How to interview for a leadership position. Interviewing with sales executives: how to choose the best

We all know the common phrase: "The soldier who does not dream of becoming a general is bad." Let us disagree with her, because in the pharmaceutical market there are often examples when successful specialists are not at all interested in career growth due to a change in responsibilities. After all, for example, for a medical representative, a higher position of a regional manager implies a new level of responsibility and a large number of business trips, and for a pharmacist, the head of a pharmacy can mean an increase in the length of the working day, managerial functions and financial responsibility. Nevertheless, this article is aimed at those specialists in the pharmaceutical market who are interested in increasing.

Possible career development options

It is worth considering separately two possible career options: promotion within your company or moving to a higher position in a new company.

The “promotion within your company” option may seem easier: it is enough to be an effective employee and grow within your competencies, indicate your career ambitions to your immediate supervisor and wait for the appropriate position to appear. However, this is not always easy to implement in practice for a number of reasons.

Firstly, the structure of the company may not imply the existence of an appropriate position, especially if we are talking not about the central Moscow office, but about working in the regions.

Secondly, the leader may not always be interested in the fact that an effective specialist who consistently fulfills the plan leaves his team.

Therefore, it often turns out that it is easier to advance in a position in a new company. However, in this case, we suggest that you be patient, since not every company that announces a competition for a managerial position is ready to consider candidates without experience in the relevant position. Nevertheless, such positions periodically appear on the market. Consider how to prepare for the competition for a leadership position.

Find a mentor

First, enlist the support of one of the current managers - this may be your current leader, if you have developed a trusting professional relationship with him. It often happens that an experienced and competent manager, seeing that an employee of his team has grown professionally, but the regional structure of the company does not provide an opportunity for his career growth, he himself is internally ready for a dialogue on this topic. After all, a professionally burned-out employee who is no longer interested in his functionality often ceases to bring results to the team. In this case, you can act openly: indicate your career ambitions to the manager and agree that he will help you develop the relevant competencies. In turn, you will continue to work without compromising efficiency in your current position until you have the opportunity to leave the team with a promotion. However, this is an ideal option, which is not so common in practice. If, for one reason or another, you do not want to discuss the issue of career development with your immediate supervisor, then a manager from a third-party company, for example, your supervisor from a previous job, can become your mentor in this matter.

Contact a professional recruiter

You can get useful recommendations from a recruitment agency. Make a professional acquaintance with a consultant who selects employees for the positions of regional managers. Not a single competent recruiter will refuse to help you and give advice on how best to get an interview in a particular company, what competencies are important for the position you are applying for, how best to “sell” your experience and skills. In addition, he will talk about what is known in the market about this company, whether there are any "pitfalls". After all, every consultant of a recruitment agency understands that today you are a candidate, and tomorrow you can become his client.

Read specialized literature

Having no practical experience in performing certain (in this case, managerial) tasks, you need to ideally prepare theoretically in order to clearly understand the entire scope of the functionality during the interview. Refer to professional literature. S.V. Paukov, widely known for his "Guide for a Medical Representative of a Pharmaceutical Company", is also the author of the book "Regional Management". Of course, there are other books and publications on this topic, which can be found both on the Internet and in the relevant sections of bookstores. We also recommend reading the relevant forums and thematic sections of pharmaceutical sites.

Want to know what skills you need to "pump" in order to become a good leader? Take part in the webinar What qualities should a real leader have? November 23 at 13:00 Moscow time!

Expand your functionality

When preparing for an interview for a higher position, do not forget about practice. If this is correct in your case, ask the manager to delegate some of his duties to you. Many managers will gladly hand over some of their tasks to you, as this allows them to offload themselves. For you, this is an invaluable opportunity: in an interview, you can confidently say that you have the necessary skills. In addition, part of the competition for a managerial position in pharmaceutical companies is often an assessment center (a method of comprehensive personnel assessment that includes tests and business games), where, as a rule, the skills of applicants are checked on specific cases. In this case, you will need personal experience in performing a number of managerial tasks.

According to the standard, the purpose of each interview is to determine the strengths and the candidate.

