What substances increase testosterone. How to increase testosterone in men in natural ways, folk remedies, drugs in a pharmacy, the hormone rate depending on age

For the treatment of hormonal disorders in men, testosterone preparations are used, which are presented in pharmacies in tablets and solutions. Medicines are hormonal. Testosterone plays an important role in the body, so its deficiency or excess significantly affects the quality of life. Over time, a man begins to feel deviations in the amount of this hormone from the norm, which is manifested by unpleasant symptoms. Pharmaceutical testosterone helps to correct the hormonal background.

What is testosterone

This is the name of one of the most important hormones of metabolism, which is part of many metabolic processes. For each period of human development, there is a base level of testosterone. The original form of this sex hormone is not very active due to binding to androgen receptors and a protein that transports the substance in the blood. It acquires a working appearance under the action of the enzyme 5-alpha-reductase. It is produced by the adrenal cortex and testicles. The synthesis is influenced by the follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormone of the pituitary gland.

Leading testosterone is in the processes that relate to the reproductive system. It is necessary for the formation of secondary sexual characteristics, attraction, development of male gonads and spermatogenesis. Other properties:

  • regulation of weight and mood;
  • increase in muscle mass;
  • the formation of memory and the ability to learn.

How to increase testosterone in men

There are a large number of medications that lead to an increase in the level of this hormone. In general, they can be divided into two groups depending on the mechanism of action:

  1. Pharmaceutical preparations for increasing testosterone in men using hormone replacement therapy. This method of treatment involves the elimination of the deficiency of the specified hormone by replacing exogenous synthetic or natural analogues. This method contributes to the rapid solution of the problem. The downside is the need to continue to use a synthetic hormone.
  2. Drugs that stimulate the natural production of testosterone. Medicines from this group are able to activate the work of their own endocrine glands. This method of treatment is longer, but more effective than the previous one. The body independently produces the right amount of such an important hormone for a man. Especially often this method is used in the treatment of young patients.

Male hormones in tablets

Compared to injectables, testosterone tablets are a more convenient type of drug treatment. This is especially true for those who are contraindicated injections. A feature of the application is the need to use tablets every day. The therapeutic effect of such therapy develops faster. The drug increases potency and sexual function in general.

The disadvantage is that the active substance is not retained for a long time by the body. For this reason, the quickly onset effect also passes quickly. Popular drugs to increase testosterone in men in this category:

  • Andriol;
  • Halotestin;
  • Proviron;
  • Vistimon;
  • Vistimon;
  • Metadren.

Testosterone Stimulants

Preparations from this group activate the corresponding processes that force the body to independently produce the required amount of sex hormone. It is worth noting here that treatment with stimulants does not always bring the desired effect. The reason is the individual characteristics of the reserves of the body of each man. Stimulants are often used to build muscle mass or enhance male potency.

The principle of action involves the activation of the production of luteinizing enzyme. It affects the testicles, which, after receiving the signal, begin to produce the sex hormone. The following drugs have this effect:

  • Arimatest;
  • Vitrix;
  • Cyclo-Bolan;
  • Animal Test;
  • Evo Test.

Even the fact that stimulants are not hormonal drugs does not negate prior consultation with a doctor before taking them. In order for their therapy to be truly effective, it is important to adhere to the instructions and dosage. Before the appointment of stimulants, it is necessary to conduct tests for hormones, because treatment with hormonal drugs may be required. Self-medication with stimulants can cause negative consequences.

Supplements to increase testosterone in men

Preparations of the category of dietary supplements are not drugs, like hormone replacements, but they are also able to increase the level of sex hormones. It is worth noting here that such supplements cannot treat serious hormonal disorders. Serious complications can result. For this reason, taking dietary supplements is recommended for those who want to build muscle mass and increase sexual arousal. Most often these funds are used by professional athletes.

You can not hope for a hundred percent result from taking dietary supplements. They are not tested in a clinical setting. According to statistics, supplements help a third of all men who use them. Another effect of the natural composition of dietary supplements is the improvement of vascular tone. This also has a positive effect on potency. The indicated action is performed by drugs from the following list:

  • Tribulus;
  • Parity;
  • Critical PCT;
  • testoporject;
  • Erectogenon;
  • Prostatinol;
  • Sealex Forte Plus;
  • Testogenon.

Testosterone in a pharmacy

The pharmacy sells different forms of this sex hormone. Each of them has its own features of use and advantages. The main types of testosterone preparations are:

  1. Capsules. They are the most comfortable form of all. Capsules are easier to digest by the body. The disadvantage is that the excretion is too fast, so the agent cannot maintain a normal glucose level for a long time.
  2. Ointments and gels. Compared to capsules and tablets, this form is more effective. The hormone from the ointment or gel penetrates the blood faster. The disadvantage is that with prolonged use, allergic reactions are possible.
  3. Plasters. They are glued to any part of the body, more often specifically to the scrotum. The active ingredient in contact with the skin quickly penetrates into the blood. The downside is the possibility of rashes.
  4. Injections. Thanks to injections, the steroid enters the body bypassing the digestive system, which is why the active component of the drug enters the bloodstream faster.
  5. Implants. They are small capsules placed in the abdomen. They are applied after being embedded under the skin. The normal level of the sex hormone is maintained for 6 months.


Medicine made in Germany. It is an oily solution for injection. The active ingredient in the composition is testosterone undecanoate. The amount in one ampoule is 4 ml. The indication for use is the need to raise the level of the sex hormone of the same name. Other features of using Nebido:

  1. Dosage. Makes 1 ampoule of the drug, i.e. 1 g daily. The injection is administered immediately after opening. Do it as slowly as possible.
  2. duration of treatment. Equals 3-4 months, taking into account the patient's condition.
  3. Contraindications. Include androgen-dependent malignant tumor of the breast or prostate carcinoma, hypercalcemia, hypersensitivity to the composition, female sex, liver tumor.
  4. Side effects. Manifested by all body systems. more common reaction in the form of acne and pain at the place of possession.


French testosterone preparation, produced in the form of a gel. The active substance in it is the hormone of the same name. Each sachet of disposable gel contains 25 or 50 mg of the active ingredient. Auxiliary substances are carbopol, sodium hydroxide, ethanol, water. The tool has a pronounced androgenic and anabolic effect. It has the only indication for use - replacement therapy for hypogonadism in case of testosterone deficiency. Before using the medicine, you need to study its main features:

  1. How to use. The gel is used externally at the same time every day. The dosage is 5 g. It can be adjusted by a doctor, but not more than 10 g. The gel is applied to clean and dry skin of the shoulders or abdomen, after which it is left to dry for 3-5 minutes. It is not recommended to use the product on the genitals.
  2. course of androgen therapy. Determined by the doctor.
  3. Contraindications. They are hypersensitivity to the composition, heart failure, tumors, prostate cancer, epilepsy, arterial hypertension.
  4. Side effects. Possible acne, irritation and erythema at the site of use, increased pressure, paresthesia, dizziness, diarrhea, alopecia.

