Rules of Business: John Davison Rockefeller, best quotes and thoughts

John Davison Rockefeller is an American entrepreneur, philanthropist, and the first dollar billionaire in human history.
In 1870, he founded the Standard Oil Company and ran it until his official retirement in 1897. Standard Oil was founded in Ohio as a partnership of John Rockefeller, his brother William Rockefeller, Henry Flager, Jabez Bostwick, chemist Samuel Andrews and one non-voting partner, Stephen Harkens. As the demand for kerosene and gasoline soared, Rockefeller's wealth also increased, and he became the richest man in the world at one time, with a net worth of $1.4 billion or 1.54% of US GDP at the time of his death. Adjusted for inflation, The New York Times estimates his wealth to be about $192 billion in 2006 equivalent.
Rockefeller was one of the US philanthropists, the founder of the Rockefeller Foundation, who donated large sums for medical research, education, in particular, for the fight against yellow fever. He also founded the University of Chicago and the Rockefeller University. Rockefeller was a devout Baptist and donated part of his income to support church institutions throughout his life. He was noted as a hardworking, purposeful and devout Christian, for which his partners called him “Deacon”. He always preached a healthy lifestyle and a complete cessation of alcohol and smoking. He had four daughters and one son, who inherited the management of the Rockefeller Foundation.

1) Your well-being depends on your own decisions.

2) The ability to deal with people is a commodity that can be bought in the same way as we buy sugar or coffee. And I will pay more for such a skill than for anything else in the world.

3) I felt like I was successful and making a profit everywhere because the Lord knew that I was going to turn around and give it my all.

4) I never knew who I would turn out to be in this life, but I always knew that I was born for something MORE...

5) Don't be afraid to give up the good for the great.

6) I have always tried to turn every adversity into an opportunity.

7) Don't be afraid of big expenses. We should be afraid of small incomes.

8) I would rather earn income from 1% of the efforts of a hundred people than from 100% of my own efforts.

9) The first and main prerequisite for success in business is patience.

John Davison Rockefeller is one of the richest people in human history. His fortune today would be equivalent to $310 billion. The First World War brought the Rockefeller family $500 million in net profit. The Second World War turned out to be an even more profitable enterprise - tank and aircraft engines required gasoline, and it was produced at Rockefeller factories around the clock. The result was $2 billion in net profits earned during the war years. By the end of his life, Rockefeller, in addition to his shares in Standard Oil, owned 16 railroad and six steel companies, nine banks, six shipping companies, nine real estate firms and three orange groves.

Work less for someone else. The more you work not for yourself, the worse your life. Work comes from the word “slave”!

Save money. Look for where you can buy goods cheaper and in bulk.

The path to great wealth lies only through passive income! Income that comes to you regardless of your efforts. Create a source of passive income and live for your own pleasure!

A poor environment almost always drags you into poverty. Even very rich people will always have relatives, friends and other petitioners. Which, if you don’t fight them off professionally, will quickly deprive you of your money, goals and your dreams. If you are still a poor person, then most likely those around you simply do not like, do not respect, and some even hate the rich. You should always communicate with Optimists and Winners.

Poverty comes from avoiding responsibility. Don’t come up with excuses for yourself - why right now you can’t start moving towards your goal. You need to take responsibility and just start moving towards your goal, without excuses.

Study the biographies and thoughts of the richest people in the world.

Dreams are the most important thing in your life! Professionally turn your dreams into business programs and implement them to full effect! Each professionally developed program must contain the entire calculation until the most complete desired result. This is the only way dreams come true!

Help people selflessly, from the bottom of your heart! But only those whom you yourself want to help. Donate 10% of profits to charity.

Create business systems and enjoy your earned money.

No one ever guesses who you will turn out to be in this life, but you should always know that you were born for something more.

Through perseverance, anything - right or wrong, good or bad - will be achieved.

It's not enough to just do the right thing, it's about letting people know you're doing the right thing.

Your well-being depends on your own decisions.

The path to happiness is based on 2 principles: find what interests you and what you can do well and put all your energy into it.

Don't be afraid to give up the good for the great.

When you hear a bootblack start talking about a stock, you know it's time to sell.

PS. Rockefeller's donations to charity during his life exceeded $500 million. Of these, the University of Chicago received about $80 million, and at least $100 million went to the Baptist Church, of which he and his wife were parishioners. John Rockefeller also created and financed the New York Institute for Medical Research, the Council for Universal Education and the Rockefeller Foundation. The Rockefellers still exist. And today, members of this family influence the general mood of the American political establishment; there are many of their representatives among large law firms, lobbying firms, in the media, and military structures.

Good afternoon, readers of my blog. In one of my previous articles, I talked about the basic rules of business from John Rockefeller, the first billionaire in human history. While preparing materials for that article, I realized how deep Rockefeller’s thoughts were and how accurate his statements were. One quote from him makes you stop, think, and analyze what you heard or read. In every word, in every quote, in every thought lies the depth, greatness, wisdom, knowledge and experience of a real entrepreneur, a person who knows what success is and how to achieve it.
Today’s article will contain a minimum of my words, thoughts and explanations, but a maximum of great quotes from John Davison Rockefeller. I have already written many articles, given hundreds of recommendations to aspiring businessmen, read dozens of business books and watched a lot of videos from speeches of all kinds of entrepreneurs, business trainers and simply successful people. Do you know what the whole point is? Rockefeller's thoughts and quotes are used almost everywhere. Someone reinterprets them, speaks in their own way, someone simply quotes, someone passes off this thought as their own. But now that I have collected a lot of material about John Rockefeller, I can say with confidence that 90% of all business ideas of our time are based on his thoughts, on his vision of the world of business and finance.
So, the best quotes John Rockefeller in today's article.