But the interview of the manager is a rather specific process, because during it it is necessary to identify both the level of competence and the level of competence in terms of personnel management.

What does an employer want to see?

At the interview of the future manager, the employer will not only find out information about the past and skills, but will also try to determine whether you have the following qualities:

  • Efficiency.
  • Demonstrated leadership qualities.
  • The way you think.
  • The level of influence on other people.
  • Ability for strategic planning.
  • Ability to analyze and implement positive solutions.
  • Self confidence.

Your answers to questions and behavior in general will tell about these. Try to show that you are truly a leader:

  • Do not speak too quietly and timidly - speak confidently and clearly.
  • Do not show your excitement through gestures or facial expressions - do not bite or lick your lips, do not snap your knuckles, do not twist the first object in your hands, etc.
  • Dress presentably - not too flashy, not too old-fashioned.

What questions will you need to answer

  • Questions to identify the level of competence, for example, “How well do you know the area in which our company operates?”
  • Questions to identify the leader: "How do you see the ideal leader?". Try to match the set of ideal qualities with those that you possess. The main thing is not to overpraise yourself and try to avoid hackneyed qualities (decisiveness, determination, etc.).
  • Questions regarding future success in the position: “What does it take to be successful in this position?”

To answer correctly, first read the list of requirements indicated in the card of the proposed vacancy.

  • Personnel management: “How to keep an employee in a position?”, “How to motivate employees?”. If you do not have an understanding of this on an intuitive level, then familiarize yourself with the basics of personnel management using literature or the Internet.
  • Mistakes and failures: “What was the biggest mistake you made at work?”

Do not say that you did not have mistakes, as this will indicate that you do not know how to recognize them and inadequately assess the situation and yourself in it. It is better to remember in advance some small

Each hut has its own rattles. Each company has its own technology and personnel selection procedure. It may include a different number of stages. Stages may vary in duration, content and methods of implementation. Today we're going to be talking about an interview that will have a new hire and a CEO as the protagonists. Our review will be useful both to candidates who will have to communicate with the first person of the company, and to the top managers themselves conducting interviews. So, how to successfully pass an interview with a manager? Applicants will get information about what to expect from leaders, and interviewers will be able to get some new ideas on how to test the competencies and motivation of their future employees.

When is the CEO interview?

The recruitment process in companies is usually regulated and fixed for each position. Depending on the level of the position, it may contain a different number of stages. We tried to collect the most complete picture, a kind of guide to the selection stages. If it does not coincide with the procedure adopted in your company, feel free to cross out the excess.


Resume selection

Accumulation of a database of candidates that meet the requirements. Conducted by an internal recruiter or an external performer.

Phone interview

Checking the interest of the candidate, his adequacy.

Deciding on an invitation to a face-to-face meeting. Conducted by an internal recruiter or an external performer.

Interview with a recruiting agency or with an HR freelancer

It is carried out in case of transfer of an application for selection to an external executor. Initial evaluation of candidates, checking for compliance with customer requirements.

Interview with the HR manager of the company

The desire and ability of the candidate to perform job duties are assessed, advantages and disadvantages are highlighted in comparison with other candidates, motivation, compliance with corporate culture.

Checking professional and personal competencies

Professional and psychological tests, business games, test tasks, solving cases or real production problems. Collection and analysis of references from previous jobs.

Interview with immediate supervisor

The professional knowledge, skills and abilities of the candidate, the ability to work well with the team and the leader himself are evaluated.

Interview with head of HR department

Conducted for candidates for key business vacancies, or if an internal recruiter has doubts or difficulties with the choice.

Interview with the CEO

It is held for top managers of the first line of subordination, candidates for positions important for business, personal assistants and secretaries. In principle, the CEO may wish to speak to any candidate.

Security interview

Most often it concerns top management and financially responsible employees, or a wider range of employees, if required by the company's security policy.

As we can see, the interview with the CEO is practically the final, the penultimate stage in the selection of future employees of the company.

Who is interviewing the CEO

In different companies, the company has adopted different practices for inviting applicants to interviews of such a high level. At the first interview with a recruitment agency or directly with the company, the candidate receives information about how the selection process will go and finds out if the usual practice for his position includes a conversation with a top manager.

