Dry milk starters. How to ferment milk with dry starter correctly. Dry starter for yogurt

There are a lot of publications on the Internet on how to make sourdough for bread - rye or wheat... And even articles on how to dry sourdough and how to restore it | And then my friends turned to me | They sell medicinal herbs, including spices and bread starter | It turned out that buyers had problems reconstituting dry sourdough for bread (they didn’t understand what and how to do)... Well, since we have been baking bread at home for two years now, yeast-free bread, just with sourdough, we decided to help them - to describe in detail, how to regenerate dry sourdough for bread

There is no big difference in the recovery process... But wheat starter is more capricious and slower... Sometimes it needs to be fed more and wait longer to wake up

May strict readers forgive me, I wrote on those images that came to mind, describing the process and accompanying with detailed photos | We really treat sourdough as a living organism, which is why we use the words “Wake Up”, “Feed”...

So let's begin!


  • dry rye sourdough for bread - 50 g
  • water - as needed
  • rye flour - as needed

  1. So, we fed the starter. Now she needs to be given time to “feast”! Place the fed starter in a warm place. And we watch how it swells and rises. At the same time, it foams and bubbles appear inside. The smell transforms into a pleasantly bready one. This takes several hours. “Accelerated” leaven will rise faster.



  • dry wheat sourdough for bread - 50 g
  • water - as needed
  • wheat flour - as needed

The description is almost the same, but there are nuances!

  1. So, take 50 grams of dry starter, add approximately the same amount of clean drinking water | The water should be warm (but not hot!) Place in a warm place | We wait until the starter dissolves and becomes liquid | This usually takes 2-3 hours
  2. Now we have a liquid starter... but it is "hungry". She needs to be “woke up and fed”! Add about the same amount of warm water again (that is, the volume will double). Now add a little flour (wheat for wheat sourdough, rye for rye sourdough). Stir constantly with a whisk (so that there are no lumps) and add flour until it reaches the consistency of thick sour cream.

  3. So, we fed the starter. Now she needs to be given time to “feast”! Place the fed starter in a warm place. And we watch how it swells and rises. At the same time, it foams and bubbles appear inside. The smell transforms into a pleasantly bready smell. This takes several hours. “Accelerated” leaven will rise faster.
    Attention! Wheat sourdough is less suitable than rye sourdough. This takes longer. If your wheat starter doesn't double the first time... just feed it again. And she will definitely “be grateful to you”!
  4. The starter has risen, approximately doubling in volume. Now you have your own “starter” (the amount of wet, dispersed starter culture that you can feed and increase in volume). Next... what do you want to do - bake bread, pancakes, buns...? That is, how much starter do you need in the recipe?
  5. Once again we feed the starter (that is, we double its volume) and achieve the required amount. Place the “starter” in a separate container. And we use the resulting required amount of starter in the recipe.

Bon appetit!


Namely - how to prepare them at home, from what, and what drinks based on sourdough we can make ourselves. I have already written about the advantages of homemade “fermented milk” over store-bought milk, so I won’t repeat it.

What is needed to prepare fermented milk drinks at home?

1. Milk.

2. Sourdough.

3. Capacity (device) for ripening.

Types of starter cultures for fermented milk products

1. Dry in capsules, in glass or plastic bottles, in bags.

For example, in a regular pharmacy you can find starter cultures in capsules “Dry Yogurt”, “Bifidumbacterin” and “Narine”. And almost the entire range is offered by specialized bacterial starter plants and their representative offices and partners in cities (Alba-Timm - Viva starter cultures, Biochem - GoodFood starter cultures).

2. Liquid.


1. Homemade, proven. Pre-boiled.

2. Store-bought unpasteurized, preferably for children. It is also necessary to boil it in advance.

3. Pasteurized, can be used without boiling.

Required containers/devices for ripening

Temperature conditions for ripening can be supported with:

- yogurt makers,

- microwave ovens with fermentation function,

- multicookers;

- thermos;

- an ordinary jar, pan, insulated and placed in a warm place.

