Tingling sensation in the toes. Why do the thumb, middle, ring and little fingers go numb? Numb and sore toes: treatment. Why do my toes hurt and go numb

A specific feeling of numbness in the thumb is common and usually resolves quickly on its own without requiring medical intervention. Numbness of the toe can be triggered by both banal pressing of the vessels and nerves of the leg, and serious pathologies of the nervous and musculoskeletal systems.

Causes of numbness in the big toe

The causes of toe numbness can be divided into two large groups: temporary, non-dangerous conditions and symptoms pathological processes. Simple causes that can be eliminated without medical attention include:

  • prolonged stay in a position with pinched legs- in the lotus position, squatting, etc. In such positions, the vessels in the legs are squeezed and the blood flow is disturbed. When the blood flow changes and restores, there is a feeling of tingling, burning and temporary loss of sensitivity of the pads or fingers as a whole;
  • wearing the wrong shoes. The big toe often suffers when wearing shoes on high heels, with a narrow toe - a long stay while squeezing the finger leads to a sensation of tingling and numbness, first near the nail, and then throughout the finger;
  • hypothermia. When freezing, fingers often become numb, starting at the tips. This is possible in the cold season or if the shoes get wet.
    Pathological conditions that can cause a symptom of numbness of the big toe on the left or right leg:
  • osteochondrosis- degenerative processes in cartilage tissues spine, causing change functional load. The patient has severe pain, and numbness of the toes tells the doctor about possible localization problems in the lumbar region;
  • spinal tuberculosisinfection, capable of developing in cartilaginous tissues and bones, leading to their destruction;
  • pathology associated with violation metabolic processes in the body (sugar-type diabetes);
  • blood flow disorders in the legs, a tendency to thrombosis;
  • inflammation sciatic nerve;
  • dysregulation of small vessels, because of which they spasm (Raynaud's disease);
  • gout. In addition to numbness, there is swelling of the thumb, redness and pain;
  • polyneuropathyneurological disease peripheral department which is difficult to treat. Initially, numbness of the fingers is observed, the entire foot gradually begins to grow numb, dizziness occurs, when walking a person leads from side to side;
  • smoking and drinking alcohol in large quantities- bad habits lead to circulatory disorders in small vessels, because of which the toes do not receive enough nutrition, they begin to go numb;
  • psychosomatics- physical sensations arising in the body under the influence of psychological problems;
  • malignant tumors and the formation of their metastases;
  • spinal hernia located in the lumbar region. The problem is accompanied by severe pain in the lower back and a violation of sensitivity lower extremities;
  • pregnancy. When carrying a child, women often have a problem with numbness of the limbs and fingers, especially in the last stages. Compression of nerve endings in the pelvic region, increased stress and congestion excess fluid leads to sensory impairment.

Symptoms requiring medical attention

Often occurring paresthesia in certain situations for no apparent reason should be a reason to seek advice.

You should be alert when the following signs appear:

  • loss of sensation is replaced by the appearance of pain;
  • paresthesia occurs in the big toe, but gradually spreads to the entire leg;
  • the feeling of sore fingers after sleep does not go away throughout the day;
  • the skin on the thumb, in addition to loss of sensitivity, turned blue or turned white;
  • the finger turned red, puffiness is formed;
  • gait has changed;
  • It is impossible to determine the temperature of the water with a limb - whether it is cold or hot.

