Small uterus after childbirth. Pregnancy with a small uterus. Is it possible to give birth with a baby uterus in a woman if treated

Hypoplasia, infantilism or a child's uterus in a woman, this pathology is diagnosed not so rarely. According to statistics, the disease occurs in 16% of the fair sex. In some cases, pathology is considered the cause of infertility and is diagnosed in women at a time when attempts to conceive a child fail over and over again.


What is a baby uterus?

The diagnosis of the baby uterus indicates that the woman's reproductive organ is small. It does not correspond in basic parameters to the age of the patient and her hormonal level. With such a uterus, a woman cannot become pregnant and bear a child.

With a small uterus, various problems arise, it is observed:

  1. Decreased sex drive.
  2. Change in the duration of menstrual bleeding.

Infantilism, hypoplasia is a set of conditions that are characterized by one common feature - underdevelopment of the uterus. In this case, the body may have:

  • changed structure;
  • insufficient width;
  • small length.

Often the uterus is an organ 1-2 cm in size, its structure is changed, the main part is the neck. In this case, we are talking about the presence of a pathology, which in gynecology is denoted by the term newborn uterus.

General concepts of what a baby uterus is:

  1. An organ with a modified structure.
  2. Undersized (determined according to the age of the patient).

When a girl is born, the size of her reproductive organ does not exceed 4 cm, but in the process of growth and maturation, the organ shrinks, decreases in size to 2.5 cm. After the uterus begins to grow only when the girl reaches puberty. At this time, the uterus increases under the influence of hormones, its size reaches 6-7 cm, which is considered quite normal.

If, for one reason or another, during puberty, the level of hormones does not change, remains stably low, then the genital organ does not develop enough. In other words, the uterus is growing, but this process is slow and very unstable.

As a result of a lack of hormones in the blood, the body is not formed according to the standard scheme, problems with the ovaries and uterus may occur.


The causes of the appearance of pathology are different. There are several assumptions that allow you to calculate the root cause of the condition.

Most often, underdevelopment is observed:

  • with a hormonal imbalance in the body of a girl (during puberty, the pituitary gland does not produce enough sex hormones necessary for the body);
  • with frequent infectious diseases (infections affect the process, development and maturation of the internal organs of the reproductive system);
  • with violations of psychological development (psycho-emotional background is of great importance, in the presence of diseases of a psychological nature, certain problems may arise with the development of the reproductive organs);
  • with surgical interventions of a different nature (operations performed on the ovaries have a detrimental effect).

A girl with underdevelopment of the main reproductive organ has a whole list of symptoms. Most often, patients complain about:

  1. Cycle instability (menstruation can come 1-2 times a year or six months).
  2. The inability to conceive and bear a child (the uterus is simply not able to perform the functions assigned to it).
  3. Too little or heavy menstrual bleeding (a specific symptom that can also be observed in other diseases of the reproductive system).

A woman with a baby uterus also has other non-specific symptoms:

  • frequent headaches;
  • lack of orgasms;
  • frigidity.

Pain in the uterus during menstruation can also disturb the patient, but these signs are considered so often diagnosed that attention is paid to them last.

Symptoms can be of a different nature, in some cases a woman is not bothered by anything, she simply cannot get pregnant and for this reason she turns to the doctor for help. As a result of the examination, the patient is diagnosed with underdevelopment of the penis, infantilism.


The size of the uterus in making a diagnosis is of great importance. The thing is that the norm when making a diagnosis is determined in accordance with standard indicators.

How is the diagnosis process going?

  1. The doctor feels the area of ​​the abdominal wall, palpating the uterus, as a result of which its size and main indicators are determined.
  2. The doctor conducts an ultrasound, the study helps to determine not only the size of the reproductive organ, to identify its structure, condition, but also to understand the parameters and the possibility of reproduction.

Why is palpation inferior to ultrasound in accuracy? The fact is that a study through the abdominal wall does not provide complete information sufficient to make an accurate diagnosis. For this reason, if a patient is given a similar diagnosis, it is necessary to double-check it with an ultrasound.

If the uterus is small according to the results of palpation, then it is worth doing an ultrasound transvaginal method. The procedure is carried out as follows:

  • the patient is placed on the couch;
  • a supersensitive probe is inserted into the vagina.

The procedure is simple and safe, its implementation provides the maximum amount of information that allows a woman to make an accurate diagnosis, establish the size of the uterus and its structure.

