Swot analysis of the settlement essence and application. SWOT analysis

The starting point for the final accumulation of all key information collected using the previously described methods and the final analysis is the SWOT analysis (the abbreviation is made up of the first letters of the English words: strength- strength, weakness - weakness, opportunity- opportunity and threat- threat) is one of the most common and effective types of analysis in marketing and marketing research, especially if the method is applied in its full version.

SWOT analysis allows you to identify and structure the strengths and weaknesses of the company, as well as potential opportunities and threats to the market. As a result of applying all preliminary methods of analysis, researchers should compare the internal strengths and weaknesses of their company with the opportunities and threats of the market. Based on the quality of compliance, a conclusion is made about the direction in which the organization should develop its business and, ultimately, the allocation of resources to segments.

The SWOT analysis methodology involves first identifying strengths and weaknesses, as well as threats and opportunities, and then establishing chains of links between them, which can later be used to formulate organizational strategies.

Strengths and weaknesses are elements of the internal environment in which a wide variety of aspects of the organization's activities can be embedded.

A strength is something a company excels at, or a feature that can provide it with additional business opportunities.

Weakness is the absence of something important for the functioning of the company, something that it fails (in comparison with others), or something that puts it in unfavorable conditions.

Any element, depending on the perception of buyers, can turn out to be both a strength and a weakness.

Opportunities and threats are elements of the external environment. Opportunities and threats are outside the organization's control. They can be considered as external factors related to the elements of the market environment.

Opportunity is defined as something that gives a firm a chance to do something new: launch a new product, win new customers, introduce new technology, and so on.

A threat is something that can cause damage to the company, deprive it of significant advantages.

An environmental analysis, which should already have been completed by the time of the swot analysis using the PEST analysis and Porter's five-factor model (described above), can serve as an excellent starting point for this part of the swot analysis.

On the first stage implementation of the method, researchers, taking into account the specific situation in which the company is located, based on the results of a preliminary study of external and internal expertise, desk study of sources of secondary information, various surveys to obtain summary data, make a list of all its weaknesses and strengths, as well as a list of threats and opportunities market and represent it in matrix form.

The compilation of this matrix is ​​also called qualitative swot analysis, from which the stage of the full implementation of the method begins.

In table. 7.2 shows the most frequently included in the method directions of analysis, which should be disclosed for the market under study.

SWOT-analysis for any particular company is unique and may include one or more positions from the presented list, or even all at once. Each element presented in a qualitative swot-analysis should be as detailed as possible for a specific industry and the company directly studied.

After a specific, most complete list of weaknesses and strengths, as well as threats and opportunities has been compiled, on second stage each parameter should be assessed with the help of industry experts and qualified employees of the company conducting the research according to its degree of importance for the company (on a scale: 0 - weak impact, 1 - medium impact, 2 - strong impact). For the components of the external environment, the probabilities of the presented opportunities and threats should be assessed on a similar scale by introducing an additional column into the matrix.

Table 7.2.

As a result, all assessed elements within each of the four groups should be ranked in order of importance to the organization and placed in descending order of importance. This stage of the implementation of the method is called quantitative swot analysis. Based on its results, as a rule, 5-6 most significant elements from each group are transferred to the next stage, so they can be immediately highlighted in color on the quantitative matrix.

On the third stage links are established between these four groups. For these purposes, a confrontational swot matrix , schematically shown in Fig. 7.1.

Intersections of the most important for the organization, according to experts, elements of weaknesses and threats (zone IV of the matrix) reveal the central problem for the organization as a result of the connection of these elements to eliminate weaknesses and prepare to repel possible threats. The intersections of the most important elements of strengths and capabilities (zone I of the matrix) form strategic priorities, i.e. how the company plans to use its strengths to take advantage of

Rice. 7.1. Shape of the Confrontation Matrix SWOT - analysis

be 100% satisfied by the favorable opportunities provided by the external environment and eliminate the central problem.

The existing options for confrontation can be the following:

  • strength/opportunity - market leader/market growth;
  • strength/threat - market leader or strong innovation/increasing competition or increasing consumer influence;
  • weakness/opportunity - low gross margin or loss of market share/market growth or large market size;
  • Weakness/Threat Low gross margin or loss of market share/increasing competition or increasing consumer power.

An example of the formation of a confrontation matrix for a website manufacturer is shown in Table. 7.3.

For the given example, the central problem can be formulated as follows: the company's passive advertising activity against the background of high competition forms the central problem of a low level of attracting new customers. The dependence here is as follows: if the company does not advertise properly, then potential customers may not know about this company, and if there is high competition in the market, then the likelihood increases that new consumers will eventually cooperate with one of the competing companies, information about which will be available in different advertising channels.

SWOT analysis helps researchers answer the following questions.

  • 1. Does the company under study use internal strengths or distinctive advantages in its strategy? If a company does not have distinctive strengths, what potential strengths could they be?
  • 2. Are the company's weaknesses its competitive vulnerabilities and/or do they prevent it from taking advantage of certain favorable circumstances? What weaknesses require adjustment based on strategic considerations?
  • 3. What favorable circumstances give the company a real chance of success when using its skills and access to resources? It is important to understand here that favorable opportunities without ways to implement them are an illusion. The strengths and weaknesses of the company allow it to better or worse adapt to the use of favorable opportunities compared to other firms.

Table 7.3.

4. What threats should the company under study be most concerned about and what strategic actions should it take to protect itself well?

To avoid mistakes when conducting market research and get the most out of a SWOT analysis, must be respected the following regulations.

Rule 1 It is important to carefully highlight the scope of the SWOT analysis being carried out. When conducting research, a general superficial analysis is often carried out, covering the entire business of the company. As a result, it becomes too general and useless for its top managers, who are interested in deep detail, in particular opportunities in specific markets or segments. Focusing the SWOT analysis on a specific segment ensures that the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats that are most important to it are identified.

rule 2. It is necessary to clearly understand the differences between SWOT elements: strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Strengths and weaknesses are internal elements of the company's activities that are subject to control by its management. Opportunities and threats (the greatest number of mistakes are made in these elements during the implementation of the method) are associated with the characteristics of the market environment and are not subject to the influence of the organization. In other words, these should not be the opportunities and threats of the company itself, but only the market or the external environment. The company can only determine in the conclusions how to use the highlighted opportunities and how to avoid the negative consequences of market threats.

Rule 3 . Strengths and weaknesses can only be considered as such if they are perceived as such by customers, and not by researchers or employees of the company under study. In addition, they should be formulated against the background of existing competitors' proposals. For example, a strong side will only be strong when the market sees it as such. At the same time, the most significant advantages and weaknesses should be included in the analysis.

Rule 4 When implementing the method, researchers need to be objective and use versatile input information. It is impossible to entrust the construction of the matrix to one person, since this specialist may not be absolutely accurate and deep in the analysis of factors. It is more expedient to conduct research in the form of a group discussion and exchange of ideas. It is important to understand that a SWOT analysis is not just a presentation of the subjective opinions of the people involved in it. It should be based as much as possible on objective facts and data collected in the course of pre-realized intermediate methods for studying the external and internal marketing environment. Therefore, the process of identifying factors for each quadrant of the matrix should be carried out with the creation of an expert group from among the company's employees, dealers and other experts in this market.

Rule 5 Spaciousness and ambiguity must be avoided. Too often, swot analysis items look vague precisely because they include language that means nothing to most buyers. The more precise the formulations, the more useful the analysis will be.

Swat analysis should be as focused as possible, for example, if necessary, a separate table should be built for each new market or group of buyers.

