What to do when a purulent bag is on the gum. Abscess on the gum: causes of formation, methods of treatment and prevention. How are abscesses treated?

Purulent gum diseases in most cases are the result of untimely or poor-quality treatment of infectious and inflammatory processes in the oral cavity. Pus is a minty, viscous milky, yellowish or light brown liquid containing pathogenic bacteria and toxic substances (their waste products). If the gum fester near the tooth, the cause may be acute or sluggish chronic inflammation of the periodontal tissues with the formation of gaps between the edge of the gum and the cervical part of the tooth, which are called periodontal pockets.

Purulent discharge can also be a sign of periostitis (purulent inflammation of the periosteum) or periodontitis - a severe dental disease in which tissues that are tightly adjacent to the root cement and the tooth root become inflamed. The treatment of pathology depends on the cause of its occurrence, the existing symptoms and other factors that may affect the effectiveness of therapy.

First aid at home

Any purulent processes should be treated by a dentist (therapist or surgeon), since there is a high probability that the purulent process will spread to deeply located soft tissues and infection will enter the systemic circulation. If signs of inflammation appear on Friday evening and there is no way to get to a specialist in the next two days, you can use safe home treatment methods. Emergency aid for suppuration of the gums in the periodontal space consists in frequent rinsing with antiseptic solutions.

For rinsing the mouth, you can use the following drugs:

  • "Stomatofit";
  • "Chlorophyllipt";
  • "Hexicon";
  • "Oralcept";
  • "Furacilin".

All of them have a disinfecting effect and provide antiseptic treatment of soft tissues and mucous membranes. The main cause of purulent inflammation is the activity of pathogenic flora (mainly staphylococcus and streptococcus), so the main task is to destroy pathogenic bacteria and microbes.

The most affordable drugs in this category are Chlorhexidine and Furacilin. They can be purchased in the form of ready-made solutions, and the cost of one bottle starts from 11 rubles. More expensive are Miramistin, Geksoral, Oralsept and Tantum Verde. They have different active ingredients, but the antibacterial, antimycotic and antimicrobial activity is approximately the same, so choosing the right medicine should be based on age, contraindications and possible side effects.

Table. Scheme of rinsing the mouth with suppuration of the gums.

Indication/age of the patientNumber of rinses per dayDuration of treatment
Children over 6 years old3 times a day (50 ml of solution per application)5 days
Teenagers from 12 to 18 years old4 times a day5-7 days
Adults with gum disease4-6 times a day7-10 days
Adults with purulent abscesses4-8 times a day7-10 days
Pregnant women and nursing mothers3-4 times a day5 days
Elderly patientsIndividually, but not more than 4-5 times a day (due to the high risk of dysbacteriosis)5 to 7-10 days

Treatment at the dentist

If the patient has signs of purulent periodontitis, it is recommended to consult a dentist, since the pus located deep in the periodontal pockets cannot be cleaned out on its own. Your doctor may prescribe surgical cleaning or medication applications. One of the most popular drugs for the treatment of purulent gums in a dental office is a combined medicine in the form of a gel "Metrogyl Denta Professional". It differs from the usual drug "Metrogil Denta" in a higher concentration of active ingredients: 1 g of the drug contains 250 mg of the local antibiotic metronidazole and 1 mg of a 20% solution of chlorhexidine bigluconate.

Gel for the treatment of purulent periodontal lesions is used for laying in periodontal pockets. Before this, the doctor cleans the pocket and treats it with an antiseptic solution. The tool cannot be removed. After applying the drug, the doctor isolates the place of application with cotton swabs to avoid contact with saliva. Swabs can be removed after 30 minutes. The procedure is carried out once a day, and the duration of therapy depends on the severity of the pathology and can range from 1 to 7 days.

Important! You can use "Metrogil Denta Professional" only after removing plaque and tartar. After completion of dental treatment, you should continue to use the drug "Metrogyl Denta" for 7 days, applying the product to the affected gums 2 times a day after brushing your teeth.

Do I need to take antibiotics?

In most cases, antibacterial and antimicrobial drugs for purulent inflammation of the gums are necessary. This is due to the rapid growth of pathogenic flora, which begins to multiply even more actively in a purulent environment. At the initial stages of inflammation, it is possible to limit the use of local antiseptics, but in the absence of the effect of such treatment within 2-3 days, oral dosage forms of systemic action are required.