A completely undeveloped uterus has significant deviations from the norm, many girls think so, but in reality this pathology is classified. That is, it has several types and everything is not as simple as it seems at first glance.

Classification or types

A small uterus in a woman is a very broad concept that includes several types of pathology.

So, the uterus can be:

  • rudimentary;
  • infantile;
  • hypoplastic.


Rudimentary is a poorly developed uterus, the main volume of the organ is the neck, tubes. It is impossible to give birth and become pregnant with such a pathology. Even with hormonal therapy, the prognosis is ambiguous. The probability of conception is extremely low, and the woman is diagnosed with infertility. The size of the organ of the reproductive system is only 1–2 cm.

1st degree

Infantilism of the uterus of the 1st degree - this diagnosis is more favorable in terms of prognosis. With a pathology of this nature, there are chances of pregnancy. If the patient was diagnosed with an infantile uterus, then this means that the size of the genital organ can vary from 3 to 5 cm.

If hormone therapy allows you to increase the size of the body by several centimeters, then the prognosis is favorable, with a uterus of 5–7 cm, pregnancy is not excluded.


Hypoplastic is an underdeveloped uterus, which corresponds to a size of 6-7 cm, approximately the same size as the reproductive organ of a teenager. This is the most favorable diagnosis, in the presence of a pathology of this type, the prognosis is favorable. Since the size of the uterus allows a woman to endure and give birth to healthy offspring even in the absence of hormone therapy.

But hormones can still be prescribed to the patient to increase the chances of conception and pregnancy.

What is the main danger?

A small uterus is fraught with certain dangers. In addition to the fact that a woman experiences certain problems with conception, underdevelopment of the organ is fraught with the following consequences:

  1. Hormonal imbalance in the body (the pituitary gland and hypothalamus produce sex hormones in insufficient quantities).
  2. Problems with the ovaries (against the background of an unstable level of hormones, cystic formations, diseases of the genital area occur).
  3. Infectious diseases (in women with underdevelopment of the uterus, infections are diagnosed several times more often).

An undeveloped reproductive system affects the work of the whole organism, disturbances occur in metabolic, metabolic and regenerative processes. As a result, endocrine and gynecological diseases can develop.

To avoid the consequences, high-quality drug therapy is required. With adequately selected treatment, the situation will be able to stabilize, avoid complications and consequences.

Is it possible to get pregnant and give birth?

A baby's uterus and pregnancy, according to some gynecologists, are incompatible things, but today the situation has changed.

There are cases when it is difficult, almost impossible, to correct the situation. But there are cases when hormone therapy and other therapeutic procedures will help a woman conceive a child, endure it and give birth.

So is it possible to get pregnant in the presence of a similar pathology? If the reproductive organ does not exceed 2-3 cm in length, then the chances of conception are zero. Even with hormone therapy, it will be possible to increase the body in volume by only a few cm, which is not enough for pregnancy.

If the reproductive system is developed in accordance with the indicated standards and only the uterus is smaller than the indicated sizes, while its parameters are not less than 5-6 cm in length, then with appropriate treatment, the chances of conception remain.

Hormone therapy will help to increase the body, if it is carried out in a timely manner, then pregnancy is quite possible.

If the reproductive organ is 6 cm or more in length, then even in the absence of adequate therapy, pregnancy is quite possible.

Hormones will only increase the chances of conception, some drugs of this class can be prescribed to women after the onset of pregnancy, for its successful completion.


There are several methods that will help to cope with the pathology, normalize the functioning of the organs of the reproductive system.

So, how to increase the uterus in size:

  • with the help of hormone therapy;
  • with the help of physiotherapy procedures;
  • through psychotherapeutic procedures.

If we talk about compensatory, stimulating therapy with the use of hormones, then it is carried out in order to optimize the activity of the pituitary and hypothalamus. As a result of therapy, the level of LH and FSH in the blood increases, which allows you to normalize the functioning of the reproductive system as a whole and stimulate the growth and development of the reproductive organ in particular.


Physiotherapy procedures are part of combination therapy. For women with a similar diagnosis, they may prescribe:

  1. laser procedures.
  2. Heating with paraffin.
  3. magnetic therapy.
  4. Mud treatment.
  5. UHF therapy.