It is very important when conducting market research to back up all statements by researchers with real evidence (quotes, letters, industry statistics, press reports, government publications, information from dealers, survey data and customer comments) so that they are not unfounded, subjective for company management, conducting the study, and therefore unconvincing for use in further work. It must be constantly remembered that the analysis should be built with a focus on customers, and not on the internal problems of the organization, which in no way affect its behavior in the market.

When considering each swot analysis factor, it is important to analyze it through a set of the following key questions:

  • - Is there any certainty that this is actually the case?
  • - How high is the probability of this opinion, does it require additional expertise?
  • - From what sources was this confidence formed and to what extent are the sources used reliable and objective?
  • - Is there a chance that things could change in the near future?
  • - Does the statement put forward have a meaning (relationship or meaning) for buyers of the company's products?
  • - Has a specific position in relation to competitors been considered?

Often when conducting market research, especially as part of a marketing system audit, a separate SWOT analysis is carried out for each leading competitor in the industry, as well as for different markets. This reveals the company's relative strengths and weaknesses, its potential to deal with threats and exploit opportunities. The procedure is useful in determining the attractiveness of existing opportunities and assessing the firm's ability to exploit them.

In such cases, often when using a SWOT analysis of market opportunities and threats, work is carried out with the strategic matrices shown in Fig. 7.2, 7.3.

Rice. 7.2.

BC - high/strong; WU - high/moderate; VM - high/small; HM - low / small, etc.

When constructing a strategic matrix of opportunities for the external environment, an expert assesses the strength of the influence of an favorable opportunity on the company and the likelihood of its manifestation. A cluster breakdown is performed in a matrix in which a discrete scoring scale obtained by an expert can be used, and based on the established ranges of the scales in which the factor will fall, united in certain quadrants. The position of each factor on the matrix can also be shown directly in it with specific points. In the analysis, only factors that fall into the upper left quadrant of this matrix (the first two squares horizontally and vertically) are singled out, since they have the maximum impact on the company and the most significant probability of occurrence. Factors falling in the lower right field are ignored as the least significant. The situational approach is applied to the factors occupying the diagonal.

A similar approach analyzes the threats of the external environment.

Rice. 7.3.

VR - high/destruction; VC - high/critical condition; VT - high/severe condition; VL - high / "light bruises"; NL - low / "light bruises", etc.

The difference in the structure of the threat matrix lies in a more multifactorial breakdown of the degree of influence of the threat on the enterprise, in which four clusters are already used: destruction, critical condition, serious condition, "light bruises".

By identifying the most significant factors of opportunities and threats, researchers analyze the possibilities of using them in strategic planning by pairwise comparison with the internal factors of the company's strengths and weaknesses.

Have you ever wondered what a good military leader does before a fight? He studies the field of the upcoming battle, looking for all the winning hills and dangerous swampy places, assesses his own strength and the strength of the enemy. If he does not, he will doom his army to defeat.

The same principles work in business. Business is a never-ending series of small and large battles. If you do not assess the strengths and weaknesses of your enterprise before the battle, do not identify market opportunities and threats (the very uneven terrain that becomes of great importance in the heat of battle), your chances of success will decrease dramatically.

In order to get a clear assessment of the strength of your company and the situation in the market, there is a SWOT analysis.

SWOT-analysis is the definition of the strengths and weaknesses of your enterprise, as well as the opportunities and threats coming from its immediate environment (external environment).
  • Strengths (S trainingths) benefits your organization;
  • Weaknesses (W eaknesses) your organization's shortcomings;
  • Capabilities (O pportunities) environmental factors, the use of which will create advantages for your organization in the market;
  • Threats (T hreats) factors that could potentially worsen your organization's market position.

The use of SWOT analysis will allow you to systematize all available information and, seeing a clear picture of the "battlefield", make informed decisions regarding the development of your business.

SWOT analysis in the marketing plan of your company

SWOT-analysis is an intermediate link between the formulation of the mission of your enterprise and the definition of its goals and objectives. Everything happens in the following sequence (see Figure 1):

  1. You have determined the main direction for the development of your enterprise (its mission)
  2. Then you weigh your strengths and assess the market situation in order to understand whether you can move in the indicated direction and how best to do it (SWOT analysis);
  3. After that, you set goals for your enterprise, taking into account its real capabilities (determining the strategic goals of your enterprise, which will be devoted to one of the following articles).

So, after conducting a SWOT analysis, you will have a clearer idea of ​​the advantages and disadvantages of your enterprise, as well as the situation in the market. This will allow you to choose the best development path, avoid dangers and make the most of the resources at your disposal, while taking advantage of the opportunities provided by the market.

Even if you are sure that you are already well aware of everything, we still advise you to conduct a SWOT analysis, as in this case it will help to structure the available information about the enterprise and the market and take a fresh look at the current situation and opening prospects.

How to conduct a SWOT analysis

In general, conducting a SWOT analysis comes down to filling in the matrix shown in Figure 2, the so-called. SWOT Analysis Matrices. In the appropriate cells of the matrix, you need to enter the strengths and weaknesses of your company, as well as market opportunities and threats.

Strengths your business, something it excels at or a feature that gives you more value. Strength may lie in your experience, access to unique resources, advanced technology and modern equipment, highly qualified personnel, high quality of your products, brand awareness, etc.

Weaknesses in your business are the absence of something important to the operation of the business, or something that you are not yet able to achieve compared to other companies and puts you in a disadvantageous position. As an example of weaknesses, one can cite a too narrow range of manufactured goods, a bad reputation of the company in the market, lack of funding, low level of service, etc.

Market opportunities are favorable circumstances that your business can take advantage of. As an example of market opportunities, we can cite the deterioration of the position of your competitors, a sharp increase in demand, the emergence of new technologies for the production of your products, an increase in the level of income of the population, etc. It should be noted that the opportunities in terms of SWOT analysis are not all the opportunities that exist in the market, but only those that your company can use.

Market Threats Events that could adversely affect your business if they occur. Examples of market threats: new competitors entering the market, tax increases, changing consumer tastes, declining birth rates, etc.

Note: the same factor for different enterprises can be both a threat and an opportunity. For example, for a store that sells expensive products, the growth of household income may be an opportunity, as it will lead to an increase in the number of customers. At the same time, for a discount store, the same factor can become a threat, as its customers with rising salaries can move to competitors offering a higher level of service.

So, we have determined what should be the result of the SWOT analysis. Now let's talk about how to come to this result.

From words to deeds

Step 1. Determining the strengths and weaknesses of your enterprise

The first step of a SWOT analysis is to assess your own strengths. The first stage will allow you to determine what are the strengths and weaknesses of your enterprise.

In order to determine the strengths and weaknesses of your enterprise, you need to:

  1. Make a list of parameters by which you will evaluate your company;
  2. For each parameter, determine what is the strength of your enterprise, and what is weak;
  3. From the entire list, select the most important strengths and weaknesses of your enterprise and enter them into the SWOT analysis matrix (Figure 2).

Let's illustrate this technique with an example.

So, you have already done a significant part of the work on the SWOT analysis of your enterprise. Let's move on to the second step, identifying opportunities and threats.

Step 2. Identify market opportunities and threats

The second step of the SWOT-analysis is a kind of “reconnaissance of the area” market assessment. This stage will allow you to assess the situation outside your enterprise and understand what opportunities you have, as well as what threats you should be aware of (and, accordingly, prepare for them in advance).

The methodology for identifying market opportunities and threats is almost identical to the methodology for determining the strengths and weaknesses of your enterprise:

Let's move on to an example.