Antibiotics in the form of tablets, suspensions and capsules are prescribed if the gum fester, and the inflammation is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • fever (above 38 degrees);
  • severe swelling around the inflamed area;
  • swelling or abscess formation;
  • severe pain syndrome;
  • general deterioration.

One of the most sparing means of a wide spectrum is Metronidazole. The drug is available in several dosage forms, but tablets are used to treat purulent periodontal lesions. You need to take them 1 tablet 2-3 times a day. The medicine is inexpensive (about 30 rubles), copes well even with severe inflammation and has few contraindications, so Metronidazole in most cases becomes the drug of choice for the treatment and prevention of periodontal inflammation. The duration of treatment is 7-10 days.

If Metronidazole is ineffective, the doctor may prescribe funds from the group of semi-synthetic penicillins (Amosin, Flemoxin, Augmentin), macrolides (Sumamed, Zinnat) or fluoroquinolones (Ciprofloxacin).

The advantage of the latest generation of antibiotics is a short period of use (up to 3-5 days), but they have a more aggressive effect on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, so it is better for people with diseases of the digestive system to use tablets based on ampicillin or amoxicillin.

Important! Do not take antibiotics without a doctor's prescription. These drugs are potent drugs that can adversely affect the functioning of the nervous, vascular system, heart, liver and kidneys. Only a doctor should prescribe antibacterial drugs, as well as their dosage and regimen.

What to do if an abscess has grown on a festering gum?

An abscess is a purulent cavity that is formed as a result of acute inflammation of the soft tissues. In no case should you open an abscess on your own - this can lead to secondary infection of the gums and mucous membranes and a deterioration in the patient's well-being. The doctor opens the abscess with a special tool, after which he cleans the cavity from pus, conducts antiseptic treatment and installs drainage for the outflow of pus and exudate.

Drainage cannot be removed. As the wound surface heals, it will fall out by itself. If the drainage is removed ahead of time, the gum can grow along with pus, which will lead to a repeated infectious and inflammatory process.

home treatment

Self-treatment without consulting a doctor is not recommended due to the high risk of progression of the inflammatory process and the penetration of infection into the deep layers of the periodontium. You can use folk recipes only as an emergency measure before going to the dentist or as an addition to the main therapy.

Young potatoes contain a lot of starch, which has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and enveloping effects. A similar effect can be achieved using beets, carrots and other starchy vegetables. Compresses from potatoes or potato juice perfectly draw out pus, so this recipe is considered one of the most effective for combating purulent inflammation of the gums.

To cure gums with potatoes, you must:

  • peel one medium sized potato;
  • grate it on a medium or large grater;
  • fold the potato mass into gauze and squeeze the juice;
  • apply it liberally on a cotton swab and apply to the inflamed gums.

Keep the compress for 15-20 minutes. If you do this procedure 2-3 times a day, already on the third day you can notice significant improvements. For complete healing of the gums, it is necessary to continue treatment up to 5-7 days.

Sea salt with chamomile tea

This recipe is not very popular, but it helps to quickly cope even with purulent forms of inflammation in the gums. It is prepared in two stages. First you should prepare a decoction of chamomile flowers. To do this, 80 g of dried inflorescences should be poured with 500 ml of boiling water and boiled for about 25 minutes over low heat. After this, the broth must be removed from the stove, insisted for an hour and strained. You can store it for 5 days in the refrigerator.

To prepare the compress itself, you need to add a teaspoon of chamomile decoction to one teaspoon of chopped table salt and mix. Wrap the resulting liquid slurry in gauze and apply to the sore spot for 30 minutes. After the procedure, rinse your mouth with 50 ml of chamomile decoction. It is recommended to do such compresses 3-4 times a day. To eliminate purulent inflammation, 5-7 days of treatment are enough.

Advice! When choosing salt, it is better to give preference to an unrefined product, since the content of minerals in such salt is higher.

Cyclamen juice

The juice of this plant is a well-known folk remedy to combat sinusitis and other types of sinusitis, but few people know that it is also an excellent medicine against purulent processes in the oral cavity. Juice is extracted from the tubers of the plant. Before use, it must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 1.