The procedures are aimed at stimulating blood flow to the organ, which makes the reproductive system work to the fullest. The blood flow improves, the state of the uterus stabilizes, there is an influx of nutrients and oxygen to the tissues.


A small uterus during pregnancy is a pathology, it is diagnosed in women when determining the cause of infertility or during a routine examination. Such a diagnosis can lead a woman into a stupor, cause a change in the psycho-emotional state.

In addition, against the background of hormonal imbalances in the body, a depressive state can develop. Hormones and work with a specialist will help bring a woman out of depression.


A baby's uterus is not a sentence, modern medicine has learned to correct the condition, treat it with the help of various drugs and physiotherapy procedures. For this reason, you should not fall into despair, if therapy is provided in a timely manner, then there are chances for conception and pregnancy.

After the initial examination, the gynecologist can voice the diagnosis of "hypoplasia of the uterus" or its underdevelopment. Is it possible to get pregnant with a baby uterus, especially when there are problems with the hormonal background? A small or underdeveloped muscle "bag", which nature has determined to bear the most precious - this is an unpleasant diagnosis. It is detected by palpation (palpation) and clarified by ultrasound. Is it a feature or a pathology? How to solve the problem with conception and gestation in order to give birth to a full-fledged baby - every girl with a similar diagnosis should know about this.

What is a "baby" uterus?

The diagnosis of "hypoplasia of the uterus" or the term "children's uterus" is well known not only to gynecologists, but also in circles planning a pregnancy. However, there are cases when uterine infantilism or underdevelopment of this organ is erroneously identified. With late maturation, further formation of the reproductive organs is still possible, if this is not a congenital pathology. Therefore, it is not surprising that young women find out on the forms - is it possible to get pregnant with a child's uterus?

Adult women often face a “childish” problem - this is what the uterus of sexually mature ladies is called if it does not meet the norm and age standards. Of course, in medicine, the concept of "norm" is relative or conditional. And with a different shape and size, it combines several different pathologies in total, conditionally calling it a “baby uterus”.

Is it possible to get pregnant with a diagnosis of "children's uterus" if a woman is afraid of him as a sentence? The psychological component also plays an important role, and all organs and functions in the body are interconnected. Often girls who have problems with “imperfection” go to extremes, bringing themselves to exhaustion.

Mental immaturity and unwillingness to take responsibility for their health go hand in hand. Look at girls suffering from extreme malnutrition with anorexia - how can there be a normal uterus and the opportunity to give birth? Of course not! But ordinary girls who did not have problems with diets also often have such a diagnosis, although persistent “drying” of the body may not affect reproductive function in the future.

A normal uterus is a guarantee of the ability to give birth to your own children without resorting to outside help. Once regarded the pathology of the reproductive organs as a punishment from above, a curse or a sentence. However, in the time of our grandmothers, they tried to be treated with folk remedies, prayed and believed in the best. We live in an age of advanced technology, so any diagnosis is not considered critical, especially if you really want to have a child. Yes, you can get pregnant with a baby uterus, depending on what stage of the deviation from the norm.

What are the forms of underdevelopment of the uterus?

Purely theoretically, uterine hypoplasia is not a disease, but a minor pathology in which an important female organ has not reached the norm. This is rather arbitrary, but the "children's" uterus is a definition regarding the age and proportions of the body of an adult woman. Perhaps this is a hereditary factor, or for some reason, some organs stop developing at a certain stage.

The baby uterus is a generic term for several diagnoses, but from the name, it is clear that it has not reached its full development. In some nations, as a preventive measure, girls are well fed (especially with milk and honey), for example, in Mauritania. There, potential suitors suspect a baby uterus in every thin girl with unexpressed breasts. Is it possible to get pregnant with a diagnosis of a baby uterus and small breasts? They are sure that such women are not able to fully bear. Unfortunately, such a diagnosis is not uncommon in our country.

It is more difficult for an infantile or shortened uterus to hold an implanted fetal egg and stretch to normal in order to give birth to a baby at 9 months. Doctors have a compliance scale, where the “norm” is considered to be a uterus of at least 5.4 cm in height and from 4.3 cm in width.

Those who were diagnosed with such a diagnosis when dealing with a problem conception were most likely found to have a disproportionately small organ. In this case, the cervix of a miniature uterus can be of a normal shape, and the muscular sac itself is compacted, small in size. Doctors define subspecies:

  1. Uterine infantilism;
  2. Hypoplasia of the uterus.
Often, infantilism is accompanied by meager menstruation and cycle deviations. Such a uterus is shortened and compacted, but with a rather long neck, it comes out in a conical vagina, the pharynx is pinpoint, very small. This makes fertilization difficult, but pregnancy is possible after a series of procedures.

