Walking is a simple way to get in shape. Benefits of walking

Health is the most valuable thing a person has. You need to take care of him always, without waiting for problems to appear. Most affordable way to improve the body - walking. In this article, we will analyze the usefulness, varieties and principles of walking.

What are the benefits of walking?

Advantages hiking it is difficult to overestimate, they are capable of:

Studies show that it helps reduce the likelihood of developing heart and vascular diseases three times.

In addition, thanks to active image life, bones are strengthened, regulated blood pressure, muscle tissues are brought to a tone, the sleep mode is normalized.

Walking for several hours daily, you can reduce the risk of oncological neoplasms in the mammary glands and eliminate pain in the lumbar region, which were previously chronic.

  • Partially replace sports and help reduce excess weight.

Walking increases the heart rate, which increases blood flow and improves oxygen supply to the muscles. While walking, calories are burned 5 times more than when at rest.

  • Prolong youth.

Aging is associated with high level the content of special proteins in the body that contribute to the development of inflammation and all kinds of "senile" diseases. By walking every day, you can reduce the amount of such proteins and keep youth as long as possible. Vigorous walking increases the life expectancy of a person in a ratio of 1: 2, that is, walking 1 hour, you can get an additional 2 hours of life.

  • Cheer up.

The benefit of walking, even for half an hour, is the effect of raising self-esteem, positive action on mood, distraction from negative thoughts and energized. Arranging walks on fresh air, there are all the prerequisites to get rid of the impending depression. This happens due to the release of endorphins and neurotransmitters during the release of adrenaline.

  • Increase the functionality of the brain.

Mental abilities are improved as they are strengthened neural connections. The benefits of walking are manifested not only in the left hemisphere, which is responsible for analytical work, but also provides a wide field for the realization of creative potential. It has been experimentally proven that the ability to generate ideas increases by 60%.

  • Save.

A nice bonus to all the pluses of walking on foot will be their "free". In addition to comfortable walking shoes, there are no more restrictions, it does not require financial investments. No need to buy a subscription or pay for the services of a coach. All it takes is a little effort on yourself to turn walking into a daily hobby.

What are the types of walking?

There are many types of walking. Among them:

  • walking in place;
  • on foot;
  • Scandinavian;
  • sports;
  • energy;
  • up the steps.

Let's take a closer look at some of the types.

On foot

A person walks all his life, such is his physiology, unless, of course, serious problems with health.

The main thing in this type of movement can be called gradualness and periodicity. Gradualization consists in starting with shorter and slower walks with gradual increase time interval and speed.

Discount must be made on the state of health and age. So young and healthy people should focus on the speed of movement, and the elderly - on the duration.

Frequency should be understood as the preference for systemic walks, since walking "from time to time" will not bring the expected result.

The main benefit of walking is the improvement of the whole organism as a whole. Thanks to walks, you can significantly improve your well-being and improve the quality of life.

nordic walking

This variety consists in movement based on two ski-like poles. When walking, you should slightly push off from them.

The benefits of Nordic walking are:

  • improving the work of the heart muscle;
  • enhanced ventilation of the lungs;
  • strengthening of muscle tissue.

In order not to harm your health, you should choose the right sticks. Their size is calculated by the formula: P * K, where P is the height of the athlete, and K is a constant coefficient equal to 0.68.

Race walking

This style of walking is distinguished by speed. You must try to move at the highest possible speed. In this case, you can not go on a run, that is, at any time one of the feet must touch the ground.

The benefits of walking in a sports style are provided by a general strengthening effect on the body; with such a movement, a person gets tired much less than when running.

Girls should Special attention give race walking, because it contributes to the creation of beautiful feminine outlines of the figure.

How to walk correctly?

You need to know how to walk correctly. It's not just about rearranging the legs and moving in space. For walking to be beneficial, it is important to adhere to some rules.

Do you need a warm-up

Before walking or doing sports or Nordic walking, you should prepare the muscles for the load. To do this, at least a minimal warm-up should be done. It may include the following groups of exercises:

  • Initial.
    • swing your legs;
    • shallow squats;
    • jumping in place.
  • Intensive. Includes stretching exercises:
    • wide steps with body fixation;
    • springy squats.

What to keep pace

Wellness walking involves several speed modes:

  1. Slow. Makes no more than 3 km/h. This type is recommended for use by people with poor health or in the period after illness.
  2. Average. The speed can vary from 3 to 4 km/h. preferred as initial stage for untrained people who do not yet have experience.
  3. Quick. The speed can be increased up to 5 km/h. Recommended for people with no health problems.
  4. Very fast. A person moves 6 kilometers in 1 hour. Suitable for healthy, physically developed and trained people.