Most often, interviews with the first person of the company are invited:

  • heads of departments and divisions that report directly to him;
  • consultants, experts, analysts who work directly with the head;
  • employees of priority areas for the company;
  • ordinary employees of small and medium-sized companies;
  • employees invited to develop new directions for the company;
  • line employees on the proposal of the immediate supervisor;
  • personal assistants and personal secretaries.

Heads of companies, like no one else, are capable of unexpected and non-standard solutions. Therefore, they can be interested in any applicant. And that means you have to be ready. Moreover, the preparation process is not fraught with anything supernatural. In fact, it is no different from the actions that any self-respecting candidate will take to prepare for any interview.

How to Prepare for a CEO Interview

  1. Refresh your company information. Go to the corporate website, pay special attention to the mission and strategy, development history, highlight the key points. See what the media has said or written about them. Remember and systematize everything that employees told you at the previous stages of selection. The company is the brainchild of the leader, the subject of his pride. The more freely the candidate will be guided in questions about her, the more favorable will be the attitude towards him.
  2. Research market information. Explore industry reviews, key trends, leaderboards, forecasts.
  3. Gather information about the leader. Use available sources:
    • press publications,
    • social media profiles,
    • author's articles of the head,
    • recordings of speeches at conferences,
    • information from company employees - a recruiter and line manager (if any) at an interview, a subject expert at testing, other employees on the sidelines,
    • use industry word of mouth.

You will be interested in business information that reveals the scope of his interests, leadership style, approach to business, value system, way of negotiating.

  1. Rehearse a short story about yourself. Highlight your most important achievements, distinctive qualities, outstanding results. Re-evaluate your experience with everything you've learned about the company and its leader. Prepare to speak in terms of the company's corporate culture. Take into account all the comments, if they were in the previous stages. Consider answering personal questions.
  2. Prepare a list of questions. Competent, well-thought-out questions will help you not only get the necessary information, but also show your interest in the work, motivation, initiative and a high level of competence.
  3. Make a list of referees. Call them and ask permission to provide phone numbers and other contact details to the prospective employer. Make sure that the positive feedback you're hoping for hasn't changed.
  4. Take care of your appearance. Gone are the days when a business suit was the only option for meeting the big boss. Follow the company's dress code. It is quite logical to ask a recruiter about him at the initial stage of the interview.
  5. Get directions to the meeting point. Consider several options for how you can get there. This will avoid unnecessary nerves and turmoil, as well as not being late for such an important meeting.
  6. Gather everything you need: several copies of your resume, a notebook, a pen, notes, a test task (if you completed it), an electronic medium with examples of work, a portfolio of projects, a list and contacts of people who can give you recommendations, etc. Even if you don't need all this at the interview, you will feel more confident that all the necessary information is at your fingertips.
  7. take it easy. Job interview anxiety is understandable and predictable. And your manager will not miss the opportunity to check how you cope with this condition. A fainting assistant or a spotted deputy are not exactly the kind of people a CEO wants to lean on. Remember, he is also a human and usually does not bite in the workplace. If the jitters still overcomes, use the old reception of speakers. Imagine that you have to talk with a cucumber. Natural, green, in pimples. True, it helps.

If the future leader is an expat, you should pay attention to a few more points.

  • "Knead the language" - as soon as the interview will be held in a foreign language (most likely in English), brush up on your skills, visit a conversation club, chat online with friends or just find an interlocutor on specialized sites for exchanging language experience and talk in any voice chat ;
  • find information about the traditions and business etiquette of the country of which he is a representative - foreigners especially appreciate the respect and interest in such things when they are abroad;
  • take into account the peculiarities of the national character and mentality when building a dialogue.

What is a CEO interview like?

CEO magazine polled top executives who often interview about their favorite interviewing techniques. If we summarize their answers, we get approximately the following set.

