Psychopathic personality traits. What do diagnoses sound like? Classification and clinical signs of psychopathy

The desire and irresistible desire of a person to control everyone will indicate that he is the owner of a certain character called the psychopathic type. Such people are extremely self-centered, they vitally need others to need them and completely depend on them. However, they themselves are terrified of falling under someone else's control, constantly avoiding being used.

This type of behavior develops in those families where there is some form of rivalry between the father and his child. The initial impulse that can give rise to a psychopathic character will be the desire of these subjects to win in absolutely all situations that may arise in a family environment.

Characteristic for the formation of a stipulated character is the presence of precisely the sexual principle. However, in this case, it is sexual pleasure that plays a less significant role in relation to the victory and the need to dominate others.

Reasons for the manifestation of a psychopathic tendency

This type of character in a child begins to form due to the presence in the family of a sexually seductive, misleading parent. For example, a father experiences some narcissistic tendencies, trying to bind a child to himself. In fact, he rejects any needs of the baby for support and physical contact. As a result, this behavior provokes a confrontation on the part of the child, who begins to dislike the father. Such behavior of the offspring violates the operation of identity mechanisms, giving rise to a personality that carries the psychopathic type of its “new” character.

The baby has no choice but to overcome his needs or satisfy them through various manipulations with his parents. That is why the emergence of confrontation is inevitable in any case.

It is worth considering that a psychopathic personality type can provoke a person to masochistic tendencies. This is especially true of the situation of submission to a seductive parent.

The little man, not because of his character, but due to the lack of opportunities, is not able to bring his rebellion to its logical conclusion, since he cannot leave his family. This leads to the fact that he has complete submission, but exclusively - an external manifestation of humility.

In the case of open submission, the baby accepts only a partial identification, or, in other words, acquires a certain closeness with the parents. In the case of the birth and development in a little man of a different structure, namely, attempts to be seductive and enticing, masochistic character traits begin to appear in him.

The main features of a psychopathic character

It must be said that the psychopathic type is also called antisocial. Among the main features of this character are:

  • inability to feel in relation to another person his state of mind;
  • deliberate disregard for all established norms, duties and rules;
  • inability to see one's fault or wrong;
  • inability to draw conclusions regarding the received negative life experience;
  • a tendency to accuse other people of “the troubles of mankind”;
  • the ability to offer such an explanation of the situation that has occurred, which will certainly provoke a conflict between society and a psychopathic personality;
  • frequent irritability and dissatisfaction.

Fear of losing control

most main feature of a stipulated nature is the inner fear of such a person to lose control over the situation, someone or something. A person who is inherent in the psychopathic type is simply obliged to control everything that happens "around him." It is vital for him to know what and at what time the object of interest to him is doing, where he spends all his free time when exactly is at home. In the event of a break in the emotional connection between the psychopath and the person of interest to him, the first will turn the earth over, but by any means he will restore it.

It is worth clarifying that every individual with this type of character is characterized by insensitivity and emotional coldness, which can “melt” only in case of lost control over someone or something.

It is impossible to pass by the following information, which says that omnipotent control is nothing but a real defensive psycho-reaction of such individuals.

For a more detailed explanation of all that has been said, it is worth reading a simple example. Breakdown of relationship between two individuals. One of them is a "pure" psychopathic type in character.

So, the emotional connection was broken, and with it the emotional dependence on the psychopath also disappeared. She in every possible way avoids clarifying the relationship, talking about unpleasant things. For all the time of the relationship, the woman heard only reproaches:

  • regarding the presentation of claims to him;
  • in resentment;
  • nervousness over trifles.

The psychopath constantly tried to push his partner to the sidelines of his life, showing the woman her place.

The man began to get nervous when the insults against him and any, even the smallest, demands stopped. It became "all the same to her how to live." Such a trifle led to the psychopath losing control of the situation due to the usual termination emotional reactions per person.

Life with a person who has a psychopathic personality type is a kind of cell. Phone calls will be distributed very often just for the sake of control.

In most cases, the psychopathic personality type is gifted with many rigid traits:

  • strongly developed ego;
  • containment of impulses;
  • straight back;
  • raised head;
  • absolute emotional insensitivity.

Means to achieve goals

With regard to this character special place takes sex. Such people use it to assert their power. A person who has a psychopathic personality type will seek to resolve any kind of conflicts exclusively through bed. From the point of view of psychology, they are sure that if they are inferior in bed, then they will definitely yield in everything else.

It is worth clarifying that it is the psychopathic personality type that uses sex as a weapon or an instrument of punishment.

Psychopathic personality disorder

Considering the psychopathic personality type, it is worth mentioning that, in addition to a certain type considered by psychology, there is also a psychiatric personality disorder. In this case, we are talking about a deviation in behavior in relation to generally accepted norms that apply within a particular culture.

These violations for the person himself are extremely severe and cover several of the most significant areas of life for him. This condition provokes the difficulty of establishing conflicts and interacting with other people.

It usually appears in adolescence. However, it can develop into childhood, and in the years of maturity.

