Icon of the Mother of God Goalkeeper - meaning, what it helps with. Icon “Goalkeeper”, or “Unquenchable Candle”: What the image of the Mother of God asks for The miraculous icon of the goalkeeper of Uglich

Miraculous words: the icon of an unquenchable candle and a prayer for it in full description from all the sources we found.

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 Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Goalkeeper of Uglich (Unquenchable Candle)”

Icon name options:

  • Goalkeeper
  • Goalkeeper Uglichskaya
  • Unquenchable Candle
  • Candle of Unquenchable Fire of the Immaterial

Status in Orthodoxy: Orthodox icon, mentioned in the monthly book.

The section was founded by member [ tol] 2009-11-11, last edited by [ tol] 2016-02-12.

Source: Disc "Orthodox Church Calendar 2011" by the Moscow Patriarchate Publishing House

On the icon “Goalkeeper” (“Unquenchable Candle”) the Most Holy Theotokos is depicted as a nun with a rosary and a staff in her left hand and a candle in her right. The miraculous image was located in the Alekseevsky Monastery in the city of Uglich, Yaroslavl province. Until June 23, 1894, the holy icon was in the monastery's storeroom. But after one sick visitor from St. Petersburg approached the abbot of the monastery, telling him about the Mother of God who appeared to him in a dream and commanded him to go for healing to Uglich, where Her holy icon was located, and to pray before it, the image was treated with great honor and triumph. moved to the Assumption Church of the monastery. Having prayed before the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, the patient received complete healing. In gratitude for this, he donated a silver gilded robe to the icon. Since then, everyone who resorted to the Queen of Heaven with faith in Her intercession before God was given healing and consolation from the miraculous icon of the Mother of God “Goalkeeper”.

Source: Website "Miracle-Working Icons of the Blessed Virgin Mary", author - Valery Melnikov

This icon should be distinguished from the Iverskaya icon, which is also called the Goalkeeper. This same icon is sometimes called the Uglich icon, since it became famous in the Alekseevsky Monastery in the city of Uglich in 1894. On June 23 of this year, a St. Petersburg merchant arrived in Uglich, who had been suffering from a serious illness for a long time. The merchant told the abbot that the Mother of God appeared to him in a dream and ordered him to go to Uglich, where he should pray before Her icon. Since the merchant described in detail the image of the Mother of God in which She appeared to him, the required icon was found very quickly. She was in the monastery's storeroom. At the direction of the abbot, the image was solemnly transferred to the Assumption Church of the monastery, and the sick merchant, having prayed in front of the image, was immediately healed. In gratitude for his miraculous cure, the merchant covered the icon with a gilded silver robe.

A candle of unquenchable fire of immaterial fire (goalkeeper). One day the robbers decided to rob the monastery. They began to follow him and saw that the watchman with a lit candle walked around the outside of the monastery every evening. And after some time they came to the monastery to repent (fear suddenly attacked them). The abbess knew that their watchman never walked around the monastery, especially with a candle, and she realized that it was the Mother of God herself who protected their monastery. In 1894, a peasant dreamed of this icon so that he would pray in front of it and get well. The image was found in the monastery's storerooms. “Mother of God the Goalkeeper,” because she protected the monastery. The Akathist is read to the Iveron Icon, as it is written on the back of the found icon.

Source: Book "E. Villager. Mother of God. Description of Her earthly life and miraculous icons"

The Mother of God in this icon is depicted as a nun with a staff and rosary in her left hand and a candle in her right hand. This image is located in the Alekseevsky Monastery in the city of Uglich, Yaroslavl province. Until 1894, the icon remained in the monastery's storeroom. On June 23 of this year, a sick merchant arrived from St. Petersburg at the monastery. Appearing to the abbot, he spoke in detail about his illness and that the Mother of God appeared to him in a dream and ordered him to go to Uglich, where Her icon is located, and pray before her, promising him healing. The abbot ordered to find this icon. His command was carried out, and the icon was transferred with great triumph to the Assumption Church of the monastery. When the sick merchant prayed before her, he soon completely recovered. In gratitude for the healing he received, he covered the icon with a gilded silver robe. Currently, this miraculous icon of the Mother of God also provides healing to those who resort to the Queen of Heaven with faith in Her intercession before God. By a[. ]

Images of the icon of the Goalkeeper of Uglich (Unquenchable Candle)

File 488.jpg: | |

Size: 504×622, 0.31 MPix, 112 Kb.

