Can contractions be anesthetized? Pain relief in childbirth. Will regional anesthesia slow down labor?

Preparations for pain relief of childbirth really bring relief to the woman in labor. However, it should be remembered that they are prescribed strictly according to the indications, since they have a complex effect on the entire body, not only mothers, but also the child, they have side effects, and in some cases complications can also occur. That's why expectant mothers should not rely on a miracle shot or a magic pill. Fortunately, today there are many opportunities for obtaining information on how to make the birth of a baby as comfortable as possible for both him and his mother: training manuals and courses for pregnant women talk about effective self-help techniques in childbirth, one of the most effective methods among which is massage during childbirth. Thanks to it, pain can be significantly reduced. And all this - without the use of medicines and medical interventions!

Why is there pain during childbirth?

  • pain is provoked by intense contractions of the muscles of the uterus,
  • stretching of the birth canal and perineum,
  • muscle spasms,
  • compression of large vessels in the pelvic area,
  • individual characteristics, such as the structure of the pelvic organs or the low pain threshold of a woman, when it is very painful even with a slight impact.
  • psychological reasons: fear of childbirth, expectation of something unpleasant and unknown, general tension.

It is important for every woman preparing to become a mother to remember: there is no constant pain in childbirth. And in fights, and in attempts, unpleasant sensations increase gradually, and also gradually subside, giving way to periods of rest. And the right massage at the right time during childbirth will completely reduce pain to a minimum.

How does birth massage work?

Massage during childbirth has a beneficial effect on the entire nervous system, and through it - on the entire body of a woman: it allows you to relax, relieve nervous tension and fatigue in the muscles, distract yourself from painful sensations and even anesthetize contractions. The mechanism of such a beneficial effect of massage during childbirth is quite complicated.

Its first stage is the excitation of skin receptors in the massaged area. Then the impulse is transmitted throughout the central nervous system, in which a favorable response is formed. Massage during childbirth activates the production of natural stimulants - hormones and enzymes that play the role of natural adaptogens that contribute to the rapid adaptation of the body to a stressful situation.

In addition, massage helps to increase blood circulation and better oxygenation of tissues and organs of both the woman herself (which also has an analgesic effect on childbirth) and the fetus, which prevents the development of oxygen starvation.

7 types of massage during childbirth

It is possible for both the woman in labor and her assistant (husband, mother or midwife) who is present during childbirth to do analgesic massage during childbirth.

Follow simple rules:

  • You can massage during childbirth with dry hands (the main thing is that they are warm, since a feeling of cold can provoke a reflex muscle spasm) or with the help of special creams and gels that improve gliding over the skin and may contain pain-relieving contractions components. Do not be discouraged if you forgot the massage cream during the preparations for the hospital. You can always ask the midwife for some Vaseline oil.
  • It is possible to use aromatic essential oils - they contribute to deeper relaxation. But at the same time, you should find out in advance whether the expectant mother has allergic reactions to them and whether they cause an increase in blood pressure.

Which birth massage is right for you?

1. Acupressure during childbirth

Until the contractions are in full force, you can limit yourself to acupressure during childbirth. It is useful for the expectant mother to remember where there are two important points that will need to be influenced during childbirth. The first is located on the back of the hand in the recess between the thumb and forefinger (it is clearly visible if the fingers are spread wide apart). The second is on the inside of the lower leg four fingers above the ankle (this is the area of ​​​​the ankle, where the bones protrude from the outside and from the inside). Apply continuous pressure to these points, keeping your finger perpendicular to the surface of the body. Movements should be short, pulsating, and last no longer than a minute. Then you should take a break for a couple of minutes and continue the impact in a given rhythm. It is clear that both the woman in labor and her assistant can do such a massage during childbirth. The correct effect on the active points contributes to the intensification and pain relief of contractions, the cervix opens faster, and all this happens without increasing pain.

2. Stroking the abdomen during a contraction

At the beginning of each contraction, you can gently stroke the lower abdomen. To do this, place your palms on its lower part and with light movements massage the stomach with your fingertips in the direction from the center to the sides and back. At the moment of intensification of the contraction, the intensity of pressure can be increased, but only slightly. If an assistant does massage during childbirth, then it will be more convenient for him to sit behind her.