  1. Formal meeting. Takes about 10 minutes. It has a motivational and educational character. Carried out with a line employee on the proposal of the immediate supervisor.
  2. Structured interview. Most of the survey participants recognized this technique as the most commonly used. The interviewer sticks to the plan. Questions are formulated and verified in advance. It takes an average of half an hour to several hours.
  3. Stress interview. Conducted at a fast pace. Answers to questions are required at lightning speed. Questions are asked without a visible plan. There may be questions of a personal nature. The duration is usually up to half an hour.
  4. situational interview. The candidate is offered several cases. He needs to describe his actions in each of them. Aimed at identifying and evaluating professional and personal competencies.
  5. Projective interview. Questions are not asked directly to the applicant. He is asked to describe himself in terms of the previous manager and former colleagues, to talk about the actions of hypothetical employees in certain situations.

Sample interview questions for a CEO

Brief description of a good answer

Tell us about yourself.

Short, well structured story. The candidate knows what he is good at and says it in terms of the vacancy and the corporate culture of the company.

Why did you choose this job? What attracted you to her?

A specific answer based on knowledge of the company, the market situation. Emphasis on the merits of the company, new experience, favorite work, the coincidence of the requirements of the company and personal goals.

Why should we choose you, why are you better than other applicants?

Refusal to evaluate others. Analysis of experience and achievements in previous jobs, applying it to the tasks of the vacancy and the goals of the company. Emphasis on the added value that the applicant can bring to the company.

Tell us about your weaknesses.

Recognition of shortcomings, the ability to use them for peaceful purposes and compensate, as well as to consider them as a point of growth.

Why did you leave (or are leaving) your previous job? What do you not like?

Positive and gratitude in relation to the previous companies. The desire for change, the need to move on, to gain new experience.

Do you have other job offers?

If there are such proposals, emphasize the interest in this particular vacancy. Give reasons or refer to the answer to question 2.

What do you want to achieve in your new location?

You need to be especially careful when answering this question. If a candidate applies for the position of Deputy General Director, it is not worth talking about career growth. Oddly enough, but this should not be done in the case of an assistant manager. It is better to go into the area of ​​improving competencies.

Who can give you advice?

Quick, clear response with specific people and their contact details.

What salary do you expect? or Are you satisfied with the level of income offered by the company?

A good specialist knows his own worth. You can safely call the amount that you received at your last job as the minimum bar or the average value for the market, which can be viewed on job sites.

How do you spend your free time? What are your hobbies and interests?

What is important here is not what the candidate says, it is important how he does it. On the one hand, life outside of work should be and cause enthusiasm and inspiration. On the other hand, if the candidate talks about work with much less zeal, this may suggest that the work does not inspire him.

How do you see the ideal leader?

Appeal to professionalism in all its manifestations and to what the corporate culture of the company says. Don't flatter.

We have listed the most common questions that a job seeker will probably come across in an interview with a manager. But it is important to remember that top managers are often experienced negotiators. They will observe your behavioral reactions, confuse non-standard tasks, provoke. Be yourself, do not lie, do not lose your presence of mind and sense of humor. Get together, react lively, ask questions. After all, you have a common goal: you want a job, and the CEO wants to hire an employee.

An excellent resume, rich work experience, fame in the professional environment - is this enough to hire a new manager? An interview for a managerial position is often difficult for HR professionals. What questions at the interview for the head will help to more accurately assess the applicant? What to talk about with a potential director?

From this article you will learn:

  • How to write questions for an interview for a managerial position;
  • How questions that are asked at an interview for a manager will help assess his skills and personal qualities;
  • What non-standard questions during an interview for a job as a manager will allow you to get to know the applicant better.

Interview questions for a manager job:how to prepare for an interview

Interviewing a candidate for a managerial position is an extremely responsible task for any HR specialist. A lot depends on the right choice: whether the candidate will be able to take on administrative duties, lead the team and lead the company or the unit entrusted to him to the intended goal.

  • The first thing to do when preparing for a conversation with a potential manager is to collect all available information about the applicant. Whatever questions you ask and answers you receive, the interview for the manager is different in that candidates prepare for it very responsibly. Often, in response to the most tricky question, a recruiter can hear a carefully thought-out "blank". In addition, as practical experience shows, the choice of the ideal candidate is complicated by the halo effect. So, for example, a potential manager may have amazing professional skills, but be extremely conservative in making decisions. Its capabilities can be easily overestimated, and as a result, an experienced applicant who does not accept innovations can take the leadership position.

