Hydrogen peroxide. Reception inside. Hydrogen peroxide: amazing healing properties and uses

“... hydrogen peroxide is a necessary regulatory mechanism for metabolic processes in the body, regardless of their nature, whether it be disorders in the cardiovascular, respiratory, nervous, endocrine and other systems.
... Since hydrogen peroxide destroys any pathogenic microflora, it is used for any viral infections, fungal diseases, purulent infections, intestinal dysbacteriosis and such a formidable disease as candidiasis.
Hydrogen peroxide is especially active in any disorders of the cardiovascular system: diseases of the vessels of the brain, peripheral vessels (cerebrostenia, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease), with any pathological manifestations observed in the heart area (angina pectoris, ischemia, heart attack, including including in the acute period), with varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, with ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke, obliterating endarteritis, etc.
Hydrogen peroxide gives a fairly good effect in non-insulin dependent diabetes and shows a positive trend in non-insulin dependent diabetes.
... Hydrogen peroxide is also effective in any immunodeficiency conditions, such as lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, any allergic manifestations.
And how many troubles bad breath brings to people, caused by dental diseases, dysfunction of the digestive system, diseases of the nose and nasopharynx. A simple rinse with 0.1-0.3% hydrogen peroxide eliminates this ailment.
Life is not complete without falls, fractures, especially in old age, and here hydrogen peroxide will help to improve regeneration and faster healing of fractures.”

from the book by I.P. Neumyvakin "Hydrogen peroxide: myths and reality"

Indications for use: with any viral infections, fungal diseases, purulent infections, intestinal dysbacteriosis and candidiasis, disorders of the cardiovascular system: diseases of the vessels of the brain, peripheral vessels (cerebrosthenia, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease), with any pathological manifestations observed in the area heart (angina pectoris, ischemia, heart attack, including in the acute period), with varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, with ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke, obliterating endarteritis, diabetes, with any immunodeficiency conditions (lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, etc. ), with fractures, especially in the elderly. and etc.
It should be borne in mind that chronic diseases require a long time of admission.

Outdoor use:
- Bad breath - rinsing with 0.1-0.3% hydrogen peroxide (1-2 teaspoons of a 3% peroxide solution per 50 ml of water).
- Disease of the gums, teeth - in 0.5 teaspoon of baking soda, drop 5-6 drops of hydrogen peroxide, stir and apply on a gauze or cotton swab. then brush your teeth with this swab and lightly massage the gums for 4-5 minutes. This procedure should be done in the morning after sleep or in the evening before bedtime.
- In the form of compresses (hold for 0.5-1 hour), rubbing into any painful places (heart area, joints, etc.), lubrication of the skin surface in Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, etc. - 1-2 teaspoons of a 3% peroxide solution per 50 ml of water.
- For skin diseases (eczema, psoriasis, etc.), lubricate the rashes 1-2 times a day until they disappear completely.
- Fungus on the legs or in other places, warts on the body and other rashes, lubricate with a 3% peroxide solution for several days until they disappear.
- For various diseases of the ears, hearing loss, instill or inject on a cotton swab. First, use 0.5% peroxide, then increase the concentration to 3%

Internal use:
Take starting with 1 drop for 3-4 tbsp. tablespoons of water (30-50 ml) 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals or 1.5-2 hours after, daily adding 1 drop to 10 on the tenth day. Take a break for 2-3 days and take 10 drops already, taking breaks every 2-3 days. You can do it without breaks.
Children under 5 years old can take 1-2 drops per 2 tbsp. spoons of water. From 5-10 years old - 2-5 drops, from 10-14 years old - 5-8 drops at a time.

If discomfort, pain, heaviness appear, take 3-5 drops at a time + vitamin C or 1 clove of garlic.

Application through the nose:
For any diseases (flu, colds, headaches), especially for Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, diseases of the nasopharynx (sinusitis, inflammation of the frontal sinuses, noise in the head, etc., hydrogen peroxide should be instilled into the nose, at the rate of 10-15 drops per 1 tbsp. Drop a spoonful of water and a whole pipette first into one and then into the other nostril.After 1-2 days, you can increase the dose - 2-3 pipettes into each nostril, and then inject up to one cube using a one-gram syringe.
When, after 20-30 seconds, mucus begins to stand out from the nose, you need to tilt your head to the shoulder, pinch the nostril with your finger, which from above and through the bottom calmly blow out everything that comes out of the nose, then tilt your head to the other side and do the same.
Do not eat or drink anything for 10-15 minutes.

The chemical composition of hydrogen peroxide
Hydrogen peroxide was discovered by the French scientist L. J. Tenard in 1818.
The chemical formula of hydrogen peroxide is H2O2. It shows that this substance consists of two hydrogen molecules and two oxygen molecules.
Hydrogen peroxide is a colorless, clear liquid with little or no peculiar odor and a metallic taste. It easily decomposes into water and oxygen when heated or in contact with oxidizing and reducing substances, alkali, and also under the influence of light.
Hydrogen peroxide is highly soluble in water, forming a crystalline hydrate. In addition, it, like water, dissolves various salts well.
In nature, this substance is found in small amounts in precipitation and in plant and animal cells. However, it decomposes very quickly. In industry, it is produced by the electrolysis of sulfuric acid and the hydrolysis of persulfuric acid H2S2O8, or by the oxidation of isopropyl alcohol and the autoxidation of anthraquine derivatives.
The advantage of hydrogen peroxide is that it does not form toxic decomposition products and does not pollute the environment, which makes its industrial use particularly advantageous.
Hydrogen peroxide is used not only in medicine, but also in industry as an oxidizing agent. Concentrated hydrogen peroxide, when decomposed on an oxide catalyst, forms a vapor gas used as fuel in aircraft jet engines. In addition, hydrogen peroxide is used to bleach fur, feathers, wool, silk and is part of hair dyes.