How to finish

Walking should not be interrupted without preparation. Just as before starting a walk, you should do a few gymnastic exercises. AT this case this will be moderate walking and exercises to relax the muscles that were overstressed during the walk.

Who can't walk?

The benefits of walking are great, however, there are conditions when, out of ignorance, you can harm your health. Contraindications include:

  • Recent surgeries. There is a risk of suture divergence and increased pain due to increased physical activity.
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  • The presence of pathologies in musculoskeletal system. Short walks are possible only with the permission of the attending doctor.
  • Increased arterial pressure.
  • Development of infectious processes.

How much should you walk every day?

To maintain health, you need to walk daily, and not from time to time. To begin with, it is enough to get out early when traveling to work or home, to a stop earlier than necessary.

In addition, it is better to calculate the walk not by kilometers traveled, so that there is no desire to unnecessarily accelerate, but by the time spent on the road. Half-hour or hour walks at an average pace in the fresh air are considered optimal and most effective.

For human body Nothing is more important than oxygen. Therefore, small children are often sent for a walk. But growing up, a person begins to spend less and less time outside the house and work, limiting himself to the road to the store and bus stop or car. And walking in the fresh air is extremely beneficial. Making time for this is important at any age. And if it is difficult to force yourself, then the incentive will appear after reading the information about how fresh air affects the body.

AT modern conditions life, when a person is surrounded by endless stress and thoughts about problems, and everyone has to hurry somewhere, many people generally forget about their health. And it's not that hard to maintain. To do this, it is enough to spend a little more time in fresh, unpolluted air. It will help to strengthen not only health, but also affect many areas of life. The value of fresh air is much higher than many people think. So what are the benefits of being outdoors? How do they affect a person?

Improve mood, relieve stress

Hiking in the fresh air is very useful for bad mood, severe stress, fatigue. This is very important for modern man. A pleasant clean smell promotes relaxation, improves mood, and the smell of trees reduces the feeling of fatigue and stress. When walking slowly, a person begins to feel calm and happy. He remains alone with the beauty of nature and his thoughts, which allows him to get the maximum benefit for the nervous system. The best place for hiking in the fresh clean air is a park.

interesting fact

Stanford University conducted research that proved that an hour and a half walk in nature reduces the activity of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe brain that is responsible for negative emotions. Scientists have noted that people living in the countryside are less prone to negativity and depression.

improve health

The main benefit of walking outdoors is positive influence on health in general. Physical activity combined with a walk in nature helps to strengthen the immune system, even during periods of cold weather. Daily walks improve the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, lower blood pressure. The metabolism is accelerated, which cannot be achieved by visiting a regular gym. Fresh atmospheric air helps plants produce phytoncides that destroy tumor cells and reduce the risk of development. cancer if a person inhales them.

Fill with energy

If you regularly walk in the fresh air, then the need for energy drinks will disappear. Human energy in a pure pleasant smell nature and beautiful view rises by 90% . If you want to drink another cup of coffee, you should try a little walk - the effect will be amazing. In addition, frequent physical activity leads to muscle tone, which also gives an additional boost of energy.

Improve sleep

Most people don't even consider the importance of fresh air for sleep quality. Those who spend more time away from home sleep for about ¾ hour longer than the others. Their sleep is much stronger, and when they wake up, they feel much happier and more active. Before going to bed, walking in the fresh cool air is also important.

Improve brain function

If you want to become smarter and increase your productivity, then you definitely need to spend more time in the fresh air. Short walks in parks or forests improve memory and increase concentration by about 20% . And fresh air for children with hyperactivity and attention deficit disorder is generally required, because. this is The best way get them to focus.

interesting fact

American scientists compared the effects of walking and stretching exercises on brain function. For this, two groups of people from 50 to 80 years old were selected. One had to do stretching exercises, the other had to spend as much time in the fresh street air as the first spend on exercises. A year later, the results were summed up with the help of special diagnostics: in those who walked, the brain increased in volume by 2% , which fell on the areas responsible for memory and activity planning.

Make a person more attractive

Hiking in the fresh air allows you to get enough oxygen, which is extremely beneficial for the whole circulatory system. From this, a slight blush appears, with which the skin looks more beautiful, and the person takes on a rested look. Improving metabolism and removing toxins can also change appearance in positive side than fresh air is even more useful. Calories are burned from regular walks, and a person begins to lose extra pounds. The benefits of walking are invaluable.

