Anti-inflammatory folk remedies in gynecology. Inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs. Tuberculosis of the female genital organs

Inflammation of the genital organs can overtake both men and women. This is a rather unpleasant disease that causes a lot of trouble and a feeling of discomfort. How to treat it, the doctor prescribes, because it can be not only an independent disease, but also a symptom of some other, more formidable disease.

Symptoms of inflammation of the genital organs in men and women

Signs of inflammation in women

The main symptoms in inflammatory processes in the female genital organs:

sharp pain;

tissue swelling in the female genital area;

pathological discharge from the vagina;

pain during intercourse as a symptom of inflammation of the genital organs;

pain during urination;

general malaise and discomfort: fever, weakness;

burning and itching in the genital area.

Symptoms of inflammation of the male genital organs

Symptoms of inflammation of the genital organs in men due to anatomical differences are different:

swelling of the foreskin;

pathological discharge;

redness, burning, itching;

decrease in sexual desire;

pain during ejaculation and urination;

general ailments: high fever, weakness, apathy.

Treatment of inflammation of the female genital organs

Inflammation in women can manifest itself both in the internal and external genital organs. External inflammations include:


Internal inflammation of the genital organs in women includes:

inflammation of the cervix (cervicitis);

inflammation of the uterus (endometritis);

inflammation of the ovaries (oophoritis);

inflammation of the fallopian tubes (salpingitis);

inflammation of the uterine appendages (adnexitis, salpigo-oophoritis);

inflammation of the pelvic peritoneum (pelvioperetonitis).

First aid in the treatment of female genital inflammation

The main thing is to get a consultation with a gynecologist as soon as possible, who will help you start treatment with the help of medicines and folk remedies. It should be understood that female inflammation is quite dangerous, and in no case should its treatment be prescribed independently or according to the scheme of friends who have already gone through it. To choose a truly effective drug or folk remedy, you need to identify which microorganisms caused the inflammation, for which the doctor needs to take a smear and make an antibiogram.

But it is worth remembering that taking medication is not all you can do to help yourself. You also need to observe sexual rest for at least 2-3 weeks and carefully monitor your stool, since the accumulation of feces can cause additional pain. In addition, for the period of treatment, exclude from the diet spicy foods that irritate the intestines, and allergens - chocolate and egg whites. It is also recommended in the treatment of inflammation to observe a plentiful drinking regimen, and it is better to give preference to mineral water, sour fruit drinks, tea with lemon. Eat more dairy products as the calcium will reduce inflammation.

The scheme of treatment of inflammation of the genital organs

How to treat inflammation, the gynecologist prescribes, based on the results of the tests. The basis is anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drugs. Physiotherapy therapeutic massage. Sometimes, in addition, the doctor ascribes vitamins and means to increase immunity.

With these inflammations, women require strict adherence to hygiene rules and preferably bed rest. It is strongly recommended to wash the genitals with a five percent solution of potassium permanganate, chamomile tincture, a solution of boric acid several times a day. After drying by gentle blotting, the genitals should be lightly powdered with talc or baby powder.

With severe itching, pain and swelling, it is necessary to use Valerian, Bromine, Motherwort, Diphenhydramine or Anesthesin ointment for the treatment of genital organs. If itching is associated with hormonal disorders and there is inflammation of the external genital organs, then therapy with hormonal drugs should be carried out. Locally, you need to take ointments containing estrogen hormones. At the same time, sedatives, such as valerian or bromides, should also be taken to treat inflammation.

Folk remedies for inflammation of the genital organs in women

How to treat inflammation of the genital organs with folk remedies, herbal medicine will tell you. But it is better to coordinate the intake of herbs and compresses with your doctor so as not to harm the body and cause complications. After all, inflammation of the genital organs in women can develop into a chronic form without treatment.

In acute inflammation, such a folk remedy as steam baths is very effective. Leaves of fresh white cabbage should be boiled in milk. Cabbage-milk broth should then be poured into a basin, sit down over it and thus take steam therapeutic baths. The procedure for the treatment of adnexitis should be carried out daily until complete recovery.

Raw potatoes will also help protect against inflammation of the genital organs. Raw potato juice should be drunk as a folk remedy, a tablespoon every day.

An herbal mixture of coltsfoot, centaury and tributary is also a good helper in treating genital inflammation. A tablespoon of this folk remedy should be infused in 200 grams of boiling water and taken 70-80 grams 5-6 times a day for a month.

Chamomile enema will relieve inflammation of the genital organs and relieve pain. Pour two tablespoons of pharmaceutical chamomile with 200 grams of boiling water and leave under the lid for half an hour. Before the procedure of treatment with the folk method, we clean the intestines with an enema from boiled summer water. After, having cooled the chamomile to 36 degrees Celsius, we do an enema and lie on our side for about half an hour, without getting up until the contents are absorbed.

