Peony herb application. The healing properties of the evading peony - use and contraindications. The use of medicinal raw materials

Maryin root (peony) has long been used in folk and traditional medicine for the treatment of completely different diseases. Each element of the plant contains active substances, which determines the benefits of seeds, flowers, leaves, the healing properties of the peony root and contraindications.

Wild peony is a very beautiful plant, its height reaches 1 meter, and the inflorescences surprise with their splendor and brightness of shades. Until recently, wild peonies were actively used by many people for medicinal purposes. Unfortunately, at the moment the plant is on the verge of extinction. Therefore, now it is grown either for industrial purposes, given its beneficial properties, or on its own plots.

The peony bloom period begins in May.

The strength of its action depends on the correct harvesting of the components of the plant. The upper parts of the peony are harvested during its flowering period, and the roots in October.

Application of the root of the plant

Fresh peony roots are considered highly poisonous. Therefore, to use the plant for medicinal purposes, the rhizomes must be dried, after being cut into strips about 3 centimeters long. You can dry them in a dry room or oven. Peony root tastes very sharp and burning, and its smell is quite spicy.

Peony root is effectively used to treat diseases, as it has a unique chemical composition and healing properties. You can learn about the benefits of peony in more detail from the article “Maryin root. What you need to know about medicinal properties and contraindications? Modern medicine uses the plant's root extract to treat many diseases and conditions:

  • the use of peony root improves the functioning of the nervous system;
  • helps to strengthen and activate the immune system;
  • pain syndrome is relieved: headaches decrease, pain in the teeth and muscles disappears;
  • high blood pressure returns to normal;
  • improves the functioning of the digestive tract, normalizes the secretion of gastric juice;
  • has a regenerative ability - restores damaged tissues;
  • peony root plays an important role in wound healing, stops bleeding.

The chemical composition of the peony root

The widespread use of the peony root is due to its unique chemical composition. Again, before using the plant, it is worth carefully studying it in order to avoid allergic reactions and side effects. The composition of the peony root includes the following elements:

  • Tannins. These are organic compounds found in fruits and plants. For the body, they are very useful, as they have a bactericidal, anti-inflammatory effect, allow you to get rid of toxins and toxins in the intestines.
  • Essential oils. Their benefits have been known for a long time. Thanks to the use of substances, the work of the endocrine system improves, the state of the nervous system stabilizes, and the water-salt balance normalizes. It also improves the skin and hair, as essential oils help to remove toxins and toxins from the body.
  • Ascorbic acid or vitamin C plays a huge role in human health. This is the strongest antioxidant that resists cancer, aging of the body. The substance has a positive effect on the skin and hair: smoothes wrinkles, tightens the skin, by increasing the elasticity of tissues, improves the quality of the hair shafts. Ascorbic acid has a beneficial effect on the circulatory system (strengthens the walls of blood vessels, participates in hematopoiesis, eliminates swelling), the nervous system (normalizes sleep, balances hormonal balance), fights inflammation (heals wounds, reduces allergic reactions).
  • Glycoside salicin. It helps to reduce pain in migraines, relieves inflammation, swelling.
  • Minerals and carbohydrates.
  • Flavonoids. Substances reduce the risk of allergies, serve as antioxidants, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, expand them, cleanse the body of toxins.
  • Alkaloids. Of the useful properties of substances, they distinguish: analgesic, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and others.

The rich complex of substances in the composition of the root provides its healing properties for women. The use of products containing peony root allows you to effectively deal with many gynecological diseases: fibroids, endometriosis, adnexitis, menstrual disorders.

Healing properties of peony

Due to its rather diverse composition, peony root is used to treat many diseases. In this regard, not only the root is used, but also the stem, leaves (grass) and petals.

Peony petals medicinal properties:

  • tinctures from peony petals heal wounds very well, use them as lotions;
  • used in cosmetology to combat acne and dandruff;
  • decoctions are used to improve potency, restore sexual desire and duration of sexual intercourse.

Herb peony medicinal properties and contraindications

Dried peony raw materials can be stored for about three years, and the preparations in which it is included can save a person from a number of diseases:

  • Herbal decoction is very effective in the treatment of colds, it will help get rid of the symptoms of fever, coughing fits and quickly remove sputum;
  • Peony plays an important role in the treatment of intestinal diseases, as it relieves spasms, normalizes the secretion of gastric juice, and has a bactericidal effect;
  • Often, a decoction of dry plant materials is used for dermatitis, and peony grass has also proven effective in the treatment of skin diseases.

Medicinal properties and contraindications for women

The main contraindication for women is pregnancy, as the peony root is very poisonous and can serve as an interruption.

The plant should not be used while breastfeeding. Too active substances in the composition of the peony may be too aggressive for the baby, harm the fragile children's body.

The plant is very effective for the treatment of fibroids, as well as for menopause and menstrual irregularities. With fibroids, you should take 40-45 drops of tincture per glass of water for two weeks. In a week it is worth repeating the course.

In case of uterine bleeding, a tincture of peony seeds is used. Method of application: four times a day you need to take a teaspoon of tincture for a month.

In addition, the peony root is used to eliminate inflammation of the ovaries, appendages, and mastopathy.

The subtleties of taking the peony root

Many people, even from an early age, suffer from joint pain. Sometimes it develops into more serious diseases. To avoid this, fill a half-liter jar with dry roots and pour vodka. The resulting solution should be left for two weeks in a dark place. After that, you need to lubricate the diseased areas with the resulting remedy. The pain goes away very quickly.

In the treatment of stomach cancer, you need to pour boiling water over the peony root in a ratio of 1:10. After the decoction is infused, it should be taken daily in 300 ml.

Given the modern rhythm of life, every second person suffers from chronic fatigue. Peony root is almost a panacea for insomnia and nervousness.

In this case, dry roots 1 teaspoon pour half a liter of boiling water. The decoction should be taken three times a day before meals. Many who have used this tool have noted significant improvements.

Before taking medications containing peony root, you should always consult with your doctor. It can be taken on its own only for insomnia or mild neuroses. In this case, 40 drops of the tincture are mixed with a glass of water and drunk before going to bed, for the best effect.

Some children are hyperactive and difficult to manage. In this situation, after consulting a doctor, they can also be shown the peony root in very small dosages. The main thing is to do everything very carefully, and the age of the child must be over 12 years old.

In addition, the use of peony contributes to high-quality weight loss, so you can use the plant for culinary purposes - to improve the taste of the dish. The taste is spicy and spicy. The use of the plant significantly speeds up metabolic processes in the body, removes toxins from it. Peony root promotes the removal of excess fluid, which also helps in the fight against excess weight.

Contraindications for admission and side effects

Having decided to take a peony root, it is important to know not only the medicinal properties of the plant, but also contraindications for use, including:

  • Children under the age of 12;
  • in no case should you take drugs with a peony for people who have low blood pressure, as it will further lower it;
  • pregnancy and lactation are also very important contraindications;
  • individual intolerance to the components that make up the peony root can adversely affect the body as a whole.

Important! Taking a tincture with peony root, it is not recommended to drive. The plant causes a slight sedative effect, which can negatively affect the ability to concentrate on the road.

Side effects that have appeared with the use of the rhizome of the plant in most cases are associated with overdose, so doses should be monitored. A negative reaction of the body can manifest itself as follows:

  • severe nausea, vomiting;
  • dizziness;
  • a significant decrease in blood pressure;
  • swelling, itching;
  • severe fatigue, drowsiness.

Peony root has been used as a natural remedy since ancient times. Due to the unique composition of the substances contained in the rhizome, many diseases can be cured and a long, healthy and happy life can be lived.

All materials on the website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any means, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

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In folk medicine, the evading peony received recognition. This plant is commonly known as Mary's root. There is also such a name as an extraordinary peony. More often for the manufacture of dosage forms, the rhizome of this exquisite bright flower is used.

Useful features

The active substances found in the rhizome of the evasive peony determine the benefits of this variety of healing raw materials.

It contains saponins, essential oils, flavonoids. Identified tannins, acids - benzoic, ascorbic, salicylic. There are glycosides, carbohydrates, methyl salicylate.

Various trace elements (calcium, iron, magnesium), traces of alkaloids are included in the structural formula.
Medicinal properties:

  • anticonvulsants;
  • bactericidal;
  • disinfectants;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antispasmodic;
  • antioxidant;
  • astringents;
  • soothing;
  • painkillers;
  • decongestants;
  • hemostatic;
  • diaphoretics;
  • diuretics;
  • expectorants;
  • tonic;
  • choleretic;
  • antitumor.

Peony is used to prevent neuroses. Helps normalize sleep, activates the production of gastric juice. Helps to improve the functions of the liver, gastrointestinal tract.


  • neurasthenia;
  • arthrosis;
  • diarrhea;
  • hypertension;
  • insomnia;
  • ulcer;
  • radiculitis;
  • malignant formations;
  • gout;
  • mastopathy;
  • vegetovascular dystonia;
  • migraine;
  • hepatitis;
  • arthritis;
  • inflammation of the ovaries;
  • epilepsy;
  • varicose veins;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • cough.

Means from the peony root thin the blood, which helps prevent the formation of blood clots, normalize blood pressure, and improve the condition of cardiovascular diseases.

Strengthen the immune system, effectively relieve toothache, muscle, headache. They contribute to the restoration of damaged tissues, stop bleeding, remove toxic compounds, cleanse the intestines from slag deposits.

They improve the functioning of the nervous and endocrine systems, regulate the water-salt balance, and have a beneficial effect on the condition of hair and skin. Strengthen the vascular walls, relieve swelling, heal wounds and inflammatory foci, fight convulsions.


The roots of the plant in the fresh state are poisonous, therefore, they are used in dried form for medicinal products.
When self-harvesting a wild-growing marin root, it should be borne in mind that in some areas this plant is considered rare and is listed in the Red Book.

If there is permission, then the rhizome of a plant older than five years old is dug in October, although, if necessary, harvesting is practiced throughout the growing season. The raw materials are washed, dried and cut into plates, which are advisable to make about 30 mm thick.

Lay out in a thin layer in a room where there should be a dry atmosphere and ventilation is provided. After the raw material has become brittle, it is advisable to dry it in an oven or dryer at a minimum temperature not exceeding 50 degrees.

Storage, shelf life

Qualitatively dried rhizome at the break shows a yellowish tint. The raw material has a burning, slightly astringent and sweetish taste and a specific spicy pungent aroma.

In cardboard or wooden boxes, they keep it in the dark, preventing moisture and performing regular ventilation, for three years.

cooking recipes

On the basis of peony rhizomes, a variety of medicinal formulations are prepared at home, which require careful attention and medical permission.

Crushed dried raw materials - 1 tsp. pour into an enameled saucepan with two glasses of hot water.

Let the composition boil for a quarter of an hour. Then left under a napkin for four hours and squeezed through a two-layer gauze flap.

Drink a decoction 25-30 minutes before breakfast, lunch, dinner for half a glass. Helps with gastrointestinal pathologies, relieves swelling, is recommended for the development of stomach cancer.

It will take 1 tbsp. l. crushed dried fragments of Maryina root. They are placed in faience dishes, and brewed with two glasses of boiled water.

After half an hour of infusion, a healing liquid to improve digestion, 2 tbsp. l. every eight hours. The infusion helps to reduce the negative manifestations of menopause.

Take powdered dry rhizomes of peony. Combine in equal volumes with interior pork fat.
Transfer to an enamel pan and, while stirring, heat up for half an hour in a water bath.

The cooled ointment helps to activate the healing of fractures, and is used for joint pain.


Choosing the most effective multi-purpose recipe, they turn to the option of making a tincture.
It is necessary to combine crushed peony roots with alcohol (70%) in a bottle, observing a volume ratio of 1:4. Keep in a dark cabinet for 21 days, and then squeeze through gauze folded in half.

Used for depression, neurasthenia, sleep disturbance, hypochondria, skin lesions. Take before breakfast, lunch, dinner, 35 drops on average for a month.

Treatment prescriptions

Various remedies are practiced in folk treatment, the dominant component of which is Mary's root. They help in the treatment of various diseases with medical permission.


At the beginning of the development of cataracts, the evading peony allows you to stop the development of this pathology and even improve vision.

The dried rhizome must be crushed. Pick up 1 tbsp. l. powder and placed in an enamel saucepan with 500 ml of boiling water.

Leave under a tight lid for three hours. Then the dishes are placed on the stove. After boiling, boil the contents for five minutes. The strained broth is cooled and taken 1 tbsp. l. every six hours.

It is necessary to repeat such procedures for two months. Then a monthly interval is set and, if necessary, the next course is taken.


To make a healing decoction that can reduce epilepsy attacks, you need a tablespoon of dried and crushed marina root.

Spread the raw materials in an enameled ladle, pour in boiling water - three glasses. Install with minimal heat on the stove. Simmer without the appearance of signs of boiling for a quarter of an hour.

The broth filtered through a sieve is cooled. It is recommended to take 20 minutes before breakfast, lunch, dinner for half a glass.

According to popular beliefs, peony roots should be collected in order to cure oncological diseases during the growing moon in May.

The raw materials are washed, chopped into small fragments, 50 g are measured and transferred to a dark bottle with 500 ml of vodka.

Keep without lighting for 10 days. This tincture does not require straining. Consume half an hour before breakfast, lunch, dinner, 40 drops.


You can prepare a decoction from a teaspoon of small pieces of dried peony root. Raw materials must be boiled for five minutes at medium heat in 50 ml of water.

After filtering, if necessary, add boiling water to get a volume of at least 400 ml. Drink a decoction every eight hours for half a glass.

If the drinker refuses to self-medicate, then when cooking, keep the composition on the stove until 200 ml remains after the liquid has evaporated. Such a concentrate, after agreement with the doctor, must be added to food or drinks, 2 tbsp. l. during breakfast, lunch, dinner.


Maryin root is considered the strongest remedy for insomnia and neuroses.
Use a tincture prepared according to the above recipe for alcohol. Use 40 drops, dissolved in a glass of water, for insomnia at bedtime.


Transfer 10 grams of dried peony rhizome ground to a state of powder in faience dishes. Steamed with a glass of boiled water.

Under a terry cloth folded in half, leave for two hours. Strain the infusion through a double gauze. It is recommended to take a healing drink between meals in a tablespoon 4-5 times a day.


With severe joint pain, use the tincture of the evading peony. Take small fragments of the dried root of this plant and fill a 500 ml jar without excessive compaction. Fill with vodka.