Such a disorder is extremely difficult to diagnose before the child reaches the age of majority due to the inability to establish actual deviations from the norm due to age-related characteristics.

Among the causes provoking this disease are:

  • various injuries;
  • strong, emotionally colored experiences;
  • hereditary factors;
  • violence;
  • transferred life circumstances.

Acting and inner emptiness

Someone with a psychopathic personality type can be described as a hypocrite who constantly wears masks and changes them according to the situation. At the banquet, such a person was seen as affable, witty and charming.

At work, he already scolds his subordinates, looking sharp, cold and tough.

With those people on whom his future life depends, he will be obsequious, affectionate, sweet-tongued and ready to provide any service.

There is no longer any need to pretend within the walls of the home, so it will “seem” tired, silent, cold and completely empty.

To describe it in a few words, it is a deflated balloon, a man-shell. All his masks are in their place in the dressing room, neatly hung on carnations. Complete lack of face and utter emptiness.

The psychopathic type of character is characterized as one that achieves success in its own way and good career growth. These people are very sociable and attractive to others. They have not only the courage to do things, but also the proper determination that allows them to act without delay. It is this trait that allows them not to give in where others give up, but to continue moving forward. Consider the characteristics of a psychopathic personality in more detail.

Psychopathic personality type

People of this type, who have moral health, are excellent leaders. They are impulsive, active, energetic and by nature are leaders. If neurotic traits are inherent, some problems arise, and achievements are directed only in one direction.

Such people absolutely do not know how to lose, they cannot even allow the mere thought of failure, because when this happens, they are seized by panic and fear. Often, their determination rests only on strong fear before failure and inability to retreat. They are very responsible and in the event of a miss, they believe that they have let down many, and not just themselves.

The psychopathic type is always characterized precisely by assertiveness, aggressiveness, and he likes these traits, he is inclined to brag about his achievements and “conquests”, whether it is a career ladder or victories on the personal front. Such people strive to succeed in everything and at once, which greatly exhausts them. He is so afraid that he will not be able to do anything, that he has to achieve everything in order not to get into such a frightening situation for him.

How is a psychopathic personality formed?

Usually such a personality arises in a family in which father and child have to be rivals. They compete in everything, and in each case, victory is incredibly important for each of them.

This usually happens when the father of the child engages in narcissism, emphasizes his own importance and, due to this, seeks to bind the child to himself. Because of this, the child does not feel support, physical contact, and involuntarily enters into rivalry, which is why the identity mechanism is violated.

Often, the psychopathic type corresponds to masochistic inclinations - if there is a need for submission. After all, a child cannot leave home, his rebellion will be suppressed in the end anyway.

Psychopathic personality disorder

In addition to the psychological term, which simply characterizes a certain type of person, there is also a psychiatric concept of psychopathy as a personality disorder. In this case, we are talking about a behavioral trend that manifests itself in the deviation of behavior from generally accepted norms that are known to all people within a particular culture.

As a rule, such a violation is very difficult for the person himself, it covers several areas of life that are significant for a person at once. As a result, it becomes difficult for a person to establish contacts and interact effectively with other people. Typically, such a disorder is revealed in adolescence, and even in childhood, and continues to develop even in the years of maturity. Before reaching the age of 16-17, it is difficult to say whether there are real deviations from the norm, or whether we are talking about the occurrence of age-related features.

It is believed that the causes of personality disorders (psychopathy) can be a variety of facts: hereditary factors, strong emotional experiences, various traumas and past life circumstances, violence.

Psychopathy - persistent anomaly of character. Psychopathic people are called individuals who, from their youth, have a number of features that distinguish them from normal people and prevent them from painlessly for themselves and others to adapt to the environment. Their inherent pathological qualities are permanent, innate personality traits, which, although they may intensify or develop in a certain direction during life, nevertheless do not undergo any drastic changes.

Psychopathies represent the area between mental illness and health, i.e. are border states. Psychopaths are characterized by inferiority (insufficiency) of the emotional-volitional sphere and thinking, but without an outcome in dementia. When confronted with psychopaths, an impression of immaturity, childishness is created due to certain defects. mental sphere(partial infantilism).

The immaturity of the psyche is manifested in increased suggestibility, a tendency to exaggeration and excessive fantasies in hysterical subjects; in emotional instability affective (cycloid) and excitable; in weakness of will unstable; in immature, uncritical thinking paranoid psychopaths.

Although psychopathic personality traits are fairly unchanging in themselves, they provide a particularly fertile ground for pathological reactions on the mental trauma, to extremely difficult living conditions, to somatic diseases. Psychopathy is based on congenital inferiority nervous system, which may arise under the influence of hereditary factors, due to intrauterine exposure to hazards on the fetus, as a result birth trauma and serious illnesses early childhood.

Of great importance in the formation of psychopathy is the adverse influence of the external environment (not proper upbringing, mental trauma). However, true psychopathy ("nuclear") are constitutional in nature (congenital). In cases where the leading role in the formation pathological belongs to external factors, we should talk about the pathocharacterological development of the personality.