Sexual infantilism with an underdeveloped uterus is often accompanied by dysfunction or polycystic ovaries, and other signs are possible. This is not obvious from the size of the external genitalia, most often there are hormonal abnormalities. But with a stable new life and well-chosen therapy, stimulation of the reproductive function is possible. Such women have scant menstrual flow, cyclicity begins late. Genital infantilism is classified according to the degree of development:

  1. Embryonic (uterus up to 3 cm).
  2. Actually infantile or children's uterus (up to 5.5 cm).
  3. Teenage (5.5 - 7 cm).
In medical practice, there are different cases, but for them the overall state of the woman's reproductive system, her physiological readiness for pregnancy and childbirth is more important. The diagnostic definition is not so important when a woman has a baby uterus, the main question is is it possible to get pregnant with her?

Here it is important not only physiologically, but also psychologically to prepare the patient for a long rehabilitation process. The worst thing is when a girl “withdraws into herself”, becomes isolated and depressed, not wanting to be treated in order to get rid of her inferiority complex.

What determines the course of treatment with uterine pathologies?

How to get pregnant with a baby uterus, if a number of factors affect this:
  • genetic;
  • congenital;
  • acquired.
Genital infantilism can be caused even in utero, when there are chromosomal and genetic abnormalities. Also in the "harmful" production, repeated mutations associated with professional activities occur.

Prenatal development delays are affected by bad habits or addictions, especially when a girl is already in a position, but cannot decide whether she needs a child. In toga, pregnancy ends in childbirth, and the baby has a number of congenital pathologies, including an infantile uterus.

The size and shape of the uterus in its own way change in childhood. A newborn baby has already formed a uterus and it is quite large - up to 4 cm. With normal development, it shrinks slightly and for several years it is no more than 2.5 cm in length.

At school age, all reproductive organs are actively developing until the uterus reaches mature parameters. It is approximately 6-8cm long and 4-6cm wide. With such dimensions, the girl enters the fertility phase. The uterus is somewhat reminiscent of an iceberg - most of it is not visible, two-thirds is hidden in the abdominal cavity.

Probability of treatment with varying degrees of pathology

With a small size of the uterus in a woman, characterized by varying degrees of deviation, doctors differently assess the prospects for therapy for infertility with hypoplasia:
  1. At the 1st degree (virgin uterus, up to 7 cm), underdevelopment is considered insignificant. At the entrance to sexual life, the size of the organ slightly increases, conception is possible, after childbirth it reaches the normal limits.
  2. At the 2nd degree (children's uterus, 3-5.5 cm), it lags behind the norm in size, the ovaries are displaced, the fallopian tubes are thin, long and curved. In women with such hypoplasia, scanty and painful periods begin later than other girls.
  3. At the 3rd degree (fetal uterus, up to 3 cm), a complex form of genetic pathology, when development is slowed down or stopped at the prenatal stage. The uterus is thin, elongated, more like a dead end neck, it is not adapted for pregnancy and childbirth.
Sometimes the problem resolves itself due to a change in lifestyle. For example, the transition to a normal diet after an active sports load and an imposed diet. When a growing body lacks protein or "building material", it takes food to form vital organs. Vegetarians can also have beriberi, protein starvation and hormonal abnormalities - small breasts, poorly functioning ovaries, the uterus does not grow.
As you know, the uterus is not just a muscular sac, it is involved in hormonal metabolism and transport of sperm to the egg. It forms the endometrium - a nutrient medium for the embryo, this is the main place of its implantation. It is here that the active growth of the egg after fertilization takes place. The state of the uterus affects many processes of the endocrine system, it provides a regular cycle and women's health in general. On women's forums, reviews are often written about the baby's uterus - it turns out that you can give birth with the infantilism of the organ.

This is a unique organ - before childbirth, it increases many times and can weigh up to 1.5 kg. Muscle fibers stretch up to 35 cm, covering a large fetus, while the cancer is located in the abdominal cavity, so that the embryo develops fully, and the digestive tract organs develop safely, although they put pressure on the bladder and intestines. After childbirth during breastfeeding, the uterus contracts and gradually returns to normal. However, the uterus of women who have given birth is larger than that of virgins, and its size can be determined by intravaginal ultrasound or by palpation.