Strengthen family relationships

Walking does not have a direct impact on life in society. However psychological condition, which is subjected to the strongest influence, is just very important for relationships with others. If you are more often in the fresh air, then it will become much easier for a person to communicate with loved ones. You can do it together. Then the health benefits of fresh air will be complemented by even more pleasant pastime with loved ones.

Features of the winter period

AT winter time people experience even more stress than usual. New Year's fuss, cold, lack of vitamins - all this leads to unpleasant problems with health. To fix this, you need to walk in the fresh cool air every day. You should not worry that you can catch a cold from a low temperature. Winter air has its own characteristics, which are especially useful. And people catch a cold, as a rule, during the transitional periods between summer and winter, and not in the cold. Frost destroys all viruses, which reduces the risk of getting sick. What are good walks in the fresh cold air in winter:

  1. Fresh frosty air contains elevated level oxygen. This improves: health, brain function, mood, appearance.
  2. Strong cold hardens a person. If you walk more, then immunity will noticeably get stronger.
  3. Walking in the cold helps fight headaches and strengthens the heart.
  4. winter air in evening time guarantees even better sleep.
  5. Low temperature maintains the tone of the nervous system, which enhances resistance to stress.
  6. The air in winter cools the skin, saturates it large quantity oxygen. From this, it becomes smooth, elastic, beautiful, and also acquires a pink blush.

Spending some time outdoors in the winter is very important. This will improve health and make a person happier.

interesting fact

Harvard researchers have proven that girls in the winter season seem more attractive to men, even taking into account a large number of warm clothes. The reason is that in winter, men produce more sex hormones, and therefore they become more attentive to the appearance of the opposite sex.

Shinrin-yoku (forest bathing)

Shinrin-yoku- a way to prevent your health. It is also called forest bathing and translates as "bathing among the forests." The homeland of Shinrin-yoku is Japan, whose inhabitants have always taken great care of their health. This way of improving health involves slow walks in the forest, calm breathing and maximum relaxation with the disclosure of oneself to nature.

What are the benefits of walking in the woods?

  • getting rid of depression;
  • lowering cortisol;
  • removal of irritability;
  • recuperation;
  • decrease in blood pressure and heart rate.

This is what has been scientifically proven. But there is another reason why it is useful to walk in the forest according to the Japanese method: the phytoncides, which were already mentioned above, are present in the highest possible concentration in the forest, which is why the risk of developing tumors from such walks is reduced to almost zero.

How much to walk?

How much time do you need to spend in the park walking for it to be useful? You can start with short 10 minute walks, and only then gradually increase this time. When the body gets used minimal time should become 30 minutes. It is recommended to walk 1 to 2 hours, and how much time exactly to spend on the street, it is up to the person himself to decide - you can allocate even 6 hours. It is important to do this daily. Morning or evening, it doesn't matter.

The purpose of the walk is the opportunity to breathe calmly and relax. Therefore, it is best to walk slowly, sometimes speeding up your step to increase physical activity, but in no case should you run. At the same time, you need to be as relaxed and calm as possible. The path should pass through the places least polluted by cars and factories, i.e. parks or forests.

interesting fact

Scientists from the United States came to the conclusion that a person needs to go out for a walk every day for one hour. This means that you need to pass at least 5 km. They believe that this is the best way to keep the heart healthy even in old age.


Fresh air is good for health - there is no arguing with that. Every self-care person should set aside a little time for a walk every day in order to cover their minimum distance and get a boost of energy, at the same time strengthening their health. And the best incentive is knowing why it is good to walk outside every day. It remains only to start.

Hiking- this is the view active rest, which is available to any person and brings great benefit for the body.

Benefits of hiking

Hiking cannot be called a sport in the full sense of the word. But nevertheless, they are no less useful than sports and at the same time have many advantages.

Walking is one of the most accessible options for physical activity. No material investments are required to make walks, no gym, trainers or special equipment. It is also very convenient that there is no attachment to a specific training time - you can choose both the time and the place for walking. Depending on how you feel, you can independently set the volume and pace of the load.

Walking has no contraindications for the health and age of a person, so it is suitable for everyone. This is the least traumatic type of physical activity. Walking is especially beneficial for office workers who spend the whole day sitting in a chair. Walks can be combined with communication with children, friends or walking with pets.

