Dream interpretation of what an accident means. Dreaming of a car accident: what it means and how to interpret it. Interpreter of dreams of the Siberian healer N. Stepanova

None of us are immune from unpleasant situations in real life, and an accident always carries with it more or less serious consequences, regardless of the culprit of the disaster. You should also take seriously a car accident in a dream. Why do you dream about such a situation? Interpretations of the dream book depend entirely on the details of the dream.

In most cases, an accident is a warning. The advice is as follows: you urgently need to stop rushing through life, you are moving too quickly, not noticing simple joys on your way. Ultimately, this behavior can lead to very serious consequences.

Miller's dream book associates a car accident with upcoming entertainment and entertainment events. Most likely, all vain hopes about the festival will be destroyed, either by the news of its cancellation, or by a conflict situation that occurred at the celebration with your participation.

Loff's dream book gives a slightly different interpretation of a dream with a car accident. This is a reflection of the inability to control the current state of affairs in reality. Because of irresponsibility, people close to you may suffer; you should radically reconsider your views on life and take control of your actions.

Looking from the psychoanalytic point of view of Freud's dream book, a dream with a car accident predicts an unbridled passion that will soon appear in the dreamer's life. This vision is especially dangerous for married people. Even with great love for your spouse, a vicious relationship cannot be controlled.

What was the outcome of the car accident?

Many dream books base their interpretations on how the accident in the dream ended. Indeed, in the embrace of a dream, a person may well feel both dead and miraculously surviving. It is also advisable to remember whether passengers were injured in the accident, and whether they were injured at all.

If in a dream you were a passenger, and the culprit of the disaster who was driving was your friend, then in real life you should beware of his company, he negatively influences you, inciting you to take all sorts of dangerous adventures, which in the end can end very badly.

If you were driving in a dream, and you literally miraculously managed to prevent a car accident, then you can have no doubt why you dream about such a plot. What such a picture means in a dream undoubtedly predicts troubles in reality, but you will be able to successfully avoid them, even turning fate in your direction and improving your well-being or personal life.

Why do you dream of a car accident in which the dreamer was a witness? It is worth listening to the recommendations of the dream book and relying only on your own strength. No stranger can solve problems in life better than you.

If in a dream you had a car accident, and death was its outcome, then this is the worst prediction in the dream book. If you feel dead in a dream, then soon you will have to experience many unpleasant moments in reality, which will result in severe stress and even health problems.

According to the interpretation of the esoteric dream book, seeing a car accident in a dream is a rather favorable sign, foreshadowing the appearance of an authoritative and wealthy patron, whose help you will soon really need.

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Choose your dream!

Have you ever dreamed about it?


    I also had a scary dream this week. I was driving in the back seat of the car and there were three people with me (I don’t know who they were). We are driving quickly along the highway, through a crossing, and then there is a bright light, a blow and an ultra sound. I understand that we were hit by a train at the crossing, we get out of the car and go to the scene of the accident and I see that we are all dead. Terrible thoughts in my head. Tell me what is this?

    I dreamed that my friends and I were driving home from the dacha. We rode in the back seat, Oleg on my left, Sergey on my right. And the driver is some man whom I don’t know. We were driving, and then this stranger stopped and got out of the car. And we sit and don’t understand what’s going on. Then we looked ahead, and a car was coming straight towards us. I wait for her to start slowing down, but she doesn’t stop, and when I realized that an accident was inevitable, I said that we’re screwed. And immediately after these words there was a blow. Our car spun around and our backs hit a tree, or a fence. Don't know. Then I looked at my friends, they were unconscious.

    I dreamed that I was driving a car very quickly, felt confident and wonderful, and before waking up I had an accident.

    I dreamed that I was sleeping. And I got a call. I pick up the phone. And there my wife’s grandmother says that my wife and son (10 months old) crashed in a car. And today the two of them went to their grandmother’s dacha. I was terrified. I was at work in the morning. I read dream books everywhere and they write differently. And they also say prophetic dreams from Thursday. on Fri. Looks like they should stay overnight.

    I dreamed that I witnessed an accident. In this accident, a person very dear to me fell to his death in a dream, but in life I don’t know him at all. After I saw this, I had a stony face and tears flowed like a stream, I did not hear anything that others were saying. Then I woke up. What is this for?

