The daily requirement of a person for carbohydrates is approx. The body's need for fat per day

In order for you to clearly control your weight, it doesn’t matter if you are trying to lose it, gain it or maintain it, in any case you just need to know what the daily intake of fats, proteins and carbohydrates is. The table will help you figure it out in no time.

Rule number one: the key to success is the right balance

All the needs of the body useful substances ah, micro- and macrocomponents, of course, are strictly individual. Therefore, since most of calculations according to the criterion "daily intake of proteins, fats and carbohydrates" are made for an ordinary, average person, after a while you yourself will understand what exactly your body requires, and you can slightly adjust any program exclusively for yourself.

The most simple formula the ratio of BJU (or proteins-fats-carbohydrates) is approximately 1:1:4. But it is not suitable for everyone, since a lot of nutrition depends on your age, weight, lifestyle and the results you want to achieve. So if you want to know in more detail how to make the most efficient use of this formula in your diet, let's look at each of its components separately.


Protein is required component all tissues of the human body. IN children's body they are needed for growth, in adults - for tissue regeneration. The composition of all proteins includes various amino acids, each of which is simply necessary for a person.

The predominant ones with a unique set of amino acids are nuts, sprouted grains, soy milk, white meat of chicken or turkey, fish, or other fermented milk products, milk.

We select the amount of proteins based on your weight

Daily protein is based on one and a half grams of protein per kilogram of weight. It is desirable that 30-35% of total proteins were of animal origin, and the rest - vegetable. Thus, if an adult weighs, for example, 70 kilograms, he should consume 105 grams of protein per day, only a third of which, i.e. 35 grams, should be of animal origin.


It is a big misconception that you can only harm yourself and your figure by consuming fat. The main thing is that there should be a measure in everything. Fats are simply necessary for the human body, because without them, many cells will not be able to function normally.

All fats that exist in nature are divided into saturated and unsaturated, this ratio is determined by fatty acids and glycerin in the composition.

For normal functioning, the body needs three main polyunsaturated fatty acids - these are Omega-3, Omega-6 and Omega-9. You can find them in fish pumpkin seeds, vegetable oils(olive, almond).

Saturated fats, selected in a strictly defined amount, saturate the body with the necessary energy. However, be careful a large number of saturated fat in food contributes to increased deposition of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels.

What happens if you completely eliminate fats?

It should also be reduced to minimum quantity the consumption of so-called trans fats, since their effect on the body cannot be called positive. These fats are often found in flour products especially in margarine.

A lack of fat can lead to a decrease in general immunity, disturbances in the work of the central nervous system, bowel problems and duodenal ulcers.

Excessive presence of fats in the diet is the cause of high blood cholesterol levels, obesity and memory loss.


Carbohydrates are one of the main components of our daily diet. Moreover, it is one of the most important sources of energy. That is why reducing the amount of carbohydrates consumed will not lead to anything good. It is more important to learn how to choose the “right” carbohydrates.

The energy that comes in per day human body, about three to four fifths should be replenished through precisely complex carbohydrates, one tenth - at the expense of simple, and the rest - when burning proteins and fats. Therefore, the daily rate of protein and carbohydrates in your diet must necessarily correspond to the amount of fat.

All the carbohydrates that can only be on your plate are divided into three large groups: monosaccharides, polysaccharides and oligosaccharides. All of them are simply necessary for our body, otherwise no proteins and fats simply can not be absorbed. Largest part carbohydrates entering the body are monosaccharides and disaccharides. Be careful, with excessive intake of sugar in your body, some of it can accumulate in the muscles and liver as glycogen.

What other carbohydrates are there?

Also, according to the time or speed of obtaining energy by the body, carbohydrates are divided into fast and slow (or, as they are also called, simple and complex).

Should be a permanent part of your daily diet, but again, do not overdo it, the amount of this substance directly depends on how much you drive. However, the average daily intake of carbohydrates is about 350-500 grams, no more.

One of the most accessible representatives of fast carbohydrates is sugar, since it contains only two molecules - glucose and fructose. Fast carbohydrates (all kinds of sweets, fruits, buns, etc.) are absorbed into the bloodstream with instant speed, almost immediately after we have eaten, but they also disappear as quickly as they appear. Therefore, it is desirable, if not completely, then at least as much as possible to exclude foods that are oversaturated from your diet. fast carbohydrates. Remember, fast carbohydrates are the main initiators of obesity. So if you want to calculate daily allowance fats, proteins and carbohydrates, be sure to pay attention to the latter.