3. Massage of the sacrum during childbirth

Women who are familiar with menstrual pain often note that the sensations in the first stage of childbirth are similar to those that occur on “critical days”: the lower abdomen aches and the lower back hurts. In this case, massage in the sacrum (this is the area that is just below the waist) helps a lot. What is special about this area? The secret of the pain-relieving childbirth effect when exposed to it is simple. The fact is that the sacral nerve plexus is located here, which is associated with the organs of the small pelvis and is responsible for their innervation. When this zone is stimulated, the transmission of a nerve impulse to the uterus and other organs is blocked, thus, it is possible to reduce pain.

Massage of the sacral region can be done with one hand or both at once, with the pads or knuckles, the base or edge of the palm, a fist or a manual massager. The main thing is that the impact is intense enough: pressure, active rubbing, patting and tapping are acceptable. If desired, you can cover not only the sacrum, but also a wider area around it.

A powerful, pain-relieving contraction effect can be achieved by pressing on the dimples above the buttocks - the exit points of the sacral nerve - the impact on which brings noticeable relief.

4. Massaging the iliac bones during contractions

This method is based on the principle of transferring the source of pain. Just as we rub our temples to relieve a headache, during contractions you can rub and massage the iliac bones of the pelvis, which are located below the waist on both sides of the abdomen. You need to stimulate them both at the same time, using active rubbing. This type of massage during childbirth can be combined with the stroking of the lower abdomen already described above (in this case, hand movements should go from the ilium to the center and back), as well as with hand movements along the inguinal fold from the ilium to the perineum - this improves blood circulation in the uterus .

5. Massaging the buttocks during childbirth

Important reflex zones are also located in the buttocks - at the exit of the sciatic nerve. To find them, you need to mark an imaginary center on each buttock (as a rule, there is a small hole there, when pressed on which mild pain can occur). Rolling the center of the buttocks with your fists or pressing on these points with your thumbs helps to relax the muscles of the pelvic floor - this is a great way to distract a woman from labor pains.

6. Massaging the thighs during contractions

Rubbing the inner surface of the thighs with the palm of your hand is an excellent technique that relieves contractions. To do this, lie on your side and, pressing your palm tightly against the skin of the inner surface of the thigh, stroke it from the groin to the knee and back. As the intensity of the contraction increases, the pressure on the thigh should also increase.

7. Massage between contractions

In the period between contractions, it is not recommended to touch the skin of the abdomen, as this is fraught with too intense an extraordinary contraction. However, this is where massage really comes in handy! The assistant can stretch the woman's neck and collar area, upper back, give a general light relaxing massage of the whole body so that the woman in labor can calm down and restore strength before the next contraction. It is important to remember that lying on your back is undesirable, since the inferior vena cava can be clamped and blood circulation in the pelvic organs is disturbed.

Anesthetize contractions with massage: alone or with an assistant?

The choice of positions for massage during childbirth depends on the individual characteristics of each expectant mother: the body itself tells you exactly how it is more convenient for him to position himself during the massage: on his side, standing on all fours, lying or sitting on a fitball, in a knee-elbow position - it all depends on you.

If you have an assistant, then the choice of possible poses will be wider. For example, postures in which a woman in labor, kneeling or on straightened legs, seems to hang on her assistant, holding her hands on his neck - while the lower back relaxes well, and the partner can additionally massage her sacrum. The convenience of childbirth with an assistant lies in the fact that in this case it is possible to combine different types of massage during childbirth, for example, a woman strokes her stomach and rubs the iliac bones, while the partner acts on the sacrum.

However, the absence of an assistant does not at all mean that the anesthetic contraction of massage should be abandoned. After all, only the woman herself can know what kind of impact and on which zone she needs at the moment. So listen to your body and, focusing on your feelings, you will surely be able to choose the types of massage that are most effective for you, and help yourself to endure the period of contractions more easily.

When should you not massage?

Despite the fact that anesthetic massage during childbirth is indicated for almost all women, it is worth mentioning separately the possible obstacles to its implementation. Directly during childbirth, any touch can be extremely unpleasant for a woman. In this case, the massage will have to be abandoned.