The effect of hydrogen peroxide on the human body
Studies have shown that when hydrogen peroxide is used orally, a general healing effect is exerted on the human body. There is an improvement of the body, restoration of impaired functions of various organs and systems, etc. Hydrogen peroxide most actively affects the respiratory, cardiovascular, circulatory and immune systems, and also normalizes metabolism.
Impact on the respiratory system:
A solution of hydrogen peroxide, taken orally or injected intravenously, contributes to the saturation of tissues with oxygen. Oxygen bubbles, getting into the bronchi, clear them of sputum. This indicates that hydrogen peroxide can be successfully used in a number of diseases of the respiratory system: bronchitis, bronchial asthma, pneumonia, and lung cancer.
Impact on the cardiovascular system:
Studies have shown that, once in the blood, hydrogen peroxide promotes vasodilation. This gives grounds for the use of hydrogen peroxide in diseases associated with narrowing or blockage of blood vessels.
Thus, doctor William Douglas, investigating the effect of hydrogen peroxide injections, noted: “An hour after the infusion, the content of many substances in the blood (sodium, potassium, chlorine, phosphorus, etc.) decreases by 2-10%. 24 hours after the infusion of hydrogen peroxide, the blood returns to normal ... From a clinical point of view, oxygen saturation of the tissue may not matter much: a very small amount of peroxide is injected intravenously, so the amount of oxygen formed from it is small. However, in addition to saturating tissues with oxygen, peroxide plays another, much more important role: it oxidizes toxic substances in the body ... This can manifest itself, in particular, in the oxidation of fats deposited on the walls of arteries, and thereby prevent atherosclerosis.
Solutions of hydrogen peroxide, administered intravenously or intra-arterially, normalize the composition of the blood, including leukocytes.
Impact on the immune system:
Hydrogen peroxide helps to strengthen the immune system, so it can be used to treat a wide variety of infectious and other diseases that develop against the background of a decrease in immunity. In addition, hydrogen peroxide is prescribed for AIDS patients.
The first European who successfully conducted experiments on the intravenous infusion of hydrogen peroxide was the French physician Pierre Nisten. However, he tested this solution not on humans, but on animals.
Normalization of metabolism:
It has been proven that a solution of hydrogen peroxide, when taken orally drop by drop, even in a small amount, contributes to the normalization of metabolism, in particular, increases the level of glucose absorption.

Hydrogen peroxide preparations
Hydrogen peroxide preparations can be purchased at the pharmacy in the form of a solution or tablets. From these drugs, in turn, you can easily prepare funds for the treatment of the required concentration.
3% hydrogen peroxide solution:
It is a colorless, transparent liquid, odorless or with a slight specific odor. The solution quickly decomposes when exposed to sunlight, when heated, when in contact with iron, etc.
This solution is most often used externally as a deodorant and antiseptic for wounds, burns, and to stop bleeding. In addition, it is used for rinsing in diseases of the nasopharynx. It can also be used to treat or relieve various skin conditions. A 3% hydrogen peroxide solution is also used for some gynecological diseases.
If the recipe indicates that a solution of a lower concentration is required for treatment, it can be prepared independently from 3% by simply diluting it with water to the desired concentration. It should be taken into account that 100 ml of a 3% solution contains approximately 10 g of perhydrol.
The drug must be stored in a dark, cool place.
Concentrated hydrogen peroxide solution:
In it, the concentration of hydrogen peroxide reaches 27.5-31%. It is a clear, colorless, odorless liquid. It is stable to light, begins to slowly decompose when in contact with organic substances and alkalis.
This solution can be used externally in its pure form (if indicated). In addition, it is part of some ointments.
The drug should be stored in a dark, cool place.
The drug is a white tablet, soluble in water. In tablets, the content of hydrogen peroxide is about 35%.
A solution of hydroperite in water has a salty-bitter taste. It can also be used externally as an antiseptic, gargle, etc. To prepare a 3% solution, dissolve 1 tablet of hydroperite in 15 ml (about 1 tablespoon) of water.
Hydroperite tablets should be stored in a dark, dry place at an air temperature not exceeding 20 °C.