When the muscular sac contracts well, childbirth takes place safely, without complications. Before menopause, fibroids and other tumor processes can form in the uterus (due to hormonal imbalance), and the organ takes on tumor processes, while most often it does without degeneration and oncology. Therefore, the interest of women with pathologies is justified - how to get pregnant with a baby uterus?

Attention: Doctors state that with a significant deviation and abnormal development, fertilization is complicated, full-fledged gestation is excluded. With an average degree of uterine hypoplasia, long-term treatment is carried out.

With a slightly underdeveloped uterus, conception is possible after several months (years) of sexual activity, after the first pregnancy and childbirth, it returns to normal. In women giving birth, the length of the uterus reaches 8-9 cm, width - 5 cm, wall thickness - within 30-50 mm. With menopause, there is a hormonal imbalance, the size of the uterus can vary, most often it dries out. But before the onset of menopause, women who had problems with infertility "unexpectedly" become pregnant against the background of hormonal surges.

Is it possible to give birth with a baby uterus in a woman if she undergoes treatment?

Modern gynecology solves many problems associated with deviations from the norm. Doctors are often asked when a woman has a baby uterus - is it possible to give birth? If the body "gave the go-ahead" for conception with a slight hypoplasia of the uterus, most likely it is ready for childbirth. Congenital abnormalities give less chance. If there was an injury with damage to the pelvic organs, it is better not to plan a pregnancy. But in all other cases, when the “virgin uterus” is small, the chances of having a baby are high.

With hormonal dysfunction, you need to undergo a course of treatment, which will be prescribed by a female doctor, determining the shape of the uterus and the degree of development. With insufficient body weight (starvation, diets), it is important to first bring your weight back to normal.

Excessive physical or emotional stress, mental disorders, drug (other) addiction - all this must be eliminated as a source of pathology. After a long course of rehabilitation after acquired hypoplasia, you can give birth with a baby uterus. But not only problematic childbirth is a consequence of acquired hypoplasia. In such women, libido is reduced (sexual desire is not expressed, lack of orgasm). Therefore, you should not lock yourself up and be offended by the whole world. It is better to bring your life back to normal, turn to doctors in order to undergo treatment and find the happiness of motherhood. Be healthy!

The pathology of the development of the reproductive organs of a woman can manifest itself in the form of a growth disorder. A small uterus can be found both during the period of growing up in girls and in adult women. What does her discovery mean? What is this pathology?

Clinical picture

A small uterus may be discovered by chance, during a gynecological exam, or on a pelvic ultrasound. A woman may not even suspect that she has a pathology. But in some cases, going to the gynecologist is caused by problems with the cyclical nature of menstruation, when they do not occur in girls during adolescence, or the cycle does not stabilize for a long time.

The size of the uterus varies during certain periods of development of the female body. This reproductive organ grows as the girl matures, with active growth occurring during puberty. Development is influenced by hormones, the general condition of the body. The uterus reaches its normal size by the age of 16-18.

The size is determined by ultrasound and it happens: longitudinal 7-8 cm, transverse 4-5 cm. The thickness of the muscle layer is of great importance in order to become pregnant and bear a child, it should be within 2-3 cm. A decrease in these indicators can speak about pathology. The size of the uterus in different girls may vary, it depends on the constitution. So, low asthenic girls may have a small uterus, but this will not prevent them from becoming pregnant and bearing a child.

Types of small uterus

In gynecology, there is no such diagnosis, there are pathologies of the development of the uterus and they are divided into the following types:

  • hypoplasia. The uterus is smaller, but not less than 5.5 cm, sometimes there is an underdevelopment of other reproductive organs or disturbances in the hormonal background;
  • infantilism. The size of the organ 3-5.5 cm corresponds to childhood, so it can be called the "children's uterus";
  • aplasia. The value is less than 3 cm, which corresponds to the uterus of a newborn.

Age features of the uterus


The growth of the uterus can be impaired for several reasons. This is possible during the laying of organs (organogenesis) of the fetus or during puberty.