Under the lid, the mixture is left for 14 days in a dark cabinet. Use a filtered agent for rubbing in the morning and evening on sore joints. After such treatment, the pain syndrome disappears quickly enough.

Peony root for women

Folk recipes focused on improving women's health are in demand. At the same time, all precautions are taken into account to prevent any harm to the body.

For conception

Maryin root, which has a beneficial effect on the female body in case of hormonal disorders, helps to cope with infertility.

This plant helps to increase the production of estrogen, and also has a sedative effect, relieving anxiety that arises from experiencing a situation with the inability to conceive.

To make a tincture, you will need 100 g of crushed dried peony roots. They are kept for 15 days in the dark in a liter of medical alcohol. After filtration, it is recommended to take the drug 20 ml four times a day.

With mastopathy

Combine powdered dried fragments of peony rhizome - 50 g and licorice - 20 g. Pour the healing tandem into a bottle with 0.5 liters of vodka.

After fifteen days of infusion in the dark, the product is filtered through a double gauze. 30 drops are consumed every eight hours for 45 days.

To strengthen the uterus

To cope with the development of fibroids, measure 40 g of small fragments of dry root marin and insist in a cool place closed from light in 0.5 liters of medical alcohol for two weeks. It is important to systematically shake the contents.

Strained tincture of 1 tbsp. l. drink every six hours. The maximum course duration is 50 days.

During pregnancy

Despite the unique beneficial qualities of marin root, during pregnancy, it is forbidden to ingest any means based on it.

This is due to the possibility of a negative impact on the development of the fetus, provoking premature birth or miscarriage.

For men

On the basis of marin root at home, in accordance with proven methods, medicinal compositions are prepared that allow solving a number of male problems.

With regular intake, it is possible to increase sexual activity. The plant helps to regulate hormonal balance, acts in a relaxing way on the nervous system, which helps to reduce the negative effects of constant stressful situations or mental overload.

In order to enhance potency, a tincture is prepared, which will require a tablespoon of dried marin root. It must be crushed, transferred to a darkened container, add 0.5 liters of vodka and tightly cork.

Leave in the dark at room temperature for 3 weeks. A drink strained through a sieve should be taken half an hour before breakfast, lunch, dinner, a teaspoonful until positive dynamics appear.

In home cosmetology

Various means, the basic component of which is the rhizome of the evading peony, are successfully practiced in order to improve the condition of the skin of the face, return the natural beauty to the hair.

For hair

Homemade (or pharmacy) alcohol tincture on peony rhizome activates hair growth due to the warming effect. This tool contains many useful compounds that eliminate dandruff, strengthen curls.

The alcohol extract should be slightly warmed up and rubbed into the roots. After 10 minutes, the hair is washed using shampoo.

Serves as an indication for the use of a decoction of peony rhizomes for oily facial skin.
Dry raw materials should be crushed, shift 2 tbsp. l. in 400 ml of water heated to 80 degrees and place the dishes on the fire.

With medium heating, the composition is boiled for a quarter of an hour. Filtered home lotion after cooling is used in the morning and evening to wipe the skin after washing.

Ready-made drugs in a pharmacy

The rhizomes of the evasive peony serve as raw materials for the manufacture of medical extracts in alcohol.

If necessary, a ready-made peony tincture is easy to purchase at a pharmacy for 17-26 rubles. for a 25 ml bottle.

Instructions for use

The sedative extract is recommended for the elimination of vegetative-vascular disorders. Helps normalize sleep, smooth out excessive nervous excitability.

Use 30-40 drops every eight hours for 25-30 days. If, according to indications, continuation of treatment is required, practice it after a break of 10 days.


The rhizome of the elusive peony, unique in its abundance of useful characteristics, requires special attention due to its toxicity. Be sure to take into account contraindications to this variety of popular medicinal plants:

  • lactation period;
  • personal intolerance;
  • children under 12 years of age;
  • pregnancy.

Caution is exercised in hypotension. After taking alcohol tincture, driving is prohibited, as concentration decreases.

The excellent healing characteristics of the evasive peony make it possible to include this plant in the treasury of the most effective medicinal plants. It is important for the self-production of drugs to follow medical recommendations, not to exceed the recommended ratios and dosages.

Peony roots: healing properties

One of the most beautiful flowering plants, which is observed not only in the wild, but also in many summer cottages, is a peony. Not everyone knows that it has long been used in folk medicine.

Moreover, peony roots are most often used. Now it is recognized even by official medicine as an adaptogen. Healing is considered to be an evasive peony, popularly called Mary's root.

The plant was nicknamed so for its effectiveness in the treatment of diseases of the female genital area.

Peony evasive: description

This plant has been known since ancient Greece. Even then, people believed in its healing properties. Now the deviating peony or Maryin root is distributed mainly in the Far East and Siberia.

In all other regions, it is cultivated as an ornamental plant or for the preparation of medicines.

Peony is a tall flowering plant with a branched rhizome with powerful thickenings, which are used as medicinal raw materials.

Procurement of raw materials

It is believed that only plants with purple flowers have healing properties. The roots must be dried for treatment, as they are very poisonous when fresh. Dug and washed rhizomes should be cut into strips no more than 3 centimeters thick.

Dry them under a canopy or in a dry room. When the roots become brittle, they are dried in the oven at a temperature of no more than 50 degrees. How a properly harvested peony root looks like, the photo clearly demonstrates. At the break, it has a yellowish color.

The taste of dried roots is burning, and the smell is pungent, spicy.

What is in the peony root?

Why is this plant often used in folk and official medicine? This can be explained by its chemical composition. Modern research has determined that peony roots contain:

  • tannins;
  • essential oils;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • glycoside salicin;
  • minerals such as manganese, strontium, iron and potassium;
  • starch and other carbohydrates;
  • flavonoids;
  • alkaloids.

Peony root: medicinal properties

Since ancient times, healing and even magical qualities have been attributed to this plant. For example, it was believed that a patient with epilepsy should carry dried Maryin root with him - this was supposed to save him from seizures.

Traditional healers used part of the plant for many diseases. And official medicine has confirmed that, indeed, in some cases, the peony root can be useful. Its properties have been studied and proven.

Maryin root has the following effect:

  • stops bleeding;
  • calms the nervous system;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • relaxes muscles and fights cramps;
  • relieves headaches, muscle or toothaches;
  • has an antiseptic effect;
  • improves blood composition;
  • has a choleretic effect;
  • relieves inflammation and swelling;
  • lowers blood pressure;
  • heals wounds and ulcers;
  • relieves spasms of the bronchi and intestines;
  • stimulates digestion and secretion of gastric juice.

What diseases is the plant used for?

The root of the evasive peony, as already noted, is used by both folk and official medicine. The range of its application is quite wide. Effective treatment with decoctions and tinctures based on it for such diseases:

  • neuroses, sleep disorders;
  • gout, myositis and rheumatism;
  • arthritis, arthrosis;
  • varicose veins;
  • violations of the liver;
  • concussion;
  • hypertension;
  • colds and viral diseases;
  • gastritis, peptic ulcer, dyspepsia;
  • diseases of the female genital area;
  • with convulsions and muscle spasms, as well as with epilepsy.

Folk recipes using peony root

Official medicine mainly uses the tincture of this plant, identifying several cases when it may be necessary. Traditional healers use peony roots more frequently. There are many healing recipes based on it:

  • A decoction of a teaspoon of crushed roots and 2 cups of boiling water is used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Raw materials need to boil for 10-15 minutes, and then insist for several hours. This medicine helps even with dysentery. You need to drink a strained broth half a glass 3 times a day half an hour before meals. The same drink is effective for edema and has a diuretic effect. Many healers recommend taking it for stomach cancer.
  • If you make an infusion, you can drink it to improve digestion and with menopause. Prepare it like this: pour a tablespoon of crushed roots with two cups of boiling water and leave for half an hour. You need to drink the infusion two tablespoons three times a day.
  • To treat joint pain and accelerate bone fusion, you can prepare an ointment. To do this, powdered peony roots are mixed with interior fat in a 1: 1 ratio and heated in a water bath for half an hour.
  • Such decoctions are often used in cosmetology. For these purposes, it should be brewed more concentrated, for example, 2 tablespoons per 2 cups of boiling water. This decoction helps with acne, hair loss and dandruff.

Peony root tincture: application features

This drug can be easily found in any pharmacy. Often it is prescribed by doctors for heart disease and as a sedative. Effective tincture for neuroses, insomnia and vegetovascular dystonia.

Drinking a teaspoon of it three times a day can relieve the symptoms of Parkinson's disease and various types of paralysis. It is applied inside 25-40 drops 3 times a day before meals.

The required amount of the drug must be diluted in a quarter glass of water.

Peony tincture strengthens the body's defenses, protects a person from infections and speeds up recovery. It has been proven that peony root tincture can remove toxins, chemicals and radionuclides from the body. It is also considered the best remedy for overwork, insomnia and depression.

Contraindications and side effects

When using peony roots, it must be remembered that this plant is poisonous. Therefore, it is important to strictly follow the recipe for preparing decoctions and try not to exceed the indicated dosage.

The use of drugs based on the peony root during pregnancy is contraindicated, as this can provoke a miscarriage. You can also not use the plant for the treatment of children under the age of 12 years, with severe violations of the liver and kidneys or individual intolerance.

Caution should be taken in tincture and decoctions for people with low blood pressure or high acidity of the stomach.

Usually preparations based on peony root are well tolerated. But if you do not follow the dosage or take them for more than a month, then the development of side effects is possible:

  • skin allergic reactions;
  • weakness, drowsiness, decreased performance;
  • severe drop in blood pressure.

Peony root, like most medicinal plants, requires caution when using. In order for it not to harm, but to benefit, it is necessary to consult a doctor before use and strictly observe the dosage indicated in the instructions.

Source: http://.ru/article/253717/korni-piona-tselebnyie-svoystva

The healing properties of the peony root and its contraindications

Peony or Maryin root is a spring-summer flower belonging to the ranunculus family. This plant has been known since ancient Greece, where it was used to treat wounds and rid the body of various infections.

Description of the medicinal plant

This herbaceous perennial plant grows to a height of no more than 1 m and is distinguished by a large number of stems and a well-developed rhizome, on which powerful brown roots are located.

Peony stems are thick and smooth, on which large leaves of complex shape are located.

Marin root blooms in May-June and at this time bright flowers of pink, red, burgundy and other colors appear on the top of the stems, reaching 13-15 cm in diameter.

Peony fruiting occurs at the end of summer and its fruit is a multi-seeded leaflet in which there are black seeds.

The peony is propagated by seeds or by dividing the bush. The medicinal properties of peony roots and seeds explain the widespread use of this herbaceous bush in traditional and folk medicine.

At present, marin root is a rare plant and in many countries it is already listed in the Red Book, which is mostly due to the fact that its underground part is most often used for medicinal purposes. The peony grows in Mongolia, China, Southern Europe, Siberia, Asia and Kazakhstan.

Shrub types

All peonies contain special beneficial compounds, so these plants should have medicinal properties.

But only the evasive peony, which is most often found in the forest area of ​​many countries, was officially recognized as a medicinal plant.

But in folk medicine, other types of this shrub have also found wide application. For example, thin-leaved, tree-like, red and lactic-flowered, the seeds and roots of which are also used to prepare medicinal products.

But before using a peony medicine, you need to consult a doctor and find out contraindications, as well as a treatment regimen if there are no contraindications.

Preparation of a medicinal product

For medicinal purposes, peony roots are harvested, starting in the second half of September, and it is best to take strong, healthy plants in the 4-5th year of their life.

To do this, the dug roots are thoroughly washed under running water, cleaned and cut into pieces 10-14 mm long and 20-30 mm thick.

Dry them in a well-ventilated place, for example, under a canopy.

After the plant becomes brittle, it can be dried in an automatic dryer at a temperature of 40-50 ̊С. The taste of the roots is sweet, slightly astringent and burning.

Maryin root - use in everyday life

In addition to the use of the plant for medicinal purposes for humans, it is also used in veterinary medicine. For example, a decoction of the roots is given to animals for indigestion.

Deer are very fond of eating it. The roots can also be added to meat, using them as a seasoning. In Mongolia, the leaves of this perennial shrub are brewed and drunk as tea.

Beneficial features

Before proceeding with treatment, you need to remember that the peony is a poisonous plant that requires prior medical consultation and careful adherence to the dosage.

Peony roots include carbohydrates and essential oils, benzoic acid and sitosterol, as well as manganese, potassium, calcium and vitamin C.

The aerial part contains tannins, glycosides and bioflavonoids, and the seeds contain fatty oils.

In official medicine, tinctures are prepared from the evasive peony, which are used for the aerial part, seeds and roots of the plant. In folk medicine, the peony root is used, as a result of which the medicinal preparations have the following medicinal properties:

  • bactericidal;
  • tonic;
  • decongestant;
  • tonic;
  • painkiller;
  • anticonvulsant;
  • soothing;
  • diuretic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antacid.

Medicinal substances included in marin root explain the widespread use of the plant for the prevention of neuroses and sleep disturbances, to stimulate the secretion of gastric juice, to alleviate the condition in patients with impaired gastrointestinal tract and liver functions.

Maryin root is able to thin the blood, prevent the formation of blood clots and stabilize blood pressure, so it is a popular remedy for the treatment of the cardiovascular system.

What does it heal?

Depending on the type of peony, the medicinal properties of this plant are aimed at combating a variety of diseases. Therefore, the peony has been widely used both in official and in traditional medicine, where it helps to get rid of the following diseases:

  • headache;
  • concussion;
  • oncological diseases;
  • epilepsy;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • ulcer;
  • diabetes;
  • hepatitis;
  • arthritis and arthrosis;
  • cough;
  • coli;
  • amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea;
  • poisoning;
  • depression;
  • nose bleed;
  • migraine;
  • radiculitis;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • swelling;
  • diarrhea;
  • hypertension;
  • encephalitis;
  • gout.


The main advantage of preparations created on the basis of peony roots is their high effectiveness and a small number of contraindications.

Despite the beneficial properties of this plant, peony preparations should not be taken by pregnant and lactating women.

Although this drug does not have a significant effect on blood pressure, it should be used with extreme caution in cases of hypotension.

Individual intolerance and children under 12 years of age are two more contraindications to taking drugs based on peony roots.


Peony evasive - medicinal properties, use in traditional medicine, contraindications

In the article we discuss the deviating peony. You will learn how a peony is useful, what diseases it treats, and also how to properly prepare a tincture for the treatment of mastopathy, menopause, nerves and insomnia.

