Respiratory rate in dogs during sleep. Therapy at home. Heart failure in older dogs. worry about the heart

Surely you want to see your four-legged friend cheerful and healthy. But what if the dog is breathing heavily? This symptom is often worrisome. Let's discuss what can cause heavy breathing in dogs and what to do in such cases.

The first important question Is it worth worrying at all? Here you need to know a couple of simple secrets.

If you put your hand on the chest of a dog, you can calculate the frequency of his breathing.

For adults, the norm is 10-30 breaths per minute, for puppies - 15-35, and aged dogs breathe 10-16 times per minute. It should also be taken into account that in adult bitches, in comparison with males, breathing is quickened.

And one more thing: pregnant and lactating bitches, as well as dogs, breathe more often small breeds.

In a healthy dog, breathing changes throughout the day.

It is possible that in a dream the animal sighs heavily and wheezes in some strange way - most likely, he is just dreaming of something. There is no serious cause for concern here.

× But if your four-legged friend suddenly began to breathe heavily or rapidly, and physical activity and he didn’t have stress, you shouldn’t hesitate or try to diagnose the dog yourself. This may be a signal of the presence of a disease, and a consultation with a specialist veterinarian is needed.

Why is the dog breathing heavily?

We tend to pay attention to the symptoms, while the most important thing is to eliminate the causes. It is at the causes that a competent veterinarian looks. Here is a list of the most common ones:

  • The dog has overheated or suffered from heat stroke.

  • arose nervous excitement as a result of being in an unfamiliar place (for example, I got into a crowded place for the first time or rode in one of the modes of transport).

  • A heart attack is planned (especially often this happens in old animals).

  • Childbirth has begun, or lactation has begun, when the puppies strongly suck milk from their mother.

  • Difficult birth plus a large number of puppies.

  • Problems with the respiratory tract (obstruction occurred at the level of the main bronchi or higher).

  • Expansion and volvulus of the stomach

  • The dog was injured or injured in the chest due to a fight, a fall, or a collision with a car.

  • A foreign body has entered the trachea.

What should I do if my dog ​​is breathing heavily?

The owner rarely can cure the dog himself - unless he is a veterinarian. At the same time, there are several points that he can take into account while waiting for the doctor or on the way to the clinic.

  • If, in addition to heavy breathing, you observe other anxiety symptoms- lethargy, restlessness, whining in pain - urgently call the veterinarian at home or take the dog very carefully to the clinic. Ideally, it should be around the clock - then there will be no risk of meeting a closed door.

  • At the beginning of labor in a dog hard breath is the norm, but after them, especially if miscarriages were born, this may mean that not all puppies were born. She needs urgent operation to rid the body of intoxication and prevent collapse. A sudden drop in blood pressure can lead to death.

  • During lactation, heavy breathing, combined with convulsions and clumsiness of movements, is very dangerous. These may be signs of eclampsia (a strong decrease in the level of calcium and glucose in the blood). If you do not urgently seek help, this can also lead to collapse and death.

  • When overheated and heat stroke– in addition to the fact that your dog is breathing heavily, he may seek a cool place, drink a lot and refuse food. There may also be signs of disorientation. If so, wipe the animal cold water give him a drink and put a wet towel on his head.

  • Blue tongue and fainting may be the main symptoms of heart problems. At heart attack do not take the dog to the clinic, but call the doctor at home. While you are waiting for the doctor, put heating pads or bottles of water on your dog's paws. warm water and cover her. Do every 4-6 hours intramuscular injection cordiamine, and in the case of an old animal, add more cocarboxylase.

  • If the dog is breathing heavily, but there are no other symptoms, a cardiac examination should be performed (ECG for large dog breeds, ECHO for small ones). So you can exclude or identify problems with the heart

  • Gastric dilatation and torsion (torsion) is most common in large breed dogs and is accompanied by rapid (within a few hours) abdominal enlargement. The dog is in pain abdominal cavity and begins to behave restlessly, groans. The result is heavy breathing, sometimes accompanied by salivation, and unsuccessful attempts to vomit. Dog needs emergency surgical intervention(within 4-6 hours), otherwise it will die.

