“The use of psychological and pedagogical technologies in the activities of a school psychologist. Description of the psychological and pedagogical technology of work

"Psychological and pedagogical technologies in the work of a teacher-psychologist"

G. Balakovo

educational psychologist

MADOU kindergarten №38

Modern psychological and pedagogical technologies are aimed at the implementation of preschool education.

A fundamentally important aspect in pedagogical technology is the position of the child in the upbringing and educational process, the attitude of adults towards the child. An adult, in communicating with children, adheres to the position: “Not next to him, not above him, but together!”. Its purpose is to contribute to the development of the child as a person.

Technology is a set of techniques used in any business, skill, art (explanatory dictionary).

Pedagogical technology is a set of psychological and pedagogical attitudes that determine a special set and arrangement of forms, methods, methods, teaching methods, educational means; it is an organizational and methodological toolkit of the pedagogical process ().

Basic requirements (criteria) of pedagogical technology:

    Conceptuality Consistency Manageability Efficiency Reproducibility

Conceptuality is a reliance on a certain scientific concept, including a philosophical, psychological, didactic and socio-pedagogical justification for achieving educational goals.

Consistency - the technology must have all the features of a system:

process logic,

The interconnection of its parts


Modern educational technologies include:

    technology technology ; personality-oriented technologies; technology portfolio of a preschooler and educator game technology TRIZ technology, etc. Health-saving technologies

Health saving technologies

The purpose of health-saving technologies is to provide the child with the opportunity to maintain health, to develop in him the necessary knowledge, skills, and habits for a healthy lifestyle.

Health-saving pedagogical technologies include all aspects of the influence of a teacher on a child's health at different levels - informational, psychological, bioenergetic.

In modern conditions, human development is impossible without building a system for the formation of his health. The choice of health-saving pedagogical technologies depends on:

From the type of preschool,

From the duration of the children's stay in it,

From the program on which teachers work,

Specific conditions of the DOW,

The professional competence of the teacher,

indicators of children's health.

In the work of a teacher-psychologist, the following psychological and pedagogical technologies are distinguished:

    technology for maintaining and stimulating health (gymnastics for the eyes, breathing exercises, relaxation, etc. health saving and health enrichment technologies for teachers - technologies aimed at developing a culture of health for kindergarten teachers, including a culture of professional health, developing the need for a healthy lifestyle. health saving in work with teachers of preschool educational institutions:

Seminars-trainings "Psychological health of teachers";

Consultations for teachers “Signs of fatigue of a preschool child”, “Forbidden physical exercises for preschool children”, “How to do gymnastics (various types) with preschoolers”, “Prevention of fatigue of preschoolers in preschool”, etc .;

Workshop for teachers of the preschool educational institution "Techniques of relaxation, stress relief during the working day";

Discussion of health saving issues at pedagogical councils and medical and pedagogical meetings.

Technologies for teaching a healthy lifestyle (communicative games, problem-game situations, elements of game training, game therapy, self-massage, etc.)

Correctional technologies (technologies of musical influence, technologies of influence by color, technologies of behavior correction, elements of fairy tale therapy, etc.)

Technologies of project activity

Purpose: Development and enrichment of social and personal experience through the inclusion of children in the sphere of interpersonal interaction.

Teachers who actively use project technology in the upbringing and education of preschoolers unanimously note that the life activity organized according to it in kindergarten allows you to get to know the pupils better, to penetrate the inner world of the child.

Currently, information and communication technologies are widely used in the work of a teacher-psychologist of a preschool educational institution. The use of ICT is carried out in various directions.

Methodical work - Work in Office (Excel, Word, PowerPoint). Registration of reporting and current documentation, creation of diagnostics based on the results, drawing up graphs and diagrams. Creation of own presentations, photo albums.

