Su jok treatment. Su-jok therapy in speech therapy. Instructions for performing massage at home

Simple and effective technique su-jok has been known to the world since 1986. It has become part of onnuri medicine - a harmonious fundamental system that includes various methods acupuncture. The author of this "magic" - Korean doctor Professor Pak Je-woo - claims that the points located on the hands and feet are projections of all the internal organs of a person. And in order to get rid of any ailment, it is enough to find the appropriate point and act on it. The name of the technique consists of two words: “su” - “brush”, and “jock” - “foot”.

The reasons for the popularity of su-jok are simple:

  • availability of practice at home;
  • safety;
  • efficiency;
  • cheapness.

Unconditional advantages of su-jok therapy:

  • does not require knowledge of all anatomical subtleties;
  • based on massage, the principle of which is accessible and understandable;
  • Having mastered the simplest techniques, you can help yourself and others at any time and in any place.

Important: The su-jok technique is officially recognized by the Ministry of Health of Russia and classified as reflexology.

self first aid

Massage points at the base of the nail plate will help relieve dizziness and weakness. When coughing, massage the thumb or foot is necessary. To relieve toothache, we find pain points around the thumbnail - at a distance of 1-2 mm - and do a light massage with any object suitable for this. Enough 20-25 clicks to feel relief. If a person has lost consciousness, you must first vigorously massage the point under the thumb corresponding to the heart for 2-4 minutes, and then the fingertips. To calm the pain in the ear will help the impact on the points to the right and left of the nails of the thumbs and toes - use a probe or pen and massage until a feeling of warmth appears. We remove the increased pressure by intercepting the middle part of the thumb with a thin rubber band. When the upper phalanx turns blue, remove the gum and glue a grain of rice or buckwheat instead. We increase low pressure by gluing a few seeds of unpeeled buckwheat to the point of impact located on the upper phalanx of the thumb. And the seeds glued to the feet, when walking, stimulate all organs at once and are able to cure even chronic diseases.

Important: special prickly balls and massage spring rings used in su-jok are used to work with children with speech therapy problems, as well as children with cerebral palsy and developmental delay. Roll the balls on the table or the floor with your palms or feet, put the springs on your finger and move up and down until a slight redness and a feeling of warmth appear.

Expert comment

Grigory Dolgov, neurologist, head of the Su-Jok Therapy Clinic:
- Su-jok therapy is an advanced technology modern medicine. It absorbed all the previous experience of scientific development. The most important thing in the method is projection treatment. Everything goes first to the brain, then to the diseased organ. It's safe and progressive.

Points of harmony

It is unreasonable to count on the fact that a graceful figure will be obtained only thanks to the massage of points. But when combined with a balanced diet and an active lifestyle, su jock really works wonders. The technique has about two dozen points that contribute to weight loss, which are associated with the navel, stomach, mouth, large and small intestines and esophagus. But most of the points that affect weight loss are on the ears. A two-minute massage of the lobe where it joins the jaw reduces appetite. Do not require another serving and get enough faster will help the point behind the auricle on the temporomandibular joint - press it for 4 minutes in a row, and that's it! To drown out hunger, you need to attach buckwheat seeds to the points corresponding to the navel and pituitary gland (they are located in the palm of your hand), and press hard on them if you feel an unbearable desire to have a bite.

By the way:
in South Korea, the homeland of su-jok, the lowest level of obesity among the population is 4%. There is no such thing in any country in the world: average in the European Union - 18%, in the USA - 36%, in Russia - 30%.

Places to know


Learn by heart the location of the points you need and keep at hand what you can influence them. At home, matches, toothpicks, various probes and live, that is, plant seeds that have not lost their ability to germinate, will fit - they can be attached to the right places with adhesive tape.

  • The nail phalanx on the thumb corresponds to the head.
  • The pad of the thumb is the front part of the head.
  • The lower phalanx of the thumb is responsible for the condition of the neck.
  • Just below the level of the neck is the point of the nasopharynx, thyroid and parathyroid gland and some of the lungs.
  • The tenor of the palm (place of elevation next to the thumb) is the point of the chest with the heart, lungs and skeletal system.
  • The other surface of the inner part of the palm is responsible for the abdominal organs. Conventionally, it is divided into three parts horizontally. Near the wrist - points of correspondence to the spleen, stomach, gallbladder, liver and duodenum; central part- intestines; closer to the fingers - the organs of the small pelvis.
  • The index finger and little finger are responsible for the hands.
  • The middle and ring fingers are behind the legs.
  • The back of the hand is for the condition of the kidneys.

By analogy with this arrangement, the internal organs of a person have points of impact on the soles of the feet.

SuJok tools:

1) Special massagers - to stimulate points

2) Moxas - for warming up points

3) Needles and injectors for setting needles

SuJok therapy (Su-Jok) is one of the directions of ONNURI medicine developed by the South Korean professor Pak Je-woo. In Korean, Su means hand and Jok means foot. The Su-Jok diagnostic technique consists in searching on the hand and foot in certain areas, which are reflected reflex projections of the internal organs, muscles, spine, painful correspondence points (su-jok correspondence points), indicating a particular pathology. Possessing large quantity receptor fields, the hand and foot are associated with various parts of the human body. When a disease process occurs in the organs of the body, on the hands and feet, painful points of "correspondence" appear - associated with these organs. By finding these points, the sujok (su-jok) therapist can help the body cope with the disease by stimulating them with needles, magnets, mokasmi (warming sticks), light modulated by a certain wave, seeds (biologically active stimulants) and other influences, depending on the needs of the chosen method. treatment.

Later, similar receptor fields were discovered on the auricle (homosystems of auricular su-jok therapy), the scalp (scalp - su-jok scalp therapy), tongue and other parts of the body.

Using the principle of similarity between the body and the hand, Professor Pak proposed to carry out meridional acupuncture on it as well. The theory of the system of byol-meridians and their acupuncture points was developed and clinically confirmed. Developing the principles of classical Chinese medicine in Su-Jok therapy, Professor Pak developed treatment methods for harmonizing the Six Ki and Eight Ki, emotional and mental treatment through the meridians, treatment using the method of an open point, diamond, spiral energy system, triorigin.

To date, the Su-Jok system is slender and diverse, and its methods have proven themselves in the treatment of a variety of diseases.

SuJok with Alexander Smirnov in the Malakhov + program 09/23/2008 - SuJok treatment of back pain and hypertension.

SuJok with Alexander Smirnov in the Malakhov + program 10/14/2008 - Go away, insomnia! (su-jok recipes)

What is Su Jok Therapy

Health problem.

Currently, operating system health care is not effective enough. New diseases are emerging that the current system is powerless against: heart disease, cancer, AIDS, various forms hepatitis, mental disorders, stress, etc.

In addition, the high risks of modern medical technologies lead to a significant increase in health care costs as a result of overuse high technologies and medicines.

The frightening scenario of such a development in the coming millennia makes us think about the search for other, alternative options.

An effective solution.

The holistic healing system known as " alternative medicine”, which activates the internal resources and abilities of the body for effective fight with diseases, can replace conservative medicine.

Invented by prominent Korean philosopher Professor Park Jae-woo, Su Jok therapy is a new approach to treatment. Su Jok therapy is a treatment system consisting of various methods of preventing and treating diseases and restoring health without drugs. The theoretical basis of this healing system is the discovery of the self-regulation of the energy system of the human body: the human body is an integral mechanism in which everything is interconnected, each organ contains information about other parts of the human body. The palms and feet are the most accessible human organs through which it is possible to conveniently and effectively influence other parts of the body. They are a kind of remote control for the treatment of the whole organism.

Su-Jok system.

In Korean, Su is the palm and Jok is the foot. The theoretical basis of this treatment system is the discovery in each arm and leg of surfaces and points corresponding to certain bodies human body.

Su Jok acupuncture is a multi-dimensional system of treatment. First, it is a physical healing system that heals by simply stimulating specific points on the hands and feet. The palm, as a miniature system of the body, is the most symmetrical part of the human body, due to which it is easy to match the points on the hand to all organs. On the other hand, the most powerful and effective miniature body matching systems are found in the feet.

This type of therapy is very popular due to its ease, safety and effectiveness. He does not engage in prohibited or dangerous practices. You don't have to worry, su-jok therapy won't harm you.

The second method of treatment is the use of classical acupuncture methods to stimulate. The classic 12 main meridians, 8 additional meridians, and their accompanying points are represented precisely on the palms and feet. Su-jok therapy applies the theory and experience of classical acupuncture: the five elements of the theory of Yin-Yang, 6 Ki, 8 Ki.

These two methods are used independently of each other and are effective in the treatment of various diseases, however, a combination of both, according to the situation, will lead to the fastest results.

In addition to the above principles, Professor Park Jae Woo has developed: the homo-hetero principle, the chakra system, cosmic energy diagnostics, and many others.

Su Jok acupuncture is complete system healing, with a range of applications that combines Western and Eastern medicine.

A doctor practicing both alternative and conservative medicine with the help of Su Jok acupuncture will be able to choose the most appropriate treatment in each case. He will be able to heal wide range diseases of any area of ​​the body, including psychological.

Consider some diseases in which the use of su-jok therapy is effective:

This aspect is in some ways more important than the treatment of patients. You can stay healthy, strengthen and maintain the body's immunity by stimulating the corresponding points on the palms and feet, massaging them or inserting needles.

Headaches, disorders nervous system, mental disorders, ENT diseases, diseases of cardio-vascular system, digestive disorders, gynecological diseases and obesity are effectively treated with su-jok therapy.

In addition, Su Jok acupuncture is very useful in the treatment of cancer and other malignant tumors.

  • Mental and emotional protection.

Anger, fear, worries, as a rule, are an integral and inevitable part of normal life, but in order for them not to develop into constant anxiety, depression, hypertension and other problems, some protection is needed, which su-jok therapy provides with its methods: emotional and mental treatment through the meridians.

How does su jok work?

Su-jok is a general term that describes a new treatment system that includes various methods of stimulating just the feet and hands using fingers, plant seeds, needles, stones or magnets.

The principle behind Su Jok is that there is a continuous flow of energy in each of us. The goal of therapy is to balance imbalanced energies in the body, tissues and cells. To do this, the doctor first looks for problem points, then begins to stimulate them. Due to which, new energy flows appear in the body. These flows are sent to the diseased organ and eliminate disturbances in it at the physical and energy levels. As a result, Su Jok gives almost instant relief.

You can get free consultation, without leaving home.

Health By Will

Hypertension. How to quickly lower blood pressure

Recipes, tools, techniques and techniques that you can use to quickly reduce arterial pressure, with unexpected sharp rise.

Choose a tool that is affordable and acceptable to you.

Tightly pull the first phalanx of the thumb (the area corresponding to the brain) with an elastic band or rope, thread. Keep it straight up - a sign of "all is well." After 5-10 minutes, the finger should turn blue from lack of blood circulation. Sharply remove the rope and lower your finger down - a sign "everything is bad." The pressure will drop sharply.

Paint the tips of all fingers with a felt-tip pen in black or brown, and then seeds of radish, millet, buckwheat and other plants are attached to the painful correspondence points.

Mustard plaster or pepper patch

Cut a piece of mustard plaster, dip it in warm water, fix it on the skin in the areas corresponding to the legs, located on the palmar surface of the middle phalanges of the third and fourth fingers of the hands, until a burning sensation and reddening of the skin appear.

Impact on acupuncture points

Put your index finger in the recess under the earlobe, press and draw along a vertical line to the middle of the collarbone. Do not press or press on this line, just stroke the skin with your finger from top to bottom. Swipe 8-10 times on each side of the head to partially relieve pressure.

Gently massage for 1 minute a point on the face: at the level of the edge of the earlobe, half a centimeter from the ear towards the nose, slightly above the location of the cheekbone along the line from the earlobe to the tip of the nose. The degree of pressure on the point should be strong, but not cause pain.

Massage the point located in the area between the eyebrows for 1 minute. Pressing should not cause pain.

The qu-chi point is located in the corner, which is formed when the arm is bent at the elbow joint. In the middle of the line between the bone (condyle) of the elbow and the ulnar crease. Impact: slow massaging rotational movements or gradual pressure. Can be done on both hands

You can influence the point both with an increase in blood pressure and with

fever, as well as anemia, allergies, eczema and furunculosis.

cold towel

Place a folded towel soaked in cold water on the lower abdomen. Cooling the abdominal area will force the blood from the heart to “rush” to warm the abdomen.

Wet 2 towels with cold water, wring out and wrap the calves of the legs, cover the legs with a blanket.

Put mustard plasters for 10-15 minutes: on the calves and on the back of the head or on the calves and on the shoulders.