The use of hydrogen peroxide in medicine
In medicine, hydrogen peroxide has long been used as an antiseptic, disinfectant, and deodorant.
Hydrogen peroxide is not harmful to the human body. Only its highly concentrated solutions are dangerous, since if it enters the respiratory tract, on the mucous membranes or on the skin, it can cause a burn, and if used internally, it can burn the esophagus. In this regard, it must be diluted with water. So, for rinsing the throat and mouth with tonsillitis, stomatitis and a number of other inflammatory diseases, as well as for stopping bleeding and treating wounds, a 3% hydrogen peroxide screen is used. In some cases, especially for intravenous injections, a solution of an even lower concentration, 1% or 0.25%, is used.
However, in some diseases it is necessary to use more concentrated solutions, for example, to reduce skin pigmentation.
Subject to the dosage rules, side effects do not occur when using hydrogen peroxide. When treating wounds, a burning sensation may be felt.
In rare cases, patients experience an allergic reaction. In this case, treatment with hydrogen peroxide preparations should be discontinued.
Contraindication is individual intolerance to the drug. In addition, it is necessary to avoid getting a solution of hydrogen peroxide on the mucous membrane of the eyes.
It must be recalled once again that when treating with hydrogen peroxide preparations, especially when taken orally, the dosage indicated in the prescription should be strictly observed.
When using hydrogen peroxide, it must be remembered that it decomposes under the influence of sunlight, heat, and is also unstable when combined with metal salts and alkalis.
Indian physicians have been using hydrogen peroxide solution as a remedy for centuries.
Mention should also be made of hydroperite, which many mistakenly call hydrogen peroxide. In fact, hydroperite is a combination of hydrogen peroxide with urea. It is available in the form of tablets, and is also part of creams and other preparations. It can also be used as a remedy (for gargling, treating wounds, etc.). A few decades ago, women used it to lighten their hair. More details about it will be written below.
Recently, interest in hydrogen peroxide has increased. Scientific studies have shown that it can be used to treat varicose veins, stroke, candidiasis, multiple sclerosis, to strengthen the immune system, etc.
Professor I.P. Neumyvakin, having studied hydrogen peroxide on the body, recommended using it regularly for treatment and prevention: “Now a few words about hydrogen peroxide. I recommend that everyone, both sick and healthy, make it a rule: take hydrogen peroxide daily - from tomorrow until the end of life.
Buy the usual 3% hydrogen peroxide at the pharmacy and take it 3 times a day on an empty stomach, that is, either 30-40 minutes before a meal, or no earlier than 2 hours after a meal. The total dose should not exceed 30 drops per day, but it should be increased gradually, literally drop by drop.
On the first day, dilute 1 drop of hydrogen peroxide in 1 tablespoon of water at a time. On the second day, during each dose, drip 2 drops of peroxide into a spoonful of water, on the third - 3 drops, and so on, gradually increasing the dose to 10 drops per 1 tablespoon of water. Having finished one such cycle, take a break for 3-5 days and start a new cycle, but not with one drop, but drip 10 drops of hydrogen peroxide into a tablespoon at once. This should become a habit for everyone.
The main thing is to be careful and avoid overdose. I repeat: 30 drops per day - no more. I also recommend regularly rinsing your mouth with hydrogen peroxide.
To do this, dissolve 1-2 teaspoons of peroxide in 50 ml of water. The same solution can be instilled into the nose, 10 drops in each nostril. It is also suitable for external use in the form of compresses, which should be applied to sore spots for 1-2 hours.
So, from this quote it follows that hydrogen peroxide is useful not only when applied externally, but also when taken orally.
If the prescription lists hydrogen peroxide as a treatment but does not mention its concentration, a 3% solution should be used.

Treatment of diseases with hydrogen peroxide preparations
Acne (pimples)
Asthma bronchial
bronchoectatic disease
Chicken pox
Lupus erythematosus
Malignant tumors
Foreign bodies of the skin
Nose bleed
Skin cancer
Multiple sclerosis
Rheumatoid arthritis
Furuncle of the external auditory canal
Furuncle of the nose

Neumyvakin Ivan Pavlovich

Neumyvakin Ivan Pavlovich - professor, doctor of medical sciences, full member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. Medico-technical sciences. Honored Inventor of Russia, laureate of the State Prize, member of the Presidium of the All-Russian Professional Medical Association of Traditional Folk Medicine Specialists and Healers; Since 1959, for 30 years, he has been involved in space medicine: the development of methods and means of providing medical care to astronauts during flights of various durations.

He is the author of more than 200 scientific papers, has 85 copyright certificates for inventions. Most of his research is devoted to the search for optimal methods of treatment and means of preventing various diseases with the help of non-specific effects on the body using various methods and means of traditional medicine. Particular attention is drawn to his work on the use of hydroperite (H2O2) in the treatment. In his opinion, the future of medicine lies in the combination of traditions accumulated by official and folk medicine, the unity of the physical and spiritual world of Man.

“Based on a set of works carried out jointly with leading experts in various fields of science, my wife, Neumyvakin and Lyudmila Stepanovna, and I have developed a system of human health improvement, which is based on the following principles:

Man is a self-regulating, self-reproducing bioenergetic system in which everything is interconnected and interdependent, and the margin of safety is always greater than the impact of damaging factors;

Any disease has common functional signs, and, first of all, is due to a violation of the bioenergy balance and the state of the immune system, slagged aches and connective tissue structures (body fluid, bones, joints, muscles), restoring which practically without chemical drugs can be eliminated disease. Only for this, the patient's own efforts and the implementation of certain recommendations are necessary.

Where does the pathogenic microflora in the body come from? First of all, this is a weakening of the body, easily digestible carbohydrates, refined foods, high-ground flour products, fried, fatty, smoked meats, milk, etc.

Our body is a perfect machine where everything is provided. For example, if some organ falls ill and its stationary cells cannot cope with the problem, including due to a lack of oxygen, then a mobile mobile brigade of killer cells is connected to them - killers of everything that interferes with the normal functioning of the cells. Since these cells have a busy job, they do not live very long, only two weeks, while an erythrocyte lives for 4 months.

Due to the simplicity of the method of use, H2O2 was used more than 100 years ago to treat various diseases. http://www.docibolit.nm.ru/misk/st/statie2.html

