Iron pin in the tooth. Advantages of the procedure for the extension of the tooth on the pin. Benefits of using pins

4. Carbon fiber. They are very durable. These elements are expensive, as they provide the maximum high efficiency treatment.

Titanium pins: advantages, disadvantages

They are made from very durable material. Titanium posts in dentistry are used very often. It has high strength, can serve for a long time, have a not too high cost. They are used even if more than half of the tooth is missing. Titanium pins may have different length and form. It all depends on the root of the tooth.

However, these products also have certain disadvantages. For example, a metal can contribute to the development allergic reaction. In addition, it is able to corrode due to the action of liquids or saliva. And titanium pins are not elastic, so they distribute the load on the dentition a little worse.

Anchor products: advantages and features

They are also used quite often. The anchor pin in dentistry is used due to the following advantages:

1. More durable and stronger mount.

2. Possibility of using the root in the event that it is necessary to install overlapping prostheses.

Naturally, such products have all the shortcomings of the metal. It should also be noted that the anchor pin in dentistry can be passive and active. In the first case, cement is used for fastening, and in the second case, the product is threaded and screwed into the root canal. The disadvantage of such an element is that it has a not very attractive appearance. In addition, it is quite difficult to remove it. In some cases, you have to

Fiberglass structures: advantages

Modern dentistry is trying to use all the latest methods and raw materials in the fight against dental diseases. Fiberglass is one of the most the best materials which has many advantages:

The same high degree of elasticity as dentin.

Good biological compatibility.

High degree of adhesion with the fixing material.

Does not corrode or rust, as it practically does not interact with saliva or other liquids.

Due to the lightness of the product during its installation, the doctor practically does not risk breaking the root of the tooth.

Uniform distribution of the load on the crowns.

Naturally, fiberglass posts in dentistry are not very cheap. For example, the price of such a product may be $30 or more.

What should be considered when choosing pins?

Modern dentistry can offer a large number of solutions in the treatment of a particular dental disease. Pin placement continues to be one of the most common methods for repairing crown failures. However, before you mount them, you must correctly select the presented elements. Dentistry services provide advice from a doctor in choosing a pin. In the process of treatment, the specialist should consider the following factors:

1. The thickness of the tooth root. If it is less than 2 mm, then this method of treatment is considered unacceptable, since a thin pin can quickly break, and the strength of its fixation in the canal will be low.

2. The degree of destruction of the crown.

3. Root depth. If it is smaller than the upper part of the tooth, then the pin will not work in this case, as it can turn out under the influence of chewing load.

4. The load on the crown after its processing. An important factor also is the position of the tooth: it stands alone or it is planned to install a prosthesis.

5. Material of manufacture. It all depends on individual characteristics patient and its biocompatibility with dentin.

6. The financial side of the issue. I must say that modern dentistry (prices for dental treatment can be really high) provides a lot of services. They cost differently. Therefore, the doctor pays attention to whether the patient will be able to pay for the chosen treatment, and selects the most optimal option for him.

In addition, the features of the pins themselves must be taken into account. For example, the cylindrical shape of the product is more preferred. Threaded fixation of the product is stronger. The most optimal is the elastic version of the pin, as it most closely matches the root of the tooth and does not break it during loading.

Installation Features

Modern dentistry (prices for services start at fifteen dollars for tooth extraction) will help to eliminate almost any pathology associated with the installation of pins should be carried out only by an experienced specialist and provides for a certain sequence of work:

1. Depulpation of the crown. That is, the root canals are freed from content and expanded.

2. Introduction of the pin. This should be done so that it is fixed in the jaw bone. In this case, the root of the tooth is significantly strengthened.

3. Use for mounting. Naturally, you should choose high-quality cement that will not crumble and fix the rod well.

4. Actually prosthetics. It is much better if the crown is integrally connected to the post. If the bridge or will not be mounted, then the hole is sealed after installing the pin.

5. After a day, the doctor must check whether the rod is firmly fixed in the root canal. The conclusion is formed on the basis of the specialist's examination and the patient's comments.

What to do after installing the pin?