Methods for the treatment of paresthesia

The first step in eliminating the sensation of numbness is to identify the cause of such a phenomenon. Among symptomatic methods removal of paresthesia is worth highlighting:

  • massage. Effective when wearing the wrong shoes, taking an uncomfortable position, with hypothermia - it helps restore blood flow and nerve sensitivity;
  • gymnastics. A set of exercises is compiled by a specialist based on the root cause of numbness;
  • medication. For the treatment of paresthesia, it is recommended to take anti-inflammatory drugs, drugs to restore blood circulation (Sermion) and painkillers (Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Pentalgin), vitamin complexes(usually tablets with B-group vitamins) to restore the passage nerve impulses. Good result give warming ointments that stimulate blood flow to the treated tissue area (Espol, Kapsikam);
  • physiotherapy– magnetotherapy, paraffin applications, electrophoresis, mineral and mud baths;
  • contrast baths;
  • folk remedies also help relieve numbness. You can use a tincture of pickles - 2 chopped vegetables, a pod of red pepper is poured with a glass of vodka and insisted for a week, after which it is rubbed into a numb finger. Another effective recipe- a mixture of two crushed lemons, a kilogram of celery and the same amount of parsley roots. The mass is combined with a glass of honey and taken in the morning before meals, 2 tablespoons.

To minimize the chance of numbness simple reasons it is worth following these recommendations:

  1. Shoes should be properly sized, wide enough, with a small heel. Incorrect distribution of the load on the foot, even in the absence of a narrow toe, can also cause loss of sensation in the big toe.
  2. In cold weather, wear appropriate shoes and warm socks, and in rainy weather, prefer models that do not leak.
  3. Avoid frequent sitting in a cross-legged position. Particularly undesirable is the habit of cross-legging while sitting - constant compression of blood vessels can lead not only to the emerging feeling of numbness, but also to varicose veins, so it is better to refuse such a position.
  4. If you suspect pathological nature phenomena immediately need to go to the doctor, since the diseases that cause such a symptom are quite serious.

Video lesson: therapeutic foot massage

Any massage should be performed by a specialist, and the complex of influences should be determined by the specifics of the existing problem and part of the body. This video shows a master class on how to proper massage stop, which will help to cope with the problem of numbness of the fingers.

Such a feeling as running "goosebumps", tingling or loss of sensation in the leg, and especially in the foot, was experienced by almost every person. In most cases to numbness thumbs should not be taken seriously, as this feeling goes away after changing the position of the body. But if paresthesia, as such a symptom is called, worries for no reason, especially at night, this may be a sign serious problems with health.

Simple Causes of Paresthesia

Numbness of the toes is associated with short-term squeezing of the nerves or vessels that feed them. Moreover, the impact can be throughout the path of the nerve impulse from the lower back. In this case, there is a loss of sensitivity in the tips of the thumbs, a feeling of "goosebumps", tingling or even burning. After the restoration of blood circulation and the passage of a nerve impulse, sensitivity usually returns.

Such numbness can be caused by the simplest reasons.

  1. Most often, this sensation occurs when you are in an uncomfortable position for a long time, when the nerves and vessels under the knee are pinched. This happens when squatting or in a cross-legged position.
  2. go numb thumbs on the leg due to wearing uncomfortable shoes. If the shoes are very narrow or the heel is high, this place is huge pressure. Because of this, blood circulation and innervation are disturbed.
  3. Numbness may be due to hypothermia of the legs. If they get wet or become very cold, the fingers may lose sensation.
  4. Smoking and drinking alcohol can also cause frequent finger numbness. After all, bad habits disrupt metabolism and blood circulation.
  5. Lack of vitamin B, which is involved in the work of peripheral nerves.

Numbness can cause loss of sensation, pain and itching

Diseases that cause thumb numbness

But it also happens that paresthesia of the thumbs occurs without visible external causes. Numbness can occur at night, not go away for many hours after the restoration of blood circulation. If this happens often, then you need to consult a doctor, because in this case, paresthesia can be a signal of the development of serious diseases.

Numbness of the toes is most often associated with diseases of the spine, especially lumbar, with a metabolic disorder and with a violation of the work of blood vessels.

Paresthesia can be caused by:

  • intervertebral hernia;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • infringement of the nerve with sciatica or sciatica;
  • gout;
  • varicose veins or obliterating endarteritis;
  • vascular atherosclerosis;
  • joint diseases that cause nerve damage, such as rheumatoid arthritis;
  • cancerous tumor of the spinal cord;
  • polyneuropathy;
  • obesity;
  • diabetes.