We mix a collection of chamomile, coltsfoot, sweet clover, calendula and centaury in equal parts. Pour a couple of tablespoons of the collection into 500 milliliters of boiling water and insist for half an hour. To take this folk remedy in the treatment of inflammation of the genital organs, you need 70 grams 5-6 times a day for several months. By the way, traditional medicine does not recommend having sex during treatment.

Douching for the treatment of inflammation should also be carried out with decoctions of herbs. To do this, take oak bark, mallow flowers, chamomile and sage leaves and mix them in a ratio of 2: 2: 5: 3. A couple of tablespoons of the collection should be poured with 1000 milliliters of boiling water and insist. After cooling to 36-37 degrees, the decoction should be injected into the vagina with a syringe at night.

Baths are effective for treating inflammation of the genital organs, they are also good to use with juniper berries and stems. A bucket (20 liters) of boiling water is calculated for 50 grams. This folk remedy should be insisted for about two hours. After heating it to a pleasant temperature, you should sit in this decoction for 15 minutes.

Treatment of inflammation of the male genital organs

Inflammation in men has a slightly different clinical picture. These include:

inflammation of the prostate gland (prostatitis);

inflammation of the glans penis and foreskin (balanoposthitis);

inflammation of the urethra (urethritis);

inflammation of the genital (seminal) vesicles (vesiculitis);

inflammation of the organs of the scrotum, testicles, etc.

The scheme of treatment of inflammation in men

Is it worth repeating that at the slightest suspicion of inflammation of the genital organs, a man should immediately consult a doctor? After all, the entire public, including doctors, constantly talk about it. Urologists and dermatovenereologists say that the treatment of inflammation in men takes a lot of time, in view of the anatomical features of the structure of the body.

Treatment of the genital organs in men follows the same pattern as in women - antibacterial drugs, physiotherapy, massage. In rare severe cases, surgery. Patients are treated by a urologist.

Methods for the treatment of inflammation of the male genital organs

The treatment of inflammation in men is not much different from the treatment of inflammation in women and includes:

drug treatment with antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs, diuretics are sometimes used;

physiotherapy treatment of inflammation of the genital organs in men includes:

  • laser therapy,
  • ultrasound and electromagnetic therapy,
  • as well as therapeutic massage and others;

restorative treatment of inflammation of the genital organs in men.

Causes and prevention of inflammation of the genital organs

Causes of inflammation can be:

various microbes (streptococci, staphylococci, gonococci, tubercle bacillus, E. coli, viruses, fungi);

promiscuous sex life;

unprotected intercourse;

weakened immunity;

chronic fatigue, overwork;

non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene;

transitional age.

The causes of inflammation in men are the same as in women - germs, unprotected sex, lack of personal hygiene.

Prevention of inflammation

And in conclusion, a little about the prevention of inflammation in men and women. If your health is dear to you, do not allow casual sexual intercourse, always protect yourself during intercourse, avoid hypothermia and overwork. Be healthy.

Treatment of inflammation of the ovaries with folk remedies is an auxiliary method that is prescribed simultaneously with drug therapy. In this way, exacerbations of chronic inflammatory diseases of the appendages can be prevented or some existing symptoms can be alleviated. As therapeutic agents, infusions and decoctions of herbal preparations, taken orally and used for douching and baths, are the most popular.

Causes of pathology and associated symptoms

Pathology is a consequence of certain conditions of the body and rarely occurs on its own. The ovaries become inflamed under the influence of the following factors:

  • the presence of infectious and fungal microorganisms in the female genital tract;
  • the course of inflammatory processes in other genital and neighboring organs;
  • hypothermia;
  • drop in the level of immunity;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • abortions, spontaneous miscarriages;
  • inaccurate gynecological manipulations;
  • the presence of cystic formations on the appendages.

For the treatment of pathology, its cause must first be eliminated. The therapeutic method is also determined by the accompanying symptoms of the disease. Signs of inflammation of the ovaries:

  • aching, pulling pains on the left or right lower abdomen;
  • change in the type of vaginal discharge - the appearance of an unpleasant odor, pus and blood in their composition;
  • itching and irritation of the genitals;
  • poor condition of the skin and hair - indicates a hormonal failure;
  • irregular monthly cycle;
  • too heavy or scanty menstrual bleeding;
  • prolonged absence of conception.

With a mild form of the inflammatory process, the symptoms of the pathology may be absent - in this case, the disease is diagnosed at a routine medical examination.

How to treat inflammation of the ovaries at home

At home, it is optimal to treat inflammation of the ovaries with the help of self-prepared remedies. Traditional medicine recipes have many variations and are suitable for most types of procedures that are beneficial to the health of the appendages. For the manufacture of such medicines, only natural ingredients are used, which reduces the risk of allergic reactions.

