How many days stitches heal after childbirth. Internal seams after childbirth: what to do if they hurt, and how to treat them? What to do with them

During childbirth, situations often arise when it is necessary to put stitches. Their presence requires increased caution from a young mother and, of course, certain skills in caring for this temporary “risk zone”.

When are sutures needed?

If childbirth proceeded through natural birth canal, then the sutures are the result of the restoration of the soft tissues of the cervix, vagina, and perineum. Recall the reasons that could lead to the need for suturing.

Cervical ruptures most often occur in a situation where the cervix has not yet fully opened, and the woman begins to push. The head puts pressure on the cervix, and the latter is torn.

An incision in the perineum may appear for the following reasons:
quick delivery- in this case, the fetal head experiences significant stress, so doctors make it easier for the baby to pass through the perineum: this is necessary in order to reduce the likelihood of injuries to the baby's head;
premature birth - dissection of the perineum pursues the same goals as in a quick birth;
baby is born in breech presentation- the tissues of the perineum are dissected so that there are no obstacles at the birth of the head;
at anatomical features the woman's perineum (tissues are inelastic or there is a scar from previous births), due to which the baby's head cannot be born normally;
the expectant mother should not push because of severe myopia or for any other reason;
there are signs of a threat of perineal rupture - in this case, it is better to make an incision, since the edges of the wound made with scissors grow together better than the edges of the wound formed as a result of a rupture.

If the baby was born by caesarean section, then the young mother has a postoperative suture on the front abdominal wall.

Various materials are used for suturing the perineum and anterior abdominal wall. The choice of a doctor depends on the indications, the available options, the technique adopted in this medical institution, and other circumstances. Thus, synthetic or natural self-absorbable sutures, non-absorbable sutures or metal staples may be used. The last two types of suture materials are removed on the 4-6th day after childbirth.

Now that we have remembered why seams can appear, let's talk about how to care for them. If there is a seam, the young mother should be fully equipped and know how to behave so that the rehabilitation period goes as smoothly as possible, does not leave any unpleasant consequences.

Seams at the crotch

Healing small wounds and sutures occur within 2 weeks - 1 month after childbirth, deeper injuries heal much longer. AT postpartum period all precautions must be observed so that an infection does not develop at the site of the sutures, which can then enter the birth canal. Proper care behind the damaged perineum will reduce pain and speed up wound healing.

To care for the sutures on the cervix and the walls of the vagina, it is enough to follow the rules of hygiene, no additional care not required. These sutures are always applied with absorbable material, so they are not removed.

In the maternity hospital, the sutures on the perineum are processed by the midwife of the department 1-2 times a day. To do this, she uses "zelenka" or concentrated solution"manganese".

The stitches on the perineum, as a rule, are also applied with absorbable threads. The nodules fall off on the 3rd-4th day - in last day stay in the hospital or in the first days at home. If the suture was applied with a non-absorbable material, then the sutures are also removed on the 3-4th day.

In the care of crotch seams also important role plays compliance with the rules of personal hygiene. Every two hours, you need to change the pad or diaper, regardless of its filling. It is necessary to use only loose cotton underwear or special disposable panties.

It is also necessary to wash yourself every two hours (after each visit to the toilet; you need to go to the toilet exactly at such a frequency that the filled bladder did not interfere with uterine contractions).

In the morning and evening, when you take a shower, the perineum should be washed with soap, and during the day you can simply wash it with water. It is necessary to wash the seam on the perineum thoroughly enough - you can simply direct a jet of water at it. After washing, you need to dry the perineum and the seam area by blotting the towel from front to back.

If there are stitches on the perineum, a woman is not allowed to sit down for 7-14 days (depending on the degree of damage). At the same time, you can sit on the toilet already on the first day after childbirth. By the way, about the toilet, Many women are afraid of severe pain and try to skip bowel movements, as a result, the load on the muscles of the perineum increases and the pain intensifies.

As a rule, in the first day or two after childbirth, there is no stool due to the fact that the woman was given before childbirth. cleansing enema, and during childbirth, the woman in labor does not take food. The chair appears on the 2-3rd day. To avoid constipation after childbirth, do not eat foods that have a fixing effect. If the problem of constipation is not new to you, drink a tablespoon before each meal. vegetable oil. The stool will be soft and will not affect the healing process of the stitches.