In addition, walking in the fresh air in the park, forest, on the banks of the river is an observation of the beauty of nature. They have a positive effect on the mood of a person, give positive emotions and add mental strength.

Health benefits of walking

Despite its simplicity and routine, walking brings great health benefits to anyone. Here's how hiking affects the state of our body:

  • During a walk in the fresh air, all organs of the body are more intensively supplied with blood and receive more oxygen.
  • When walking, almost all the muscles of our body are involved. The muscles of the arms and legs, joints, and spine are especially strengthened with such movements. A small but constant load has a positive effect on their condition.
  • Long walks strengthen blood vessels and heart muscles
  • Hiking in nature has a positive effect on the state of the nervous system, improves psycho-emotional state a person, relieve stress and tension, give vigor and energy.
  • Walking improves the condition of the respiratory organs, since when walking in the fresh air, the lungs are intensively supplied with oxygen, cleansed and healed.
  • Daily walking lowers blood cholesterol levels, which is especially important for older people.
  • Regular walking reduces the risk of developing diabetes
  • Calm walking improves the functioning of all organs gastrointestinal tract, improves digestion of food and metabolic processes.
  • Regular walking strengthens the human immune system, has a hardening effect and increases the overall endurance of the body.
  • Intensive walking promotes weight loss and improves the appearance of the figure by strengthening muscles (while walking at a moderate pace, the body burns about 9 calories per minute).
  • Walking outside in the evening helps fight insomnia.

How to organize a walk

Doctors advise walking daily, but if this is not possible, then it is advisable to set aside at least 3-4 days a week for this. Walking time should be at least 30-40 minutes. It is recommended to do this in any weather, picking up clothes for the season.

The greatest health benefits come from walking at a brisk pace. It is recommended to alternate the stages of the walk - first at an accelerated pace, then at a calm pace, and repeating this several times. But if walking in an enhanced mode is difficult for health reasons, then you should stop only at calm, measured walks. Breathing while walking should be even. If you feel shortness of breath or heaviness in the heart, then you need to slow down the pace of the walk. You need to finish the walk with a slow, calm step.

If you are poorly physically prepared and have not been involved in sports for a long time, then even walking should be started gradually so as not to overload the body. Start by walking a distance of 2-3 kilometers daily at a relaxed pace. Then every week you need to gradually increase the pace and duration of the walk. At the beginning of classes, the pace of walking can be up to 100 steps per minute, after 1-2 months - up to 120 steps per minute (this speed is called a marching step). To measure the distance traveled, it is convenient to use a pedometer. Doctors think that healthy man for supporting physical form must walk about 10 km every day. Walking on hilly terrain rather than flat ground is more beneficial for muscle training.

When walking, watch your posture, try to keep your back straight, head straight. Shoulders should be relaxed and relaxed. With each step, the foot must be lowered to the heel, and repelled from the toe. Choose comfortable shoes and clothes that will make walking as comfortable as possible.

If it is not possible to allocate time for walking every day, then you can try to find an opportunity to walk more during the day. For example, during your lunch break, do not sit at the monitor, but go outside and walk around the neighborhood. If you are commuting home from work public transport, then try to get off one stop early and walk the rest of the way. If possible, do not use the elevator, but go up and down the stairs. Walking up stairs is also an additional cardio workout.


Hiking (trekking) is a type of hiking, which is hiking over long distances. In addition to walking directly, trekking is also focused on exploring the area and sightseeing. This kind vigorous activity already close to sports training and requires a person more endurance and a certain physical fitness. Therefore, people with good health take part in hiking trips. Travelers on their feet have to carry heavy backpacks with the necessary things.

Trips can be either one-day or multi-day. The route of the hike is laid along a known area, so that it passes close to settlements. Usually tourists move at a fast pace for 40-50 minutes, after which they stop for 10-15 minutes to rest. Hiking is great view active recreation, which improves health, increases physical training endurance of the organism and gives many new impressions.


  • Walking as an easy way to rejuvenate, article on the beauty portal MyCharm.ru

For a long time, people have used walking not only as a way to lose weight. excess weight.

Walking is an effective way to protect your body from various diseases, which are inherent in each organism as they grow older and increase in fat mass.

The human body works in such a way that in order to maintain its proper functioning, it is necessary to be in motion all the time.

Therefore, this fact has become the reason that people conducting most of their life in an immobile position, are much more prone to many diseases, including heart failure or disruption of the digestive tract.

Researchers who work with the prerequisites for obesity argue that overweight is not affected by the calorie content of food, but by immobility, sedentary image life.