Foot mustard baths

2 tablespoons of mustard in a bucket of water with a sharp increase in blood pressure.

Attach honey cake on the seventh cervical vertebra. Wait until the honey has melted, and lubricate the skin in this place with olive oil or butter. During this procedure, you must lie on your stomach on a flat surface. The pressure will drop in 5 minutes. You can apply this method in the fight against pressure in preventive purposes- once a week for a month.

Foot garlic bath

Contrasting foot garlic baths with a sharp change of water from hot to very cold. First, dip your feet in a hot garlic bath for 2 minutes, then in a cold one for 30 seconds. Repeat this procedure for 20 minutes. The last bath should be cold.

Honey, lemon, mineral water

Dissolve one tablespoon of honey in one glass of mineral water, add the juice of half a lemon. Drink on an empty stomach at one time, 7-10 days. The tool is used not only for hypertension, but also for insomnia and increased excitability.

A glass of kefir + a teaspoon of cinnamon. Mix thoroughly and drink 1 glass a day. Course 2 weeks. Check the pressure and repeat after a week if necessary.

Hot peppers

Juice of freshly squeezed jalapeno-type hot peppers (start with a few drops).

First aid for heart attack. Three Finger Combination

Bend your index finger so that it touches the base of the thumb with the pad. At the same time, fold the middle, ring and thumb fingers with the pads, the little finger remains straightened.

This combination is used for pain in the heart, heart attack, tachycardia, arrhythmias, discomfort in the heart with anxiety and longing, myocardial infarction. When this combination is performed with both hands, relief comes immediately, as with the use of nitroglycerin.

In the evening, put a glass of ordinary water, an empty glass and a basin near the bed. Waking up in the morning, stretching, get up, pick up a glass of water and an empty glass. Raise a high glass of water and pour water into an empty one and so on 30 times. All that remains to drink slowly, in small sips. Every day there will be more and more water. In a month, the pressure will be normal.

These tools can help you emergency, but are not a means of treatment, since they do not eliminate the cause of arterial hypertension.

If you decide to get rid of arterial hypertension forever, you can fill out a questionnaire and we will tell you how we can help in your case. With us you can identify and eliminate cause of your hypertension using only natural remedies and methods.

The Su-Jok therapy method was created by South Korean professor Pak Je-woo in 1986. This healing system is deeply rooted in ancient Traditional Oriental medicine. Deeply rethinking the experience of traditional medicine and modern achievements of science, Professor Pak Jae Woo made a huge step in the development of reflexology.

His healing system is effective, simple and has won worldwide recognition.

History and ideology of the method

Modern medicine, having quite effective means for first aid, prerequisite the effectiveness of its implementation requires the presence of special medical preparations and tools, as well as complex skills to perform techniques of assistance. At the same time, some of the recommendations for providing medical care for a number of diseases do not imply any intervention, and the victim must endure often unbearable pain and simply wait for an examination by a qualified medical worker. But why endure pain? Wouldn't it be better to get rid of it and calmly wait for the doctor? Su Jok is a universal method of treating mild diseases without medication, without harming the entire body. First aid method for emergency conditions. A method that is specific to each given disease. A method that does not require significant material costs and special medical knowledge, complex skills and tools. A method that every person at any age can master and use in their daily life for the benefit of their health and the health of their loved ones.

Everyone knows acupuncture, which has a four-thousand-year history, and its varieties - acupressure, exposure to biologically active points with heat, electricity, etc. These treatment methods are the prerogative of medical specialists require lengthy preparation. In the hands of an amateur, attempts to treat them can not only be beneficial, but also cause irreparable harm. After many years of careful research and clinical experience, Korean Professor Park Jae Woo, Academician of the IAS (Berlin), President of the Korean Institute of Su-Jok, President of the International Association of Su-Jok Physicians (London, 1991) introduced a new acupuncture system, affecting only the hand and foot. Hands and feet are most often subject to mechanical and other types of irritation during walking or any work, which ensures the maintenance of health in the body. We owe it to them that we do not get sick all the time. We begin to grind the brushes first of all in severe frost. Warm feet are the basis of a comfortable state in cold weather. When a disease occurs in some place of the body, points or zones appear in the correspondence systems of the hand and foot hypersensitivity, when exposed to which, an impulse arises that goes to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe disease, which indicates to the body a pathology, and the body takes measures to get rid of it.

The essence of the treatment is to find the most painful points in one of the correspondence systems, in the zone of correspondence to the diseased organ or place, and act on them using one of the methods available to each: mechanical massage, magnetic field, biological power of living seeds, heating, color. This alone leads to recovery in the initial stages of diseases, helps prevent serious consequences in life-threatening conditions, prevents the development of exacerbations of chronic
diseases. Giving practical recommendations for treatment, it is deliberately said only about the impact on the hands, since it is easier and more convenient to influence the hands when providing self-help and mutual assistance. Acupressure points on the feet are also very effective in healing. If desired, everyone can find matching points on the feet, guided by the drawings of the hands, while taking into account that the hands and feet have a fundamentally the same structure.

Video on the history of the Su Jok method

Basic Compliance Systems

The main systems are called correspondence systems in which the entire body is projected onto the hand or foot. In this case, the thumb corresponds to the head, the palm and sole correspond to the body, the III and IV fingers of the hands and feet correspond to the legs, and the II and IV fingers of the hands and feet correspond to the hands.

When searching for matching points, the brush is placed palm forward. Forefinger right hand and the little finger of the left hand correspond right hand. The middle finger of the right hand and the ring finger of the left hand correspond to the right foot. The ring finger of the right hand and the middle finger of the left hand correspond to the left foot. The little finger of the right hand and the index finger of the left hand correspond to the left hand. The elevation of the palm at the base of the thumb corresponds to the chest, and the palm as a whole corresponds to the abdomen.

Scheme of correspondence of organs on the legs. The foot correspondence system is based on the same principles as the basic hand correspondence system. The foot is similar in structure to the hand, the hand is similar to the body. Since the foot is subjected to considerable natural stimulation during movement, the correspondence system located in it is especially effective.

The presented figure clearly displays the points of projections of the organs of the human body on the sole and palm. To stimulate these correspondence points at home, you can use both special tools and seeds, small pebbles, beads, massagers, or perform simple point stimulation with your finger.

Minisystems of correspondence of fingers and toes. Each finger and toe is like the human body as a whole. The finger has 3 parts - phalanges, and the body without limbs has three parts - the head, chest and abdominal cavity. These parts are clearly demarcated from each other both on the body and on the finger. This is the so-called "insect" correspondence system.
Mini-systems of correspondence at the fingertips of the hands and feet. Considering the bone base of the fingers as a spine, it is possible to stimulate the correspondences of the affected vertebrae from different angles. This is one of the great advantages of this system. On each of the fingers and toes, there is an "insect" treatment system, in which the last phalanx corresponds to the head, the middle phalanx to the chest, and the first to the abdominal cavity. The correspondence of the joints of the arms and legs is in the position of bending at the border of the Yin-Yang of the fingers.

Video on the Su Jok correspondence system

Medical points of Su Jok

In order to find a healing point of correspondence to a diseased organ or a diseased part of the body, you need to know how the body is projected onto the hand or foot. Then, by evenly pressing in the intended area with a match, a non-sharp pencil or a special diagnostic stick, you can determine the exact location of the treatment point of correspondence.

With a probe (or any object with a rounded end with a diameter of about 2 mm), press in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe disease corresponding to the degree of tolerable pain. The points where the pain will sharply increase with the same pressure force will be the points of correspondence, the points of treatment of this disease. The advantage of this system is its simplicity, safety and efficiency. It can be used by both health workers and trained people for self-medication.
The intended points should be pressed with equal force and, what is very important, not too hard from the very beginning. The healing point manifests itself in that at the moment of pressure on it, a motor reaction appears (involuntary movement due to sharp pain). Precise definition dots are only half the battle. To achieve a therapeutic effect, it is necessary to be able to stimulate it correctly. This can be done in different ways.

Video on finding Su Jok matching points

Methods of influencing correspondence points

Press the most painful of the points found to a tolerable pain and massage it with a vibrating movement for 1-2 minutes. Thus, it is possible to act with only one point or with several, or massage the entire correspondence zone with a massage roller or a massage ring. For a mechanical effect on the correspondence points, you can use many improvised means: small pebbles, metal or other material balls, grains of cereals, etc. These objects are glued with a sticky patch on the correspondence points and periodically massaged - for example, every hour for 1-2 minutes.
After finding the point, you need to press it hard enough with a diagnostic stick (you can use any non-sharp object instead - a match, a pen, or even your own nail). After the pain under the diagnostic wand has passed, you can continue to massage the point with rotational movements clockwise and counterclockwise, pressing the wand a little harder. It is necessary to massage the treatment point completely once until the residual pain disappears and a feeling of warmth appears in it. In the case of chronic diseases, a single exposure to the points is not enough. Correctly found points should be massaged with force for 3-5 minutes every 3-4 hours daily, until the condition improves. Repeated massage of the correspondence zones leads to an improvement in the condition, in some cases this happens very quickly.

warming up

Heat, as an expanding energy, has a stimulating effect, therefore, in a number of diseases associated with a lack of energy or an excess of cold, warming up the correspondence points has a good effect. Warming is carried out with special wormwood sticks (moxas), which are installed on the skin directly without additional devices or with the help of special stands. Moxa is set on fire and smolders, warming up the point of correspondence. Warming up points or areas of correspondence on the hand and foot can also be carried out simply with a warm object of the appropriate configuration and size.

Moxotherapy is very effective for colds, flu.

With the initial manifestations of a cold (flu), carry out 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 warming up of active points on the hands or feet with an interval of 12 or 24 hours. If it took more than one warm-up to eliminate the symptoms, then the disease without treatment would be more difficult, the more warm-ups you had before the cure. Moxibustion will also have an effect if you are late with treatment and start it in the midst of an illness. If you do not have moxa, then you can use any available method to warm up the active points or the entire palm, including the palmar surface of the thumb. This can be done by placing your palms over a heat source or, for example, pour hot water into a glass jar - cover it with your palms or feet and heat them for 10-15 minutes.
In the treatment of almost all chronic diseases, moxibustion can be used as an auxiliary method of treatment. peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum, chronic bowel disease, chronic skin diseases (psoriasis, eczema, neurodermatitis, sluggish dermatitis, etc.), chronic respiratory diseases.
All weakened and elderly people are shown moxibustion as an auxiliary method of treating a disease or a means of increasing the general tone of the body, increasing its vitality. In these cases, treatment is carried out in sessions of 5-10 procedures.
Almost all people, and especially those over 40 years old, with feelings of malaise, weakness, weakness, fatigue, dissatisfaction with their well-being, can conduct moxotherapy sessions for themselves. The number of procedures is chosen by the patient himself, depending on his well-being.

It is undesirable to use this technique for the treatment hypertension and hyperthyroidism.

Wormwood cigars are also used to warm correspondence points and energy points. Warming up points is carried out remotely, until you feel persistent heat in the heated area.

Various magnets are widely used to stimulate correspondence zones: ring, round, magnetic arrows, you can use magnets from road chess. With the help of a plaster, magnets are attached to the healing points of the hands and feet. The magnet is placed at the most painful point. The magnetic star combines two directions of action on the correspondence point - mechanical and magnetic field.

Treatment with natural stimulants-seeds

Everyone knows the power of germinating seeds, when a gentle-looking bore breaks through dense soil. This potential energy of theirs is used in Su Jok therapy. Seeds are glued with a sticky patch on the zone corresponding to the pathological process. The action of the seed on the correspondence points is also carried out in two directions - mechanical and bioenergetic influence. Seeds are the most commonly used surface applicators of natural origin. As living biological structures, seeds have a large supply of vital energy necessary for the development of a new plant. When the seeds are fixed on the correspondence points, they awaken, and their biological fields interact with the “correspondence balls” of diseased organs and body parts, restoring their energy potential.