Necessary conditions for obtaining a high-quality fermented milk drink

1. Cleanliness and sterility of utensils. All utensils must be clean, and immediately before use it would be a good idea to scald them with boiling water.

2. High quality milk and starter culture.

3. A certain temperature regime. At temperatures above 50°, many bacteria die, so it is important to maintain the specified milk temperature. When preparing the desired drink, you can follow the table at the end of the article.

4. A certain ripening time. The longer it takes fermentation process, the thicker and more sour the drink will be.

How to prepare a fermented milk drink from starter cultures?

1. Prepare the milk - boil it, cool it to a certain temperature.

2. In a small amount of milk or water (all boiled and cooled) we breed sourdough. Mix well. For example, a bottle of Viva starter is dissolved in 1 liter of milk. Using pharmacy starters such as “Narine” and “Dry yoghurt”, I take 3-4 capsules per 1 liter of milk (I open and pour out only the powder).

3. Add the dissolved starter into the milk. Mix.

1. Yogurt maker.

Quite simple. Pour the milk with the starter into jars. We do not close the lids.

Place the jars in the yogurt maker, close and set the timer for the required time. After the cooking time, take out the jars (they should be warm) and put them in the refrigerator. After 1-1.5 the drink is ready.

2. Microwave with fermentation function.

Pour the milk with the starter into containers (these can be jars of baby puree, containers for microwave ovens). We put it in fermentation mode, select the product and adjust the cooking time (according to the table). Turn it on. The product is ready when the buzzer sounds.


Pour the milk with the starter into a clean thermos, close the lid and leave for the required time. I usually leave it overnight. The longer the fermentation process, the thicker the consistency of the drink.

4. Jar, pan.

If the above-described devices and items are not at hand, then ordinary utensils can be used for fermentation. We put it in milk with starter and well insulated to maintain a certain temperature. You can put it in a warm place (for example, near a battery in the cold season).

The first drink obtained from dry ferment is called mother's leaven. It can be eaten, or you can prepare the next portion of the drink from it (for 1 liter of milk, 20-30 ml of starter), while the ripening time is reduced. This method is not used for bifivit.

It should be remembered that mother starter To prepare a new portion of the drink, it is stored in the refrigerator for 5 days, and the drink for consumption without loss of beneficial properties is stored for 2 days.

There are similar methods for preparing fermented milk drinks, when ready-made natural yogurt without flavorings, preservatives and fruit and berry fillers is used as a mother starter. If you find one, then everything is quite simple - just like with mother sourdough. (Unfortunately, I am already distrustful of all store-bought “pseudo-yogurts”, so I prefer the path from the origins - from starter cultures).

Bon Appetit everyone!

Useful addresses and coordinates (official representative offices with a quality certificate):

Sourdough starters “GoodFood” from “Biochem” in Kyiv and other cities of Ukraine

Table of the main indicators of fermented milk starters and drinks based on them.

Sourdough name Name of fermented milk product Microorganism strains used Fermentation temperature
Fermentation time (h)
Kefir Kefir Kefir grains
20-25 10-16

Curdled milk

Just kvass

Lactic acid streptococci



Lactic acid streptococci and lactic acidophilus in a ratio of 4:1

Lactic acid streptococci and Bulgarian bacillus in a ratio of 4:1

South or Matsoni (matsun)
Thermophilic lactic acid streptococci and matsuna bacillus in a ratio of 3:1
Yogurt Yogurt - with lactulose - without lactulose Lactic acid streptococci and Bulgarian bacillus in a 1:1 ratio, lactulose.
37-45° 5-9
Acidophilus Acidophilus Bacillus acidophilus, lactic acid streptococci and kefir grains in a ratio of 3:1:1
37-38° 12-14
Acidolact or Narine
Acidophilus milk or Narine Acidophilus bacillus
37-38° 12-14

Complex of bifido-, lacto-, propionic acid and acetic acid bacteria
35-37° 6-9
Vitalakt Lactic acid bacteria, kefir grains, acidophilus bacillus.
29-31° 10-12
Simbi lact Simbilact - with lactulose, - without lactulose Concentrate of bifido-, lacto-, propionic acid and acetic acid bacteria
35-37° 6-9
Strepto san Streptosan or Gerolact Lactic acid streptococci, Enterococcus faecium

36-38° 6-9

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How much does dry sourdough cost (average price for 1 package)?

