Is it possible to put braces if there is a crown. Crowns and braces: is it possible? How does the crown change when a brace is attached

At present, few can truly boast perfect teeth who never got sick. Even today's teenagers have at least one experience of caries treatment. What's more, people don't often practice proper hygiene. oral cavity using not only a toothbrush, but also dental floss. Of course, over time, this leads to the need to immediately contact a good dental clinic for specialized help.

When a person decides to put braces, he wonders if this will harm the dental work that was previously carried out in the oral cavity. In some cases, it is necessary to put an orthodontic system on implants, directly on fillings, crowns, or even in the absence of some teeth.

Installation Features

Often, old fillings need to be completely redone. They should not have cracks or chips. Qualitatively delivered seals are not contraindicated for the installation of a bracket system. An exception is if the filling is located where the bracket will be glued. Since the main task of the orthopedic system is to pull and push, it will simply displace the filling material.

For this problem, you need individual approach. It must be understood that after orthodontic treatment fillings will need to be redone. Teeth move, turn. As a result, the fillings begin to crumble or bulge.

The root of the tooth remains alive, despite the presence of a crown, which means that it can move in the direction of an already corrected bite. Therefore, braces can be installed. But, as a rule, in such cases, the orthodontist recommends metal braces. Such adhesion to the surface of the crown will be reliable. In addition, the owners of braces will have to be extremely careful. Indeed, such systems are attached to crowns differently than to natural tooth enamel.

However, to normalize the bite, it is necessary to move the teeth that are reliable support for a bridge prosthesis. During treatment with bracket systems, the bridge can be removed or replaced with a temporary plastic crown. Alternatively, in some cases, the bridge is simply sawn into several pieces to avoid destruction.

Installation on implants

Braces are even placed on dentures. However, there are a lot of reservations here, especially when compared with the two previous cases. After all, the implant artificial structure installed in the oral cavity. They put it so that it fits organically into the dentition. If the bite was incorrect during installation, then the position of the prosthesis will also be far from ideal.

Such an implant will not be able to align with living teeth. If he moves, then only to the exit. In other words, under the load or pressure exerted by the braces, the implant may simply fall out. Therefore, if possible, initially you need to correct the bite. Then you need to put a denture. If they are installed in the oral cavity, then the situation is not hopeless. It is important simply not to fix the braces purely on the implants.

Sometimes people decide to come to terms with missing a tooth. They simply refuse prosthetics. If there is a need to put braces, then everything is determined individually. It is important to take into account the presence of supporting teeth, because it is on them that braces are placed. Installing an appropriate orthodontic appliance is extremely difficult in the absence of abutment teeth. In such cases, the doctor still suggests placing implants that will be designed for a certain load.

However, it all depends on the goals of the person. For example, often people need to align their front incisors. In many cases, such a procedure is carried out safely, regardless of the presence or absence of other molars. If, with the help of braces, you simply need to “remove” the hole where the tooth is missing, then most likely, the doctors will refuse such an installation. This process quite complex, and the result is poorly predictable.

Of course, before installing braces, it is important to carefully analyze the situation, consult with an experienced orthodontist, assessing all the risks, advantages and disadvantages of such a procedure.

The main goal of orthodontists is to restore beautiful and, if possible, healthy teeth to the patient. One of these measures is the correction of bite defects.

This procedure is indicated for carrying out at any age. Naturally, the older the person, the more difficult it is to do this.

But what about those who, in addition to natural organs, have artificial “substitutes” in their oral cavity?

Is it possible, say, to install braces on crowns, and will such a treatment method affect the preservation of their integrity?

We will talk about this and much more in this article.

Features of the procedure

The main feature that a competent specialist will certainly take into account when conducting similar procedure- the strength of the structure. And this applies to both the fixation of crowns to the surface of the tooth, and the fixation of locks to its coronal part.

It is necessary to provide an optimal pressing force on the jaw row so as not to separate the lining from it, and to correct the deviation of the bite.