Peony evasive, extraordinary, or irregular. It is popular among the people under the following names: Maryin root or Peony Maryin-root (lat. Paeónia anómala).

The Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language by Vladimir Dal and the Botanical Dictionary of Annenkov mention several names of the plant - Maryina grass, heart berries, shegna (Tschegna).

Peony evasive is a species of perennial herbaceous plants of the genus Peony, Peony family. Cultivated in gardens as an ornamental plant.

The specific name "evading" is translated from the Latin anomalia, from the Greek - ἀνωμᾰλία "deviation", "irregularity". It is believed that this is due to the autumn color of this species of peonies, which distinguishes it from other species.

What does it look like

Appearance of an evading peony Rhizome plant with several furrowed stems, about 1 m high. The root of the peony is brown with branched, thick spindle-shaped tubers, white in section. The taste of the rhizome is sweet, when broken it emits a strong odor.

Peony leaves are large, dissected, with segments divided into lanceolate lobes.

Flowers purple and pink, solitary, 10 cm in diameter. Perianth double. Flowering time May - June.

The fruit is a combined leaflet of three to five leaflets.

Where does it grow

The species is distributed in Russia in Siberia, occurs in Kazakhstan, Mongolia and China.

In the European part of Russia, it can be found in the Perm Territory, the Komi Republic (in the upper reaches of the Vychegda, Ukhta, Pechora Pizhma, Pechora, Ilych rivers; in the river valleys along the Pechora Lowland and the Mezen-Vychegodskaya Lowland) and on the Tury Peninsula.

The plant grows in light mixed forests, meadows and edges, in river valleys. Prefers fertile, moderately moist rich soils, sunny places. In the mountains, you can meet a plant up to the subalpine belt. Does not tolerate grazing. The yield of rhizomes and roots reaches 5-10 q/ha.

It belongs to rare plant species, and in some regions it is considered endangered. The plant is noted in the Red Book of Animals and Plants of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Komi Republic.

Grass, rhizome and roots

Peony evasive - medicinal plant. Flowers, leaves and rhizomes of the plant are used as medicinal components.

To properly prepare parts of the plant for medicinal use, read the instructions for use from the evading peony.

In medicine, grass and peony roots are used.

Chemical composition

Chemical composition:

  • organic acids;
  • fatty oil;
  • ethers;
  • iron;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • tannins;
  • vitamin C.

The beneficial properties of the evading peony are inherent in all parts of the plant.

Medicinal properties

Peony pharmacological properties:

  • painkiller;
  • anticonvulsant;
  • sedative;
  • antitumor;
  • bactericidal.

What helps peony? The plant is used as a sedative for neurasthenia and stress. Peony tincture for insomnia helps improve sleep.

Peony with VVD is used in combination for the treatment of vegetovascular dystonia, panic disorders, anxiety phobias. Peony from nerves gives good results in complex therapy.

Peony petals are used in the treatment of epilepsy.

Peony infusion is used for poisoning, as a fixing agent for diarrhea.

The plant activates the release of hydrochloric acid, which has a disinfecting effect. The components of the plant have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive tract.

Peony normalizes metabolism. Removes toxins from the body.

How to collect

Collect different parts of the plant at different times of the year. Before collecting a plant, read about the evasive peony reviews, where and how to collect. So you can easily find the grass and you will know how to collect and store the plant.

Harvest the aerial part during the flowering period, in May - June. Sort the leaves after collection, rinse and leave to dry in the open air. Can be dried in a special dryer at a temperature not exceeding 50 degrees. Store finished raw materials in a dry, cool place.

Collect roots at any time. Before drying, wash the roots, divide into small roots. Dry the roots along with the leaves.

Collect the petals during the flowering period before shedding.

How to apply

In order for the plant to give a positive result during treatment, you need to know how to take a peony. For application, the indications of an evading pion are different.

Decoctions, infusions and tinctures are made from peony. Peony is mainly prescribed as an additional remedy for the treatment of epilepsy, sleep disorders, and mastopathy.

Peony tincture is sold in a pharmacy. You can also make your own tincture based on the plant. Peony goes well with valerian, motherwort, licorice and other sedative plants.

pressure tincture

Peony tincture at pressure has a complex effect, normalizes pressure, general condition. Tannins improve the elasticity of blood vessels.


  1. Dried peony root - 50 gr.
  2. Vodka - 0.5 liters.

How to cook: Fill the peony with alcohol, insist in a dark place for at least 3 weeks. Strain before use.

How to use: Take 30 drops 3 times a day before meals. The course of treatment is 1 month, then a break for 10 days.

Result: Peony from pressure has a calming effect, improves sleep, normalizes blood pressure.

Tincture for nerves and insomnia

In order not to harm your body, consult your doctor before use and study the peony tinctures that avoid use.


  1. The crushed roots of a plant - 50 gr.
  2. Vodka - 0.5 liters.

How to cook: Mix the components of the plant with vodka, close the container with a lid and infuse in a dark place. Shake the tincture periodically. After 14 days, strain the mixture through 2-3 layers of gauze.

How to use: Take tincture at bedtime. Dilute 3 tsp. tincture in 50 ml of water.

Result: Relieves stress, helps to calm down, strengthens the body.

Tincture for mastopathy

Peony with mastopathy works very effectively. The presence of the disease provokes depression in women, which is well treated by peony tincture.


  1. Peony roots - 2 parts.
  2. Kopeck tea - 1 part.
  3. Licorice root - 1 part.
  4. Vodka - 1 liter.

How to cook: Mix plants, pour vodka and infuse for 14 days in a dark, cool place.

How to use: Filter before use, take 1 tsp. 3 times a day. Start treatment on the 4th day of menstruation and continue taking the tincture for 2 months.

Result: Relieves pain, inflammation, swelling, normalizes blood circulation in the mammary gland.

Tincture for menopause

Peony with menopause gives a positive result when used in the form of tincture. What helps the tincture of the evasive peony? With menopause, plant components have a sedative effect, eliminate inflammation, and fatigue.


  1. Dry peony flowers - 3 tbsp.
  2. Vodka - 500 ml.

How to cook: Fill the plant with vodka, leave for 3 weeks.

How to use: Take 25 drops 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals for 1 month.

Result: Eliminates climatic tides, mood swings, normalizes hormonal and emotional background.

Peony during pregnancy

Peony is not taken during pregnancy. Under the action of the drug, the muscles of the uterus contract, a miscarriage occurs.

Plant components can adversely affect the development and growth of the fetus.


Before use, study the evading contraindications from the peony. The components of the plant as a whole do not have a negative effect on the body, but side effects are possible with an overdose.

Side effects:

  • dizziness;
  • pressure drop;
  • drowsiness;
  • weakness.

During the period of application of tinctures or decoctions of peony, it is not recommended to engage in activities that require special attention and concentration. You should stop driving.


  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • childhood.

Before using the plant, consult a doctor, study the evading peony medicinal properties and contraindications.


Taxonomic position:

  • Domain - Eukaryotes.
  • Kingdom - Plants.
  • Department - Flowering.
  • Class - Dicotyledons.
  • Order - Stone-brittle.
  • Family - Peony.
  • Genus - Peony.
  • Kind - the Peony evading.


There are a lot of varieties of peony. Plant species are divided into tree-like and herbaceous. According to the shape of the bud, terry, Japanese and non-terry peonies are distinguished. The evasive peony belongs to the herbaceous varieties.

Peony varieties:

  • Paeonia anomala subsp. anomaly.
  • Paeonia anomala subsp. veitchii.

For more information about peony, see the video:

Peony evasive infographic

Photo of an evasive peony, its useful properties and applications: Infographics on an evasive peony

What to remember

  1. Peony is a medicinal plant that is used to treat mastopathy, gynecological diseases, nerves and insomnia.
  2. Store harvested raw materials for no more than 2 years.
  3. Before use, read the instructions for use from the peony tincture.


Peony evasive - medicinal properties in folk medicine

Peony evasive, the medicinal properties of which are described below - a plant used since ancient times as a medicine, was named after the legendary healer Peon, who cured the god Pluto with it. The peony is revered in China and has been cultivated for many centuries. The Chinese worship the plant and consider it a symbol of nobility and prosperity.

The locals believe in the healing power of the plant and use it to get rid of nightmares and dark spots on the skin.

There are even legends according to which the deviating peony, or Mary's root, contributes to the expulsion of evil spirits from a person. In Western Europe, people apply the plant to the region of the heart to cure gout and suffocation.

Peony is also called marina grass, heart berries.

Maryina grass: botanical characteristics

The deviant peony is a fairly large herbaceous perennial of the peony family, reaching a height of seventy or more centimeters.

The plant is equipped with a short multi-headed rhizome with the presence of brown-brown fusiform fleshy adventitious roots, single-flowered ribbed erect leafy stems covered with leathery scales, bare regular large petiolate leaves, large regular red or pale pink flowers.

The fruits of the plant are multi-seeded three- or five-leaflets. The seeds of the plant are black, shiny.

The plant begins to bloom at the beginning of the spring period, and the fruits ripen by August. Southern and Central Europe is the birthplace of the plant.

Edges, clearings, light sparse coniferous, mixed and small-leaved forests are the places where peony grows.

Collection, preparation and storage of plant materials

For the preparation of medicinal preparations, the herb and the rhizome of the plant are used. It is recommended to harvest raw materials during the period of intensive flowering, in May-June.

It is important to take into account the fact that only peony with pink flowers is used for medical purposes. After separating the ground part of the plant from the underground, you need to rinse the rhizomes under running water, cut into pieces.

Dry the raw materials separately. You can lay out the roots on paper and leave to dry outside in the shade, or you can resort to using special dryers.

Rhizomes must be dried until they become brittle, brownish or yellowish-brown.

Properly prepared roots should have a sweetish-burning, slightly astringent and strong peculiar aroma.

The grass is dried in the open air. It is scattered on paper in a thin layer and turned over from time to time to dry evenly. Properly dried raw materials have a slightly bitter taste and a weak aroma. You can store harvested raw materials for three years.

Peony evading - medicinal properties, chemical composition

Peony evasive rich:

  • essential oils;
  • glycosides;
  • starch;
  • sugars;
  • tannins;
  • alkaloids;
  • flavonoids;
  • organic acids;
  • glutamine;
  • resinous substances;
  • arginine;
  • ascorbic acid.

The plant has analgesic, antispasmodic, diaphoretic, anti-inflammatory, diuretic, diuretic, hemostatic, firming, disinfectant, tonic, antitumor, hemostatic, anticonvulsant, astringent, choleretic, expectorant, sedative and decongestant properties.

Plant preparations contribute to:

  • normalization of the digestive tract;
  • increased secretion of glands;
  • reduction of fermentation in the intestine;
  • improving the functioning of the central nervous system;
  • strengthening the SSS;
  • increased insulin synthesis;
  • saturation of the body with energy;
  • removal of harmful cholesterol;
  • vasodilation;
  • acceleration of wound healing;
  • removal of toxic substances and toxins from the body;
  • elimination of inflammatory processes;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • improving sleep;
  • increase in working capacity.

Means based on this plant are used to treat: diarrhea, rheumatism, arthritis, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, myositis, epilepsy, hypochondria, hypertension, fever, otitis media, ascites, gout, hepatitis, diabetes mellitus, nephritis, poisoning.

Evasive peony preparations for the treatment of various pathologies

➡ Mastopathy: tincture therapy.

Take fifty grams of dried crushed peony rhizome and combine with twenty grams of dry, finely chopped licorice roots, mix and fill the raw material with medical alcohol or vodka - 500 ml. Place the composition in a dark place for fifteen days. Use thirty drops three times a day. The duration of the course is one and a half months.

➡ Uterine fibroids: the use of an effective remedy. Pour the crushed rhizome of the peony - 40 g with medical alcohol - 500 ml.

Refrigerate the container for two weeks. Shake the contents periodically. Take a spoonful of medicine four times a day.

The therapeutic course is fifty days.

➡ Infertility:application of the tincture. Take the dried peony roots, grind and pour one hundred grams of raw materials with medical alcohol - a liter. Put the composition in a dark place for half a month. Use twenty milliliters of the drug four times a day.

➡ Cold:marina root therapy. The medicine promotes sputum discharge and a quick cure for cough.

Mix in equal proportions peony flowers with licorice rhizome, willow bark, chamomile, linden and elderberry flowers. Grind the ingredients and fill the raw materials with boiled water.

Infuse the product in a thermos for two hours. It is recommended to take ½ cup of medicine twice a day.

➡ Preparation of a sedative. Pour fifty grams of dry, finely chopped rhizome of the plant with medical alcohol - 500 ml. Set aside the composition in the cold for a couple of weeks. It is recommended to use forty drops of the drug twice a day.

➡ Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: decoction therapy. Grind peony roots and pour twenty grams of raw material with boiling water. Boil and continue to simmer over low heat for ten minutes. Cool and drink half a glass of the drug four times a day.

➡ Salt deposition:application of the infusion.

Combine peony flowers in equal proportions with juniper fruits, calendula and cornflower flowers, crushed buckthorn bark, elder flowers, horsetail and birch leaves. Grind all ingredients and mix thoroughly.

Brew a couple of spoons of raw materials with boiled water - 300 milliliters. Set aside the composition for half an hour, then filter. Take half a glass of medicine every three hours.

➡ Skin ailments:treatment with peony evading. Steam thirty grams of dried crushed plant roots with 500 ml of boiling water. Place the composition in a water bath for half an hour, then cool and filter. Use the remedy as a lotion.

➡ Sciatica, joint pain:application of the tincture.

Fill a half-liter bottle with dry peony flowers, then fill to the top with medical alcohol.

Infuse the composition in a cold dark room for fifteen days. After a couple of weeks, filter the remedy and rub it into painful places.

➡ Jaundice: application of infusion. Pour the dried crushed roots with 500 ml of boiling water. Set aside the composition for an hour. Filter and consume a couple of spoons of medicine before each sitting at the table.

➡ A tool that helps strengthen the immune system. Brew dry flowers of the plant in 300 ml of boiling water. Let the tool sit for a while. Drink 50 ml of the miraculous drink four times a day.

➡ Preparation of healing ointment. This remedy will help in curing the inflammatory processes of the sciatic and trigeminal nerves, as well as in eliminating pain.

Grind dry peony roots with a fine grater and combine the raw materials with melted pork fat. Heat the composition in a water bath for half an hour. Refrigerate the product.

Lubricate the sore spots with the prepared ointment.


It is not advisable to use peony preparations during pregnancy, lactation, individual intolerance, renal or hepatic insufficiency.