In the vast majority of cases, it is recommended to sit down on the 5-7th day after childbirth - on the buttock, opposite side damage. You need to sit on a hard surface. On the 10-14th day, you can sit on both buttocks. The presence of seams on the perineum must be taken into account when traveling home from the maternity hospital: it will be convenient for a young mother to lie or half-sitting in the back seat of the car. It is good if the baby at the same time comfortably settles in his personal car seat and does not occupy his mother's hands.

It happens that the scars remaining after the healing of the sutures still cause discomfort and pain. They can be treated with warming, but not earlier than two weeks after birth, when the uterus has already contracted. To do this, use "blue", infrared or quartz lamp. The procedure should be carried out for 5-10 minutes from a distance of at least 50 cm, but if a woman has a sensitive White skin, it must be increased to a meter to avoid burns. This procedure can be done independently at home after consulting a doctor or in the physiotherapy room.

If a woman feels discomfort at the site of the formed scar, the scar is rough, then the doctor may recommend Contractubex ointment to eliminate these phenomena - it should be applied 2 times a day for several weeks. With the help of this ointment, it will be possible to achieve a decrease in the volume of scar tissue formed, reduce discomfort in the area of ​​the scar.

Stitches after caesarean section

After a caesarean section, the sutures are observed especially carefully. Within 5-7 days after the operation (before removing the sutures or staples), the procedural nurse of the postpartum department processes the postoperative suture daily antiseptic solutions(for example, "brilliant green") and changes the bandage.

On the 5-7th day, the sutures and the bandage are removed. If the wound has been sutured with absorbable suture material(such material is used when applying the so-called cosmetic suture), then the wound is treated in the same mode, but the sutures are removed (such threads completely dissolve on the 65-80th day after the operation).

The skin scar is formed approximately on the 7th day after the operation; therefore, already a week after a caesarean section, you can safely take a shower. Just do not rub the seam with a washcloth - this can only be done in a week.

A caesarean section is a serious surgical intervention, in which the incision passes through all layers of the anterior abdominal wall. Therefore, of course, a young mother is worried about pain in the area surgical intervention.

In the first 2-3 days, painkillers, which are administered to a woman intramuscularly, help to cope with painful sensations. But already from the first days, to reduce pain, mom is recommended to wear a special postpartum bandage or tie up the stomach with a diaper.

After a caesarean section, young mothers often have a question: will the seam open if you take the baby in your arms? Indeed, after abdominal operations surgeons do not allow their patients to lift more than 2 kg for 2 months. But how to say this to a woman who has to take care of a baby? Therefore, obstetricians do not recommend that parents after a cesarean section during the first time (2-3 months) lift more than 3-4 kg, that is, more than the weight of the child.

Possible Complications

If pain, redness occurs in the area of ​​​​the seam on the perineum or anterior abdominal wall, discharge from the wound appears: bloody, purulent or any other, then this indicates the occurrence of inflammatory complications - suppuration of the sutures or divergence. In this case, you must consult a doctor.

Depending on the severity of the condition, the doctor will prescribe to the woman local treatment. In the presence of purulent-inflammatory complications, this can be Vishnevsky's ointment or Synthomycin emulsion (they are used for several days), then, when the wound is cleared of pus and begins to heal, Levomekol is prescribed, which promotes wound healing.

Once again, I would like to emphasize that the treatment of complications should take place only under the guidance of a doctor. It is possible that a midwife will come to the patient's home to process the stitches, or maybe the young mother herself will have to go to women's consultation where the procedure will take place.

Suture Healing Exercises

To speed up the healing process, whenever possible, you should try to strain your muscles. pelvic floor to increase blood flow. As an example of such an exercise: contract the muscles around the vagina in an upward and inward direction, as if you need to stop the flow of urine. Maintain this position for a count of 6. Relax. Such exercises can be repeated several times a day, alternating tension and relaxation 5-8 times.

Stitches after childbirth are not uncommon, and any young mother is concerned about how to care for them.

Stitch care after childbirth at home while breastfeeding

Returning home from the hospital, the young mother should remember about the seams, if she has them. At the same time, the restrictions imposed on a woman largely depend on where exactly the doctor had to resort to using a needle to restore tissue.