Unlike the former, slow carbohydrates are absorbed into the blood over a much longer period of time, but on the other hand, this happens much more evenly, and the fat reserves of our body are not replenished.

Daily rate of fats, proteins and carbohydrates: calculation table

The most important thing in the diet is the correct ratio of the amount of which is determined mainly by your age and lifestyle. Remember, the whole point of diets and just proper nutrition is not to completely eliminate all kinds of harmfulness from your diet, leaving only vegetables and herbs. The main and main goal is to make sure that the body receives exactly the amount of nutrients that it needs.

For children and the elderly, the daily intake of fats, proteins and carbohydrates (table below) is significantly different. This must be taken into account. If you strictly follow all the tips mentioned above, you will understand that calculating the daily intake of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is, in general, a simple matter. And the benefits of it are very, very many!

In order to make it easier for you to choose what is right for you, below is the daily allowance of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. The table for men and women contains all the necessary values.

Group Weak physical loads Average physical loads Strong physical loads
Age18-29 30-39 40-59 18-29 30-39 40-59 18-29 30-39 40-59
Proteins, g90 88 82 96 93 88 110 106 100
Fats, g50 48 45 53 51 48 61 58 56
Carbohydrates, g110 105 100 117 114 108 147 141 135
Energy (kcal)1670 1550 1520 1850 1790 1700 2350 2260 2160
Group Weak physical loads Average physical loads Strong physical loads
Age18-29 30-39 40-59 18-29 30-39 40-59 18-29 30-39 40-59
Proteins, g77 75 70 81 78 75 87 84 80
Fats, g42 41 39 45 43 41 48 46 44
Carbohydrates, g90 87 82 99 95 92 116 112 106
Energy (kcal)1420 1360 1300 1560 1500 1445 1850 1800 1700


Always think carefully about your menu. For example, eating fats at the same time as carbohydrates is not recommended for the reason that with a one-time intake of both of them, the body first of all begins to break down carbohydrates, since it takes much less time for this than for the processing of fats. Thus, fats are simply stored in reserve.

It is better to limit or even eliminate the intake of carbohydrates after six or seven in the evening, by the evening the metabolism becomes a little slower, which means that carbohydrates are no longer completely processed, and insulin enters the blood in excess.

If you wish, for example, to reset excess weight, give up for a while simple carbohydrates, and fats are best consumed from nuts or fish. Also limit the amount white rice and potatoes.

And in order to make it easier for you to control yourself at first, try starting a food diary. In it you will write down everything that you ate during the day. And you need not just write it down, but also work hard, and before eating, weigh a portion and calculate how much protein, fat, carbohydrates and calories are in it. Only you need to do this really honestly, because you definitely can’t deceive your body! Never forget that there is a certain daily norm of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, which is simply necessary to follow.

Everyone wants to be not only beautiful, but also healthy. appearance, which, of course, can be achieved by eating right, adhering to the golden mean in the daily intake of carbohydrates, proteins and fats.

Daily intake of carbohydrates for any person

Before moving on to a more detailed consideration of this issue, it should be noted that the body is grateful for simple carbohydrates, which should be obtained from complex ones. So what are the latter? They include glycogen and starch. Polysaccharides, as complex ones are also called, when they enter the human body, they are broken down into simple ones, glucose. In turn, red blood cells, the brain and muscles need it.

The most interesting thing is that the breakdown of polysaccharides occurs already at the moment when a person begins to chew food. In other words, the enzymes contained in saliva convert starch into cherished glucose. About 85% of all carbohydrates of the daily norm falls on starch.

In addition to helping to maintain the energy necessary for normal life, they also take part in metabolic processes, helping to improve the functioning of many organs and preserve protein stores.

If we consider in detail the issue of the daily intake of carbohydrates, it is important to note that it depends not only on age factors, but also on daily physical activity. So, for example, babies of the 1st month of age do not need carbohydrates, sources of energy at all. IN preschool age daily allowance gradually increases and reaches 100 g by the age of 8. The diet of a teenager should be designed in such a way that he consumes from 100 to 350 g per day. An adult needs, again, from 100 to 450 g of carbohydrates.

