Method of treatment of genital herpes with supravenous laser. Treatment of herpes with a laser - “How to cure herpes in a short time? Laser treatment of herpes: where to do it, cost, description, photo. How to prevent disease and relapse

Laser treatment of herpes on the lips (adults and children) in the Dial-Dent Family Dental Center

Herpes- a viral disease that is characterized by rashes of a bubble type on the skin and mucous membranes.

All living beings on this planet get sick herpes with the exception of the simplest microorganisms. In total, more than 80 types of the virus have been discovered to date. herpes. A person can get sick due to 9 viruses herpes. The most common - herpes virus the first type. This herpes popularly called "cold on the lips." O herpes virus type 1 and the fight against it will be discussed in this note.

Nine out of ten people carry in their bodies herpes virus.Most often a virus "colds on the lips", those. herpes virus The first type enters the human body in childhood. Infection occurs through contact herpes virus from one person should get on contact to susceptible areas of the body of a healthy person. Then the virus is introduced into the skin or mucous membranes and penetrates to the nerve endings. Along the nerve, the virus enters the nerve ganglion, which is located in the skull. In the nerve herpes virus is in a dormant state. The very fact of the presence of a virus in the body should not be afraid. The human body coexists perfectly with a large number of viruses and bacteria, good and bad. Problems arise when the organism behaves “wrongly” in relation to these neighbors. The body behaves incorrectly when its protective immune forces are reduced.

The activation of the "cold on the lips" can occur for two reasons:

The first reason is a decrease in the immunity of the human body.

The second reason is an injury to the lips, mucous membranes, organs of the oral cavity, and gums.

Sometimes these reasons work together.

Decreased immunity is the first reason for the activation of the "cold on the lips"

Stress, general illnesses, heavy physical labor, complex psychological stress, fears, dissatisfaction with life, fatigue, ultraviolet radiation and much more can lead to the fact that the body's forces cannot cope, and herpes virus"wakes up". Along the nerve endings, it again descends from the nerve node to the skin and mucous membranes, most often affecting the lips.

Injury to the lips, gums, mucous membranes of the oral cavity is the second reason for the activation of the "cold on the lips"

Here it is necessary to make a reservation that if the immunity is in good shape and the body's defenses are not exhausted, then the second reason may not work. That is why we put trauma as the second reason for activation. "colds on the lips."

Typical injuries of the lips and mucous membranes that can lead to the activation of the "cold on the lips"

- Lip tattoo. Permanent lip makeup. The injury to the lips during permanent makeup is so great that even healthy immunity is not enough to protect. Herpetic lesions in this case are extensive. Appearance herpes after lip tattooing, it can degrade the quality of permanent makeup. For people who have "cold on the lips" as a preventive measure, it is recommended to take a course of taking antiherpes drug during tattooing behavior.

- Dental treatment. With long-term dental treatment or with frequently repeated visits to the dentist (when a person undergoes complex treatment or dental prosthetics), microtraumas of the lips, mucous membranes, and gums inevitably occur, which can lead to activation herpes virus.

Stages of development of "colds on the lips". When activated, herpes goes through four stages:

1. "Stage of first signs". A place that differs in sensitivity appears on the lip. Nothing is visible yet. There may be pain, itching, numbness, tingling or tingling of the lips, etc.

2. "Stage of visible manifestations" . The skin on the lip turns red, then bubbles filled with a white liquid appear very quickly. There may be one or more bubbles. Sometimes they merge into large clusters. bubbles herpes very painful.

3. Stage "ulcer". bubble herpes ruptures, liquid flows out of it. In place of the herpetic vesicle, an ulcer is first formed. This is the most contagious period. Also during this period herpes delivers maximum discomfort to a person, tk. very painful and causes aesthetic discomfort.

4. The "crust" stage. In place of the sore, a crust forms, which, upon contact, is easily damaged and can bleed. This is the final stage of manifestation herpes on the lips. After the crust disappears, pigmentation on the skin may remain. This pigmentation in most cases disappears completely after a few days.