  • In case of injury chest the animal must be carefully transported to veterinary clinic or call a doctor at home.

  • To exclude or identify metastases, respiratory problems and heart disease, it is advisable to take an x-ray in frontal and lateral projection.

Be aware that heavy breathing can be a symptom dangerous diseases. Here you should not rely on your understanding of the situation, and you should not delay contacting a specialist. Your efficiency will help your beloved pet to be healthy, and probably even save his life.

Having got a puppy, the owner is closely watching the baby. Any action of the puppy, which seems strange to the owner, causes almost panic. For example, puppy breathes fast. Is this normal, is it a sign of a terrible disease?

Why the puppy often breathes in a dream, Is this a sign of heart failure? Most likely, your assessment will be subjective, and has nothing to do with such a serious diagnosis.

Why is the puppy breathing fast? ? The reason for frequent breathing of a puppy can be overexcitation and overwhelmed emotions - the first walk, a new toy, interesting game, contact with another animal. Breathing changes, its rhythm is disturbed, along with breathing, the heartbeat quickens.

The puppy often breathes in his sleep when he sleeps

Puppy breathes fast when sleeping . Indeed, in a dream, a shaggy body breathes often, often, shudders. If the baby is cheerful, cheerful, has an excellent appetite - your fears are most likely in vain. It's just that a small animal has a rather intensive metabolism.

Frequency of committed respiratory movements per minute in puppies of large breeds is about 15-25, in small breeds it reaches 40, and this biological norm. The respiratory rate is affected by the age of a small dog, its size, body temperature, exercise, and even the sex of the animal.

Of course, the real possibility of the disease should not be discounted. Is the puppy breathing very fast? Unfortunately, rapid breathing with shortness of breath may indicate heart disease, lung disease or bronchitis.

If rapid breathing is more like shortness of breath, you can think of health problems such as:

  • swelling of the nasal mucosa (colds, allergies);
  • injury respiratory tract;
  • foreign body in the nose or throat;
  • problems with the lungs, trachea;
  • heart disease, etc.

What to do and how to help a puppy if he began to breathe often ?!

There can be only one advice - if you doubt the health and behavior of the dog, you should show it to a specialist.

If you think that the puppy is sick, but not done yet necessary vaccinations, it is no longer necessary to take risks and take the baby to the clinic - at any time convenient for you, a veterinarian will come to your house.

at home, without excess stress for you and your pet, diagnose the puppy, prescribe necessary treatment, will give a number of tips on the care and maintenance of your little household.

Shortness of breath is generally called arbitrary violations of the respiratory process, accompanied by natural reaction organism for the concomitant oxygen starvation. In our article we will try to tell you about how it manifests itself severe shortness of breath in a dog and what to do in case of a sharp exacerbation of the animal's well-being.

First of all, this deviation must be distinguished from normal state when your pet is just breathing open mouth, which is associated with the peculiarities of the organization of its respiratory process.

We are interested in cases pathological in which he has severe shortness of breath due to a serious illness with a concomitant effect in the form of a syndrome. Such deviations are not subject to self-diagnosis, and it is not possible to treat them at home.

If you find any manifestations similar to shortness of breath, we advise you to immediately contact your veterinarian.

Types of shortness of breath and their characteristic features

With significant physical exertion, the animal has to open its mouth wide, which allows it to quickly restore the functionality of its body and compensate for the loss of energy. Rapid breathing after a walk with running and frequent jumps - quite normal phenomenon, which should not cause concern. But the cases when it occurs in calm state, belong to the category of symptomatic manifestations and should alert the owner.

In this situation, the most important thing is the current state of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. When examining a dog or puppy, it is necessary to determine the nature of its breathing, for which you should learn to distinguish between such concepts as expiration and inspiration.