Date of: 2009-11-11, anonymous.

File 489.jpg: | |

Size: 493×680, 0.34 MPix, 56 Kb.

Date of: 2009-11-11, anonymous.

Description: The miraculous icon of the Mother of God “Candle of the Unquenchable Fire of the Immaterial” or “Goalkeeper of Uglich”.

File 17195.jpg: | |

Size: 640×941, 0.6 MPix, 128 Kb.

Date of: 2012-05-26, anonymous.

Description: Icon of the Mother of God “Unquenchable Candle” or “Goalkeeper of the St. Alexeevsky Uglich Monastery.” Second half of the 19th century, monastic letter from the Yaroslavl province.

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Size: 699×910, 0.64 MPix, 114 Kb.

Date of: 2012-11-20, anonymous.

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Size: 640×1451, 0.93 MPix, 240 Kb.

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Size: 443×600, 0.27 MPix, 70 Kb.

Description: Icon of the Unquenchable Candle

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Size: 600×980, 0.59 MPix, 389 Kb.

Date of: 2014-08-26, anonymous.

Description: Icon of the Unquenchable Candle

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Size: 1135×1918, 2.18 MPix, 281 Kb.

Date of: 2015-03-05, anonymous.

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Size: 640×1477, 0.95 MPix, 110 Kb.

Description: Unquenchable candle. Alekseevsky Assumption Monastery..jpg

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Size: 1071×1572, 1.68 MPix, 62 Kb.

Description: Unquenchable Candle. (2016) Oranta. Lot 178 RUSSIAN ICON OF THE VRATARNITSA OR INEXTINGUISHABLE CANDLE MOTHER OF GOD, wood, tempera, 26.5x22cm, 19th century, Russia.

File 29353.jpg: | |

Size: 837×1039, 0.87 MPix, 299 Kb.

Date of: 2017-08-25, anonymous.

Pages: . Total images: 11. Sorting: in normal order.

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and why do icons get wedding rings?

The history of this extraordinary image is interesting. According to legend, the Mother of God appeared to the rector of the Alekseevsky Monastery in the city of Uglich, Yaroslavl province, Evangel in the image of the Mother of God with a staff and a candle. But this image became famous and revered only 30 years later.

A church was built in the monastery in honor of the Dormition of the Mother of God; people called it Divna. It is interesting that at the beginning of the 17th century the monastery was destroyed by Polish-Lithuanian troops. The brothers and the population fought to the last. And at the site of their death in 1628, the stone tented church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary was built.

Until June 23, 1894, the icon was kept in the temple storerooms. One day, a visitor from St. Petersburg approached the abbot of the monastery. He spoke about the Mother of God appearing to him in a dream and commanding him to go for healing to Uglich, where Her holy icon was located, and to pray in front of it. The image was transferred to the Assumption Church of the monastery. Having prayed before the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, the patient received complete healing. In gratitude for this, he donated a silver gilded robe to the icon. Since then, healing and consolation were given to everyone who resorted to the Queen of Heaven with faith in Her intercession before God.

The servants of the Assumption Church have collected many modern evidence of deliverance from diseases and misfortunes:

Expectant mothers fervently pray to the “Goalkeeper” for the birth to be easy and successful, and for the baby to be born healthy and strong. Cases of healing of infants from illnesses are also mentioned.

Mothers pray in front of this image of the Virgin Mary that their daughters will be freed from infertility. And also the women themselves venerate the shrine with fervent requests for long-awaited children.

3. Healing legs, arms and back

There are many known cases where, through prayers to the “Unquenchable Candle,” parishioners got rid of lumbago, osteochondrosis, and even acquired injuries.

It is believed that this particular image of the Blessed Virgin Mary has a special gift of healing from cancer. In some cases, the icon is applied to the sore spot, and the tumor disappears.

There is evidence of relief from skin irritations and even eczema.

They ask the “Goalkeeper” to help in spiritual matters- strengthen faith, calm down in difficult times, gain new strength in life - endure, humble yourself, endure and love, receive consolation in the grief of losing loved ones.