Interview with Professor Neumyvakin

Needless to say, the publication of "HLS" materials on admission3% hydrogen peroxide orally as almost a universal drug in the fight against many ailments, aroused an unending interest among the readers of the messenger.
Naturally, the editorial office is bombarded with a flurry of questions about each post. Today, in a conversation with our correspondent, the main “troublemaker”, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin, answers them.
- Since the first publication on the topic of H2O2, we have gained a lot of new readers. They all ask to repeat materials about peroxide. Tell at least briefly how to use it.
- The practice is quite simple. On the first day, you take one drop of 3% H2O2 in 50 ml (about a quarter cup) of water three times a day. On each subsequent day, increase the dose by 1 drop in the same 50 ml of water three times a day.
For 10 days, bring the number of drops to 10. A break of 2-3 days, and in all subsequent courses, take 10 drops 3 times a day. I repeat: 50 ml of water. In this case, you must remember the rule: you need to take H202 30 minutes before a meal or two hours after it.
If there is discomfort - burning in the stomach, throbbing, sweating, it is necessary to reduce the number of drops per dose for 1-2 days or stop it altogether until the discomfort disappears.
— Okay, but I remember you were talking about rinses and compresses with hydrogen peroxide.
— Quite right. For any painful phenomena in the throat, in the mouth rinse
can be of real help. For 50 ml of water, 1-3 teaspoons of H202 are taken.
I can also give a good recipe, already tested by readers, for using H2O2 for bad breath, periodontal disease, and bleeding gums. You need to take half a teaspoon of soda, drop a few drops of lemon juice and 10-20 drops of hydrogen peroxide on it. To mix everything. Use this mixture to brush your teeth. Do not eat, drink or rinse your mouth for 10-15 minutes.
And finally, local application. All the same 50 ml of water, 2-3 teaspoons of peroxide. Moisten a cotton cloth and apply to any painful areas in the form of compresses. Then these areas can be wiped with a napkin dipped in pure 3% peroxide. I note that in Parkinson's disease and in multiple sclerosis, it is useful to wipe the entire body with 3% peroxide.
- N.A. Larionova writes to us from Kazakhstan (Akmola region, Kokshetau, Adelbekov st., 71-15): “I read the material about H2O2. I believed and started taking it myself from April last year. The general state of health has improved, the mood to do something has appeared, the activity of the gastrointestinal tract has improved. For
a start, in my opinion, this is a lot.
We have a lot of such evidence. And yet there are some contraindications for taking peroxide.
- Well, firstly, personal intolerance. It happens in 1-2 percent of people. You should not take peroxide, probably during pregnancy, but in principle - I have repeatedly said this - there are no contraindications to taking H2O2.
- You say no. But listen to what Ekaterina Nikolaevna En from the Krasnodar Territory writes to us (the village of Beregovoe, Vinogradova St., 6-a). She has rheumatism. She writes that in 2003 she took a lot of injections of diclogen, bicillin, reopirin, in addition, she drank tablets of piroxicam, ortofen, and so on. In a word, stuffed with drugs to the eyeballs. From February 2003, she began to take H2O2.
“When I drank peroxide, I felt much more cheerful, tolerated colds more easily, and was more mobile. But in September she stopped taking H2O2. We had a massage therapist on the sea. So he told me that my joints are decomposing, and the fact that I take H2O2 generally flushes out calcium from the body. Is it so? I want to start taking H2O2 again.”
- What to answer Ekaterina Nikolaevna? Only one thing: do not listen to incompetent people. Nothing of the kind occurs when taking H2O2 with calcium. Peroxide, on the contrary, perfectly restores the disturbed electrolyte balance due to the activation of redox processes. But the immoderate intake of chemicals undoubtedly leads to poisoning and slagging of the body. Whether calcium is washed out or not, I can’t say, but I have no doubt that taking hydrogen peroxide will make you feel better.
- A woman from the Volgograd region asks not to be identified. He writes: “Now there is a lot of talk about the treatment of H2O2. I would like to try this method. But I heard that before you start taking peroxide, you need to cleanse the body. Is it possible to do this with my diseases?

The woman of this "bouquet" - be healthy: sick, as she claims, the entire gastrointestinal tract: gastritis with low acidity, colitis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, allergies and allergic asthma.
- You know, there is such a thesis, by the way, by you, that is, “healthy lifestyle”, and put forward: “Start any treatment with cleansing.” This event is a necessary condition for getting rid of any disease. Without cleansing the gastrointestinal tract, there can be no talk of recovery. What methods to use? I advise you to look for the answer to this question in the bulletin. Readers have been offered a variety of ways.
As for the intake of peroxide, I can say the following. At first, I insisted on cleansing. Now, after reading literally thousands of letters from readers, I am ready to soften my position: you can take hydrogen peroxide without first cleansing the gastrointestinal tract. There will still be benefits. But with cleansing, you will achieve results, firstly, faster, and secondly, with a higher effect.
“Ivan Pavlovich, I don’t know what to do. Written by Tatyana Vladimirovna Alekseenko from Primorsky Krai. "The fact,
she says that my 33-year-old son Andrei was diagnosed with schizophrenia. He was treated and discharged home with a bunch of medicines that he must take daily. But the drugs had a side effect. Andrey developed heartburn, which is also eliminated only with the help of pills. As a child, he suffered hepatitis, and his liver sometimes makes itself felt. Then I decided to try to treat him and myself with peroxide, which we have been drinking with him for the third month. The result is not bad: my eyes stopped itching, I felt light in my head, I began to breathe through both nostrils. Changed for the better and the behavior of the son. He became calmer. I started to be interested in at least something ... We continue to drink peroxide. But I heard that intravenous administration of peroxide gives an even greater effect. I hope that with this method I will be able to put my son on his feet.”
So, let's talk about intravenous peroxide?
- Why not? We must speak! By the way, I regularly administer peroxide to myself intravenously. And by the way, one of your correspondents, who visited me, saw this procedure. A 20-gram ordinary syringe is taken, 0.3-0.4 ml of 3% peroxide per 20 cubes of saline. It is injected into a vein very slowly, over 2-3 minutes. Each subsequent injection increases by 0.1 cubes, and so on up to 1 ml of peroxide per 20 cubes of saline. The procedure is carried out daily. The course is 8-9 injections. 2-3 weeks break, then injections can be carried out 2-3 times a week, 1 cube for 2-3 weeks. In the future - according to well-being.
I would like to warn you.
Atomic oxygen, which is formed during the decomposition of H2O2, is detrimental to any pathogenic organisms. Therefore, after the first intravenous injections, an increase in temperature up to 40 degrees can be observed. This is due to the intoxication of the body with dead microbes. That is why, at the first introductions of H2O2, it is necessary to be careful and introduce it in small portions. Let me explain what this means. After mixing 20 cubes of saline with 0.3-0.4 ml of peroxide, we take 1/3 of this amount for the first injection, half for the second, and 3/4 for the third. And in general, before deciding on the intravenous administration of peroxide, I would recommend, firstly, to consult with your doctor, and secondly, to find a doctor who has experience in this regard, and in no case self-medicate. By the way, note. In our Center, the intravenous infusion procedure is not performed. We give only consultations, including doctors.

