Electronic cigarettes: reviews from doctors. Are electronic cigarettes harmful or not? Electronic cigarettes – benefits and harms, do they help you quit smoking? What types of electronic cigarettes are there (ego, mech mods, without nicotine, etc.)

Anna Mironova

Reading time: 7 minutes


Anyone who has ever tried to quit this habit knows how difficult it is to quit smoking. And although for some it is enough to simply want, or extreme case, to take advantage of various ones, most have to quit for a long time and painfully. To make life easier for smokers and, most importantly, for the people around them, resourceful Chinese invented e-Sigs. Are there any benefits to these fashionable cigarette substitutes, are they harmless, and what do experts say?

Electronic cigarette device, composition of liquid for electronic cigarettes

The currently fashionable device, which for many has become the only solution in light of the smoking ban law, consists of:

  • LED (imitation of the “light” on the tip of a cigarette).
  • Battery and microprocessor.
  • Sensor.
  • Sprayer and the contents of the replacement cartridge.

The electronic device is charged from the network or directly from the laptop. Its duration is 2-8 hours, depending on the intensity of use.

Concerning liquid composition, which is purchased separately and has various aromatic additives (vanilla, coffee, etc.) - it consists of basics (glycerin and propylene glycol mixed in different dosages), flavoring and nicotine . However, the latter may be absent altogether.

What are the components of the base?

  • Propylene glycol.
    viscous, clear liquid colorless, with a faint odor, slightly sweet taste and hygroscopic properties. Approved for use (as food additives) In all countries. Widely used in the food and pharmaceutical industries, for cars, in the production of cosmetics, etc. It is practically non-toxic in comparison with other glycols. Partially excreted from the body unchanged, the remainder is converted into lactic acid, metabolized in the body.
  • Glycerol.
    Viscous liquid, colorless, hygroscopic. Also widely used in most different areas industry. Acrolein, formed during the dehydration of glycerol, can be toxic to the respiratory tract.

Reviews from doctors about electronic cigarettes: are electronic cigarettes harmful or beneficial?

Such an innovation as electronic cigarettes immediately attracted the majority of smokers, so the question of their harm faded into the background. And this is not surprising - You can smoke electronic cigarettes at work, in a restaurant, in bed and everywhere else , where smoking classic cigarettes has long been prohibited. The only difference, at first glance, is that instead of smoke, steam is released with a very pleasant smell and without harm to suffering passive smokers.

What other advantages of “electronics”?

  • A regular cigarette contains ammonia, benzene, cyanide, arsenic, harmful resins, carbon monoxide, carcinogens, etc. There are no such components in electronics.
  • From "electronic" leaves no marks on teeth or fingers in the form of a yellow coating.
  • At home (on clothes, in mouth) no smell tobacco smoke .
  • You don’t have to worry too much about fire safety precautions – if you fall asleep with your electronic device, nothing will happen.
  • For the money Electronic is cheaper regular cigarettes. It is enough to buy several bottles of liquid (one is enough for several months) - different in flavor and dosage of nicotine, as well as replaceable cartridges.

At first glance, there are a lot of advantages. And no harm! But - not everything is so simple.

Firstly, electronic devices are not subject to mandatory certification. What does it mean? This means that they are not subject to supervision or control. That is, a cigarette purchased at a store checkout may not be as safe as manufacturers are trying to convince us.

Secondly, the WHO did not subject e-cigarettes to serious research - there were only superficial tests carried out more out of curiosity than for reasons of public safety.

Well, and thirdly , the opinions of experts about “electronics” are not the most optimistic:

  • Despite the external “harmlessness” of electronics, There is still nicotine in it . On the one hand, this is a plus. Because giving up regular cigarettes is easier - nicotine continues to enter the body, and the imitation cigarette “deceives” hands accustomed to the “smoking stick”. The well-being of electronic smokers also improves - because harmful impurities stop entering the body. And even oncologists said (though evidence based on in-depth research, they could not prove) that liquid for refilling cigarettes cannot cause cancer. But! Nicotine continues to enter the body. That is, you still won’t be able to quit smoking. Because having barely received one dose of nicotine (no matter - from a regular cigarette, patch, electronic device or chewing gum), the body immediately begins to demand a new one. It turns out vicious circle. But there is no point in talking about the dangers of nicotine - everyone knows about it.
  • Psychiatrists also confirm this fact. : electronics are a change from one “nipple” to a more fragrant one.
  • Narcologists are also joining them. : The craving for nicotine does not go away, does not decrease, and nicotine dosing options do not matter.
  • The “harmlessness” of electronic cigarettes plays a serious role in creating an interest in smoking in our children . If it’s not harmful, it means it’s possible! Yes, and somehow more respectable, with a cigarette.
  • As for toxicologists – they look at e-cigarettes with suspicion. Because the absence harmful substances and smoke in the air is by no means proof of the harmlessness of electrons. But there were no proper tests.
  • American FDA against e-cigarettes : analysis of the cartridges showed the presence of carcinogenic substances in them and the discrepancy between the declared composition of the cartridges and the real one. In particular, nitrosamine found in the composition can cause cancer. And in nicotine-free cartridges, again, contrary to the manufacturers’ statements, nicotine was detected. That is, when buying an electronic cigarette, we cannot be sure of the absence of harm, and the “filling” of the electronic cigarette remains a mystery for us, shrouded in darkness.
  • E-Sigs - good business . This is what many unscrupulous manufacturers take advantage of.
  • Inhalation of smoke and steam are different processes. The second option does not bring the saturation that a regular cigarette gives. That's why the nicotine monster begins to demand a dose more often than with regular smoking. To regain the “charm” of old sensations, many begin to smoke even more often or increase the strength of the liquid they refill. Where does this lead? To an overdose of nicotine. This is also the result of the temptation to smoke everywhere and at any time, and the illusion of harmlessness.
  • WHO warns that e-cigarettes have not been proven safe . And the tests that were carried out on these fashionable devices indicate serious discrepancies in the quality of the composition, the presence of harmful impurities and the amount of nicotine. A high concentration of propylene glycol leads to respiratory problems.

To smoke or not to smoke? And what exactly should you smoke? Everyone chooses for themselves. It will be possible to say about the harm or benefit of these devices only after many years. But to the question – will e-mail help you quit smoking – the answer is clear. Will not help. By replacing an ordinary cigarette with a beautiful and fragrant one, you can't rid your body of nicotine , and you won't stop being a smoker.

Electronic cigarettes appeared relatively recently, the first versions were considered by users as toys, and became widespread after smoking bans in in public places. People begin to “vape” and then smoke with electronic cigarettes, and they try to break the bad habit with them; in some ways, it’s even becoming fashionable. Users inexperienced in vaping are concerned with the question of how to choose an electronic cigarette and do it correctly. Indeed, among the variety of models presented, it is easy to get confused.

An electronic cigarette is a compact device, in most cases imitating a regular cigarette. It consists of a small battery, an atomizer, a heater, and a cartridge (tank) with a mixture of liquid ingredients. The external design of simple vapes resembles the appearance of a regular cigarette, while advanced ones are a small box.

The principle of operation of the device is very simple: when you puff, the liquid heats up and evaporates; the vapor has properties similar to tobacco smoke. Creating the illusion of full-fledged smoking is not the only reminder of tobacco; nicotine is present in the vaporizer liquid, but its dose can vary, up to its complete absence.

Among other ingredients, the composition includes food grade glycerin, propylene glycol, and various flavorings.

According to the manufacturers, the electronic cigarette causes less harm to health, than usual. The composition of various flavoring ingredients and the operating principle of the device itself are revealed. Steam, unlike tobacco smoke, does not contain harmful toxins and the concept of “passive smoking/vaping” does not apply to evaporators.

In some ways, an electronic device is more convenient than conventional tobacco products.

  1. Absence of various harmful substances contained in a regular cigarette.
  2. Safety for others and the ability to “vape” indoors or any other place where smoking regular cigarettes is prohibited.
  3. The user can limit himself to 1 – 2 puffs, which means he can use the vape only when necessary. When you light a cigarette, there is a natural need to finish smoking it. When a person decides to quit a bad habit, it is quite possible to get by with ES; in moments of acute need for nicotine, you will not need to buy a pack of cigarettes or smoke an entire one.

Types and characteristics of electronic cigarettes

There are many types of ES, but there are 4 main categories.

