Antipyretic berries for high fever in adults. An antipyretic drink made from hibiscus flowers. Folk antipyretics

Many infectious and colds are accompanied by high body temperature. An increase in body temperature indicates that the body is fighting an infection. And it's very good sign, since the absence of temperature indicates a very low immunity and the inability of the body to fight the disease. But raising the temperature to 39-40°C is dangerous.

Despite the fact that many are sold in pharmacies, many still use proven folk methods, no less effective than the use of medicines, but having a milder effect on the body, in particular, on digestive system. What folk remedies for temperature are most effective?

Top 10 best folk remedies for temperature

1. Cold compress

One of the easiest folk ways getting rid of heat - applying a cold compress to the forehead. For this you can use cool water with cologne or alcohol. It is necessary to moisten a piece of cotton cloth with them and attach it to the patient's forehead.

If the temperature has risen in a child, you can moisten this compress with a few drops of oil. tea tree, eucalyptus or fir oil so that the child inhales their vapors - these natural oils have antiviral and anti-infective effects.

2. Rubbing

At high temperature you can wipe the body with vinegar (or table), alcohol (when treating a child, you need to dilute them in half with water), and also rub the patient with a towel dipped in cool water. infants and children under 3 should simply be wrapped for a while in a sheet soaked in cool water. The effect of lowering the temperature is due to the fact that vinegar and alcohol (vodka) are substances that quickly evaporate, when the liquid evaporates, the body cools down, the temperature decreases.

3. Plentiful drink

4. Plants and herbs

Antipyretics can be used to reduce fever medicinal plants and herbs - nettle, flowers and leaves of yasnitka, elderflower, rose hips and mountain ash, lime tea. It should be remembered that when using them, the temperature will not drop immediately, but only after a while. natural remedies especially indicated for children, since giving them aspirin, analgin and other antipyretic drugs in large doses Not recommended.

Herbal infusions are also considered antipyretic agents that have an anti-inflammatory effect and enhance the protective properties of the body. The temperature will be lowered by a special herbal collection, including 25 g lime blossom, 20 g of plantain herb, 10 g of chamomile, rosehip and coltsfoot (ready dry collection must always be at hand). 4 teaspoons of the collection should be poured with boiling water, insisted for 10 minutes and drunk three times a day.

Black elderberry flowers also belong to folk antipyretic drugs that have an anti-inflammatory effect. Manifold natural remedies giving antipyretic effect, allows you to choose the one that best suits your body.

5. Strawberries

most effective folk remedy, reducing body temperature, is a favorite of all strawberries. It increases the body's resistance various infections, helps with stress, vegetative-vascular dystonia. For it is recommended to consume 50 grams of fresh or processed strawberries after each meal, as well as in the form of jam.

6. Fried onions

An interesting folk antipyretic is fried onions. It must be eaten at the very beginning of the disease, when the temperature is just starting to rise. This medicine will prevent serious disease respiratory tract.

7. Honey

As an effective antipyretic, it is recommended to use natural Bee Honey. Dissolve a teaspoon of honey in a glass warm water, drink - and the temperature will definitely drop.

8. Cranberry

Copes well with elevated temperature body - a very effective anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, diuretic and tonic. The only contraindication to the use of cranberries as an antipyretic is the property of this unique berry to increase acidity. gastric juice, so from this tool should be avoided by those who suffer from gastritis, peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum.

9. Willow bark

Willow bark is considered to be a good folk antipyretic. The presence of phenol glycosides, flavonoids and tannins in this plant allows the use of willow bark (in addition to being used as an antipyretic) as an astringent and hemostatic agent.

10. Raspberry

The most famous and widely used means to reduce the temperature is garden or forest raspberries. Presence in this berry salicylic acid allows it to be used colds as a powerful antiseptic.

For a speedy cure, the room where the patient is located must be systematically ventilated. Frequently change bedding and underwear, especially if the patient is sweating. Food should be light rich in vitamins. As long as the temperature remains high, it is necessary to observe bed rest. Protect your children from diseases and be healthy yourself!

High fever accompanies many different diseases in children. And in each case, the child's fever puts the parents on "full combat readiness." Since doctors say that fever is extremely dangerous for young children, a reasonable question arises for moms and dads, how to bring down a high temperature, preferably without using medications. From pills and potions, as you know, in addition to benefits, there is also tangible harm, especially for child's body. Help can always come folk recipes- safe and reliable.

