If she wants to leave the twins a woman. The Gemini woman is a very accurate and truthful characterization.

Astropsychologists assure: for the question of how to return a twin woman, there are several solutions that in most cases can lead to a successful resolution of the conflict.

Gemini Personality

The Gemini girl is not a supporter of a close relationship with a person whom she does not know enough, from her point of view it is good. In this regard, along with beautiful courtship, she first of all appreciates the openness and honesty of her partner. In return, however, she does not always share everything that happens in her head: the degree of frankness of the Gemini woman depends, surprisingly, on the location of her spirit at a particular moment, so the companions of this sign often accuse them of the unfairness of the demands that they put forward in relation to them.

Do not be surprised by the dual nature of Gemini in general: a change in the images and moods of this girl rarely means hypocrisy or leading a double life. As a rule, she is faithful to her man and, in addition, always remains by his side, being a good friend.

Possible conflict

A man who intends to build a serious and strong alliance with a Gemini woman may not worry about his relationship if he is caring and attentive to his chosen one - such a girl is usually unpretentious, does not require expensive gifts, does not force her companion to seek large financial successes and does not particularly pay attention to the position of his partner in society.

However, a sharp corner in a relationship with a Gemini can be the attitude of her man towards her interests, her friends or family. If a Gemini partner allows herself statements, even if not evil, but, for example, ironic or mocking about Gemini's relatives or hobbies, she will not put up with this and will immediately show her displeasure. In the case when such a situation occurs regularly, she most likely will not beg the man to be more restrained or prove his point. More likely, she will simply leave, not failing to finally remember all the bad things that have ever happened in a relationship.

An irreconcilable conflict can also be caused by a man's attempt to limit the freedom of his Gemini girlfriend. Being faithful to her partner as a woman, Gemini does not tolerate a restriction on communication with someone from her acquaintances or a ban on doing any business. Being in itself not at all the owner, the Gemini woman can never even approximately imagine that an adult can be forced to give up any pleasure, especially if it does not go beyond any reasonable limits.


If the Gemini has informed you that she no longer intends to continue a relationship with you, it will be a mistake to believe that she will calm down and return after some time herself. Of course, there is such a possibility, but only if the cause of the breakup was a quarrel, where she or both partners are clearly wrong. In any other situation, the Gemini woman will prefer to console herself with spending time with other people, making new acquaintances, traveling and looking for a variety of hobbies. She simply will not have time to miss the past, and in a month or two she will be completely closed for reconciliation.

You will need to act immediately, but first answer the question for yourself, can you change in order to avoid conflict situations? Are you ready to give her the right to see her old friends or let her go to dance or rock climbing classes? If you cannot give a definite answer, then there is practically no point in resuming relations: after all, the same conflict will arise again and again, and your credit of trust will decrease every time.

If a man is ready to change and understand the freedom-loving nature of his chosen one, he can begin to take the first steps towards reconciliation. It is important that he immediately shows his willingness to change his views and character: often men begin to clearly show jealousy in relation to their former passion with questions like “Well, how do you do without me? Are you already walking with someone else? and similar phrases. Needless to say, such behavior will not leave a Gemini with a trace of the desire to continue the conversation?

There is no need to show your anger or state that you are offended too. Be calm, but attentive, caring and cheerful. If the Gemini girl again feels that she is good with you, and you can be trusted, she will gladly give a chance to your relationship.

The Gemini girl is an incredibly interesting interlocutor, she is intelligent, polite and witty, easily converges with any people, being for them an unusually interesting, extraordinary personality, a source of good mood and joyful everyday life. Such girls are always accompanied by smiles and interested looks. They are attractive to the opposite sex, they know and appreciate it. The goal of many representatives of this zodiac sign is a company of fans, with the help of which they assert themselves, raise their self-esteem and gain self-confidence.

True, rarely anyone from this company is able to truly interest a girl - Gemini is serious, she needs unusual courtship, an extremely cautious approach, touching romantic moments. You need to look after them beautifully, in the style of the 18th century, with scope, surprises and serenades under the window. But you can’t be overly intrusive - so as not to frighten off the tender beloved with excessive pressure.
As a rule, such girls are always impregnable and arrogant, they must be diligently conquered, and, despite the possible numerous failures, they must be persistently pursued. If the Gemini girl herself became interested in someone, then we can say with absolute certainty that she will successfully achieve what she wants. The only pity is that her bar is sometimes too high, and it is extremely rare that she can meet a prince who can really fall in love with her, firmly and for a long time.
Often, being in search of an ideal lover, Gemini girls rashly get married, and later, realizing the wrongness of their choice, do not try to restore good relations in marriage, and just as easily get divorced in order to try again. That is why half of the representatives of this zodiac sign have a divorce behind their backs, and every fifth has several.

Conflicts with her are a very infrequent phenomenon, due to her peaceful nature, but if he did occur, then this indicates the extreme dissatisfaction of the girl in life.