    10-Feb-2018 Malika:

    I dreamed that I was sleeping on my side in the car, then I suddenly woke up and was driving, I saw obstacles in front, but I couldn’t turn my arm, it was cramped, I hit it and it was as if I had died, suddenly someone was pulling me, I saw all my friends had gathered, and no matter what Whatever happened, in the mirror I see three large bruises on the side of my face, and the car (golf) is soft-boiled. What is it for!?

    I dreamed that it was allegedly not clear why I was stealing some fancy SUV with three friends (in fact, only in a dream did they appear as such, not when I never saw these people in my life). What happened was at night, they stole it and drove off to a deserted place in the city, stopped and talked about something very positively for a while. After we noticed a police car approaching us, out of fear and adrenaline, we started zero from them, in pursuit I climbed out of the sunroof of the car (it seemed fun), on a long turn our car moved with one wheel to the side of the road and the car shook violently, I I just throw myself out of the car through the hatch in flight, I see that I’m flying headlong into a high concrete block, I crash into it, I feel that my skull is at the end and I see a lot of blood, while I could crawl wherever my eyes were looking and I understand that I’m going to die. Woke up in a cold sweat. The dream was very realistic. I was seriously scared.

    Today I dreamed that I was in a car with my ex-boyfriend, everything seemed fine, but we were eating so that I could pass my license, when we got there he disappeared, I got behind the wheel and before that I was driving for some reason. So I sit down, next to the instructor and from the police, I set off, drove a little, I turn, and on the spot we overturned the car, the instructor died, the policeman was alive, and I remained alive. I dreamed from Thursday to Friday. What does it mean?

    18-Sep-2017 Arina:

    I'm studying at school, and one day there was an accident in a neighboring village. Some ended up in intensive care, one guy flew into the windshield and his brain leaked out. It’s scary, after this accident I had a dream that my classmate Anya died in a car accident. 3 months have passed. The school year has begun, and today I found out that a friend of my classmate had a dream about Anya’s death and an accident around the same period of time. Moreover, both dreamed of the same place. Anya herself says that she doesn’t seem to want to die, but she has such a desire to get into an accident and die. I don’t understand her logic, but somehow it creeps me out. I decided to see what it meant, but I couldn’t find anything.

    10-Sep-2017 Anonymous:

    I had a dream, I got into the car on a ride, then we stopped at some place, I was waiting for someone and asked the driver to call him, and that person was familiar, but the driver was not. I was sitting and I saw everyone looking at me, and at that moment a truck crashed into the car in which I was sitting. I closed my eyes tightly and understood that I was going to die, but I opened my eyes and I was lying in some uncomfortable position and asked someone to help me, but he didn’t even look at me, I screamed, no one heard me, and I awoke. In the dream, I didn’t even realize that I had died. And when I woke up, I was lying in the same position as in a dream.

    24-Mar-2017 Dmitry:

    I dreamed that I was driving a car with a friend, he was driving, they crashed into us from behind, I don’t remember anything else, I came out of a coma, they showed me a report from the scene, there was ours and another car soft-boiled, my friend and I were lying next to each other in a pool of blood , but by some miracle the doctors “picked us up piece by piece” and we survived, without even disability.

    24-Mar-2017 Amira:

    Today I dreamed that I was in an accident, it was just a terrible dream. I was sitting in the car, driving to somewhere I don’t remember, and a KamAZ truck was driving towards a meeting, and it was driving so fast that our car flew off the road and rolled down and I miraculously survived, but there was no one in the car, why is this??

    23-Mar-2017 Anonymous:

    I dreamed that I was driving in a car with my parents and brother, and someone sent us a letter in which there was a warning that an accident would happen with car number 640. We were driving some kind of truck along the highway and when we arrived at the entrance, there was a car with number 640, and next to it was 540, and they drove into us, I woke up abruptly and realized that it was a dream.

    4-Mar-2017 Denis:

    I’m driving with my son in a stroller, I get out onto the road and out of nowhere one car passes by. I dodged the other one with the stroller, but it slightly caught the stroller and I woke up!

    25-Feb-2017 Anonymous:

    I dreamed that I was driving a taxi and we were cut off and there was a car at a traffic light and we crashed into it and there was a girl there, she died immediately.