Why is the temperature rising?

Everyone knows that heat is not independent disease. It's a symptom defensive reaction organism to the invasion of some foreign agent, to inflammatory process. Fever is a clear evidence of the invisible work of the immune system, which fights the pathogens of some kind of illness.

The heat, oddly enough, has good intentions - in conditions of elevated temperature, it is more difficult for microbes to multiply, and virus replication slows down. If the thermometer has exceeded the mark of 40.0, microorganisms generally lose their ability to reproduce.

But with heat and fever, phagocytes - defender cells - begin to multiply more actively. They feed on harmful invaders, both viruses and bacteria, and devour and digest them. The higher the temperature, the more actively "hunt" phagocytes.

At an elevated temperature in the body of a sick child, several more very important processes- the production of interferon, which is involved in the immune response to the invasion, is activated, and antibodies are stimulated that are able to resist the causative agent of a particular infection.

All this is accessible and logically explains why in most cases the temperature in a child does not need to be brought down at all.

There are only two cases where positive properties fever should be neglected: if the child infancy, and he keeps a fever above 38.5 °, and if a child from one to three years old has been suffering from a fever with a temperature above 39 ° for about three days.

37 °, 37.5 °, 38 ° and a little higher is not a reason to immediately stuff the baby with antipyretics. We need to give the immune system a chance to develop reliable protection, and pills that bring down the fever "forbid" him to defend himself properly.

And now we offer you to watch the issue of Dr. Komarovsky about emergency care at high temperature.

The reasons why the temperature rises are manifold. In the smallest, this can occur during teething. Almost all viral infections are accompanied by a high fever. Fever accompanies meningitis, influenza, SARS, tonsillitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, kidney and gastrointestinal tract diseases.

What is the danger?

The fever has negative sides. For example, a high temperature (above 38.5) significantly increases the workload on the heart, which can be dangerous for children with birth defects hearts and newborns. Heat negatively affects the state of the nervous system and brain. Excessively high fever (about 40.0) can cause irreversible changes in the structure of the brain, cause disturbances in other organs, primarily in the kidneys, liver and pancreas.

When folk methods are not enough?

Can't rely on funds traditional medicine if the high temperature has risen and lasts for several hours in newborns and children up to a year. In crumbs that have just been born, an imperfect thermoregulation system, at a temperature they rapidly lose heat and moisture, dehydration may occur, convulsive syndrome, respiratory failure.

Do not waste precious minutes and test recipes on your baby alternative medicine. He definitely needs a good antipyretic drug. Such small patients are like "Paracetamol" and preparations containing paracetamol as the main active ingredient.

In the next video, Dr. Komarovsky's advice is not on the topic of children's temperature.

Folk ways to reduce fever should not be tested on babies whose temperature has been steadfastly above 39.5 for more than three days. In this situation, medicines are also required, both paracetamol and Ibuprofen are suitable.

Folk remedies will not be able to replace qualified emergency medical care with the use of antipyretic drugs, both in tablets and in injections. They are necessary if the child has a high temperature accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea, the baby complains of abdominal pain. Such conditions require an urgent response, as vomiting and diarrhea contribute to a very quick loss liquids for small child fraught with lethal outcome in case of delayed medical assistance.

Shouldn't start home treatment improvised means, if the child has a history of serious illness internal organs(congenital or acquired). In this situation, any jump in temperature to 38.0 and above should be a signal to reasonable parents that it is time to call a doctor or an ambulance.

If the fever is accompanied by convulsions, loss of consciousness, pallor and severe lethargy, this is also a reason to urgently seek medical advice. medical care, and not give the baby tea with honey and raspberries.

Folk remedies

ordinary water

Children can be washed with water room temperature. This gives a slight and short-term effect, usually within half an hour the fever returns again. But wiping with water is harmless, so they can be repeated with enviable persistence and frequency.

Small children are allowed to do enemas with warm water. Babies up to six months are injected into the rectum no more than 60 ml of liquid, children from 6 months to a year - no more than 160 ml. This procedure has one very important disadvantage - any enema is not very useful for the intestinal microflora, and therefore it is worth thinking carefully several times before lowering the baby's temperature in this way.