Additional symptoms indicating the severity of the problem

If occasionally a person feels a partial loss of sensitivity in the fingers, tingling or itching, passing after a while, then there is nothing to worry about. But it happens that the big toes go numb at night or during the day without visible reasons. Paresthesia may be accompanied additional symptoms. In this case, it is necessary to undergo an examination to determine the cause of this condition.

What symptoms should make a person alert:

  • loss of sensation is replaced by pain;
  • the skin on the finger and around it turned blue or white;
  • numbness occurs in the big toe, and then spreads to the whole leg;
  • after sleep, the feeling that the leg “lay down” does not go away during the day;
  • a person cannot distinguish with a finger cold water from hot;
  • in addition to numbness, redness and swelling appeared;
  • there is a change in gait.

After the examination, the doctor will be able to determine the cause of numbness in the toes.

What to do if your toe goes numb

If paresthesia is caused by any disease, then you can get rid of it only by curing it. Therefore, a specific treatment is prescribed by a doctor after examination and diagnosis. In addition to special preparations, numbness of the toes can be removed independently.

  1. Massage helps a lot in this case. Moreover, you need to rub not only your fingers, but the entire foot. Massage is effective for numbness due to uncomfortable shoes or posture, as well as frostbite. At various diseases it can only be used as an auxiliary measure.
  2. Physiotherapy treatments help. Most often, mud and mineral baths, paraffin baths, a magnet, and electrophoresis are used.
  3. If the fingers periodically go numb, and the reason for this is not found, you can use therapeutic gymnastics. Walking barefoot on toes, rotating with your feet, lifting a handkerchief with your toes or rolling from heel to toe helps well.
  4. From medicines for the treatment of numbness, anti-inflammatory drugs, painkillers, as well as drugs that improve blood circulation and relax muscles are used.
  5. It is advisable to take some multivitamin preparation containing B vitamins. It will help normalize the passage of nerve impulses.
  6. Contrasting foot baths help well. You must first dip your feet in cold, then in hot water. And so several times, holding the legs in each container for half a minute. Such baths can be taken daily, which will not only help normalize blood circulation, but also increase immunity.
  7. It is good to rub your finger with camphor ointment or honey at night. After that, put on a sock or bandage your leg.

Massage improves blood circulation and helps relieve numbness

Prevention of toe numbness

Paresthesia is not a dangerous condition, but it can cause a lot of trouble. Therefore, it is better to prevent the occurrence of numbness. To do this, you need to follow some simple rules:

  • change body position more often while sitting;
  • if you have to stand or walk for a long time, you need to wear only comfortable shoes;
  • harden the body, walk more and play sports;
  • avoid severe overloads and injuries;
  • quit smoking, and also limit the use of alcohol, coffee and tea;
  • improve nutrition by eating, rich in vitamins and minerals, cereals, hot dishes;
  • monitor your weight, avoid obesity;
  • avoid emotional overstrain and stress.

It is not difficult to get rid of such a symptom as numbness of the big toes. You just need to determine the cause of this and be more attentive to your health.

Thumb numbness manifested by unpleasant sensations of loss of flexibility, sensitivity of the limb. It happens that it is accompanied by burning, tingling, chilliness, tightening of the skin. Numbness is formed when the passage of nerve impulses to the brain from receptors is disrupted. When you change the position of the body, sensitivity, as a rule, returns quickly. However, when after changing posture discomfort do not leave a person, this indicates the presence of a serious illness.

The clinic of Dr. Ignatiev specializes in issues of numbness of the big toe. AT short time doctors get rid of an annoying problem.

Causes of numbness in toes

The appearance of a feeling of dumbness in the thumb can lead to metabolic disorders. An ailment such as gout is especially common. It affects the joints of the big toes, causes numbness.