They pray to this image of the Mother of God and about creating, preserving and strengthening a family.

It is even believed that the icon helps resolve housing and some business issues.

The Mother of God, holding in her hand a candle of unquenchable Fire of the Immaterial, acts as a mediator between people and the Savior. “The Goalkeeper” brings us the light of love and illuminates the path to the Kingdom of God and salvation.

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Candle of the Unquenchable Fire of the Immaterial. Image of the Blessed Virgin Mary

A harsh, terrible time - night. It is at this time that various temptations and temptations are especially overwhelming, and heavy thoughts oppress. At this hour, repentance and anxiety plunge us into insomnia, and then the fervent words of prayer rush to the image of the Most Holy Theotokos.

For several centuries, pilgrims from all over Rus' have been flocking to the ancient city of Uglich. Like an endless river, they rush to the icon of the Mother of God, whose name is “Candle of the Unquenchable Fire of the Immaterial.” She is also called “Goalkeeper” Uglicheskaya. The Queen of Heaven is depicted in a monastic robe. She leans on her staff with one hand. In the other, she holds a candle. This is an inextinguishable symbol of the Savior. After all, it is said that Jesus is the light of Truth, the radiance of the glory of the Father and the image of His hypostasis. The Divine abided with Him inseparably, always: in the womb of His Mother, and on the Cross, and in the tomb. And will remain with Him forever. The Mother of God, holding in her hand the unquenchable candle of the Immaterial Fire, acts as a mediator between people and the Savior, brings us the light of His love and illuminates the path to His Kingdom, to salvation. This image of the Most Holy Theotokos has a special gift of healing from cancer and infertility: “Mother of God, our ambulance and intercessor, do not let our souls perish! Cover us with your grace, send us strength to withstand life’s trials.”

All human troubles come from our frivolity and stupidity. “Why do we first do things and then think about them?” - a question to which I will never find an answer. My own story began with a passion for horror films. I loved being scared by movie monsters with kilograms of makeup on their faces. The next step was to read the relevant literature. Another would have stopped there, but I continued my acquaintance with the “dark world”. I still don’t understand what came over me. Having not previously been particularly patient, I now studied with excellent perseverance the tomes for which in the Middle Ages the Inquisition would have sent me to the stake as a warlock and sorcerer. This is how I gradually became.

One day something happened to me that I still can’t remember without nervous trembling. No signs of trouble. In the middle of the night I got up to go to the kitchen to drink water. And suddenly an icy hand stroked my neck, and an ominous whisper whistled into my ear: “Lyosha-ah, our Lyosha-ah.” I almost died of horror then, but it was the beginning. I began to hear scary voices and see shadows that frightened me. My condition worsened every month and by April reached a critical point. The worst happened on the night of the thirteenth. A whole choir of voices settled in my head, either whispering all sorts of abominations, or offering everything that a person could dream of. But their promises no longer pleased me. The last thing I remember is I jump out of the apartment and run along the entrance. I came to my senses near the church. I didn’t even know which one, I only remember the glow of the domes in the blue spring sky. I remember that I really wanted to go into the calm and bright silence of the temple. However, I could not do this - the damned shadow had a death grip on me. I struggled in her clutches like a fish on a hook. And then I prayed, without taking my eyes off the golden domes, I asked as fervently as I had never asked anyone: “Help!” And help came. From the radiance of the domes a woman appeared in a monastic robe and with a burning candle, burning with an unbearable, unearthly light. From him, the shadow that was tormenting me retreated and disappeared, and hot, cleansing tears flowed down my cheeks.

Here is the prayer read before the image of the Most Holy Theotokos “Candle of the Unquenchable Fire of the Immaterial”: “Oh, Most Holy Virgin, Mother of the Lord, Queen of Heaven and Earth! Hear the much-painful sighing of our souls, look down from Thy holy height upon us, who with faith and love worship Thy most pure image. Behold, immersed in sins and overwhelmed by sorrows, looking at Your image as if You were alive and living with us, we offer our humble prayers. Imams have no other help, no other intercession, no consolation except You, O Mother of all who mourn and are burdened! Help us, the weak, satisfy our sorrow, guide us, the erring, on the right path, heal and save the hopeless, grant us the rest of our lives to spend in peace and silence, grant us a Christian death, and at the Last Judgment of Your Son, the merciful Intercessor will appear to us, and always We sing, magnify and glorify Thee, as the good Intercessor of the Christian race, with all those who have pleased God. Amen."