If weakness, drowsiness, dizziness, allergic reactions, a sharp decrease in pressure appear, it is necessary to immediately stop taking medicines based on the plant.

Peony occupies a special place among other "healing" plants. It has also been known since the Middle Ages as "Marin's root". The flower gives not only aesthetic pleasure and a wonderful aroma. In this article, we will find out what medicinal properties a peony has and how to use it correctly.

Healing properties of peony

The peony root contains many different chemical compounds that are highly valued in the homeopathic environment. It is used to treat gout, to heal gastric ulcers, to fight rheumatism and malaria, as an anesthetic for toothache, and even to increase lactation in nursing mothers.

Did you know? The name "peony" comes from the name of the ancient doctor Pean, who treated people and gods from wounds received as a result of battles.

Scientists also became interested in this plant and determined that peony root, infused with alcohol, has various medicinal properties. In medicine, peony tinctures are prescribed for people with poor appetite and digestion, suffering from insomnia and nervous disorders. Also alcohol tincture from the peony root treats many diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Preparation of roots and petals

Peony petals can only be collected during the period of full flowering right before shedding. The roots can be dried when convenient. As a rule, this is done along with drying the leaves. The roots are dug up, washed well and cleaned. Then they need to be finely chopped and dried in the shade in a well-ventilated room or outdoors under a canopy. Peony seeds can also be harvested.

Peony Recipes

As it has already become clear, peony leaves and roots are used for the manufacture of homeopathic and medical preparations. To date, more than 5,000 varieties of this plant are known to have medicinal properties.

Did you know? The first who began to widely use the medicinal properties of the peony were the Chinese. It was during the reign of the Qin and Han dynasties, before 200 BC. e. He was worshiped there, and mere mortals had no right to grow him. From China, he came to Europe. Today in China, the peony is also considered a flower with divine powers.

Petal tincture

How to use peony petals in order to most effectively reveal their healing properties? One tablespoon of finely chopped fresh leaves of the plant should be poured with 300 ml of boiling water and insisted for eight hours. Together with other peony preparations, it is possible to successfully cure epilepsy, hemorrhoids, crush kidney stones, restore metabolism and dissolve salt deposits. The indicated amount of this universal remedy is calculated for the daily rate of use.

Did you know? Peony symbolizes love and wealth.

Of course, you can find and buy peony tincture in the pharmacies of your city, but it has a limited shelf life. Such a drug can lie in warehouses for a long time, losing its useful qualities. Therefore, we advise you to cook it at home. This will be much more efficient.

The tincture will be more useful if you start preparing it before the beginning of autumn, when peonies begin to bloom. Dig up the plant, cut off the leaves, and thoroughly rinse and clean the peony root so as not to spoil its medicinal properties.

To prepare 500 ml of tincture, take 50 g of peony roots and pour 0.5 liters of vodka. Close the container tightly and leave to infuse for half a month in a dark place. The jar will need to be shaken periodically. From the resulting tincture, you need to remove all the pieces of the roots and strain it through cheesecloth. After that, pour the strained liquid into a clean container, close tightly and store in a cool, dark place. The healing properties of the drug will act for several months until all the alcohol is exhausted.

A decoction of the roots

Finely chop 100 g of roots, pour in a liter of water and simmer until the water has evaporated by half. Strain the decoction and refrigerate it. Add 100 ml of medical alcohol. Take 10 drops 4 times a day. As homeopaths assure, the spectrum of action of this drug is very wide: it treats metabolic disorders, eliminates digestive problems, and also eliminates internal bleeding.

The use of medicinal raw materials

All tinctures that can be bought in pharmacies are very convenient preparations. But it is better to prepare them yourself, especially since the recipe is basically different from mass-produced ones.

Peony for colds

If you have a cold, then traditional medicine recommends the following. You need to take the flowers of the evasive peony, licorice root, chamomile flowers, willow bark, linden flowers, elder flowers. Grind and mix in the ratio 1:1:3:2:2. 50 g of this mixture pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and leave for 15 minutes. Strain and drink warm all day.

Did you know? Peony petals do not wither for about three weeks, so in China it is called the "flower of twenty days."

Peony for gastrointestinal diseases

Peony deviant has proven its medicinal properties in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, and contraindications, as such, have not been identified. A decoction of the roots is good as a fixing agent and is prescribed for the treatment of dysentery. One teaspoon of chopped peony roots should be poured with two cups of boiling water and boiled for five minutes. After straining, take half a glass three times a day 20 minutes before meals. Medical research confirms the effectiveness of peony treatment.

Peony and nervous system

If you suffer from insomnia or sudden panic attacks, it is recommended to drink 50 ml of peony tincture before bedtime. The course of treatment lasts half a month. The nervous system must come into order. If the situation has not improved, then you need to take a week break and repeat the course of taking the drug again. The tincture recipe is simple: pour three tablespoons of leaves into 0.5 liters of vodka and insist for a month. Take either three times a day for a teaspoon, or as described above.

Peony in cosmetology and dermatology

Beauty connoisseurs at all times have been partial to fragrant essential oils and extracts. To date, cosmetologists mainly use peony extracts. Cosmetics based on it:

  • Moisturizes the skin and nourishes with essential trace elements.
  • Deodorizes and refreshes;
  • Removes inflammation and relieves irritation.
  • Makes the skin supple and elastic.
  • Smoothes wrinkles.
  • Normalizes skin metabolism.
In addition, peony extract can restore tired and damaged hair. It stimulates their growth and reduces hair loss. Peony nourishes the skin under the hairline, deodorizes it and restores the hair structure. The shine returns to them, and they become very obedient.

The use of peony in veterinary medicine

A decoction of peony roots increases appetite in animals and improves the digestion process. Increases acidity and relieves pain. It copes well with bloating, diarrhea and liver diseases. A decoction of peony roots has a sedative effect. Approximate dose for large animals: 3-4 g in the form of a 1:100 decoction.

Maryin root, Maryina grass, Maryina berries, Marya Korevna, zhgun-root, heart berries, shegnia

Perennial herbaceous plant with a limited range. In folk and traditional medicine, it is famous for its sedative, sedative, antitumor, anti-inflammatory, appetizing, expectorant, analgesic effect. The root and rhizome of the herb is most commonly used.

Latin name: Paeonia anomala

English name: Peony

The medicinal properties and contraindications of Maryina root are well studied in scientific and folk medicine. Also, the plant is used in cooking, cosmetology, veterinary medicine. The medicinal plant has a rich history. Translated from Greek, the name "peony" means "healing", "healing". In ancient times, the healing properties of this herb were well known. Even then, she was treated with wounds, gout, attacks of hypoxia, epilepsy, and nervous disorders. For example, in China, the root is used as an antitumor agent, in Mongolia - they treat women's diseases and the liver, in Tibet - bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis, inflammation of the kidneys.

Features of the evasive peony

What are the medicinal properties and contraindications of the evading peony? For what diseases is it most often prescribed? What is important to know when preparing and using it?


The deviating peony plant belongs to endemic species, has a limited distribution area. Most often, grass is found in Western and Eastern Siberia. Less often it can be seen in China, Mongolia, Northern Kazakhstan. In Russia, marin root is also found in the Cis-Urals (Perm Territory and the Komi Republic). The grass loves moist, rich soils. Rare, endangered species. It is under protection in Kazakhstan and the Komi Republic.


Botanical illustration from the book by I. G. Gmelin "Flora Sibirica".

For medicinal purposes, the entire aerial part is collected (peony flowers, stems, leaves), as well as the rhizome with the root. It is noteworthy that the peony root, like the aerial part, is harvested during the flowering period. What is important to consider?

  • Care collection. Since the elusive peony is an endangered species, the plant requires careful harvesting. You can not uproot a flower. With proper collection, you need to cut off only part of the rhizome along with the stem right in the ground.
  • Drying and shelf life. The aerial part and rhizome are dried separately. Do this in natural conditions, spreading a thin layer and constantly turning over. Both the roots and the grass retain their healing properties for 3 years.

Often, peony marin root is confused with medicinal peony. This species is native to Southern Europe and is not found at all in Siberia and the Cis-Urals. Peony officinalis has similar medicinal properties. Previously, it was widely used in the treatment of epilepsy, convulsions, gout, and intestinal diseases. Today, interest in this species has faded, its healing effect is forgotten, and a beautiful flower is often grown for decorative purposes.

Healing properties

Medicinal properties of Maryina root:

  • soothing;
  • expectorant;
  • painkiller;
  • appetizing;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • detoxification;
  • bactericidal;
  • tonic;
  • restorative.

Chemical composition:

  • carbohydrates;
  • essential oil;
  • saponins;
  • flavonoids;
  • organic acids;
  • resins;
  • tannins;
  • aromatic substances;
  • glycosides;
  • many trace elements.

The herb contains salicylic acid, which is widely used in dermatology and cosmetology.

Indications for use

What are the indications for the use of the herb?

  • Nervous system. Tinctures and decoctions are often prescribed for excitability of the nervous system, insomnia, nervousness, hysteria, anxiety, obsessive fears, fatigue, convulsions. Also, the remedy is effective in such serious diagnoses as epilepsy and cerebral palsy. The herb does not cure these diseases, but alleviates their symptoms.
  • The digestive system. Evasive peony (marin root) acts as an appetizing remedy, improves the digestion process, stops infectious diarrhea, relieves stomach cramps, symptoms of intoxication in case of poisoning. It is prescribed for gastritis with low acidity, benign tumors of the stomach and intestines, polyps. There are also reviews that the plant helps with oncological diseases of the digestive tract, it is prescribed for the prevention and recovery of the body after a serious illness.
  • Respiratory system. For a long time, Maryin root has been drunk for coughing. Grass promotes sputum discharge, softens dry cough, makes it productive. Often the plant is included in herbal breast preparations with licorice root, linden blossom, elderberry and other herbs. The herb also relieves attacks of asthmatic cough, but it is drunk with coltsfoot, violet, thyme, sundew and other herbs.
  • Removal of excess salt from the body. Excess salt can lead to permanent swelling, salt deposits in the joints, overweight, restless sleep. Elevated salt levels can also cause cancer, stroke, kidney stones, calcium loss, and osteoporosis. Grass helps to remove excess salts. It is often prescribed in herbal preparations, which include: calendula, horsetail, birch leaves, buckthorn bark, elderberry, juniper berries.
  • Treatment of alcoholism. It is important to understand that the treatment of alcoholism should be handled by a narcologist. In general therapy, you can include herbal preparations that will help save a person from drunkenness. The mental state of the patient is also important. It has long been known among the people that the peony relieves cravings for alcoholic beverages, provokes a persistent aversion to them. You can brew it yourself. But also Maryin root is included in herbal preparations for alcoholism, which are drunk in a long course. We must not forget that many of these herbs are toxic species, and instead of alcohol poisoning, a person can get poisoned by poisonous plants.
  • Outdoor application. Tincture and infusion treat the skin with eczema, ulcers, wounds, pustules. The herb copes with infectious dermatological diseases, acts as an antiseptic and antimicrobial agent, and promotes rapid tissue repair.

Important to know: the evasive peony is a toxic plant. Its use without consulting a doctor is contraindicated. Caution should be taken by people with low blood pressure, liver and kidney failure, individual intolerance. In order to avoid side effects and an allergic reaction, it is impossible to increase the dosage of the herb and the course of treatment. It is forbidden to take orally children under 12 years old, pregnant and lactating women.

The use of marina root at home

What is the use of Maryina Root? You can prepare your own infusion, decoction, alcohol tincture. But drugs with peony extract are also popular in the pharmacy chain.

Pharmacy preparations

  • Dry vegetable matter. Most often, the root and rhizome of the herb are packaged, in whole pieces or in the form of a powder. Less often it can be seen in a regular pharmacy chain, more often in phytopharmacies, online stores of medicinal herbs. Dry raw materials are used for the preparation of infusions and tinctures at home.
  • Dry extract in tablets. There are different commercial names for this drug. Refers to the pharmacological group of sedative, neurotropic drugs of plant origin. Tablets are prescribed for increased fatigue, constant stress, nervous excitability, insomnia. Peony weakens the effect of all tonic drugs, but enhances the effect of other sedative, antispasmodic, hypnotic drugs. Their interaction should not be allowed to prevent an overdose. It manifests itself in the form of severe drowsiness, lethargy, depression of the central nervous system.
  • Tincture. The composition includes the active substances of the herb, root and rhizome of the evading peony, as well as 40% ethanol. The instructions indicate the main pharmacological effect of the drug - sedative, antispasmodic, anticonvulsant. Tincture is prescribed for disorders of the central nervous system, convulsions, neurotic disorders, neurosis, autonomic dysfunction (vegetative-vascular dystonia). It also increases the acidity of the stomach. In addition, the tincture has found wide application in gynecology. The therapeutic effect occurs within an hour. Duration of action - 3 hours. Shake the tincture before taking. The permissible single dose for adults is 1 teaspoon (no more than 3 times a day). Children after 12 years of age can be given based on the calculation: for each year of life, 1 drop.

Read more about the tincture of the evasive peony in our other article.


How to prepare water infusion? It is important to remember the toxicity of the plant and not to increase the dosage. Its use is recommended for all the above mentioned symptoms and diagnoses.

Preparation of the infusion

  1. Take 1 tsp. raw materials.
  2. Pour in a glass of boiling water.
  3. Insist 1 hour in heat.
  4. Strain.

How to take peony evasive?

  • The course lasts a month.
  • According to indications, the course can be repeated in 10-15 days.
  • The dosage depends on the dosage form.
  • Alcohol tincture can be taken 30-40 drops 2 or 3 times a day.
  • Water decoctions and infusions drink 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day.
  • It is recommended to take the medicine in any form 20 minutes before meals.

Alcohol tincture

Curiously, the tincture acts as a sedative in the first few hours after ingestion. But then it acts on the body as a tonic. At the same time, it was found that this does not affect the frequency of breathing, heartbeat, and does not cause pressure surges.

alcohol tincture recipe

  1. Take 1 tbsp. l. raw materials.
  2. Pour ½ liter of vodka (alcohol 40%).
  3. Insist 7 days in warmth.
  4. Strain.

In addition, the tincture can be drunk in diseases of the digestive system, male and female reproductive systems (regulates hormone levels), removing excess salt from the body. Externally, in pure and diluted form, it is used to treat the skin. You can not take alcohol tincture in the treatment of alcoholism.