Moisten a piece of cotton wool with the finished solution and make a compress. Keep it on for at least 15 minutes. Repeat the procedure 2 times a day for 10 days.

Note! Cyclamen refers to plants with high allergenic properties. If during treatment there is a strong burning sensation in the mouth, itching, or a small pale pink rash has formed on the surface of the gums, the use of this method should be stopped, and the mouth should be rinsed with plenty of cold water. If the allergy symptoms are too pronounced, you can take a pill "Loratadin" or "Suprastin".

Purulent inflammation of the gums is a dangerous pathological symptom that may indicate severe damage to the soft tissues of the periodontium or periodontium. It is impossible to prescribe treatment on your own with such a clinical picture: improper therapy can lead to the spread of the lesion to the region of the root system of the tooth. In rare cases, the infection can enter the bloodstream and cause the development of sepsis, so if you have any signs of a purulent lesion of the gums, you should consult a doctor.

Video - Removal of pus from the gums

An abscess is a small abscess that forms on the gum. Often people are not fully aware of its danger, which is why they put off going to the doctor. This can lead to serious complications and even to the death of the patient, therefore, treatment should not be delayed. It is worth resorting to folk remedies only when going to the doctor is impossible.

Why does an abscess occur?

Bacteria live in the human mouth. When the gums are injured, they penetrate into the resulting wound, provoking an inflammatory process. The accumulation of pus causes swelling of the affected tissue area - an abscess (see photo). To provoke the development of an abscess can lower immunity, caries, inflammation of the gums or injury.

The first symptoms of suppuration

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First, the patient notices bleeding while brushing his teeth. Then there is pain when biting, greatly complicating the process of eating. There is a discharge of pus, bad breath and fever. Possible darkening of the tooth enamel. In advanced cases, a person experiences constant severe pain. An abscess may rupture on its own, resulting in short-term relief of symptoms.

Treatment of an abscess at home

It is impossible to cure an abscess at home. Self-medication can only alleviate the symptoms of the disease in the case when a visit to the doctor is not possible.

Some folk remedies can help reduce inflammation, while others can draw out pus. Often applied:

  1. infusions of medicinal herbs and solutions of antiseptics;
  2. cold compresses and ice;
  3. painkillers.

After the occurrence of an abscess, you must continue to brush your teeth or otherwise maintain oral hygiene. Inflammation occurs due to bacteria living in the mouth, so it is important to clean them along with plaque. Heating an abscess or rinsing with warm solutions is unacceptable, as is an attempt to open an abscess on your own - this can lead to the development of sepsis.

Rinsing with herbal infusions

Herbal infusions such as sage, chamomile, calendula and arnica effectively fight inflammation. Pour a teaspoon of a mixture of these herbs with 200 ml of water, boil and let it brew for 20 minutes. The resulting decoction should be passed through gauze and rinsed with it in the mouth. These herbs have anti-inflammatory properties, so after a few rinses, the size of the abscess will noticeably decrease.

soda rinse

If the gum is festering, then ordinary baking soda can be used. Its solution has pronounced antibacterial properties, so it is great for disinfecting the oral cavity. To prepare it, you need to dilute a spoonful of soda in a glass of warm water. Rinse at least 4 times a day. As a result of this procedure, the abscess will decrease and the patient will soon feel relief.


Cold compresses can be used to relieve symptoms. To prepare it, moisten a piece of gauze in the solution and place it on the inflamed area. A cold compress will not only cool the gums, but also reduce inflammation. For the treatment of an abscess, you can use:

  • salt solution;
  • onion juice or decoction;
  • cloves.

Although hot compresses are better for reducing pain, their use for abscesses and other festering wounds is strictly prohibited. Heating the abscess leads to an increase in local blood circulation, due to which purulent masses can enter the bloodstream. As a result, inflammation can move to other organs and tissues. Sepsis (blood poisoning) is especially dangerous - a serious complication that can lead to the death of the patient.

Treatment with ginger root

With an abscess, ginger root helps a lot. This plant has anti-inflammatory properties and helps relieve swelling. Ginger tea is good for treating oral problems. To prepare it, it is enough to mix 6 teaspoons of the crushed root with a glass of water and boil this mixture over low heat for 10 minutes. After that, let the broth brew for 5 minutes and add a little honey to it.

