Bulimia - causes, symptoms and ways to deal with bouts of binge eating. Bouts of gluttony, insatiable hunger

Currently in the world great importance has a problem excess weight. Naturally, people who are overweight are not able to control their own appetite, and they usually have it indefatigable. In such conditions, it is easy to become a real glutton. Incidentally, very serious illness that needs to be fought. This is what we will talk about.

The essence and features of gluttony

Gluttony is called the regular uncontrolled consumption of excessive amounts of food, which is quite difficult to cope with. A synonym for the disease sounds like "compulsive overeating." In some cases of gluttony, when it is combined with insatiable hunger and is pathological, the term "bulimia" is also appropriate.

This state has a number of features that are worth voicing. Gluttony manifests itself paroxysmal, but systematically. At the moment of uncontrolled eating of delicacies, a person experiences a feeling of guilt, which does not go away even for some time after the meal is over. The glutton does not have the slightest inclination to correct the situation by artificially inducing vomiting or exhaustion in himself. own body workouts for weight loss. These attempts are made only by an individual suffering from the bulimia already mentioned above. Often, at the time of bouts of gluttony, the individual is disgusted with himself because of such unacceptable and uncontrollable behavior, and may even become depressed. Glutton is clearly not satisfied with the current state of affairs, but he is not able to stop, although he desperately wants it.

Overeating Symptoms

  • rapid absorption by a person of a huge amount of food;
  • unlimited unplanned food intake, regardless of the daily regimen;
  • accumulation of delicacies and eating them in secret from others;
  • a tendency to eat supplies all alone;
  • the ability to eat within the limits of what is permitted while in the company;
  • being in a state of constant stress and nervous tension, weakening only after another unimaginable portion of treats;
  • the impossibility of achieving a sense of satisfaction through uncontrolled absorption of tasty food;
  • embarrassment from realizing the amount of food consumed during an attack of gluttony;
  • switching to autopilot mode at the moment of saturation.

Reasons for overeating

Gluttony is a deviation from the norm, and, therefore, arises as a result of the influence of certain provoking factors on a person. Simply put, this disease, like any other, has specific causes.

According to scientists, the main impetus for the appearance of gluttony is genetic predisposition and disruption of the functions of the brain lobes, which are responsible for the regulation of appetite. This is evidenced by numerous Scientific research. However, if we are dealing with gluttony not within the framework of bulimia, then more prosaic factors can play a role in its formation:

  • prolonged depression caused by constant life failures, problems, loneliness, dissatisfaction with one's earthly existence;
  • low self-esteem and total self-doubt;
  • lack of love for yourself, for your body;
  • violation of diet and day;
  • weak willpower, especially strong in the absence of external control;
  • social pressure - it provokes stress;
  • psychological trauma;
  • puberty in adolescents.

Bouts of gluttony can provoke some diseases. We are talking about diabetes, traumatic brain injury, hypothyroidism, obesity. In the latter case, bouts of uncontrolled eating often ruin people's lives because they practice unbalanced diets in order to get rid of overweight body. Gluttony like serious pathology within the framework of bulimia, it can be the result of schizophrenia or a passionate desire to lose weight once awakened in the heart at all costs.

How to get rid of gluttony

Before you decide to go on the warpath with bouts of uncontrollable overeating, you need to realize the presence of a food addiction. A glutton is not much different from a drug addict or a gamer - only the subject of pathological affection is different for him, much more harmless, at first glance. After that, one must firmly aim at developing a healthy attitude towards food and eating: from now on, the absorption of delicacies should occur to satisfy only physical and physiological needs, and not at all psychological or emotional.

Now let's move on to the methods of dealing with gluttony.

  • Learn to manage stress. Uncontrolled absorption of food is nothing more than an opportunity to cope with negative emotions. It is necessary to learn not to seize stress, but to resist it, using other, safer ways for health. Auto-training, repetition of calming affirmations, meditation, deep relaxation, breathing exercises - choose any method from this list, and some will definitely help you.
  • Strictly follow the diet. Try not to skip any of the meals under any circumstances - this may well provoke an attack of gluttony. Stick to five meals a day: breakfast, second breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner.
  • Turn yourself away strict diets in favor balanced diet . Any diet for weight loss, no matter how good and effective it is, will continually make you feel hungry, and this will certainly serve as fertile ground for bouts of gluttony. Let in your daily menu all the necessary nutrients are present, but in a reasonable ratio.
  • Protect yourself from food temptation. To this end, free your home from dainty food supplies: sweet, flour, salty, smoked meats, fried, too fatty - in a word, tasty and at the same time harmful. Your task: to provide yourself with healthy, nutritious and at the same time attractive food.
  • Live interesting. You shouldn't have free time from now on. This does not mean that you have to work all day long, as if you do not see the white light - just do not give yourself the freedom to sit idle so that tempting thoughts do not arise in your head to go on about a frenzied appetite. Find an exciting hobby, grow indoor or garden flowers, take daily long walks, go to a museum or theater - in general, switch your attention from the desire to overeat tasty to something else in moments of boredom.
  • Save the dream! If you feel that an attack of gluttony is ready to take over your will and mind, get over yourself - go not to the refrigerator, but to the bedroom and sleep for an hour or two. You may be a little tired, because there is a direct relationship between fatigue and food cravings. Even a short sleep will quickly restore the necessary level of energy, vitality and calm the desire to eat properly.

In the case of bulimia, you will need to work with a psychologist or psychotherapist.

