Hormone of happiness and pleasure name. How dopamine works. The role of sex hormones

Human body produces many substances that cause pleasant sensations: pleasure, good mood, euphoria. Biochemists call all these substances neurotransmitters because they are responsible for the transmission of nerve impulses.

However, in common parlance, for some reason, many call dopamine, serotonin and endorphins pleasure hormones.

The question arises - how can a person get more of these very "hormones" and not harm his health?

Dopamine: Favorite

Dopamine carries out the transmission of nerve impulses in the mesolimbic pathway of the brain, which is responsible for the manifestation pleasure. The higher the level of dopamine, the brighter the sensations.

No one will deny themselves pleasures. Therefore, people tend to raise their level of dopamine in the brain. However, not everything is so simple here.

The simplest idea seems to be to take dopamine as a drug. But he is not only a neurotransmitter responsible for the transmission of nerve impulses, but also normal hormone affecting the functioning of the heart. And drinking heart remedies just for pleasure is extremely dangerous.

But substances that cause the production of dopamine in the neurons of the mesolimbic pathway are common. it alcohol and nicotine. In addition, other components tobacco smoke and some drugs (eg. cocaine) block the destruction of dopamine after it has had its intended effect - and the level of pleasure in the brain increases.

However, alcohol, nicotine and other drugs are called so because they are addictive, not counting others. serious consequences for good health. So the resulting pleasure is bought at too high a price.

In addition, the rejection of stimulants with an already formed dependence leads to the so-called breaking so it's best not to start at all.

What then remains? That which brings joy. For example, a strong release of dopamine causes sex with a loved one. Approximately the same effect is produced by music and any other pleasing activities. By the way, even thinking about the upcoming pleasant business causes the release of dopamine.

Serotonin: food and solar panels

If dopamine is the "pleasure hormone", then serotonin is the "feel good hormone". Its release in the body leads to improve mood and raising motor activity. But the lack of serotonin leads to depression and depression.

There are drugs that increase the level of serotonin in the body. This is exactly what antidepressants do: they block the reuptake of serotonin at the synapses after the serotonin has done its job. But in no case should they be used without a doctor's prescription. Without individual purpose it is very easy to overdose, and an excess of serotonin in the body can even lead to death.

In addition, unlike dopamine, serotonin levels can be more or less safely raised by eating something suitable. The fact is that serotonin is formed in the body from the amino acid tryptophan, and that is why the products rich in tryptophan(for example, dark chocolate, nuts, dates and bananas) lead to some emotional uplift. A kind of natural antidepressant.

However, you need to remember that these products are high in fat or sugar. Therefore, eating chocolate bars or kilograms of bananas to improve your mood is not worth it. But for consumption tomatoes, also rich in tryptophan, there are no such restrictions.

Causes an increase in serotonin levels and sweets. Here, the chemical path from food to the brain is longer: glucose supplied as part of carbohydrates causes the release of insulin into the blood, which stimulates the decomposition of proteins into amino acids in tissues, and, accordingly, an increase in the level of tryptophan in the blood.

But there is danger here too. First, an excess of carbohydrates leads to overweight. And, secondly, there is a chance to get a “sweet tooth syndrome”: the body quickly gets used to the fact that sweets lead to an increase in serotonin levels, and with any hint of depression, it requires as many additional sweets as possible.

In addition, the synthesis of serotonin in the body is stimulated and "by itself" - thanks to sunlight. That is why many mope if they are nocturnal, or in winter. So it is useful to take most of the vacation not in the summer, when there is so much sun, but in the cloudy season - in late autumn and winter. Go somewhere where the daylight is still long enough.

Just don't get tanned. sunburn and melanoma is too high a price to pay for excess serotonin, and it can be light even where the temperature for visiting the beach is low.

Endorphins - a gift to pregnant women

Endorphins are produced by the body in response to stress to reduce pain. By binding to the so-called opiate receptors, they suppress pain and cause euphoria- a kind of reward to the body for getting rid of pain.

Many drugs ( opium, for example) - work in exactly the same way, it is not without reason that receptors are called opiate. Only drugs are stronger and have time to contact the receptors first.

However, artificial stimulation of opiate receptors, as in the case of dopamine, causes a rapid and persistent addiction. And, as soon as the artificial stimulant disappears, the body begins to have problems - both with pain and with euphoria. The so-called withdrawal syndrome is triggered: the appearance of symptoms that the substance worked to eliminate.

Whether there is a how to increase endorphins in the body without harm to the body? Of course there is. Firstly, biochemists have an opinion that the euphoria from contact with works of art and the euphoria of orgasm is of an endorphin nature.

Second, don't a large number of endorphins are released during moderate physical activity. This is how the body prepares itself for the stress that exercise is. To increase endorphins, long-term regular exercise is required. There is even such a term - "runner's euphoria" - lung condition emotional uplift during a long run. Therefore, run, jump and dance to your heart's content - in the truest sense of the word.

Well, and thirdly, nature has made a gift to all women - starting from the third month of pregnancy, endorphins enter the bloodstream. Nice bonus!

One can imagine that a person is a gigantic laboratory in which each emotion represents a certain chemical reaction. As a result of these reactions, a person experiences certain emotions.

When a person gets pleasure from any things: he enjoys doing what he loves, being close to people dear to him, or simply eating something tasty inside, his body produces certain hormones. With a sufficient concentration of these hormones in the blood, they are able to give a feeling of pleasure and happiness.