  1. Mini evaporators– an excellent external imitation of a regular cigarette. Super-mini models can also be included in this group. A small disposable device contains a small battery and a cartridge. The lifespan of a mini-cigarette is enough for 150-200 puffs, after which the device is disposed of. Use does not require any manipulation; the vaporizer works with every puff.
  2. Penstyle– a small cigarette, looks like an ordinary pen: length up to 15 cm, thickness 1 cm. The resource of one refill is comparable to one pack of cigarettes. It is noteworthy that the design is standard, regardless of the manufacturer, all parts are interchangeable.
  3. Classic electronic deviceseGo or “egoshki”" They are larger than mini ones, therefore they have a larger cartridge and a capacious battery. This type of device is most widespread; reusable electronic cigarettes can be refilled, evaporators and drapes can be changed.
  4. Mods (box mod, mech mod)- a device that looks little like a regular cigarette. This whole block with buttons and additional functions. This category can include cigars and pipes - all types of electronic cigarettes with a complex device.

Based on information provided by sellers and manufacturers various types ES, there is a significant difference between the types. If the “mini” class options do not require maintenance, they are chosen based on the principle of “what flavor and body color you like best,” then more complex models will require special attention. You should take a closer look at each type offered to users, evaluate their features and decide which electronic cigarette is worth purchasing.

Mini and penstyle

As already mentioned, mini and super-mini are the simplest and most inexpensive models that do not require switching on, refueling or any maintenance. Another name for this species is disposable electronic cigarettes. The simple design is easy to use. If you want to try what an evaporator is, this is the best choice.

Electronic cigarette Fresh Nano 105

The disadvantages of the device are obvious: the battery is small (on average 200 mAh), the liquid runs out very quickly, the small atomizer generates very little vapor.

Penstyle evaporators already outdated, it is something between mini and eGo. For regular use, they have too small a battery, and for a one-time test, the price and increased service life are too noticeable.


Types of the eGo class have become the most widespread; they are equipped with a more capacious battery (600 - 1000 mAH) and a larger liquid cartridge, compared to the “mini” ones; accordingly, the size has become larger. Depending on the model, they use an opaque cartomizer tank, which combines a cartridge and an evaporator in one capsule, or a clearomizer, a transparent container for liquid connected to a vapor-generating capsule.

The eGo format is good alternative regular cigarettes, the evaporator is suitable for daily use, and the main advantage was the ability to refill it, change the evaporator and charge the battery. Some models have power adjustment.

Electronic cigarette eGo-T CE4

With a small size, the cigarette generates as much steam as the smoke produced by a tobacco cigarette, in other words, it has a “cigarette puff.”

Such types of vape devices as “box mod” and “mech mod” are considered one of the most progressive or, as vape lovers put it, advanced electronic cigarette. Choosing a mod will not be easy, especially as your first vape. The variety of choice and layout is very large. Below are the main characteristics inherent in this species.

  1. Power. It can vary greatly in mods, but the main thing is that it is adjustable, so the user can customize the vape for himself. As a rule, the most powerful models are equipped with two batteries.
  2. Battery capacity determines the time of continuous use, respectively, the larger it is, the longer the device will work. Medium-capacity models will last one to one and a half days.
  3. Power type is also important. There are versions with a built-in battery, charged from the mains or via USB, or with a removable battery.
  4. Layout: a combined model (box + atomizer) or an option for advanced users - the user selects an automizer for a separate box at his discretion.

There are also cloud chasing devices is a type of competition where participants release clouds or rings of vapor from vaping devices. They are distinguished by thick case walls and good protection against overheating. Is it worth taking such a model for a beginner? Perhaps, if there is a great desire to compete.

Box mods and mech mods are more powerful than eGo, but more difficult to use. Firstly, they can be adapted to your taste, various ways Coil coils will provide better flavor and vapor generation. Advanced users prefer to purchase the tank and evaporator separately.

Boxmods equipped with electronic board, may have a display. They are functional; in addition to various adjustments, they include such an option as a thermostat. This function controls the operation of the ES, excluding “dry puff” when the user smokes a cigarette with an empty liquid tank.

