Mental disorders and their symptoms. Schizoid personality disorder. Signs that suggest mental illness

Psychiatric disorders are a subgroup of mental illnesses that include a wide array of symptoms on their composite lists. Mankind has always sought the need to know, as if realizing itself, and this was done through various naturalistic methods, and by comparing our knowledge of the physical body, our organs and the totality of their systems, we can declare that this knowledge is enormous. Mankind, having endless capital and not being guided by the laws of ethics, is able to resolve, that is, get rid of, almost any pathology. But not a single specialist can confirm this about the psyche, our brain is known very partially, while the spheres of influence on the brain have been taken away by many specialists, which naturally affects the provision of assistance. The functionality itself, that is, conversation, recognition, tactile feelings, speech understanding, is handled by neurologists. Neurologists take care of a normal psyche, trying to preserve and even increase it. Psychiatrists also deal with disorders in this area. Psychotherapists seem to combine the role of a psychologist and a psychiatrist. They can often be needed by almost every individual who is trying to understand only his disturbing problems.

What are mental disorders?

Psychiatric disorders are diseases that develop when there is a malfunction in the mental sphere. Since ancient times, mankind has noticed that some people are very different from others. Many noticed that some of these "strange" ones can be very dangerous and they were expelled from the cities. And other quieter persons, but no less crazy, were worshiped and given gifts, considering them deities. At the same time, the attitude towards mental disorders in antiquity was quite pragmatic, they tried to study them if possible, and if it was impossible to understand, they came up with explanations.

Many scientists took part in the study of these pathologies, it was then that they first identified epileptic seizures, melancholy, as a prototype of modern depression, and frenia. Later, in different centuries, diametrically different methods were used for the mentally ill. For example, during the Middle Ages and the Inquisition, people were simply burned for some “irregularities” in behavior, then many individuals with mental disorders died. But in the Slavic lands, there was no bad attitude towards the mentally ill in those days, they were kept at the monasteries with the money of the tithe, which went to the churches. At that time, the Arab countries made a huge leap towards the attitude towards the mentally ill, it was there that they first opened a psychiatric hospital and they even tried to treat patients with herbs. Since ancient times, people have been frightened by the realization that someone hears unheard voices that are not available to anyone. From time immemorial, such things have inspired otherworldly fear, and even now mental disorders are becoming a byword. Horror movies about psychiatric hospitals, psychopathic killers and the news have taken their toll, and psychiatry is perhaps the most unfair rumor of any medical industry.

But it is worth returning to the history of mental disorders. After the period of the Middle Ages, which was difficult for all mankind, the Renaissance came. It was during the revival that Pinel and many other truth-seekers first realized that keeping people on chains, even the mentally ill, is at least inhuman. It was then that hospitals began to be created. One of the first created a hospital - a haven for the insane and called it Bedlam. It was from this name that the word “bedlam” known to us came from, in terms of a mess. After the Renaissance, the scientific period of psychiatry began, when patients began to be examined and sorted out in causes and things like that. And it is worth noting - very successful. Even if a lot has changed and new diagnoses have appeared, the old school of psychiatry remains relevant and in demand. This is due to the chic and detailed descriptions of clinical cases. Now psychiatric disorders are only multiplying, regardless of the standard of living, and the reasons for this will be described in the appropriate chapters.

Psychiatry comes from the Greek "psycho", which means soul, and "atria", which translates as treatment. A psychiatrist is one of the few doctors who treats the soul. There are many methods for this and everyone will choose their own. The main pattern in relation to individuals with mental disorders should be respect. It should not be forgotten that each individual, regardless of the disease, remains invariably a person, like the rest, and deserves an appropriate attitude. Most individuals tend to defend themselves against such patients, it is not uncommon to hear advice for the patient to pull himself together. It is important that relatives realize that an individual with a mental disorder is not always able to meet expectations and needs support. But this does not mean that the individual must be belittled, since these people simply have certain features that are alien to others.

List of mental disorders

Mental disorders, invariably and close to diseases of any genesis, can be divided into many subtypes, the most important classifier for them is ICD 10. But before sorting out the different types according to the classifier, you need to remember the main divisions of mental disorders.

All mental disorders can be classified into three different levels:

Psychotic level - these are the most serious ailments, having in their entirety the most dangerous psychiatric symptoms.

The neurotic level does not pose a danger to others, such a person "eats" himself.

There is also a borderline level - these are things that are within the competence of many specialists. Separately, psycho-organic symptoms can also be endured, since they can have completely their own characteristics.

All psychopathology belongs to the category F from 0 to 99.

The first in the list of psychiatric disorders are organic disorders numbered from 0 to 9. They are grouped according to the obvious presence of organics, even in cases of their symptomatic, that is, transient. This large subgroup includes dementias with a variety of cortical functions. These pathologies include, as well.

Mental disorders, which in their composition are leading to disorders of the behavioral range, can be associated with various psychoactive substances that are taken by individuals. This subgroup belongs to F 10-19. It includes not only psychoses associated with the intake of alcohol or any other substances, but also meth-alcohol psychoses, as well as all those emerging from this state.

As a form of thinking disorder. This group also includes schizotypal states. Delusional disorders are also included in this group due to the productive symptomatology, namely delusional ideas. This subgroup corresponds to F 20-29 numbers.

Disorders of the mood circle in a more modern classification sound like, revert to F 30 to 39.

Neuroses and neurotic states are associated with stressors, as well as somatoform, that is, associated with somatic disorders. Such an extensive subgroup includes phobic, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive, dissociative disorder, response to stressors. Those disorders that affect behavioral aspects are excluded from these as they are included under other headings.