Before you decide to install a system with such complexities, you need to consider:

  • the adhesive on which the structure is mounted perfectly holds pressure, but does not tear off. This should be understood when installing retainers;
  • the plastic component, from which crowns are mainly made, does not have a very high strength of the material. It is subject to deformation and mechanical damage;
  • if a person already has bridges or prosthetic devices, this will significantly limit the mobility of the bone organs. In this case, the tooth will change the direction of its growth under the influence of pressing force during the use of braces;
  • even a strong metal lining is unable to securely attach to the tooth and maintain its orientation on the jaw;
  • the adhesive component on natural tooth enamel will be attached much better than on any artificial material. As a result, the bond strength to the crown may be minimal, requiring re-bonding;
  • crown-weighted implants cannot be adjusted in this way. This procedure will inevitably disrupt the quality of fastening of the metal pin in the bone area of ​​the jaw. The mobility of the tooth in such a situation is extremely limited.

In rare clinical situations, the bracket system is still placed, but only with the use of structures made of metal, since of all options, it is this material that adheres most qualitatively to the material of the prosthetic structure.


On crowns, braces hold somewhat worse than on natural teeth, and the load on them must be dosed.

Before finally fixing the product, the orthodontist etches the coronal part with a special substance.

  • fastening of rings and cheek clamps;
  • fastening on the surface of the dentition brackets straight or indirect method, including natural teeth and their artificial counterparts;
  • installation in progress orthodontic arch ligature or non-ligature method.

Possible risks

There is a certain amount of risk associated with the fact that in the process of carrying out corrective measures, crowns can receive serious mechanical damage.

They can be aesthetic, then you just need to put up with it, since the integrity and functionality of the organ is not violated.

Unwanted changes

Corrective bite defects of the device can have the following effect on the crown part of the tooth:

  1. If the prostheses are mounted while maintaining the integrity of the tooth root, then during the alignment of the pathology there is a risk of their deployment. In the absence of a root, the only thing that can happen is that the element is de-cemented.
  2. Before the attachment procedure, the organs are impregnated special composition, which is absolutely safe for tooth enamel, but at the same time it can break outer surface artificial ingredients. They lose their original smoothness and undergo pigmentation.
  3. The procedure for installing braces involves, in some cases, the removal of permanent crowns for the duration of the treatment. At the same time, new, temporary products are attached to their place.

    From the point of view of the quality of the manipulation, this is a good solution, but if you look at this problem from the angle of possible negative consequences for a prosthesis, then everything is not so smooth.

Fragments jaw row in the process of eliminating bite pathologies, they undergo significant changes in their position, there is a high risk that the permanent crown simply will not fall into its original place.

In such situations, the procedure for prosthetics of the coronal part of the organ is carried out again.

The need to replace the artificial unit

Whether it is necessary to install new artificial elements of the outer part of the lost tooth, in general, we can state that “no”. Indications for their replacement may be:

  • material- if it is made of plastic, then, most likely, after using braces, the material will not withstand such a pressing force and will deform. Then they will have to be replaced;
  • looseness of the organ after correction accompanied by discomfort, soreness, inconvenience when chewing food and talking;
  • inability to install. The position of the tooth after the correction of bite defects has changed so much that the permanent crown can no longer be installed in its original place;
  • change in color and texture. After removing the brackets at the place of their attachment to the tooth, where the etching was carried out, sometimes the surface of the artificial material can become too rough and cannot be removed by grinding.

    And the color of the prosthesis can change. In such cases, it is also possible to replace the prosthesis with a new crown.

Previously, it was only possible to straighten teeth in adolescence, now it is possible to carry out bite correction for mature patients. Many people decide to improve their smile in their 30s and 40s. But most by this time already have crowns or bridges in their mouths. Is it possible to put braces on crowns in this case? This is exactly what we will talk about in the article.

When should braces be installed?