Testosterone Propionate

Judging by the reviews of doctors and patients, this tool is one of the best. It is a solution of an oily liquid with a specific odor. An auxiliary component in it is ethyl oleate. Testosterone is sold in 1 ml ampoules. The drug has an anabolic and androgenic effect. As a result of this influence, the development and functions of the external genital organs and secondary male sexual characteristics are stimulated. Other features of this testosterone preparation:

  1. Indications for use. Includes prostate dystrophy, impotence, acromegaly, sexual underdevelopment, androgen deficiency, oligospermia, mastopathy, uterine myoma, endometriosis.
  2. Dosage and duration of treatment. Determined according to the disease. in most cases, the patient is prescribed 1 ml for intramuscular injection.
  3. Contraindications. You can not use the drug for prostate hyperplasia, myocardial infarction, gynecomastia, diabetes, prostate cancer.
  4. Side effects. Increased sexual arousal, atrophy of the mammary glands, pastosity of the face, masculinization in women are possible.


Sustanon 250 contains several types of testosterone - cypionate, enanthate, propionate. Additionally, it contains peanut butter, benzyl alcohol and nitrogen. The solution is available in colorless glass ampoules. The drug is used in replacement therapy in case of primary and secondary hypogonadism. The solution is injected deep intramuscularly, 1 ml every 3 weeks. Side effects when using high doses: prostate cancer, neoplasms, fluid retention, polycythemia. Sustanon 250 contraindications are:

  • age less than 3 years;
  • suspected prostate or breast cancer;
  • sensitivity to the components of the drug.


Testosterone preparations are often available in tablet form. For example, the drug Andriol. These tablets and capsules are well tolerated by patients and do not suppress testosterone production. The medicine makes up for his lack. Indications for use are:

  • hypopituitarism;
  • postcastration syndrome;
  • infertility;
  • endocrine impotence;
  • menopausal symptoms in men;
  • masculinization in transsexuals.

The dosage of the drug is 120-160 mg. Reception is carried out within 2-3 weeks. as side effects, there may be a closure of bone growth zones, premature puberty, an increase in the frequency of erections. Contraindications to taking Andriol are:

  • lactation;
  • pregnancy;
  • intolerance to components;
  • carcinoma of the prostate or breast.


The basis of the drug Omnadren 250 is a mixture of testosterone esters. The release form is an oily solution for injection. Indications for use are:

  • impotence;
  • infertility;
  • postkartsionny syndrome;
  • eunuchoidism;
  • oligospermia;
  • hypopituitarism;
  • male menopause;
  • lack of androgens.

The average dosage is 1 ml of the product. The drug is injected 1 time in 28 days deep into the gluteal muscle. Side effects may occur in relation to the endocrine, reproductive, digestive, circulatory and nervous systems. contraindications to the use of Omnadren:

  • hypercaluria;
  • suspected carcinoma of the prostate or breast;
  • gynecomastia;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • asthenia;
  • renal, hepatic or heart failure.


In the category of dietary supplements for increasing testosterone, Parity can be distinguished. It is based on the extract of Eurycoma longifolia roots, Yohimbe bark, Maral antlers, Ginger rhizome and nicotinamide. The composition contains vitamin E, magnesium stearate. The principle of action is to stimulate the body to produce its own sex hormone. Use this effect in case of complaints about:

  • erectile dysfunction;
  • decreased libido;
  • lack of vitamin E, zinc and Nicotinamide.

Adults are prescribed 1 capsule daily with food. The course of therapy lasts 15 days. After application, allergic reactions are possible. A contraindication to taking Paritet is only individual intolerance to the components. Cases of drug overdose were not observed. It is only possible to increase the listed side effects.


The basis of this remedy is the plant Tribulus Terrestris. Through chemical reactions, a food extract is obtained from raw materials, which is classified as a highly effective preparation. Take the drug 1-3 times every day after meals. The maximum allowable daily dose is 1250 mg. Indications for use are:

  • male infertility;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • to increase libido;
  • menopause;
  • impotence.

When treated with Tribulus, acne, digestive disorders and blood pressure jumps may occur. You can not take the drug when:

  • hypertension;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • prostate hypertrophy;
  • renal failure;
  • individual intolerance to the components of the drug.


Another powerful testosterone booster is Vitrix. The tool belongs to the category of sports nutrition. The Tribulus plant also acts as the basis, but the drug itself is produced using a different technology. Formulated with a special liquid blend of phyto-nutrients including Eurycoma longifolia, Blackberry, Common Oat and Epidmedium. Take the drug should be 3 capsules in the morning and evening. Vitrix is ​​contraindicated in:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • individual intolerance to the components;
  • under 18 years of age.

The price of testosterone preparations

The cost of medicines and dietary supplements is determined by the type of product, its manufacturer and place of purchase. You can buy testosterone tablets for men in Moscow and St. Petersburg at the following prices:


The Importance of Testosterone

The basis of masculinity lies in the amount of sex hormone produced by the testicles and adrenal glands. This hormone, known to everyone as testosterone, is also present in the body of a woman, but its proportion is very small. The production of testosterone in a man's body depends on his age. In the period from 18 to 50 years in the blood is 8.64-29 nmol / l, which increases, moreover, in the morning and decreases in the evening.

A high level of testosterone in a man's body is of great importance for his health:

male hormone

  • promotes the development of testicles and prostate;
  • responsible for sexual orientation and male potency in general;
  • affects sperm production;
  • participates in metabolic processes;
  • helps to develop faster physically;
  • regulates mood swings;
  • affects thought processes;
  • protects the male body from various diseases of the skeleton, endocrine and cardiovascular systems, some types of oncology.

Bound and unbound state of the hormone

Testosterone consists of a protein-bound part, which prevails in the blood, and an unbound part, called. It is the active form of the produced hormone, and its concentration in the blood does not exceed 3%.

It is free for secondary sexual characteristics during the growth of the body and affects the presence or absence of sexual desire. Reduced production of free hormone at an early stage can lead to a midlife crisis and other functional disorders of the body.

To determine the concentration, blood should be taken for analysis, strictly following the rules:

Diagnostic measures
  • take an analysis only in the morning, when the indicator of the hormone produced by the body is higher;
  • eight hours before it, stop eating, and four hours - nicotine;
  • exclude physical activity for 24 hours;
  • not be in a condition that would increase the risk of testosterone decline: stress or deep depression.