List of herbs

For folk treatment of inflammation of the ovaries, it is necessary to select medicinal herbs that have certain properties. Plants that have at least one of the positive qualities are suitable for this:

  • removal of inflammation;
  • reduction of pain syndrome;
  • improvement of blood circulation;
  • destruction of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • restoration of hormonal levels;
  • reduction in the size of cystic formations and an obstacle to the development of new ones;
  • elimination of puffiness;
  • normalization of the menstrual cycle;
  • improving blood quality;
  • acceleration of tissue regeneration;
  • restoration of the microflora of the vagina.

The following types of plants have properties suitable for eliminating pathology:

  • chamomile;
  • calendula;
  • knotweed;
  • coltsfoot;
  • clover;
  • juniper;
  • bloodroot;
  • boron uterus;
  • sagebrush;
  • badan;
  • red brush;
  • yarrow;
  • cranberries, lingonberries, mountain ash.

Most types of plants work best in combination - in the process of preparing an herbal remedy for the treatment of inflammation of the ovaries, the ingredients are mixed in various proportions.

Infusions and decoctions

For the manufacture of these funds, flowers, rhizomes or leaves of plants are used. The most popular recipes for decoctions for inflammation of the ovaries:

  1. Taken in equal proportions in the amount of 35 g, a mixture of daisies, centaury, chamomile, calendula, sweet clover, coltsfoot, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, keep on low heat for several minutes. The broth is insisted for at least 2-3 hours. Strained liquid take 3 tablespoons 5-7 times a day for up to 30 days.
  2. Mix 50 g of yellow cherry seeds, 45 g of wormwood, 0.8 l of dry white wine, 0.5 l of hot water, boil over low heat until the original volume is halved. Strain, drink 3 tablespoons an hour after or before meals.
  3. A tablespoon of boron uterus brew 0.2 liters of boiling water, boil for 2-3 minutes over low heat. Strained broth to use a third of the volume 3 times a day before meals.

Read also How can a woman find out about inflammation of the left ovary

Chamomile is considered one of the most effective and hypoallergenic remedies for inflammation of the ovaries - it has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties.

Infusions for inflammation of the ovaries are prepared in a similar way, but they do not need to be brought to a boil:

  1. Grind the berries of viburnum, mountain ash, black currant, cranberries, pour hot water. Insist for an hour, drink a third of a glass three times a day.
  2. Mix in equal proportions linden, lemon balm, chamomile, St. John's wort, oak bark. Pour a tablespoon of raw materials with a glass of boiling water. Take three times a day for a third of the volume.
  3. Mix one part marshmallow rhizome, 4 parts oregano and 6 parts oak bark. 40 g of the mixture pour 0.2 liters of hot water, leave to cool. Take 3 tablespoons before each meal.

Tinctures are prepared from these herbal preparations - for this you need to take 50 g of raw materials and pour 0.5 vodka, leave for 2-4 weeks.

Juices and teas

Aloe and pumpkin juices have proven themselves as an effective traditional medicine for inflammation of the ovaries. The first must be drunk in the amount of 2-3 teaspoons, which are taken throughout the day. Pumpkin juice is allowed to be consumed in unlimited quantities.

Tea from viburnum leaves is taken as a remedy for a quarter cup a day in a warm form. This remedy helps to cure acute inflammation of the ovaries or a cold at home. During its reception it is recommended to observe bed rest.


Tampons are made independently from gauze fabric. Such a base is impregnated with juices or decoctions of medicinal plants and is effective for infectious lesions of the genital organs or for restoring the microflora of the vagina. Tampons quickly relieve inflammation of the ovaries at home.

Ingredients for impregnation:

  • a decoction of chamomile, sage, and oak bark;
  • equal mixtures of aloe juice and honey;
  • a mixture of calendula decoction with a small addition of sea buckthorn oil.

If irritation occurs in a woman's vagina, treatment of ovarian inflammation with this type of folk remedy should be stopped.


For douching, it is most convenient to use a rubber bulb with a tip or an Esmarch mug with a tube. In their absence, it is possible to irrigate the vagina with a large-volume medical syringe with the needle removed.

Read also Symptoms of inflammation of the ovaries in a woman and how to treat it

Solutions for douching with inflammation of the ovaries:

  • infusions of laurel, chamomile, calendula, yarrow, oak bark or mixtures thereof in equal proportions;
  • infusion of dry juniper berries;
  • decoction of bergenia leaves;
  • infusion of Potentilla herb - it is effective to take a decoction of this plant inside simultaneously with irrigation.

All solutions should be weak - this will avoid overdrying of the mucous surface of the vagina with a prepared decoction, disruption of the local microflora. Irrigation lasts no more than 10 days if carried out daily.


Improving local blood circulation helps to speed up the treatment of pathology. For this, compresses are used, which are applied all night. Pre-prepared gauze dressings are impregnated with ichthyol ointment or slightly warm paraffin, covered with cling film, and, if necessary, fixed with a towel or tight-fitting clothing.