Walking is a useful physical exercise, thanks to which people can maintain their health and also look good even in old age. Walking is great way deal with your excess weight.

Slim figure

Systematic walking is in an efficient way to get rid of extra pounds. People who have problems with weight in the gluteal and femoral areas begin to lose volume within a few weeks after starting a workout.

This means that walking promotes a rapid metabolism, which, in turn, does not allow excess fat accumulate in the body.

Full sleep

Walking helps to reduce the level of the hormone cortisol, thereby improving sleep. Walking is best done in the evening, after dinner.

This will allow you to properly digest food and a full stomach will not cause inconvenience during sleep. Also, if a person is in a state strong emotion then walking is a great way to get rid of stress.

Strong immunity

It has been scientifically proven that walking allows the blood to circulate actively, delivering oxygen to all parts of the body. There are several elements in the blood, thanks to which the body fights against various infections.

Blood circulation allows the protective elements in the human body to circulate, destroying everything harmful bacteria that threaten health.

Sturdy Skeleton

the most famous age problem associated with bone tissue, is osteoporosis. The natural wear and tear of the skeleton can be delayed by walking.

Hiking is considered moderate exercise, which, when combined with calcium intake, will have a positive effect on bone health.

Proper heart function

Cardio training combined with walking will help improve the quality of the heart and blood vessels. Walking helps to train the muscles of the heart, allowing them to work harder and better.

Protection against hypertension

Hypertension affects a large number of people who lead a mostly sedentary lifestyle. However, morning and evening walks can protect the body from this disease.

Thanks to walking, the deposition of excess adipose tissue is prevented, the walls of blood vessels are strengthened, so an abundance of blood passes through them with the usual division. Additional adipose tissue constricts blood vessels, which causes high blood pressure.

Always good mood

Walking, like any physical activity, helps to produce hormones of joy, giving a person positive emotions and a sense of happiness. Stimulated by walking mental capacity because the brain receives more oxygen.

For this reason, a person begins to look at everyday things more logically and judiciously, understanding much better possible problems and the reasons for their decision.

healthy lungs

The fresh air that a person breathes while walking improves the functioning of the lungs and respiratory muscles. The air that a person consumes indoors contains a much lower concentration of oxygen in its composition.

Therefore, walking is much healthier than exercise indoors.

no diabetes

Diabetes is known to be inherited. But, systematic walking in the fresh air will help break this painful chain. Walking improves metabolism, so blood sugar and insulin levels are much better regulated.

New acquaintances

While walking, you can easily meet like-minded people, with whom you can later arrange joint health walks.

Live communication along with physical activity - the best medicine from all problems.

Walking: where to start?

In order to start walking, you need to define specific goals for yourself. If the desire lies in the usual strengthening of muscles, then for this it will be enough to arrange daily walks for half an hour.

If a person wants to get rid of extra pounds, then in addition to regular walks, you also need to add brisk walking lasting 40-45 minutes several times a week.

Walking can replace short-distance public transport. You can also ditch the elevator in favor of walking up the stairs - this is also a great calorie burner.

You should start walking with a warm-up. The first five minutes the pace is slow, gradually growing into a lively one. Shouldn't be ignored correct posture, you need to keep your back straight, pull your stomach in a little, and straighten your shoulders.

The foot is placed on the heel, rolling onto the toe. The forefoot helps push off the ground. In order to accelerate, it is not necessary to take a step wider, you just need to speed it up.

Keep your arms bent properly elbow joint, moving them in the direction from the waist to the chest and back. The speed is also reduced gradually. Last minutes walks take place at the same slow pace, while you need to breathe deeply and smoothly.

Hiking is possible in any area, in any weather. Of course, it is best to do this in parks, as the air is cleaner there.

You need to walk only on flat paths, for example, on soft ground. Thanks to this, the feet will have the correct cushioning. Shoes should be of high quality, with not too thin and hard soles.

For this activity, specialized sports shoes are best suited, which are designed specifically for this type of activity.

  • The championship in all Olympic distances in race walking is occupied by Russian athletes - Olimpiada Ivanova, Sergey Morozov and Denis Nizhnegorodov.
  • The swinging hips characteristic of walkers, which look a little unusual from the side, help athletes increase their speed of movement.
  • The standard speed of a walker of the highest rank is 15 km per hour. This is half the speed of a sprinter, however, 2 times the speed of a breaststroke and 3 times faster than normal walking.
  • Professional athletes can walk more than 30 km per day, and the weekly rate is almost 200 km.