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Miraculous icon “Candle of unquenchable fire of immaterial fire”

For everyone who visited the Alekseevsky Convent of Uglich, the revered shrine - the miraculous icon of the Mother of God “Candle of the Unquenchable Fire of the Immaterial”, or “The Goalkeeper of Uglich” - sank into the soul forever. The gap between the frame and the image itself is filled with gold jewelry, which believers leave in gratitude to the Mother of God for healing and consolation.

ALEXEEVSKY monastery is very ancient, and its foundation is associated with the names of great Russian saints. Saint Alexy of Moscow, having visited Uglich in 1371, chose a place to build a monastery, for which he received permission from the blessed prince Demetrius Donskoy. Alexy sent monk Andrian, the first builder of the monastery, to Uglich. Through his efforts, within a year, a church was built in honor of the Dormition of the Mother of God, and initially the monastery was called Assumption. Alekseevsky became in the 40s of the 15th century. At the beginning of the 17th century, the monastery was devastated by Polish-Lithuanian invaders. The brothers and the population fought the invaders to the last. At the site of their death in 1628, a stone tented church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary was built as a monument to the liberation of their native land. The people called her Divna: “This is a white swan sailing on the waves of centuries,” they say about her in Uglich. The miraculous icon “Candle of the Unquenchable Fire of the Immaterial” now resides in the Wonderful Church.

According to legend, the Mother of God appeared to the rector of the monastery, Evangel, in the image of the Mother of God with a staff and a candle. And the icon became famous 30 years later, after a sick merchant from St. Petersburg received healing from it. And many such healings and consolations have been recorded; the icon helps everyone “who flows to it with faith.” People from all over Russia flock to the miraculous image of the Mother of God and through the prayers of the intercessor they receive help and consolation. Believers from Uglich, Moscow, Dmitrov, Yaroslavl, Kashin and other parts of the country received assistance in childbirth, healing, strengthening of faith, the return of peace to the family, and a trace of grace in the soul.

With the funds and efforts of benefactors, the cell building for the orphanage was restored. In 2007, the shelter named after the holy noble prince Demetrius of Uglich opened. The pupils study not only in general education, but also in a music school. They are engaged in church singing and reading, sewing, artistic knitting, dancing, drawing, cooking, agriculture; There are icon painting and regency schools. Girls are taught good manners and a love of literature and art. In their prayers they praise the “Goalkeeper of Uglich”, who guides them through life.

July 6 ICON OF THE MOTHER OF GOD “UNFAISHABLE CANDLE” (Goalkeeper, Goalkeeper of Uglich)

List from the icon of the Mother of God “The Unquenchable Candle”, or “The Goalkeeper of Uglich”. The end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th century.

Located in the altar of the Assumption Church of the Alekseevsky Monastery.

List from the icon of the Mother of God “The Unquenchable Candle”, or “The Goalkeeper of Uglich”.

Located in a private collection.

Uglich is like a Znamenny song

The old outfit heals.

Three tents on the Church of the Assumption,

Like three stone candles burning.

Because she is amazingly good.

The world almost died in evil, in collapse -

The soul is saved by beauty.

Someone will rush through in the heat of the moment -

Through the universal night goes...

Like a candle - Her heart,

What calls among earthly worries.

He dies like a sick person without a doctor...

But in the night the Heavenly Queen -

Like an Unquenchable Candle.

Warm up the cold me!

Souls are like stray dogs,

If without spiritual fire.

Life is like an abyss, like the mouth of hell.

Shine over impoverished Russia,

So that we don’t get lost in misfortunes.

The light of love among earthly losses.

In Uglich at the Church of the Assumption

Three tents are burning like candles...