Moscow and Moscow region.

A product such as dry sourdough can be called an auxiliary product, since in itself it is not used in food, but is only used in baking in the process of producing bread and bakery products from fresh flour. The thing is that the properties of rye flour are significantly inferior to, for example, a wheat type of product, so it is simply impossible to make tasty and airy rye bread without sourdough.

Since, due to the specifics of rye flour, baking bread becomes almost impossible, bakers use dry sourdough. However, rye sourdough was known to people thousands of years ago. The history of sourdough bread began in Ancient Egypt, where they first began baking bread using natural sourdough starters. It is worth noting that the Egyptians used the remains of rye dough, which had previously been used for baking bread, as a sourdough starter.

Preparing fresh sourdough requires a fairly long period of time, during which you need to constantly monitor the condition of the product. Just one mistake and the starter will be hopelessly spoiled, and the baker will have to start the whole process all over again, which on average takes about 10 days. To save time and raw materials in modern baking, dry sourdough is usually used.

However, dry starter cultures are used not only in industrial production. Modern housewives often purchase household bread machines and enjoy making bread and various bakery products at home. In the process of baking rye bread using a bread machine, dry sourdough will become an indispensable auxiliary product that will help give the dough the desired consistency.

It is worth noting that dry sourdough affects not only the appearance of the finished baked goods, but also its taste and aroma. When dry sourdough is added to the dough, the final baked product will have a distinctive taste and aroma. At home, it is really easier, faster and more convenient to use dry starters, which are a powdery substance, for baking bread.

Depending on the desired result, a certain type of dry starter is chosen. Moreover, the type of one or another dry leaven will differ primarily in its chemical composition, which may contain both fermented malt or rye flour, and a mixture of acids, for example, citric, lactic and ascorbic. As a rule, dry starters contain exclusively natural ingredients, which, in addition to taste and aroma, saturate the finished baked goods with a number of compounds beneficial to the human body.

Calorie content of dry sourdough 330 kcal

Energy value of dry sourdough (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - bju):

: 11 g (~44 kcal)
: 2 g (~18 kcal)
: 67 g (~268 kcal)

Energy ratio (b|w|y): 13%|5%|81%

If you have never tried to ferment milk using dry starter, then it is not a fact that you will succeed right away.

The treasured bag in your hands that you managed to buy in an online store is not at all a guarantee that in a few hours the right kefir or yogurt better than store-bought will appear on your table.

The instructions on the bags are usually only basic and not very informative. Many nuances that may affect the quality of the resulting fermented milk product are not taken into account.

Now we will tell you how to properly use dry milk starters, and a few more secrets and subtleties of the process of preparing fermented milk products at home.

Clean dishes are the key to success!

All utensils that you will use during cooking and storage must be perfectly clean!

Everything that will come into contact with the starter and milk - pots, lids, spoons, jars, etc. you need to wash thoroughly and preferably sterilize: treat with boiling water for 10-15 seconds.

There may be various pathogenic microbes on the surface of the dishes that will disrupt the fermentation process of milk.

The same rules apply to containers for storing homemade yoghurt, fermented baked milk, kefir and cottage cheese.

If you are going to constantly prepare fermented milk products with your own hands, then set aside a separate set of utensils for fermentation.

This way you will be sure that the dishes will not be used for difficult-to-wash products that have persistent odors - fish, meat, bell peppers, etc., which will spoil the taste of delicate yogurt or sour cream.