Making peace with a girl - Gemini is not difficult, she, as a rule, is the first to meet, always ready to discuss the cause of the conflict in search of its solution, tries to make amends and forget the quarrel as soon as possible. If there was no first step from her, then the resentment is very deep, and she cannot step over it so easily. In this case, you need to be ready for the "storm", with apologies almost on your knees, tears and confessions - a drama, in a word. If you manage to do it touchingly, like in a movie, consider victory in your pocket - you have made peace. But, it is much more important to learn how to keep her satisfaction from life, and hence peaceful coexistence. She will be imbued with deep respect and gratitude for you if you begin to change for her and for her sake - try to behave “in French”, do small amenities that any girl will like, try to spend time together more often, courteously court, give appropriate gifts. present.

According to astrologers, it is not difficult and quite possible to return a Gemini woman. Because her feelings are superficial. Carried away by a man, she can quickly lose interest in him. Especially if in the end it turns out that he is not at all so interesting and sociable. The monotony in life pushes her to new acquaintances, but they are often not always durable.

First of all, you need to understand why she left. Such women cannot stand monotony in relationships, in life. When they get bored, there is no attention, communication, then they look for him on the side. She can flirt to get attention, which she lacks, but enters into a serious relationship extremely rarely.

She can leave when they begin to restrict her freedom, read morals, try to re-educate, limit her life to strict limits. When there is no novelty in a relationship, nothing changes.

It is worth noting that this article contains only a description of the zodiac sign, that is, only the position of the sun in the zodiac sign is described. When there are many other planets and aspects involved in shaping the character, behavior, habits, of a person. If you need the help of an astrologer or want to find out more detailed information about yourself or about the person you are interested in, use

The character of the fairer sex, who was born under the constellation Gemini,
very different from the character of the other girls. Geminis are frivolous, unpredictable, even somewhat flighty. Keeping them near you, you will have to spend a lot of nerves and efforts, but even at such moments no one can guarantee that such a woman will not leave. It is not difficult for a Gemini woman to decide to part with a partner. Internally, such ladies are always free, and never strongly attached to anyone. To forget about a break with a man, it will be enough for them to switch to a hobby or move for a while.

Ways to return a Gemini woman

If a Gemini woman informed her partner that she no longer wanted to be with him, then it would be erroneous to assume that she would soon return back. Naturally, there are chances for this, but only in the situation if the reason for the separation is a quarrel, where both partners or she are to blame. In any other situation, the Gemini girl will console herself with spending time with other people, traveling, meeting new people and hobbies. She will not have time for boredom, and after a while she will not want to put up with it at all.

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Reconciliation with a representative of this sign is an easy process, because it happens when Gemini is the first to be ready to meet. At the same time, they have a willingness to discuss the causes of the conflict situation and find a solution. If there was no first step from such a woman, then the offense is deep enough, and the lady will not be able to step over it so easily. In such a situation, a man should be ready for an “assault”. At the same time, you need to think over apologies, the main thing is that they be dramatic.

Is it possible to return Gemini?

Most often, a Gemini woman, by her departure, tries to prove that she has already managed to find out everything about her partner and nothing can surprise her anymore. But at the same time, a man may have a chance, because female curiosity destroys any disappointments and resentments. If a Gemini woman is interested in any non-trivial or mysterious events of an ex-partner, then she will gladly return to him. Shared emotional experiences and memories can play a key role in this. They are able to return Gemini's trust in a man, and she will have a desire to relive all the events of the past again.

Gemini are people who quickly flare up, but also quickly cool down, so conflicts with them usually take the form of fleeting disagreements, serious problems appear much less often. If the chosen one left, this is an alarming sign, meaning that her dissatisfaction with something in the behavior of her partner overflowed the cup of patience.

No matter how offended or offended the Gemini woman is, the breakup is relatively easier for her than for other signs of the Zodiac, especially since most often the separation occurs on her initiative. It often happens that leaving is provoked by the fact that a new, more interesting and attractive object has already appeared on the horizon of such a woman.

But even without it, letting the Gemini girl into “free swimming” is dangerous for a long time: she will not get hung up on negativity, she lives at a fast pace, and faces around her are constantly changing, so separation from you will not become painful. If you are seriously concerned about the question of how to make peace with a Gemini woman, you should be the initiator.

Sometimes it is difficult to arrange a personal meeting, but in the case of Gemini women this is not necessary, it is enough to communicate on the phone, you just need to build a conversation correctly. At the other end of the tube, no one should hear about your experiences, and even more so - claims and grievances. Start with the news, chat about trifles - about anything, but not about the reason for the quarrel or something like that. If the reason for the conflict was negligible, this may be enough. However, even peace-loving Gemini may not forgive a partner quickly if they are deeply offended by him.

Gemini women are usually ready to discuss the conflict, together with the other side to look for ways to resolve it, they will not remember the unpleasant incident for a long time, forgiveness is also easier for them than for many other signs of the Zodiac. At the same time, one cannot expect a girl or woman to do everything herself. It is important for her to hear that you admit your guilt and wrong - apologize to her.

If she is not ready to quickly step over herself, the return of the Gemini woman will have to be a kind of assault. Declarations of love, apologies should not be combined with constant persecution, pressure attempts. Your displays of love should be unobtrusive, albeit eloquent.

You can try to return the Gemini woman with the help of a beautiful, and most importantly, original courtship, a return to the first period of the relationship, when the question was raised about conquering the heart of an obstinate lover. Gemini must see that you have embarked on the path of correction not only in words, and it is actions that will be the best proof.

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