    21-Feb-2017 Anonymous:

    The three of me, my friend and my brother were in the car, my brother, of course, was driving and my friend was sitting next to me in the back seat. We quickly drove onto the asphalt on a small street, turned around on the second path, my friend was sitting next to the wheel, she held on, and my brother just pressed the pedal and he drove quickly, did not have time to reach the traffic light and the movement began. And so quickly they crashed into a passing car, I don’t even know if we survived or not, but the blow was strong.

    16-Feb-2017 Katya:

    I dreamed that my sister and friend got into a car with some two middle-aged men, and the car was very strange, we got in, the driver pressed on the gas and something went wrong, the car spun, and then we rushed to a large highway at great speed there were four lanes to the right and four to the left, we rushed through four lanes and not a single car hit us, but in the other four lanes a bus was going to the left and then bam there was a collision and I woke up with a terrible heartbeat.

    14-Feb-2017 Damir:

    I dreamed of the consequences of an accident where I was the culprit, if I survived a severe head injury, and the passenger’s ex-wife suffered less, but blames me.

    1-Feb-2017 Nina:

    I dreamed today that my dad and I were sitting in front. Dad was driving, and 3 other people were sitting in the back. We're eating and suddenly we get carried away. My dad and I managed to get out quickly and both died. And another one got out, but was covered in blood and was crying because his grandmother had died and was talking on the phone with his mother about his grandmother. And at that moment I woke up. Very scary.

    I was driving and crashed into another car and just flew out of the car through the front window. I woke up in the hospital, but couldn’t say anything and again seemed to go into a coma. And then she died.

    I dreamed that my car fell into a small hole, the car was in splinters, and a week later I dreamed of an accident again. I crashed into a small snowdrift with an abyss behind it, fell for a long time, after the fall the car was intact, what was this for?

    I dreamed that I really loved one person, but he was not free and so we were driving with him in the car and talking about this, he turns to me, strokes my cheek and calms me down, I turn onto the road and see how we crash into a car and it starts to turn us over. I look at him, and he is still calm, then I see all this from the outside. An ambulance arrived and they said that the girl seemed to be alive, they pulled me out of there and it was as if I was crying at home and couldn’t calm down (they said that this guy died) and I was sitting reading his SMS and there was just such heaviness and melancholy and tears. how I loved very much, and then I woke up and realized that it was a friend who had been dead for several years, that’s what it means, please answer??

    I dreamed that I was starting to drive out in the yard and did not give way to another driver, he crashed into me and my car (the left side was soft-boiled), why would that be?

    Today I dreamed of an accident, a guy was driving, and I was sitting next to him. We were driving along the road and there was a huge hole in the asphalt, there were no warnings about it and we had to drive on the sidewalk, but since there was a lot of speed, we flew up and the car just started flying in slow motion towards the house. I felt this fear that we were going to crash, but as soon as the car approached the house, I woke up. And in the morning the guy’s car wouldn’t start, so he had to take the bus to work. Maybe it's for the best that it didn't start.

    And I dreamed that they called me and said that my husband had crashed, but was alive, and I turned on the TV and saw his accident in detail. Then another program starts and they showed how a car hits my brother. It’s a nightmare, I don’t know this sign or what’s the point?

    My boyfriend had a dream today that we had an accident. He catches a ride and leaves for help, leaving me there. At that moment in his dream, I was alive, I got out of the car with him, he drove off, and I went to help the people get out of the car with which the collision occurred. Then the young man returns and is told that I and those people did not survive. Although, when he left for help, I was alive and everyone was alive. The dream happened as if it were a real event. In reality, we both drive very fast, but now he is afraid and he is very worried. And we cannot find in the dream book the interpretation that we are describing, but it gives a different one. If anyone knows what this dream is about, please tell me.

    I dreamed that I was driving a car on one of the turns, there were obstacles, I got out, removed them, returned to the car, and I barely stopped it from rolling. I sat down and drove on, when I turned this corner I seemed to hit another car, then I descended quite calmly, people were sitting on the street, looking at me, saying something, I drove ahead again, saw people and children, then suddenly stopped abruptly. I saw that some parts of the car had flown off and began to assemble them, and people I didn’t know were sitting in the car, I told them this is my car, but they were like, no, we arrived in it. I look and see it’s not my car, then my younger brother comes up to me, smiling and pulls me away. My father and uncle were with him, I asked them where the car is? At home? My father, smiling, said no, don’t tell your mother, then we went to a neighbor’s house, for some reason I went out, walked down the street home and constantly looked around because it was dark, I couldn’t turn on the flashlight on the phone, it felt like the phone had been damaged, and suddenly I woke up , what is this for?