Within the framework of personality-oriented technologies, independent areas are:

Humane-personal technologies, distinguished by their humanistic essence, psychological and therapeutic focus on helping a child with poor health, during the period of adaptation to the conditions of a preschool institution.

the technology of cooperation implements the principle of democratization of preschool education, equality in relations between the teacher and the child, partnership in the system of relations "Adult - Child".

A technological approach, that is, new pedagogical technologies, guarantees the achievements of a preschooler and further guarantees their successful schooling.

Every teacher is a creator of technology, even if he deals with borrowing. The creation of technology is impossible without creativity. For a teacher who has learned to work at a technological level, the main guideline will always be the cognitive process in its developing state. Everything is in our hands, so they can not be omitted.

And I would like to end my speech with the words of Charles Dickens

“A person cannot truly improve unless he helps others to improve.”

Create yourself. As there are no children without imagination, so there is no teacher without creative impulses. Creative success to you!

Name: Personality-developing pedagogical technologies in the work of a teacher-psychologist of a preschool educational institution
Nomination: Kindergarten, Methodological developments for specialists of preschool educational institutions, Teacher-psychologist

Position: teacher-psychologist of the first qualification category
Place of work: MBDOU kindergarten No. 16 "Pearl"
Location: Sergach, Nizhny Novgorod region

Personality-developing pedagogical technologies in the work of a preschool educational psychologist.

Position: teacher-psychologist, MBDOU kindergarten No. 16 "Zhemchuzhinka", Sergach, Nizhny Novgorod region.

Modern society makes new demands on the education system of the younger generation, including its first stage - preschool education.

In our preschool educational institution, the enrichment of the content of the educational process is due to the development of new humanistic and personality-developing technologies. Personal development technology is implemented in a developing environment that meets the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. These technologies are successfully implemented by me in the process of correctional and developmental classes with children. Humanistic and personality-developing technologies are designed to reveal the creative potential of the child and are aimed at the comprehensive development of the individual.

Form of activity: small subgroups and individually.

Subgroups of children are formed according to the results of individual diagnostics, the requests of teachers and parents.

Structure of interaction with children:

  • greetings,
  • main part,
  • parting.

Greetings and farewells are held with the children in a circle. This enables open communication, facilitates interaction and mutual understanding. The shape of the circle creates for each participant a sense of belonging to the group, allows you to feel a special community. Interaction with children is built in the form of mini-trainings using fairy tale therapy, art therapy, games and exercises are used to reduce anxiety, develop the child's emotional world, communication skills, psycho-gymnastics, and relaxation. The content of the interaction of a teacher-psychologist with children does not have a strict framework, it adapts to the interests of the child himself, the initiative on the part of children is always welcome. The child is offered options for games, exercises and tasks for self-expression, the teacher stimulates the development of the creative situation with questions.

Children with behavioral disorders, with negative mental states especially need the support of a teacher. Support is an integral part of the interaction between the teacher and the child; it expresses the essence of the humanistic position of the teacher in relation to children.

The psychologist's room in the preschool educational institution is equipped in such a way that the child feels comfortable in it. Soft carpeting allows you to interact with children while sitting on the carpet, located in a comfortable position. Children and the teacher can take off their shoes - this gives a feeling of freedom and comfort. Sitting on the carpet, the teacher interacts with the children on an equal footing, "eye to eye".

The comfort of the environment is complemented by artistic and aesthetic design, which has a positive effect on the child, evokes emotions, vivid sensations. Staying in such an environment helps to relieve tension, tightness, excessive anxiety, opens up opportunities for the child to choose an occupation, materials for creativity.

On the wall in the psychologist's room is "Kitty", in which there are multi-colored butterflies in the pockets of her dress. Each child chooses the most beautiful butterfly and decorates the kitty's dress. This manual has a diagnostic purpose: the teacher-psychologist immediately sees with what emotional mood the child came to the lesson and offers the child the appropriate activity.