How to deal with gluttony? This question never crossed my mind before.
And it was like that. I have always loved a lot of delicious food. Since childhood. No, I was not a glutton, for the time being, simply the means did not allow. It never crossed my mind to overeat with a trough of pasta, because I like to eat tasty and varied.
She lived like everyone else, treating herself to red fish on holidays, and on ordinary days she modestly ate no less ordinary food for an ordinary Russian.

And then something interesting happened. I began to earn more, succeeding enough in the career ladder and becoming a qualified consultant. I could afford to buy the notorious red fish and caviar every single day, my soups were thick and rich, the second one was fatty-red-meat, there are all kinds of salads all year round. Well, for tea there is always a pie, a cake, a candy. And just a lot, delicious, I put noble plates on myself, the field of food was hard to breathe, because there was nowhere to breathe, it made me blissfully sleepy, I recalled Russian drinking songs.

Then it got even more interesting. It turned out that with such a lifestyle, or rather food, weight began to increase. It was strange for me, because I have never suffered from a weight problem. Having added 10 extra kilos, I felt inertia in my body, I could no longer run up the stairs after 2 steps. Having decided that I just need to eat less, as Maya Plisetskaya advised all those who suffer, I ran into another interesting problem.
I couldn't eat less. I was already tired of all the delicacies, I was happy with a simple boiled potato with herring like a child, but I couldn’t reduce the amount, the feeling of hunger didn’t leave me for a minute until I had eaten the right amount.

From large volumes of vegetables and fruits it became ill, bran and so on, I physically could not eat.
And at some point it occurred to me absolutely right thought: to overcome gluttony, you need to return the volume of the stomach to normal. In any glutton, the stomach is stretched for large volumes of food, and until he receives them, the person experiences hunger.

And it helped me in the fight against gluttony and in the glorious work of returning the global stomach to right size good old DIAPHRAGMATIC BREATHING. For anatomy dummies like me: the diaphragm is internal muscle, which holds the internal organs and is involved in respiration. At shallow breathing we work with the muscles of the chest, shoulder girdle. And with the right deep breathing diaphragm is engaged. There is a retraction and expulsion of the abdomen, not the chest.

A simple exercise: lie on your back, knees can be bent, if it is more convenient. Try to breathe deeply, pulling in and pushing your stomach out as much as possible. It is ideal to feel on the exhale how the stomach is literally “glued” to the spine, and on the inhale, try to make the stomach look like a watermelon. Even on the exhale, when the stomach is pulled in as much as possible, you can hold your breath. First, by 8 seconds, then increase the interval. If you feel severe dizziness shorten the gap between inhalation and exhalation.

What else, besides fighting gluttony, is this exercise useful? Very many.
First, train the cardiovascular system. Those who suffered from shortness of breath will soon feel positive changes.
Secondly, all internal organs are massaged. After all, many diseases, incl. inflammatory, come from stagnation of blood and insufficient circulation. This massage helps gentle cleansing, saturation with oxygen and nutrients of internal organs.
Thirdly, when holding the breath, the capillaries expand and, with the subsequent inhalation, the whole body, the skin, is saturated with oxygen.
Another leaking positive moment. At chronic inflammation internal organs medicines may simply not reach their destination, because the blood circulation is sluggish, stagnation simply occurs. Diaphragmatic breathing this will help a lot. But with acute inflammation physical exercise contraindicated!

Well, about the fight against gluttony. Diaphragmatic breathing has helped me a lot. No matter what they say, it was this exercise that contributed to the restoration of a distended stomach.
It was enough 15 minutes a day (daily and regularly!!!) and in the next week I felt positive changes. I can also note a surge of fresh energy from this exercise, it relieves fatigue very well after labor day clears his head.
Gradually, the weight returned to normal. But here I had to use another simple remedy suggested by the pharmacist (thank you very much!).

I want to note, or rather a banal thing to write: no matter how you feel like gluttony, it’s better not to start it. This happened to me, perhaps also because in the difficult 90s I had to go hungry. In the literal sense, at times there was no money in the house even for an extra loaf. Perhaps I have always had a fear of being hungry. And having received the money, I let it go ... you know where. And then she struggled with the consequences.
In addition, the glutton gradually ceases to enjoy delicious food. Everything becomes boring, boring, and all that remains is the need to fill the stomach. Not happy festive table, not happy with food in a cafe, restaurant.

I also want to note a positive thing from the past gluttony. Oddly enough, but in any problem there is something positive.
I lost my fear of being hungry. I no longer feel like eating delicacies every day. I learned to appreciate the simple everyday food Special attention began to give vitamins and useful products. A delicacy eat on weekends and holidays. And I take it easy. I spend money on other values ​​that are important and interesting to me.

I want to highlight for those struggling with gluttony. Don't buy appetite suppressants. In a beautiful jar can be narcotic and just harmful substances, addictive and various pathologies. You can buy special herbal preparations ( corn silk, flax seed and others). Although I have managed without it.

Yes, another important point. Don't eat problems! Control your condition, it is better to take valerian or milk with a spoonful of honey. Or just drink a glass or two of pure water (this is very useful) /

A few examples of psychological hunger. When you are in high spirits or in good company, you can discreetly eat a decent-sized pizza alone. If you are overcome by sadness, sadness, then you lean on sweets. In your hours of loneliness and boredom, you can easily grab a few large bags of chips. In such simple ways, you satisfy psychological hunger, which has nothing to do with real, physiological hunger. And thus, you allow emotions, pleasant and not very pleasant, to leave a mark on the stomach and waist. The danger of these “cute habits” lies in addiction and “if jamming of emotions becomes a habit, you can forget about harmony. Or exhaust yourself with endless workouts that will alternate with regular emotional snacks.

How to distinguish psychological hunger from physiological

The "attack" of psychological hunger begins suddenly, at one moment, while the feeling of physiological hunger increases gradually over several hours.