Five hormones of happiness

Hormones are organic substances that have biological activity and . It is impossible to answer in one word what the hormone of joy is called, because scientists secrete only five of these substances:

  • endorphins;
  • oxytocin;
  • serotonin;
  • dopamine;
  • adrenalin.

They differ from each other in their properties, but they have one wonderful function in common - all five are responsible for raising the mood, giving a person joyful feelings. We will analyze each mood hormone separately.


Endorphins are a group of compounds that are formed by the neurons of the brain (namely the pituitary gland) and have a direct impact on human emotions.

These hormones are structurally similar to drugs such as morphine. Therefore, they have some analgesic effect and are able to reduce pain threshold. That is why, when a person is sick, he becomes a little better if there are close people next to him who take care of him.

Endorphin helps the body not to lose composure in stressful situations, to remain calm and not to lose hope for the best.
This hormone is released when a person is kissed or hugged by someone he likes, whom he loves

Despite the fact that many believe that the hormone of happiness is endorphin, it plays a far from primary role in obtaining positive emotions. For the most part, this role belongs to oxytocin and serotonin.


The second name of the hormone of happiness is serotonin, because it gives a person joy and harmony in the soul, helps to believe in oneself, and also get a feeling of happiness and pleasure from something. It is not for nothing that many antidepressants have a mechanism of action that increases the production of serotonin.

Serotonin will be released in the right quantities only if a few conditions are met:

  • having enough sunlight. In the winter months, many notice a decline in strength, a decrease in efficiency and a depressive mood. Everyone is looking forward to the appearance of the sun, and with the advent of spring they feel a surge of strength and energy. This is due to the lack of ultraviolet radiation, which is simply indispensable for the synthesis of serotonin in the body;
  • the body also produces serotonin only when there is enough tryptophan, an amino acid that is a precursor to serotonin. You can get tryptophan from food, namely from protein. The required amount of protein consumed is 1.2 g per kilogram of weight. If there is enough tryptophan in the body, then the synthesis of serotonin and melatonin (sleep hormone) will be normal. It turns out that eating enough tryptophan, a person provides himself healthy sleep at night and a positive, even mood during the day;
  • In addition to tryptophan, for the correct synthesis of serotonin, glucose is also needed, which stimulates the release of insulin into the blood. One of the main functions of insulin is to transport tryptophan to brain cells for the synthesis of serotonin.

Serotonin gives a person confidence in himself and his abilities, as well as joy, a sense of pleasure and happiness.


Oxytocin is one of the most important hormones in the body. This substance is responsible for the formation of such emotions as affection and trust. Moreover, this process begins immediately at the time of the birth of the baby. Oxytocin is like a trigger to start contractions. When a woman goes into labor, oxytocin is released. It is this hormone of happiness that regulates the frequency and intensity of contractions, and also helps the woman in labor to endure such torments in anticipation of meeting the baby.

Especially a lot of oxytocin is released when the baby is first applied to the breast, and he begins to suck it, looking into his mother's eyes. Due to the huge amount of the hormone in the blood, the woman who gave birth experiences incredible feelings and then talks about childbirth: “The moment when my child was attached to me is indescribable. I cried with happiness and did not remember that severe pain which I experienced a few minutes ago!” It is thanks to oxytocin that the newly-made mother becomes attached to the child, feels how love for him grows in her every day. Oxytocin helps the father to become attached to the child, and to everyone who is next to him regularly.

Oxytocin also helps adults bond with each other for years, stay faithful throughout their lives.

Oxytocin also helps a person to clearly distinguish between “us” and “strangers”, staying closer to some and avoiding others.

Scientists argue that if you know the level of oxytocin in the blood of a person, you can confidently conclude how loyal and attached to "his" people.


Dopamine is the pleasure hormone. It is thanks to dopamine that a person has a desire to do those things that bring him a sense of satisfaction. With a sufficient concentration of dopamine in the blood, a person is fond of any sport or any other hobby that he likes. This is the positive side of dopamine. However, he also has reverse side. It is because of dopamine that a person feels a wild craving for drugs and other bad habits once or several times tried.

The main functions of dopamine:

  • controls the change of cycles of sleep and wakefulness;
  • responsible for the formation of sexual desire;
  • promotes pleasure while eating delicious food.

In the body, this hormone of happiness is produced precisely at the moment when a person receives pleasure. The intensity and duration of the received emotion depends on the level of dopamine.


Adrenaline - chief assistant person in a critical situation. It is he who, in case of danger, makes a person forget about food or sleep and mobilize all forces for salvation. palpitations, aggravation of hearing and vision, increases the speed and clarity of reactions, as well as thought processes.

This hormone pushes a person to engage in any extreme sports, gives a feeling of drive and inspiration.

Ways to increase the level of hormones of happiness in the blood

The more the endocrine system produces these hormones, the more pleasant feelings a person will experience. And, conversely, with a lack of these hormones in the blood comes fatigue, depression and apathy.

However, there are several ways to increase the content of hormones of happiness in the blood. All it takes is a little change in your lifestyle.

  • review your diet;
  • add a little more sport to your life;
  • pick up some good habits.

All this will be discussed in more detail below.


First of all, you need to pay attention to your daily diet. Then be sure to study the composition of some foods to identify which ones you need to eat more often and where the hormone of happiness is contained. If necessary, you should add to it some products that can improve mood, namely:

  • Everyone knows the pleasant sensation that you get from a piece of chocolate melting on your tongue. The fact is that chocolate contains a substance called phenylethylamine, which promotes the production of endorphins.