From F 50 to F 59 include behavioral syndromes that include physiological disorders in their composite chain, that is, a circle of instincts, needs and physical influences. All of these syndromes lead to disruption of normal bodily functions such as sleep, nutrition, sexual desires, and overwork. In adulthood, not adolescence, after 40, personality disorders, as well as behavioral disorders, can also form. This includes specific personality disorders, as well as mixed forms, in addition to personality disorders, which interfere with some other disorders.

From F 70 to F 79 manifests itself as a state of mental retardation. These figures have an identification, which depends on the form, degree of mental retardation. They are also identified depending on the presence of behavioral disorders or their absence.

From F 80 to F 89 include violations of psychological development. These psychosyndromes are characteristic of children's age categories and manifest themselves in speech, motor function, and psychological development disorders.

The emotional range of disorders and behavioral aspects most often go from childhood and this is a group that is completely different from other disorders, belonging to the category F 90-98. These are a variety of behavioral disorders that lead to problems in society due to their association with social maladaptation. They also include tics and hyperkinetic states.

The last in any group of diseases are unspecified disorders, and in our case these are mental disorders F 99.

Causes of mental disorders

Mental disorders have many root causes, which is associated with the diversity of groups, that is, all pathologies can be caused by a variety of things. And given the symptoms, it is undoubted that the same symptomatology can lead to irreparable, but structurally similar outcomes. But at the same time, it is caused by completely diverse factors, which sometimes burdens the diagnosis.

The organic group of mental disorders is caused by organic factors, of which there are many in psychiatry. If there are psychiatric symptoms, then any, even indirect, organic matter is taken into account. The cause of such disorders are head injuries. If the diagnosis is TBI, then you can expect a lot of symptomatic things.

Many brain diseases also lead to similar consequences, especially if they are not properly controlled. Complications are very dangerous in this regard, as well as the final stages of HIV with the addition of dementia. In addition, almost all "childhood" infectious diseases in adults lead to irreparable consequences in the brain: chickenpox, like all herpes infections, can cause serious encephalitis. also has similar serious complications, such as panencephalitis. In general, meningitis and encephalitis of any etiology are dangerous for the brain with the subsequent development of organic matter. Sometimes such a pathology can form after strokes, vascular diseases and with endocrinological disorders, as well as with encephalopathies of various origins. Systemic diseases: vasculitis, lupus, rheumatism can also involve the brain in the process, burdening the person with psychiatric symptoms over time. Neurological diseases with demyelination can also be attributed to the reasons for this genesis.

The use of psychoactive substances also leads to mental disorders. This is due to several methods of influence of psychosubstances on the brain. The first is the formation of addiction, which leads to some kind of personality change and brings out the worst features of the person. Also, any drug is a toxin that directly affects neurons and leads to irreparable consequences, consistently killing the will and intellect. This includes energy drinks, although these are not prohibited substances. It is also alcohol, hashish, hemp, cannabis, cocaine, heroin, LSD, hallucinogenic mushrooms, amphetamine. Substance abuse also carries a considerable danger, especially considering that the toxic effect of such substances is much higher. Withdrawal syndromes and a general negative effect on the body, which over time will lead to encephalopathy with all the consequences, are also dangerous for mental disorders.

It is worth noting that heredity can be a serious cause of many disorders. Many mental disorders already have a certain genetic location and can be identified if necessary. In addition to heredity, social factors play a role, in particular, the usefulness of the family, adequate upbringing and the right conditions for growing up a baby. Endogenous pathologies in their root cause always have disorders of neurotransmitters, which is successfully taken into account in treatment. Neurotic pathologies usually take their origins from childhood, but nevertheless, stress is a provocateur of a significant group of pathologies, it leads to failures in the protective systems of the psyche.

Many pathologies can lead to subsequent physiological failures, in particular, physical and moral exhaustion, infectious diseases. Some diseases are the result of constitutional features and relationship factors with others. Many pathologies of this spectrum can come from a pattern of behavior.

Children's pathologies come from the womb, as well as maternal health itself. These include such possible provoking factors as perinatal infections, bad maternal habits. Also in this regard, injuries, unsuccessful obstetric aid and obstetric problems, as well as poor somatic health in the mother and the presence of sexually transmitted diseases are dangerous. Also in childhood, the cause may be a biological developmental delay.

Symptoms and signs of mental disorders

The description of mental disorders is very diverse due to the many areas that are capable of being affected by these pathologies.

A detailed description of mental disorders is most conveniently carried out according to violations of various mental systems:

Feelings, sensations and perception. Violations of sensations, in the sense of a simple display of the stimulus, include a violation of their strength. This includes hyperesthesia - a subjective or, in the case of neurological pathology, an objective enhancement of sensations. The opposite is hypoesthesia. Anesthesia - this lack of sensitivity, its complete loss, happens not only with mental disorders, but also with anesthesia. These groups are still more characteristic of people with a normal psyche and happen to each of us. And here is a more specific pathology characteristic of many psychosyndromes. It is characterized by polymorphism, that is, the individual is not able to indicate the exact localization of such strange pains. In this case, the nature of the pain is pretentious and is burdened. Such pains are persistent and not correlated with any somatic disorder, while their projections are very atypical. Further from the symptomatology, it is worth paying attention to perceptual disturbances, illusions belong to them - these are changes, a distortion of a really existing object of perception. Illusions occur not only in pathologies, when they are called mental, but also in the norm, for example, physical deceptions of perception. As a subspecies of illusory disorders, it is worth designating a psychosensory disorder. Metamorphopsias, violations of the bodily scheme, belong to it. Hallucinations are the perception of what is really absent, there are many types of them and normally they do not exist. They are divided by analyzers and types and have specific features, for example, division into true and pseudo. It depends on the projection: the first is outward, and the second is inward.