Deviations from the normal course of labor become a serious contraindication (for example, weak labor activity, stopping the progress of the fetus through the birth canal, acute fetal hypoxia, bleeding, etc.). You will also have to refuse massage during childbirth during the installation of CTG sensors, as well as in the second stage of labor, when attempts begin.

A pregnant woman worries about her health and the health of her unborn baby until the last day. If a close person is next to her, her psychological state improves, confidence appears, fears disappear. As a rule, this is a spouse or partner, girlfriend, mother, sister. The presence of relatives during labor has a positive effect on labor, as a woman should relax.
A good atmosphere and positive emotions have a positive effect on the condition of a pregnant woman and on delivery.

Experts do not advise lying down during contractions, unhurried walking helps not only relieve pain, but also speed up labor. The vertical position of a woman before the most crucial moment also favorably affects the child himself, for whom the birth is a rather difficult test. When tilting, swaying, walking, the child takes a comfortable position and stimulates.

In order to relieve pain, doctors advise jumping on a fitball or hanging on a Swedish wall.

For some women, taking a cool shower helps relieve the pain. It allows you to distract from the upcoming birth. But prolonged contact with water, for example, immersion in a pool or bath, leads to a weakening of contractions, as a result of which the cervix ceases to open, and labor is delayed.

For the correct course of the prenatal period, it is necessary to concentrate on breathing. Deep inhalations and exhalations help to maintain the strength that will be required during attempts, and also allow you to enrich the child's body with oxygen. The hysterical state and screams exhaust the woman, as a result of which she is not able to quickly give birth to a baby.

Massage during contractions

Massage is a fairly popular and effective way to alleviate the condition during contractions. This happens due to the fact that blood circulation is activated, relaxation and calming of the woman occurs. To obtain the result, it is necessary to massage the lumbosacral region of the back, since there are nerve endings that affect the uterus. Such manipulations can be performed independently or ask a partner. During the contraction itself, the pressure can be more intense than in the interval between them.

If common methods of easing contractions do not help, specialists solve the problem using medication methods. Anesthesia is essential for a painless birth. But such interference in the natural process negatively affects the child and the expectant mother.

Pain during childbirth can vary greatly in strength. Even in a single woman who has given birth several times, contractions can be from barely noticeable to barely tolerable. Therefore, very different methods of anesthesia for childbirth are used. What - we will tell.

What determines the pain of childbirth

No obstetrician can accurately predict how painful contractions will be. The conventional wisdom that pain becomes weaker with each new pregnancy is true, but not always. It depends on many factors:

  • individual characteristics of a woman in labor: her pain threshold, character traits, the quality of psychological preparation for the process of giving birth to a baby, the state of the muscles of the pelvic floor and soft tissues of the perineum;
  • the size and position of the fetus in the uterus;
  • the state of the cervix, the presence of dense cicatricial deformities in it;
  • activity of labor activity and the regularity of contractions.

But there is situations in which pain during childbirth occurs much more often. Here they are:

  • hormonal dysfunction before pregnancy, manifested by irregular painful menstruation;
  • the first birth or the interval between subsequent births is more than 5 years;
  • and induced labor when the cervix is ​​not yet softened;
  • strong contractions under the influence of oxytocin (intravenously or in a lozenge) and vice versa - long-term labor;
  • a large fetus or a mother's pelvis that is narrow for the size of the child (anatomically or clinically narrow pelvis);
  • after the discharge of amniotic fluid.

In all these cases, the woman in labor herself or the doctors can significantly reduce the pain so that the memories of childbirth do not become the worst nightmare in a woman's life.

Psychological pain relief

Nature made sure that the birth process took place under the influence of "hormones of joy" - endorphins, the level of which rises rapidly with each new contraction. These substances reduce all uncomfortable manifestations, relieve tension and help to feel emotional uplift. A simple feeling of fear suppresses the formation of a natural hormone and thereby increases sensitivity to pain.

A very important moment in childbirth is the mood of a woman. Many pregnant women associate the word "delivery" with the words "in pain." Constant negative thoughts and "winding" yourself will lead to even more fear. Proper psychological preparation for childbirth is a guarantee that the birth of a child will take place in a more comfortable environment.