It is forbidden to apply warm heating pads with severe pain in the lower abdomen - this can aggravate the inflammatory process. For the entire period of appendage therapy, hot baths, baths and saunas should also be avoided.

Sitz baths

Gynecological baths are often used as a substitute for douching or inserting tampons. To do this, you need a small basin in which the woman sits, her legs remain outside. The duration of the procedures is 15-20 minutes, while the water should be warm, but not hot.

For baths, recipes for douching are suitable. There are options for solutions with the addition of essential oils of chamomile, lavender, eucalyptus. Procedures should be carried out 1-2 times a day for 10 days.

Baths for inflammation of the ovaries are the best treatment option during pregnancy, since douching and the use of tampons are prohibited during this period.

steam baths

This folk remedy is used to relieve inflammation and reduce pain.
To do this, pour a glass of dry grass from a mixture of deaf nettle, chamomile, yarrow or horse chestnut 2.5 liters of hot water. The healing agent is infused in a water bath for about 10 minutes. The finished liquid is poured into a basin, over which you need to sit down. The procedure lasts until the liquid has completely cooled.

Ointments and creams

Ointment for the treatment of inflammation of the ovaries is easy to prepare at home. This will require 1 tablespoon of glycerin and ichthyol ointment, iodine, camphor oil. Everything is mixed until smooth. The resulting ointment is used to impregnate vaginal gauze tampons or compresses applied to the lower abdomen. The course of therapy lasts up to two weeks.


Inflammatory processes of the internal genital organs in women are diagnosed by gynecologists in the vast majority of cases. Ovarian diseases require antibiotic therapy. Treatment of inflammation of the appendages with folk remedies can be used as an auxiliary method.

Features of the treatment of inflammation of the appendages in women

Inflammation of the appendages is an infectious process in the tubes or ovaries, which can be either unilateral or bilateral. Since all organs of the female reproductive system are in close proximity, salpingitis and oophoritis (inflammation of the tubes and ovaries) often develop. With salpingoophoritis, treatment with folk remedies can be carried out.

Important! Gynecologists often detect endometritis, which implies an infectious process in the uterus.

The cause of the pathology is considered to be specific and nonspecific microflora. The clinical picture is common for inflammation of the tubes, ovaries and uterus.

Inflammation of the appendages begins with an acute phase. If left untreated, the disease becomes chronic. An acute inflammatory process has pronounced symptoms due to good blood supply. Chronic progression is characterized by erased symptoms.

Treatment of inflammation of the appendages includes the use of antibacterial drugs. In the acute phase, therapy in a hospital setting is recommended. In the absence of an exacerbation of the chronic course, antibiotic treatment is not carried out.

Antibiotic therapy is advisable to carry out after the examination:

  • Cefazolin;
  • doxycycline;
  • Gentamicin;
  • Ampicillin.

Medicines can be in both tablet and injectable forms. Drip administration of drugs is possible with severe symptoms. Ointments, suppositories, douching solutions are widely used in gynecology.

Treatment also includes the use of anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and antihistamines. The use of immunomodulators and vitamins is essential. In order to prevent the development of candidiasis of the vagina and intestines, antifungal drugs are prescribed.

Therapeutic measures include means of physiotherapy:

  • laser;
  • electrophoresis;
  • magnets;
  • ultrasound.

To increase the effectiveness of the ongoing treatment of inflammation of the appendages in women, it can be supplemented with folk remedies.

Folk remedies for inflammation of the appendages and ovaries

The benefits of many medicinal herbs are scientifically substantiated, which allows them to be used in the complex therapy of inflammation of the appendages. Experts emphasize that folk remedies can be used only after consulting a doctor. This is due to the fact that many herbs have a direct effect on the hormonal background and can lead to an exacerbation of gynecological diseases.

Herbs for adnexitis

The basis of folk treatment is herbs for inflammation of the appendages, which are used in the form of infusions, solutions, decoctions.

Upland uterus with adnexitis

In chronic adnexitis, treatment with folk remedies complements the main therapy. Ortilia lopsided or upland uterus is a popular folk remedy for treating ovarian inflammation. The plant has the following properties:

  • antitumor;
  • tonic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • diuretic;
  • immunomodulatory;
  • antimicrobial;
  • antioxidant.

The advantage of the upland uterus lies in the possibility of its use as a means of monotherapy and in combination with other drugs. To treat inflammation of the ovaries, a tincture is used for three weeks. The product is diluted with water in a ratio of 35 drops per 200 ml of water. Ortilia in the form of tincture is recommended to be drunk three times a day, one hour before meals.

Douching is highly effective. A tablespoon of boron uterus must be infused in a thermos for 30 minutes. Irrigation of the vagina is carried out before going to bed.