2) When you are overcome by physiological hunger, you are happy with any food. When we are talking about psychological hunger, the body requires only certain types of food. longing for only a certain type of food. When you eat to satisfy the needs of physiological hunger, any menu option will suit you, while psychological hunger makes you capricious and “sort out” food.

3) Psychological hunger originates in the head. You begin not only to want to immediately try this or that delicacy, but also see a “delicious” image of food, smell and taste in your mouth. And with physiological hunger, you are only disturbed by the rumbling in the stomach and the need to eat something, to bite at least with a stale crust of bread, throwing away the manners of a gourmet.

4) Psychological hunger always "goes hand in hand" with emotions, pleasant or negative. It doesn't matter if you've had a big meal recently. Physiological hunger appears only a few hours after eating.

5) Psychological hunger is difficult to control and, satisfying it, you sometimes do not even notice that you have eaten a box of cookies or several bars of chocolate in a row. By drowning out physiological hunger, you clearly understand what you eat and how much.

6) During periods of psychological hunger under the influence of emotions, you continue to eat "through force", although the stomach has long been filled. But the taste and smell of the desired food does not let you stop. While the feeling of physiological hunger goes away as you are saturated.

7) Eating out of psychological hunger is often accompanied by feelings of guilt and promises to no longer overeat or indulge in unbridled gluttony. After satisfaction of physiological hunger, you will not feel anything like that.

How to get rid of psychological hunger


That you are subject to psychological hunger and try to find out what emotions and reasons cause it.

2) Think about what you will do if you feel psychological hunger again. What can you do to overcome the desire to eat.

3) When you begin to feel bouts of psychological hunger, keep yourself occupied. Go to the store or start doing something that interests you and can really distract you. For example, chat with a friend.

4) "Substitute" food. Instead of chips or cookies, eat low high-calorie foods.

5) If you can't stop yourself from eating "something tasty" it's easier to satisfy the feeling of psychological hunger than tossing and turning and brushing off visions of beautiful food. But " the Forbidden fruit"You can only try, strictly observing the amount of food.

6) In the event that psychological hunger makes you pounce on sweets, divide the chocolate bar or cookie into several small pieces. Which then keep in your mouth as long as possible to prolong the taste and deceive the feeling of hunger.

And the most important thing. If the reason why you feel psychological hunger is your emotions, then you can get rid of psychological hunger by getting rid of emotions. Be calmer, more restrained, more balanced and gluttony will not spoil your mood.

Hello dear readers. Do you know what our grandmothers were wrong about? Raising us, grandchildren, all the time fed to satiety. Say, one more bowl of soup is never superfluous. No matter how, it happens. Constant and excessive overeating is a disease, and a constantly stuffed stomach is its sure sign. In the post we will figure out how to get rid of gluttony, what it is and what it leads to.

One of the deadly sins

Intemperance in eating is called a disorder eating behavior. Gluttony is one of them. He was condemned in ancient Greece. It was believed that insatiability in the absorption of food makes a person physically and spiritually unhappy. The Greeks called the state after gluttony suffering, called on righteous men not only to limit themselves in food, but to direct their thoughts in the right direction about the place of food in life.

Orthodoxy considers gluttony one of the eight major sins. Eastern Christian ascetics, striving for the Lord, limited themselves spiritually and physically, including in food. Gastriamargia (this is the name of the phenomenon in Greek) is the first, lowest of the vices. This concept is also reflected in Catholicism, where gluttony is a sin against the second commandment.

Are you a glutton?

It's disgusting to think that you can be called that, isn't it? Meanwhile, many people who suffer from compulsive overeating do not admit it to themselves and others.

What are the symptoms of the disease?

  • frequent cases of overeating during meals;
  • inability to control the amount of food eaten;
  • the constant continuation of the meal not to a feeling of satiety, but to the state of "full to satiety";
  • depression from heaviness in the stomach after eating.

It is difficult to identify a glutton; a person with a tendency to overeat hides a vice. This explains the embarrassment of patients to eat in public. People most often come to a nutritionist and psychologist when being overweight prevents them from feeling good.

To not bring yourself to critical condition, pay attention to the first "bells" talking about compulsive overeating:

  • while eating, you watch TV, use a gadget, thereby not noticing the amount of food eaten;
  • all day you chew something, a plate of food at your table is constantly replenished with new portions;
  • you cannot do mental work, watch a movie without a snack;
  • every night in your house the refrigerator door slams - you love late-night snacks.

One such weakness is that many people have. But since you are reading this blog, you should understand that these points are a blow to harmony.

Causes of constant overeating

To treat the disease, it is necessary to find out where it came from and remove the risk factors. The causes of overeating can be both physiological and psychological or as a result of environmental influences.

Compulsive eating is hereditary. Option one - problems at the gene level, where everyone in the family tends to be overweight and overeating, metabolic processes, blood sugar levels. Option two - the influence of home life. In families with a "cult of food" unjustified attention is paid to meals, food is an encouragement.

FROM psychological point gluttony is a way to cheer up, calm down. Have you ever wondered why people often gain weight when they quit smoking? One reason is stress eating. Chewing movements, saturation calm the nerves, help to cope with difficult situations. back side medals - overweight, poor health.

Inactive leads to gluttony, sedentary image life. You are constantly chewing just out of boredom.

There is an opinion that after 50 years the risk of the disease increases. In fact, at this age, a person moves less, is more at home, in the food availability zone. To eliminate the risk of illness, you should forget the prejudices about the "powerful" life, move more, walk, play feasible sports. And it doesn’t matter if you are 20 or over 50, you can stop overeating, lose weight, become more mobile and more attractive at any age.