To draw out pus from an abscess, you can make a ginger compress (see also:). To prepare it, you should cut off a small piece from the root, peel it and attach it to the abscess. If there is no fresh root, then dried root can also be used, in the form of a powder.

Other ways to draw out pus

Lime compresses for gums are effective. For cooking, you need to mix linden flowers and oak bark in equal proportions. The resulting mixture is poured with water, insisted for 30 minutes and carefully filtered.

  • Chamomile and St. John's wort are mixed in a ratio of 1: 2 in a porcelain container. The medicinal mass is poured with boiling water, tightly closed with a lid and incubated for about 30-40 minutes. At the end, the product is carefully filtered and used to perform mouth rinses.
  • To relieve pain, an agent prepared from the herb agrimony is effective. You need to take 6 tablespoons of dry grass, pour 1 liter of water, boil for five minutes and insist under a tight lid for 4 hours. The agent is filtered and used for rinsing the mouth.

When is it necessary to urgently see a doctor?

Contrary to popular belief, purulent inflammation almost never goes away on its own. If the gum aches, then you need to go to the dentist. Treatment at home can only alleviate the symptoms of the disease. Complications of purulent inflammation can be severe and even dangerous for the patient. Without proper treatment, the abscess will begin to grow in size. In the future, its contents can enter the bloodstream, causing sepsis.

This article will tell you:

  • why abscesses appear on the gums;
  • how to recognize suppuration of the gums;
  • what to do if an abscess has formed on the gum.

An abscess on the gum is the result of an inflammatory process present in the soft tissues of the oral cavity. When an abscess occurs, a limited area is formed in the affected tissues where purulent fluid accumulates. The formation of periodontal abscesses can be triggered by various factors, but mainly abscesses accompany untreated infectious diseases of the dentition segments in time.

The presence of pus in the oral cavity is a reason for immediate medical attention. An abscess can cause significant harm to the health of its owner, as it is a source of infection. Although abscesses are localized to small areas of soft tissue, infection can spread far beyond the area of ​​​​abscesses, provoking a variety of pathological conditions that require additional and sometimes complex treatment. What a periodontal abscess looks like on the gums, you can see in the photo.

If you notice that your gums are abscessing and do not know what to do, then you need to visit a dentist as soon as possible. Effective treatment of an abscess on the gums is possible only in a dental office. You should not hope that the abscess will overflow with pus, burst, pus will flow out of the inflamed area and everything will heal. The contents of the abscess can be released into the oral cavity, but in full the pathological microflora is removed from the site of inflammation only by a specialist - neither time nor folk remedies for rinsing the mouth will cure the abscess.

The causes of periodontal abscesses dentists are required to establish in each clinical case in order to select an effective treatment, including the elimination of the factor that caused the formation of the abscess. Often, the location of the abscess can determine the cause of its appearance.

An abscess on the gum near the tooth in most situations occurs against the background of periodontitis, an inflammatory process that occurs in the region of the upper part of the tooth root. Periodontitis is a complication of pulpitis (inflammation of the dental nerve), and pulpitis is a consequence of caries. Carious bacteria attack dental tissues, destroy them, if left untreated, they penetrate into the dental nerve and infect it, and if at this stage the microbes are not removed from the dental canals, they leave them through a small hole in the upper part of the root of the dental unit, entering the periodontium. When microbes enter the periodontium, a neoplasm of a purulent nature, a cyst, begins to form near the top of the tooth root. If the pus becomes crowded, it can make its way through neighboring tissues and exit into the oral cavity along the so-called fistulous tract. At the site of the opening of the fistula, a white abscess is visible on the gum, purulent fluid is periodically released from it.

The second most common cause of an abscess on the gums near the tooth is periodontitis, an inflammatory process in the soft tissues surrounding the teeth, accompanied by the formation of periodontal pockets. Periodontal pockets quickly become contaminated with food debris, bacteria develop in them, as a result of which the risk of infection entering the soft tissues and the formation of a gingival abscess is significantly increased.

A purulent abscess on the gums can also be provoked by less serious problems, so if your gums fester, you do not need to be scared ahead of time. After examination, the doctor can determine that the problem is caused by subgingival caries, poor oral hygiene, decreased immunity, digestive system disease, and even damage to the gum tissue by an incorrectly installed denture, braces or filling.