In addition, chocolate is one of the richest foods in magnesium, and magnesium is known for its calming properties. It also contains a huge amount of tryptophan, the useful purpose of which was mentioned earlier.

Chocolate also contains substances such as caffeine and theobromine, which have the ability to increase performance and mood.

Thus, the happiness hormone itself is absent in chocolate, but it contains a lot of components, without which the synthesis of happiness hormones is simply impossible. Just 40 grams of chocolate dessert is enough to charge you with vivacity and positive for the whole day.

This explains the large number of people who cannot live a day without sweets. Such people claim that they are addicted to sweets, just as smokers are addicted to tobacco. There is no scientific confirmation of chocolate addiction, but practice claims that it is possible.

Therefore, chocolate boldly takes the first place in the list of products that everyone needs to include in the diet to get harmony and tranquility, because hormone happiness in chocolate will help with this.

  • Second place should be given to hot spices. Like cayenne pepper and chili. Possessing a burning and rich taste, they actively contribute to the fact that the hormone of happiness is released into the blood in sufficient quantities.
  • You can also find the hormone of joy in bananas. Bananas are fruits of happiness. And not because they have a positive yellow. And because they contain in their composition the alkaloid harman - a substance that can cause a feeling of euphoria. In addition, bananas promote the production of serotonin.
  • This can also be attributed citrus fruits - tangerines, oranges and other fruits that can also cheer you up ( pineapple and persimmon).

Such a hormone of happiness as serotonin is contained in large quantities in nuts (peanuts, cashews, almonds) and fish caviar (red and black).

Physical exercise

To increase the hormones of pleasure and happiness in the body, you need to include a little sport in your life. Sports are an effective way to cheer yourself up and recharge your batteries. Regular physical exercise contribute to the release of the hormone of happiness in required quantity. Particularly good for stimulating the production of joy hormones are group activities or team games. As a rule, in those who go in for sports alone, the hormone of pleasure is released in the blood in a smaller amount than those who work in pairs or in a team.

Fitness and aerobics, running and dancing, horse riding and cycling also help relieve stress. But the main thing is that the chosen sport is to your liking.

Good Habits

  • Have sex regularly with a loved man. It is not only pleasant, but also useful. And it is useful both physically and emotionally. During lovemaking, and especially when reaching orgasm, in huge number pleasure hormone is released. A person realizes that he is loved and attractive. And he has someone who loves him and whom he loves. Also, a person experiences feelings when hugging or kissing with a beloved partner.
  • You need to learn how to live your emotions.. Any - positive and negative. Retaining emotions within oneself is harmful to a person. That is why child psychologists recommend that parents let their children cry if something upsets them. First let him cry, saying that you understand his feelings and why he is upset. Then you need to help the child understand what he feels, because it is difficult for a small child to do this as quickly and easily as adults. After the child cried, lived his negative emotion, you should calm him down and explain how you can avoid such situations in the future. So the child will not only learn from childhood to understand his feelings and share them with adults, but will not accumulate negativity in himself.

Adults also need to give vent to bad emotions. They should not accumulate inside and burden a person. You should learn to forgive, even if the offender never asked for forgiveness. The main thing is to forgive him inside yourself and move on.

If some kind of misfortune happened in the past, it is necessary to live this pain and accept it, learn to live with it and move on. You can't get stuck in the past.

Restrained positive emotions are just as harmful as negative ones. Therefore, you must not be ashamed of your emotions and rejoice sincerely. Want to sing loud? So, you need to sing loudly. Want to jump for joy? So you don't have to stay in one place! The release of emotions makes room for new impressions and feelings, which are very important for successful movement forward.

  • It is also important to sleep at least 7-8 hours a day. In a dream, all organs and systems of the body are restored in order to work tomorrow with new force. Thanks to this, in the morning, a rested body is open to new emotions and achievements, full of strength and energy.
  • One more good habit is the regular consumption of a sufficient amount drinking water. Lack of fluid in the body is fraught with many backfire. Here are the most harmless of them - drowsiness, fatigue and apathy. Of course, in this state, the production of hormones of happiness is simply impossible. Eight glasses of water is enough for an adult to feel much better.

Everyone has hormones of happiness, just not everyone knows how to use them correctly. One has only to make a few changes in your life and hormones will become real helpers in achieving pleasure and happiness, joy and satisfaction.

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People tend to experience a wide variety of feelings: love and hostility, joy, happiness and sadness. They arise in response to external factors. The body produces special substances - hormones that regulate the flow of biochemical reactions in its various departments and the transmission of impulses to the centers of the brain. Each person has his own set of these substances that affect his health, mood and temperament. An important role is played by the so-called hormones of joy, which are responsible for positive emotions that make people cheerful and energetic.


What are hormones and neurotransmitters

Hormones and neurotransmitters are called biologically active substances that stimulate the work of various organs when exposed to cell receptors. Hormones are produced in the endocrine glands and blood vessels spread throughout the body. They induce the cells of various tissues to produce chemical substances necessary for the flow of biochemical processes and the functioning of organs.

Neurotransmitters are produced in nerve cells. These substances transmit impulses directly to the brain, from where a response signal comes from, forcing a person to make certain movements, think, digest food, and so on. There are biologically active substances mixed type, which manifest themselves in the body both as hormones and as neurotransmitters (for example, dopamine, norepinephrine).

