Photo processing in photoshop eye icon. Eye retouching in Photoshop. Select the eye and copy it to a new layer

There are many tricks on how to make eyes more expressive using Photoshop. Some techniques will take you a couple of minutes, others will take hours of your time. But since we are just starting to study Photoshop, we will not go into the jungle at all. But, nevertheless, we will try to move a little further and study not only the simplest methods, but also something more interesting.

This time my guinea pig will be the unforgettable Thirteenth Olivia Wilde (hello to all fans of Dr. House). As you can see, this photo of her is far from ideal, there is something to work on. Let's make her eyes more expressive and bright, correct the flaws of nature.

Let's start with the elementary. Let's add brightness and contrast to the eyes. Select the iris of the eye with a pen.

We close the circuit.

And now we click on it with the right mouse button and in the list that appears, select: "form a selected area."

We set the feather radius to 3 pixels so that our selected area does not have such clear boundaries.

And now copy the selected area to a new layer using the key combination ctrl + c ctrl + v.

I want to note that highlighting the eye, I slightly hooked my eyelashes. If the eyes in your photo are at the same angle, I advise you to do the same. We try to make the eyes not only beautiful, but also natural.

Let's work on the brightness and contrast of the eyes.

Here's what we got.

If you are satisfied with this result, you can stop there. But I propose to go a little further and make our eyes even more interesting.

Create a black and white adjustment layer.

The image became black and white. We should change the blend mode to "soft light".

As you can see, the new adjustment layer made not only the eyes more expressive, but the whole photo.

In order for the effect to be applied exclusively to the eyes, we need to turn it into a clipping mask.

That's all! Let's look at the end result.

Now let's compare all three.

It's great, right? The eyes really became more beautiful, brighter and more expressive. We spent only 10-15 minutes, but what an effect!

I want to remind you that for each photo the settings are individual. Try and look for the most profitable option specifically for your photo and eye color.

We all know the expression: “The eyes are the mirror of the soul.” And there is a certain amount of truth in this when we are dealing with photography. The first thing that many of us notice when looking at a portrait is the eyes. In this tutorial, I'll show you how to enhance the expression of the eyes using the Brush tool in Lightroom.

In shooting this portrait, I deliberately underexposed it slightly to make sure I kept the freckles on the boy's face. As a result, his eyes turned almost black.

Photos before and after treatment

For the treatment of the eyes, I used three brushes. With the first brush, I increased the brightness and pulled out some details. I used the second brush to add a dark line around the irises. And with the third brush, I lightened the whites of his eyes and got rid of the yellowness that appeared as a result of processing.

We increase the expressiveness of the eyes

The first stroke of our brush:

With the first brush, we paint over the entire eye completely.

This is how the sliders responsible for the brush settings look like. To keep his eyes from looking like shark eyes, I raised the value for exposure(exposure). I also moved the slider to the left Sveta(Highlights) to soften highlights that have become too conspicuous. Different eyes naturally require different settings. Sometimes you need to add a little sharpness(Sharpness) and clarity(Clarity).Sometimes it doesn't hurt to increase a little Saturation(Saturation), especially when working with blue eyes. But with saturation, you should be extremely careful, because a little overdone, you risk making the eyes unnatural.

Now the eyes look like this:

Darkening the edge of the iris

By circling the iris of the eye, you really highlight it and add volume.

Settings for this brush:

To create an effect, it is enough to change the exposure value quite a bit.

And here is the result:

We process the whites of the eyes

This eye treatment step is optional, but if the whites of the eyes do not seem white enough to you, then this manipulation can improve the portrait. Sometimes the presets that we use during processing, color correction settings can affect the color of proteins. The VSCO preset I used for this photo made the eyes a little yellower than they were. To fix this, I armed myself with the Brush tool.

The area painted with the brush.

Today in our lesson you will learn how to use non-destructive correction techniques to change the color of the eyes in a photo and make them more expressive using the Dodge tools. (Dodge Tool) and Dimmer (BurnTool).

Step 1. Change the color of the eyes.

Open in Photoshop (Ctrl+O) your favorite photo or a photo provided by me from stock image resources. I suggest you use my image of a girl until you master the technique of this retouching.

When you retouch eyes, you don't need to back up your original image. All you need to do is select and copy the eye area to a new layer, and then work on the copy without affecting the original.