Seeds that are intact and able to germinate are selected for treatment. Usually seeds of radishes, beets, buckwheat, peas, beans, peppers, flax, apples, grapes, pomegranates, viburnum, pumpkins, etc. are used. Seeds are attached to a piece of adhesive plaster, and then fixed on a hand or foot. When choosing seeds, their shape should be taken into account. For diseases of the internal organs, it is better to use seeds with a similar shape. For example, heart diseases can be treated with viburnum seeds, kidney diseases with bean seeds, lung diseases with buckwheat seeds, grape seeds are used for pancreatitis, etc. The time of application of seeds varies from several hours to a day. You can additionally press on them (with a frequency of one or two times an hour for 3-5 minutes). If it is necessary to continue treatment, after a day the seeds are replaced with new ones, and the procedure is repeated.

color treatment

Many diseases, especially diseases that have external manifestations, can be treated with color. If the disease is manifested only by redness, there is still no swelling and pain, it must be treated. in black. If the disease is manifested by swelling, itching, mild dull transient pain, it must be treated. in green . If the disease manifests itself significant, but not constant pain, the appearance of erosion, it must be treated in red . If the disease is manifested by severe constant pain, ulcers appear, the affected area acquires a grayish-black tint, it must be treated yellow . To apply color therapy, you need to paint the points or areas of correspondence with a felt-tip pen of the appropriate color, or stick colored paper with a colored surface to the skin.

You can get acquainted with other methods of influence and treatment of Su-Jok therapy from the books on Su-Jok by Pak Jae-Wu and his followers.

Video about methods and means of Su Jok therapy

Preventive hand and foot massage

With your index or thumb, carefully examine the surface of the hands and feet on both sides. At the same time, you will find painful areas, various seals, spasmodic areas of the muscles. These are signals about the beginning disorder in your body. Such zones should be massaged well with your fingers until a feeling of warmth appears in them, the pain and hardening disappear.
If you know which of your organs is sick or weakened, then especially carefully massage the zones of its correspondence.
Remember that massage of the fingertips and nail plates of the hands and feet is very useful. These areas correspond to the brain. In addition, the entire human body is projected onto them in the form of minisystems of correspondence. Therefore, the fingertips must be massaged until a persistent sensation of warmth. This has a healing effect on the entire body.
A person should not endure pain - take it off yourself, which will help speed up recovery, mobilize the body's forces to fight the disease, but if necessary, contact a doctor so that he can properly assess your condition.

Table of contents

  • Natalya Olshevskaya
    Golden Su Jok Recipes

    What is su jock

    You have certainly heard of acupuncture treatments. So, the su-jok method is also acupuncture, but the most modern, based on a completely new worldview, which in turn is based on new theories and the doctrine of the human energy system.

    The birthplace of su-jok is Korea, but it is based not only on the knowledge of Korean medicine. No, su-jok absorbed the experience of healers of many peoples of the world. At its core - centuries-old history folk and non-traditional, Tibetan and Chinese medicine, esotericism, occultism, manual therapy. And most importantly, he absorbed the ultra modern knowledge on acupuncture.

    It is possible that neither you nor your friends and acquaintances have heard anything about the su-jok method. There is nothing surprising! After all, interest in oriental medicine increased only at the end of the 20th century, and before this area of ​​​​knowledge was available only to a narrow circle of specialists. Oriental medicine was completely unpopular in the West, and in the socialist countries it was completely banned until the 1960s. And now, finally, it's time to start studying such subtle and powerful energies as the Energy of the fields and Psychic energy, since they are the main and defining energies of the Cosmos and man!

    Non-traditional medicine began to revive, which received its names by country and region - Chinese, Indian, Tibetan, Egyptian, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese.

    It should be noted that all Eastern medicine is based on esoteric, occult and holistic knowledge and is based on fundamental ancient philosophy.

    The person is viewed as a healer from within; it establishes the energetic cause-and-effect relationship of the disease. This connection is manifested and traced in the body at three energy levels - physical, emotional and mental - in the form of certain symptoms (the same symptoms are manifested in human behavior).

    Modern names of this medicine have appeared, bearing a certain semantic significance: non-traditional, folk, alternative, acupuncture (corporal and hand acupuncture) and, as a new direction, energy-informational, vibrational, Einsteinian, esogetic, quantum, holistic medicine, manual therapy and Onnuri medicine.

    Onnuri medicine is a new vision of the causes and mechanisms of disease development, and su-jok is an integral part of this medicine. As already mentioned, he absorbed not only the knowledge of Korean, Chinese, Indian, Egyptian, Tibetan medicine, but also modern knowledge of acupuncture.

    Translated from Korean, su-jok means: su - brush, jock - foot.

    Why is the su-jok method called a bright diamond in the constellation of oriental medicine? Why is it so good that it was adopted by doctors from different countries and continents?

    Su-jok is highly effective. If you apply it correctly, the result will appear in a few minutes, and sometimes even seconds. This method is absolutely safe. After all, it was created by nature itself! This is easy to prove. For example, when walking, running, working with your hands, the correspondence points are naturally stimulated and the body is protected from diseases. That is why they say that movement is the best cure for all diseases. As for the artificial stimulation of these points, we can say the following: correct application this method leads to a cure, and the wrong method simply does not give desired effect but does no harm.

    Su-jok is a universal method. It can be used to treat any part of the body, any organ, any joint.

    It is an environmentally friendly, drug-free method of treatment. It is applicable in the treatment and prevention of various diseases, as well as in the provision of emergency and emergency care in extraordinary situations. There are times when it is impossible to provide assistance in a matter of minutes by conventional methods.

    Su-jok is available to everyone. Once you understand its essence, you can use it for the rest of your life.

    Chakras and meridians

    Each of us has some own resonant frequency to which every cell of the body responds. In other words, the body accurately and easily “learns” the frequency of its electromagnetic field. By the way, we call this phenomenon a personal biofield, or an aura.

    And this is what happens: if acupuncture needles are inserted into certain points of the human body, then the needles, like antennas, will pick up from the Cosmos the radiation of only its inherent resonant frequency. They will be able to receive impulses emanating from the Sun, which, as you know, is the source of all life.

    Let's give an explanation. Our physical body is controlled energy system in the form of chakras and meridians located on various parts of the body, for example, on the hands and feet, that is, in those places where energy circulates.

    Many people know what chakras are - these are our energy centers. But not everyone knows about the existence of meridians. These are the lines of force of the fields emanating from the internal organs - physical, emotional and metaphysical. You can explain this to a friend. You naturally know what an aura is. So, the meridians are the lines of force of our auric sphere.

    Thus, through the needle, energy is received or given off at a certain frequency at a given point. And this process depends on the position of the needle relative to the direction of the energy flow in the meridian or chakra.

    Su-jok is a method of treatment on the hands, feet, fingers and their nail zones (and sometimes, by the way, on the auricles, but we will not talk about this in this book). Each of these parts of the body is an independent system and, as it were, a miniature copy of the human body. And if so, then on any of these sections you can find a point corresponding to another point located on the body.

    It turns out a whole system of correspondence: hands and feet copy not only anatomical structure organism, but also its functional state.

    And interestingly, this system also has its own miniature energy systems. They are represented by belmeridians on the fingers and toes, belchakras (that is, energy centers) - on the hands and feet themselves.

    The word "bel" means "special, special, reduced." Belmeridians and belchakras are mainly responsible for the energy supply of a person with correspondence systems, since they are energetically connected with the meridians and chakras of the whole body. They interact both with them and with the external environment, supplying the body with active vital energy and controlling the energy supply system.

    Compliance systems and disease treatment

    So, we found out what meridial and chakra points are; realized that with their help it is possible to influence the movement of energy. Doctors who practice su-jok are convinced that such an impact can also achieve a therapeutic effect. This whole meridian-chakra system they call heterosystem, and the treatment carried out with its help is metaphysical.

    In addition, adherents of the su-jok method argue that there is another energy system in the correspondence systems, which has its own levels and sizes - from the largest to the microscopic. It - homosystem. Thanks to it, such quantities as a cell, a head, a hand, every internal organ, bone or joint, are projected into the correspondence systems.

    The homosystem is integrating: it plays important role in the transformation of body parts into a single whole and is involved in the process of self-regulation. And if so, then for convenience we will call it self-regulation system. “Okay,” you say, “we all understood about correspondence systems, different levels and points, but who said that they can be treated with their help?” Really, let's see, what is the connection here?

    It is clear that in healthy body human all organs and energy system are in a balanced state. The information that everything is in order, the person is healthy, is transmitted to all correspondence systems with the help of wave vibrations. When a disease-causing external or internal (as well as psycho-emotional) factor influences the body, an imbalance of energies occurs in one or more organs.

    And as soon as one or another organ fails, each system receives different information and immediately reacts. How? And the following: at the corresponding points, pain sensitivity immediately increases. And by stimulating these points, treatment is carried out.

    So, we already know: su is a hand, jock is a foot, and we also know that any organ can be influenced through the hand and foot. Let's see how it's done.

    We remember that on the hands and feet there are systems of highly active points of correspondence to all organs and parts of the body. Arranged in a strict order, they reflect in a reduced form the anatomical structure of the body. If they are properly stimulated, it is possible to have a pronounced therapeutic and prophylactic effect on the relevant organs.


    By what signs does the hand correspond to the structure of the human body?

    1. By the number of protruding parts. The body has five protruding parts: a head, two arms and two legs; and the hand and foot still have five fingers.

    2. By the level of the protruding parts. In the human body, the head occupies the highest position, then the arms, and at the very bottom, the legs. In the natural position of the hand, the thumb occupies the highest position, the middle and ring fingers the lowest, and the index and little fingers are between them.

    3. By direction of protruding parts. The head is directed upwards, towards the sky, and the arms and legs are directed downwards, towards the earth. In the natural position of the hand, the direction of the thumb is different from the direction of the rest.

    4. Byproportions of the dimensions of the protruding parts. The head is the shortest and widest of the protruding parts of the body, the legs are the longest, and the arms are medium in size. In the hand, the thumb is short and wide compared to the rest of the fingers, the middle and ring fingers are the longest, and the index and little fingers are medium in size.

    5. By the number of segments at the protruding parts. The head has two parts - the head itself and the neck. At the arms and legs - three parts, separated by joints (shoulder, forearm, hand; thigh, lower leg, foot). The thumb has two phalanges, the other four fingers have three phalanges, separated by joints.

    6. Bylike a thumb to the head. The thumb is similar in shape to the head more than any other of the fingers.

    7. Bythe significance of the protruding parts. The head controls the trunk and limbs. The thumb of the hand can freely touch the palm and all other fingers. It plays an important role in holding objects.

    When searching for matching points, the hand is placed with the palm forward (Fig. 1).

    Rice. one. The system of correspondence of points of the hand to human organs

    The index finger of the right hand and the little finger of the left hand correspond to the right hand; the middle finger of the right hand and the ring finger of the left hand - the right foot; the ring finger of the right hand and the middle finger of the left hand - the left foot; the little finger of the right hand and the index finger of the left hand - the left hand; the elevation of the palm at the base of the thumb is the chest, and the palm as a whole corresponds to the abdomen.


    The foot correspondence system is based on the same principles as the basic hand correspondence system.

    The foot is similar in structure to the hand, the hand is similar to the body (Fig. 2).

    Rice. 2. The system of correspondence of points of the foot to human organs

    Since the foot is subjected to considerable natural stimulation during movement, the correspondence system located in it is especially effective.

    Standard Compliance System

    AT Chinese medicine It is generally accepted that illness is inseparable from Yin and Yang. normal development life of the organism is possible only with the constant maintenance of a certain balance. When the balance is disturbed, disease can occur in the body: Yin increases, and Yang weakens; Yang is getting stronger and Yin is getting weaker. Strengthening Yang means hot, strengthening Yin means cold. Thus, the main principle of the treatment of the disease is to restore the balance between Yin and Yang.

    Rice. 3. Correspondence of the hands and feet of the Yang surface of the human body

    According to ancient Chinese concepts, the surface of the human body is clearly divided into Yin and Yang areas. It happens like this: when a person bends down, the Yang surface turns outward (Fig. 3), and the Yin surface turns inward (Fig. 4).

    Rice. four. Correspondence of the hands and feet to the Yin surface of the human body

    If you squeeze the brush into a fist, then the palmar surface will be inside (Yin), and the back surface will be outside (Yang). Therefore, in standard correspondence systems, the Yang surface of the body is projected onto the back surfaces of the hands and feet, and the Yin surface of the body corresponds to the palmar and plantar surfaces of the hands and feet. What is the Standard Compliance System? It is achieved in a standard standing position with arms down. In this case, the arms and legs are turned outward, and the palms and soles are turned forward. In this position, the entire Yin surface of the body is facing forward, and the entire Yang surface is facing back.

    Diaphragm projections

    The diaphragm divides the body into the chest and abdomen. On the hand and foot, the diaphragm has two projections, which are called the upper and lower lines of the diaphragm.

    When searching for points of correspondence to organs located above the diaphragm, they are guided by the upper line of the diaphragm. It limits the correspondence of the chest from below.

    The upper line of the diaphragm on the Yin surface of the hand occupies part of the line of life, and on the Yang surface of the hand it passes under the base of the first metacarpal bone.