In order for the restoration of the tooth after the operation to be successful and without problems, you need to follow the recommendations of the doctor:

1. Check the condition of the crowns every six months.

2. Don't chew solid food, cracking nuts or opening bottles with your teeth.

3. If the crown is restored, refuse to use toothpicks. It is best to use a special hygienic thread.

4. Be responsible for brushing your teeth. Try to use special antibacterial rinses that help get rid of harmful microbes and flying.

5. If the doctor has prescribed any medication, then do not neglect his advice.

6. At first, try to eat only soft foods.

What complications can arise? And how to deal with them?

Dental services include not only dental treatment, but also constant monitoring of their condition. It must be said that after installing the pin, the patient may experience certain complications: periodontitis, inflammation of the tissues, swelling of the gums and pain.

Naturally, if such signs occur, then you should definitely contact the doctor who mounted the rod. Of course, every person who has been given a pin can feel pain. However, this is often associated with the recovery process, because during the operation, soft tissues, which contain great amount nerve endings.

However, if pain get worse, you need to see a doctor immediately. He should not only make an external examination, but also send you for an X-ray examination.

The appearance of signs of an allergy may be due to the incompatibility of your body with the material of the rod that was chosen. If the condition worsens, others appear negative signs most likely the pin will have to be removed.

That's all the features of the installation and selection of the presented products. Let your smile be beautiful!

Tooth extensions may be required at almost any age, as their destruction can occur at a very different reasons. One of the fairly common and reliable methods of building teeth is the use of a pin.

General description of the methodology

It is not always necessary to extract a badly damaged tooth. Dentists agree that extraction is last resort, and if you can save at least some part, then that's what you should do. The rest can be restored using various materials.

However, this will require strengthening the structure. Otherwise artificial crown it just won't last long.

To strengthen with preserved roots, use pin, which is a small rod inserted directly into the root canal. In fact, this is a supporting tool for the entire structure.

Types of structures

  • Anchor. They are manufactured in a factory way and are selected depending on the shape and size of the channel. They can be cylindrical, conical, or a combination of both. The surface is also different - smooth, serrated or threaded.
  • fiberglass. Completely hypoallergenic and completely safe. Sufficiently elastic, which does not reduce the reliability of the final design. Additionally, this gives greater accuracy during installation, and subsequently reduces the load on the root.

    Among the properties and advantages of these pins, it should be noted that they do not change color, are not subject to corrosion, since the material does not react with surrounding tissues.

  • carbon fiber. The properties of the material make it possible to achieve almost complete compliance with the elasticity of natural dental dentin, which makes the construction very reliable and durable, and also prevents possible root fracture.
  • Gutta-percha. Less reliable, but quite often used because of the low price method. These structures are manufactured in the factory and have various sizes.

There are also parapulpal pins, in which, in addition to the main material - a medical metal alloy, an additional polymer coating is added. They are mainly used to provide additional support.

Additionally pins can also differ in the type of their fixation, of which there are two - passive and active:

  • Passive- usually used in cases where the installation is required after endodontic treatment. To fix it after installation, various specific materials are used.
  • Active- is a solid rod installed in the dentin, which is fixed in the hard tissues of the tooth with the help of a thread. It is used for very strong destruction, otherwise the crown may split due to the creation of additional stress in the tissues.


Like any other extension technique, the use of a pin has a number of indications.

  • complete destruction of the visible part of the tooth, that is, its crown;
  • partial, but rather serious loss of the enamel itself, as well as dentin, when one filling will not hold firmly;
  • the need to create a supporting structure for the subsequent installation of various orthopedic structures(prostheses) of removable and non-removable type.

Wherein destruction usually exceeds 50%. They can occur both as a result of dental diseases, for example, caries, which was not cured in time, and after mechanical injury from a blow.

These indications should be considered as a possible, but optional, choice of pin extension. In every case experienced specialist be sure to offer the patient several possible methods.

Photo: installed pins for building a tooth


Also the procedure has contraindications:

  • It is necessary to restore the frontal tooth, in which the crown part is completely destroyed.
  • Inflammatory periodontal disease.
  • The patient has a blood disorder.
  • Diagnosis of granulomas or cysts.
  • Too small root wall thickness (less than 2 mm).

Additionally, neglected caries can be included here, however, after its treatment, the use of the technique is possible.