It can also be used for rubbing. concentrated acetic acid(70%) is not suitable for these purposes, you will need a weak solution - a maximum of 9%. It must be diluted in equal proportions with water at room temperature. received acidic liquid wipe the body of a child stripped to underpants, avoiding the face, genitals. Then they let the body dry and cover the child with a thin blanket. You can't wrap a baby. As in the case with plain water, the effect of such a procedure lasts no more than 30-40 minutes, then the rubdown must be repeated.

If with such an acetic solution you make small gauze lotions on the temples, forehead, calves, and inner part elbow and hold until dry, the effect will be less pronounced, but slightly longer lasting.

Many doctors oppose wiping children with vinegar and alcohol and recommend using water for rubbing.

Wiping with vinegar and lotions with an acidic solution are not recommended for small children, but there is a way out - the socks are moistened in the solution and put on the baby's legs. Remove socks after 20 minutes. Repeat the procedure as the next rise in heat.


A very popular way to lower the temperature does not involve pure vodka, but its 50% solution with water. The child is rubbed with this composition, and then fanned with a towel for 30-40 minutes. This method, although time-consuming, is very effective and in some cases one or two procedures are enough for the fever to decrease and no longer rise. But many doctors are against this method of lowering the temperature.

And now let's hear Dr. Komarovsky about wiping with vinegar and alcohol.


Compresses with this agent are applied to the vein area on the inside of the elbow bend. There is delicate and thin skin, so it is important to observe that the brine does not cause any aggressive irritant reaction. Many parents rate this method as quite effective.


A stock of these bog berries should be in the freezer of every family with children. Morse from cranberries high heat- an excellent diaphoretic. It allows you to lower the temperature within half an hour after drinking. The effect lasts for several hours.


Herbal tea, which can be brewed from the flowers of this tree, contributes to increased sweating, which means it is quite rapid decline thermometer column. Herbal collection is sold in any pharmacy, it must be brewed by taking a teaspoon of raw materials and pouring a glass of boiling water. insist such healing tea about half an hour, after which you can add a spoonful of honey to it. This method is not suitable for young children, because both linden and honey are quite strong allergens.

And even if in healthy condition the peanut tolerates both of these products well, then during the period when his immunity makes important work to combat pathogenic microbes and viruses, an allergy to such a drink may well appear.


A liter jar of pine needles must be turned into a gruel using a conventional meat grinder, mixed with honey (no more than two tablespoons). To mix everything. From the resulting mass you need to mold small cakes. One of them is placed on a piece of cloth and applied to the baby's chest, the second - to the back. Hold for about 15 minutes, after which the temperature should begin to decrease within half an hour.


Ginger is peeled and grated. The resulting tart mass must be dosed carefully. For half a glass warm tea you need to put no more than half a teaspoon of ginger mixture, stir and give the child a drink. The heat will subside almost immediately. In addition, ginger has a general strengthening effect. Ginger tea not suitable for children under 6-7 years old, it can cause irritation of the digestive system.

The danger of self-medication

Offensive negative consequences fever in children, especially in small ones, is many times higher than in adults. Convulsions and loss of consciousness, respiratory disorders and the development of acute heart failure cannot be predicted in any way, these conditions have practically no precursors.

The danger of self-treatment of childhood fever lies in the fact that parents who decide not to call a doctor take responsibility for the life of the crumbs. Lost time in high temperature cases plays a key role.

Let's listen in the next video, what is the danger of self-treatment of childhood diseases.

It can be very difficult to understand the cause of the rise in temperature on your own. The higher the fever, the more careful and urgent examination the child needs.

What can not be done?