Seams after childbirth are of two types:

  • external - imposed on the perineum as a result of its rupture or surgical dissection;
  • internal - superimposed on the cervix and vaginal walls.

More information about postpartum stitches in the article -.

The tactics of a woman's behavior both in external and in internal seams largely similar.

  1. For some time after the birth of the baby, you can not sit. Yes, you need to feed the child standing or lying down. In some cases, you can take a semi-sitting position.

    How long you can not sit, the doctor decides depending on the number of tears and the severity. In one case, a week is enough to recover, while in the other it will take a month or even more.

  2. Pads should be changed as often as possible, in the event of a perineal tear/cut every two hours, even if the personal care product appears to be fit for use.
  3. One and a half to two months should not use slimming underwear. It creates excessive pressure on the pelvic organs and perineum, which does not contribute to healing. Panties should be loose and made of natural fabric to allow air to flow to the genitals.
  4. It is important to take all measures to prevent constipation. Stress when trying to go to the toilet for the most part can lead to divergence of the seams.
If there are stitches, doctors do not allow women to sit for a while after giving birth

Treatment of external seams in order to protect against infection

After returning home from the maternity hospital, the young mother needs to continue to process the external seams - they are the ones that require the most attention. If the internal ones are superimposed with absorbable threads and do not need special care (provided there is no infectious diseases), then the places of suturing the perineum should be given increased attention.

The main task of a woman is to protect outer seam from infection. Do not put on the perineum antiseptic bandage, besides, postpartum discharge is a nutrient medium for reproduction pathogenic microorganisms. That is why cleanliness is the key to successful healing, and washing and processing are important to maintain it. antiseptic preparations.


It is necessary to wash the seam on the perineum not only in the morning and evening, but also after each visit to the toilet. To do this, use toilet or laundry soap. It dries the wound, speeds up the healing process. At the same time, experts advise washing not in a basin, but under running water, not wiping yourself with the usual movements, but gently blotting the affected area with a towel or letting the skin dry. naturally. After washing, treatment with antiseptic preparations is carried out.

Treatment with antiseptic preparations

Even in the maternity hospital, the seam on the perineum is regularly lubricated with a solution of brilliant green. You must continue this process even after discharge. For this use cotton buds or sterile cotton. Some doctors recommend replacing the brilliant green solution with hydrogen peroxide. Processing with its help is carried out using a gauze cut. During the procedure, a slight tingling sensation is possible, which is a variant of the norm.

Some experts argue that manganese can be used to process external seams. However, this tool is less convenient to use, because a solution of crystals must first be prepared, while brilliant green or hydrogen peroxide is completely ready for use and does not require additional manipulations.

Photo gallery: preparations used for suture treatment

After greenery, traces remain on clothes and bed linen, so often women prefer to use other antiseptic preparations From potassium permanganate crystals, you first need to prepare a solution, and only then treat them with seams Hydrogen peroxide - ready solution for processing external seams on the crotch

Seam care preparations

To accelerate the recovery of perineal tissues, healing and antiseptic preparations are used:

In case of complication, tampons impregnated with antibacterial drug. To do this, a sterile bandage is folded in several layers and twisted in the form of a tourniquet. Immediately before insertion into the vagina, an ointment is applied liberally to it. The procedure is carried out before going to bed, and in the morning the tampon is removed.

The use of conventional tampons used during menstruation for the treatment of internal festering sutures is unacceptable.

Treatment of festering external seams is the application of gauze soaked in ointment to the problem area. Before this, it is necessary to wash, blot the remaining moisture with a towel and treat the wounds with an antiseptic preparation. The effect of the drug should last 2-6 hours, and to keep the napkin in place, put on panties with a pad.

Photo gallery: preparations for the treatment of festering sutures

Levomekol - combination drug for local application used, among other things, in gynecology A napkin soaked in ointment is applied to the external seams, and the internal ones are treated with tampons Balsamic liniment according to Vishnevsky is used to accelerate the healing of seams

Stitches hurt, than you can anesthetize

Soreness after suturing is inevitable. But in the case of internal ruptures, it passes quickly, and after discharge, the pain does not make itself felt. As for the outside, discomfort may disturb the new mother for a longer time.