Daily carbohydrate intake for women

Below is a table explaining how many carbohydrates, who needs. From this it is clear that the more physical activity, loads, the more the body needs polysaccharides. So, if you are a mental worker, then 5 g of simple carbohydrates obtained from complex carbohydrates per 1 kg of body weight is enough for you. For those who are busy physical labor, you need already 8 g per 1 kg of body weight.

It will not be superfluous to give a list of complex carbohydrates:

  • any greens (lettuce, spinach, parsley, dill);
  • cereals (oatmeal, barley, rice, buckwheat);
  • legumes (lentils, both green and red, beans, peas, chickpeas);
  • fruits (peach, grapefruit, apple, orange, pear);
  • berries (plum, cherry);
  • whole wheat bread;
  • meat.

Daily intake of carbohydrates for weight loss

No nutritionist will tell you to eat simple carbohydrates when trying to lose weight. The latter break down quickly and have a high glycemic index. In other words, a large number of sugar that accumulates in muscle tissue. If in the body its norm has exceeded the allowable one, it turns into hated fat, which is deposited in the areas of your favorite figure. Not only does this cause obesity, it is also the cause of arterial hypertension.

So, nutritionists recommend starting diets with 5 g of complex carbohydrates per 1 kg of body weight. Do not forget to do a set of appropriate exercises. If there is no time for morning exercises Try to walk for about 40 minutes every day.

The most important thing in drawing up a daily diet: to know the measure, how to daily dose carbohydrates, so proteins and fats.

Food gives us the energy we need to live. The validity of this assertion cannot be disputed. However, the correct ratio in the diet of proteins, fats and carbohydrates and their daily intake is often forgotten, forbidding themselves products containing them. How to save right balance nutrients and help your body get optimal amount irreplaceable sources of strength?

Why it is necessary to adhere to the norm

Food helps replenish energy reserves- we learn this from childhood, when our grandmother tells us about the “strength” concentrated in a bowl of porridge or soup, which we must eat without a trace. Growing up and gaining excess weight, we begin to look for the causes of the problem. The only way out seems to be the rejection of what led to a set of kilograms - your favorite food. Having cut the diet, we expect an immediate result, but we get the opposite - a deterioration in well-being and a breakdown that returns us to the beginning. Why?

Carbohydrates, proteins and fats are components that our body must always receive. But energy value they have different. The composition of food affects the number of calories. So, in one gram of protein - 4 kcal, the same amount is contained in the macronutrients we get from cereals, vegetables and fruits. But 1 g of fat is equal to 9 kcal. As they say, feel the difference.

However, this does not mean that some products should be abandoned - they should all be present in the diet, but in reasonable quantities and in a form that can benefit us. These are products of plant and animal origin. Trans fats were artificially synthesized and listed essential substances are not included - because of their danger to human health. There are many of them in the main enemies of our figure:

  • fast food;
  • confectionery;
  • all fried;
  • margarine;
  • chips;
  • mayonnaise;
  • semi-finished products.

Fast carbohydrates or monosaccharides have the same notoriety. Their use leads to spikes in blood sugar levels - from rapid rise to an equally sharp decline. As a result, we double and triple the serving, obeying a false sense of hunger, overeating and rapidly gaining weight.

With 100 g of plant foods and 100 g of animal fats, we get different amount calories - in the second case, there will be twice as many of them. Knowing the daily norm will help to make balanced diet, in which there will be all three components in an amount that is safe for our figure and useful for the whole organism.

What do we know about them: squirrels

This is the main component of a complete and healthy eating, building material for cells and tissues. They have a beneficial effect on growth and development, strengthen immune system. If you deprive yourself of vegetables and fruits or sources of fat, the body begins to take energy from protein reserves.

These essential organic substances are abundant in:

  • meat;
  • fish and seafood;
  • cheeses;
  • beans, lentils, peas and other legumes.

Proteins are responsible for maintaining energy balance. If a person sets himself the task of building muscle or losing weight, he must carefully monitor the amount of protein that enters the body with food.

