi (navel) and guda (tailbone end). Impact on marmas can be carried out with the help of gymnastics and through bandage wraps, but massage remains the key method. Apart from general assistance body, it is extremely effective for injuries and pathologies of the spine, joints, as well as orthopedic rehabilitation. Ayurvedic sports medicine is entirely based on it.

The doctrine of marmas is based on the theory that points in the muscles, veins, tendons, bones and joints are associated with certain internal organs, through which it is possible to restore the strength of these organs. Marmas can be called bioenergy centers of the body, and most of diseases are somehow connected with an imbalance of energy. It is believed that this method provides an "energy reboot" of the body. In addition, the correct pressure on the marmas balances the nervous system - that is why during the massage, patients often feel euphoria, plunge into a meditative state. This is due to the release of endorphins and antidepressant hormones. That is why marma massage is considered to be one of the most effective ways relief from pain.

It is clear that professional therapeutic massage of marmas according to clinical indications can only be performed by a specialist. He must have not only a knowledge of anatomy in general and the exact location of points, but also have a serious practical experience. Nevertheless, in simple cases, you can influence your “points of life” on your own. So, patients who have completed a course of professional therapeutic massage with certain diseases, it is advised to engage in self-massage after recovery. Many experts talk about self-massage of marmas as " starting point and the key to self-healing. In addition, one should not underestimate the role of knowledge about marmas in situations requiring emergency assistance. After all, knowledge is not superfluous. Understanding which points and where they are can save someone's life at a critical moment.

It should be told at least about several types of “general strengthening”, basic massage of marmas. Before you begin to act on a point, you need to put on it a small amount of mixtures of vegetable and essential oils. Massage is carried out thumb, starting with smooth movements in a clockwise direction (in order not to get confused, imagine that the watch is lying on your body with the dial facing up). The circles that the finger describes on the skin gradually expand, but starting from the sixth, they again begin to narrow to one point. The cycle of five expanding and five narrowing circles should be repeated three times. Do not be surprised if there are lungs pain- this may be a sign of that imbalance, from which the massage of marmas is intended to get rid of.

We are talking about a possible imbalance of the three Ayurvedic doshas - Vata, Pitta or Kapha. Vata imbalance can be described by such categories as "coldness", "dryness", "unevenness", "roughness". The key points that can be involved in such a massage are adhipati (crown), sthapani (aka “third eye”, a point in the center of the forehead), nila and manya (under the ear on the front and side of the neck), nabhi (below the navel on 5 cm), basti (10 cm below the navel), guda (end of the coccyx).

When doing a massage, it is important to observe smooth movements and use a lot of warm oil, the excess of which does not have to be removed from the skin - let it be absorbed. It is especially useful to cover the stomach generously with oil. Tangible effect can be described as warming, and it must be supported: after the end of the massage, stay under the covers, you can put a heating pad on the places that were massaged. In the process of massage, it is better to use Sesame oil or oil hazelnuts as a base. Of the essential oils, calamus, basil, Indian aralia, ginger, camphor, cardamom, coriander, lavender, chamomile, sandalwood, eucalyptus, and sage have proven themselves well. The oils are mixed based on the proportion - 40 drops of essential oil per 100 ml of vegetable oil.

With an imbalance of Pitta (hotness, tension), the effect should be perceived, on the contrary, as a moderate cooling. Therefore, it is desirable to use olive or coconut oil as a vegetable oil, and any of the oils of lemon balm, mint, jasmine, cumin, lavender, rose, sandalwood, yarrow or fennel as an essential oil. The key points are sthapani, nila and manya, hridaya (right under the heart), basti. Touching should be slow and careful.

With an imbalance of Kapha (the defining feature is moisture), massage should have an invigorating effect. Movements are vigorous, even abrupt. There should be little oil, it should be warming: vegetable - almond, mustard or rapeseed, essential - oils of yarrow, myrrh, cinnamon, cadramon, ginger, basil, orange. Their fat content can be removed by adding alcohol or powder. Key points - adhipati, urvi (middle of the shoulder and middle of the thigh), basti, talahridaya (center of the back of the hand), kshipra (base thumb and the little finger of the hand), ani ( outer side knee and inner surface elbow).

