Small minds discuss average people. Stupid people talk about other people. Sayings of smart people

Toxic people drive you crazy with their irrational behavior. Don't be fooled by this, their behavior is indeed beyond common sense. So why would you allow your emotions to respond to them and drag yourself into this nonsense?

Toxic people defy logic. Some are happy in ignorance of their negative impact on others, while others seem to enjoy destroying and hurting people.

It is important to learn how to interact with different people, but interacting with a truly toxic person will never justify the time and energy spent on it, it will only drain you. Toxic people constantly create unnecessary complications, conflicts, and, worst of all, stress around them.

People can inspire or drain, so choose your conversation partner wisely.” – Hans F. Hansen

A recent study conducted at the German University. Friedrich Schiller showed how serious is the topic toxicity in interaction.

It was found that exposure to factors that cause strong negative emotions - for example, those that you experience in dealing with toxic people - provoked the respondent's brain to the strongest stress reaction.

Whether it's negative perception, cruelty, victim syndrome, or just plain insanity, toxic people create stress in you that should be avoided at all costs.

Scientists have long known that stress has a long-term negative effect on the brain. Even a few days of stress reduces the activity of neurons in the hippocampus, an important part of the brain responsible for reasoning and memory.

Weeks of stress cause reversible damage to brain cells, but months of stress can destroy them. Toxic people don't just ruin your mood, they're bad for your brain.

The ability to manage your emotions and stress resistance directly affect productivity.

TalentSmart conducted a study involving over a million people. It turned out that 90% of the best employees were distinguished by a high ability to manage their emotions in stressful situations, which allowed them to remain calm and in control of themselves. One of their greatest talents is the ability to recognize toxic people and keep them at bay.

It is said that a person is shaped by the five people with whom he spends the most time. If you allow at least one toxic person in this five, you will very soon find out how much he or she interferes with your development. You can't distance yourself from toxic people without recognizing them first.. The focus is on distinguishing really toxic people who are simply annoying or difficult to communicate with.

10 types of toxic energy vampires from which you need to stay away so as not to become one yourself.

1. Gossip

Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people.- Eleanor Roosevelt

Gossipers enjoy other people's misfortunes. At first, it may seem funny to discuss someone's gaffe in personal or professional life, but over time, it becomes tiresome, disgusting, and hurtful to others. There are too many more positive things in life, and too much to learn from interesting people, to waste your time talking about other people's failures.

2. Temperamental

Some people have absolutely no control over their emotions. They pounce and pour out their feelings on you, believing that it is in you that the cause of all their troubles. Temperamental people are difficult to throw out of life, because their inability to control their emotions causes pity. At a critical moment, such people will simply pour all their negativity onto you, so they should be avoided at all costs.

3. Victim

Victims are difficult to recognize because initially you empathize with their problems. But in modern times, the understanding comes that they have a “difficult moment” all the time. Victims are actively avoided any personal liability, inflating any small obstacle in its path to the size of an insurmountable barrier.

They don't see life's challenges as an opportunity to learn and grow. Instead, they see every adversity as the ultimate ending. There is an old saying: “ Pain is inevitable, but suffering is a personal choice.“She perfectly conveys the sense of toxicity of victims who choose to suffer every time.

4. Self-obsessed

Self-obsessed people spoil the mood by keeping a dispassionate distance from other people. Usually you can recognize such people by the feeling of being alone in their company. This is because, in their opinion, it is meaningless for them to really be in contact with someone. For them, you are nothing more than a tool to increase self-esteem.

5. Envious

According to envious people, the neighbor's grass is always greener. Even when something very good happens to an envious person, he does not get any pleasure from it.

The reason is that envious people constantly compare themselves and their successes with other people, while the feeling of satisfaction must be sought in oneself.

Also, let's be honest: there will always be someone in the world who does a better job than you, if you look hard enough. Too frequent contact with envious people dangerous because they learn to discount their successes.