Discomfort occurs when trying to sit down, when rubbing against clothes, as a result of the inflammatory process. The first days after childbirth are the most painful, but after the stitches are removed (after 5-7 days), as a rule, most of the discomfort disappears. If there is a lot of damage and they cause severe pain, Lidocaine spray or Diclofenac suppositories and their analogues (Diklak, Voltaren and others) will help alleviate the condition. But their use must be discussed with a doctor.

Candles Diclofenac, Diklak, Voltaren on the package are labeled as rectal. But they can be safely inserted into the vagina.

Seams after childbirth are a frequent and very unpleasant phenomenon. Every third woman is faced with this problem and, having heard from experienced friends about the danger of seam divergence, in a panic she is looking for information on how to protect herself from such a situation.

There are a few binding rules in the care of postpartum scars, but first you need to figure out what stitches are and in what cases they are applied to a woman in labor.

  • Stitches after caesarean section. Here everything is self-evident. Seams are a must. The size of the surgical incision is about 12 cm, and it is made in the region of the lower segment of the uterus.
  • Stitches on the cervix. Superimposed with rupture of uterine tissue in natural birth of the cervix and premature expulsion of the fetus, in which the head exerts pressure on the cervix, causing it to burst.
  • Stitches in the vagina. The walls of the vagina are torn in the same cases as the cervix.
  • Seams at the crotch. Perineal tears are the most common, there are several types and occur in different situations: quick delivery, and so on. The posterior commissure of the vagina (1st degree of ruptures), the skin and muscles of the pelvic floor (2nd degree) and the skin, muscles and walls of the rectum (3rd degree) can rupture. Perineal ruptures are also artificial: the perineum is cut with a special tool along the midline from the posterior commissure of the vagina to the anus.

There are several suture techniques. AT recent times are increasingly using sutures, borrowed from cosmetology. After healing, they are completely invisible. However, regardless of the method of suturing, sutures require the same quality care. Only the material with which they are made distinguishes the seams. If the sutures are applied with non-absorbable threads, then they should be removed after 2-5 days. But the self-absorbable material does not require such a procedure. The most commonly used are kedgut, vicryl and maxon. These threads are completely absorbed without repeated medical intervention, that is, such sutures are not removed.

How to handle stitches after childbirth?

Stitches in the vagina and on the cervix, as a rule, practically do not bother a woman and do not require special care. You just need to follow the rules of personal hygiene and not lift weights. Such sutures are applied with threads, which dissolve on their own within a few weeks. Scars heal painlessly and fairly quickly.

Seams after caesarean section require special attention. In the first days after the operation, they are cared for by a nurse. Postoperative suture daily treated with antiseptic solutions and apply a sterile bandage. After a week, non-absorbable threads are removed, but the processing procedures continue.

Women often complain that the pain from stitches in the perineum does not go away for a long time, and the stitches do not heal well. Here you need to endure a little, but processing is extremely important. To different women suitable for this different drugs. Obstetricians in maternity hospitals process the seams on the perineum, usually with brilliant green. At home, it is recommended to try Levomekol ointment, Bepanten, Malavit gel, Solcoseryl, Chlorhexidine, sea ​​buckthorn oil, Chlorophyllipt. It should be noted that not all remedies are equally good: many women, for example, note an increase in pain when using Levomekol, and therefore you need to try, select and endure - time also heals in this case. Meanwhile, do not forget about hygiene.

First shower with postoperative scar can be taken no earlier than a week after the operation, while the suture itself is washed with extreme caution (it cannot be rubbed with a washcloth).

How long do stitches heal after childbirth?

In the area of ​​​​operative intervention, the woman in labor will be tormented for a long time by pains that painkillers will help to cope with at first, and then special ones will help reduce pain, the stomach can also be tied up with a diaper. Within 2 months, a woman should not lift weights to avoid a possible rupture of the seam.

Careful care is necessary, as we have already said, for the external seams of the perineum. Plus, these wounds are the hardest to care for. Artificial incisions heal faster and easier, because such an incision has smooth edges, which contributes to the speedy fusion and the formation of an aesthetic scar.

Main condition fast healing any wound is maximum protection from all kinds of bacteria and peace. Providing aseptic conditions in the perineal area is the most difficult. Do not apply a bandage here, or get rid of postpartum discharge. It remains to observe personal hygiene with special care:

  • change pads every 2 hours;
  • wear loose cotton underwear;
  • give up tight underwear;
  • wash yourself after every visit to the toilet clean water;
  • wash the seams with soap every morning and evening;
  • after washing, dry the perineum with a towel;
  • daily treat the seams with antiseptic agents.