    The upper line of the diaphragm on the Yin surface of the foot runs along the skin fold that envelops the non-phalangeal joint of the thumb, and on the Yang surface of the foot, at the base of the metatarsal bone (Fig. 5).

    Rice. 5. Diaphragm projections on the hand and foot

    Finding correspondences to the parts of the body located above the diaphragm is carried out in such a position of the hands and feet, when the thumb is directed upwards, and the Yin surface of the hand or foot is facing forward. This is the first standard hand and foot position.

    To determine the points of correspondence to the organs of the abdominal cavity, the lower line of the diaphragm, which limits these organs from above, serves as a guideline. On the hand, it runs along the skin fold of the wrist joint, closest to the palm, both on Yang and Yin surfaces.

    The location of the two projections of the diaphragm on the foot is determined in the same way. To search for correspondences to the limbs and parts of the body located below the diaphragm, the second standard position of the hand and foot is used. In this position, all the fingers and toes are pointing down, and their Yin surfaces are facing forward.

    Median lines of the body

    The human body is built on the principle of bilateral symmetry and is divided into two halves - right and left. On the border between the left and right halves, the anterior median line runs along the anterior surface of the body, and the posterior median line runs along the posterior surface of the body. The projections of the median lines of the body are on the lines of symmetry of the hands and feet (Fig. 6).

  • Rice. 6. Correspondence to the median lines of the body:

    On the hands and feet there are projections of both the left and right halves of the body. The correspondence to the right half of the body is on the right, and the correspondence to the left half is to the left of the line of symmetry.

    Notice the lines of symmetry on the Yang surfaces of the hands and feet. On the first (main) phalanx of the thumb there is a correspondence to the cervical spine. Correspondence to the eight upper thoracic vertebrae is located on the first metacarpal (metatarsal) bone. Further, the projection of the spine is interrupted. Starting at the ninth thoracic vertebrae, the line of the spine follows between the third and fourth metacarpal (metatarsal) bones to the skinfold between the third and fourth toes. In this area there is a correspondence to the four lower thoracic vertebrae (from the ninth to the twelfth), the five lumbar vertebrae, the sacrum and the coccyx (Fig. 7).

    Rice. 7. The structure of the spine: 1 - left shoulder joint; 2 - right shoulder joint; 3 - left elbow joint; 4 - right elbow joint; 5 6 7 8 9 – left knee joint; 10 - right knee joint 11 12 - right ankle joint

    In the human body, the kidneys and adrenal glands are located in the lumbar region on both sides of the spine, so their projections are on the Yang surfaces of the hands and feet (Fig. 8).

    Rice. eight. Correspondence system of the spine on the hands and feet

    Above the correspondences to the upper poles of the kidneys are the correspondences to the adrenal glands. The third joints of the fingers correspond to the wrist and ankle joints, the second joints of the fingers correspond to the elbow and knee joints. And on the first joints of the fingers there are correspondences to the shoulder and hip joints of the corresponding limbs.

    "Insect System"

    Each finger and toe is like the human body as a whole. The finger has 3 parts - phalanges; the body without limbs has three parts - the head, thorax and abdomen. These parts are clearly demarcated from each other both on the body and on the finger. Such a system is called the “insect system”.

    The nail (second) phalanges of the thumbs and toes correspond to the human head. It is easy to guess that the Yin surface corresponds to the face, and the Yang surface corresponds to the back of the head. On the side surfaces fingers are projected limbs in a bent state. The correspondences to the hands are on the middle phalanges of the fingers; projections of the legs - on the main phalanges of the fingers.

    The first phalanx of the thumb corresponds to the neck. The larynx, pharynx, thyroid gland, muscles and vessels of the neck, part of the esophagus and trachea are projected onto its Yin surface.

    On the muscular eminence at the base of the big toe and the ball of the first toe are the projections of the organs of the chest; along the line of symmetry - correspondence to the trachea. The boundary between the upper and middle thirds of the line of symmetry corresponds to the place where the trachea divides into two main bronchi. At the level of the lower half of the line of symmetry and a little to the left there is a correspondence to the heart. Correspondences to the lungs occupy the rest of the area of ​​the projection of the chest. To the right of the line of symmetry is the correspondence right lung, from left to left (Fig. 9).

    Rice. 9. Correspondence of the surfaces of the hand and foot with the internal organs located above the diaphragm

    The abdominal cavity can be divided into three "tiers" - upper, middle and lower. The upper third of the palm and sole corresponds to the liver, gallbladder, stomach, spleen, pancreas, and duodenum. The middle third of the palm and sole is projected onto the small intestine, and along the edges and above it is bordered by the zone of correspondence to the large intestine. In the center of the palm and sole is the projection of the navel. The lower third of the palm and sole corresponds to the organs of the small pelvis (Fig. 10).

    Rice. ten. Correspondence of the surfaces of the hand and foot with the internal organs located below the diaphragm

    When looking for points of correspondence in the "insect system", the fingers should be raised up, and their Yin surface facing forward. It is clear that the Yin surface of the body is projected onto the Yin surface of the fingers, and the Yang surface of the fingers corresponds to the Yang surface of the body. This system seems complicated only at first glance. But take a closer look: everything in it is built simply and logically. Correspondences to the head, chest and abdomen are lined up sequentially, clear guidelines are visible on the fingers for finding treatment points. All this allows you to successfully and without much difficulty apply the su-jok method.

    Mini Body Compliance Systems

    In standard body correspondence systems on the hands and feet, the hands and feet themselves are projected onto the nail phalanges of the fingers. At the same time, they contain a complete information copy of the organism, called the mini-correspondence system. On the nail phalanges of the second and fifth, as well as the thumbs of the hands and feet, there are mini-systems of correspondence to the body, repeating in form the standard correspondence system of the hand; on the nail phalanxes of the third and fourth fingers of the hands and feet, there are mini-systems of correspondence to the body, repeating the standard system of correspondence of the foot (Fig. 11).

    Rice. eleven. Mini Compliance System

    Knowledge of the peculiarities of the location of the projections of body parts and organs in the standard correspondence systems of the hands and feet is also necessary in the treatment of mini-systems. It should be noted that the use of miniature body correspondence systems located on the nail phalanges of the fingers gives excellent results in the provision of medical care.

    Su-jok: treatment methods

    In su-jok, there are two methods of treatment - metaphysical, used by acupuncturists, and self-regulating (homomethod), to which each of us can resort.

    What is metaphysical method? We have already said that through the energy points of the byol-meridians and belchakras there is an exchange of energy between human organs, as well as between organs and the external environment. Let's assume that there is some imbalance in the speed of this exchange. By influencing points with needles, one can not only change the speed of energy flow in the byol-channel and in the byol-chakra, but also establish a qualitative state of the energy flow. All this will lead to a change in the flow rate physiological processes in the body or in a separate organ at the cellular level.

    The metaphysical method of treatment is used mainly when the method of self-regulation does not work.

    What is self-regulation method? In a diseased organ, due to a violation of energy flows, a kind of energy closure occurs, generating electromagnetic waves. They are directed to all systems of correspondence and are presented in the form of pain "balls of correspondence". Natural and artificial stimulation of these "correspondence balls" leads to the appearance of therapeutic electromagnetic waves, which are sent back to the affected area, eliminating energy and energy disturbances in it. physical levels.

    How to find a healing point?

    As already mentioned, in order to provide effective assistance, you need to find and stimulate treatment points corresponding to certain areas of the body. The main thing is not to violate the established order of searching for these points.

    Stage one. Determine which of the seven areas of the body (head, four limbs, chest and abdomen) pathological process, and find the corresponding area on the hand or foot.

    Stage two. Give the brush (foot) the first or second standard position, depending on where the affected area is located - above or below the diaphragm.

    We remind you! The first standard position is achieved while standing with arms down. In this case, the arms and legs are turned outward, and the palms and soles are turned forward.

    The second standard position looks like this: all the fingers and toes are pointing down, and their Yin surfaces are facing forward.

    Stage three. Check the location of the disease in terms of the Yin and Yang surfaces of the body, and select the appropriate area of ​​the hand or foot.

    Stage four. Determine in which half of the body - left or right - the pathological process takes place: if on the left, then the correspondence zones should be sought on the left side in relation to the lines of symmetry of the hand or foot; if on the right, then, of course, they are to the right of the lines of symmetry.

    Stage five. When treating the trunk, you will find the correspondence zone with the help of additional conditional lines - mid-clavicular, axillary, umbilical, etc. If the pathological process occurs in the limbs, then the corresponding points should be sought, focusing on the joints and conditional additional lines.

    Stage six. The final desired point for stimulation is chosen as follows: a special diagnostic wand is evenly pressed on all points in the intended correspondence zone. Therapeutic points differ from other points in sharp soreness with mechanical pressure on them. It is this property that is used in the diagnosis and treatment. The pain sensation caused by the hit of the diagnostic wand on the treatment point is often accompanied by muscle tension or involuntary movement.

    Su jock massage

    Correspondence points can be stimulated using various massage techniques: intermittent pressure, pinching, rubbing, vibration, rotational or linear massage. If you do the massage correctly, then the skin in the correspondence zone will turn red and a feeling of warmth will appear.

    Hand massage

    There is different ways massages that can be performed with the hands: these are intermittent pressure, pinching, friction, vibration, linear or rotational massages.

    Let's look at them in a little more detail.

    intermittent pressure. Strong pressure is applied to the points or zones of correspondence with one or more fingers, as well as with the knuckles of the fingers. This massage can be performed with both hands.

    pinching. The skin with adjacent tissues is grasped with the first and second fingers until it turns red. The impact is also strong pressure. This massage method is usually used to stimulate the zones corresponding to the heart and lungs.

    Friction. Intensive rubbing movements are made. They can be carried out with one or two fingers. Usually this method is used to influence the zones of correspondence to the head located at the tips of the fingers and toes.

    Vibration. The point of correspondence is affected by strong vibrating movements of the fingers. Vibration frequency - 160-180 vibrations per minute.

    Line massage. It is performed with fingers in a certain direction, depending on the nature of the lesion. For example, when breathing is difficult, linear massage is performed in the direction corresponding to the inflow and passage of air through the respiratory tract.

    Rotational massage. It is carried out by circular movements of one or more fingers in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe correspondence zone; rotation speed - about 60 revolutions per minute. This impact is also made with significant pressure.

    diagnostic wand

    Massage effect on correspondence points can be carried out not only with hands. For example, very often acupuncturists use to search for pain points of correspondence and their stimulation diagnostic wand. At the ends of this stick there are special roundings (heads) of various diameters (1.5; 3.3; 7.0 mm). Such a wand is chosen taking into account the size of the correspondence system: for a standard hand and foot system - with a large head, and for massage in a mini-correspondence system - with small heads.

    Massage with a diagnostic wand is carried out quite intensively. A variety of massage techniques are used: intermittent pressure, rotational massage, linear massage, vibration.

    Elastic ring

    There are diseases that require simultaneous stimulation a large number matching points. For example, this finger massage is indispensable for poor blood circulation, general weakness, multiple lesions of the joints of the body, common pain, etc.

    We remember that in the “insect system” the whole body is projected onto each finger: this is why the elastic massage ring is put on the finger and repeatedly rolled over it. Massage is carried out with pressure until a feeling of warmth and persistent redness of the skin of the massaged finger appears.

    The use of an elastic ring is the most simple and affordable way stimulation. In this case, an exact search for points is not needed; in addition, it is possible to influence even undetected correspondence points.

    Roller massager

    This massager, like an elastic ring, is used to simultaneously stimulate a large number of correspondence points.

    Stimulation with a roller is also carried out until the appearance of heat and persistent reddening of the skin in the matching zone. If massage of the point (zone) of correspondence leads to an improvement in the patient's condition, then you can proceed to its stimulation in another way: fix surface applicators, heat with moxa, etc.

    Surface applicators

    If long-term stimulation of treatment points is required, superficial applicators are usually used, which can be divided into two groups. The first group includes artificial applicators (metal and magnetic stars, metal, glass, plastic and other balls). To the second - various natural substances of mineral and vegetable origin (pebbles, fragments of plants, seeds, etc.).

    When using surface applicators, mechanical irritation of the correspondence points occurs. How can I tell if the applicator is installed correctly? Even with a slight pressure on this point, pain should be felt, accompanied by a motor reaction. If there is no pain, then the applicator is not installed correctly; it must be removed, the location of the correspondence point specified, and reinstalled. After making sure that the treatment point is found correctly, you can fix the applicator with a band-aid.