Benefits for women

The herb is often prescribed for women's diseases and has long been used in obstetrics and gynecology. For what gynecological symptoms and diagnoses is it useful to take this medicine?

  • From infertility. Treatment will be successful if it is established that the cause of infertility is a hormonal imbalance. For conception, it is recommended to take alcohol tincture for a month, after which they take a break for 10 days, and repeat the course again. Treatment is carried out for 2-3 menstrual cycles. Possible side effects in the form of pain in the lower abdomen. It is necessary to consult a gynecologist before starting the reception! It is also important during this period not to take alcohol, stop smoking. The herb also helps with psychogenic infertility - when thoughts of a desired pregnancy become obsessive, failures in conception lead to hormonal failure. Marin root relaxes the nervous system, relieves fear and anxiety associated with infertility.
  • Menstrual disorders. The herb helps to reduce excess testosterone in a woman's body and normalize the menstrual cycle. It softens the manifestation of PMS, acts as a sedative, relieves irritability.
  • Premenopausal period. Useful herb for women during menopause. Peony affects the endocrine system, evens out the hormonal background. In addition, it is useful to drink tincture to normalize the mental state. Peony is known to help relieve bouts of anxiety, irritability and anger, which are often triggered by a surge in hormones during this period.
  • Diseases of the reproductive system. The herb helps with stagnant, inflammatory processes in the appendages and ovaries, with myoma, fibromyoma, polycystic, malignant tumors.
  • Mastopathy. Help compresses from infusions of Mary root with mastopathy. Grass well dissolves seals in the chest, relieves pain and inflammation. It is recommended to prepare herbal preparations, which include: marin root, tea kopechnik and licorice root. Also, on their basis, an alcohol tincture or balm is prepared, they are taken orally.

Benefits for men

How can grass be useful for men?

  • From impotence. Grass stimulates blood circulation in the pelvis, affects the hormonal background. Male strength is restored after a long and repeated course of treatment. It is recommended to use alcohol tincture to achieve a therapeutic effect.
  • To reduce high testosterone. In addition, the drug reduces elevated testosterone in men, which can be accompanied by outbursts of aggression and excessive sexual activity. Peony has a beneficial effect on the nervous system of men. It is especially useful to drink tincture for men whose professional activities are associated with high emotional and psychological stress.


The healing properties of the elusive peony have long been known in cosmetology.

  • For hair. Grass helps to strengthen, enhance hair growth, eliminates oily sheen and dandruff. It is recommended to rub concentrated infusions (not alcohol!) into the scalp, as well as rinse your head with them after washing.
  • For face. Infusions are good for acne and pimples, because they contain salicylic acid. It also dries oily skin, acts as a bactericidal, wound healing agent for dermatological problems.

Peony evasive - a beautiful flower and a valuable medicinal plant. Refers to the pharmacological group of sedatives, sedatives. Also, its infusions and tinctures are widely used in gynecology and dermatology. They are treated with cough, alcoholism, gout, impotence, diseases of the digestive system.

  • September 4, 2018
  • medicinal plants
  • Svetlana Pavlova

The evasive peony, or Mary's root, has several more names - Mary's berries, Mary's grass, heart berries and the extraordinary peony, so named for the beauty of the flowers and the medicinal properties of the plant. In the wild, peony adorns the edges of coniferous, mixed and small-leaved forests. For medicinal purposes, rhizomes, seeds and roots of the plant are used, less often flowers and leaves. It is used in official and alternative medicine. Preparations containing peony raw materials treat many diseases, and they are also used for cosmetic purposes to nourish hair and face care.

Distribution area

An evasive peony can be found in Central Asia, Transbaikalia, the northern regions of the European part of Russia, in the Urals and throughout the entire territory up to the Arctic Circle. This frost-resistant species is perfectly used to decorate the streets of Yakutia. Wild bushes prefer flat forestlands and humus-rich soils. Often grows in separate bushes, but sometimes there are small thickets. Peony is in the Red Book of Russia and Sakhalin and is considered an endangered species.

In horticulture, it is grown as an ornamental and medicinal flowering plant. It propagates easily and is not susceptible to gray rot. Peony is able to survive in shady areas of the garden plot and delight with lush flowering. Subject to the elementary rules of care in a permanent place, it grows up to 50 years. Every year (after May 15) the bush resembles a huge bright bouquet, in which up to thirty charming flowers are collected.

plant description

The deviating peony, or Maryin root, is a herbaceous perennial plant, the height of which reaches one and a half meters, belongs to the Peony family. It has powerful tuberous, spindle-shaped roots of a reddish-brown color. When cut, they are white, in the air they quickly acquire a pink-brown hue, and the edge becomes purple.

The taste of the roots is sweetish with a strong peculiar smell of methyl salicylate. The plant consists of several thick, erect, convex-ribbed, one-flowered stems, covered with leafy scales and colored pink-purple at the base. The leaves of the elusive peony are alternate and petiolate, about 30 cm long. Flowers with pink-red petals in diameter from 8 to 13 cm have a slight specific smell. Blooms in May-June. The fruit consists of 3-5 large multi-seeded leaflets with a stellate arrangement. The seeds are black with a shiny surface, have an elliptical shape, up to 7 mm long. Fruit ripening occurs in the first decade of September. Propagated by rhizomes and seeds.

Preparation of peony raw materials

The whole plant is used as a remedy. For the effective use of the medicinal qualities of the evading peony, it is necessary to properly collect and dry the raw materials. The grass of the plant (buds, leaves and stems) is cut in July with a sharp knife. Petals are harvested before they fall. All collected raw materials are dried in a well-ventilated area under a canopy. After drying, grind and store in linen bags. Petals are best removed in dark boxes. The roots are allowed to harvest the entire growing season, but experts recommend that this procedure be carried out in the fall, when a large amount of healing substances accumulate in them.

The roots are cleaned from the ground, washed with cold running water and cut into pieces 10-15 long and two to three centimeters thick. Drying of the underground parts of the peony (root marina) is carried out under a canopy in the air until they become brittle. Then they are dried in a drying chamber at a temperature of 45 to 60 degrees Celsius. After readiness, the raw material has a pungent odor, a sweetish, astringent taste and a dark brown or brown-yellow color. The shelf life is three years. At one place, peony harvesting is carried out every 5-6 years. Roots and aerial parts are dried separately.

The content of nutrients in the plant

The rhizome and stem of the peony contain the following organic substances:

  • Salicylic acid is a natural anti-inflammatory agent.
  • Glycosides are carbohydrates of vegetable origin of the avoiding peony, the therapeutic effect of which ensures the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  • Flavonoids - help the production of estrogen during menopause.
  • Essential oils - contribute to the normalization of the central nervous system, providing a sedative effect.
  • Benzoic acid is a natural antibacterial agent that destroys fungi, viruses and pathogens.
  • Minerals - the plant contains most of the salts and minerals necessary for the normal functioning of the individual's body.

All of the above substances have a beneficial effect on maintaining the body in working condition.

The healing properties of the evading peony

The plant has many healing substances, so preparations made on its basis are used for:

  • Removal of spasms and convulsions - there is a normalization of nerve impulses due to anticonvulsant and antispasmodic properties at the same time.
  • Anesthesia - used to suppress painful sensations of various origins.
  • Relief from nervous excitability - acting as a natural antidepressant, it helps to quickly relieve depressed mood and fatigue.
  • Normalization of the circulatory system - due to hemostatic properties, blood loss is reduced, and wounds heal quickly.
  • Destruction of bacteria and viruses - natural antibiotics actively fight pathogenic microorganisms and are used to treat inflammation of a different nature.

In addition, the properties of the evading peony are used to stimulate metabolic processes, increase the acidity of the stomach, prevent and treat malignant neoplasms, increase efficiency, treat dermatitis, and prevent alcoholism.

Indications for use

The positive effect of using a medicinal plant has been noticed for a long time. The plant is successfully used in the following pathological conditions:

  • Dysfunctions of the autonomic nervous system - neurosis of various origins, vegetovascular dystonia.
  • Gynecological - in the treatment of menopausal symptoms, menstrual disorders, benign and malignant tumors in the uterus.
  • Heart and blood vessels - in the complex treatment of hypertension, as well as cardiac ischemia.
  • Chronic alcoholism - used as a sedative.
  • Mental - for the treatment of convulsions during epileptic seizures, depression, stressful situations.
  • CNS - relieves irritability and tension, fears, increased anxiety, helps to cope with fatigue.
  • Urology - problems with urination.
  • Gastrointestinal tract - peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, gastritis, diarrhea.

In addition, peony is used in the treatment of lichen planus, an exacerbation of which occurs with nervous disorders.

Plant contraindications

Before using any plant, an adult individual must definitely familiarize himself with the medicinal properties and contraindications. Peony evading is not recommended if the patient has:

  • Arterial hypotension - pressure less than 120 mm Hg. Art., since taking the plant will aggravate the situation.
  • Increased stomach acidity - preparations based on peony contribute to the production of hydrochloric acid and gastric juice, increasing acidity.
  • Liver functions are impaired - there will be no complete detoxification of the body from the components of the plant.
  • Kidney diseases have been identified - plant substances with poor kidney function will accumulate in the body, causing side effects.
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding of a child - Mary's root is a poisonous plant.
  • Allergy - it is quite possible to increase the body's reaction to substances contained in the plant.

In addition, it should be noted that taking drugs can cause apathy, drowsiness, slow reaction, decreased attention, nausea, vomiting, pain in the abdomen and irritation of the gastric mucosa.

The use of factory forms from an unusual peony

In pharmacies, you can purchase several medicines made from peony:

  • dry extract in tablets;
  • vegetable raw materials in briquettes;
  • alcohol tincture.

All forms are sedatives, the most popular of which is alcohol tincture. It has a long shelf life, it is convenient to use it for a long course of treatment, external use is possible. In addition to the calming effect, it has:

  • painkillers;
  • tonic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • bactericidal;
  • restorative;
  • antimicrobial;
  • antispasmodic;
  • anticonvulsant.

Use of tincture

Given the beneficial properties of the evading peony, the use of tincture is indicated for:

  • Functional disorders of the central nervous system - relieves nervousness, chronic fatigue, bouts of anger and irritability. Helps with autonomic dysfunction, sleep disturbance, cerebral palsy.
  • Digestive disorders - taken for gastritis with low acidity, spasmodic pain, diarrhea, loss of appetite, intoxication.
  • Respiratory diseases - recommended as an expectorant, drink with bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis.
  • Gynecological pathologies - helps with mastopathy, uterine myoma, infertility.
  • Normalization of the water-salt balance - used to remove excess salts in case of joint diseases, normalizes metabolic processes.
  • External skin diseases - as an antiseptic and antimicrobial agent for the treatment of erosions, abscesses, cracks, ulcers.

In case of an overdose, the pressure drops sharply, drowsiness and lethargy, dizziness and nausea occur. If these symptoms appear, you should immediately stop taking the tincture and seek help from a medical facility.

Peony evading: instructions for use

For the preparation of tincture, grass, rhizomes and roots of the plant are used, ethanol is used as an auxiliary substance. Release form - bottles made of orange glass with a capacity of 25 and 50 ml. They are equipped with a dispenser nozzle and are packed in a cardboard box. Consider the instructions for using the tincture as a sedative for neurasthenia and sleep problems:

  • Adults take 15-20 drops two to three times a day a quarter of an hour before meals. The duration of the treatment course depends on the individual characteristics of each patient and the severity of the disease, on average it is two weeks. If necessary, the treatment is repeated after a break of two to three months after consulting a doctor.
  • Side effects - general weakness, drowsiness, lowering blood pressure, allergies.
  • Contraindications - renal and hepatic insufficiency, intolerance to the components of the drug, not recommended for children under the age of twelve, pregnant and lactating women.
  • Special instructions: when using tincture, you should refuse to drive vehicles and work with dangerous mechanisms. Long-term use in large doses causes an increase in gastric acidity. During storage, a precipitate forms, so the contents of the vial must be shaken before use.
  • Drug interaction - tincture weakens the effect of CNS tonics and enhances the effect of antispasmodics, hypnotics and sedatives. Ethyl alcohol may change the effect of other medicines taken at the same time.
  • Dispensing conditions - the drug is dispensed without a prescription.
  • Shelf life - the shelf life of the drug is two years, when stored in a place protected from light and at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees Celsius.

When using the tincture for the treatment of other diseases, the dosage of the drug is indicated in the instructions for the evading peony. And before using it, you need to consult a specialist.

The use of peony in traditional medicine: recipes

At home, tinctures, infusions and decoctions are prepared from peony for pain relief, relieving seizures. In addition, it is used as a bactericidal agent, as well as to stimulate the production of hydrochloric acid, which improves appetite, and for many other purposes. Preparation of medicines:

  • Infusion. For three cups of boiling water, take a teaspoon of dry roots. Insist, tightly wrapped, strain. Use a quarter of an hour before meals three times a day for a tablespoon.
  • Infusion for compresses. Pour a tablespoon of crushed dry roots with a glass of boiling water, put in a water bath for 15 minutes, cool, strain and make compresses for skin diseases.
  • Decoction. Mix in equal proportions the crushed dry roots and leaves of the evading peony. One coffee spoon of raw materials pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Boil over low heat for five minutes and drink a coffee cup three times a day.
  • Tincture. Dry roots (10 g) insist on 100 g of vodka for three weeks in a dark place. Take 30 drops three times a day. The course of treatment is a month. If necessary, repeat after a ten-day break. Keep refrigerated.

Before use, you should consult your doctor. For funds from an evading peony, contraindications are liver and kidney diseases, allergies, age up to 12 years, pregnancy and lactation.


Medicines from the unusual peony have a bactericidal, anticonvulsant, analgesic, anti-inflammatory and tonic effect. When intoxicated, they are used as an antidote. In Chinese medicine, the plant is part of the anti-cancer collections. In Mongolia, it is widely used to treat diseases of the liver and kidneys. Tibetan doctors recommend using peony (mary root) to treat colds, metabolic disorders, fever, malaria, and also take it to enhance uterine contractions during labor.

In folk medicine, the evading peony received recognition. This plant is commonly known as Mary's root. There is also such a name as an extraordinary peony. More often for the manufacture of dosage forms, the rhizome of this exquisite bright flower is used.

Useful features

The active substances found in the rhizome of the evasive peony determine the benefits of this variety of healing raw materials.

It contains saponins, essential oils, flavonoids. Identified tannins, acids - benzoic, ascorbic, salicylic. There are glycosides, carbohydrates, methyl salicylate.