The description of mental disorders also includes the emotional and volitional spheres. Emotions can be pathologically enhanced: hyperthymia, moria, euphoric sensations, ecstasy, mania. Mania can be different: solar is characterized by kindness; angry - excessive irritation; expansive with overestimation of possibilities, a leap of ideas and confused with thinking disorders. Negative emotions can also increase pathologically, such conditions include: hypothymia, as the opposite of mania. There are also several such states: anxious with a huge level of anxiety; apathetic with complete immobility; masked, manifested by somatic symptoms. Some mental disorders are characterized by a pathological weakening of emotions, such as apathy, coldness and emotional dullness. There are violations of emotional stability, often in dementia patients, for example, lability, explosiveness, emotional weakness, emotional incontinence, emotional inertia. Also, emotions can be inadequate to the situation and even ambivalent. Various phobias that turn into obsessions can also color the background of the disease. The will and instincts are violated during long-term processes and belong to the category of problems that are difficult to stop: the will can increase or weaken. Food, intimate spheres and the instinct of self-preservation may be violated.

The description of mental disorders also includes a section on thinking. Disorders of his thinking can be unproductive and productive. The most famous of the mental problems is, this is a very dangerous symptom that forces the individual to a variety of actions. Overvalued and obsessive ideas also belong to thought disorders. Memory, intellect and even consciousness can suffer in such persons, this is especially true for individuals with dementia and similar pathologies.

Types of mental disorders

Mental disorders by subspecies can be divided into two large groups: exogenous, which came from outside, and endogenous. The exogenous genesis of the disorder is formed from the outside, that is, the root cause of such a pathology lies in life moments. It can be trauma, abuse, exhaustion of the body, diseases, infections. Endogenous disorders imply the presence of a problem in the person himself, these are a kind of consonant endogenous diseases that have a genetic innate nature.

Neuropsychiatric disorders take shape due to the individual life regime, forcing the individual to be subjected to stress. Excessive haste drains individuals, leading to unpleasant effects. Neuropsychiatric disorders do not lead a person to insanity, but nevertheless they cause an impressive discord in the systems of the body.

Neuropsychiatric disorders have several pathologies in their composition:

- as a pathology with a clearly preceding psychotrauma. Further, sleep gradually worsens, knocking the individual out of the rut of life. Later, in addition to irritation and fatigue, persistent somatics appear, like nausea, similar problems with the gastrointestinal tract, lack of appetite, but still the quality of life decreases.

- Obsessive states are also one of these forms, forcing the individual to constantly remain fixated on some thought or action. It is worth noting that this pathology includes not only thoughts and actions, but also memories and fears.

Neuropsychiatric disorders also include this form of disorder, which still causes more trouble for others. The individual himself enjoys his theatricality and pretentiousness. The clinic of hysterics is very polymorphic, which is mainly due to the personality itself: someone stamps their feet, others bend in a hysterical arc and convulse, and some are even capable of losing their voice.

It is possible to separately designate such a subspecies as severe mental disorders, which mainly include endogenous and organic pathologies. They always have consequences and incapacitate the individual.

Criminal mental disorders are not a separate subspecies of disorders, in fact, if an individual with a mental disorder commits a crime, then this will be a criminal mental disorder. Criminally mental disorders require confirmation by forensic psychiatrists with an examination. This disorder is assessed in this way: if at the time of the commission of a crime an individual is considered sane, then he bears full responsibility for his crime. Criminally mental disorders in individuals who are recognized as non-judicial require not cell imprisonment, but compulsory psychiatric treatment. In some cases, it is so difficult to determine that a stationary examination is required.

Mental disorders in children are different from the adult contingent. They can appear at different ages, depending on the pathology. Developmental delay up to three years, schizophrenia at an age closer to adolescence, with complex courses of the disease, it is possible from the first month. Mental disorders in children are characterized by the severity of the course, which is associated with an unformed nervous system, on which the imprint of the disease is superimposed.

Treatment of mental disorders

There are many methods of stopping psychiatric pathologies. One of the rarely used, and in some countries banned methods of active biological therapy.

Insulin-comatose, atropine coma, pyrogenic, where the drugs of the same name and the temperature method are used to bring the individual into remission.

Electroconvulsive therapy is also effective and is used when various methods of treating patients with various mental disorders are ineffective.

Craniocerebral hypothermia, as opposed to the pyrogenic method, uses cooling of brain tissues, in some cases this can be done even with improvised means.

Of the drugs for different groups, different drugs with different effects are used. Tranquilizers have an inhibitory effect due to the potentiation of GABA: benzodiazepines, nidefinylmethanes, nibusterones, nicarbamyl and benzyl acids. Tranquilizers have a "addictive" effect, so they are not used for a long time and in mentally safe people. These include: Meprobamate, Andaxin, Elenium, Librium, Tazepam, Nozapam, Nitrazepam, Radedorm, Eunoctin, Mebicar, Trioxazine, Diazepam, Valium, Seduxen, Relanium.

Antipsychotics, in addition to their sedative and sedative effects, have the main antipsychotic effect, that is, they are able to relieve productive symptoms in patients, and are naturally used in the psychotic spectrum. Typical antipsychotics used for rapid sedation and psychomotor agitation are: Haloperidol, Triftazin, Stelocin, Pimozide orap, Flushpiren imap, Pinfluridol semap, Chlorprothixen, Chlorpromazine, Leaomepromazine, Aminazine, Propazine, Taracten, Tizercin.

Atypical neuroleptics are used as maintenance therapy because, among other actions, they can have a stimulating effect, which is so necessary for individuals in the apato-abolic state. These include Neuleptil, Azaleptin, Sulpiride, Karbidin, Meterazin, Mazheptil, Etaperazin, Trivalon, Frenolon, Trisedil, Eglonil, Teralen, Sonapax, Meller, Azapine, Clozapine.

Antidepressants have an effect only on a pathologically reduced mood, while not affecting the normal one, therefore they are not addictive. These include: Amitriptyline, Triptizol, Elavil, Floratsizil, Pirazedol, Azafen, Oxylidine Melipramil, Thiophranil, Anafranil, Nuredal, Nialamide.