Hormonal background and its features

A certain set of hormones is formed in the body, and their ratio is normal so that all organs work correctly, and the person feels healthy. This does not mean that the combination of hormones should always be constant. The background within certain limits changes throughout life as they grow older, changes in physical and mental stress. The ratio of such substances depends on the sex of the person, his physiological state, age.

In men, the ratio is more stable. In women, due to the peculiarities of functioning reproductive system and monthly fluctuations in the level of sex hormones, it is constantly changing. It is thanks to this that the representatives of the weaker sex are more excitable, capricious, they are characterized by frequent drops moods. Hormonal imbalance can lead to neoplastic diseases, sexual disorders, developmental pathologies, and depression.

Organs that produce happiness hormones

The main center that regulates the production of hormones of joy and happiness in the body is the hypothalamus. According to its signal, hormones are produced in the pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, pancreas, adrenal glands, as well as in the ovary in women and testicles in men.

Cells that produce hormonal substances are also found in organs that are not related to endocrine system such as the liver, kidneys, placenta, gastrointestinal tract and others. So, for example, with a lack of estrogen in the body, adipose tissue begins to produce them. In pregnant women, the placenta becomes the organ that produces hormones.

What substances are considered hormones of joy and pleasure

There is a relationship between production various hormones and human mood. His feelings and actions largely depend on how he slept, what he ate, with whom he communicated, what he learned new things. The impressions received by him are reflected in the brain. And here, signals are immediately produced that regulate the production of the corresponding hormones. There is a reciprocal feeling of pleasure or disappointment, peace or angry indignation.

The main hormones of joy, satisfaction, pleasure and happiness are called:

  • endorphin;
  • dopamine;
  • serotonin;
  • oxytocin.

Directly affect the behavior and mood of a person and substances such as adrenaline and norepinephrine.


Weakens the impact of negative factors.

This substance is produced in the pituitary gland at the moment when a person enters stressful situation. Sharp rise the concentration of endorphin in the blood leads to the fact that pain is weakened, it is easier to tolerate mental trauma, there are forces to overcome stress. Endorphin acts like opiates, bringing a person into a state of peace and happiness, mobilizing him, giving him a chance to think about the situation and make an adequate decision.

Improving the state of the nervous system has a positive effect on the work of the heart and blood vessels, helps to strengthen the immune system. The level of endorphin in the blood increases sharply in women in the last weeks of pregnancy. In this way, the body prepares to overcome the fear of childbirth and relieve pain. Endorphin "jumps" in athletes during the competition. It is noticed that it is the surge of this hormone in soldiers that makes them bold and decisive during the battle.

Its resemblance to opiates plays, however, also negative role because this substance, like drugs, is addictive. If a person tries to artificially increase its content in the blood, takes special means for this, then the production of his own endorphin decreases. Everything is required to get pleasure and joyful emotions large dose drug. In addition, it is easy to overdose.

With a lack of the hormone of happiness, a person is apathetic, suffers from depression, and experiences anxiety. An overdose makes him aggressive, inadequate, makes him take unnecessary risks.


Hormone of satisfaction and joy.

It is produced in the neurons of the brain and in the cells of the adrenal glands. An increase in his concentration occurs even at the moment of planning something pleasant: a welcome meeting, an interesting trip, or making a very necessary purchase. Dopamine levels peak when the result is achieved. It inspires him, makes him set new goals and strive to achieve them.

Due to the production of dopamine, people form conditioned reflexes, eating habits.

Thanks to a surge in the content of this substance in the body, a person experiences satisfaction and happiness when listening to his favorite music. He is happy if his favorite team wins a football match. Dopamine levels rise sharply at the time of sexual intimacy.

If there is not enough dopamine in the body, people are inactive, indifferent to studies, career growth, prone to depression.

However, the excess of its content in the body is far from safe. This substance increases the frequency of contractions of the heart muscle, raises blood pressure. Long-term excessive use of dopamine drugs can lead to schizophrenia (the occurrence of auditory and visual hallucinations).

Note: The level of dopamine in the blood increases significantly with the use of alcohol, nicotine and cocaine, which increase its production several times. That is why drinking, smoking and drug use allows a person to experience a temporary feeling of joy and happiness, artificially enhanced. But the fact is that each time more and more of such a “stimulant” is required to get pleasure, and the abolition of its intake leads to the emergence of a “withdrawal” syndrome.


Hormone of happiness, antidepressant.

This substance affects the centers of the cerebral cortex, contributing to the emergence of optimism, a feeling of happiness, euphoria, and intoxication with one's achievements. The centers responsible for memory are also activated, cognitive ability. The action of serotonin on the receptors of the spinal cord leads to improved coordination of movements, increased muscle tone.

The production of a substance in the body is enhanced by exposure to ultraviolet rays, therefore, in autumn-winter period When the days are shorter and the lighting is mostly artificial, it's not uncommon for people to experience seasonal depression.

As you know, there are synthetic antidepressant drugs. Their action is based on an artificial increase in the content of neurotransmitter hormones in the blood, such as dopamine, norepinephrine, serotonin. In the treatment of depression and neurosis, they are taken for a long time. At the same time, there is a high risk side effects(effects of hormonal substances on the heart, kidneys). If they are used improperly, eye pressure increases, worsens mental capacity, there are sexual disorders.

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Enhances the pleasure of communication and intimacy.