6. Manipulator

Manipulators suck time and energy out of you, hiding behind friendship. These tricksters can be tricky because they manipulate friendships. They know what you like, what makes you happy, what makes you laugh, but the trick is that they use this information for their own purposes. A manipulator always needs something from you. If you look back at the relationship with them, they always take something and never or very rarely give themselves. They will do anything to subdue you, just to take advantage of you later.

7. Dementor

In her series of books about Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling described some evil creatures called "dementors" that sucked out souls, thus making people just empty body shells.

When a Dementor approaches, it becomes dark, cold, and people can be flooded with their worst memories. Rowling said that she wrote Dementors based on very negative people - those who, by their mere presence, suck the vitality out of those around them.

Dementors drain people by imposing their negativity and pessimism on everyone they meet. For them, the glass is always half empty, and they can spoil even the most favorable situation by filling it with their fears and anxieties.

Research conducted by the University of Notre Dame has shown that students who live with pessimistic neighbors become much more prone to negative thinking and even depression.

8. Spoiled

There are toxic people who initially harbor bad intentions, enjoying other people's pain and misfortune. They want to either hurt you or get something from you, otherwise they are not interested in you.

The good news is that such people can be quickly recognized in order to quickly exclude them from their social circle.

9. Critic

Critics will immediately tell you what is good and what is bad. They tend to take what you really like and make you feel terrible about it. Instead of appreciating those who are different and learning from them, critical people look down on others. Critics suppress your desire to be a passionate, expressive person, so it is better not to communicate with them and be yourself.

10. Arrogant

Arrogant people are a waste of time because they see themselves as a challenge in everything you do.

Arrogance is a false confidence that usually masks a huge lack of self-confidence. Research at the University of Akron has shown that arrogance is associated with a host of problems at work.

Arrogant people are often poor performers, less likely to agree, and have more cognitive problems than the average person.

How to protect yourself by recognizing them:

Toxic people drive you crazy with their irrational behavior. Don't be fooled by this, their behavior is indeed beyond common sense.

So why would you allow your emotions to respond to them and drag yourself into this nonsense?

The more irrational and inadequate a person is, the easier it should be for you to escape from his traps. Don't try to outplay them at their own game. keep your distance from them emotionally and treat interaction with them as a science project(or like you're their therapist, if you prefer). You don't have to react to their emotional chaos, just look at the facts.

In order not to get emotionally involved, mindfulness is needed. You can't force someone to stop provoking you if you can't see exactly how it happens. You may find yourself in a situation where you need to gather strength and choose the best option for you to follow up. That's okay, don't be afraid to give yourself more time to do it.

It seems to many that because they work or live with someone, they have no way to control chaos.

Nothing like this.

By recognizing a toxic person, you can understand and anticipate their behavior.

This will help you think logically about when and where you will have to deal with them, and in what cases it can be avoided.

You can set clear boundaries, but this must be done consciously and in advance. If you let things take their course, you will constantly be dragged into difficult conversations.

If you set boundaries and decide when and where you will interact with a difficult person, you will be able to control much of this chaos. The only thing you need to stand firm and keep your boundaries when they want to break what to expect. published

People are imperfect, therefore they are not immune from stupid deeds. You are not afraid to get into trouble, showing vulnerability, because you gain invaluable experience that will save you from mistakes in the future. But did you know that it is possible to reduce the incidence of stupidity? Take a look at our list and try to never do the following eight things.


Psychologists describe an intellectual person as a person who knows how to look at things from different angles and admit his own wrong. On the other side of the spectrum is categorical and rejection of the opponent's point of view. Charles Darwin said that ignorance breeds confidence, and modern scientists have done a number of studies to support this theory. The phenomenon, called the Dunning-Kruger effect, says the following: the less you know, the more confident you are that you are right.

The desire to prove one's own innocence

The rules that smart people adhere to do not contain the desire to prove their own innocence. The intellectual does not exclude the possibility that any of his opinions may be wrong. He will never insist on his own, because he knows that this is a waste of time. No wonder the sages say: how many people, so many opinions. Well, claims to the ultimate truth are very annoying to others. Stupid people, on the contrary, foam at the mouth, prove their case, thereby depriving themselves of the opportunity to broaden their horizons.