Low levels of male hormone causes

Age is the main reason for the decrease in the level of male hormones. The onset of the degenerative process in the male body can be delayed for some time, but it cannot be completely avoided. The older a man is, the worse the body produces the sex hormone. A course of hormone therapy is one of the effective ways to raise its level.

Sex hormones are maximally produced at a young age: from 18 to 30 years. The age limit of 40 years reduces testosterone levels by 15%. In men over 50, it is already produced by 20% less. The norms of the content of this hormone in the body are determined by the laboratory by taking a blood test.

Addictions are not a factor that increases the level of sex hormone. The influence of alcohol, nicotine or drugs significantly reduce the production of testosterone.

Athletes should be very careful when taking steroids. A sports career ends sooner or later, and stopping the synthetic hormone does not lead to an increase in the natural hormone. Sports nutrition increases the level of hormones in the body, but most professional athletes begin to suffer from a lack of testosterone when they stop taking these drugs.

With malnutrition, disruption of sleep and rest, a sedentary lifestyle, an increase in testosterone is also impossible.

Vegetarianism, chronic starvation do not contribute to the intake of essential trace elements and vitamins for the production of male hormones. To increase testosterone, excessive food intake should also be abandoned. Obesity leads to increased levels of estrogen, which is female and suppresses the growth of the male hormone. With an increase in estrogen, the appearance of a man and his character change. The situation is aggravated by chronic insomnia and the lack of regular sports training, which also does not contribute to the production of this hormone.

Side factors that do not contribute to the growth of the sex hormone in a man are:

Irritable symptoms
  • stressful situations;
  • sexually transmitted infections;
  • genital injury;
  • irregular sexual relations;
  • products containing bisphenol (soap, lotions, plastic dishes, etc.);
  • bad ecology.

When a specialist consultation is needed

You can determine reduced testosterone in the blood by the following signs:

Reduced rates
  • voice change from low to high;
  • reduced hair growth on the face and body;
  • the appearance of signs of a female body structure: wide hips, accumulation of fat in the abdomen;
  • inability to conceive a child for a long time or unwillingness to have an intimate relationship;
  • severe sweating;
  • sleep disturbance leading to fatigue, nervousness, anemia;
  • dry skin;
  • the disappearance of relief or narrowing of bone tissue.

Reduced hormone levels can lead to atherosclerosis, heart attack, diabetes, prostate cancer and infertility.

An excessive increase in testosterone is also not a good indicator, causing testicular atrophy, which leads to infertility or impotence. If a man is short-tempered, prone to gambling or violence, then he produces too much testosterone. With an increase in the natural hairline on the body and face, baldness or skin rashes, it is recommended to take a blood test to determine the increased concentration of the male hormone.

A man with at least three of the above symptoms should be referred to a doctor and have the appropriate tests done to work out ways to increase or decrease testosterone.

Treatment for elevated male hormone levels

Men with elevated testosterone levels are characterized by both aggression and depression with suicidal tendencies, so the first thing to do when detecting a high hormone is to see a doctor. The treatment of elevated hormone is carried out only by a specialist who will individually select sedatives, hormonal drugs or advise to increase physical activity in order to reduce the level of aggression increased by testosterone.

Ways to increase the level of sex hormone

You can increase the level of the sex hormone both naturally and with medication. Traditional medicine also offers remedies that increase its level in the blood, however, a natural approach to treating this problem is prescribed more often.

Information on how to increase testosterone in men naturally is not difficult to find.

Their essence is to increase this hormone by changing the lifestyle of a man:

Proper nutrition
  • develop a meal schedule and adhere to a healthy diet;
  • normalize body weight through exercise;
  • to refuse from bad habits;
  • sleep for at least eight hours;
  • have regular sexual contact.

Natural treatments are effective in most cases.

The impact of proper nutrition on testosterone

A professional nutritionist knows how to increase testosterone in a man's body. To begin with, make it a rule that six times a day, fractional meals, balanced by the content of minerals and vitamins, help the body produce more of this hormone.

There is no one product that would increase the proportion of free testosterone in the blood. It is recommended to raise its level with foods rich in zinc, calcium, magnesium and selenium. These minerals are found in fish (especially testosterone-boosting mackerel) and seafood, walnuts, almonds and pistachios, pumpkin and sunflower seeds. Consumption of fish and fish oil, which are also rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, increases testosterone.

Vitamins that prevent testosterone from breaking down belong to groups B, C and E. These are products that increase sex hormones such as cereals, bran, citrus fruits, rose hips, currants, cranberries.

The body should not be deficient in proteins or fats, so bananas, eggs, and various vegetable oils should be eaten in order to increase free testosterone.

Vegetables that promote the synthesis of testosterone and the removal of estrogen from the body are cauliflower, broccoli and celery. Spinach, dill and parsley, which are its plant form, increase the level of the male hormone.

Increases free testosterone in men by reducing intake or avoiding:

Rejection of bad habits

  • Sahara;
  • salt;
  • soy products;
  • coffee and strong tea;
  • carbohydrates that dissolve quickly;
  • smoked meats;
  • alcohol.

Water plays an important role in proper nutrition. It should be non-carbonated and its consumption per day should not be less than two liters, and on training days its amount is increased.

Sports as the best way to increase testosterone

There is no better way to influence testosterone in men than by significantly increasing physical activity levels. Strength training helps to increase the production of this hormone.

There are simple tips on how to increase testosterone levels in men through training:

Physical activity
  • duration must be at least 60 minutes;
  • the number per week is at least two;
  • it is necessary to use all muscle groups during training, focusing on the legs, chest and back;
  • there should be as many repetitions during training as possible - it is better to lift less weight, but do 10 approaches;
  • you should alternate strength training with cardio loads (running, swimming, cycling).

As with the help of certain exercises, any coach will tell. The best strength exercises that keep the hormone high are squats and deadlifts.

Healthy sleep is the key to high testosterone

Lack of sleep not only affects the deterioration of the moral and physical health of a man, but also reduces the male hormone. It is during sleep and rest that this hormone is actively produced in the blood of men.

The recommendations of experts are that an adult man should sleep at least 8 hours. This time allows the body to fully recover and replenish the necessary substances for the proper functioning of all organs.

The increase also depends on the quality of sleep: it is better to fall asleep in complete darkness and wake up without an alarm clock. Subject to these rules, the body will not experience stress, and the man will feel rested and cheerful.

The effect of drugs on the growth of testosterone

Of course, it is better to try to increase the level of the sex hormone in men in natural ways, but serious deviations are treated with drugs. Drug treatment is prescribed only by a doctor.

The group of drugs that increase testosterone is divided into:

Types of drugs
  • hormone replacement agents;
  • means to increase the production of your own hormone.