Expiration is understood as the phenomenon of breathing in the form of short breaths and long and very heavy exhalations, which are often incomplete. At the same time, unpleasant wheezing or dull sniffing may be observed. All these sounds indicate a partial narrowing of the lower bronchial region, due to the transfer of asthma or bronchitis.

The inspiratory form of breathing involves either sharp short or heavy long breaths, which can occur due to edema of the airways, as well as after receiving minor injuries or getting foreign objects into them.

The mixed type of respiratory activity refers to a special acute conditions in which both inhalation and exhalation are difficult; at the same time, all attempts to breathe normally are accompanied by strangled wheezing and cough with spasms.

Causes of deviations and their manifestations

General classification

The causes of shortness of breath can be the following types of past diseases and physiological disorders:

  • diseases caused by problems with blood circulation or impaired cardiac activity;
  • respiratory abnormalities following accidental injury, infections, and work abnormalities internal organs dog;
  • serious violations in the processes of internal metabolism;
  • obesity with symptoms manifested in a decrease in the endurance of the animal due to malnutrition;
  • and finally, postpartum dyspnea.

Let's consider each type of deviation in more detail.

The first two forms are manifested in fatigue when walking (the animal constantly feels the desire to sit or lie down, how to catch his breath and is almost unable to run). In case of violations metabolic processes toxins are not completely removed from the body, which has a detrimental effect on the circulatory system and can result in.

In addition, with this form of deviation, lesions of the genitourinary canal may occur (toxicosis due to the current kidney failure) and dog liver. It itself can be the result of complications after the transfer of piroplasmosis, which immediately puts the animal in a special risk group.

Consequences of physiological disorders

The consequence of all the considered deviations, in which pet shortness of breath appears, heart failure can become especially acute form and sluggish inflammatory process. Such an exacerbation as pulmonary edema can also be attributed to the same consequences.

Diagnosis of the disease

In case of violation of metabolic processes, like the previous case, tests are immediately taken, an ultrasound scan is performed, and liver tests are also sent for research. Obesity and postpartum dyspnea, although considered to be quite acceptable phenomena, are often accompanied by fever, vomiting, and impaired coordination. The appearance of these features in postpartum period may be associated with a large loss of blood.

If postpartum shortness of breath is observed constantly for a number of days, you should urgently call a veterinarian at home. If you do not act, these reasons can lead to death.

Providing first aid

Mild forms of pathology

Basic methods of rendering first aid allow to achieve a symptomatic improvement in the condition of the animal and are reduced mainly to oxygen therapy. By agreement with the doctor, it can be supplemented by some adjustment of the diet, as well as the intake of recommended vitamins and trace elements.

Stress in a dog can be caused by the presence of danger (a fight with another animal, protecting the owner) and is always accompanied by the production of excess hormones. Such manifestations in animals should not be underestimated and treated without due attention.

If they are found in a sick pet, first of all, you need to leave it alone for a while and place it in an isolated cool room. At the same time, the owner of the animal should be nearby all the time, periodically massaging the chest and wiping wet places with a dry towel.

critical situations

Most often, in order to prevent pathologies in the respiratory system, accompanied by the appearance of edema and swelling of the mucous membranes, antihistamines or steroids are prescribed by the attending physician or veterinarian. In cases where choking occurs unexpectedly, the owner of the dog will be forced to take risks, since there is no time left to wait for the veterinarian.

In this situation, you should act quickly and decisively and not think for a long time about what to do. First of all, you need to call a doctor at home, and then try to find in home first aid kit any antihistamine (in last resort, traditional Suprastin will do for these purposes).

For dogs of medium size (weighing no more than 5-8 kg), half a tablet of this drug will be enough, which will first need to be crushed and then gently rubbed under the tongue. Then you should open all the windows in the room or turn on the ventilation system at full power, maximizing its circulation. At the same time, we rub the back, ears and chest of a sick animal.