Resentment arises from unwillingness to analyze the situation. Without thinking about the causes of the incident, you will never know about the motives of another person or about the unintentionality of his actions. If he deliberately tried to provoke negative emotions in you, you should not succumb to provocations. He does not deserve your attention, so it is better to stop all communication with him. Only the ability to adequately assess the situation will teach you to let go of resentment.


It turns out that aggressive behavior indicates a low level of intelligence. This conclusion was reached by researchers from the University of Michigan. While conducting the experiment, scientists noticed one curious detail: a low level of development in childhood causes a tendency to aggression, and in adulthood, on the contrary, destructive behavior interferes with the development of intelligence.

Lack of persistence

No wonder they say that failures make us stronger, they build character and help us find the best solutions to problems. Let's look at this with an example from the lives of some celebrities. So, the pop icon Madonna at one time was denied the creation of a studio album. The director of one of the record companies considered the musical material of the aspiring singer "raw". And if Madonna had not shown perseverance, we would never have known about her. Another example concerns the work of the writer JK Rowling, who received 14 rejections before the publication of the first book about Harry Potter.

A look at public opinion

It seems to us that people who are too oriented towards public opinion are too correct and have innate modesty. However, these individuals are convinced of the opposite: they are sure that the world revolves around them. They are terribly afraid of censure and think that everyone around them is only doing how they are discussing them behind their backs. However, neighbors, and colleagues, and friends have their own problems, which take maximum strength and energy. You can not worry about your untidy appearance, a second after your meeting, your friend will not even remember about it.

The pursuit of excellence

The favorite phrase of many perfectionists is “There is no limit to perfection,” however, psychologists assure us of the fallacy of the chosen strategy. Experts suggest that we strive for our goals, but be able to enjoy the little things. Ideals exist only on paper, they prevent you from loving yourself and drive you into a prolonged depression.

Trying to impress

When someone seeks to impress others, it almost always looks ridiculous. A stupid person who uses a term whose meaning he does not understand deserves only pity. Well, instead of sitting at the books, he buys himself a new iPhone model. It seems to the braggart that all people will die of envy, but in fact, those around him condemn him. They know that he cannot afford such a purchase, and the phone was purchased on credit. Why worsen the quality of your life in order to hear a sigh of admiration from the girl you like?

New and rediscovered aphorisms and quotes from books and press


Clever thought can come to a fool. But from his lips it will sound stupidity.

Those who use the mind will not worship it - they know it too well.
Gilbert Keith Chesterton

The mind is like a parachute - it only works when it's open.

To be surprised at nothing is, of course, a sign of stupidity, not intelligence.

The place where the mind rests is the heart.

People who, not having their own mind, know how to appreciate someone else's, often act smarter than smart people who lack this skill.

A fool is a person who does not know how to pretend to be smart.

To think that fools will grow wiser is the most dangerous form of optimism.

For a fool, all smart people are dissidents.

Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people.

Mind is what we think, and stupidity is what we think of itself; only stupidity happens by itself in us, but in order to have a mind, you need to try very hard.

The mind should be expressed in expanding the close, increasing the small, diversifying the similar, and speaking beautifully about the small.

Smart is the one who knows how to combine what is useful for himself with what is pleasant for others.

A smart person cannot do evil.
Ancient Greeks

There are far more smart people in the world than talented people. Society is teeming with smart people who are completely devoid of talent.

Wisdom is the bread that fills you up, a joke is the spice that makes you hungry.

If you teach a fool, he will not become smart - he will simply know more.

To live with your mind, you need to have a strong character and only then the mind.

Stupidity is not the absence of mind, it is such a mind.

Have the courage to use your own mind.

The mind is always fooled by the heart.

You can, of course, take it with your mind, but where can you get it?

Mind speaks, wisdom listens.

Understanding is just a prize for fools.
One great psychologist

The electronic brain will think for us in the same way that the electric chair dies for us.