    I dreamed that I was making my way through some bushes, crossing a fence, stumbling upon someone’s grave without a name, old, abandoned with a star, I step over it, and continue to the car, I know that a friend is waiting for me at his wedding , I get behind the wheel drunk and drive away. Then, at a turn, I lose control and demolish someone’s garage, a woman comes out and shouts at me, I say that everything is fine and that I am doing construction and will restore everything, and I wake up! Why might this be a dream (I want to buy a car soon and have started taking objects for construction).

    My friend and I climbed into the gazelle (the rear compartment covered by a canopy), they accelerated very hard, and crashed into the bus, and someone said by name and showed 3 bodies and mine was there, I lie and understand that I died, as if I was looking out... under the canopy and I see my cat and want to address him by name but I can’t remember. Then I heard some boy shouting that I was still alive, and as if from under a canopy someone was stretching out his hand to me, feeling me, then opening the canopy and I saw myself, all covered in blood, only half of my body remained head, a little cut off body and left hand as if I asked “why didn’t they call the traffic cops”, and the answer was clearly told in the name of justice. After these words, my body began to come together, and I was resurrected with magical power, I look at the broken cars, and I collect them in the same magical way, without touching, and for some reason it all turned into 2 large tanks. I wrote above that I couldn’t remember the cat’s name. I have a cat, he’s deaf and I didn’t give him a name. This is the dream I had. 08/26/2016.

    I had this: I was sitting in the back seat, an actor was driving (he was like my dad). An actress (like a mother) was sitting next to him, my friend was sitting next to me (she’s like my younger sister) and my little brother, about six years old (I don’t have a brother in real life). We were driving normally, and then some car interfered with us and turned to the side of the road. I somehow opened the doors and flew out of the car during the accident, and everyone else remained there. It was burning, dad and mom dropped off their sister and brother (but for some reason it was the other way around: the sister was about 6 years old, and the brother was about 15) and the car exploded, but dad and mom got out with minor wounds; my dad and brother stayed near the car , and my sister and mom went to buy wine, because I was crying, I couldn’t say anything and asked for water, but dad told them to buy wine. And then we stopped the car, which was responsible for the accident (when she was driving back), I don’t know what else, my mother woke me up.

    I dreamed that I was sitting in the back of a car with my ex-husband and I saw that he was driving the car very hard, I saw a bright light from the cars opposite and I realized that now everything would happen, I hug him from behind, hold him close and just said (and the children), I see, how we crash and roll over...we are spinning...and there is an explosion...I see the consequences of the accident...a lot of broken cars. I survived, but I understand that I survived after a head operation... I hear them say that you can’t survive after this... I see a photo of a girl who died... relatives...... children... ((((just a nightmare... I just woke up and immediately came here... Thank you.

Terrible types of disasters frighten in reality, and in a dream they also have a painful impression. If, unfortunately, you actually had to become a participant or witness to an accident, or watch cinematic footage of disasters, you should not look for the meaning of the plot in dream books. What you dream is the influence of what you saw in reality. To understand exactly what an accident means in a dream, you should take into account: who was involved, whether there were any victims, and where it occurred.

Dream Interpretation: seeing an accident in a dream

Miller's Dream Book interprets the catastrophe as a surprise in reality. The nature of the surprise will be negative.

According to Vanga's dream book the accident is interpreted positively. A person will appear in the dreamer’s life who will have a great influence.

An accident in a dream is a sign of self-flagellation, so says Medea's dream book. If people you know die or are injured, this shows hostility towards their actions.

According to the esoteric dream book an accident from the outside means that in a difficult situation the sleeper will be helped from the outside. Getting into an incident means that your actions bring you closer to success.

Dream book of the 21st century interprets the accident as a difficult situation. There is a high probability of becoming a victim of deceivers, and it is worth increasing your vigilance.

Avoiding an accident is a great sign. You will be able to become a winner in everything.