Affects the process of absorption of food and sleep. Have you heard such a “life hack”: in order not to fall asleep, you need to think or chew? There is some truth in the statement, a sleepy person instinctively reaches for snacks in order to remain awake.

That is, the average person, immersed in gadgets, employed on nervous work theoretically prone to gluttony.

How to stop?

How to get out of the slavery of consumption? Treatment Lovers folk remedies found a lot of options.

  • phytotherapy. The method is based on the properties of plants to reduce appetite. Brew flax, marshmallow and corn silk, take half a glass several times a day. Cumin and dill will help to strengthen the stomach, normalize the processes of the gastrointestinal tract. They are added to ready-made dishes or make a green broth.
  • aromatherapy against gluttony helps in that the oil smells of aromatic mixtures have a calming effect, you forget about the feeling of hunger. Light sticks or candles with bergamot, rosemary in the apartment, and the feeling of fullness when eating will come faster;
  • acupressure of the place under the nose (hollow above upper lip). Acupuncture exposure should be carried out in a circular motion.

The power of persuasion against overeating

In the fight against overeating, psychological methods of self-deception and restrictions will help.

Faina Ranevskaya, an icon of style and femininity, for example, recommended eating naked in front of a mirror as a diet.

But there are less radical options for how to deal with gluttony.

Before eating, put on a tight sweater and jeans. Tie a thread at the waist or tighten the corset. So you physically won’t be able to eat a lot - clothes will get in the way.

After dressing in the appropriate costume, choose the smallest and most elegant dishes. Do not put a lot of food in it, it will be ugly. Even better - weigh the amount of food expected. And nothing more to add to the plate.

Force yourself to eat slowly, feel every bite of what you eat, and not swallow tons of food. So you eat less.

Another simple piece of advice follows from this – eat with your meal. Highlight for nutrition special time, do not be distracted by anything, think about saturation, control your thoughts.

It is not in vain that a break for lunch is given in work - this is a time of rest, general recovery strength, and not speedy eating food and returning to workdays.

Diet to eat less

So, while eating, you should focus on the food itself as much as possible - an extremely important point. At the same time, before a solid meal, eat something protein for half an hour. For example, an egg, a piece of chicken, walnuts. Even workaholics should not forget that you need to eat 5-6 times a day, while in small portions.

For the treatment of gluttony, you can set the following diet:

  1. breakfast - 7.00
  2. snack - 10.30
  3. lunch - 13.00
  4. afternoon snack – 16.00
  5. dinner - 19.00

And most importantly, you need to sleep at night. Provide yourself with a healthy, 7-8 hour sleep, then the issue with nightly snacks will disappear.

What to do if you suffer from "hungry insomnia"? Go in for sports. Best time for jogging or a quick walk - around 20.00. Drink a milkshake before your workout and let your muscles work in the evening. After an intense load and recuperation during dinner, fatigue will take its toll, you will forget about the “night watcher”.

How to help yourself get better

Gluttons need to remove all "provocateurs" from the house. These are sweets, buns, snacks, fast food.

It is worth talking to friends and relatives who always want to feed you. Let them help you in your affirmations - installations to combat gluttony.

Come up with motivating phrases, repeat them and implement them. Write a letter to the future self who got rid of the disease. Here is an example of affirmations for weight loss and getting rid of overeating:

  • Every day I become lighter and better.
  • I can only eat when I'm really hungry.
  • I am free to refuse unwanted food.
  • I let go of overeating.
  • I'm ready to change.

Change with us, become better and easier! Thanks for reading this post. The authors of the blog are ready to constantly support you with new headings, knowledge and advice. Subscribe and like the most interesting.

For many of my students, the issue of gluttony is very relevant. It has different forms and manifestations, but dangerous enough. We all overeat from time to time, taking an extra serving at grandma's dinner or an extra dessert at a birthday party. However for real gluttons, overeating is regular and uncontrolled.

Using food as a fight against stress and other negative emotions makes us feel even worse. We are not left feeling closed vicious circle but gluttony is treatable. At the right help and support, you can learn to control your eating and develop a healthy relationship with food. I wrote this article using the latest scientific materials from HARVARD MEDICAL SCHOOL and my experience of working with students on my method of "LOSE WEIGHT EASILY AND FOREVER".


Gluttony: Key Aspects

Signs and symptoms

Consequences of overeating

Causes and factors of overeating

How to stop binge eating

Helping a person with gluttony

Health care

Gluttony: Key Aspects

Compulsive overeating or simply binge eating is eating huge amounts of food that is uncontrollable and impossible to stop. Symptoms of binge eating usually begin in late adolescence or early adulthood, often after a major diet. Binging spells usually last about two hours, but some people manage to binge eat throughout the day. Gluttons eat even when they are not hungry, and continue to eat even when they are full.

Key Features of Gluttony:

  • Frequent bouts of uncontrolled overeating.
  • Feeling overwhelmed or regretful during or after overeating.
  • Unlike bulimia, there is no attempt to fix everything by vomiting, fasting, or strenuous exercise.
  • Feelings of guilt, disgust and depression.
  • Desperate desire to stop overeating, which is accompanied by a constant feeling of inability to do so.

Overeating can be pleasurable for a moment, but coming back to reality, regret and self-loathing set in. Excessive food intake often leads to weight gain and obesity, which only increases the desire to overeat. How feeling worse glutton and the more critical his self-esteem, the more often food is used as a sedative. Vicious circle, which seems to be impossible to open.

Signs and symptoms

Gluttons are embarrassed and ashamed of their eating habits, so they often try to hide their imperfections and eat in secret. Many of the gluttons have overweight or obesity, but there are representatives with absolutely normal weight.