If hypoplasia or aplasia is detected, the causes may be as follows:

  • body constitution. In such cases, there are no violations in other organs, a woman can conceive and bear a child;
  • pathology of fetal development. It is observed if during pregnancy the mother of the child suffered infectious diseases, ate malnourished, or other toxic, psychological factors acted on her. Perhaps this affected the child and caused developmental pathology;
  • disorders during puberty. This is an important period in the development of a girl, so any stress, lack of nutrition and vitamins, as well as hormonal pathologies, can lead to the development of hypoplasia.

Important! The number of women with hypoplasia, infantilism or aplasia is growing every year. This is due to changes in the environment (increase in background radiation, pollution), changes in the lifestyle of adolescents and nutrition. Along with such pathologies, dystrophy, anorexia or obesity are increasingly common in adolescents. This is very dangerous for girls, especially during puberty.

Symptoms of pathology

Hypoplasia is usually discovered incidentally. There may be minor violations of the cycle or discharge during menstruation, but more often the reason for going to the doctor is infertility. With infantilism or aplasia, menstrual irregularities are more pronounced, perhaps even the absence of menstruation. And if they are, then more often there is oligomenorrhea, pain, reduced sexual desire.

Is pregnancy possible

How the diagnosis of a small uterus and pregnancy is consistent cannot be said unambiguously. Moreover, many women with this pathology become pregnant and give birth to children. There are also those in whom pregnancy occurs, but is interrupted. This can be explained by the fact that the uterus does not have time to grow and therefore rejects the fetus, or there are other hormonal disorders. In such situations, a woman can not terminate the pregnancy. Because the change in hormonal levels during pregnancy promotes the growth of the uterus, and this is better than hormone therapy.

If a woman has aplasia, then most often it is impossible to restore her reproductive function, in such cases, IVF and carrying a child by a surrogate mother can be advised. In any case, you need to find out the cause and treat it, modern methods of treatment can significantly change the prognosis in women with this pathology.


It is possible to identify hypoplasia or aplasia of the uterus during a bimanual examination by a gynecologist or on an ultrasound examination. Additional studies such as CT or MRI also help in the diagnosis of this pathology. But it is more important to identify the cause in order to prescribe the correct treatment.

Women with such pathologies are prescribed blood tests to determine the level of hormones. When it changes, it is necessary to thoroughly investigate the cause that caused the increase or decrease in the concentration of hormones in the blood.

Important! Hypoplasia or aplasia may be a sign of neoplasms of the pituitary or hypothalamus, which change the hormonal background and prevent the normal development and growth of the uterus. If hormone therapy is carried out, it can accelerate the growth of the neoplasm.


What to do if a small uterus is found on? You need to be examined by a gynecologist, an endocrinologist, and only then begin treatment. It happens that the examination reveals other pathologies of underdevelopment of the genital organs, or diseases that are the cause of infertility. Their treatment should be carried out in conjunction with hormone therapy, which is the most effective method for a small uterus.

The normal size of the uterus is about 7 cm long and about 4 cm wide. It is characteristic that women who have given birth have a larger size. The term small uterus speaks for itself and implies a decrease in the size of this organ. It may or may not be infantilism. Moreover, infantilism is characterized by an uneven change in the size of the uterus - a large length of the neck and a small size of the body of the uterus. And hypoplasia is characterized by a proportional decrease in all sizes of the uterus. Often, such developmental disorders are combined with excessive bending of the uterus forward (hyperanteflexia) or backward (hyperretroflexia).

Small uterus - causes and consequences

A small uterus develops in case of exposure to negative factors in the so-called critical periods for the development of the reproductive system. That is, during the period of embryonic development and during puberty. Among the causes of a small uterus, the main ones are:

  • infectious diseases;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • insufficient intake of nutrients, vitamins, microelements, which are necessary for the full development of the body;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • stressful situations, nervous strain;
  • severe comorbidities.

After we figured out what a small uterus means, it remains to understand the manifestations of this condition. The main consequences of a small uterus include the following:

  1. Violation of the menstrual cycle. It can be both painful periods and the complete absence of menstruation.
  2. Infertility.
  3. Due to a violation of the formation of the uterus, an ectopic (tubal) pregnancy may occur.
  4. Frequent pregnancies.

Pregnancy and a small uterus

The reason for the lack of pregnancy in this case are concomitant hormonal disorders. Or the size of the uterus is so small that it makes the development of pregnancy simply impossible.

But do not despair. In some cases, in the absence of other abnormalities, pregnancy and childbirth with a small uterus go quite well.