As for materials, ideally it should be glass or enamelware. Ceramics will also work.

How to store dry sourdough

Dried bacterial cultures are hermetically packaged in portioned bags or bottles.

They should only be opened immediately before use.

It is not advisable to divide the dry culture into parts for use, and also to store open bags to avoid the ingress of foreign microbes and moisture.

It is best to store dry starters in the refrigerator, on the shelf where there is less moisture.

During transportation, a slight violation of the storage conditions of the starter cultures is allowed. But the high quality of the packaging allows them to preserve their properties.

The shelf life of packaged sourdough is 12 months.

But usually all starters are also designed to have a shelf life reserve.

You can check this by fermenting milk. If the leaven loses its properties, then it simply will not leaven it without causing harm to anyone.

How to add starter to milk

The most important thing when adding starter to milk is not to make a mistake with the temperature.

Lactic bacteria are very sensitive to temperature deviations from the recommended temperature upwards. Temperatures above +45°C kill most beneficial living bacteria.

The container in which you will dilute the starter or pour fermented milk should not be hot. After sterilization, it needs to cool down a little.

It is convenient to use a special thermometer to measure temperature.

Before use, it must be wiped with alcohol.

To save time and effort, some housewives add the starter directly into the milk bag.

You shouldn't do this because most of the starter will clump or stick to the sides of the bag.

Also, do not pour it directly into the fermentation pan.

For better distribution of the dry starter, you must first dilute the contents of the bag in a small volume of warm milk - about 150 ml, and then mix with the rest of the milk.

What not to do when fermenting milk

After the milk with the starter diluted in it has entered the fermentation process, it is important not to touch it.

That is, do not subject it to shaking and moving around the kitchen. Just like rising dough.

At this time, a curd is formed in the milk, and complete rest is required for the bacteria to work.

A draft will harm the milk, so do not open the windows in the kitchen.

A thermos is very convenient for fermentation. It is compact, does not disturb anyone, and maintains a constant temperature inside.

How to determine product readiness

The instructions often indicate not the exact time, but some cooking interval, for example, 6-11 hours.

And how can you understand that it’s time to put it in the refrigerator?

As a rule, beginners keep the maximum, just to be sure.

As a result, the yogurt turns out to be very sour, and the impression of a healthy fermented milk product at home is spoiled for many years.

When using dry starters, it is important not to overcook the curd.

Under different conditions, clot formation occurs at different times.

If there is no draft, the milk is evenly heated, and the milk itself is of good quality, then the bacteria easily wake up from the dry state and form a curd faster.

Therefore, after 6-7 hours you need to look under the lid and lightly push the container.

If there is already a curd, then you need to put the container in the refrigerator, where, under the influence of low temperature, the fermentation process will stop, and the fermented milk product itself will thicken a little more.

If you leave it warm, the bacteria will continue to work.

The beneficial properties of the product will not deteriorate, but excess lactic acid will accumulate in it.

Therefore, at first you need to monitor the formation of a clot.

Very quickly you will understand how long it takes to ferment an excellent product at home.

If you re-ferment yogurt, that is, use a little of the previous product instead of dry starter, then the fermentation time can be greatly reduced.

After all, bacteria will not need to wake up from a dry state. Therefore, you can check the condition of the fermented milk product after 4 hours!

Yogurt starter is a special product that contains special fermented milk bacteria that are involved in the fermentation process. They must contain the so-called Bulgarian bacillus, as it allows you to process lactose and sugar into lactic acid, which has a positive effect on the condition of the intestines. This ingredient is sold both in stores and in pharmacies. Its price is usually relatively low.

The yogurt starter also contains many bifidobacteria, which not only improve the condition of the intestines, but also strengthen the immune system. This is why homemade yogurt is one of the healthiest dairy products. Its positive qualities are as follows:

  • homemade yogurt is completely natural, since you will not add various preservatives and harmful additives to it;
  • you can be confident that you will eat fresh yogurt if you prepare it yourself;
  • a homemade product made with sourdough contains a large amount of protein, which is easily absorbed by the body;
  • if you are lactose intolerant, then you will probably like homemade yogurt, since this fermented milk product contains a minimal amount of this substance;
  • Using yogurt you can cope with constipation in adults and children, as well as improve intestinal microflora.