The most important thing is to be in a positive mood.. You need to change your attitude towards pain. Think about the fact that the increase in pain is not a test that cannot be avoided, but a "bell" that advises you to change your body position, relax your muscles, breathe properly. And the most important thought should be that you are waiting for the birth of a little person. Take your mind off negative thoughts.

In Africa and Brazil in ancient times, when a woman went into labor, the man would go to bed, scream and complain. It was believed that this removed part of the psychological burden and distracted the woman in labor. If you think that this will help, ask your spouse to lament instead of you - this will be the “coolest” whim, which you will remember with laughter for a long time to come. So childbirth is fun!

Remember, all the emotions you experience are passed on to your child. Let him be born without fear.

Poses for pain relief

A position that alleviates discomfort, a woman must choose herself. A certain position during childbirth will relieve pain, help you relax.

If your doctor has given you permission to get up and move around, try different body positions - sitting, lying down, standing. During a contraction, the following postures can reduce pain:

  • Lean on the wall, back of a chair or bed with weight transfer to your hands.
  • Pose on all fours.
  • Sitting on a fitball or a children's inflatable circle.
  • Squat down with your knees out to the sides.
  • Lie on your side and bend your knees.

Massage during childbirth

Massage movements during childbirth can be performed by the woman in labor herself or by the husband in the case of partner childbirth. Options:

  1. Massage the sacral area with the fingertips, fist or palm with an intensity that will bring relief to the woman.
  2. "Iron" - massage of the inner surface of the thigh. Strongly pressing the palm to the thigh, movements from the knee to the groin and back, as if ironing yourself.
  3. A distracting maneuver can be massaging or strong pressure on the iliac spines during a fight.

The massage technique and its intensity, which will help reduce discomfort, is individual for each pregnant woman. Don't be afraid to try it yourself or ask your birth partner to massage these areas. You can use neutral massage oil.

Breathing techniques to reduce pain

All breathing exercises that are used during childbirth are aimed at relaxing the muscles of the body.

The first breathing technique during childbirth involves rare breathing (up to 8 per minute). The respiratory rate is normally about 16 breaths per minute, while the pregnant woman makes short breaths and long exhalations through almost closed lips with this method during a contraction.

The second method consists of several short exhalations. Imagine that you have a feather in front of you that you want to blow away. After a short breath, take a few short exhalations, as if blowing off a feather.

Count the inhales and exhales that you do: this will help you get distracted and not concentrate on the wedding. Read more about proper breathing during childbirth.

Childbirth and water

Warm water relaxes muscles and relieves pain. If possible, during the first stage of labor, you can take a bath or warm shower.

This method is only appropriate if there is a bath in the delivery room. It is not recommended to stay in the shower at home for a long time if you have already started contractions, and even more so practice at home. Such experiments without medical supervision can lead to disastrous results.


Acupuncture can be used to reduce labor pain levels, but the method is not common. There are not many experts in this area.

Medicinal methods

Medical anesthesia is used in the following cases:

  • Restless behavior of a woman due to severe pain during contractions.
  • premature birth.
  • Excessively strong generic activity.
  • Gestosis of the second half of pregnancy.
  • Somatic diseases (arterial hypertension, diabetes mellitus).
  • obstetric operations.

This method has contraindications:

  1. The presence of a scar on the uterus from operations that were performed earlier. This is due to the existing threat of uterine rupture: with the introduction of analgesics, the doctor will not be able to recognize the onset of the development of this formidable complication.
  2. Onset of labor or opening of the uterine os up to 4 cm: due to the risk of stopping labor or causing weak contractions.
  3. Allergy to drugs, especially those used to relieve pain.

Several groups of drugs are used to anaesthetize childbirth:

  • Antispasmodics (drotaverine, papaverine, baralgin).
  • Tranquilizers (diazepam, seduxen).
  • Narcotic analgesics (promedol).
  • Inhalation anesthesia (nitrogen-oxygen mixture).
  • local anesthetics.

Antispasmodics are medications that relieve the tone of all smooth muscles. These substances, in addition to reducing the level of pain, regulate the process of opening the cervix.

tranquilizers rarely used in obstetrics. During childbirth, they are used once, since there is a proven negative effect on the unborn child.