Classification and clinical signs of psychopathy

The classification is based on: features of a pathological nature, manifested in a combination of various psychopathic traits, and the type of violation of higher nervous activity.

Asthenic type . For psychopathic personalities of this circle, increased shyness, shyness, indecision, and impressionability are characteristic from childhood. They are especially lost in unfamiliar surroundings and new conditions, while experiencing a sense of their own inferiority.

Hypersensitivity, "mimosity" is manifested both in relation to mental stimuli, and physical activity. Quite often they can't stand the sight of blood sudden changes temperature, react painfully to rudeness and tactlessness, but their reaction of discontent can be expressed in silent resentment or grumbling. They often have different autonomic disorders: headache, discomfort in the region of the heart gastrointestinal disorders, sweating, bad dream. They are quickly depleted, prone to fixation on their well-being.

Psychasthenic type . Personalities of this type are characterized by pronounced indecision, self-doubt and a tendency to constant doubts. Psychasthenics are easily vulnerable, shy, timid and at the same time painfully proud. They are characterized by a desire for constant introspection and self-control, a tendency to abstract, divorced from real life logical constructions, obsessive doubts, fears.

For psychasthenics, any changes in life are difficult, a violation of the usual way of life (change of work, place of residence, etc.), this causes them increased uncertainty and anxious fears. At the same time, they are executive, disciplined, often pedantic and importunate. They may be good substitutes, but they can never work for leadership positions. The need to make an independent decision and take the initiative is disastrous for them. High level claims and lack of a sense of reality contribute to the decompensation of such personalities.

Schizoid type . Personalities of this type are distinguished by isolation, secrecy, isolation from reality, a tendency to internal processing of their experiences, dryness and coldness in relations with loved ones.

Schizoid psychopaths are characterized by emotional disharmony: a combination of increased sensitivity, vulnerability, impressionability - and emotional coldness and alienation from people ("wood and glass"). Such a person is detached from reality, his life is aimed at maximum self-satisfaction without striving for fame and material well-being.

His hobbies are unusual, original, "non-standard". There are many people involved in art, music, and theoretical sciences among them. In life, they are usually called eccentrics, originals. Their judgments about people are categorical, unexpected and even unpredictable. At work, they are often uncontrollable. work on the basis of their own ideas about the values ​​in life. However, in certain areas where artistic extravagance and talent are required, non-standard thinking, symbolism, they can achieve a lot.

They don't have permanent attachments family life usually does not add up due to lack of commonality of interests. However, they are ready to sacrifice themselves for the sake of some abstract concepts, imaginary ideas. Such a person can be absolutely indifferent to a sick mother, but at the same time will call for assistance to the starving on the other side of the world.

Passivity and inactivity in solving everyday problems are combined in schizoid personalities with ingenuity, enterprise and perseverance in achieving goals that are especially significant for them (for example, scientific work, collecting).

paranoid type . The main feature of the psychopathic personalities of this circle is the tendency to form overvalued ideas, which are formed by the age of 20-25. However, from childhood they are characterized by such character traits as stubbornness, straightforwardness, one-sidedness of interests and hobbies. They are touchy, vindictive, self-confident and very sensitive to ignoring their opinions by others.

The constant desire for self-affirmation, peremptory categorical judgments and actions, selfishness and extreme self-confidence create the ground for conflicts with others. With age, personality traits usually increase. Stuck on certain thoughts and grievances, rigidity, conservatism, "struggle for justice" are the basis for the formation of dominant (overvalued) ideas regarding emotionally significant experiences.

Overvalued ideas, unlike crazy ones, are based on real facts and events, are specific in content, but judgments are based on subjective logic, a superficial and one-sided assessment of reality, corresponding to the confirmation of one's own point of view. The content of overvalued ideas can be invention, reformism.

Non-recognition of the merits and merits of a paranoid personality leads to clashes with others, conflicts, which, in turn, can become a real ground for litigious behavior. The "fight for justice" in such cases consists in endless complaints, letters to various authorities, and litigation. The activity and perseverance of the patient in this struggle cannot be broken by any requests, or persuasion, or even threats.

The ideas of jealousy, hypochondriacal ideas (fixation on one's own health with constant walking along medical institutions with the requirements of additional consultations, examinations, latest methods treatments that have no real justification).

excitable type . The leading features of excitable personalities are extreme irritability and excitability, explosiveness, reaching attacks of anger, rage, and the reaction does not correspond to the strength of the stimulus. After an outburst of anger or aggressive acts, the patients quickly “depart”, regret what happened, but in appropriate situations they do the same.

Such people are always dissatisfied with everything, looking for reasons to nitpick, enter into disputes on any occasion, showing excessive vehemence and trying to shout down the interlocutors. Lack of flexibility, stubbornness, self-righteousness and the constant struggle for justice, which ultimately boils down to the struggle for their rights and the observance of personal selfish interests, lead to their quarrelsomeness in the team, frequent conflicts in the family and at work.

epileptoid type . One of the options excitable psychopathy is the epileptoid type. For people with this type of personality, along with viscosity, stuckness, vindictiveness, such qualities as sweetness, flattery, hypocrisy, a tendency to use diminutive words in conversation are characteristic. In addition, excessive pedantry, accuracy, authority, selfishness and the predominance of a gloomy gloomy mood make them unbearable at home and at work.