To highlight the eyes, I usually use the Pen tool. (PenTool (P)) in outline mode. After creating a contour around the iris, we form its selection (right-click on the contour and select the menu item - Make Selection) with a small feather radius (feather). In the selection dialog box, you will be prompted to add a feather radius. The choice of feather radius depends on the resolution (Resolution) photos, but usually I use no more than 3-4 px with an image resolution of 1000 px and higher.

Once the eye selection is loaded (running dotted line), select any selection tool from the program set and right-click on the canvas, choosing from the context menu the item - Copy to new layer (Layer Via Copy) or by pressing Ctrl+J. This action will create a copy of the selection on a separate layer. Highlight with Pen (PenTool) the second eye and also copy it to a new layer.

Step 2

Now you have two layers with eyes: left and right. Merge these two layers together by selecting them in the layers panel (Ctrl+click on layer icons, then Ctrl+E).
Why did I combine both layers with eyes, you ask. Next, I will add an adjustment layer (Adjustment Layer) and I want it to affect both eyes equally. If you adjust for each eye separately, it may turn out that one eye will be brighter than the other.

So, add a Hue/Saturation Adjustment Layer. (Hue/Saturation). Adjustment is accessed through the menu Layer-New Adjustment Layer-Hue/Saturation (Layer-New Adjustment Layer-Hue/Saturation). In the adjustment dialog, activate the option "Use previous layer to create clipping mask" (Use Previous Layer to Create Clipping Mask). Similarly, you can create an adjustment layer by clicking the adjustment icon in the form of a black and white circle at the bottom of the layers panel, and selecting the one you need from the list. At the bottom of the adjustment window, click the Clipping Mask icon (Clipping mask) in the form of two rings, activating it. When creating a Clipping Mask, the adjustment action will only affect the underlying layer. (eye layer).

Step 3

Now we are ready to change the color of the eyes and their saturation. Double-click on the icon of the created adjustment layer to open it, or if it is already open, proceed to make adjustments.

If you want to increase the saturation of the eyes (color boost), using only the Saturation option (Saturation) in the dialog box, you will see that you do not achieve the expected effect in this way.

Instead of just adjusting the Saturation slider (Saturation), activate the Shading option (colorize) at the bottom of the adjustment dialog box, then increase the Saturation (Saturation) up to 85% and move the Color slider (hue) until you get the result you want.

Step 4

You can use an adjustment layer at any time and change the color of the eyes whenever you want, this is the advantage of the non-destructive method of such correction. As you can see, in the image above, the color of the eyes is very intense, but we will fix it right away.
Go to the adjustment layer and change its blending mode. (Blending Mode) per Color (Color), lower the opacity (opacity) up to 20-25%. Be careful with adjusting as there is a danger of over-saturating the color of the eyes, making them look unnatural.

Please note that now the blue color of the eyes looks quite natural.


If the light glare in front of the eyes looks bright and unrealistic, painted in the shade of the iris, you can eliminate this drawback.

To do this, on the mask of the adjustment layer, erase the correction action on the highlight using the Brush (brush) black to turn white again.

This coloring technique works 100% because it is based on the original eye color. If the eyes look too dark, you can increase the opacity (Opacity) adjustment layer to 100% and lower the Saturation value (Saturation).

Eye improvement.

Changing the color and saturation has already made the eyes better, but you can achieve an even better result. Using Dodge Tools (Dodge Tool) and Dimmer (BurnTool), you will improve the expressiveness of the eyes in several stages. We are not going to use these tools on the original image, because we need a non-destructive way to correct.

Step 1.

Create a new layer (Layer-New Layer or Ctrl+Shift+N) above the eyes layer and the adjustment layer. Fill it with 50% gray by going to Edit-Fill-50% Gray (Edit>Fill>50% Gray). Then change the blend mode (Blending Mode) this layer to Overlay (Overlay). You can see that nothing happened, but that's until we started using Dodge and Darken. (Dodge/Burn) on the gray layer.

Step 2

Choosing a Dimmer (Burn tool) with small brush (15 px or so) with soft edges (0% hardness). In the top menu, specify the range of Midtones (Midtones) with exposure (exposure) 12-15%. Now, start painting along the outer edge of the iris and around the pupil. If you make a mistake, then all you need to do is select the Brush (brush) with 50% gray and paint over the imperfection.