In the psychologist's room, children love to relax in soft chairs for relaxation and look at the bubble column to calm music and the sounds of nature. Children with disturbed forms of behavior learn to feel their state of peace and comfort, learn to focus on their feelings.

In the room of the teacher-psychologist, lighting effects are actively used. The method of color therapy has practically no contraindications, it has a beneficial effect on the state of mind, which largely determines the health and well-being of the child. The color illumination of the room is used by the teacher, depending on the purpose of the correctional and developmental impact. For hyperactive and aggressive children, the use of blue and green backlighting is recommended. For children who are closed and inactive, you can use activating colors (for example, red, yellow).

Children especially liked cute anti-stress toys. Children perform exercises with these toys while sitting in comfortable chairs for relaxation. Closed and aggressive children learn a benevolent and attentive attitude towards people, first through interaction with an anti-stress toy (pity the toy, say hello to it, say goodbye, give the toy a “massage”, etc.) and then through interaction with peers and adults.

One of the most favorite activities for children in the room is playing with sand. In our room there is a table specially equipped for this purpose with illumination.

Working with a sand table allows you to develop a child's creativity, imagination, perception. The table has a box with small toys, plants to create a magical land in the sand. The table is also used for art therapy: on a smooth, glass surface, children create their little masterpieces with their fingers. If something doesn’t work out, you can easily erase the drawing with your palm and draw a new one. It helps anxious and withdrawn children relieve stress and increase self-esteem. The creation of a painting touches all spheres of the senses, awakens creativity, relaxes and inspires.

Pedagogical technologies based on humanization in the work of a teacher-psychologist of a preschool educational institution help to reveal the individual creative potential of the child, stimulate his creative activity, form an adequate self-esteem, develop the emotional and cognitive sphere, help prevent unwanted personality traits, and contribute to the emergence of positive behavioral reactions and experiences in children.

Julia Vatulina
Description of the psychological and pedagogical technology of the work of a teacher-psychologist

Description of the psychological and pedagogical technology of the work of a teacher-psychologist MADOU CRR - d / s No. 16 "Cockerel"

In my psychological and pedagogical activities include a variety of technology contributing to a comprehensive impact on the personality of the child.

Technology of my work built on several directions:

-psychological diagnostics;

Developmental and corrective work with children;

-psychological prevention;

Advisory Work.

I carry out diagnostics individually or in a group mode, also at the individual requests of parents and teachers. When diagnosing a child, I use methods such as observation, conversation, standardized methods for identifying mental processes, as well as projective methods. Of course, when diagnosing, I take into account the individual characteristics and age criteria of a preschooler.

According to the diagnostic results, I receive information about the level psychological development of children, I reveal the individual characteristics and problems of the participants in the educational process. I develop recommendations teachers, educators and parents to provide assistance in matters of education, training and development.

A significant part of its work, I dedicate to developing and corrective work. Correction-developing work I conduct in the form of individual or subgroup lessons (or small group activities). Children are united into subgroups taking into account the similarity of problems, zones of actual and immediate development, features of the emotional-volitional sphere.

For delayed children mental development, individual correctional and developmental programs are developed that take into account the potential opportunities and existing difficulties of the child, his individual characteristics.

The main methods of correctional - developing impacts:

play therapy;

Art therapy;

Doll therapy;

sand therapy;


Relaxation exercises.

Games for the development of sensorimotor skills and tactile sensitivity.

The game is the most accessible type of activity for children, it is a way processing impressions and knowledge received from the surrounding world.

The purpose of play therapy is not to change the child and not to remake him, not to teach him some special behavioral skills, but to give him the opportunity to "to live" in the game, situations that excite him with the full attention and empathy of an adult.

First, I use individual game moments that are very important in pedagogical process, especially during the period of adaptation of children in a children's institution. These are games like "Round dance", "Catchers" etc.

In activities with the help of games technologies children develop mental processes: perception, attention, memory, thinking. I use complex games technologies different target orientation, which help me prepare the child for school.