  • First of all, a baby with a fever should be undressed to underpants or a diaper. You can cover the child only with a sheet, and not with three blankets and a downy shawl. It is strictly forbidden to wrap a child with a high temperature!
  • When wiping with diluted vodka or a solution of vinegar, it is important not to rub the products into the skin, but only lightly touch them. Intense hand movements hard pressing on the surface of the child's body are prohibited, as they cause an increase in blood circulation and an additional increase in temperature.
  • With high heat, you can not use folk remedies in the form of inhalation.
  • Massage, heating, warming compresses at high temperatures are strictly prohibited!
  • Do not force-feed a child with a fever. Lack of appetite in this situation is a wise decision of nature itself, since an empty stomach and clean intestines help to transfer the disease faster and facilitate its course.
  • Do not give your child cold drinks. Such drinking can cause vascular spasm.
  • Some parents advise placing a fan by the child's bedside and blowing it until the temperature starts to drop. Such a "treatment" Right way to pneumonia, experts say. It is better to refrain from blowing.
  • Do not bathe a child with a fever hot tub or under a hot shower. This will only contribute to overheating.
  • The temperature of a sick child should be measured at least twice a day - in the morning and in the evening, if the fever has risen, and the cause cannot be established in any way, there are no other symptoms, measurements should be taken every two hours.
  • No need to strive for rapid decline body temperature in a child. The heat should subside gradually. A sharp jump down can greatly harm the health of the crumbs. A decrease of 0.5 degrees in one procedure is considered optimal. No need to reduce more than 1 degree per day.
  • A decrease in temperature should always be accompanied by an increase in liquid in the child's diet. Abundant drinking regimen- this is the main requirement of both medical and alternative treatment fever. It is desirable that the child drink compotes, fruit drinks from berries and fruits with high content vitamin C (black currant, raspberry, viburnum, cranberry, rosehip broth), but milk, dairy products better left for later.
  • In a room where a sick child with a high temperature lies, do not close all windows and doors. On the contrary, the room should be well ventilated, it should not be hot. If the fever occurred during the cold season, you need to hang wet towels on the hot radiators in the apartment and make sure that they remain wet. This will help increase the humidity in the house, which, in turn, will protect the delicate mucous membranes of the nose, nasopharynx and larynx, as well as the bronchi and trachea of ​​the child from drying out and inflammation. Optimum temperature indoor air - 18-19 degrees, humidity - 50-70%.
  • Folk remedies will be most effective if they are correctly combined with traditional therapy. They perfectly complement the effect of certain medications, enhance the effect pharmaceutical preparations speed up the recovery of the child. If there is an irresistible desire and need to treat your child with folk methods, be sure to consult a doctor. Pediatricians are quite willing to endorse many of the above treatments for fever. Unless, of course, the child has serious concomitant diseases.

With the onset of the season of colds and viral diseases, parents should be on their guard and know exactly the folk antipyretics for children. Not every mom and dad trust traditional medicines, especially in the current environment in the pharmaceutical industry, where there is an incredibly large number of counterfeit drugs. , created by nature itself, will never fail, will not cause side effects.

Parents should be aware that the temperature of the child's body should not be allowed to rise above 38 °. Such a condition of the child without proper attention can cause convulsive manifestations and further disrupt it. nervous system. Not recommended for children pharmacological agents, including analgin or aspirin.

Parents should understand that to reduce the temperature, it is necessary to drink plenty of warm (not hot and not cold) drinks so that the child has something to sweat (when the liquid evaporates from the surface, the temperature decreases).

Perhaps the most common remedy that has an antipyretic effect for children is natural bee honey. To lower the temperature, dissolve a tablespoon of honey in a glass of warm water. When the child drinks the prepared antipyretic, the temperature will definitely decrease.

Folk antipyretics for children include a glass of freshly prepared orange juice. You can cook lingonberry juice or just a dessert that includes mashed lingonberries with the addition of a teaspoon of natural bee honey. It is better if the honey is lime.

Children enjoy drinking cherry juice, which is also a natural antipyretic if the juice is homemade and not bought at the supermarket. The most effective, effective antipyretic is cranberry, this unique natural remedy will not only lower the child's body temperature, but is capable of what is necessary for get well soon baby.

If nettles have been prepared since the summer, then the infusion prepared on its basis will perfectly help the child with viral infection or inflammation of the bronchi. Prepare an infusion of nettle as follows. 25 grams of dry nettle must be steamed in a thermos with a glass of boiling water, after an hour the folk antipyretic for children is ready, take it in a tablespoon four times a day.

When the temperature rises, the child should not be wrapped too much with a cotton blanket, so the legs must be kept warm. The temperature in the room should not exceed 18°. When warming the inhaled cool air, the temperature will begin to decrease.

Quite often, when the temperature rises in children, they are tormented by thirst. A thirst quencher can be considered lemon juice added to a cup of tea with honey. Raspberry also has a wonderful antipyretic property. It is a diaphoretic prepared as water infusion during a fever.

A pear is considered a folk antipyretic for children. Dried pears are boiled in water, bee linden honey, give a sick baby with thirst or fever. It is also very effective in treating cough. It is possible, as an antipyretic for a sick child, to use meadow red clover. Insist one tablespoon of flowers in a glass of boiling water for an hour. The infusion must be wrapped, then, after straining it, take a quarter cup four times a day 30 minutes before eating.