They are uncompromising - they either love or hate, and those around them, especially close people, usually suffer both from their love and from hatred, accompanied by revenge. In some cases, disturbances of inclinations come to the fore in the form of alcohol abuse, drugs (relieve stress), the desire to wander. Among the psychopaths of this circle there are gamblers and drunkards, sexual perverts and murderers.

hysterical type . For hysterical personalities, the thirst for recognition is most characteristic, i.e. the desire to attract the attention of others at all costs. This is manifested in their demonstrativeness, theatricality, exaggeration and embellishment of their experiences. Their actions are designed for an external effect, just to impress others, for example, with an unusually bright appearance, turbulence of emotions (raptures, sobbing, wringing hands), stories of extraordinary adventures, inhuman suffering.

Sometimes patients, in order to draw attention to themselves, do not stop at lies, self-incrimination, for example, they attribute to themselves crimes that they did not commit. These are called pathological liars (Munchausen's syndrome). Hysterical personalities are characterized by mental infantilism (immaturity), which manifests itself in emotional reactions, and in judgments, and in actions. Their feelings are superficial, unstable. External manifestations emotional reactions are demonstrative, theatrical, do not correspond to the reason that caused them. They are characterized frequent fluctuations moods, rapid change of likes and dislikes.

Hysterical types are characterized by increased suggestibility and autosuggestibility, therefore they constantly play some role, imitate the personality that struck them. If such a patient enters the hospital, then he can copy the symptoms of diseases of other patients who are with him in the ward.

Hysterical personalities are characterized by an artistic type of thinking. Their judgments are extremely contradictory, often without real ground. Instead of logical reflection and a sober assessment of the facts, their thinking is based on direct impressions and their own inventions and fantasies. Hysterical circle psychopaths rarely succeed in creative activity or scientific work, because they are hindered by an unbridled desire to be in the spotlight, mental immaturity, egocentrism.

affective type . This type includes individuals with different, constitutionally determined, mood levels.

  • Persons with permanently low mood make up the group hypothymic (depressed) psychopaths. These are always gloomy, dull, dissatisfied and uncommunicative people. In their work, they are overly conscientious, accurate, diligent, because. in everything they are ready to see complications and failures. They are characterized by a pessimistic assessment of the present and a corresponding outlook on the future, combined with low self-esteem. They are sensitive to troubles, capable of empathy, but they try to hide their feelings from others. In a conversation, they are reserved and laconic, afraid to express their opinion. It seems to them that they are always wrong, they are looking for their guilt and failure in everything.
  • Hyperthymic Personalities, unlike hypothymic ones, are distinguished by a constantly elevated mood, activity and optimism. These are sociable, lively, talkative people. In work, they are enterprising, proactive, full of ideas, but their propensity for adventurism and inconsistency are detrimental to achieving their goals. Temporary failures do not upset them, they take up the matter again with tireless energy. overconfidence, overestimation own capabilities, activities on the verge of the law often complicate their lives. Such individuals are prone to lies, optionality in the fulfillment of promises. Due to the increased sexual attraction are illegible in acquaintances, enter into reckless intimate relationships.
  • Persons with emotional instability, i.e. with constant mood swings cycloid type . Their mood changes from low, sad, to high, joyful. Periods of bad or Have a good mood different duration, from several hours to several days, even weeks. Their state and activity change in accordance with the change in mood.
  • Unstable (non-willed) type. People of this type are characterized by increased subordination external influences. These are weak-willed, easily suggestible, "characterless" personalities, easily influenced by other people. Their whole life is determined not by goals, but by external, random circumstances. They often get into bad company, drink too much, become drug addicts, scammers. At work, such people are optional, undisciplined. On the one hand, they make promises to everyone and try to please, but the slightest external circumstances unsettle them. They constantly need control, authoritative guidance. AT favorable conditions they can work well and lead correct image life.

The course of character psychopathies

Psychopathies, unlike psychoses, do not belong to progredient (progressive) diseases. However, such statics of psychopathy is conditional. It is true in relation to the preservation of the unity of the individual. personality, depending on external conditions and the impact of other factors can be adapted (compensated) or maladjusted (decompensated).

Compensation for the psychopathic personality is carried out in two ways. In the first case, under the influence of favorable social conditions, the pathological character traits are smoothed out. The second path is aimed at developing secondary psychopathic traits in order to adapt to the environment (hypercompensation).

Violation social adaptation occurs, as a rule, under the influence of external factors (psychotraumatic situations, somatic diseases, social conditions), and decompensating factors must be significant for this person. For example, a conflict in the family will be a significant moment for an excitable psychopath and will not have any decompensating effect on a schizoid personality.

Decompensation is usually a pronounced increase in personality traits. For example, depressive states more often occur in hypothymic or cycloid personalities, hysterical reactions - in hysterical psychopaths, ideas of jealousy or litigation - in paranoid ones.