Sage for inflammation of the appendages

Sage has strong antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. For the treatment of inflammation of the ovaries, a collection is used, consisting of nettle, mint, sage, yarrow and calamus. One tablespoon of the collection is poured with 500 ml of boiling water. The decoction is infused for 40 minutes and drunk once a day. The course is 7 days.

Chamomile for inflammation of the appendages

Chamomile contains unique biologically active substances that help eliminate gynecological diseases, including inflammation of the appendages. Chamomile is known for its beneficial properties:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • painkiller;
  • hemostatic;
  • antiseptic.

Gynecologists advise using an infusion of chamomile for internal use, douching and baths for inflammation of the ovaries. Two tablespoons of dried flowers are poured with 2 cups of boiling water and infused for 30 minutes. Then the finished infusion must be filtered. The plant has a calming effect, eliminates itching and irritation.

Aloe for inflammation of the appendages

For the purpose of treating ovaries, aloe is prescribed in the form of a natural or pharmacy remedy. Usually, a gauze pad for internal use is impregnated with plant juice. The solution may also include bee products.

Aloe contains a complex of substances that successfully eliminates hyperemia, burning of the genital organs. Regular use of folk remedies promotes regeneration processes.

Calendula for inflammation of the appendages

The plant has been successfully used to treat infectious and inflammatory processes. For the purpose of treating gynecological diseases, a water infusion is used, which is brewed in a thermos. Take should be 50 ml of folk remedies after meals.

Nettle with inflammation of the appendages

The broth is cooked over low heat for an hour. For 1 liter of water, take 200 g of dry grass. Folk remedy insist for 4 hours and take 100 ml before meals for 2 weeks.

Goose cinquefoil with inflammation of the appendages

Two tablespoons are brewed in 500 ml of water. After an hour, the infusion must be filtered. Folk remedy for inflammation of the ovaries take half a glass 4 times a day. The course of treatment is up to 2 weeks.

Plantain with inflammation of the appendages

Plantain infusion is used as douching. To increase the effectiveness of the therapy, you can add fresh aloe juice.

Celandine with inflammation of the appendages

Celandine helps relieve inflammation of the ovaries. Grass is called a natural antibiotic due to its active components that affect inflammatory processes. Celandine juice is diluted with water in an amount of 200 ml for subsequent impregnation of tampons.

Steam and douche treatment

To eliminate the inflammatory process in the ovaries, you can use boiled potatoes, which are crushed together with the peel. Steam treatment is carried out within 5-10 minutes.

Gynecologists do not have an unambiguous opinion about the effectiveness and necessity of douching. In some cases, the procedure can contribute to the spread of infection along the ascending path. That is why douching should be used, observing the necessary rules of hygiene.

As a solution for douching, infusions and decoctions of medicinal herbs are used: chamomile, boron uterus, yarrow. Chronic adnexitis can be treated with soda. The temperature of the solution used is also essential.

steam baths

For steam baths, a plastic shallow basin is used, which is filled by a third of the total volume. Decoctions, infusions of medicinal herbs and various solutions are used as folk remedies. Chamomile and yarrow are anti-inflammatory. The number of procedures and their duration is recommended by the doctor.


Treatment of the ovaries can be carried out with honey compresses. The bee product is applied in a thin layer on a special paper and applied to the lower abdomen.

Use a folk remedy should be within 10 days. The compress helps to eliminate inflammatory and adhesive processes.

Tampons for ovarian inflammation

Tampons are considered an effective way to treat ovarian inflammation at home. For the manufacture of tampons, sterile gauze folded in several layers and a thread are used.

Gauze is impregnated with medicinal agents. Often, experts recommend the use of propolis and other bee products, sea buckthorn oil, which have anti-inflammatory and regenerating properties. And you can also take ointments as a basis - Methyluracil or Levomekol. The course of treatment involves 7-14 procedures.

Infusions for internal use

Decoctions and infusions of medicinal herbs are used as a means for internal and external use. When taken internally, it is possible to achieve an improvement in the general condition of a woman, a decrease in symptoms and the intensity of the inflammatory process.

Folk remedies are prescribed in courses of 7 days or more. Between courses, it is advisable to take a break, after which therapy is resumed. For the treatment of ovaries, various plants are used, for example, elecampane, upland uterus, red brush. The use of herbal preparations helps to speed up recovery.

Rules for the treatment of inflammation of the ovaries in women with folk remedies

Compliance with certain rules when using folk remedies for ovarian treatment allows you to avoid possible complications:

  • Douching, tampon therapy require compliance with hygienic conditions in order to prevent infection. Wash your hands thoroughly before handling. All products used must be sterile, and solutions must be warm. During critical days, treatment is not carried out.
  • When using tinctures, one should be guided by the possibility of using alcohol-containing preparations.
  • The expediency of using folk remedies is determined solely by the doctor after receiving the results of the examination.

Important! With inflammation of the appendages, folk methods can have a beneficial effect on recovery. However, some medicinal herbs have the ability to influence the hormonal background, which can adversely affect the dynamics of treatment.