After darkening the edges of the iris, select Dodge (Dodge Tool) with the same settings and paint over the inside of the iris (shown in red in the screenshot).

We get such a high-quality correction result. In my opinion, the eyes now look much more expressive, without losing a drop of naturalness.

I hope you enjoyed the tutorial and will use this correction method in your creative work. Good luck!

Treatment eye in photoshop is the most popular topic on the Internet among photographers. It is the basis of portrait retouching and includes the following steps: effect reduction red eyes, eye color change, eyeball whitening, adding shine and removal bags/bruising under the eyes.

All these actions give expressiveness to the eyes, subject to proper processing. As I already said, since the topic of eye treatment is quite popular on the Internet, there are many lessons and techniques, but they are all scattered in parts and I could not find a comprehensive lesson, so I decided to make it for you, to collect "all-in- one" for convenience. Also, this article will consider the technique of processing eyes only using standard tools. Adobe Photoshop software, which frees you from the need to install additional plugins.

How to remove Red eyes

The red-eye effect occurs very often when using outbreaks on the camera. All due to the fact that the light from the flash is reflected from the fundus of the human eye, which has a red color (due to blood vessels). And since flash is used in low light, then usually the pupils of the eye are dilated - therefore red eye effect appears most prominently.

Modern SLR cameras have internal red-eye reduction, as well as external flashes that have a rotary head or diffuser. But what if you have an inexpensive camera and red-eye appears very often in the photo? This will help us, which has a wonderful tool called Red Eye Tool. Our actions:

1. Open the photo in Adobe Photoshop and choose a tool Red Eye Tool(button J on keyboard)

2. Point at the red pupil and click once left mouse button. If the effect still remains, it is necessary to enhance the effect of the tool by increasing the parameters Pupil Size(pupil size) and Darken Amount(Shadow amount).

3. Done! Now we compare the result ( hover your mouse over the image below:)

This is the easiest way and is used by many in order to remove red eyes. But there are times when the instrument Red Eye Tool it just doesn't do its job, like in this photo:

In this case, the tool will help us Clone Stamp Tool(button S on keyboard). Our actions:

1. Open a photo in Photoshop and select the Clone Stamp Tool.

2. Hold down the key ALT on the keyboard and don't let her go, point to the pupil of the right eye and press the left mouse button once, then release the ALT key. Now, move the mouse over the red pupil and begin to “cover over” it. After these steps, we should get something like this ( hover your mouse over the image):

3. Done! But sometimes it happens that the second eye is also under a defect. red eyes“, so we use an even simpler method. We take the tool Lasso Tool(key L on the keyboard) and select the red pupil. We go to Image -> Adjustments ->black & white(keyboard shortcut Alt+Shift+Ctrl+B on the keyboard) and set the first value Reds to your liking.

Because for each image it will be different, in this case I set -150% :

The result turned out a little worse than with the Clone Stamp, but it's still better than it was:

You can see all the steps I took in the video below:

How change eye color

Photoshop is very easy, I'm sure everyone can handle it.

IMPORTANT! Before you start, always create copy the original layer and work only with it.

To do this, open your photo in Adobe Photoshop and select the eyes in any way convenient for you. Personally, I used to highlight quick mask mode, to do this, press the key on the keyboard Q and go over the eyes with a soft brush. After you have selected the eyes, press the button again Q and then the keyboard shortcut Shift+Ctrl+I. The selection is ready, you should end up with something like this:

Now we go into Image -> Adjustments -> color balance(combination ctrl+b on the keyboard) and drag the sliders to your liking. For this photo, I used the following settings:

Click OK. Ready! Mouse over on the image to see how the eye color has changed after our adjustments:

Add glitter in the eyes

Mandatory attribute of eye treatment is adding shine and whitening of the eyeball, this gives expressiveness and extraordinary beauty to the eyes. We need only one tool called DodgeTool(button O on keyboard).

Open the photo in Photoshop and click the button O, in the upper left corner in the column Range expose Highlights, and in the graph exposure set to taste, for example, I put 70%.