An individual approach to the patient during hormone therapy reduces the risk of side effects such as swelling of the mammary glands, stopping the growth of one's own hormone, prostate pathology, liver dysfunction and heart attack.

Traditional medicine

Traditional medicine does not allow the hormone produced to constantly grow, but only bring it to a normal level. Herbs have a tonic property that allows a man to feel energetic, which is reflected in the growth of free testosterone.

The most effective spices and herbs in this matter are:

Ginseng root
  • turmeric;
  • ginseng;
  • Eleutherococcus root and ginger;
  • anchor creeping;
  • St. John's wort.

In pursuit of high testosterone, you should not go on a diet of turmeric and ginseng. By adhering to all of the above recommendations, you will increase the sex hormone to normal levels without risk to health.

The human body creates the hormones necessary for the full functioning. Their number affects our well-being, appearance and physical abilities. One of the main male is testosterone. With age, its production may be disrupted, which will entail certain consequences. There are options for how to increase testosterone in men in natural ways, production in the body is enhanced with the help of folk remedies, special exercises, and nutrition.

What is testosterone

In representatives of the stronger sex, the level of this substance changes in different periods of life. Testosterone itself is a steroid that is made from cholesterol. In its original form, it is inactive, binds slightly to androgen receptors, because it is associated with a protein that ensures its movement through the blood. For conversion to dihydrotestosterone (active form), the enzyme 5-alpha reductase is required.

This element in the body is responsible for the development of the gonads (prostate, testicles), the appearance of sexual desire, secondary sexual characteristics, spermatogenesis. It plays a role in the metabolic process that helps guys build muscle mass, manage weight, increase brain function (learning ability, thinking, memory) and regulate mood. This androgen acts as a preventive mechanism for the development of cardiovascular pathologies, osteoporosis, diabetes, and certain types of malignant tumors.

How is it produced

The testicles produce 12 mg per day of pure testosterone and a small amount of estrogen, androstenedione, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHA). The main producer in the testicles are Leydig cells. Participates in the production and tubular epithelium of the ovary, adrenal glands. They produce DHA, which, when passing through a chain of reactions, forms an androgen, but this is a very small proportion.

Any enzyme, hormone in the body of a man is synthesized from a specific substance that comes with food. For this androgen, the basis is cholesterol, which enters the Leydig cells along with the blood. At this stage, the substance acts as low-density lipoprotein or acetate. Next, there is a sequence algorithm that turns cholesterol into the necessary androgen:

  • cholesterol is converted to pregnenolone;
  • then 17-hydroxypregnenolone is formed;
  • the next stage is androstenedione;
  • molecules of the latter substance, when combined, form an androgen.

The body is able to send alarm signals if the level of the hormone is greatly reduced. They cannot be ignored, because the situation will only get worse and it will be more and more difficult to return the previous indicators. A representative of the male half of humanity should know what signs indicate a decrease in this indicator in the blood:

  • irritability, sometimes outbursts of anger;
  • decrease in strength, decrease in muscle mass;
  • decreased libido, loss of libido, erectile dysfunction;
  • baldness;
  • obesity;
  • gynecomastia (breast enlargement).

How to increase testosterone

With a lack of this substance, the guys immediately feel a decline in vitality. A person feels a loss of interest in life, energy, a constant feeling of fatigue, a decrease in potency, libido. With a deficiency of this androgen, memory problems, absent-mindedness, depressive moods and irritability are noted. This condition requires measures to be taken to increase production in natural ways.

First, you should consult a doctor who will determine the nature of this phenomenon. If this is not a pathological condition, but production can be increased without the use of medications. There are a number of natural ways that will enhance testosterone synthesis:

  • adjustment of the diet, compliance with the rules of nutrition;
  • prevention of stress, nervous breakdowns;
  • healthy, active lifestyle;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • giving up alcohol, smoking;
  • observe sleep and wakefulness;
  • it is necessary to treat diseases in time and prevent the transition to a chronic form;
  • regular sex.

How to increase testosterone naturally

The reasons for the decrease in production may be organ pathologies or external factors. The former should be solved with the help of medical or even surgical intervention, but the latter can be dealt with with folk remedies and lifestyle adjustments. The increase in testosterone in men in natural ways is based on the stimulation and increase in the production of pituitary hormones, the body's own forces.

A person often himself becomes the culprit of a decrease in the level of this important indicator. With a passive lifestyle, sedentary work and lack of physical activity, the ability of the testicles to produce androgen is significantly reduced. The restoration of one's own production of this substance depends entirely on the ability of a man to eat right, physical activity. For these purposes, you can use all the ways to increase testosterone at once.


You can get them from different sources, some come with food, others can only enter the body in the form of drugs. A man must replenish important components in all available ways: phosphorus, calcium, copper, iron, zinc. It is important to observe a high level of vitamins of groups D, C, B. They have the following effect on the body:

  1. Vitamin B. Affects the amount of zinc, if it is not enough, then deviations in the reproductive system will begin. This vitamin is involved in many biochemical processes, affects the synthesis of sex hormones. Rich sources are: berries, herbs, fresh vegetables, fish oil, citrus fruits.
  2. Vitamin C. This is a powerful antioxidant that affects the production of insulin, which affects the normal functioning of many internal body systems. This component is involved in strengthening bone and muscle tissue, accelerates the growth of muscle mass, increases endurance. The greater the supply of vitamin C in the body, the higher the effectiveness of exercise. There is a lot of this substance in pepper, currant, sea buckthorn, citrus fruits, rose hips.
  3. Vitamin D. This component affects the rate of absorption of calcium in the body, but it is also an estrogen suppressant, which can reduce androgen levels. Vitamin affects the hormonal background, reproductive function. A person can receive it in large quantities along with the sun's rays. Vitamin D can be obtained from food through egg yolk, sea bass, liver, fish oil, butter.


This is one of the ways to naturally increase the male hormone, if its decrease is not associated with severe pathologies. Changing the diet, adjusting the time and amount of food intake will help correct the situation. You can increase testosterone in a man at home, subject to the following rules:

  1. Avoid fasting and overeating.
  2. Eat less soy products, because their protein contains estrogen, which suppresses production.
  3. Eat more protein foods, meat must be in the diet. Eat less sweets, give up buns, white bread, pastries, chocolate, cookies and confectionery.
  4. Reduce alcohol intake as much as possible, drink beer carefully, which converts testosterone into estrogen. This low-alcohol drink contains female sex hormones, so its use by men is highly undesirable.
  5. Avoid fizzy, carbonated drinks because they contain a lot of sugar.
  6. Eat more animal and vegetable fats.
  7. Add foods that are rich in zinc to the menu, for example: pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, pistachios, walnuts, peanuts, almonds, seafood, cauliflower and broccoli, fish (salmon, trout, saury).
  8. The diet must include foods with the essential amino acid arginine. This is one of the easiest ways to raise your hormone levels naturally. To do this, the menu should be: peanuts, tuna, cottage cheese, sesame seeds, almonds, chicken, pork, eggs, beef, cauliflower, milk, walnuts.
  9. During the day you need to drink at least 2 liters of water, excluding coffee, teas, drinks.