If the company has a need to attract a specialist from outside, the selection procedure must necessarily include an assessment of his personal potential. As a preliminary preparation, it is necessary to study information about the candidate from open sources: his resume, recommendations, data on the Internet. After that, if the candidate seems suitable, various questionnaires, tests and evaluation conversations are held. As an additional guarantee of the correct choice, you can use the method of peer review.

What kind questions ask future manager at the interview: conversation plan

A recruiter, preparing for a personal meeting with an applicant, must definitely think over a conversation plan. The key points of such an interview will differ in many ways from the classic interview. It is necessary to evaluate the professionalism of the candidate, his preferred methods of work, his leadership qualities. It is advisable to single out several blocks of the interview:

  • Assessment of general personality traits
    It is important to pay attention to whether the candidate distorts information about himself, whether he defends his opinion or, conversely, is inclined to change it under the pressure of circumstances.
  • Identification of communication features
    The recruiter must evaluate whether the applicant is gaining respect from others, whether he is convincing in his statements, whether he adapts to the expectations of the interviewer.
  • Determining the main approach to the analysis of operational problems
    The questions that are asked at the interview for the manager in this block are aimed at identifying the analytical abilities of a potential manager. What does he rely on when making decisions: logic or intuition? Does he think tactically or stick to the chosen strategy? How quickly analyzes and interprets information?
  • Assessment of teamwork skills
    It is important for the employer to determine the methods of motivation preferred for the applicant, management styles, work methods. Is he able to delegate authority, work in concert with the team? What will he do if his subordinates do not share the methods he has chosen?

For more information on how to prepare for an interview with a manager, read .

As a result of such an interview, the future manager should get an idea about certain goals and ways to achieve them, as well as have an approximate work plan in the company. As for the recruiter, his task is to assess the compliance of the applicant's principles with the values ​​of the organization and obtain accurate information about his personal and professional qualities.

What kind leadership skillshelp evaluateinterview questions?

An interview with a manager, like any interview before hiring, should begin with an acquaintance. A comfortable atmosphere is important for such a conversation - this is the only way the recruiter will be able to fully appreciate the personal and professional qualities of the future manager. You can start a conversation by discussing the pros and cons of administrative work, the goals of the applicant, his plans for the future.

Professional questions to the manager at the interview will help to identify the strengths of the applicant, to understand whether his experience and knowledge, skills in a particular business area are applicable. For this, as a rule, they use abstract tasks, cases that are directly related to the activities of the company.

The purpose of such an interview is to identify the following professional qualities in the applicant:

  • strategic thinking skills;
  • leadership abilities;
  • commercial savvy;
  • influence;
  • effectiveness;
  • innovative thinking.

With the help of a well-structured conversation, the employer must understand whether a potential employee will be able to perform a number of basic management functions:

Is he able to create an effective work plan for himself and his team? For example, questions for an interview with a department head that allow you to assess such skills may include the following:

  • What do you think is the best planning method?
  • "What schedulers do you use?"
  • "Tell me about your preferred accounting and project management program."

Is the candidate a good organizer? How quickly does he react to changes?

  • “What way of organizing work did you use at your previous place and what results did you achieve?”
  • “Performing the task, you encountered certain difficulties. What can be done to achieve the goal?

Delegation / Coordination
Does the applicant know how to delegate tasks and coordinate the actions of subordinates? Will he be able to organize the work of the unit entrusted to him?

  • “How will you allocate the tasks needed to achieve a certain goal among employees?”

Does the candidate have different methods of motivation? Is he able to convince subordinates to work as efficiently as possible?

  • “Which management style (liberal, democratic or authoritarian) do you prefer?”
  • “How will you motivate a subordinate who has not completed the plan for the reporting period?”

All questions should be asked based on specific examples. So it will be easier for a potential manager to formulate his thoughts, and for a recruiter to evaluate his answers.