    How long should the applicator be worn? It depends on the nature of the disease, the severity of the condition and the type of applicator. Sometimes the stimulator is attached for a few minutes, and it happens that you have to walk with it for two to three weeks.

    Metal and magnetic sprockets

    The most common type of surface applicator are metal sprockets. They are big and small. Large ones are used mainly to stimulate points located on the palmar and plantar surfaces of the hands and feet; small ones - to stimulate points on the back surfaces and when helping children.

    After applying a metal star to the correspondence point, an intensive massage of the point is carried out for 2-5 minutes; then the asterisk is left in the matching zone. After that, about 2-3 times per hour, the star is pressed, producing a local massage.

    It should be borne in mind that stars made of white metal have a more pronounced calming effect. Due to this property, they are used in pain syndrome, inflammation, hypertensive crisis, anxiety, agitation, etc. Yellow metal stars are used for hearing loss and vision loss, lack of appetite, feeling of heaviness in the abdomen, low blood pressure, weakness, etc.

    Application magnetic sprockets especially effective for stimulating deep-seated correspondence points. Therapeutic effect from the use of magnetic stars consists of a mechanical effect on the correspondence point and the influence of the magnetic field.

    If an asterisk is attached to the south pole of the magnet (with the magnet painted yellow on top), then it has a braking effect on the point. An asterisk connected to the north pole of the magnet (the magnet is painted white on top) has a tonic effect. Magnetic stars are installed for several hours or days, while the basic rules for working with them are the same as with metal stars.

    If there are no metal or magnetic stars at hand, you can use glass and plastic beads, beads and even buttons. They are also attached to the correspondence points with adhesive tape and from time to time acupressure is performed, checking for pain.

    Plants' seeds

    They can also be used as surface applicators. Moreover, they can be considered the best applicators because they have natural origin, and therefore, have a large supply of vital energy. When the seeds are fixed on the points of correspondence, their biological fields interact with the points of correspondence to diseased organs and restore their energy potential.

    In order for the treatment to be effective, seeds that are intact and capable of germination must be taken. Usually seeds of beets, radishes, buckwheat, beans, peas, peppers, flax, pumpkins, grapes, pomegranates, apples, viburnum, etc. are used.

    The shape of the seeds should also be taken into account. In diseases of the internal organs, it is better to use seeds with a similar shape (Fig. 12).

    Rice. 12. Correspondence of plant seeds to human organs

    What shape do the organs and parts of our body have:

    Limbs, intestines, nose, lips - oblong;

    Eyes, head, mammary glands - rounded;

    Kidneys, stomach - bean-shaped;

    Uterus, gallbladder - pear-shaped;

    Pancreas - pampiniform, etc.

    Which seeds are best suited for the treatment of these organs:

    With eye disease - round-shaped seeds (peas, black pepper);

    In diseases of the kidneys - bean seeds;

    For heart diseases - seeds of viburnum, buckwheat or pumpkin;

    In diseases of the pancreas - grape seeds;

    In diseases of the brain - walnut kernels (they massage the zones of correspondence to the brain).

    You can “play” not only on the similarity of form, but also on the similarity of the properties of plants and body organs.

    The stems of bamboo, carnation, cereals, and some other plants have articulations resembling those of the arms, legs, and spine. In diseases of the joints, the stems of these plants can be used as massagers or applied as seeds in the form of applications in the areas corresponding to the affected joints.

    To increase the amount of milk in lactating women, seeds of plants that secrete white milky juice are used.

    Some seeds, such as flax, contain a lot of thick juice. They can be treated inflammatory processes accompanied by the formation of mucus (runny nose, gastritis, bronchitis).

    If the plant secretes yellow juice, it is perfect for treating diseases of the liver and gallbladder. You can also use its seeds.

    For colds, the berries of plants that tolerate cold and frost well are used - sea buckthorn, lingonberries.

    With edema, pathological accumulation of fluid in body cavities ( chronic bronchitis) seeds of aquatic plants (flax, rice) can be used.

    For the prevention of thrombosis and increased blood clotting, you can take the seeds of berries (mountain ash, viburnum, hawthorn), resembling a blood clot and growing in clusters. In case of angina pectoris, they are applied to the zones of correspondence to the heart, in case of ischemic stroke - to the zones of correspondence to the brain, etc.

    In the treatment of diseases of the skin, hair and nails, it is better to use the seeds of burdock and string, which have thorns that cling to people's clothes and animal hair.

    In the treatment of diseases accompanied by spasms (for example, renal colic, painful menstruation), it is necessary to use the seeds of plant pods that have the ability to open when they reach maturity and dissipate in the environment.

    Seeds of dicotyledonous plants (legumes) are used for the treatment of acute diseases.

    For the treatment of chronic diseases, the seeds of gymnosperms are used, which mainly include conifers.

    To harmonize the functions of our body, monocot seeds (cereals, lilies) are used.

    Another approach can be taken: using tree seeds for chronic diseases, and herbs for acute forms diseases.

    Seed therapy is effective in the treatment of both acute viral and chronic diseases. With its help, you can significantly increase immunity, so it is indispensable in the recovery period after an illness, as well as in the treatment of debilitated patients and the elderly.

    Treatment with grains can be carried out by acting not only on the affected areas of the body, but also on the points of their correspondence located on the hands, feet and in the auricles, as well as on the basic points that have the ability to have a strong harmonizing effect on the entire body. Treatment is carried out in correspondence systems.

    An interesting fact: in the process of treatment, the structure, shape and color of the seeds may change. Often they become soft or brittle, crack, blacken, increase or decrease in size.


    Attention! It is impossible to use plants that live near roads and in large cities, due to the high concentration of harmful substances(heavy metal salts), seeds of poisonous plants and seeds that cause allergic reactions.

    Use of information about medicinal properties plants

    Since the seeds contain information about the whole plant, the treatment should use knowledge about its healing properties.

    To enhance the diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect, you need to make an application in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bcorresponding to the kidneys with watermelon, melon or parsley seeds.

    The sedative effect is caused by the application of hawthorn seeds to the areas of correspondence to the brain.

    In case of functional disorders of cardiac activity and mild forms of arrhythmia, hawthorn seeds are attached with adhesive tape to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bcorrespondence to the heart.

    By stimulating the brain correspondence zone with Schisandra chinensis seeds, we help to increase working capacity and reduce mental and physical fatigue.

    If the seeds of Schisandra chinensis are placed on the corresponding zones of the medulla oblongata, then they will have a stimulating effect on the cardiovascular and respiratory centers.

    In mild forms of chronic heart failure, the effect of May lily of the valley seeds on the points of correspondence to the heart will help.

    For diarrhea, it is good to use the seeds of bird cherry, blueberries, which have astringent properties, placing them on the zones corresponding to the small and large intestines.

    With flatulence, the fruits of dill and cumin are used, which have a carminative and antispasmodic effect. Attach the fruits on the hand and finger with adhesive plaster on the area corresponding to the small and large intestines.

    Massage for varicose veins horse chestnut. Massage should be carried out in the direction from the periphery to the center.

    In case of blood diseases accompanied by bleeding, rosehip seeds are attached to the area corresponding to the sternum.

    Rosehip seeds can also be used for hepatitis and as cholagogue by placing them on the zones corresponding to the liver and gallbladder.

    With bile stasis in gallbladder you can also use oat seeds.

    For hearing and vision disorders, pomegranate seeds are used.

    with bronchitis and bronchial asthma use rice.

    Barley is used for hemorrhoids and gout.

    Flax is used for constipation and toothache.

    For inflammation of the eyes and thrombophlebitis, marigolds are used.

    for anemia and urolithiasis use peas.

    In diabetes, epilepsy, corn seeds are used.

    Seeds are attached to a piece of adhesive plaster, and then fixed on the hand or foot. The time of application of seeds varies from several hours to a day. They can be additionally pressed (with a frequency of 1-2 times per hour for 3-5 minutes). If treatment needs to be continued, then after a day the seeds should be replaced with new ones and the procedure repeated.

    In su-jok therapy, permanent magnets of low power are used. Particularly easy to use are the long magnets, whose north pole is painted white and the south pole is yellow. The energy in a magnet moves from the north pole to the south, that is, from white to yellow.

    There is always something moving in the human body. We ourselves make movements with our eyes, tongue, head, limbs. In addition, inside our body there is a constant movement of air in the lungs (inhalation and exhalation), the movement of food through the digestive tract, the movement of mucus, sputum, urine and other liquids, the transmission of nerve impulses, etc.

    Now, the speed of these movements can be excessive; In this case, just long magnets help. If you put them in the system of correspondence against the course of movement, then the disturbed functions are normalized. In the case when the dysfunction is associated with a lack of movement, a long magnet is placed, on the contrary, along the course of this movement (Fig. 13).

    Rice. 13. Setting long magnets for disorders in the digestive system: BUT- with constipation; B- with diarrhea

    The magnet is fixed on the skin with adhesive tape and worn for several seconds or several hours, depending on the severity of the symptoms and the sensitivity of the human body to it. Remove the magnet at the peak of improvement.

    We have already talked about natural applicators such as plant seeds. They, as well as twigs, petals, can be used as natural magnets. Plant growth coincides with the direction of energy flows. Natural magnets are attached in the same way as conventional magnets, using adhesive tape. You can even build a chain of seeds - this will enhance the effect. There will be no harm: this kind of magnets are safe even for the most sensitive organism.

    warming up

    Warming up correspondence points is one of the best ways to get rid of pain and weakness, and to treat chronic diseases. This method is also effective in the treatment of the elderly.

    Usually, special wormwood sticks of various sizes are used for heating - cigars, mini- and micro-moxas. Warming up is carried out until a persistent, deep heat is felt at the point or in the zone of correspondence.

    Wormwood cigars are convenient for warming the correspondence zones in standard hand and foot systems. With their help, it is possible to warm up many correspondence points at the same time.

    Warming with a wormwood cigar is carried out in two ways - ironing and pecking. In the first case, the smoldering end of the cigar is firmly fixed at a distance of 1.5–2 cm above the skin and ironing movements are carried out over the entire correspondence zone. In the second case, the smoldering end of the cigar is either brought closer to the correspondence point, then removed from it until a feeling of deep heating occurs. You can also use the lit end of a cigar.

    Mini-moxas are hollow tubes having a diameter of 3 and a length of 7 mm. Mini-moxa is placed on a special stand with the smoldering end up (Fig. 14).

    Rice. fourteen. Stimulation of stomach and navel correspondence points with mini-moxas

    Micro-moxa is a thin wormwood stick with a diameter of about 1 mm and a length of 8–10 mm. It is placed directly on the matching point on the skin (Fig. 15).

    Rice. fifteen. Warming up the points of correspondence with micro-moxas

    How many micro-mox should be installed? It depends on the nature of the disease. The main thing is that the heating is carried out until a pronounced feeling of warmth appears at the points where they are installed.

    The micro-moxa method is especially effective for heating correspondence points in the "insect system" and mini systems.

    In addition to the above methods of heating, the basic points are also stimulated by seeds hot pepper or other plants. These "warming" seeds are attached to the base points with adhesive tape and held until a feeling of warmth and reddening of the skin appear at the application sites. Seeds of other plants are also used.

    You can selectively affect two or three points or all at once, depending on the nature of the disease. For example, in the treatment of acute diseases, the basic points of the Yang surfaces of the hands and feet are chosen, and in the treatment of chronic diseases, the basic points of the Yin surfaces are chosen.

    Remember, we already talked about the projection of the diaphragm? Let's recap: the diaphragm divides the torso into the thorax and abdomen. On the hand and foot, the diaphragm has two projections, which are called the upper and lower lines of the diaphragm.

    When warming up the basic points, this should not be forgotten. For example, in case of diseases of the chest organs, only points located above the projection of the diaphragm can be used, and in case of diseases of the genital organs, it is possible to stimulate the energy points located in the zone of correspondence of the lower abdomen.

    Energy Point Treatment

    In addition to the points of correspondence to the organs and parts of the body, there are also special energy (basic) points on the hands and feet. Unlike the former, they are still capable of exerting a harmonizing effect on the entire body. Stimulation of energy points is especially effective in the treatment of acute viral infections (flu, colds) and chronic diseases. This method is also used in the recovery period after operations and severe injuries. In addition, it is recommended for older people to improve immunity.

    Rice. 16. Energy (basic) points of correspondence of Yin- and Yang-surfaces of the hand

    Rice. 17. Energy (basic) points of correspondence of Yin- and Yang-surfaces of the foot

    Energy Points of the Yin Surface of the Hand

    Point 1 - in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin fold between the third and fourth fingers.

    Point 5 - at the wrist joint in the center of the triangle formed by the lines of the palm.