The ideal option for providing first aid is the use of an oxygen mask, the presence of which in the house eliminates many problems.

While waiting for the arrival of a doctor, intravenous potassium chloride at a dosage of 3 to 15 ml is allowed to avoid an attack (depending on the size of your pet).

After taking all the preventive measures described above, you will only have to wait for the doctor who will take everything necessary measures and can help alleviate the condition of your pet.

Many dog ​​owners sometimes notice that the dog breathes rapidly. This can be considered as a completely normal phenomenon, but may also indicate serious illnesses. To determine what this is connected with, it is necessary to take into account some features. Normal frequency respiration in dogs is 10-30 breaths per minute. To determine the number of breaths, you need to put your hand on the pet's chest and detect one minute.

Throughout the day, a dog's breathing can change frequently. If the pet is not worried about anything, then he breathes through his nose and calmly. But if the dog does it with his mouth, then this action is not always a cause for concern.

Causes that are not related to diseases

Let's look at the lesser reasons first. Frequent breathing is possible after an active walk. Also this symptom may appear after training or playing with other pets. Dogs don't have sweat glands therefore, to cool off, the dog often breathes with its mouth open. It can also be fear, stress or joy.


Another thing is when the dog breathes frequently without visible reasons(described above). The most common problems may be those related to the respiratory apparatus: pulmonary edema, bronchitis, pleurisy or pneumonia. If your dog is breathing heavily and rapidly, it may be due to asthma or heart failure.

Breed features

Some breeds, such as pugs, are inherently destined for respiratory problems. They have constricted nostrils and throat passages. They are also much more likely to overheat, which also contributes to increased breathing. Therefore, if the dog often breathes with his tongue hanging out, this can be considered normal. A similar phenomenon can be observed with an increase in body temperature or tightness of the neck with a collar.

Other reasons

If the pet did not observe any physical exertion, and breathing became more frequent, then this may mean the following:

  • heart attack:
  • poisoning;
  • severe pain.

AT this case you need to immediately consult a doctor to examine the animal and find out the exact cause.

pregnant and lactating dog

A pregnant dog breathes quickly if the birth is already finally approaching. In this case, nothing threatens her health. If, after giving birth, breathing has not decreased, and the puppies were born dead, it is urgent to call a veterinarian, as the animal needs surgery.

If she breathes often and makes clumsy movements, then this indicates that the level of calcium and glucose in her blood decreases. In this case, the help of a doctor is also necessary, otherwise the animal may die.

What to do?

Why is the dog breathing fast? There can be many reasons. If, in addition to breathing, the dog has lethargy or anxiety, it whines, then the intervention of a specialist is necessary. If it is not possible to invite a veterinarian to the house, then you should very carefully deliver it to the hospital.

If a nursing dog breathes frequently, then the help of a veterinarian is also necessary. The consequences can be very different.

In the absence of extraneous symptoms, rapid breathing of a dog in situations that are unnatural for it requires examination. It will help to identify disorders associated with the work of the heart.

If the dog often breathes with an open mouth, then the owner needs to carry out the following actions.

The first step is to measure the body temperature of the pet. With hyperthermia, rapid breathing is considered a sign of disease respiratory organs. Next, you need to invite a veterinarian for an examination, which should prescribe tests to establish an accurate diagnosis.

If there is a hot period outside, then the reason may be. For this, the owner needs to water the dog cool water and take it to a cold place. You can also wipe your body with water and put a wet towel on your head. Then call the doctor.

At normal temperature body rapid breathing can be a sign of asthma. In this case, only drug treatment. Therefore, you need to immediately go to the hospital.

If, with rapid breathing, fainting and a blue tongue are possible, this means heart failure. After calling the doctor, the owner should attach heating pads or bottles of warm water to the dog's paws and ensure the pet is calm.