So, now it remains to understand what to do if the uterus is small and find out how to influence its size. Treatment of a small uterus is possible only when the cause is hormonal disorders. In such a situation, timely administration of drugs will eliminate the deficiency of hormones necessary for normal formation of the genital organs.

Procedures that stimulate uterine circulation are considered quite effective: gynecological massage of the uterus, thermal procedures. At the same time, with increased blood flow, more nutrients enter the uterine tissue. And, as a result, a slight increase in size. Indeed, in the treatment of a small uterus, every additional millimeter is important. But the main thing is to prevent the development of a small uterus as much as possible. And this can be done through the timely struggle with the above reasons.

Some women, when examined by a gynecologist or ultrasound, hear the doctor's verdict - a small uterus, what does this mean? Is it a diagnosis, a visual observation, or a sentence? It should be clarified that in obstetrics and gynecology such a diagnosis as a small uterus does not exist. Behind this phrase, aplasia, uterine infantilism or hypoplasia may be hidden.

Normally, the reproductive organ of a woman is 7-8 cm horizontally and 4-5 cm vertically. These dimensions are average indicators at which there are deviations in the direction of increase or decrease without a pronounced pathology of the state or function. The size of the uterus largely depends on the constitution of the woman. Most often, a small uterus in a woman of a fragile, asthenic physique and short stature. While maintaining the functions of the organ, women with a small uterus are able to become pregnant and bear a child. Moreover, with each successful pregnancy, the size of the organ can increase.

A problem in conception and childbearing can occur with a diagnosis of:

  • uterine hypoplasia - the most common pathology of organ underdevelopment, sometimes congenital;
  • genital infantilism is one of the degrees of underdevelopment of the uterus, which, as a rule, combines the underdevelopment of all genital organs and the whole organism;
  • aplasia of the uterus is a rare anomaly in the development of the genital organs, in which the uterus may be completely absent.

The causes of anomalies in the development of internal, and sometimes external genital organs in a woman are individual. In some cases, for example, with aplasia, it was not possible to fully establish the causes due to the small amount of material for study. Scientists suggest that pathology occurs either during the period of intrauterine development of the fetus, or during puberty.

In intrauterine development, the fetus can be affected by:

  • diseases suffered by the mother in the second trimester of gestation;
  • lack of vitamins and minerals in the body of a pregnant woman;
  • stress;
  • imbalance of hormones;
  • external pathological influence, etc.

A girl's development during puberty can be affected by:

  • infectious or viral diseases, especially of the urogenital system, which lead to insufficient production of a biologically active substance and underdevelopment of Muller's ducts;
  • violation of the diet (starvation, diet, anorexia);
  • neurosis and mental disorders, stress;
  • physical stress and exhaustion;
  • external adverse conditions;
  • hormonal imbalance and endocrine pathologies;
  • hereditary and genetic features, etc.

The increase in the number of women with pathology of the development of the uterus is due to damaging environmental factors, passion for various diets, bad habits (alcohol, nicotine, drug addiction), professional sports or ballet. In some cases, uterine hypoplasia does not have severe symptoms and is diagnosed by chance.

Signs of a developmental disorder

With a pronounced pathology of the development of the uterus, as a rule, there are signs of underdevelopment and organs of the reproductive system, signs of infantilism, such as:

  • lack of hair growth on the female type;
  • body structure uncharacteristic for women;
  • anomaly in the development of primary sexual characteristics;
  • lack of libido;
  • anorgasmia, etc.

With ultrasound and examination on a gynecological chair, signs such as:

  • vaginal aplasia;
  • bending of the uterus and cervix;
  • long tortuous fallopian tubes;
  • underdevelopment of the ovaries;
  • the uterus is smaller than normal (the severity depends on the degree of pathology), flattened or completely reduced, etc.

In the third type of uterine aplasia, deviations in the composition of chromosomes (pronounced XY karyotype), anatomical and topographic anomalies of the reproductive system are observed.

The presence of pathology may be indicated by symptoms of varying severity, which manifest themselves during puberty:

  • atypical regulations;
  • the beginning of menstruation after 16 years;
  • abnormal amount of discharge (very scanty, very copious);
  • short periods;
  • the cycle is accompanied by severe pain (algomenorrhea);
  • with vaginal aplasia, the impossibility of sexual activity or discomfort during intercourse, etc.