Carrying out technology

  • First of all, it is necessary prepare the root for the installation of the rod. This is done using special tools, gradually expanding the diameter of the hole being created.
  • The pin is inserted very carefully so as not to damage the root. In this case, it is partially introduced into the bone in order to make the structure as reliable as possible.
  • Then the canal must be carefully sealed, while paying special attention to the apical region, that is, the root tip.
  • Already over the fixed pin applied composite material , in order to have a basis for further restoration.
  • The last step is either installation of a finished artificial crown, or layer-by-layer application of a light-curing material to create it.

When using the latter method, the doctor simultaneously forms the necessary anatomical shape, and after curing, it sands and polishes the surface to achieve a natural look.

For more information about the process of tooth restoration and its extension, see the video:


One of the most frequently asked questions by patients, after asking if it hurts, is the cost estimate.

Following this list you can calculate the cost of the service yourself on a case-by-case basis and in different clinical situations. Prices start from 5 thousand.

It should be added that if the patient initially carefully monitors his teeth and the entire oral cavity as a whole, and building is required after a tooth injury, then he will probably need fewer additional procedures.

The total amount that the patient will pay for such a procedure consists of many components. Moreover, not only their quantity can change, but also the price within each point.

What is included in the cost of building a tooth with a pin

  1. Initial examination and consultation. Estimated price - about 250-350 rubles, but it can reach up to 600 rubles. However, in most clinics this service is either included in the total cost or is free of charge. further treatment there.
  2. X-ray. The cost of x-rays may vary depending on the technologies used. A classic x-ray of one tooth costs about 250-300 rubles.

    However, it may be necessary to use an orthopantomograph or radiovisiograph (the price of the service is about 400-500 rubles) or an orthopantomogram (about 1000 rubles).

  3. Computer modelling future crown of a decayed tooth. This service may include general list or paid separately. Then its price is from 300 to 1000 rubles.
  4. Cleaning and preparation of coronal remains. It is made before processing the channel, so both services (points 4 and 5) are paid together. However, moving parts of the destroyed crown can be additionally removed, which costs about 300 rubles.
  5. Training root canal : cleaning, unsealing or depulping if necessary. The cost of this stage starts from 1500 rubles. However, it depends on the complexity of processing, the number of tools and duration. Therefore, the price can increase to 2.5-3 thousand.

    Unsealing, carried out for previously treated teeth, costs about 1.5 thousand, and depulpation - from 2 thousand rubles.

  6. Antiseptic treatment prepared hole. The price of this stage is usually included in the payment for the previous one, but sometimes a specific amount is negotiated - 200-250 rubles.
  7. Pin manufacturing and its direct installation. It all depends on what kind of pin is chosen for installation. For example, the price of an anchor starts at 400 rubles, metal (titanium) - from 600-700, fiberglass - 800-1000 rubles.
  8. His strong fixation. It is performed using various filling materials. It can cost from 300 to 800 rubles.
  9. Restoration of the upper part, that is directly build-up. The amount paid for this stage depends on which extension method will be used.

    If the doctor recommends the installation of a crown, then restoration under the crown using a micro-filled light-curing composite costs from 2 to 2.5 thousand rubles, depending on the tooth (single-root or multi-root), and when using a virtremer - from 1.3 to 1.6 thousand.

    Additionally, you will need to buy the crown itself, the price of which, depending on the materials used, ranges from 4–15 thousand rubles. If the tooth is restored only with the help of light-cured composites, then such a service costs about 5-6 thousand rubles.

  10. Finishing the extended surface if composite materials were used.
  11. Checking the strength of the installation of the entire structure, held the next day.
  12. Possible additional processing or fit if the restored tooth causes discomfort to the patient. This stage, like the two previous ones, is not paid separately, but is included in the cost of building.
  13. Additional procedures carried out during extension. Usually this includes only the mandatory professional cleaning teeth from various deposits, since the quality and reliability of the build-up depends on it.

    Cost of brushing teeth professional methods is about 2-3 thousand rubles.

What else can affect the price?

It should be added that in addition to the amount of payment will be influenced by some other factors. It is they that can be used in most cases if the patient wants to save money by performing extensions.

First of all, this choice of clinic. Each dental clinic or medical Center carry out their pricing policy. The larger, more famous and more reliable the institution, the more expensive services they provide.