Produced in the hypothalamus. Once in the blood, it spreads through the cells of the whole organism. This hormone enhances a person's attachment to their loved ones, as well as the desire to feel "one's own" in the team. He enjoys the handshake of a friend he trusts. For happiness, a child needs his mother to hug him, stroke his back, head. Massage has a calming effect on him.

This substance plays a special role in the female body. An increase in the level stimulates the onset of contractions, as it increases the contractility of the uterus. Thanks to oxytocin, the mother feels a sense of reverence for her child born in agony, and he instantly calms down when he grabs the nipple and draws out the first portions of colostrum. So mother's hormone gets to him, mutual affection arises.

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Adrenaline is an anti-stress hormone

It is produced at the moment of extreme danger. At the same time, a person is able to instantly mobilize, forget about pain and fear, take risks for the sake of his salvation. His pulse quickens sharply, that is, blood circulation accelerates. Pupils dilate, so he sees better, hearing becomes more acute.

Norepinephrine - the hormone of peace and tranquility

Formed from adrenaline and helps to reduce blood pressure, relieve spasms and normalize breathing. The person calms down, and his mood improves. The formation of the hormone is facilitated by listening to quiet pleasant music, being in nature, contemplating the seascape. The less norepinephrine, the more adrenaline and the anxiety associated with its presence.

The role of sex hormones

The most important role in the body is played by the sex hormones estrogen and testosterone, due to which men and women have external features. These substances are produced in both sexes. But in the female body there are ten times more estrogen, and in the male body - testosterone, which explains the peculiarities of men's behavior, their physical endurance, and sexual activity.


In women, estrogens are produced in the ovaries after the onset of puberty. If there are enough of them, the girl develops correctly, her breasts are formed, her hips increase. beautiful figure, good hair and skin, gentle voice give pleasure to any woman. Thanks to estrogen, she is sexually active, fertile, and arouses interest in men.

If there is little estrogen, it worsens appearance, there is a rapid aging of the body, menstrual disorders occur.

Wanting to prolong youth, enhance sexuality, some women take synthetic estrogens, risking their health. Hyperestrogenism causes infertility, the occurrence of tumors of the genital organs and mammary glands.


Presence a small amount male hormone in a woman's body makes her independent, confident in her rightness and uniqueness. At the same time, a “strong” woman remains fragile, tender and easily vulnerable.

There is an expression: “Men rule the world, women rule men, and hormones rule women.” loving man he will take this into account and will be indulgent to small “female weaknesses”. Excess testosterone leads to changes in appearance, voice and character male type, is a pathology that requires serious treatment.

Other Hormones Needed to Enhance Feelings of Joy and Happiness

You can name other substances hormonal action that can enhance the feeling of pleasure and happiness:

  1. Vasopressin. It is involved in the regulation of the water-salt balance, which directly affects the condition of the hair and skin, the presence of signs of external attractiveness and health, pleasing to the eye.
  2. Acetylcholine. Promotes development creativity, intelligence and memory. Thanks to him, a person is able to rejoice and experience a sense of pride and happiness when he manages to cope with a difficult task. Helps to maintain dignity, mental balance.
  3. Melatonin is a regulator biological rhythm. Normalizes night sleep helping to fully relax after a hard day's work.
  4. Somatotropin is a growth hormone. Increases muscle elasticity, improves the condition of the joints, prolongs youth. It is important to prevent its overdose in the body, since this causes such a pathology as gigantism. With a hormone deficiency in a child, he can remain a dwarf.

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How to increase the level of hormones of joy in the body and feel happiness

Many preparations containing synthetic hormones of happiness are produced. Sometimes it is simply impossible to do without them. For example, estrogen-based products help in the treatment of infertility, as well as improve the quality of life by relieving the symptoms of menopause.

However, one must never forget harmful effects overdose. There are much more safe ways increasing the content of hormones of joy and happiness in the body and enjoying life.

The Importance of Proper Nutrition

With food, substances containing either hormones directly or substances that stimulate their production enter the body. Delicious and healthy food always improves mood. For example, to get rid of autumn-winter depression, you need to eat dark chocolate, fruits (especially leaning on bananas, pineapples, apples), drink coffee. They contain tryptophan essential amino acid involved in the formation of serotonin, melatonin and other useful substances. Tryptophan is also found in foods such as avocados, coconuts, figs, strawberries, and beans.

Tomatoes, kiwi, nuts, plums, eggs, meat, milk are also foods that need to be consumed to increase the content of joy hormones in the body. Everyone knows how sweets, baked goods, honey and other sweets have a beneficial effect on mood.

Consoling yourself with food, we must not forget that overeating is no less harmful than a lack of hormones of joy. A person who tries to suppress discouragement with sweets or cakes may develop obesity. The circle closes: eating sweets improves mood, but spoils the figure, which adds worries and stress.

Exercise stress

This is perhaps the safest and most beneficial way to improve mood and achieve happiness. Vigor of the body and spirit are inextricably linked. It has long been known that if the feeling of anger and indignation is bursting, it is useful to chop wood, do major cleaning or load yourself with other work.

long walk, physical exercises, jogging are a great way to take your mind off the worries. In addition, the body produces vitamin D during exposure to the sun, which accelerates the synthesis of happiness hormones.

Deep sleep

Sleep is the best cure for all diseases, including mental trauma. It gives strength, radically changes the mood in better side. No wonder they say that "the morning is wiser than the evening." In a sound sleeper, the content of serotonin, melatonin and other hormones necessary for recuperation increases in the body.