The seams of the perineum bother a woman for at least a few weeks after giving birth, and sometimes for months. Sometimes they are accompanied by pain and special discomfort. The main difficulty of the “tailored” woman is the ban on the sitting position. A woman in labor will have to do everything half-sitting for at least a week because of the risk of tearing the stitches. After a few days, you can sit on a hard stool with only one buttock, and then the whole. Constipation should be avoided so as not to produce unnecessary pressure on the perineum.

Scars on the perineum cause pain and discomfort during sex for several months after they have completely healed, because the resulting scar narrows the entrance to the vagina. In this case, a comfortable posture and special ointments from scars.


most annoying and dangerous complication is the divergence of postpartum sutures. The reasons may be as follows: suppuration of the sutures, jerky movements, early seating.

Symptoms of possible complications:

  • bleeding seams;
  • persistent pain in the area of ​​sutures;
  • a feeling of heaviness in the perineum (most often indicates the accumulation of blood in the area of ​​damage);
  • painful swelling of wounds;
  • high body temperature.

In all these cases, you need to see a doctor who will examine your stitches and prescribe the appropriate treatment. With purulent-inflammatory complications, Vishnevsky ointment or Synthomycin emulsion is usually prescribed, which are used for several days.

You can speed up the healing process of sutures with the help of simple special exercises. To increase blood flow, tense and relax your pelvic floor muscles. The most effective exercise is "hold the stream of urine", in which the muscles of the vagina contract. The tension should be held for 6 seconds, then relax. You can repeat the exercises several times a day, alternating tension and relaxation 5-8 times

Specially for- Tanya Kivezhdiy

Often in the process of delivery, a woman is faced with tears and subsequent suturing.

Until they heal, the young mother must take care of them.

Many women are often tormented by the question: what to do if the stitches hurt after childbirth and is this the norm?

What to do if the stitches hurt after childbirth? What are the seams?

According to their location, they are divided into internal and external. There is also another type of suture that is applied after a caesarean section.

Internal seams

This type of suture is applied if the walls of the vagina, uterus or cervix have ruptured. The procedure is carried out immediately after childbirth. Vaginal ruptures are closed with local anesthesia.

When applying internal sutures, only self-absorbable threads are used, which do not need to be removed.

External seams

This type of suture is applied when the perineum is torn or cut. Usually, doctors prefer an artificial incision if the risk of rupture is high. It has smooth edges, unlike a gap, which means that the seam will heal much faster. Sew the crotch under local anesthesia.

External sutures can be applied with both self-absorbable sutures and those that must be removed 5 days after application. Also, not so long ago, it began to be used in gynecology cosmetic seam who came from plastic surgery. Its difference is that the threads themselves pass under the skin, only the beginning and end of the seam are visible.

Stitches after caesarean section

Caesarean section is not uncommon in medical practice. The operation can be scheduled both planned and urgent. There are a lot of indications for caesarean section, from the course of pregnancy to health problems in the mother. An emergency cesarean is prescribed in cases where natural delivery is out of control and there is a threat to the life and health of the mother or baby. Often with caesarean section superimposed cosmetic self-absorbable sutures. They completely disappear 60 days after application.

Stitches hurt after childbirth: how to properly care for them

While the young mother is in the maternity hospital, the nurses are handling the stitches. Usually Zelenka or potassium permanganate is used for this. Stitches are processed 2 times a day. After discharge, the woman herself should do this for some time.

Why do seams need to be processed? To avoid infection in unhealed wounds. Internal seams do not need to be processed, provided that there are no infections in the woman's body. To avoid unpleasant consequences, you need to take care of this even during pregnancy.

But outdoor houses must be treated after each washing.

In the first days after childbirth, one of the fears of young mothers is the urge to defecate. There is a risk that the seams will open. It is better not to strain once again and not to subject the fused tissues to tension. If you want to go to the toilet, it is better to ask the nurses to put an enema or a glycerin-based suppository.

The first time after suturing, it is necessary to wash after each trip to the toilet. You need to do this with clean water, and use baby soap or a means for intimate hygiene only needed in the morning and evening. In order not to bring the infection, you need to wash yourself only in the shower and in no case in a basin of water.