We remind you: control has nothing to do with reducing the volume of incoming organic substances to unacceptable values. If there is less and less building material for cells, the body begins to borrow energy for life not from fat deposits, but from the muscle layer. Outcome - loss muscle mass, weakened immunity and the risk of developing various diseases.

The daily rate of protein should be determined by a specialist, taking into account the current weight. Athletes with an average or large build who attend training more than four times a week should receive up to 250 g of protein per day from food. Another will be the figure for a housewife who is not burdened with heavy and intense physical activity, or a student engaged exclusively in mental work. The optimal daily allowance varies from person to person. Using approximate or average values, you will not be able to achieve the effect that is possible when getting rid of excess weight under the supervision of a nutritionist.

So, the required amount of fats, proteins and carbohydrates per day and their ratio when losing weight is best left to those who know how to determine the norm. A nutritionist also takes into account the fact that protein can come from both plant and animal foods. For comparison: ⅓ enters the body from legumes and mushrooms, ⅔ from meat.

Learn more about our weight loss programs:

Why is protein deficiency dangerous? With a lack of “building material”, the work of all body systems is disrupted:

  • the condition of the skin worsens;
  • anorexia develops;
  • muscle mass decreases;
  • weakened immunity.

Why does the body need carbohydrates

This is a direct source of strength - it is carbohydrates that provide energy for sports and physical labor. If their intake with food stops, a person ceases to be active and cheerful - weakness and apathy appear, drowsiness occurs. Only having used up polysaccharides and monosaccharides, the body goes to proteins and fats.

These essential organic substances are found in:

  • plant foods (fruits and vegetables);
  • cereals and bread;
  • cereals;
  • pasta.

We must not forget that carbohydrates are different - both useful and harmful:

  • Simple

Absorbed faster, leads to sharp increase blood sugar and the occurrence false feeling hunger. Such substances (monosaccharides) are sent straight to the "fat depot". They are found in refined white flour baked goods, confectionery, and sweet fruits.

  • Complex

The body absorbs them slowly, which allows you to feel full for a long time after eating. These are the polysaccharides healthy carbohydrates contained in cereals, durum wheat pasta, vegetables, non-sugar fruits and berries.

The daily norm is calculated from the ratio of 2 g per kilogram of body weight. Only 15% of the macroelements entering the body belong to rapidly digestible organic substances. The remaining 85% are slow carbohydrates. Also important role in the process of digestion of food, fiber plays a role - rough alimentary fiber found mainly in vegetables, bran and fruits. Filling the stomach, it creates a feeling of prolonged satiety, cleanses the intestines of toxins and toxins, and helps the gastrointestinal tract cope with the load.

You need to be careful with carbohydrates - exceeding the allowable daily allowance can lead to:

  • overweight;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • the formation of atherosclerotic plaques in the vessels;
  • hypertension, etc.

However, it is impossible to completely abandon mono- and polysaccharides. There may be:

  • lethargy;
  • weakness;
  • disorders of the digestive tract;
  • violation of the metabolism of proteins and fats;
  • constant feeling of hunger;
  • dizziness;
  • fainting;
  • headache.

Fats: get rid or leave

These substances can enter the body from products of plant and animal origin. Essential Sources fat is:

  • oil;
  • meat;
  • milk;
  • fish.

The reason for the general dislike for these elements of a healthy diet is their high energy value. After all, when splitting, only 1 gram of these insoluble organic substances turns into 9 kcal, which the body safely burns or stores in reserve, sending it to the liver, kidneys, to build the hypodermis - subcutaneous fatty tissue. How not to panic here? However, the second scenario is possible only if we consume too many high-calorie foods or abuse foods containing carbohydrates and proteins.

So the easiest way to protect yourself and restore harmony is not to give up vegetable and animal fats at all, but to start eating right and monitor the energy value of dishes. Deficiency of these nutrients can lead to health problems:

  • disruption of the nervous system;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • malfunctions of the heart and blood vessels;
  • rapid fatigue;
  • decreased vision, etc.

Fat must be at least one third healthy diet. At complete failure You will not lose weight from them - you will only gain excess weight. This is because the body makes up for the lack of nutrients with the help of monosaccharides - the very simple carbohydrates that are deposited at our waist.

The approximate daily intake of proteins, fats and carbohydrates can be seen in the table, which indicates how many grams per day can be considered an acceptable value.