Alekseevsky Monastery is very ancient, and its foundation is associated with the names of great Russian saints. Saint Alexy of Moscow, having visited Uglich in 1371, chose a place to build a holy monastery here. Having received permission from the holy noble prince Demetrius Donskoy, Saint Alexy sent the first builder, the monk Adrian, to Uglich. Through his diligence, within a year, a wooden church was built in honor of the Dormition of the Mother of God, which is why the monastery was originally called Assumption. It began to be called Alekseevsky in the forties of the 15th century, after its founder, St. Alexy, was canonized and a temple named after him was erected in the monastery.

For two centuries, the Alekseevsky Monastery was large and prosperous, but at the beginning of the 17th century it was destroyed by Polish-Lithuanian invaders and “thieves’ men.” The defenders of the monastery - the brethren and townspeople - fought with the invaders until their last breath. At the site of their death, as a monument to those who died for the liberation of their native land in 1628, a stone tented church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary was erected, popularly known as “Wonderful”, as one of the most perfect creations of ancient Russian architecture. “This is a white swan, sailing on the waves of centuries,” the people of Uglich lovingly say about her. The miraculous icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Candle of the Unquenchable Fire of the Immaterial” now resides in the Wonderful Church.

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Rating 4.3 Votes: 46

There are two icons with this name. One was revealed on Mount Athos. This is the most famous image of the Mother of God, which is revered not only in Orthodoxy, but also in Catholicism. The Goalkeeper icon is also located in one of the Russian monasteries, but it has a different composition and its own history.

History of the icon

The blessed island keeps many legends. According to one of them, the Mother of God had to leave Jerusalem when Christians began to be persecuted there. On the way to Cyprus, the Blessed Virgin stopped at Athos, which she called one of her destinies. There are several of them:

  • Georgia (Iveria);
  • Mount Athos;
  • Russia (Kievan Rus);
  • Diveevo (monastery founded by St. Seraphim of Sarov).

Our Lady has a special relationship with each of these places. For example, many miraculous icons were revealed on Mount Athos. One of them is the “Goalkeeper” icon. She came to the brothers of the Iversky Monastery straight from the depths of the sea in a pillar of fire. For a long time no one could get hold of the miraculous image until they called a Georgian monk - now known as Gabriel the Svyatogorets. He lived in seclusion, ate only herbs, washing them down with water. But one day the Most Pure One herself ordered him to return to the monastery to accept her image.

The monk did just that. After the prayer service, all the brethren went down to the shore, and Gabriel walked straight on the water, and the image moved towards him. The monks solemnly brought the shrine to the altar, but in the morning it ended up at the gate. Thus, the Mother of God showed her desire to protect the monastery and its inhabitants. Since then, the Iveron Icon has been called “Portaitissa,” that is, “Goalkeeper.”

Since that time, the image has been on Mount Athos, but there are also many miraculous copies of it. One of them is in Iveria itself (Georgia). Since the Mother of God was very sad that in one of her destinies people still had not accepted Christ, she decided to send the Apostle Andrew there. As a blessing, she gave him her image - she washed her face, put her face to the board, and miraculously an imprint remained on it.

Where else are miraculous icons kept?

The icon of the Mother of God “Goalkeeper” is also well known in the Diveyevo monastery. A healing spring has been flowing here for many decades. It is located near the chapel in the name of the Iveron Icon. Elder Alexandra dug a spring with her own hands so that the workers who built the Kazan Church for the monastery could drink water.

Here the local population prayed during dry periods and brought babies to bathe them in healing water. Already in our time, a pond was equipped so that you could plunge completely. Water helps against various diseases, as well as those who are possessed by evil spirits.

Meaning and interpretation of the icon

Each image of the Mother of God carries a common meaning - she embodies the unity of the Lord with his children, who are all Christians, regardless of gender, age, or nationality. But there are special blessings specifically for Russia: for example, the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Goalkeeper” (“Unquenchable Candle”). It is strikingly different from the usual iconography of the Virgin Mary.

  • The Queen of Heaven stands in monastic robes.
  • In her left hand she holds a rosary (an attribute of any monk), as well as a staff. This is a symbol of power and patronage, which can only be worn by bishops (higher clergy).
  • In her right hand, the Mother of God holds a candle - a symbol of unceasing prayer.

The icon was discovered at the end of the 19th century. in the city of Uglich. A man came to the monastery there because the Queen of Heaven came to him in a dream. On her orders, he came from St. Petersburg to find an amazing image that was discovered in the closet. The visitor became completely healthy after the prayer service. In memory of this, he ordered an expensive frame for the icon, which is still in the monastery, lavishing healings.