There may be reactions that do not correspond to the nature of psychopathy, contrasting with the type of personality. So, excitable people have asthenic reactions, hysterical ones have depressive ones. This usually happens in a severe traumatic situation (the death of a loved one, a hopeless life situation, etc.). In such cases, shock reactions may occur and reactive psychoses.

Decompensation of psychopathy usually occurs during periods hormonal adjustment in the body. The most significant in this regard are pubertal (adolescent) age and the period of involution (menopause in women). In addition, the sharpening of characterological features in women is observed during pregnancy, especially in its first half, after abortion, unsuccessful childbirth, before menstruation.

The pathocharacterological development of the personality, unlike psychopathy, is the result of improper upbringing in the family, prolonged exposure to adverse social and psycho-traumatic factors, and the psychogenic factor is the main one. For example, in conditions of constant suppression, humiliation and frequent punishments, such character traits as shyness, indecision, timidity, self-doubt are formed.

Sometimes in response to constant rudeness, callousness, beatings (in the families of alcoholics) there is also excitability, explosiveness with aggressiveness, expressing psychologically defensive reaction protest.

If a child grows up in an atmosphere of excessive adoration, admiration, praise, when all his desires and whims are fulfilled, then such traits of a hysterical personality as selfishness, demonstrativeness, narcissism, emotional instability are formed in the absence of initiative and goals in life. And if he is also an ordinary person who does not really have sung talents, then he has to assert himself and deserve the recognition of those around him in other ways (different from others in appearance, unusual actions, writing about himself different stories etc.).

Sometimes it is difficult to distinguish congenital psychopathy from the pathocharacterological development of the personality, especially since external factors play an important role in the formation of congenital psychopathy.

Treatment of psychopathologies

In the prevention of decompensation, the main importance is given to measures social impact: proper education in the family, school, measures for adequate employment and social adaptation, corresponding to the mental make-up of the individual and the level of intelligence.

In the process of compensation psychopathic personalities do not need treatment.

In decompensation, they are used as methods of psychotherapeutic influence (explanatory psychotherapy, autogenic training, hypnosis, family therapy), and drug treatment.

Psychotropic drugs are prescribed individually, taking into account psychopathological reactions and personality characteristics. In individuals with predominantly emotional fluctuations, antidepressants are successfully used, with severe hysterical reactions, small doses neuroleptics (chlorpromazine, triftazin), in states of malice, aggressiveness - also antipsychotics (tizercin, haloperidol). With pronounced behavioral deviations, "behavior correctors" are successfully used - Neuleptil, sonapax. Severe asthenic reactions require the appointment of stimulants (sidnocarb) or natural preparations mildly stimulating (ginseng, Chinese magnolia vine, zamaniha, leuzea, eleutherococcus, etc.).

The selection of drugs, doses and methods of their administration is carried out by a psychiatrist. For the period of decompensation, temporary disability is determined with the issuance of a sick leave. Patients are transferred to disability extremely rarely, under aggravating circumstances. The prognosis is generally favorable.

Most controversial issue in modern psychology - who is a psychopath. There is no such diagnosis in the qualification of mental illness. Often this term is understood as a sociopath. Disputes on this topic and research are ongoing, and opinions are expressed diametrically opposed. From the complete denial of such a thing as psychopathy, to advanced tomographic studies with the establishment of typical brain activity in sociopaths. You can see what kind of brain a psychopath has. The photo below clearly demonstrates this.

The brain of a psychopath

The psychopath's brain is characterized by reduced functionality in the frontal and temporal areas. These areas are responsible for control and empathy. Empathy is defined as the ability to sense the emotions of others. Psychopaths can be figuratively defined as intraspecific predators that prey on their own kind and use their resources and energy for their own well-being.

For many people who live with psychopaths and don't know it, one understanding is that close person sick, brings relief. They understand that emotional exhaustion and neuroses are not their personal problem. A psychopath is a person who, due to illness, can bring the whole family to nervous breakdowns.

Who is this?

Psychopath - who is this? It's hard to answer in a nutshell. The symptoms must be acute, cumulative and continuous. long period time. Every person has certain inclinations and weaknesses of character, with neuroses and nervous breakdowns faced by all people, not necessarily sick, especially if there are reasons that cause emotional outbursts. It is important to realize that these drastic changes in life, which are accompanied by the death of a loved one, loss of work, betrayal of a companion and naturally suggest a certain reaction of a person to stress, cannot be mistaken for a pathology. Often, it is these reactions that can be mistaken for a personality disorder. But if all the traits of deviation from the norm are present in a complex and systematically without visible external causes, it is already possible to draw some conclusions.

The presence of signs of psychopathy does not give us the right to label a person, especially in public. This information should only help us personally make decisions about continuing to communicate with a person.