Promedol is a narcotic analgesic for labor pain relief, which is widely used in obstetrics. It relieves pain and muscle tension of the cervix. But there is evidence that this drug depresses the baby's breathing at birth.

The inhalation method of pain relief consists in inhaling a mixture of oxygen and nitrous oxide by the expectant mother. In some cases, even a simple oxygen mask brings relief.

Epidural anesthesia

It is the "gold standard" among the methods of labor pain relief. Providing good anesthesia leads to a negative point - the birth is a little delayed, and the woman cannot fully push in the second period, because she does not feel the onset of the contraction. This method also has its own, which you can discuss with your doctor even before the start of labor.

Remember, you are on the threshold of the birth of a new life. Therefore, do not wait for pain, wait for your child!

Each period of labor has its own types of breathing, but the basis for all is the same: abdominal breathing. In order to train it, put your hands on your stomach and try to breathe so that your chest remains motionless, and your arms (and stomach) rise and fall. And remember, during childbirth, all inhalations should be through the nose, and exhalations through the mouth, while the lips should be folded into a tube (this increases the resistance to the blown out air, and, therefore, stretches the exhalation).

So, the long-awaited contractions began, at first they were weak, not yet painful, but already unpleasant. At this time, Breathing is usually not required yet, but when the strength of the contraction increases and the first painful sensations appear, this is where the first type of breathing will help - delayed. Usually a person makes up to 17 breaths per minute and always inhale is shorter than exhale. To anesthetize contractions of medium strength, you need to breathe deeply and slowly. To begin with, a slow and deep breath for 3 seconds - exhale for 7 seconds. (It is better to train with a watch with a second hand in front of the gases). Thus, you get 6 breaths per minute. The stronger the contractions, the slower you need to breathe: inhale for 5 seconds - exhale for 10 (4 breaths per minute are obtained). And then even less often: inhale for 6 seconds - exhale for 12 (it turns out about 3 respiratory movements per minute). However, the latter option requires some training.

When the contractions become strong and painful, slow breathing no longer helps. It is replaced by the following type of breathing - wave breathing. The fight goes in waves, at first it grows, then it lasts for a while, then the strength of the fight decreases. Breathing should repeat this wave: at first, breathing is slow and deep, then the strength of the contraction increases, and breathing becomes frequent and shallow (the so-called doggy breath), then the contraction subsides, and the breathing gradually turns back into slow and deep. In between contractions, you need to relax, but if the breaks become short, and the contractions are strong and painful, you need to breathe in a slow type of breathing between contractions (so as not to “miss” the beginning of the next contraction), for example, inhale for 3, exhale for 7 seconds.

Dog breathing can be replaced with other types if desired. First - candle breathing(slow deep breath in through the nose and sharp exhalation through the mouth). More can be done respite(inhale - exhale as if breathing with a "dog" - blowing out - a little stretched, but quick exhalation). You can also " build pyramids"(inhale - exhale - blow out, then 2 "inhale - exhale" - blow out, 3 "inhale - exhale" - blow out and vice versa). It also takes the pain away. Do not forget to breathe with your stomach, as well as that you need to inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth (the exception is dog breathing - here you can breathe either only through your mouth, or only through your nose).

This breath dries out the nose and mouth. You can rinse your mouth with water, and either lubricate your nose with vaseline oil, or you can use the Aquamaris spray (both must be prepared in advance and taken with you to the roadblock).

Note! If, after the end of the fight, the head is very dizzy (“breathed” - there is an excess of oxygen in the blood), then it is necessary to create a slight hypoxia - close the nose with a hand or a blanket and breathe for a few seconds.

It is also important to move more during contractions. When the muscles work, they require more oxygen, which means that the speed of blood flow increases (and the heartbeat becomes faster), and, consequently, the blood flow increases everywhere, including in the placenta.

If you really want to scream, do not waste precious energy on it. In this case it's better sing. It is better to sing vowel sounds: “A”, “O”, “U”, etc. Take a deep slow breath in through the nose and on the exhale draw a vowel sound. You can also buzz (pull the sound "Zh"), mumble (sound "M") or itch (sound "Z").