How does the Goalkeeper icon help?

For Orthodox Christians, the Mother of God is like their own mother. They share with her any sorrows and sorrows. When a child is sick, it is necessary to find a new place of work, someone has been unfairly offended, a husband suffers from drunkenness - the “Goalkeeper” icon will help in each of these troubles. It can protect a home from enemies - it is not for nothing that the Mother of God returned her image to the monastery gates several times.

To this day, there is a wonderful lamp in front of the Athos icon: before tragic events, it begins to sway. This also happened during enemy attacks on the monastery, but not once did the Mother of God allow enemies into her monastery. Every believer has the right to count on such protection if he regularly prays and attends church.

According to pious tradition, Orthodox Christians purchase several icons for their home. Among the images, the image of the Blessed Virgin Mary is obligatory; “Goalkeeper” is a good choice. You can especially ask for protection for your home in your prayers, because there we keep all our property, for which we have worked for many years. Of course, the main concern of a Christian should be the achievement of the Kingdom of Heaven, but the Lord does not forbid having things and being a careful owner. The main thing is not to become attached to earthly values, not to make objects of worship out of them.

Where is the best place to hang the Iveron Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos (“Goalkeeper”)?

Based on the name, it is quite possible to place it above the doorway. This is usually done from inside the apartment to avoid theft or even worse - desecration of the shrine. You can glue a cross to the outside of the door itself.

A good place is a shelf in the hallway, right opposite the entrance. When leaving, you can pray in front of the icon, ask for good luck in your business, and sign the cross over your family and home. After returning, you must also cross yourself and thank the Lord for what you have preserved during the day.

There is no particular need to place icons near children's beds - the Lord protects them anyway. But this is not prohibited. The main thing is that the place is appropriate - either a separate shelf or a wall, free from decorations and worldly images. It will be good if a child is taught to pray before going to bed from an early age - an icon will be very useful for this. The main thing is for family members to understand that the power of God comes through prayers, and not through boards.

Prayer to the Goalkeeper icon

O Most Holy Virgin, Mother of the Lord, Queen of heaven and earth! Hear the much-painful sighing of our souls, look down from Thy holy height upon us, who with faith and love worship Thy most pure image. Behold, immersed in sins and overwhelmed by sorrows, looking at Your image, as if You were alive and living with us, we offer our humble prayers. Imams have no other help, no other intercession, no consolation except You, O Mother of all who mourn and are burdened! Help us, the weak, satisfy our sorrow, guide us, the erring, on the right path, heal and save the hopeless, grant us the rest of our lives to spend in peace and silence, grant us a Christian death and appear to us at the Last Judgment of Your Son, merciful Intercessor, yes We always sing, magnify and glorify Thee, as the good Intercessor of the Christian race, with all those who have pleased God. Amen.

What you need to know about the Goalkeeper icon

Icon of the Mother of God Goalkeeper - meaning, what it helps with was last modified: July 8th, 2017 by Bogolub

List from the icon of the Mother of God “The Unquenchable Candle”, or “The Goalkeeper of Uglich”. The end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th century.
Located in the altar of the Assumption Church of the Alekseevsky Monastery.

List from the icon of the Mother of God “The Unquenchable Candle”, or “The Goalkeeper of Uglich”.
Located in a private collection.

The Mother of God in this icon is depicted as a nun with a staff and rosary in her left hand and a candle in her right hand. This image was located in the Alekseevsky Monastery in the city of Uglich, Yaroslavl province.

Until 1894, the icon remained in the monastery's storeroom. On June 23 of this year, a sick merchant arrived from St. Petersburg at the monastery. Appearing to the abbot, he spoke in detail about his illness and that the Mother of God appeared to him in a dream and ordered him to go to Uglich, where Her icon is located, and pray before her, promising him healing. The abbot ordered to find this icon. His command was carried out, and the icon was transferred with great triumph to the Assumption Church of the monastery. When the sick merchant prayed before her, he soon completely recovered. In gratitude for the healing he received, he covered the icon with a gilded silver robe.