Most quick effect can be achieved by taking folk antipyretics for children in the form multicomponent fees. Prepare a decoction based on a mixture of heart-shaped linden flowers, lingonberry leaves, dried raspberries, anise fruits, coltsfoot leaves. The proportions of all components are the same. Pour boiling water over one spoonful of the mixture, keep in a water bath for 15 minutes, cool, strain the broth, drink a quarter cup before going to bed.

Warning. Contrary to popular belief, rubbing with vodka and / or vinegar diluted with water is not recommended (although they say that you should not rub the solution, but only wipe it). It is possible to worsen the child's condition due to alcohol or acid poisoning (even if someone had positive experience use of such rubbing).

There are a lot of folk recipes for antipyretics, choose to your taste. Take care of your children!

The weather turned bad for us, it rained all day, and in the evening it started snowing. I look out the window, I think, well, nothing spring. Today the teacher from kindergarten she called, we didn’t go to kindergarten for almost a month, in general, she was interested in whether her son would come on March 8 or not, she immediately said that now there are very few children walking, they get sick a lot. The weather has deteriorated, damp, cool, the best weather for the spread of germs and viruses. Today I decided to write what folk antipyretics for fever are. After all, when a child has a high temperature, I am so worried that I just start to sort out in my mind what is better to give the child than to drink to bring down the temperature. Yes, and I myself sometimes get sick, but there’s especially no time to lie on the couch, one child needs to be picked up from school, the other from kindergarten, to prepare food, in general, there are enough things to do. So you have to, so to speak, urgently “reanimate” yourself. I'll tell you what folk antipyretic drugs I use for temperature. Doctors say that the temperature should not be brought down to 38.5, but I can’t just watch how the child lies with a temperature and breathes heavily, especially if it is evening or night, perhaps many will disagree with me. But I immediately prepare antipyretic teas, and drinking a lot at a temperature is indicated. All the same, after drinking such tea, the child becomes easier. But, be sure to consult a doctor to find out the cause of the high temperature.

Folk antipyretics.

Cranberry. I like cranberry tea as an antipyretic, it is tasty, pleasant and effective. I cook it very simply, pour a couple of spoons of cranberries grated with sugar with boiling water, insist, filter and drink warm in small sips. Cranberries belong to natural antibiotics. Cranberries contain salicylates, which have an antipyretic effect. Cranberry drinks have anti-inflammatory properties. Cranberry tea can be drunk not only at high temperatures, as an antipyretic, but also with flu, sore throat, and colds.

Linden flowers. Another one of my favorite teas is linden tea. Cooking it is quite simple, I pour a handful of linden on the floor with a liter of boiling water, insist, filter, add honey or sugar to taste. I drink warm tea. Linden tea reduces fever as it has diaphoretic properties. It is useful to drink linden tea for colds and viral diseases. Linden tea has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, expectorant properties. Children drink this tea with pleasure, it is fragrant and pleasant to the taste.

Uzvar. As you know, at a temperature, the room must be ventilated, moistened, and the patient should be given a drink. I often cook dried fruits. It's delicious and vitamin remedy. You can read more about vitamin drinks in my article "".

Vinegar and water. At a temperature, I rub the child with vinegar diluted with water (1: 2, one part vinegar and two parts water). But many doctors no longer recommend this way of "fighting the temperature."

Raspberry. My husband drinks tea with raspberries at a temperature. One spoonful of raspberries in a glass of water, mix everything thoroughly, insist and drink warm. Raspberry has an antipyretic, diaphoretic effect. It is very useful to drink raspberries for colds.

Currant. You can drink blackcurrant tea. Blackcurrant is very rich in vitamins, especially vitamin C. It has a diaphoretic, diuretic effect, improves immunity. I pour one spoonful of currant grated with sugar with a glass of boiling water, insist, filter and drink it warm.

Kalina. Caina is an excellent folk remedy for fever. I usually harvest viburnum in the fall. I grind it with sugar and put it in jars, store it in the refrigerator. At the temperature, I make tea very quickly and simply. I pour a spoonful of grated viburnum berries with a glass of boiling water, insist, filter and drink it warm. Kalina is rich in vitamin C, has antipyretic properties.

Chamomile. Once my son had a temperature, I prepared an infusion of chamomile, gave him half a glass to drink every half hour. In just a couple of hours, the child's temperature began to decrease. I pour a teaspoon of chamomile into 200 ml. boiling water, insist, filter. Drink warm in small sips.