It is useful to massage the key “points of life” - the effect of traditional massage is partly based on this, and oil massage of the whole body touches almost all external marmas, therefore its effect on the body is so beneficial.

gikku benny,

Ayurveda Doctor (B.A.M.S.), Marma Specialist, MUWATTUPUZHA Hospital, Kochi, India

Before embarking on this extremely effective massage, let's get acquainted with March therapy (quite briefly, enough to understand the cosmetic effect).

Marmas are biologically active zones, which are projections of the vital centers of our body. Marma, which covers a much larger area than acupuncture and acupressure points, is the docking point between physical body and thin energy bodies., connecting part of the projection of the chakras, shrots (channels), etc. Many of the marmas are associated with certain muscles, organs or tissues, which is why marma massage harmonizes and balances the body's work so well.

Knowledge of marma therapy has always been highly valued, especially in ancient times, in military affairs: a wound or a blow to a vital point undermined the energy of the enemy. Doctors used the knowledge of marma points to quick recovery soldiers wounded in battle.

In yoga therapy, marma massage is considered very effective. The impact on marmas during the massage helps to harmonize energies and restore the functions of certain organs, gives strength and helps to relax. rises energy level, the natural mechanisms of self-healing, self-healing of the body are revived.

AT different sources different schools and trends have different classification of these points (by number). According to Sushruta, out of 107, 64 marmas are considered the most important. They, in turn, are divided into kula marmas (the most important, damage to which leads to death or very serious damage), kola marmas (stopping, damage to which causes acute pain), etc.

All in all, overview this deep topic is quite enough to believe in the effectiveness of marma facial massage. Ayurvedic marma facial massage is considered rejuvenating.

"How to Do Ayurveda Facial Marma Massage" (in English)

In order to remove blocked energy, marma must first be massaged counterclockwise, and then, to fill it with energy, clockwise.

Sometimes it is not clear (when watching a video when a doctor performs a massage) - in which direction the direction will be “clockwise, counterclockwise” during self-massage. If you look at yourself in the mirror, you can get completely confused.

The rule is this (with self-massage, for example, between the eyebrows, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe “third eye”): we start from the right eyebrow, massage in a circular motion downwards, towards the left eyebrow, up and again return to the right eyebrow (this will be a counterclockwise movement).

Reverse movement - we start from the right eyebrow, massage in a circular motion upwards, towards the left eyebrow, then down and again return to the right eyebrow (this will be a clockwise movement).
And in the same way we massage in other areas. Hands will always move in parallel, and not towards each other, as with other types of massage. For example, in the temporal part, with other types of massage, the hands move towards the center of the face or from the center, also in the region of the nasolabial folds - towards the nose or away from the nose with both hands.
In marma massage, a counter-clockwise movement first opens the blocked energy, and the next (clockwise) saturates. Those. with other massage techniques, one side breaks away from the blocked energy, the other is saturated (without preliminary removal block). All this is very schematic, and almost all types of facial massage give excellent results (there are their own methods of exposure). I pointed out this difference only to understand the importance of directing massage movements in accordance with the teachings of marmas.

What cream to massage with? Best with ghee (regular or triphala infused).

How to keep the skin condition that you have achieved in the summer, on fresh air, on vacation, with an abundance of fruits and vegetables? Colds come, and with them dryness of the skin increases, which is further increased by dry air in houses. Everyone has creams of famous companies, folk recipes are also known, recipes for “mix and apply on the face” masks are also uncountable. But what would be added from Ayurvedic?

Marma massage is one of the types of Ayurvedic massage, which affects the biologically active zones - marmas - which are projections of the vital centers of the body. According to the teachings of Ayurveda, marmas are connected by many nadis channels (350 thousand channels). During the massage, the master acts on marmas, redistributes and balances the energy moving through these channels.