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Walking serves our natural way movement, this is a physical exercise that is available to a person of any age category, one of the simple and effective methods promoting health, developing physical qualities, increasing energy. What are the benefits of walking outdoors?

Health benefits of walking

  • immunity is strengthened,
  • improves heart function
  • blood pressure normalizes
  • blood circulation improves,
  • oxygen saturation occurs
  • metabolism is normalized,
  • colon cancer prevention,
  • fats are burned
  • strengthens musculoskeletal system and muscular system
  • leg muscles are strengthened
  • prevention of varicose veins,
  • the work of the nervous system is normalized,
  • removed nervous tension,
  • increases the amount of hormones of happiness,
  • insomnia goes away
  • relieves stress and depression
  • increased vitality,
  • rejuvenating effect occurs.

When walking, almost all the muscles of the body are included in the work, while the muscles of the legs, pelvis, abdomen, arms and back develop and strengthen very well. In addition, bones and ligaments are strengthened, posture and gait are improved, as a result of which normal conditions for the proper functioning of internal organs.

How much to walk a day for health

Walking also awakens the vital processes of all organs and systems, helps to increase and strengthen immune system, serves as a kind of preventive measure against many heart diseases, and in some cases complete cure various diseases cardiac, digestive, respiratory and nervous systems.

Types of walking

The impact of walking on the human body is quite diverse and depends on the speed (number of steps per minute), distances and general physical activity. Walking is divided into the following types: on toes, heels, on bent legs, cross step, with high knees, etc. Common ones include: ordinary (walking), marching and sports.


Elderly people are usually attracted to walking for various distances. With good health and some training, they are able to walk at a fairly fast pace.

The speed of movement, distance, time of day and general physical activity is determined individually, based on the goal of walking and health. For example, walking in the fresh air before going to bed reduces nervous tension and relaxes. Basically, they are performed at any time of the year without effort, slowly. During such a walk, it is necessary that the breathing be even, deep, calm.

Walking at lunchtime helps to relieve accumulated fatigue, they are carried out at a calm and even pace. The speed of walking to and from work can be both slow and fast. It all depends on the physical abilities and desires. It is also important to ensure that they do not cause a feeling of fatigue, but, on the contrary, there is a feeling of a surge of strength, an improvement in mood. The route of such walks should be tried to be laid in quiet places, with a large number of trees (through parks, squares, alleys), with low traffic. To improve the effect of walking, it is recommended to perform.

Walking trips

In addition to the walks described above, there are long walks (walks-hikes) that require more serious physical exertion, which is often equated with sports training. This type of walking has a positive effect on nervous system, increases energy and tones.

In such long routes, only people with good health, the optimal pace is from 2.5 to 4-5 km per hour. After 40-50 minutes, it is advisable to take a break for 10 minutes, during which it would be good to massage the legs, perform simple physical exercises for stretching. After rest, do not rush, walk slowly, gradually accelerating your step. If the distance is long, rest stops should be at least 30-40 minutes.

Correct walking technique

Choose clothes that will not hamper your movements. In summer, for long-distance “hikes”, give preference to shorts or a light tracksuit, in winter - a warm suit and, most importantly, always comfortable shoes (sneakers, sneakers).

A walk, like any workout, consists of 3 parts: preparatory (introductory), main and final.

Start walking with slow steps, then slightly accelerate, and in the end the pace should reach 100 or more steps per minute.

After the body is prepared to perform heavier loads, the main part begins. It can be short, but intense, can be long, many hours and with moderate load. The speed of the walk in this part is the highest. The more intense the main part of the walk, the shorter it is and the longer the final part. In it, 7-10 minutes before the end, the fast pace of walking is replaced by an average and then slow. At the end of the "festivities" do breathing exercises.

Of course, walking will be useful when a person walks correctly. Therefore, when walking, you need to move easily, keep your back straight, but you should not strain your body, walk with your head up, with your shoulders turned, tightened belly, you should not slouch, lower your shoulders, sway from side to side.

When walking, the feet should be slightly turned with toes to the sides, the leg is freely, without any effort, moved forward and placed from heel to toe. Breathing should be deep, even, rhythmic, about 2-4 steps full inhale and 2-4 - exhale.

Having learned to walk correctly, relaxed, without tightness, skillfully change tension for muscle relaxation, economically perform movements, you will spend much less of your strength and energy on overcoming any distances. Instead of fatigue, you will receive only a positive charge of energy.

Why is it good to walk?

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