It is worth noting that such equipment is very useful: if there is no refill in the cigarette, the coil begins to burn and smoke, and a “dry puff” leaves a very unpleasant taste sensation.

Speaking about mods, it should be noted that this is not the best choice for beginners, as well as for those who do not want to deal with their service. One way or another, you will have to figure out how resistance affects the taste and volume of vapor, how to wind the coil correctly, and what consumables to choose.

Atomizer, clearomizer, cartomizer

The concept of atomizer combines all modifications, in other words, an atomizer is a part of an electronic cigarette - evaporator. This important element any wipe device, but you should only be interested in them when purchasing advanced models, because disposable ones have built-in ones and are not replaceable.

Atomizer– a classic evaporator, it is a ceramic flask with a spiral wound inside. The evaporator, reacting to the puff, heats the liquid, turning it into vapor. Atomizer suitable for frequent changes liquids with different tastes, it is easy to refill and maintain. Lack of evaporator in need regular cleaning In addition, a closed tank does not allow visual control of the remaining liquid.

Clearomizer– this is the same atomizer, but combined with a cartridge. This type of evaporator features a transparent liquid tank, which is very convenient. The clearomizer is larger in volume, easy to maintain, and durable. Cons – may retain the aroma from the previous dressing.

Good to know! When choosing a clearomizer, you should pay attention to its base. There are 3 types: serviceable, removable or combined (removable and serviceable).

Cartomizer contains a replaceable disposable atomizer. The heater is deeply immersed in the liquid, which contributes to thicker steam compared to classic ES.

What is better to choose

Those who want to give up a bad habit can choose a disposable cigarette, but if the dependence on nicotine is too strong, they will have to purchase a new one too often, and this will result in significant expenses. A reusable eGo version would be a good replacement for tobacco. The evaporator is small in size and has a familiar cylindrical shape, generating small clouds of vapor, similar to cigarettes.

Today, vaping, although dubious, is entertainment. Paying tribute to fashion and getting into vaping, you can choose any advanced mod. For those who do not want to delve into the specifics of resistance and coil winding, it is better to buy a combined version of the box mod (although it still needs to be serviced).

Box mods have a more pronounced taste than Egoshki.

Users who show great interest in the device will appreciate box mods where the tank and atomizer are sold separately. It would be useful to have a display that shows the installed power, temperature control, a wide power range and an attractive appearance. The pinnacle of vaping is setting up a mech mod yourself. The process will require knowledge and skill, but since users show interest in it, manufacturers provide the product.

At what age can you purchase and use a vape?

IN different models Vapes contain varying amounts of nicotine, similar to the strength of tobacco cigarettes. Among the liquids for electronic cigarettes there are: nicotine-free or "empty" versions, so many people wonder at what age is vaping allowed? Today, vaping is a relatively new device; as such, there are no regulatory laws yet.

In practice, it is unlikely that even an “empty” vape will be sold to minors - the law on the sale of tobacco products is very strict and tightly controlled. Drawing an analogy with regular cigarettes, vaping is not recommended for children under 18 years of age. First of all, an electronic cigarette visually imitates bad habit and psychologically pushes one to use regular cigarettes. The line between an “empty” cigarette and a nicotine cigarette is too clear, and vaping with nicotine is not significantly different from smoking light or very light cigarettes. Eat Great chance join the ranks of nicotine addicts.

Experienced smokers who have switched to ES do not recommend non-smokers to try them. Such reviews should be taken seriously - addiction to nicotine can be very strong.

Vapes for beginners: review of popular models

It’s difficult for newbie vipers to choose a device: they lack experience and understanding of what a vaporizer actually is. To get a rough idea of ​​what you should choose from, just take a closer look at the descriptions of the most popular models of 2016–2017.

Finally, I would like to note that the electronic cigarette is becoming a solution for people addicted to nicotine, because it can be smoked (more precisely, “vaped”) in the office, train, and other public places. The opinion that vaporizers are safer than regular cigarettes encourages the use of vapes as one of the methods to combat smoking, but this is rather a psychological technique.

The active distribution of vaporizers has become a kind of dubious trend, which is why many non-smokers are interested in them. They are purchased out of curiosity, citing the same opinion that they are safer. The results of such an experience vary, and often it becomes a habit.