Currently, this miraculous icon of the Mother of God also provides healing to those who resort to the Queen of Heaven with faith in Her intercession before God. According to the acts drawn up by the Yaroslavl spiritual consistory, from 1894 to the present, more than forty miraculous healings have occurred with this icon.
Uglich is like a znamenny song
The old outfit heals!...
Three tents on the Church of the Assumption,
Like three stone candles burning.

Marvelous - that church was nicknamed
Because she is amazingly good.
The world almost died in evil, in collapse -
The soul is saved by beauty.

In the church near the entrance there is an icon -
Someone will rush through in the heat of the moment -
Extraordinary canon
That "Unquenchable Candle".

We see: Mother of God with a candle
Through the universal night goes...
Like a candle - Her heart,
What calls among earthly worries.

People are angry, dying and swearing,
He dies like a sick person without a doctor...
But in the night the Heavenly Queen -
Like an Unquenchable Candle.

Mother of God, You are a Candle in the darkness!
Warm up the cold me!
Souls are like stray dogs,
If without spiritual fire.

Mother of God, unquenchable light!
Life is like an abyss, like the mouth of hell.
Shine over impoverished Russia,
So that we don’t get lost in misfortunes.

You are the Candle of hope and patience,
The light of love among earthly losses!...
In Uglich at the Church of the Assumption
Three tents are burning like candles...

(from the book “Church Slavonic ligature”)

The miraculous icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Candle of the Unquenchable Fire of the Immaterial” now resides in the revived, now female, Alekseevsky Uglich Monastery.

Alekseevsky Monastery is very ancient, and its foundation is associated with the names of great Russian saints. Saint Alexy of Moscow, having visited Uglich in 1371, chose a place to build a holy monastery here. Having received permission from the holy noble prince Demetrius Donskoy, Saint Alexy sent the first builder, the monk Adrian, to Uglich. Through his diligence, within a year, a wooden church was built in honor of the Dormition of the Mother of God, which is why the monastery was originally called Assumption. It began to be called Alekseevsky in the forties of the 15th century, after its founder, St. Alexis, was canonized and a temple named after him was erected in the monastery.

Saint Alexy of Moscow . XXI Century. Icon of the Alekseevsky Monastery.

For two centuries, the Alekseevsky Monastery was large and prosperous, but at the beginning of the 17th century it was destroyed by Polish-Lithuanian invaders and “thieves’ men.” The defenders of the monastery - the brethren and townspeople - fought with the invaders until their last breath. At the site of their death, as a monument to those who died for the liberation of their native land in 1628, a stone tented church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary was erected, popularly known as “Wonderful”, as one of the most perfect creations of ancient Russian architecture. “This is a white swan, sailing on the waves of centuries,” the people of Uglich lovingly say about her. The miraculous icon of the Most Holy Theotokos now resides in the Marvelous Church.

"Goalkeeper", or "Unquenchable Candle".

Interesting. According to legend, the Mother of God appeared to the rector of the Alekseevsky Monastery in the city of Uglich, Yaroslavl province, Evangel in the image of the Mother of God with a staff and a candle. But this image became famous and revered only 30 years later.

A church was built in the monastery in honor of the Dormition of the Mother of God; people called it Divna. It is interesting that at the beginning of the 17th century the monastery was destroyed by Polish-Lithuanian troops. The brothers and the population fought to the last. And at the site of their death in 1628, the stone tented church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary was built.

Until June 23, 1894, it was kept in the temple storerooms. One day, a visitor from St. Petersburg approached the abbot of the monastery. He spoke about the Mother of God appearing to him in a dream and commanding him to go for healing to Uglich, where Her holy icon was located, and to pray in front of it. The image was transferred to the Assumption Church of the monastery. Having prayed before the Most Holy Theotokos, the patient received complete healing. In gratitude for this, he donated a silver gilded robe. Since then, everyone who resorted to the Queen of Heaven with faith in Her intercession before God was given healing and consolation from the miraculous icon of the Mother of God “Goalkeeper”.

The servants of the Assumption Church have collected many modern evidence of deliverance from diseases and misfortunes:

1. Assistance during childbirth

Expectant mothers fervently pray to the “Goalkeeper” for the birth to be easy and successful, and for the baby to be born healthy and strong. Cases of healing of infants from illnesses are also mentioned.