As a basis for assessing market opportunities and threats, you can take the following list of parameters:

  1. Demand factors (here it is advisable to take into account the market capacity, the rate of its growth or contraction, the structure of demand for the products of your enterprise, etc.)
  2. Competition factors (you should take into account the number of your main competitors, the presence of substitute products on the market, the height of barriers to entry and exit from the market, the distribution of market shares among the main market participants, etc.)
  3. Sales factors (it is necessary to pay attention to the number of intermediaries, the availability of distribution networks, the conditions for the supply of materials and components, etc.)
  4. Economic factors (taking into account the exchange rate of the ruble (dollar, euro), inflation rate, changes in the level of income of the population, tax policy of the state, etc.)
  5. Political and legal factors (the level of political stability in the country, the level of legal literacy of the population, the level of law-abidingness, the level of corruption in power, etc.) are assessed.
  6. Scientific and technical factors (the level of development of science, the degree of introduction of innovations (new goods, technologies) into industrial production, the level of state support for the development of science, etc. are usually taken into account)
  7. Socio-demographic factors (you should take into account the size and age and sex structure of the population of the region in which your enterprise operates, the birth and death rates, the level of employment, etc.)
  8. Socio-cultural factors (traditions and the system of values ​​of society, the existing culture of consumption of goods and services, existing stereotypes of people's behavior, etc. are usually taken into account)
  9. Natural and environmental factors (taking into account the climatic zone in which your company operates, the state of the environment, public attitudes towards environmental protection, etc.)
  10. And finally international factors(among them, the level of stability in the world, the presence of local conflicts, etc. are taken into account)

Then, as in the first case, you fill in the table (Table 2): in the first column you write down the evaluation parameter, and in the second and third columns, the existing opportunities and threats associated with this parameter. The examples in the table will help you understand how to list the opportunities and threats in your business.

Table 2. Identifying Market Opportunities and Threats

Evaluation parameters Capabilities Threats
1. Competition Barriers to entry to the market have increased: from this year it is necessary to obtain a license to engage in this type of activity A major foreign competitor is expected to enter the market this year
2. Sales A new retail chain has appeared on the market, which is currently choosing suppliers Starting this year, our largest wholesale buyer selects suppliers based on the results of a tender
3. etc.

After filling in Table 2, as in the first case, you need to select the most important ones from the entire list of opportunities and threats. To do this, you need to evaluate each opportunity (or threat) in two dimensions by asking yourself two questions: “How likely is it that this will happen?” and “How will this affect my business?”. Select those events that are highly likely to happen and have a significant impact on your business. Enter these 5-10 opportunities and approximately the same number of threats into the appropriate cells of the SWOT analysis matrix (Figure 2).

So, the SWOT analysis matrix is ​​completed, and you see before you a complete list of the main strengths and weaknesses of your enterprise, as well as the opportunities and dangers that open up for your business. However, that's not all. Now you need to take the final step and match your company's strengths and weaknesses with market opportunities and threats.

Step 3: Matching the Strengths and Weaknesses of Your Enterprise with Market Opportunities and Threats

Matching strengths and weaknesses with market opportunities and threats will allow you to answer the following questions regarding the further development of your business:

  1. How can I take advantage of the opportunities that are opening up, using the strengths of the enterprise?
  2. What weaknesses of the enterprise can prevent me from doing this?
  3. What strengths can be used to neutralize existing threats?
  4. What threats, exacerbated by weaknesses in the enterprise, should I be most wary of?

To compare the capabilities of your enterprise to market conditions, a slightly modified SWOT analysis matrix is ​​used (table 3).

Table 3. SWOT Analysis Matrix


1. Emergence of a new retail network
2. etc.


1. Emergence of a major competitor
2. etc.


1. High quality products
3. etc.

1. How to seize opportunities
Try to become one of the suppliers of the new network, focusing on the quality of our products
2. How you can reduce threats
Keep our customers from switching to a competitor by informing them about the high quality of our products


1.High production cost
3. etc.

3. What can prevent you from taking advantage of opportunities
The new chain may refuse to purchase our products, as our wholesale prices are higher than those of competitors
4. The biggest dangers for the firm
An emerging competitor can offer the market products similar to ours at lower prices.

Once you complete this matrix (which we hope our examples will help you with), you will find that:

  1. determined the main directions of development of your enterprise(Cell 1 showing how you can take advantage of the opportunity);
  2. formulated the main problems of your enterprise, to be resolved as soon as possible for the successful development of your business (the remaining cells of table 3).

Now you are ready to set goals and objectives for your enterprise. However, we will talk about this in one of the following articles, and now we will dwell on the question that is probably of interest to you:

Where can I get information for conducting a SWOT analysis?

In fact, most of the information needed to conduct a SWOT analysis is already at your disposal. Basically, this is, of course, data on the strengths and weaknesses of your enterprise. All you have to do is to collect all these disparate facts (taking reports from accounting, production and sales departments, talking with your employees who have the necessary information) and organize them. It will be better if you can involve several key employees of your enterprise in the collection and analysis of this information, since it is easy to miss any important detail alone.

Of course, information about the market (opportunities and threats) is somewhat more difficult to obtain. But even here the situation is not hopeless. Here are a few sources you can get useful information from:

  1. results of marketing research, reviews of your market, which are sometimes published in some newspapers (for example, Delovoy Peterburg, Vedomosti, etc.) and magazines (for example, Practical Marketing, Exclusive Marketing, etc.);
  2. reports and collections of the State Statistics Committee and Petersburgkomstat (information on the population, mortality and birth rates, age and sex structure of the population and other useful data);
  3. finally, you can get all the necessary information by ordering a marketing research from a specialized company.

We will tell you more about the sources and methods of collecting information that you may need to conduct a SWOT analysis in the following articles. Now let's sum up all of the above.


SWOT analysis this is a definition of the strengths and weaknesses of your enterprise, as well as opportunities and threats coming from its immediate environment (external environment).

SWOT analysis will allow you to choose the best way to develop your business, avoid dangers and make the most of the resources at your disposal.

The procedure for conducting a SWOT analysis in general comes down to filling out a matrix that reflects and then compares the strengths and weaknesses of your enterprise and the opportunities and threats of the market. This comparison allows you to determine what steps can be taken to grow your business and what problems you urgently need to address.

The following materials were used in preparing the article:

  • Zavgorodnyaya A.V., Yampolskaya D.O. Marketing planning. St. Petersburg: Peter. 2002. 352p.
  • Kotler F. Marketing management. St. Petersburg, Peter Kom, 1998. 896p.
  • Solovieva DV Electronic course of lectures on modeling. 1999.
  • AT Have you ever wondered what a good military leader does before a fight? He studies the field of the upcoming battle, looking for all the winning hills and dangerous swampy places, assesses his own strength and the strength of the enemy. If he does not, he will doom his army to defeat.

    The same principles work in business. Business is an endless series of small and large battles. If you do not assess the strengths and weaknesses of your enterprise before the battle, do not identify market opportunities and threats (the very uneven terrain that becomes of great importance in the heat of battle), your chances of success will decrease dramatically.

    In order to get a clear assessment of the strength of your enterprise and the situation in the market, there is SWOT analysis. It is a special kind of expert method, which is very popular. It got its name from the first letters of four English words, which in Russian translation mean: Strengths and Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. The abbreviation is made up of the first letters of the English words:

    Strength - strength; Weakness - weakness; Opportunities - opportunities; Threats - threats.

    SWOT analysis- this is the definition of the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise, as well as the opportunities and threats emanating from its immediate environment (external environment).

    This methodology can be used as a universal one. It has a special effect in the study of processes in the socio-economic system, which is characterized by dynamism, controllability, dependence of internal and external factors of functioning, cyclical development.