    Point 7 - located in the middle of the skin fold at the base of the thumb.

    Point 6 is halfway between points 5 and 7.

    Energy Points of the Yang Surface of the Brush

    Point 1 is the middle of the first joint of the thumb.

    Point 3 - at the base of the first metacarpal bone.

    Point 4 - in the middle of the wrist crease.

    Energy points of the Yin surface of the foot

    Point 1 - on the skin fold between the third and fourth fingers.

    Point 5 - below the line of the ankle joint, in the heel region.

    Point 3 is halfway between points 1 and 5.

    Point 2 - at a distance of 1/3 from point 1 in the segment between points 1 and 3.

    Point 4 - at a distance of 1/3 from point 5 in the segment between points 3 and 5.

    Point 7 - in the middle of the skin fold at the base of the thumb, in the middle of the distance between points 6 and 8.

    Point 6 - at the base of the first metatarsal bone, in the middle of the distance between points 5 and 7.

    Point 8 - in the middle of the skin fold at the base of the first toe.

    Energy points of the Yang surface of the foot

    Point 1 - in the middle of the first joint of the thumb.

    Point 3 - at the base of the first metatarsal bone.

    Point 2 is halfway between points 1 and 3.

    Point 4 - in the center of the foot just below the ankle joint.

    Point 6 - on the skin fold between the third and fourth fingers.

    Point 5 is halfway between points 4 and 6.

    Su-jok against diseases

    We have already figured out what methods of treatment are available in the arsenal of su-jok, and now let's see how this method can be used to treat specific diseases.


    Even if you don't suffer from insomnia, you've probably spent half the night without a wink of sleep at least once in your life. And you can imagine how exhausting this state is when you want to sleep, but sleep does not come. What can we say about people for whom every night becomes a torment. Naturally, tossing and turning without sleep until the morning, you get up completely broken and exhausted. But you have to get up and get ready for work! If you take sleeping pills in the evening, the next morning the condition will also not be the best. No, you need to somehow cope with insomnia without the help of drugs. You ask: how? Of course, with the help of the unique su-jok method. It will not take you much time - just half an hour a day. But keep in mind that su-jok therapy is best done in evening time and at the same time.

    Looking for matching points

    Sleep can be improved stimulating points correspondence to the back of the head, neck, epiphysis, kidneys, solar plexus, as well as energy points of the Yin surfaces of the hand and foot (Fig. 18).

    Rice. eighteen. Correspondence points of the cervical spine and epiphysis

    My own doctor

    In order to fall asleep, you need to relax, free yourself from endless thoughts, completely renounce all problems. You can achieve a state of equilibrium by heating the energy points. When you feel a pleasant warmth in your palms, make a light massage with your fingers of the zones corresponding to the back of the head and kidneys, and also massage well the zone of correspondence to the cervical spine. Attach the seeds to the most painful points in these areas. Massage them for 3-5 minutes and then go to bed peacefully. Just put an elastic band next to the bed in advance: if you still can’t fall asleep, put it on the base of your thumb, without tightening it tightly. When you feel a slight drowsiness after 5-10 minutes, remove it from your finger.


    Yes, the name of this delicate disease has long become a household name: it means some kind of serious problem. Those who really have been overtaken by such a misfortune, or rather, a disease called "hemorrhoids", can be advised to use the su-jok method. After all, if you do not learn how to deal with this disease in time, it will only get worse with age.

    Looking for matching points

    It is necessary to find the points of correspondence with the rectum and the external anus (anus). By stimulating them, you can soothe the pain and itching that accompanies hemorrhoids. In the correspondence systems of the hands and feet, legs are projected onto the third and fourth fingers, so the anus point should be sought in the skin fold between these fingers on the back surface of the hand or foot (Fig. 19).

    Rice. 19. Projections of the anus in the hand and foot systems

    My own doctor

    Feel for the correspondence points with a diagnostic wand or fingers and perform a thorough massage. Then fasten metal or magnetic sprockets to these points. As herbal stimulants use seeds of black pepper, dill, peas, barley, buckwheat.

    The easiest and most convenient way to treat hemorrhoids is to apply cold to the correspondence points. Every day, you need to apply pieces of ice to the correspondence points for 20-30 minutes. As soon as the ice begins to melt, it should be changed. Already on the second day there should be noticeable relief. If hemorrhoids are bleeding, then use an elastic band.

    In addition, you can use the advice given in the "Constipation" section, since hemorrhoids occur mainly due to prolonged constipation. Another cause of this disease can be hypodynamia.


    Unfortunately, many are familiar with the "harmful" virus, which manifests itself in the form of rashes of bubbles with a clear liquid. Having got this “nuisance” once, we cannot get rid of it for years: from time to time, herpes jumps up either on the lips or in the nose area. It happens that herpes appears on the trunk, along the intercostal space; this disease, accompanied by persistent, severe pain, is called "shingles".

    Looking for matching points

    Correspondence points are looked for depending on the localization of herpetic eruptions. If rashes have arisen around the nose, then the points of correspondence to the nose are stimulated. When herpes appears on the lips, painful points of correspondence to the lips are found. These are the dots around the nails on each finger or toe. The points of correspondence to the upper lip are located above the root of the nail, and the projection of the lower lip is at its free edge (Fig. 20).

    Rice. twenty. Lip correspondence points on the finger

    If the rash appeared in the intercostal space, then to search for treatment points, you must use the "insect system" (Fig. 21).

    Rice. 21. Correspondence zones to ribs and intercostal spaces in the "insect" system

    It happens that herpes appears on the genitals. In this case, the treatment points in the standard correspondence system are located in the area of ​​the skin fold between the third and fourth fingers (Fig. 22).

    Rice. 22. Correspondence point of the external genitalia

    My own doctor

    First of all, you need to find painful points. To do this, you will have to carefully examine the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bcorrespondence herpetic eruptions using a diagnostic stick, pencil or pen. Each point found should be well massaged for 3-5 minutes.

    The correspondence points must then be warmed up to speed up the formation of crusts and reduce pain. For rashes on the lips, around the nose or on the genitals, thread-like moxa is usually used, and for the localization of herpes in the intercostal space, mini-moxa is used. In the case of the appearance of extensive areas of rashes along the ribs, it is possible to warm up the correspondence zones with a wormwood cigar.

    At present, various antiviral drugsacyclovir, zovirax, virolex. They prevent the formation of new elements of the rash, accelerate the drying of the blisters, relieve pain in shingles (only in acute period). After warming up, try rubbing these ointments on the matching points.

    For long-term stimulation, metal or magnetic stars (or metal balls) should be fixed at the correspondence points. Of the plant stimulants in the mini-system, you can use rose hips, radishes, buckwheat, millet, lentils, peppers, poppies. Whatever stimulant you choose, remember that you need to press it periodically.

    Women's diseases

    And now I want to console the women a little. The days that are commonly called critical can be turned, if not joyful, then at least painless and calm, in a word, into the most ordinary days - without backache, abdominal pain, without irritability, nervousness and hysteria.

    Simple techniques of su-jok therapy will help women stay cheerful and cheerful in any situation.

    Looking for matching points

    We have to find zones of correspondence to the uterus, ovaries, pituitary gland. This is quite simple, no matter what system the search is conducted in - in the standard or in the "insect system" (Fig. 23).

    Rice. 23. Correspondence zones of the uterus, ovaries and pituitary gland

    It is very convenient to look for points of correspondence to the uterus and ovaries in the mini-system, especially on the second and fifth fingers, where they are located in the center of the nail phalanges (Fig. 24).

    Rice. 24. Correspondence points for the uterus and ovaries in the mini-correspondence system

    My own doctor

    In order to reduce pain during menstruation, you need to make a vigorous, sensitive massage of painful points corresponding to the uterus, ovaries, pituitary gland and lower back. Massage can be done with fingers or a diagnostic wand. After 3-5 minutes, the pain should subside.

    For pain associated with meager secretions, warm up the correspondence points with moxa (it is especially effective to do this on the feet). After warming up the correspondence points, use surface applicators: metal or magnetic stars. You can also use the seeds of wild rose, apples, pears, grapes. Attach the seeds to painful points or cover the entire correspondence zone with them. Color therapy will also help: paint over the area corresponding to the uterus and ovaries in red or orange.

    If the discharge is too abundant, apply ice to the projection area of ​​the uterus for 10-15 minutes or paint over the corresponding points in black.


    Attention! In this case, the points of correspondence to the uterus and ovaries do not warm up.

    Stimulate the correspondence points of the spine with an elastic ring. Rolling it over your finger, massage the correspondence area well. lumbar, and put seeds or stars on the most painful points.

    A special massage ball with sharp spikes is very useful: roll it in your palms - this will not only reduce pain, but also bring general calm. In general, to reduce irritability on critical days, daily heating of energy points on the Yin surfaces of the hands and feet will be effective. If you suffer from painful periods and you always have these days Bad mood, then you can already 2-3 days before the start critical days warm the points of correspondence to the uterus and ovaries, as well as energy points.

    kidney disease

    In many chronic kidney diseases, urination is disturbed and back pain occurs. With the help of special techniques of su-jok therapy, it is possible to improve the functioning of the kidneys and the entire genitourinary system. By the way, these same techniques are used for the prevention of kidney disease.

    Looking for matching points

    We are looking for points of correspondence to the kidneys and ureters. In the correspondence systems of the hands and feet, the projections of the kidneys are located between the metacarpal (metatarsal) bones, closer to the bones of the wrist (tarsus). On palpation, these zones are defined as small depressions (Fig. 25).

    Rice. 25. Points of correspondence to the kidneys and ureters on the hand and foot

    My own doctor

    First of all, you need to determine the painful correspondence points and massage them with your fingers or a diagnostic stick until you feel warmth and redness of the skin. After that, you should warm up the zones of correspondence to the kidneys with a wormwood cigar or moxas. This is especially helpful if there are kidney stones. A pepper patch of the appropriate size is applied to the areas corresponding to the kidneys on the feet.


    Attention! In acute inflammation, heating is not carried out.

    For long-term stimulation, metal balls, metal or magnetic stars, and seeds are attached to painful points in the “insect system” and mini-system: beans or beans are best, as they resemble kidneys in shape.

    Seeds are kept at the correspondence points for several days, but at the same time they are changed daily for new ones.

    What else can be advised? Sole massage is very effective: it activates the movement of kidney energy. They do it like this: with the thumb of the hand, clockwise, they massage the point located in the dimple that forms when the toes are bent in the center of the sole. Massage both soles for 1-2 minutes, and then put woolen socks on your feet.

    Heart disease

    “The heart hurts…”, “the heart is tight…”, “the heart is crushing…” - such complaints are heard very often. I must say that often these pains and discomfort associated with heart disease. They can be caused by neurosis (with overwork and excitement), osteochondrosis of the spine, lung diseases and other diseases. Pain in the heart area can also be associated with smoking or alcohol abuse.

    Looking for matching points

    In the standard system of correspondence to the body on the hand, the projection of the heart is in the thenar area on both sides (larger to the left) of the lower half of the line of symmetry. In the “insect system”, the zone of correspondence to the heart is located on the middle phalanx of each finger, just below its middle (Fig. 26).

    Rice. 26. Correspondence zones of the heart on the hand and foot

    My own doctor

    First, find the zone of correspondence with the heart and massage it thoroughly for 3-5 minutes with your fingers or any massager - the blunt end of a pen, pencil, the tip of a key, etc. The massage should be painful, so it is best to perform it in the form of intermittent pressure.

    When the pain subsides a little, warm up the correspondence area with a cigar or moxas. Men are warmed up with an odd amount of moxa, women with an even number. A very good effect is obtained by heating the points of correspondence with filiform moxas on the nail phalanges of the fingers.

    After warming up, you can move on to long-term stimulation with the help of surface applicators. Fasten metal or magnetic sprockets at the matching points. If you do not have them, take T-shaped buttons (with a stem) or beads.

    It would be nice if you had pumpkin, viburnum, zucchini or cucumber seeds at home. In shape, they resemble a heart or a drop of blood, so their use will be especially effective in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Pumpkin and squash seeds are larger in size for use in the standard brush matching system, while viburnum and cucumber seeds are more suitable for use in the “insect system”. You can also take the seeds of beets, buckwheat, radishes, wild roses, hawthorn fruits and cover the entire correspondence zone, and then periodically press on them, causing painful sensations.