How to spot a psychopath

How do you know who a psychopath is? Symptoms and signs are below:

  • Loquaciousness and superficial charm. Often these are friendly, talkative people, using gestures, artistic. Others consider such people cute and charming. If you listen to what such a person says, it turns out that all the information given out is very superficial, this is a conversation for the sake of a conversation.
  • The need for mental stimulation. These people often get bored when nothing happens, when everything is quiet and calm. They cannot occupy and entertain themselves, so they definitely need to arrange something - a feast, a scandal, some kind of trip, call people home. They are adrenaline addicts, and if everything is calm, they become uncomfortable.
  • Even if they work, they look for a job where they can do nothing. Ideally, he does nothing at all, lives off his husband, wife, children, parents, etc. psychopath.
  • This disease involves poor behavioral control. They cannot control themselves, easily explode, get irritated.
  • Promiscuous sex, but not always.

Personalities of psychopaths

What a psychopath has This is important to know in order to protect your emotional health.

  • Emotional superficiality. They do not have deep feelings, no deep fear, anxiety, love, affection. All emotions are formal and superficial. They never think about anything for a long time, they are indifferent to difficulties, whatever they may be - financial, social, emotional, physical, etc. The feeling of love is not characteristic of them. They may experience sexual feelings, an obsessive thought about controlling a person or manipulating his life, and this is perceived by them as love.
  • The ability to manipulate. Such people will bring loved ones to tears, force them to do what they need. Everyone in the family will follow along. Psychopaths manipulate with screams, bad moods, feeling unwell, blackmail and threats (disinherit).
  • Deceit. Sociopaths tell a variety of stories that didn't exist, passing it off as the truth. When they deny them, they claim that they did not say such a thing.
  • Lack of compassion and empathy, heartlessness. Nothing can evoke any kind of sympathetic reaction in them - neither the illness of loved ones, nor death, nor poverty, nor abandoned animals or homeless children.
  • Inability to regret and repentance. Even if the guilt is obvious, these people will shift it to another. They are not ashamed, they will never say: "What a pity that I did this." They feel no remorse. You won't get an apology from them.
  • Egocentricity.

Beware the psychopath!

A psychopath is a person who, due to his own inadequacy, is able to humiliate others, endanger them, cause pain and suffering, and not once or twice, but systematically. Sociopaths are extremely deceitful, and given their effective abilities (flat effect), their lies are very difficult to determine. Even experienced verifiers and profilers often make mistakes when working with them. When defining a lie, experts often ask themselves at the very beginning whether the person in front of me is healthy or not.

You won’t immediately understand who a psychopath is, these people have a superficial charm and are excellently disguised, causing others to (justify the actions of a person who causes suffering).

Varieties of psychopathy

Is the interpretation of the term limited by sociopathy? What can be a psychopath? Varieties are described in the book of P. B. Galushkin. He proposes such a classification.

  • Cycloids - the life regime changes abruptly, intervals of complete inactivity - to hyper-efficiency. Characterized by cyclical ups and downs of mood for no reason.
  • Asthenics are people who are characterized by anxiety, suspiciousness and the possibility of developing nervous obsessive states. The main feelings are “what if something happens”, “I said something correctly or not”, “what if I get sick”. Create predictable safety spaces around them, avoid unpredictable situations.
  • Schizoids - they leave the world, do nothing, close themselves in a shell and refuse to interact with people, limiting the circle of contacts.
  • Hysterical characters - do not refuse contact with the world, but on the contrary, they try to demonstrate themselves, surprise everyone, throw tantrums.
  • Paranoids are people who are overly suspicious for no reason and have no sense of humor. They sacredly believe in their delusional conjectures and ideas, there is no need to convince such a person - it will not work.
  • Epileptoids (they do not suffer from epilepsy) - structure the reality around them, they know what lies where, the house is always perfectly clean. Everything should lie strictly in its place, everything should happen at a strictly appointed time and in a certain order. Resentful, everyone can remember. They can be identified by handwriting or signature. They usually have a very beautiful, complex signature, very clear and unchanging. They are suitable for work that requires accuracy, stereotyping, accuracy, they enjoy it.
  • Unstable psychopaths - cannot strain in terms of study, work or stressful situations, tend to live under someone's guardianship. They do not deny themselves anything, so there may be problems with alcohol, drugs, and a promiscuous sex life.
  • The antisocial psychopath is complete absence interest in others, including family. They have no friends, they do not know how to empathize. They lie shamelessly, are prone to cheating, act impulsively and do not plan far. They often criticize others, but not themselves.
  • Constitutionally stupid - sweet, sociable personalities, good interlocutors. Disorderly, extremely sloppy and lazy. They feel good only thanks to a strong hand and leadership.

Varieties of personalities

The following disorders can also be classified as psychopathic.