If you dream of an accident at work, and thanks to the actions of the sleeper, it was eliminated and even prevented, the interpretation is also excellent. Skills and professionalism will help you find a way out of any difficulties.

Freud's Dream Book suggests that seeing an accident means experiencing vivid feelings for an unusual person. His extraordinary personality will leave an impression for a lifetime.

A factory accident with an explosion reflects dissatisfaction after intimate contact. A traffic accident symbolizes concerns about the functioning of the genital organs.

Why do you dream about a car accident?

Automotive An accident in a dream is also interpreted depending on the color of the cars. White suggests excessive criticism towards others, black - about the insidious plans of ill-wishers. An accident in a red car warns of a tense situation in a relationship with a loved one. A blue car involved in a minor accident is a sign of stability and even some stagnation in business. The yellow color of the car calls for caution.

Massive car accident on road- warning. In the coming period, you should rely solely on yourself.

If car involved in an accident in a dream, severely damaged, every step must be calculated. Only the maximum possible control over the situation will help to avoid troubles.

Who was injured in an accident in a dream

It’s good when the dreamer is looking for an answer to a question about the plot of a dream “an accident without my participation”. In real life, thanks to your prudence, you will be able to stay away from participating in an extremely unpleasant situation. Providing assistance to victims of a disaster in a dream means receiving news from friends.

Interpreting the plot about what the accident means with my participation, it is advisable to remember all the details of the dream.

Problems in various areas. This is what you dream about an accident with victims in the most general sense. First of all, these are diseases that suddenly make themselves known. It is also a symbol of financial losses and troubles with others. Driving in a dream and hitting a pedestrian is a call to postpone real trips. For businessmen, the dream suggests that it will not be possible to overcome obstacles in business, and negotiations will be fruitless. If the dreamer himself was injured, there is a blow of fate ahead, a mental wound. We managed to get out of the mangled car - achieving our goal will require enormous effort.

Accident no casualties means that in reality you will have to communicate with an extremely unpleasant person. Negative feelings can interfere with normal dialogue and cooperation.

Dreamed accident loved one- alarm signal. In reality, he does have problems. Moreover, they are not connected with transport, and the sleeper will have to provide support.

When you dream that husband had an accident, the plot can be interpreted in two ways. On the one hand, this is negativity suppressed in reality in his direction due to some kind of resentment. On the other hand, this reflects increased anxiety for a loved one and a signal about the need to monitor his health.

Why do you dream of getting into an accident?

An accident in a dream suggests that the pace of existence is too high, when, in the pursuit of illusory things, attention is not paid to the truly important aspects of life. It is advisable to lower your claims.

In a dream crash in an accident when a familiar person was driving - a warning story. In reality, this person will become the source of problems. Driving a car yourself and getting into an accident means unfavorable circumstances lie ahead. Because of them, you may have to change your place of work and residence.

Symbol of impending danger - die in an accident in a dream. You will have to face a series of problems. Stress will be your faithful companion.

It's good if you succeeded survive after the crash. Overcoming the obstacles that arise will be successful, but the main role in the fight against troubles will belong to the sleeper, and he will have to work hard.

Interpretation of sleep by type of accident

Big an accident in a dream is an unfavorable sign. You will experience major problems in business and personal spheres.

Scary an accident dreamed of in the most terrible detail foreshadows a deterioration in mutual understanding with friends and household members. It is advisable to avoid emotional expression of thoughts and also take care of your health.

I dreamed about it someone else's an accident that did not affect the dreamer, a more positive plot. In reality, troubles will not cause significant damage.

Danger threatens - this is what an accident means in dreams with death. If a person you know dies in a dream, in reality it causes subconscious rejection, and negative feelings are transformed into such a frightening plot.

A difficult life period is foreshadowed by a dreamed accident with corpses. This is disharmony in relationships with people, internal loneliness, health problems.

If an accident on road in the dream there were no casualties, this is a positive sign. Troubles will not do much harm, and the ailment can be quickly cured.

Dreamed accident by bus indicates that a carefully designed project will fail. However, if people were not harmed, this failure will ultimately lead to success - the new plan will be more profitable.

It’s bad when you dream about an accident on a motorcycle. The plot symbolizes disappointment in a close friend, conflicts in the family, troubles at work and even dismissal.