Taking hydrogen peroxide orally in Russia was popularized by Dr. Neumyvakin. Is a drop of peroxide so harmless? And what difficulties do patients face in treatment?

Hydrogen peroxide is a powerful antiseptic

Can hydrogen peroxide be used internally?

Hydrogen peroxide- one of the most powerful universal antiseptics for oral use. It is able to have a restorative effect on the body due to additional free oxygen: tissues are actively nourished, metabolism improves, the work of the gastrointestinal tract stabilizes, a person is full of strength and glows with youth. So why is this therapy not recognized?

The effect of peroxide on the human body with the wrong dosage is detrimental. It is for this reason that doctors prefer not to include peroxide in the prescription.

What is hydrogen peroxide used for?

Indications for the use of hydroperit inside:

Hydrogen peroxide can be instilled into the ears

With oncological formations, liquid is administered intravenously. Medicine is categorically against such therapy, citing an unscientific approach, the placebo effect and a mass of deaths with similar treatment.

However, peroxide is gaining a following even among medical professionals, such as Ed Maccabe, George Williams, and the Russian doctor Neumyvakin with his famous regimen.

Medicinal properties of peroxide

Peroxide is equivalent in benefits and harms. Medicine considers its influence from several angles: for cleansing the body, healing, nutrition.

Positive sides

There is not a single organ or system in the human body that would not be exposed to the positive effect of peroxide at a suitable dosage. We have grouped the list of benefits into 3 main categories:

Healing of the gastrointestinal tract - treatment of the whole body

Peroxide treatment is based on the truth - health problems from poor nutrition. The breakdown of peroxide in the gastrointestinal tract is the release of hydrogen and free oxygen. It is absorbed directly into the walls of the stomach, instantly penetrates into the cells, therefore, first of all, the work of the digestive tract is improved:

  • acid-base balance returns to normal;
  • antiseptic suppresses and removes all processes of decay in the digestive tract;
  • heal wounds, erosion, eliminate bleeding.

Hydrogen peroxide heals cuts and wounds

The solution helps with heartburn, problems with stomach acidity. A healthy intestine assimilates many times more useful substances, which is reflected in the overall tone of the body.

A blood stream rich in atomic oxygen

Peroxide also saturates the entire body with oxygen, which is called oxygen therapy. Almost every one of us suffers from oxygen starvation due to banal hypodynamia - inactivity. Peroxide fills this gap. Atomic oxygen is carried through the bloodstream and along the way nourishes the cells of the body, destroys microbes. It has been scientifically proven that after an intravenous infusion of hydrogen peroxide, lymphocytes increased by 30-35%. This means that the immune barrier is one third of its normal strength.

Oxygen is transported throughout the body through the blood

Oxidation property as a cleaning method

Peroxide is an oxidizing agent of toxic substances in the human body, which is why it is useful for slagging of the body. For example, ammonia and urea are excreted many times faster and in large volumes. Therapy is appropriate after alcohol poisoning, hard drinking.

The harm of hydrogen peroxide

The list of risks with an excess of antiseptic is huge:

  • burns of the mucous membrane of the digestive tract;
  • internal bleeding;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • blockage of blood vessels (in the kidneys and liver mainly);
  • stomach ache;
  • general intoxication:
  • allergies (usually hives, runny nose, cough);
  • weakness and drowsiness;
  • burning in the esophagus, stomach.

Hydrogen peroxide can cause burning in the esophagus and stomach

Another case is the deterioration of well-being after the course. That is, the body perceived peroxide as doping. Without it, performance has fallen, tissues are starving. But you can not drink peroxide without a break. What are the benefits of such courses? It's like eating 3 times a week.

Another risk is the treatment and its consequences you take on yourself. No one will compensate for the impact on health if the therapy does not suit you or is too concentrated.

Is it good to drink hydrogen peroxide with water?

Even necessary. It is correct to drink peroxide in water (if the dose is small, reasonable and preferably prescribed by a doctor). In combination with other drinks, it is useless, as it can change the chemical composition.

Warm, purified water at room temperature is the best peroxide pair. Their composition is almost identical and does not affect each other in any way: the difference is one unit of oxygen (H2O - water and H2O2 - peroxide).

Consume hydrogen peroxide only with room temperature water

Taking drops inside without liquid contributes to a chemical burn with bleeding. The first rule: drinking undiluted peroxide is prohibited!

Purifying drinking water with peroxide is dangerous. The risk of overdose, burns and is too high.

Scheme for taking peroxide according to Neumyvakin

Scientist, doctor, healer and professor Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin was an adherent of oxygen therapy. He developed whole schemes for taking peroxide inside and out.

Taking drops with water, in his opinion, represents an upward concentration with a break and continued at the maximum dosage:

  1. Day 1. Add 1 drop of 3% hydrogen peroxide to 50 ml of water. Repeat three times a day before meals (or 2 hours after).
  2. Day 2. The same volume and frequency of taking, but already 2 drops of the medicine.
  3. Day 3. The same glass of water before meals with 3 drops of the drug.

So bring up to 10 drops in 10 days. Take a break for 2-4 days and continue the course for another 10 days, taking 10 drops at a time.


Peroxide is quite compatible with pharmaceutical medicines, except for antibiotics. You can not drink them with water with peroxide. Take the drugs separately with an interval of 30-40 minutes. It is not bad to compose with herbal remedies. For medicinal purposes, it is indicated for children for the treatment of ENT organs in the form of rinsing and instillation into the ears.


  • transplanted organs (it does not depend on how long ago the operation took place, in principle it is forbidden);
  • individual intolerance;
  • pregnant and lactating mothers.