In order to make truly tasty and healthy yogurt, you need to choose the right starter. Therefore, when you go shopping for ingredients for a fermented milk dish, carefully study the list of sourdough manufacturers, its varieties, and also read consumer reviews. We will tell you about the varieties of the product in our article to make it easier for you to make a choice.


There are many varieties of yogurt starters, each of which has its own pros and cons. When choosing it to make yogurt or kefir with your own hands, pay attention to the manufacturer. It is best to give preference to well-known companies whose products often appear on store shelves. It is better not to buy sourdough from little-known companies. Here is a list of products from the best manufacturers that are popular among housewives:

  • “Vivo” (“Vivo”);
  • "Lactina" ("Lactina");
  • "Narine";
  • "Lactoferm";
  • "Evitalia";
  • "Yoghurt."

If it is not possible to find yogurt starter in your stores, you can always order it from the online store. Be sure to pay attention to the expiration date!

In addition to the manufacturer, yogurt starter also has differences in consistency. There are dry and liquid starters. Dry sourdough is also called “live”. It has a longer shelf life than liquid and gives the yogurt a special taste.

In turn, liquid yogurt starter has a much shorter shelf life and also gives the finished yogurt a completely different taste. However, if you have health problems, then yogurt made with liquid starter will help you strengthen your immune system, just like a product with dry starter.

How to make yogurt with and without starter at home?

You can make yogurt at home with or without sourdough. This tasty product can be given to infants, children, pregnant women and people with reduced immunity. You can prepare yogurt using a yogurt maker and a slow cooker. We will tell you how to do this right now.

In the yogurt maker

To make yogurt with starter in a yogurt maker, you won't need much time or effort. To do this, prepare the required amount of milk and starter, carefully read the instructions on the ingredient package, and then you can add the starter to the liquid, mixing the ingredients thoroughly. Then the resulting mixture should be poured into a yogurt maker and left to infuse for eight to ten hours. After the required amount of time, your sourdough yogurt will be ready to eat.

To prepare a product in a yogurt maker without starter, you need to find a replacement for it. Most often, “live” yoghurts are used as a starter, preferably in a very fresh form.

In a slow cooker

If you don’t have a yogurt maker, you can also make sourdough yogurt in a slow cooker. Prepare the necessary ingredients, namely:

  • 1 liter of fresh milk;
  • dry sourdough – one sachet.

Boil the milk and cool it to thirty degrees. Then add the starter to the liquid, stir and pour the mixture into sterilized jars. You need to pour water into the multicooker bowl and lower the jars into it so that the liquid reaches the shoulders of the can, and then turn the multicooker to the “Heating” mode. Leave the jars of yogurt in the slow cooker for six to eight hours, and then remove them and close the lids, putting them in the refrigerator. This will stop the ripening process and your yogurt will be thick and tasty.

Greek yogurt

Many housewives believe that Greek yogurt is very difficult to prepare on their own. Actually this is not true. To enjoy such a delicious product, you need to take a liter of fresh or UHT milk, bring it to a boil, and then cool it to room temperature. Then you should add the starter, mix the contents of the container thoroughly and wrap it in warm blankets, after covering it with a lid. Leave the mixture to sit for five hours.

After the required amount of time, you need to strain the mixture through cheesecloth and wrap the resulting clot. Leave the package hanging for two hours so that the liquid can drain on its own, and after that time the Greek yogurt will be ready for use.

Using yogurt starter, you can always prepare delicious fermented milk products that will not only delight you and your family with their taste, but also help improve intestinal health and strengthen the immune system. Enjoy ready-made sourdough yoghurts with pleasure!

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