According to reviews the difference can be up to 25%. However, it should be added that it is these centers that guarantee their services. After all, they use only high-quality dental materials and have high-level specialists on staff.

The choice of the region where the patient will be treated is also important. In the capital and many other large cities, it will be more expensive, on average by about 5–15%.

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  • Nataliya

    March 16, 2016 at 8:14 am

    I recently encountered this problem. Since during pregnancy my teeth went into a terrible state. I had to seek help from specialists. The front tooth was half destroyed, I thought I would have to remove it, but the dentist spoke about the procedure for building a tooth on a pin. Painless reconstruction of the old teeth and smile again like a Hollywood star. Modern nanotechnology and treatments work wonders.

  • Anna

    March 16, 2016 at 8:18 am

    When I lost a tooth, I thought for a long time what to do - a bridge or a pin. Some dentists advised to put a bridge, but this is more expensive and will ruin the neighboring ones. healthy teeth. In the end, I decided to put a pin. Fortunately, there were no contraindications. The procedure itself was not terrible, everything was done in one go. But it all depends on the skill of the dentist. Everything went almost painlessly for me, so dental clinic you need to choose carefully and do not spare money.

  • Elizabeth

    April 1, 2016 at 0:12 am

    I had problems with my teeth last year - my upper root tooth got sick. I endured, endured, pulled and lasted to such an extent that it was already impossible to restore the tooth. I had to delete it. It's bad to be without a tooth, of course. The dentist advised to increase new tooth using a pin. And you know, I made up my mind. And now a year has passed, and everything seems to be fine, the tooth is holding.

  • Marianne

    December 26, 2016 at 6:24 am

    Like many, I have always been afraid of dentists, and therefore tried to avoid going to them until a certain point. She reached such a point that on the front teeth there was already not just caries, but in full pulpitis. I did not want to remove and prosthetize, in connection with which the dentist suggested building up a tooth on a pin. As a result, 15 years have already passed, and everything is holding up well, but of course there are some nuances, you won’t gnaw a carrot.

  • Faith

    March 30, 2017 at 10:04 pm

    About thirteen years ago they brought me to summer vacation niece from the village. The girl was 12 years old. Parents are busy with agricultural work, they are not up to the child. And I see that her upper ones are almost half eaten by caries. I took her to the dentist. The doctor said that you can’t put crowns at that age, let’s try to build up. I was worried about how the girl would endure the procedure, but everything went well. Now the niece is already an adult, she has become a mother, and the extended teeth continue to serve her.

  • Catherine

    November 27, 2017 at 01:43 pm

    Appeared in childhood little speck on the tooth. Well, in our free clinic on scheduled inspection they reamed everything to the size of the crater and put on a hefty filling. As a result, the tooth collapsed. And he was in front. It was a disaster. Of course, the doctors did not want to restore anything and wanted to build a bridge. Somehow, at 23, I didn’t really want this. It’s necessary to spoil the neighboring healthy ones. As a result, I found a doctor who built it up on a pin. I've been going for 4 years now. It's indistinguishable from the real thing, and it's holding up really well.

With absence timely treatment damaged tooth, the process of destruction of the crown can reach such a state that it becomes impossible to restore the tooth without additional support. In such cases, if the roots are suitable for prosthetics, it is customary to use a pin in the treatment of a destroyed tooth. This is done in order to preserve the natural structure of the jaw and avoid deformation of the dentition.

A dental pin is a ready-made factory-made or custom-made design, which is fixed in a pre-treated root canal and serves as a support for an artificial crown or for a fixed bridge prosthesis. For installation, four conditions must be met: the thickness of the root walls is at least two millimeters, the possibility of unsealing the root canal by 2/3 of its length, complete obturation of the canal and giving it a conical or cylindrical shape.

Application in dentistry

The practice of restoring a tooth on a pin has been around for a long time. Since then, of course, both materials and technologies have changed, thanks to which it has become possible to use not only for restoration of a damaged tooth but also for other purposes.