Marma massage is acupressure using various essential oils and herbal infusions. According to Ayurveda, the impact on the energy centers contributes to the normalization of energy flows in the body, and also removes energy blockages and helps to completely relax.

During the massage, the master rubs oil into the skin, while stroking and kneading the body. At the same time, the massage therapist can also perform soft stretching of the joints and tendons. These actions of the master contribute to the normalization of blood circulation in the body.

After that, the master makes smooth circular movements of a small radius (clockwise), gradually expanding the circle. After expanding circular motions the massage therapist begins to slowly narrow the circles, while increasing the pressure. Similar actions the master opens energy channels and removes energy blocks. After the procedure, it is recommended to take a warm bath or shower using Aervedic cosmetics.

Allocate general and local marma massage. At general massage the entire torso is exposed to the effect, and with a local massage, only the head, back, feet, hands or abdomen are massaged. A general marma massage can last up to two hours, while a local one is usually 30 minutes.

According to the Ayurvedic tradition, marma massage can only be performed by a vegetarian doctor (who does not eat "products of violence"). Before the procedure, an Ayurvedic specialist will definitely diagnose the patient using the “five mirrors” of the body: pulse, hands, tongue, eyes, ears.

After that, in accordance with the individual constitution, the type of dosha (bioenergetics) and the state of health of the patient, the doctor will select certain medicinal oils, and also, possibly, will include other Ayurvedic procedures in the course of recovery.

Marma massage is performed in complete silence, in a clean and comfortable room. Usually in the room where the massage is performed, candles are lit and quiet relaxing music is played. The master will definitely ask the patient to turn off the mobile phone.

During the massage, the oil penetrates deeply into the tissues of the body and helps to remove toxins from the body. In addition, massage contributes to the normalization of the cardiovascular, nervous systems, musculoskeletal system, blood circulation, strengthens immune system relieves stress and fatigue.

Contraindications for marma massage are: allergy to essential oils, various neoplasm any disease in acute stage, infectious diseases, skin diseases, critical days, pregnancy.

02.02.2017 11:48

Marma massage- an ancient Ayurvedic procedure for replenishing, regulating and maintaining the balance of the body's energy. stimulated marmas- energy centers, junction points between the physical and energy subtle body. Massage is carried out with the thumb, fingers, palm, depending on the purpose and the chosen technique, using various oils, herbs.

The procedure is performed in several versions: stroking, kneading with rubbing oil, then activating marma points; stimulation of only certain marmas; activation of important points of the whole body, starting from the head; marma face massage.

The word "marma" means "secret, vital, sensitive" and marma points are an integral part of Ayurvedic therapy. Ayurveda also links the existence of prana - vital energy in yoga, with marmas, through which regulation, accumulation is carried out with the help of postures, breathing, meditation.

Marma therapy is not considered new in the world of massage, but over the past decades there has been a growing interest in these sessions. it powerful remedy to relax the body, have a rejuvenating effect, increase energy, remove toxins, reduce joint pain, improve digestion, is used in the treatment of many chronic diseases. There are more and more seminars, training courses, which explain how to influence marmas, their localization, massaging techniques, etc.

The technique depends on various factors: massaging the marma clockwise slowly, slightly with an increase in radius (5 circles), then with a decrease and smooth pressure back from the center; only clockwise; only counterclockwise. The number of repetitions is 1-5.

Ayurvedic specialists count up to 360 basic marmas, but there are different opinions about their number in different traditions. So in the tradition of Sushruta, there are 107 marma points, 64 important, names - 43, some are identical for the arms and legs. This interpretation is considered in many publications: 41 marmas in the area of ​​blood vessels, 27 on ligaments and tendons, 20 - joints, 11 - muscles, 8 in the area of ​​​​bones. By location in parts of the body: 37 marmas on the head and neck, 22 on the legs and arms, 14 on the back, 12 on the chest and stomach.

The main marmas are shown in the figure, a description is also offered, the exact location of the points may vary slightly from person to person. The size of the marma points is different, from 1-2 to 15 sentiments, acupuncture requires higher accuracy than massage. The main unit of measurement that is used to locate marmas is the finger.