Various trace elements (calcium, iron, magnesium), traces of alkaloids are included in the structural formula.
Medicinal properties:

  • anticonvulsants;
  • bactericidal;
  • disinfectants;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antispasmodic;
  • antioxidant;
  • astringents;
  • soothing;
  • painkillers;
  • decongestants;
  • hemostatic;
  • diaphoretics;
  • diuretics;
  • expectorants;
  • tonic;
  • choleretic;
  • antitumor.

Peony is used to prevent neuroses. Helps normalize sleep, activates the production of gastric juice. Helps to improve the functions of the liver, gastrointestinal tract.


  • neurasthenia;
  • arthrosis;
  • diarrhea;
  • hypertension;
  • insomnia;
  • ulcer;
  • radiculitis;
  • malignant formations;
  • gout;
  • mastopathy;
  • vegetovascular dystonia;
  • migraine;
  • hepatitis;
  • arthritis;
  • inflammation of the ovaries;
  • epilepsy;
  • varicose veins;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • cough.

Means from the peony root thin the blood, which helps prevent the formation of blood clots, normalize blood pressure, and improve the condition of cardiovascular diseases.

Strengthen the immune system, effectively relieve toothache, muscle, headache. They contribute to the restoration of damaged tissues, stop bleeding, remove toxic compounds, cleanse the intestines from slag deposits.

They improve the functioning of the nervous and endocrine systems, regulate the water-salt balance, and have a beneficial effect on the condition of hair and skin. Strengthen the vascular walls, relieve swelling, heal wounds and inflammatory foci, fight convulsions.


The roots of the plant in the fresh state are poisonous, therefore, they are used in dried form for medicinal products.
When self-harvesting a wild-growing marin root, it should be borne in mind that in some areas this plant is considered rare and is listed in the Red Book.

If there is permission, then the rhizome of a plant older than five years old is dug in October, although, if necessary, harvesting is practiced throughout the growing season. The raw materials are washed, dried and cut into plates, which are advisable to make about 30 mm thick.

Lay out in a thin layer in a room where there should be a dry atmosphere and ventilation is provided. After the raw material has become brittle, it is advisable to dry it in an oven or dryer at a minimum temperature not exceeding 50 degrees.

Storage, shelf life

Qualitatively dried rhizome at the break shows a yellowish tint. The raw material has a burning, slightly astringent and sweetish taste and a specific spicy pungent aroma.

In cardboard or wooden boxes, they keep it in the dark, preventing moisture and performing regular ventilation, for three years.

cooking recipes

On the basis of peony rhizomes, a variety of medicinal formulations are prepared at home, which require careful attention and medical permission.

Crushed dried raw materials - 1 tsp. pour into an enameled saucepan with two glasses of hot water.

Let the composition boil for a quarter of an hour. Then left under a napkin for four hours and squeezed through a two-layer gauze flap.

Drink a decoction 25-30 minutes before breakfast, lunch, dinner for half a glass. Helps with gastrointestinal pathologies, relieves swelling, is recommended for the development of stomach cancer.

It will take 1 tbsp. l. crushed dried fragments of Maryina root. They are placed in faience dishes, and brewed with two glasses of boiled water.

After half an hour of infusion, a healing liquid to improve digestion, 2 tbsp. l. every eight hours. The infusion helps to reduce the negative manifestations of menopause.

Take powdered dry rhizomes of peony. Combine in equal volumes with interior pork fat.
Transfer to an enamel pan and, while stirring, heat up for half an hour in a water bath.

The cooled ointment helps to activate the healing of fractures, and is used for joint pain.


Choosing the most effective multi-purpose recipe, they turn to the option of making a tincture.
It is necessary to combine crushed peony roots with alcohol (70%) in a bottle, observing a volume ratio of 1:4. Keep in a dark cabinet for 21 days, and then squeeze through gauze folded in half.

Used for depression, neurasthenia, sleep disturbance, hypochondria, skin lesions. Take before breakfast, lunch, dinner, 35 drops on average for a month.

Treatment prescriptions

Various remedies are practiced in folk treatment, the dominant component of which is Mary's root. They help in the treatment of various diseases with medical permission.


At the beginning of the development of cataracts, the evading peony allows you to stop the development of this pathology and even improve vision.

The dried rhizome must be crushed. Pick up 1 tbsp. l. powder and placed in an enamel saucepan with 500 ml of boiling water.

Leave under a tight lid for three hours. Then the dishes are placed on the stove. After boiling, boil the contents for five minutes. The strained broth is cooled and taken 1 tbsp. l. every six hours.

It is necessary to repeat such procedures for two months. Then a monthly interval is set and, if necessary, the next course is taken.


To make a healing decoction that can reduce epilepsy attacks, you need a tablespoon of dried and crushed marina root.

Spread the raw materials in an enameled ladle, pour in boiling water - three glasses. Install with minimal heat on the stove. Simmer without the appearance of signs of boiling for a quarter of an hour.

The broth filtered through a sieve is cooled. It is recommended to take 20 minutes before breakfast, lunch, dinner for half a glass.

According to popular beliefs, peony roots should be collected in order to cure oncological diseases during the growing moon in May.

The raw materials are washed, chopped into small fragments, 50 g are measured and transferred to a dark bottle with 500 ml of vodka.

Keep without lighting for 10 days. This tincture does not require straining. Consume half an hour before breakfast, lunch, dinner, 40 drops.


You can prepare a decoction from a teaspoon of small pieces of dried peony root. Raw materials must be boiled for five minutes at medium heat in 50 ml of water.

After filtering, if necessary, add boiling water to get a volume of at least 400 ml. Drink a decoction every eight hours for half a glass.

If the drinker refuses to self-medicate, then when cooking, keep the composition on the stove until 200 ml remains after the liquid has evaporated. Such a concentrate, after agreement with the doctor, must be added to food or drinks, 2 tbsp. l. during breakfast, lunch, dinner.


Maryin root is considered the strongest remedy for insomnia and neuroses.
Use a tincture prepared according to the above recipe for alcohol. Use 40 drops, dissolved in a glass of water, for insomnia at bedtime.


Transfer 10 grams of dried peony rhizome ground to a state of powder in faience dishes. Steamed with a glass of boiled water.

Under a terry cloth folded in half, leave for two hours. Strain the infusion through a double gauze. It is recommended to take a healing drink between meals in a tablespoon 4-5 times a day.


With severe joint pain, use the tincture of the evading peony. Take small fragments of the dried root of this plant and fill a 500 ml jar without excessive compaction. Fill with vodka.

Under the lid, the mixture is left for 14 days in a dark cabinet. Use a filtered agent for rubbing in the morning and evening on sore joints. After such treatment, the pain syndrome disappears quickly enough.

Peony root for women

Folk recipes focused on improving women's health are in demand. At the same time, all precautions are taken into account to prevent any harm to the body.

For conception

Maryin root, which has a beneficial effect on the female body in case of hormonal disorders, helps to cope with infertility.

This plant helps to increase the production of estrogen, and also has a sedative effect, relieving anxiety that arises from experiencing a situation with the inability to conceive.

To make a tincture, you will need 100 g of crushed dried peony roots. They are kept for 15 days in the dark in a liter of medical alcohol. After filtration, it is recommended to take the drug 20 ml four times a day.

With mastopathy

Combine powdered dried fragments of peony rhizome - 50 g and licorice - 20 g. Pour the healing tandem into a bottle with 0.5 liters of vodka.

After fifteen days of infusion in the dark, the product is filtered through a double gauze. 30 drops are consumed every eight hours for 45 days.

To strengthen the uterus

To cope with the development of fibroids, measure 40 g of small fragments of dry root marin and insist in a cool place closed from light in 0.5 liters of medical alcohol for two weeks. It is important to systematically shake the contents.

Strained tincture of 1 tbsp. l. drink every six hours. The maximum course duration is 50 days.

During pregnancy

Despite the unique beneficial qualities of marin root, during pregnancy, it is forbidden to ingest any means based on it.

This is due to the possibility of a negative impact on the development of the fetus, provoking premature birth or miscarriage.

For men

On the basis of marin root at home, in accordance with proven methods, medicinal compositions are prepared that allow solving a number of male problems.

With regular intake, it is possible to increase sexual activity. The plant helps to regulate hormonal balance, acts in a relaxing way on the nervous system, which helps to reduce the negative effects of constant stressful situations or mental overload.

In order to enhance potency, a tincture is prepared, which will require a tablespoon of dried marin root. It must be crushed, transferred to a darkened container, add 0.5 liters of vodka and tightly cork.

Leave in the dark at room temperature for 3 weeks. A drink strained through a sieve should be taken half an hour before breakfast, lunch, dinner, a teaspoonful until positive dynamics appear.

In home cosmetology

Various means, the basic component of which is the rhizome of the evading peony, are successfully practiced in order to improve the condition of the skin of the face, return the natural beauty to the hair.

For hair

Homemade (or pharmacy) alcohol tincture on peony rhizome activates hair growth due to the warming effect. This tool contains many useful compounds that eliminate dandruff, strengthen curls.

The alcohol extract should be slightly warmed up and rubbed into the roots. After 10 minutes, the hair is washed using shampoo.

Serves as an indication for the use of a decoction of peony rhizomes for oily facial skin.
Dry raw materials should be crushed, shift 2 tbsp. l. in 400 ml of water heated to 80 degrees and place the dishes on the fire.

With medium heating, the composition is boiled for a quarter of an hour. Filtered home lotion after cooling is used in the morning and evening to wipe the skin after washing.

Ready-made drugs in a pharmacy

The rhizomes of the evasive peony serve as raw materials for the manufacture of medical extracts in alcohol.

If necessary, a ready-made peony tincture is easy to purchase at a pharmacy for 17-26 rubles. for a 25 ml bottle.

Instructions for use

The sedative extract is recommended for the elimination of vegetative-vascular disorders. Helps normalize sleep, smooth out excessive nervous excitability.

Use 30-40 drops every eight hours for 25-30 days. If, according to indications, continuation of treatment is required, practice it after a break of 10 days.


The rhizome of the elusive peony, unique in its abundance of useful characteristics, requires special attention due to its toxicity. Be sure to take into account contraindications to this variety of popular medicinal plants:

  • lactation period;
  • personal intolerance;
  • children under 12 years of age;
  • pregnancy.

Caution is exercised in hypotension. After taking alcohol tincture, driving is prohibited, as concentration decreases.

The excellent healing characteristics of the evasive peony make it possible to include this plant in the treasury of the most effective medicinal plants. It is important for the self-production of drugs to follow medical recommendations, not to exceed the recommended ratios and dosages.

Peony evasive(marin root) Paeonia Anomala is a perennial herbaceous plant that belongs to the buttercup family. It has a horizontal root and spindle-shaped tubers. Also, this plant is characterized by thick stems. Peony leaves are alternate, they are dissected into lanceolate segments. The flowers of the plant are large and solitary, they can reach from 6 to 13 cm in diameter. The fruits of the plant are arranged in the shape of a star. As for the seeds, they have an elliptical shape.

Feature and description

Paeonia Anomala has become widespread in Europe and in Russia. It can be found in Central Asia, Kazakhstan, Siberia. It also grows on forest edges, forests and clearings.
Often this plant is called Mary's grass or Mary's root. It grows well in the shade, and loose soils are not a hindrance to it. The elusive peony is both a medicinal and an ornamental plant. Its height may vary.

Healing properties of the evasive peony

This plant has been used as a medicine for a very long time, and it is named after the doctor Peon. It is highly respected in China and for its medicinal properties, many Chinese worship this type of peony. It is also considered to be a symbol of wealth and nobility.
Locals are confident that this plant has healing powers. It is often used to get rid of nightmares. It will also help to eliminate various dark spots on the skin. There is a legend that an evasive peony helps to exorcise evil spirits from a person.

In Western Europe, peony is used to treat gout and asthma.

Maryin root has anti-inflammatory, diuretic, diaphoretic, tonic properties. It also promotes expectoration, relieves swelling, soothes, relieves convulsions.

Preparations based on the evading peony contribute to:
Increased secretion of glands.
Normalization of the digestive tract.
Decreased fermentation in the intestines.
Strengthening the SSS.
Improving the functioning of the central nervous system.
Removal of cholesterol.
Saturation with energy.
Wound healing in a short time.
Elimination of inflammatory processes.
Removal of waste and toxins.
Strengthening the immune system.
Increasing efficiency.
Sleep improvement.

Means created on the basis of this plant are often used in the treatment of diabetes, epilepsy, poisoning, amenorrhea, arthritis, and hypochondria.

Botanical characteristic

To prepare the drug, use the herb and the root of the plant. Raw materials must be harvested during the flowering period, namely in May or June. It is worth taking into account the fact that only a peony with pink flowers can be used for medical purposes. After the above-ground part is separated from the underground, it is necessary to rinse the root under running water and cut it into pieces. Drying of the collected raw materials must be carried out separately.

Peony rhizome can be laid out on paper and left to dry in the shade. It can also be done in a special dryer. Please note that the roots must be dried until they turn brown. If you do everything right, the roots will have an astringent aroma.

Grass should be dried outdoors. It is also scattered on paper in a thin layer to dry it as evenly as possible. At the same time, raw materials may have a bitter taste and a rather weak aroma. You can store it for 5 years.

Peony evading: chemical composition

The evasive peony has many:
Essential oils.
organic acids.
resinous substances.
ascorbic acids.

Peony evading: contraindications

Please note that peony-based products are not recommended for pregnant women and people with intolerance. They are not suitable for those who suffer from liver and kidney failure. If you feel the appearance of drowsiness and weakness, as well as a characteristic allergy, you should stop taking funds based on such a plant.

Scope of pion

In cosmetology, a water infusion of peony is used. Lotions are often made from it. To do this, take 2 tablespoons of the roots, after which they need to be crushed and poured with water. Peony tincture is widely used in veterinary medicine. They are also great for stomach ulcers, liver disease, and as a sedative.
Taking into account all the properties of the evasive peony, it is worth noting that this plant finds many uses. If you believe in traditional medicine, you should pay attention to the evasive peony. It will perfectly help relieve pain and swelling, and also make the course of diseases not so acute.
With the proper preparation of tinctures, you will notice relief - your sleep will become more complete and healthy, and all ailments will gradually disappear. In addition, your well-being will improve significantly, and you will feel a surge of strength and energy - all this is achieved through the use of such a medical preparation.

How to take peony tincture?