In developing work I use art therapy methods with children. It can also be creative. work and an interesting story of a fictional character. Using colored pencils and paper, children complete tasks individually, each creating their own drawing. But the creation of collective works - general pictures, where the images created by all the children in the group are combined. In the process of collective fulfillment of the task, conditions are created for the development of skills to negotiate, give in, make one's own contribution to the common cause, take the initiative, put forward proposals, defend one's own space, idea.

As a result of art therapy work in children, negative emotions are splashed out, released psychological energy, which is usually wasted on ineffective stress, and children become calmer and more relaxed. Demonstrativeness, negativism, aggression give way to initiative and creativity.

Fairy tale therapy - contributes to the development and correction of emotional states, anxiety relief, self-esteem, removal of aggressive manifestations. In a fabulous form, it is easier to see and accept your problem. It is easier for a fairy-tale hero to come up with a way out of the situation - after all, everything is possible in a fairy tale! And then this output can be used for yourself.

You can use the following methods tricks:

Tell a fairy tale from the position of a fairy-tale character;

Guessing the plot or characters;

Turning any life story into a fairy tale;

Impromptu storytelling.

In his I make extensive use of technology at work. puppet therapy for conflict resolution, improving social adaptation, with correctional working with fears, behavioral disorders. In class, the child's favorite toy "participates" in staging a play, the plot of which is traumatic for him, he gets into a terrible story and successfully copes with it. As the plot unfolds, the emotional tension in the child grows and, having reached its maximum severity, is replaced by violent behavioral emotional reactions. (crying, laughing, etc.).

In this way, technology Puppet therapy helps children achieve emotional stability and self-regulation.

Sand therapy stabilizes the emotional state. Along with tactile-kinesthetic sensitivity, children learn to listen to themselves and pronounce their feelings, all types of cognitive processes develop harmoniously (attention, thinking, memory, fine motor skills, object-playing activities improve, the development of communication skills in children).

All sand therapy games are divided into three directions:

Educational games - aimed at developing fine motor skills. Thus, the child says what he feels, thereby developing speech.

Cognitive games - with their help I help to learn the whole versatility of our world.

Projective games - with their help, I carry out a correction in the development of the child.

Relaxation - deep muscle relaxation, accompanied by the removal mental stress. The ability to relax allows you to eliminate anxiety, agitation, stiffness, restore strength, helps to concentrate. To this end, in work with children, I use specially selected exercises to relax certain parts of the body and the whole body. Children like these exercises very much, as they have an element of the game.

To achieve the maximum effect from relaxation exercises, I select the musical repertoire. Music should be calm, soothing, relaxing, it should not strain and cause irritation. It could be sounds nature: the sound of the sea, the splash of water, the murmur of a stream, the chirping of birds, etc., or just some kind of light, unobtrusive motive.

In the direction psychological Prevention I use a variety of games and exercises. All games and exercises include elements psycho-gymnastics. Any physical movement in psycho-gymnastics expresses any image of fantasy, saturated with emotional content, thereby uniting activity mental functions(thinking, emotions, movements, and with the help of my comments, the inner attention of children is also connected to these processes.

In this way, psycho-gymnastic exercise uses the mechanism psychophysical functional unity. Psycho-gymnastics helps children overcome barriers in communication, better understand themselves and others, relieves mental stress allows for self-expression.

main goal psychological education and prevention is the prevention of possible deviations in mental development of children and in the formation of personality, as well as increasing psychological culture of teachers and parents. To achieve this goal, I select poster information about individual differences and age characteristics of children, about the impact of family education and its types, about age crises; I develop memos for parents; I give lectures and talks with teachers with a demonstration of effective methods and techniques work with children and parents; speak at parent meetings; I provide training for teachers and parents.