  • Narcissistic Personalities - They love attention and will do anything to get it. All for me and all the attention on me. And if this does not happen, the person becomes aggressive. It becomes common behavior to extract both material and emotional resources from the family for their own personal goals, to maintain their external position in society. Half of the salary of such a person goes to expensive suits, ties and watches, and he does not see anything unusual in this, although the family saves on food for children, hoping that the husband will climb the career ladder, will bring more money. But the family will not get anything, even if the narcissistic psychopath gets rich. It's a disease, but that doesn't make it any easier. The absolute self-centeredness of such psychopaths seems somewhat childish and infantile. In fact, it is: this is a big narcissistic child who plays with toys and will never stop. When deciding to establish a relationship with such a person, you need to understand that if you do not put him on a pedestal, he will behave aggressively, and in the opposite case, he will pull all the resources out of his loved one. For him, there is no word "no" in sexual relations, he does not stop, but continues harassment. In the company of such a person there is high risk rape, he considers the other as a thing to support his own ego.
  • Emotionally Unstable - jumping on all spectrums of feelings, from extremely positive to extremely negative mood. At work or in some public place, they can be charming, being on an emotional upsurge, and at home the smallest difficulty, any unpleasant information will lead them to the very bottom of the negative emotional spectrum. Home will have to pull them out of there, acting as a lifeguard. Those who associate closely with such people pay an emotional tribute for life, so tired that they are completely exhausted, depriving themselves of the opportunity to lead a normal life. Sometimes such psychopaths are figuratively called energy vampires. Such people can move from one person to another, and then back, waiting until the old partner has a rest, forgets emotional fatigue from their relationship and it can be used again. Such multiple connections are one of the characteristics of such psychopaths. In trying to get emotional support they are extremely manipulative, their typical threat is suicide. It must be treated realistically, it is best to persuade a person to visit a psychotherapist. But still you need to leave, these relationships are destructive by definition. Interestingly, one of the signs of such a disorder is self-harm, for example, multiple healed skin cuts. Seeing such scars, you can prepare forces for emotional support or leave immediately.
  • paranoid. The motto of such people: "trust no one, and you will not be offended." They see the whole world through the prism of threat. The first sign is distrust in a relationship, constant control, surveillance, phone checking and Email. If there is no evidence of infidelity, the tension only grows. Paranoid psychopaths consider themselves very logical and are able to convince everyone of the correctness of their picture of the world. As soon as words are heard about a conspiracy, a world government, or just about colleagues at work who are making cunning plans to fire him, it is worth considering, even if everything looks logical and truthful. Paranoids are consumed by irrational distrust and fear, tend to collect threats, and if they see no support, write off the person in the category of "enemies".

Predators are people in the presence of which many experience a literal physical malaise, the so-called social discomfort. This applies not only ordinary people, but also trained specialists, psychotherapists, polygraph examiners. It often takes several hours, or even days, to recover after communicating with such a person. This is not always the case, predators often have to deceive people, for a very long time they can seem quite nice. This category includes pedophiles, rapists, brutal robbers, human traffickers. A typical situation: the mother is in love and lives with a charming male predator who systematically intimidates and rapes her adopted daughter, and the mother turns a blind eye to this and does not believe her daughter. It is difficult for a predator to express emotions, he literally peers into the expression on a person’s face and tries to understand how to react and how to adapt.

Is the disease curable?

Can a psychopath be healed? The symptoms and treatment of this disease is largely a mystery even to doctors. Such violations are difficult to correct. If the psychopath himself is aware of his own problem and wants to treat it, he has a chance to correct his behavior. Unfortunately, this awareness is available to few, and the possibility of pushing a psychopath into treatment seems unlikely.

Before treatment, you need to make a diagnosis with a specialist psychotherapist. To do this, a conversation is held with a person, his behavior is observed, and a tomography may be needed.

Usually drugs are not prescribed, you can only maintain a stable state with the help of antidepressants. To begin with, they are prescribed in small doses, gradually increasing, but it is extremely difficult to convince a person to take something. Basically trying to treat side effects psychopathy - drug addiction, alcoholism and other types of addictions.

Also, a course of psychotherapy is carried out with such people, conducting conversations and directing the patient's behavior in the right direction, eliminating negative painful stereotypes of thinking.

What do diagnoses sound like?

Who is a psychopath? Signs in women and men are almost identical. The diagnosis may include:

  • Paranoia.
  • Hysteria.
  • Schizoid psychopathy.
  • Psychoasthenia.
  • Excitable psychopathy.
  • Unstable psychopathy.
  • Sociopathy.

So we found out who a psychopath is. Signs in men and women are very similar, but men are more susceptible to such diseases and are more likely to show aggression. Maybe that's why alcoholism is a problem, rather, of the stronger sex.

In old age, dementia is added to personality disorders, especially if the pensioner stops social and social activities and does not use his brain actively. serials from morning to evening, a narrow circle of contacts - all this aggravates the situation.

How common are mental illnesses?

According to the National Institute mental health USA, 26% of Americans over the age of 18 suffer from some form of diagnosable personality disorder. Perhaps in Russia the figures are different, but there are no prerequisites to expect a significant decrease in this percentage.

More than 30% of the subjects felt something similar to a mental disorder throughout the year. About 50% suffered from this kind of dysfunction during their adult life. According to a deeper analysis of the study materials, mental disorders account for 23% of all years lost due to disability. Almost a quarter of people who have lost their legal capacity for a year are deprived of it due to mental illness. These diseases easily compete with neurological diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system by prevalence.

And perhaps Viktor Tsoi was right: “And I don’t know what the percentage of crazy people is at this hour, but if you believe your eyes and ears, it’s several times more.”