While in the hospital, a woman should change the pad every 2 hours, at least. Even if it seems that it can still last an hour or two.

In the hospital and for some time after discharge, you need to use underwear that is as breathable and free as possible. Now in any pharmacy you can buy disposable panties designed specifically for the postpartum period. If these are not available, cotton underwear will do. You need to put on panties not immediately after a shower, but after a while.

Stitches after caesarean section require more careful care. In the first week after giving birth, a young mother is not allowed to take a shower at all. For the next few months, you can not use hard washcloths and rub the seam strongly.

During the entire stay in the maternity hospital, nurses also process the stitches for a young mother. This is done at least twice a day, using antiseptic solutions.

Stitches hurt after childbirth: what to do for quick healing

If you follow the rules for caring for the seams, you can speed up the healing process. In addition to regular processing, you need to remember that the seams need air baths. The more often they are done, the faster they will heal.

When applying internal and external sutures, you can not sit in the next 2 weeks. Otherwise, the seams may come apart.

Tightening underwear is also contraindicated, as it can block the blood flow, which will greatly interfere with the healing process.

Stitches after caesarean section heal much longer. In order for this process not to be delayed and to pass without any complications, it is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the seams, do not tighten them, and process them regularly. It is important for a newly-made mother not to lift weights in the next few months after the operation. Maximum permitted weight - weight own child.

Why do stitches hurt after childbirth?

About a month after giving birth, mothers often complain of pain in the suture area (and no matter what). In most cases, this is a variant of the norm. However, there are several common causes of pain in the suture area:

Frequent sit-ups and heavy lifting. In this case, you can get rid of pain by eliminating long sitting on both buttocks and limit the lifting of heavy objects.

constipation. This factor affects the soreness of the stitches placed on the perineum. The situation is especially common in the first month after childbirth. At this time, the formation of lactation occurs. All the liquid that the mother drinks goes into the formation of milk. There is simply not enough liquid for a normal, soft bowel movement. It is quite possible to fix this without using medicines and enemas. Just try to drink more fluids, especially warm milk, green tea, natural juices and herbal infusions.

Sexual contact. Often the stitches can hurt precisely because of the renewed sexual life. Dryness in the vagina creates additional load on the perineum. It is only natural that the stitches begin to hurt. You can reduce these discomforts with the help of moisturizing gels. If the discomfort in the area of ​​​​the seams only bothers you during intercourse, a change in position can also help.

tissue inflammation. This scenario also happens, albeit infrequently. If, in addition to pain, redness and purulent discharge- this is an occasion to contact a gynecologist as soon as possible.

postpartum discharge are an attractive breeding ground for microbes that cause inflammatory processes. This provokes soreness of the seams.

Stitches hurt after childbirth: possible complications

Fine pain in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bsutures pass approximately 2 weeks after childbirth. If there was a caesarean section, then the period of soreness can last up to a month. If, after this time, the stitches still bother the newly-made mother with pain, then you need to see a doctor. This signals that something is interfering with the normal healing of the sutures. You should not delay contacting a gynecologist, as the consequences can be very serious.

Stitches hurt after childbirth

If the examination of the sutures by a gynecologist did not reveal serious violations, then the doctor may prescribe warming. It is aimed at eliminating pain and accelerating the healing of sutures. Warming up is carried out using an infrared, quartz or "blue" lamp, which is kept above the seam area at a distance of at least 50 cm. The whole procedure takes no longer than 10 minutes. It can be prescribed no earlier than 2 weeks after childbirth and only if the uterus has contracted.

If the seams come apart

Although this is rare, it happens if the mother does not follow the rules of behavior and hygiene after suturing. If a discrepancy is found already at home, then you should immediately call a doctor. In this case, there are two options for the development of events:

1. After a thorough examination, the doctor will stitch again.

2. If the tightening process is almost complete, then no action is needed.

If a discrepancy is found, you should not rely on the fact that the wound has already healed and you can do without calling a doctor. It can also become a complication when next pregnancy and childbirth. It is better to play it safe and contact your gynecologist.

Itching and feeling of "tightness"

These symptoms are usually not signs serious problems. If a woman experiences sipping in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe sutures or their itching (without redness), this only means that they are in the stage of active healing. This is a nice indicator. However, if these factors cause discomfort to the mother, you can contact the gynecologist and ask him to prescribe an ointment to eliminate itching.