In the future, hypoplasia may affect the function of conception and childbearing. During the gestation period, a woman may experience severe toxicosis, pathological and difficult childbirth. After childbirth, bleeding may open.

Often, uterine hypoplasia is accompanied by inflammatory diseases caused by anatomical pathology and weak local immunity. The condition of the reproductive organs, the degree of their development and an accurate diagnosis can only be obtained through diagnostics.

Diagnostic methods

Diagnostic procedures in the study of the pathology of the development of the uterus and the reproductive system as a whole include both a standard set of methods and specific studies:

  • questioning the patient, analysis and collection of anamnesis;
  • visual examination on the gynecological chair of the external genital organs and examination of the internal organs with the help of a gynecological mirror;
  • general clinical analyzes of urine and blood;
  • bacterial culture of smears and bacterioscopy of biomaterial;
  • probing the vagina;
  • laparoscopy;
  • hysterosalpingoscopy;
  • digital transrectal examination;
  • study of the level of sex and thyroid hormones;
  • MRI of the brain;
  • radiography of the Turkish saddle;
  • determination of bone age.

Based on the results of a complex of studies, an accurate diagnosis is made and an individual treatment strategy is developed.

Therapeutic methods of influence

Treatment is aimed at restoring the hormonal background, stimulating the blood supply to the uterus. For this use:

  • drug therapy;
  • physiotherapy;
  • dietetics;
  • non-traditional methods of treatment;
  • surgery.

The only effective medical treatment for a small uterus is hormone therapy. With an individual adequate strategy for stimulating or hormone replacement therapy, it is possible to achieve an increase in the organ to normal size and restore reproductive function.

Physiotherapeutic procedures are aimed at increasing the blood supply to the tissues of the uterus. For this apply:

  • magnetotherapy;
  • laser therapy;
  • diathermy;
  • inductothermy;

In addition to apparatus physiotherapy, good results are achieved with mud therapy, hot applications with ozocerite, and paraffin applications.

With pituitary-hypothalamic dysfunction, endovasal galvanization is prescribed, which stimulates the production of gonadotropic hormones. Gynecological bimanual massage or vibratory massage is also prescribed.

Complex treatment of pathology is accompanied by diet therapy. Food should be high-calorie, contain a large amount of protein food. In addition, vitaminization and spa therapy are shown. With uterine hypoplasia, special complexes of physiotherapy exercises are prescribed, which are performed by the patient herself under the supervision and guidance of a doctor or passive exercises, including mechanotherapy.

According to the results of clinical studies of the dietary supplement “Women's Comfort-1”, created on the basis of a complex of medicinal plants, it was possible to achieve an increase in the activity of gonadotropic hormones. The drug was used against the background of hormonal therapy in the period between courses of treatment and as a continuous regimen drug in maintenance therapy.

Alternative treatments include hirudotherapy, apitherapy, acupuncture, etc. Traditional medicine offers treatment with the use of baths and compresses of a decoction of a boron uterus (ortilia unilateral), taking a tincture of a red brush (radiola four-membered) in monotherapy or together with a tincture of a boron uterus. It is necessary to make compresses and take bioactive infusions under the supervision of the attending physician, not excluding drug treatment.

With aplasia of the uterus and vagina and a strong degree of hypoplasia, conservative treatment does not bring results. To create a neovagina, the method of one-stage colpopoiesis is used. In which laparoscopic access through the peritoneum is used to diagnose and through the incision in the perineum a channel is formed from the movable part of the peritoneum and the dome of the vagina is created. The method is less traumatic compared to traditional colpopoiesis. The operation does not make it possible to become pregnant, but allows you to have a normal sex life.

Pregnancy prognosis for illness

As a rule, a small uterus is not an obstacle to conception and natural delivery.

In the absence of other pathologies, doctors advise not to terminate the pregnancy, since as a result of increased production of hormones and the mechanical effect of the growing fetus, it is possible to expect the restoration of the physiological size of the organ.

With uterine hypoplasia of the second type, monitoring of the patient's condition is necessary, since during pregnancy there is a risk of miscarriage, placental abruption, complicated labor and early resolution.

With diagnosed aplasia of the second and third types, pregnancy is impossible. With preserved ovarian function, only surrogate motherhood can help. In other cases, early diagnosis and timely adequate therapy of uterine hypoplasia gives a good result and a positive prognosis of motherhood.

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