    According to the methodology of this analysis, the distribution of factors characterizing the subject of research is carried out according to these four components, taking into account whether this factor belongs to the class of external or internal factors.

    As a result, a picture of the correlation of strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and dangers appears, which suggests how the situation should be changed in order to have development success.

    The allocation of factors to these quadrants or sectors of the matrices is not always easy. It happens that the same factor simultaneously characterizes both the strengths and weaknesses of the subject. In addition, factors act situationally. In one situation, they look like a virtue, in another - a disadvantage. Sometimes they are disproportionate in their significance. These circumstances can and should be taken into account.

    The same factor can be placed in several quadrants if it is difficult to unambiguously determine its place. This will not adversely affect the study. After all, the essence of the method is to identify factors, place them in such a way that their concentration suggests ways to solve the problem, so that they become manageable.

    In each quadrant, the factors do not have to have the same weight, but they must be presented in their entirety.

    The completed matrix shows the real state of affairs, the state of the problem and the nature of the situation. This is the first stage of the SWOT analysis.

    The second step is to conduct a comparative analysis of strengths and opportunities, which should show how to use the strengths. At the same time, it is necessary to analyze the weaknesses in relation to the existing dangers. Such an analysis will show how likely a crisis is. After all, the danger increases when it arises in conditions of weakness, when the weak sides do not make it possible to hinder the danger.

    Of course, it is very useful to make a comparative analysis of strengths and existing dangers. After all, strengths can be poorly used in preventing a crisis, strengths must be seen not only in relation to favorable opportunities, but also in relation to dangers.

    In the study of control systems, the subject of this method can be various problems of control development. For example, efficiency, personnel, style, distribution of functions, structure of the management system, management mechanism, motivation, professionalism, information support, communications and organizational behavior, etc.

    The use of specially trained and selected experts or internal consultants makes this method more effective.

    There are many modifications of the SWOT analysis method. The most interesting of them method of development and analysis of goals.

    It is known that the goal of management is a decisive factor in success, efficiency, strategy and development. Without a goal, it is impossible to develop a plan or program. But this concerns not only the goal of management, but also the goal of research. After all, it is also not easy to formulate this goal correctly. The research program, the use of research methods depend on the purpose.

    The goal should be developed according to the criteria of Attainability, Specificity, Evaluability (measurability), taking into account the Place and Time. These criteria reflect the English words - Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Timed, in the abbreviated name it is SMART. That's what this method is called.

    The method assumes a consistent assessment of goals according to a set of criteria arranged in a matrix form. Here is a set of comparable factors that reflect the characteristics of the goal: difficult to achieve - easy to achieve, high costs - low costs, has staff support - does not have staff support, has priorities - does not have priorities, is time consuming - takes little time, has a wide impact - has a limited impact , focused on high technologies - focused on low (conventional) technologies, associated with a new management organization - not associated with a new management organization.

    The next step is to create a problem definition matrix. To achieve the goal, a number of problems must be solved. But for this they must first be defined.

    The distribution of problems is carried out according to the following criteria: the existing situation, the desired situation, the possibility of achieving the goal. These criteria characterize the horizontal of the matrix. The following criteria are considered along the vertical: problem definition, problem evaluation (quantitative parameters), organization of the solution (who, where, when), costs of solving the problem.

    Stages of conducting a SWOT analysis:

    Stage 1 . Taking into account the specific situation in which the enterprise is located, a list of its strengths and weaknesses is compiled, as well as a list of threats and opportunities .

    Strengths enterprise - something that it excels in or some feature that gives you additional opportunities. Strength may lie in your experience, access to unique resources, advanced technology and modern equipment, highly qualified personnel, high quality of your products, brand awareness, etc.

    Weak sides enterprise is the absence of something important for the functioning of the enterprise or something that you have not yet succeeded in comparison with other companies and puts you in a disadvantageous position. As an example of weaknesses, one can cite a too narrow range of manufactured goods, a bad reputation of the company in the market, lack of funding, low level of service, etc.

    Market Opportunities are favorable circumstances that your business can take advantage of. As an example of market opportunities, we can cite the deterioration of the position of your competitors, a sharp increase in demand, the emergence of new technologies for the production of your products, an increase in the level of income of the population, etc. It should be noted that the opportunities from the point of view of SWOT analysis are not all the opportunities that exist on the market, but only those that can be used by the enterprise.

    Market Threats- events, the occurrence of which may have an adverse impact on your enterprise. Examples of market threats: new competitors entering the market, tax increases, changing consumer tastes, declining birth rates, etc.

    Please note: the same factor for different enterprises can be both a threat and an opportunity. For example, for a store that sells expensive products, the growth of household income may be an opportunity, as it will lead to an increase in the number of customers. At the same time, for an economy store, the same factor can become a threat, as its customers, with rising salaries, can move to competitors offering a higher level of service.

    Stage 2. Links are established between the strengths and weaknesses of the organization, as well as threats and opportunities.

    To establish these links, a SWOT matrix is ​​compiled, which has the following

    On the left, two sections are distinguished (strengths, weaknesses), in which, respectively, all the strengths and weaknesses of the organization identified at the first stage are entered. In the upper part of the matrix, two sections are also distinguished (opportunities and threats), in which all the identified opportunities and threats are entered.

    At the intersection of sections, four fields are formed. On each of these fields, the researcher must consider all possible paired combinations and select those that should be taken into account when developing an organization behavior strategy. In relation to the tex pairs that were selected from the "SIV" field, a strategy should be developed to use the strengths of the organization in order to get a return on the opportunities, which are For those pairs that ended up on the "SLV" field, the strategy should be built in such a way that, at the expense of the emerging opportunities, try to overcome the weaknesses in the organization. If the pair is on the SIS field, then the strategy should involve the use of the strength of the organization to eliminate threats. Finally, for couples who are on the field of "SLU", the organization must develop such a strategy that would allow it to both get rid of weakness and try to prevent the attack.

    9.2 Specific methods for investigating the interaction of facts

    In the study of management, which is designed to harmonize the joint activities of people, ensure the integration of activities, a large role plays the method of studying the interaction of factors that determine the behavior of objects, the nature of situations, the content of problems.

    This is one of the famous and important methods. Any problem or situation can be represented in the totality of factors of its manifestation and existence. All factors do not exist individually. They are in interaction, which reveals the essence of the problem and suggests its solution. But these interactions are not always noticeable, understandable, structured and ranked in the mind of the researcher. Therefore, it is necessary to determine the composition and nature of interactions. The method is based on this.

    Its use is as follows. A clear identification of factors according to certain criteria and clarity in understanding the interaction are necessary. Further, on this basis, an interaction matrix is ​​built, which should show a picture of existing and possible interactions between various factors. These interactions can be ranked by groups: interactions are essential, insignificant, desirable, undesirable, stable, unstable. Another gradation of interactions and a quantitative assessment of their importance are possible.

    A matrix compiled in this way can show the existing picture, new facets of the problem, and possible ways to solve it. In many cases, this method can be quite effective in management research.

    In management systems using this method, it is possible to study the interactions of functions and links of the management system, factors for improving efficiency or innovative development, the interaction of constraints in the implementation of the strategy, informal interactions in management processes, etc.

    Lecture 10 Research diversification. Methods of intuitive search. Brainstorming method.

    10.2 Composition and system of diversified research methods.

    10.3 Methods of intuitive search in the study of control systems.

    10.4 Brainstorming

    10.1 Research diversification processes: need, present,

    Diversification- one of the notable phenomena of our time. It is a combination of various phenomena, processes or trends that allows you to make the best use of available resources and achieve goals. .