Possible complications and prevention of the disease

Inflammation of the appendages is a serious disease. The lack of treatment of the acute phase after a few weeks leads to a chronic form, which is difficult to treat and can provoke infertility. Constant pain in the ovarian region significantly worsens the quality of life of patients and affects its intimate aspect.

Prevention of inflammation of the ovaries implies the timely treatment of infectious processes, the rejection of abortion and promiscuity. For casual sex, use a condom to prevent unwanted pregnancy and infections. It is important to visit the doctor regularly and get tested.

If symptoms appear that indicate an inflammatory process of the appendages, it is undesirable to self-medicate. The specialist will select the necessary drugs after the diagnosis and recommend alternative therapy if necessary.

Attention! Treatment of appendages by folk methods is of an auxiliary nature.


Treatment of inflammation of the appendages and ovaries with folk remedies should be carried out under the supervision of a physician. The effectiveness of the treatment of infectious processes of the ovaries depends on the correctly selected alternative treatment.

Inflammation in a woman's way can most often be cured only with the help of antibiotics. Any folk remedies are used only as an adjuvant therapy. The fact is that "inflammation in a feminine way" is a household concept that includes oophoritis, adnexitis and, possibly, other diseases caused by a bacterial infection.

In any case, before making a decision on therapy, it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination and obtain the approval of a folk prescription by a specialist.


Inflammation of the ovaries develops in several forms - acute, subacute and chronic. The main symptoms of oophoritis depend on its variety. So, the signs of an acute form of the disease are as follows:

  • severe pain in the lower abdomen, which can radiate to the sacrum and lower back (sensations are permanent, can be either one- or two-sided);
  • frequent urination, which is accompanied by pain and discomfort;
  • profuse discharge from the vagina, often with impurities of pus;
  • elevated body temperature, symptoms of general intoxication;
  • bleeding between periods.

On examination, it can be seen that the ovaries are enlarged. The subacute form of the disease is rare, mainly with a fungal infection. Chronic inflammation is characterized by somewhat blurred symptoms. At this time, women experience constant dull, aching pains in the lower abdomen, which are aggravated by menstruation. Violations of ovarian function are fixed, menstruation becomes irregular. Sexual function decreases, including due to pain during intercourse.


Treatment of the acute form of appendages is carried out exclusively in a hospital setting. In the early days, a woman needs bed rest, taking antibiotics and painkillers, and cold compresses are placed on her lower abdomen.

The chronic form of the disease can be treated at home. In this case, antibiotics may be less effective than in the acute form, since the pathogens that caused the inflammatory processes acquire resistance to such drugs. Therefore, more attention is paid to non-drug and phytotherapeutic methods.

Treatment of inflammatory processes with folk remedies in gynecology is carried out in addition to antibiotic therapy, sulfonamides. Herbal infusions are used to relieve the symptoms of inflammation. They also have a general strengthening effect.

In folk medicine, for these purposes, herbs such as yarrow, lemon balm, goose cinquefoil and others are used:




Potentilla goose infusion

  1. 1. Take 2 tbsp. l. raw materials.
  2. 2. Pour 500 ml of boiling water.
  3. 3. Leave the product for an hour, then strain through cheesecloth

Drink 300 ml of infusion daily, divided into three equal portions - before meals.

With the help of this infusion, you can do douching

Melissa infusion

  1. 1. Take 2 tbsp. l. chopped dried herbs in a glass of boiling water.
  2. 2. Infuse the product for an hour, then it should be filtered through filter paper or gauze

Drink 100 ml three times a day

Infusion of yarutka field

  1. 1. Take 1.5 tbsp. l. dry and crushed raw materials.
  2. 2. Pour a glass of boiling water.
  3. 3. Leave in a closed container for four hours.
  4. 4. Pass the infusion through gauze or filter paper

Take 1 tsp. five times a day. The only contraindications for this remedy are pregnancy and allergies.

A decoction of corn stigmas and columns

  1. 1. Pour a pinch of raw materials with a glass of boiling water.
  2. 2. Keep on low heat for 5-10 minutes

During the day, drink all this volume, but little by little - a teaspoon

Other herbal remedies are also popular:




Infusion of blueberry leaves

  1. 1. Take 1 tsp. crushed raw materials, pour boiling water.
  2. 2. The remedy is insisted for half an hour.
  3. 3. Strain through folded cheesecloth

In the future, the agent is used for douching, since it has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Infusion of linden blossoms

  1. 1. Brew 2-3 tbsp. l. raw materials 0.5 liters of boiling water.
  2. 2. Add honey to taste

For douching, the infusion should be stronger - 5 tbsp. l. two cups of boiling water (about 400 ml). Infuse such a remedy for three hours, but without honey

Most often, the infusion is drunk as an antipyretic, but it also helps to relieve inflammation.