Treatment of the herpes virus of the first type - "colds on the lips"

herpes virusremains in the human body for life. To date, there are no ways to completely "expel" the pathogen from the body. "colds on the lips."

There are a number of people, about 5%, who are not susceptible to herpes virus, and do not get sick under any circumstances. The reason for this immunity is unknown.

Herpes treatmentin the Family Dental Center "Dial-Dent" is the impact on "cold on the lips" energy of laser radiation.

Our center uses

Laser radiation of our laser with a wavelength of 810 nm leads to the destruction of viruses in large quantities. The wavelength is very important. There are different types of dental lasers that use different wavelengths. Accordingly, the effect of laser radiation on tissues is different. The most modern and safe laser today is considered to be a laser with a wavelength of 810 nm. Under its influence, viruses and bacteria die and the body's own tissues are not injured. This effect is also used to sterilize the canals of the teeth. In this case, the action of the laser has a shallow penetration. A virus "sleeping" in the nerve node in the skull, the laser will not kill, because. it just won't get to it. But on the lips and in the oral cavity under the action of a laser, viruses die by the millions.

The impact of the laser beam is effective at all stages of the development of herpes:

At the first stage - the "stage of the first signs" - the use of a laser allows you to remove pain and extinguish the activation of the herpes virus in the bud.

At the second stage - "the stage of the first visible manifestations" - laser treatment for herpes allows you to stop further development "colds on the lips." Herpes on the lips immediately proceeds to the fourth stage of the crust and begins to heal.

At the third stage - the stage of "ulcer" - the use of a laser in the Dial-Dent Family Dental Center reduces the likelihood of infection of others and relieves pain and inflammation of herpes.

In the fourth period - the stage of "crust" - laser radiation gives the effect of biostimulation and sterilization. There is a faster healing.

About laser treatment for herpes in short, we can say this: the use of a laser allows herpes to disappear in 2-4 days and makes its course painless and mild.

Treat herpes with laser only possible in rare cases herpes. Herpes laser treatment does not cancel the treatment aimed at stimulating the immune forces of the body. In some cases herpes laser treatment may replace the intake of antiviral drugs or reduce their dose.

In cases of recurring herpes, the extent of herpetic lesions, or a form of herpes that is not treatable, it is necessary to undergo a detailed diagnosis, tk. herpes may be a symptom of a more serious immunodeficiency states. If necessary, specialists of the Dial-Dent Family Dental Center send for accurate diagnosis to specialized Herpetic Centers for complex treatment of herpes. During the passage herpes treatment, drug-related, mainly antiherpes(such as Zavirax) and taking immunostimulating drugs, you can also use laser effect on the focus of herpes. Treatment in this case is faster.


In the Dial-Dent Family Dental Center, the following specialists treat herpes with a laser:

Borisova Yu.A. pediatric dentist.

The cost of herpes laser treatment: one visit - treatment of one focus - 350 rubles. Sometimes a single exposure is enough, sometimes you have to process herpes laser two or three times. Very rarely there is a need for processing herpes more times.

Examples of herpes treatment in the Dial-Dent center in photos:

Man 37 years old. Herpes - "cold on the lips."

Single treatment for herpes. The procedure time is 5 minutes. The cost of herpes treatment with a laser is 500 rubles.

One day after laser treatment herpes on the lips.

No pain

Redness has decreased

No puffiness

Re-treatment with a laser focus of herpes. The procedure time is 5 minutes. The cost of herpes treatment with a laser is 500 rubles.

Two more days later.

Complete absence of symptoms.

No more procedures were performed.

Woman 38 years old. Herpes on the lips. Stage - visible manifestations of "Bubbles".

Sharp pain on contact with the lip

Aesthetic discomfort

Single treatment for herpes. The procedure time is 5 minutes. The cost of herpes treatment with a laser is 350 rubles.

One day after treatment herpes laser.