Peony tincture is taken orally 15-20 drops. The number of receptions in this case is no more than 3 times a day. The duration of admission depends on the individual characteristics of the organism, as well as on the neglect and course of the disease. It is also worth taking into account the sensitivity of the body. The course of treatment lasts 2-4 weeks, and the break between courses can be from one to two months.
If you have made the decision to eat peony tincture, you should definitely consult a specialist about this.

Alcohol tincture of peony

In order to prepare an alcohol tincture, it is worth using grass and roots. They need to be filled with alcohol and placed in a cool place. Periodically you need to shake the herb or pour into other bottles. It is best to store such a liquid in glass. It is also worth protecting it from sunlight.

Syn .: extraordinary peony, irregular peony, Mary's root, Mary's grass, heart berries, shegnia, etc.

Perennial herbaceous rhizomatous plant. In culture, it is known as an excellent ornamental and valuable medicinal plant.

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flower formula

The formula of the evasive peony flower is: O∞T∞P5-2.

In medicine

In scientific medicine, flowering peony grass and its root are used for medicinal purposes. An alcoholic tincture of an evasive peony is prescribed as a sedative (sedative) remedy for neurasthenic conditions, insomnia, vegetative-vascular disorders, and neurocirculatory dystonia. Peony tincture is often used in addition to the main treatment of various gynecological diseases (cysts and tumors of the cervix of various origins), as well as during menopause and premenstrual syndrome. In addition, peony is recommended as a means of increasing appetite and improving digestion, as well as for diseases of the biliary tract, gastrointestinal tract, as an anesthetic for gastritis, colitis, cholangitis, and cholecystitis.

Contraindications and side effects

There are almost no categorical contraindications for the use of peony tincture, except for hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, the state of pregnancy and lactation, as well as in childhood (up to 12 years).

It is recommended to take peony preparations with caution with increased acidity of the stomach, low blood pressure, kidney disease, alcoholism, brain diseases and traumatic brain injury. Peony tincture can cause some lethargy, so doctors do not recommend driving a car after taking it.

In large doses, peony is poisonous, so the duration and regimen of taking drugs based on it should be determined by the attending physician.

In cosmetology

In cosmetology, the evasive peony is used to rejuvenate the skin and give it elasticity, to strengthen the hair, and also to eliminate dandruff. Peony essential oil is one of the components of anti-aging cosmetics.

In other areas

The evasive peony is currently being used in various fields. First of all, it serves as a raw material for the manufacture of tinctures. In cooking, they are used to prepare seasonings and drinks, for example, peony is part of the Baikal tonic drink. In Mongolia, peony is brewed like tea.

The peony has been in cultivation since 1788. It is grown in gardens as an ornamental plant that perfectly complements flower arrangements. The plant is also grown for medicinal purposes.


Deviant peony (lat. Paeonia anomala) is a species of the only genus Peony (lat. Paeonia) of the Peony family (lat. Paeoniaceae). The genus unites about 40 species in most cases of perennial rhizomatous herbs distributed throughout the Mediterranean, as well as in temperate and subtropical regions of Asia. There are about 15 species on the territory of Russia, of which several species are endemic to the Caucasus, and one species is endemic to the Crimea.

Botanical description

Perennial herbaceous large plant, reaching 60-100 cm in height with a short multi-headed rhizome, from which brown-brown fusiform fleshy adventitious roots extend. Stems, among several, mostly single-flowered, erect, ribbed, leafy, especially in the upper part, covered at the base with leathery scales. The leaves are alternate, glabrous, large (15-30 cm long and 2.5 cm wide), petiolate, twice ternate. The leaflets of a compound leaf are deeply pinnately dissected, with lanceolate, entire lobes. The flowers are large (8-13 cm in diameter), in most cases terminal. Perianth double. The calyx consists of 5 unequal green leaves remaining with the fruit. The corolla is also made up of 5 purple-pink petals. Stamens numerous. Pistils 2-5. The formula of the evading peony flower is O∞ T∞ P5-2. The fruit is a multi-seeded three- or five-leaf leaf, which opens along the ventral suture when ripe. Seeds are black, shiny, elliptical. Blossoms in May-June, in the mountains until mid-July. The fruits ripen in July-August.


The homeland of the wild-growing peony evading is Central and Southern Europe (from Portugal to Romania). In Russia, the peony grows in the forest zone of the European part and Siberia, from the southeast of the Kola Peninsula to the western regions of Yakutia and Transbaikalia in the east of southern Tuva, the Tien Shan and Pamir-Altai in the south. Grows along edges and clearings, clearings in light, sparse coniferous, mixed and small-leaved forests, as well as in subalpine tall grass meadows. It occurs scattered, in separate clumps, rarely forms thickets. Listed in the Red Books of a number of republics, in particular Komi (1998 and 2009 edition). Prefers fertile soils and sunny places.

Distribution regions on the map of Russia.

Procurement of raw materials

For medicinal purposes, use grass and rhizome with roots. Harvest raw materials during flowering (May-June). When collecting, it should be borne in mind that for medicinal purposes it is important to use only plants with purple flowers. The aboveground part is separated from the underground. The rhizome with roots is washed in cold running water, cut into pieces 15 cm in size. The raw materials are dried separately in attics or under a canopy in the open air, or in dryers at a temperature of 45-60 ° C. The roots are dried until they become brittle, dark brown or yellowish-brown. In the dried state, the roots have a sweetish-burning, slightly astringent taste and a strong peculiar smell, and the grass tastes bitter, has a slight smell. Dried rhizomes with roots and the aerial part are used as medicinal raw materials for the preparation of peony tincture. They store raw materials for 3 years, after this period its use is highly undesirable.

Chemical composition

The chemical composition of the evading pion has not yet been sufficiently studied. The roots contain up to 1.6% essential oil, which includes: peonol, methyl salicylate, benzoic and salicylic acids, as well as up to 30% carbohydrates (especially starch, glucose, sucrose), ascorbic acid, salicin glycoside, tannin and a small amount of alkaloids . Ascorbic acid is also found in leaves (0.3%) and flowers (up to 1%). Up to 27% fatty oil was found in the seeds.

Pharmacological properties

A tincture based on an evasive peony exhibits valuable medicinal properties: anticonvulsant, analgesic, oncoprotective, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial. Especially evasive peony has a pronounced sedative effect, increases appetite and improves digestion, as well as the acidity of gastric juice. Peony preparations have a beneficial effect on the central nervous system, namely, they soothe, reduce and eliminate spasms of smooth muscles of internal organs and blood vessels, and also help to eliminate convulsions. Peony tincture lowers blood pressure, normalizes the functions of all internal organs, especially the heart and blood vessels. When taking the tincture in patients with brain diseases, aggressiveness and irritability decrease, sleep improves, headache decreases, and efficiency increases. Peony tincture helps to reduce the manifestations of menopause symptoms and relieves women from menopausal hot flashes, mood swings, insomnia, acting on the body not only as a sedative, but also as an effective analgesic.

Application in traditional medicine

In folk medicine, the evasive peony is used quite widely.

Tincture is used to restore impaired metabolism and treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Some healers use a tincture of evasive peony in the complex treatment of certain forms of cancer. In Tibetan and folk medicine, the evasive peony was used for stomach ulcers, epilepsy and other nervous diseases. The roots of the evading peony are used for diarrhea, bleeding, hypertension, rheumatism, gout, fever, cough, insomnia, skin tuberculosis, purulent diseases of the ears, erosions and cancer of the uterus. In China, peony is popular as an ingredient in anticancer drugs. Peony root in folk medicine is used in the treatment of many chronic diseases, diabetes, atherosclerosis, carbuncles. Alcoholic tincture of the petals is used for nervous disorders, paralysis, and sometimes as a remedy for impotence, with aching bones, as a tonic. An infusion of peony seeds is used to treat cystitis, wash your hair for better hair growth.

The use of peony preparations in folk medicine is somewhat limited due to its recognition as a poisonous plant.

History reference

Peony deviant has long been valued in European medicine as a medicinal plant. The ancient Greeks even named it after the legendary doctor, a disciple of the god of healing Asclepius Paeon, who cured the god Pluto with this plant. In China, which is also considered the center of origin, the peony has been grown for more than a millennium, for them it is not just a plant, but a symbol of the emperor, nobility, prosperity and noble origin. Locals are convinced that the peony helps to get rid of dark spots on the skin and ward off nightmares. To overcome epilepsy, it was enough to wear this flower around the neck, as well as to fumigate the sick with smoke.

There were also legends in Armenia that the peony - Maryin root is able to expel dark forces from a person. To cure gout and suffocation in Western Europe, a peony flower was applied to the heart. In ancient times, the roots and petals of plants with red flowers were used. The dictionaries mention several more names of the plant - Maryina grass, heart berries, shegnya, etc.


1. Andreeva V. N. et al. Paeonia anomala L. - Peony Maryin-root // Biological flora of the Murmansk region / Managing editor N. A. Minyaev. Apatity: Kola Branch of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1984, pp. 4-32.

2. Atlas of medicinal plants of the USSR / Ch. ed. N. V. Tsitsin. M.: Medgiz, 1962. S. 87-89.

3. Blinova K. F. et al. Botanical-pharmacognostic dictionary: Ref. allowance / Ed. K. F. Blinova, G. P. Yakovlev. M.: Higher. school, 1990. S. 223.

4. Grinkevich N.I. etc. Medicinal Plants: A Reference Guide. / Ed. N.I. Grinkevich - M.: Higher School, 1991. - 398 p.

5. Zamyatina N.G. Medicinal plants. Encyclopedia of the nature of Russia. M. 1998. 485 p.

6. Chikov PS Atlas of habitats and resources of medicinal plants of the USSR. M.: Cartography, 1983. 340 p.


The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Expert advice is required!

We have long been accustomed to the fact that almost every garden is full of flowers that not only bring iridescent colors to the world around us, but also pamper us with their fragrance. What kind of flowers are these? And this peonies, which are not only beautiful, but also useful, because they have a wide spectrum of action. It is thanks to its medicinal properties that this plant has found application in medicine, both in traditional and folk medicine. The types, properties and application of the peony will be discussed further.

Description of the peony plant

What does it look like?

Peony belongs to the class of perennial plants and can be herbaceous, semi-shrub or shrub. This plant can have several stems, the height of which rarely exceeds 1 m.

The peony has a large rhizome with powerful thickened cone-shaped roots.

The leaves of the peony are arranged in the next order (they can be pinnatipartite or trifoliate). The color of peony leaves varies from dark green to dark purple (specimens with a bluish color are rare). In autumn, the leaves turn yellow, brown and even reddish.

Single peony flowers in diameter reach 15 - 25 cm.

The peony fruit is a complex multi-leaf star-shaped. Sufficiently large seeds of a black plant are distinguished by a round or oval shape.

Peony is famous and loved by many gardeners for its beautiful lush flowers, which are blue, white, yellow, red (it all depends on the type of peony). Mostly the flowers of the peony are single and apical (in other words, most of the stems of the plant end with one beautiful flower). Although there are varieties of peony, on the stems of which not only central, but also lateral buds are formed (there can be from 5 to 7 such buds), while the lateral flowers bloom only after the central flower has faded. It is the side buds, which are smaller than the central ones, that ensure the long flowering of the peony bush.

Interesting fact! In one season, the peony changes its color three times: for example, in spring the leaves of the plant acquire a purple-red hue, while in summer they become dark green, and in autumn the peony “dresses” in purple, crimson or yellow-green foliage.

It is impossible not to say that the peony is a drought- and frost-resistant plant that quickly recovers even after fairly severe damage, and all due to the fact that this plant has a large number of reserve buds.

peony family

Peony is the only genus of the Peony family (Paeoniaceae).

The meaning of the name peony

According to one version, the name of the flower is derived from the Greek word "paionios", which translates as "healing, healing."

But there is another version, which is associated with the ancient Greek myth, which tells about the doctor Peon, who cured Hades (the god of the underworld of the dead) after his battle with Hercules. According to the myth, Asclepius (the god of healing, who was the teacher of Peon) envied the amazing gift of his student, so he decided to poison him. But Peon found out about the intentions of his mentor and asked the Greek gods to intercede for him. The gods, as a token of gratitude, turned Peon into a flower.

They also say that the flower owes its name to the small town of Paeonia, located in Thrace (Balkan Peninsula), because it is here that peonies grow literally everywhere.

Where do peonies grow?

Today, peonies can be found in almost every garden, but in the wild this plant grows mainly in the forest belt of the European part of Russia, on the Kola Peninsula, in the western regions of Yakutia, in the eastern part of Transbaikalia. Peony is especially common in Western and Eastern Siberia.

This plant prefers well-lit (or slightly shaded) and well-heated by the sun forest glades, edges, meadows, clearings.


Peonies bloom at the end of spring, although much depends on weather conditions: for example, the flowering time of the plant shifts in some years.

The duration of flowering depends primarily on the peony variety and is about 8 - 16 days, while in varieties with side buds, this period is extended to 18 - 25 days.

Peony storage

For medicinal purposes, grass is used, as well as peony roots. At the same time, the aerial part is harvested during flowering, that is, from May to June. Roots are most often harvested during the same period.

The rhizome and roots are washed in running water, and then dried in the attic or under a canopy.

The above-ground part is dried in the same way. You can dry the raw materials in dryers, but the temperature in them should not be higher than 45 - 60 degrees.

It is important not only to properly dry, but also to store the plant. To do this, place the dried raw materials in paper or fabric bags, while the packaging must be hermetically sealed.

Shelf life of raw materials - no more than three years.

Peony varieties

There are about 5,000 varieties of peonies, some of which have medicinal properties and are used in folk medicine to treat various diseases. We will talk about them further.

tree peony

Tree peonies are deciduous shrubs with woody shoots. The height of this type of peony reaches 1 - 1.5 m, while in the southern regions you can find specimens whose height is about 2.5 m.

Tree peonies are rightfully considered long-lived, since they can grow in one place for about 100 - 150 years. They prefer bright and wind-protected places.

Tree peony flowers, which can form up to 30-70 pieces on one bush, are very large (they can reach 25-30 cm in diameter). The flowers of the tree peony are in the shape of a bowl or a ball. They bloom at the end of May, while their flowering lasts about two weeks.

Tree peonies can be white, pink, yellow, red and purple.

This type of peony has healing properties. So, the roots of the plant contain substances that help thin the blood. In addition, preparations based on tree peony have anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, tonic, anti-acid and anti-edematous effects, normalize high blood pressure and prevent the formation of blood clots.