Doing what you love

Mental stress, achieving goals also require the body to increase the production of dopamine and other hormonal substances. Obtaining moral (and material) satisfaction is no less important for a person than other joys of life.

Sex and pregnancy

Sexual satisfaction, an explosion of positive emotions caused by intimacy Like nothing else, they stimulate the production of substances necessary for the appearance of a feeling of pleasure, happiness and love. The level of sex hormones, oxytocin, serotonin at this time is unusually high.

Nothing makes a woman as happy as the feeling of future motherhood. All experiences recede into the background. the main objective is to maintain one's own health and peace of mind required for normal development baby. During this period there is abrupt change hormonal background, increased production of substances necessary to maintain positive attitude. Pregnancy and love for a child gives a woman such strength that allows her to survive any sorrows.

In order to feel calmer, to feel the joy of life and happiness, one must make every effort to experience the love of loved ones, the respect of others. You need to set realistic goals and work towards achieving them.

Not everyone knows what dopamine is, but everyone knows what a bad mood, apathy and laziness are.

These symptoms can be caused not only by problems in the family or at work, but often have a purely physiological nature - a lack of the hormone of pleasure drives you into a series of endless depressions, makes food bland, life gray, and takes libido in an unknown direction. Find out how to increase the release of dopamine and cope with depression.

Dopamine - the main symptoms of deficiency

And immediately the good news is that the level of hormones of pleasure is easy to control with a simple diet, exercise and communication with loved ones. Dopamine, a neurotransmitter produced in the brain by the efforts of the adrenal glands, is responsible for the functioning of the brain, heart, central nervous system, our weight and psycho-emotional background. When it is thrown into the blood, we do what we truly love, and as a result we feel happy, full of strength, and do courageous deeds. In general, we live to the fullest.

A lack of dopamine can result in:

  1. Problems with weight, obesity, development of diabetes
  2. Bad mood, irritability, loss of interest in life and depression
  3. Decreased libido
  4. Feeling constantly tired
  5. Malfunctions of the cardiovascular system
  6. Parkinson's disease
  7. hallucinations
  8. Anhedonia - a disease in the development of which a person completely loses the ability to enjoy

Dopamine is responsible for our good mood

What can cause low scores: wrong image life, abuse fatty foods, alcohol, sweet. These factors not only inhibit the production of the hormone, but also provoke the development of addictions, including strong drinks, drugs, overeating, and gambling.

A person is ready to look for positive emotions and good mood anywhere, even for a short period of time, not realizing that he is deceiving himself. For example, after a stormy night with strong drinks in the morning, we always feel depressed - and this is natural, because the hormone of joy is reduced to a minimum.

By the way, the release of dopamine causes not only positive emotions, but also negative ones. For example, severe shock from an injury or burn. But such a hormone does not enter the bloodstream.

Dopamine is pretty tricky. When figuring out how to increase its content in the blood, it should be taken into account that the largest number of molecules is produced not at the time of receiving a surge of happiness, but at the moment of its anticipation. The hormone begins to work, forms our habits and taste preferences, motivation. His real task is to encourage to conquer new heights. That is why we often feel deep disappointment when we achieve what we want.

You can deal with the problem yourself

Dopamine - 5+ Ways to Increase Your Body Levels

On the early stages the lack of pleasure does not manifest itself - life goes on as usual, everyone has ups and downs. But at some point, the problem of dopamine becomes so obvious that a person causes discomfort not only to himself, but also to those close to him, breaking down and upsetting with his sour look. But funds, how to increase to compensate for the lack on your own without resorting to drugs, mass.

In the summer, diversify your diet with dandelion salads.

A diet rich in tyrosine

This non-essential amino acid stimulates the production of happiness hormones, adrenaline, improves mood, sports performance, fights depression in the mild stages. Tyrosine is indispensable for those who resist caffeine addiction, medicines and alcohol.

A couple of bananas will quickly fix the situation

The fuel of joy is found in:

  1. Almonds and walnuts
  2. Avocado
  3. Bananas
  4. pumpkin seeds
  5. beans
  6. Sesame
  7. dairy products
  8. Beets
  9. apples
  10. green tea
  11. oatmeal
  12. Greenery
  13. strawberries

Treat yourself to chocolate

Tip: You can't do without chocolate in the fight for positive emotions. Inveterate sweet tooth need to know that one bar should be enough for an average of 4-5 days.

Eat nuts


Dopamine is endowed with the ability to quickly oxidize, while the use of a sufficient amount of antioxidants reduces this process in the cells responsible for its production.

Make Healthy Nettle Soups

Include in your diet:

  1. Green and orange vegetables and fruits, broccoli, asparagus, green smoothies, carrots
  2. oranges
  3. Cauliflower and Brussels sprouts
  4. nuts
  5. Seeds

Can't live without green vegetables

Regular physical activity

Surely you have noticed that after a workout, the mood rises, even if initially there was neither the strength nor the desire to go to the gym. And this is not surprising: half an hour or an hour of running, exercising on simulators, swimming and stretching stimulate the growth of dopamine and serotonin, while being a prevention of depression and despondency.