    If you are sure that the pains in the heart are caused by an attack of angina pectoris, then in addition to the methods of assistance already considered, put a small mustard plaster on the area corresponding to the heart. The rules for using mustard plaster are the same as always - until a burning sensation and reddening of the skin. Instead of mustard plaster, you can stick a piece of pepper plaster on the correspondence zone. However, the best thing in this case is not to self-medicate, but to consult a doctor. Only a doctor can say whether it makes sense at the moment to resort to the su-jok method or whether another treatment is needed.

    Many of you are probably familiar with the terrible feeling of lack of air. You try to take a deep breath, but the air does not seem to pass. Sometimes it even seems that another second - and you will suffocate. What to do in such cases? First, don't panic. Secondly, try to determine what is more difficult to do - inhale or exhale? This will depend on your further actions.

    Joint diseases

    People suffering from arthritis are forced to overcome pain every day - excruciating and insidious. It is very difficult to get rid of it - the treatment of arthritis requires scrupulousness and time. However, su-jok can also come to the rescue here in order to alleviate suffering. It is only necessary to correctly determine the points that allow you to deal with this disease, and begin treatment.

    Looking for matching points

    In the standard system of correspondence of the hand and foot, the projection of the joints of the hands must be sought on the second and fifth fingers, and the correspondences of the joints of the legs - on the third and fourth. According to the principle of similarity, the joints of the body in the “insect system” are projected onto the joints of the fingers (Fig. 27).

    Rice. 27. Correspondence to the joints of the arms and legs on the hands: 1 - left shoulder joint; 2 - right shoulder joint; 3 - left elbow joint; 4 - right elbow joint; 5 - left wrist joint; 6 - right wrist joint; 7 – left hip joint; 8 - right hip joint 9 – left knee joint; 10 - right knee joint 11 – left ankle joint; 12 - right ankle joint

    My own doctor

    When joints hurt, it is best to use an elastic ring. First you need to thoroughly massage them with the corresponding joint of the finger. If you suffer from polyarthritis and suffer from excruciating pain in many joints, then try to massage all the joints of the hand with a ring. This should be done until the skin turns red and a feeling of warmth appears. Then find two or three painful points in the zone corresponding to the affected joint. With polyarthritis, look for points of correspondence to those joints that are particularly disturbing. Heat these points with moxas daily, and at very severe pain-2 times a day.

    A great way to get rid of joint pain is seed therapy. Use seeds of buckwheat, lentils, millet, beets, radishes, black pepper, rose hips. They can be applied with adhesive tape to painful correspondence points, or they can be covered with them over the entire correspondence area of ​​the joint. And do not forget that the seeds must be periodically pressed. For long-term stimulation of the points of correspondence to the affected joints, also use pieces of amber, beads, metal balls, stars. Before setting the applicators, paint over the areas corresponding to the joints in green.


    When this happens unpleasant phenomenon, like constipation, we are rather in a hurry to take laxatives in order to get rid of painful sensations. Don't rush! You can help yourself in other ways, for example, using the techniques of su-jok therapy.

    Looking for matching points

    The necessary points are located in the area corresponding to the large intestine (Fig. 28).

    Rice. 28. Correspondence region of the large intestine

    My own doctor

    Find the painful points of correspondence in the projection area of ​​the large intestine and massage them well with a diagnostic stick. Then use your fingers to massage the corresponding area of ​​the entire large intestine in circular motions. The direction should coincide with the direction of promotion of the intestinal contents (Fig. 29).

    Rice. 29. The direction of massage movements for constipation

    You can do seed therapy. To do this, you need to fix the seeds in the zone of correspondence with the large intestine in such a way that their energy flow coincides with the direction of movement of the intestinal contents. Usually, flax seeds, cumin, watermelon, melon, as well as apple and grape seeds are used (Fig. 30).

    Rice. thirty. Seed therapy for constipation

    The best way is to heat the most painful correspondence points with moxas. You can make an ironing warming with a wormwood cigar: drive it over the projection of the large intestine until you feel pleasant warmth.

    Do not forget to regularly do intensive massage of the palms and soles with your fingers, roller massager, walnut, chestnut, tennis ball, etc.

    But keep in mind: if you start to lose weight, and impurities of blood or mucus appear in the stool, you should immediately consult a doctor.


    What is a toothache, everyone knows. It takes us by surprise, doesn't let us sleep, harasses us all night, and often doesn't lessen even with medication. However, few people know that with the help of su-jok, you can get rid of this misfortune at least for a while - until the morning, when you can go to the dentist, having slept and not writhing in pain.

    Looking for matching points

    It is best to act on the points of correspondence to the teeth located around the nail on each finger of the hand and foot. If the pain bothers in the tooth of the lower jaw, look for the correspondence point at the free edge of the nail, and if in the tooth upper jaw- above the root of the nail.

    My own doctor

    After carefully examining the entire area around the nail with a diagnostic stick, find the most painful point corresponding to the diseased tooth and massage it well for 2-5 minutes. Usually properly done massage significantly relieves pain. Then heat the correspondence point with a mini-moxa or thread-like moxa. After warming up, it is necessary to put a stimulator (a metal or magnetic star, a small stone, etc.) on the tooth correspondence point and leave it until the pain stops, periodically pressing on it.

    Excess weight

    Often, standing on the scales, we are perplexed: where did these ill-fated kilograms come from ?! After all, nothing foreshadowed their appearance, except ... Yes, probably because of that piece of cake or because of the double portion of fried potatoes ... And how, one wonders, was it possible to resist if everything looked so appetizing? Needless to say: of course, you really want to lose weight, but you can’t change your lifestyle. Well, then it's time to resort to su-jok to get rid of addictions.

    Looking for matching points

    First of all, find the points, by acting on which, you can easily cope with your appetite. These are the points of correspondence to the pituitary gland, navel, mouth, esophagus, stomach, large intestine (Fig. 31).

    Rice. 31. Correspondence Points Needed to Decrease Appetite

    Stimulation of these points can be carried out both in the standard correspondence system on the hand, and in the “insect system” on any finger.

    My own doctor

    Put a magnetic star or a buckwheat seed on the points of correspondence to the pituitary gland and the navel. As soon as you want to eat something tasty, press hard on them several times.

    The twig of the plant should be placed in the area corresponding to the esophagus and stomach so that the direction of plant growth is opposite to the natural movement of food through the esophagus.

    With obesity, you can attach the seeds to the correspondence points of the mouth, esophagus, "entrance" to the stomach. The energy flow of seeds must be directed against the movement of food.

    You can also reduce weight in this way: arrange the seeds in a chain along the projection of the large intestine so that their energy flow coincides with the direction of movement of the intestinal contents.

    Migraine, headache

    We all experience headaches at one time or another. Sometimes it is not too strong, and sometimes such that no pills help. Why do people complain about headaches so often? The fact is that there are many reasons for its occurrence. However, sometimes it is enough to touch certain points on the hand or foot several times - and the pain goes away.

    Looking for matching points

    Correspondence points should be sought at the tips of the fingers and toes, on the Yang surface of the nail phalanges, including the nails. In this case, you need to consider exactly where the head hurts. For pain in the region of the crown and forehead, find the painful correspondence points on the tip of the finger (Fig. 32).

    Rice. 32. Correspondence points of the frontal region in the "insect system"

    If pain is felt in the temples, then look for points on the fingertips on the side (Fig. 33).

    Rice. 33. Match points temporal areas in the "insect system"

    If pain appears in the back of the head, stimulate the correspondence points on the back of the finger (Fig. 34).

    Rice. 34. Correspondence points of the occipital region in the "insect system"

    Be sure to also stimulate the tender points of correspondence to the internal organs that may have contributed to the headache (Fig. 35).

    Rice. 35. Points of correspondence to the gallbladder, stomach and bladder on the left hand

    For pain in the temples, look for additional painful points in the zone corresponding to the gallbladder. If you feel pain in the back of the head, check the points of correspondence to the bladder and cervical spine; if in the frontal region - look for painful points in the zone corresponding to the stomach.

    My own doctor

    Take a diagnostic stick, and if you don’t have one, then any pointed object (pen, pencil, key, etc.). Massage the painful correspondence points for 2-5 minutes. This is usually enough time for the headache to go away. If your head doesn't stop hurting, move on.

    Attach any surface stimulants (stars, beads, pebbles, seeds) to painful points - those that you can find at home. Leave them on for 6-8 hours and press them periodically until the head is gone. If the headache is not too severe, you can massage all the fingertips, especially the nails, with rubbing and pressing movements. Elastic rings, rollers, a combined massager for hands and feet are also suitable.

    Nail massage with pressure movements:

    1 - from top to bottom;

    2 - in the direction opposite to the growth of the nail;

    3 - in the direction of nail growth;

    4, 5 - from the sides;

    6 - in the area of ​​the free edge of the nail to the Yin side;

    7 - in the area of ​​the free edge of the nail to the Yang side.

    If you know that the cause of the headache is an increase in blood pressure, then tightly apply an elastic band to the area corresponding to the brain on the thumb of the hand for 7–10 minutes, and then tear it off sharply. This will reduce blood pressure, relieve headaches and improve general condition.

    You can lower blood pressure with metal or magnetic stars. They should be installed on painful points in the areas of correspondence to the brain on the hands (feet) and kept until the pressure decreases (but not more than a day).

    For the same purpose, the tips of all fingers are painted black with a felt-tip pen, and then the seeds of radish, millet, buckwheat and other plants are attached to painful correspondence points.

    In order to lower blood pressure, you can use mustard plasters or pepper plaster in the areas corresponding to the legs, located on the palmar surface of the middle phalanges of the third and fourth fingers of the hands. To do this, you need to cut a piece of mustard plaster, lower it into warm water, and then fix it in the correspondence zone. As soon as the skin turns red and a burning sensation appears, mustard plasters can be removed.

    If you know for sure that your headache is not associated with an increase in pressure, warm up the painful points corresponding to the cervical spine with an elastic ring. Moreover, it is desirable that the ring be red. This procedure is easy to do in the “insect system”: roll the ring over the thumb in the area of ​​​​its third joint.

    Male diseases

    You understood correctly: the conversation will be about impotence. The causes of this problem can be very different: neurosis, stress, physical and psycho-emotional overstrain. There is no need to say that for any man, the realization of his own insolvency is a misfortune that can cause not only difficult experiences, but also long-term depression. And yet, there is no need to despair: after all, you can try to get rid of this problem with the help of su-jok therapy.

    Looking for matching points

    With sexual impotence, you need to find the energy points of the feet, as well as the points of correspondence to the pituitary gland, adrenal glands, genitals, kidneys, navel, lower back (Fig. 36).

    Rice. 36. Points of correspondence to the pituitary gland, navel, lower back, genitals, kidneys and adrenal glands

    My own doctor

    Whatever the cause of sexual impotence, treatment should begin with heating the energy points on the Yin surfaces of the feet. This is best done with a wormwood cigar. By itself, this procedure, if done every evening for 2-3 weeks, provides an opportunity to relax and escape from everyday problems and painful thoughts. Getting rid of constant feeling anxiety, you will take the first step towards recovery.

    After warming up the energy points, you can start warming up the points of correspondence to the navel in any of the correspondence systems. Then metal or magnetic stars should be attached to these points, and even better - seeds or pieces of amber.

    Warm up with moxas the points of correspondence to the genitals, kidneys, adrenal glands, lower back. After that, attach dill, parsley, onion, celery, juniper berries to them: any of these plants can increase sexual activity. Slices of a clove of garlic or onion also contribute to an increase in potency, so they can also be fixed at the points of correspondence. You already know that seeds need to be replaced daily. The most convenient way is to attach them to the feet.

    To stimulate the work of the sex glands that produce male sex hormones, massage the points of correspondence to the pituitary gland, adrenal glands and testicles. Perhaps the easiest way to stimulate the correspondence points of the sexual organs is to use an elastic band. In the "insect system" it pulls the base of any finger for 3-7 minutes.

    In a word, there are a lot of methods for treating impotence, and it is absolutely not necessary to use each of them. You just need to choose the most convenient for you and perform regularly and carefully.


    We sometimes wonder ourselves how much we can eat, sitting at the festive table. Well, of course, because everything is so delicious and you want to try everything! And what then? What do we feel when we return from the guests? That's right: pain and heaviness in the stomach, nausea and heartburn. This state is called "indigestion." It is quite natural: how much can our poor stomach withstand?

    If the pain is severe, you should immediately consult a doctor. If you just feel discomfort, then it is quite possible to use the su-jok method.

    Looking for matching points

    It is necessary to find points of correspondence to the esophagus, stomach, duodenum, large intestine, navel (Fig. 37).

    Rice. 37. Projection of the gastrointestinal tract on the hand

    It would be nice to find a point of correspondence to the "entrance" into the stomach. In the standard correspondence system, it is located in the center of the triangle formed by the skin lines at the radiocarpal fold.