A separate group of drugs that are used for many pathologies are psychostimulants. They are designed to relieve fatigue and activate: Sidnocarb, Stimuloton, Sidnofen.

Normotimics normalize mood, are used in bipolar disorder, as a cover that does not allow phase inversion: Lithium carbonate, oxybutyrate, retard, as well as Depakine, Valprocom.

Means of metabolic therapy, like nootropics, improve mnestic functions: Aminalon, Acephan, Piracetam, Piraditol, Gamalon, Lucidril, Nootropil.

Mental disorders in children are stopped by age, it is important to pay attention to age-related crises. It is important to remember that unnecessarily continuous treatment will adversely affect development. Dosage and preparations are selected softer. It is important not to lose sight of maintenance therapy and correct dosing in time. To maintain the effect, depot preparations are excellent: Moniten depot, Haloperidol Deconaate, Fluorphenazine deconaate, Piportil, Fluspirilen, Penfluridol.

Of the psychotherapeutic methods for some pathologies, suggestive therapy, drug suggestion, psychoanalysis, behavioral methods, autogenic relaxation, occupational therapy, socio- and art therapy are excellent.

Test for mental disorders

Doctors usually determine mental health through conversation. The individual talks about himself, about his complaints, about his ancestors. At the same time, the doctor notes heredity, looks at the structure of thinking, the formulation of speech, and behavior. If the patient behaves cautiously, falls silent, psychoproduction can be assumed.

Memory and intelligence are also determined in conversation and respond or do not respond to life experience. Attention is drawn to facial expressions, weight, appearance and neatness. All this allows you to add up the first picture, identify suspicions and think about further research.

In general, in addition to the usual conversation, many tests of various forms and types are used:

For depression, these are the Beck test, PNK 9 and similar small questionnaires that allow you to control the dynamics.

For anxiety, which is in the structure of all mental disorders, we use the Spielberger test.

For intelligence, there is a Mocha test, MMCE, which also tests memory. For memory, there is also a test of remembering ten words. In addition, diagnostic criteria are necessarily applied to identify the problem and clearly formulate the diagnosis.

The methods for studying attention include: Schulte's table, Landolph's test, proofreading test, Riesz lines.

Gorbov's red-black table helps to determine the switching of attention.

Munsterberg and Kraepelin, with their search for words in the merged text and subtraction.

Tests for associative memory, memorization of artificial syllables, Beck's visual retention test and the pictogram technique.

For the diagnosis of thinking, the pictogram method, the method of classification by cards and the decoding of proverbs, as well as the elimination of the superfluous, the establishment of sequences, the identification of signs, the establishment of analogies and complex analogies, as well as the method of naming 50 words, are also applicable.

Wexler and Raven tests are used to test intelligence, as well as mini Koch, clock drawing, and a battery of frontal dysfunction.

Questionnaires for temperament and character are also used: Eysenck, Ruzanova, Strelyalo, Shmishek.

Big MMPI test to determine personality traits. As well as the PANS clinical scale.

Mental disorder is a very frightening phrase that every person is afraid to hear addressed to him. In fact, this term has very wide boundaries, far from always a mental diagnosis is a sentence. In different contexts (legal, psychiatric, psychological) this concept is interpreted differently. In the ICD-10 list, mental and behavioral disorders are singled out as a separate class of diseases and differ according to the clinical picture. The features of the human psyche at all times aroused great interest among doctors and scientists, especially from the point of view of the boundary between the norm and pathology. The World Health Organization claims that every fifth person on the planet suffers from various mental disorders. What are the types of mental disorders? What causes mental disorders?

Etiological differences

The human psyche and brain are so complex that it is still not possible to clearly identify all the causes of mental disorders. The most correct is the opinion that such diseases develop as a result of the complex influence of social, personal and biological causes. All provoking factors can be divided into two broad categories: endogenous (internal) and exogenous (external). Mental disorders of an endogenous nature are more associated with genes and heredity. The onset of such diseases usually occurs suddenly, without any obvious environmental influences. Exogenous factors include various neuroinfections, stressful situations, intoxications, psychological traumas received in the process of personality formation. Mental disorders in brain injuries or vascular disorders are also a consequence of the influence of external causes. Sometimes it happens that in itself the tendency to certain mental illnesses does not yet guarantee their occurrence. However, it is various external factors and features of the psyche that can eventually work as a trigger.

The first symptoms of mental disorders

How to understand that the psyche is not all right? When should you definitely contact a specialist? Any mental abnormalities can be recognized by characteristic signs even at the earliest stage of the disease. These include violations of the thought process, normal mood, as well as behavioral deviations that go beyond the boundaries of the concept of social norms and beliefs. The symptoms of mental disorders almost always have a negative impact on the family and professional life of a person, interfere with the performance of daily functions and cause a state of oppression.

What do the signs of a mental disorder look like from the outside? For example, a person can hear or see something non-existent, a tendency to aggression, various abuses or other reactions unusual for him before appear in his behavior. At the cognitive level, difficulties to think clearly and logically become noticeable, problems with memory appear. The earliest signs of mental disorders include emotional disturbances: anxiety, fear, sadness, despondency. Many mental disorders are accompanied by various somatic symptoms. These include sleep problems, pain, fatigue, etc. If any of the described symptoms interfere with a person’s normal life, be sure to consult a psychologist or psychotherapist.

Types of mental disorders

Since the time of E. Kraepelin (a famous German psychiatrist), it has been customary to divide mental illnesses into groups, as nosological units. However, in modern psychiatry, when the boundaries of mental disorders are blurred, it is more relevant to distinguish them on the basis of syndromology.