Article on the topic:

Best Quotes and Thoughts on Business, Finance and Success

If your goal is solely to make money, then you will never have it.

I'd rather get 1% of 100 people's work than 100% of my own work.

I would rather hire someone who is enthusiastic than someone who knows everything.

My duty is to make money, even more money, but at the same time investing it in a good cause, for the goodmy neighbors. This is exactly what conscience dictates.

Do you think money makes people happy? This is not true.

Article on the topic:

I am confident that every entrepreneur who wants to achieve success must have one irreplaceable quality - persistence.

Good management consists of showing the average worker how to perform a more complex task unknown to him.

I have never seen anything more base and despicable than people who make money for the sake of money. You must have more global goals and dreams.

I perceived every failure as a new opportunity to change something in my life.

The ability to negotiate and communicate with people correctly is a very valuable commodity that can be bought just like products on the market. It is precisely for such a product that I am willing to pay significantly more than for anything else.

Patience is the first and most important prerequisite for the overall success of a business.

Friendship based on business is much better than business based on friendship.

Your success directly depends on the decisions you make yourself.

Those who work all day simply do not have enough time to earn money.

Don't be afraid of big expenses, beware of small profits.

It’s better to joke and borrow money suddenly.

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Earn yourself a good reputation and it will work for you for the rest of your life.

I had a feeling that God was helping me in all my endeavors, because He knew that I would achieve success and help other people.

I never knew who I would become in this life, but I always felt that I was born for something more.

These are the most famous and best John Rockefeller quotes. Re-reading them again and again, I understand that each of them is worthy of a more detailed analysis, for each you can write a short article, discuss, discuss and listen to your opinions. I am sure that Rockefeller's quotes will change your view of the world of finance and business.

And at the very end I want to give one piece of advice. Reread all Rockefeller's quotes again, think about each of them, because not everything is as obvious as it might seem from the very beginning. Many quotes carry hidden meaning and a very deep message. If you have any questions, ask them in the comments, we’ll discuss everything together and try to figure it out.

Quotes from people who have achieved success are always very interesting, because they very accurately reflect not only the basic principles of doing business, but also the attitude to life in general of a particular person.

We bring to your attention quotes John Davison Rockefeller - creator of the largest oil trust in history Standard Oil, who controlled 95% of all American oil and, officially, the richest man of all time - in terms of today's exchange rate, Rockefeller's fortune is estimated at more than $300 billion.

Rockefeller Quotes:

About money

If your only goal is to become rich, you will never achieve it.

I consider it my duty to earn money, then more money, and use it for the benefit of my fellow men, as my conscience tells me.

I don't know anything more despicable and pathetic than a person who devotes all his time to making money for the sake of money itself.

He who works all day has no time to earn money.

About business

Friendship based on business is better than business based on friendship.

Do you know what gives me the greatest pleasure? Seeing the dividends come from the efforts I put in.

About people management

It's not enough to just do the right thing, the most important thing is to let people know that you're doing the right thing.

I would rather hire someone who is enthusiastic than someone who knows everything.

Good management is about showing ordinary people how to do the work of excellent people.

The ability to deal with people is a commodity that can be bought in the same way as we buy sugar or coffee. And I will pay more for such a skill than for anything else in the world.

About success

Your well-being depends on your own decisions.

I don't think there is any other quality so essential to success of any kind as persistence. N Resilience can overcome everything, even the laws of nature.

Through perseverance, anything - be it right or wrong, good or bad - will be achieved.

About life

I never guessed who I would end up in this life, but I always knew that I was born for something more

For reference: Today, John Rockefeller is the richest man in history. John Rockefeller's fortune was estimated at $318 billion at the end of 2007 dollar exchange rate (Forbes magazine). For your information, Bill Gates's net worth is about $60 billion.
1) Save money on everything, buy in bulk or directly from manufacturers.

2) Make a list of necessary things in advance and buy only according to the list.

3) If you don’t have much money, start a business. If there is no money at all, you MUST DO BUSINESS URGENTLY!!!

4) The path to wealth lies through passive income. You won’t earn money by working 24 hours a day and not using your head!

5) Create your own source of income - and live to your fullest satisfaction.

6) Communicate more with interesting people. Unsociable people rarely become rich.

7) Carefully study the biographies and statements of rich people.

8) Don’t stop dreaming about more, a person dies when he stops dreaming.

9) Help people for free, from the bottom of your heart - but not quitters and lazy people!

10) Your well-being depends on your own decisions.


1. The rich save time and money.

2. The rich invest everything they earn, and the poor spend it.

3. Money is a goal for the poor, but a huge opportunity for the rich.

4. A rich person never has extra money, but a poor person has it.

5. The poor man buys everything at the price offered. The rich find it cheaper.

6. The poor man poses as a “Persian sheikh,” while the rich man lives within his means.

7. Rich man's rule: "We are not rich enough to buy cheap things."

8. The rich invest in what will bring him income, and the poor in what will provide him with large expenses.

9. The rich look for the reasons for failure in themselves, and the poor in others.

10. The poor hate the rich, the rich do not notice the poor.

11. The poor work for money, and the rich work for money.

12. A poor person never knows where his money went. The rich control their spending.

13. Give a poor man a million, he will waste it. Give a rich man 10,000, he will earn 1,000,000.

Rockefeller's success did not imply anything super-possible. He dedicated his entire life to his passion and hard work and was rightfully rewarded for this, having the opportunity to create the greatest business empire of all time and living to be 98 years old. He remained sane until his last breath, skillfully maneuvering in business.

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