The electronic cigarette is tirelessly making its way into the favorites among smoking gadgets. The relative safety of use (in comparison with conventional cigarettes) and attractive design make this device increasingly popular among modern people.

Just a few years ago, the electronic cigarette was large, bulky and was very far from perfect. But now the situation has changed radically. In vape shops, visitors are pleased with a huge selection of a wide variety of ES. What types of electronic cigarettes do modern manufacturers offer to vaping enthusiasts?

Electronic cigarettes offer a wide range of choices

An electronic cigarette is a kind of electric inhaler. The smoking process is carried out by heating the liquid in the cartridge to a vapor state.

The liquid in electronic cigarettes is converted into a fine vapor aerosol. In purely external terms, such vapor is similar to ordinary nicotine smoke.

According to its functional purpose, ES was created as an alternative to conventional smoking. Imitation of smoke creates this effect, and the design of the gadget (in the shape of a cigarette) completes the illusion. Structurally, the smoking device consists of the following elements:

  1. Battery (power source).
  2. Electric vaporizer (or atomizer).
  3. Liquid cartridge (container or storage).
  4. Additional elements for automatic control of aroma liquid supply (not available in all models).

How does an electronic cigarette work?

The principle of operation of the ES is very simple: the aroma liquid falls on a heated coil and is converted into aerosol vapor. The steam is discharged through a special channel to the outside - it is inhaled (soared) by the user.

An electronic cigarette, whose characteristics are very similar to classic cigarettes, cannot be unambiguously classified as a harmless smoking method. But, according to studies, vaping is much more harmless than habitual nicotine use.

All types of electronic cigarettes with liquid are designed to create an imitation regular smoking. The gadget also helps reduce dependence on nicotine and, over time, become permanently addicted to addiction. And the diverse and rich market of smoking devices allows you to choose an electronic device to suit any financial capabilities.

Size is key

Electronic cigarettes come in six main sizes. Classify types of electronic cigarettes, varying in size, using english alphabet with additional decoding. Let's get acquainted with the main types of ES.

Supermini (A)

Electronic cigarettes Supermini

The supermini variant ranges in size from 82mm to 105mm. The cartridge volume is designed to store liquids up to 400 µl. Such small dimensions can also accommodate a small battery (maximum capacity of 85 mAh). But this baby is as close as possible to the similarity with a regular cigarette. It also has disadvantages:

  • small cartridge capacity;
  • Battery drains too quickly.

Mini (B)

This option has dimensions of 90-120 mm. The gadget also has a larger storage volume (about 500 μl), as well as a charger capacity (about 350 mAh). Mini e-cigarettes are renowned for their higher vapor output compared to their tiny mini counterpart. They are more common and recommended for typical (average) smokers who consume 15-16 cigarettes per day.

Mini Electronic Cigarettes

Penstyle (C)

The penstyle type is more like an unusual pencil or pen. These types of electronic cigarettes are the most popular and widespread. Their characteristics:

  • length 125-175 mm;
  • storage volume from 0.9 ml;
  • battery capacity from 290 mAh.

Electronic cigarettes Penstyle

Penstyle cigarettes are known for their increased vaporization and easily satisfy the requirements of a person who fits into 20-23 cigarettes daily. The main disadvantage of this type of device is that it is too obviously different from a classic cigarette. But this is liked by people who want to attract increased interest.

Cigar (D)

Models of this type already by their name indicate their similarity to tobacco aromatic and imposing cigars. Their length is 125-175 mm, but their diameter is much thicker than penstyle. Due to its enlarged dimensions, such a gadget allows you to insert a more powerful battery (from 700 mAh) and a larger cartridge (from 1.2 ml).

Electronic cigarette modifications Cigar

Mod (I)

This class of smoking devices has little in common with the design of classic cigarettes. Sometimes Mods are so large that the steamer has to constantly hold them in his hands. The power supply capacity is quite powerful and can exceed 2,200 mAh. The evaporator also pleases the owner with the density and richness of the steam.

Electronic Cigarettes Mod

Class Mod thanks to its enough large sizes, allows installation in the device case internal system quality control of the vaping process. You can manually dose nicotine and adjust the vaporization temperature.