No pain

Redness has decreased

No puffiness

Herpes quickly moved to the last stage of the "crust"

Re-treatment with a laser focus of herpes. The procedure time is 5 minutes. The cost of herpes treatment with a laser is 350 rubles.

Two more days later

Significant improvement. There is no pain or swelling.

No more procedures were performed. Full healing is expected in two days.

Herpes is a disease of viral origin, in which small blisters form on the surface of the lips or genitals.

Types of herpes

The disease is classified based on what kind of herpes virus served as its causative agent. There are eight such types of viruses in total.

Type 1 virus - serves as the causative agent of the so-called herpes simplex, a sign of which are rashes in the mouth area.

Type 2 virus - causes genital herpes, manifested by vesicles in the genital area.

Type 3 virus is the virus that causes chickenpox and also causes shingles.

The type 4 virus is called the Epstein-Barr virus and provokes mononucleosis.

The 5th type of virus is called cytomegalovirus - it causes an infection that affects the internal organs, most often the urogenital area.

The remaining three types of the virus are rare, their role as pathogens has not yet been fully studied.

Herpes symptoms

The first 3 types of the virus are the most common.

Here are the symptoms of the diseases they cause:

Simple herpes. Small transparent bubbles in the corners of the mouth are a sign of this disease. The same rashes can be on the mucous membrane of the mouth and nose. Before the appearance of rashes, the skin itches, there is a burning sensation and tingling, the patient may feel weak.

Genital herpes (genital). Rashes in the form of bubbles are located in the genital area. These places itch, become red, and after seven days the bubbles burst and ulcers appear in their place, which soon heal. Lymph nodes in the groin may be enlarged, the temperature rises.

Herpes zoster (shingles). Initially, the patient feels unwell, neuralgic pain. Then, in places along the location of the nerves on the body (most often on the trunk), rashes appear: pink spots with transparent bubbles, which dry out after 5-7 days. The temperature is raised, weakness. Neuralgic pains often last for a very long time, up to six months.

Causes of herpes

You can get herpes, depending on the type of virus, by contact, through household appliances, through sexual intercourse. If a person has herpes on the lips, he can pass it on to another through a kiss or shared utensils.

A baby can get the virus "inherited" from the mother during childbirth.
Carriers of some type of herpes virus are 90% of people, but in most of them it "dozes" and causes illness only in certain circumstances. The trigger for the development of the virus is the weakening of the immune system, pregnancy, stressful conditions, overheating or severe cooling of the body, alcohol, and a number of infectious diseases.

Herpes in children

If the child was infected in the first hours after birth (when passing through the mother's birth canal), such herpes is called neonatal. This form of herpes is mostly uncomplicated, but affects the nervous system in about a third of babies, with serious consequences.

Older children are more susceptible to contracting the type 3 virus that causes chickenpox. This disease is easily tolerated by them and often does not even need treatment.

Herpes in adults

In adulthood, the greatest danger is the type 3 virus. At risk are people who had chickenpox in childhood, as the virus has been in their body for many years. With a decrease in the body's defenses, for example, due to a serious illness or old age, the virus is activated and manifests itself in the form of shingles. This disease is difficult to diagnose and is often fraught with complications such as postherpetic neuralgia.

Herpes simplex occurs in adults in 60% of cases, genital - in 12-15%.

How to get rid of herpes by 100%, medicine is not yet known. Modern remedies for herpes are mainly aimed at suppressing and alleviating the symptoms of the disease.

Laser therapy for herpes

Treatment of herpetic skin lesions begins with a non-invasive effect on the blood in close proximity to the lesion. If there is damage to the skin and mucous membranes of the face, then the blood is processed at the site of the pulsation of the carotid arteries for 2 minutes on each side at a frequency of 50 Hz per zone 1.

With the localization of the lesion on the genitals, the same procedure is performed on the femoral arteries.