Interview questions for a manager position: evaluate personal qualities

Among the main personal qualities required by a future leader, employers most often distinguish: leadership inclinations, the ability to create a team and build relationships, communication skills, the ability to present oneself and earn the respect of subordinates, the ability to manage change, honesty, and ethical standards.

The personal qualities of the applicant can be assessed by asking him to describe the portrait of an ideal leader. After that, the recruiter may ask to list the qualities that are inherent in the specialist himself. If a potential manager responds using formulaic phrases about determination, determination and creativity, he should be treated with caution. Also, do not trust candidates who do not maintain a balance between personal qualities and leadership skills.

For more information about what character traits harm a leader, read .

Interview questions that are asked to managers must necessarily affect the field of personnel management. It is important to find out whether the candidate will be able to resolve the conflict that has arisen in the team, whether he has an idea about the various methods of motivation and the features of their application. In addition, you can learn about the ways of setting tasks and their distribution, the exchange of professional experience with colleagues and subordinates, the willingness to learn new management techniques.

The ability of the interlocutor to work in a team can be assessed based on how he talks about his own achievements. If a candidate focuses only on his own successes, without mentioning his subordinates, he is inclined to appropriate their merit. If, on the contrary, it emphasizes teamwork too much, not to mention personal victories, this may indicate an inability to recognize one's place in the team.

non-standard interview questions for manager positions

Most interviews aimed at selecting the best candidates are based on the structured interview principle. Unfortunately, preparing for a conversation with an employer has long ceased to be a problem for job seekers. They have access to a huge amount of information about typical questions and answers for an interview with a manager. As a result, the prevailing number of applicants prepares universal short answers in advance. Against the backdrop of such a trend, it is becoming more and more difficult for an employer to assess the true face of the applicant.

Many of the tricks that interviewers could use to put an interviewee in a difficult position before are now standard. On the Internet, you can find a lot of recommendations on how to respond to an offer to name your strengths and weaknesses, explain why you are the most suitable for this position.

As a result, many HR professionals are forced to resort to non-standard questions when interviewing company executives, top managers and managers. Atypical questions help a potential manager to fully open up and show their true qualities. They do not have right and wrong answers, but they give the recruiter a complete picture of the interlocutor.

Here is an example of some non-standard questions from the arsenal of world HR specialists:

  • “If you were to write an autobiography, what would you title it?”
  • What superpowers would you like to have if you were a superhero?
  • "Which famous historical figure would you like to have dinner with and why?"
  • “How do you rate my level as a recruiter?”
  • "What do you think I'm going to ask you now?"
  • “What is your main reason for your current desire for change?”

It is impossible to answer such questions correctly, and both the interviewer and the applicant understand this. It is important to quickly orient yourself and, if possible, offer an equally non-standard answer.

Unusual questions are often asked in project manager interviews. For example, a candidate may be asked:

  • “What do you do when your team doesn’t deliver a project by the deadline?”
  • “What to do if the customer wants to receive the project in one month, and the developers believe that it takes six months to complete?”
  • “In the afternoon, a serious problem was discovered in the project, and tonight you and your family are going on vacation: how to save the project?”

An IT manager may face similar questions at an interview:

  • “If you could change something at your previous job, what would it be?”
  • "Are you bored at work?"
  • "Who is to blame for your biggest failure?"
  • “What will you do when you get on a new team?”
  • “Were you involved in a project that you absolutely did not understand?”

A non-standard approach to the interview will help the recruiter not only better assess the professional qualities of the applicant, but also learn a lot about the characteristics of his behavior.

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Any startup that has passed the stage of infancy sooner or later gains momentum. And if earlier the owner managed to cope with the planning, organization and control of sales on his own, then at the stage of youth, a department of 2-5 managers is covered with a wave of organizational disorder. Documents get lost, customer contacts disappear, deal negotiations fade into oblivion. And you also need to plan, analyze and generate ideas for the development of sales.

The founders decide to hire an experienced manager, the head of the sales department, who systematizes the work of the department and can take sales to a new level.

The decision is not easy. In addition to additional costs for the workplace and wages, you will have to spend energy and time setting up interaction with a new employee.

