Temples of the Moscow region, Noginsky district. Temples of the Moscow region Noginsky district Temple of Elijah the Prophet in Mammoth service schedule

"IT'S STILL EARLY FOR ME TO LOOK AT DEATH!" __________________________________________________________________ ...she was killed by lightning. After the autopsy, it turned out that she was pregnant... It was four years ago, but I remember that day well. I was walking around our yard with a stroller. And the funeral service was going on in the church. Two women who were sitting on a bench called out to me. I've never seen them here before. One is about fifty years old. A stylish, well-groomed lady, with all the attributes of a fairly wealthy person. The second is a young, also fashionable and very pretty girl. Her daughter. I approached. - Can you tell me when all this will end? - The elder waved her hand towards the temple. - You need to light a candle. “You can come in now,” I answered. - It is not prohibited during the funeral service. Only they are on the right, and you better go to the candlesticks, which are on the left side, so as not to interfere. It's free there. - No! We do not go. Let's wait. - You will have to wait a long time. The funeral service has recently begun. - Nothing. IT’S STILL EARLY FOR ME to look at all this - death, coffins... And it’s too early to even think about it. And even more so for her,” the woman said with a hint of irritation in her voice. And the daughter nodded with a kind of guilty smile. *** At that time, a funeral service was being held for a three-year-old boy in the church. “It’s too early for me,” I kept repeating in my head. ...I saw how my father and grandfather, black with grief, carried a tiny coffin, upholstered in soft blue fabric, around the courtyard in their arms. They did not trust the funeral service staff. It was as if they were afraid that even now someone would hurt their son. How some people led the mother, who was almost unconscious, by the arms. I heard my grandmother crying: “How should we live now?” And I saw how hard it was for the priest - it was impossible to get used to the death of children. Then the old church ladies, who always know everything, will tell you that the baby fell out of an open window. His parents left him with his grandmother, and she turned away for a second. I will never forget her scream in the church... *** ...I remember 9-year-old Slavik. He served as an altar boy in a church in a small town where we went for the summer. Cheerful, friendly boy. The only and beloved son in the family. Then he was diagnosed with a brain tumor. He knew he was dying and, of course, he didn’t want to. He loved his parents, church, school, friends and dreamed that when he grew up he would enter the seminary. But he died quietly, patiently, without hysterics. And he prayed. “I myself was surprised,” the priest said, “it was the departure of a believer.” Dying, Slavik most of all wanted to wait for his brother. Mom was pregnant at that time. To see, have time to say hello. Not wait. But he left him his drawings - where he himself, still healthy, and the baby - as he imagined him. *** Why did the Lord decide this? Why was it “not too early” for Slavik and that three-year-old boy? I don't know. ...I won’t forget how happy my friend Masha was when she became pregnant with her first child. She gently stroked his belly and sang songs to him. With a smile she told how her husband, coming home from work, whispered into her navel: “Hello, baby! How are you doing without me? Didn’t mom hurt you?” The birth was easy, without complications. They even gave the girl a chance to hold her father, who was also there, crying with joy. In a week the baby will die in intensive care. Bilateral pneumonia. And dad, just like the first one, will carry a tiny coffin to the temple in his arms. And they won’t be able to take it away from him right away. He will hold him close and mutter: “Give me my daughter...” *** And how many young and healthy people, full of strength, leave at the most unexpected moment! When it seems that there is still a whole life ahead and an endless sea of ​​​​happiness... Irka, who was hit by a car while she was running to kindergarten to pick up her son. And guests were waiting for them at home - the boy had a birthday... Nastya, a young mother from our parish. Wonderful, funny, out of this world, but very sweet and kind. She and her husband had a daughter, and they really wanted a second child, but it didn’t work out for a long time. Nastya was worried and talked to me a lot about it. And in the summer, while on vacation, she was killed by lightning. After the autopsy, it turned out that she was pregnant... *** That day I wandered around the courtyard with my stroller and remembered all these people. The boy's funeral service was still being held in the church. Two men carried his mother out in their arms and called an ambulance. The woman was unconscious. I wanted to approach that woman who wanted to light a candle and was afraid to tell her something. But what? What don't we know when our day will come? What did Father tell me: “Live as if every day is your last”? What is not early, but late? Does she want to listen to it? And do I have the right? And I didn't come. *** Probably a year has passed. I was also walking near the temple, and a young girl called out to me. She recognized me. It was the daughter of that beautiful woman. - Can I light a candle now? - she asked in a quiet voice. - Yes, of course... How's mom? - Mom died. A month ago. Stroke. She and her father had just bought a new car, and we were going on a trip to Europe together. And so... - I... I really sympathize with you, - I mumbled. The girl nodded and walked towards the temple. And in my head an annoying fly began to spin: “It’s too early for me to think about all this...” Elena Kucherenko