Taking into account all of the above, it is not surprising that this plant is actively used in Tibetan, Chinese, Japanese and Korean medicine in the treatment of the following diseases:

  • arthritis;
  • arthrosis;
  • headache;
  • diabetes;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • tumors;
  • kidney disease;
  • poisoning;
  • ulcers;
  • stress;
  • persistent night fever;
  • carbuncles;
  • cough;
  • hemoptysis.
To prepare the infusion, peony flowers (you can also use the roots of the plant) are poured with boiling water (1 tablespoon of raw material is poured with a glass of boiling water) and infused for about 10 - 15 minutes. The resulting remedy is taken 2-3 times a day for a third of a glass.

Peony yellow

This is one of the varieties of tree peony, the range of which covers mainly China.

Peony yellow is a shrub or shrub up to one meter high. Single flowers, the diameter of which varies between 5 - 10 cm, are distinguished by a golden or copper-yellow color, their petals can have both a rounded and elliptical shape.

Yellow peony blooms in June.

This variety of peony (mainly the roots of the plant) is used in Tibetan medicine in the treatment of nosebleeds, migraine, sciatica, joint pain, depression, gynecological diseases, diabetes, thrombophlebitis.

To prepare a decoction 1 tsp. dry crushed peony roots are poured with 500 ml of water, and then the resulting product is boiled for 20 minutes. The cooled and filtered broth is drunk 100 ml three times a day.

Peony red

The red peony has a branched stem, a short rhizome and large serrated leaves. Plant height rarely exceeds one meter. Large single flowers of the plant can be either pink or dark red.

Interesting fact! The red peony belongs to the Buttercup family, not the Peony family, but for its resemblance to the peony, this plant is often referred to as the second family.

Important! The plant is poisonous!

In medical practice, plant petals are used, collected during flowering (raw materials are collected in dry weather, dried in the sun or in dryers at a temperature not exceeding 40 degrees). Red peony roots are harvested from September to November, then they are washed and dried in the sun or in a dryer.

Peony red, which has anticonvulsant properties, significantly enhances the tone of the uterus, as well as the intestines and urinary tract. In addition, preparations from this plant promote blood clotting.

Taking red peony preparations is indicated for such diseases:

  • pain in the abdomen and intestines;
  • hysteria;
  • rheumatism;
  • whooping cough;
  • asthma;
  • gout;
  • epilepsy;
  • sand and kidney stones.
Red peony infusion
1 tbsp 300 ml of cold and necessarily boiled water is poured into the petals of the plant, after which the mixture is infused for 8 hours, filtered and taken 100 ml three times a day.

Peony narrow-leaved (thin-leaved)

Peony narrow-leaved (it is also called thin-leaved) has an elongated cone-shaped rhizome. The stems of the plant are bare, and reach a height of no more than 50 cm.

This type of peony can "boast" of large flowers of the correct form, which are located at the very top of the stem. Flowers have about 8 - 10 large petals of bright red color.

Important! The narrow-leaved peony is an endangered plant, which is quite rare in the forest-steppe part of the Crimea, Russia and Ukraine (this type of peony is listed in the Red Books of the two countries).

Since the natural preparations of this plant are excluded, the fine-leaved peony is introduced into culture, that is, it is grown on specially designated plantations.

For medicinal purposes, the herb of the plant is used, cut during the flowering of the plant, as well as pineal rhizomes. All parts of the angustifolia peony contain flavonoids as well as tannins, while the fresh leaves contain large amounts of vitamin C.

Angustifolia peony preparations are used in medicine in the treatment of:

  • anemia;
  • epilepsy;
  • poisoning (especially alcohol intoxication);
  • nephrolithiasis;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • some heart diseases.
Important! The plant is toxic, as a result of which dosages must be strictly observed.

A decoction of rhizomes
1 tsp raw materials are poured into 400 ml of boiling water and placed in a water bath for 5 minutes. The broth removed from the bath is filtered, squeezed out and brought with warm boiled water to its original volume. A decoction is drunk in a third of a glass three times a day, before eating.

Peony officinalis (common)

Peony medicinal (it is also called ordinary) reaches a height of 50 - 85 cm and pleases gardeners with large flowers of red, white or pink. This perennial plant has rough stems and separate compound leaves.

Important! For medicinal purposes, only peonies with purple flowers are used.

The purple-red petals of the officinalis peony are dried immediately after harvest (it is important to collect the petals before they begin to crumble). Dried raw materials are stored in a dry and necessarily dark container.

The roots of the plant are also to be harvested, which are cleaned from the ground, washed with cold water, and then cut into strips about 10–15 cm long (the thickness of the strips should be no more than 2–3 cm). The raw material is dried under a canopy until it becomes brittle, after which it is dried in a dryer at a temperature of about 50 - 60 degrees. Properly dried roots have a dark brown or yellowish-brown hue, while the fracture of the roots acquires a whitish-yellowish color, which turns into purple along the edge. The taste of dry roots and rhizomes is sweetish-burning and slightly astringent, and the smell is pungent.

In addition, medicinal peony preparations are indicated for intestinal and stomach cramps, hysteria, epilepsy, dropsy, edema.

Chinese medicine uses peony officinalis preparations in the treatment of such conditions:

  • retinal hemorrhage;
  • infectious hepatitis;
  • stomach diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • nephritis;
  • whites;
  • violation of the menstrual cycle;
  • spastic colitis;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • gastritis;

In Tibetan medicine, a decoction of the rhizomes of the medicinal peony is used in the treatment of:

  • colds;
  • pneumonia;
  • liver diseases;
  • lung diseases;
  • stomach cancer;
  • dysmenorrhea;
  • polyarthritis;
  • gout;
  • hypertension;
Powder from the roots of the plant is part of an effective wound healing ointment, which is indicated for bone fractures.

Official medicine widely uses tincture of peony roots as a sedative for insomnia, neurasthenia and various vegetative-vascular disorders.

Peony infusion for whooping cough and asthma
1 tsp dry peony flowers should be poured with 250 ml of cold boiled water and insisted in a closed container for two hours, after which the infusion is filtered and consumed in a tablespoon three times a day.

Decoction for spasms, hysteria, swelling and urolithiasis
0.5 tsp crushed rhizome of the plant pour a glass of water and put on fire. The product is boiled under the lid for 10 minutes, then infused for one hour, filtered and drunk in a tablespoon three times a day.

Important! The plant is poisonous, so the prescribed dosages should be strictly observed.

Peony mountain (spring)

The mountain peony has an almost horizontally spreading rhizome, an upright and single stem, the height of which does not exceed 30–50 cm. At the same time, the stem of the plant, which acquires a red-violet hue in spring, is slightly ribbed.

The large flower of the mountain peony has a light cream corolla (white and pink corollas are less common). The scent of the flower resembles that of the poppy.

In the wild, this rare species of peony, listed in the Red Book, is found in the south of Primorye, in East Asia, as well as on some islands of Japan.

All parts of the plant are used in folk medicine in the treatment of diseases of the central nervous system, headaches and some disorders in the gastrointestinal tract.

Peony evasive (marin root)

This type of peony, which grows mainly in Siberia and in the European part of Russia, is popularly called the Mary root.

This perennial herbaceous plant can reach a height of 1 m or more. The elusive peony has a powerful rhizome and thick roots of a red-brown hue.

The erect stems of the plant have from three to five large leaves, the length and width of which is about 30 cm.

Large red flowers with a diameter of 10 - 18 cm have 5 petals.

It is the evading peony that is most often used not only in folk, but also in official medicine, therefore it is this species that will be discussed further.

The composition and properties of the evading peony

Essential oil
  • increased secretion of glands;
  • promoting increased motility of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • reduction of fermentation in the intestine;
  • regulation and normalization of the functions of the central nervous system;
  • strengthening the process of bile secretion;
  • strengthening the cardiovascular system.
  • saturation of the body with energy;
  • increased insulin synthesis;
  • removal of bad cholesterol.
  • increased urine output;
  • vasodilation;
  • destruction of microbes and bacteria;
  • increased sputum discharge;
  • calming the nervous system.
  • improved digestion;
  • normalization of the functions of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • elimination of foci of inflammation;
  • neutralization of bacteria;
  • acceleration of wound healing.
The main task of sugars is to provide the body with energy.


  • elimination of toxins;
  • neutralization of bacteria and microbes;
  • elimination of allergies or reduction of its manifestations;
  • promoting the excretion of bile;
  • removal of inflammation;
  • acceleration of wound healing;
  • removal of spasms;
  • increased urine output.
  • relieve pain syndrome;
  • eliminate spasms;
  • help stop bleeding;
  • have a calming effect on the nervous system.
organic acids
  • remove toxins;
  • restore acidity;
  • normalize digestion;
  • calm the nervous system;
  • relieve inflammation;
  • relieve joint pain.
  • regulates metabolic processes and the work of the digestive tract;
  • improves the activity of skeletal muscles;
  • promotes the synthesis of amino acids and glucose;
  • improves the process of hematopoiesis.
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • promotes wound healing;
  • enhances the synthesis of growth hormone;
  • increases sexual activity in men;
  • transports oxygen to body tissues;
  • removes toxins, thereby normalizing the work of the liver;
  • removes bad cholesterol;
  • prevents the development of thrombosis and atherosclerosis;
  • stimulates the production of insulin;
  • lowers blood pressure.
  • accelerate the healing process;
  • neutralize the action of microbes and bacteria;
  • strengthen immunity.
Vitamin C
  • normalizes the functions of the central nervous system;
  • significantly improves the absorption of iron;
  • promotes hematopoiesis;
  • removes toxins.
In addition, the avoiding peony contains micro and macro elements (strontium, chromium, potassium, calcium, sulfur, aluminum, iron, magnesium, copper, etc.), which have an extremely beneficial effect on health, namely:
  • normalize the work of the female genital area;
  • regulate the work of the central nervous system;
  • stimulate mental activity;
  • promote wound healing;
  • reduce allergic reactions.

Healing properties of peony

  • Antispasmodic.
  • Painkiller.
  • Anti-inflammatory.
  • Sweatshop.
  • Diuretic.
  • Hemostatic.
  • Diuretic.
  • Disinfectant.
  • Tonic.
  • Firming.
  • Decongestant.
  • Sedative.
  • Choleretic.
  • Expectorant.
  • Astringent.
  • Anticonvulsant.
  • Hemostatic.
  • Antitumor.

The benefits and harms of peony

Peony evasive is an adaptogen that naturally regulates the functioning of the immune system, thereby not only protecting the body from various viruses and infections, but also significantly speeding up the healing process.

Taking peony preparations makes it much easier to tolerate radioactive radiation, as well as chemotherapy. In addition, preparations of the evading peony have a detrimental effect on the simplest organisms, due to which they are used as a bactericidal agent.

In addition, this plant normalizes metabolism and increases the acidity of gastric juice, which has a beneficial effect on the digestive process, not to mention the fact that peony-based preparations accelerate the healing process of ulcers and wounds, relieve spasm of smooth muscles of both internal organs and blood vessels. vessels.

Peony - a remedy for nerves

Peony preparations are rightfully considered an excellent remedy for chronic fatigue, overwork, hysteria, stress and lack of sleep, since they have a sedative and tonic effect. So, peony infusion will help improve mood, get rid of insomnia and overcome depression.

The therapeutic effect is due primarily to the presence of glycosides salicin and methyl salicylate. In addition, the sedative effect is associated with the stimulation of the body's production of endorphins, which cause a feeling of happiness.

To prepare the infusion 1 tsp. crushed peony roots are poured with 600 ml of boiling water and infused for half an hour. The remedy is taken 10 minutes before eating two to three times a day.

Peony flower (petals)

Peony flowers contain aromatic substances, therefore they are used in pharmacology to improve the taste of medicinal solutions. In addition, ascorbic acid is present in this part of the plant, so infusions and decoctions of peony flowers are used in the treatment of colds.

As an external agent, tincture of peony flowers is used for sciatica and joint pain. To prepare the product, a half-liter jar is filled with plant flowers and poured with vodka. The tincture is filtered after two weeks and is used to rub into sore joints.


Peony seeds contain a large amount of fatty oils, so preparations based on them have long been used in the treatment of tonsillitis and lung diseases.

Interesting fact! Irish healers used peony seeds to treat postpartum ailments, for which 9 peony seeds were crushed, mixed with borax, almonds, and aniseed white water.

Grass (leaves)

The aerial part of the peony contains a large amount of vitamin C, flavonoids and starch, as a result of which preparations based on this part of the plant are indicated in the treatment of pulmonary diseases, inflammations, colds, nervous disorders, digestive disorders, spasms, allergies, epilepsy.


The fusiform peony tubers are used to make remedies intended to treat gout, convulsions, and epilepsy. To this day, the Greeks and the inhabitants of Altai use peony tubers as a seasoning for meat dishes.

Peony root and rhizome

It is the underground part of the plant that is most widely used in both folk and scientific medicine, so we will pay special attention to it.


Official medicine uses a tincture from the underground part of the evading peony in the treatment of neurasthenic conditions, insomnia, vegetative-vascular disorders of various origins, headaches, and chronic fatigue.

The roots of this plant have long been included in the composition of anti-cancer collections that help accelerate the cure of cancer.

Peony roots are used in the treatment of epilepsy, viral diseases, poisoning, liver and kidney diseases.

So, for stomach cancer, it is recommended to prepare the following remedy: the dried roots of the plant in a ratio of 1:10 are poured with boiling water and infused for at least two hours. An infusion of 100 ml is taken three times a day.

If we talk about folk medicine, then Avicenna also used peony to treat pain and burning sensation in the stomach. The roots of this plant were also widely used in Russia: for example, decoctions and infusions from this plant were used to treat gout, rheumatism, gastrointestinal diseases, bleeding, stroke, and epilepsy. At the same time, the treatment included the use of not only infusions, but also the fresh root (a piece of the root the size of a pea was taken three times a day after meals, washed down with water).

Medicinal properties of peony roots

  • Soothing.
  • Painkiller.
  • Antispasmodic.
  • Anticonvulsant.
The active ingredients of peony roots and rhizomes have a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, which is similar in its effectiveness to amidopyrine, a drug that has antipyretic, analgesic, and anti-inflammatory effects. For this reason, preparations based on peony roots are used for headaches, neuralgia, arthritis, myositis, rheumatism.

It cannot be said that the roots of the evading peony have a general strengthening effect, since they contain micro- and macroelements that help the body fight many diseases of various etiologies.

Contraindications to the use of peony roots

There are no special contraindications to the use of root-based preparations (with the exception of pregnancy, childhood and individual intolerance).

The use of peony in medicine

Peony evasive is used in the treatment of such diseases:
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