  • extension of teeth on a pin, or rather, their crown part, with its significant destruction, remains the main direction of their application to this day;
  • very often, dentists use the method of prosthetics with pins, if it is not possible to pick up a bridge-like fixed prosthesis to neighboring teeth. By the way, dentures on pins hold much stronger;
  • often a pin tab is used when reinforcing a tooth with a removed pulp;
  • in the treatment of teeth, pins are used not only separately, but also as part of complex combined structures that splint teeth in periodontal diseases;
  • a rare, but still used today operation for the replantation of a patient's own teeth is also not complete without installing a pin in place extracted tooth, because without it there is simply nothing to hold on to the replanted tooth. Although these pin teeth look natural, they can lose their natural appearance over time due to lack of nutrition. That is why in case of dislocations and fractures, if it is not possible to save, for example, a healthy front tooth, the doctor recommends installing a prosthesis.


A dental pin, like a filling, can be made of different types materials that differ in degree of strength, purpose, elasticity and methods of fixation.


They differ in the ways of fixation into active and passive. Sometimes restoration of teeth is practiced anchor pins semi-active type.

  • active anchors often cause a number of complications due to the need to screw them into the root, so they are used only to restore the stump;
  • passive anchors include: ceramic, metal, carbon, fiberglass pins and metal stump tabs. Thus, a titanium post in a tooth, installed for reinforcement after depulpation, refers to passive pin structures.
fiberglass Fiberglass - new material for the manufacture of dental pins, which has gained great popularity for short term thanks to its hypoallergenicity and elasticity. Main advantages:
  • reduce the load on the root of the tooth;
  • contribute to the restoration of the stump in one visit to the doctor;
  • do not discolor and do not rust;
  • can be easily removed if re-treatment is required.
carbon fiber The elasticity of carbon fiber posts is very close to the natural elasticity of the dentin layer, which makes this type of tooth the most durable for the restored tooth and reduces the likelihood of root fracture.
Parapulpal Parapulpal pins consist of a metal stainless alloy and a polymer coating. They are used for additional support of the main structure and are not installed in the tooth cavity itself.
Stump tab The most reliable design in case of almost complete destruction of the crown is made individually according to a cast from a damaged tooth and is, in fact, a micro-prosthesis, on which an artificial crown is subsequently attached. The only drawback is the lengthy manufacturing and treatment process.
gutta-percha Factory rods are made from gutta-percha different sizes, which in required quantity fixed in the canal with a composite. This method is the cheapest and most commonly used, however, teeth restored on such pins are short-lived.


The installation process includes several sequential procedures. At the first stage, the doctor explains the treatment regimen to the patient, tells how the pin is inserted into the tooth, conducts a full examination and comes to the conclusion whether it is possible to treat the damaged tooth with the pin method, and which type of material is best suited to the particular case.

Next comes the preparation of the tooth itself: processing and canal unsealing with a filling. When dental pins are made of carbon or fiberglass, the excess material is cut off, after which the rod itself is fixed in the canal with a special composite.

After fixing the pin and hardening of the cement, the crown part of the tooth is restored. If the pin is installed on anterior tooth, there is a need to artistic restoration to give the tooth a natural color.

If a tooth hurts after installation - what to do?

Since the process of restoring a destroyed tooth can affect soft tissues, it often seems to the patient after the treatment that the tooth on the pin hurts. If there was no pain before the installation, and the tooth itself was depulped for a long time, such pain can be caused by too deep an entrance to the canal (sometimes it can even rest against the bone). In this case, it is necessary to take an x-ray to identify the cause of pain.

If a tooth with a pin hurts immediately after the removal of the nerve, this is quite natural process and it can take up to several days. Every day the pain should subside. If, on the contrary, it increases, contact your dentist immediately.

It also happens that a tooth hurts after installing a pin due to an allergic reaction of the body to the material used. Such cases are most often accompanied not only by pain, but also by a local allergic reaction, possibly stomatitis or hyperemia, as well as a general deterioration in the condition.


Despite the fact that the pins allow you to restore an almost completely destroyed tooth, they also have their drawbacks:

  • if errors were made during the manufacturing process or during the installation process, the likelihood of a rapid destruction of the restored tooth and the risk of complications increases;
  • if it is necessary to remove the pin from the tooth, most of the materials will have to be removed along with the root, since they are fixed tightly;
  • due to an allergic reaction and incompatibility of materials, rejection or severe local reaction organism;
  • over time, due to the load, the walls of the tooth can become very thin, which will eventually lead to repeated destruction of the tooth and the impossibility of its further restoration.