Behavioral symptoms of overeating:

  • Inability to stop eating or control what is eaten
  • Eaten quickly a large number of food
  • Eating food even when full
  • Hiding and stockpiling food to eat later in secret
  • It is usually okay to eat around people and gorge alone
  • Continuous absorption of food throughout the day, without a scheduled meal

Emotional symptoms of overeating:

  • Feeling stressed or tense that is only relieved by eating
  • Embarrassment at how much is eaten
  • Feeling numb during binge eating with autopilot
  • Lack of satisfaction, regardless of the amount eaten
  • Feelings of guilt, disgust or depression after overeating
  • Desperate and unsuccessful attempts to control weight and nutrition
  • Rapid test for gluttony:
  • Is your binge eating out of control?
  • Are your thoughts always occupied with food?
  • Does overeating take place in secret?
  • Is there eating before feeling sick?
  • Is food a way to calm down, relieve stress and get away from worries?
  • Is there a feeling of shame and disgust after eating?
  • Is there a feeling of powerlessness and impossibility to stop the process of eating food?

The more positive answers, the more more likely the presence of gluttony.

Consequences of overeating

Overeating leads to many physical, emotional and social problems. People with binge eating are prone to stress, insomnia, and suicidal thoughts. Depression, anxiety and substance abuse are common side effects. But the most well-known consequence of overeating is weight gain.

Over time, overeating leads to obesity, and obesity, in turn, causes numerous complications, including:

Causes and factors of overeating

There are many factors that combine to contribute to the development of binge eating - including a person's genes, emotions, impressions. But there are certain factors responsible for compulsive overeating.

Biological causes of overeating

Biological abnormalities can contribute to binge eating. For example, the hypothalamus (the part of the brain that controls appetite) cannot send messages about real feelings of hunger and fullness. The researchers also found a genetic mutation that causes food addiction. There is also evidence that low level serotonin, chemical element brain, provokes overeating.

Social and cultural causes of overeating

The social pressure to be slim and the stigmatization of overeating people only fuels overeating and the desire to comfort yourself with food. Some parents have unwittingly set the stage for binge eating by using food as a comfort, encouragement, and comfort for their children. Children who are subject to frequent criticism of their body and weight are just as vulnerable as those who were sexually abused as children.

Psychological causes of overeating

Depression and binge eating are closely related. Most gluttons are depressed or have been in depressed state, some are not able to manage their emotions and feelings. Low self-esteem, loneliness, and body dissatisfaction can also contribute to binge eating.

How to stop binge eating

It is difficult enough to overcome overeating and food addiction. Unlike other addictions, this "drug" is essential to survival, so there is no way to avoid it. Instead, it is necessary to develop healthy relationships with food - a relationship that is based on satisfying our physical nutritional needs, not emotional ones.

In order to stop the unhealthy pattern of overeating, it is important to start eating for health and nutrition. Healthy eating involves the creation of a balanced system, where the choice is made to the side healthy food with enough vitamins, minerals and calories.

10 strategies to overcome binge eating:

  • Stress management. One of the most important aspects binge control is alternative way dealing with stress and other overwhelming feelings without the use of food. Moderate exercise, meditation, the use of sensory relaxation strategies, and the practice of simple breathing exercises are excellent.
  • Eat 3 times a day plus healthy snacks. Breakfast starts our metabolism. It is important not to skip breakfast, which should be enough protein and proper carbohydrates. It is important to have a balanced lunch and dinner with healthy snacks in between. By skipping meals, we often resort to overeating on the same day.
  • Avoid temptation. It is much easier to overeat if junk food, desserts, snacks and other nasty things are at hand. Remove everything that tempts us out of reach. Clear the refrigerator and cabinets from stocks of sweets, smoked meats, snacks. Let everything be in the store. And if we suddenly want something, we will have time while we go to the store to think about how much we need it.
  • Stop diets. A strict diet that leaves us destitute and starving will only spur the craving for gluttony. Instead of dieting, focus on eating in moderation. Find nutritious food that we like and that makes us satisfied. Any abstinence and violence against oneself will end with another overeating.
  • Powerful exercise. No abuse of your body. Love to run - run, love to walk - walk, love to jump rope - jump. Everything should be feasible, not depressing and pleasant. Thus, the process of burning fat is underway, mood rises and well-being improves, stress is reduced. And this, in turn, removes the need to use food as a sedative.
  • Down with boredom. Instead of snacking when you're bored, you need to distract yourself with something else. Take a walk, call a friend, read or do something interesting - painting, gardening, knitting, rearranging furniture, designing a children's house. Get it repaired, eventually. Or play with the kids.
  • Dream. Fatigue and drowsiness increases food cravings to raise energy levels. Taking a nap or going to bed early is a great way to avoid overeating.
  • Listen to the body. You should learn to distinguish between physical and emotional hunger. If the meal was recent and there is no rumbling in the stomach, then this is not hunger. It is enough to drink water to make sure of this.
  • To keep a diary. Recording everything that was eaten with a note of the amount, time, and mood that accompanied the meal makes the food pattern visual, displaying the relationship between mood and gluttony.
  • Get support. More likely to succumb to a bout of binge eating if there is no firm support from loved ones or people with similar problems. family, friends, social networks, thematic clubs - all this perfectly serves as support and support in such situations.

Helping a person with gluttony

Signs that a loved one is overeating are piles of empty food bags and wrappers, empty cupboards and refrigerators, hidden caches of high-calorie and unhealthy foods. If you suspect that a loved one is overeating, you need to talk to him. It is difficult to start such a delicate conversation, but silence can only aggravate everything.