Disorders in the work of arterial vessels that are in the legs can contribute to the formation of various unpleasant sensations. Inflammation vascular walls leads to the formation of deposits, which disrupts the natural circulation of the legs. tunnel syndrome together with injuries to the nerve endings can lead to numbness of the big toe.

Arthritis- inflammation, which is localized directly in the joints. At the same time, the disease can affect one or more joints. Arthritis is more common in people over 60 years of age. AT recent times common childhood arthritis.

There are other diseases that can cause numbness:

  • oncological diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • micro strokes;
  • pathological disorders in the work of arteries and nerves;
  • polyneuropathy.


Thumb numbness appears as a result of impaired blood flow in a specific part of the body or when a nerve is damaged. Impaired sensitivity can be the result of infection, trauma, inflammation, and other inflammatory processes. AT huge number cases, numbness of the thumb is associated with diseases that are not life-threatening, but it happens that indicates the presence of a tumor, a stroke. Numbness in the thumb is often associated with pain manifestations, accompanied by sensitivity disorders, tingling and burning. Depending on the concomitant cause, numbness may disappear quickly, for example, during sleep, if put your hand behind your head. Then the discomfort disappears after a few movements of the limb. Chronic numbness of the thumb for a long time indicates damage to a particular nerve due to, for example, multiple sclerosis or diabetes. Also, chronic numbness indicates a pinched nerve, as in carpal tunnel syndrome. In any situation, numbness that lasts for several minutes deserves close attention from the medical staff.

Symptoms that accompany numbness:

  • burning sensation;
  • anxiety;
  • frequent urination;
  • tingling when walking;
  • pain in the neck;
  • rash;
  • needle pricking;
  • muscle spasms;
  • lower back pain;
  • increased sensitivity to touch.

There are a number of symptoms that often accompany numbness and can be signs of serious conditions. These features should be taken into account by doctors, since it is often necessary to provide emergency medical care to carry out medical procedures.

These are the symptoms:

Diagnosis and treatment of leg numbness

Based on the history of the disease, the collected anamnesis, physical examination, study of symptoms, appoints a general plan for the examination. It includes necessarily instrumental, laboratory techniques. high-precision, modern methods are of great help in staging correct diagnosis in short time, identifying the causes numbness of the big toe. Usually prescribed MRI of the spine, ultrasound of the vessels of the lower extremities, x-rays.

The clinic of Dr. Ignatiev works in the field of treatment of ailments of the spine, the entire musculoskeletal system. Experts with many years of experience and high qualifications conduct thorough research. We have modern digital equipment that can detect hidden lesions in the spine. Today, doctors use their own methods of treatment, which allows you to come to recovery much faster.

Note! Online counseling is NOT available. Contact phone records.

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    Numb precisely top part big toe. With what it can be connected?

    Hello! After childbirth which were already 8 years. Every summer, half of the big toe on the left foot goes numb while pain no, what could it be?

    Good afternoon. You need to have an MRI of your lumbar spine. There are many reasons, ranging from the sciatic nerve to carpal tunnel syndrome.

  1. Hello, I have such a problem. Severe pain in the lower back began, after a couple of days, half of the toe was numb. Often dizzy. Advise what to do!??

    MRI of the cervical and lumbar spine and to us for a consultation. Most likely vertebrobasilar insufficiency, protrusions that pinch the nerve endings.

  2. Hello, I have such a problem. Severe pain in the lower back began, after a couple of days, half of the toe was numb. Often dizzy. Advise what to do!?

    Get an MRI first cervical and lumbar.

  3. The legs of a diabetic person are very sore, the legs are not felt. How can be cured. Thanks

    Need to go to the center diabetic foot. We do not provide this kind of treatment.

  4. I feel badly in my right leg when walking, I step on it at random, but I feel badly in the tips of my toes on my legs MRI of the lower back of the pelvis of the thigh did everything.

    Numb thumb right foot, Does not pass the fifth day. She wore slippers. I read about multiple sclerosis. I got scared. My sister was diagnosed with this. This year in the winter I had sciatica for almost two weeks.