The ICD-10 international classification includes the following list of mental and behavioral disorders (F00-F99):

  • F00-F09 Organic, including symptomatic, mental disorders ((dementia, memory impairment and other abnormalities of mental functions associated with organic brain damage);
  • F10-F19 Mental and behavioral disorders associated with the use of psychoactive substances (alcohol and drug addictions and syndromes);
  • F20-F29 Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders;
  • F30-F39 Mood disorders (affective disorders) (depressions, bipolar disorder, manic episodes);
  • F40-F48 Stress-related neurotic and somatoform disorders (all list of phobias, anxiety and dissociative disorders, obsessive compulsive disorder, neuroses);
  • F50-F59 Behavioral syndromes associated with physiological disorders and physical factors (eating disorders, sleep disorders, sexual functions);
  • F60-F69 Disorders of personality and behavior in adulthood (paranoid, schizoid and other psychopathy, various behavioral manias, sexual disorders);
  • F70-F79 Mental retardation (oligophrenia);
  • F80-F89 Disorders of psychological development (speech, motor and other disorders of psychological development);
  • F90-F98 Emotional disorders, behavioral disorders, usually onset in childhood and adolescence (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, childhood conduct disorders, phobias and anxiety disorders);
  • F99 Unspecified mental disorders.

Disorders of the affective sphere

Emotional disorders are perhaps the most common among the entire spectrum of mental illnesses. Especially in recent decades, the number of patients with various depressions has increased many times over. This is due to the accelerated pace of modern life and a large number of daily stresses. It is noteworthy that affective mental disorders in women are diagnosed almost twice as often as in men. The reason lies in the greater propensity of the female half to emotional experiences. The main violations relate to the sphere of mood, which changes either in the direction of uplift or oppression. It is these symptoms that affect the level of human activity most clearly, and all other manifestations are secondary. Emotional disorders can have the character of a single depressive or manic episode, but they can also be chronic with periodic exacerbations. Severe cases are often accompanied by delusional and hallucinatory manifestations. If your altered mood is negatively affecting your performance and daily activities, it is best to consult a psychologist or psychotherapist to prevent the situation from aggravating.

Mental disorders that fall into this category are mainly associated with deviations from generally accepted norms in human behavior and lifestyle. Some psychopathic behavior patterns appear quite early, while others become pronounced already in adulthood. People with personality disorders are characterized by a tendency to rigidity (lack of flexibility) of thinking, inability to build interpersonal relationships and show adequate feelings. The cause of profound personality changes can be experienced severe psychological trauma, a long period of tension and stress, or another mental disorder. Psychopathies are distinguished from merely sharpened personality traits by deeply ingrained patterns of behavior and reactions that manifest themselves in all areas of life, not just in certain situations. If pathological personality traits violate the social adaptation of a person, a course of psychotherapy is indispensable.

neurotic diseases

Neuropsychiatric disorders include all kinds of phobias, panic, anxiety, dissociative states. Most diseases in this category are due to psychological causes and fall under the concept of neurosis. The most pronounced symptom of these disorders is a tendency to anxious feelings. With phobias, these emotions are accompanied by an increase in fear and become aggravated when a person feels the proximity of the object of his fears. Anxiety during panic attacks can increase dramatically without visible external factors. Neurotic states in the body cause such reactions in which anxiety manifests itself at the somatic level. A person may feel various pains, nausea, dizziness, his heart rate increases, shortness of breath, sweating and other unpleasant sensations appear. Anxiety-reducing drugs and cognitive-behavioral techniques can help manage these conditions.

Symptomatic disorders of an organic nature

The human psyche and brain are very closely interconnected, so it is not surprising that various organic damage to brain structures cause characteristic syndromes of mental disorders. Most often, brain damage negatively affects memory, learning, intellectual abilities, attention and consciousness functions. Although in this group of diseases there are also such symptomatic mental disorders, in which the leading signs are disturbances in the process of perception, the affective sphere, personality and behavioral traits, as well as a thought disorder. These include manic, hallucinatory and delusional manifestations caused by various injuries, infections, tumors and vascular damage to the brain tissue. And yet, brain damage affects the memory and intelligence of a person most of all. Therefore, various types of dementia and amnestic syndromes are included in this category, including acquired dementia caused by epilepsy, Pick's disease, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's and other neurological diseases.

Mental illnesses occurring with psychosis

This group includes schizophrenia, various delusional and schizotypal states, as well as acute polymorphic psychotic disorder. Such diseases are characterized by vivid symptoms, complex disorders of the psyche and affect. These mental disorders are more common in men. Crazy ideas, eccentric behavior, emotional outbursts that appear in a person at the time of psychosis clearly indicate mental disorders, which rarely causes controversy in the diagnosis. Separately, acute polymorphic psychotic disorder should be singled out. From the name it can be seen that by the nature of psychoses it is very similar to schizophrenia, however, it differs in etiology and course. Schizophrenia refers to endogenous diseases, and polymorphic psychotic disorder always develops due to acute stress and severe emotional shock. It starts suddenly, with a sharp change in behavior and mood, however, rarely lasts more than three months, and bright psychotic symptoms with adequate treatment decrease after a couple of weeks.

Many, especially endogenous mental disorders often lead to severe and irreversible consequences for a person. Such diseases include various forms of schizophrenia, dementia, dementia, as well as deep depression and congenital mental pathologies that disrupt the natural mechanisms of personality and intelligence formation. Severe mental disorders make a person inadequate and often dangerous to others. However, in most cases, such people are in hospital under the supervision of doctors and rarely remain on their own. In such situations, high-quality treatment with the use of modern drugs and psychotherapeutic techniques is extremely important. Good care and support of relatives make it possible in many cases to achieve a more or less acceptable level of adaptation of such a patient in society.