Tube (F)

This modification of electronic cigarettes was created especially for admirers of antique pipes. The design of the smoking device completely imitates the design of a pipe. This type of electronic cigarette has a powerful battery (from 1,000 mAh) and is quite rare on sale.

Electronic Cigarette Tube

Classification of smoking devices by size is a very important gradation. After all, the size and dimensions of a newfangled gadget directly affects its performance and efficiency..

When choosing an ES, you should take into account not only the appearance, but also its technical characteristics, including dimensions.

The compact and miniature device is not able to fully function due to its too small size. Therefore, when looking for a suitable gadget, focus on your own needs, like a smoker. Consider how many cigarettes you smoke per day and, based on this, choose a substitute for yourself.

World of atomizers

The vaporizer guarantees the performance and production of steam in the smoking device. According to him technical specifications another classification of ES is determined. Atomizers (and, accordingly, the gadgets themselves) are divided into the following types:

  1. RDA. The evaporator contains a cotton wick. The aroma liquid is impregnated with it. Its one-time volume is small, so you have to regularly add liquid by drops.
  2. RDTA. The characteristics of the device are similar to the previous one, but the cartridge device is more technically complex and has a larger volume.
  3. Cartomizer. The device of such a cigarette combines the evaporator and the body itself into one whole.
  4. Synthetic cartomizer. The smoking gadget uses a storage device made of padding polyester. It is impregnated with aromatic liquid.
  5. Tankomizer. An atomizer of this type of ES is distinguished by a separate container into which the e-liquid is poured.
  6. Clearomizer. One of the most common options. This gadget includes a liquid storage unit, which is combined with a vapor conversion chamber.
  7. Bakomizer. An atomizer of this type of ES consists of a container for liquid, a steam-generating chamber and a heating coil.
  8. Genesis. One of the most complex types of devices, used only in expensive smoking gadgets. The evaporator here is made in a mesh form.

"Nicotine" variety

Smoking devices can also be classified according to the aroma liquid used in them. Or rather, according to nicotine composition. The following types of liquids (and ES) have been developed, varying in nicotine concentration:

  1. Nicotine-free.
  2. Superlight (6-11%).
  3. Light (12-16%).
  4. Strong (about 18%).
  5. Super strong (about 24-25%).

Also, liquid cartridges can have different flavor nuances. The main flavors of electronic cigarettes include:

  • mint;
  • apple;
  • tobacco;
  • coffee;
  • grape

Finding the most suitable flavor for yourself (especially if you have not used electronic cigarettes before) is quite difficult. Therefore, another gradation of smoking gadgets was developed specifically for beginners.

Single or reusable?

When switching to the use of electronic cigarettes, it is better to initially give preference to disposable devices. This will help you make your choice through test experiments.


They are also called “test”. People buy such cigarettes in order to appreciate a new taste. The cost of disposable smoking devices is low, much less than a complete set of reusable gadgets. But in terms of technical characteristics, disposable ES are practically not inferior to reusable ones.

Disposable Electronic Cigarette

One cartridge of a disposable electronic cigarette is enough for 350-550 puffs. Such a device works in a breeze, without requiring additional battery charging.


These types of devices are more advanced. But also more expensive financially. The batteries of reusable cigarettes can be changed, additionally recharged, and refilled. These smoking gadgets are preferred by vapers who have already made their final choice and have completely switched to vaping.

Refillable Electronic Cigarettes

Some craftsmen are rebuilding the configuration of a reusable smoking device. They transform it “to suit themselves” by adding or removing some details.

Type of ES by type of control

Smoking newfangled devices are also classified according to the type of gadget control. They are divided into two types:


The automatic gadget starts producing steam after the owner has taken one puff. By inhaling, the steamer automatically activates the draft sensor. It triggers the microprocessor, turning on the LED, simulating the process of regular smoking and at the same time starting the atomizer. The full soaring process begins.

Automatic smoking gadgets are rightfully considered the most convenient to use.. They are easier to use when driving a car or when working with a computer.


This control involves turning on the smoking device by pressing the built-in button. When it is turned on, the battery transmits voltage and starts the steam generator in the atomizer. Manual electronic cigarettes also have their own advantage over their more convenient automatic counterparts.

They have greater steam production and can increase/reduce steam generation and saturation. But you need to get used to this type of device (according to experienced vapers).