Tip: move more. Even if you are not in the mood to squat with a barbell or do shock cardio, go for a walk in the park. For any physical activity body and brain will say thank you.

go in for sports

Keep a sleep schedule

A 7-8 hour good rest provides a feeling of cheerfulness for the whole day and the necessary level of the hormone of pleasure. By the way, it can be increased to critical condition completely giving up sleep. After sleepless night dopamine will be more than enough, however, you will hardly feel good.

Make love regularly

During physical intimacy, which brings joy to both partners, a giant release of the hormone into the blood occurs. This guarantees you a good mood and well-being.

Tip: dopamine is found in its purest form in the ginkgo plant. It is taken in the form of dietary supplements to increase the performance of medication. Phyto-remedy improves blood circulation in brain cells and normalizes the transmission of nerve impulses.

Rest well and make love more often

Train your brain

Dopamine is considered to be a hedonistic substance. Set yourself small goals and make your brain happy. It is important not to defend a doctoral dissertation or jump with a parachute to turn on the holiday mode, but to activate the pleasure centers and develop the right hormone artificially. Two days without social media and coffee? Two stops on foot instead of metro? Yes, you are just great!

Control your emotions

We have already said above that dopamine is produced during the anticipation of pleasure. At the moment when you want candy, cake and ice cream, its level is highest. With the first piece of biscuit, there will be disappointment. With the third - remorse. When you start eating, the pleasure seems to dissolve into thin air. Learn to manage it - choose the right products, and pulling on the forbidden will be many times less.

Don't let yourself get discouraged

How to increase dopamine levels in men?

The strong half of humanity more often than the weak is at risk in the ability to rejoice own life- men are more prone to bad habits, smoking, drinking alcohol, irregular and fatty foods on hastily. While the girls go shopping or get their hair done, the boys go to the pub and reach for a cigarette. When the hormone of joy reaches a critically low level, a man begins to feel bored at all, continuing to move along vicious circle their passions.

The best solution to the problem is regular physical training, sleep, nutrition and rich personal life. The level of dopamine reaches its maximum mark during the state of being in love.

Drink ginseng tea

Dopamine - how to increase with the help of medications?

You can take them, of course, only on prescription, but there are a number of safe, almost folk medicines. These include ginseng, nettle, dandelion. Adding these plants to soups, teas, salads is guaranteed to increase the number of pleasure molecules. It is also important to ensure that the food is frequent, varied and drink at least one and a half liters of water per day. Water gives energy and relieves stress.

Beneficial plant ginkgo contains dopamine in its natural form

Of course, there are a lot of drugs for artificial control of hormone levels. Indications for appointment are:

  1. Hyperactivity syndrome, when you just can’t concentrate on something specific
  2. Protracted depression, which a person cannot cope with on his own
  3. Parkinson's disease

People with schizophrenia suffer from an excess of dopamine - on the contrary, they are prescribed drugs that control and suppress its production.

Communicate with animals, it always has a positive effect on mood

It is worth remembering that drugs work while they are taken and when therapy is stopped, the problem returns, therefore real results will only give balanced diet, sports loads, physical intimacy and surrounding yourself with a maximum of positive emotions.

To make it easier to overcome the path from sadness to joy, psychologists advise using the principle of regularity. Dreaming of getting everything at once, we are programming ourselves for failure, and in the pursuit of quick emotions, we also put our health at risk. Seeing in front of me big goal, divide it into any number of small ones - each meager victory will throw enough pleasure into the blood and give a good mood.

A person always strives for a comfortable state: if he is cold, he takes cover, if it is hot, he undresses, if he is thirsty, he drinks, if he is bored, he tries to cheer himself up. That is, he is trying to inject himself with a certain dose of the hormone of pleasure, which will lead him to a comfortable state. There is only one pleasure center in the brain, but there are many pleasure hormones.

But we will reduce with you the list of hormones from which we enjoy to a minimum (at the seminar we analyzed 20):

Acetylcholine- the hormone of creativity and enlightenment of the mind

Remember the feeling that you experienced when you managed to solve some difficult problem, or come up with something unusual, or solve a crossword puzzle with brilliance, or think of brilliant idea. Real happiness, pride in yourself, pleasure! This is the release of acetylcholine - happiness from your mind.
And this hormone controls the concentration of attention, helps in finding solutions to problems, is responsible for mental resources. On the physical plane - affects the tension of the muscles on the tone of muscles and organs.
Responsible for emotional balance, does not allow you to go to extremes, contributes to the "enlightenment" of the mind. Yoga is the best way to stimulate the production of this hormone. So is mental exercise: crossword puzzles, riddles, any Mind games stimulate the production of this hormone. As a result, we get a nimble energetic body and a developed nimble mind. And the happiness of owning both!

Vasopressinis the hormone of self-attractiveness

When the body releases vasopressin, we are delighted with own body, hair, skin. Everyone knows the feeling associated with excretion vasopressin: if you want to cheer up - wash your hair. Everyone knows relief, joy, pleasure from clean head! And from well-groomed clean skin, from smooth soft heels! Vasopressin regulates in the body water-salt balance. Therefore, admiring yourself, you simultaneously level this balance, thereby improving your appearance! That is precisely why you cannot scold yourself, but on the contrary, you must learn to love and praise yourself. Praise your body, skin, hair.

dopamine- flight hormone

It is he who provides us with excellent work of all muscles, a flying gait, a feeling of our own lightness and swiftness. With a lack of it, we seem to be bent to the ground, the legs become heavy, the body is clumsy. Dopamine controls the work of the anterior part of the brain, stimulates thinking, reduces pain, gives a feeling of bliss, flight. To produce dopamine, it is recommended to dance every day. You can also practice running in place or play musical instruments.