Decoction of dried barberry root

  1. 1. Raw materials are crushed.
  2. 2. Take 2-3 g of root and pour a glass of hot water.
  3. 3. Bring to a boil.
  4. 4. Leave on low heat for half an hour.
  5. 5. Strain the decoction through cheesecloth

Take during the day for 1 tsp. before every meal

Infusion of dried walnut leaves

  1. 1. Take 1 tablespoon of dry and crushed leaves.
  2. 2. Insist in 300 ml of hot water.
  3. 3. Cool and strain

Drink a little throughout the day

Thorn bark infusion

  1. 1. Take 1 tsp. dried raw material.
  2. 2. Brew in a glass of boiling water.
  3. 3. Leave for 15 minutes

After straining, drink like tea. You can add honey to the product for a pleasant taste.

The decoction is also used for douching.


Inflammation of the appendages is called adnexitis. The disease is characterized by an acute onset, the temperature rises to 39 degrees. According to its symptoms, at first it resembles acute appendicitis, because it is manifested by periodic sharp pains in the lower abdomen.

Often a woman believes that adnexitis develops because she has a cold of the genitals. But hypothermia is only one of the factors that provoke the disease. Its development is affected by both abortions and unsuccessful surgical interventions.

The disease occurs in acute or chronic form. In the latter case, the symptoms may be more vague. Women's menstruation persists, but becomes more abundant and longer, and the cycle itself is reduced. Pathology leads to severe complications - ectopic pregnancy, impaired reproductive function, the transition of inflammatory processes to the peritoneum, which is fraught with peritonitis.


Adnexitis therapy at home may involve various methods. First of all, the use of herbal infusions. They have anti-inflammatory properties and help boost immunity.




Collection of herbs
  1. 1. Take calendula inflorescences, mistletoe grass and dandelion roots (3 tbsp each), horsetail and cinquefoil grass (2 tbsp each), the same amount of nettle root and pebble grass.
  2. 2. 1 tsp is taken from this mixture. crushed raw materials and pour 2 cups of boiling water.
  3. 3. The remedy is infused in a thermos

Strained infusion is used for baths, douching, ingestion (but only in small quantities - 1 tablespoon three times a day)

  1. 1. Take 200 g of dried thyme.
  2. 2. Pour 3 liters of boiling water.
  3. 3. Infuse in a container with a closed lid for half an hour.
  4. 4. Strain
  1. 1. Pour the product into a bathtub already filled with warm water by a third.
  2. 2. Take it within 20 minutes.
  3. 3. They do not dry themselves with a towel, wrap the body in a sheet and lie down in a warm bed

Boil 3 liters of milk

  1. 1. Pour milk into a basin of a suitable size and squat over it, but do not plunge into the liquid. Couples will gently warm the genitals, which helps to eliminate the inflammatory process.
  2. 2. After such a treatment procedure, they immediately go to bed and cover themselves with a warm blanket. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

Milk baths are contraindicated during menstruation, pregnancy, skin irritation

Using tampons for inflammation

An effective method is therapeutic tampons. They are made with different compositions:



  1. 1. Dilute blue clay or healing silty mud (which are used in spas) with water until a pasty consistency is obtained.
  2. 2. Boil for an hour.
  3. 3. The composition is cooled to a temperature close to the temperature of the human body
  1. 1. A gauze swab is dipped into such a tool and inserted into the vagina. It is not recommended to leave it longer than 15-20 minutes.
  2. 2. Then the dirt is thoroughly washed off with running water.
  1. 1. Take honey and propolis in equal proportions.
  2. 2. Heat the composition over low heat for several minutes (do not boil, this will destroy the beneficial substances)
  1. 1. The tampon is dipped in the mixture, waiting for it to cool to an acceptable temperature, and inserted into the vagina all night.
  2. 2. In the morning, the tampon is carefully removed, hygienic procedures are performed, douching is carried out with an antiseptic solution.

The course of treatment is 3 weeks. Take breaks during menstruation. The course must be repeated several times

At home, Vishnevsky's ointment is often used. She wets gauze tampons, which are inserted into the vagina at night. The course of treatment is two weeks. Usually by this time all symptoms have passed. But if a burning sensation occurs when using tampons, their use should be discarded.

The health of the family is in the hands of a woman - a Simple Queen in the home kingdom

I did not know what adnexitis is for many years, until, one day, a sharp pulling pain literally put me to bed in broad daylight. I knew how to treat inflammation of the ovaries in women from books on traditional medicine - I repeatedly advised recipes to friends and acquaintances, but I never imagined that I would have to use them myself. However, who thinks about such a thing?

The disease overtook me in the winter cold, when the thermometer showed minus 25 ° C, and traveling to work in public transport was a real torture: it was severely cold in minibuses. Having traveled in such conditions for several days, I was horrified to find out what kind of torment it is - inflammation of the ovaries in women, the treatment of which must be started immediately (otherwise the disease can go into a chronic stage).