The world of electronic cigarettes is rich and diverse. But it’s still an addiction, albeit more of a psychological one. It’s better not to get carried away with vaping a gadget with a beautiful design, and if you use it, then only to get rid of destructive nicotine addiction. Good health to you!

So, you've decided to buy an electronic cigarette, but which one should you choose? The assortment is really huge. To begin with, you should decide why you need an electronic cigarette. To quit smoking, compact devices with low power and a tight puff are more suitable, and for large clouds of vapor, models with a capacious battery and a wide range of settings are more suitable. Criteria on which it depends right choice, many, let's go through the main ones:

  • How long should an electronic cigarette last without recharging?
  • What kind of puff should an electronic cigarette have - cigarette or hookah?
  • How much vapor should an e-cigarette produce?
  • What size and weight of the steam generator will provide you with comfortable conditions operation?
  • How often are you willing to refill your e-cigarette?
  • Are detailed settings of your e-cigarette important to you?
  • What amount do you think is appropriate when choosing a balance between price and quality?

The answers to these questions are interconnected: battery large capacity requires a substantial size, compact electronic cigarettes will not be able to produce huge clouds of vapor, and so on.

How to choose a device?

Buying electronic cigarettes in Moscow and other large cities of Russia will not be difficult, but you should not waste your money on cheap electronic cigarettes from dubious companies - this way you may form an incorrect or even negative opinion about vaping.

As your first device, we strongly recommend that you turn your attention to proven entry-level electronic cigarettes from Joyetech and Eleaf. I would like to clarify right away that “ First level“does not carry any negative meaning, it only means the simplicity of the design and operation of the steam generator. There is nothing superfluous in these models, but they successfully cope with their main task.

An alternative option is to assemble the electronic cigarette yourself from wide list components presented by us, with which our experienced consultants will help you.

Electronic cigarette as a style attribute

For you, an electronic cigarette is also fashion accessory. Ideal option There will be models with a portable power source. At the same time, the electronic cigarette itself is small in size, but due to a special cigarette case, its autonomy can be significantly increased. These devices look interesting and original, which is why they are in great demand. Steam generators of this type are presented in a wide range color scheme and will be a great addition to your look.

Optimal balance of convenience and functionality

In this case, we recommend paying attention to more functional models of electronic cigarettes, equipped with everything necessary - power and voltage regulation, the ability to charge via a USB cable and vape while charging, a capacious battery and a good atomizer that generates a large number of tasty and rich steam.

The aesthetic component is also at its best - elegant shapes, pleasant tactile sensations and the variety of colors will not leave you indifferent. You can buy electronic cigarettes of this type either as a set or by selecting components separately, taking into account your preferences.

No compromises

Do you prioritize productivity and want to be at the forefront of progress? In this case, your choice is battery mods. Their functionality exceeds all expectations - their own operating system, allowing you to flexibly customize your electronic cigarette, an informative display, a capacious battery, various adjustments and settings. Such models incorporate all possible innovations in the industry today. electronic vaping both in output power and functionality. These models are not cheap, but the price of electronic cigarettes of this type is completely justified.

The ideal option, of course, would be to visit one of our stores retail network, which is actively growing and developing - today you can buy an electronic cigarette in Moscow and other cities of Russia. You will be greeted by a friendly atmosphere, first-class service and quality service. Here you can get acquainted with our assortment and compare various models steam generators, hold them in your hands, feel the quality of the coating and appreciate the hidden power of these devices. Our sales consultants will explain in detail the features of each model.

For residents of other Russian cities where our stores have not yet opened, we are ready to offer to order an electronic cigarette with delivery. With us, you can get detailed advice by phone or through interactive interaction on the website, and any questions that arise during operation will definitely be helped by the technical specialists of our service center.

Read completely

Debating how e-cigarettes affect health is a futile exercise. Depending on who you ask, you may hear that e-cigarettes are the best technological solution to the problem of smoking or global society.

Let's figure out how things really are.

What do we know? Electronic cigarettes are better for health than regular cigarettes, but worse than complete absence smoking or vaping.

What don't we know? What effect does vaping have on your health in the long term, do e-cigarettes really help you quit smoking, and how do they affect the use of other nicotine-containing products.