    It is known that diversification in production is manifested in the transformation of many firms and corporations into diversified complexes that combine the production of products for various purposes and use various technologies. Under these conditions, the effect of better use of resources is achieved, the ability to vary products when demand changes, and increase competitiveness. But there is another benefit of diversification. It consists in creating conditions for the mutual enrichment of one technology with another, the use of related principles and approaches, and the provision of a variety of types of products due to the "transfer effect" of an idea or approach. This is reminiscent of the well-known principle of external complementarity in quantum methodology, which begins to manifest itself and act when the external and internal are connected, when it becomes possible to look at the internal from external or fundamentally different positions. This can be called the diversification effect.

    At the same time, diversification of management is also taking place, which manifests itself in a variety of forms and types of management systems, in connecting them according to the needs of managing diversified organizations.

    Processes of diversification are also penetrating the field of research. Here they find themselves in a growing variety of approaches and methods of research and the need to combine these approaches in a particular study.

    Thus, for example, the use of even traditional research methods can be combined with the psychological regulation of research activity and a special form of its organization. It turns out a fundamentally new research method, which has its own advantages and disadvantages and differs from other methods. In this regard, we can call the synectics method and many varieties of this method. It can be called a diversified research method, because it is not just a method of analysis or collective intellectual activity, it is a method of motivating collective intuition, a kind of imagination game, psychological attunement, purposeful search, etc.

    An important feature of diversified research methods is the combination of original research methodologies with specific organizational forms of their implementation. This is where the effect of diversification is most clearly manifested.

    Diversified research methods are gaining great development in modern conditions, and they have a great future.

    10.2. Composition and system of diversified research methods

    Known diversified research methods should be presented in the system, because their systemic representation allows the most successful choice of certain methods in specific conditions.

    The system of diversified research methods includes brainstorming methods, systematic search methods, methods of deep immersion in the problem, methods of intensifying mental activity, methods of fantastic transformation of the problem, synectics methods, intuitive search methods, etc.

    These are all different methods, but they are closely related to each other. What they have in common is that they combine different, sometimes contradictory, and this is the basis of the effect of their use.

    The difference between these methods is in the combination of methodology and organization of the study, the combination of approaches and the simplest methods. Each of these methods must be characterized and considered separately.

    10.3 Intuitive Search Methods in Control Systems Research

    There are several research strategies that involve different degrees of using intuition: a random search strategy, a targeted search strategy, a systematic search strategy, an intuitive search strategy, an algorithmic (ordered) search strategy

    Methods of random, intuitive search are to find or accumulate new ideas, regardless of the practical activities and the specific problems that are encountered here. Often such ideas arise even with the uncertainty of the purpose of the study or the awareness of its need. These are methods that stem from the needs of creativity, extraordinary thinking, developed intuition, and intellectual abilities.

    Collective forms of using such search methods are widely used in the form of brainstorming and all its varieties.

    Method of systematic search characterized by the orderliness of all search procedures, their purposefulness, the exact criteria basis of assessments, and consistency. Matrix methods of analysis, methods of classification, and decomposition are widely used here.

    Boolean search method is distinguished by a more rigid ordering, which manifests itself in the algorithmization of all search procedures aimed at a very specific subject of research or an element of the system.

    Logical search methods begin with the definition of the subject of research or its adjustment, clarification, addition in the event that such a definition already exists.

    These strategies differ not only in the methodology of their implementation, but also in organizational factors. They do not necessarily imply an algorithm for individual research activities, but are also used in collective research, where they can have the greatest effect. For example, intuitive and intuitive-target strategies are most effective when they are based on the division of functions between different research groups in order to accumulate and present ideas, their rigorous and thorough system analysis.

    Strategies differ not only in the combination of logic and intuition, but also in the following parameters: the purpose of the study and the nature of the problem, what to do to solve it, by what means to solve it, how to solve .

    An important factor in choosing a strategy is also the availability of information at the initial stage of the study, the possibility and necessity of its accumulation, forms of use (quantitative data, systematic description, properties that characterize quality, etc.). The less initial information, the greater the need for an intuitive search strategy.

    It may seem that the intuitive search is completely built on random insights and is essentially the opposite of the methods of system analysis, formal logic, "mind technology". This is not entirely true. Any mental, and even more so, creative activity has two components - conscious and unconscious. Each person builds their combination differently, and for all people it manifests itself differently depending on the specific circumstances in which they find themselves.

    To certain limits, this combination can be controlled and the unconscious component of thinking can be developed, its manifestation can be motivated. This is what various creative search strategies are built on.

    10.4 Brainstorming

    The method of "brainstorming" has a great popularity and practical distribution. Its use has shown undeniable effectiveness in the creative solution of many complex research and not only research problems. It is used in the development of management decisions of various classes. That is why it is mentioned both in management textbooks and in special textbooks on the problems of developing managerial decisions.

    Study- it is always the development of the unknown, the search for the future, the explanation of the complex. Therefore, in research, the method of "brainstorming" is of particular importance. With it, you can achieve results that are impossible using traditional methods of analysis.

    Brainstorming method It is built on a specific combination of research methodology and organization, separate use of the efforts of dreamer and initiator researchers with analysts, systems engineers, skeptics, and practitioners.

    Rice. 8. The structure of the brainstorming method

    The main goal of "brainstorming" is to search for the widest possible range of ideas and solutions to the problem under study, going beyond the boundaries of those ideas that exist among specialists of a narrow profile or among people with rich past experience and a certain official position.

    People of various specialties, practical experience, scientific temperament, individual qualities, as a rule, own various research methods. Combining these methods can be very helpful in solving complex research problems. This is the essence of brainstorming. His other quality is a combination of logic and intuition, scientific fantasy and scrupulous calculation.

    "Brainstorming" is carried out in two stages: the stage of generating ideas and the stage of practical analysis of the ideas put forward.

    Each of the stages is carried out according to specific principles, reflecting its purpose and essence, determining its effectiveness. (scheme 48).

    First stage(generation of ideas) involves the following principles:

    1. The principle of forming a group according to the ability to scientific imagination and developed intuition, anti-dogmatic thinking, intellectual looseness, diversity of knowledge and scientific interests, positive skepticism.

    2. The selection of a group for generating ideas can be done based on the results of special testing, which will identify and take into account the criteria for this principle. In addition, it is possible and very useful to take into account other socio-psychological characteristics of a person, such as enthusiasm, sociability, independence.

    3. All this is necessary in order to create an atmosphere of ease, creativity, and mutual acceptability in the work of this group.

    4. The principle of strictly prohibiting any criticism. It can limit the flight of fantasy, create fear in the expression of ideas, worsen the socio-psychological atmosphere, force people to analyze ideas, constrain thinking, switch attention and concentrate it on any one idea, and thereby reduce their number and variety. After all, the main task of the first stage of "brainstorming" is to find as many different options for solving the problem, ways to achieve the goal, ideas and thoughts as possible. And all the work of the group should be directed only to the search for ideas, and not to their criticism. explanation, justification. Therefore, one more principle should be formulated.

    5. The principle of prohibition of substantiation of put forward ideas. It is necessary to eliminate this natural need of human communication. You can only offer additional ideas that differ from those expressed. You can not "join the opinion" or "decipher" your own or other people's ideas.

    6. The principle of motivating a variety of ideas, removing restrictions on the field of knowledge, wealth of experience, official status, age, social status. You can express absolutely unrealistic and fantastic ideas, moreover, this is exactly what should be motivated in the work of the group.

    7. Such motivation is determined by the selection of the group and the organization of its work. The group may include specialists in various fields of knowledge, different experience and scientific and practical status. The diversity of participants in the work contributes to the generation of ideas.