Why is it being formed? This is supported by the following factors:

  • late appearance of teeth as a result of calcium and fluorine deficiency in the body, impaired posture,
  • if violated nasal breathing and the child is forced to breathe through the mouth,
  • bad habits in childhood(thumb sucking, pacifiers, bottles)
  • The hereditary factor plays an important role here.
  • the use of predominantly soft foods in childhood, when the jaw does not receive the necessary load for normal formation and development
  • various jaw injuries, as well as dental diseases.

Malocclusion is most easily corrected in adolescence and childhood, when the jaws are still in the growth stage, but modern orthodontic designs and methods make it possible to align teeth even in adulthood. it is advisable to use with obvious gaps between the teeth, various types bite anomalies, as well as when chewing function is impaired.

Features of bite correction in patients with crowns

Alignment of the dentition, where some teeth have been prosthetized, with the help of braces is possible if you find a good specialist for this purpose. In this case, you should not be afraid that the braces will damage the artificial teeth, as the doctor will take into account all your individual characteristics and the case as a whole.

Expert opinion. Orthodontist Lisitsin E.O.: “If a patient who has a bridge in the oral cavity is indicated for orthodontic treatment, the bridge is removed, and plastic prostheses are temporarily installed in its place. In some cases, the bridge is sawn into several parts, so that when moving the supporting parts of the orthodontic structure do not damage its integrity.

What problems can arise when braces are to be installed for a patient with crowns? These could be the following situations:

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What changes can happen to the crown?

How can corrective orthodontic construction affect crowns? With dentures in the process of correcting the dentition, the following may occur: changes:

  • If the crown is placed on a tooth with a living root, the crown may rotate during treatment with braces. The prosthesis can also be de-cemented if it was installed on a tooth without a root.
  • The surface of the crown to which the bracket will be attached is treated with a special substance, after which a slight roughness or even dark spot. But this is not scary, because after the end of the treatment, the dentist will polish the material, after which no traces of processing will remain.
  • If crowns are replaced for the time of bite correction, it may happen that the teeth change their position. As a result, the old crown may simply not “sit down” in its old place.

Summing up, we will answer the question, is it possible to put braces on crowns? It is possible, but only with a good specialist who agrees to do the work efficiently and conscientiously. Here you need to take into account many nuances, as well as take into account the individual characteristics of the patient, the condition of his teeth and many other factors. So approach the choice of clinic and doctor seriously.

Correction of bite at a more mature age has its own characteristics. Many adults have oral problems that prevent orthodontic treatment without complications. You can put braces on crowns or extended teeth, but the procedure will have its own subtleties.

The presence of microprostheses, including metal and ceramic crowns, does not interfere with the correction of the bite with any bracket system. Before installing a corrective system, the dentist first assesses the condition of the oral cavity, determines what type of construction is installed, and only then selects the optimal system for bite correction.

Correction of the bite takes a lot of time, so you first need to complete reorganization oral cavity. It may be necessary to replace crowns that are nearing the end of their useful life before starting treatment. it important measure because without it, serious problems can arise in the future.

It is possible to put braces on crowns, but there is a possibility of their damage in case of material incompatibility. The dentist must choose a quality and suitable system so that it does not damage the prosthesis and does not lead to problems.

Is it possible to install on implants

Installation of braces with implants is also possible: they are not a contraindication. But there is one important point- Implants cannot move into the bone. Therefore, they often have to be removed.

Do fillings get in the way

You can put braces if you have fillings. This takes into account the quality of the material. Modern fillings difficult to damage by mechanical action, so they are left. The seals that were installed a long time ago will have to be replaced, because under the pressure of the braces they can crack or fly out.

During the installation of staples, seals can also be placed, which are called biting. They are necessary so that during chewing the elements do not interlock.

Features of bite fillings:

  • are installed for the duration of treatment, that is, they are removed without consequences for the health of tooth enamel;
  • they are attached to the area chewing teeth from the side of the cheek, they are invisible during a conversation and a smile;
  • they are made from hypoallergenic materials, they do not harm the teeth and mucous membranes.