Heart failure

The above are all the main possible reasons when the dog is breathing fast. But the most common disease is Let's talk about it in more detail. All heart diseases can be divided into three groups:

  • congenital;
  • acquired;
  • age.

Congenital malformations are more common in young pets. Very often in this case, animals die, since the body is still quite weak. Acquired defects, as a rule, in middle-aged animals, well, age - in animals older than eight years. In addition to rapid breathing with heart disease, pets may experience other symptoms.

Little dogs stop playing more time sleep, do not gain weight at all due to the fact that they eat poorly.

In adults, even at rest, shortness of breath may occur. The dog is very lethargic, during a quiet walk, he may faint. I have an opportunity speed dial weight due to high water intake.

All of these symptoms are the causes of pet heart problems. Also here can be attributed unsteady gait, weakness, refusal of food.

In the case when it is a sign of heart disease, you should transfer the pet to feeding in small portions, as well as reduce the amount of physical activity and walks. The doctor must prescribe special drugs. They should be taken exactly as directed.


So, from all of the above, we can single out the most common causes rapid breathing in a dog:

  1. Overheating or heat stroke.
  2. Nervous excitement. This may be if the pet is transported for the first time in transport or it is in an unfamiliar place for it.
  3. There are some damages that you don't see. Various bruises or abrasions, the consequences of a fight with other dogs and more.
  4. Heart attacks. This usually occurs in adult dogs in case of overheating.
  5. Pregnancy.
  6. Feeding newborn puppies.
  7. Cold.
  8. Heart failure.
  9. various tumors.

Thus, in order to exclude negative cases, it is better not to self-medicate your pet, but to seek help from a professional who will conduct an examination, put accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment. The only thing you can do is to provide peace to the animal.

Sometimes the dog can notice rapid breathing. Maybe it's just overheating in the hot summer period which is considered the norm. Or maybe a more serious problem that can affect the life of the animal. Dyspnea - shortness of breath, this is a violation of the frequency and depth of breathing and is accompanied by a feeling of lack of air. In dogs, the syndrome manifests itself quite often. This is a serious problem, because it leads to disruptions in the supply of oxygen to the entire body. Shortness of breath occurs due to fluid filling the lungs or chest cavity.

At rest, dogs take 10 to 30 breaths per minute. Of course, this depends on the size, sex and age of the dog. Changes in respiratory rate occur after exercise, or active movement, as well as in the summer, when the temperature rises significantly and breathing can increase up to 160 breaths. An indicator of rapid breathing can also be overexcitation or instability. nervous system.

Rapid breathing is considered normal and is not a deviation in the health of the pet:

  • in a state of fear, rage, joy;
  • while visiting unfamiliar places, travel in transport;
  • at the appointment of a veterinarian, after vaccination or taking medicinal product, in the postoperative period;
  • during sexual hunting, pregnancy and childbirth;
  • during the period active action, physical activity, walking;
  • after taking a large number food;
  • during sun exposure.

What you need to know! Hormones have an effect on a dog's breathing rate. So, for example, during stress there is a surge of adrenaline into the blood (fear), hydrocortisone (feeling of anxiety), norepinephrine (feeling of anger). Therefore, during such a hormonal release, the dog's body requires active oxygen saturation, and it begins to breathe frequently.

Breathing is restored quickly as soon as the cause of the increased oxygen consumption is eliminated.

Indicators of the norm of respiratory rate, pulse and body temperature in dogs

When can increased breathing be considered a deviation?

If the dog began to breathe more often, while he was in minimal activity or in a completely calm state, this behavior may be clear symptom some kind of pathology. If the animal does not show interest in your actions, is in a state of apathy and at the same time breathes frequently, making noises when breathing, then the dog must be shown veterinarian and hold diagnostic examination. Only some breeds of dogs have anatomical features, for example, pugs have a special structure of the muzzle, so their sniffling and snoring is considered normal and should not disturb the owner. The sudden appearance of rapid breathing may be a violation of the respiratory system, or other very serious pathologies.