Local exposure is performed at a frequency of 1000 Hz directly above the lesion. When localized in the face area, the effect is carried out for 5 minutes on zone 2, with damage to the genital organs - 10 minutes.

In the treatment of herpetic lesions of the face, 2-5 sessions twice a day are sufficient. When the focus is localized on the genitals, the course of treatment consists, as a rule, of 7-10 sessions, carried out at a frequency of 1-2 times a day.

Herpes is a skin disease that manifests itself on a viral basis and looks like a blistering rash on the skin and its mucous membranes. About 80 types of herpes viruses are currently recognized. But only 8 of them can be found in humans. But the most common is herpes type 1 or herpes simplex, which leads to a rash on the lips. This ailment is popularly referred to as a cold on the lips or herpes fever.

It is also worth noting that today 9 out of 10 people carry this virus in their DNA. In this case, infection with the virus occurs due to various kinds of contacts, touching objects, or even airborne droplets. Carriers of the virus may not even know about it, and such a condition is not dangerous for the person himself. However, this infection can manifest itself with various colds, with reduced immunity, or with frequent stress. In addition, when the lips or oral cavity are injured, blisters can occur, which are paired with malaise, itching and pain. Ultraviolet irradiation can also be an article provocateur of the appearance of a cold on the lips.

Features of laser treatment of herpes

Here, the first thing to say is that today there is no such drug that would remove the herpes virus from the human body once and for all. But at the same time, there are methods that prevent the reproduction of virus cells. Such medicines must be taken at an early stage of infection. This way you can prevent the appearance of the virus in the form of bubbles. However, it should be borne in mind that treatment with tablets or ointments alone is not promising, because relapses of herpes will still be present and care must be taken to ensure that they appear as rarely as possible. Naturally, the first thing to do is to strengthen the immune system.

In addition, today there is a method for the treatment of herpes with a laser. It is important to know here that laser exposure can be carried out in several ways. This can be an internal laser exposure, which is called ILBI and stands for internal laser blood irradiation. Also, laser therapy can be carried out in the form of percutaneous laser exposure. There may also be an intracavitary effect on the lesion itself. Laser therapy can be an element of complex treatment or be an independent method.

Such radiation is detrimental to this type of virus, but it has a good effect on local and general immunity. And the clinical result is obtained not from the impact on the virus itself, but from the inclusion of sanogenetic processes in the patient. However, the laser cannot completely remove the virus and therefore will not lead to a complete cure for the patient. At the same time, laser therapy leads to a more asymptomatic course of this disease and enhances the effect of taking various kinds of medications. Laser therapy can also reduce the number of relapses and the possibility of complications. The remission time is also reduced.


Thanks to this method of treatment, you can get rid of the symptoms of herpes in just a couple of treatments. And the recovery period will be reduced by 2-4 days. The laser penetrates deep into the tissue, while destroying the virus completely and has no negative effect on the tissues themselves. Also, this method is effective at any stage of herpes, namely:

  • at the initial stage, the laser relieves pain and reduces the number of bubbles;
  • at the next stage, laser therapy eliminates the possibility of new rashes;
  • in the third phase of this disease, pain and inflammation are eliminated with the help of a laser;
  • at the fourth stage, the laser heals the affected tissues.

Thus, it is important to say that laser herpes removal is extremely effective, but do not forget that even this method will not completely get rid of this virus. It is also better to use laser therapy together with taking medications.

Herpes is a virus. Moreover, the virus is cunning and nasty: it does not just cause illness, but literally "prescribes" inside us forever. Up to 99% of people on Earth are carriers of herpes.

It enters the body through the mucous membranes, moves to the nerve fibers and begins to climb along them into the cranial cavity. There, it invades clusters of nerve cells and waits for the immune system to malfunction. This is where the herpes becomes impudent and runs along the nerve endings to the place of its introduction, and here you get - a painful bubble.

Immune failure occurs in the following cases:

The intense work of the immune system during hypothermia, acute respiratory infections and other diseases deprives it of its strength to control dormant herpes.