Periodontal abscesses are diagnosed in both adult and pediatric dentistry. In this case, the causes of an abscess depend on the age category of the patient. In particular, an abscess on the gums in a child often appears after an incorrect filling on a milk tooth, and periodontitis and periodontitis are adult diseases that children suffer from only as an exception.

An abscess on the gums is a rather noticeable pathology, and patients notice it, as a rule, quickly. It all starts with the fact that the affected area of ​​soft tissue bleeds and swells, reacts sharply to thermal and mechanical stimuli. At first, only redness can be seen on the gum, then a purulent vesicle grows on it. In parallel with the growth of an abscess, a person’s well-being worsens, body temperature rises, and bad breath appears.

An abscess on the gums - how to treat yourself?

As we have already noted, at home, the treatment of an abscess on the gums is not performed. But on their own, each person can provide himself with something like first aid. If the abscess does not hurt, then no action can be taken, but if the abscess causes significant discomfort, it is necessary to use therapeutic agents that will alleviate the unpleasant symptoms of the inflammatory process and help to “hold out” until the appointment time appointed by the dentist, or at least until the morning if the gum hurts at night.

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So, how to rinse an abscess on the gum?

Two options are suitable for this purpose: folk remedies, and drugs. In any pharmacy you can buy the most common antiseptics, such as Chlorhexidine, Miramistin or Furacilin. If you prefer traditional medicine, then you can buy medicinal plants that have a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, and prepare decoctions or tinctures from them. The gums have a beneficial effect: chamomile, calendula, sage, oak bark, linden, St. John's wort, eucalyptus. in which it is necessary to dissolve salt and soda.

Regardless of whether you choose a medicinal or folk remedy to alleviate the symptoms that accompany a gingival abscess, the mouthwash should be at room temperature - hot rinses during inflammatory processes are prohibited, since inflammation increases from high temperature. Rinse the mouth every time after eating, as well as when pain occurs.

When a periodontal abscess is very painful, rinsing will not be effective enough - in this situation, you need to take a painkiller and antipyretic pill if your body temperature has risen. It is categorically not recommended to open an abscess or irritate it in any other way - this can only worsen the situation.

Treatment of gum abscess in dentistry

When a dentist is going to eliminate an abscess on the gum, the treatment of this problem always involves removing the source of infection from the soft tissues, but medical procedures are not limited to this. The first step in the treatment of periodontal abscess is the sanitation of the oral cavity in order to clean the oral cavity from harmful microorganisms as much as possible. Sanitation includes professional cleaning of the dentition from plaque and treatment of all teeth with caries. In some cases, the condition of the abscess does not allow for complete sanitation. If the doctor understands that the abscess needs to be urgently opened, the microbes are removed only from the area where the abscess is located, so that after the abscess opens, the infection does not again enter the operated area from the nearest diseased tooth.

When an abscess is eliminated against the background of periodontitis, the dental unit, at the top of which inflammation is present, is treated therapeutically or surgically. The infection is removed not only from the soft gum tissues, but also from the periodontium and dental canals. The therapeutic method of treating a tooth is based on placing a medicinal substance in the dental canals, and the surgical method is based on cutting the periodontal tissues and cleaning the cyst from the periodontium with special tools.

If an abscess on the gums has formed against the background of periodontitis, the patient undergoes a course of anti-inflammatory therapy. The dentist disinfects the periodontal pockets with antiseptics, puts anti-inflammatory drugs in them, antibiotics can be prescribed to the patient. When the inflammatory process subsides, curettage of the periodontal pocket is performed - this is a surgical operation that allows you to clear the pocket of pathological contents.
If caries is named as the cause of the abscess, the tooth heals, if the abscess is provoked by improper installation of braces, fillings or dentures, these elements are removed from the dental tissues and corrected.

How to prevent the occurrence of an abscess?