As for filling already while wearing the system, this will be problematic. For this reason, the entire period of treatment should be given much attention to the prevention of caries.

Preparation for installation and possible problems

In the presence of crowns, extended teeth, fillings or implants, the installation of the bracket system is carried out with special preliminary preparation. It may take several weeks, but without this, the orthodontist will not start the main work.

Preparation for the installation of braces on crowns includes:

  • examination of the patient, determination of the types of structures;
  • filling existing carious cavities;
  • carrying out radiography;
  • treatment of existing pathologies of the mucous membrane;
  • professional hygiene.

When there is caries under the crown or inflammatory process, put brackets categorically contraindicated. Ignoring this rule will lead to the spread of infection to neighboring tissues. For 2 years (the average time of treatment with braces), you can lose not only artificial crowns but also their own teeth.

The decision to install braces on orthopedic constructions the dentist accepts individually. In some cases, this procedure can lead to dental problems.

Complications that may occur when installing braces on a prosthesis:

  • if there is a healthy root under the crown, it is likely that it will unfold;
  • if the crown was removed before installing the system, it will be problematic to put it back;
  • surface artificial tooth may change somewhat, roughness appears on it.

Minor damage to the prosthesis can be repaired by grinding, but more serious defects can no longer be corrected. It should also be taken into account that the position of the teeth during treatment will constantly change, and at the end of the course, the prosthesis may already become unsuitable.

Construction care, hygiene rules

To avoid problems with installed prostheses and your own teeth, while wearing orthodontic structures, you need to follow a number of rules. The orthodontist should tell about them. The main one will be following basic rules hygiene, because without them other measures will be useless.

Basic oral care while wearing braces is as follows:

  • for cleaning structures, use special brushes and mono-beam brushes;
  • clean at least twice a day;
  • rinse your mouth after every meal;
  • apply hygienic toothpaste;
  • additionally acquire an irrigator for a more thorough cleaning of the teeth;
  • during cleaning, pay attention to the interdental spaces, removing food particles and plaque;
  • clean the braces on each side, preventing the accumulation of bacteria and plaque;
  • use fluoride-containing pastes and rinses.

In addition to basic care, braces also need special care. It involves the use of special brushes that clean structures more efficiently.

After two years of wearing braces, the risk of caries increases. For this reason, it is recommended to use a fluoride-containing paste, as well as products with hydroxyapatite crystals, which strengthen tooth enamel.

The main stages of how cleaning is carried out:

  1. The front surface of the teeth is brushed in a circular motion, then vertical. The brush is positioned perpendicularly.
  2. Flossing cleans the surfaces between the teeth.
  3. The locks of the system are processed with a mono-beam brush or a brush.
  4. The lateral teeth are processed with a beam brush.
  5. The ribbed part of the brush removes plaque from the tongue, palate and cheeks.
  6. The mouth is rinsed with water or a fluoride rinse.

Special care for braces also includes professional cleaning at the dentist. It is recommended to carry out it every 3-4 months.

How to maintain the condition of dentures

Artificial crowns require special care. In this case, you will have to take into account both them and those related to braces. In order not to damage the structure and the prosthesis during the correction of the bite with your own hands, it is important to know some points.

To save the condition of the crowns, the following points should be considered:

  • plastic elements can absorb food coloring, which will affect the appearance;
  • hard foods can damage them, so crackers, nuts, hard meats should be avoided;
  • viscous sweets can also damage both the orthodontic structure and the elements of the prosthesis, as well as lead to the loss of the filling;
  • products high temperature can become a factor in the deformation of braces and soreness of the teeth under the crowns.

Before starting treatment, the dentist will determine individually whether it is possible to put braces on extended teeth, dentures and fillings based on the state of a particular design. The general hygienic index of the oral cavity is also taken into account. You may have to go through a lengthy preparation before installation.