Pregnant women should not use hydrogen peroxide

The strong oxidative effect of the drug sometimes does not work in favor of a person with donor organs. Hydrogen peroxide provokes rejection of foreign tissue.

we learned what the use of peroxide for healing the body is based on. In what cases, in what dose and how exactly to apply hydrogen peroxide externally. And also I shared my experience of using peroxide externally.

Today we will continue the topic of the healing properties of hydrogen peroxide and its use inside.

Hydrogen peroxide has antiseptic ( disinfectants) properties, due to its decomposition into water and atomic oxygen.

Oxygen oxidizes waste metabolic products, cleansing the body of toxins. It kills viruses, fungi, bacteria, any pathogenic flora.

But before taking hydrogen peroxide inside, it is recommended to clean the gastrointestinal tract to avoid complications.

Various cleansing procedures can help with this. But in my opinion, colon therapy for the initial bowel cleansing is the best of them.

Gastrointestinal tract

3/4 of all elements of the immune system are located here. More than 20 own hormones are synthesized for the normal operation of the entire hormonal system. More than 500 species of microbes live here, processing, synthesizing biologically active substances and destroying harmful ones. In the gastrointestinal tract is the so-called abdominal "brain", which regulates all its complex work and relationship with the brain.

It turns out that the gastrointestinal tract is the most important system on the healthy work of which the whole organism depends.

The modern way of life leads to slagging of the body.

This is facilitated firstly, "wrong" food (canned, refined, fried, smoked meats, artificial sweets), the processing of which requires a lot of oxygen. By consuming oxygen, the body leads itself to oxygen starvation, which contributes to acidification and the development of cancer cells.

Secondly, an improper way of eating, when food is poorly chewed, diluted with liquid during or after eating, which reduces the concentration of the digestive juices of the stomach, liver, pancreas and does not allow them to digest the food to the end. As a result, food in the digestive tract rots and becomes acidic, which leads to the development of diseases.

What causes a violation in the work of the gastrointestinal tract

Violation of the digestive tract primarily weakens the immune, hormonal and enzymatic systems.

There is a replacement of healthy microflora with a pathological one. Dysbacteriosis, colitis, constipation, etc. develop.

Metabolism and normal blood circulation are disturbed due to changes in the electrolyte balance (vitamins, micro- and macroelements), which leads to arthritis, osteochondrosis, atherosclerosis, heart attacks, strokes and other diseases.

Stagnation of feces in any part of the large intestine displaces and compresses all organs of the chest, abdominal and pelvic regions, disrupting their functions. Along with this, pathological processes occur in other organs projected onto the sections of the large intestine.

The conclusion suggests itself: if you do not change the diet and do not cleanse the large intestine and liver of toxins, then it is impossible to cure the disease.

Taking hydrogen peroxide by mouth

Under the condition of a purified organism, it is possible to carry out wellness procedures by taking hydrogen peroxide orally.

You need to start gradually with 1 drop per 2-3 tablespoons of water (30-50 ml) 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals or 1.5-2 hours after.

Add one drop daily, bringing a single dose to 10 drops of hydrogen peroxide on the tenth day.

Then you should take a break for 2-3 days.

After the break, resume the course and take 10 drops already, taking a break every 2-3 days.

But you have to look at it for yourself. You can not take breaks at all.

Academician Neumyvakin I.P. advises, if necessary, for children under 5 years old to give hydrogen peroxide 1-2 drops per 2 tablespoons of water, from 5-10 years old - 2-5 drops per 2 tablespoons of water, from 10-14 years old - 5-8 drops each at a time for 2 tablespoons of water, also - 30 minutes before meals or 1.5-2 hours after.

A safe daily dose should not exceed 30 drops (for the whole day), and a single dose should not exceed 10 drops of hydrogen peroxide.

If after taking hydrogen peroxide inside there are any negative reactions of the body, then the intake of peroxide should be stopped or the dose should be reduced. Such reactions may occur due to the fact that the body is accustomed to living in oxygen starvation. And if enough oxygen is supplied, some people experience ailments, up to fainting. As it happens in the forest or in the mountain air, where the oxygen content is high.

That is, the body must get used to taking hydrogen peroxide.

The important point is that hydrogen peroxide should be taken orally on an empty stomach (30-40 minutes before meals or 1.5-2 hours after).

When using peroxide, vitamin C should be included in the food (one clove of garlic per day will be enough).

Application of hydrogen peroxide through the nose

In my opinion, this is a universal method that suits any disease or uncomfortable condition. And also for influenza, acute respiratory infections, headaches, diseases of the nasopharynx (sinusitis, inflammation of the frontal sinuses), noise in the head, as well as such specific diseases as Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis and others, hydrogen peroxide should be instilled into the nose.

Dose for nose treatment with hydrogen peroxide: 10-15 drops of hydrogen peroxide per 1 tablespoon of water.

  • the first day, instill a whole pipette, first in one, and then in the other nostril
  • after 1-2 days you can increase the dose - 2-3 pipettes in each nostril
  • then it is allowed to inject up to one cube using a one-gram syringe

Peroxide forms foam.

After about 20-30 seconds, mucus will start to come out of the nose.

Above the bathtub or sink, you need to tilt your head first to one shoulder, and holding the upper nostril with your finger, blow out everything that comes out of the lower nostril.

Then tilt your head to the other side and do the same.

My Experience with Hydrogen Peroxide Orally

For about three months I have been drinking hydrogen peroxide, 10 drops at a time, 3 times a day with water. Accordingly, 30 minutes before meals.

To be honest, I did not take care of my body, I was not careful, and I immediately drank 10 drops. And didn't take a break.

When I decided to drink peroxide for the first time, after taking it I felt such lightness and a burst of energy. I didn't even expect it.

And then the body got used to it and already stopped reacting so violently and enjoying oxygen 🙂

Too bad, it was interesting.