Psychopathy is the state of the individual antisocial disorder or congenital anomaly which interferes with the normal social adaptation of a person.

The character of a person is formed in adolescence, when the basic patterns of behavior, priorities and moral principles are laid. Over time, it is almost impossible to completely change the situation. The only thing that contributes to the partial correction of any negative traits is the correction of human behavior.

Personality psychopathy is more common in men than in women.

Causes of psychopathy

The causes of personality psychopathy may be the following factors:

  • Human genetics, that is, the presence of either symptoms of psychopathy or alcohol dependence in parents;
  • Damage to the brain of the fetus in the womb, during childbirth or during the first years of life;
  • External influence, that is, inadequate education, negative social environment, psychological trauma.

All this leads to the emergence of abnormal processes in the brain, namely in that part of it that is responsible for aggressiveness and impulsivity.

Basically, psychopathy to one degree or another makes itself felt in adolescence. Children behave "against" social rules, try to express themselves through drugs and alcohol, abnormal stupid acts, break the law. Often, because of the behavior of psychopaths, people around them suffer. Unfortunately, parents rarely seek the help of specialists, leaving the problem unresolved to the end. The maximum they do is apply their own educational measures or register with the police. Without medical help, the pathological features of psychopathy develop unhindered.

Symptoms of psychopathy

Symptoms of psychopathy in ordinary everyday situations can be taken as difficult.

Such persons seek to constantly manipulate people whose interests are not even considered. Other people's opinions and feelings are not a topic for reflection by a person suffering from psychopathy, and therefore repentance remains a transcendent unknown concept. A person never draws conclusions about his behavior and does not try to change it even if the problems that arise significantly reduce the quality of life. The behavior of psychopaths can be called impulsive, they do not think about the safety of their own and others. Such individuals are prone to cruelty to people and animals, deceit, boasting, unsociableness and complete aloofness.

Types of psychopathy

Medicine today knows many types of psychopathy, which differ from each other in symptoms. Among them are the following:

  • Cycloid psychopathy is considered one of the mildest forms of the disease. Such people are sociable and quite social, but suffer from permanent shifts sentiments;
  • Asthenic psychopathy is characterized hypersensitivity and strong impressionability, which leads to rapid exhaustion. Such people are extremely insecure, shy and timid. Even the most insignificant loads of a physical or emotional type for them become real problem which they are unable to cope with. Patients with asthenic psychopathy experience fear of many events that, in principle, do not contain danger as such;
  • Excitable psychopathy already by its name defines its difference. People of this type are unrestrained, which is expressed by frequent outbursts of anger, aggression, screaming and swearing. It is difficult for patients to restrain their emotions, they are irritated for any reason and in the most insignificant situations show uncontrollable emotions. In a fit of emotions, a person can rush at another with his fists and even kill, after each such act he experiences severe despair, but he cannot do anything with his mental characteristics;
  • The hysteroid type of psychopathy is manifested by very frequent hysterical reactions, and each such trick is extremely violent emotional. Later short span time the person calms down. People suffering from this type of hysteria want to always be in the spotlight, so they try to achieve their goal in any way: they invent legends about themselves, dress in a non-standard and bright way, surprise the public with strange and unusual actions, which are often stupid and meaningless;
  • Paranoid psychopathy is characterized by the pursuit of a single idea that takes over a person's entire life. He cannot sleep peacefully, work and rest, because intrusive thoughts are constantly present in his head, speech and actions. More often than not, such an idea has no real meaning, is stupid and unrealistic. But if you try to convince the paranoid, then you can make yourself an enemy: people of this type do not listen to anyone, and any opinion is a priori considered false. This leads to the fact that patients commit acts illogical and devoid of meaning. Psychopaths of this type are jealous, fanatics and unrecognized geniuses;
  • Emotionally labile psychopathy is an unstable mental condition, in which a person's too positive emotions are replaced by too negative ones. Regardless of external factors, such people "wander" between boundless happiness and overwhelming longing;
  • Schizoid psychopathy affects people who are alienated from society, too vulnerable and sensitive. Among them are many despots who do not pay attention to the feelings of other people. To understand the true motives of their behavior is very difficult, almost impossible;
  • Sensitive psychopathy is a variation of the schizoid type. Such people are extremely sensitive to criticism concerning themselves. Can long time engage in self-blame and self-abasement even after a light joke addressed to you. Because of such painful self-esteem, those suffering from psychopathy have a very limited social circle, which, in fact, is very fragile and short-lived;
  • The organic type is already a disease of the brain, in which irreversible processes and disorders occur. Patients are overly active, hysterical, aggressive and unsafe for society.

Treatment of personality psychopathy

Each type of disease can be detected even in childhood, if you closely monitor the child and make a diagnosis in a timely manner. Exactly on early stage there is a high probability of a more effective and quick correction of this state of mind. Treatment of psychopathy is prescribed by a doctor depending on the typology and symptoms:

  • Hydrotherapy;
  • Compliance with a strict daily routine;
  • winter swimming;
  • Vegetarian food;
  • Sports loads;
  • Salt-free diets;
  • Soothing tinctures, decoctions and preparations.
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