Attitudes towards mental disorders in society

A rumor about a mental illness in a neighbor or someone you know scares you, makes you wary. Most people try to avoid contact with patients of neuropsychiatric clinics due to stereotypical attitudes. However, more often various variants of mental deviations create more difficulties for the patient himself than for the people around him. Some mental disorders can provoke a tendency to antisocial behavior, up to breaking the law. At the same time, a person can be recognized as insane and sent for compulsory treatment. Even a mental disorder, which does not exclude sanity, serves as a mitigating circumstance in determining the degree of guilt, because the human psyche is a delicate and completely unknown matter. Outdated stereotypes cause complexes in people that do not allow open access to psychotherapists, while in Western cultures this is a normal practice. No one is immune from mental disorders, so do not ignore psychologists and other professionals who can help cope with psychological problems. Timely seeking medical help avoids the severe and irreversible consequences of mental disorders.

Psychiatric pathologies have existed at all times. Previously, clinics for the mentally ill were considered a scary place. After all, the methods of treating such diseases were barbaric. They are currently being revised. Therefore, mentally ill people and their relatives began to seek help more often. Nevertheless, there is no trend towards a decrease in psychiatric pathologies. This is due to the emergence of new ailments that arise as a result of changes in society. Such pathologies include a tendency to computer games, dependence on the Internet, adherence to extremist organizations.

Mentally ill people: signs, photos

Treatment of patients suffering from such ailments, we will consider below. In the meantime, let's talk about how to understand when it comes to pathology.

It is worth knowing that it is not always possible to distinguish a subject from a healthy one. Often in remission, patients seem to be quite adequate. Mentally ill people move freely around the city and lead a normal life. This helps them to adapt to social life and does not infringe on human rights. However, some patients require ongoing care. Otherwise, they pose a danger to themselves and others. Such people immediately stand out in the crowd with their antisocial behavior. Some patients look normal, but they can be understood when talking to them. Therefore, it is important to know how mentally ill people differ. Signs of pathology are listed below.

  1. Expressed antisocial behavior. These people often talk to themselves, use profanity. Their words are sometimes not connected in meaning. In some cases, they try to attract the attention of others: they shout, express aggression, start inappropriate conversations. Most often, these people do not pose a danger to others.
  2. Mental retardation. Diseases accompanied by this symptom include Down syndrome, dementia. With a mild degree of pathology, patients can lead an independent life, engage in physical labor or simple mental activity. In severe cases, they are always accompanied by relatives. Patients with mental retardation are not dangerous mentally ill people. Signs, photos and features of a person suffering from this pathology are usually easy to determine in comparison with healthy subjects. The difference is not only in behavior, but also in appearance (wide bridge of the nose, small head size, flattened cranial vaults, enlarged tongue).
  3. Violation of orientation in one's own personality, pronounced changes in memory. Such pathologies include Pick's disease, Alzheimer's. Patients do not understand where they are, who is next to them, they confuse past events with the present.
  4. various types of bullshit. Often considered a manifestation of schizophrenia.
  5. Refusal to eat, unwillingness to get out of bed, get dressed, etc. Such symptoms indicate an unfavorable form of schizophrenia (catatonic syndrome).
  6. The appearance of depressive and manic states.
  7. Split personality.

Treatment is based on providing moral assistance to a person. Not only the doctor should conduct conversations with the patient, but also close people are obliged to support him and not to single him out from society.

Causes of mental illness

Naturally, mentally ill people did not become so by chance. Many pathologies are considered congenital and, under the influence of adverse factors, appear at a certain point in life. Other diseases are acquired ailments, they occur after suffering stressful situations. There are the following reasons for the appearance of mental abnormalities:

  1. The transmission of pathology by inheritance. It is believed that some diseases arise due to the presence of mutant genes.
  2. Adverse effects on the mother's body during pregnancy. These include: the use of narcotic substances, chemical agents, stress, infectious pathologies, taking medications.
  3. Infringement of the development of the personality during its formation (cruelty, aggression towards the child).
  4. Strong stress - the loss of loved ones, favorite work, dissatisfaction with life and the inability to change something.
  5. Alcoholism and drug addiction.
  6. Progressive brain damage, tumors.

Mentally ill people: symptoms of mental illness

The clinical picture depends on the type of pathology that the patient suffers from. However, there are some common characteristics of ailments. Thanks to them, you can understand how mentally ill people differ. Their symptoms may not always be expressed, but still sometimes they appear. We have already mentioned some of them earlier.

Other obvious symptoms include:

  1. Changing the appearance of a person. In some cases, mentally ill people do not take care of their appearance, wear untidy clothes. In congenital syndromes, a change in the structure of the skull is noted. Also, the expression of the eyes, unusual for healthy people, belongs to the main symptom. They may reflect anxiety, fear, aggression, lack of mental activity.
  2. Coprolalia - unmotivated use of profanity in speech.
  3. Change of mood: transition from a depressive state to cheerfulness, excitement (mania).
  4. hallucinatory syndrome.

Diagnosis of psychiatric pathologies

Upon entering the clinic, all mentally ill people are examined. They are interviewed, they are offered to undergo psychiatric tests. Diagnosis is based on the external manifestations of the disease, assessment of the patient's consciousness, his orientation in time, space, and his own personality. Also important is the story of relatives about a person's behavior throughout life, about the changes that have occurred to him.

Treatment methods for mentally ill people

The main method of treatment of mentally ill people is psychotherapy. Its benefit lies in the possibility of finding out the causes of the development of pathology and the impact on human consciousness. During the conversation, the patient tries to understand himself and admit his illness. In this case, he develops a desire to heal. Drug treatment is used for attacks of mania, depression, hallucinations. The drugs "Carbamazepine", "Haloperidol", "Amitriptyline" are used.

Features of mentally ill people

Despite the illness, people suffering from mental disorders often have great opportunities. Psychiatric pathologies are combined with the development of intuition, various talents, the ability to see the future, etc. Often mentally ill patients are excellent artists, poets and writers. There is currently no scientific explanation for this phenomenon.