Contraindications for installation

The main contraindications for the installation of pins are associated with the degree of destruction of the walls and root, with wall thickness, curvature, length and obstruction of the canals, the presence of damaged or inflamed periodontal tissues, caries, cysts, granulomas and other concomitant diseases.

Before installing the pin, the doctor must carefully examine the damaged tooth, clear channels and take an x-ray. If the root length is less than the planned height of the dental crown, installation in such a tooth is contraindicated. In addition, the wall thickness should not be less than two millimeters, otherwise the load on the restored tooth will be too great, and it will quickly begin to collapse. And, of course, the root of the tooth must have a high degree of stability.

The use of a filling on the pin allows you to restore the chewing function if more than half of the enamel is destroyed. The use of such a filling avoids the need to install an expensive crown or implant. Many people do not know how doctors insert a pin into a tooth and often wonder if it hurts to put a metal pin into a damaged tooth.

Appointment of a seal on a pin

Restoring a damaged tooth with a pin will not only make your smile beautiful and dazzling, but will also significantly improve the quality of life by restoring chewing function.

The use of such a restoration technique is advisable in the case when the nerve has already been removed, however, there is at least one whole wall on which a filling can be applied.

In this case, a pin is placed in the channel. It is a screw made of a special material, on which a polymeric filling material is applied. The screw is inserted into the dental canal and serves as the basis for the filling, making the structure durable.

Indications for the use of sealing on screws:

  • restoration of damage in which enamel is severely destroyed;
  • absence of a tooth;
  • to provide the necessary rigidity for prosthetics.

Full recovery a tooth mounted on a pin does not hurt at all and in just one visit to the doctor.

Types of structures

AT modern dentistry several types of screws are used to restore the chewing functions of the incisor. They differ in the material of manufacture:

  • anchor structures are made of gold alloys, titanium or brass;
  • carbon fiber structures are made of special alloys, which in their properties repeat the structure of dentin;
  • fiberglass structures are made from epoxy and fiberglass;
  • parapulpar type structures differ in structure and method of installation.

Anchor structures are of two types - active screws and passive type. Active structures are threaded directly into the channel, and passive structures are attached by connecting with cement.

Carbon fiber type structures are preferred to be installed where it is necessary to ensure maximum structural strength. They are highly elastic and cope with the load that occurs when chewing solid food.

A pin made of modern fiberglass is installed mainly on the front teeth, which are not involved in the chewing process. This is due to the insufficient strength of such screws, which is compensated by the aesthetic appearance and the ability to withstand any load.

Parapulpal type pins are placed in hard tissue. This method of implantation minimizes the risk of infection in inner part tooth.

Which pin should be placed - titanium or non-metallic alloy, the doctor will decide after a detailed examination.

If at least one tooth wall is present, a pin-based filling is used. In case of complete loss of the cutter, the installation practices ceramic-metal crown on the pin. A crown on a damaged tooth with a pin allows you to provide normal functioning and aesthetic appearance. Dental crown, mounted on a pin, has a long service life.

Pin selection

The choice of design for restoration is carried out by the doctor, having previously assessed clinical picture. When choosing a dentist, consider:

An important role is played by the presence standing crowns or bridge prostheses. Also, when choosing a material of construction, the doctor must exclude the risk of an allergic reaction in the patient.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any other surgical intervention, such filling has its contraindications:

  • cardiovascular diseases and CNS problems;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • periodontal disease;
  • inflammation of the gums;
  • insufficient root thickness;
  • carious lesion enamels;
  • jaw cyst formation.

The advantages of this restoration method are obvious - such fillings are much cheaper than crowns, and besides, they are distinguished by aesthetic appeal. At the same time, this design completely restores the chewing functions of the tooth and preserves the root. Modern fillings on pins have long term operation - up to 10 years.

The disadvantages of the method are:

  • possible development caries;
  • corrosion of metal pins;
  • over time, it is possible to erase the tooth enamel and thin the walls of the restored tooth.

Before installation, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of an allergic reaction. AT rare cases there is an individual intolerance, in which the design does not take root and the tooth has to be removed.