Serious financial problems portend train accident. The sleeper should take his well-being seriously in order to notice the symptoms of the disease in time.

An accident signals a confusing situation in reality. in the sky. The cause of trouble will be the negligence of the sleeper and dishonest attitude towards work.

When plane crash dreams regularly, which means it’s time to pause and rest. The nervous system is overloaded with numerous responsibilities.

If you dream of an accident, you should definitely listen to the clues. Events according to the interpretation of dream books are not always related to the situation on transport, and timely measures taken will help to avoid troubles or minimize negative consequences.

A dream about an accident promises a meeting and a long explanation in reality with a narrow-minded but ambitious person - this is if you observe the events taking place in a dream as if from the outside.

It’s another thing to be involved in an accident. In this case, everything suggests that you may be in some danger from opposing forces.

If you were run over by any ground vehicle, you will certainly avoid any complications and troubles.

If you yourself have been involved in a collision as a result of an accident, in reality do not expect satisfaction from the vacation that you decided to allow yourself.

If you were on the verge of a terrible accident, but happily avoided it, everything will be fine, you will be able to honestly avoid a collision with the enemy of your plans.

An accident on board an airliner promises you many new plans that may bring some confusion and anxiety into your life.

An accident on a sea vessel is good news, leading to success in a difficult matter.

If you die during a shipwreck, a person very close to you will ask for help, which will cost you considerable risk.

If trouble did not befall you at sea, it means that you yourself will need the protection and help of a friend.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Dream Interpretation - Accident

An unpleasant surprise on the road. Seeing an accident from the outside means some unplanned event will disrupt the plans of your close friends. This will indirectly affect your expectations for changes for the better.

Imagine that the accident ends happily. Everyone survived, and the damage was compensated many times over.

Interpretation of dreams from

Seeing a car accident in a dream is not a pleasant feeling. The interpretation of such a vision must be taken seriously. Each dream book interprets such a vision differently, however, in order to accurately determine what a car accident means in a dream, you need to take into account even the most insignificant details.

Why do you dream about a car accident according to Miller’s dream book?

G. Miller considers such a dream a harbinger of something bad. If a person is involved in an accident, in reality it is necessary to be prepared for changes that will have negative consequences. If in a vision you managed to avoid a traffic accident, it means that in reality, having found yourself in a difficult situation, a person has a chance to get out of it. If a person sees an accident involving several cars and is not a participant in it, then his plans can come true.

Car accident in a dream according to Vanga

Vanga interprets such a vision as a harbinger of passion or an event that will leave a mark on a person’s memory. Such a dream, in her opinion, promises changes for the better in real life. If a person in a dream sees a car accident in which he is directly involved, this predicts the purchase of a new car or a long trip.

What does a car accident mean - interpretation from the Women's Dream Book

If the person who saw the dream is planning something, then some unpleasant event may interfere with him. Watching an accident in a dream means that troubles will affect loved ones. Seeing dead relatives and getting into an accident together with them is an unkind sign; it is best to postpone all upcoming trips and important matters.

Why do you dream of a car accident - Esoteric dream book

Seeing a road in a dream and witnessing an accident on it means that in reality all matters will be successfully resolved. If you see an accident in a dream, but do not participate in it, it means that in reality there will be good people who will influence the resolution of existing problems.

Car accident according to S. Freud's dream book

Such a dream means that soon an interesting person will appear in life, for whom a strong passion will flare up. It will be mutual and will remain in the memory of both for a long time.

Meneghetti's dream book: car accident

Such a vision reveals the suicidal tendencies of the person who saw it. It is of a warning nature and is recommended to avoid bad news and obviously unpleasant situations in life.

Road accident according to the Veles dream book

If a dream about an accident is accompanied by fire or flying sparks, this portends serious quarrels. Conflicts may arise at work or cherished dreams may collapse.