If the person is in denial, snarling, nervous, upset, don't pressure them. It will take time for him to be ready to admit the problem and accept the help of others.

It is difficult to help a person with gluttony if the initiative does not come from him. loving person can only compassionate, encourage and support throughout the recovery healthy lifestyle life.

5 Strategies for Dealing with Overeating in a Loved One:

  • Encourage him or her to seek help. How more process the restoration of healthy eating behavior is delayed, the more difficult it is to overcome binge eating, so you should encourage your loved one to visit a personal therapist for the timely diagnosis of compulsive overeating and take the help of specialists.
  • Provide support. Listen without judgment, with care. If a person fails on the path to recovery, it is worth reminding him that it is still possible to quit binge eating for good.
  • Avoid insults, lectures and provoking feelings of guilt. A person with a binge tends to feel bad enough without further talk. Lectures, ultimatums, insults will only increase stress and make the situation even worse. Instead, it is necessary to take care of a person’s health, about his well-being, making it clear that you will always be there.
  • Set a good example. personal example healthy eating, exercise, stress management without food to convince a person that this is real and does not require extraordinary effort.
  • Take care of yourself. Only by being a calm, confident and healthy person, you can help another to become like that. Watch your well-being, do not hide your emotions, give free rein to your fears. Don't make the person you love the scapegoat.

Health care

For those who are unable to help themselves, there is professional support and medical treatment. Health professionals who offer treatment for binge eating include psychiatrists, nutritionists, therapists, and eating disorder and obesity specialists.

Exist different types therapy, formal support groups and various medications. But all this, as a rule, gives a temporary result - until the person pays. In fact, greedy weight loss specialists only want our money. We can go to them indefinitely, and the result will be only when we go to them and pay.

Only once you firmly decide yourself, you can help yourself forever. This is what my method teaches.

In today's society, eating disorders are becoming epidemic proportions. Overeating is considered the most common eating disorder.

However, each of us from time to time is a glutton when we are unable to refuse a delicious favorite dish. But where is the line between normal process food and eating disorders?

Gluttony, like an eating disorder, is when too much emotionally dependent importance is attached to food. When a person begins to absorb great amount food that is not related to the physiological needs of the body. it defensive reaction to stress, anxiety, resentment, anger, insecurity, etc. negative states personality. Overeating inexorably leads to obesity, which further affects self-esteem and self-esteem.

"The best defense against overeating is food."
Dr. Craig Johnson, Professor of Clinical Psychology
University of Tulsa, Oklahoma

How to stop binge eating and learn to control your appetite

1. Power mode

First of all, any person suffering from gluttony needs to restore normal nutrition. Make a meal plan. Create a meal plan and stick to it strictly. Eat several times a day at a predetermined time. At the same time, you should receive so many calories so as not to feel strong hunger.

2. Deliberately break the regime

As soon as you begin to notice that your diet is just perfect, worthy of being described in scientific books, and you gradually become dependent on ideality, deliberately break the regime. Perfectionism sooner or later leads to a breakdown. Skewed to any state - gluttony on the one hand, or tight control and ideal mode on the other hand, they can provoke neurotic states. The ratio should be 80% - proper nutrition, 20% - violation of the rules.

3. Legalize all types of food

It is important to get rid of the habit of thinking of one food as "healthy and good" and another as "harmful and bad." Food is just food. And don't give it too much importance. Most people with eating disorders during the day they stick to "good" foods, say green salad, and in the evening pounce on "bad" foods like french fries. To bring nutrition back to normal, you need to allow yourself to eat everything without feeling guilty. You can eat everything, it's just a question of quantity!

4. Be sure to eat breakfast

Breakfast should be under any circumstances. If you ate too much the day before and you have no appetite in the morning, eat breakfast anyway. In this way, you start the day with proper nutrition, instead of maintaining a cycle of "hunger - gluttony".

5. Talk about what you are eating right now.

Every time you are going to eat something (or are already eating, or have eaten), say to yourself what exactly and how much. For example: “Second eclair”, “Huge piece of pie”, “Cheese sandwich, fifth in a row”. This technique helps the brain realize the true extent of gluttony. Unbeknownst to yourself, you will slow down and stop overeating on emotions.

6. Focus on anticipation

Dopamine is responsible for the pleasure of eating. The maximum dopamine is released in the body at the moment of anticipation, when we are just about to start the long-awaited meal. The smell, the sight, the thought of your favorite food brings dopamine to maximum value. With every bite you eat, the amount of dopamine is rapidly decreasing. The peak of food happiness is the first few slices / sips, then it’s quite possible to stop. Therefore, stretching pleasure, increasing meal time, thorough chewing savoring each bite will help you eat less and enjoy more.

7. Hugs - as a way to normalize appetite

When we hug people who are pleasant to us or take them by the hand, the hormone of trust oxytocin is produced in the brain, which enhances the feeling of affection, the need for each other. But oxytocin has another property, it normalizes appetite and metabolic processes. Hug your loved one, caress pet finally, think about loved ones, draw their image in your head. When you want to eat boredom, longing, anger, fear, use this method, and you will see how the urgent need to overeat begins to weaken.

8. Include, Don't Exclude Food

You do not need to drastically exclude anything from your current diet, it is better to gradually rebuild your diet. You can start by adding one tasty, healthy and a simple dish. In a week, it will make a revolution - your taste buds will wake up and demand fresh herbs, vegetables and fruits. You will find that you can happily do without sweet, fatty, salty foods. It is only important that you sincerely like this dish, and you cook it yourself. How to properly rebuild your diet, the School of Nutritional Coaching and high-class professionals will help.