The thoughts of a smart person with whom he disagrees are not annoying. Irritating thoughts of a stupid person with whom I agree.

I love fools, but I don't like fools.

A thick womb will not give birth to a subtle meaning.

Our lazy mind requires simplification.
Gustave Lebon, French social psychologist and anthropologist

“Intellect is a monkey riding an invisible tiger. And only that thought will reach the mind, which the heart passes to it, and, as you know, you can’t order it.
ALEXANDER GENIS in the article "God forbid". Esquire, 2007, No. 10, p. 62

"Metal is honed with whetstones, but the mind with donkeys."

"Where stupidity is divine - the mind is nothing!"

"Flaws of the mind - the source of corruption of taste - are amenable to correction."

"Deep minds are not subtle enough for such a subject, and subtle natures are not deep enough."

"A mind that is strained to find new ideas will never return to its original size."

“The true testament to a first-class mind is the ability to keep two opposing ideas in mind at the same time without losing the ability to function.”
Francis Scott Fitzgerald

"The wider the mind, the more it is constrained by its own boundaries."
THIODIERE EDMON, French writer

Mad people are constantly preoccupied with logic.

“If a smart person figure out how to hold a cow by the ears, then even a complete idiot can milk it.”
W. DURANT, the founder of General Motors, the generator of ideas who did not know how to implement them - about A. Sloan, who succeeded him as executive director, who easily brought Durant's ideas to life

“If you behave like a thinking person, you will become one.”
MICHAEL MICHALKO, Encyclopedia of Business Ideas

“If you want to impress an intelligent person, be silent.”

“Everyone who wears glasses thinks a lot. And it is not known what these thoughts are. Maybe they go against the party line.”
MAO ZEDONG, "Big City", 2007, No. 3, p. 26

“Most people are given reason only to justify their actions in hindsight.”
Attributed to LEV TOLSTOY

“Many are ready to die rather than think. Often, by the way, this is what happens. ”

“Not many people think more than two or three times a year. I have achieved worldwide fame by thinking once or twice a week.”

"I think, therefore I am."

"Our head is round in shape so that thought can change direction."

"You have to have the courage to use your own mind."

"The highest stage of spiritual culture occurs when we realize that we must control our thoughts."

“They come to a conclusion when they get tired of thinking.”

"The trouble with many people is that they think in hopes, fears and desires, and not at all with reason."

"The madman takes comfort in the past, the feeble-minded in the future, the wise in the present."
ancient Indian saying

“Smart people know that you can only believe half of what we are told. But only the very smart ones know which half.”

"Intelligence is something that is sometimes found in others."

“I have always understood, coming out of a fool, that I am the fool.”

“If he died, then for a long time, and if he is a fool, then forever.”
French proverb

"The sleep of reason produces monsters."

No risk: no brains.
JAMES JOYCE, "Ulysses"

Fools set feasts; smart people sit at the table.

Laziness is a sign of intelligence.

Artificial intelligence is nothing compared to natural stupidity.

The brain knows no shame.
Jules Renard

For most people, the punishment is the need to think.

The kind one does more than they ask, and the smart one does it earlier than they ask.
A. Breiter

The intelligence level of the crowd is less than the intelligence of the most stupid member of this crowd.

If you want to be seen as a reasonable person, learn four things: ask competently, listen carefully, answer calmly, and stop talking when there is nothing more to say.

Two heads are good, but one brain is better.

Nothing costs so much in life as illness and stupidity.

As the famous quote goes: “Smart people discuss ideas, average people discuss events, and small people discuss other people.” Psychologists are convinced that gossip is just a means of establishing social contacts.

But everyone who has ever had to become the subject of discussion knows that gossip is not at all harmless chatter.

According to statistics, about 80% of conversations are discussions of other people, their habits and actions. Psychologists say that gossip brings people together, because the antipathies that people share are much stronger than common interests and hobbies.

In addition, some people enjoy discussing the failures and failures of others.

Thus, they assert themselves, even if they verbally express sympathy for the person being discussed.But if some people absolutely do not care what they say about them behind their backs, others react very painfully to any criticism addressed to them.