    Hello! Such a problem of the thumb does not feel as if it is numb. The nail has grown into finger and nail turned yellow. Could this be due to a sore nail?

Happens to many people as intermittent or permanent phenomenon. However, not everyone thinks about what caused these sensations. As a rule, such tingling can be observed in people of any gender and age, regardless of body weight and level physical training. Uncomfortable sensations in the feet may occur after prolonged physical activity, as well as at rest.

Possible reasons

If a tingling sensation appears periodically, this may indicate the onset of the disease. Particular alertness should be caused by the condition when the legs colitis and other symptoms appear:

  • Burning sensation.
  • Numbness of the limb.
  • Pain.
  • Decrease in the general sensitivity of the skin.

The causes of unpleasant tingling in the soles of the feet may be diseases, for which it is recommended to check with a doctor of the appropriate direction.

  • Diabetes. Regardless of the strength of the tingling, regular “pins and needles” throughout the body may indicate the onset of the development of diabetic neuropathy. Tingling can be felt not only in the legs, but throughout the body. Manifestations against the background of nerve damage are not excluded.
  • Joint diseases. In some connective tissue diseases inflammatory process can hit and vascular system legs. These diseases include: gout, different types arthritis and arthrosis, rheumatism and others.
  • Rachiocampsis. Various pathologies associated with impaired posture (scoliosis, hernia, kyphosis, and others) can compress blood vessels, thereby disrupting blood circulation in some parts of the body. Against this background, their numbness and specific tingling occur.
  • Diseases of cardio-vascular system. As a rule, among diseases of this direction, "goosebumps" can be caused by atherosclerosis or varicose veins, which can disrupt the movement of blood in the body.
  • Neoplasms. Growing tumors lead to compression of nerve endings and blood vessels, causing numbness, burning, and even convulsions.

The appearance of tingling may not be related to developing diseases or uncomfortable position while sleeping or resting. Often other causes of discomfort are:

  • Allergic reactions to animals or plants.
  • Leg injury or minor bruising.
  • Nervous breakdown, stress, depression.
  • Avitaminosis. The lack of calcium is especially affected - it is its lack that is most often accompanied by an unpleasant tingling sensation.
  • Reaction to medication. A side effect of many medications can be itching, burning, redness, and tingling. About all side effects medicinal product must be written in the instructions for use.
  • Availability bad habits. Smoking is one of them.
  • Bites of insects and animals.
  • Severe dehydration.

Most often, tingling in the feet lasts a short time. Short-term sensations occur with pressure on the "nerves" (for example, sleeping or sitting in an uncomfortable position). In this case, the tingling passes quite quickly, one has only to take the “correct” position. However, there are also more serious reasons sensation of tingling fingers.

Tingling and numbness of the legs

The main factors that can cause tingling or numbness of the limb are:

  • Intervertebral hernia, severe deformity of the spine.
  • Avitaminosis. Especially affects the long-term lack of vitamins, leading to various complications in the work of the body.
  • Ischemic heart disease, diseases of the vascular system.
  • Osteochondrosis.
  • Heavy chronic diseases(for example, diabetes mellitus of various degrees).
  • Pinched nerve.
  • Pathological conditions of the joints.

Neoplasms on the spine or multiple sclerosis can also become a factor, or cause tingling throughout the limb.

No less common is tingling in the legs of women during pregnancy. In their position, this feeling is associated with speed dial weight. The appearance of new kilograms significantly increases the load of the body on the legs, which leads to strong pressure, to which the vessels are exposed, the nerve endings are pressed.

At rest or at night, pregnant women often experience leg cramps, tingling, burning, and itching. Even frequent tingling in pregnant women does not cause any harm to either the health of the mother or the baby. However, if the tingling sensations have become quite painful, it is advisable to consult a doctor in order to diagnose possible pathology and recommendations for reducing or eliminating the feeling that something is colitis in the legs.