I provide advice to parents and teachers in an individual form. I organize consultations in the preschool educational institution as follows ways: by invitation (according to diagnostic results) with a preliminary agreement on a convenient time for parents in order to understand the problem and find the best ways to solve it; at the discretion of parents and teachers on the problems of upbringing and development of children; on personal appeals of employees of the institution, as well as to respond to the current emotional state; active counseling assistance to parents and teachers during the period of adaptation of children to the conditions of preschool

Bottom line psychological counseling are recommendations set out in a form understandable to the client with description practical and communicative actions that are aimed at solving the problem.

All used by me technology allow you to realize yourself and show all participants in the educational process the importance of psychological assistance and the need for the existence of this service in a preschool institution.

Description of psychological and pedagogical technology

psychologist teacher

nomination "Educator-psychologist-2018"

Konovalova Oksana Nikolaevna

MADOU d / s No. 36 of the city of Tyumen

Tyumen 2018

Description of the psychological and pedagogical technology of work

teacher-psychologist Oksana Nikolaevna Konovalova

Education is complex and difficult

only as long as we want without educating ourselves,

educate your children or anyone else...

L.N. Tolstoy

The main goal of a child psychologist working in kindergarten, as well as in the whole psychological education service, is creation of conditions conducive to the protection of the physical and mental health of children, ensuring their emotional well-being, promoting the free and effective development of each child.

The implementation of this goal in our kindergarten is achieved by solving a set of tasks:

    To realize in work with children the development opportunities of each age;

    Develop the personality of the child.

    Create a favorable psychological climate for the development of the child in kindergarten;

    Identification, prevention and correction of behavioral and emotional disorders in children,

    Provide timely psychological assistance to children, parents, teachers.

    Develop and implement psychological programs aimed at overcoming deviations in the social and psychological health of preschoolers, difficulties in adaptation, training and education, to promote the individualization of the educational route.

The solution of these problems is reflected in the areas of psychological and pedagogical activity: psychological education, prevention, diagnosis, psychological correction, advisory and expert work. In each of the directions I use different psychological and pedagogical technologies, however, ART therapy, sand therapy, music therapy, mandala therapy, fairy tale therapy, photo fairy tale therapy, Legotherapy, training sessions and projective methods and techniques are preferable, most often I use AQUA therapy to relieve muscle tension, where we use motivational games in and with water.

Now briefly about each technology used by a teacher-psychologist at MADOU No. 36 .:

photo fairy tale therapy helps to build trusting relationships with children, in a relaxed and safe atmosphere to discuss issues relevant to children.

Emotional living, identification with the heroes of movies and fairy tales give children a unique opportunity to realize their own characteristics and gain invaluable personal experience. Films and fairy tales allow pupils to consolidate the skills acquired in the training program, and adults to better understand children and their needs.

ART therapy is a method of correction and development through artistic creativity. Its attractiveness for psychologists can be explained by the fact that, unlike the main correctional and developmental areas, which mainly use verbal communication channels, art therapy uses the "language" of visual and plastic expression. This is especially true when working with children and makes it an indispensable tool for research, development and harmonization in cases where the child cannot express his emotional state in words.

Children in most cases find it difficult to verbalize their problems and experiences. Non-verbal expression is more natural for them. This is especially significant for children with speech disorders, because their behavior is more spontaneous and they are less capable of reflecting their actions and actions. Their experiences "come out" through the artistic image more directly. Such a “product” is easy to understand and analyze.

What is important is the natural inclination of the child to play activities, the richness of children's imagination. Given this, when organizing corrective work with elements of art therapy, an atmosphere of play and creativity is created in the classroom. Of interest are art-therapeutic technologies for working with families. Through joint spontaneous self-expression, family relationships are harmonized. There is an opportunity to distance oneself from the family problem and look at it from the other side.

The use of art therapy technologies allows a psychologist to help a child cope with their problems, restore their emotional balance or eliminate their behavioral disorders, and help their intellectual development.