At the beginning of the 17th century, in the palace Kunevskaya volost on the Muraviishchi churchyard near the Sherna River there was a “built from time immemorial” church in the name of the prophet Elijah. In 1734, “it was ordered to build again instead of the one that burned down” a wooden church with the same altar.

In Muravishchi there was also a wooden church of the Holy Great Martyr George, built in 1758; services there ceased in 1921. The village of Mamontovo was formed near the Ilyinsky churchyard on Muravishchi. Gradually the village merged with the churchyard.

The stone temple in the name of the Prophet Elijah was built in 1820 with donations from parishioners. There are chapels in it in honor of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos and in the name of St. Nicholas. The building and interior decoration of the temple with a high iconostasis are majestic and very beautiful. In 1908, in the main altar, a throne and an altar were built from white marble slabs, in memory of the deceased Kazantsev brothers, who were probably donors to the temple.

The church is a magnificent ensemble that preserves the features of late provincial classicism with elements of eclecticism. The ensemble of the church consists of a high three-story church, a low refectory and a three-tier bell tower, surrounded by a fence that was erected in the second half of the 19th century.

The quadrangle has a strongly extended altar apse and facades cut at half the height by Ionic porticoes. The upper part of the facades is decorated with rustication; a semicircular pediment rises above the middle part. The five-domed structure of the temple is unusual: the spherical domes rest on cylindrical drums that imitate light drums. The central chapter is raised on a high roof, the side ones are moved to the very corners and placed on cubic bases. The facades of the refectory are decorated with pilasters.

The decor of the bell tower is also based on the order system. The lower tier is a powerful cubic base with low porticoes, above which there are semicircular windows. The upper tiers of the bell tower once had open bells. The end is made in the form of a hemispherical dome with a small drum and a flat head.

The “holy gate” is interestingly designed: three-part, it is decorated with a semi-circular arch with a console in the center (forming a pediment), in which, apparently, an icon was previously placed.


At the Elias Church there is a chapel in honor of the Mid-Pentecost in the village of Mamontovo, a chapel of the Great Martyr George in the village of Timkovo and a chapel of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul in the village of Sledovo.

The Ilyinsky Church was closed for some time, in 1937-1940, especially difficult years for believers; those who were especially active in church life were arrested and sentenced to long terms of imprisonment in forced labor camps, many were shot. Worship services resumed in the 1940s.

Currently, there is a children's Sunday school at the temple, and there is a library.

The temple has revered icons: the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God and the Prophet Elijah.

On the bank of the Sherna River, opposite the altar, there is a holy spring, which, according to legend, flowed where St. Sergius of Radonezh, who passed through these places, prayed.

Moscow region, Noginsky district, village. Mamontovo, st. Embankment, 3


On April 17, 2019, a small group of our parishioners attended a concert-parable by the Orthodox author Svetlana Kopylova. ...