Sports nutrition

Ways to naturally increase the hormone are especially important for athletes who aim to build muscle. Men use drugs or boosters for this. As a rule, they buy the following options:

  1. Tamoxifen. With a course of 10 days, it is able to raise the level by 140%.
  2. aromatase inhibitors. These are effective and safe products for humans. With monthly use, even the minimum dosage can reduce the amount of estrogen, which will help increase the amount of androgen by 50% of the starting value.
  3. 6-OKHO. This is a synthetic product that prevents conversion to estrogen.
  4. Agmatine, D-aspartic acid, Forskolin. These components are often included in boosters, their action affects the production of their own sex hormones.
  5. ZMA. This is a whole complex of supplements that has no side effects, but works well.

The Best Supplements to Raise Testosterone in the Blood

Natural ways are food and folk recipes with the addition of certain components. The effectiveness of these drugs depends on the cause that provoked a decrease in the concentration of hormones. If this is a pathology of the gonads, then drug therapy options should be used. In cases with a decrease in the production of hormones in the body due to secretion disorders, natural remedies can be used to restore excitability, libido and the amount of testosterone in the blood.


This product helps to increase the rate in a natural way. Turmeric is a spice that belongs to the ginger family. For recipes, the root of this plant is used, it has a yellow-orange color. A powder is used, which has a sharp taste, it is popular in kulai and is often added to dishes to create color and aroma. For men, the substance curcumin is beneficial, which has the following positive effects:

  • activates libido (natural aphrodisiac);
  • reduces the risk of prostatitis;
  • normalizes the hormonal background.


This tool is sold already in finished form and is positioned as a means to quickly increase testosterone in a natural way. However, scientific studies do not confirm the growth of the hormone in the body, 4 large-scale experiments were carried out. None of them showed a measurable positive effect of Tribulus on androgen levels. There is only a positive effect on libido (sexual desire), the quality of a man's erection, which can indirectly increase the production of a substance during regular sex.

royal jelly

In folk medicine, bee products have always been considered natural aphrodisiacs. Royal milk is an effective option that provides an increase in testosterone in men with folk remedies, improves the state of the hormonal background. This product helps to improve the quality of seminal fluid, increase sperm activity, increase hormone production. As a rule, they sell royal jelly to a beekeeper, you can find it in a pharmacy in the form of a honey mixture, granules, capsules. Take 20 g per day, the duration of the course should be determined by the doctor.

Physical exercise

Medical studies, reviews of men indicate that playing sports helps to raise the level of the hormone in the body in a natural way. For this, it is necessary to conduct 2 classes of 40-60 minutes every week. The program may include strength training, cardio and crossfit. You can do them both at home and in the gym.

The maximum efficiency from training can be obtained by working with weights, which will provide a high level of testosterone. For this, exercises with lifting barbells, kettlebells are well suited. It is better to train large muscle groups (legs, back, chest), because observation and feedback indicate a positive effect of such exercises. Suitable options for these purposes will be squats, deadlifts.

Normalization of sleep

The production of sex hormones occurs during deep sleep, so chronic lack of sleep significantly reduces the concentration of androgen and all measures taken to increase it will be ineffective. Normalization of sleep will help a man to fully restore strength, and the body to produce all the necessary hormones. It is recommended to go to bed no later than 22.00, fully sleep for 8 hours in complete silence and darkness.

Weight normalization

Obesity always becomes a dangerous indicator for a man's health, so you need to get rid of extra pounds at the first appearance. This will not only help you maintain an attractive appearance, but also not have hormonal problems. As soon as obesity begins, a violation of the production and a decrease in the level of sex hormones immediately occur. This negatively affects the quality of life of a man.

The structure of adipose tissue leads to the fact that sex hormones gradually turn from male into female (estrogen). The growth of this element leads to the suppression of testosterone production. Therefore, the more fat deposits in the body, the more difficult it is for the body to produce the male hormone. Keeping your weight under control is easiest with proper nutrition and regular exercise. Perfect for these purposes:

  • swimming;
  • football;
  • basketball;
  • fitness.

Exclusion of bad habits

This is another very important step to increase testosterone levels naturally. Drinking alcohol, smoking has a general negative impact on the human body and sex hormones are no exception. Alcohol always violates the hormonal background and its strength does not matter. When interacting with testosterone, it is converted into estrogen.

Tobacco products affect sperm motility, have a negative effect on the male reproductive function. In order for a man to naturally increase testosterone production, you do not need to buy expensive medications, using complex techniques. Start with simple steps: give up smoking and alcohol, normalize your weight and sleep, balance your diet.


Ecology of health: Let's try to figure out how to increase testosterone in men and what affects its level.

How to increase testosterone levels in men

Very often you can hear words from the fair sex, the meaning of which boils down to the fact that “men have recently become some kind of inactive, weak-willed ... They are waiting for everything to be brought to them on a silver platter, but they themselves do not strive and do nothing...” Is this assertion so groundless? Let's try to figure it out.

Causes of Decreased Testosterone Levels

Why is testosterone so important?

In the body of a man, this is, without exaggeration, the most important element that actually makes a man a Man.

It enhances the ability to withstand stress, promotes muscle gain, determines sexual activity and physical endurance, and in addition, it has a huge impact on the psyche of a man, his ambition.

Well, probably the most "unpleasant" for any man is the fact that the lack of testosterone leads to a decrease in libido and the fading of potency.

Let's try to figure out how to increase testosterone in men and what affects its level.

What defines testosterone?

1. Stress resistance.

2. Anatomical features

3. Muscle mass

4. Resistance to physical and mental stress

5. Energy strength as an ability for all types of work

6. Endurance, the ability to perform any work for a long time

7. Aggression (moderate to severe)

8. Feeling the value of friendship

9. Loads, quality of loads

10. Fitness

11. Lack of tearfulness

12. General energy level

13. Sexual activity

14. Healthy ambition

15. Weight

Causes that reduce testosterone in men

    Psychological. Stress, problems (including financial ones, especially such as having a bank loan). Constant mental stress has a detrimental effect on the production of testosterone

    Food. Ecologically unfriendly food, which now makes up a large part of our diet, as it consists mainly of unnatural products.