Each person experiences a feeling of hunger when nutrients are not supplied to the body for a long time. This physiological feature considered quite natural. However, there is a category of people with increased and constant appetite. In this case, hunger is always present, regardless of the amount of food received. From here gluttony develops and, as a result, problems with excess weight begin.

Reasons for overeating

  1. Diet effects. Many girls drive themselves into the framework, wanting to get rid of excess body weight. They are addicted to diets, restricting the body in the right carbohydrates, proteins and complex fats. In the process of losing weight, the body begins to react violently to changes, not agreeing with them. When the diet ends, mass zhor begins. The body seeks to make up for everything that it has not received for many months.
  2. Sleep deprivation. During a night's rest, leptin is produced - a substance responsible for the excitability of appetite. Due to lack of sleep, hormone production is significantly reduced, leading to constant feeling hunger. If lack of sleep develops into a chronic form, pronounced gluttony begins.
  3. Violations of the psycho-emotional background. There are people who eat negative emotions. They literally do not leave the refrigerator, pressing on high-calorie foods. A similar feature affects women with mental disorders. The inability to deal with stress leads to the fact that food becomes a kind of psychologist. Even if you start meditating and put the emotional background in order, gluttony will not disappear anywhere.
  4. Lack of vitamins. In most cases increased appetite develops in the cold season, when the body needs more food to warm up. main role plays vitamin B, which is found in carrots, meat, cereals and legumes, cereals, vegetables. Combined with a lack of amino acids and omega acids, hunger is constantly present. This leads to gluttony, which can be eliminated by normalizing the daily diet.

Overeating Symptoms

  • systematic overeating;
  • inability to control portion sizes;
  • frequent use of the supplement;
  • inability to catch the moment of saturation;
  • depression after a meal "to satiety".

Signs of overeating

  1. The amount of food eaten is out of control when you eat at a PC monitor, TV or music.
  2. A dish of food is always at hand and replenished as it is empty. A person constantly looks into the refrigerator to taste “something tasty”.
  3. If you do not eat while watching a series or movie, anxiety begins. The same applies to the inability to do mental work without a new portion of goodies.
  4. The glutton is characterized by nighttime snacks, so after 23.00 the refrigerator door begins to slam in the apartment. At the same time, I want to use the most forbidden fruit, for example, a cake.

To avoid constant overeating, it is necessary to follow an integrated approach. Let's talk about everything in order.

Don't Skip Breakfast

  1. Never skip your morning meal. Breakfast helps the body wake up and activates the metabolism. Start your awakening with a glass of cool water.
  2. About a third of an hour after rising, cook cottage cheese with berries or muesli. Some girls have porridge for breakfast, which is correct. Breakfast should be 40% of the total daily diet.

Normalize nutrition

  1. If you prefer to sweep food from all the shelves of the refrigerator, it's time to get rid of this habit. Make a five or six meals a day.
  2. In this case, you should get 3-4 main meals and 2-3 snacks. Eat strictly on time to gastric juice produced in certain time days. The body itself will send a signal "It's time to eat!".
  3. Change the menu every week, eat varied. Pamper yourself with delicacies, do not give up sweets completely. If you really want to, you can eat a piece of yogurt cake or a handful of candied fruit in the morning.
  4. Be sure to include cheese, eggs, cottage cheese of any degree of fat content, and other milk in the diet. Also, the menu should contain meat, seafood, beans, cereals, fish, seasonal berries and fruits, vegetables.

Have a snack

  1. Never starve. Get in the habit of snacking useful products before main meals. If you can't eat well at work, carry food in containers.
  2. As a snack, it is good to eat an apple, banana or pear, grapefruit (burns fats). Fat-free yogurt or cottage cheese, red fish bread, dried fruits, nuts, sugar-free muesli bar are also suitable.

Eat desserts

  1. A person prone to gluttony regularly consumes sweets. They, in turn, help the production of endorphins - hormones of happiness. If you remove chocolate and sweets from the diet, apathy will begin, efficiency will drop, and the general condition will worsen.
  2. If you want something tasty, use dark chocolate. Get into the habit of keeping it in the fridge at all times. Daily dose - no more than 30 gr. At the same time, you need to regale yourself in the morning.
  3. An alternative to chocolate is an apple covered in caramel. It is enough to dip the washed fruit into the composition and bake on the grill. Prepare casseroles from cottage cheese and berries (with sweetener or honey), eat dates in moderation.
  4. An alternative to sweets is ripe strawberries or a milkshake based on it, banana, grapes. Always have on hand a small portion of nuts that you can snack on every 4 hours (20 grams each).

Follow the drinking regime

  1. You can deceive the stomach with any liquid that you need to drink at the time of a raging appetite. At night, use kefir or low-fat fermented baked milk, it will also cope with the task. pure water or herbal tea.
  2. In the first month of the fight against gluttony, drink at least 2.8 liters. filtered water per day. When all signs disappear, reduce the amount to 2.4 liters.
  3. Get a juicer. Prepare fresh juice from carrots, cabbage, celery, strawberries, oranges and other citrus fruits, beets. Thus, you will overcome hunger and saturate the body with extremely useful minerals.

Sign up for a gym

  1. Physical activity suppresses hunger, so start exercising. Sign up for swimming, gymnastics, aerobics, or stretching. Start attending a dance school or boxing class.
  2. It is important to give training at least 4 days a week, while the duration of classes is usually 1.5-2 hours. In your free time from the gym, take a walk on fresh air, run.
  3. If you can't buy a subscription, study at home. Bet with your friends that the press will be pumped up in 5 months. Set a goal and move towards it.
  4. Rope, hoop, squats with a barbell, lunges with dumbbells act as effective home workouts. Take video lessons.
  5. When the appetite again makes itself felt, lie down on the floor and start pumping the press. Do at least 3 sets of 20 reps, then stand up and evaluate the result. You will notice that you do not feel like eating at all.