Spreading rumors or even truthful information about someone's failures and mistakes can have a very negative impact on the emotional state of a vulnerable person.

When you gossip or listen to the gossip of others, you harm the person, directly or indirectly.

To prevent yourself from being drawn into gossip, there is one simple phrase. When someone tries to tell you another gossip, just ask him: "Why are you telling me this?"

This simple phrase works instantly. First, your direct question dispels the gossip's selfish motive. And secondly, he makes it clear to the interlocutor that you are not interested in this topic.

Don't get sucked into negative discussions and don't gossip yourself. Everyone has their own life, and it's not for you to judge others.

New and rediscovered aphorisms and quotes from books and press All aphorisms and quotes

Clever thought can come to a fool. But from his lips it will sound stupidity.

Those who use the mind will not worship it - they know it too well.

Gilbert Keith Chesterton

The mind is like a parachute - it only works when it's open.

To be surprised at nothing is, of course, a sign of stupidity, not intelligence.

The place where the mind rests is the heart.

People who, not having their own mind, know how to appreciate someone else's, often act smarter than smart people who lack this skill.

A fool is a person who does not know how to pretend to be smart.

To think that fools will grow wiser is the most dangerous form of optimism.

For a fool, all smart people are dissidents.

Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people.

Mind is what we think, and stupidity is what we think of itself; only stupidity happens by itself in us, but in order to have a mind, you need to try very hard.

The mind should be expressed in expanding the close, increasing the small, diversifying the similar, and speaking beautifully about the small.

Smart is the one who knows how to combine what is useful for himself with what is pleasant for others.

A smart person cannot do evil.

There are far more smart people in the world than talented people. Society is teeming with smart people who are completely devoid of talent.

Wisdom is the bread that fills you up, a joke is the spice that makes you hungry.

If you teach a fool, he will not become smart - he will simply know more.

To live with your mind, you need to have a strong character and only then the mind.

Stupidity is not the absence of mind, it is such a mind.

Have the courage to use your own mind.

The mind is always fooled by the heart.


You can, of course, take it with your mind, but where can you get it?

Mind speaks, wisdom listens.

Understanding is just a prize for fools.

One great psychologist

The electronic brain will think for us in the same way that the electric chair dies for us.


The thoughts of a smart person with whom he disagrees are not annoying. Irritating thoughts of a stupid person with whom I agree.

I love fools, but I don't like fools.

A thick womb will not give birth to a subtle meaning.

Our lazy mind requires simplification.

Gustave Lebon, French social psychologist and anthropologist

“Intellect is a monkey riding an invisible tiger. And only that thought will reach the mind, which the heart passes to it, and, as you know, you can’t order it.

ALEXANDER GENIS in the article "God forbid". Esquire, 2007, No. 10, p. 62

"Metal is honed with whetstones, but the mind with donkeys."

"Where stupidity is divine - the mind is nothing!"

"Flaws of the mind - the source of corruption of taste - are amenable to correction."

"Deep minds are not subtle enough for such a subject, and subtle natures are not deep enough."

"A mind that is strained to find new ideas will never return to its original dimensions."


“The true testament to a first-class mind is the ability to keep two opposing ideas in mind at the same time without losing the ability to function.”

Francis Scott Fitzgerald

"The wider the mind, the more it is constrained by its own boundaries."

THIODIERE EDMON, French writer

Mad people are constantly preoccupied with logic.

“If a smart person figure out how to hold a cow by the ears, then even a complete idiot can milk it.”

W. DURANT, the founder of General Motors, the generator of ideas who did not know how to implement them, about A. Sloan, who succeeded him as chief executive, who easily brought Durant's ideas to life

“If you behave like a thinking person, you will become one.”

MICHAEL MICHALKO, Encyclopedia of Business Ideas

“If you want to impress an intelligent person, be silent.”

“Everyone who wears glasses thinks a lot. And it is not known what these thoughts are. Maybe they go against the party line.”