Is it possible to cure mentally ill people?

Unfortunately, psychiatric illnesses are difficult to treat. It is impossible to completely get rid of the pathology if it is congenital or caused by dystrophic lesions of the brain. Diseases that appeared on the background of alcoholism and drug addiction can be treated. With the right attitude of the patient and long-term psychotherapy, a stable remission and even recovery can be achieved.

Asthenia is a whole complex of disorders that characterize the initial stage of a mental disorder. The patient begins to quickly get tired, exhausted. The performance is declining. There is general lethargy, weakness, mood becomes unstable. Frequent headaches, sleep disturbance and a constant feeling of fatigue - that require detailed consideration. It is worth noting that asthenia is not always the main symptom of a mental disorder and rather refers to a non-specific symptom, since it can also occur with somatic diseases.

Suicidal thoughts or actions are a reason for emergency hospitalization of a patient in a psychiatric clinic.

A state of obsession. The patient begins to visit special thoughts that cannot be got rid of. Feelings of fear, depression, insecurity and doubt are intensified. The state of obsession may be accompanied by certain rhythmic actions, movements and rituals. Some patients wash their hands thoroughly and for a long time, others repeatedly check whether the door is closed, whether the light, iron, etc. are turned off.

An affective syndrome is the most common first sign of a mental disorder, which is accompanied by a persistent change in mood. Most often, the patient has a depressed mood with a depressive episode, much less often - mania, accompanied by an elevated mood. With effective treatment of a mental disorder, depression or mania is the last to disappear. Against the background of an affective disorder, a decrease is observed. The patient has difficulty making decisions. In addition, depression is accompanied by a number of somatic: indigestion, feeling hot or cold, nausea, heartburn, belching.

If the affective syndrome is accompanied by mania, the patient has an elevated mood. The pace of mental activity is accelerated many times over, a minimum of time is spent on sleep. Excess energy can be replaced by a sharp apathy and drowsiness.

Dementia is the last stage of a mental disorder, which is accompanied by a persistent decrease in intellectual functions and dementia.

Hypochondria, tactile and visual hallucinations, delusions, and substance abuse all accompany the psychic. Close relatives of the patient do not always immediately understand

Refers to a large number of different pathological conditions. The appearance, course and outcome of a particular disorder largely depends on the influence of internal and external factors. To understand the essence of the disease - a mental disorder, it is necessary to consider the main signs of pathologies. Further in the article, the most popular syndromes will be given, their clinical picture will be described, and a characteristic will be given.

General information

Psychiatry deals with the study of this category. Diagnosis is based on various factors. The study, as a rule, begins with the presentation of a general pathological condition. Then private psychiatry is explored. Diagnoses are made after a thorough examination of the patient, identifying the causes that provoked the condition. Based on these data, the necessary method of treatment is selected.

Groups of pathologies

The importance of endogenous (internal) and exogenous (external) factors is also important. For those or other violations it is different. Based on this, in fact, the classification of mental disorders is carried out. Thus, two broad groups of pathologies are distinguished - endogenous and exogenous. The latter should include disorders provoked by psychogenic factors, exogenous organic brain (vascular, traumatic, infectious) lesions, somatic pathologies. Schizophrenia, mental retardation are endogenous mental disorders. The list of these pathologies can also be continued with affective states, senesopathies, and hypochondria.

Division by etiology

Division by clinical manifestations

Depending on the nature of a particular symptom of a mental disorder, it is classified into one of the existing categories. In particular, neuroses are distinguished. Neurotic is a mental disorder that does not exclude sanity. They are closer to normal states and sensations. They are also referred to as borderline mental disorders. This means that their manifestations can be controlled without the use of radical methods. There is also a group of psychoses. These include pathologies accompanied by impaired thinking of a pronounced nature, delirium, a change in perception, a sharp lethargy or agitation, hallucinations, inappropriate behavior, and so on. In this case, the patient is not able to distinguish his experiences from reality. Next, we consider some features of mental disorders of various types.

Asthenic syndrome

This is a fairly common condition. The main symptom of a mental disorder is increased fatigue. A person feels a decrease in efficiency, internal exhaustion. Individuals with mental disorders may behave differently. With asthenia, for example, they are characterized by impressionability, instability of mood, tearfulness, sentimentality. Such people are very easily touched, they can quickly lose their temper over a trifle. Asthenia itself can act as a symptom of a mental disorder, which, in turn, accompanies conditions after severe infectious lesions, operations, and so on.


These include such conditions in which, against the will, some fears, thoughts, doubts appear. People with mental disorders of this type accept all these manifestations as their own. Patients cannot get rid of them, despite a rather critical attitude towards them. Doubt is the most common symptom of this type of mental disorder. So, a person can check several times whether he turned off the light, whether he closed the door. At the same time, moving away from home, he again feels these doubts. As for obsessive fears - phobias, these are quite common fears of heights, open spaces or enclosed spaces. In some cases, in order to calm down a little, relieve internal tension and anxiety, people perform certain actions - "rituals". For example, a person who is afraid of all kinds of pollution may wash their hands several times or sit in the bathroom for hours. If something distracted him in the process, then he will start the procedure again.

affective states

They are quite common. Such conditions manifest themselves in a persistent change in mood, as a rule, its decrease - depression. Often, affective states are noted at the initial stages of mental illness. Their manifestations can be observed throughout the pathology. At the same time, they quite often become more complicated, accompanying acute mental disorders.