    8. The principle of the time limit for putting forward ideas. It is desirable that ideas be put forward on the basis of insight, eureka, therefore, for putting forward ideas, a time limit for reflection is set in order to exclude the possibility of "looping" in contradictions, fears, to remove uncertainty, psychological complexes.

    At the second stage"brainstorming" (analysis stage) also operates a number of principles that reflect the purpose and essence of this stage.

    1. The principle of completeness of the analysis of ideas and their generalization. No idea expressed, no matter how skeptically it may be initially evaluated, should not be excluded from practical analysis. All submitted ideas should be classified and summarized. This helps free them from possible emotional moments, external distractions. It is the analytical generalization of ideas that sometimes gives very successful results.

    2. The principle of analytical potential. The group should consist of analysts who have a good understanding of the essence of the problem, the goals and scope of the study. These should be people with a sense of increased responsibility, tolerance for other people's ideas, and clear logical thinking.

    3. The principle of criterial clarity in the evaluation and analysis of ideas. To ensure the objectivity of the evaluation and analysis of ideas, very clear criteria should be formulated, which should guide all members of the analytical group. The main ones should be: compliance with the purpose of the study, rationality, reality, availability of resources, including - and sometimes mainly - the resource of time.

    4. The principle of additional development of the idea and its concretization. Many of the originally expressed ideas need to be clarified, concretized, and supplemented. They can be analyzed, accepted or excluded from the analysis only after appropriate revision.

    5. The principle of positivism in the analysis of ideas. It is possible to carry out the analysis on the basis of different approaches: negativism and positivism. The first is carried out on the basis of critical assessments, skepticism, and the rigidity of practical criteria. The second is to search for the rational, positive, constructive in any of their manifestations.

    6. The principle of constructivism, which involves orienting ideas towards building a concept, reality, a program of action, and linking ideas.

    In the practical use of the "brainstorming" method, the personality and activities of the leader are of great importance. After all, the work of both the first and second groups should be properly organized and regulated in the process of their implementation. This role is played by the leader. Various options are possible: the leader can be the same for the first and second groups, or the leaders can be differentiated. But in both cases, the leader should be a person with great creative activity, goodwill, a deep understanding of the problem being solved, the ability to organize and support the intellectual process.

    The expediency of using the "brainstorming" method is determined by the assessment of the complexity and originality of the research problem and the availability of specialists who can effectively participate in the "brainstorming" processes. Most often, these are people who are selected according to special tests and have undergone the necessary training.

    Of great importance in the success of "brainstorming" is the formulation and formulation of the goal of the study, as well as its subject - the problem.

    The problem can be posed in a generalized form, or in a concrete-practical one. It is also possible to state the problem in the form of a problem - an analogue (anti-problem) or from a related field of activity, or in an "inverse" formulation (change, shift or rearrangement of accents to break habitual thinking, highlight new facets of the problem, stimulate its creative understanding).

    The formulation of the problem also implies a different degree of its specificity. It can also be useful to ensure the "freedom" of the creative process, the looseness of thinking.

    The choice of the form of posing the problem and the formulation of its content depends on the professional composition of the group, its structure according to psychological data, existing or non-existent human relationships (strangers), the organizational conditions of the group’s work, the goals of the study (the first approach to the problem or its specific solution, the time factor and etc.).

    When selecting a group for generating ideas, it should be borne in mind that people differ in their abilities for creative generation. There are three types of personalities.

    An active generator quickly reacts to the problem, shows a noticeable interest in solving the problem, responds positively to criticism, does not "eat" into the content of the problem, and claims leadership.

    An inert generator does not have a high level of pretensions, but has a significant capacity for creative work. He seeks to delve into the essence of the problem, to feel its depth, to understand its origins and content, he is not in a hurry to express ideas, analyzes his own thoughts, and requires a greater degree of "warming up" in generating ideas.

    The use of the "brainstorming" method can be effective only in conditions of a creative attitude to this method. It is not only a method of using and stimulating creativity in research, but also involves a creative approach to the implementation of the method itself.

    The brainstorming method is focused on discovering new ideas and reaching agreement in a group of experts based on intuitive thinking. Participants in the collective generation of ideas express their opinions on options for solving the problem. As many ideas as possible are expressed, preferably non-trivial ones. Evaluation and discussion of ideas takes place at the end of the whole procedure.

    Using this method, you can successfully solve a number of risk management tasks, namely:

    Identification of sources and causes of risk, establishment of all possible types of risks;

    Choice of directions and ways to reduce risk;

    Formation of a complete set and qualitative assessment of options that use various methods of risk reduction or their combination, etc.

    The disadvantages of using this method include a significant level of information noise created by trivial ideas, the spontaneous and spontaneous nature of the generation of ideas.

    The third type of expert procedures allows to a great extent. Eliminate these shortcomings of the first and second types of group assessments. An example of methods of this type of examination is the Delphi method, the name of which comes from the Greek Delphic oracles.

    The Delphi method consists in conducting a survey of experts in several rounds, which allows using feedback by familiarizing experts with the results of the previous round of the survey and taking these results into account when assessing the significance of expert opinions. The phased survey is continued until the maximum convergence of points of view is reached. The essence of the Delphi method can be represented as a diagram (Fig. 6.2)

    The Delphi method is most appropriate for quantitative assessments of individual risks and the risk of the entire project as a whole, that is, when determining the probability of occurrence of risk events, assessing the magnitude of losses, the probability of losses falling into a certain risk zone, etc.

    One of the widely used methods of examination is also the method of "scenarios". The method of "scenarios" allows you to organize information about the relationship of the problem being solved with other problems and about possible ways of development. The essence of the method is that a group of highly qualified specialists draws up a plan of scriptwriters which outlines the branches of science, technology, economics, politics that should be taken into account when formulating and solving the problem. Different sections of the script are written by different groups of specialists or individual specialists. These sections of the script try to show a possible course in time, starting from an existing state or some event in the future.

    One of the most popular methods for collecting the necessary information is SWOT analysis, which is widely used today in practice by serious and successful businessmen.

    You will learn:

    • What is a SWOT analysis.
    • What tasks are solved with its help.
    • What are the rules for conducting a SWOT analysis?
    • What is a SWOT table.
    • How is SWOT analysis carried out?

    Deciding whether to launch a new business or choose the direction of an existing business is a complex task. Correct application helps to correctly assess its prospects and increase the likelihood of success. SWOT analysis, allowing to make an objective and comprehensive assessment of the enterprise.

    The success of a business largely depends on making the right decisions at the right time. A prerequisite for this is to obtain comprehensive information about both your own enterprise and the state of the market, as well as other external factors.

    SWOT analysis definition

    In short, SWOT analysis is a method that allows you to assess the current situation by considering it from several aspects, including: the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise, as well as external opportunities and threats.

    The first letters of the English words denoting each of the listed terms gave the name to the method:

    • strengths - S trends;
    • weak sides - W eaknesses;
    • capabilities - O pportunities;
    • threats - T hreats.

    An important feature of the method is the consideration of both internal factors, which include the strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise itself, and external factors, which are understood as opportunities and threats. It is an integrated approach to studying the current state of the company in the market and its development prospects that is the main reason for the popularity of SWOT analysis.

    Fact. For the first time the term "SWOT analysis" was used more than half a century ago - in 1963. It was used on one of conferences taking place at Harvard, Professor Kenneth Andrews.

    Two years after the appearance of SWOT analysis, it began to be used in practice in the development of strategies for various companies. Today it is actively used in all countries whose economies are developing according to market principles.