Dentists recommend that everyone who cares about the health of their teeth and gums follow these simple rules:

  1. Pay close attention to oral hygiene. Poor hygiene is the main cause of all dental diseases. Complex cleaning of teeth, gums and tongue is impossible if only a toothbrush and paste are used - you need to use dental floss to remove dirt from the interdental spaces, hard-to-reach places in the oral cavity should be cleaned with an irrigator, it is also advisable to use special rinses to remove germs from the mouth after meals .
  2. Find a good dentist and visit him every six months, even if neither the teeth nor the gums hurt. Treatment by a good specialist practically eliminates the possibility of incorrect installation of a filling or prosthesis. And periodic scheduled visits to the dentist will allow timely detection and elimination of problems in the oral cavity, without bringing caries to pulpitis.
  3. Lead a healthy lifestyle and maintain a high level of immunity.

Where to go to treat an abscess on the gums in Kharkov?

Have you noticed an abscess on your gums, but you doubt which dentistry is better to contact? It is a completely natural situation, because in Kharkov there are many dental institutions of various profiles, but not every clinic has smart specialists who can quickly make an accurate diagnosis and cure both the abscess and the problem that caused it. In order not to waste time looking for a good dentist, we suggest that you provide this work to the information service "Guide to Dentistry". After you dial our service number and tell the specialists what is bothering you, you will receive:

  • advice on your problem;
  • address of a verified dental institution;
  • names of qualified and experienced doctors who can provide you with effective dental care.

"Guide to Dentistry" saves time and resources of a potential client of Kharkov dentistry. All information is provided completely free of charge and with a quality guarantee!

An abscess on the gum looks like a small bag, a cavity that is filled with pus. It is formed for various reasons. If you use the medical term, then such a formation will be called an abscess.

An abscess is a consequence of infection in healthy tissues. Leukocytes responsible for the destruction of unfriendly cells, after their capture, remain there, dying. This constant accumulation of infected and dead cells is manifested in the accumulation of pus.

In the event of the appearance of such formations, it is imperative to consult a doctor, otherwise it can lead to rather serious consequences.

Reasons for the appearance

There are several reasons for the appearance of an abscess in the oral cavity on the gums. It is worth mentioning only two of the main ones. The fact is that the appearance of these causes is due to the presence of many factors, in each case different.

Infectious focus at the top of the tooth root

A similar disease in which the formation and development of a focus of acute infection at the root occurs is called periodontitis.

The main factors influencing its development are:

  • caries who was not cured in a timely manner;
  • pulpitis in advanced form, not treated;
  • Poorly performed dental treatment manipulations - incomplete and insufficient filling which happens quite often.

At the initial stage, the abscess appears inside the gums. For a long time there are absolutely no symptoms, so diagnosis is very difficult.

Although already at this time a granuloma or cyst forms near the root. These two neoplasms differ in nature, but arise for similar reasons.

If the formation becomes noticeable on the outer side of the gum and acute pain appears, then the disease has aggravated. It can be caused by many factors, such as stress, a cold, a viral infection in the body, a general weakening of the immune system.

Periodontitis or gum disease

In this disease, a pocket of different depths is formed between the surface of the tooth root and the gum itself, which is called periodontal. These pockets have dental subgingival deposits. Ultimately, they are the main reason that inflammation and suppuration begin in the gums.

The part of the gum that is directly adjacent to the tooth becomes swollen and may bleed slightly. Sometimes a certain amount of pus can be released from it when pressed and spontaneously.

If the pocket is very deep, this may be the reason for the lack of outflow of pus from it. Then a purulent abscess is formed in the gum. If it appears, you can notice in the place where the projection of the pocket is located, a swelling in the form of an abscess.

In the following video, you will learn one of the possible causes of an abscess:

Other reasons can also lead to the appearance of an abscess on the gum, for example, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, permanent plaque on the teeth and tongue and so on, but all of them subsequently lead to the two above.


The severity of the consequences of treatment not performed at all or not on time is completely independent of the size of the abscess. It can be a few millimeters in diameter, or up to one and a half to two centimeters in diameter.

If today a similar formation appeared on the gum, you should immediately seek medical help. In many cases, this does not even need to wait until the morning, because the growth process can be very active. This means that the next day the abscess can grow to a critical size.

Advanced forms of the disease can cause general blood poisoning. With the development of the disease, it can also develop into a chronic form. periodontal disease. At the same time, suppuration loses its clear localization and spreads to the entire gum.

Sometimes such abscesses eventually pass into the next stage - flux. Then the inflammation spreads entirely to the entire cheek.