Causes of rapid breathing

There are many causes of pathological dyspnea:

  • problems with heart vascular system(large dog breeds such as the Doberman Pinscher, German dog, predisposed to cardiomyopathy - primary myocardial damage);
  • deviations in the pulse rate;
  • lung diseases;
  • tumors in the respiratory system (for example, often located in boxer dog lung cancer);
  • at infectious lesion organism developing inflammation lungs;
  • airway obstruction (small breeds—for example, Yorkshire Terrier, spitz, chihuahua - suffer from tracheal collapse);
  • damage to the chest, in which bleeding fills the entire pleural cavity(hemothorax) or the lungs fill with fluid (hydrothorax);
  • deviations in the work of the central nervous system, with neoplasms of the brain or head injuries;
  • postoperative period with complications;
  • brachycephalic breeds, breeding dogs in the course of targeted selection with the fixation of a certain trait - a specific head shape with a short muzzle (dogs of the Pekingese, pug, bulldog breeds). Dogs have congenital pathologies dyspnea - narrowing of the nostrils, lengthening soft palate or predisposed to a variety of diseases of the upper respiratory system.

Rapid breathing is not always a sign of a serious illness, sometimes it may indicate that a foreign body is stuck in the respiratory system. Anemia can also be the cause of rapid breathing, because the body does not receive the necessary amount of oxygen and tissues and organs are not enriched. During a decrease in hemoglobin in the blood, the dog can breathe much more often than usual.

What you need to know! In some situations, the appearance of rapid breathing provokes pulmonary edema, which was caused by weakness of the heart muscle, which in this case is a vicious circle.


By the behavior of the dog, you can always understand whether dyspnea will be a normal manifestation or a deviation in the state of health. If you notice:

  • restlessness, the animal trembles;
  • inhalation and exhalation is given to the dog with difficulty;
  • breathing occurs with an open mouth;
  • cough, wheezing during breathing, rapid breathing;
  • gums, lips and tongue have acquired a bluish tint;
  • lack of appetite and weight loss;
  • vomiting, loose stools;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • disorientation in space;
  • the animal behaves apathetically;
  • an unnatural posture is taken - an elongated neck, legs apart, the animal is not able to take a lying position.

If at least some of the above symptoms are observed in a dog, then you should immediately visit a veterinary clinic.

Features of treatment

In a veterinary clinic, a complete diagnostic examination will be performed to determine the cause of dyspnea. The focus of the examination is primarily on the heart and lungs. AT without fail x-ray is taken thoracic, electrocardiogram, echocardiogram. measured blood pressure, and blood is collected for the deployed biochemical analysis levels of hormones in the blood.

The veterinarian, having familiarized himself with all the results of the study, will make a diagnosis and only after that will prescribe treatment.

With respiratory dyspnea, the dog's body is supplied with oxygen, further treatment carried out according to the type of disease.

With rapid breathing, which is caused by disorders of the central nervous system, the diagnosis is carried out like an examination cardiogenic type, but it is better to undergo magnetic resonance imaging. If during the postpartum period the dyspnea of ​​the animal does not go away within a day, contact your veterinarian immediately, otherwise the dog may die.

What you need to know! You need to act very quickly when rapid breathing is a manifestation of pneumonia or asthma, because acute shortness of breath proceeds rapidly. Overstocking liquids eliminate antihistamines or in rare cases steroids.

Anemia is eliminated by regulating the dog's diet and adding vitamin complex in the diet, to increase hemoglobin in the blood.