At some point, an attempt joins the contractions. You can’t push right away - you need to call a doctor, he will evaluate the opening of the cervix and either allow you to push, or you will have to “breathe” for a few attempts. You will also have to “breathe” the moment the face is born (at this moment the midwife will say that you can’t push). For removal of attempts can be used doggy breath or sobbing(deep breath, then many small exhalations, or vice versa, many small breaths, then a smooth exhalation).

And so the doctor allowed me to push, and the most crucial period of childbirth comes - attempts. During this period, the main thing is to fully obey the midwife. But even here it is necessary to breathe properly. Breathing in a rush: a deep breath through the mouth, holding the breath (at this time, you need to look at the navel and push on the perineum (as with constipation)). SLOW exhale. The most important thing here is not to exhale sharply and not to scream. Otherwise, all the force of the attempt will go into a cry, and the attempt will be ineffective. If everything is done correctly, then for one attempt you need to push 3 times.

All these types of breathing are best practiced every day. If you devote at least 15 minutes a day to breathing training, then, firstly, it will be familiar to the body and will be remembered by itself during childbirth, and, secondly, this is training the baby. It is important for the baby that the mother trains to hold her breath during pregnancy. This will help the baby in childbirth better adapt to hypoxia.

Another component of pain is the fear of it. If you wait for the pain, it will seem very strong. You can't set yourself up for pain. When you know that the pain can be reduced, the fear also decreases. Future mothers, remember that the baby is also scared during childbirth, he does not know what will happen next. Do not forget to talk to him in childbirth, let him hear your voice - he will be calmer, because now you are the whole universe for him ... Health to you and your babies. Peaceful pregnancy and easy childbirth.
py. sy.)) that's how it is written, so I breathed. really good ... and I managed to talk on the phone))) so don't waste time screaming, it's better to breathe carefully. don't rush lol. and everything will be for-me-cha-tel-but)) if you have any questions, ask))))))))

Despite the fact that the birth of a child is a natural process, it causes incredible suffering to the mother. Intense labor pains are noted during contractions, which can last quite a long time, and during the laborious period.

Is it possible to give birth without pain? How to ease contractions, to endure them more calmly? Is it possible to give anesthesia when it hurts a lot? What to do if you are afraid to give birth?

Is natural childbirth possible without pain?

Natural childbirth is always accompanied by severe pain. Their intensity is due to the characteristics of the woman in labor, her pain threshold and state of health. The degree of preparedness of the muscles for the birth process is also important.

Childbirth is divided into three stages:

  • contractions. During them, the cervix opens, which has a large number of receptors. The uterus begins to contract, gradually reducing the time interval between contractions. There is a stretching of the uterine ligaments, the pressure in the peritoneum increases. Soreness is felt throughout the abdomen, radiates to the lower back.
  • Attempts. The child moves down the birth canal, stretching them. The pain is shifted to the area of ​​the vagina, rectum and perineum. It is sharp, has precise localization.
  • The birth of the placenta, or child's place. As a rule, it is completely painless.

Susceptibility to pain can increase if the woman in labor is not mentally prepared for them. The state of panic and fear has a negative effect - the release of hormones of stress and fear of adrenaline and cortisol increases spasms, it becomes more difficult to endure contractions.

Objectively, the pain can be very severe in case of premature delivery, the birth of a large baby, prolonged labor, stimulation of labor with oxytocin, and also if the woman had painful periods before pregnancy.

How to facilitate the birth process?

While pain cannot be completely eliminated, it can be reduced. Not only modern medicines come to the rescue, but also the methods of our ancestors.

A woman should be concerned in advance with the question of how to facilitate childbirth and contractions. There are several ways to anesthetize the birth process, which a pregnant woman learns about in courses for future parents.

Nature itself helps a woman: her body produces a whole complex of hormones that act as an anesthetic. Correct behavior and breathing do wonders. The woman in labor no longer concentrates so much on contractions, she is distracted from unpleasant sensations. In case of a difficult course of childbirth, there are medical workers nearby who, if necessary, will relieve the woman's condition with medication. How to behave during contractions and attempts to make them easier to endure, to make them less painful?

positive attitude

Remember that childbirth is a normal process of the birth of a person, there is no need to be afraid of them. However, you should thoroughly prepare for an important event:

  • Pack a bag for the hospital in advance. In the case of early childbirth, you will not have to rush around the house in search of documents and things.
  • Choose a maternity hospital and an obstetrician. You need to go to the maternity ward and talk with the doctor no later than a month before the upcoming birth.
  • Decide whether the spouse will be present at the birth of the child. If so, then he also needs to undergo psychological preparation (and make the necessary tests on time). Not all men are mentally ready to be near a woman in labor, so you need to decide on this issue as early as possible. You can take your mother or a close friend as a partner.