It is worth remembering that in the immediate vicinity there are facial muscles and nerves, as well as the meninges, which can also suffer from the spread and activation of the infectious purulent process.

An abscess that doesn't hurt

If a person suffers from severe pain that an abscess provokes, then he will certainly turn to a dentist. However, due to a small formation that looks like an abscess, which does not cause pain and discomfort, people are in no hurry to contact a specialist.

This behavior is completely wrong, because an abscess can very quickly develop into a much more problematic formation.

The reasons why ulcers do not cause pain may be different.

Small white growths - possibly a cyst

Such an education may be a cyst. It is characterized by the almost complete absence of any symptoms, including pain. It is an abscess preserved inside the gums that cannot come out.

The cyst carries a great danger with its complications, so the doctor must order an x-ray. It can occur due to a cold of the tissues of the gums and teeth, infection of tissues and dental canals, and much more.

Benign tumor or wen

It looks like a cyst - like a small seal. Wen, according to the name, consists of adipose tissue. It is not dangerous until such time as it begins to increase. After its detection, you should consult a doctor in order to fix the existing dimensions and further observation.

With the growth of wen, a change in shape and color, an urgent examination by a specialist is necessary. In no case should you try to get rid of it on your own, strive to ensure that the abscess on the gum bursts, or perform any other actions in relation to it. This can start an active growth process.

Reddish abscess

Most likely, such a formation indicates that the process of inflammation has begun in the gum. At an early stage, such ulcers do not give pain and can be successfully treated with antibiotics and special rinses.

However, the development of inflammation can lead to surgery, tooth loss, and even more serious complications.

It is forbidden to heat the place of formation of the abscess and rinse with hot solutions, as this can aggravate the process and activate it.

root inflammation

© elenbushe / Fotolia

In addition to the previous options, a small painless formation near the filled tooth can be caused by inflammation that has arisen in the region of the top of the tooth root.

Most often, there is no pain, because this formation is at the same time a fistulous tract through which excess pus drains.

The release of pus does not mean that you can let everything take its course and not consult a doctor, since the consequences can be very serious, for example, the transition to an open form, further infection of nearby tissues, and so on.

How to treat

Treatment of ulcers is a whole range of measures. It is desirable that a specialist does this, since self-medication can cause the activation of inflammatory processes and their aggravation.

  • The first step in any case is the sanitation of the oral cavity - removal of plaque, stone, caries treatment, professional cleaning, filling, if necessary, and much more. All sorts of impurities in the form of stone and plaque on the teeth and tongue do not allow the inflammation process to fade away, nourishing it all the time, and therefore must be removed.
  • The abscess must be opened surgically. Before that, it must be carefully examined, disinfected. Most often, an injection of an anesthetic is required.
  • The abscess cavity must be completely cleaned and disinfected.
  • After such an intervention, antibiotics are usually prescribed in order to avoid the resumption of the process and a new infection. In addition, a variety of drugs are needed that help healing and have a restorative effect, as well as rinsing.
  • When the abscess has grown strongly, it may be necessary to remove part of the root, crown or the entire tooth if the damage is too great and it is not subject to further treatment.

Features of treatment in a child

Treatment of ulcers on the gums in children may differ from the treatment of the same disease in adults. This is due to the fact that in children teeth can be both molars and milk teeth.

In the event of a purulent formation near the milk tooth, the abscess itself is treated in the same way as in an adult. But the tooth must be removed.

The fact is that inflammation can affect the healthy rudiments of permanent molars, making them unviable, and grow further.

Already grown molars, near which an abscess arose, are subject to mandatory treatment in the initial stages - the same as in adults.

An untimely visit to the doctor can provoke a general infection, inflammation of the nearby lymph nodes, and other unpleasant consequences. Be sure to monitor how the child performs the prescribed hygiene procedures.


Among the preventive methods, almost all relate exclusively to the hygiene of both the oral cavity and the general one.

  • Regular brushing of teeth in the morning and evening. It is advisable to brush or rinse your teeth after every meal.
  • Compliance with the general rules of hygiene - personal, nutrition, and so on.
  • Preventive examinations every six months (better - once a quarter) at the dentist-therapist.
  • Refusal of bad habits, adherence to sleep and nutrition, maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
  • Maintenance of the immune system.