The first column gives the labor groups:

    1 - teachers, educators and other workers whose activities do not involve intense physical exertion.

    2 - here the owners of the profession, every day spending their energy on light physical activity (engineers, doctors, salesmen, etc.).

    3 - works related to the category moderate(mechanics, drivers, machinists, machine operators, etc.).

    4 - employees engaged in hard physical labor (casters, carpenters, builders).

    5 - this group includes diggers, loaders, masons and other workers with particularly high energy costs.

As you can see, everyone's working conditions are different and the daily norms of nutrient intake are the same. But find out exact figure only a specialist will help - he will make calculations, taking into account your weight, activity during the day, body characteristics and other factors that are often neglected when independently determining the acceptable value.

Below is a table of fats, proteins and carbohydrates in dairy products, fish and meat. Other indicators can be found at the consultation with a nutritionist. We remind you: the calorie content of food must be controlled. Only then will you begin to lose weight, while simultaneously receiving all the macro- and microelements necessary for normal life.

When compiling a complete diet great importance is given to the selection of "profitable" products that will benefit the body, not contributing to an increase in body weight, but returning the lost harmony. Do not forget that the intake of both fats, and proteins, and carbohydrates should be limited, but you cannot refuse important sources of energy.

Only a specialist can find the optimal ratio. It will also help you switch to a balanced diet smoothly, so that it is easier for you to get used to a new lifestyle and nutrition.

We will help you determine the rate of proteins and fats per day, determine how many carbohydrates per day your body needs for correct operation, and we will make a program for simple and pleasant weight loss. Lose weight without restrictions and refusals of your favorite products and fix the result for many years.

It is important to remember 2 main facts: the need for fat per day in a weight ratio correlates as 1: 1 with the need for proteins. That is daily requirement of an adult in fat in g per 1 kg of body weight is the same as in proteins, and at the same time it should consist on average of 70% of animals and 30% vegetable fats.

Daily requirement of animal fats for humans

Animal fat contains fat soluble vitamins D and A, and consists predominantly of polyunsaturated fatty acids. IN young age the daily requirement of the body for animal fats, which averages 0.7 g/kg of body weight per day, is relatively higher than in the elderly. IN adulthood the diet must be adjusted towards the predominance of plant sources.

Almost all fatty acids in animal fat can be synthesized in the body from carbohydrates, and this is exactly what happens with the development of obesity.

Vegetable fats, how much you need per day

The required amount of vegetable fats per day is 30% of the total daily fat requirement.

The role of omega-3 fatty acids in weight loss

Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, or rather their deficiency, are associated with abdominal obesity. Their lack in food leads not only to a weakening of the immune system, but also to the development of an excessive layer in the abdomen. This type of obesity is associated with the development of atherosclerosis, high risk heart attacks and strokes.

The best foods are sources of fats

  • The best sources of vegetable fats are olive, canola, sunflower, peanut, coconut and soybean oils.
  • Omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids (helping to remove the stomach and saving from atherosclerosis): seafood, oil walnut and linseed oil.
  • Animal fats: lard, animal fat and butter.

bad fats

  • Oxidized fats are carcinogenic. They may be present in products hot processing, for example, deep-fried.
  • Trans fats received by artificial means. These are hydrogenated oils, a chemically processed product not found in nature. added to many finished products, look for a mark on the package and never buy it.

How to balance your diet for weight loss

We know that the physiological daily requirement of the body for these substances + omega 3 fatty acids is on average 1 g per kg of body weight. However, the nutritional energy value of these substances is the highest, at over 9 calories per gram. When losing weight, the body is able to painlessly survive a decrease in the rate of saturated fatty acids in the diet. For weight loss, you can determine where to reduce calories as follows:

There are foods containing PUFAs:

  • In large quantities, up to 80% (soybean, sunflower and corn oil)
  • On average, up to 20% ( olive oil, chicken and goose fat, lard)
  • In small quantities, up to 5-6% (lamb and beef fats, butter)

The first group represents great value in the diet than the latter. When calculating her healthy diet, a woman can calculate on our calculator the proper amount of fat for her age, and, if necessary, reduce their consumption due to food groups 2 and 3.