But the state of health is always good and vigorous. The flu bypasses us 🙂

Also, when you drink peroxide with water, you stop wanting to eat for 30-40 minutes. Appetite temporarily disappears 🙂

Convenient for those who want to lose weight.

I did not notice any other negative reactions in the body. Did not feel sick, did not burn in the stomach, etc.

I attribute such ease of taking hydrogen peroxide to my body with the fact that for almost 5 years I have been doing all kinds of cleansing and changed my diet to vegetable.

I will continue experiments with peroxide and, of course, share the results.

Continuation of the theme " Hydrogen peroxide. Medicinal properties»read in the next.

With wishes of harmony and joy in your life, Jeanne Nickels.

When writing the article, materials from the book “Hydrogen Peroxide. Myths and Reality” by I.P. Neumyvakin.

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Allergy Peroxide Treatment

Nowadays, more and more people suffer from allergies. Food products with all kinds of additives, flower pollen, ordinary dust, drugs, some types of cosmetics - this and much more can provoke an allergic reaction at any time.

To prevent allergies, it is necessary to strengthen the immune system by eating a diet rich in vitamins C and B, as well as flavonoids.

If no improvement is observed during peroxide treatment or allergy symptoms worsen, you should stop the course and consult your doctor. The help of an allergist is also required when, along with the main signs of the disease, wheezing appears, and breathing becomes difficult.


For allergies, 3% peroxide is taken 3 drops 3 times a day 1 hour before meals for 7 days. After a week break, the course can be repeated by reducing the dosage of the drug (1 drop 2 times a day).

In case of allergic rhinitis, it is advised to do inhalations: add 1 tbsp to a glass of hot water. a spoonful of 3% peroxide and breathe over the steam through your mouth for two minutes. This method stimulates all respiratory organs.

In case of inflammation of the nasal mucosa, cotton swabs moistened with 3% peroxide can be introduced into the nasal passages and left for 10 minutes.

peroxide treatment bronchial asthma

Bronchial asthma (from the Greek Asthma - heavy breathing, suffocation) is a chronic disease characterized by periodic attacks of shortness of breath with difficulty exhaling. They range in severity from mild coughing and heavy breathing to life-threatening choking attacks.

The most convenient way to use bronchodilators is by inhalation. In this case, the drug immediately enters the bronchi, acts quickly, having less effect on other organs. In addition, aerosol cans are convenient to use - they can be carried in your pocket or bag.

Traditional methods of treatment can be combined with peroxide courses (after consulting with your doctor!). The latter is especially important if your bronchial asthma is of allergic origin.

Peroxide is used as a mucus thinner and reduces hypersecretion and swelling of the bronchial mucosa in asthmatics.


A clean cloth should be moistened in a 2% peroxide solution, put on the chest and left for half an hour, covered with something warm on top. Instead, you can rub peroxide on your upper chest for 5 minutes.

Peroxide should be taken orally according to the following scheme (three times a day).

After a 10-day course, a break is made for 2-3 days. Then repeat the course, stopping at 10 drops in half a glass of water before breakfast and in the evening.

peroxide treatmentdiseases of the musculoskeletal system


With arthritis, one joint becomes inflamed, with polyarthritis, several at once. This disease is very painful, and it is better to start treatment at an early stage. The causes of arthritis are quite diverse: infections, injuries, allergies, metabolic disorders, lack of vitamins and minerals, leading to dystrophy.


For the treatment of arthritis, 500 ml of 3% peroxide (10 bottles of 50 ml) must be diluted in a small amount of water. Pour into a bath, pre-filled with warm water, and lie down in it for 15-20 minutes. Instead of 3% peroxide, 20 tablets of hydroperite can be used. Take these baths should be 2 times a week.

It is better to combine baths with taking a 3% peroxide solution orally (three times a day).

Day - Number of drops (for 2-3 tablespoons)

After a 10-day course, a break is made for 2-3 days. Then you should drink 1 drop daily 3 times a day for two months.

peroxide treatmentear problems

Otitis, or inflammation of the middle ear

With otitis media, fluid forms and stagnates in the middle ear. Bacteria can enter the ear from the throat, for example, with tonsillitis. Most often, the disease occurs in infants and children - due to the characteristics of the organism.

If a child has an allergy, in which adenoids swell from mucus, then the risk of getting otitis media is very high.

In the acute form of the disease, there is a sudden and acute pain in the ears, irritability; hearing is weakened, purulent fluid is released from the ear.

peroxide treatmentrespiratory system diseases


This is an infectious disease that affects the palatine tonsils. Angina is a very common occurrence in cold and damp weather. Most often, it affects people with dental caries and chronic lesions of the tonsils.

Inhalations are done as follows: add 1 tablespoon of 3% peroxide to a glass of hot water and breathe (by mouth) over the steam for two minutes.

Sinusitis (inflammation of the paranasal sinuses)

There are inflammation of the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinus (sinusitis), inflammation of the frontal sinus (frontitis), inflammation in the cells of the ethmoid bone (etmonditis) and inflammation of the main sinus (ofenonditis). Acute sinusitis often occurs during a runny nose, flu, measles, scarlet fever and other infectious diseases. The nose is blocked on one side, the sense of smell is almost absent, and the forehead or cheek seems to be bursting from the inside. If you press on the frontal sinus, pain is felt. The face sometimes swells, the temperature rises. Usually, doctors prescribe bed rest, antipyretic, drops in the nose, heat on the cheek or forehead.


When sinusitis can advise 10-15 drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide diluted with a tablespoon of water. Instill a full pipette into each nostril.

With severe headaches, it is worth lubricating the frontal sinuses with 3% hydrogen peroxide 2 times a day.