    A checklist and a set of instructions for a manager that will save the company from ruin

    How to understand that the commercial department can not cope with the work and what to change? Check the table prepared by the editors of the "Commercial Director" and understand if you need to worry. If you answer “yes” to at least one of the questions in the table, use the 14-question self-assessment checklist to conduct an express audit, find gaps, and reset the work of the sales department.

    Tasks of the SWOT analysis

    The main purpose of applying the method is to develop a business strategy based on maximizing the strengths of the company and minimizing potential risks.

    It is important to note that SWOT analysis is deservedly considered a universal tool that, when properly applied, is effective not only in relation to the enterprise as a whole, but also to individual divisions or products. Moreover, the most important principles of analysis are often used in assessing a particular person and determining directions for his further professional or personal growth.

    Despite this, the main scope of SWOT analysis is still business. In addition to the task indicated above, it allows you to solve other important tasks, such as:

    • Analysis and evaluation of competitors and their activities. At the same time, the considered method is usually used in combination with others, for example, the Porter model, various marketing tools or PEST.
    • Development of a step-by-step plan measures aimed at implementing the chosen development strategy of the company.
    • Concept formation, tasks and main goals of the advertising campaign.
    • Conducting competitive intelligence in order to compare the product planned for release with similar products already on the market, etc.

    Important. A characteristic feature that SWOT analysis has is the absence of categories strictly tied to a particular type of activity. This allows you to successfully apply the method in a variety of areas and business areas.

    The popularity and widespread use of analysis based on the assessment of four key factors is explained not only by its universality, but also by the possibility of adapting to the specific conditions of an economic entity. As a result, an individual model is created on the basis of general principles, which increases the efficiency of analysis and the accuracy of the resulting estimates and forecasts.

    Rules for conducting a SWOT analysis

    Before describing the essence of the method, which consists in the so-called SWOT table, it is necessary to consider the basic rules for its application. Following a few fairly simple and obvious recommendations for experienced professionals will make the application of the analysis more objective and competent.

    The most important rules for the practical application of the method under consideration are as follows:

    • Selecting a specific area of ​​study. It is much more correct to consider a product, a division or a separate direction of development than to analyze the work of an enterprise as a whole. As a result, the conclusions and estimates obtained will be more accurate and more suitable for practical use.
    • Clear delimitation of the constituent elements of the tableSWOT. Their detailed description is given below. It must be remembered that the essence of the method is to separately consider each of the factors and combine the resulting estimates and forecasts.
    • Minimizing the subjectivity factor. Despite the absence of a large number of quantitative parameters, the influence of personal opinion on the evaluated and analyzed objects should be reduced as much as possible.
    • Collection of information from the maximum number of sources. Continuation and development of the previous rule. The purpose of its implementation in practice is to increase the objectivity of the analysis.
    • Concrete and clear statement of conclusions. It makes no sense to write, following the results of the analysis, phrases of the following content: "We need to work harder." It is much more correct and effective to set clear goals expressed in quantitative form.

    SWOT analysis table

    The basis of the method is a matrix, or SWOT table. It is conditionally divided into two parts - the internal environment and external factors. Each of them is positively affected by the company's strengths and existing market opportunities, and negatively by the company's weaknesses and potential threats. It is logical to consider each of the elements of the analysis and the parameters that affect it in more detail.

    Internal environment and factors affecting it

    Among the advantages of the SWOT method is the ability to adapt to the specific conditions of a company or an individual product. However, there are some general principles for studying the object of analysis, which are summarized in the table.

    Internal environment


    Weak sides

    Experience and duration of work in a specific market segment

    Absence or shortage of own working capital

    Product quality

    Cost optimization and low cost of production

    Low qualifications and lack of cohesion of the workforce

    High level of consumer confidence

    Lack of clearly formulated tasks and goals of the business, as well as a strategy for its further development

    Detailed and well-established business model

    The presence of internal conflicts in the team between individual employees or departments of the company

    Permanent staff of employees who are a close-knit team

    Lack or low efficiency of employee motivation and incentive programs

    Large range of manufactured products

    Lack of warranty for the goods supplied or work performed

    Availability of competent and well-trained staff

    A small range of services provided or goods produced

    Own channels for distribution and sale of goods

    Diverse and quality services offered to customers

    Efficient marketing department

    An important feature of the analysis and evaluation of the internal environment is the possibility of direct influence on it by the company's management. Therefore, one of the goals of the SWOT method is the development of measures to further develop strengths and minimize the impact of weaknesses in the work of the enterprise.

    External environment including SWOT opportunities and potential threats

    It is practically impossible for an economic entity to influence the parameters of the external environment. However, a well-conducted analysis allows the company to make the most of the opportunities available to the company and at the same time minimize the impact of existing threats and risks.

    External environment



    Development and launch on the market of a new product or service

    The emergence of new products on the market that can displace the company's products

    Introduction of progressive technologies and use of modern equipment

    Increasing the level of competition and the number of market participants

    The emergence of new needs among potential consumers who are the target audience

    Failures in the work of suppliers and counterparties of the enterprise

    SWOT analysis - pros and cons of practical use

    Like any analytical tool, the SWOT method has both obvious advantages and certain disadvantages.

    Some of the benefits of using it include:

    • the ability to structure the available information about the company and its external environment;
    • simplicity of the procedure for carrying out and taking into account the individual characteristics of the business and a particular enterprise;
    • the use of a large number of qualitative factors with a small number of quantitative ones (which does not require a serious computational and mathematical base, making the method publicly available);
    • the presence of a serious array of information that acts as a starting point for SWOT analysis.

    The main disadvantages of the considered method of analysis include the absence of a dynamic component and consideration of the time factor, as well as significant subjectivity of most of the factors considered. In addition, the small role of quantitative parameters and estimates significantly reduces the information content of the analysis results.

    (Please note that this analysis is provided for guidance only and is not affiliated with any active organization of the same name)

    Characteristics of Gepard LLC

    The founders of the company were a group of people specializing in the field of radio electronics. The company started its activity in 2005. A limited liability company was chosen as a form of business implementation. The authorized capital of the company was 20,000 rubles. Order fulfillment is the only financing option. The company is an exclusive developer of an intelligent security system for objects of various purposes. The enterprise needs to expand the production space necessary to increase the volume of production, and, consequently, to increase working capital.

    Marketing plan

    The company's current priorities are:

    SWOT analysis of Gepard LLC

    This marketing method is a study of the company's capabilities. Further, based on the results obtained, recommendations are developed regarding the achievement of the set goals, as well as the identification of alternative development options.

    First of all, it is necessary to give a full assessment of the company's macro and micro environments. The factors on which the assessment of the internal environment is traditionally based are:

    • organizational;
    • production;
    • marketing.

    The external (macro) environment is assessed through analysis:

    • demand;
    • competition;
    • sales;
    • resource allocation;
    • factors beyond the control of marketing, such as the rate of inflation, the attractiveness of the sphere for incoming investors, and others.

    Conducting directly the SWOT analysis itself is concluded in the following:

    • Based on the assessment made earlier, make a list of opportunities that the external environment allows the company to implement. Here you should compile a list of factors that will help increase demand for the company's products, reduce the level of competition, and others;
    • make a list of probable threats that can affect the enterprise from the outside. In this paragraph, we should talk about potential opportunities that can lead to a decrease in demand, change the priorities of the choice of ordinary consumers, increase the level of competition, and others;
    • make a list of the strengths of the company. We are talking about the skills of the staff and their competence, the existing level of knowledge, as well as other factors that ensure the successful operation of the entire company;
    • make a list of the firm's weaknesses. This paragraph highlights the most important reasons that hinder or can affect the development of the organization in the future.

    When all the lists are ready, the most significant factors from all the lists compiled should be highlighted. This is a very important point, so only items that really do not play an important role should be discarded.