Food in any case should consist of all the necessary substances. Often it is enough to calculate your need for BJU in general, while the minimum need for fats should be taken into account. Eliminate excess consumption, leaving the daily rate in place. And reduce calories mainly due to food carbohydrates, the calculation is here.

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

It is determined from the calculation of the amount of useful substances necessary for the body to maintain life.

Any diet will not be effective until the amount of calories consumed per day is normalized. But to find out what this norm is for each specific organism, and, most importantly, how to adhere to this norm, you can through the calculation of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

The whole point of diets and food restrictions is not to eliminate certain foods from the diet. The main rule is not to consume more per day than the body can process. Balance of simple and complex carbohydrates, different types fats and proteins in daily diet It will help to make a diet healthy, varied, and at the same time lose weight.

How calories work

Numerous calorie calculators have been created by nutritionists, but the easiest way to figure out if you're overdoing it at the table is to take into account your weight and how much you eat per day.

The rate of calorie intake per hour for each kilogram of weight is distributed as follows:

0.9 kcal - V calm state(sleep, sitting work);

1.4 kcal - when not heavy loads(walking, housework, walking);

1.9 kcal - under heavy loads (sports and so on).

The intellectual load should also be taken into account - it depletes the body no worse than the physical one.

But whatever the calculations, normal functioning organism is possible only with the consumption of 1200 kcal or more per day. In this case, the balance of fats, proteins and carbohydrates is important: The ideal proportion is 1:1:4 respectively; when playing sports, the proportion of protein should be more.

Do not neglect fats or abuse "fast" carbohydrates: the former are necessary for building cells and generating energy (and not just to be deposited on the stomach and hips afterwards), and the latter in large quantities can lead to diabetes.

Daily protein intake

Protein, or protein, is the basic material for muscle and connective tissues, is responsible for the energy balance of the body. In an effort to lose weight, count the amount of protein consumed per day and reduce them only to the norm, taking into account weight, stress, lifestyle. If you cut proteins too sharply or more than necessary, the body will begin to draw energy not from fat deposits, but from muscles. The process of such "burning" of protein can lead to serious diseases.

Daily protein intake calculated from net body weight. For this, it is necessary from total weight take away the kilos that are gone in body fat(this can be from 0.5 to 15-20% of body weight). The resulting figure must be multiplied by a factor of 2.2 - 3. The more physical activity is expected in your schedule, the larger the number by which the mass is multiplied. The resulting number will be the amount of protein needed in grams.

It is recommended to get protein from animal products, only a third of the protein can be obtained from peas, soybeans, beans and other legumes. With a systematic lack of protein, anorexia develops, dysfunctions are observed internal organs, volume reduction muscle tissue. With an excess of protein, on the contrary, excess weight accumulates, and if the process is accompanied by great physical exertion, muscles grow strongly.

Daily fat intake

Not all types of fats that enter the body are equally beneficial or dangerous. The so-called trans fats, which we consume mainly with confectionery, increase cholesterol levels and weaken the body's immunity. But fats of plant and animal origin are involved in the transportation and storage of vitamins, nutrients, the construction of connective and muscle tissues, the production necessary for the body acids. Therefore, a decrease in their use can lead to the development of ulcers, atherosclerosis.

Daily fat intake it is considered very simple: 1 gram per kilogram of weight, and at least 30-40% of them are vegetable fats.

Daily intake of carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are the main suppliers of energy in the body, the calories produced during their processing provide 70-80% of the body's energy metabolism. All carbohydrates are divided into:

Simple - glucose, fructose (absorbed quickly);

Complex - glycogen, starch (digested slowly);

Not digestible - pectin, fiber (make up a kind of "ballast").

All of them are important for the smooth functioning of the body. Thus, a lack of fiber causes problems with gastrointestinal tract, because it serves as a cleanser and helps digestion.

Daily intake of carbohydrates is 2 grams per kilogram of weight, and only 10-15% of them can be simple (honey, sugar, sweet fruits).

Deviation from the norm in the direction of increasing carbohydrates leads to atherosclerosis, diabetes, blood diseases, caries, and obesity. But the lack of carbohydrates will cause apathy, fatigue, indigestion.

To lose weight or just keep fit, you should maintain a balance of fats, proteins and carbohydrates in your diet, not buying into "fast-acting" unbalanced diets, but eating healthy and rationally.

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