There are acute and chronic forms of the disease. The first is usually associated with viral infections of the upper respiratory tract, but can also be caused by bacteria, as well as allergic reactions or chemical irritants, such as inhalation of certain gases or compounds. The tissues in the bronchi swell and secrete large amounts of mucus. There is a dry, sharp cough that intensifies at night.


Inhalations are done according to the following scheme: take 1 tablespoon of 3% peroxide per glass of hot water and breathe through the mouth over the steam for 3-5 minutes (this method is not suitable for smokers).

peroxide treatment withchronic fatigue syndrome

This is a disease of unknown origin, widespread today. The state of fatigue is combined with unpleasant, painful sensations, a general deterioration in well-being. A person's working capacity and reaction speed decrease, coordination of movements is disturbed.

Recently, disputes about the causes of this disease have not subsided. But fatigue is a protective reaction of the body to long and hard work, not necessarily physical. And in this case, he just needs to rest. Of course, fatigue can be overcome by taking stimulant drugs. But in the end, it will simply undermine health - after all, in such cases a person spends his internal reserves.

The basis of the healing properties of peroxide is the stimulation of the body as a whole. The H2O2 course mobilizes and restores energy resources, increases resistance to diseases, and helps maintain high physical and mental activity.


It is necessary to drink hydrogen peroxide according to the following scheme (reception three times a day).

Day - Number of drops (for 2-3 tablespoons)

After a 10-day course, a break is made for 2-3 days. Then you should drink peroxide 1 drop daily 3 times a day for two months.

Peroxide treatment for nicotine addiction (smoking)

Everyone knows about the dangers of smoking, but few are in a hurry to end it once and for all. Only when the results of this habit begin to affect health, a person thinks about how to quit smoking.

Tobacco smoke contains nicotine and tobacco combustion products, which have a carcinogenic effect. The consequences of smoking include diseases of the cardiovascular, respiratory and digestive systems, oncological diseases. The smoker's skin and teeth turn yellow, and the hair and clothes are saturated with a characteristic tobacco smell. The voice becomes hoarse and rough ("smoky"). People who smoke for many years develop mental and physical dependence.

In case of impossibility of smoking, withdrawal syndrome begins, “withdrawal” - irritability, insomnia, headache, tinnitus. Therefore, not everyone is able to get rid of this habit on their own.

H2O2 fights smoking in a natural way: its ingestion causes nausea and even vomiting in the smoker. Using peroxide for preventive or therapeutic purposes, one way or another, you will have to give up tobacco, at least for the entire course. Try to use this time to completely wean yourself from a deadly habit.

It's best to quit smoking right away. Gradual withdrawal, when you simply reduce the number of cigarettes or do not smoke them to the end, is less effective: less nicotine enters the body, but the desire to smoke does not weaken at all. Be outdoors more often, avoid places where it is customary to smoke (in cafes, restaurants, smoking companies). Try running or taking up another sport. Training will distract from the desire to smoke, and at the same time help maintain normal weight.


Day - Number of drops (for 2-3 tablespoons)

Taking peroxide three times a day.

After a 10-day course, a break is made for 2-3 days. If the desire to smoke has not disappeared, you need to take 3 drops 3 times a day for another 10 days.

Tags: hydrogen peroxide, application, medicinal properties, treatment

The intake of hydrogen peroxide inside helps to enrich the body with the missing oxygen for redox processes and balance in the digestive system. At the same time, heartburn is stopped and heaviness from the abdomen disappears as a result of neutralization of gastric acid. This, in turn, prevents stomach acid from entering the duodenum and prevents various diseases, including constipation and cancerous tumors.

Experienced doctors give advice on how to take hydrogen peroxide. Start taking with a mixture of one drop of solution (3%) and three tablespoons of water three times on an empty stomach half an hour before meals. Or 2.5 hours after the meal. Add daily drop by drop and bring up to 10 drops per glass of water. Make a three-day break and take 10-15 drops per glass of water with the addition of sea salt on the tip of a knife. This will help to cope with infectious and viral diseases, prevent atherosclerosis, tumors, and increase immunity.

For oral administration, it is better to purchase a pharmacy solution of peroxide (3%). It is well cleaned. No more than 30 drops are taken per day to avoid the opposite effect and the formation of free radicals, which leads to erosions and tumors of the intestinal walls. Here's how to gargle with peroxide: mix a 3% solution (1 tsp) with warm water (50 ml). The mouth and throat are irrigated with a syringe and spit water. Then gargle with manganese water. Repeat the procedure 3-4 times a day until the pain and purulent plaque in the throat disappear.

If you feel unwell: nausea, diarrhea, fatigue, poor sleep, you continue to take a peroxide solution, but in smaller doses due to the adaptation of the body. To speed up the process of adaptation and relief of exacerbation, the body is cleansed of salts and toxins in advance using folk methods. How to gargle with hydrogen peroxide: mix 1 tbsp. l. solution with 100 ml of water and sea salt (1 tsp). The mixture is taken into the oral cavity, delayed for 10-30 seconds, do the usual manipulations in the throat and spit.

During a runny nose, it is advised to instill 3-5 drops of peroxide inside the nose, with otitis media - 2-3 drops in the ear. Peroxide is an active substance that instantly destroys bacteria. Therefore, during the initial intake, the condition may worsen due to temporary intoxication in the body. Here's how to prepare a hydrogen peroxide solution for rubbing: mix 100 ml of water with perhydrol (40% - 50 g). For rinsing, mix 100 ml of water with 15 g of perhydrol (40%). Apply 1 tsp. to a glass of water.

The body removes toxic substances through skin rashes and inflammation when peroxide is ingested. With the adaptation of the body, such signs disappear. How to make a hydrogen peroxide bath solution. With diabetic abscesses on the legs and edema, baths of warm distilled (28-32 ° C) water (3-4 l) and hydrogen peroxide (3% - 500 ml) help. Perform the procedure at night for half an hour.

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