And the main question on the agenda is how to find someone who will really be useful to the company?; by what criteria to determine that he has the necessary set of knowledge and skills?; How not to make a mistake with the choice when conducting interviews?

My experience with young companies led to one important conclusion: the company must test 2-5 leaders in the work before it finds “the one”.

To make the experience of setting up a sales management system with new managers the least painful and most productive for the company, it is worth weeding out completely unsuitable candidates already at the stage of selecting candidates. The manager can be an excellent professional, but will not fit into the owner's management style. Or in past jobs, his performance depended on the stability of the system, and in a company that is at the stage of development, he will not cope with stress and multitasking. Or it turns out that his experience does not correspond to the tasks of the company.

Stage 1. Selection of candidates based on resumes

For the head of the sales department, it is important to have an achievement motivation (focus on the result, not the process). In a resume, motivation is read quite simply. Resultists write in perfect form verbs: reached, did, completed, implemented, etc. Process workers are more often engaged in “doing” - organizing activities, implementing plans, motivating employees, etc.

Choose a resume with numbers and indicators. For example, increased the customer base by 25%. Managers who know how to work with indicators will bring more value.

Industry experience preferred but not required. Sales in B2B and B2C sectors are different and require additional time to learn and adapt. And industry specialization also affects the type of decision-making and the ability to build relationships with customers.

Pay attention to the qualities that the candidate has identified as his strengths.

If it is: responsible, sociable and stress-resistant, then you can not be distracted. These qualities are not strong points for a leader. We do not consider the strong quality of a grocery store - the presence of fresh products. These competencies are essential for a managerial position.

Candidates from the remaining pile can be invited for an interview.

Stage 2. Selection of candidates based on the results of the interview

I have repeatedly observed how during the interview the owners made the same mistake. They didn't ask questions, trying to get the real picture, but involved the candidate in their goals. Often it looks like this:

- But we still want to introduce a CRM system, we want to be able to keep statistics and analytics on the client base. Are you able to do all this?

- Oh sure. I will do everything.

- Oh cool! And we also need this ..!

After such an interview, the candidate who made the maximum number of promises will win.

Use the time allotted for the interview to understand the level of professionalism, the type of decision making, motivation and ability to take responsibility. Stress resistance is also not determined by an item in the resume.

In my deep youth, I had an interview in a large engineering holding. Interviewed by Marketing Director. Entering his office at the appointed time, I found him at the operative with several employees. Paying no particular attention to me, he gave me a centimeter-high stack of paper and said, “Write.” And I sat down to write while he finished the RAM. Then I realized that my questions like: “What should I write?” would be inappropriate. To write what is written in the resume means to put an end to a career in this holding. Therefore, I wrote what mistakes I made in my career, how I eliminated them and what conclusions I drew. It was a test for stress and eccentricity of thinking.

It is better to start the interview with general questions about the candidate. So he should know about the company, since he came for an interview.

The “Tell me about yourself so I’m interested” question is a great place to start. If a potential manager captivates you, then he will be able to captivate employees and customers. If there is nothing interesting except work, you will be forced to constantly motivate and involve him. He is not interested in himself.

While he talks about himself, ask clarifying questions. If he talks about his qualities, ask for an example. From the example, you will find out whether this is a manifestation of the required quality that is necessary for your company.

- I am very responsible.

- Tell me the last time you showed responsibility.

- Well, management has set an urgent task to invite all customers to a promotional event. There was only one day for everything, and there were 500 clients. We certainly would not have managed to make phone calls. So I made a mailing list with a request to respond to the invitation within an hour. 30% of customers answered. The rest have already been called.

This leader really showed a display of responsibility. He explained in detail what, how and why he did it.

Be sure to find out what he considers his achievements and why for him they are achievements. So you will understand his motivation and level of ambition.

Be sure to ask about the mistakes that led to negative consequences and how he fixed the problems. It is important to learn about the conclusions he made and how he applied the findings in his work. Based on the answers, you will see the type of decision-making, the level of responsibility, professional expertise, and logic in thinking.

After general questions, go to the professional block. It is not necessary to strictly adhere to the structure. Just carry on a dialogue, and use my recommendations as a checklist.

A good transition to professional matters after discussing the achievements of the candidate.