Currently, the concept of "art therapy" has several meanings:

A set of art forms used in treatment and correction;

Complex of art-therapeutic techniques;

Direction of psychotherapeutic and psycho-correctional practice;

Methods for projective diagnostics.

Mandalotherapy- one of the key symbolic forms that occupy an important place in different cultures as an expression of unity and integrity and is often used as a factor in achieving internal balance and harmony is the circle (sphere). The image and contemplation of circular forms can be an integral part of the practice of self-regulation.

So, for example, a person can form a circular image that reflects his idea of ​​the resource state (the state of internal balance, comfort, focusing on the source of internal strength) and use this image as a visual model, tuning in to which, he can achieve or maintain this state . All this can be done by creating drawings in a circle of different sizes and filling their internal space with different shapes and colors associated with the current or desired state. This technique is equally effective at the level of the unconscious works for both adults and children.

The repetition of this procedure can contribute not only to the development of self-regulation skills, but also to identify the characteristics of the dynamics of internal changes, making visual signs of states more visible as they change within different periods of time (for example, during a course of art therapy or after its completion).

sand therapy- in the context of art therapy, it is a non-verbal form of psycho-correction, where the main emphasis is on the creative self-expression of the client, thanks to which, on an unconscious-symbolic level, it comes from the response of internal stress and the search for development paths. This is one of the psycho-corrective, developing methods aimed at resolving personal problems through the work of the personal and collective unconscious. These images appear in a symbolic form in the process of creating a creative product - a composition of figurines built in a psychological sandbox. The sand therapy method is based on a combination of non-verbal and verbal expression. Sand therapy is equally successful for both adults and children.

In working with children, sand therapy is used to solve both correctional and developmental, didactic and even general educational tasks. The transfer of traditional developmental activities to the psychological sandbox helps to increase learning motivation, to make the study of even the most difficult and boring material for a child an interesting and exciting game. My author's program, developed for children of primary preschool age 2-3 years old, "Magic Sand", is built on this principle.

In my work I use quartz, colored, kinetic, live sand. Also, both for developing and for correctional classes, work with dry and wet, kinetic sand is of great importance. Many techniques are based on reacting feelings, emotional states, developing perception with the help of various properties of sand.

Music therapy- a psychotherapeutic method that uses music as a remedy.

The therapeutic effect of music on the human body has been known since ancient times. In antiquity and in the Middle Ages, faith in the healing effect of music was exceptionally great.

There are four main directions of the therapeutic effect of music therapy:

    Emotional activation during verbal psychotherapy.

    Development of interpersonal communication skills (communicative functions and abilities);

    Regulatory influence on psycho-vegetative processes;

    Increasing aesthetic needs.

The following are indicated as mechanisms of the therapeutic effect of music therapy: catharsis, emotional release, regulation of the emotional state, facilitating awareness of one's own experiences, confrontation with life problems, increasing social activity, acquiring new means of emotional expression, facilitating the formation of new relationships and attitudes.

Music therapy comes in two main forms. : active and receptive.

Active music therapy is a therapeutically directed, active musical activity: reproduction, fantasizing, improvisation with the help of voice and selected musical instruments.

Receptive Music Therapy involves the process of perceiving music with a therapeutic purpose. Receptive music therapy comes in three forms:

    Communicative(joint listening to music aimed at maintaining mutual contacts of mutual understanding and trust),

    jet(aimed at achieving catharsis)

    Regulatory(contributing to the reduction of neuropsychic stress).

All these forms of music therapy can be successfully applied within the framework of relaxation.

Programs of musical works are built on the basis of a gradual change in mood, dynamics and tempo, taking into account their different emotional load. First work should form a certain atmosphere for the entire lesson, show the mood of the group members, establish contacts and introduce them to the musical lesson, prepare for further listening. This is a calm piece with a relaxing effect. Second work- dynamic, dramatic, tense, bears the main load, its function is to stimulate intense emotions, memories, associations of a projective nature from a person's own life. Third work should relieve stress, create an atmosphere of peace. It can be calm, relaxing or, on the contrary, energetic, giving a charge of vivacity, optimism, energy.