2. Healing from infertility

Mothers pray in front of this image of the Virgin Mary that their daughters will be freed from infertility. And also the women themselves venerate the shrine with fervent requests for long-awaited children.

3. Healing legs, arms and back

There are many known cases where, through prayers to the “Unquenchable Candle,” parishioners got rid of lumbago, osteochondrosis, and even acquired injuries.

4. Healing from cancer

It is believed that this particular image of the Blessed Virgin Mary has a special gift of healing from cancer. In some cases, the icon is applied to the sore spot, and the tumor disappears.

5. Healing facial skin

There is evidence of relief from skin irritations and even eczema.

They ask the “Goalkeeper” to help in spiritual matters - strengthen faith, calm down in difficult times, gain new strength in life - endure, humble yourself, endure and love, receive consolation in the grief of losing loved ones.

They pray to this image of the Mother of God and about creating, preserving and strengthening a family.

It is even believed that the icon helps resolve housing and some business issues.

The Mother of God, holding in her hand a candle of unquenchable Fire of the Immaterial, acts as a mediator between people and the Savior. “The Goalkeeper” brings us the light of love and illuminates the path to the Kingdom of God and salvation.

For everyone who visited the Alekseevsky Convent of Uglich, the revered shrine - the miraculous icon of the Mother of God “Candle of the Unquenchable Fire of the Immaterial”, or “The Goalkeeper of Uglich” - has sunk into their souls forever. The gap between the frame and the image itself is filled with gold jewelry, which believers leave in gratitude to the Mother of God for healing and consolation.
ALEXEEVSKY monastery is very ancient, and its foundation is associated with the names of great Russian saints. Saint Alexy of Moscow, having visited Uglich in 1371, chose a place to build a monastery, for which he received permission from the blessed prince Demetrius Donskoy. Alexy sent monk Andrian, the first builder of the monastery, to Uglich. Through his efforts, within a year, a church was built in honor of the Dormition of the Mother of God, and initially the monastery was called Assumption. Alekseevsky became in the 40s of the 15th century. At the beginning of the 17th century, the monastery was devastated by Polish-Lithuanian invaders. The brothers and the population fought the invaders to the last. At the site of their death in 1628, a stone tented church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary was built as a monument to the liberation of their native land. The people called her Divna: “This is a white swan floating on the waves of centuries,” they say about her in Uglich. The miraculous icon “Candle of the Unquenchable Fire of the Immaterial” now resides in the Wonderful Church.
According to legend, the Mother of God appeared to the rector of the monastery, Evangel, in the image of the Mother of God with a staff and a candle. And the icon became famous 30 years later, after a sick merchant from St. Petersburg received healing from it. And many such healings and consolations have been recorded; the icon helps everyone “who flows to it with faith.” People from all over Russia flock to the miraculous image of the Mother of God and through the prayers of the intercessor they receive help and consolation. Believers from Uglich, Moscow, Dmitrov, Yaroslavl, Kashin and other parts of the country received assistance in childbirth, healing, strengthening of faith, the return of peace to the family, and a trace of grace in the soul.
With the funds and efforts of benefactors, the cell building for the orphanage was restored. In 2007, the shelter named after the holy noble prince Demetrius of Uglich opened. The pupils study not only in general education, but also in a music school. They are engaged in church singing and reading, sewing, artistic knitting, dancing, drawing, cooking, agriculture; There are icon painting and regency schools. Girls are taught good manners and a love of literature and art. In their prayers they praise the “Goalkeeper of Uglich”, who guides them through life.

Through the efforts of the abbess of the Holy Alexeevsky Monastery, Abbess Magdalene, and her sisters, with the blessing of His Eminence Kirill, Archbishop of Yaroslavl and Rostov, the first religious procession took place after a century-long calm with the miraculous icon of the Mother of God “Candle of the Unquenchable Fire of the Immaterial” through the places of asceticism of the holy Uglich wonderworkers. This is an example of the spiritual connection connecting modern Russian people with their ancestors - everyone is alive with God! The religious procession is another attempt to preserve Russia as a holy place and to strengthen the idea that the Lord will not abandon us.
Russia, 2010

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