Absolutely all seams can fester: both internal and external, and after a cesarean section. On the outside, it will immediately become noticeable. But the festering of the internal seams will be characterized unpleasant secretions brown-green. In any case, the appearance of pus is alarm symptom which requires immediate medical attention. He can talk about the divergence of the seams or infection. In both cases, you need medical intervention. If an infection occurs, antibiotic injections are prescribed.


This situation is not uncommon and is often associated with the mother's non-compliance with the rules of behavior in postpartum period. For example, if a woman begins to sit down on both buttocks earlier than two weeks after suturing. Tissue tension occurs, the wounds are exposed and begin to bleed. Healing ointments usually help to fix the problem. However, to reassure yourself, it is better to consult a gynecologist and make sure that repeated suturing is not required.

Every second woman after childbirth is stitched. It is almost impossible to prevent gaps, however, it is really possible to reduce the chances of their occurrence. For this, a woman in childbirth must do everything that depends on her. First of all, listen to your doctor and do not panic. During delivery, the entire process is controlled by an obstetrician-gynecologist, if necessary, he himself will make an incision.

If the stitches were nevertheless applied, the speed of their healing depends on the woman. Subject to all the rules, the sutures heal quickly and without much concern.

The area between the vagina and anus quite elastic, but despite this, your child may need more space in order to be born. If the baby's head is large enough, then tears or incisions (for help) are possible, as a result of which stitches have to be applied. How to process stitches after childbirth, you must be explained in the maternity hospital, but if you were not provided with such information, then you should carefully read this article.

Some statistics

Your obstetrician should examine you very carefully after delivery to determine the severity of the problem. In the maternity hospital, you must be looked after medical worker and tell for the future how to handle stitches after childbirth, if they fester. This problem It is extremely rare if you properly monitor your health.

Don't panic, nine out of ten moms "rush" during natural childbirth, but these gaps are insignificant, practically do not require attention. Sixty to seventy percent of tears require stitches.

There are four types (degrees) of breaks:

  • 1st degree - a small superficial tear that does not affect the muscles. Usually left to heal without sutures.
  • Grade 2 - A deeper tear involving the muscles requires stitches. If you choose to let it heal naturally, it will be more convenient for you, but the rehabilitation will last a little longer than you expected.
  • 3rd degree - these tears are sutured without discussion, because they affect the anal sphincter (the area around anus). If this damage is not taken seriously, then health problems will arise in the future.
  • Grade 4 is the most serious damage that can result from natural childbirth: the rupture can go all the way to the gut.

And now let's go directly to the question of how to process stitches after childbirth. Proper and careful care intimate area will help heal any damage faster. Remember if you have serious injury then you can't sit! If you cannot do without it, then buy a special circle for sitting (it is used during an exacerbation of hemorrhoids). You are shown rest for the next twenty-four hours, try to relax as much as possible and gain strength.

Personal hygiene

Keep your stitches clean to reduce the risk of infection. Wash your hands before handling stitches after childbirth. Take a shower at least once a day. Change lining, do special exercises Do not wear tight-fitting clothing. Drink more water, eat foods rich in vitamins. If the gap was serious, check with the obstetrician about the course of antibiotics, you need it.

Before proceeding directly to the treatment of sutures, it is worth determining what injuries you have, where the sutures are placed. If the breaks are internal, then they do not require special attention The main thing is to observe personal hygiene. Here, self-absorbable threads are used, which can be natural or synthetic. If the threads are natural, then you will get rid of them in about a month. Another thing is if the seams are synthetic, then you have to wait about three months.

If you have outer gap, then you should carefully monitor the healing process, otherwise there may be suppuration. You can’t lift weights and sit for two weeks, then slowly start to sit down on hard surfaces.

How to handle stitches after childbirth? Means for processing

The external sutures are removed after about a week, if this was not done in the maternity hospital, then be sure to contact the antenatal clinic. If you observe personal hygiene, then the seams will not fester and will pass by themselves, but you can help them. Remember how to handle stitches after childbirth for quick healing:

  • antiseptics;
  • antibacterial ointments;
  • brilliant green;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • potassium permanganate;
  • chlorhexidine;
  • levomekol.