    My own doctor

    Have you found a painful point of correspondence to the “entrance” to the stomach? Then, with your fingers or a diagnostic wand, make a rotational massage of this point clockwise. Then, to empty the stomach as soon as possible and stop belching and nausea, perform a linear massage (Fig. 38).

    Rice. 38. The direction of massage movements for nausea and belching

    Massage can be done either with a finger or with any massager (preferably a roller one) from the zone corresponding to the mouth towards the projection of the duodenum. After 3-7 minutes, nausea and belching will pass.

    And here is another effective remedy: take flax seeds (pears, pumpkins, zucchini, apples) and attach them in the form of a chain in the zones corresponding to the esophagus, stomach, duodenum. The direction of energy movement in them should coincide with the movement of food (Fig. 39).

    Rice. 39. Seed treatment for indigestion

    Stimulate painful points in the areas corresponding to the stomach, duodenum, navel. Make an intensive massage of these points, and then fix metal or magnetic stars, seeds on them. Massage the correspondence points of the large intestine: this will also help you cope with the problems that have arisen. Get well soon color therapy can also help: paint over the zones corresponding to the digestive organs in green.


    Runny nose, cough, sore throat, weakness and fever are the main symptoms of a cold that we have to feel almost every year. How to get rid of this annoying problem? Su-jok will definitely help us!

    Looking for matching points

    To get rid of a cold, you need to find points of correspondence to the nose and its paranasal sinuses, palatine tonsils, larynx, trachea, bronchi, and lungs (Fig. 40).

    Rice. 40. Correspondence points for organs “suffering” with a cold

    With a runny nose, we naturally need points of correspondence to the nose. It is very easy to find them: in the "insect system" they are located on the palmar and plantar surfaces, in the middle of the nail phalanges (Fig. 41).

    Rice. 41. Nose Correspondence Points in the "Insect System"

    If the throat is sore, it is necessary to act on the correspondence points of the larynx and palatine tonsils. The projection of the larynx in the standard correspondence system falls on the center of the first phalanx of the thumb. The "insect system" (Fig. 42) is also suitable for searching for correspondence points of the larynx.

    Rice. 42. Correspondence point of the larynx in the "insect system"

    Cough is the most common and obvious symptom of lung disease. It appears as defensive reaction on the accumulation of sputum in the larynx, trachea, bronchi and when a foreign body enters them.

    My own doctor

    With a strong cough, one should act on the correspondence points of the trachea, bronchi, lungs, and larynx. It is necessary to act on painful points of correspondence of the larynx, trachea, bronchi, lungs in the standard correspondence system or in the “insect system”. In this case, an intensive massage with a diagnostic wand, roller or any other massager is useful until you feel warmth and redness of the skin.

    If the cough is very strong, prolonged stimulation is required, and then metal, magnetic stars or seeds are placed on the most painful points. The best stimulants are considered rose hips, beets, buckwheat, black pepper, apples, etc.

    Usually, when we cough, we put mustard plasters. They can also be put on the zones of correspondence of the hand and foot. To do this, cut a small piece from the mustard plaster, immerse it in warm water (40-45 ° C), and then firmly attach the mustard side to the area corresponding to the chest. Keep the mustard plaster for 5 to 20 minutes until the skin turns red and a burning sensation appears.

    You can also use pepper paste. From it, as well as in the case of mustard plaster, you need to cut a piece and attach it to the chest area - preferably on the foot. It is necessary to keep the application of the pepper patch for 2-3 days.

    In addition, in the correspondence systems, alcohol or vodka compresses, honey compresses, wraps from birch or cabbage leaves steamed with boiling water are made. To do this, the thumb and the area at its base are wrapped with a gauze napkin soaked in vodka or smeared with honey, compress paper is applied on top, a little cotton wool and fixed with a bandage so that the compress fits snugly against the skin. The compress should be kept for 6-10 hours, and it is best to leave it overnight. If the cough is dry, with sputum difficult to separate, then the most painful correspondence points should be warmed up with mini-moxas, using garlic as a stand. With a dry paroxysmal cough, it is useful to rub the base of the nails of the thumbs with the juice of garlic or onions.

    To stop coughing fits, you can also attach a magnetic star or a buckwheat seed to a special point located in the area of ​​​​the interphalangeal joint of the thumb.

    For a better discharge of sputum, massage the zones of correspondence to the airways from the projection of the lungs towards the projection of the nose. Such a massage can be done with your fingers or a roller massager at any time convenient for you. Expectoration can be induced using long magnets, seeds, twigs and leaves of plants. Apple and grape seeds, zucchini, melon or watermelon seeds are also suitable. They must be applied to the zones of correspondence to the lungs and bronchi so that the direction of their growth coincides with the direction of sputum separation - from the projection of the diaphragm to the projection of the trachea.

    We often have a fever when we have a cold. In order to reduce it, you need to find points in the zone of correspondence to the brain. Apply ice to your fingertips for 1-2 minutes, then paint them black.

    You can also draw lines on your index fingers with a black felt-tip pen. As you draw lines and paint over your fingertips, think of yourself as lowering the temperature.


    What is back pain, unfortunately, is known to many people - both the elderly and the young. Anyone who had to go through the torment associated with this or that pathology of the spine will never forget these terrible sensations: neither bend down, nor unbend, and sometimes even take a step.

    At the same time, we are all well aware that the state of internal organs directly depends on the state of the spine. The conclusion is this: the spine should be in order, then we will hurt less. To achieve this, we can call on su-jok again to help.

    Looking for matching points

    Correspondence points are easiest to find in the "insect system" on the back of the fingers, where the correspondence to the spine is located along the line of symmetry of each finger (Fig. 43).

    Rice. 43. Projection of the spine in the "insect system"

    My own doctor

    The easiest way to help yourself with back pain is to conduct an intensive massage of your fingers with an elastic ring. You can even do without an exact search for matching points. Your task is to roll the ring back and forth on your finger until you feel warmth and redness of the skin. For greater effect, massage each finger with a ring, and even better, your toes. After spending 3-10 minutes on this procedure, you will relieve very acute pain. The advantage of this method is that it can be applied everywhere - at home, at work and even in transport; The important thing is to keep your hands free.

    If you suffer from pain in the lower back, find the painful points in the zone of correspondence of the lower back and massage with a diagnostic wand (fingers, match, pencil). You will feel noticeable relief. You can attach a chain of seeds to the spine correspondence zone or fix black peppercorns, buckwheat, radish, beet seeds on painful points in the lumbar projection. If you press them periodically, the pain will go away. If there is a moxa or wormwood cigar, be sure to warm up the correspondence points. This is especially useful if the pain is associated with hypothermia or heavy lifting. Remember that in the warmed areas there should be a feeling of deeply spreading heat.

    And of course, for a long-term warming effect, you can use a pepper patch. Take an appropriately sized strip of plaster and stick it on the area of ​​correspondence to the spine in any of the named correspondence systems. In this case, the patch can remain on the hands for 2-3 days. If you don't want the patch to be visible, apply the pepper patch only at night or use the feet matching zones.

    Su-jok therapy

    Today, in addition to traditional methods treatments that we offer official medicine, non-traditional methods of treatment are also widely popular. True, in view of the fact that there is not much information about them, they are still inferior to the palm of official medicine, although, if you look at it, the effect of such treatment methods in some cases is many times higher than all the expectations of people in white coats. About one of these treatments, about su-jok therapy, and what it is, what are its principles, and what diseases can be treated with it- we invite you to talk in our today's publication ...

    What is Su Jok Therapy

    One of the directions of acupuncture, the technique of which is based on the direct impact on certain biologically active points, on the hands and feet of a person, is called su-jok therapy.. It is noteworthy that if we translate the very name “su-jok” from Korean into our language, then we will get the following literal translation: su is a human hand, and jock is a foot. It turns out that su-jok therapy is hand-foot therapy.

    This type of therapeutic effect was developed in the 80s of the last century by a South Korean professor named Pak Jae-woo. However, despite the fact that su-jok therapy is a fairly “young” direction, the results it shows allow us to expect that su-jok therapy has a bright and long future…

    Su-jok therapy and medicine

    Despite the fact that su-jok therapy does not apply to traditional methods treatment, official medicine is increasingly turning to it. And, it all started with the fact that in 1986 the first publications appeared in international medical journals that talked about the essence of this technique. First of all, what caught my eye was that the technique itself was unusually simple, but very effective. Thanks to these two properties, su-jok therapy has become widespread and famous not only in its homeland - in Korea, but throughout the globe. Moreover, today in many European countries, su-jok therapy is an integral part of public health and education programs. Such recognition at the state level already says something.

    Principles of su-jok therapy

    This approach is based on the basic principle that the human body is perceived as a single energy structure, and all processes in this structure (the work of internal organs and systems) are all interconnected. In its turn, any disease or illness is nothing but a violation of harmony in the human energy body. Accordingly, the external signs of such a violation - our malaise - is nothing more than a symptom of the underlying problem. And, treatment should be aimed not only at eliminating external manifestations disease, but also to eliminate the root cause at the energy level. Then, we can talk about the complete healing of a person.

    Su-jok therapy techniques

    In turn, the methods of su-jok therapy are based on the concepts according to which between human body, hands and feet there is a certain correspondence, so, for example,

    if you look at the hand, then the thumb of the hand corresponds to the head, the index finger and little finger correspond to the hands of a person, the middle and ring fingers correspond to the human legs. In turn, the back of the hand is a kind of projection of the spine, while the surface of the palm, which is under the thumb, is its chest, and the middle of the palm is directly the abdominal cavity.

    Thanks to special schemes, you can see the correspondence of each point located on the surface of the palm to certain internal organs of the human body.

    How is the diagnosis in su-jok therapy

    The distribution of points on the foot

    Unlike the research methods familiar to us -, or, research in su-jok therapy is carried out using ... an ordinary thin stick or needle. The diagnostician, he must be real professionals, consistently affects biologically active points on the hands and feet. In those places where the patient experiences pain - they are called oh points, and there is an internal problem. And, it is this organ or system that requires further increased attention.

    How Su Jok Therapy Treats

    Just as the methods of diagnosis differ, so do the methods of treatment of su-jok therapy. There are no pills and injections, but there are mechanical massage, exposure to a magnetic field, the use of the biological power of living seeds, heating and treatment with color, the so-called color therapy. At first glance, it may seem to someone that such a set of “tools” can hardly help to cope with serious illness and it looks more like a set of a charlatan, however, oddly enough, these "tools" have their healing effect on human body. And, if you still believe in it, then such therapy gives good results.

    Types of su-jok therapy

    Despite the fact that su-jok therapy is a young direction, it already has its own varieties. And, their main difference lies in the fact that the impact can be carried out not only on the hands and feet of a person, but also on other parts of the body: auricles, scalp, tongue ...

    Benefits of Su Jok Therapy

    Supporters of this method of treatment argue that su-jok therapy has several advantages over other methods of treatment. Among these undeniable advantages are the following points:

    • Painlessness of therapeutic measures - unlike other methods of therapy where medical instruments or a needle are used, you will not see anything like this during a session of su-jok therapy. Accordingly, the patient experiences neither fear, nor pain, nor discomfort regarding what is being done to his body. In addition, during such sessions there is no risk of damage to the hands or feet as a result of improper handling of needles, as is the case during acupuncture sessions.
    • Independent conduct of therapeutic procedures - unlike other methods of treatment, where the person who conducts therapeutic procedures must be present, during su-jok therapy there is no need for such an instructor or doctor. Each person can independently master such a technique, and with its help, self-heal and restore the disturbed harmony of his body.
    • High efficiency of su-jok therapy procedures - according to those who have personally experienced su-jok therapy in action, relief comes within a few minutes after the start of the session. Well, after a course of regular sessions, a cure occurs, the symptoms of the disease completely disappear, and the patient's general condition improves.
    • The absolute harmlessness of these procedures - unlike other methods, misuse which in action can cause irreparable harm, su-jok therapy cannot harm a person. So, even if its basic principles are applied incorrectly and ineptly, treatment simply will not give the expected result, but it will not worsen your well-being and will not aggravate your condition.
    • The versatility of su-jok therapy - since, on the hands and feet of a person, there are peculiar point projections of all parts and organs of the body, the su-jok therapy technique can be used without restrictions to treat the whole organism, each of its organs and systems.
    • Efficiency of medical measures - when you are in a critical situation, you cannot count on the fact that in the near future you will be provided with highly qualified health care, there are no pills and other medicines at hand that could alleviate your condition - su-jok therapy can instantly alleviate your condition, anesthetize the painful focus.
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