Norepinephrine- the hormone of happiness and relief

Happiness when you say: "Ugh, it's gone!" and laugh happily. Norepinephrine neutralizes adrenaline, the fear hormone.

It happens like this, you open the door and see in front of you a huge Baskerville dog, vicious with a bloodied muzzle. Adrenaline is released into the blood: the body contracts like a spring, the pulse quickens, blood pressure rises, blood vessels constrict - combat readiness number one! Either run away or join the fight - the body is ready for anything, it is like a cocked trigger.

But we notice a catch: slippers on the feet of a terrible dog, and a familiar jacket is visible under a formidable muzzle: it is our friend Vovochka who put on an old shaggy skin, and a carnival mask! And at this moment there is a surge of norepinephrine: we relax, giggle, and to defuse we hit this fool Vovka on the forehead, who scared us so much! The pressure normalizes, the vessels dilate, we experience a surge of heat, and even pleasure from such a shake!

That is, this hormone is in charge of discharge, relaxation, normalization of processes after stress. This hormone is produced from the sounds of the forest, the sound of the surf, contemplation of the sea, steppe, distant mountains. A lot of discs have been released with relaxing music combined with the surf or the noises of the forest. Listening to her calm state, imagining yourself swaying on the waves or clouds, actually swaying on the water while lying on your back, thoughtlessly following the clouds - all this contributes to the production of norepinephrine.

Somatotropin- proportion and growth hormone

This hormone is produced during sleep, which is why it is so important proper sleep growing organism. Never deny yourself the pleasure of sleeping to your heart’s content: this is a pledge not only mental health nor beauty. Even if you are no longer going to grow, enough sleep will mold your body (remove the excess, add the missing), smooth the skin, straighten the muscle blocks.

The need for long sleep is different for everyone, and therefore do not judge by yourself who needs to sleep and how much - this is very individual. For some, even four hours is enough, and someone will sleep for eleven with pleasure.

Somatotropin is produced only in the phase deep sleep Therefore, it is important that the bed is cozy, comfortable, comfortable.

Oxytocin- pleasure hormone

With a lack of oxytocin, a person begins to avoid all kinds of contact. With a lack of oxytocin, a person becomes angry, irritable. With a lack of oxytocin, sensual relationships do not work - tenderness is impossible. Oxytocin is responsible for the production mother's milk, and therefore nursing mothers experience surges of extraordinary tenderness for the kids. How we produce oxytocin ourselves: petting ourselves. Stroking, massaging, kneading. Any skin contact increases the production of oxytocin, so if you want to raise the level of this hormone, then self-massage or the services of a massage therapist are a must for you. And stroke yourself and your loved ones on the head more often, feeling tenderness for them - mutual benefits!

Serotonin- happy hormone

Chocolate, bananas, cakes! The hormone creates a good mood, a positive attitude, relieves stress, causes pleasure. “Weak-willed hormone” - it is he who throws sweet pies and chocolate bars into our mouths, even when consciousness screams “no!”

How to get serotonin without cakes: non-fatiguing physical activity is very conducive. Joggers will confirm this to you, they fully feel the buzz after a run. Or walks.
The level of serotonin rises, sometimes abruptly - at this moment happiness is right over the edge, it seems that now you will dissolve in a sea of ​​​​pleasure! The desire to jump into the sky or a cry of joy to the whole world! Douches in the morning and warm fragrant baths also increase serotonin levels.

thyroxine- energy hormone

It has a huge impact on a person's sense of self: a good mood or longing - this is just the level of thyroxin shows. Liver, kidneys, bile - this is thyroxine that controls their work.
It is produced in two ways: you can improve your mood by raising your energy level in any way - breathing exercises, meditation or eat sea fish, seafood.

Endrofinis our internal drug

Produced by the pituitary gland. the main task Endorphin - control over the activity of all glands. The pressure depends on its concentration in the blood. Work immune system- also his handiwork. Endrophin is sharply released into the blood during injuries in order to reduce the level of pain and prevent pain shock from developing.
A hormone is produced during any experience: pleasant surprise, with falling in love, with winning and winning, with orgasm. Nervous system, it is possible to tell rests on an endropin.

How we produce endorphin: the simplest thing is to eat from the belly of any yummy or sweets. Someone needs to be commanded, someone lacks sharp sensations, and someone falls in love. Since this hormone is a drug, they get addicted to it like a drug. lovers thrill- they jump with a parachute, and the fat ones - they regale themselves incessantly.

Best of all, if you have many ways to get endrophin - and surprises, and victories, and love, and deliciousness are present. Then dependence on any specific actions does not arise and life is harmonious.

Estrogen- the hormone of the "many-armed Buddha"

A female hormone, the level of which externally manifests itself as grace, femininity, softness, tenderness, and internally - as the ability to do a bunch of things at once: read mail while talking on the phone.

The lack of estrogen affects in some "masculinity", angularity, insufficient femininity.

Since estrogen is a sex hormone, it is increased by violent passions, erotica, falling in love, having sex. There is no exact data, but it is assumed that the turbulent passions of Mexican and Brazilian series also contribute to the production of the hormone, provided that you empathize with the heroines as yourself.

In food, we stimulate the production of sex hormones with various aphrodisiacs - love dishes and drinks.

That's how many different happiness you can get from your own body!

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