The better to process stitches after childbirth, you must determine for yourself, based on individual characteristics your body.

How to handle the seams after sorted out, but how to do it? You should not resort to these procedures in a sitting position. Keep your body ventilated: use breathable pads, wear loose-fitting underwear. Night airing will have a very beneficial effect, so you will have to sleep on a special disposable diaper without pads and underwear.


It is much more difficult to process stitches after a caesarean section than to process them after a natural birth. These procedures should be handled by a specialist while you are in the hospital, obstetricians will do everything for you there. The stitches are removed after a week, only then you can take a shower for the first time, gently washing the wound.

So, how to handle stitches after childbirth by caesarean section? The methods are simple:

  • antiseptic;
  • sterile dressing.

In addition to the fact that this method leaves a noticeable mark on the girl's body, it reminds of itself for a long time with painful sensations.

How to ease the pain

If a we are talking about a caesarean section, then the pain can be dulled with painkillers, and in the future it will completely disappear, since it will be allowed to wear a bandage. With stitches on the perineum, pain disappears a few days after childbirth. How to deal with them? Apply cold to the perineum, take an anesthetic. As a rule, injections are given in the maternity hospital, and at home you can get by with Nurofen, which is allowed during breastfeeding.

If you are worried about itching and quite tolerable pain, then you should not panic, everything will pass soon, but if you notice purulent discharge, consult a doctor immediately, it may be suppuration of the sutures.

Divergence of seams

Seam divergence is very rare. The reasons why this happens are as follows:

  • early intercourse after childbirth;
  • weight lifting;
  • constipation;
  • hard squats, etc.

In general, anything that can bring pressure on the genitals. How to understand what the seam came apart? You will feel pain bloody issues. Do not panic, all you need is to get an appointment with a gynecologist, there he will already determine the severity of the problem. If 1-2 seams have parted, then re-suturing may not be required - such minor damage will live on their own. But if the damage is large, then you will have to resort to surgical tightening of the wound.

Potassium permanganate

Now we will analyze in more detail the question of how to process stitches after childbirth, namely, we will consider each proven remedy separately.

The first of them, very effective and time-tested, is potassium permanganate. A powder or a ready-made solution can be found in any home, especially if the family is waiting for an addition. The solution can be used for douching and suture treatment. Please note that a pale pink solution is used for douching, and a dark and saturated solution is used for suture treatment. Although potassium permanganate will not help your wounds heal quickly, it will protect you from inflammation and infection. You should not often douche, as the manganese solution kills not only microbes, but also beneficial microorganisms.

To cook at home, use warm boiled water, carefully watch that all the grains are well dissolved and there are no crystals left. Undissolved elements of potassium permanganate can cause a burn, especially when it comes to the delicate skin of the genital organs. To make the solution, use a clear beaker to make sure there are no granules left. In addition, be sure to strain it through several layers of gauze. Treat the seams with antiseptic preparations should be twice a day.


Zelenka promotes healing, prevents suppuration and infection in the wound. Unlike potassium permanganate, a solution of brilliant green is sold in pharmacies already in a ready-to-use form. To process the seam, use cotton swabs or a piece of sterile cotton wool. All that is required of you is to moisten a cotton swab in the solution and process the seam. A solution of brilliant green, as well as potassium permanganate, contributes to the fastest tightening, as it dries the wound.

Hydrogen peroxide

Cuts and abrasions happen in every house, so in your home first aid kit should contain hydrogen peroxide. If a this remedy you have at hand, then consider that the problem is half solved. For processing, take a small piece and moisten it with hydrogen peroxide. Apply to the seam, a slight hiss and tingling is normal reaction. Do not hold the lotion for a long time, otherwise you will get burned.

Medical alcohol

It is worth using medical 40% alcohol only in extreme cases if the seam begins to fester in places, it is worth processing only the seam, healthy skin around the damage, this product will overdry, which leads to poor healing. However, if the stitches fester, you should not self-medicate, it is better to consult a specialist.

Before treating wounds, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water, preferably up to the elbow. If you find white growths on the wound, you should not clean them off - this indicates that new layer epithelium. If they are removed, then scars will form on these places in the future.

Maintain personal hygiene, do seam work, stay in positive mood, the support of loved ones now more than ever by the way. Your mood is transferred to the child, give him a happy childhood! Good luck and get well soon!

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