  • kshipra - 2 points each on the palm and foot, located between the large and index fingers, by value high-speed, the size of half a finger;
  • kurcha - 2 on the palm, foot, Bottom part thumb (3 fingers);
  • kurchashira - the base of the joint of the big toe of the palm and foot, 4 points in total, finger size;
  • ani - upper part patella, 2 points, the inner surface of the shoulder under the elbow joint, 2 points, (half of the finger);
  • urvi - middle section of the upper part of the thigh, 2 points (1 finger);
  • katikataruna - hip joint, 2 points (half of a finger);
  • kukundara - on the sides of the sacroiliac joint, 2 points (half of the finger);
  • vrihatisira - on both sides of the 10th thoracic vertebra, 2 points (half finger);
  • kurpara - 2 points in elbow joint(3 fingers);
  • kakshadhara - top part shoulder joint, value - protecting the lateral part of the body, 2 points (1 finger);
  • krikatika - cervical joint, 2 points (half of a finger);
  • stanamula - one under the nipples (2 fingers);
  • stanarochita - one each in the sides of the upper chest (half of the finger);
  • sthapani - 1 point between the eyes, the third eye, giving support or fixing by value, (half of a finger);
  • amsaphalaka - one at the sides of the shoulder blade (half of the finger)
  • adhipati - 1 point upper part of the head, meaning - "lord, master" (half of a finger);
  • apalapa - axillary fossa, 2 points (half of a finger);
  • amsa - 2 points, upper part of the shoulder (half of the finger);
  • nila - the base of the throat, 2 points (4 fingers);
  • manya - lateral side of the upper neck, 2 points (4 fingers);
  • matrix - the base of the neck, 8 points, meaning - "mother blood vessels" (4 fingers);
  • utkshepa - the area above the ears, 2 points (half of the finger);
  • vidhura - the area behind and under the ears, 2 points, meaning - frustration, chagrin (half a finger);
  • nabhi - 1 point, about 5 centimeters below the navel (4 fingers);
  • basti - 1 point, 10 sentiments below the navel (4 fingers);
  • lohitaksha - lower frontal end hip joint 2 points, lower frontal end of the shoulder joint, 2 points (half finger);
  • manibandha - 2 points, wrist (2 fingers);
  • nitamba - the upper part of the buttocks, 2 points (half of the finger);
  • guda - 1 point, coccyx.

Marma massage promotes dosha balance - vata, pitta, kapha. According to the concept of Ayurveda, they are found in all organs and tissues, but preferential locations can be distinguished. The place between the navel and the diaphragm is considered to be the house of pitta, above this place is the house of kapha, below is the house of vata. In addition to houses, doshas have their "favorite" tissues and organs. Vata is located in bone tissue, pitta - the red part of the blood, lymph, kapha - the rest of the tissue. Vata is located in the sacrum, rectum, large intestine, ears, feet, legs, waist, kidneys, bladder. Pitta - small intestine, in the stomach, but mainly in duodenum. Kapha is in the chest, head, neck, joints and, like Pitta, in the small intestine, stomach, but predominantly in the stomach. Excretions are also distributed among the doshas: vata is located in feces, pitta is sweat, kapha is urine.

In turn, doshas are considered derivatives three powers - prana, tejas, ojas. Prana- vital force, unites all body systems, tejas- internal fire, the power of transformation, which makes different body structures interact with each other, move, change, improve. Ojas- internal immunity, which provides longevity, endurance, stability and protection from external negative impacts. Vata is a more unstable manifestation of prana, pitta is a more reactive form of tejas, and kapha is a more inert manifestation of ojas. When the balance of the doshas is disturbed, then they are required to maintain the balance of the body. large quantity, the above three forces are depleted. As a result, fatigue, apathy, stress, pain, illness, etc. appear.