The implantation is not painful at all and takes a little time. A titanium or fiberglass post in the tooth does not cause discomfort at all.

Construction installation process

A tooth on a pin does not hurt, but how it is done depends on whether the nerve was previously removed.

When asked if it hurts to put a pin in the tooth, the answer will be unequivocal - no, it does not hurt and does not take much time.

Installation of the structure requires the removal of the nerve and is possible only if at least one wall is preserved.

So, how do you insert teeth on pins? The procedure consists of several stages.

The procedure does not last long, while it is absolutely painless if the nerve was previously removed. A correctly installed pin will provide the necessary rigidity, so that the seal will last up to 10 years.

If it is necessary to remove the nerve so that it does not hurt, the doctor will give an injection of anesthesia. When a metal pin is placed in a damaged tooth, pain is not observed.

What to do after installation?

After restoring a damaged tooth, the doctor may prescribe medicines. At the same time, it is also recommended to stick to a diet for the first week, giving preference to simple food that is easy to chew.

After installing the structure, it is important to prevent the development of inflammation. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully monitor hygiene oral cavity. For this you need regular cleaning throughout the mouth and the use of mouthwash and dental floss.

Insufficient hygiene can cause inflammation of the gums around the restored tooth.

Sometimes patients complain of pain in the area of ​​the restored tooth. The reason for this phenomenon is injury to the tissue around the screw during its installation. Also, the cause of such pain may be too deep insertion of the structure into the canal of the tooth.

If the procedure was accompanied by the removal of the nerve, pain may persist for several days.

If a few days after the installation of the filling, the pain sensation has not decreased, this may indicate an allergic reaction to the material from which the construction is made. In the case when pain persists for a long time, it is recommended to visit as soon as possible dental office for advice.

If a tooth is lost, the dentist may suggest that the patient install a dental pin. What is it, what is the installation price, are there any contraindications to it?

The article will give sufficient information on this topic, show photos and reveal possible questions.

What is a dental pin?

Pin - a threaded rod, one end of which is screwed into the root of the tooth, and the other is designed to hold removable or fixed dentures. This method of building teeth is called pin and is used when the upper part of the tooth is severely destroyed.

The following arguments are given in favor of installing a pin structure:

  • the installation of the pin makes it possible to restore the beautiful appearance of the destroyed teeth, even the front ones;
  • the use of a glass fiber post makes it possible to preserve the integrity of the tooth root;
  • the carbon fiber pin has an elastic structure, due to which the load on the root is distributed evenly, and the rod itself is firmly held in it;
  • pin teeth are able to fully perform the functions of real ones, while removing the old root is not required;
  • a tooth extended on a pin will serve its owner for at least 10 years, or even longer.

The use of pins in dentistry also has disadvantages:

  • installation of the rod in a weakened root often leads to thinning of the walls of the tooth and, in the future, to complete destruction;
  • when installing the pin in an unprofessional way, there is a risk of the spread of caries;
  • metal rods are susceptible to corrosion due to interaction with surrounding tissues or various liquids;
  • if it becomes necessary to remove the pin, it may be necessary to remove it along with the root;
  • enough high price design affects the decision to install it;
  • there is a risk of developing individual intolerance to pin materials.

What materials are they made from?

Pin structures are made from various materials and are metallic and non-metallic.

Metal pins can be:

  1. Titanium.
  2. Brass.
  3. From stainless steel.
  4. Gold with impurities of other metals.
  5. Palladium.

Non-metallic structures are:

  1. Fiberglass.
  2. Carbon fiber.
  3. Ceramic.

Each type of material, in turn, has its pros and cons. Before you decide to install a pin rod, it is advisable to know in advance about the advantages of different materials.

Types of dental pins

The classification of dental pins depends on the material used and its characteristics:

  1. The anchor rod is made of metal and is installed in an active or passive way.
  2. The fiberglass pin is particularly elastic, which makes it easy to install and possible subsequent removal. In addition, this material is hypoallergenic and does not interact with foreign substances.
  3. Carbon fiber pin constructions have among their advantages an extraordinary elasticity, which allows to reduce the load pressure on the tooth root and does not have a destructive effect on the tooth itself.
  4. The parapulpal one consists of a metal alloy, and is covered with a polymer on top. Mainly used for better grip filling material with the cavity of the tooth.