If the cause of the tingling was awkward position during sleep - there is no cause for concern. True, the discomfort of the left leg can be caused by very serious reasons that cannot be ignored with the constant repetition of alarming symptoms.

Diagnosis and treatment

If the tingling sensation began to appear with a certain frequency, doctors advise taking antihistamine. When the tingling is accompanied by other symptoms, especially pain, it is recommended to drink an analgesic. If the tingling still does not stop, you should consult a specialist to determine the cause of this phenomenon and, possibly, begin treatment.

The following specialists can help determine the diagnosis:

  • Neurologist.
  • Vascular surgeon.
  • Therapist / dermatologist.
  • Endocrinologist.

Common diagnostic methods are:

  • MRI/CT.
  • X-ray.
  • Ultrasound examination of the vessels of the legs.

If the tingling is caused by a blood flow disorder, the patient is prescribed medication and physical exercises aimed at improving blood flow, and preventing clogging of blood vessels. When diabetic is diagnosed, complex treatment (exact destination medications depends on the individual's condition and the type of diabetes).

For fungal infections, the patient is prescribed antibiotics. If the tingling is associated with constant stress and neurosis, the doctor may prescribe sedatives. In cases where no diseases were detected in the analyzes, then a person can simply be recommended to take drugs - antioxidants that restore nerve endings and improve blood flow in the vessels of the legs.

Appropriate research is indispensable in the process of diagnosing a tingling sensation in the area of ​​​​the fingers of the lower extremities. main goal here is the exclusion of the presence in the body of serious pathological conditions that may indicate the development of serious diseases: diabetes, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, vascular obstruction, oncological diseases and others.

Preventive measures

To avoid unpleasant tingling caused by a non-pathological condition of the body, simple actions will help:

  • Change of position in sleep or at rest.
  • Foot massage to improve blood circulation.
  • Wearing comfortable shoes without high heels.
  • Stop smoking and other bad habits.
  • Proper nutrition. The diet must be saturated fresh fruit, vegetables, milk, fish, meat.

The best prevention for tingling can be found in a healthy, active way life.

Any type of treatment must be agreed with the doctor of the appropriate direction. The doctor can prescribe a course of therapy only after the patient has passed all necessary analyzes and establishing exact reason why a person feels discomfort in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fingers.

If the most banal preventive methods when tingling fingers are not prohibited, then self-medication is categorically not recommended. This may lead to aggravation possible diseases. One of the most dire consequences self-medication can be the development of gangrene, requiring amputation of the leg.

On the leg, because such a phenomenon causes inconvenience and, in addition, makes you worry. So what is the reason for such a problem and what should be done in such cases?

Why is my finger numb?

Quite often, numbness and loss of sensation in the fingers occurs due to clamping blood vessel or nerve ending, which often happens when sitting for a long time in an uncomfortable position or wearing shoes with a narrow toe. But, unfortunately, a numb big toe can also be a symptom of a host of diseases:

What you should pay attention to

Undoubtedly, similar states may be accompanied by other symptoms. For example, numbness may be associated with a burning or tingling sensation. It is worth paying attention to the state of the whole organism: is there any weakness, shortness of breath, dizziness, fever, etc. It is important to notice whether the loss of sensitivity occurs immediately in all fingers or on both feet - this is extremely important for the diagnostic process. In any case, if your finger is numb and does not go away, you should seek help from a doctor. After all, the sooner the cause of such a violation is discovered, the more likely it is for a quick and effective treatment without complications.

Numb big toe: identifying the cause

In fact, therapy directly depends on the cause of the occurrence. given symptom because the underlying disease needs to be treated. For this purpose, the patient is prescribed some tests and tests, including x-ray examination. An examination by a neurologist is also mandatory, given that quite often the cause is precisely a violation normal operation peripheral nervous system. Only after collecting anamnesis and getting acquainted with the results of the examination, the specialist will be able to determine the disease and prescribe an effective treatment.

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