  • What decisions made you able to achieve results? The answers provide insight into the ability to plan a solution. Tell us how you build the management of the sales department. We look at whether the manager knows how to build business processes.
  • What is the sales funnel in your company. It is not necessary to force disclosure of commercial information. Enough relative indicators. It is important to understand the stages of the sales funnel and the conversion from one stage to another.
  • How did you encourage customers to make repeat purchases?
  • What structure of the sales department is optimal for our company? This question allows you to understand whether a potential manager has learned about your company and whether he is able to offer a solution.
  • How do you motivate sales managers? It would be nice to discuss both the system of motivation and non-material ways.
  • What do you do when the sales plan is not met?
  • What is the best way to intercept customers from competitors?
  • How did you inform customers about new products or services?
  • What was the average increase in the client base under your management?
  • What will the company from which you leave after your dismissal lose? An important question that reflects the ability of the leader to set the system. If his answer is: “Yes, they, in general, everything will fall”, then this is not our person)). If he says: “Nothing to lose. I implemented the system, it works. Unless there will be no new ideas temporarily, ”this is our option!
  • What will our company gain if you lead the sales? Here just look at his plans.
  • What methods do you use to collect and manage your customer base?
  • By what indicators do you evaluate the success of the sales department?

Ask questions like this until you have a stable image.

At the end of the interview, ask the candidate to ask you questions.

From them you will determine how much he is in the subject. Whether he is interested in the details of your business and company devices or not. The right leader will bombard you with questions, as it is important for him to understand whether he can achieve your goals. In the absence of questions - wish good luck and send to competitors)).

After the interview, call former employers and ask their opinion about the candidate. It is important to hear not only what they say, but also how they say it. Questions can be asked identical. If you understand that the employer's answers differ from the candidate's answers, ask for what reason there may be discrepancies in the statements.

IRINA OSTROVSKAYA,HR Generalist at Baltic Textile

From personal experience, what is worth considering (without going into details):

  1. Understand what results you need to get, after how long or what problems to solve. Be sure to write everything down on paper. To do together with the head of the company.
  2. You do not always need the best specialist on the market - you need the right one for a particular company. To do this, it is necessary to honestly take into account the characteristics of the company (the specifics of management, the size of the company, prospects, staff, market, etc.).
  3. Make a list of questions for the interview, it is advisable to divide them by competencies or "zones" that are important to you. Be sure to include a question about personal achievements and personal motivation at work.
  4. Make a description of the candidate, then the requirements for the candidate, you may have to adjust the list after each interview until you understand that the list of requirements is the most "adequate".
  5. Cases help very well, it’s quite simple to compose them, describe a problem from the real life of the company and ask for a solution, then the task is only to carefully observe. Don't let the candidate get into spatial reasoning.
  6. No need to be afraid to communicate with completely different candidates (choose different ones by experience, field of activity, gender, age, etc.), so you can understand which type of candidate is the most suitable.

Any salesperson has all sorts of answers ready for you, trust me. And sometimes their answer will be ahead of the question, you will already put an exclamation point in your head, and you are in a mousetrap.

What I advise you: DETAILS and NO TEMPLATES!

  1. Clear questions about some groups of goods sold (raw materials, services ..). You continue to torture him for a long time and dreary, write down all the announced figures on paper. Look at the reaction, how is he? Floats, flies, sinks...
  2. Questions about subordinates. Who did you train? How much? Etc. And at the end, a direct question: how many phones of your students (or subordinates) can you provide? The reaction will surprise you...

Again, my main advice: DETAILS and NO TEMPLATES!

Productive interviews and professional employees!

If the task of conducting an effective selection of candidates is relevant for you and you need my help - order a free consultation or a service to support the search and hiring of managers from me.

I will help you to create a vacancy for the position, together with you I will review all resumes and show which ones are suitable for the next stage, I will take part in the interview.

For several candidates, I will conduct the interviews myself, and you will observe. Then you will conduct, and I will observe and participate. For each candidate, I will give detailed feedback.

We can work via skype or in your office.

In addition, I will help draw up a plan for the leader for a trial period.

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