In addition to materials, tooth posts differ in shape and method of anchoring at the root.

The shape of the pin rods depends on the shape of a single root canal and can be of the following types:

  • conical;
  • cylindrical;
  • cylindrical-conical;
  • screw.

According to the fixation variations, the pins are divided into:

  1. Active - equipped with a thread, thanks to which it is screwed into the root of the tooth. Used as a support for a full crown.
  2. Passive - fixed in the root canal using special cement. The strength of this design is low, but the passive method of installation is more gentle on the tooth.

Which type to offer the patient, the dentist decides after examination and necessary research. An x-ray will definitely be taken to make sure that the bone is wide enough, into which the base for the prosthesis will be fixed.

A photo

Indications and contraindications

You can not independently decide on the installation of the pin. To do this, you first need to have evidence for it. These include:

  • destruction of the dental crown by 50 percent or more;
  • weakened condition of the tooth after undergoing dental treatment;
  • the need for prosthetics of the tooth, for which it is necessary to install a support;
  • extraction of the tooth for the duration of the treatment of the infection and its subsequent return to the hole.

The pin design cannot be installed if there are the following contraindications:

  • the width of the root canal wall is less than 2 mm;
  • active carious process in the oral cavity;
  • insufficient root length;
  • the impossibility of giving a cylindrical shape to the root canal;
  • complete destruction of the tooth crown;
  • violations of blood coagulation, including in women during menstruation;
  • the period of bearing a child;
  • mental health disorders;
  • acute processes in the periodontium;
  • cyst or granuloma in the mouth.

Most of these contraindications are eliminated over time, and for the rest, you can use other options for tooth restoration.

Dental pin - how is the installation carried out?

Preparation for the installation of pins in dental prosthetics begins with a thorough examination of the patient's oral cavity. If problems are found, first necessary treatment. Then everything happens according to this plan:

  1. The patient is given an anesthetic injection, after which he loses sensitivity in the place where the doctor will work.
  2. The dentist clears the root canal, expanding it to right size. Then he pours special cement into it to better fix the pin.
  3. The pin is twisted or simply immersed in the root canal, empty spaces in the gap between it and the walls of the tooth are filled with a polymer composition. Then you need to dry the tooth treated in this way with a halogen lamp.
  4. A prefabricated tooth prosthesis is first placed on temporary cement, after which, within a week, the doctor observes how the surrounding tissues react to foreign materials, whether there is any rejection. Convinced of total absence adverse reactions, the dentist puts the prosthesis on permanent cement.
  5. The last step is just observation. The specialist periodically monitors how the patient feels with the installed pin, whether it is convenient for him to wear the structure. If necessary, the prosthesis can be further improved by grinding.


Since pin extension is quite expensive, it will be good to know in advance how to protect it from damage. In the period of several weeks, or even months after the procedure, the patient will have to follow some recommendations:

  • it is not advised to eat foods that require active work with the jaws in the first two to three weeks after the pin is installed - the food should be soft or even frayed;
  • you will have to give up brushing your teeth for a day, however, subsequently, daily double oral care using a brush and toothpaste should become a habit;
  • it is necessary to ensure that the teeth do not come into contact with anything that can violate their integrity: seeds, nuts, toothpicks, etc.;
  • you need to visit the dentist at the appointed time and follow his individual recommendations.


Restoration of damaged teeth with the help of pin structures justifies itself so well that it is even impossible to name any of its best analogues.

If the pin cannot be installed, a tooth extension can be used using composite polymers. Sometimes the composite is additionally reinforced with flexible ceramics.

Instead of pin extension, it can be used - an individually made-to-order microprosthesis, which is used if for the remaining upper part tooth cannot be crowned.

Video: chatter about dentistry.


As already mentioned, the price of the restoration procedure using a pin is quite high. The formation of the cost depends on the material used, the shape of the pin, the complexity of manufacturing and installing the denture. If you have to make an individual base for the prosthesis, the price may increase by 200-300 rubles from the cost of a standard pin.

In different regions and clinics, prices may also differ. approximate cost pin design ranges from 400 to 1500 rubles. Despite the high cost, pin extension fully justifies the money invested in it, restoring a healthy appearance and beauty to a smile.

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