How can you help yourself be positive? At a pregnancy school, a woman will be given advice on how to relieve pain during contractions, set her in an optimistic mood. Indeed, very soon she will be able to press the long-awaited baby to her chest, what could be more beautiful? You need to go to childbirth with such positive thoughts and emotions.

It has been proven that nervous tension and fear have a negative effect on the opening of the cervix. A long process delivers unbearable suffering to the woman in labor, delays the time of contractions. Many women consider this period to be more difficult compared to attempts, because they pass much faster. Relaxation, calmness and faith in one's own strength will allow you to survive the contractions not so painfully.

If fear haunts a pregnant woman, she cannot cope with it on her own, it makes sense to visit a psychologist. As a rule, the specialist takes in the antenatal clinic. He will tell you how to understand the cause of anxiety, and set the woman in labor for good emotions.

Preparing muscles for childbirth in the last trimester (exercise, massage, diet)

Not only the mind, but also the body should be prepared for childbirth, because soon he will have hard work to do. During pregnancy, a woman is advised to monitor her physical health.

Easy to give birth will help:

  • Daily set of exercises. It aims to strengthen muscles and prevent ruptures. The most famous are Kegel exercises for the muscles of the perineum. They have been proven to reduce the risk of damage to this area and help the uterus recover faster after childbirth.
  • Vagina massage using natural oil. It improves the elasticity of tissues, the likelihood of injury during childbirth is significantly reduced.
  • Dieting. In the last month of pregnancy, you must strictly adhere to a special diet. It is recommended to give up meat, fish and eggs, limit the consumption of dairy products, reduce salt intake. Be sure to eat vegetable oils (olive, linseed). This menu contributes to good tissue stretching and easy passage of the baby through the birth canal.

Comfortable postures during contractions

During contractions, a woman needs to listen to her body and take a position that will allow her to withstand the pain. It is convenient for someone to get on all fours, arching their back, for others it is easier to squat. You can lie on your left side and bend your legs under you.

Only in the process of contractions will a woman be able to choose a position that is comfortable for herself. It is necessary to exclude pressure on the stomach, in all other respects the woman in labor is not limited.

Shower, massage, movements

A warm shower will relax and distract from suffering. Some obstetricians advise sitting in a bath filled with warm water, to some extent it will relieve pain. However, this cannot be done if the waters have broken.

Close people can give the expectant mother a lumbar massage. It is in this area that the pain is intense. During the courses, a partner will be taught how to give a relaxing massage to a woman in labor, it will definitely come in handy during contractions.

Movement in the interval between contractions will speed up the opening of the cervix. You can just walk, climb the stairs or swing on the fitball. You need to stop only for the duration of the contractions, not forgetting to count the intervals between them.

Music and aromatherapy

Music and aromatherapy are a great addition to all the methods described above. They will help to calm down and relax, and this is the key to an easy delivery. Experts note that listening to your favorite songs has a positive effect on the course of childbirth.

Aromatherapy can be used as a pain reliever. It is believed that jasmine oil accelerates labor activity, while lavender and bergamot oil calms. Rose essential oil reduces pain, for this you just need to drop a few drops of the substance into the aroma lamp.

All for fitball!

This is a big ball that you can lean on during fights, lie down on it (we recommend reading:). When the fight has receded, it is allowed to swing on the fitball or even jump. It well removes the load from the spine, distracts the woman in labor from pain.

Fitball is now available in almost all maternity wards. If this is not provided, you can bring the ball with you, it will certainly come in handy. The fitball should be soft, slightly deflated, and you need to select it according to your height.

Proper breathing and… singing!

Proper breathing plays an important role in the birth process. Depending on the stage of childbirth, the way of breathing also differs:

Unreasonable use of painkillers adversely affects the child. No matter how much you want to eliminate the pain, it is better to endure it than to treat the baby later.

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