The main symptoms of this condition are a deterioration in mood, the appearance of a feeling of depression, melancholy, depression. In some cases, a person may physically feel chest pain or heaviness. This condition is extremely distressing. It is accompanied by a decrease in mental activity. A person in this state does not immediately answer questions, gives monosyllabic, short answers. He speaks quietly and slowly. Very often, people with depression note that it is somewhat difficult for them to understand the essence of the question, the text, they complain of memory impairment. They can hardly make decisions, they switch badly from one type of activity to another. People may experience lethargy, weakness, talk about fatigue. Their movements are stiff and slow. In addition to these symptoms, depression is accompanied by feelings of guilt, sinfulness, despair, hopelessness. This is often accompanied by suicide attempts. Some relief of well-being may come in the evening. As for sleep, in depression it is superficial, with early awakening, with disturbing dreams, intermittent. The state of depression may be accompanied by tachycardia, sweating, feeling cold, hot, constipation, weight loss.


Manic states are manifested by an acceleration of the pace of mental activity. A person has a huge number of thoughts, desires, various plans, ideas of increased self-esteem. In this condition, as in depression, sleep disturbances are noted. People with manic mental disorders sleep very little, however, a short period of time is enough for them to feel rested and alert. With a mild course of mania, a person feels a rise in creative power, an increase in intellectual productivity, an increase in tone and efficiency. He can sleep very little and work a lot. If the condition progresses, becomes more severe, then these symptoms are accompanied by poor concentration, distractibility and, as a result, a decrease in productivity.


These states are characterized by very different and unusual sensations in the body. In particular, it can be burning, tingling, tightening, twisting, and so on. All these manifestations are in no way connected with the pathologies of the internal organs. When describing such sensations, patients often use their own definitions: "rustling under the ribs," "it seemed that the head was coming off," and so on.

hypochondriacal syndrome

He is characterized by persistent concern for his own health. A person is haunted by thoughts of having a very serious, progressive, and probably incurable disease. At the same time, patients present somatic complaints, presenting ordinary or normal sensations as manifestations of pathology. Despite the dissuasion of doctors, negative test results, people regularly visit specialists, insist on additional, deeper studies. Often, hypochondriacal states appear against the background of depression.


When they appear, a person begins to perceive objects in an erroneous - altered form. Illusions can accompany a person with a normal mental state. For example, a change in an object can be observed if it is lowered into water. As for the pathological condition, illusions can appear under the influence of fear or anxiety. For example, in the forest at night, a person may perceive trees as monsters.


They act as a persistent symptom of many mental disorders. Hallucinations can be auditory, tactile, gustatory, olfactory, visual, muscular, and so on. Often there is a combination of them. For example, a person can not only see strangers in the room, but also hear their conversation. The verbal hallucinations are called "voices" by patients. They may have different content. For example, it can be just a call of a person by name or whole sentences, dialogues or monologues. In some cases, "voices" are imperative. They are called. A person can hear orders to kill, be silent, injure himself. Such conditions are dangerous not only directly for the patient, but also for those around him. Visual hallucinations can be objective or elementary (in the form of sparks, for example). In some cases, the patient can see entire scenes. Olfactory hallucinations are a sensation of an unpleasant smell (rotting, some food, smoldering), less often pleasant or unfamiliar.


Such a disorder, according to many experts, refers to the main signs of psychosis. It's hard enough to define what bullshit is. The conclusions of doctors in assessing the patient's condition are quite contradictory. There are a number of signs of a delusional state. First of all, it always appears on a painful basis. Delusions cannot be dissuaded or corrected from the outside, despite a fairly clear contradiction with reality. A person is absolutely convinced of the veracity of his thoughts. Delusions are based on erroneous judgments, incorrect conclusions, false convictions. These thoughts are of great importance for the patient, and therefore, to one degree or another, determine his behavior and actions. Crazy ideas may be related to:

Delusional disorders differ in various forms. So, interpretive nonsense stands out. The person in this case uses one-sided interpretations of daily facts and events as evidence. This disorder is considered quite persistent. In this case, the patient's reflection of the causal relationship between events and phenomena is disturbed. This form of delusion always has a rationale. The patient can endlessly prove something, discuss, argue. The content of interpretive delusions can reflect all the experiences and feelings of a person. Another form of this disorder can be a figurative or sensual conviction. Such nonsense appears on the basis of anxiety or fear, hallucinations. In this case, there are no logical premises, evidence; In a "delusional" way, a person perceives everything around him.

Derealization and depersonalization

These phenomena often precede the development of sensory delusions. Derealization is a feeling of change in the world. Everything that is around a person is perceived by him as "unreal", "rigged", "artificial". Depersonalization is manifested in the feeling of change in one's personality. Patients characterize themselves as "lost face", "lost the fullness of sensations", "stupid".

Catatonic syndromes

These states are characteristic of disorders of the motor sphere: or, on the contrary, of agitation. In the latter case, repetition, lack of purposefulness, and randomness of some movements are noted. At the same time, they may be accompanied by the shouting of individual words or remarks, or by silence. The patient may freeze in an uncomfortable, unusual position, such as lifting a leg, extending an arm, or raising their head above a pillow. Catatonic syndromes are also observed against the background of clear consciousness. This indicates a greater severity of disorders. If they are accompanied by clouding of consciousness, then we can talk about a favorable outcome of the pathology.


Also called dementia. Dementia manifests itself in a deep impoverishment of all mental activity, a persistent decrease in intellectual functions. Against the background of dementia, the ability to acquire new knowledge worsens, and in many cases, the ability to acquire new knowledge is completely lost. In this case, a person's adaptability to life is disturbed.

clouding of consciousness

Such disorders can be observed not only in mental disorders, but also in patients with severe somatic pathologies. Stupefaction is characterized by difficulty in perceiving the environment, breaking ties with the outside world. Patients are detached, unable to realize what is happening. As a result, their contact with other people is disrupted. In addition, patients are poorly oriented in time, in their own personality, in a particular situation. People are not able to think logically, correctly. In some cases, incoherence of thinking is observed.

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