MAO ZEDONG, "Big City", 2007, No. 3, p. 26

“Most people are given reason only to justify their actions in hindsight.”

Attributed to LEV TOLSTOY

“Many are ready to die rather than think. Often, by the way, this is what happens. ”

“Not many people think more than two or three times a year. I have achieved worldwide fame by thinking once or twice a week.”

"I think, therefore I am."

"Our head is round in shape so that thought can change direction."

"You have to have the courage to use your own mind."

"The highest stage of spiritual culture occurs when we realize that we must control our thoughts."

“They come to a conclusion when they get tired of thinking.”

"The trouble with many people is that they think in hopes, fears and desires, and not at all with reason."

"The madman takes comfort in the past, the feeble-minded in the future, the wise in the present."

ABU-L-FARAJ, Syrian scholar and writer of the 13th century

“Smart people know that you can only believe half of what we are told. But only the very smart ones know which half.”

"Intelligence is something that is sometimes found in others."

“I have always understood, coming out of a fool, that I am the fool.”

“If he died, then for a long time, and if he is a fool, then forever.”

"The sleep of reason produces monsters."

No risk: no brains.

JAMES JOYCE, "Ulysses"

Fools set feasts; smart people sit at the table.

Laziness is a sign of intelligence.

Artificial intelligence is nothing compared to natural stupidity.

The brain knows no shame.

For most people, the punishment is the need to think.

The kind one does more than they ask, and the smart one does it earlier than they ask.

The intelligence level of the crowd is less than the intelligence of the most stupid member of this crowd.

If you want to be seen as a reasonable person, learn four things: ask competently, listen carefully, answer calmly, and stop talking when there is nothing more to say.

Two heads are good, but one brain is better.

Nothing costs so much in life as illness and stupidity.

Aphorisms and quotes
NOT from the Internet: new and rediscovered aphorisms and quotes from books and the press.

Sayings of smart people

— Great people discuss ideas. Ordinary people discuss events. Stupid people talk about people.

Choosing the right decision comes with experience, experience comes with every wrong choice.

- If you want to have what you never had, start doing what you never did. Richard Bach

- If you dream of a rainbow, be prepared to get caught in the rain. Dolly Parton

- For those who dream big and do not doubt their courage, there is a place at the top. James Charles

- The poorest person is not the one who does not have a penny in his pocket, but the one who does not have a dream. (Socrates)

The more habits, the less freedom. Immanuel Kahn

“God molded a man out of clay, and he had an unused piece left. - What else to blind you? God asked. “Blind me happiness,” the man asked. God did not answer, and only put the remaining piece of clay in the man's palm.

What if the world is an illusion and there is nothing? Then I definitely OVERPAID for the carpet.

Do you know what madness is? - This is when they do the same thing, while expecting a different result.

- Lack of money - the state of the wallet. Poverty is a state of mind.

"Even a fool who does anything will effortlessly overtake a passive genius."

- Everyone has their own problems. Someone has small pearls, Someone has liquid stew.

“You have to be like air. Light, transparent, invisible. But what would be without you, suffocated.

- Nobody is defeated. Until he admitted defeat.

Sayings of smart people
Today I continue the column "Statements of smart people." They help me become wiser, calmer and more confident in myself. Today I have accumulated a few quotes that I want with you

If a person never discusses the actions of other people, is he an egoist?

I would even say “he doesn’t care”, and if it doesn’t matter, then it’s more correct not to discuss the actions of other people, because each person is free to do as he pleases, perhaps they won’t discuss you either.

But not an Egoist, I think another line of behavior is connected with egoism.

not necessarily an egoist, maybe he just remains neutral so as not to get involved in discussions, gossip.

He is a decent citizen. And he does not see the point in this empty chatter. Especially if it didn't affect him.

If a person never discusses the actions of other people, then everything is in order with his self-esteem and tact. And in general, he is a balanced person. But it is also possible that he feels contempt and disdain for gossip and condemnation, and he himself never condescends to this.

But the desire to give value judgments - this is selfishness!

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