Adhere to food hygiene

  1. If you are a glutton, do not accept an invitation from friends to sit in a pizzeria or other establishment of this kind. Otherwise, allow yourself only 1 slice of pizza. Find someone who will control you.
  2. In order not to overdo it with a portion, do not sit down to eat on an empty stomach. 20 minutes before a meal, fill it with a glass of kefir or water, a banana is also suitable.
  3. After eating, leave the table immediately, do not apply the supplement. Chew your food at least 30 times throughout your meal. Focus on the sensations, follow the movement of the tongue and jaw.

Always have breakfast, do not give up chocolate, switch to proper nutrition. Do not eat in noisy environments. Never eat while watching TV or working on a PC. Do not turn off the light, such an atmosphere encourages overeating. Even the most ordinary bread will seem incredibly tasty.

Video: how to beat gluttony

We are all gluttons sometimes, then, well, it’s impossible to deny yourself the pleasure of eating fragrant pizza, your favorite cake or other spices that are not so useful. Believe me, this is not gluttony. How to understand that you are suffering from gluttony? If you often experience sharp exacerbations of appetite, then you have an eating disorder, during which you consume excessive amounts. People who are binge eaters may not realize how much food they have eaten. After such food "raids", a feeling of guilt, self-hatred may appear. Also, bulimia eventually leads a person to obesity, along with which there is a decrease in self-esteem and a loss of self-respect. Over time, a person may stop communicating with friends and loved ones, choosing loneliness instead.

If you have a habit of always chewing something, it is not so easy to deal with it. Otherwise, if you do not get rid of this misfortune, then the habit can develop into a disease. Such an addiction to food can soon become an uncontrollable need on your part, which you are powerless to resist.

There are a lot of reasons why gluttony appears in a person. It is believed that the roots of this addiction come from mental trauma from childhood. People who in childhood were very susceptible to childhood insults suffer from low self-esteem and a misjudgment of their appearance, and as a result of this eating disorder.

Let's talk about the causes of gluttony.

One of the most important reasons leading to obesity is a "jamming" of life's troubles and problems: quarrel, loss loved one, being fired from a job, divorce, conflicts with friends or difficult exams.

A similar situation can occur over time for minor troubles. But even if there is no reason to distract yourself with food, you, sometimes unconsciously, continue to eat in huge quantities.

Over time, the desire to eat develops into real symptom which are observed more and more frequently. It becomes simply unbearable to live like this: with constant thoughts about food, interrupting all others. There is a loss of working capacity, and thoughts about food still interfere with thinking about important problems. And most importantly, the habit of constantly chewing leads to serious illnesses esophagus.

So, how to get rid of gluttony?

Let's start with this: if you are not hungry, you do not need to eat again! This, of course, is not such an easy task as it seems at first glance. But, over time, you will learn to listen to your own inner voice and understand the signals with which our body is trying to reach us - you will radically change your life.

First, try to learn to distinguish real hunger and the desire to "eat a little". Before eating, put your hand on your stomach in place of the stomach and thereby feel your hunger. Ask yourself: How do I feel? Does the stomach really say that you need to eat, or is it all my subconscious mind that demands to “eat” the problem? You should always eat without eating to the end, but not until the moment when you are no longer able to swallow at least a piece.

To defeat gluttony, start keeping records, marking in them all your experiences, sensations in different time of the day and, most importantly, how they are reflected in your appetite and desire to eat. You can also hang on the refrigerator the most terrible photo in your opinion of where you are in full growth. And now, every time you go to the refrigerator, the photo will remind you how you do not want to see yourself and what overeating will lead to. To enhance the effect, try hanging a photo next to you where you really like yourself.

Think about what you most often prefer from food. What do you usually think about and do when you start eating: are you busy reading, talking, or maybe watching your favorite series or TV show? Whatever you choose, immediately exclude from your preferences.

An unusual connection has long been noted between your sensation and the taste of the food you eat: if what you eat does not bring pleasure, then the world around us becomes uninteresting and unattractive.

1. If you have started bulimic attack first, relax and listen to the soothing music that you love. This will distract you for a while from thinking about what to eat. Even more useful is listening to the music of nature. Buy a disc with recordings of various "natural" sounds: the sound of the wind or the sea, the sounds of raindrops or birdsong, and others.

2. Get used to doing breathing exercises. When you do it, do it with eyes closed relaxing and focusing on your breathing. Do this exercise five times a day.

3. Stay away bad thoughts get them out of your head. Tie a bright ribbon around your wrist, and when you think about something bad or if your mood deteriorates, pull the ribbon. Thus, you will be reminded that you thought about the bad and it's time to switch to the positive.

4. Be sure to replace your favorite high-calorie foods with fruits, vegetables, bran - refined or not, cereal products. By the way, it is cereals that bring the feeling that you are already full, while not burdening the body.

5. Try not to pepper, sweeten or salt your food. And remember that drinks such as black tea, coffee, carbonated drinks greatly increase your appetite, and fight against gluttony will be less efficient.

I would also like to say a few words about bulimia- a habit that turns into a disease. The main symptom of this disease is considered to be insatiable hunger, followed by a sharp desire to get rid of the food consumed. Just like anorexia, bulimia is considered one of the scourges modern society. Therefore, do not bring yourself and your body to extremes in relation to food, because food should not get over you, train your willpower and, most importantly, be healthy.

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