    At the next stage, the classic SWOT-analysis matrix is ​​filled in, which assesses the impact of macro- and microenvironments on the enterprise as a whole.

    After a thorough evaluation, the following points remained:

    1.Features :

    • sales of products;
    • assembly by the enterprise;
    • the possibility of warranty, as well as post-warranty service;
    • the ability to meet the requirements of the client;
    • flexible pricing policy;

    2. Threats

    • taxation;
    • the constant growth of competition from larger manufacturers;
    • insufficiency of own working capital;
    • small capacity of this market niche;

    3.Strength :

    • production of products on modern high-tech equipment;
    • flexible pricing policy;
    • high quality of service provision;
    • trained staff;

    4. Weak side :

    • direct dependence on the consumer market;
    • lack of advertising;
    • a small number of own installation teams;
    • brand unknown.

    Fill in the matrix table. The factors of the internal environment include the strengths of the company. External – opportunities and threats.

    If the company has the ability to neutralize the threat or use the situation provided by the external environment, then a “+” sign is put in this column.

    Put "-" is a sign that the company cannot get rid of the threat on its own, regardless of its strengths.

    The graph remains free if there are no relationships between factors.

    At the end of the procedure, not a single field should remain empty: each column must contain either “plus”, or “minus”, or “zero”.

    Analysis results

    The conducted SWOT-analysis showed the following results:

    1. The company may increase, and thanks to its own research center, there is the possibility of implementing more advanced product variations.
    1. The adopted tax system becomes the main threats and limiting the solvency of a potential client audience.
    1. The weak side is the limitation of possible sales and direct dependence on the consumer market.

    Analysis of existing management problems in Gepard LLC

    • promotion of manufactured products in their market segment;
    • service improvement;
    • formation of a distribution network necessary to promote goods in the regions;
    • obtaining a certificate, which will enable the organization to reach a new level of sales;
    • raising the rating of the company and entering the leading position in the field of video security systems.

    Tactics for the implementation of the tasks

    Here, taking into account the specifics of the products produced, as well as the marketing analysis carried out, it is advisable to focus on direct marketing. It does not need large financial injections, but it requires coordination of work. Next, the directions in which the company should activate its activities will be considered.
    In this direction, priority will be direct mail to the addresses of potential customers. Also, the company's employees are required to visit nearby villages for the purpose of direct advertising. Additionally, aggressive advertising will be used.


    The first year of sales will mainly be carried out by employees of the company. But it is planned to attract firms that will install and adjust systems as dealers.

    Increasing demand
    Upon purchase, the customer will be provided with a product with a basic bundling system, but additional options will be available. As a bonus, you will be given the opportunity to install the system free of charge for up to 3 days, during which the client decides whether to purchase or reject this offer. This will additionally serve as an advertisement for potential customers (neighbors, friends, work colleagues, etc.).

    Positioning strategy

    After the company has chosen the most suitable market segment for itself, it faces the task of introducing it into the chosen market niche. In this situation, there are two options for achieving the goal:

    1. Take a place in a small sub-segment in close proximity to a competitor, and then start the fight for a leading position in a selected market share.
    2. Implement your task in a free subsegment.

    Choosing the first option, the company should carefully weigh its own capabilities: is there enough internal potential to oust existing competitors.

    The second option involves the provision of competitive products. The company gets a great chance to get its own audience interested in this product.

    Product Existence Strategy

    The marketing term "existence" means providing the product with the desired quality, affordability, attraction and pushing.

    Accordingly, there are four types :

    • commodity;
    • price;
    • attraction;
    • pushing.

    Let's consider each type in more detail.

    The formation of any strategy of this type occurs according to the following plan:

    • compiling the company's product portfolio;
    • organizational issues related to the development of new products, changes to existing ones or the complete exclusion of goods are resolved;
    • A brand strategy plan is adopted.

    According to the results of the assessments, the commodity group of the Gepard company belongs to the zone of priority development. This fact means that for the manufactured goods, the priority direction of development is the expansion of the existing market, as well as entering its new levels. Accordingly, additional funding and investment is directed in this direction.

    Improvement strategy

    The quality of the goods and services provided must be constantly improved. And the main direction in the development of this strategy is to keep the product at the current level that meets the requirements of the market at a given time.

    The term "brand" hides the direct name of the enterprise or product. For Gepard, it is most profitable to use the multi-labeling strategy. This choice is due to the fact that the products (security systems) have been used for a long time and the use of the same name will make it possible to raise the overall image of the company. In the case of introducing updated products, this will also be only a plus.

    Pricing strategy

    In this case, emphasis should be placed on leadership based on the relatively low cost of the product, as well as its quality characteristics. The cost of goods produced by the Gepard enterprise is lower than that of competing enterprises, so you can try to win a large part of the market segment by offering a quality product at a lower price. Progress in this direction will maximize the market share. To increase income, it is necessary to focus on the value of the product / service provided.

    Distribution strategy

    Distribution methods are also considered to be controllable factors that help solve the problem of bringing the product to the direct consumer.

    Before making a decision to open a branch, you should first get an assessment of the location region (whether the volume of potential customers is sufficient here). Competing companies cannot be ignored. It is worth evaluating the main characteristics of their activities. After carrying out comparative procedures, a list of the most suitable regions for placement should be compiled.
    The choice from the compiled list is most preferably built based on the most commonly used scheme. The proposed region conditionally becomes the center of the range, where its influence extends. It is conditionally divided into 3 zones:

    • primary;
    • secondary;
    • extreme.

    The primary zone includes almost 70% of the total number of consumers who use the services of the company. The remaining 25-30% of potential customers end up in the secondary zone. The extreme zone is casual consumers.

    The choice of location area is additionally influenced by factors such as :

    • assessment of potential client base;
    • degree of competition;
    • assessment of technical capabilities and others.

    It is the evaluation analysis of the above factors that makes it possible to calculate the potential of the selected sales point with the greatest accuracy.

    In order to most effectively influence the potential target audience, a communication strategy is developed for the unit, which helps to form and maintain the desired image of the product and the company itself as an organization as a whole.

    This strategy includes the following tasks :

    • conducting personal sales;
    • PR;
    • advertising.

    Gepard should develop its advertising policy more actively in the following areas:

    • express yourself more loudly through advertising;
    • advertise the benefits of the product being sold, focusing on high quality;
    • formation of a positive image of the company.

    Given that Gepard provides services in the field of supply of goods, an individual approach to customer service will be a better option. In addition, it is necessary to develop a stimulating system of discounts, which will make it possible to sell wholesale consignments of goods on more favorable terms.


    The result of the research activity was the creation of a marketing strategy adapted specifically for Gepard LLC.

    In the course of the enterprise, a characteristic of its activities was performed, an analysis of the micro- and macroenvironment of the company was given. Based on the analytical findings, the main objectives were formulated. The next step was to identify ways to achieve the goals and develop marketing strategies.

    The following tasks are set for the enterprise:

    • promotion of products in this market segment;
    • service improvement;
    • formation of a distribution network necessary to promote goods in the regions;
    • obtaining a certificate that will allow the company to reach a new level of sales;
    • raising the rating of the company and entering the leading positions in the field of video security systems.

    To solve the tasks "Gepard" can be as follows:

    • releasing more advanced analogues of the product;
    • working "to order", focusing on the special requirements of the client;
    • realizing its own competitive advantages - high quality and flexible pricing policy.

    In the development of pricing policy, it is necessary to emphasize low cost combined with high product quality. Being a service provider, it is most expedient for a company to choose a policy of "individual approach" in conjunction with an incentive system of discounts.

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