Depending on the diagnosis, the following remedies are used for shortness of breath:

  • heart preparations, glycosides (Digoxin - 0.003-0.011 mg / kg every 12 hours, Strofantin-K - intravenously with a solution of 5-10% glucose 0.00005-0.0005 g, Korglikon - 0.1-1.0 ml depending on weight);

  • drugs that regulate the respiratory system (Gentamicin - 0.6 ml / 10 kg 2 times a day, Ceftriaxone - administered 20-40 mg / kg 1 r. per day);

  • vasodilators (enalapril - 0.5 mg / kg 1 time per day, Benazepril 0.25-0.5 mg / kg 1 time per day);

  • painkillers (Ketonal - 1 mg / kg per day; Kaprofen - 0.2-0.4 mg / kg per day);

  • detoxifiers (Detox - intravenously or subcutaneously at a dose of 1 ml / 10 kg 1 time per day);
  • antipyretics (Previcox - 5 mg / kg 1 time per day), anti-shock drugs (Prednisolone - 1 mg / kg 2 times a day; Dexamethasone - 1-1.5 ml / kg intravenously 1 time per day);

  • blood substitutes and iron-containing solutions (Ferran - 0.2 ml / kg intramuscularly);
  • diuretics (Furosemide - 4-8 mg intravenously or intramuscularly every 1-2 hours, Torasemide - 0.2 mg / kg 2 times a day).

What you need to know! A state of shock is a condition that rapidly lowers blood pressure and is accompanied by symptoms characteristic of shock types - rapid breathing. By eliminating the state of shock, you can improve the functioning of the respiratory system. For this, adrenaline therapy, infusion therapy, diuretics, corticosteroids, analgesics are used. For a dog with tachypnea ( shallow breathing) should be observed because breathing may not return to normal levels without medical attention.

First aid for shortness of breath

There are situations when it is not possible to immediately deliver a pet to a veterinarian. The unsatisfactory condition of the dog pushes the owner to provide first aid, without which the animal may die. If the dog's breathing has increased due to stress, then the first action that will benefit is to establish complete rest. The dog should be placed in a well ventilated room to ensure flow fresh air but no draft. Next, be sure to call the veterinarian and do not try to give the pet medication on your own, as this can only complicate the situation and further treatment.

What you need to know! Do not try to forcefully lay, water and feed your pet when he has experienced deep stress. Cool water can develop inflammation, swelling, or air in the lungs because the temperature of the fluid and the temperature of the internal organs are different.

If the condition of the dog allows you to independently transport it to the veterinary clinic, then immediately you need to show it to a specialist. The advantage will be that the clinic will immediately diagnose and precious time will not be lost. The specialist will examine the animal and offer to use an oxygen mask to enrich the dog's body with oxygen. If this method of approach proves to be ineffective, then surgical intervention may be performed.

At experienced owners there is always a first aid kit, it should appear even when purchasing a puppy. So, in case of problems with respiratory system Pets are given emergency supplies.

The sequence of actions with rapid breathing:

Therapy at home

When the dog's life is not in danger, you can do without hospitalization and treat it at home. In order for the treatment to be effective, and the pet is on the mend, you must strictly follow the instructions of the veterinarian:

  • the dog must have free access to water so that there is no dehydration of the body, it must drink water;
  • strictly follow the treatment regimen that was prescribed by the veterinarian;
  • regularly bring the pet to the appointment with a specialist;
  • do not use drugs that you yourself found in the treatment regimen, this can kill the animal;
  • If your pet is breathing rapidly after spaying or other surgery, call your veterinarian. It is better to clarify and get information, the consequences, what kind given state- recovery of the body, or signs of complications.


The appearance of any disease can be prevented, while you just need to follow the rules and regulations for keeping your pet.

You need to know! Diseases pulmonary system mostly appear in the background infection, while it does not matter at all - the real development of the disease or the exacerbation of another disease. Therefore, the prevention of respiratory diseases will be to protect the dog from the presence of an infectious environment.

AT spring period dogs can flare up allergic reactions when flowering plants and trees. If in given period the dog felt worse, you need to strive to find the cause of the disease and try to eliminate it. Remember it doesn't happen serious pathologies, leading to rapid breathing, which can be cured at home without visiting a veterinarian.

Video - About rapid breathing in dogs

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