A new meeting in the format of a master class from the Giuseppe pizzeria on April 14, 2019, after the Divine Liturgy, at Sunday school in the village. Mamontovo hosted a wonderful meeting with a master class on making sweets from isomalt. The event was held with the participation of the youth of the temple, parishioners and guests. Number of participants: 25 people. According to a wonderful tradition, the event was led by the chief specialist of the Giuseppe pizzeria chain in...

April 9, 2019, teachers of the Sunday school of the Elias Church, p. Mamontovo attended the seminar “New approaches to organizing the activities of Sunday schools.” Venue: Epiphany Cathedral in Noginsk The conversation was held about new approaches to organizing the activities of Sunday schools, experience in this direction. For reference: website of the methodological office of the Education Department of the Moscow Diocese http://www.pravmet.ru ...

On April 1, 2019, active parishioners of the Elias Church made a pilgrimage to the village. Godenovo, Yaroslavl region. to the Life-Giving Cross (41 people) We visited the site of the Descent of the Cross and the Holy Spring in Antushkovo (Monastery of the Descent of the Cross on St. Nicholas Churchyard). On the way back, the pilgrims visited the Shrines of the St. Nicholas Convent and Feodorovsky Convent of the Pereslavl Diocese. ...

On March 24, the Elias Church in the village of Mamontovo received guests. The Temple of the Prophet Elijah was visited by the travel club “Scarlet Sails of Hope” from Chernogolovka, consisting of 16 people. The guests learned the history of the temple and got acquainted with its shrines. ...

On March 17, the day of the Triumph of Orthodoxy, after the Divine Liturgy, a seminar was held for Sunday school students on printing in Rus' and Orthodox literature. ...

On Forgiveness Sunday, after the Divine Liturgy, Sunday school students and their parents took part in Maslenitsa gatherings with competitions, jokes, and songs. The parting words to the guys were words about Lent, which we will all try to keep with God’s help! May the days of Great Lent blossom in every heart with changes for the better and good deeds. Congratulations on the coming of Spiritual Spring. Let's fast with a pleasant fast! ...

On March 3, 2019, after the Divine Liturgy, at the initiative of the Sunday school youth, a game for kids “God is Love” took place. A wonderful friendly atmosphere enhanced the joy of communication. A series of thematic competitions helped the kids again pay attention to the most important word in the life of any person - God. And God is Love. We must always talk about this and tirelessly thank the Lord for every day of our lives. God bless...

On February 21, at the House of Culture in the village of Mamontovo, a meeting was held between the rector of the Elias Church, Archpriest Evgeny Zhemchugin, and children of primary school age. The conversation was dedicated to the defenders of the Fatherland, their military exploits before the Motherland. ...

The Ilyinskaya Church in Mamontovo is mentioned in texts of the 17th century - however, on the territory where it was located, at that time there was no village, but the Muravischi churchyard was located. Already in these ancient documents it is emphasized that the temple was built long before it was mentioned.

At the beginning of the 18th century, the temple burned down (it was built of wood), and a new St. Elias Church was soon erected in its place. Meanwhile, not far from the Muravishchi churchyard, the village of Mamontovo arose. It grew and gradually merged with the territory of the churchyard. So the Ilyinskaya Church ended up within the boundaries of Mamontovo.

In the 19th century, construction of the temple began again - this time a stone one. The work was carried out on the initiative of parishioners, using their donations. At the beginning of the 20th century, a throne and an altar appeared in the temple, dedicated to the memory of the Kazantsev brothers. Apparently, they made generous donations for the construction of the church.

The fate of the Elias Church differs from the stories of many churches near Moscow: the fact is that during the years of Soviet power it practically did not close. That is, there was still a very short period when the doors of the church were closed to parishioners, but services resumed already in the 40s of the 20th century.

It can also be noted that there are several chapels at the temple; they are located both in nearby villages and in Mamontovo itself. Also in the temple there are revered icons. And not far from the church, on the banks of the Sherna River, there is a spring that is considered holy. There is a legend that Sergius of Radonezh, walking along the river bank, stopped to pray: a source arose at this place.

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