Violation of the balance of immunity with a sharp change in time zones and climate "from winter to summer", overheating in the sun, stress, alcohol intake.

Herpes viruses as many as 8 varieties. The most common are viruses of types 1 and 2. The first type leaves bubbles around the mouth, the second - on the genitals. True, there is an interesting situation - the first type of virus can completely jump to the genitals during oral sex.

But not always herpes = bubble. Sometimes there are no symptoms of virus activity at all, and sometimes it is masked very skillfully. It turns out that type 7 of the virus or HHV-6 can manifest itself as chronic fatigue syndrome. Yes, yes, when everything infuriates, sleep is poor and weakness without physical exertion. An increase in lymph nodes and an incomprehensible body temperature of 37-37, 1, which lasts for several months, can lead to the viral nature of fatigue.

How to get rid of herpes?

It is almost impossible to get herpes out of its place of residence in the body. It is introduced into the very DNA of the nerve cell. But geneticists have already received good results: with the help of special molecules, a cut can be made in viral DNA, which will lead to a decrease in the number of infected cells. If you make two cuts, the viruses completely die.

But for now, we can't shred DNA whenever we want. Therefore, we will deal with herpes as follows:

1. Taking an antiviral drug when there are skin manifestations in the form of vesicles. He does not remove the virus from the body, but prevents its development in the blood, helping not to infect someone else, shortens the time of the disease, and alleviates the symptoms.

The most popular drug is acyclovir. It is like the grandfather of all antivirals. However, it remains one of the most effective. It has a targeted effect and very low toxicity.

Everything would be fine, but if you treat herpes only with acyclovir, resistance quickly arises to it. This means that in the next episodes of herpes exacerbation, the drug will help less and less. And most importantly, such a stable virus can be passed on through sexual contact or a kiss.

2. Therefore, in addition to drugs, other methods are needed: ozone, plasmapheresis, bioresonance, autohemotherapy, laser.

These methods can be applied regardless of the stage of herpes. And all of them contribute to improving the balance of their own protective forces. As a result, the production of interferon and antibodies toxic to the virus increases, and the activity of killer cells improves.

We will talk about two methods that we successfully use in Neo Vita.

Ozone therapy

Medical ozone is a universal stimulator of biochemical processes inside the cell. Its active effect on the immune system is used in the treatment of herpes simplex, especially with frequent relapses. If herpes worries every month, then after a course of ozone, you can forget about it for six months - a year. There is evidence that ozone therapy in complex treatment can lead to the complete removal of viruses.

In the acute period, ozone directly destroys viruses in the blood, and topical application of ozonized solutions helps to remove inflammation, reduce pain and repair skin damage.

Ozone therapy helps a lot in the treatment of an incomprehensible chronic fatigue syndrome caused by the herpes virus type 7.

VLOK– intravenous laser blood irradiation

Laser therapy does not remove the herpes virus and does not cure completely. But due to the activation of the body's own forces, the course of the disease becomes mild, the effect of drugs is enhanced, and the healing of skin injuries is accelerated. Swelling, itching and pain pass faster. Therefore, it is necessary to start a course of procedures as soon as an unpleasant burning sensation and soreness appear - the effect will be maximum.

The combination of intravenous and external laser exposure shortens the time of swelling and itching to 2 days, and healing occurs in 4 days. After the prophylactic course of ILBI, the time of remission increases significantly.

Clinical indicators Group I (only antiviral treatment) Group II (antiviral + external laser therapy) Group III (antiviral + ILBI, UVI) Group IV (combined laser therapy: ILBI + external laser therapy)
Removal of swelling, pain, itching 4-5 day 2 day 3-4 day 2 day
Stop new breakouts 5-6 day 1-2 day 3 day 1-2 day
Disappearance of papules, vesicles, healing 7-8 day 3-4 day 5-6 day 3-4 day
Relapses 70% 50 % 5-10 % 5-10 %
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