Now go over the eyes with a soft brush. The tool can be applied to the entire eye, both to the pupil and to the eyeball, thereby whitening it. Also, usually a little sharpness is added to the eyes in order to focus on them. Take a tool sharpen tool and top left, set the value Strength for about 25-40% (you can do anything else, the main thing is not to overdo it with sharpness), then go over the eyes with a soft brush. The result should be the following:

Attention! To achieve the effect of naturalness, you can reduce the transparency of the layer on which we worked, up to 70%, or even 50%. All the steps to change the color of the eyes and add shine can be seen in the video below:

How to remove bags and bruises under the eyes

Bags and bruises under the eyes are our common problem. we often do not get enough sleep, get very tired and work a lot, as a result of which they appear with us. But fortunately, all this is easily removed in Photoshop using the tool patch tool. By the way, this technique is also suitable for removing wrinkles from the face.

Open the photo in Adobe Photoshop and grab the Patch Tool

Draw a selection around bags (bruising), then we become the mouse on the selection itself, and drag it to a part of the face similar in texture:

We repeat the same with the second eye. The effect should look like this:

The main thing is to correctly and accurately select an area and drag it onto a similar texture, then the effect will be as satisfying as possible. Also, you can watch this action on the video:

/ remove vessels

The final part of our article on eye treatment is cleaning the eyeball from blood vessels. To do this, open our photo in Photoshop and take a tool called Spot Healing Brush(button J on keyboard). In the upper left corner, set the following parameters for the brush (you can change it for yourself, I just set it up for a specific photo)

And we go through the vessels with a brush. You will see the vessels disappear and are replaced by the texture of the eyeball. As a result of processing, you can achieve the following effect:

Also, when the photo is small and this tool does not help, you can simply " paint over the vessels". Take a regular brush (button B on the keyboard), press ALT and click once on the eye so that the color of your brush becomes the same as that of the eyeball. After that, just paint over the vessels. Be sure to use a brush with soft edges to make it look more believable. You can also set the opacity of the brush to 75% or 50% to make it look real.


I hope the article was useful for you, because eye editing in photoshop is an integral part of portrait retouching. All actions were taken in Adobe Photoshop CS4, but these lessons are also suitable for versions CS3, CS5 and higher. If you have any questions about eye treatment, you can ask them in the comments to this article.

This method of retouching will allow you to make your eyes bright, but at the same time preserve their natural look.

To do this, open the image.

Create a new layer by clicking on the button on the layers panel. Then choose a tool brush tool and select a brush with soft edges, while setting the brush size so that it covers the entire pupil.

Set the foreground color to white. Double-click on the pupils, as in the picture:

Now using the eraser ( Eraser Tool) erase the excess (what does not cover the pupils of the eyes).

Then change the layer's blend mode ( Blend Mode) with white spots on overlay .

You will notice that the eyes have become brighter. It remains to adjust the opacity ( Opacity) layer. As you reduce it, watch the photo and stop when you realize that you have achieved the desired effect. In this lesson, we stopped at 60%.

Eye color change

If you use the same image as in the first method, then merge the layers ( ctrl+e). If not, just open a new photo.

To change the color of the eyes, you will need to create a new adjustment layer. To do this, go Layer > New adjustment layer > Hue/Saturation . A new layer will appear with a layer mask. Activate the mask (just left-click on the white square on the layers palette) and click Ctrl+I. This will fill the layer mask with black. Now select the Brush ( brush tool) and select a hard-edged brush. Using white paint over the pupils of the eyes. (If you press the button alt and click on the mask, you will see the result of your creations).

Now right click on the layer and select Edit Adjustment. Place a check mark next to colorize. By moving the slider Hue, You will see how the color of the eyes changes.

Now try changing the blend mode ( Blend Mode) of this layer on overlay or soft light. The best mode for this photo is soft light. You, by changing the parameters Hue and Blend Mode, you can achieve the desired results for your photos. Everything is very simple!

Protein must be white

Not always in a person the white of the eye remains white. Fatigue, a sleepy state can slightly darken this part of the eye. But in the photo everyone wants to look at 100! This method of retouching will correct this situation.

Create a new layer. And, using a white brush, "paint" the whites of the eyes, as in the image:

Now change the blend mode ( Blend Mode) on the overlay, and the opacity ( Opacity) layer with white by a value from 10% to 30%, depending on the photo itself.

And so, these simple ways of retouching a photo should help you when processing a photo.

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