    Beverages. With small doses of alcohol, the testosterone level rises slightly for the first five minutes, but after 20 minutes it begins to fall steadily. In order for its production to practically stop, it is necessary to "drink" for 3 months and gain weight by 20 kg.

    The medicine(most drugs, especially antiulcers). Sometimes a healed ulcer entails a complete lack of libido.


    Injuries(injuries to the testicles and reproductive organs and other injuries)

    Lack of movement(minimum physical activity)

    Bad habits(overweight, overeating, irregular sex)

    Bioenergetic natural factors and radiation(Cell phones, computers, TVs, etc.)

    Time(decreases with age)


Deviation from the norm of the so-called "human constants" entails an inevitable decrease in testosterone levels, the norm of which should be within: men: from 10 to 40 nmol / l, women: 0.25-2.6 nmol / l.

These are the constants:

1. High blood pressure(HELL). Any increase in blood pressure by 15 ... 20 units (naturally at rest). If you are overweight, then you have 100% high blood pressure.

2. Increased respiratory rate(dyspnea). Hypoxia (lack of oxygen) with shortness of breath leads to a decrease in testosterone levels

3. Elevated heart rate(heart rate over 80 beats per minute at rest) reduces testosterone levels by 25%

4. The amount of hemoglobin. Both low and high RBC counts

5. Bilirubin. When exceeding the norm, it reduces testosterone, as the liver, struggling with excess bilirubin, is distracted from removing aromatase from the body, which converts testosterone into estrogen (female sex hormone)

6. Poor kidney function reduces testosterone levels by 20...25%, due to the fact that other hormones are poorly excreted (for example, adrenaline, which is an implacable enemy of testosterone). On the day of the passage of urine for a man should be at least 2 liters.

7. Norm of weight. In a man, fat theoretically should not be deposited, since testosterone should burn fat. The extra weight of a man clearly indicates a hormonal failure, not in favor of testosterone. The most dangerous fat for a man is on his stomach. It secretes enzymes that lower testosterone levels. For more information about the dangers of overweight and obesity, see the article "Obesity is a disease"

8. Blood sugar(norm 5.5). Increasing the level of sugar over 7 sharply reduces the level, which contributes to the development of diabetes mellitus, since testosterone controls blood sugar levels. Developing diabetes, in turn, lowers the level and it turns out a vicious circle with a very sad end.

9. Cholesterol(norm 6.5)

10. Acidity of the body(normal pH 7.4). In an acidic environment, testosterone is converted to estrogen. Acidification of the body is very harmful.

11. Leukocytes 4000...5000. The presence of leukocytes is an indicator of infections. With an increased value of leukocytes, testosterone falls. This is a protective mechanism of nature, so that there are no offspring from a sick organism.

12. Body temperature and testicular temperature. Sperm and testosterone are produced in the testicles. The temperature in the testicles should be 3.3 degrees below body temperature (no more than 34 degrees). At temperatures above this, spermatozoa die, testosterone is not produced. Panties, especially tight ones, are death for testosterone. Pants should be loose and not tighten the testicles. A man is not recommended to sleep in pajamas, cover the bottom of the body when he sleeps, preferably only with a sheet. Bath and sauna are excellent means for losing weight and improving the body (you can read about this in the article "10 tips on how to lose weight in the bath"), but, unfortunately, they destroy testosterone and sperm production for several months, so if a couple decides to plan a pregnancy , it is better for a man to refrain from visiting these places.

Detrimental effect on the production of testosterone: heated seats in the car and leather seats in the summer. Incorrect cycling, when the artery is pinched, cell phone on the belt, laptop on the lap, synthetic underwear (temperature is 2 degrees higher than in cotton underwear), tight jeans.

Our whole life seems to be specifically aimed at the destruction of testosterone. Take care of yourself, lead a healthy lifestyle and you can increase testosterone levels and you will not have cancer, diabetes or heart problems.

And now let's talk about products that reduce and increase testosterone levels in men:

1. Salt very sharply reduces the production of testosterone. Men love salty because of the acidity of the body. The fact is that sodium, which is part of the salt, lowers the overall acidity of the body. But sodium has an unpleasant property: with a large amount of salt consumed, it reduces testosterone levels.

It is permissible to consume no more than 3 grams of salt per day. Due to low testosterone levels, when preparing meals, women usually add more salt to them than required if they are guided by “taste”, and completely unpredictably when added “by eye”. It is necessary to under-salt them a little when cooking. If necessary, the man himself will decide whether to add salt or not.

2. Sugar. When sugar is consumed, blood sugar levels rise and thereby increase the production of insulin, which suppresses testosterone. Men love sweets because they need them for normal sperm motility. But the body needs glucose, but sugar contains mainly sucrose, and this is a slightly different carbohydrate, which seems to be sweet, but has a detrimental effect on testosterone production. A large amount of glucose in honey, sweet fruits and potatoes. Eat them regularly and everything will be fine with sperm motility and testosterone. By the way, an acidic environment also has a strong effect on sperm motility. In it, spermatozoa die very quickly.

If a man wants to increase testosterone, he needs to almost completely abandon the use of sugar and salt. Men, on average, eat 12 tablespoons of sugar a day. In fizzy drinks like Sprite and Coca-Cola, there are 55 tablespoons of sugar per 1 liter of drink, despite the fact that 6 teaspoons of sugar is the upper allowable limit per day for a man. Women, unlike men, are more fortunate: they can not limit themselves in the amount of sweets.

3. Caffeine. While it is present in the body, it practically stops the production of testosterone and sperm. In fact, caffeine entering the bloodstream destroys testosterone molecules. It is permissible for a man to drink no more than 1 cup of coffee per day, and it is natural coffee. By the way, it is strictly forbidden for a man to drink instant coffee, since the effect of this coffee is such that the testosterone contained in the body of a man, under the influence of instant coffee, instantly turns into estrogen (the female sex hormone). If you don't want your (I mean men) breasts to grow, your face to become more feminine, and your facial hair to stop growing, don't drink instant coffee. Tea, unlike coffee, does not affect testosterone and you can drink it as much as you like.

4. Meat with hormones. All imported meat (beef, pork, poultry) is now produced with hormones. In order for cattle to increase their mass and amount of fat faster, they are literally stuffed with hormones. 80% of the hormones that are given to pigs so that they increase their fat faster are “female” hormones. Normal meat in our time can probably be found only in the market or in the village.

An excess of hormones in meat negatively affects women as well. Girls who eat such meat begin to develop according to the female type a little earlier, already at the age of 10, this is the so-called estrogenic sexual debut.

Estrogen has one very bad property: it is practically indestructible. All human waste eventually ends up in rivers and lakes. As a result, the males of some fish species began to spawn due to the fact that there was a lot of this hormone in the reservoirs. If a man every day will eat meat (including sausages) with estrogen, then he begins to gradually become a woman.