From the available arsenal of methods on how to treat inflammation of the appendages, I chose the simplest and most effective - they cured several employees at work, one even from a neglected adnexitis that had been pursuing her for years. In addition to this recipe, I also publish a number of others that have been repeatedly tested on many people.

How to treat inflammation of the ovaries in women: quick home methods

First of all, I will describe the recipe that I cured myself, and then the rest of the methods. After all, the body of each person is individual, and what helps one person will not necessarily be effective for another. Try, if there are no results, use another method. One of them will definitely help.

Effective ointment - a proven recipe for the treatment of adnexitis in women

For a therapeutic ointment, you should take:

  • 1 st. a spoonful of pharmacy glycerin
  • 1 st. a spoonful of ichthyol ointment
  • 1 teaspoon of iodine
  • 1 teaspoon of camphor oil. There are four ingredients in total.

Mix all components until smooth, make a gauze swab and insert it as deep as possible. Do this until the slightest signs of inflammation disappear completely.

It took me 3 treatments to calm the pain, but I continued the treatment for at least a week. The ointment warms up the painful area well and perfectly relieves pain. With advanced inflammation, it should be treated for 2-3 weeks, and a course should be carried out with an exacerbation of the disease.

salt bath

A lot has been said about the healing properties of ordinary rock salt, but I never tire of being surprised by its wide range of actions. Salt treats sinusitis, mastitis, urological diseases, dislocations, bruises, abscesses, bronchopulmonary diseases and inflammatory processes.

salt mines

A salt bath is one of the quick ways to relieve pain before the main procedures. My grandmother told me about it: according to her, women in the villages were the only way to save themselves after hard work in the field.

So, you need to collect hot water in a basin, bath or in a large bowl, dilute salt in it (10 liters - a third of a pack), and sit in a saline solution for at least 15 minutes. Naturally, the room should be warm and without drafts. Then quickly dry off, put on dry clothes and immediately go to bed. Do every evening until complete healing (until the pain disappears). This method is best used in combination with other treatments for ovarian inflammation.

Acacia white - the best healer of female ailments

There is nothing better than treating inflammation of the ovaries in women with a decoction of acacia. This method helps to cure the most persistent adnexitis and has a number of other advantages: it treats the genitourinary system, cervical erosion and many other diseases.

I want to tell all the ladies: if you have problems in the female part, drink acacia and douche with its decoction. This is a very effective tool! Tested on myself and many women. Personally, with the help of tea from acacia, I cured chronic inflammation of the bladder, but my neighbor - inflammation of the appendages.


The infusion is made very simply: a teaspoon of dry flowers of white acacia is poured into a glass of boiling water, covered with a lid and infused for at least 20 minutes. You need to drink this tea at least 4 times a day. The drink turns out to be very tasty - with a pleasant sourness and aroma. Can be used with honey.


Per liter of boiling water 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dry raw materials, boil for 5 minutes, insist until warm. Douche every evening and in the morning. The course is 2-3 weeks. It is desirable to combine with the reception of acacia infusion.

Recipe for the treatment of inflammation of the fallopian tubes (salpingitis) and adnexitis in women

Grind anise seeds in a coffee grinder into powder (should be about 100 g) and mix with 0.5 liters of liquid honey. You need to use 3 times a day before meals. You can drink water.

How to treat inflammation of the ovaries in women with steam baths

There is another way, at home. To do this, you need to prepare a clean basin and an old warm blanket or blanket. Prepare a decoction of various herbs (chamomile, yarrow, rue, wormwood, etc.), pour it hot into a basin and stand over it, legs apart and covered with a blanket. You need to steam only at night, after which you immediately go to bed. In total, do at least 5 procedures. By the way, the site has a detailed article about its use for infants, for children and adults in the treatment of a variety of diseases.

Treatment with tincture of elecampane roots

No wonder it has such an eloquent name. I respect this medicinal herb, or rather its roots, because it cures many, many diseases. That inflammation of the ovaries is within her power. The tincture is made very simply (you can’t buy it in a pharmacy):

Pour dry roots with vodka or moonshine in a ratio of 1: 2. For example, for a glass of roots, you need two glasses of "combustible mixture")). Insist in a dark place for two weeks. It would be nice to shake it occasionally during this period, for better penetration of the liquid into the tissues of the plant.

Adnexitis in women is treated as follows: soak a gauze swab with elecampane tincture, moisten with a mixture of aloe juice and honey on top and put at night for at least 14 days.


There are many more different ways than to treat inflammation of the appendages in women, but I wrote only those that were treated myself and my friends were cured. Perhaps I will decide to write those recipes that are in my piggy bank, but have not been verified by anyone from the environment. Let's see.

For now, relax.) Let beautiful music set you in a positive mood - everything will be fine with us))

With best wishes, Irina Lirnetskaya

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