What does this mean to you? If you are a chronic smoker, e-cigarettes may be a less destructive way for you to obtain nicotine. If you don't smoke at all, stay away from e-cigarettes. We still don't know how they affect long-term health.

So, if you are a heavy smoker and are trying to quit this bad habit, then most experts agree that e-cigarettes are less harmful to your health.

But non-smokers or former smokers should think twice before starting. Even if e-cigarettes are less harmful than regular cigarettes, this does not mean that they are completely safe. We just don't know. No long-term studies on the health of vapers have been published.

Another review notes that nicotine may have serious negative effects on human health, ranging from increased risk cardiovascular diseases to birth defects in children whose mothers consumed nicotine during pregnancy.

There are also several studies that prove positive effect from nicotine consumption in Parkinson's disease, as well as increased attention and concentration under its influence.

Do e-cigarettes provide enough nicotine to satisfy smokers' needs?

Some studies, such as an experiment published in Nature, say: delivery of nicotine to circulatory system through electronic cigarettes varies greatly, but still remains lower than in the case of conventional cigarettes.

Mike Mozart/Flickr.com

A comprehensive analysis of a study published by the American Heart Association (AHA) suggests that vapor from e-cigarettes pollutes the air with nicotine and toxic substances, but its long-term health effects are unknown.

The answer to the question about passive vaping is very important for society. So far there is no ban on smoking electronic cigarettes in public places, because its harm has not been proven. If in the future the negative impact of electronic cigarettes on health is confirmed, special places for vaping will have to be equipped. In the meantime, the health standard is clean air. Until harmful substances are found in it, there will be no bans.

Implications of scientific debate for public health

Now regulators around the world are trying to figure out what to do with e-cigarettes. While some countries have simply banned them, in others the government is trying to regulate the use of these devices.

In the USA in 2011, the FDA food products and Medicines (Food and Drug Administration, FDA) announced a project equating e-cigarettes to tobacco products. In 2016, this project was completely ready. It makes e-cigarettes subject to the Tobacco Products Control Act. Among other rules there are:

  • banning the sale of electronic cigarettes, hookahs, pipe tobacco and cigars to minors offline or online (some states have already passed this law);
  • requiring identification to sell these products;
  • requiring manufacturers of e-cigarettes and e-liquids marketed after February 15, 2007 to submit their products for FDA review, disclosing ingredients, marketing plans, and product design within 12 to 24 months;
  • Manufacturer's placement of warning labels on e-cigarettes and other tobacco products, including warnings about the potential for addiction and negative impact nicotine;
  • ban on selling closed tobacco products in vending machines;
  • banning the distribution of free samples of electronic cigarettes and other tobacco products.

Some vaping advocates believe it is unnecessary to restrict e-cigarettes in the same way as tobacco products. After all, they don't even contain tobacco. If access to e-cigarettes is too strictly restricted, society will lose devices that could save the lives of many heavy smokers.

Also, some experts believe that strict prohibitions and restrictions can stifle innovation, so businesses will be less likely to develop new products that are better and safer, with better nicotine delivery. But this could help to further reduce the smoking of conventional, more harmful cigarettes.

Policymakers must understand the consequences of restricting too much, such as stopping innovation or developing models that are more expensive and less attractive to consumers. It is also important that the public does not misunderstand the bans to mean that e-cigarettes are banned because they are more harmful to health than regular cigarettes.

Peter Hajek, Professor, Queen Mary University of London

As for Russia, it does not currently apply to electronic cigarettes, so they can be freely purchased by people under 18 years of age. There are also no prohibitions or restrictions on vaping in public places. But, since the popularity of electronic cigarettes is growing rapidly, they are going to take a closer look at this.

Deputy Chairman of the Committee on social policy Federation Council Igor Chernyshev promised to order a study scientific institutes to determine the impact of electronic cigarettes on human health, and also to consult with psychologists about the effect of these devices on the return of nicotine addiction in those who have already given up smoking.

Depending on the results of these studies, measures will be taken to restrict the sale of electronic cigarettes. If any harm is discovered, they will either be included in the general anti-tobacco law, equating them to regular cigarettes, or simply setting age restrictions.

What do you think about electronic cigarettes? Do you think they should be banned just like regular ones?

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