Why do you dream of a car accident - dream options

Details of any vision can detail its interpretation:

  • a minor accident indicates that there was a situation in the past that was negatively influenced by an outsider.
  • own accident - some circumstances that a person does not expect will take him by surprise. However, quick and decisive action will help avoid the negative consequences of this event.
  • avoiding an accident means that in reality, any confusing situation in life will be resolved favorably.
  • seeing an accident without casualties portends a new acquaintance. Moreover, this person can be an ideal life partner.
  • dying in an accident in a dream is a harbinger of trouble. Most often, a person who has such a dream will face a series of stressful situations.
  • to see the consequences of an accident - to achieve your goals, you should refuse the help of others. Only your own perseverance will help you achieve your plans.
  • to get a lot of injuries in an accident - foreshadows betrayal or another unpleasant event that will deal a blow to pride.

An accident in a dream is comparable to a horror movie or a disaster. Such a plot is frightening and alarming, so the question of why an accident is dreamed of is very relevant. It’s worth saying right away that despite all the unpleasantness of such night dreams, you shouldn’t be afraid of them. The main interpretation of these dreams is a warning that in real life you need to stop in time and look around. This will allow you to make the right decisions in order to subsequently move in the right direction.

To correctly decipher a dream about an accident, you need to remember the details of the plot. It is very important to pay attention to your own feelings in a dream.

Most often, according to dreamers, they have dreams in which a person sees accidents from the outside and is not a participant in them. Therefore, the question immediately arises: why do we dream about such stories and what do they portend in real life?

Seeing the accident from afar

If you saw a car accident from afar in a dream, this means that in real life you will be able to avoid trouble. But in order for dangers to pass you by, you must exercise prudence. Try to predict the situation that will arise after the decisions you make and, thus, you can avoid problems in reality.

Accident with casualties

If there were victims in the accident that you saw in the plot of the dream, then this indicates other people’s conflict situations, the resolution of which is unlikely to be worth participating in. Otherwise, you will only make serious enemies for yourself.

Why do you dream about a train accident?

If you dreamed of a railway accident, then you urgently need to reconsider your plans. Otherwise, you will go the wrong way in life, and you will have to pay for it.

Dreamed of a train accident

When you dreamed that you were in a train accident, try to pay more attention to your loved ones.

Plane crash - interpretation of sleep

A plane crash in your night dreams emphasizes the fact that you have put material wealth first in your life. Such a dream is a reason to think about the fact that one should not deviate from moral principles and should pay more attention to the spiritual component. And if you saw yourself in a falling plane, then try to show more compassion and kindness to the people around you.

Motorcycle accident in a dream

If you dreamed of a motorcycle accident, then this is a call for caution. Such a dream foreshadows a complete collapse of hopes if ill-considered decisions are made.

Car accident involving you

If you dreamed of a car accident with your participation, then all dream books interpret this dream unambiguously and recommend paying more attention to your health. This dream is a warning and highlights the fact that you are not taking enough care of yourself.

When you see yourself driving during an accident, this symbolizes that in real life you are afraid to make responsible decisions. This behavior does not allow you to become an independent and successful person. Believe in yourself, stop being afraid of responsibility, and new life horizons will open up for you.

If you were involved in a car accident as a passenger, then most likely in real life you are burdened by someone else's influence. For example, you may be heavily dependent on your parents or other relatives. You need to think about how to get away from this addiction without provoking the development of conflict situations.

Ship wreck - dream book

A shipwreck at sea symbolizes your inner feeling of guilt towards someone. You need to try to do something in real life to get rid of it. For example, you might want to ask for forgiveness from the person you offended.

Be a passenger on a sinking ship

If you see yourself in a dream among the passengers on a sinking ship in the endless ocean, this means that you will soon be overwhelmed by love feelings in reality. All that can be advised in such a situation is, if possible, not to lose your head and not to commit rash acts. But at the same time, you shouldn’t resist bright feelings, because they will fill your life with unforgettable emotions.

Avoiding an accident - the answer to dreams

Why do you dream about the plot of a dream in which you managed to avoid an accident? The interpretation of such dreams is very positive. It also predicts that in reality you will be able to get out of a difficult situation with honor. In addition, such night dreams can be a harbinger of positive life changes.

Why do you dream about the consequences of an accident?

If you dreamed not of an accident, but of its consequences, this signals that in this period of life you cannot rely on other people, but should rely only on yourself. If you take full responsibility, you will very quickly achieve your goal and become a successful person.

Any dream with an accident is a warning. In this regard, the dreamer always has time to correct the situation predicted in his night dreams by his actions in real life. Listen to your intuition and make a smart decision.

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