Having beautiful, straight and healthy teeth is a natural desire of every person. Bite correction can be recommended at any age. Most often, this procedure is performed on children and adolescents, but if for some reason in your youth you could not correct the bite, then it is never too late to do so. However, an adult has a lot of doubts and questions.

With age, most of us can no longer boast of absolutely healthy teeth. Is it possible to put braces on crowns? Will the fillings be damaged by their impact? How are braces placed on implants and filled teeth? Today we will try to answer all your questions.

Are seals an obstacle?

Some mistakenly believe that if there are fillings, then braces cannot be put on. It's a delusion. Well-healed teeth with the use of filling material are not a contraindication, so absolutely anyone can correct the bite, even in adulthood.

Before putting braces, the doctor will conduct a thorough examination to make sure that all fillings are in good condition. If cracks, chips and other defects are revealed, then the seal must be replaced, since it will be much more difficult to seal during orthodontic treatment.

If you decide to put braces, then in this matter it is better to fully trust the qualifications of the orthodontist. AT dental practice each case is individual. In order to assess the possibility and rationality of installing braces in your place, the doctor will perform a thorough examination, direct you to the pictures, select the best design option and make all the necessary preparations.

Will implants and crowns interfere?

Crowns are installed in place of a decayed tooth to restore the aesthetic beauty of the jaw row and full functions chewing. Are braces put on dental crowns? Artificial elements do not interfere with installation orthodontic systems, but there are some subtleties here.

If you are dealing with a good specialist, then braces will not harm implants and crowns. You can put them even if you intend to move the teeth that serve as a support for the bridge prosthesis. Depending on the situation, the doctor will consider two options for solving the problem.

  1. Completely remove the bridge and replace it with temporary plastic crowns. After treatment, permanent dentures will be returned to their original place.
  2. Saw the bridge into several gaps to avoid disturbing its structure as a whole.

If you have crowns, the orthodontist will most likely recommend metal braces for you, as their adhesion to the surface of the prosthesis is much better. Although such a strong fixation, as with natural enamel, will still not be achieved. If you put braces on crowns, then you have to save your teeth. Throughout the treatment, try not to load them. Avoid hard food, toffee, chewing gums and other risk factors.

Crown changes due to braces

If bite correction is very important, then orthodontic structures can be placed directly on the crowns. But in some cases it leads to certain changes. How can braces affect crowns?

  1. If the crown was installed without removing the roots, then during the treatment it may turn around. If the root is removed, then the maximum that can be feared is the decementing of the element.
  2. Before the teeth are etched with a special substance. On the natural enamel this does not affect at all, but a slight roughness and darkening may remain on the artificial material in the place where the bracket system was attached. After its removal, the surface of the crowns is carefully polished, and the mark becomes less noticeable.
  3. As we have already said, in some cases, permanent crowns are removed and temporary elements are installed in their place. it a good option, but even here there may not be too many pleasant consequences. Since the teeth change their position during treatment, it is possible that the crowns will not be able to be put back in their original place.

If you refer to good specialist, then no problems should arise during treatment. The main thing is to listen to all the recommendations of the orthodontist and ensure quality care teeth.

Preparing teeth for braces

So we found out that crowns, implants and fillings cannot become an obstacle to the installation of orthodontic structures. Moreover, the teeth must be put in order, treated, and all defects eliminated. What is the preparation for the installation of braces?

  1. Orthodontic constructions can only be placed on carefully cured teeth. If caries, pulpitis or other diseases are found, they must be eliminated before the installation of braces.
  2. At the slightest sign infection, anti-inflammatory therapy is prescribed to avoid its transition to the acute phase.
  3. Final stage- professional or with the help of ultrasound. At the same stage, the doctor will give you recommendations for high-quality brushing of your teeth during treatment. orthodontic constructions.

In this article, we told you whether it is possible to carry out treatment with orthodontic constructions if you have fillings, implants and crowns. In conclusion, we invite you to look interesting video, in which the dentist will tell you about the options for installing braces if there is a tooth on the pin.

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