But, if at home folk antipyretics do not work for temperature, the temperature only rises and does not decrease, then immediately call an ambulance. Before using folk remedies, consult your doctor, it is not necessary to go to the hospital, you can call the doctor and consult.

Tell us what antipyretics you use for fever, I will be very glad if you share effective means. Be healthy.

Many infectious and colds are accompanied by high body temperature. An increase in body temperature indicates that the body is fighting an infection. And this is a very good sign, since the absence of temperature indicates a very low immunity and the inability of the body to fight the disease. But raising the temperature to 39-40°C is dangerous.

Despite the fact that many are sold in pharmacies, many still use proven folk methods that are no less effective than the use of medicines, but have a milder effect on the body, in particular, on the digestive system. What folk remedies for temperature are most effective?

Top 10 best folk remedies for temperature

1. Cold compress

One of the easiest folk ways to get rid of a fever is to apply a cold compress to the forehead. To do this, you can use cool water with cologne or alcohol. It is necessary to moisten a piece of cotton cloth with them and attach it to the patient's forehead.

If the temperature has risen in a child, you can moisten this compress with a few drops of tea tree oil, eucalyptus or fir oil, so that the child inhales their vapors - these natural oils have antiviral and anti-infective effects.

2. Rubbing

At high temperatures, you can wipe the body with vinegar (or table), alcohol (when treating a child, you need to dilute them in half with water), and also rub the patient with a towel dipped in cool water. Infants and children under 3 years of age should simply be wrapped in a sheet dampened with cool water for a while. The effect of lowering the temperature is due to the fact that vinegar and alcohol (vodka) are substances that quickly evaporate, when the liquid evaporates, the body cools down, the temperature decreases.

3. Plentiful drink

4. Plants and herbs

To reduce the temperature, you can use antipyretic medicinal plants and herbs - nettle, flowers and leaves of the yasnitochka, elderberry, rose hips and mountain ash, linden tea. It should be remembered that when using them, the temperature will not drop immediately, but only after a while. Natural remedies are especially indicated for children, since it is not recommended to give them aspirin, analgin and other antipyretic drugs in large doses.

Herbal infusions are also considered antipyretic agents that have an anti-inflammatory effect and enhance the protective properties of the body. The temperature will be reduced by a special herbal collection, which includes 25 g of linden blossom, 20 g of plantain grass, 10 g of chamomile, wild rose and coltsfoot (ready dry collection must always be at hand). 4 teaspoons of the collection should be poured with boiling water, insisted for 10 minutes and drunk three times a day.

Black elderberry flowers also belong to folk antipyretic drugs that have an anti-inflammatory effect. The variety of natural remedies that give antipyretic effect, allows you to choose the one that is best suited for your body.

5. Strawberries

The most effective folk remedy that reduces body temperature is the beloved strawberry. It is she who increases the body's resistance to various infections, helps with stress, vegetative-vascular dystonia. For it is recommended to consume 50 grams of fresh or processed strawberries after each meal, as well as in the form of jam.

6. Fried onions

An interesting folk antipyretic is fried onions. It must be eaten at the very beginning of the disease, when the temperature is just starting to rise. This medicine will prevent severe respiratory disease.

7. Honey

As an effective antipyretic, it is recommended to use natural bee honey. It is necessary to dissolve a teaspoon of honey in a glass of warm water, drink it - and the temperature will definitely drop.

8. Cranberry

It copes well with elevated body temperature - a very effective anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, diuretic and tonic. The only contraindication to the use of cranberries as an antipyretic is the property of this unique berry to increase the acidity of gastric juice, so this remedy should be abandoned by those who suffer from gastritis, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer.

9. Willow bark

Willow bark is considered to be a good folk antipyretic. The presence of phenol glycosides, flavonoids and tannins in this plant allows the use of willow bark (in addition to being used as an antipyretic) as an astringent and hemostatic agent.

10. Raspberry

The most famous and widely used means to reduce the temperature is garden or forest raspberries. The presence of salicylic acid in this berry allows it to be used for colds as a powerful antiseptic.

For a speedy cure, the room where the patient is located must be systematically ventilated. Frequently change bedding and underwear, especially if the patient is sweating. Food should be light, rich in vitamins. While the high temperature persists, bed rest must be observed. Protect your children from diseases and be healthy yourself!

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