It is also necessary to independently monitor the absence of any external changes on the gums and in the entire oral cavity. When they appear, you should immediately make an appointment with the dentist.

A photo

Periodontal abscess:

An abscess on the gums in a child:

Flux and cyst:


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Very often, purulent formations are often the result of this. This condition is extremely dangerous, both for an adult and for children.

If the violation is not cured in time, the infection can spread to the entire oral cavity and even lead to serious complications that are extremely dangerous for human health.

What is an abscess?

An abscess on the gum is a small sac filled with purulent fluid. In medicine, this phenomenon is called an abscess.

Suppuration can manifest itself in completely different ways, redness is often observed, and swelling of the gums, soreness, and purulent discharge, in more severe cases, the temperature rises.

The cheek and soft tissues of the face may also swell. As a rule, this condition is preceded by an infection of the oral cavity, which must be detected in time. The sooner the source is identified, the easier and faster the treatment will be.

Causes and risk factors

There are many reasons why the gums can fester, however, the main ones are:

Risk factors for the occurrence of purulent bumps on the gums can also include:

  • various kinds of injuries - these are both mechanical damage and injuries that are caused by improper installation of prostheses, and;
  • banal hypothermia can also lead to suppuration of the gums;
  • various chronic infectious diseases;
  • non-compliance with oral hygiene;
  • bad habits, especially smoking.

Symptoms of the violation

The main symptom is the occurrence of suppuration on the gums, accompanied by an inflammatory process.

In addition, there is also redness and swelling of the gums.

In some cases, acute pain occurs, the general condition worsens, an unpleasant one may appear, the enamel on the teeth may darken.

When inflammation spreads to the entire tooth cavity, body temperature often rises.

The photo shows what an abscess looks like on the gum

Therapy Methods

The first thing to do if the gum fester is to eliminate the source of infection.

Depending on the provoking factor, the following therapeutic measures are prescribed:

Before you go to the dentist

Before contacting a doctor, you can treat gum abscesses at home. This will help reduce pain and alleviate the condition of the patient.

It must be remembered that it is by no means possible to open suppuration on your own, and it is also forbidden to warm the sore spot.

You can pull pus out of the gums near the tooth with the help of such means:

  1. soda solution. A spoonful of soda is dissolved in a glass of boiling water and used for rinsing.
  2. Hydrogen peroxide. Make a solution of hydrogen peroxide and water 1: 1, rinse the gums 1 time in two days. This disinfects the oral cavity and helps to remove the inflammatory process.
  3. Tea. You can also rinse with freshly brewed black tea.
  4. Chamomile. The plant has a pronounced antiseptic effect, therefore it is effective for any type of inflammation.

In addition, you can use an aloe leaf, lubricating it with an inflamed gum. If the cheek is very swollen, ice can be applied, it will help reduce pain.

When an abscess on the gums is observed, it is allowed to take a pill from the group of analgesics.

Help for little patients

Often gum abscess is observed in children. Treatment of abscesses on milk and molars in a child has its own differences.

If an abscess is found on a milk tooth, then most often this indicates a disease such as periodontitis. In this case, the tooth is removed to prevent the infection from spreading and damaging the permanent teeth. Also, after removal, antibiotic therapy is carried out.

Treatment of molars with the same diagnosis is carried out, as well as in adults. An abscess is opened, and if the tooth is to be treated, then it is saved.

Possible Complications

If you do not treat purulent formations on the gums in time, this can lead to serious complications.

Lack of treatment is a consequence of the development of periodontal disease, which, with a long course, leads to complete loss of teeth.

In addition, a small abscess can cause the occurrence, in which surgical intervention is necessary.

The inflammatory process can affect the entire oral cavity and lead to blood poisoning, which sometimes leads to disappointing consequences.

Moreover, growths on the gums can become a complication of this condition, very often they become the cause of osteomyelitis, which is characterized by inflammation of the bone tissue. This is a serious disease that requires careful and long-term therapy.

You also need to remember that the constant presence of infection leads to a decrease in the body's defenses and the development of additional diseases.

Preventive actions

To avoid problems with gums and teeth, the following preventive measures must be observed:

Of course, a purulent sac on the gums is a serious pathology that requires immediate medical attention and a competent approach to treatment. In order to avoid this condition, both adults and children should adhere to certain preventive measures.

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