As a rule, there are no estrogens in lamb and fish, so they can be eaten without fear.

5. High Cholesterol(fat meat). Fat in small quantities can be considered harmless.

6. Soy and soy products dramatically lowers testosterone levels due to the fact that it contains phytoestrogens. It is not recommended to use it for boys during puberty.

7. Fast food. If a man wants to be a Man, he shouldn't eat fast food. Fast food contains mainly the products mentioned in the previous paragraphs of this article and other harmful ingredients. There is such a wonderful film called "Double Portion". Look, and you will no longer desire to visit fast food.

8. Full fat milk contains an external estrogen factor, especially natural. Milk contains estrogens, which are intended for the growing body of the calf. Drinking about a liter or more of milk a day, a man lowers his testosterone levels.

9. White yeast bread and pastries, since it contains acids, yeast and sugar.

10. Vegetable oil(with the exception of olive and nut, which do not reduce testosterone levels). Sunflower oil can also be consumed, but we must remember that it slightly reduces testosterone levels. It all depends on the combination of polyunsaturated acids that make up the oil. Men are not recommended to eat a lot of mayonnaise, as it consists mainly of vegetable oil.

11. Effervescent drinks(with carbon dioxide) ranging from mineral water to Coca-Cola and energy drinks. They contain substances that “acidify” the body, sugar, thirst enhancers (such drinks, oddly enough, dehydrate the body !!!), caffeine.

12. Smoked products due to liquid smoke. Smoked meats directly affect the tissues of the testicles, which actually produce testosterone. Smoking should be natural, it is better if it is hot.

Fortunately, there are many more testosterone-boosting foods:

1. Fish. Especially useful for men are anchovies, perch, trout, halibut, herring, saury, salmon, sardines and shrimp.

2. Fruits (raw) especially orange, yellow and green due to the high content of lutein in them, which stimulates growth hormone: apricot, melon, carrot, raisins, lemon, especially mango!!!, orange, papaya, peaches, pear, pineapple, pumpkin (restores the prostate gland), yellow pepper, zucchini, persimmon

3. Vegetables. Chinese and Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, celery, avocados, tomatoes. Cabbage has a wonderful property, it reduces the likelihood of prostate cancer. Cabbage is best consumed fresh.

4. Greens. Mustard, parsley, spinach, onion, cilantro, arugula, watercress, wild garlic. A man needs to consume greens 3 times more than a woman. Greens must be fresh. Greens are the so-called "male" plants that contribute to the production of testosterone

5. Berries. Cherry, cranberry, raspberry, watermelon, strawberry, blueberry, blackcurrant, pomegranate, plum and prunes

6. Fiber and grains. Kashi (barley, buckwheat, millet). Fiber helps to increase peristalsis, which in turn enhances blood microcirculation in the pelvic area, prostate and testicles

7. Clams and oysters. They contain zinc, which can increase testosterone levels.

8. Spices Suppress External Xenoesterone(phytohormones). Cardamom, red pepper, curry, garlic, onion, turmeric. Spices are the basis of Indian cuisine. Studies show that the level of spermatogenesis (development of spermatozoa) in Indians is orders of magnitude higher than in Europeans. Spices play a huge role in this.

9. Vegetable oils of the first cold pressing, unrefined(olive, sesame, walnut).

10. Moderate doses of cholesterol. Testosterone is synthesized from cholesterol. A couple of glasses of milk or spoons of sour cream a day will not hurt.

11. Post. The first three days reduces testosterone levels, and then its level increases by 45%. Fasting in this case does not mean a refusal to eat, but food formed in a special way: less animal products and reduced portions.

In order to get the maximum effect from the above products. They must be used under several conditions:

    It is undesirable for products to be processed at temperatures above 60 degrees.

    Vegetables, fruits, herbs should be as raw as possible. And in general, if you want to be full of strength and energy, you must try to use everything in your life in its raw form, or with minimal heat treatment. Heat treatment destroys energy or prana (the life energy of the universe), as it is called by the Indians.

    Eat natural foods whenever possible.

    You can not eat a large amount of food at a time

    You can’t drink water while eating what you ate (only sour drinks are acceptable)

There are many ways to increase testosterone in men. Physical strength, endurance, visual attractiveness, sexual activity and health of the stronger sex depend on the level of the main male sex hormone. After age 35, testosterone production declines by about 1-2% per year.

To speed up the natural process can:

  • illness;
  • stress;
  • overwork;
  • bad habits;
  • Unhealthy Lifestyle.

In men with chronic diseases, testosterone levels are 10-15% lower than in their healthy peers. To maintain men's health, you need to make changes in your life.

Weight loss

Low testosterone levels are often found in obese men. Adipose tissue produces the hormone leptin, which reduces the activity of Leydig cells. Leydig cells are part of the testicular tissue. They are responsible for the production of testosterone. Adipose tissue can not only suppress the production of testosterone by the testicles, but also reduce its concentration, while increasing the level of its natural antagonists - estrogens. Fat has the ability to convert androgens (male sex hormones) into estrogens (female sex hormones). Transformation occurs under the action of the aromatase enzyme.

Weight loss contributes to the reduction of adipose tissue. The less fat becomes, the less leptin is produced in the body and less testosterone is converted into estrogen.

To get rid of extra pounds, you must maintain a negative energy balance in the diet. Weight loss occurs when the body expends more calories than it consumes with food. Therefore, those who want to lose weight need to increase physical activity and reduce the calorie content of the daily diet.

To increase testosterone in the body, you do not need to starve and follow a strict diet. A healthy man needs a complete diet. Reduce calories by eating foods rich in carbohydrates and fats.

The body spends 3 times less energy on their digestion than on the assimilation of protein foods of the same calorie content. It is recommended to limit the consumption of carbohydrate-rich confectionery, pastries, fast food, chips, convenience foods and soda.

To lose weight and raise testosterone, you need to include negative (minus) calorie foods in the menu more often. The body spends more energy on their assimilation than it receives from them. These products include:

  • lettuce leaves;
  • rhubarb;
  • radish;
  • tomatoes;
  • seaweed;
  • cucumbers;
  • zucchini;
  • celery;
  • citrus;
  • pineapples;
  • apricots;
  • plums;
  • blueberry;
  • watermelon;
  • Strawberry;
  • green tea and pure water.

Frequent and fractional meals will help you lose weight and cause an increase in testosterone. You need to eat at least 5-6 times a day in small portions. Most of the daily food should be consumed in the morning.

Proteins, fats and carbohydrates

To synthesize testosterone and build muscle mass, you need to consume a sufficient amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Proteins are the building blocks of tissues. Fats supply the body with cholesterol, which is used to create the testosterone molecule. Carbohydrates provide energy for all processes.