Fairy tale therapy and photo fairy tale therapy- a method that uses a fairy-tale form for the integration of the individual, the development of creative abilities, and the improvement of interaction with the outside world.

There are several main functional features of fairy tales.

1. The texts of fairy tales evoke intense emotional resonance, both in children and adults. The images of fairy tales appeal simultaneously to two mental levels: to the level of consciousness and subconsciousness, which creates special opportunities for communication.

2. The concept of fairy tale therapy is based on the idea of ​​the value of metaphor as a carrier of information:

    about vital events;

    about life values;

3. The fairy tale contains in symbolic form information about how this world works, who created it, what happens to a person at different periods of life, what “traps”, temptations, difficulties can be encountered in life and how to deal with them, what values ​​should be guided in life, and so on.

4. Fairy tales return both the child and the adult to a state of holistic perception of the world. They give the opportunity to dream, activate creativity, betray knowledge about the world, about human relationships.

AQUAtherapy-this is a method of psychotherapy, which is used both in work with children and adults, is the correction of various kinds of violations of child-parent relationships, in which water is used.

Target: Organization of a variety of exciting activities with pupils that contribute to the correction of personality and mental functions; Introduction of innovations in the content of the educational process.

Tasks: Correct and develop mental functions, fine motor skills, emotional sphere, expand the sensory experience of pupils; Contribute to the removal of psycho-emotional stress, anxiety, aggressiveness, harmonization of relations with others; Create conditions for productive leisure activities, to meet the needs of pupils in creative self-realization, expression of their thoughts and feelings.

The relevance of the topic is that motivational games in and with water are the most beloved by children. With the help of motivational water games, contacts between children are easier to establish, muscle clamps are removed, blood circulation in the limbs improves, mental processes proceed more actively. With the help of motivational games with water, the emotional state stabilizes much faster during the period of adaptation to kindergarten, the psycho-emotional stress in the body is easier to remove.

Water is what gives life to all of us. What gives us strength and vigor. Crystal clear or very dirty. It is useful in any condition. Who knows where the water comes from? Perhaps from the snow? Perhaps from ice? Or maybe it beats from underground springs. And she gives life and flowering to everyone.

All the technologies I have described are equally effective and safe both in working with adults and children. The use of these technologies in a continuous complex process allows us to achieve our goals.

My work in this direction includes a wide range of forms and methods of work.


form (individual psycho-corrective classes)

Group form (group psycho-corrective classes)



fairy tale therapy

play therapy

Art therapy

Developmental work carried out by me in order to form the mechanisms of emotional and personal adaptation of the child. It includes the development of the emotional and personal sphere of children, communication skills, and the removal of emotional stress.

Goal of game sessions:

Overcoming stressful conditions in children during the period of adaptation to a preschool institution

Creating a positive emotional climate in the children's team

Relieve emotional and muscle tension

Development of perception, general and fine motor skills, coordination of movements, arbitrariness of behavior, the ability to obey the rules

Activation of speech processes

Formation of parent-child relationships.

An analysis of developmental work shows that many children have developed positive character traits (confidence in themselves and their abilities, self-respect, kindness, sympathy and empathy for peers), it has become easier for them to communicate, they understand the feelings of others and express their own more easily. In children, uncertainty, fears, aggressiveness, and isolation gradually disappear.

Dynamics of emotional stress relief with the help of AQUAtherapy:

From the foregoing, we can conclude that the psychological and pedagogical technologies used by me in my work contribute to the creation of conditions for the social situation of the development of preschoolers, opening up opportunities for positive socialization of the child, his comprehensive personal, moral and cognitive development, development of initiative and creative abilities, which corresponds to the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education.

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