The main characteristics and indicators of doshas for marma massage

cotton wool- concludes the idea of ​​movement, in the context of a person, it directs the movement of emotions, thoughts, the movement of the body, its parts, liquids, food, air, coordinates their relationships. Vata gives enthusiasm, balanced inhalation and exhalation, properly developed body tissues and clean waste elimination. Quality: dry, rough, cold or cool, light, thin, moving, clean, hard, brittle and hard. Vata constitution people: light, lean build, quick movements, tendency to dry skin. Dislikes cold weather, grasps quickly new information, just as quickly forgets. Tendency to restlessness, constipation, shallow, interrupted sleep.

With the predominance (imbalance) of vata recommended marmas for massage: adhipati, sthapani, nila, manya, nabhi, guda. Oils: sesame, or base, with the addition of essential oils: ginger, camphor, calamus, basil, cardamom, lavender, coriander, chamomile, sage, or sandalwood. A warming massage with warm oil, excess oil will be beneficial, allowing the skin to soak better. jerky movements exclude, manipulations are smooth, soft, slow.

pitta reflects the idea of ​​transformation during life, is responsible for digestion, metabolism. Pitta gives good vision, digestion, physique, natural feelings of thirst and hunger, softness of the body, radiance of the eyes, good mood and awakened intellect. Quality: slightly oily, hot or warm, pungent, thin or thinning, sour, moving, burning. Pitta constitution people: medium build, doing at an average speed. Tendency to reddish complexion, moles and freckles. Dislikes hot weather, severe hunger, cannot skip meals. Prefers cold food and drink. Grabs new information at an average speed, average memory. Tendency to irritability and anger, enterprising, sharp in character.

Pitta predominance : recommended marmas - sthapani, nila, manya, hridaya, basti. Oils: cooling, coconut or olive with the addition of essential oils - melissa, jasmine, mint, cumin, rose, fennel or yarrow. Massage with a normal (medium) amount of oil, deep, slow movements for relaxation.

kapha clothes life in its material expressions, in human physiology creates the structures of the body, their interconnection, as well as the lubrication of these ligaments, joints, tissues, cells. Kapha gives oiliness in the body, cohesion of its parts, hardness and heaviness of the body, potency, strength, endurance, restraint, lack of greed. Quality: heavy; cold or cool; soft; oily or greasy; sweet; stable, steady; sticky and sticky. Kapha constitution people: massive, tightly built, great power, endurance, does everything slowly, methodically. oily, smooth skin, thick hair, with a tendency to dark color. Slow digestion, moderate hunger, slow to grasp new information. Calm, balanced character, slowly becomes excited or irritated, sleep is deep, long.

Kapha dominance : marmas - adhipati, urvi, talahridaya, basti, kshipra, ani. Warming oils: mustard, almond, rapeseed with the addition of essential oils - orange, camphor, cardamom, ginger, eucalyptus, peace, cinnamon. The amount of oil is the smallest of all doshas, ​​sometimes they massage with talc or alcohol. Manipulations are fast, energetic and can even be abrupt.

Oil concentration with an imbalance of vata and pitta approximately: for 50 milliliters of the base, 15-20 drops of essential. For kapha, the amount of essential oil can be up to 30 drops. Blocked, out of balance marmas are more sensitive, and when pressed on them, pain is sometimes possible. After massaging, you can drip a few drops pure essential oil.

Suddenly, other articles on a similar topic will be interesting: (location of points, methodology, tips for self-use),

Marma massage is indicated for adults and children. Contraindications : acute infectious diseases, allergy to applied oils, serious illnesses internal organs, pregnancy.

Massage is a huge system of therapeutic, sports, preventive, hygienic, cosmetic types, there are more than 500 massages in the world. various techniques. Massage relaxes, heals, gives special energy to a person, strengthens the immune system. Except classical massage, manual therapy and other basic methods (more than 3,000 techniques and manipulations) revive, improve the ancient traditions of local peoples: with cactus, honey, chocolate, fire, snakes, elephants, fish, knives, herbal bags and others. Many procedures get a second wind, give people health and pleasure. There are many on the site interesting information, do not miss the important, open

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