The diet must include foods containing vegetable and animal proteins. Beans, lean beef, pork, chicken, turkey, fish, and eggs should be consumed. To maintain men's health, it is necessary to eat foods containing unsaturated fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-6 as often as possible. They are essential for the biosynthesis of testosterone.

To provide your body with unsaturated fatty acids, you need to eat fish from the cold northern seas (herring, mackerel, tuna, sardines, halibut, flounder, cod), in addition, seafood (shrimp, oysters, squid, crabs). Essential fatty acids are found in olive, rapeseed, linseed, corn and sunflower oils. In addition to unsaturated fats, saturated fats must also be supplied to the body. The menu should be added to butter, eggs, lard, cheese, meat and fish.

Broccoli, as well as cauliflower and white cabbage, help reduce the level of estrogen in the body of a man. With a decrease in female sex hormones, testosterone levels increase. It is advisable to eat fresh cabbage to get the maximum effect.

Vitamins for men's health

To increase the level of testosterone in the blood, you need to eat more foods containing vitamin C. Ascorbic acid is a powerful antioxidant. It neutralizes free radicals that negatively affect the functioning of organs, including the testicles. Vitamin C suppresses the production of the stress hormone cortisol, which is a testosterone antagonist.

To replenish the reserves of ascorbic acid, which increases the synthesis of testosterone, you need to regularly eat sea buckthorn, black currant, citrus fruits, parsley, dill, red pepper, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower, kiwi, green onions and broccoli.

It is imperative to add foods containing B vitamins to meals. This will increase the synthesis of testosterone. Sources of B vitamins are: eggs, fish, beef liver, cereals, green peas, asparagus, garlic, white cabbage, sweet peppers, legumes, green tea, mushrooms, tomatoes, nuts, bananas, potatoes, beets, seaweed.

Increasing the proportion of foods rich in vitamin D in the diet can increase testosterone levels in the body.

Vitamin D is found in cod and halibut liver, eggs, dairy products and cereals. It is synthesized in the body under the influence of sunlight. To provide yourself with vitamin D, you need to leave the skin of the hands and feet exposed. Men with fair skin should go out in the sun at least 2 times a week from 10 am to 3 pm for 5 minutes. People with dark skin, as well as those who are overweight, need to increase their exposure to the sun to half an hour.

Trace elements selenium, zinc and magnesium

Foods containing selenium will help increase testosterone levels. The trace element is involved in the synthesis of testosterone. With antioxidant activity, selenium neutralizes free radicals that interfere with the production of male hormones. It improves blood circulation in the groin area and protects the Leydig cells from premature depletion.

Selenium is found in large quantities in wheat and oat bran, sunflower seeds, chicken eggs, pink salmon and cottage cheese. The source of trace elements are: wheat, rye, beans, oats, rice, lentils, pistachios, garlic and peanuts.

Zinc is equally important for men's health. It is the building block for the testosterone molecule. The trace element is especially necessary for obese men. It is able to block the activity of the aromatase enzyme, which converts the male sex hormone into estrogen. Zinc contains receptors that are sensitive to testosterone. A trace element deficiency can lead to a decrease in their susceptibility to the male sex hormone and a decrease in its synthesis.

Sources of zinc are: sesame, yeast, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, chicken hearts, beef, nuts (especially peanuts), cocoa powder, beef tongue, egg yolk, turkey meat, beans, green peas. The microelement is contained in a small amount in dried apricots, oatmeal and wheat porridge, avocados, mushrooms, carrots, spinach, green onions and cauliflower. To maintain normal levels of zinc in the body, you need to limit the consumption of dairy products. The calcium they contain interferes with the absorption of the trace element. It is advisable to give up coffee, strong tea and alcohol. These drinks remove zinc from the body.

To increase your own testosterone, you need to eat foods containing magnesium more often. The trace element blocks the activity of sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG). SHBG binds free testosterone, making it unavailable to receptors. The associated hormone does not have a positive effect on men's health. Thanks to magnesium, the concentration of free testosterone increases. Magnesium is found in sesame, wheat bran, cocoa powder, sunflower seeds, cashews, pine nuts, buckwheat, almonds, peanuts, seaweed, dark chocolate.

Physical activity

Studies have shown that testosterone levels rise after moderate resistance training. A diet rich in vitamins and minerals is especially effective if a man regularly visits the gym.

A significant increase in testosterone levels is caused by training large muscle groups. Therefore, during classes, you need to pay increased attention to the muscles of the chest, legs and back. It is imperative to include basic strength exercises in the training program - squatting, bench press and standing, deadlift.

You need to train no more than 3 times a week. After strength exercises, the body needs rest for a day to restore strength and muscle fibers.

The duration of classes should not exceed 1 hour. 10-15 minutes of training are devoted to warming up. You need to spend the remaining 45-50 minutes on strength exercises. If you make classes longer, the concentration of cortisol in the body will increase. Experienced instructors know how to increase testosterone levels in men. They will help you choose a set of exercises.

An example of a workout to increase testosterone:

  1. T-bar pull.
  2. Thrust for the head of the upper block in a sitting position.
  3. Bench press barbell or dumbbell in a prone position.
  4. Divorcing dumbbells to the sides on a bench or bringing your hands together on the Butterfly simulator.
  5. French bench press in the prone position.

To successfully increase the level of testosterone in the blood, you can not overeat. Digesting large amounts of food requires a lot of energy. The body concentrates its efforts on digestion, slowing down other processes.

It is advisable to stop working at night. During a night's sleep, up to 70% of the hormone melatonin is produced. Maintaining normal levels of melatonin helps to slow down the process of age-related decline in testosterone.

Alcohol and smoking negatively affect men's health. In order for the methods of increasing testosterone to be effective, you need to give up bad habits.

Stressful situations must be avoided. High levels of stress hormones negatively affect testosterone synthesis. If stress is related to professional activities, you need to think about finding a new job.

Stress hormones are produced not only as a result of nervous strain. Physical and mental overwork is also a cause of elevated cortisol. Therefore, you need to relax more often and fully rest.

The activation of the production of the male hormone occurs during the achievement of the desired result. To ensure a regular release of testosterone, you need to set goals and strive to achieve them. Even small victories help improve men's health.

The body is sensitive to human needs. Weak sexual activity of a man can cause the extinction of sexual function. With regular sex life, testosterone levels will remain high.

It is important to avoid overheating of the testicles. For them to fully function, you can not take hot baths, wear tight underwear and work with a laptop on your lap.

High blood sugar negatively affects the synthesis of testosterone. To increase the concentration of the male sex hormone, it is necessary to reduce the consumption of foods containing sugar.

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